#!/usr/bin/env python __doc__ = '''Make changes to a backup UFO to match some changes made to another UFO by FontLab When a UFO is first round-tripped through Fontlab 7, many changes are made including adding 'smooth="yes"' to many points in glifs and removing it from others. Also if components are after contours in a glif, then they get moved to before them. These changes make initial comparisons hard and can mask other changes. This script takes the backup of the original font that Fontlab made and writes out a new version with contours changed to match those in the round-tripped UFO so a diff can then be done to look for other differences. A glif is only changed if there are no other changes to contours. If also moves components to match. ''' __url__ = 'http://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International (http://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'David Raymond' from silfont.core import execute, splitfn from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from silfont.ufo import Ufont import os, glob argspec = [ ('ifont',{'help': 'post-fontlab ufo'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_tidyfontlab.log'})] def doit(args) : flfont = args.ifont logger = args.logger params = args.paramsobj fontname = args.ifont.ufodir # Locate the oldest backup (path, base, ext) = splitfn(fontname) backuppath = os.path.join(path, base + ".*-*" + ext) # Backup has date/time added in format .yymmdd-hhmm backups = glob.glob(backuppath) if len(backups) == 0: logger.log("No backups found matching %s so aborting..." % backuppath, "P") return backupname = sorted(backups)[0] # Choose the oldest backup - date/time format sorts alphabetically bfont = Ufont(backupname, params=params) outufoname = os.path.join(path, base + ".tidied.ufo") fllayers = {} # Dictionary of flfont layers by layer name for layer in flfont.layers: fllayers[layer.layername] = layer for layer in bfont.layers: if layer.layername not in fllayers: logger.log(f"layer {layer.layername} missing", "E") continue fllayer = fllayers[layer.layername] smoothchangecount = 0 compchangecount = 0 for gname in layer: glif = layer[gname] flglif = fllayer[gname] if "outline" in glif and "outline" in flglif: changestomake = [] otherchange = False outline = glif["outline"] floutline = flglif["outline"] contours = outline.contours if len(contours) != len(floutline.contours): break # Different number so can't all be identical! flcontours = iter(floutline.contours) for contour in contours: flc = next(flcontours) points = contour["point"] if len(points) != len(flc["point"]): # Contours must be different otherchange = True break flpoints = iter(flc["point"]) for point in points: flp = next(flpoints) xml = ET.tostring(point).strip() flxml = ET.tostring(flp).strip() if xml != flxml: # points are different if xml[:-2] + b'smooth="yes" />' == flxml or xml == flxml[:-2] + b'smooth="yes" />': changestomake = True # Only difference is addition or removal of smooth="yes" else: # Other change to glif,so can't safely make changes otherchange = True if changestomake and not otherchange: # Only changes to contours in glif are addition(s) or removal(s) of smooth="yes" flcontours = iter(floutline.contours) for contour in list(contours): flcontour = next(flcontours) outline.replaceobject(contour, flcontour, "contour") smoothchangecount += 1 # Now need to move components to the front... components = outline.components if len(components) > 0 and len(contours) > 0 and list(outline)[0] == "contour": oldcontours = list(contours) # Easiest way to 'move' components is to delete contours then append back at the end for contour in oldcontours: outline.removeobject(contour, "contour") for contour in oldcontours: outline.appendobject(contour, "contour") compchangecount += 1 logger.log(f'{layer.layername}: {smoothchangecount} glifs changed due to smooth and {compchangecount} glifs changed due to components position', "P") bfont.write(outufoname) return def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()