import tarfile from pre_commit import git from pre_commit import make_archives from pre_commit.util import cmd_output from testing.util import git_commit def test_make_archive(in_git_dir, tmpdir): output_dir = tmpdir.join('output').ensure_dir() # Add a files to the git directory in_git_dir.join('foo').ensure() cmd_output('git', 'add', '.') git_commit() # We'll use this rev head_rev = git.head_rev('.') # And check that this file doesn't exist in_git_dir.join('bar').ensure() cmd_output('git', 'add', '.') git_commit() # Do the thing archive_path = make_archives.make_archive( 'foo', in_git_dir.strpath, head_rev, output_dir.strpath, ) expected = output_dir.join('foo.tar.gz') assert archive_path == expected.strpath assert expected.exists() extract_dir = tmpdir.join('extract').ensure_dir() with as tf: tf.extractall(extract_dir.strpath) # Verify the contents of the tar assert extract_dir.join('foo').isdir() assert extract_dir.join('foo/foo').exists() assert not extract_dir.join('foo/.git').exists() assert not extract_dir.join('foo/bar').exists() def test_main(tmpdir): make_archives.main(('--dest', tmpdir.strpath)) for archive, _, _ in make_archives.REPOS: assert tmpdir.join(f'{archive}.tar.gz').exists()