import os import re from typing import ( Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Type, ) from ..casing import safe_snake_case from import protobuf as google_protobuf from .naming import pythonize_class_name WRAPPER_TYPES: Dict[str, Type] = { ".google.protobuf.DoubleValue": google_protobuf.DoubleValue, ".google.protobuf.FloatValue": google_protobuf.FloatValue, ".google.protobuf.Int32Value": google_protobuf.Int32Value, ".google.protobuf.Int64Value": google_protobuf.Int64Value, ".google.protobuf.UInt32Value": google_protobuf.UInt32Value, ".google.protobuf.UInt64Value": google_protobuf.UInt64Value, ".google.protobuf.BoolValue": google_protobuf.BoolValue, ".google.protobuf.StringValue": google_protobuf.StringValue, ".google.protobuf.BytesValue": google_protobuf.BytesValue, } def parse_source_type_name(field_type_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Split full source type name into package and type name. E.g. 'root.package.Message' -> ('root.package', 'Message') 'root.Message.SomeEnum' -> ('root', 'Message.SomeEnum') """ package_match = re.match(r"^\.?([^A-Z]+)\.(.+)", field_type_name) if package_match: package = name = else: package = "" name = field_type_name.lstrip(".") return package, name def get_type_reference( *, package: str, imports: set, source_type: str, unwrap: bool = True, pydantic: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Return a Python type name for a proto type reference. Adds the import if necessary. Unwraps well known type if required. """ if unwrap: if source_type in WRAPPER_TYPES: wrapped_type = type(WRAPPER_TYPES[source_type]().value) return f"Optional[{wrapped_type.__name__}]" if source_type == ".google.protobuf.Duration": return "timedelta" elif source_type == ".google.protobuf.Timestamp": return "datetime" source_package, source_type = parse_source_type_name(source_type) current_package: List[str] = package.split(".") if package else [] py_package: List[str] = source_package.split(".") if source_package else [] py_type: str = pythonize_class_name(source_type) compiling_google_protobuf = current_package == ["google", "protobuf"] importing_google_protobuf = py_package == ["google", "protobuf"] if importing_google_protobuf and not compiling_google_protobuf: py_package = ( ["aristaproto", "lib"] + (["pydantic"] if pydantic else []) + py_package ) if py_package[:1] == ["aristaproto"]: return reference_absolute(imports, py_package, py_type) if py_package == current_package: return reference_sibling(py_type) if py_package[: len(current_package)] == current_package: return reference_descendent(current_package, imports, py_package, py_type) if current_package[: len(py_package)] == py_package: return reference_ancestor(current_package, imports, py_package, py_type) return reference_cousin(current_package, imports, py_package, py_type) def reference_absolute(imports: Set[str], py_package: List[str], py_type: str) -> str: """ Returns a reference to a python type located in the root, i.e. sys.path. """ string_import = ".".join(py_package) string_alias = safe_snake_case(string_import) imports.add(f"import {string_import} as {string_alias}") return f'"{string_alias}.{py_type}"' def reference_sibling(py_type: str) -> str: """ Returns a reference to a python type within the same package as the current package. """ return f'"{py_type}"' def reference_descendent( current_package: List[str], imports: Set[str], py_package: List[str], py_type: str ) -> str: """ Returns a reference to a python type in a package that is a descendent of the current package, and adds the required import that is aliased to avoid name conflicts. """ importing_descendent = py_package[len(current_package) :] string_from = ".".join(importing_descendent[:-1]) string_import = importing_descendent[-1] if string_from: string_alias = "_".join(importing_descendent) imports.add(f"from .{string_from} import {string_import} as {string_alias}") return f'"{string_alias}.{py_type}"' else: imports.add(f"from . import {string_import}") return f'"{string_import}.{py_type}"' def reference_ancestor( current_package: List[str], imports: Set[str], py_package: List[str], py_type: str ) -> str: """ Returns a reference to a python type in a package which is an ancestor to the current package, and adds the required import that is aliased (if possible) to avoid name conflicts. Adds trailing __ to avoid name mangling ( """ distance_up = len(current_package) - len(py_package) if py_package: string_import = py_package[-1] string_alias = f"_{'_' * distance_up}{string_import}__" string_from = f"..{'.' * distance_up}" imports.add(f"from {string_from} import {string_import} as {string_alias}") return f'"{string_alias}.{py_type}"' else: string_alias = f"{'_' * distance_up}{py_type}__" imports.add(f"from .{'.' * distance_up} import {py_type} as {string_alias}") return f'"{string_alias}"' def reference_cousin( current_package: List[str], imports: Set[str], py_package: List[str], py_type: str ) -> str: """ Returns a reference to a python type in a package that is not descendent, ancestor or sibling, and adds the required import that is aliased to avoid name conflicts. """ shared_ancestry = os.path.commonprefix([current_package, py_package]) # type: ignore distance_up = len(current_package) - len(shared_ancestry) string_from = f".{'.' * distance_up}" + ".".join( py_package[len(shared_ancestry) : -1] ) string_import = py_package[-1] # Add trailing __ to avoid name mangling ( string_alias = ( f"{'_' * distance_up}" + safe_snake_case(".".join(py_package[len(shared_ancestry) :])) + "__" ) imports.add(f"from {string_from} import {string_import} as {string_alias}") return f'"{string_alias}.{py_type}"'