from __future__ import annotations import os.path import pytest from pre_commit import envcontext from pre_commit.languages import r from testing.fixtures import make_config_from_repo from testing.fixtures import make_repo from tests.repository_test import _get_hook_no_install def _test_r_parsing( tempdir_factory, store, hook_id, expected_hook_expr={}, expected_args={}, config={}, expect_path_prefix=True, ): repo_path = 'r_hooks_repo' path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, repo_path) config = config or make_config_from_repo(path) hook = _get_hook_no_install(config, store, hook_id) ret = r._cmd_from_hook(hook) expected_cmd = 'Rscript' expected_opts = ( '--no-save', '--no-restore', '--no-site-file', '--no-environ', ) expected_path = os.path.join( hook.prefix.prefix_dir if expect_path_prefix else '', f'{hook_id}.R', ) expected = ( expected_cmd, *expected_opts, *(expected_hook_expr or (expected_path,)), *expected_args, ) assert ret == expected def test_r_parsing_file_no_opts_no_args(tempdir_factory, store): hook_id = 'parse-file-no-opts-no-args' _test_r_parsing(tempdir_factory, store, hook_id) def test_r_parsing_file_opts_no_args(tempdir_factory, store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: r._entry_validate(['Rscript', '--no-init', '/path/to/file']) msg = excinfo.value.args assert msg == ( 'The only valid syntax is `Rscript -e {expr}`', 'or `Rscript path/to/hook/script`', ) def test_r_parsing_file_no_opts_args(tempdir_factory, store): hook_id = 'parse-file-no-opts-args' expected_args = ['--no-cache'] _test_r_parsing( tempdir_factory, store, hook_id, expected_args=expected_args, ) def test_r_parsing_expr_no_opts_no_args1(tempdir_factory, store): hook_id = 'parse-expr-no-opts-no-args-1' _test_r_parsing( tempdir_factory, store, hook_id, expected_hook_expr=('-e', '1+1'), ) def test_r_parsing_expr_no_opts_no_args2(tempdir_factory, store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as execinfo: r._entry_validate(['Rscript', '-e', '1+1', '-e', 'letters']) msg = execinfo.value.args assert msg == ('You can supply at most one expression.',) def test_r_parsing_expr_opts_no_args2(tempdir_factory, store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as execinfo: r._entry_validate( [ 'Rscript', '--vanilla', '-e', '1+1', '-e', 'letters', ], ) msg = execinfo.value.args assert msg == ( 'The only valid syntax is `Rscript -e {expr}`', 'or `Rscript path/to/hook/script`', ) def test_r_parsing_expr_args_in_entry2(tempdir_factory, store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as execinfo: r._entry_validate(['Rscript', '-e', 'expr1', '--another-arg']) msg = execinfo.value.args assert msg == ('You can supply at most one expression.',) def test_r_parsing_expr_non_Rscirpt(tempdir_factory, store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as execinfo: r._entry_validate(['AnotherScript', '-e', '{{}}']) msg = execinfo.value.args assert msg == ('entry must start with `Rscript`.',) def test_r_parsing_file_local(tempdir_factory, store): path = 'path/to/script.R' hook_id = 'local-r' config = { 'repo': 'local', 'hooks': [{ 'id': hook_id, 'name': 'local-r', 'entry': f'Rscript {path}', 'language': 'r', }], } _test_r_parsing( tempdir_factory, store, hook_id=hook_id, expected_hook_expr=(path,), config=config, expect_path_prefix=False, ) def test_rscript_exec_relative_to_r_home(): expected = os.path.join('r_home_dir', 'bin', 'Rscript') with envcontext.envcontext((('R_HOME', 'r_home_dir'),)): assert r._rscript_exec() == expected def test_path_rscript_exec_no_r_home_set(): with envcontext.envcontext((('R_HOME', envcontext.UNSET),)): assert r._rscript_exec() == 'Rscript'