from __future__ import annotations import sys import traceback from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import Generator, Iterable from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import ( HTML, AnyFormattedText, FormattedText, OneStyleAndTextTuple, StyleAndTextTuples, fragment_list_width, merge_formatted_text, to_formatted_text, ) from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.utils import split_lines from prompt_toolkit.input import Input from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings, KeyPressEvent from prompt_toolkit.output import Output from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession, print_formatted_text from prompt_toolkit.styles import BaseStyle, StyleTransformation from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import pygments_token_to_classname from prompt_toolkit.utils import get_cwidth from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, PythonTracebackLexer __all__ = ["OutputPrinter"] # Never reformat results larger than this: MAX_REFORMAT_SIZE = 1_000_000 @dataclass class OutputPrinter: """ Result printer. Usage:: printer = OutputPrinter(...) printer.display_result(...) printer.display_exception(...) """ output: Output input: Input style: BaseStyle title: AnyFormattedText style_transformation: StyleTransformation def display_result( self, result: object, *, out_prompt: AnyFormattedText, reformat: bool, highlight: bool, paginate: bool, ) -> None: """ Show __repr__ (or `__pt_repr__`) for an `eval` result and print to output. :param reformat: Reformat result using 'black' before printing if the result is parsable as Python code. :param highlight: Syntax highlight the result. :param paginate: Show paginator when the result does not fit on the screen. """ out_prompt = to_formatted_text(out_prompt) out_prompt_width = fragment_list_width(out_prompt) result = self._insert_out_prompt_and_split_lines( self._format_result_output( result, reformat=reformat, highlight=highlight, line_length=self.output.get_size().columns - out_prompt_width, paginate=paginate, ), out_prompt=out_prompt, ) self._display_result(result, paginate=paginate) def display_exception( self, e: BaseException, *, highlight: bool, paginate: bool ) -> None: """ Render an exception. """ result = self._insert_out_prompt_and_split_lines( self._format_exception_output(e, highlight=highlight), out_prompt="", ) self._display_result(result, paginate=paginate) def display_style_and_text_tuples( self, result: Iterable[OneStyleAndTextTuple], *, paginate: bool, ) -> None: self._display_result( self._insert_out_prompt_and_split_lines(result, out_prompt=""), paginate=paginate, ) def _display_result( self, lines: Iterable[StyleAndTextTuples], *, paginate: bool, ) -> None: if paginate: self._print_paginated_formatted_text(lines) else: for line in lines: self._print_formatted_text(line) self.output.flush() def _print_formatted_text(self, line: StyleAndTextTuples, end: str = "\n") -> None: print_formatted_text( FormattedText(line),, style_transformation=self.style_transformation, include_default_pygments_style=False, output=self.output, end=end, ) def _format_result_output( self, result: object, *, reformat: bool, highlight: bool, line_length: int, paginate: bool, ) -> Generator[OneStyleAndTextTuple, None, None]: """ Format __repr__ for an `eval` result. Note: this can raise `KeyboardInterrupt` if either calling `__repr__`, `__pt_repr__` or formatting the output with "Black" takes to long and the user presses Control-C. """ # If __pt_repr__ is present, take this. This can return prompt_toolkit # formatted text. try: if hasattr(result, "__pt_repr__"): formatted_result_repr = to_formatted_text( getattr(result, "__pt_repr__")() ) yield from formatted_result_repr return except KeyboardInterrupt: raise # Don't catch here. except: # For bad code, `__getattr__` can raise something that's not an # `AttributeError`. This happens already when calling `hasattr()`. pass # Call `__repr__` of given object first, to turn it in a string. try: result_repr = repr(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise # Don't catch here. except BaseException as e: # Calling repr failed. self.display_exception(e, highlight=highlight, paginate=paginate) return # Determine whether it's valid Python code. If not, # reformatting/highlighting won't be applied. if len(result_repr) < MAX_REFORMAT_SIZE: try: compile(result_repr, "", "eval") except SyntaxError: valid_python = False else: valid_python = True else: valid_python = False if valid_python and reformat: # Inline import. Slightly speed up start-up time if black is # not used. try: import black if not hasattr(black, "Mode"): raise ImportError except ImportError: pass # no Black package in your installation else: result_repr = black.format_str( result_repr, mode=black.Mode(line_length=line_length), ) if valid_python and highlight: yield from _lex_python_result(result_repr) else: yield ("", result_repr) def _insert_out_prompt_and_split_lines( self, result: Iterable[OneStyleAndTextTuple], out_prompt: AnyFormattedText ) -> Iterable[StyleAndTextTuples]: r""" Split styled result in lines (based on the \n characters in the result) an insert output prompt on whitespace in front of each line. (This does not yet do the soft wrapping.) Yield lines as a result. """ out_prompt = to_formatted_text(out_prompt) out_prompt_width = fragment_list_width(out_prompt) prefix = ("", " " * out_prompt_width) for i, line in enumerate(split_lines(result)): if i == 0: line = [*out_prompt, *line] else: line = [prefix, *line] yield line def _apply_soft_wrapping( self, lines: Iterable[StyleAndTextTuples] ) -> Iterable[StyleAndTextTuples]: """ Apply soft wrapping to the given lines. Wrap according to the terminal width. Insert whitespace in front of each wrapped line to align it with the output prompt. """ line_length = self.output.get_size().columns # Iterate over hard wrapped lines. for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): columns_in_buffer = 0 current_line: list[OneStyleAndTextTuple] = [] for style, text, *_ in line: for c in text: width = get_cwidth(c) # (Soft) wrap line if it doesn't fit. if columns_in_buffer + width > line_length: yield current_line columns_in_buffer = 0 current_line = [] columns_in_buffer += width current_line.append((style, c)) if len(current_line) > 0: yield current_line def _print_paginated_formatted_text( self, lines: Iterable[StyleAndTextTuples] ) -> None: """ Print formatted text, using --MORE-- style pagination. (Avoid filling up the terminal's scrollback buffer.) """ lines = self._apply_soft_wrapping(lines) pager_prompt = create_pager_prompt(, self.title, output=self.output, input=self.input ) abort = False print_all = False # Max number of lines allowed in the buffer before painting. size = self.output.get_size() max_rows = size.rows - 1 # Page buffer. page: StyleAndTextTuples = [] def show_pager() -> None: nonlocal abort, max_rows, print_all # Run pager prompt in another thread. # Same as for the input. This prevents issues with nested event # loops. pager_result = pager_prompt.prompt(in_thread=True) if pager_result == PagerResult.ABORT: print("...") abort = True elif pager_result == PagerResult.NEXT_LINE: max_rows = 1 elif pager_result == PagerResult.NEXT_PAGE: max_rows = size.rows - 1 elif pager_result == PagerResult.PRINT_ALL: print_all = True # Loop over lines. Show --MORE-- prompt when page is filled. rows = 0 for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): page.extend(line) page.append(("", "\n")) rows += 1 if rows >= max_rows: self._print_formatted_text(page, end="") page = [] rows = 0 if not print_all: show_pager() if abort: return self._print_formatted_text(page) def _format_exception_output( self, e: BaseException, highlight: bool ) -> Generator[OneStyleAndTextTuple, None, None]: # Instead of just calling ``traceback.format_exc``, we take the # traceback and skip the bottom calls of this framework. t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() # Required for pdb.post_mortem() to work. sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = t, v, tb tblist = list(traceback.extract_tb(tb)) for line_nr, tb_tuple in enumerate(tblist): if tb_tuple[0] == "": tblist = tblist[line_nr:] break tb_list = traceback.format_list(tblist) if tb_list: tb_list.insert(0, "Traceback (most recent call last):\n") tb_list.extend(traceback.format_exception_only(t, v)) tb_str = "".join(tb_list) # Format exception and write to output. # (We use the default style. Most other styles result # in unreadable colors for the traceback.) if highlight: for index, tokentype, text in PythonTracebackLexer().get_tokens_unprocessed( tb_str ): yield ("class:" + pygments_token_to_classname(tokentype), text) else: yield ("", tb_str) class PagerResult(Enum): ABORT = "ABORT" NEXT_LINE = "NEXT_LINE" NEXT_PAGE = "NEXT_PAGE" PRINT_ALL = "PRINT_ALL" def create_pager_prompt( style: BaseStyle, title: AnyFormattedText = "", input: Input | None = None, output: Output | None = None, ) -> PromptSession[PagerResult]: """ Create a "--MORE--" prompt for paginated output. """ bindings = KeyBindings() @bindings.add("enter") @bindings.add("down") def next_line(event: KeyPressEvent) -> None: @bindings.add("space") def next_page(event: KeyPressEvent) -> None: @bindings.add("a") def print_all(event: KeyPressEvent) -> None: @bindings.add("q") @bindings.add("c-c") @bindings.add("c-d") @bindings.add("escape", eager=True) def no(event: KeyPressEvent) -> None: @bindings.add("") def _(event: KeyPressEvent) -> None: "Disallow inserting other text." pass session: PromptSession[PagerResult] = PromptSession( merge_formatted_text( [ title, HTML( "" " -- MORE -- " "[Enter] Scroll " "[Space] Next page " "[a] Print all " "[q] Quit " ": " ), ] ), key_bindings=bindings, erase_when_done=True, style=style, input=input, output=output, ) return session def _lex_python_result(result: str) -> Generator[tuple[str, str], None, None]: "Return token list for Python string." lexer = PythonLexer() # Use `get_tokens_unprocessed`, so that we get exactly the same string, # without line endings appended. `print_formatted_text` already appends a # line ending, and otherwise we'll have two line endings. tokens = lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(result) for index, tokentype, text in tokens: yield ("class:" + pygments_token_to_classname(tokentype), text)