
Here are some basic demos for the tiny table sorter found on

Table with three <tbody/>, sorted separately:

Role Name
Genius Rick
Sidekick Morty
Genius Rick
Sidekick Morty
Genius Rick
Sidekick Morty

An example with arrows on the left side:

Text Number
jkl 0.4
abc 0
def 0.2

Using the data-sort attribute

Here 1.5GB has data-sort="1610612736" and 900MB has data-sort="943718400"

The same with the dates. 03/18/2021 is turned into data-sort="20210318" and 12/09/1965 into data-sort="19651209"

Otherwise the sorting would be wrong.

Movie Name Size Release date
The Sound of Music 1.5GB 12/09/1965
Zack Snyder's Justice League 900MB 03/18/2021

Slightly larger

"Ram" has class="no-sort", which has the css property "pointer-events: none;"

"Screen width" has the "css only" way of disabling sorting.

personal hardware software
job title name company processor ram(not sortable) graphics card screen width screen height platform browser browser version language
Boss Stan the Man Monsters Inc AMD 2 Nvidia 1510 981 Win32 IE 11 en-us
Stevedore Bridget Jones The Hand i7 8gb - 1530 1080 Linux x86_64 Firefox 54 sv-se
HR Bruce Wayne League of Shadows i5 - GeForce 1520 1080 Linux x86_64 Opera 46 dk
Programmer Bilbo Baggins Brotherhood of Evil Mutants i3 4 gigabyte - 130 1080 Linux x86_64 Opera 46 en

Even larger table (with ascending sort)

personal hardware software
job title name company processor ram graphics card screen width screen height platform browser browser version language
Boss Stan the Man Monsters Inc AMD 2 Nvidia 1510 981 Win32 IE 11 en-us
Slave Bridget Jones The Hand i7 8gb - 1530 1080 Linux x86_64 Firefox 54 sv-se
HR Bruce Wayne League of Shadows i5 - GeForce 1520 1080 Linux x86_64 Opera 46 dk
Programmer Bilbo Baggins Brotherhood of Evil Mutants i3 4 gigabyte - 130 1080 Linux x86_64 Opera 46 en