from fontTools.feaLib import ast from fontTools.feaLib.parser import Parser from fontTools.feaLib.lexer import IncludingLexer, Lexer import silfont.feax_lexer as feax_lexer from fontTools.feaLib.error import FeatureLibError import silfont.feax_ast as astx import io, re, math, os import logging class feaplus_ast(object) : MarkBasePosStatement = astx.ast_MarkBasePosStatement MarkMarkPosStatement = astx.ast_MarkMarkPosStatement MarkLigPosStatement = astx.ast_MarkLigPosStatement CursivePosStatement = astx.ast_CursivePosStatement BaseClass = astx.ast_BaseClass MarkClass = astx.ast_MarkClass BaseClassDefinition = astx.ast_BaseClassDefinition MultipleSubstStatement = astx.ast_MultipleSubstStatement LigatureSubstStatement = astx.ast_LigatureSubstStatement IfBlock = astx.ast_IfBlock DoForSubStatement = astx.ast_DoForSubStatement DoLetSubStatement = astx.ast_DoLetSubStatement DoIfSubStatement = astx.ast_DoIfSubStatement AlternateSubstStatement = astx.ast_AlternateSubstStatement Comment = astx.ast_Comment KernPairsStatement = astx.ast_KernPairsStatement def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(ast, name) # retrieve undefined attrs from imported fontTools.feaLib ast module class feaplus_parser(Parser) : extensions = { 'baseClass': lambda s: s.parseBaseClass(), 'ifclass': lambda s: s.parseIfClass(), 'ifinfo': lambda s: s.parseIfInfo(), 'do': lambda s: s.parseDoStatement_(), 'def': lambda s: s.parseDefStatement_(), 'kernpairs': lambda s: s.parseKernPairsStatement_() } ast = feaplus_ast() def __init__(self, filename, glyphmap, fontinfo, kerninfo, defines) : if filename is None : empty_file = io.StringIO("") super(feaplus_parser, self).__init__(empty_file, glyphmap) else : super(feaplus_parser, self).__init__(filename, glyphmap) self.fontinfo = fontinfo self.kerninfo = kerninfo self.glyphs = glyphmap self.defines = defines self.fns = { '__builtins__': None, 're' : re, 'math' : math, 'APx': lambda g, a, d=0: int(self.glyphs[g].anchors.get(a, [d])[0]), 'APy': lambda g, a, d=0: int(self.glyphs[g].anchors.get(a, [0,d])[1]), 'ADVx': lambda g: int(self.glyphs[g].advance), 'MINx': lambda g: int(self.glyphs[g].bbox[0]), 'MINy': lambda g: int(self.glyphs[g].bbox[1]), 'MAXx': lambda g: int(self.glyphs[g].bbox[2]), 'MAXy': lambda g: int(self.glyphs[g].bbox[3]), 'feaclass': lambda c: self.resolve_glyphclass(c).glyphSet(), 'allglyphs': lambda : self.glyphs.keys(), 'lf': lambda : "\n", 'info': lambda s: self.fontinfo.get(s, ""), 'fileexists': lambda s: os.path.exists(s), 'kerninfo': lambda s:[(k1, k2, v) for k1, x in self.kerninfo.items() for k2, v in x.items()], 'opt': lambda s: self.defines.get(s, "") } # Document which builtins we really need. Of course still insecure. for x in ('True', 'False', 'None', 'int', 'float', 'str', 'abs', 'all', 'any', 'bool', 'dict', 'enumerate', 'filter', 'hasattr', 'hex', 'len', 'list', 'map', 'print', 'max', 'min', 'ord', 'range', 'set', 'sorted', 'sum', 'tuple', 'zip'): self.fns[x] = __builtins__[x] def parse(self, filename=None) : if filename is not None : self.lexer_ = feax_lexer.feax_IncludingLexer(filename) self.advance_lexer_(comments=True) return super(feaplus_parser, self).parse() def back_lexer_(self): self.lexer_.lexers_[-1].pushback(self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_) self.next_token_type_ = self.cur_token_type_ self.next_token_ = self.cur_token_ self.next_token_location_ = self.cur_token_location_ # methods to limit layer violations def define_glyphclass(self, ap_nm, gc) : self.glyphclasses_.define(ap_nm, gc) def resolve_glyphclass(self, ap_nm): try: return self.glyphclasses_.resolve(ap_nm) except KeyError: raise FeatureLibError("Glyphclass '{}' missing".format(ap_nm), self.lexer_.location_()) return None def add_statement(self, val) : self.doc_.statements.append(val) def set_baseclass(self, ap_nm) : gc = self.ast.BaseClass(ap_nm) if not hasattr(self.doc_, 'baseClasses') : self.doc_.baseClasses = {} self.doc_.baseClasses[ap_nm] = gc self.define_glyphclass(ap_nm, gc) return gc def set_markclass(self, ap_nm) : gc = self.ast.MarkClass(ap_nm) if not hasattr(self.doc_, 'markClasses') : self.doc_.markClasses = {} self.doc_.markClasses[ap_nm] = gc self.define_glyphclass(ap_nm, gc) return gc # like base class parse_position_base_ & overrides it def parse_position_base_(self, enumerated, vertical): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.expect_keyword_("base") if enumerated: raise FeatureLibError( '"enumerate" is not allowed with ' 'mark-to-base attachment positioning', location) base = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True) if self.next_token_ == "<": # handle pos base [glyphs] mark @MARKCLASS marks = self.parse_anchor_marks_() else: # handle pos base @BASECLASS mark @MARKCLASS; like base class parse_anchor_marks_ marks = [] while self.next_token_ == "mark": #TODO: is more than one 'mark' meaningful? self.expect_keyword_("mark") m = self.expect_markClass_reference_() marks.append(m) self.expect_symbol_(";") return self.ast.MarkBasePosStatement(base, marks, location=location) # like base class parse_position_mark_ & overrides it def parse_position_mark_(self, enumerated, vertical): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.expect_keyword_("mark") if enumerated: raise FeatureLibError( '"enumerate" is not allowed with ' 'mark-to-mark attachment positioning', location) baseMarks = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True) if self.next_token_ == "<": # handle pos mark [glyphs] mark @MARKCLASS marks = self.parse_anchor_marks_() else: # handle pos mark @MARKCLASS mark @MARKCLASS; like base class parse_anchor_marks_ marks = [] while self.next_token_ == "mark": #TODO: is more than one 'mark' meaningful? self.expect_keyword_("mark") m = self.expect_markClass_reference_() marks.append(m) self.expect_symbol_(";") return self.ast.MarkMarkPosStatement(baseMarks, marks, location=location) def parse_position_cursive_(self, enumerated, vertical): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.expect_keyword_("cursive") if enumerated: raise FeatureLibError( '"enumerate" is not allowed with ' 'cursive attachment positioning', location) glyphclass = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True) if self.next_token_ == "<": # handle pos cursive @glyphClass entryAnchor = self.parse_anchor_() exitAnchor = self.parse_anchor_() self.expect_symbol_(";") return self.ast.CursivePosStatement( glyphclass, entryAnchor, exitAnchor, location=location) else: # handle pos cursive @baseClass @baseClass; mc = self.expect_markClass_reference_() return self.ast.CursivePosStatement(glyphclass.markClass, None, mc, location=location) def parse_position_ligature_(self, enumerated, vertical): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.expect_keyword_("ligature") if enumerated: raise FeatureLibError( '"enumerate" is not allowed with ' 'mark-to-ligature attachment positioning', location) ligatures = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True) marks = [self._parse_anchorclass_marks_()] while self.next_token_ == "ligComponent": self.expect_keyword_("ligComponent") marks.append(self._parse_anchorclass_marks_()) self.expect_symbol_(";") return self.ast.MarkLigPosStatement(ligatures, marks, location=location) def _parse_anchorclass_marks_(self): """Parses a sequence of [ | @BASECLASS mark @MARKCLASS]*.""" anchorMarks = [] # [(self.ast.Anchor, markClassName)*] while True: if self.next_token_ == "<": anchor = self.parse_anchor_() else: anchor = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=False) if anchor is not None: self.expect_keyword_("mark") markClass = self.expect_markClass_reference_() anchorMarks.append((anchor, markClass)) if self.next_token_ == "ligComponent" or self.next_token_ == ";": break return anchorMarks # like base class parseMarkClass # but uses BaseClass and BaseClassDefinition which subclass Mark counterparts def parseBaseClass(self): if not hasattr(self.doc_, 'baseClasses'): self.doc_.baseClasses = {} location = self.cur_token_location_ glyphs = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True) anchor = self.parse_anchor_() name = self.expect_class_name_() self.expect_symbol_(";") baseClass = self.doc_.baseClasses.get(name) if baseClass is None: baseClass = self.ast.BaseClass(name) self.doc_.baseClasses[name] = baseClass self.glyphclasses_.define(name, baseClass) bcdef = self.ast.BaseClassDefinition(baseClass, anchor, glyphs, location=location) baseClass.addDefinition(bcdef) return bcdef #similar to and overrides parser.parse_substitute_ def parse_substitute_(self): assert self.cur_token_ in {"substitute", "sub", "reversesub", "rsub"} location = self.cur_token_location_ reverse = self.cur_token_ in {"reversesub", "rsub"} old_prefix, old, lookups, values, old_suffix, hasMarks = \ self.parse_glyph_pattern_(vertical=False) if any(values): raise FeatureLibError( "Substitution statements cannot contain values", location) new = [] if self.next_token_ == "by": keyword = self.expect_keyword_("by") while self.next_token_ != ";": gc = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True) new.append(gc) elif self.next_token_ == "from": keyword = self.expect_keyword_("from") new = [self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=False)] else: keyword = None self.expect_symbol_(";") if len(new) == 0 and not any(lookups): raise FeatureLibError( 'Expected "by", "from" or explicit lookup references', self.cur_token_location_) # GSUB lookup type 3: Alternate substitution. # Format: "substitute a from [a.1 a.2 a.3];" if keyword == "from": if reverse: raise FeatureLibError( 'Reverse chaining substitutions do not support "from"', location) # allow classes on lhs if len(old) != 1: raise FeatureLibError( 'Expected single glyph or glyph class before "from"', location) if len(new) != 1: raise FeatureLibError( 'Expected a single glyphclass after "from"', location) if len(old[0].glyphSet()) == 0 or len(new[0].glyphSet()) % len(old[0].glyphSet()) != 0: raise FeatureLibError( 'The glyphclass after "from" must be a multiple of length of the glyphclass on before', location) return self.ast.AlternateSubstStatement( old_prefix, old[0], old_suffix, new[0], location=location) num_lookups = len([l for l in lookups if l is not None]) # GSUB lookup type 1: Single substitution. # Format A: "substitute a by;" # Format B: "substitute [one.fitted one.oldstyle] by one;" # Format C: "substitute [a-d] by [];" if (not reverse and len(old) == 1 and len(new) == 1 and num_lookups == 0): glyphs = list(old[0].glyphSet()) replacements = list(new[0].glyphSet()) if len(replacements) == 1: replacements = replacements * len(glyphs) if len(glyphs) != len(replacements): raise FeatureLibError( 'Expected a glyph class with %d elements after "by", ' 'but found a glyph class with %d elements' % (len(glyphs), len(replacements)), location) return self.ast.SingleSubstStatement( old, new, old_prefix, old_suffix, forceChain=hasMarks, location=location ) # GSUB lookup type 2: Multiple substitution. # Format: "substitute f_f_i by f f i;" if (not reverse and len(old) == 1 and len(new) > 1 and num_lookups == 0): return self.ast.MultipleSubstStatement(old_prefix, old[0], old_suffix, new, hasMarks, location=location) # GSUB lookup type 4: Ligature substitution. # Format: "substitute f f i by f_f_i;" if (not reverse and len(old) > 1 and len(new) == 1 and num_lookups == 0): return self.ast.LigatureSubstStatement(old_prefix, old, old_suffix, new[0], forceChain=hasMarks, location=location) # GSUB lookup type 8: Reverse chaining substitution. if reverse: if len(old) != 1: raise FeatureLibError( "In reverse chaining single substitutions, " "only a single glyph or glyph class can be replaced", location) if len(new) != 1: raise FeatureLibError( 'In reverse chaining single substitutions, ' 'the replacement (after "by") must be a single glyph ' 'or glyph class', location) if num_lookups != 0: raise FeatureLibError( "Reverse chaining substitutions cannot call named lookups", location) glyphs = sorted(list(old[0].glyphSet())) replacements = sorted(list(new[0].glyphSet())) if len(replacements) == 1: replacements = replacements * len(glyphs) if len(glyphs) != len(replacements): raise FeatureLibError( 'Expected a glyph class with %d elements after "by", ' 'but found a glyph class with %d elements' % (len(glyphs), len(replacements)), location) return self.ast.ReverseChainSingleSubstStatement( old_prefix, old_suffix, old, new, location=location) # GSUB lookup type 6: Chaining contextual substitution. assert len(new) == 0, new rule = self.ast.ChainContextSubstStatement( old_prefix, old, old_suffix, lookups, location=location) return rule def parse_glyphclass_(self, accept_glyphname): if (accept_glyphname and self.next_token_type_ in (Lexer.NAME, Lexer.CID)): glyph = self.expect_glyph_() return self.ast.GlyphName(glyph, location=self.cur_token_location_) if self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: self.advance_lexer_() gc = self.glyphclasses_.resolve(self.cur_token_) if gc is None: raise FeatureLibError( "Unknown glyph class @%s" % self.cur_token_, self.cur_token_location_) if isinstance(gc, self.ast.MarkClass): return self.ast.MarkClassName(gc, location=self.cur_token_location_) else: return self.ast.GlyphClassName(gc, location=self.cur_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_("[") location = self.cur_token_location_ glyphs = self.ast.GlyphClass(location=location) while self.next_token_ != "]": if self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME: glyph = self.expect_glyph_() location = self.cur_token_location_ if '-' in glyph and glyph not in self.glyphNames_: start, limit = self.split_glyph_range_(glyph, location) glyphs.add_range( start, limit, self.make_glyph_range_(location, start, limit)) elif self.next_token_ == "-": start = glyph self.expect_symbol_("-") limit = self.expect_glyph_() glyphs.add_range( start, limit, self.make_glyph_range_(location, start, limit)) else: glyphs.append(glyph) elif self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.CID: glyph = self.expect_glyph_() if self.next_token_ == "-": range_location = self.cur_token_location_ range_start = self.cur_token_ self.expect_symbol_("-") range_end = self.expect_cid_() glyphs.add_cid_range(range_start, range_end, self.make_cid_range_(range_location, range_start, range_end)) else: glyphs.append("cid%05d" % self.cur_token_) elif self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: self.advance_lexer_() gc = self.glyphclasses_.resolve(self.cur_token_) if gc is None: raise FeatureLibError( "Unknown glyph class @%s" % self.cur_token_, self.cur_token_location_) # fix bug don't output class definition, just the name. if isinstance(gc, self.ast.MarkClass): gcn = self.ast.MarkClassName(gc, location=self.cur_token_location_) else: gcn = self.ast.GlyphClassName(gc, location=self.cur_token_location_) glyphs.add_class(gcn) else: raise FeatureLibError( "Expected glyph name, glyph range, " "or glyph class reference. Found %s" % self.next_token_, self.next_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_("]") return glyphs def parseIfClass(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.expect_symbol_("(") if self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: self.advance_lexer_() def ifClassTest(): gc = self.glyphclasses_.resolve(self.cur_token_) return gc is not None and len(gc.glyphSet()) block = self.ast.IfBlock(ifClassTest, 'ifclass', '@'+self.cur_token_, location=location) self.expect_symbol_(")") import inspect # oh this is so ugly! calledby = inspect.stack()[2][3] # called through lambda since extension if calledby == 'parse_block_': self.parse_subblock_(block, False) else: self.parse_statements_block_(block) return block else: raise FeatureLibError("Syntax error missing glyphclass", location) def parseIfInfo(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.expect_symbol_("(") name = self.expect_name_() self.expect_symbol_(",") reg = self.expect_string_() self.expect_symbol_(")") def ifInfoTest(): s = self.fontinfo.get(name, "") return, s) block = self.ast.IfBlock(ifInfoTest, 'ifinfo', '{}, "{}"'.format(name, reg), location=location) import inspect # oh this is so ugly! Instead caller should pass in context calledby = inspect.stack()[2][3] # called through a lambda since extension if calledby == 'parse_block_': self.parse_subblock_(block, False) else: self.parse_statements_block_(block) return block def parseKernPairsStatement_(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ res = self.ast.KernPairsStatement(self.kerninfo, location) return res def parse_statements_block_(self, block): self.expect_symbol_("{") statements = block.statements while self.next_token_ != "}" or self.cur_comments_: self.advance_lexer_(comments=True) if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.COMMENT: statements.append( self.ast.Comment(self.cur_token_, location=self.cur_token_location_)) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("include"): statements.append(self.parse_include_()) elif self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: statements.append(self.parse_glyphclass_definition_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_(("anon", "anonymous")): statements.append(self.parse_anonymous_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("anchorDef"): statements.append(self.parse_anchordef_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("languagesystem"): statements.append(self.parse_languagesystem_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("lookup"): statements.append(self.parse_lookup_(vertical=False)) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("markClass"): statements.append(self.parse_markClass_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("feature"): statements.append(self.parse_feature_block_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("table"): statements.append(self.parse_table_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("valueRecordDef"): statements.append( self.parse_valuerecord_definition_(vertical=False)) elif self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME and self.cur_token_ in self.extensions: statements.append(self.extensions[self.cur_token_](self)) elif self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.SYMBOL and self.cur_token_ == ";": continue else: raise FeatureLibError( "Expected feature, languagesystem, lookup, markClass, " "table, or glyph class definition, got {} \"{}\"".format(self.cur_token_type_, self.cur_token_), self.cur_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_("}") # self.expect_symbol_(";") # can't have }; since tokens are space separated def parse_subblock_(self, block, vertical, stylisticset=False, size_feature=None, cv_feature=None): self.expect_symbol_("{") for symtab in self.symbol_tables_: symtab.enter_scope() statements = block.statements while self.next_token_ != "}" or self.cur_comments_: self.advance_lexer_(comments=True) if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.COMMENT: statements.append(self.ast.Comment( self.cur_token_, location=self.cur_token_location_)) elif self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: statements.append(self.parse_glyphclass_definition_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("anchorDef"): statements.append(self.parse_anchordef_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_({"enum", "enumerate"}): statements.append(self.parse_enumerate_(vertical=vertical)) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("feature"): statements.append(self.parse_feature_reference_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("ignore"): statements.append(self.parse_ignore_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("language"): statements.append(self.parse_language_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("lookup"): statements.append(self.parse_lookup_(vertical)) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("lookupflag"): statements.append(self.parse_lookupflag_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("markClass"): statements.append(self.parse_markClass_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_({"pos", "position"}): statements.append( self.parse_position_(enumerated=False, vertical=vertical)) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("script"): statements.append(self.parse_script_()) elif (self.is_cur_keyword_({"sub", "substitute", "rsub", "reversesub"})): statements.append(self.parse_substitute_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("subtable"): statements.append(self.parse_subtable_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("valueRecordDef"): statements.append(self.parse_valuerecord_definition_(vertical)) elif stylisticset and self.is_cur_keyword_("featureNames"): statements.append(self.parse_featureNames_(stylisticset)) elif cv_feature and self.is_cur_keyword_("cvParameters"): statements.append(self.parse_cvParameters_(cv_feature)) elif size_feature and self.is_cur_keyword_("parameters"): statements.append(self.parse_size_parameters_()) elif size_feature and self.is_cur_keyword_("sizemenuname"): statements.append(self.parse_size_menuname_()) elif self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME and self.cur_token_ in self.extensions: statements.append(self.extensions[self.cur_token_](self)) elif self.cur_token_ == ";": continue else: raise FeatureLibError( "Expected glyph class definition or statement: got {} {}".format(self.cur_token_type_, self.cur_token_), self.cur_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_("}") for symtab in self.symbol_tables_: symtab.exit_scope() def collect_block_(self): self.expect_symbol_("{") tokens = [(self.cur_token_type_, self.cur_token_)] count = 1 while count > 0: self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_ == "{": count += 1 elif self.cur_token_ == "}": count -= 1 tokens.append((self.cur_token_type_, self.cur_token_)) return tokens def parseDoStatement_(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ substatements = [] ifs = [] while True: self.advance_lexer_() if self.is_cur_keyword_("for"): substatements.append(self.parseDoFor_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("let"): substatements.append(self.parseDoLet_()) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("if"): ifs.append(self.parseDoIf_()) elif self.cur_token_ == '{': self.back_lexer_() ifs.append(self.parseEmptyIf_()) break elif self.cur_token_type_ == Lexer.COMMENT: continue else: self.back_lexer_() break res = self.ast.Block() lex = self.lexer_.lexers_[-1] for s in self.DoIterateValues_(substatements): for i in ifs: (_, v) = next(i.items(s)) if v: lex.scope = s #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() lex.pushstack(('tokens', i.block[:])) self.advance_lexer_() self.advance_lexer_() try: import inspect # oh this is so ugly! calledby = inspect.stack()[2][3] # called through lambda since extension if calledby == 'parse_block_': self.parse_subblock_(res, False) else: self.parse_statements_block_(res) except Exception as e: logging.warning("In do context: " + str(s) + " lexer: " + repr(lex) + " at: " + str((self.cur_token_, self.next_token_))) raise return res def DoIterateValues_(self, substatements): def updated(d, *a, **kw): d.update(*a, **kw) return d results = [{}] #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() for s in substatements: newresults = [] for x in results: for r in s.items(x): c = x.copy() c.update(r) newresults.append(c) results = newresults for r in results: yield r def parseDoFor_(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME: name = self.cur_token_ else: raise FeatureLibError("Bad name in do for statement", location) self.expect_symbol_("=") glyphs = self.parse_glyphclass_(True) self.expect_symbol_(";") res = self.ast.DoForSubStatement(name, glyphs, location=location) return res def parseDoLet_(self): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() location = self.cur_token_location_ self.advance_lexer_() names = [] while self.cur_token_type_ == Lexer.NAME: names.append(self.cur_token_) if self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.SYMBOL: if self.next_token_ == ",": self.advance_lexer_() elif self.next_token_ == "=": break self.advance_lexer_() else: raise FeatureLibError("Expected '=', found '%s'" % self.cur_token_, self.cur_token_location_) lex = self.lexer_.lexers_[-1] lex.scan_over_(Lexer.CHAR_WHITESPACE_) start = lex.pos_ lex.scan_until_(";") expr = lex.text_[start:lex.pos_] self.advance_lexer_() self.expect_symbol_(";") return self.ast.DoLetSubStatement(names, expr, self, location=location) def parseDoIf_(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ lex = self.lexer_.lexers_[-1] start = lex.pos_ lex.scan_until_(";") expr = self.next_token_ + " " + lex.text_[start:lex.pos_] self.advance_lexer_() self.expect_symbol_(";") block = self.collect_block_() keep = (self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_) block = [keep] + block + [keep] return self.ast.DoIfSubStatement(expr, self, block, location=location) def parseEmptyIf_(self): location = self.cur_token_location_ lex = self.lexer_.lexers_[-1] start = lex.pos_ expr = "True" block = self.collect_block_() keep = (self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_) block = [keep] + block + [keep] return self.ast.DoIfSubStatement(expr, self, block, location=location) def parseDefStatement_(self): lex = self.lexer_.lexers_[-1] start = lex.pos_ lex.scan_until_("{") fname = self.next_token_ fsig = fname + lex.text_[start:lex.pos_].strip() tag = re.escape(fname) _, content, location = lex.scan_anonymous_block(tag) self.advance_lexer_() start = lex.pos_ lex.scan_until_(";") endtag = lex.text_[start:lex.pos_].strip() assert(fname == endtag) self.advance_lexer_() self.advance_lexer_() funcstr = "def " + fsig + ":\n" + content if astx.safeeval(funcstr): exec(funcstr, self.fns) return self.ast.Comment("# def " + fname)