path: root/yulerc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/yulerc b/yulerc
deleted file mode 100644
index 88901a7..0000000
--- a/yulerc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file template for yule.
-# NOTE: This is a log server-only configuration file TEMPLATE.
-# NOTE: The log server ('yule') will look for THAT configuration file
-# that has been defined at compile time with the configure option
-# ./configure --with-config-file=FILE
-# The default is "/usr/local/etc/.samhainrc" (NOT "yulerc").
-# -- empty lines and lines starting with '#', ';' or '//' are ignored
-# -- you can PGP clearsign this file -- samhain will check (if compiled
-# with support) or otherwise ignore the signature
-# -- CHECK mail address
-# To each log facility, you can assign a threshold severity. Only
-# reports with at least the threshold severity will be logged
-# to the respective facility (even further below).
-## Switch on/OFF log facilities and set their threshold severity
-## Values: debug, info, notice, warn, mark, err, crit, alert, none.
-## 'mark' is used for timestamps.
-## Use 'none' to SWITCH OFF a log facility
-## By default, everything equal to and above the threshold is logged.
-## The specifiers '*', '!', and '=' are interpreted as
-## 'all', 'all but', and 'only', respectively (like syslogd(8) does,
-## at least on Linux). Examples:
-## MailSeverity=*
-## MailSeverity=!warn
-## MailSeverity==crit
-## E-mail
-# MailSeverity=none
-## Console
-# PrintSeverity=info
-## Logfile
-# LogSeverity=none
-## Syslog
-# SyslogSeverity=none
-## External script or program
-# ExternalSeverity = none
-## Logging to a database
-# DatabaseSeverity = none
-# [Database]
-## --- Logging to a relational database
-## Database name
-# SetDBName = samhain
-## Database table
-# SetDBTable = log
-## Database user
-# SetDBUser = samhain
-## Database password
-# SetDBPassword = (default: none)
-## Database host
-# SetDBHost = localhost
-## Log the server timestamp for received messages
-SetDBServerTstamp = True
-## Use a persistent connection
-UsePersistent = True
-# [External]
-## Interface to call external scripts/programs for logging
-## The absolute path to the command
-## - Each invocation of this directive will end the definition of the
-## preceding command, and start the definition of
-## an additional, new command
-# OpenCommand = (no default)
-## Type (log or rv)
-## - log for log messages, srv for messages received by the server
-# SetType = log
-## The command (full command line) to execute
-# SetCommandLine = (no default)
-## The environment (KEY=value; repeat for more)
-# SetEnviron = TZ=(your timezone)
-## The TIGER192 checksum (optional)
-# SetChecksum = (no default)
-## User who runs the command
-# SetCredentials = (default: samhain process uid)
-## Words not allowed in message
-# SetFilterNot = (none)
-## Words required (ALL of them)
-# SetFilterAnd = (none)
-## Words required (at least one)
-# SetFilterOr = (none)
-## Deadtime between consecutive calls
-# SetDeadtime = 0
-## Add default environment (HOME, PATH, SHELL)
-# SetDefault = no
-# Miscellaneous configuration options
-## whether to become a daemon process
-## (this is not honoured on database initialisation)
-# Daemon = no
-Daemon = yes
-# whether to become a daemon process
-## Interval between time stamp messages
-# SetLoopTime = 60
-SetLoopTime = 600
-## The maximum time between client messages (seconds)
-## This allows the server to flag clients that have exceeded
-## the timeout limits; i.e. might have died for some reason.
-# SetClientTimeLimit = 86400
-## Use client address as known to the communication layer (might be
-## incorrect if the client is behind NAT). The default is to use
-## the client name as claimed by the client, and verify it against
-## the former (might be incorrect if the client has several
-## interfaces, and its hostname resolves to the wrong interface).
-# SetClientFromAccept = False
-## If SetClientFromAccept is False (default), severity of a
-## failure to resolve the hostname claimed by the client
-## to the IP address of the socket peer.
-# SeverityLookup = crit
-## The console device (can also be a file or named pipe)
-## - There are two console devices. Accordingly, you can use
-## this directive a second time to set the second console device.
-## If you have not defined the second device at compile time,
-## and you don't want to use it, then:
-## setting it to /dev/null is less effective than just leaving
-## it alone (setting to /dev/null will waste time by opening
-## /dev/null and writing to it)
-# SetConsole = /dev/console
-## Use separate logfiles for individual clients
-# UseSeparateLogs = False
-## Enable listening on port 514/udp for logging of remote syslog
-## messages (if optionally compiled with support for this)
-# SetUDPActive = False
-## Activate the SysV IPC message queue
-# MessageQueueActive = False
-## If false, skip reverse lookup when connecting to a host known
-## by name rather than IP address (i.e. trust the DNS)
-# SetReverseLookup = True
-## If true, open a Unix domain socket to listen for commands that should
-## be passed to clients upon next connection. Only works on systems
-## that support passing of peer credentials (for authentication) via sockets.
-## Use yulectl to access the socket.
-# SetUseSocket = False
-## The UID of the user that is allowed to pass commands to the server
-## via the Unix domain socket.
-# SetSocketAllowUid = 0
-## --- E-Mail ---
-# Only highest-level (alert) reports will be mailed immediately,
-# others will be queued. Here you can define, when the queue will
-# be flushed (Note: the queue is automatically flushed after
-# completing a file check).
-# SetMailTime = 86400
-## Maximum number of mails to queue
-# SetMailNum = 10
-## Recipient (max. 8)
-# SetMailAddress=root@localhost
-## Mail relay (IP address)
-# SetMailRelay = NULL
-## Custom subject format
-# MailSubject = NULL
-## --- end E-Mail ---
-# The binary. Setting the path will allow
-# samhain to check for modifications between
-# startup and exit.
-# SamhainPath=/usr/local/bin/yule
-## The IP address of the time server
-# SetTimeServer = (default: compiled-in)
-## Trusted Users (comma delimited list of user names)
-# TrustedUser = (no default; this adds to the compiled-in list)
-## Custom format for message header.
-## CAREFUL if you use XML logfile format.
-## %S severity
-## %T timestamp
-## %C class
-## %F source file
-## %L source line
-# MessageHeader="%S %T "
-## Don't log path to config/database file on startup
-# HideSetup = False
-## The syslog facility, if you log to syslog
-# SyslogFacility = LOG_AUTHPRIV
-## The message authentication method
-## - If you change this, you *must* change it
-## on client *and* server
-## This is a sample registry entry for a client at host 'HOSTNAME'. This entry
-## is valid for the default password.
-## You are STRONGLY ADVISED to reset te password (see the README) and
-## compute your own entries using 'samhain -P <password>'
-## Usually, HOSTNAME should be a fully qualified hostname,
-## no numerical address.
-## -- exception: if the client (samhain) cannot determine the
-## fully qualified hostname of its host,
-## the numerical address may be required.
-## You will know if you get a message like:
-## 'Invalid connection attempt: Not in
-## client list'
-## First entry is for challenge/response, second one for SRP authentication.
-# Client=HOSTNAME@00000000@C39F0EEFBC64E4A8BBF72349637CC07577F714B420B62882
-# Client=HOSTNAME@8F81BA58956F8F42@8932D08C49CA76BD843C51EDD1D6640510FA032A7A2403E572BBDA2E5C6B753991CF7E091141D20A2499C5CD3E14C1639D17482E14E1548E5246ACF4E7193D524CDDAC9C9D6A9A36C596B4ECC68BEB0C5BB7082224946FC98E3ADE214EA1343E2DA8DF4229D4D8572AD8679228928A787B6E5390D3A713102FFCC9D0B2188C92