#!/usr/bin/python 'IPython support for fonttools' __all__ = ['displayGlyphs', 'loadFont', 'displayText', 'displayRaw'] from fontTools import ttLib from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen from fontTools.misc import arrayTools from IPython.display import SVG, HTML from defcon import Font from ufo2ft import compileTTF class SVGPen(BasePen) : def __init__(self, glyphSet, scale=1.0) : super(SVGPen, self).__init__(glyphSet); self.__commands = [] self.__scale = scale def __str__(self) : return " ".join(self.__commands) def scale(self, pt) : return ((pt[0] or 0) * self.__scale, (pt[1] or 0) * self.__scale) def _moveTo(self, pt): self.__commands.append("M {0[0]} {0[1]}".format(self.scale(pt))) def _lineTo(self, pt): self.__commands.append("L {0[0]} {0[1]}".format(self.scale(pt))) def _curveToOne(self, pt1, pt2, pt3) : self.__commands.append("C {0[0]} {0[1]} {1[0]} {1[1]} {2[0]} {2[1]}".format(self.scale(pt1), self.scale(pt2), self.scale(pt3))) def _closePath(self) : self.__commands.append("Z") def clear(self) : self.__commands = [] def _svgheader(): return ''' ''' def _bbox(f, gnames, points, scale=1): gset = f.glyphSet bbox = (0, 0, 0, 0) for i, gname in enumerate(gnames): if hasattr(points, '__len__') and i == len(points): points.append((bbox[2] / scale, 0)) pt = points[i] if i < len(points) else (0, 0) g = gset[gname]._glyph if g is None or not hasattr(g, 'xMin') : gbox = (0, 0, 0, 0) else : gbox = (g.xMin * scale, g.yMin * scale, g.xMax * scale, g.yMax * scale) bbox = arrayTools.unionRect(bbox, arrayTools.offsetRect(gbox, pt[0] * scale, pt[1] * scale)) return bbox glyphsetcount = 0 def _defglyphs(f, gnames, scale=1): global glyphsetcount glyphsetcount += 1 gset = f.glyphSet p = SVGPen(gset, scale) res = "\n" for gname in sorted(set(gnames)): res += '\n'.format(gname, glyphsetcount) g = gset[gname] p.clear() g.draw(p) res += '\n\n' res += "\n" return res def loadFont(fname): if fname.lower().endswith(".ufo"): ufo = Font(fname) f = compileTTF(ufo) else: f = ttLib.TTFont(fname) return f def displayGlyphs(f, gnames, points=None, scale=None): if not hasattr(gnames, '__len__') or isinstance(gnames, basestring): gnames = [gnames] if not hasattr(points, '__len__'): points = [] if not hasattr(f, 'glyphSet'): f.glyphSet = f.getGlyphSet() res = _svgheader() if points is None: points = [] bbox = _bbox(f, gnames, points, scale or 1) maxh = 100. height = bbox[3] - (bbox[1] if bbox[1] < 0 else 0) if scale is None and height > maxh: scale = maxh / height bbox = [x * scale for x in bbox] res += _defglyphs(f, gnames, scale) res += '\n'.format(-bbox[0], bbox[3]) res += ' \n'.format( bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2]-bbox[0], bbox[3]) res += ' \n' for i, gname in enumerate(gnames): pt = points[i] if i < len(points) else (0, 0) res += ' \n'.format(gname, pt[0] * scale, pt[1] * scale, glyphsetcount) res += ' \n\n' return SVG(data=res) #return res def displayText(f, text, features = [], lang=None, dir="", script="", shapers="", size=0): import harfbuzz glyphs = harfbuzz.shape_text(f, text, features, lang, dir, script, shapers) gnames = [] points = [] x = 0 y = 0 for g in glyphs: gnames.append(f.getGlyphName(g.gid)) points.append((x+g.offset[0], y+g.offset[1])) x += g.advance[0] y += g.advance[1] if size == 0: scale = None else: upem = f['head'].unitsPerEm scale = 4. * size / (upem * 3.) return displayGlyphs(f, gnames, points, scale=scale) def displayRaw(text): # res = ""+text.encode('utf-8')+"" res = u"


" return HTML(data=res)