#!/bin/sh # Update preflight libs # Copyright (c) 2022, SIL International (http://www.sil.org) # Released under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # maintained by Nicolas Spalinger echo "Which python are we using? and from where?" type python3 python3 --version echo "Installing/Updating pip" python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip echo "Populating/updating the preflight dependencies in user mode" python3 -m pip install -e git+https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont.git@master#egg=pysilfont git+https://github.com/googlefonts/GlyphsLib.git@main#egg=glyphsLib git+https://github.com/fonttools/ufoLib2.git@master#egg=ufoLib2 git+https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools.git@main#egg=fontTools git+https://github.com/typemytype/glyphConstruction.git@master#egg=glyphConstruction fs mutatorMath defcon fontMath --user echo "" echo "Please check these dependencies have been installed correctly: defcon, fontMath, fontTools, glyphConstruction, glyphsLib, MutatorMath, pysilfont and ufoLib2. Only these are currently needed for preflight." echo "make sure your PATH includes ~/Library/Python/3.10/bin where the scripts are installed" echo "add export PATH=\"\$PATH:\$HOME/Library/Python/3.10/bin\" to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc" echo "" type psfversion echo "" psfversion