#!/usr/bin/python # this is a smith configuration file # output folders use smith defaults and don't need to be set here # set the version control system for srcdist VCS = 'git' # set the font name, version, licensing and description APPNAME="PsfTest" DESC_SHORT = "Test font for UFO workflows" DESC_LONG = """ Psf Test is a Latin script font family for testing UFO-based workflows. It is not intended to be generally useful as an installable font family, and may change significantly without notice. It will always be experimental and may not work as you expect! """ DESC_NAME = "PsfTest" getufoinfo('source/PsfTest-Regular.ufo') fontfamily=APPNAME for dspace in ('Roman', 'Italic'): designspace('source/' + fontfamily + dspace + '.designspace', target = "${DS:FILENAME_BASE}.ttf" )