path: root/sqlglot/optimizer/
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1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sqlglot/optimizer/ b/sqlglot/optimizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6f59e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sqlglot/optimizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+from copy import copy
+from enum import Enum, auto
+from sqlglot import exp
+from sqlglot.errors import OptimizeError
+class ScopeType(Enum):
+ ROOT = auto()
+ SUBQUERY = auto()
+ DERIVED_TABLE = auto()
+ CTE = auto()
+ UNION = auto()
+ UNNEST = auto()
+class Scope:
+ """
+ Selection scope.
+ Attributes:
+ expression (exp.Select|exp.Union): Root expression of this scope
+ sources (dict[str, exp.Table|Scope]): Mapping of source name to either
+ a Table expression or another Scope instance. For example:
+ SELECT * FROM x {"x": Table(this="x")}
+ SELECT * FROM x AS y {"y": Table(this="x")}
+ SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS y {"y": Scope(...)}
+ outer_column_list (list[str]): If this is a derived table or CTE, and the outer query
+ defines a column list of it's alias of this scope, this is that list of columns.
+ For example:
+ SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS y(col1, col2)
+ The inner query would have `["col1", "col2"]` for its `outer_column_list`
+ parent (Scope): Parent scope
+ scope_type (ScopeType): Type of this scope, relative to it's parent
+ subquery_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for subqueries.
+ This does not include derived tables or CTEs.
+ union (tuple[Scope, Scope]): If this Scope is for a Union expression, this will be
+ a tuple of the left and right child scopes.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ expression,
+ sources=None,
+ outer_column_list=None,
+ parent=None,
+ scope_type=ScopeType.ROOT,
+ ):
+ self.expression = expression
+ self.sources = sources or {}
+ self.outer_column_list = outer_column_list or []
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.scope_type = scope_type
+ self.subquery_scopes = []
+ self.union = None
+ self.clear_cache()
+ def clear_cache(self):
+ self._collected = False
+ self._raw_columns = None
+ self._derived_tables = None
+ self._tables = None
+ self._ctes = None
+ self._subqueries = None
+ self._selected_sources = None
+ self._columns = None
+ self._external_columns = None
+ def branch(self, expression, scope_type, add_sources=None, **kwargs):
+ """Branch from the current scope to a new, inner scope"""
+ sources = copy(self.sources)
+ if add_sources:
+ sources.update(add_sources)
+ return Scope(
+ expression=expression.unnest(),
+ sources=sources,
+ parent=self,
+ scope_type=scope_type,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ def _collect(self):
+ self._tables = []
+ self._ctes = []
+ self._subqueries = []
+ self._derived_tables = []
+ self._raw_columns = []
+ # We'll use this variable to pass state into the dfs generator.
+ # Whenever we set it to True, we exclude a subtree from traversal.
+ prune = False
+ for node, parent, _ in self.expression.dfs(prune=lambda *_: prune):
+ prune = False
+ if node is self.expression:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(node, exp.Column) and not isinstance(node.this, exp.Star):
+ self._raw_columns.append(node)
+ elif isinstance(node, exp.Table):
+ self._tables.append(node)
+ elif isinstance(node, (exp.Unnest, exp.Lateral)):
+ self._derived_tables.append(node)
+ elif isinstance(node, exp.CTE):
+ self._ctes.append(node)
+ prune = True
+ elif isinstance(node, exp.Subquery) and isinstance(
+ parent, (exp.From, exp.Join)
+ ):
+ self._derived_tables.append(node)
+ prune = True
+ elif isinstance(node, exp.Subqueryable):
+ self._subqueries.append(node)
+ prune = True
+ self._collected = True
+ def _ensure_collected(self):
+ if not self._collected:
+ self._collect()
+ def replace(self, old, new):
+ """
+ Replace `old` with `new`.
+ This can be used instead of `exp.Expression.replace` to ensure the `Scope` is kept up-to-date.
+ Args:
+ old (exp.Expression): old node
+ new (exp.Expression): new node
+ """
+ old.replace(new)
+ self.clear_cache()
+ @property
+ def tables(self):
+ """
+ List of tables in this scope.
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Table]: tables
+ """
+ self._ensure_collected()
+ return self._tables
+ @property
+ def ctes(self):
+ """
+ List of CTEs in this scope.
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.CTE]: ctes
+ """
+ self._ensure_collected()
+ return self._ctes
+ @property
+ def derived_tables(self):
+ """
+ List of derived tables in this scope.
+ For example:
+ SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) <- that's a derived table
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Subquery]: derived tables
+ """
+ self._ensure_collected()
+ return self._derived_tables
+ @property
+ def subqueries(self):
+ """
+ List of subqueries in this scope.
+ For example:
+ SELECT * FROM x WHERE a IN (SELECT ...) <- that's a subquery
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Subqueryable]: subqueries
+ """
+ self._ensure_collected()
+ return self._subqueries
+ @property
+ def columns(self):
+ """
+ List of columns in this scope.
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Column]: Column instances in this scope, plus any
+ Columns that reference this scope from correlated subqueries.
+ """
+ if self._columns is None:
+ self._ensure_collected()
+ columns = self._raw_columns
+ external_columns = [
+ column
+ for scope in self.subquery_scopes
+ for column in scope.external_columns
+ ]
+ named_outputs = {e.alias_or_name for e in self.expression.expressions}
+ self._columns = [
+ c
+ for c in columns + external_columns
+ if not (
+ c.find_ancestor(exp.Qualify, exp.Order) and in named_outputs
+ )
+ ]
+ return self._columns
+ @property
+ def selected_sources(self):
+ """
+ Mapping of nodes and sources that are actually selected from in this scope.
+ That is, all tables in a schema are selectable at any point. But a
+ table only becomes a selected source if it's included in a FROM or JOIN clause.
+ Returns:
+ dict[str, (exp.Table|exp.Subquery, exp.Table|Scope)]: selected sources and nodes
+ """
+ if self._selected_sources is None:
+ referenced_names = []
+ for table in self.tables:
+ referenced_names.append(
+ (
+ table.parent.alias
+ if isinstance(table.parent, exp.Alias)
+ else,
+ table,
+ )
+ )
+ for derived_table in self.derived_tables:
+ referenced_names.append((derived_table.alias, derived_table.unnest()))
+ result = {}
+ for name, node in referenced_names:
+ if name in self.sources:
+ result[name] = (node, self.sources[name])
+ self._selected_sources = result
+ return self._selected_sources
+ @property
+ def selects(self):
+ """
+ Select expressions of this scope.
+ For example, for the following expression:
+ SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b FROM x
+ The outputs are the "1 as a" and "2 as b" expressions.
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Expression]: expressions
+ """
+ if isinstance(self.expression, exp.Union):
+ return []
+ return self.expression.selects
+ @property
+ def external_columns(self):
+ """
+ Columns that appear to reference sources in outer scopes.
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Column]: Column instances that don't reference
+ sources in the current scope.
+ """
+ if self._external_columns is None:
+ self._external_columns = [
+ c for c in self.columns if c.table not in self.selected_sources
+ ]
+ return self._external_columns
+ def source_columns(self, source_name):
+ """
+ Get all columns in the current scope for a particular source.
+ Args:
+ source_name (str): Name of the source
+ Returns:
+ list[exp.Column]: Column instances that reference `source_name`
+ """
+ return [column for column in self.columns if column.table == source_name]
+ @property
+ def is_subquery(self):
+ """Determine if this scope is a subquery"""
+ return self.scope_type == ScopeType.SUBQUERY
+ @property
+ def is_unnest(self):
+ """Determine if this scope is an unnest"""
+ return self.scope_type == ScopeType.UNNEST
+ @property
+ def is_correlated_subquery(self):
+ """Determine if this scope is a correlated subquery"""
+ return bool(self.is_subquery and self.external_columns)
+ def rename_source(self, old_name, new_name):
+ """Rename a source in this scope"""
+ columns = self.sources.pop(old_name or "", [])
+ self.sources[new_name] = columns
+def traverse_scope(expression):
+ """
+ Traverse an expression by it's "scopes".
+ "Scope" represents the current context of a Select statement.
+ This is helpful for optimizing queries, where we need more information than
+ the expression tree itself. For example, we might care about the source
+ names within a subquery. Returns a list because a generator could result in
+ incomplete properties which is confusing.
+ Examples:
+ >>> import sqlglot
+ >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM x) AS y")
+ >>> scopes = traverse_scope(expression)
+ >>> scopes[0].expression.sql(), list(scopes[0].sources)
+ ('SELECT a FROM x', ['x'])
+ >>> scopes[1].expression.sql(), list(scopes[1].sources)
+ ('SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM x) AS y', ['y'])
+ Args:
+ expression (exp.Expression): expression to traverse
+ Returns:
+ List[Scope]: scope instances
+ """
+ return list(_traverse_scope(Scope(expression)))
+def _traverse_scope(scope):
+ if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select):
+ yield from _traverse_select(scope)
+ elif isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Union):
+ yield from _traverse_union(scope)
+ elif isinstance(scope.expression, (exp.Lateral, exp.Unnest)):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Subquery):
+ yield from _traverse_subqueries(scope)
+ else:
+ raise OptimizeError(f"Unexpected expression type: {type(scope.expression)}")
+ yield scope
+def _traverse_select(scope):
+ yield from _traverse_derived_tables(scope.ctes, scope, ScopeType.CTE)
+ yield from _traverse_subqueries(scope)
+ yield from _traverse_derived_tables(
+ scope.derived_tables, scope, ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE
+ )
+ _add_table_sources(scope)
+def _traverse_union(scope):
+ yield from _traverse_derived_tables(scope.ctes, scope, scope_type=ScopeType.CTE)
+ # The last scope to be yield should be the top most scope
+ left = None
+ for left in _traverse_scope(
+ scope.branch(scope.expression.left, scope_type=ScopeType.UNION)
+ ):
+ yield left
+ right = None
+ for right in _traverse_scope(
+ scope.branch(scope.expression.right, scope_type=ScopeType.UNION)
+ ):
+ yield right
+ scope.union = (left, right)
+def _traverse_derived_tables(derived_tables, scope, scope_type):
+ sources = {}
+ for derived_table in derived_tables:
+ for child_scope in _traverse_scope(
+ scope.branch(
+ derived_table
+ if isinstance(derived_table, (exp.Unnest, exp.Lateral))
+ else derived_table.this,
+ add_sources=sources if scope_type == ScopeType.CTE else None,
+ outer_column_list=derived_table.alias_column_names,
+ scope_type=ScopeType.UNNEST
+ if isinstance(derived_table, exp.Unnest)
+ else scope_type,
+ )
+ ):
+ yield child_scope
+ # Tables without aliases will be set as ""
+ # This shouldn't be a problem once qualify_columns runs, as it adds aliases on everything.
+ # Until then, this means that only a single, unaliased derived table is allowed (rather,
+ # the latest one wins.
+ sources[derived_table.alias] = child_scope
+ scope.sources.update(sources)
+def _add_table_sources(scope):
+ sources = {}
+ for table in scope.tables:
+ table_name =
+ if isinstance(table.parent, exp.Alias):
+ source_name = table.parent.alias
+ else:
+ source_name = table_name
+ if table_name in scope.sources:
+ # This is a reference to a parent source (e.g. a CTE), not an actual table.
+ scope.sources[source_name] = scope.sources[table_name]
+ elif source_name in scope.sources:
+ raise OptimizeError(f"Duplicate table name: {source_name}")
+ else:
+ sources[source_name] = table
+ scope.sources.update(sources)
+def _traverse_subqueries(scope):
+ for subquery in scope.subqueries:
+ top = None
+ for child_scope in _traverse_scope(
+ scope.branch(subquery, scope_type=ScopeType.SUBQUERY)
+ ):
+ yield child_scope
+ top = child_scope
+ scope.subquery_scopes.append(top)