Changelog ========= Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on 2022-09-19. New features: * Support marked content * Allow version and ID to be specified when initializing PDF objects Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub Backers and sponsors: * Grip Angebotssoftware * Manuel Barkhau * Crisp BV * SimonSoft * Menutech * Spacinov * KontextWork * René Fritz * NCC Group * Kobalt * Tom Pohl * John R Ellis * Moritz Mahringer * Gábor * Piotr Horzycki * Andrew Ittner Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on 2022-05-23. Dependencies: * Python 3.7+ is now needed, Python 3.6 is not supported anymore New features: * `d0be36b `_: Allow to set PDF version * `879261c `_: Allow to set PDF identifier Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub Backers and sponsors: * Grip Angebotssoftware * Manuel Barkhau * Crisp BV * SimonSoft * Menutech * Spacinov * KontextWork * René Fritz * Kobalt * NCC Group * Des images et des mots * Nathalie Gutton * Andreas Zettl * Tom Pohl * Moritz Mahringer * Florian Demmer * Yanal-Yvez Fargialla * Gábor * Piotr Horzycki Version 0.1.2 ------------- Released on 2021-10-30. Bug fixes: * `#9 `_: Implement escaping for Strings Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub * Rian McGuire Backers and sponsors: * Grip Angebotssoftware * SimonSoft * Menutech * Manuel Barkhau * Simon Sapin * KontextWork * René Fritz * Maykin Media * NCC Group * Crisp BV * Des images et des mots * Andreas Zettl * Nathalie Gutton * Tom Pohl * Moritz Mahringer * Florian Demmer * Yanal-Yvez Fargialla * G. Allard * Gábor Version 0.1.1 ------------- Released on 2021-08-22. Bug fixes: * `0f7c8e9 `_: Fix string encoding Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub Backers and sponsors: * Grip Angebotssoftware * PDF Blocks * SimonSoft * Menutech * Manuel Barkhau * Simon Sapin * KontextWork * René Fritz * Maykin Media * NCC Group * Des images et des mots * Andreas Zettl * Nathalie Gutton * Tom Pohl * Moritz Mahringer * Florian Demmer * Yanal-Yvez Fargialla Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on 2021-08-21. Bug fixes: * `#8 `_: Don’t use sys.stdout.buffer as default write object Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub Backers and sponsors: * Grip Angebotssoftware * PDF Blocks * SimonSoft * Menutech * Manuel Barkhau * Simon Sapin * KontextWork * René Fritz * Maykin Media * NCC Group * Des images et des mots * Andreas Zettl * Nathalie Gutton * Tom Pohl * Moritz Mahringer * Florian Demmer * Yanal-Yvez Fargialla Version 0.0.3 ------------- Released on 2021-04-22. New features: * Support text rendering Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub Backers and sponsors: * PDF Blocks * SimonSoft * Menutech * Simon Sapin * Manuel Barkhau * Andreas Zettl * Nathalie Gutton * Tom Pohl * René Fritz * Moritz Mahringer * Florian Demmer * KontextWork * Michele Mostarda Version 0.0.2 ------------- Released on 2021-03-13. New features: * Support linecap style * Support line join et miter limit * Add more cubic Bézier curve options Bug fixes: * Don’t include EOL in dictionary length * Add a second binary line in PDF Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub * Lucie Anglade * Alexander Schrijver * Kees Cook Backers and sponsors: * PDF Blocks * SimonSoft * Menutech * Simon Sapin * Manuel Barkhau * Andreas Zettl * Nathalie Gutton * Tom Pohl * René Fritz * Moritz Mahringer * Florian Demmer * KontextWork * Michele Mostarda Version 0.0.1 ------------- Released on 2020-12-06. Initial release. Contributors: * Guillaume Ayoub * Lucie Anglade Backers and sponsors: * PDF Blocks * SimonSoft * Menutech * Simon Sapin * Nathalie Gutton * Andreas Zetti * Tom Pohl * Florian Demmer * Moritz Mahringer