path: root/sqlglot/dataframe/sql/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 730 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sqlglot/dataframe/sql/ b/sqlglot/dataframe/sql/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..322dcf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sqlglot/dataframe/sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import functools
+import typing as t
+import zlib
+from copy import copy
+import sqlglot
+from sqlglot import expressions as exp
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column import Column
+from import GroupedData
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.normalize import normalize
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations import Operation, operation
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter import DataFrameWriter
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.transforms import replace_id_value
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.util import get_tables_from_expression_with_join
+from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window import Window
+from sqlglot.helper import ensure_list, object_to_dict
+from sqlglot.optimizer import optimize as optimize_func
+from sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns import qualify_columns
+ from sqlglot.dataframe.sql._typing import ColumnLiterals, OutputExpressionContainer
+ from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession
+ "MERGE",
+class DataFrame:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ spark: SparkSession,
+ expression: exp.Select,
+ branch_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
+ sequence_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
+ last_op: Operation = Operation.INIT,
+ pending_hints: t.Optional[t.List[exp.Expression]] = None,
+ output_expression_container: t.Optional[OutputExpressionContainer] = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ self.spark = spark
+ self.expression = expression
+ self.branch_id = branch_id or self.spark._random_branch_id
+ self.sequence_id = sequence_id or self.spark._random_sequence_id
+ self.last_op = last_op
+ self.pending_hints = pending_hints or []
+ self.output_expression_container = output_expression_container or exp.Select()
+ def __getattr__(self, column_name: str) -> Column:
+ return self[column_name]
+ def __getitem__(self, column_name: str) -> Column:
+ column_name = f"{self.branch_id}.{column_name}"
+ return Column(column_name)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ return self.copy()
+ @property
+ def sparkSession(self):
+ return self.spark
+ @property
+ def write(self):
+ return DataFrameWriter(self)
+ @property
+ def latest_cte_name(self) -> str:
+ if not self.expression.ctes:
+ from_exp = self.expression.args["from"]
+ if from_exp.alias_or_name:
+ return from_exp.alias_or_name
+ table_alias = from_exp.find(exp.TableAlias)
+ if not table_alias:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find an alias name for this expression: {self.expression}")
+ return table_alias.alias_or_name
+ return self.expression.ctes[-1].alias
+ @property
+ def pending_join_hints(self):
+ return [hint for hint in self.pending_hints if isinstance(hint, exp.JoinHint)]
+ @property
+ def pending_partition_hints(self):
+ return [hint for hint in self.pending_hints if isinstance(hint, exp.Anonymous)]
+ @property
+ def columns(self) -> t.List[str]:
+ return self.expression.named_selects
+ @property
+ def na(self) -> DataFrameNaFunctions:
+ return DataFrameNaFunctions(self)
+ def _replace_cte_names_with_hashes(self, expression: exp.Select):
+ expression = expression.copy()
+ ctes = expression.ctes
+ replacement_mapping = {}
+ for cte in ctes:
+ old_name_id = cte.args["alias"].this
+ new_hashed_id = exp.to_identifier(
+ self._create_hash_from_expression(cte.this), quoted=old_name_id.args["quoted"]
+ )
+ replacement_mapping[old_name_id] = new_hashed_id
+ cte.set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=new_hashed_id))
+ expression = expression.transform(replace_id_value, replacement_mapping)
+ return expression
+ def _create_cte_from_expression(
+ self,
+ expression: exp.Expression,
+ branch_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
+ sequence_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> t.Tuple[exp.CTE, str]:
+ name = self.spark._random_name
+ expression_to_cte = expression.copy()
+ expression_to_cte.set("with", None)
+ cte = exp.Select().with_(name, as_=expression_to_cte, **kwargs).ctes[0]
+ cte.set("branch_id", branch_id or self.branch_id)
+ cte.set("sequence_id", sequence_id or self.sequence_id)
+ return cte, name
+ def _ensure_list_of_columns(
+ self, cols: t.Union[str, t.Iterable[str], Column, t.Iterable[Column]]
+ ) -> t.List[Column]:
+ columns = ensure_list(cols)
+ columns = Column.ensure_cols(columns)
+ return columns
+ def _ensure_and_normalize_cols(self, cols):
+ cols = self._ensure_list_of_columns(cols)
+ normalize(self.spark, self.expression, cols)
+ return cols
+ def _ensure_and_normalize_col(self, col):
+ col = Column.ensure_col(col)
+ normalize(self.spark, self.expression, col)
+ return col
+ def _convert_leaf_to_cte(self, sequence_id: t.Optional[str] = None) -> DataFrame:
+ df = self._resolve_pending_hints()
+ sequence_id = sequence_id or df.sequence_id
+ expression = df.expression.copy()
+ cte_expression, cte_name = df._create_cte_from_expression(expression=expression, sequence_id=sequence_id)
+ new_expression = df._add_ctes_to_expression(exp.Select(), expression.ctes + [cte_expression])
+ sel_columns = df._get_outer_select_columns(cte_expression)
+ new_expression = new_expression.from_(cte_name).select(*[x.alias_or_name for x in sel_columns])
+ return df.copy(expression=new_expression, sequence_id=sequence_id)
+ def _resolve_pending_hints(self) -> DataFrame:
+ df = self.copy()
+ if not self.pending_hints:
+ return df
+ expression = df.expression
+ hint_expression = expression.args.get("hint") or exp.Hint(expressions=[])
+ for hint in df.pending_partition_hints:
+ hint_expression.args.get("expressions").append(hint)
+ df.pending_hints.remove(hint)
+ join_aliases = {join_table.alias_or_name for join_table in get_tables_from_expression_with_join(expression)}
+ if join_aliases:
+ for hint in df.pending_join_hints:
+ for sequence_id_expression in hint.expressions:
+ sequence_id_or_name = sequence_id_expression.alias_or_name
+ sequence_ids_to_match = [sequence_id_or_name]
+ if sequence_id_or_name in df.spark.name_to_sequence_id_mapping:
+ sequence_ids_to_match = df.spark.name_to_sequence_id_mapping[sequence_id_or_name]
+ matching_ctes = [
+ cte for cte in reversed(expression.ctes) if cte.args["sequence_id"] in sequence_ids_to_match
+ ]
+ for matching_cte in matching_ctes:
+ if matching_cte.alias_or_name in join_aliases:
+ sequence_id_expression.set("this", matching_cte.args["alias"].this)
+ df.pending_hints.remove(hint)
+ break
+ hint_expression.args.get("expressions").append(hint)
+ if hint_expression.expressions:
+ expression.set("hint", hint_expression)
+ return df
+ def _hint(self, hint_name: str, args: t.List[Column]) -> DataFrame:
+ hint_name = hint_name.upper()
+ hint_expression = (
+ exp.JoinHint(this=hint_name, expressions=[exp.to_table(parameter.alias_or_name) for parameter in args])
+ if hint_name in JOIN_HINTS
+ else exp.Anonymous(this=hint_name, expressions=[parameter.expression for parameter in args])
+ )
+ new_df = self.copy()
+ new_df.pending_hints.append(hint_expression)
+ return new_df
+ def _set_operation(self, klass: t.Callable, other: DataFrame, distinct: bool):
+ other_df = other._convert_leaf_to_cte()
+ base_expression = self.expression.copy()
+ base_expression = self._add_ctes_to_expression(base_expression, other_df.expression.ctes)
+ all_ctes = base_expression.ctes
+ other_df.expression.set("with", None)
+ base_expression.set("with", None)
+ operation = klass(this=base_expression, distinct=distinct, expression=other_df.expression)
+ operation.set("with", exp.With(expressions=all_ctes))
+ return self.copy(expression=operation)._convert_leaf_to_cte()
+ def _cache(self, storage_level: str):
+ df = self._convert_leaf_to_cte()
+ df.expression.ctes[-1].set("cache_storage_level", storage_level)
+ return df
+ @classmethod
+ def _add_ctes_to_expression(cls, expression: exp.Select, ctes: t.List[exp.CTE]) -> exp.Select:
+ expression = expression.copy()
+ with_expression = expression.args.get("with")
+ if with_expression:
+ existing_ctes = with_expression.expressions
+ existsing_cte_names = {x.alias_or_name for x in existing_ctes}
+ for cte in ctes:
+ if cte.alias_or_name not in existsing_cte_names:
+ existing_ctes.append(cte)
+ else:
+ existing_ctes = ctes
+ expression.set("with", exp.With(expressions=existing_ctes))
+ return expression
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_outer_select_columns(cls, item: t.Union[exp.Expression, DataFrame]) -> t.List[Column]:
+ expression = item.expression if isinstance(item, DataFrame) else item
+ return [Column(x) for x in expression.find(exp.Select).expressions]
+ @classmethod
+ def _create_hash_from_expression(cls, expression: exp.Select):
+ value = expression.sql(dialect="spark").encode("utf-8")
+ return f"t{zlib.crc32(value)}"[:6]
+ def _get_select_expressions(
+ self,
+ ) -> t.List[t.Tuple[t.Union[t.Type[exp.Cache], OutputExpressionContainer], exp.Select]]:
+ select_expressions: t.List[t.Tuple[t.Union[t.Type[exp.Cache], OutputExpressionContainer], exp.Select]] = []
+ main_select_ctes: t.List[exp.CTE] = []
+ for cte in self.expression.ctes:
+ cache_storage_level = cte.args.get("cache_storage_level")
+ if cache_storage_level:
+ select_expression = cte.this.copy()
+ select_expression.set("with", exp.With(expressions=copy(main_select_ctes)))
+ select_expression.set("cte_alias_name", cte.alias_or_name)
+ select_expression.set("cache_storage_level", cache_storage_level)
+ select_expressions.append((exp.Cache, select_expression))
+ else:
+ main_select_ctes.append(cte)
+ main_select = self.expression.copy()
+ if main_select_ctes:
+ main_select.set("with", exp.With(expressions=main_select_ctes))
+ expression_select_pair = (type(self.output_expression_container), main_select)
+ select_expressions.append(expression_select_pair) # type: ignore
+ return select_expressions
+ def sql(self, dialect="spark", optimize=True, **kwargs) -> t.List[str]:
+ df = self._resolve_pending_hints()
+ select_expressions = df._get_select_expressions()
+ output_expressions: t.List[t.Union[exp.Select, exp.Cache, exp.Drop]] = []
+ replacement_mapping: t.Dict[exp.Identifier, exp.Identifier] = {}
+ for expression_type, select_expression in select_expressions:
+ select_expression = select_expression.transform(replace_id_value, replacement_mapping)
+ if optimize:
+ select_expression = optimize_func(select_expression)
+ select_expression = df._replace_cte_names_with_hashes(select_expression)
+ expression: t.Union[exp.Select, exp.Cache, exp.Drop]
+ if expression_type == exp.Cache:
+ cache_table_name = df._create_hash_from_expression(select_expression)
+ cache_table = exp.to_table(cache_table_name)
+ original_alias_name = select_expression.args["cte_alias_name"]
+ replacement_mapping[exp.to_identifier(original_alias_name)] = exp.to_identifier(cache_table_name)
+ sqlglot.schema.add_table(cache_table_name, select_expression.named_selects)
+ cache_storage_level = select_expression.args["cache_storage_level"]
+ options = [
+ exp.Literal.string("storageLevel"),
+ exp.Literal.string(cache_storage_level),
+ ]
+ expression = exp.Cache(this=cache_table, expression=select_expression, lazy=True, options=options)
+ # We will drop the "view" if it exists before running the cache table
+ output_expressions.append(exp.Drop(this=cache_table, exists=True, kind="VIEW"))
+ elif expression_type == exp.Create:
+ expression = df.output_expression_container.copy()
+ expression.set("expression", select_expression)
+ elif expression_type == exp.Insert:
+ expression = df.output_expression_container.copy()
+ select_without_ctes = select_expression.copy()
+ select_without_ctes.set("with", None)
+ expression.set("expression", select_without_ctes)
+ if select_expression.ctes:
+ expression.set("with", exp.With(expressions=select_expression.ctes))
+ elif expression_type == exp.Select:
+ expression = select_expression
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid expression type: {expression_type}")
+ output_expressions.append(expression)
+ return [expression.sql(**{"dialect": dialect, **kwargs}) for expression in output_expressions]
+ def copy(self, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
+ return DataFrame(**object_to_dict(self, **kwargs))
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def select(self, *cols, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
+ cols = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(cols)
+ kwargs["append"] = kwargs.get("append", False)
+ if self.expression.args.get("joins"):
+ ambiguous_cols = [col for col in cols if not col.column_expression.table]
+ if ambiguous_cols:
+ join_table_identifiers = [x.this for x in get_tables_from_expression_with_join(self.expression)]
+ cte_names_in_join = [x.this for x in join_table_identifiers]
+ for ambiguous_col in ambiguous_cols:
+ ctes_with_column = [
+ cte
+ for cte in self.expression.ctes
+ if cte.alias_or_name in cte_names_in_join
+ and ambiguous_col.alias_or_name in cte.this.named_selects
+ ]
+ # If the select column does not specify a table and there is a join
+ # then we assume they are referring to the left table
+ if len(ctes_with_column) > 1:
+ table_identifier = self.expression.args["from"].args["expressions"][0].this
+ else:
+ table_identifier = ctes_with_column[0].args["alias"].this
+ ambiguous_col.expression.set("table", table_identifier)
+ expression =*[x.expression for x in cols], **kwargs)
+ qualify_columns(expression, sqlglot.schema)
+ return self.copy(expression=expression, **kwargs)
+ @operation(Operation.NO_OP)
+ def alias(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
+ new_sequence_id = self.spark._random_sequence_id
+ df = self.copy()
+ for join_hint in df.pending_join_hints:
+ for expression in join_hint.expressions:
+ if expression.alias_or_name == self.sequence_id:
+ expression.set("this", Column.ensure_col(new_sequence_id).expression)
+ df.spark._add_alias_to_mapping(name, new_sequence_id)
+ return df._convert_leaf_to_cte(sequence_id=new_sequence_id)
+ @operation(Operation.WHERE)
+ def where(self, column: t.Union[Column, bool], **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
+ col = self._ensure_and_normalize_col(column)
+ return self.copy(expression=self.expression.where(col.expression))
+ filter = where
+ @operation(Operation.GROUP_BY)
+ def groupBy(self, *cols, **kwargs) -> GroupedData:
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(cols)
+ return GroupedData(self, columns, self.last_op)
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def agg(self, *exprs, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
+ cols = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(exprs)
+ return self.groupBy().agg(*cols)
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def join(
+ self, other_df: DataFrame, on: t.Union[str, t.List[str], Column, t.List[Column]], how: str = "inner", **kwargs
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ other_df = other_df._convert_leaf_to_cte()
+ pre_join_self_latest_cte_name = self.latest_cte_name
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(on)
+ join_type = how.replace("_", " ")
+ if isinstance(columns[0].expression, exp.Column):
+ join_columns = [Column(x).set_table_name(pre_join_self_latest_cte_name) for x in columns]
+ join_clause = functools.reduce(
+ lambda x, y: x & y,
+ [
+ col.copy().set_table_name(pre_join_self_latest_cte_name)
+ == col.copy().set_table_name(other_df.latest_cte_name)
+ for col in columns
+ ],
+ )
+ else:
+ if len(columns) > 1:
+ columns = [functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, columns)]
+ join_clause = columns[0]
+ join_columns = [
+ Column(x).set_table_name(pre_join_self_latest_cte_name)
+ if i % 2 == 0
+ else Column(x).set_table_name(other_df.latest_cte_name)
+ for i, x in enumerate(join_clause.expression.find_all(exp.Column))
+ ]
+ self_columns = [
+ column.set_table_name(pre_join_self_latest_cte_name, copy=True)
+ for column in self._get_outer_select_columns(self)
+ ]
+ other_columns = [
+ column.set_table_name(other_df.latest_cte_name, copy=True)
+ for column in self._get_outer_select_columns(other_df)
+ ]
+ column_value_mapping = {
+ column.alias_or_name if not isinstance(column.expression.this, exp.Star) else column.sql(): column
+ for column in other_columns + self_columns + join_columns
+ }
+ all_columns = [
+ column_value_mapping[name]
+ for name in {x.alias_or_name: None for x in join_columns + self_columns + other_columns}
+ ]
+ new_df = self.copy(
+ expression=self.expression.join(other_df.latest_cte_name, on=join_clause.expression, join_type=join_type)
+ )
+ new_df.expression = new_df._add_ctes_to_expression(new_df.expression, other_df.expression.ctes)
+ new_df.pending_hints.extend(other_df.pending_hints)
+ new_df =, *all_columns)
+ return new_df
+ @operation(Operation.ORDER_BY)
+ def orderBy(
+ self, *cols: t.Union[str, Column], ascending: t.Optional[t.Union[t.Any, t.List[t.Any]]] = None
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ """
+ This implementation lets any ordered columns take priority over whatever is provided in `ascending`. Spark
+ has irregular behavior and can result in runtime errors. Users shouldn't be mixing the two anyways so this
+ is unlikely to come up.
+ """
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(cols)
+ pre_ordered_col_indexes = [
+ x
+ for x in [i if isinstance(col.expression, exp.Ordered) else None for i, col in enumerate(columns)]
+ if x is not None
+ ]
+ if ascending is None:
+ ascending = [True] * len(columns)
+ elif not isinstance(ascending, list):
+ ascending = [ascending] * len(columns)
+ ascending = [bool(x) for i, x in enumerate(ascending)]
+ assert len(columns) == len(
+ ascending
+ ), "The length of items in ascending must equal the number of columns provided"
+ col_and_ascending = list(zip(columns, ascending))
+ order_by_columns = [
+ exp.Ordered(this=col.expression, desc=not asc)
+ if i not in pre_ordered_col_indexes
+ else columns[i].column_expression
+ for i, (col, asc) in enumerate(col_and_ascending)
+ ]
+ return self.copy(expression=self.expression.order_by(*order_by_columns))
+ sort = orderBy
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def union(self, other: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
+ return self._set_operation(exp.Union, other, False)
+ unionAll = union
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def unionByName(self, other: DataFrame, allowMissingColumns: bool = False):
+ l_columns = self.columns
+ r_columns = other.columns
+ if not allowMissingColumns:
+ l_expressions = l_columns
+ r_expressions = l_columns
+ else:
+ l_expressions = []
+ r_expressions = []
+ r_columns_unused = copy(r_columns)
+ for l_column in l_columns:
+ l_expressions.append(l_column)
+ if l_column in r_columns:
+ r_expressions.append(l_column)
+ r_columns_unused.remove(l_column)
+ else:
+ r_expressions.append(exp.alias_(exp.Null(), l_column))
+ for r_column in r_columns_unused:
+ l_expressions.append(exp.alias_(exp.Null(), r_column))
+ r_expressions.append(r_column)
+ r_df = other.copy()._convert_leaf_to_cte().select(*self._ensure_list_of_columns(r_expressions))
+ l_df = self.copy()
+ if allowMissingColumns:
+ l_df = l_df._convert_leaf_to_cte().select(*self._ensure_list_of_columns(l_expressions))
+ return l_df._set_operation(exp.Union, r_df, False)
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def intersect(self, other: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
+ return self._set_operation(exp.Intersect, other, True)
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def intersectAll(self, other: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
+ return self._set_operation(exp.Intersect, other, False)
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def exceptAll(self, other: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
+ return self._set_operation(exp.Except, other, False)
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def distinct(self) -> DataFrame:
+ return self.copy(expression=self.expression.distinct())
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def dropDuplicates(self, subset: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None):
+ if not subset:
+ return self.distinct()
+ column_names = ensure_list(subset)
+ window = Window.partitionBy(*column_names).orderBy(*column_names)
+ return (
+ self.copy()
+ .withColumn("row_num", F.row_number().over(window))
+ .where(F.col("row_num") == F.lit(1))
+ .drop("row_num")
+ )
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def dropna(
+ self,
+ how: str = "any",
+ thresh: t.Optional[int] = None,
+ subset: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.Tuple[str, ...], t.List[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ minimum_non_null = thresh or 0 # will be determined later if thresh is null
+ new_df = self.copy()
+ all_columns = self._get_outer_select_columns(new_df.expression)
+ if subset:
+ null_check_columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(subset)
+ else:
+ null_check_columns = all_columns
+ if thresh is None:
+ minimum_num_nulls = 1 if how == "any" else len(null_check_columns)
+ else:
+ minimum_num_nulls = len(null_check_columns) - minimum_non_null + 1
+ if minimum_num_nulls > len(null_check_columns):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"The minimum num nulls for dropna must be less than or equal to the number of columns. "
+ f"Minimum num nulls: {minimum_num_nulls}, Num Columns: {len(null_check_columns)}"
+ )
+ if_null_checks = [F.when(column.isNull(), F.lit(1)).otherwise(F.lit(0)) for column in null_check_columns]
+ nulls_added_together = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, if_null_checks)
+ num_nulls = nulls_added_together.alias("num_nulls")
+ new_df =, append=True)
+ filtered_df = new_df.where(F.col("num_nulls") < F.lit(minimum_num_nulls))
+ final_df =*all_columns)
+ return final_df
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def fillna(
+ self,
+ value: t.Union[ColumnLiterals],
+ subset: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.Tuple[str, ...], t.List[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ """
+ Functionality Difference: If you provide a value to replace a null and that type conflicts
+ with the type of the column then PySpark will just ignore your replacement.
+ This will try to cast them to be the same in some cases. So they won't always match.
+ Best to not mix types so make sure replacement is the same type as the column
+ Possibility for improvement: Use `typeof` function to get the type of the column
+ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null.
+ """
+ from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit
+ values = None
+ columns = None
+ new_df = self.copy()
+ all_columns = self._get_outer_select_columns(new_df.expression)
+ all_column_mapping = {column.alias_or_name: column for column in all_columns}
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ values = value.values()
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(list(value))
+ if not columns:
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(subset) if subset else all_columns
+ if not values:
+ values = [value] * len(columns)
+ value_columns = [lit(value) for value in values]
+ null_replacement_mapping = {
+ column.alias_or_name: (F.when(column.isNull(), value).otherwise(column).alias(column.alias_or_name))
+ for column, value in zip(columns, value_columns)
+ }
+ null_replacement_mapping = {**all_column_mapping, **null_replacement_mapping}
+ null_replacement_columns = [null_replacement_mapping[column.alias_or_name] for column in all_columns]
+ new_df =*null_replacement_columns)
+ return new_df
+ @operation(Operation.FROM)
+ def replace(
+ self,
+ to_replace: t.Union[bool, int, float, str, t.List, t.Dict],
+ value: t.Optional[t.Union[bool, int, float, str, t.List]] = None,
+ subset: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit
+ old_values = None
+ subset = ensure_list(subset)
+ new_df = self.copy()
+ all_columns = self._get_outer_select_columns(new_df.expression)
+ all_column_mapping = {column.alias_or_name: column for column in all_columns}
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(subset) if subset else all_columns
+ if isinstance(to_replace, dict):
+ old_values = list(to_replace)
+ new_values = list(to_replace.values())
+ elif not old_values and isinstance(to_replace, list):
+ assert isinstance(value, list), "value must be a list since the replacements are a list"
+ assert len(to_replace) == len(value), "the replacements and values must be the same length"
+ old_values = to_replace
+ new_values = value
+ else:
+ old_values = [to_replace] * len(columns)
+ new_values = [value] * len(columns)
+ old_values = [lit(value) for value in old_values]
+ new_values = [lit(value) for value in new_values]
+ replacement_mapping = {}
+ for column in columns:
+ expression = Column(None)
+ for i, (old_value, new_value) in enumerate(zip(old_values, new_values)):
+ if i == 0:
+ expression = F.when(column == old_value, new_value)
+ else:
+ expression = expression.when(column == old_value, new_value) # type: ignore
+ replacement_mapping[column.alias_or_name] = expression.otherwise(column).alias(
+ column.expression.alias_or_name
+ )
+ replacement_mapping = {**all_column_mapping, **replacement_mapping}
+ replacement_columns = [replacement_mapping[column.alias_or_name] for column in all_columns]
+ new_df =*replacement_columns)
+ return new_df
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def withColumn(self, colName: str, col: Column) -> DataFrame:
+ col = self._ensure_and_normalize_col(col)
+ existing_col_names = self.expression.named_selects
+ existing_col_index = existing_col_names.index(colName) if colName in existing_col_names else None
+ if existing_col_index:
+ expression = self.expression.copy()
+ expression.expressions[existing_col_index] = col.expression
+ return self.copy(expression=expression)
+ return self.copy().select(col.alias(colName), append=True)
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def withColumnRenamed(self, existing: str, new: str):
+ expression = self.expression.copy()
+ existing_columns = [expression for expression in expression.expressions if expression.alias_or_name == existing]
+ if not existing_columns:
+ raise ValueError("Tried to rename a column that doesn't exist")
+ for existing_column in existing_columns:
+ if isinstance(existing_column, exp.Column):
+ existing_column.replace(exp.alias_(existing_column.copy(), new))
+ else:
+ existing_column.set("alias", exp.to_identifier(new))
+ return self.copy(expression=expression)
+ @operation(Operation.SELECT)
+ def drop(self, *cols: t.Union[str, Column]) -> DataFrame:
+ all_columns = self._get_outer_select_columns(self.expression)
+ drop_cols = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(cols)
+ new_columns = [
+ col
+ for col in all_columns
+ if col.alias_or_name not in [drop_column.alias_or_name for drop_column in drop_cols]
+ ]
+ return self.copy().select(*new_columns, append=False)
+ @operation(Operation.LIMIT)
+ def limit(self, num: int) -> DataFrame:
+ return self.copy(expression=self.expression.limit(num))
+ @operation(Operation.NO_OP)
+ def hint(self, name: str, *parameters: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]) -> DataFrame:
+ parameter_list = ensure_list(parameters)
+ parameter_columns = (
+ self._ensure_list_of_columns(parameter_list) if parameters else Column.ensure_cols([self.sequence_id])
+ )
+ return self._hint(name, parameter_columns)
+ @operation(Operation.NO_OP)
+ def repartition(self, numPartitions: t.Union[int, str], *cols: t.Union[int, str]) -> DataFrame:
+ num_partitions = Column.ensure_cols(ensure_list(numPartitions))
+ columns = self._ensure_and_normalize_cols(cols)
+ args = num_partitions + columns
+ return self._hint("repartition", args)
+ @operation(Operation.NO_OP)
+ def coalesce(self, numPartitions: int) -> DataFrame:
+ num_partitions = Column.ensure_cols([numPartitions])
+ return self._hint("coalesce", num_partitions)
+ @operation(Operation.NO_OP)
+ def cache(self) -> DataFrame:
+ return self._cache(storage_level="MEMORY_AND_DISK")
+ @operation(Operation.NO_OP)
+ def persist(self, storageLevel: str = "MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER") -> DataFrame:
+ """
+ Storage Level Options:
+ """
+ return self._cache(storageLevel)
+class DataFrameNaFunctions:
+ def __init__(self, df: DataFrame):
+ self.df = df
+ def drop(
+ self,
+ how: str = "any",
+ thresh: t.Optional[int] = None,
+ subset: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.Tuple[str, ...], t.List[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ return self.df.dropna(how=how, thresh=thresh, subset=subset)
+ def fill(
+ self,
+ value: t.Union[int, bool, float, str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]],
+ subset: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.Tuple[str, ...], t.List[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ return self.df.fillna(value=value, subset=subset)
+ def replace(
+ self,
+ to_replace: t.Union[bool, int, float, str, t.List, t.Dict],
+ value: t.Optional[t.Union[bool, int, float, str, t.List]] = None,
+ subset: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DataFrame:
+ return self.df.replace(to_replace=to_replace, value=value, subset=subset)