""" Application for reading Python input. This can be used for creation of Python REPLs. """ from __future__ import annotations from asyncio import get_running_loop from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Mapping, TypeVar, Union from prompt_toolkit.application import Application, get_app from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import ( AutoSuggestFromHistory, ConditionalAutoSuggest, ThreadedAutoSuggest, ) from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer from prompt_toolkit.completion import ( Completer, ConditionalCompleter, DynamicCompleter, FuzzyCompleter, ThreadedCompleter, merge_completers, ) from prompt_toolkit.cursor_shapes import ( AnyCursorShapeConfig, CursorShape, DynamicCursorShapeConfig, ModalCursorShapeConfig, ) from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, FilterOrBool from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import AnyFormattedText from prompt_toolkit.history import ( FileHistory, History, InMemoryHistory, ThreadedHistory, ) from prompt_toolkit.input import Input from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import ( ConditionalKeyBindings, KeyBindings, merge_key_bindings, ) from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.auto_suggest import load_auto_suggest_bindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.open_in_editor import ( load_open_in_editor_bindings, ) from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings import Binding, KeyHandlerCallable from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyPressEvent from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import AnyContainer from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import AnyDimension from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import Processor from prompt_toolkit.lexers import DynamicLexer, Lexer, SimpleLexer from prompt_toolkit.output import ColorDepth, Output from prompt_toolkit.styles import ( AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation, BaseStyle, ConditionalStyleTransformation, DynamicStyle, SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation, merge_style_transformations, ) from prompt_toolkit.utils import is_windows from prompt_toolkit.validation import ConditionalValidator, Validator from .completer import CompletePrivateAttributes, HidePrivateCompleter, PythonCompleter from .history_browser import PythonHistory from .key_bindings import ( load_confirm_exit_bindings, load_python_bindings, load_sidebar_bindings, ) from .layout import CompletionVisualisation, PtPythonLayout from .lexer import PtpythonLexer from .prompt_style import ClassicPrompt, IPythonPrompt, PromptStyle from .signatures import Signature, get_signatures_using_eval, get_signatures_using_jedi from .style import generate_style, get_all_code_styles, get_all_ui_styles from .utils import unindent_code from .validator import PythonValidator # Isort introduces a SyntaxError, if we'd write `import __future__`. # https://github.com/PyCQA/isort/issues/2100 __future__ = __import__("__future__") __all__ = ["PythonInput"] if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Protocol class _SupportsLessThan(Protocol): # Taken from typeshed. _T_lt is used by "sorted", which needs anything # sortable. def __lt__(self, __other: Any) -> bool: ... _T_lt = TypeVar("_T_lt", bound="_SupportsLessThan") _T_kh = TypeVar("_T_kh", bound=Union[KeyHandlerCallable, Binding]) class OptionCategory(Generic[_T_lt]): def __init__(self, title: str, options: list[Option[_T_lt]]) -> None: self.title = title self.options = options class Option(Generic[_T_lt]): """ Ptpython configuration option that can be shown and modified from the sidebar. :param title: Text. :param description: Text. :param get_values: Callable that returns a dictionary mapping the possible values to callbacks that activate these value. :param get_current_value: Callable that returns the current, active value. """ def __init__( self, title: str, description: str, get_current_value: Callable[[], _T_lt], # We accept `object` as return type for the select functions, because # often they return an unused boolean. Maybe this can be improved. get_values: Callable[[], Mapping[_T_lt, Callable[[], object]]], ) -> None: self.title = title self.description = description self.get_current_value = get_current_value self.get_values = get_values @property def values(self) -> Mapping[_T_lt, Callable[[], object]]: return self.get_values() def activate_next(self, _previous: bool = False) -> None: """ Activate next value. """ current = self.get_current_value() options = sorted(self.values.keys()) # Get current index. try: index = options.index(current) except ValueError: index = 0 # Go to previous/next index. if _previous: index -= 1 else: index += 1 # Call handler for this option. next_option = options[index % len(options)] self.values[next_option]() def activate_previous(self) -> None: """ Activate previous value. """ self.activate_next(_previous=True) COLOR_DEPTHS = { ColorDepth.DEPTH_1_BIT: "Monochrome", ColorDepth.DEPTH_4_BIT: "ANSI Colors", ColorDepth.DEPTH_8_BIT: "256 colors", ColorDepth.DEPTH_24_BIT: "True color", } _Namespace = Dict[str, Any] _GetNamespace = Callable[[], _Namespace] class PythonInput: """ Prompt for reading Python input. :: python_input = PythonInput(...) python_code = python_input.app.run() :param create_app: When `False`, don't create and manage a prompt_toolkit application. The default is `True` and should only be set to false if PythonInput is being embedded in a separate prompt_toolkit application. """ def __init__( self, get_globals: _GetNamespace | None = None, get_locals: _GetNamespace | None = None, history_filename: str | None = None, vi_mode: bool = False, color_depth: ColorDepth | None = None, # Input/output. input: Input | None = None, output: Output | None = None, # For internal use. extra_key_bindings: KeyBindings | None = None, create_app: bool = True, _completer: Completer | None = None, _validator: Validator | None = None, _lexer: Lexer | None = None, _extra_buffer_processors: list[Processor] | None = None, _extra_layout_body: AnyContainer | None = None, _extra_toolbars: list[AnyContainer] | None = None, _input_buffer_height: AnyDimension | None = None, ) -> None: self.get_globals: _GetNamespace = get_globals or (lambda: {}) self.get_locals: _GetNamespace = get_locals or self.get_globals self.completer = _completer or PythonCompleter( self.get_globals, self.get_locals, lambda: self.enable_dictionary_completion, ) self._completer = HidePrivateCompleter( # If fuzzy is enabled, first do fuzzy completion, but always add # the non-fuzzy completions, if somehow the fuzzy completer didn't # find them. (Due to the way the cursor position is moved in the # fuzzy completer, some completions will not always be found by the # fuzzy completer, but will be found with the normal completer.) merge_completers( [ ConditionalCompleter( FuzzyCompleter(DynamicCompleter(lambda: self.completer)), Condition(lambda: self.enable_fuzzy_completion), ), DynamicCompleter(lambda: self.completer), ], deduplicate=True, ), lambda: self.complete_private_attributes, ) self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator(self.get_compiler_flags) self._lexer = PtpythonLexer(_lexer) self.history: History if history_filename: self.history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(history_filename)) else: self.history = InMemoryHistory() self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or [] self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or [] self.extra_key_bindings = extra_key_bindings or KeyBindings() # Settings. self.title: AnyFormattedText = "" self.show_signature: bool = False self.show_docstring: bool = False self.show_meta_enter_message: bool = True self.completion_visualisation: CompletionVisualisation = ( CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN ) self.completion_menu_scroll_offset: int = 1 self.show_line_numbers: bool = False self.show_status_bar: bool = True self.wrap_lines: bool = True self.complete_while_typing: bool = True self.paste_mode: bool = ( False # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline. ) self.confirm_exit: bool = ( True # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed. ) self.accept_input_on_enter: int = 2 # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times. # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required. self.enable_open_in_editor: bool = True self.enable_system_bindings: bool = True self.enable_input_validation: bool = True self.enable_auto_suggest: bool = False self.enable_mouse_support: bool = False self.enable_history_search: bool = False # When True, like readline, going # back in history will filter the # history on the records starting # with the current input. self.enable_syntax_highlighting: bool = True self.enable_fuzzy_completion: bool = False self.enable_dictionary_completion: bool = False # Also eval-based completion. self.complete_private_attributes: CompletePrivateAttributes = ( CompletePrivateAttributes.ALWAYS ) self.swap_light_and_dark: bool = False self.highlight_matching_parenthesis: bool = False self.show_sidebar: bool = False # Currently show the sidebar. # Pager. self.enable_output_formatting: bool = False self.enable_pager: bool = False # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text. self.show_sidebar_help: bool = True # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?' self.show_exit_confirmation: bool = False # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.) self.terminal_title: str | None = None self.exit_message: str = "Do you really want to exit?" self.insert_blank_line_after_output: bool = True # (For the REPL.) self.insert_blank_line_after_input: bool = False # (For the REPL.) # The buffers. self.default_buffer = self._create_buffer() self.search_buffer: Buffer = Buffer() self.docstring_buffer: Buffer = Buffer(read_only=True) # Cursor shapes. self.cursor_shape_config = "Block" self.all_cursor_shape_configs: dict[str, AnyCursorShapeConfig] = { "Block": CursorShape.BLOCK, "Underline": CursorShape.UNDERLINE, "Beam": CursorShape.BEAM, "Modal (vi)": ModalCursorShapeConfig(), "Blink block": CursorShape.BLINKING_BLOCK, "Blink under": CursorShape.BLINKING_UNDERLINE, "Blink beam": CursorShape.BLINKING_BEAM, } # Tokens to be shown at the prompt. self.prompt_style: str = "classic" # The currently active style. # Styles selectable from the menu. self.all_prompt_styles: dict[str, PromptStyle] = { "ipython": IPythonPrompt(self), "classic": ClassicPrompt(), } #: Load styles. self.code_styles: dict[str, BaseStyle] = get_all_code_styles() self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles() self._current_code_style_name: str = "default" self._current_ui_style_name: str = "default" if is_windows(): self._current_code_style_name = "win32" self._current_style = self._generate_style() self.color_depth: ColorDepth = color_depth or ColorDepth.default() self.max_brightness: float = 1.0 self.min_brightness: float = 0.0 # Options to be configurable from the sidebar. self.options = self._create_options() self.selected_option_index: int = 0 #: Incrementing integer counting the current statement. self.current_statement_index: int = 1 # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.) self.signatures: list[Signature] = [] # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running. # (Never run more than one at the same time.) self._get_signatures_thread_running: bool = False # Get into Vi navigation mode at startup self.vi_start_in_navigation_mode: bool = False # Preserve last used Vi input mode between main loop iterations self.vi_keep_last_used_mode: bool = False self.style_transformation = merge_style_transformations( [ ConditionalStyleTransformation( SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation(), filter=Condition(lambda: self.swap_light_and_dark), ), AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation( lambda: self.min_brightness, lambda: self.max_brightness ), ] ) self.ptpython_layout = PtPythonLayout( self, lexer=DynamicLexer( lambda: self._lexer if self.enable_syntax_highlighting else SimpleLexer() ), input_buffer_height=self._input_buffer_height, extra_buffer_processors=self._extra_buffer_processors, extra_body=self._extra_layout_body, extra_toolbars=self._extra_toolbars, ) # Create an app if requested. If not, the global get_app() is returned # for self.app via property getter. if create_app: self._app: Application[str] | None = self._create_application(input, output) # Setting vi_mode will not work unless the prompt_toolkit # application has been created. if vi_mode: self.app.editing_mode = EditingMode.VI else: self._app = None def get_input_prompt(self) -> AnyFormattedText: return self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].in_prompt() def get_output_prompt(self) -> AnyFormattedText: return self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].out_prompt() def _accept_handler(self, buff: Buffer) -> bool: app = get_app() app.exit(result=buff.text) app.pre_run_callables.append(buff.reset) return True # Keep text, we call 'reset' later on. @property def option_count(self) -> int: "Return the total amount of options. (In all categories together.)" return sum(len(category.options) for category in self.options) @property def selected_option(self) -> Option[Any]: "Return the currently selected option." i = 0 for category in self.options: for o in category.options: if i == self.selected_option_index: return o else: i += 1 raise ValueError("Nothing selected") def get_compiler_flags(self) -> int: """ Give the current compiler flags by looking for _Feature instances in the globals. """ flags = 0 for value in self.get_globals().values(): try: if isinstance(value, __future__._Feature): f = value.compiler_flag flags |= f except BaseException: # get_compiler_flags should never raise to not run into an # `Unhandled exception in event loop` # See: https://github.com/prompt-toolkit/ptpython/issues/351 # An exception can be raised when some objects in the globals # raise an exception in a custom `__getattribute__`. pass return flags def add_key_binding( self, *keys: Keys | str, filter: FilterOrBool = True, eager: FilterOrBool = False, is_global: FilterOrBool = False, save_before: Callable[[KeyPressEvent], bool] = (lambda e: True), record_in_macro: FilterOrBool = True, ) -> Callable[[_T_kh], _T_kh]: """ Shortcut for adding new key bindings. (Mostly useful for a config.py file, that receives a PythonInput/Repl instance as input.) All arguments are identical to prompt_toolkit's `KeyBindings.add`. :: @python_input.add_key_binding(Keys.ControlX, filter=...) def handler(event): ... """ return self.extra_key_bindings.add( *keys, filter=filter, eager=eager, is_global=is_global, save_before=save_before, record_in_macro=record_in_macro, ) def install_code_colorscheme(self, name: str, style: BaseStyle) -> None: """ Install a new code color scheme. """ self.code_styles[name] = style def use_code_colorscheme(self, name: str) -> None: """ Apply new colorscheme. (By name.) """ assert name in self.code_styles self._current_code_style_name = name self._current_style = self._generate_style() def install_ui_colorscheme(self, name: str, style: BaseStyle) -> None: """ Install a new UI color scheme. """ self.ui_styles[name] = style def use_ui_colorscheme(self, name: str) -> None: """ Apply new colorscheme. (By name.) """ assert name in self.ui_styles self._current_ui_style_name = name self._current_style = self._generate_style() def _use_color_depth(self, depth: ColorDepth) -> None: self.color_depth = depth def _set_min_brightness(self, value: float) -> None: self.min_brightness = value self.max_brightness = max(self.max_brightness, value) def _set_max_brightness(self, value: float) -> None: self.max_brightness = value self.min_brightness = min(self.min_brightness, value) def _generate_style(self) -> BaseStyle: """ Create new Style instance. (We don't want to do this on every key press, because each time the renderer receives a new style class, he will redraw everything.) """ return generate_style( self.code_styles[self._current_code_style_name], self.ui_styles[self._current_ui_style_name], ) def _create_options(self) -> list[OptionCategory[Any]]: """ Create a list of `Option` instances for the options sidebar. """ def enable(attribute: str, value: Any = True) -> bool: setattr(self, attribute, value) # Return `True`, to be able to chain this in the lambdas below. return True def disable(attribute: str) -> bool: setattr(self, attribute, False) return True def simple_option( title: str, description: str, field_name: str, values: tuple[str, str] = ("off", "on"), ) -> Option[str]: "Create Simple on/of option." def get_current_value() -> str: return values[bool(getattr(self, field_name))] def get_values() -> dict[str, Callable[[], bool]]: return { values[1]: lambda: enable(field_name), values[0]: lambda: disable(field_name), } return Option( title=title, description=description, get_values=get_values, get_current_value=get_current_value, ) brightness_values = [1.0 / 20 * value for value in range(0, 21)] return [ OptionCategory( "Input", [ Option( title="Editing mode", description="Vi or emacs key bindings.", get_current_value=lambda: ["Emacs", "Vi"][self.vi_mode], get_values=lambda: { "Emacs": lambda: disable("vi_mode"), "Vi": lambda: enable("vi_mode"), }, ), Option( title="Cursor shape", description="Change the cursor style, possibly according " "to the Vi input mode.", get_current_value=lambda: self.cursor_shape_config, get_values=lambda: { s: partial(enable, "cursor_shape_config", s) for s in self.all_cursor_shape_configs }, ), simple_option( title="Paste mode", description="When enabled, don't indent automatically.", field_name="paste_mode", ), Option( title="Complete while typing", description="Generate autocompletions automatically while typing. " 'Don\'t require pressing TAB. (Not compatible with "History search".)', get_current_value=lambda: ["off", "on"][ self.complete_while_typing ], get_values=lambda: { "on": lambda: enable("complete_while_typing") and disable("enable_history_search"), "off": lambda: disable("complete_while_typing"), }, ), Option( title="Complete private attrs", description="Show or hide private attributes in the completions. " "'If no public' means: show private attributes only if no public " "matches are found or if an underscore was typed.", get_current_value=lambda: { CompletePrivateAttributes.NEVER: "Never", CompletePrivateAttributes.ALWAYS: "Always", CompletePrivateAttributes.IF_NO_PUBLIC: "If no public", }[self.complete_private_attributes], get_values=lambda: { "Never": lambda: enable( "complete_private_attributes", CompletePrivateAttributes.NEVER, ), "Always": lambda: enable( "complete_private_attributes", CompletePrivateAttributes.ALWAYS, ), "If no public": lambda: enable( "complete_private_attributes", CompletePrivateAttributes.IF_NO_PUBLIC, ), }, ), Option( title="Enable fuzzy completion", description="Enable fuzzy completion.", get_current_value=lambda: ["off", "on"][ self.enable_fuzzy_completion ], get_values=lambda: { "on": lambda: enable("enable_fuzzy_completion"), "off": lambda: disable("enable_fuzzy_completion"), }, ), Option( title="Dictionary completion", description="Enable experimental dictionary/list completion.\n" 'WARNING: this does "eval" on fragments of\n' " your Python input and is\n" " potentially unsafe.", get_current_value=lambda: ["off", "on"][ self.enable_dictionary_completion ], get_values=lambda: { "on": lambda: enable("enable_dictionary_completion"), "off": lambda: disable("enable_dictionary_completion"), }, ), Option( title="History search", description="When pressing the up-arrow, filter the history on input starting " 'with the current text. (Not compatible with "Complete while typing".)', get_current_value=lambda: ["off", "on"][ self.enable_history_search ], get_values=lambda: { "on": lambda: enable("enable_history_search") and disable("complete_while_typing"), "off": lambda: disable("enable_history_search"), }, ), simple_option( title="Mouse support", description="Respond to mouse clicks and scrolling for positioning the cursor, " "selecting text and scrolling through windows.", field_name="enable_mouse_support", ), simple_option( title="Confirm on exit", description="Require confirmation when exiting.", field_name="confirm_exit", ), simple_option( title="Input validation", description="In case of syntax errors, move the cursor to the error " "instead of showing a traceback of a SyntaxError.", field_name="enable_input_validation", ), simple_option( title="Auto suggestion", description="Auto suggest inputs by looking at the history. " "Pressing right arrow or Ctrl-E will complete the entry.", field_name="enable_auto_suggest", ), Option( title="Accept input on enter", description="Amount of ENTER presses required to execute input when the cursor " "is at the end of the input. (Note that META+ENTER will always execute.)", get_current_value=lambda: str( self.accept_input_on_enter or "meta-enter" ), get_values=lambda: { "2": lambda: enable("accept_input_on_enter", 2), "3": lambda: enable("accept_input_on_enter", 3), "4": lambda: enable("accept_input_on_enter", 4), "meta-enter": lambda: enable("accept_input_on_enter", None), }, ), ], ), OptionCategory( "Display", [ Option( title="Completions", description="Visualisation to use for displaying the completions. (Multiple columns, one column, a toolbar or nothing.)", get_current_value=lambda: self.completion_visualisation.value, get_values=lambda: { CompletionVisualisation.NONE.value: lambda: enable( "completion_visualisation", CompletionVisualisation.NONE ), CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP.value: lambda: enable( "completion_visualisation", CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP, ), CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN.value: lambda: enable( "completion_visualisation", CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN, ), CompletionVisualisation.TOOLBAR.value: lambda: enable( "completion_visualisation", CompletionVisualisation.TOOLBAR, ), }, ), Option( title="Prompt", description="Visualisation of the prompt. ('>>>' or 'In [1]:')", get_current_value=lambda: self.prompt_style, get_values=lambda: { s: partial(enable, "prompt_style", s) for s in self.all_prompt_styles }, ), simple_option( title="Blank line after input", description="Insert a blank line after the input.", field_name="insert_blank_line_after_input", ), simple_option( title="Blank line after output", description="Insert a blank line after the output.", field_name="insert_blank_line_after_output", ), simple_option( title="Show signature", description="Display function signatures.", field_name="show_signature", ), simple_option( title="Show docstring", description="Display function docstrings.", field_name="show_docstring", ), simple_option( title="Show line numbers", description="Show line numbers when the input consists of multiple lines.", field_name="show_line_numbers", ), simple_option( title="Show Meta+Enter message", description="Show the [Meta+Enter] message when this key combination is required to execute commands. " + "(This is the case when a simple [Enter] key press will insert a newline.", field_name="show_meta_enter_message", ), simple_option( title="Wrap lines", description="Wrap lines instead of scrolling horizontally.", field_name="wrap_lines", ), simple_option( title="Show status bar", description="Show the status bar at the bottom of the terminal.", field_name="show_status_bar", ), simple_option( title="Show sidebar help", description="When the sidebar is visible, also show this help text.", field_name="show_sidebar_help", ), simple_option( title="Highlight parenthesis", description="Highlight matching parenthesis, when the cursor is on or right after one.", field_name="highlight_matching_parenthesis", ), simple_option( title="Reformat output (black)", description="Reformat outputs using Black, if possible (experimental).", field_name="enable_output_formatting", ), simple_option( title="Enable pager for output", description="Use a pager for displaying outputs that don't " "fit on the screen.", field_name="enable_pager", ), ], ), OptionCategory( "Colors", [ simple_option( title="Syntax highlighting", description="Use colors for syntax highlighting", field_name="enable_syntax_highlighting", ), simple_option( title="Swap light/dark colors", description="Swap light and dark colors.", field_name="swap_light_and_dark", ), Option( title="Code", description="Color scheme to use for the Python code.", get_current_value=lambda: self._current_code_style_name, get_values=lambda: { name: partial(self.use_code_colorscheme, name) for name in self.code_styles }, ), Option( title="User interface", description="Color scheme to use for the user interface.", get_current_value=lambda: self._current_ui_style_name, get_values=lambda: { name: partial(self.use_ui_colorscheme, name) for name in self.ui_styles }, ), Option( title="Color depth", description="Monochrome (1 bit), 16 ANSI colors (4 bit),\n256 colors (8 bit), or 24 bit.", get_current_value=lambda: COLOR_DEPTHS[self.color_depth], get_values=lambda: { name: partial(self._use_color_depth, depth) for depth, name in COLOR_DEPTHS.items() }, ), Option( title="Min brightness", description="Minimum brightness for the color scheme (default=0.0).", get_current_value=lambda: f"{self.min_brightness:.2f}", get_values=lambda: { f"{value:.2f}": partial(self._set_min_brightness, value) for value in brightness_values }, ), Option( title="Max brightness", description="Maximum brightness for the color scheme (default=1.0).", get_current_value=lambda: f"{self.max_brightness:.2f}", get_values=lambda: { f"{value:.2f}": partial(self._set_max_brightness, value) for value in brightness_values }, ), ], ), ] def _create_application( self, input: Input | None, output: Output | None ) -> Application[str]: """ Create an `Application` instance. """ return Application( layout=self.ptpython_layout.layout, key_bindings=merge_key_bindings( [ load_python_bindings(self), load_auto_suggest_bindings(), load_sidebar_bindings(self), load_confirm_exit_bindings(self), ConditionalKeyBindings( load_open_in_editor_bindings(), Condition(lambda: self.enable_open_in_editor), ), # Extra key bindings should not be active when the sidebar is visible. ConditionalKeyBindings( self.extra_key_bindings, Condition(lambda: not self.show_sidebar), ), ] ), color_depth=lambda: self.color_depth, paste_mode=Condition(lambda: self.paste_mode), mouse_support=Condition(lambda: self.enable_mouse_support), style=DynamicStyle(lambda: self._current_style), style_transformation=self.style_transformation, include_default_pygments_style=False, reverse_vi_search_direction=True, cursor=DynamicCursorShapeConfig( lambda: self.all_cursor_shape_configs[self.cursor_shape_config] ), input=input, output=output, ) def _create_buffer(self) -> Buffer: """ Create the `Buffer` for the Python input. """ python_buffer = Buffer( name=DEFAULT_BUFFER, complete_while_typing=Condition(lambda: self.complete_while_typing), enable_history_search=Condition(lambda: self.enable_history_search), tempfile_suffix=".py", history=self.history, completer=ThreadedCompleter(self._completer), validator=ConditionalValidator( self._validator, Condition(lambda: self.enable_input_validation) ), auto_suggest=ConditionalAutoSuggest( ThreadedAutoSuggest(AutoSuggestFromHistory()), Condition(lambda: self.enable_auto_suggest), ), accept_handler=self._accept_handler, on_text_changed=self._on_input_timeout, ) return python_buffer @property def editing_mode(self) -> EditingMode: return self.app.editing_mode @editing_mode.setter def editing_mode(self, value: EditingMode) -> None: self.app.editing_mode = value @property def vi_mode(self) -> bool: return self.editing_mode == EditingMode.VI @vi_mode.setter def vi_mode(self, value: bool) -> None: if value: self.editing_mode = EditingMode.VI else: self.editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS @property def app(self) -> Application[str]: if self._app is None: return get_app() return self._app def _on_input_timeout(self, buff: Buffer) -> None: """ When there is no input activity, in another thread, get the signature of the current code. """ def get_signatures_in_executor(document: Document) -> list[Signature]: # First, get signatures from Jedi. If we didn't found any and if # "dictionary completion" (eval-based completion) is enabled, then # get signatures using eval. signatures = get_signatures_using_jedi( document, self.get_locals(), self.get_globals() ) if not signatures and self.enable_dictionary_completion: signatures = get_signatures_using_eval( document, self.get_locals(), self.get_globals() ) return signatures app = self.app async def on_timeout_task() -> None: loop = get_running_loop() # Never run multiple get-signature threads. if self._get_signatures_thread_running: return self._get_signatures_thread_running = True try: while True: document = buff.document signatures = await loop.run_in_executor( None, get_signatures_in_executor, document ) # If the text didn't change in the meantime, take these # signatures. Otherwise, try again. if buff.text == document.text: break finally: self._get_signatures_thread_running = False # Set signatures and redraw. self.signatures = signatures # Set docstring in docstring buffer. if signatures: self.docstring_buffer.reset( document=Document(signatures[0].docstring, cursor_position=0) ) else: self.docstring_buffer.reset() app.invalidate() if app.is_running: app.create_background_task(on_timeout_task()) def on_reset(self) -> None: self.signatures = [] def enter_history(self) -> None: """ Display the history. """ app = self.app app.vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.NAVIGATION history = PythonHistory(self, self.default_buffer.document) import asyncio from prompt_toolkit.application import in_terminal async def do_in_terminal() -> None: async with in_terminal(): result = await history.app.run_async() if result is not None: self.default_buffer.text = result app.vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.INSERT asyncio.ensure_future(do_in_terminal()) def read(self) -> str: """ Read the input. This will run the Python input user interface in another thread, wait for input to be accepted and return that. By running the UI in another thread, we avoid issues regarding possibly nested event loops. This can raise EOFError, when Control-D is pressed. """ # Capture the current input_mode in order to restore it after reset, # for ViState.reset() sets it to InputMode.INSERT unconditionally and # doesn't accept any arguments. def pre_run( last_input_mode: InputMode = self.app.vi_state.input_mode, ) -> None: if self.vi_keep_last_used_mode: self.app.vi_state.input_mode = last_input_mode if not self.vi_keep_last_used_mode and self.vi_start_in_navigation_mode: self.app.vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.NAVIGATION # Run the UI. while True: try: result = self.app.run(pre_run=pre_run, in_thread=True) if result.lstrip().startswith("\x1a"): # When the input starts with Ctrl-Z, quit the REPL. # (Important for Windows users.) raise EOFError # Remove leading whitespace. # (Users can add extra indentation, which happens for # instance because of copy/pasting code.) result = unindent_code(result) if result and not result.isspace(): if self.insert_blank_line_after_input: self.app.output.write("\n") return result except KeyboardInterrupt: # Abort - try again. self.default_buffer.document = Document()