path: root/sqlglot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sqlglot/ b/sqlglot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2006a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sqlglot/
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+import itertools
+import math
+from sqlglot import alias, exp
+from sqlglot.errors import UnsupportedError
+from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import simplify
+class Plan:
+ def __init__(self, expression):
+ self.expression = expression
+ self.root = Step.from_expression(self.expression)
+ self._dag = {}
+ @property
+ def dag(self):
+ if not self._dag:
+ dag = {}
+ nodes = {self.root}
+ while nodes:
+ node = nodes.pop()
+ dag[node] = set()
+ for dep in node.dependencies:
+ dag[node].add(dep)
+ nodes.add(dep)
+ self._dag = dag
+ return self._dag
+ @property
+ def leaves(self):
+ return (node for node, deps in self.dag.items() if not deps)
+class Step:
+ @classmethod
+ def from_expression(cls, expression, ctes=None):
+ """
+ Build a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression.
+ Giving an expression like:
+ SELECT x.a, SUM(x.b)
+ FROM x
+ JOIN y
+ ON x.a = y.a
+ GROUP BY x.a
+ Transform it into a DAG of the form:
+ Aggregate(x.a, SUM(x.b))
+ Join(y)
+ Scan(x)
+ Scan(y)
+ This can then more easily be executed on by an engine.
+ """
+ ctes = ctes or {}
+ with_ = expression.args.get("with")
+ # CTEs break the mold of scope and introduce themselves to all in the context.
+ if with_:
+ ctes = ctes.copy()
+ for cte in with_.expressions:
+ step = Step.from_expression(cte.this, ctes)
+ = cte.alias
+ ctes[] = step
+ from_ = expression.args.get("from")
+ if from_:
+ from_ = from_.expressions
+ if len(from_) > 1:
+ raise UnsupportedError(
+ "Multi-from statements are unsupported. Run it through the optimizer"
+ )
+ step = Scan.from_expression(from_[0], ctes)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedError("Static selects are unsupported.")
+ joins = expression.args.get("joins")
+ if joins:
+ join = Join.from_joins(joins, ctes)
+ =
+ join.add_dependency(step)
+ step = join
+ projections = [] # final selects in this chain of steps representing a select
+ operands = {} # intermediate computations of agg funcs eg x + 1 in SUM(x + 1)
+ aggregations = []
+ sequence = itertools.count()
+ for e in expression.expressions:
+ aggregation = e.find(exp.AggFunc)
+ if aggregation:
+ projections.append(exp.column(e.alias_or_name,, quoted=True))
+ aggregations.append(e)
+ for operand in aggregation.unnest_operands():
+ if isinstance(operand, exp.Column):
+ continue
+ if operand not in operands:
+ operands[operand] = f"_a_{next(sequence)}"
+ operand.replace(
+ exp.column(operands[operand],, quoted=True)
+ )
+ else:
+ projections.append(e)
+ where = expression.args.get("where")
+ if where:
+ step.condition = where.this
+ group = expression.args.get("group")
+ if group:
+ aggregate = Aggregate()
+ aggregate.source =
+ =
+ aggregate.operands = tuple(
+ alias(operand, alias_) for operand, alias_ in operands.items()
+ )
+ aggregate.aggregations = aggregations
+ = [
+ exp.column(e.alias_or_name,, quoted=True)
+ for e in group.expressions
+ ]
+ aggregate.add_dependency(step)
+ step = aggregate
+ having = expression.args.get("having")
+ if having:
+ step.condition = having.this
+ order = expression.args.get("order")
+ if order:
+ sort = Sort()
+ =
+ sort.key = order.expressions
+ sort.add_dependency(step)
+ step = sort
+ for k in sort.key + projections:
+ for column in k.find_all(exp.Column):
+ column.set("table", exp.to_identifier(, quoted=True))
+ step.projections = projections
+ limit = expression.args.get("limit")
+ if limit:
+ step.limit = int(limit.text("expression"))
+ return step
+ def __init__(self):
+ = None
+ self.dependencies = set()
+ self.dependents = set()
+ self.projections = []
+ self.limit = math.inf
+ self.condition = None
+ def add_dependency(self, dependency):
+ self.dependencies.add(dependency)
+ dependency.dependents.add(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.to_s()
+ def to_s(self, level=0):
+ indent = " " * level
+ nested = f"{indent} "
+ context = self._to_s(f"{nested} ")
+ if context:
+ context = [f"{nested}Context:"] + context
+ lines = [
+ f"{indent}- {self.__class__.__name__}: {}",
+ *context,
+ f"{nested}Projections:",
+ ]
+ for expression in self.projections:
+ lines.append(f"{nested} - {expression.sql()}")
+ if self.condition:
+ lines.append(f"{nested}Condition: {self.condition.sql()}")
+ if self.dependencies:
+ lines.append(f"{nested}Dependencies:")
+ for dependency in self.dependencies:
+ lines.append(" " + dependency.to_s(level + 1))
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ def _to_s(self, _indent):
+ return []
+class Scan(Step):
+ @classmethod
+ def from_expression(cls, expression, ctes=None):
+ table = expression.this
+ alias_ = expression.alias
+ if not alias_:
+ raise UnsupportedError(
+ "Tables/Subqueries must be aliased. Run it through the optimizer"
+ )
+ if isinstance(expression, exp.Subquery):
+ step = Step.from_expression(table, ctes)
+ = alias_
+ return step
+ step = Scan()
+ = alias_
+ step.source = expression
+ if in ctes:
+ step.add_dependency(ctes[])
+ return step
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.source = None
+ def _to_s(self, indent):
+ return [f"{indent}Source: {self.source.sql()}"]
+class Write(Step):
+ pass
+class Join(Step):
+ @classmethod
+ def from_joins(cls, joins, ctes=None):
+ step = Join()
+ for join in joins:
+ name = join.this.alias
+ on = join.args.get("on") or exp.TRUE
+ source_key = []
+ join_key = []
+ # find the join keys
+ # FROM x
+ # JOIN y
+ # ON x.a = y.b AND y.b > 1
+ #
+ # should pull y.b as the join key and x.a as the source key
+ for condition in on.flatten() if isinstance(on, exp.And) else [on]:
+ if isinstance(condition, exp.EQ):
+ left, right = condition.unnest_operands()
+ left_tables = exp.column_table_names(left)
+ right_tables = exp.column_table_names(right)
+ if name in left_tables and name not in right_tables:
+ join_key.append(left)
+ source_key.append(right)
+ condition.replace(exp.TRUE)
+ elif name in right_tables and name not in left_tables:
+ join_key.append(right)
+ source_key.append(left)
+ condition.replace(exp.TRUE)
+ on = simplify(on)
+ step.joins[name] = {
+ "side": join.side,
+ "join_key": join_key,
+ "source_key": source_key,
+ "condition": None if on == exp.TRUE else on,
+ }
+ step.add_dependency(Scan.from_expression(join.this, ctes))
+ return step
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.joins = {}
+ def _to_s(self, indent):
+ lines = []
+ for name, join in self.joins.items():
+ lines.append(f"{indent}{name}: {join['side']}")
+ if join.get("condition"):
+ lines.append(f"{indent}On: {join['condition'].sql()}")
+ return lines
+class Aggregate(Step):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.aggregations = []
+ self.operands = []
+ = []
+ self.source = None
+ def _to_s(self, indent):
+ lines = [f"{indent}Aggregations:"]
+ for expression in self.aggregations:
+ lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}")
+ if
+ lines.append(f"{indent}Group:")
+ for expression in
+ lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}")
+ if self.operands:
+ lines.append(f"{indent}Operands:")
+ for expression in self.operands:
+ lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}")
+ return lines
+class Sort(Step):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.key = None
+ def _to_s(self, indent):
+ lines = [f"{indent}Key:"]
+ for expression in self.key:
+ lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}")
+ return lines