""" Adaptor for using the input system of `prompt_toolkit` with the IPython backend. This gives a powerful interactive shell that has a nice user interface, but also the power of for instance all the %-magic functions that IPython has to offer. """ from warnings import warn from IPython import utils as ipy_utils from IPython.core.inputsplitter import IPythonInputSplitter from IPython.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed as _InteractiveShellEmbed from IPython.terminal.ipapp import load_default_config from prompt_toolkit.completion import ( Completer, Completion, PathCompleter, WordCompleter, ) from prompt_toolkit.contrib.completers import SystemCompleter from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.compiler import compile from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.completion import GrammarCompleter from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.lexer import GrammarLexer from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer, SimpleLexer from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style from pygments.lexers import BashLexer, PythonLexer from ptpython.prompt_style import PromptStyle from .python_input import PythonCompleter, PythonInput, PythonValidator from .style import default_ui_style __all__ = ["embed"] class IPythonPrompt(PromptStyle): """ Style for IPython >5.0, use the prompt_toolkit tokens directly. """ def __init__(self, prompts): self.prompts = prompts def in_prompt(self): return PygmentsTokens(self.prompts.in_prompt_tokens()) def in2_prompt(self, width): return PygmentsTokens(self.prompts.continuation_prompt_tokens()) def out_prompt(self): return [] class IPythonValidator(PythonValidator): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(IPythonValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.isp = IPythonInputSplitter() def validate(self, document): document = Document(text=self.isp.transform_cell(document.text)) super(IPythonValidator, self).validate(document) def create_ipython_grammar(): """ Return compiled IPython grammar. """ return compile( r""" \s* ( (?P%)( (?Ppycat|run|loadpy|load) \s+ (?P[^\s]+) | (?Pcat) \s+ (?P[^\s]+) | (?Ppushd|cd|ls) \s+ (?P[^\s]+) | (?Ppdb) \s+ (?P[^\s]+) | (?Pautocall) \s+ (?P[^\s]+) | (?Ptime|timeit|prun) \s+ (?P.+) | (?Ppsource|pfile|pinfo|pinfo2) \s+ (?P.+) | (?Psystem) \s+ (?P.+) | (?Punalias) \s+ (?P.+) | (?P[^\s]+) .* | ) .* | !(?P.+) | (?![%!]) (?P.+) ) \s* """ ) def create_completer( get_globals, get_locals, magics_manager, alias_manager, get_enable_dictionary_completion, ): g = create_ipython_grammar() return GrammarCompleter( g, { "python": PythonCompleter( get_globals, get_locals, get_enable_dictionary_completion ), "magic": MagicsCompleter(magics_manager), "alias_name": AliasCompleter(alias_manager), "pdb_arg": WordCompleter(["on", "off"], ignore_case=True), "autocall_arg": WordCompleter(["0", "1", "2"], ignore_case=True), "py_filename": PathCompleter( only_directories=False, file_filter=lambda name: name.endswith(".py") ), "filename": PathCompleter(only_directories=False), "directory": PathCompleter(only_directories=True), "system": SystemCompleter(), }, ) def create_lexer(): g = create_ipython_grammar() return GrammarLexer( g, lexers={ "percent": SimpleLexer("class:pygments.operator"), "magic": SimpleLexer("class:pygments.keyword"), "filename": SimpleLexer("class:pygments.name"), "python": PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer), "system": PygmentsLexer(BashLexer), }, ) class MagicsCompleter(Completer): def __init__(self, magics_manager): self.magics_manager = magics_manager def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): text = document.text_before_cursor.lstrip() for m in sorted(self.magics_manager.magics["line"]): if m.startswith(text): yield Completion("%s" % m, -len(text)) class AliasCompleter(Completer): def __init__(self, alias_manager): self.alias_manager = alias_manager def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): text = document.text_before_cursor.lstrip() # aliases = [a for a, _ in self.alias_manager.aliases] aliases = self.alias_manager.aliases for a, cmd in sorted(aliases, key=lambda a: a[0]): if a.startswith(text): yield Completion("%s" % a, -len(text), display_meta=cmd) class IPythonInput(PythonInput): """ Override our `PythonCommandLineInterface` to add IPython specific stuff. """ def __init__(self, ipython_shell, *a, **kw): kw["_completer"] = create_completer( kw["get_globals"], kw["get_globals"], ipython_shell.magics_manager, ipython_shell.alias_manager, lambda: self.enable_dictionary_completion, ) kw["_lexer"] = create_lexer() kw["_validator"] = IPythonValidator(get_compiler_flags=self.get_compiler_flags) super().__init__(*a, **kw) self.ipython_shell = ipython_shell self.all_prompt_styles["ipython"] = IPythonPrompt(ipython_shell.prompts) self.prompt_style = "ipython" # UI style for IPython. Add tokens that are used by IPython>5.0 style_dict = {} style_dict.update(default_ui_style) style_dict.update( { "pygments.prompt": "#009900", "pygments.prompt-num": "#00ff00 bold", "pygments.out-prompt": "#990000", "pygments.out-prompt-num": "#ff0000 bold", } ) self.ui_styles = {"default": Style.from_dict(style_dict)} self.use_ui_colorscheme("default") class InteractiveShellEmbed(_InteractiveShellEmbed): """ Override the `InteractiveShellEmbed` from IPython, to replace the front-end with our input shell. :param configure: Callable for configuring the repl. """ def __init__(self, *a, **kw): vi_mode = kw.pop("vi_mode", False) history_filename = kw.pop("history_filename", None) configure = kw.pop("configure", None) title = kw.pop("title", None) # Don't ask IPython to confirm for exit. We have our own exit prompt. self.confirm_exit = False super().__init__(*a, **kw) def get_globals(): return self.user_ns python_input = IPythonInput( self, get_globals=get_globals, vi_mode=vi_mode, history_filename=history_filename, ) if title: python_input.terminal_title = title if configure: configure(python_input) python_input.prompt_style = "ipython" # Don't take from config. self.python_input = python_input def prompt_for_code(self): try: return self.python_input.app.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.python_input.default_buffer.document = Document() return "" def initialize_extensions(shell, extensions): """ Partial copy of `InteractiveShellApp.init_extensions` from IPython. """ try: iter(extensions) except TypeError: pass # no extensions found else: for ext in extensions: try: shell.extension_manager.load_extension(ext) except: warn( "Error in loading extension: %s" % ext + "\nCheck your config files in %s" % ipy_utils.path.get_ipython_dir() ) shell.showtraceback() def embed(**kwargs): """ Copied from `IPython/terminal/embed.py`, but using our `InteractiveShellEmbed` instead. """ config = kwargs.get("config") header = kwargs.pop("header", "") compile_flags = kwargs.pop("compile_flags", None) if config is None: config = load_default_config() config.InteractiveShellEmbed = config.TerminalInteractiveShell kwargs["config"] = config shell = InteractiveShellEmbed.instance(**kwargs) initialize_extensions(shell, config["InteractiveShellApp"]["extensions"]) run_startup_scripts(shell) shell(header=header, stack_depth=2, compile_flags=compile_flags) def run_startup_scripts(shell): """ Contributed by linyuxu: https://github.com/prompt-toolkit/ptpython/issues/126#issue-161242480 """ import glob import os startup_dir = shell.profile_dir.startup_dir startup_files = [] startup_files += glob.glob(os.path.join(startup_dir, "*.py")) startup_files += glob.glob(os.path.join(startup_dir, "*.ipy")) for file in startup_files: shell.run_cell(open(file).read())