From 6a22086850fc960715b618e82f4c2e43a4529146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:50:35 +0100 Subject: Merging upstream version 11.2.0. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- docs/search.js | 2 +- docs/sqlglot.html | 2 +- docs/sqlglot/dataframe/sql.html | 668 +- docs/sqlglot/dialects/bigquery.html | 1274 +- docs/sqlglot/dialects/duckdb.html | 585 +- docs/sqlglot/dialects/mysql.html | 2769 ++-- docs/sqlglot/expressions.html | 18396 +++++++++++---------- docs/sqlglot/generator.html | 8779 +++++----- docs/sqlglot/lineage.html | 2 +- docs/sqlglot/optimizer/optimizer.html | 6 +- docs/sqlglot/optimizer/pushdown_projections.html | 326 +- docs/sqlglot/optimizer/qualify_columns.html | 912 +- docs/sqlglot/parser.html | 12682 +++++++------- docs/sqlglot/tokens.html | 2654 +-- 14 files changed, 25064 insertions(+), 23993 deletions(-) (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/search.js b/docs/search.js index ea3a7bf..e314a29 100644 --- a/docs/search.js +++ b/docs/search.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ window.pdocSearch = (function(){ /** elasticlunr - * Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Nightingale * Copyright (C) 2017 Wei Song * MIT Licensed */!function(){function e(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)return e;var t=e.constructor();for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);return t}var t=function(e){var n=new t.Index;return n.pipeline.add(t.trimmer,t.stopWordFilter,t.stemmer),e&&,n),n};t.version="0.9.5",lunr=t,t.utils={},t.utils.warn=function(e){return function(t){e.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(t)}}(this),t.utils.toString=function(e){return void 0===e||null===e?"":e.toString()},t.EventEmitter=function(){{}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(){var,t=e.pop(),n=e;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("last argument must be a function");n.forEach(function(e){this.hasHandler(e)||([e]=[]),[e].push(t)},this)},t.EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var[e].indexOf(t);-1!==n&&([e].splice(n,1),[e].length&&delete[e])}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var,1);[e].forEach(function(e){e.apply(void 0,t)},this)}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.hasHandler=function(e){return e in},t.tokenizer=function(e){if(!arguments.length||null===e||void 0===e)return[];if(Array.isArray(e)){var n=e.filter(function(e){return null===e||void 0===e?!1:!0});{return t.utils.toString(e).toLowerCase()});var i=[];return n.forEach(function(e){var n=e.split(t.tokenizer.seperator);i=i.concat(n)},this),i}return e.toString().trim().toLowerCase().split(t.tokenizer.seperator)},t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator=/[\s\-]+/,t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator,t.tokenizer.setSeperator=function(e){null!==e&&void 0!==e&&"object"==typeof e&&(t.tokenizer.seperator=e)},t.tokenizer.resetSeperator=function(){t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator},t.tokenizer.getSeperator=function(){return t.tokenizer.seperator},t.Pipeline=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions={},t.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,n){n in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions&&t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+n),e.label=n,t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[n]=e},t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction=function(e){return e in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions!=!0?null:t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e]},t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){var n=e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions;n||t.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var n=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(e){var i=t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction(e);if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: "+e);n.add(i)}),n},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var;e.forEach(function(e){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._queue.push(e)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i+1,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._queue.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&this._queue.splice(t,1)},{for(var t=[],n=e.length,i=this._queue.length,o=0;n>o;o++){for(var r=e[o],s=0;i>s&&(r=this._queue[s](r,o,e),void 0!==r&&null!==r);s++);void 0!==r&&null!==r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.Pipeline.prototype.reset=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.prototype.get=function(){return this._queue},t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),e.label})},t.Index=function(){this._fields=[],this._ref="id",this.pipeline=new t.Pipeline,this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore,this.index={},this.eventEmitter=new t.EventEmitter,this._idfCache={},this.on("add","remove","update",function(){this._idfCache={}}.bind(this))},t.Index.prototype.on=function(){var;return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter,e)},,t){return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(e,t)},t.Index.load=function(e){e.version!==t.version&&t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current "+t.version+" importing "+e.version);var n=new this;n._fields=e.fields,n._ref=e.ref,n.documentStore=t.DocumentStore.load(e.documentStore),n.pipeline=t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline),n.index={};for(var i in e.index)n.index[i]=t.InvertedIndex.load(e.index[i]);return n},t.Index.prototype.addField=function(e){return this._fields.push(e),this.index[e]=new t.InvertedIndex,this},t.Index.prototype.setRef=function(e){return this._ref=e,this},t.Index.prototype.saveDocument=function(e){return this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore(e),this},t.Index.prototype.addDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.addDoc(i,e),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var[n]));this.documentStore.addFieldLength(i,n,o.length);var r={};o.forEach(function(e){e in r?r[e]+=1:r[e]=1},this);for(var s in r){var u=r[s];u=Math.sqrt(u),this.index[n].addToken(s,{ref:i,tf:u})}},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("add",e,this)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDocByRef=function(e){if(e&&this.documentStore.isDocStored()!==!1&&this.documentStore.hasDoc(e)){var t=this.documentStore.getDoc(e);this.removeDoc(t,!1)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.hasDoc(i)&&(this.documentStore.removeDoc(i),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var[n]));o.forEach(function(e){this.index[n].removeToken(e,i)},this)},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("remove",e,this))}},t.Index.prototype.updateDoc=function(e,t){var t=void 0===t?!0:t;this.removeDocByRef(e[this._ref],!1),this.addDoc(e,!1),t&&this.eventEmitter.emit("update",e,this)},t.Index.prototype.idf=function(e,t){var n="@"+t+"/"+e;if(,n))return this._idfCache[n];var i=this.index[t].getDocFreq(e),o=1+Math.log(this.documentStore.length/(i+1));return this._idfCache[n]=o,o},t.Index.prototype.getFields=function(){return this._fields.slice()},,n){if(!e)return[];e="string"==typeof e?{any:e}:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var i=null;null!=n&&(i=JSON.stringify(n));for(var o=new t.Configuration(i,this.getFields()).get(),r={},s=Object.keys(e),u=0;u0&&t.push(e);for(var i in n)"docs"!==i&&"df"!==i&&this.expandToken(e+i,t,n[i]);return t},t.InvertedIndex.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{root:this.root}},t.Configuration=function(e,n){var e=e||"";if(void 0==n||null==n)throw new Error("fields should not be null");this.config={};var i;try{i=JSON.parse(e),this.buildUserConfig(i,n)}catch(o){t.utils.warn("user configuration parse failed, will use default configuration"),this.buildDefaultConfig(n)}},t.Configuration.prototype.buildDefaultConfig=function(e){this.reset(),e.forEach(function(e){this.config[e]={boost:1,bool:"OR",expand:!1}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.buildUserConfig=function(e,n){var i="OR",o=!1;if(this.reset(),"bool"in e&&(i=e.bool||i),"expand"in e&&(o=e.expand||o),"fields"in e)for(var r in e.fields)if(n.indexOf(r)>-1){var s=e.fields[r],u=o;void 0!=s.expand&&(u=s.expand),this.config[r]={boost:s.boost||0===s.boost?s.boost:1,bool:s.bool||i,expand:u}}else t.utils.warn("field name in user configuration not found in index instance fields");else this.addAllFields2UserConfig(i,o,n)},t.Configuration.prototype.addAllFields2UserConfig=function(e,t,n){n.forEach(function(n){this.config[n]={boost:1,bool:e,expand:t}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.get=function(){return this.config},t.Configuration.prototype.reset=function(){this.config={}},lunr.SortedSet=function(){this.length=0,this.elements=[]},lunr.SortedSet.load=function(e){var t=new this;return t.elements=e,t.length=e.length,t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.add=function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e1;){if(r===e)return o;e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o]}return r===e?o:-1},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor=function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.elements.length,i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];i>1;)e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];return r>e?o:e>r?o+1:void 0},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.intersect=function(e){for(var t=new lunr.SortedSet,n=0,i=0,o=this.length,r=e.length,s=this.elements,u=e.elements;;){if(n>o-1||i>r-1)break;s[n]!==u[i]?s[n]u[i]&&i++:(t.add(s[n]),n++,i++)}return t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new lunr.SortedSet;return e.elements=this.toArray(),e.length=e.elements.length,e},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.union=function(e){var t,n,i;this.length>=e.length?(t=this,n=e):(t=e,n=this),i=t.clone();for(var o=0,r=n.toArray();oSQLGlot\n\n

SQLGlot is a no-dependency SQL parser, transpiler, optimizer, and engine. It can be used to format SQL or translate between 19 different dialects like DuckDB, Presto, Spark, Snowflake, and BigQuery. It aims to read a wide variety of SQL inputs and output syntactically correct SQL in the targeted dialects.


It is a very comprehensive generic SQL parser with a robust test suite. It is also quite performant, while being written purely in Python.


You can easily customize the parser, analyze queries, traverse expression trees, and programmatically build SQL.


Syntax errors are highlighted and dialect incompatibilities can warn or raise depending on configurations. However, it should be noted that SQL validation is not SQLGlot\u2019s goal, so some syntax errors may go unnoticed.


Contributions are very welcome in SQLGlot; read the contribution guide to get started!


Table of Contents




From PyPI:

pip3 install sqlglot\n

Or with a local checkout:

make install\n

Requirements for development (optional):

make install-dev\n

Get in Touch


We'd love to hear from you. Join our community Slack channel!




Formatting and Transpiling


Easily translate from one dialect to another. For example, date/time functions vary from dialects and can be hard to deal with:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT EPOCH_MS(1618088028295)", read="duckdb", write="hive")[0]\n
'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1618088028295 / 1000)'\n

SQLGlot can even translate custom time formats:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT STRFTIME(x, '%y-%-m-%S')", read="duckdb", write="hive")[0]\n
"SELECT DATE_FORMAT(x, 'yy-M-ss')"\n

As another example, let's suppose that we want to read in a SQL query that contains a CTE and a cast to REAL, and then transpile it to Spark, which uses backticks for identifiers and FLOAT instead of REAL:

import sqlglot\n\nsql = """WITH baz AS (SELECT a, c FROM foo WHERE a = 1) SELECT f.a, b.b, baz.c, CAST("b"."a" AS REAL) d FROM foo f JOIN bar b ON f.a = b.a LEFT JOIN baz ON f.a = baz.a"""\nprint(sqlglot.transpile(sql, write="spark", identify=True, pretty=True)[0])\n
WITH `baz` AS (\n  SELECT\n    `a`,\n    `c`\n  FROM `foo`\n  WHERE\n    `a` = 1\n)\nSELECT\n  `f`.`a`,\n  `b`.`b`,\n  `baz`.`c`,\n  CAST(`b`.`a` AS FLOAT) AS `d`\nFROM `foo` AS `f`\nJOIN `bar` AS `b`\n  ON `f`.`a` = `b`.`a`\nLEFT JOIN `baz`\n  ON `f`.`a` = `baz`.`a`\n

Comments are also preserved in a best-effort basis when transpiling SQL code:

sql = """\n/* multi\n   line\n   comment\n*/\nSELECT\n  tbl.cola /* comment 1 */ + tbl.colb /* comment 2 */,\n  CAST(x AS INT), # comment 3\n  y               -- comment 4\nFROM\n  bar /* comment 5 */,\n  tbl #          comment 6\n"""\n\nprint(sqlglot.transpile(sql, read='mysql', pretty=True)[0])\n
/* multi\n   line\n   comment\n*/\nSELECT\n  tbl.cola /* comment 1 */ + tbl.colb /* comment 2 */,\n  CAST(x AS INT), /* comment 3 */\n  y /* comment 4 */\nFROM bar /* comment 5 */, tbl /*          comment 6 */\n



You can explore SQL with expression helpers to do things like find columns and tables:

from sqlglot import parse_one, exp\n\n# print all column references (a and b)\nfor column in parse_one("SELECT a, b + 1 AS c FROM d").find_all(exp.Column):\n    print(column.alias_or_name)\n\n# find all projections in select statements (a and c)\nfor select in parse_one("SELECT a, b + 1 AS c FROM d").find_all(exp.Select):\n    for projection in select.expressions:\n        print(projection.alias_or_name)\n\n# find all tables (x, y, z)\nfor table in parse_one("SELECT * FROM x JOIN y JOIN z").find_all(exp.Table):\n    print(\n

Parser Errors


When the parser detects an error in the syntax, it raises a ParserError:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT foo( FROM bar")\n
sqlglot.errors.ParseError: Expecting ). Line 1, Col: 13.\n  select foo( FROM bar\n              ~~~~\n

Structured syntax errors are accessible for programmatic use:

import sqlglot\ntry:\n    sqlglot.transpile("SELECT foo( FROM bar")\nexcept sqlglot.errors.ParseError as e:\n    print(e.errors)\n
[{\n  'description': 'Expecting )',\n  'line': 1,\n  'col': 13,\n  'start_context': 'SELECT foo( ',\n  'highlight': 'FROM',\n  'end_context': ' bar'\n}]\n

Unsupported Errors


Presto APPROX_DISTINCT supports the accuracy argument which is not supported in Hive:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT APPROX_DISTINCT(a, 0.1) FROM foo", read="presto", write="hive")\n

Build and Modify SQL


SQLGlot supports incrementally building sql expressions:

from sqlglot import select, condition\n\nwhere = condition("x=1").and_("y=1")\nselect("*").from_("y").where(where).sql()\n
'SELECT * FROM y WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1'\n

You can also modify a parsed tree:

from sqlglot import parse_one\nparse_one("SELECT x FROM y").from_("z").sql()\n
'SELECT x FROM y, z'\n

There is also a way to recursively transform the parsed tree by applying a mapping function to each tree node:

from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n\nexpression_tree = parse_one("SELECT a FROM x")\n\ndef transformer(node):\n    if isinstance(node, exp.Column) and == "a":\n        return parse_one("FUN(a)")\n    return node\n\ntransformed_tree = expression_tree.transform(transformer)\ntransformed_tree.sql()\n

SQL Optimizer


SQLGlot can rewrite queries into an \"optimized\" form. It performs a variety of techniques to create a new canonical AST. This AST can be used to standardize queries or provide the foundations for implementing an actual engine. For example:

import sqlglot\nfrom sqlglot.optimizer import optimize\n\nprint(\n    optimize(\n        sqlglot.parse_one("""\n            SELECT A OR (B OR (C AND D))\n            FROM x\n            WHERE Z = date '2021-01-01' + INTERVAL '1' month OR 1 = 0\n        """),\n        schema={"x": {"A": "INT", "B": "INT", "C": "INT", "D": "INT", "Z": "STRING"}}\n    ).sql(pretty=True)\n)\n
SELECT\n  (\n    "x"."a" OR "x"."b" OR "x"."c"\n  ) AND (\n    "x"."a" OR "x"."b" OR "x"."d"\n  ) AS "_col_0"\nFROM "x" AS "x"\nWHERE\n  CAST("x"."z" AS DATE) = CAST('2021-02-01' AS DATE)\n

AST Introspection


You can see the AST version of the sql by calling repr:

from sqlglot import parse_one\nprint(repr(parse_one("SELECT a + 1 AS z")))\n
(SELECT expressions:\n  (ALIAS this:\n    (ADD this:\n      (COLUMN this:\n        (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)), expression:\n      (LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False)), alias:\n    (IDENTIFIER this: z, quoted: False)))\n

AST Diff


SQLGlot can calculate the difference between two expressions and output changes in a form of a sequence of actions needed to transform a source expression into a target one:

from sqlglot import diff, parse_one\ndiff(parse_one("SELECT a + b, c, d"), parse_one("SELECT c, a - b, d"))\n
[\n  Remove(expression=(ADD this:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)), expression:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False)))),\n  Insert(expression=(SUB this:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)), expression:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False)))),\n  Move(expression=(COLUMN this:\n    (IDENTIFIER this: c, quoted: False))),\n  Keep(source=(IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False), target=(IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False)),\n  ...\n]\n

See also: Semantic Diff for SQL.


Custom Dialects


Dialects can be added by subclassing Dialect:

from sqlglot import exp\nfrom sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect\nfrom sqlglot.generator import Generator\nfrom sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType\n\n\nclass Custom(Dialect):\n    class Tokenizer(Tokenizer):\n        QUOTES = ["'", '"']\n        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]\n\n        KEYWORDS = {\n            **Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,\n            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,\n            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,\n        }\n\n    class Generator(Generator):\n        TRANSFORMS = {exp.Array: lambda self, e: f"[{self.expressions(e)}]"}\n\n        TYPE_MAPPING = {\n            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",\n            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",\n            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",\n        }\n\nprint(Dialect["custom"])\n
<class '__main__.Custom'>\n

SQL Execution


One can even interpret SQL queries using SQLGlot, where the tables are represented as Python dictionaries. Although the engine is not very fast (it's not supposed to be) and is in a relatively early stage of development, it can be useful for unit testing and running SQL natively across Python objects. Additionally, the foundation can be easily integrated with fast compute kernels (arrow, pandas). Below is an example showcasing the execution of a SELECT expression that involves aggregations and JOINs:

from sqlglot.executor import execute\n\ntables = {\n    "sushi": [\n        {"id": 1, "price": 1.0},\n        {"id": 2, "price": 2.0},\n        {"id": 3, "price": 3.0},\n    ],\n    "order_items": [\n        {"sushi_id": 1, "order_id": 1},\n        {"sushi_id": 1, "order_id": 1},\n        {"sushi_id": 2, "order_id": 1},\n        {"sushi_id": 3, "order_id": 2},\n    ],\n    "orders": [\n        {"id": 1, "user_id": 1},\n        {"id": 2, "user_id": 2},\n    ],\n}\n\nexecute(\n    """\n    SELECT\n      o.user_id,\n      SUM(s.price) AS price\n    FROM orders o\n    JOIN order_items i\n      ON = i.order_id\n    JOIN sushi s\n      ON i.sushi_id =\n    GROUP BY o.user_id\n    """,\n    tables=tables\n)\n
user_id price\n      1   4.0\n      2   3.0\n

See also: Writing a Python SQL engine from scratch.


Used By




SQLGlot uses pdoc to serve its API documentation:

make docs-serve\n

Run Tests and Lint

make check  # Set SKIP_INTEGRATION=1 to skip integration tests\n



Benchmarks run on Python 3.10.5 in seconds.

\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n
tpch0.01308 (1.0)1.60626 (122.7)0.01168 (0.893)0.04958 (3.791)0.08543 (6.531)0.00136 (0.104)
short0.00109 (1.0)0.14134 (129.2)0.00099 (0.906)0.00342 (3.131)0.00652 (5.970)8.76E-5 (0.080)
long0.01399 (1.0)2.12632 (151.9)0.01126 (0.805)0.04410 (3.151)0.06671 (4.767)0.00107 (0.076)
crazy0.03969 (1.0)24.3777 (614.1)0.03917 (0.987)11.7043 (294.8)1.03280 (26.02)0.00625 (0.157)

Optional Dependencies


SQLGlot uses dateutil to simplify literal timedelta expressions. The optimizer will not simplify expressions like the following if the module cannot be found:

x + interval '1' month\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.pretty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.pretty", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "pretty", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Whether to format generated SQL by default.

\n", "default_value": " = False"}, "sqlglot.schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parse", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses the given SQL string into a collection of syntax trees, one per parsed SQL statement.

  • sql: the SQL code string to parse.
  • \n
  • read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • **opts: other sqlglot.parser.Parser options.
  • \n

The resulting syntax tree collection.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parse_one": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parse_one", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "parse_one", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses the given SQL string and returns a syntax tree for the first parsed SQL statement.

  • sql: the SQL code string to parse.
  • \n
  • read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into.
  • \n
  • **opts: other sqlglot.parser.Parser options.
  • \n

The syntax tree for the first parsed statement.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tinto: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transpile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transpile", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "transpile", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses the given SQL string in accordance with the source dialect and returns a list of SQL strings transformed\nto conform to the target dialect. Each string in the returned list represents a single transformed SQL statement.

  • sql: the SQL code string to transpile.
  • \n
  • read: the source dialect used to parse the input string (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • write: the target dialect into which the input should be transformed (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • identity: if set to True and if the target dialect is not specified the source dialect will be used as both:\nthe source and the target dialect.
  • \n
  • error_level: the desired error level of the parser.
  • \n
  • **opts: other sqlglot.generator.Generator options.
  • \n

The list of transpiled SQL statements.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\twrite: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tidentity: bool = True,\terror_level: Optional[sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel] = None,\t**opts) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe", "kind": "module", "doc": "

PySpark DataFrame SQL Generator


This is a drop-in replacement for the PySpark DataFrame API that will generate SQL instead of executing DataFrame operations directly. This, when combined with the transpiling support in SQLGlot, allows one to write PySpark DataFrame code and execute it on other engines like DuckDB, Presto, Spark, Snowflake, and BigQuery.


Currently many of the common operations are covered and more functionality will be added over time. Please open an issue or PR with your feedback or contribution to help influence what should be prioritized next and make sure your use case is properly supported.


How to use



  • Install SQLGlot and that is all that is required to just generate SQL. The examples show generating SQL and then executing that SQL on a specific engine and that will require that engine's client library.
  • \n
  • Find/replace all from pyspark.sql with from sqlglot.dataframe.
  • \n
  • Prior to any or spark.table run sqlglot.schema.add_table('<table_name>', <column_structure>).\n
    • The column structure can be defined the following ways:\n
      • Dictionary where the keys are column names and values are string of the Spark SQL type name.\n
        • Ex: {'cola': 'string', 'colb': 'int'}
        • \n
      • \n
      • PySpark DataFrame StructType similar to when using createDataFrame.\n
        • Ex: StructType([StructField('cola', StringType()), StructField('colb', IntegerType())])
        • \n
      • \n
      • A string of names and types similar to what is supported in createDataFrame.\n
        • Ex: cola: STRING, colb: INT
        • \n
      • \n
      • [Not Recommended] A list of string column names without type.\n
        • Ex: ['cola', 'colb']
        • \n
        • The lack of types may limit functionality in future releases.
        • \n
      • \n
    • \n
    • See Registering Custom Schema for information on how to skip this step if the information is stored externally.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Add .sql(pretty=True) to your final DataFrame command to return a list of sql statements to run that command.\n
    • In most cases a single SQL statement is returned. Currently the only exception is when caching DataFrames which isn't supported in other dialects.
    • \n
    • Spark is the default output dialect. See dialects for a full list of dialects.
    • \n
    • Ex: .sql(pretty=True, dialect='bigquery')
    • \n
  • \n


import sqlglot\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\n\nsqlglot.schema.add_table('employee', {\n  'employee_id': 'INT',\n  'fname': 'STRING',\n  'lname': 'STRING',\n  'age': 'INT',\n})  # Register the table structure prior to reading from the table\n\nspark = SparkSession()\n\ndf = (\n    spark\n    .table('employee')\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees")) \n)\n\nprint(df.sql(pretty=True))  # Spark will be the dialect used by default\n
SELECT\n  `employee`.`age` AS `age`,\n  COUNT(DISTINCT `employee`.`employee_id`) AS `num_employees`\nFROM `employee` AS `employee`\nGROUP BY\n  `employee`.`age`\n

Registering Custom Schema Class


The step of adding sqlglot.schema.add_table can be skipped if you have the column structure stored externally like in a file or from an external metadata table. This can be done by writing a class that implements the sqlglot.schema.Schema abstract class and then assigning that class to sqlglot.schema.

import sqlglot\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\nfrom sqlglot.schema import Schema\n\n\nclass ExternalSchema(Schema):\n  ...\n\nsqlglot.schema = ExternalSchema()\n\nspark = SparkSession()\n\ndf = (\n    spark\n    .table('employee')\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees")) \n)\n\nprint(df.sql(pretty=True))\n

Example Implementations



from import bigquery\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import types\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\n\nclient = bigquery.Client()\n\ndata = [\n    (1, "Jack", "Shephard", 34),\n    (2, "John", "Locke", 48),\n    (3, "Kate", "Austen", 34),\n    (4, "Claire", "Littleton", 22),\n    (5, "Hugo", "Reyes", 26),\n]\nschema = types.StructType([\n    types.StructField('employee_id', types.IntegerType(), False),\n    types.StructField('fname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('lname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('age', types.IntegerType(), False),\n])\n\nsql_statements = (\n    SparkSession()\n    .createDataFrame(data, schema)\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees"))\n    .sql(dialect="bigquery")\n)\n\nresult = None\nfor sql in sql_statements:\n  result = client.query(sql)\n\nassert result is not None\nfor row in client.query(result):\n    print(f"Age: {row['age']}, Num Employees: {row['num_employees']}")\n


import os\n\nimport snowflake.connector\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe import types\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe import functions as F\n\nctx = snowflake.connector.connect(\n    user=os.environ["SNOWFLAKE_USER"],\n    password=os.environ["SNOWFLAKE_PASS"],\n    account=os.environ["SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT"]\n)\ncs = ctx.cursor()\n\ndata = [\n    (1, "Jack", "Shephard", 34),\n    (2, "John", "Locke", 48),\n    (3, "Kate", "Austen", 34),\n    (4, "Claire", "Littleton", 22),\n    (5, "Hugo", "Reyes", 26),\n]\nschema = types.StructType([\n    types.StructField('employee_id', types.IntegerType(), False),\n    types.StructField('fname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('lname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('age', types.IntegerType(), False),\n])\n\nsql_statements = (\n    SparkSession()\n    .createDataFrame(data, schema)\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("lname")).alias("num_employees"))\n    .sql(dialect="snowflake")\n)\n\ntry:\n    for sql in sql_statements:\n        cs.execute(sql)\n    results = cs.fetchall()\n    for row in results:\n        print(f"Age: {row[0]}, Num Employees: {row[1]}")\nfinally:\n    cs.close()\nctx.close()\n


from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession as PySparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import types\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\n\ndata = [\n    (1, "Jack", "Shephard", 34),\n    (2, "John", "Locke", 48),\n    (3, "Kate", "Austen", 34),\n    (4, "Claire", "Littleton", 22),\n    (5, "Hugo", "Reyes", 26),\n]\nschema = types.StructType([\n    types.StructField('employee_id', types.IntegerType(), False),\n    types.StructField('fname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('lname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('age', types.IntegerType(), False),\n])\n\nsql_statements = (\n    SparkSession()\n    .createDataFrame(data, schema)\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees"))\n    .sql(dialect="spark")\n)\n\npyspark = PySparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").getOrCreate()\n\ndf = None\nfor sql in sql_statements:\n    df = pyspark.sql(sql)\n\nassert df is not None\\n

Unsupportable Operations


Any operation that lacks a way to represent it in SQL cannot be supported by this tool. An example of this would be rdd operations. Since the DataFrame API though is mostly modeled around SQL concepts most operations can be supported.

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, tableName: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.createDataFrame", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tdata: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, <MagicMock id='139725215695536'>], List[<MagicMock id='139725215695536'>], Tuple]],\tschema: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725215622064'>] = None,\tsamplingRatio: Optional[float] = None,\tverifySchema: bool = False) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sqlQuery: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tspark: <MagicMock id='139725216439680'>,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Select,\tbranch_id: Optional[str] = None,\tsequence_id: Optional[str] = None,\tlast_op: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations.Operation = <Operation.INIT: -1>,\tpending_hints: Optional[List[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]] = None,\toutput_expression_container: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725216580944'>] = None,\t**kwargs)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dialect='spark', optimize=True, **kwargs) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.alias", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.where": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.where", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.where", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcolumn: Union[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, bool],\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.filter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.filter", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.filter", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcolumn: Union[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, bool],\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.groupBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.groupBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.groupBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols, **kwargs) ->", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.agg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.agg", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.agg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *exprs, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.join", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother_df: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\ton: Union[str, List[str], sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]],\thow: str = 'inner',\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.orderBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.orderBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.orderBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

This implementation lets any ordered columns take priority over whatever is provided in ascending. Spark\nhas irregular behavior and can result in runtime errors. Users shouldn't be mixing the two anyways so this\nis unlikely to come up.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tascending: Union[Any, List[Any], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

This implementation lets any ordered columns take priority over whatever is provided in ascending. Spark\nhas irregular behavior and can result in runtime errors. Users shouldn't be mixing the two anyways so this\nis unlikely to come up.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tascending: Union[Any, List[Any], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.union", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.union", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.unionAll", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionByName": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionByName", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.unionByName", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\tallowMissingColumns: bool = False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.intersect", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersectAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersectAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.intersectAll", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.exceptAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.exceptAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.exceptAll", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.distinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.distinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.distinct", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropDuplicates": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropDuplicates", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.dropDuplicates", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, subset: Optional[List[str]] = None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropna": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropna", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.dropna", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\thow: str = 'any',\tthresh: Optional[int] = None,\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.fillna": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.fillna", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.fillna", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Functionality Difference: If you provide a value to replace a null and that type conflicts\nwith the type of the column then PySpark will just ignore your replacement.\nThis will try to cast them to be the same in some cases. So they won't always match.\nBest to not mix types so make sure replacement is the same type as the column


Possibility for improvement: Use typeof function to get the type of the column\nand check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: <MagicMock id='139725213592944'>,\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tto_replace: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict],\tvalue: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, NoneType] = None,\tsubset: Union[Collection[<MagicMock id='139725213796384'>], <MagicMock id='139725213796384'>, NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumn": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumn", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.withColumn", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcolName: str,\tcol: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.withColumnRenamed", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, existing: str, new: str):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.drop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.drop", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.drop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, num: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.hint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.hint", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.hint", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tname: str,\t*parameters: Union[str, int, NoneType]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.repartition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.repartition", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.repartition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tnumPartitions: Union[int, <MagicMock id='139725213899536'>],\t*cols: <MagicMock id='139725214009616'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.coalesce": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.coalesce", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.coalesce", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, numPartitions: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.cache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.cache", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.cache", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.persist": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.persist", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.persist", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Storage Level Options:

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tstorageLevel: str = 'MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER') -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tdf: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\tgroup_by_cols: List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tlast_op: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations.Operation)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.agg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.agg", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.agg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*exprs: Union[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, Dict[str, str]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.count": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.count", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.count", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.mean": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.mean", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.mean", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.avg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.avg", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.avg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.max": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.max", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.max", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.min": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.min", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.min", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.sum": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.sum", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.sum", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.pivot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.pivot", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.pivot", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: Union[<MagicMock id='139725214054480'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType])"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_col": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_col", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ensure_col", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tvalue: Union[<MagicMock id='139725214486192'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_cols": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_cols", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ensure_cols", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\targs: List[Union[<MagicMock id='139725212552544'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]) -> List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_anonymous_function": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_anonymous_function", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.invoke_anonymous_function", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tcolumn: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725212635904'>],\tfunc_name: str,\t*args: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725212692304'>]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_expression_over_column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_expression_over_column", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.invoke_expression_over_column", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tcolumn: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725212757840'>],\tcallable_expression: Callable,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.binary_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.binary_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.binary_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tklass: Callable,\tother: <MagicMock id='139725212831072'>,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.inverse_binary_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.inverse_binary_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.inverse_binary_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tklass: Callable,\tother: <MagicMock id='139725212841200'>,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.unary_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.unary_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.unary_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, klass: Callable, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ensure_literal", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, value) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.set_table_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.set_table_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.set_table_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, table_name: str, copy=False) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.alias", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.asc", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.desc", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_first": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_first", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.asc_nulls_first", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_last": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_last", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.asc_nulls_last", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_first": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_first", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.desc_nulls_first", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_last": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_last", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.desc_nulls_last", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.when": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.when", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.when", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcondition: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column,\tvalue: Any) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.otherwise": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.otherwise", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.otherwise", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, value: Any) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNull": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNull", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.isNull", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNotNull": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNotNull", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.isNotNull", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.cast", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Functionality Difference: PySpark cast accepts a datatype instance of the datatype class\nSqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

\n", "signature": "(self, dataType: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.DataType]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.startswith": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.startswith", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.startswith", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.endswith": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.endswith", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.endswith", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.rlike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.rlike", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.rlike", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, regexp: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, other: str):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ilike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ilike", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ilike", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, other: str):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.substr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.substr", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.substr", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tstartPos: Union[int, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tlength: Union[int, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isin": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isin", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.isin", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213009472'>, Iterable[<MagicMock id='139725213009472'>]]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.between": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.between", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.between", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tlowerBound: <MagicMock id='139725213096576'>,\tupperBound: <MagicMock id='139725213134672'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.over": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.over", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.over", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\twindow: <MagicMock id='139725213176000'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(df: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.drop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.drop", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.drop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\thow: str = 'any',\tthresh: Optional[int] = None,\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.fill": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.fill", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.fill", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: Union[int, bool, float, str, Dict[str, Any]],\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tto_replace: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict],\tvalue: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, NoneType] = None,\tsubset: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.partitionBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.partitionBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.partitionBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213424208'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725213424208'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.orderBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.orderBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.orderBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213347952'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725213347952'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rowsBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rowsBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.rowsBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rangeBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rangeBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.rangeBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression = (WINDOW ))"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.partitionBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.partitionBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.partitionBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213251904'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725213251904'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.orderBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.orderBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.orderBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725212189360'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725212189360'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rowsBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rowsBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.rowsBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rangeBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rangeBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.rangeBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameReader", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameReader.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(spark: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session.SparkSession)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameReader.table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, tableName: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tdf: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\tspark: Optional[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session.SparkSession] = None,\tmode: Optional[str] = None,\tby_name: bool = False)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.mode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.mode", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.mode", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsaveMode: Optional[str]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.insertInto": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.insertInto", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.insertInto", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttableName: str,\toverwrite: Optional[bool] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tname: str,\tformat: Optional[str] = None,\tmode: Optional[str] = None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects", "kind": "module", "doc": "



While there is a SQL standard, most SQL engines support a variation of that standard. This makes it difficult\nto write portable SQL code. SQLGlot bridges all the different variations, called \"dialects\", with an extensible\nSQL transpilation framework.


The base sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect class implements a generic dialect that aims to be as universal as possible.


Each SQL variation has its own Dialect subclass, extending the corresponding Tokenizer, Parser and Generator\nclasses as needed.


Implementing a custom Dialect


Consider the following example:

from sqlglot import exp\nfrom sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect\nfrom sqlglot.generator import Generator\nfrom sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType\n\n\nclass Custom(Dialect):\n    class Tokenizer(Tokenizer):\n        QUOTES = ["'", '"']\n        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]\n\n        KEYWORDS = {\n            **Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,\n            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,\n            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,\n        }\n\n    class Generator(Generator):\n        TRANSFORMS = {exp.Array: lambda self, e: f"[{self.expressions(e)}]"}\n\n        TYPE_MAPPING = {\n            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",\n            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",\n            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",\n        }\n

This is a typical example of adding a new dialect implementation in SQLGlot: we specify its identifier and string\ndelimiters, as well as what tokens it uses for its types and how they're associated with SQLGlot types. Since\nthe Expression classes are common for each dialect supported in SQLGlot, we may also need to override the generation\nlogic for some expressions; this is usually done by adding new entries to the TRANSFORMS mapping.

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "kind": "module", "doc": "

Supports BigQuery Standard SQL.

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.array_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.array_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.array_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Array) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Unnest) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.except_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.except_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.except_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Except) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.intersect_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.intersect_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.intersect_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Intersect) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator.cte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator.cte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Generator.cte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "builtins.str, enum.Enum"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DIALECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DIALECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DIALECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DIALECT: ''>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.BIGQUERY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.BIGQUERY", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.BIGQUERY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.BIGQUERY: 'bigquery'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.CLICKHOUSE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.CLICKHOUSE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.CLICKHOUSE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.CLICKHOUSE: 'clickhouse'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DUCKDB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DUCKDB", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DUCKDB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DUCKDB: 'duckdb'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.HIVE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.HIVE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.HIVE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.HIVE: 'hive'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.MYSQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.MYSQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.MYSQL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.MYSQL: 'mysql'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.ORACLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.ORACLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.ORACLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.ORACLE: 'oracle'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.POSTGRES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.POSTGRES", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.POSTGRES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.POSTGRES: 'postgres'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.PRESTO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.PRESTO", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.PRESTO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.PRESTO: 'presto'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.REDSHIFT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.REDSHIFT", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.REDSHIFT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.REDSHIFT: 'redshift'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SNOWFLAKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SNOWFLAKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.SNOWFLAKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.SNOWFLAKE: 'snowflake'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SPARK": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SPARK", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.SPARK", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.SPARK: 'spark'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SQLITE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SQLITE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.SQLITE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.SQLITE: 'sqlite'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.STARROCKS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.STARROCKS", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.STARROCKS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.STARROCKS: 'starrocks'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TABLEAU": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TABLEAU", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TABLEAU", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TABLEAU: 'tableau'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TRINO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TRINO", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TRINO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TRINO: 'trino'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TSQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TSQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TSQL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TSQL: 'tsql'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DATABRICKS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DATABRICKS", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DATABRICKS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DATABRICKS: 'databricks'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DRILL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DRILL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DRILL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DRILL: 'drill'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TERADATA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TERADATA", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TERADATA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TERADATA: 'teradata'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.get_or_raise": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.get_or_raise", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.get_or_raise", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType]) -> Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.format_time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.format_time", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.format_time", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, **opts) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse_into": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse_into", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.parse_into", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression_type: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]]],\tsql: str,\t**opts) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generate", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.generate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\t**opts) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.transpile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.transpile", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.transpile", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, **opts) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.parser", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **opts) -> sqlglot.parser.Parser:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.generator", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **opts) -> sqlglot.generator.Generator:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.rename_func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.rename_func", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "rename_func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str) -> Callable[[sqlglot.generator.Generator, sqlglot.expressions.Expression], str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.approx_count_distinct_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.approx_count_distinct_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "approx_count_distinct_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.ApproxDistinct) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.if_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.if_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "if_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.If) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "arrow_json_extract_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtract | sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtract) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtractScalar | sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtractScalar) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.inline_array_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.inline_array_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "inline_array_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Array) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_ilike_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_ilike_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_ilike_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.ILike) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_paren_current_date_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_paren_current_date_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_paren_current_date_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_recursive_cte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_recursive_cte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_recursive_cte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.With) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_safe_divide_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_safe_divide_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_safe_divide_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.SafeDivide) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_tablesample_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_tablesample_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_tablesample_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.TableSample) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_pivot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_pivot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_pivot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Pivot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_trycast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_trycast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_trycast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.TryCast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_properties_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_properties_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_properties_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.str_position_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.str_position_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "str_position_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.struct_extract_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.struct_extract_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "struct_extract_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.StructExtract) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.var_map_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.var_map_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "var_map_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Map | sqlglot.expressions.VarMap,\tmap_func_name: str = 'MAP') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.format_time_lambda": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.format_time_lambda", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "format_time_lambda", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Helper used for time expressions.

  • exp_class: the expression class to instantiate.
  • \n
  • dialect: target sql dialect.
  • \n
  • default: the default format, True being time.
  • \n

A callable that can be used to return the appropriately formatted time expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texp_class: Type[~E],\tdialect: str,\tdefault: Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None) -> Callable[[Sequence], ~E]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.create_with_partitions_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.create_with_partitions_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "create_with_partitions_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

In Hive and Spark, the PARTITIONED BY property acts as an extension of a table's schema. When the\nPARTITIONED BY value is an array of column names, they are transformed into a schema. The corresponding\ncolumns are removed from the create statement.

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Create) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.parse_date_delta": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.parse_date_delta", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "parse_date_delta", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texp_class: Type[~E],\tunit_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Callable[[Sequence], ~E]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.locate_to_strposition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.locate_to_strposition", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "locate_to_strposition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(args: Sequence) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.strposition_to_locate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.strposition_to_locate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "strposition_to_locate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.timestrtotime_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.timestrtotime_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "timestrtotime_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToTime) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.datestrtodate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.datestrtodate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "datestrtodate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.DateStrToDate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.trim_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.trim_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "trim_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Trim) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator.normalize_func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator.normalize_func", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Generator.normalize_func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.with_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.with_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Generator.with_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, properties):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.show_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.show_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator.show_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.setitem_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.setitem_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator.setitem_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.set_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.set_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator.set_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.query_modifiers", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.offset_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Offset) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.table_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Table, sep: str = ' ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.xmltable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.XMLTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.values_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.values_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.values_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts VALUES... expression into a series of unions.


Note: If you have a lot of unions then this will result in a large number of recursive statements to\nevaluate the expression. You may need to increase sys.setrecursionlimit to run and it can also be\nvery slow.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Values) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.with_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.with_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.with_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Redshift doesn't have WITH as part of their with_properties so we remove it

\n", "signature": "(self, properties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.renametable_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.renametable_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.renametable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Redshift only supports defining the table name itself (not the db) when renaming tables

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Redshift converts the TEXT data type to VARCHAR(255) by default when people more generally mean\nVARCHAR of max length which is VARCHAR(max) in Redshift. Therefore if we get a TEXT data type\nwithout precision we convert it to VARCHAR(max) and if it does have precision then we just convert\nTEXT to VARCHAR.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.ilikeany_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.ilikeany_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.ilikeany_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ILikeAny) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.likeany_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.likeany_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.likeany_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LikeAny) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.except_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.except_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.except_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.intersect_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.intersect_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.intersect_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.values_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.values_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.values_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Due to a bug in Snowflake we want to make sure that all columns in a VALUES table alias are unquoted.


We also want to make sure that after we find matches where we need to unquote a column that we prevent users\nfrom adding quotes to the column by using the identify argument when generating the SQL.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Values) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.select_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.select_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.select_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Due to a bug in Snowflake we want to make sure that all columns in a VALUES table alias are unquoted and also\nthat all columns in a SELECT are unquoted. We also want to make sure that after we find matches where we need\nto unquote a column that we prevent users from adding quotes to the column by using the identify argument when\ngenerating the SQL.


Note: We make an assumption that any columns referenced in a VALUES expression should be unquoted throughout the\nexpression. This might not be true in a case where the same column name can be sourced from another table that can\nproperly quote but should be true in most cases.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Select) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Describe) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator.cast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator.cast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Generator.cast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "qualname": "StarRocks", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "qualname": "StarRocks.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "qualname": "StarRocks.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.PartitionedByProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.update_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.update_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.update_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Update) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.mod_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.mod_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.mod_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Mod) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, e):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.SystemTime) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ReturnsProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.diff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "kind": "module", "doc": "

Semantic Diff for SQL


by Iaroslav Zeigerman




Software is constantly changing and evolving, and identifying what has changed and reviewing those changes is an integral part of the development process. SQL code is no exception to this.


Text-based diff tools such as git diff, when applied to a code base, have certain limitations. First, they can only detect insertions and deletions, not movements or updates of individual pieces of code. Second, such tools can only detect changes between lines of text, which is too coarse for something as granular and detailed as source code. Additionally, the outcome of such a diff is dependent on the underlying code formatting, and yields different results if the formatting should change.


Consider the following diff generated by Git:




Semantically the query hasn\u2019t changed. The two arguments b and c have been swapped (moved), posing no impact on the output of the query. Yet Git replaced the whole affected expression alongside a bulk of unrelated elements.


The alternative to text-based diffing is to compare Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) instead. The main advantage of ASTs are that they are a direct product of code parsing, which represents the underlying code structure at any desired level of granularity. Comparing ASTs may yield extremely precise diffs; changes such as code movements and updates can also be detected. Even more importantly, this approach facilitates additional use cases beyond eyeballing two versions of source code side by side.


The use cases I had in mind for SQL when I decided to embark on this journey of semantic diffing were the following:

  • Query similarity score. Identifying which parts the two queries have in common to automatically suggest opportunities for consolidation, creation of intermediate/staging tables, and so on.
  • \n
  • Differentiating between cosmetic / structural changes and functional ones. For example when a nested query is refactored into a common table expression (CTE), this kind of change doesn\u2019t have any functional impact on either a query or its outcome.
  • \n
  • Automatic suggestions about the need to retroactively backfill data. This is especially important for pipelines that populate very large tables for which restatement is a runtime-intensive procedure. The ability to discern between simple code movements and actual modifications can help assess the impact of a change and make suggestions accordingly.
  • \n

The implementation discussed in this post is now a part of the SQLGlot library. You can find a complete source code in the module. The choice of SQLglot was an obvious one due to its simple but powerful API, lack of external dependencies and, more importantly, extensive list of supported SQL dialects.


The Search for a Solution


When it comes to any diffing tool (not just a semantic one), the primary challenge is to match as many elements of compared entities as possible. Once such a set of matching elements is available, deriving a sequence of changes becomes an easy task.


If our elements have unique identifiers associated with them (for example, an element\u2019s ID in DOM), the matching problem is trivial. However, the SQL syntax trees that we are comparing have neither unique keys nor object identifiers that can be used for the purposes of matching. So, how do we suppose to find pairs of nodes that are related?


To better illustrate the problem, consider comparing the following SQL expressions: SELECT a + b + c, d, e and SELECT a - b + c, e, f. Matching individual nodes from respective syntax trees can be visualized as follows:


\"Figure\nFigure 1: Example of node matching for two SQL expression trees.


By looking at the figure of node matching for two SQL expression trees above, we conclude that the following changes should be captured by our solution:

  • Inserted nodes: Sub and f. These are the nodes from the target AST which do not have a matching node in the source AST.
  • \n
  • Removed nodes: Add and d. These are the nodes from the source AST which do not have a counterpart in the target AST.
  • \n
  • Remaining nodes must be identified as unchanged.
  • \n

It should be clear at this point that if we manage to match nodes in the source tree with their counterparts in the target tree, then computing the diff becomes a trivial matter.


Na\u00efve Brute-Force


The na\u00efve solution would be to try all different permutations of node pair combinations, and see which set of pairs performs the best based on some type of heuristics. The runtime cost of such a solution quickly reaches the escape velocity; if both trees had only 10 nodes each, the number of such sets would approximately be 10! ^ 2 = 3.6M ^ 2 ~= 13 * 10^12. This is a very bad case of factorial complexity (to be precise, it\u2019s actually much worse - O(n! ^ 2) - but I couldn\u2019t come up with a name for it), so there is little need to explore this approach any further.


Myers Algorithm


After the na\u00efve approach was proven to be infeasible, the next question I asked myself was \u201chow does git diff work?\u201d. This question led me to discover the Myers diff algorithm [1]. This algorithm has been designed to compare sequences of strings. At its core, it\u2019s looking for the shortest path on a graph of possible edits that transform the first sequence into the second one, while heavily rewarding those paths that lead to longest subsequences of unchanged elements. There\u2019s a lot of material out there describing this algorithm in greater detail. I found James Coglan\u2019s series of blog posts to be the most comprehensive.


Therefore, I had this \u201cbrilliant\u201d (actually not) idea to transform trees into sequences by traversing them in topological order, and then applying the Myers algorithm on resulting sequences while using a custom heuristics when checking the equality of two nodes. Unsurprisingly, comparing sequences of strings is quite different from comparing hierarchical tree structures, and by flattening trees into sequences, we lose a lot of relevant context. This resulted in a terrible performance of this algorithm on ASTs. It often matched completely unrelated nodes, even when the two trees were mostly the same, and produced extremely inaccurate lists of changes overall. After playing around with it a little and tweaking my equality heuristics to improve accuracy, I ultimately scrapped the whole implementation and went back to the drawing board.


Change Distiller


The algorithm I settled on at the end was Change Distiller, created by Fluri et al. [2], which in turn is an improvement over the core idea described by Chawathe et al. [3].


The algorithm consists of two high-level steps:

  1. Finding appropriate matchings between pairs of nodes that are part of compared ASTs. Identifying what is meant by \u201cappropriate\u201d matching is also a part of this step.
  2. \n
  3. Generating the so-called \u201cedit script\u201d from the matching set built in the 1st step. The edit script is a sequence of edit operations (for example, insert, remove, update, etc.) on individual tree nodes, such that when applied as transformations on the source AST, it eventually becomes the target AST. In general, the shorter the sequence, the better. The length of the edit script can be used to compare the performance of different algorithms, though this is not the only metric that matters.
  4. \n

The rest of this section is dedicated to the Python implementation of the steps above using the AST implementation provided by the SQLGlot library.


Building the Matching Set


Matching Leaves


We begin composing the matching set by matching the leaf nodes. Leaf nodes are the nodes that do not have any children nodes (such as literals, identifiers, etc.). In order to match them, we gather all the leaf nodes from the source tree and generate a cartesian product with all the leaves from the target tree, while comparing pairs created this way and assigning them a similarity score. During this stage, we also exclude pairs that don\u2019t pass basic matching criteria. Then, we pick pairs that scored the highest while making sure that each node is matched no more than once.


Using the example provided at the beginning of the post, the process of building an initial set of candidate matchings can be seen on Figure 2.


\"Figure\nFigure 2: Building a set of candidate matchings between leaf nodes. The third item in each triplet represents a similarity score between two nodes.


First, let\u2019s analyze the similarity score. Then, we\u2019ll discuss matching criteria.


The similarity score proposed by Fluri et al. [2] is a dice coefficient applied to bigrams of respective node values. A bigram is a sequence of two adjacent elements from a string computed in a sliding window fashion:

def bigram(string):\n    count = max(0, len(string) - 1)\n    return [string[i : i + 2] for i in range(count)]\n

For reasons that will become clear shortly, we actually need to compute bigram histograms rather than just sequences:

from collections import defaultdict\n\ndef bigram_histo(string):\n    count = max(0, len(string) - 1)\n    bigram_histo = defaultdict(int)\n    for i in range(count):\n        bigram_histo[string[i : i + 2]] += 1\n    return bigram_histo\n

The dice coefficient formula looks like following:




Where X is a bigram of the source node and Y is a bigram of the second one. What this essentially does is count the number of bigram elements the two nodes have in common, multiply it by 2, and then divide by the total number of elements in both bigrams. This is where bigram histograms come in handy:

def dice_coefficient(source, target):\n    source_histo = bigram_histo(source.sql())\n    target_histo = bigram_histo(target.sql())\n\n    total_grams = (\n        sum(source_histo.values()) + sum(target_histo.values())\n    )\n    if not total_grams:\n        return 1.0 if source == target else 0.0\n\n    overlap_len = 0\n    overlapping_grams = set(source_histo) & set(target_histo)\n    for g in overlapping_grams:\n        overlap_len += min(source_histo[g], target_histo[g])\n\n    return 2 * overlap_len / total_grams\n

To compute a bigram given a tree node, we first transform the node into its canonical SQL representation,so that the Literal(123) node becomes just \u201c123\u201d and the Identifier(\u201ca\u201d) node becomes just \u201ca\u201d. We also handle a scenario when strings are too short to derive bigrams. In this case, we fallback to checking the two nodes for equality.


Now when we know how to compute the similarity score, we can take care of the matching criteria for leaf nodes. In the original paper [2], the matching criteria is formalized as follows:




The two nodes are matched if two conditions are met:

  1. The node labels match (in our case labels are just node types).
  2. \n
  3. The similarity score for node values is greater than or equal to some threshold \u201cf\u201d. The authors of the paper recommend setting the value of \u201cf\u201d to 0.6.
  4. \n

With building blocks in place, we can now build a matching set for leaf nodes. First, we generate a list of candidates for matching:

from heapq import heappush, heappop\n\ncandidate_matchings = []\nsource_leaves = _get_leaves(self._source)\ntarget_leaves = _get_leaves(self._target)\nfor source_leaf in source_leaves:\n    for target_leaf in target_leaves:\n        if _is_same_type(source_leaf, target_leaf):\n            similarity_score = dice_coefficient(\n                source_leaf, target_leaf\n            )\n            if similarity_score >= 0.6:\n                heappush(\n                    candidate_matchings,\n                    (\n                        -similarity_score,\n                        len(candidate_matchings),\n                        source_leaf,\n                        target_leaf,\n                    ),\n                )\n

In the implementation above, we push each matching pair onto the heap to automatically maintain the correct order based on the assigned similarity score.


Finally, we build the initial matching set by picking leaf pairs with the highest score:

matching_set = set()\nwhile candidate_matchings:\n    _, _, source_leaf, target_leaf = heappop(candidate_matchings)\n    if (\n        source_leaf in unmatched_source_nodes\n        and target_leaf in unmatched_target_nodes\n    ):\n        matching_set.add((source_leaf, target_leaf))\n        unmatched_source_nodes.remove(source_leaf)\n        unmatched_target_nodes.remove(target_leaf)\n

To finalize the matching set, we should now proceed with matching inner nodes.


Matching Inner Nodes


Matching inner nodes is quite similar to matching leaf nodes, with the following two distinctions:

  • Rather than ranking a set of possible candidates, we pick the first node pair that passes the matching criteria.
  • \n
  • The matching criteria itself has been extended to account for the number of leaf nodes the pair of inner nodes have in common.
  • \n

\"Figure\nFigure 3: Matching inner nodes based on their type as well as how many of their leaf nodes have been previously matched.


Let\u2019s start with the matching criteria. The criteria is formalized as follows:




Alongside already familiar similarity score and node type criteria, there is a new one in the middle: the ratio of leaf nodes that the two nodes have in common must exceed some threshold \u201ct\u201d. The recommended value for \u201ct\u201d is also 0.6. Counting the number of common leaf nodes is pretty straightforward, since we already have the complete matching set for leaves. All we need to do is count how many matching pairs do leaf nodes from the two compared inner nodes form.


There are two additional heuristics associated with this matching criteria:

  • Inner node similarity weighting: if the similarity score between the node values doesn\u2019t pass the threshold \u201cf\u201d but the ratio of common leaf nodes (\u201ct\u201d) is greater than or equal to 0.8, then the matching is considered successful.
  • \n
  • The threshold \u201ct\u201d is reduced to 0.4 for inner nodes with the number of leaf nodes equal to 4 or less, in order to decrease the false negative rate for small subtrees.
  • \n

We now only have to iterate through the remaining unmatched nodes and form matching pairs based on the outlined criteria:

leaves_matching_set = matching_set.copy()\n\nfor source_node in unmatched_source_nodes.copy():\n    for target_node in unmatched_target_nodes:\n        if _is_same_type(source_node, target_node):\n            source_leaves = set(_get_leaves(source_node))\n            target_leaves = set(_get_leaves(target_node))\n\n            max_leaves_num = max(len(source_leaves), len(target_leaves))\n            if max_leaves_num:\n                common_leaves_num = sum(\n                    1 if s in source_leaves and t in target_leaves else 0\n                    for s, t in leaves_matching_set\n                )\n                leaf_similarity_score = common_leaves_num / max_leaves_num\n            else:\n                leaf_similarity_score = 0.0\n\n            adjusted_t = (\n                0.6\n                if min(len(source_leaves), len(target_leaves)) > 4\n                else 0.4\n            )\n\n            if leaf_similarity_score >= 0.8 or (\n                leaf_similarity_score >= adjusted_t\n                and dice_coefficient(source_node, target_node) >= 0.6\n            ):\n                matching_set.add((source_node, target_node))\n                unmatched_source_nodes.remove(source_node)\n                unmatched_target_nodes.remove(target_node)\n                break\n

After the matching set is formed, we can proceed with generation of the edit script, which will be the algorithm\u2019s output.


Generating the Edit Script


At this point, we should have the following 3 sets at our disposal:

  • The set of matched node pairs.
  • \n
  • The set of remaining unmatched nodes from the source tree.
  • \n
  • The set of remaining unmatched nodes from the target tree.
  • \n

We can derive 3 kinds of edits from the matching set: either the node\u2019s value was updated (Update), the node was moved to a different position within the tree (Move), or the node remained unchanged (Keep). Note that the Move case is not mutually exclusive with the other two. The node could have been updated or could have remained the same while at the same time its position within its parent node or the parent node itself could have changed. All unmatched nodes from the source tree are the ones that were removed (Remove), while unmatched nodes from the target tree are the ones that were inserted (Insert).


The latter two cases are pretty straightforward to implement:

edit_script = []\n\nfor removed_node in unmatched_source_nodes:\n    edit_script.append(Remove(removed_node))\nfor inserted_node in unmatched_target_nodes:\n    edit_script.append(Insert(inserted_node))\n

Traversing the matching set requires a little more thought:

for source_node, target_node in matching_set:\n    if (\n        not isinstance(source_node, LEAF_EXPRESSION_TYPES)\n        or source_node == target_node\n    ):\n        move_edits = generate_move_edits(\n            source_node, target_node, matching_set\n        )\n        edit_script.extend(move_edits)\n        edit_script.append(Keep(source_node, target_node))\n    else:\n        edit_script.append(Update(source_node, target_node))\n

If a matching pair represents a pair of leaf nodes, we check if they are the same to decide whether an update took place. For inner node pairs, we also need to compare the positions of their respective children to detect node movements. Chawathe et al. [3] suggest applying the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm which, no surprise here, was described by Myers himself [1]. There is a small catch, however: instead of checking the equality of two children nodes, we need to check whether the two nodes form a pair that is a part of our matching set.


Now with this knowledge, the implementation becomes straightforward:

def generate_move_edits(source, target, matching_set):\n    source_children = _get_child_nodes(source)\n    target_children = _get_child_nodes(target)\n\n    lcs = set(\n        _longest_common_subsequence(\n            source_children,\n            target_children,\n            lambda l, r: (l, r) in matching_set\n        )\n    )\n\n    move_edits = []\n    for node in source_children:\n        if node not in lcs and node not in unmatched_source_nodes:\n            move_edits.append(Move(node))\n\n    return move_edits\n

I left out the implementation of the LCS algorithm itself here, but there are plenty of implementation choices out there that can be easily looked up.




The implemented algorithm produces the output that resembles the following:

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one, diff\n>>> diff(parse_one("SELECT a + b + c, d, e"), parse_one("SELECT a - b + c, e, f"))\n\nRemove(Add)\nRemove(Column(d))\nRemove(Identifier(d))\nInsert(Sub)\nInsert(Column(f))\nInsert(Identifier(f))\nKeep(Select, Select)\nKeep(Add, Add)\nKeep(Column(a), Column(a))\nKeep(Identifier(a), Identifier(a))\nKeep(Column(b), Column(b))\nKeep(Identifier(b), Identifier(b))\nKeep(Column(c), Column(c))\nKeep(Identifier(c), Identifier(c))\nKeep(Column(e), Column(e))\nKeep(Identifier(e), Identifier(e))\n

Note that the output above is abbreviated. The string representation of actual AST nodes is significantly more verbose.


The implementation works especially well when coupled with the SQLGlot\u2019s query optimizer which can be used to produce canonical representations of compared queries:

>>> schema={"t": {"a": "INT", "b": "INT", "c": "INT", "d": "INT"}}\n>>> source = """\n... SELECT 1 + 1 + a\n... FROM t\n... WHERE b = 1 OR (c = 2 AND d = 3)\n... """\n>>> target = """\n... SELECT 2 + a\n... FROM t\n... WHERE (b = 1 OR c = 2) AND (b = 1 OR d = 3)\n... """\n>>> optimized_source = optimize(parse_one(source), schema=schema)\n>>> optimized_target = optimize(parse_one(target), schema=schema)\n>>> edit_script = diff(optimized_source, optimized_target)\n>>> sum(0 if isinstance(e, Keep) else 1 for e in edit_script)\n0\n



The worst case runtime complexity of this algorithm is not exactly stellar: O(n^2 * log n^2). This is because of the leaf matching process, which involves ranking a cartesian product between all leaf nodes of compared trees. Unsurprisingly, the algorithm takes a considerable time to finish for bigger queries.


There are still a few basic things we can do in our implementation to help improve performance:

  • Refer to individual node objects using their identifiers (Python\u2019s id()) instead of direct references in sets. This helps avoid costly recursive hash calculations and equality checks.
  • \n
  • Cache bigram histograms to avoid computing them more than once for the same node.
  • \n
  • Compute the canonical SQL string representation for each tree once while caching string representations of all inner nodes. This prevents redundant tree traversals when bigrams are computed.
  • \n

At the time of writing only the first two optimizations have been implemented, so there is an opportunity to contribute for anyone who\u2019s interested.


Alternative Solutions


This section is dedicated to solutions that I\u2019ve investigated, but haven\u2019t tried.


First, this section wouldn\u2019t be complete without Tristan Hume\u2019s blog post. Tristan\u2019s solution has a lot in common with the Myers algorithm plus heuristics that is much more clever than what I came up with. The implementation relies on a combination of dynamic programming and A* search algorithm to explore the space of possible matchings and pick the best ones. It seemed to have worked well for Tistan\u2019s specific use case, but after my negative experience with the Myers algorithm, I decided to try something different.


Another notable approach is the Gumtree algorithm by Falleri et al. [4]. I discovered this paper after I\u2019d already implemented the algorithm that is the main focus of this post. In sections 5.2 and 5.3 of their paper, the authors compare the two algorithms side by side and claim that Gumtree is significantly better in terms of both runtime performance and accuracy when evaluated on 12 792 pairs of Java source files. This doesn\u2019t surprise me, as the algorithm takes the height of subtrees into account. In my tests, I definitely saw scenarios in which this context would have helped. On top of that, the authors promise O(n^2) runtime complexity in the worst case which, given the Change Distiller's O(n^2 * log n^2), looks particularly tempting. I hope to try this algorithm out at some point, and there is a good chance you see me writing about it in my future posts.




The Change Distiller algorithm yielded quite satisfactory results in most of my tests. The scenarios in which it fell short mostly concerned identical (or very similar) subtrees located in different parts of the AST. In those cases, node mismatches were frequent and, as a result, edit scripts were somewhat suboptimal.


Additionally, the runtime performance of the algorithm leaves a lot to be desired. On trees with 1000 leaf nodes each, the algorithm takes a little under 2 seconds to complete. My implementation still has room for improvement, but this should give you a rough idea of what to expect. It appears that the Gumtree algorithm [4] can help address both of these points. I hope to find bandwidth to work on it soon and then compare the two algorithms side-by-side to find out which one performs better on SQL specifically. In the meantime, Change Distiller definitely gets the job done, and I can now proceed with applying it to some of the use cases I mentioned at the beginning of this post.


I\u2019m also curious to learn whether other folks in the industry faced a similar problem, and how they approached it. If you did something similar, I\u2019m interested to hear about your experience.




[1] Eugene W. Myers. An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations. Algorithmica 1(2): 251-266 (1986)


[2] B. Fluri, M. Wursch, M. Pinzger, and H. Gall. Change Distilling: Tree differencing for fine-grained source code change extraction. IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 33(11):725\u2013743, 2007.


[3] S.S. Chawathe, A. Rajaraman, H. Garcia-Molina, and J. Widom. Change Detection in Hierarchically Structured Information. Proc. ACM Sigmod Int\u2019l Conf. Management of Data, pp. 493-504, June 1996


[4] Jean-R\u00e9my Falleri, Flor\u00e9al Morandat, Xavier Blanc, Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus. Fine-grained and Accurate Source Code Differencing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2014, V\u00e4steras, Sweden. pp.313-324, 10.1145/2642937.2642982. hal-01054552

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Insert": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Insert", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Insert", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that a new node has been inserted

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Insert.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Insert.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Insert.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Remove": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Remove", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Remove", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node has been removed

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Remove.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Remove.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Remove.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Move": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Move", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Move", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node's position within the tree has changed

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Move.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Move.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Move.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Update": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Update", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Update", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node has been updated

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Update.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Update.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Update.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Keep": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Keep", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Keep", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node hasn't been changed

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Keep.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Keep.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Keep.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.diff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.diff", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "diff", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the list of changes between the source and the target expressions.

>>> diff(parse_one("a + b"), parse_one("a + c"))\n[\n    Remove(expression=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False))),\n    Insert(expression=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: c, quoted: False))),\n    Keep(\n        source=(ADD this: ...),\n        target=(ADD this: ...)\n    ),\n    Keep(\n        source=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)),\n        target=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False))\n    ),\n]\n
  • source: the source expression.
  • \n
  • target: the target expression against which the diff should be calculated.
  • \n

the list of Insert, Remove, Move, Update and Keep objects for each node in the source and the\n target expression trees. This list represents a sequence of steps needed to transform the source\n expression tree into the target one.

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> List[Union[sqlglot.diff.Insert, sqlglot.diff.Remove, sqlglot.diff.Move, sqlglot.diff.Update, sqlglot.diff.Keep]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "ChangeDistiller", "kind": "class", "doc": "

The implementation of the Change Distiller algorithm described by Beat Fluri and Martin Pinzger in\ntheir paper, which in turn is based on the algorithm by\nChawathe et al. described in

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "ChangeDistiller.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(f: float = 0.6, t: float = 0.6)"}, "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.diff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.diff", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "ChangeDistiller.diff", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> List[Union[sqlglot.diff.Insert, sqlglot.diff.Remove, sqlglot.diff.Move, sqlglot.diff.Update, sqlglot.diff.Keep]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.errors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IGNORE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IGNORE", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.IGNORE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Ignore all errors.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.IGNORE: 'IGNORE'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.WARN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.WARN", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.WARN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Log all errors.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.WARN: 'WARN'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.RAISE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.RAISE", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.RAISE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Collect all errors and raise a single exception.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.RAISE: 'RAISE'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Immediately raise an exception on the first error found.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE: 'IMMEDIATE'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.SqlglotError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.SqlglotError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "SqlglotError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "sqlglot.errors.UnsupportedError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.UnsupportedError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "UnsupportedError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.ParseError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ParseError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ParseError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.ParseError.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ParseError.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ParseError.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(message: str, errors: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None)"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tmessage: str,\tdescription: Optional[str] = None,\tline: Optional[int] = None,\tcol: Optional[int] = None,\tstart_context: Optional[str] = None,\thighlight: Optional[str] = None,\tend_context: Optional[str] = None,\tinto_expression: Optional[str] = None) -> sqlglot.errors.ParseError:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.errors.TokenError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.TokenError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "TokenError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.OptimizeError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.OptimizeError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "OptimizeError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.SchemaError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.SchemaError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "SchemaError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.ExecuteError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ExecuteError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ExecuteError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.concat_messages": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.concat_messages", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "concat_messages", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(errors: Sequence[Any], maximum: int) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.errors.merge_errors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.merge_errors", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "merge_errors", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(errors: Sequence[sqlglot.errors.ParseError]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor", "kind": "module", "doc": "

Writing a Python SQL engine from scratch


Toby Mao




When I first started writing SQLGlot in early 2021, my goal was just to translate SQL queries from SparkSQL to Presto and vice versa. However, over the last year and a half, I've ended up with a full-fledged SQL engine. SQLGlot can now parse and transpile between 18 SQL dialects and can execute all 24 TPC-H SQL queries. The parser and engine are all written from scratch using Python.


This post will cover why I went through the effort of creating a Python SQL engine and how a simple query goes from a string to actually transforming data. The following steps are briefly summarized:




I started working on SQLGlot because of my work on the experimentation and metrics platform at Netflix, where I built tools that allowed data scientists to define and compute SQL-based metrics. Netflix relied on multiple engines to query data (Spark, Presto, and Druid), so my team built the metrics platform around PyPika, a Python SQL query builder. This way, definitions could be reused across multiple engines. However, it became quickly apparent that writing python code to programmatically generate SQL was challenging for data scientists, especially those with academic backgrounds, since they were mostly familiar with R and SQL. At the time, the only Python SQL parser was sqlparse, which is not actually a parser but a tokenizer, so having users write raw SQL into the platform wasn't really an option. Some time later, I randomly stumbled across Crafting Interpreters and realized that I could use it as a guide towards creating my own SQL parser/transpiler.


Why did I do this? Isn't a Python SQL engine going to be extremely slow?


The main reason why I ended up building a SQL engine was...just for entertainment. It's been fun learning about all the things required to actually run a SQL query, and seeing it actually work is extremely rewarding. Before SQLGlot, I had zero experience with lexers, parsers, or compilers.


In terms of practical use cases, I planned to use the Python SQL engine for unit testing SQL pipelines. Big data pipelines are tough to test because many of the engines are not open source and cannot be run locally. With SQLGlot, you can take a SQL query targeting a warehouse such as Snowflake and seamlessly run it in CI on mock Python data. It's easy to mock data and create arbitrary UDFs because everything is just Python. Although the implementation is slow and unsuitable for large amounts of data (> 1 million rows), there's very little overhead/startup and you can run queries on test data in a couple of milliseconds.


Finally, the components that have been built to support execution can be used as a foundation for a faster engine. I'm inspired by what Apache Calcite has done for the JVM world. Even though Python is commonly used for data, there hasn't been a Calcite for Python. So, you could say that SQLGlot aims to be that framework. For example, it wouldn't take much work to replace the Python execution engine with numpy/pandas/arrow to become a respectably-performing query engine. The implementation would be able to leverage the parser, optimizer, and logical planner, only needing to implement physical execution. There is a lot of work in the Python ecosystem around high performance vectorized computation, which I think could benefit from a pure Python-based AST/plan. Parsing and planning doesn't have to be fast when the bottleneck of running queries is processing terabytes of data. So, having a Python-based ecosystem around SQL is beneficial given the ease of development in Python, despite not having bare metal performance.


Parts of SQLGlot's toolkit are being used today by the following:

  • Ibis: A Python library that provides a lightweight, universal interface for data wrangling.\n
    • Uses the Python SQL expression builder and leverages the optimizer/planner to convert SQL into dataframe operations.
    • \n
  • \n
  • mysql-mimic: Pure-Python implementation of the MySQL server wire protocol\n
    • Parses / transforms SQL and executes INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Quokka: Push-based vectorized query engine\n
    • Parse and optimizes SQL.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Splink: Fast, accurate and scalable probabilistic data linkage using your choice of SQL backend.\n
    • Transpiles queries.
    • \n
  • \n



There are many steps involved with actually running a simple query like:

SELECT\n  bar.a,\n  b + 1 AS b\nFROM bar\nJOIN baz\n  ON bar.a = baz.a\nWHERE bar.a > 1\n

In this post, I'll walk through all the steps SQLGlot takes to run this query over Python objects.




The first step is to convert the sql string into a list of tokens. SQLGlot's tokenizer is quite simple and can be found here. In a while loop, it checks each character and either appends the character to the current token, or makes a new token.


Running the SQLGlot tokenizer shows the output.




Each keyword has been converted to a SQLGlot Token object. Each token has some metadata associated with it, like line/column information for error messages. Comments are also a part of the token, so that comments can be preserved.




Once a SQL statement is tokenized, we don't need to worry about white space and other formatting, so it's easier to work with. We can now convert the list of tokens into an AST. The SQLGlot parser is a handwritten recursive descent parser.


Similar to the tokenizer, it consumes the tokens sequentially, but it instead uses a recursive algorithm. The tokens are converted into a single AST node that presents the SQL query. The SQLGlot parser was designed to support various dialects, so it contains many options for overriding parsing functionality.




The AST is a generic representation of a given SQL query. Each dialect can override or implement its own generator, which can convert an AST object into syntatically-correct SQL.




Once we have our AST, we can transform it into an equivalent query that produces the same results more efficiently. When optimizing queries, most engines first convert the AST into a logical plan and then optimize the plan. However, I chose to optimize the AST directly for the following reasons:

  1. It's easier to debug and validate the optimizations when the input and output are both SQL.

  2. \n
  3. Rules can be applied a la carte to transform SQL into a more desirable form.

  4. \n
  5. I wanted a way to generate 'canonical sql'. Having a canonical representation of SQL is useful for understanding if two queries are semantically equivalent (e.g. SELECT 1 + 1 and SELECT 2).

  6. \n

I've yet to find another engine that takes this approach, but I'm quite happy with this decision. The optimizer currently does not perform any \"physical optimizations\" such as join reordering. Those are left to the execution layer, as additional statistics and information could become relevant.




The optimizer currently has 17 rules. Each of these rules is applied, transforming the AST in place. The combination of these rules creates \"canonical\" sql that can then be more easily converted into a logical plan and executed.


Some example rules are:


qualify_tables and qualify_columns

  • Adds all db/catalog qualifiers to tables and forces an alias.
  • \n
  • Ensure each column is unambiguous and expand stars.
  • \n
SELECT * FROM x;\n\nSELECT "db"."x" AS "x";\n



Boolean and math simplification. Check out all the test cases.

((NOT FALSE) AND (x = x)) AND (TRUE OR 1 <> 3);\nx = x;\n\n1 + 1;\n2;\n



Attempts to convert all predicates into conjunctive normal form.

-- DNF\n(A AND B) OR (B AND C AND D);\n\n-- CNF\n(A OR C) AND (A OR D) AND B;\n



Converts subqueries in predicates into joins.

-- The subquery can be converted into a left join\nSELECT *\nFROM x AS x\nWHERE (\n  SELECT y.a AS a\n  FROM y AS y\n  WHERE x.a = y.a\n) = 1;\n\nSELECT *\nFROM x AS x\nLEFT JOIN (\n  SELECT y.a AS a\n  FROM y AS y\n  WHERE TRUE\n  GROUP BY y.a\n) AS "_u_0"\n  ON x.a = "_u_0".a\nWHERE ("_u_0".a = 1 AND NOT "_u_0".a IS NULL)\n



Push down filters into the innermost query.

SELECT *\nFROM (\n  SELECT *\n  FROM x AS x\n) AS y\nWHERE y.a = 1;\n\nSELECT *\nFROM (\n  SELECT *\n  FROM x AS x\n  WHERE y.a = 1\n) AS y WHERE TRUE\n



Infer all types throughout the AST given schema information and function type definitions.




After the SQL AST has been \"optimized\", it's much easier to convert into a logical plan. The AST is traversed and converted into a DAG consisting of one of five steps. The different steps are:




Selects columns from a table, applies projections, and finally filters the table.




Sorts a table for order by expressions.




Applies the operators union/union all/except/intersect.




Applies an aggregation/group by.




Joins multiple tables together.




The logical plan is quite simple and contains the information required to convert it into a physical plan (execution).




Finally, we can actually execute the SQL query. The Python engine is not fast, but it's very small (~400 LOC)! It iterates the DAG with a queue and runs each step, passing each intermediary table to the next step.


In order to keep things simple, it evaluates expressions with eval. Because SQLGlot was built primarily to be a transpiler, it was simple to create a \"Python SQL\" dialect. So a SQL expression x + 1 can just be converted into scope['x'] + 1.




What's next


SQLGlot's main focus will always be on parsing/transpiling, but I plan to continue development on the execution engine. I'd like to pass TPC-DS. If someone doesn't beat me to it, I may even take a stab at writing a Pandas/Arrow execution engine.


I'm hoping that over time, SQLGlot will spark the Python SQL ecosystem just like Calcite has for Java.


Special thanks


SQLGlot would not be what it is without it's core contributors. In particular, the execution engine would not exist without Barak Alon and George Sittas.


Get in touch


If you'd like to chat more about SQLGlot, please join my Slack Channel!

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.execute": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.execute", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor", "qualname": "execute", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Run a sql query against data.

  • sql: a sql statement.
  • \n
  • schema: database schema.\nThis can either be an instance of Schema or a mapping in one of the following forms:\n
    1. {table: {col: type}}
    2. \n
    3. {db: {table: {col: type}}}
    4. \n
    5. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}
    6. \n
  • \n
  • read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • tables: additional tables to register.
  • \n

Simple columnar data structure.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tschema: Union[Dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\ttables: Optional[Dict] = None) -> sqlglot.executor.table.Table:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Execution context for sql expressions.


Context is used to hold relevant data tables which can then be queried on with eval.


References to columns can either be scalar or vectors. When set_row is used, column references\nevaluate to scalars while set_range evaluates to vectors. This allows convenient and efficient\nevaluation of aggregation functions.

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Args\n tables: representing the scope of the current execution context.\n env: dictionary of functions within the execution context.

\n", "signature": "(\ttables: Dict[str, sqlglot.executor.table.Table],\tenv: Optional[Dict] = None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.eval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, code):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval_tuple": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval_tuple", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.eval_tuple", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, codes):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.add_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.add_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.add_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *columns: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.table_iter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.table_iter", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.table_iter", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter, sqlglot.executor.context.Context]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.filter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.filter", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.filter", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, condition) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, key) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_row": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_row", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.set_row", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, row: Tuple) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_index": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_index", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.set_index", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, index: int) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_range": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_range", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.set_range", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, start: int, end: int) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "reverse_key", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "reverse_key.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(obj)"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.filter_nulls": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.filter_nulls", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "filter_nulls", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(func, empty_null=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.null_if_any": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.null_if_any", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "null_if_any", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Decorator that makes a function return None if any of the required arguments are None.


This also supports decoration with no arguments, e.g.:

@null_if_any\ndef foo(a, b): ...\n

In which case all arguments are required.

\n", "signature": "(*required):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.str_position": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.str_position", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "str_position", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(substr, this, position=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.substring": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.substring", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "substring", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, start=None, length=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "cast", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, to):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.ordered": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.ordered", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "ordered", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, desc, nulls_first):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "interval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, unit):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(env=None, tables=None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.execute": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.execute", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.execute", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, plan):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.generate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert a SQL expression into literal Python code and compile it into bytecode.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate_tuple": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate_tuple", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.generate_tuple", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert an array of SQL expressions into tuple of Python byte code.

\n", "signature": "(self, expressions):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.context": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.context", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.context", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, tables):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expressions):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.scan", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.static": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.static", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.static", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.scan_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_csv": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_csv", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.scan_csv", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.join", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.nested_loop_join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.nested_loop_join", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.nested_loop_join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, _join, source_context, join_context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.hash_join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.hash_join", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.hash_join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, join, source_context, join_context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.aggregate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.aggregate", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.aggregate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.set_operation": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.set_operation", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.set_operation", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.executor.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(columns, rows=None, column_range=None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.add_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.add_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.add_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *columns: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.append": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.append", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.append", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, row):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.pop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.pop", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.pop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "TableIter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "TableIter.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(table)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RangeReader", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RangeReader.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(table)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RowReader", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RowReader.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(columns, column_range=None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Tables", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Abstract base class for generic types.


A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from\nthis class parameterized with one or more type variables.\nFor example, a generic mapping type might be defined as::


class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):\n def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:\n ...\n # Etc.


This class can then be used as follows::


def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:\n try:\n return mapping[key]\n except KeyError:\n return default

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema[sqlglot.executor.table.Table]"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.ensure_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.ensure_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "ensure_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(d: Optional[Dict]) -> sqlglot.executor.table.Tables:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "kind": "module", "doc": "



Every AST node in SQLGlot is represented by a subclass of Expression.


This module contains the implementation of all supported Expression types. Additionally,\nit exposes a number of helper functions, which are mainly used to programmatically build\nSQL expressions, such as

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression", "kind": "class", "doc": "

The base class for all expressions in a syntax tree. Each Expression encapsulates any necessary\ncontext, such as its child expressions, their names (arg keys), and whether a given child expression\nis optional or not.

  • key: a unique key for each class in the Expression hierarchy. This is useful for hashing\nand representing expressions as strings.
  • \n
  • arg_types: determines what arguments (child nodes) are supported by an expression. It\nmaps arg keys to booleans that indicate whether the corresponding args are optional.
  • \n
>>> class Foo(Expression):\n...     arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}\n
\n \n

The above definition informs us that Foo is an Expression that requires an argument called\n \"this\" and may also optionally receive an argument called \"expression\".

  • args: a mapping used for retrieving the arguments of an expression, given their arg keys.
  • \n
  • parent: a reference to the parent expression (or None, in case of root expressions).
  • \n
  • arg_key: the arg key an expression is associated with, i.e. the name its parent expression\nuses to refer to it.
  • \n
  • comments: a list of comments that are associated with a given expression. This is used in\norder to preserve comments when transpiling SQL code.
  • \n
  • _type: the sqlglot.expressions.DataType type of an expression. This is inferred by the\noptimizer, in order to enable some transformations that require type information.
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(**args: Any)"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.this": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.this", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.this", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Retrieves the argument with key \"this\".

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.expression", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Retrieves the argument with key \"expression\".

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.expressions", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Retrieves the argument with key \"expressions\".

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.text": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.text", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.text", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a textual representation of the argument corresponding to \"key\". This can only be used\nfor args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and literals.

\n", "signature": "(self, key):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_string": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_string", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_string", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether a Literal expression is a string.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_number": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_number", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_number", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether a Literal expression is a number.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_int": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_int", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_int", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether a Literal expression is an integer.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.alias", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Returns the alias of the expression, or an empty string if it's not aliased.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a deep copy of the expression.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.append": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.append", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.append", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list.

  • arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg
  • \n
  • value (Any): value to append to the list
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, arg_key, value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.set": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.set", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.set", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Sets arg_key to value.

  • arg_key (str): name of the expression arg.
  • \n
  • value: value to set the arg to.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, arg_key, value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.depth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.depth", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.depth", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Returns the depth of this tree.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.find", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of\nthe specified types.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n

The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_all": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_all", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.find_all", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only\nyields those that match at least one of the specified expression types.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n

The generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_ancestor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_ancestor", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.find_ancestor", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n

The parent node.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.parent_select": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.parent_select", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.parent_select", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Returns the parent select statement.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.walk": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.walk", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.walk", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree.

  • bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied,\notherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead.
  • \n
  • prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if\nthe generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree.
  • \n

the generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, bfs=True, prune=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dfs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dfs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.dfs", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in\nthe DFS (Depth-first) order.


The generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.bfs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.bfs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.bfs", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in\nthe BFS (Breadth-first) order.


The generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, prune=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.unnest", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first non parenthesis child or self.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unalias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unalias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.unalias", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest_operands": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest_operands", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.unnest_operands", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns unnested operands as a tuple.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.flatten": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.flatten", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.flatten", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class.


A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C]

\n", "signature": "(self, unnest=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns SQL string representation of this tree.

  • dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • opts: other sqlglot.generator.Generator options.
  • \n

The SQL string.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.transform": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.transform", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.transform", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones)\nand applies the given transformation function to each node.

  • fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a\nnew transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function\nreturns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is\nmodified in place.
  • \n

The transformed tree.

\n", "signature": "(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Swap out this expression with a new expression.


For example::

>>> tree = Select().select(\"x\").from_(\"tbl\")\n>>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this=\"y\"))\n(COLUMN this: y)\n>>> tree.sql()\n'SELECT y FROM tbl'\n
  • expression (Expression|None): new node
  • \n

The new expression or expressions.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.pop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.pop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.pop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove this expression from its AST.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.assert_is": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.assert_is", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.assert_is", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Assert that this Expression is an instance of type_.


If it is NOT an instance of type_, this raises an assertion error.\nOtherwise, this returns this expression.


This is useful for type security in chained expressions:

\n \n
>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql()\n'SELECT x, z FROM y'\n
\n", "signature": "(self, type_):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.error_messages": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.error_messages", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.error_messages", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set).

  • args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used\nto check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit.
  • \n

A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found.

\n", "signature": "(self, args: Optional[Sequence] = None) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dump": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dump", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.dump", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.load": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.load", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.load", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Load a dict (as returned by Expression.dump) into an Expression instance.

\n", "signature": "(cls, obj):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.and_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.and_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition.and_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

AND this condition with one or multiple expressions.

>>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql()\n'x = 1 AND y = 1'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

And: the new condition.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.or_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.or_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition.or_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

OR this condition with one or multiple expressions.

>>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql()\n'x = 1 OR y = 1'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Or: the new condition.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.not_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.not_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition.not_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Wrap this condition with NOT.

>>> condition("x=1").not_().sql()\n'NOT x = 1'\n

Not: the new condition.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Predicate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Predicate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Predicate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Relationships like x = y, x > 1, x >= y.

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DerivedTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DerivedTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DerivedTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.union", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable.union", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a UNION expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Union: the Union expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable.intersect", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an INTERSECT expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Intersect: the Intersect expression

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.except_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.except_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable.except_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an EXCEPT expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Except: the Except expression

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UDTF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UDTF", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UDTF", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "DerivedTable, Unionable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cache", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cache", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Uncache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Uncache", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Uncache", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Create": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Create", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Create", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Describe": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Describe", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Describe", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Set": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Set", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Set", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SetItem": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SetItem", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SetItem", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Show": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Show", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Show", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UserDefinedFunction": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UserDefinedFunction", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UserDefinedFunction", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSet": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSet", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CharacterSet", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.With": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.With", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "With", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WithinGroup": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WithinGroup", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WithinGroup", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CTE", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "DerivedTable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TableAlias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TableAlias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TableAlias", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitString": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitString", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitString", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.HexString": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.HexString", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "HexString", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ByteString": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ByteString", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ByteString", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Column", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Column", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Column.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Column.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Column.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnDef": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnDef", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ColumnDef", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AlterColumn": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AlterColumn", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AlterColumn", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RenameTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraintKind": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraintKind", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ColumnConstraintKind", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AutoIncrementColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CaseSpecificColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CaseSpecificColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CaseSpecificColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CharacterSetColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CheckColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CheckColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CheckColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CollateColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CollateColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CollateColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CommentColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CommentColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CommentColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateFormatColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateFormatColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateFormatColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DefaultColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DefaultColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DefaultColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.EncodeColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.EncodeColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "EncodeColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NotNullColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NotNullColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NotNullColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TitleColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TitleColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TitleColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UniqueColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UniqueColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UniqueColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UppercaseColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UppercaseColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UppercaseColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PathColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PathColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PathColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Constraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Constraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Constraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Delete": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Delete", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Delete", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Drop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Drop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Drop", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Filter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Filter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Filter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Check": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Check", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Check", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Directory": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Directory", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Directory", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ForeignKey", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKey": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKey", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PrimaryKey", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unique": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unique", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unique", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Into": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Into", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Into", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.From": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.From", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "From", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Having": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Having", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Having", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Hint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Hint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Hint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JoinHint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JoinHint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JoinHint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Identifier", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Identifier.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Index": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Index", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Index", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Insert": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Insert", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Insert", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Introducer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Introducer", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Introducer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.National": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.National", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "National", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LoadData": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LoadData", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LoadData", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Partition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Partition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Partition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Fetch": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Fetch", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Fetch", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Group": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Group", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Group", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lambda": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lambda", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lambda", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Limit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.number": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.number", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal.number", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, number) -> sqlglot.expressions.Literal:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.string": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.string", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal.string", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, string) -> sqlglot.expressions.Literal:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Join", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Join", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.on": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Join.on", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Join.on", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the ON expressions.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql()\n'JOIN x ON y = 1'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.\nMultiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Join: the modified join expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.using": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Join.using", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Join.using", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the USING expressions.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql()\n'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, concatenate the new expressions to the existing \"using\" list.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Join: the modified join expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lateral": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lateral", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lateral", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "UDTF"}, "sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "MatchRecognize", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Final": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Final", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Final", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Offset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Offset", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Offset", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Order": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Order", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Order", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cluster": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cluster", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cluster", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Order"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Distribute": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Distribute", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Distribute", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Order"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sort", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Order"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Ordered": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Ordered", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Ordered", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Property": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Property", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Property", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AlgorithmProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AlgorithmProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AlgorithmProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DefinerProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DefinerProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DefinerProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SqlSecurityProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SqlSecurityProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SqlSecurityProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TableFormatProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TableFormatProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TableFormatProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PartitionedByProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PartitionedByProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PartitionedByProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.FileFormatProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.FileFormatProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "FileFormatProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DistKeyProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DistKeyProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DistKeyProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SortKeyProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SortKeyProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SortKeyProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DistStyleProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DistStyleProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DistStyleProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LikeProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LikeProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LikeProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LocationProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LocationProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LocationProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.EngineProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.EngineProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "EngineProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AutoIncrementProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CharacterSetProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CollateProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CollateProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CollateProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SchemaCommentProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SchemaCommentProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SchemaCommentProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ReturnsProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ReturnsProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ReturnsProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LanguageProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LanguageProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LanguageProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ExecuteAsProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ExecuteAsProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ExecuteAsProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.VolatilityProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.VolatilityProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "VolatilityProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatDelimitedProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatDelimitedProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RowFormatDelimitedProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatSerdeProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatSerdeProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RowFormatSerdeProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SerdeProperties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SerdeProperties", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SerdeProperties", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.FallbackProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.FallbackProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "FallbackProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WithJournalTableProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WithJournalTableProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WithJournalTableProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LogProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LogProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LogProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JournalProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JournalProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JournalProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AfterJournalProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AfterJournalProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AfterJournalProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ChecksumProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ChecksumProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ChecksumProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.FreespaceProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.FreespaceProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "FreespaceProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.MergeBlockRatioProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.MergeBlockRatioProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "MergeBlockRatioProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataBlocksizeProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataBlocksizeProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataBlocksizeProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BlockCompressionProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BlockCompressionProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BlockCompressionProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IsolatedLoadingProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IsolatedLoadingProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IsolatedLoadingProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LockingProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LockingProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LockingProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_CREATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_CREATE: 'POST_CREATE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_NAME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_NAME", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_NAME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_NAME: 'POST_NAME'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_SCHEMA: 'POST_SCHEMA'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_WITH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_WITH", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_WITH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_WITH: 'POST_WITH'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_ALIAS: 'POST_ALIAS'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_INDEX", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_INDEX: 'POST_INDEX'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.UNSUPPORTED: 'UNSUPPORTED'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.from_dict": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.from_dict", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.from_dict", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, properties_dict) -> sqlglot.expressions.Properties:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Qualify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Qualify", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Qualify", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Return": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Return", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Return", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Reference": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Reference", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Reference", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Tuple": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Tuple", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Tuple", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unionable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable.subquery", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery.

>>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery()\n>>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql()\n'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)'\n
  • alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n

Alias: the subquery

\n", "signature": "(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Subquery:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.with_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.with_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable.with_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the common table expressions.

>>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql()\n'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2'\n
  • alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to False.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\talias,\tas_,\trecursive=None,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Table", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Table", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SystemTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SystemTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SystemTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Union", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Union", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Subqueryable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Union.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Union.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Union.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the LIMIT expression.

>>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1'\n
  • expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nThis can also be an integer.\nIf a Limit instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Limit.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: The limited subqueryable.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Except": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Except", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Except", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Union"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Intersect", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Union"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unnest", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "UDTF"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Update": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Update", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Update", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Values": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Values", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Values", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "UDTF"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Var": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Var", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Var", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Schema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lock": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lock", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lock", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Subqueryable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.from_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.from_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.from_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the FROM expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a From instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a From.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the From expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.group_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.group_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.group_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the GROUP BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql()\n'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Group.\nIf nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Group expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.order_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.order_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.order_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the ORDER BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Order.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Order expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.sort_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.sort_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.sort_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the SORT BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a SORT.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Order expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.cluster_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.cluster_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.cluster_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the CLUSTER BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Cluster.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Order expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the LIMIT expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10'\n
  • expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nThis can also be an integer.\nIf a Limit instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Limit.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.offset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.offset", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.offset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the OFFSET expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10'\n
  • expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nThis can also be an integer.\nIf a Offset instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Offset.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the SELECT expressions.

>>> Select().select("x", "y").sql()\n'SELECT x, y'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.lateral", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the LATERAL expressions.

>>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the JOIN expressions.

>>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'\n
\n \n
>>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql()\n'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)'\n
\n \n

Use join_type to change the type of join:

\n \n
>>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join \"on\" criteria as a SQL string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join \"using\" criteria as a SQL string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\ton=None,\tusing=None,\tappend=True,\tjoin_type=None,\tjoin_alias=None,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.where": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.where", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.where", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the WHERE expressions.

>>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql()\n"SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'"\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.\nMultiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.having": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.having", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.having", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the HAVING expressions.

>>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql()\n'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.\nMultiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.window": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.window", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.window", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.distinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.distinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.distinct", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the OFFSET expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql()\n'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl'\n
  • distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.ctas": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.ctas", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.ctas", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement.

>>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql()\n'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl'\n
  • table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table.
  • \n

Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable,\tproperties=None,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Create:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lock": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lock", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.lock", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the locking read mode for this expression.

>>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql")\n"SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE"\n
\n \n
>>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql")\n"SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE"\n
  • update: if True, the locking type will be FOR UPDATE, else it will be FOR SHARE.
  • \n
  • copy: if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n

The modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tupdate: bool = True,\tcopy: bool = True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subquery", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "DerivedTable, Unionable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subquery.unnest", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first non subquery.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subquery.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TableSample": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TableSample", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TableSample", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Tag": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Tag", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Tag", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Tags are used for generating arbitrary sql like SELECT x.

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Pivot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Pivot", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Pivot", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Window": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Window", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Window", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WindowSpec": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WindowSpec", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WindowSpec", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Where": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Where", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Where", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Star": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Star", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Star", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Star.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Star.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Star.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Parameter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Parameter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Parameter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SessionParameter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SessionParameter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SessionParameter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Placeholder": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Placeholder", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Placeholder", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Null": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Null", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Null", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Boolean": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Boolean", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Boolean", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.CHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.CHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.CHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.CHAR: 'CHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NCHAR: 'NCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.VARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.VARCHAR: 'VARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NVARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NVARCHAR: 'NVARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TEXT: 'TEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MEDIUMTEXT: 'MEDIUMTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.LONGTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.LONGTEXT: 'LONGTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MEDIUMBLOB: 'MEDIUMBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.LONGBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.LONGBLOB: 'LONGBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BINARY: 'BINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARBINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARBINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.VARBINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.VARBINARY: 'VARBINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.INT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.INT: 'INT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TINYINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TINYINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TINYINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TINYINT: 'TINYINT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SMALLINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SMALLINT: 'SMALLINT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BIGINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BIGINT: 'BIGINT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.FLOAT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.FLOAT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.FLOAT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.FLOAT: 'FLOAT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DOUBLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DOUBLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DOUBLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DOUBLE: 'DOUBLE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DECIMAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DECIMAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DECIMAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DECIMAL: 'DECIMAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BOOLEAN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BOOLEAN: 'BOOLEAN'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSON", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.JSON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.JSON: 'JSON'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSONB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSONB", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.JSONB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.JSONB: 'JSONB'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INTERVAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INTERVAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.INTERVAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.INTERVAL: 'INTERVAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIME: 'TIME'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIMESTAMP: 'TIMESTAMP'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIMESTAMPTZ: 'TIMESTAMPTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ: 'TIMESTAMPLTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DATE: 'DATE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATETIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATETIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DATETIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DATETIME: 'DATETIME'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ARRAY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ARRAY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.ARRAY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.ARRAY: 'ARRAY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MAP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MAP", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MAP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MAP: 'MAP'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UUID": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UUID", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.UUID", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.UUID: 'UUID'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOGRAPHY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOGRAPHY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.GEOGRAPHY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.GEOGRAPHY: 'GEOGRAPHY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOMETRY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOMETRY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.GEOMETRY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.GEOMETRY: 'GEOMETRY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.STRUCT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.STRUCT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.STRUCT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.STRUCT: 'STRUCT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULLABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULLABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NULLABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NULLABLE: 'NULLABLE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HLLSKETCH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HLLSKETCH", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.HLLSKETCH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.HLLSKETCH: 'HLLSKETCH'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HSTORE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HSTORE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.HSTORE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.HSTORE: 'HSTORE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SUPER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SUPER", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SUPER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SUPER: 'SUPER'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SERIAL: 'SERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SMALLSERIAL: 'SMALLSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BIGSERIAL: 'BIGSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.XML": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.XML", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.XML", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.XML: 'XML'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER: 'UNIQUEIDENTIFIER'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MONEY: 'MONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLMONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLMONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SMALLMONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SMALLMONEY: 'SMALLMONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ROWVERSION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ROWVERSION", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.ROWVERSION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.ROWVERSION: 'ROWVERSION'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.IMAGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.IMAGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.IMAGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.IMAGE: 'IMAGE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARIANT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARIANT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.VARIANT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.VARIANT: 'VARIANT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.OBJECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.OBJECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.OBJECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.OBJECT: 'OBJECT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NULL: 'NULL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNKNOWN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNKNOWN", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.UNKNOWN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN'>"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tdtype: str | sqlglot.expressions.DataType | sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.DataType:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.is_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.is_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.is_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dtype: sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PseudoType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PseudoType", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PseudoType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StructKwarg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StructKwarg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StructKwarg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SubqueryPredicate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SubqueryPredicate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SubqueryPredicate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.All": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.All", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "All", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "SubqueryPredicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Any": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Any", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Any", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "SubqueryPredicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Exists": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Exists", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Exists", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "SubqueryPredicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Command": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Command", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Command", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Transaction": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Transaction", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Transaction", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Commit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Commit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Commit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Rollback": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Rollback", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Rollback", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AlterTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AddConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AddConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AddConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DropPartition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DropPartition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DropPartition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Binary": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Binary", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Binary", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Add": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Add", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Add", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Connector": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Connector", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Connector", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.And": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.And", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "And", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Connector"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Or": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Or", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Or", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Connector"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseAnd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseAnd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseAnd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseLeftShift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseLeftShift", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseLeftShift", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseOr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseOr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseOr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseRightShift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseRightShift", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseRightShift", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseXor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseXor", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseXor", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Div": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Div", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Div", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Dot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Dot", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Dot", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DPipe": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DPipe", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DPipe", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.EQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.EQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "EQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NullSafeEQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeNEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeNEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NullSafeNEQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Distance": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Distance", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Distance", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Escape": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Escape", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Escape", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Glob": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Glob", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Glob", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GT", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GTE", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ILike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ILike", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ILike", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ILikeAny": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ILikeAny", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ILikeAny", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IntDiv": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IntDiv", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IntDiv", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Is": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Is", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Is", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Kwarg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Kwarg in special functions like func(kwarg => y).

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Like": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Like", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Like", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LikeAny": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LikeAny", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LikeAny", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LT", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LTE", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Mod": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Mod", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Mod", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Mul": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Mul", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Mul", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NEQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SimilarTo": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SimilarTo", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SimilarTo", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Slice": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Slice", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Slice", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unary": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unary", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unary", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseNot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseNot", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseNot", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Not": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Not", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Not", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary, Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Paren": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Paren", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Paren", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary, Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Neg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Neg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Neg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Alias", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Alias.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Alias.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Alias.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Aliases": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Aliases", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Aliases", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AtTimeZone": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AtTimeZone", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AtTimeZone", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Between": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Between", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Between", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Bracket": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Bracket", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Bracket", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Distinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Distinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Distinct", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.In": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.In", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "In", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeUnit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Automatically converts unit arg into a var.

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeUnit.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(**args)"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Interval", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IgnoreNulls": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IgnoreNulls", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IgnoreNulls", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RespectNulls": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RespectNulls", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RespectNulls", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func", "kind": "class", "doc": "

The base class for all function expressions.

  • is_var_len_args (bool): if set to True the last argument defined in arg_types will be\ntreated as a variable length argument and the argument's value will be stored as a list.
  • \n
  • _sql_names (list): determines the SQL name (1st item in the list) and aliases (subsequent items)\nfor this function expression. These values are used to map this node to a name during parsing\nas well as to provide the function's name during SQL string generation. By default the SQL\nname is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
  • \n
\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.from_arg_list": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.from_arg_list", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.from_arg_list", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, args):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.sql_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.sql_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.default_parser_mappings": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.default_parser_mappings", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.default_parser_mappings", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AggFunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AggFunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AggFunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Abs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Abs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Abs", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Anonymous": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Anonymous", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Anonymous", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxDistinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxDistinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ApproxDistinct", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Array": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Array", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Array", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GenerateSeries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GenerateSeries", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GenerateSeries", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAgg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAgg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayAgg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayAll", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAny": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAny", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayAny", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayConcat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayConcat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayConcat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayContains": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayContains", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayContains", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayFilter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayFilter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayFilter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySize", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArraySize", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySort", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArraySort", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySum": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySum", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArraySum", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayUnionAgg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayUnionAgg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayUnionAgg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Avg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Avg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Avg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AnyValue": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AnyValue", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AnyValue", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Case": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Case", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Case", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cast", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cast.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.is_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.is_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cast.is_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dtype: sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Collate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Collate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Collate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TryCast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TryCast", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TryCast", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Cast"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Ceil": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Ceil", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Ceil", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Coalesce": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Coalesce", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Coalesce", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Concat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Concat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Concat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ConcatWs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ConcatWs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ConcatWs", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Concat"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Count": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Count", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Count", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDatetime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDatetime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentDatetime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTimestamp": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTimestamp", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentTimestamp", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfWeek": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfWeek", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DayOfWeek", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfMonth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfMonth", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DayOfMonth", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfYear": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfYear", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DayOfYear", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WeekOfYear": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WeekOfYear", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WeekOfYear", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LastDateOfMonth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LastDateOfMonth", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LastDateOfMonth", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Extract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Extract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Extract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateFromParts": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateFromParts", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateFromParts", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateStrToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateStrToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateStrToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDateStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDateStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateToDateStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDi": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDi", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateToDi", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Day": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Day", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Day", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Decode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Decode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Decode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DiToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DiToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DiToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Encode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Encode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Encode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Exp": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Exp", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Exp", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Explode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Explode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Explode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Floor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Floor", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Floor", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Greatest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Greatest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Greatest", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GroupConcat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GroupConcat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GroupConcat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Hex": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Hex", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Hex", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.If": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.If", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "If", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IfNull": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IfNull", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IfNull", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Initcap": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Initcap", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Initcap", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBContains": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBContains", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONBContains", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtractScalar": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtractScalar", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONExtractScalar", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "JSONExtract"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONBExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "JSONExtract"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtractScalar": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtractScalar", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONBExtractScalar", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "JSONExtract"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Least": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Least", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Least", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Length": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Length", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Length", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Levenshtein": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Levenshtein", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Levenshtein", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Ln": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Ln", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Ln", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Log": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Log", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Log", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Log2": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Log2", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Log2", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Log10": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Log10", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Log10", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LogicalOr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LogicalOr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LogicalOr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lower": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lower", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lower", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Map": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Map", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Map", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.VarMap": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.VarMap", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "VarMap", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Matches": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Matches", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Matches", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Oracle/Snowflake decode.\n\nPattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Max": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Max", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Max", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Min": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Min", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Min", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Month": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Month", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Month", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Nvl2": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Nvl2", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Nvl2", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Posexplode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Posexplode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Posexplode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Pow": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Pow", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Pow", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileCont": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileCont", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PercentileCont", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileDisc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileDisc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PercentileDisc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Quantile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Quantile", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Quantile", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Quantiles": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Quantiles", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Quantiles", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.QuantileIf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.QuantileIf", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "QuantileIf", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxQuantile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxQuantile", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ApproxQuantile", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Quantile"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ReadCSV": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ReadCSV", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ReadCSV", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Reduce": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Reduce", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Reduce", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpLike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpLike", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpLike", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpILike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpILike", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpILike", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpSplit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpSplit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpSplit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Repeat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Repeat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Repeat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Round": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Round", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Round", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RowNumber": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RowNumber", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RowNumber", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SafeDivide": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SafeDivide", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SafeDivide", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SetAgg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SetAgg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SetAgg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SortArray": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SortArray", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SortArray", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Split": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Split", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Split", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Substring": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Substring", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Substring", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrPosition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrToTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrToTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrToTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrToUnix": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrToUnix", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrToUnix", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NumberToStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NumberToStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NumberToStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Struct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Struct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Struct", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StructExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StructExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StructExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sum": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sum", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sum", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sqrt": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sqrt", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sqrt", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Stddev": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Stddev", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Stddev", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StddevPop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StddevPop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StddevPop", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StddevSamp": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StddevSamp", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StddevSamp", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeToStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToTimeStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToTimeStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeToTimeStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToUnix": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToUnix", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeToUnix", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeStrToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeStrToTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToUnix": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToUnix", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeStrToUnix", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Trim": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Trim", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Trim", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDsAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDateStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDateStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDsToDateStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDsToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDiToDi": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDiToDi", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDiToDi", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unhex": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unhex", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unhex", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UnixToStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UnixToTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTimeStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTimeStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UnixToTimeStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Upper": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Upper", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Upper", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Variance": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Variance", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Variance", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.VariancePop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.VariancePop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "VariancePop", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Week": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Week", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Week", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.XMLTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.XMLTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "XMLTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Year": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Year", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Year", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Use": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Use", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Use", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Merge": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Merge", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Merge", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.When": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.When", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "When", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.maybe_parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.maybe_parse", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "maybe_parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Gracefully handle a possible string or expression.

>>> maybe_parse("1")\n(LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False)\n>>> maybe_parse(to_identifier("x"))\n(IDENTIFIER this: x, quoted: False)\n
  • sql_or_expression: the SQL code string or an expression
  • \n
  • into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • prefix: a string to prefix the sql with before it gets parsed\n(automatically includes a space)
  • \n
  • copy: whether or not to copy the expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat an input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Expression: the parsed or given expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql_or_expression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\t*,\tinto: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]], NoneType] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tprefix: Optional[str] = None,\tcopy: bool = False,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.union", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "union", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one UNION expression.

>>> union("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Union: the syntax tree for the UNION expression.

\n", "signature": "(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "intersect", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one INTERSECT expression.

>>> intersect("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Intersect: the syntax tree for the INTERSECT expression.

\n", "signature": "(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.except_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.except_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "except_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one EXCEPT expression.

>>> except_("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Except: the syntax tree for the EXCEPT statement.

\n", "signature": "(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "select", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one or multiple SELECT expressions.

>>> select("col1", "col2").from_("tbl").sql()\n'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a\nSELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat an input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.from_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.from_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "from_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from a FROM expression.

>>> from_("tbl").select("col1", "col2").sql()\n'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the FROM expressions of a\nSELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat the input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.update": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.update", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "update", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates an update statement.

>>> update("my_table", {"x": 1, "y": "2", "z": None}, from_="baz", where="id > 1").sql()\n"UPDATE my_table SET x = 1, y = '2', z = NULL FROM baz WHERE id > 1"\n
  • *properties (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary of properties to set which are\nauto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL
  • \n
  • where (str): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
  • \n
  • from_ (str): sql statement parsed into a FROM statement
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Update: the syntax tree for the UPDATE statement.

\n", "signature": "(\ttable,\tproperties,\twhere=None,\tfrom_=None,\tdialect=None,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Update:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.delete": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.delete", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "delete", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a delete statement.

>>> delete("my_table", where="id > 1").sql()\n'DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id > 1'\n
  • where (str|Condition): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Delete: the syntax tree for the DELETE statement.

\n", "signature": "(table, where=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Delete:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.condition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.condition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "condition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initialize a logical condition expression.

>>> condition("x=1").sql()\n'x = 1'\n
\n \n

This is helpful for composing larger logical syntax trees:

\n \n
>>> where = condition("x=1")\n>>> where = where.and_("y=1")\n>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("*").where(where).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1'\n
  • *expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat the input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Condition: the expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Condition:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.and_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.and_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "and_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Combine multiple conditions with an AND logical operator.

>>> and_("x=1", and_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()\n'x = 1 AND (y = 1 AND z = 1)'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

And: the new condition

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.And:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.or_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.or_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "or_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Combine multiple conditions with an OR logical operator.

>>> or_("x=1", or_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()\n'x = 1 OR (y = 1 OR z = 1)'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Or: the new condition

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Or:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.not_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.not_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "not_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Wrap a condition with a NOT operator.

>>> not_("this_suit='black'").sql()\n"NOT this_suit = 'black'"\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Not: the new condition

\n", "signature": "(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Not:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.paren": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.paren", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "paren", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Paren:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_identifier": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_identifier", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_identifier", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an identifier.

  • name: The name to turn into an identifier.
  • \n
  • quoted: Whether or not force quote the identifier.
  • \n

The identifier ast node.

\n", "signature": "(name, quoted=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_interval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an interval expression from a string like '1 day' or '5 months'.

\n", "signature": "(\tinterval: str | sqlglot.expressions.Literal) -> sqlglot.expressions.Interval:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create a table expression from a [catalog].[schema].[table] sql path. Catalog and schema are optional.\nIf a table is passed in then that table is returned.

  • sql_path: a [catalog].[schema].[table] string.
  • \n

A table expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql_path: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Table, NoneType],\t**kwargs) -> Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Table]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_column", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_column", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create a column from a [table].[column] sql path. Schema is optional.


If a column is passed in then that column is returned.

  • sql_path: [table].[column] string
  • \n

Table: A column expression

\n", "signature": "(\tsql_path: str | sqlglot.expressions.Column,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.alias_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.alias_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "alias_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create an Alias expression.

>>> alias_('foo', 'bar').sql()\n'foo AS bar'\n
\n \n
>>> alias_('(select 1, 2)', 'bar', table=['a', 'b']).sql()\n'(SELECT 1, 2) AS bar(a, b)'\n
  • expression: the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • alias: the alias name to use. If the name has\nspecial characters it is quoted.
  • \n
  • table: Whether or not to create a table alias, can also be a list of columns.
  • \n
  • quoted: whether or not to quote the alias
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Alias: the aliased expression

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\talias: str | sqlglot.expressions.Identifier,\ttable: Union[bool, Sequence[str | sqlglot.expressions.Identifier]] = False,\tquoted: Optional[bool] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "subquery", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a subquery expression.

>>> subquery('select x from tbl', 'bar').select('x').sql()\n'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl) AS bar'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • alias (str | Expression): the alias name to use.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: a new select with the subquery expression included

\n", "signature": "(expression, alias=None, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.column", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "column", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a Column.

  • col: column name
  • \n
  • table: table name
  • \n
  • schema: schema name
  • \n
  • quoted: whether or not to force quote each part
  • \n

Column: column instance

\n", "signature": "(\tcol: str | sqlglot.expressions.Identifier,\ttable: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Identifier, NoneType] = None,\tschema: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Identifier, NoneType] = None,\tquoted: Optional[bool] = None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "cast", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Cast an expression to a data type.

>>> cast('x + 1', 'int').sql()\n'CAST(x + 1 AS INT)'\n
  • expression: The expression to cast.
  • \n
  • to: The datatype to cast to.
  • \n

A cast node.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tto: str | sqlglot.expressions.DataType | sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Cast:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.table_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.table_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "table_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a Table.

  • table (str | Expression): column name
  • \n
  • db (str | Expression): db name
  • \n
  • catalog (str | Expression): catalog name
  • \n

Table: table instance

\n", "signature": "(\ttable,\tdb=None,\tcatalog=None,\tquoted=None,\talias=None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Table:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.values": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.values", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "values", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build VALUES statement.

>>> values([(1, '2')]).sql()\n"VALUES (1, '2')"\n
  • values: values statements that will be converted to SQL
  • \n
  • alias: optional alias
  • \n
  • columns: Optional list of ordered column names or ordered dictionary of column names to types.\nIf either are provided then an alias is also required.\nIf a dictionary is provided then the first column of the values will be casted to the expected type\nin order to help with type inference.
  • \n

Values: the Values expression object

\n", "signature": "(\tvalues: Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]],\talias: Optional[str] = None,\tcolumns: Union[Iterable[str], Dict[str, sqlglot.expressions.DataType], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Values:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.var": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.var", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "var", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a SQL variable.

>>> repr(var('x'))\n'(VAR this: x)'\n
\n \n
>>> repr(var(column('x', table='y')))\n'(VAR this: x)'\n
  • name: The name of the var or an expression who's name will become the var.
  • \n

The new variable node.

\n", "signature": "(\tname: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> sqlglot.expressions.Var:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.rename_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.rename_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "rename_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build ALTER TABLE... RENAME... expression

  • old_name: The old name of the table
  • \n
  • new_name: The new name of the table
  • \n

Alter table expression

\n", "signature": "(\told_name: str | sqlglot.expressions.Table,\tnew_name: str | sqlglot.expressions.Table) -> sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.convert": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.convert", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "convert", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert a python value into an expression object.


Raises an error if a conversion is not possible.

  • value (Any): a python object
  • \n

Expression: the equivalent expression object

\n", "signature": "(value) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_children": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.replace_children", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "replace_children", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace children of an expression with the result of a lambda fun(child) -> exp.

\n", "signature": "(expression, fun):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.column_table_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.column_table_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "column_table_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Return all table names referenced through columns in an expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> column_table_names(sqlglot.parse_one("a.b AND c.d AND c.e"))\n['c', 'a']\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to find table names
  • \n

list: A list of unique names

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.table_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.table_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "table_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the full name of a table as a string.

  • table (exp.Table | str): table expression node or string.
  • \n
>>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n>>> table_name(parse_one("select * from a.b.c").find(exp.Table))\n'a.b.c'\n

The table name.

\n", "signature": "(table) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.replace_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "replace_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace all tables in expression according to the mapping.

  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
  • \n
  • mapping (Dict[str, str]): mapping of table names.
  • \n
>>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n>>> replace_tables(parse_one("select * from a.b"), {"a.b": "c"}).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM c'\n

The mapped expression.

\n", "signature": "(expression, mapping):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "replace_placeholders", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace placeholders in an expression.

  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
  • \n
  • args: positional names that will substitute unnamed placeholders in the given order.
  • \n
  • kwargs: keyword arguments that will substitute named placeholders.
  • \n
>>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n>>> replace_placeholders(\n...     parse_one("select * from :tbl where ? = ?"), "a", "b", tbl="foo"\n... ).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a = b'\n

The mapped expression.

\n", "signature": "(expression, *args, **kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.expand": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.expand", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "expand", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Transforms an expression by expanding all referenced sources into subqueries.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> expand(parse_one("select * from x AS z"), {"x": parse_one("select * from y")}).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM y) AS z /* source: x */'\n
  • expression: The expression to expand.
  • \n
  • sources: A dictionary of name to Subqueryables.
  • \n
  • copy: Whether or not to copy the expression during transformation. Defaults to True.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tsources: Dict[str, sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable],\tcopy=True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.func", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a Func expression.

>>> func("abs", 5).sql()\n'ABS(5)'\n
\n \n
>>> func("cast", this=5,"DOUBLE")).sql()\n'CAST(5 AS DOUBLE)'\n
  • name: the name of the function to build.
  • \n
  • args: the args used to instantiate the function of interest.
  • \n
  • dialect: the source dialect.
  • \n
  • kwargs: the kwargs used to instantiate the function of interest.
  • \n

The arguments args and kwargs are mutually exclusive.


An instance of the function of interest, or an anonymous function, if name doesn't\n correspond to an existing sqlglot.expressions.Func class.

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\t*args,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Func:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.true": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.true", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "true", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a true Boolean expression.

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.false": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.false", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "false", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a false Boolean expression.

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.null": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.null", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "null", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a Null expression.

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\ttime_mapping=None,\ttime_trie=None,\tpretty=None,\tquote_start=None,\tquote_end=None,\tidentifier_start=None,\tidentifier_end=None,\tidentify=False,\tnormalize=False,\tstring_escape=None,\tidentifier_escape=None,\tpad=2,\tindent=2,\tindex_offset=0,\tunnest_column_only=False,\talias_post_tablesample=False,\tnormalize_functions='upper',\tunsupported_level=<ErrorLevel.WARN: 'WARN'>,\tnull_ordering=None,\tmax_unsupported=3,\tleading_comma=False,\tmax_text_width=80,\tcomments=True)"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generate", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.generate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Generates a SQL string by interpreting the given syntax tree.


Args\n expression: the syntax tree.


Returns\n the SQL string.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unsupported": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unsupported", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.unsupported", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, message: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sep": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sep", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sep", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sep: str = ' ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.seg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.seg", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.seg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, sep: str = ' ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pad_comment": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pad_comment", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.pad_comment", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, comment: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.maybe_comment": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.maybe_comment", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.maybe_comment", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.wrap": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.wrap", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.wrap", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression | str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.no_identify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.no_identify", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.no_identify", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, func: Callable[..., str], *args, **kwargs) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.normalize_func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.normalize_func", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.normalize_func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.indent": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.indent", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.indent", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsql: str,\tlevel: int = 0,\tpad: Optional[int] = None,\tskip_first: bool = False,\tskip_last: bool = False) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType],\tkey: Optional[str] = None,\tcomment: bool = True) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uncache_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uncache_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.uncache_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Uncache) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cache_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cache_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cache_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cache) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.characterset_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.characterset_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.characterset_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSet) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.column_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.column_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.column_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Column) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columndef_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columndef_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.columndef_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ColumnDef) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.columnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, _) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.notnullcolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.notnullcolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.notnullcolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uniquecolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uniquecolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.uniquecolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, _) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.create_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.create_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.create_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Create) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.describe_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.describe_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.describe_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Describe) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.prepend_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.prepend_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.prepend_ctes", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, sql: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.with_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.With) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablealias_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablealias_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tablealias_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.TableAlias) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitstring_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitstring_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitstring_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitString) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hexstring_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hexstring_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.hexstring_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.HexString) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.directory_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.directory_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.directory_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Directory) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.delete_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.delete_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.delete_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Delete) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.drop_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.drop_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.drop_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Drop) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.except_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Except) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.except_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Except) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fetch_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fetch_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.fetch_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Fetch) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.filter_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.filter_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.filter_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Filter) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.hint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Hint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.index_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.index_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.index_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Index) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.identifier_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.identifier_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.identifier_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Identifier) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.national_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.national_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.national_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.National) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.partition_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Partition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.properties_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.properties_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.properties_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.root_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.root_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.root_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, properties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tproperties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties,\tprefix: str = '',\tsep: str = ', ',\tsuffix: str = '',\twrapped: bool = True) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.with_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, properties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.locate_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.locate_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.locate_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tproperties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> Dict[sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location, list[sqlglot.expressions.Property]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.property_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.property_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.property_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Property) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.likeproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.likeproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.likeproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LikeProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fallbackproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fallbackproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.fallbackproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.FallbackProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.journalproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.journalproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.journalproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.JournalProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.freespaceproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.freespaceproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.freespaceproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.FreespaceProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.afterjournalproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.afterjournalproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.afterjournalproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AfterJournalProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.checksumproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.checksumproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.checksumproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ChecksumProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mergeblockratioproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mergeblockratioproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.mergeblockratioproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datablocksizeproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datablocksizeproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.datablocksizeproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.blockcompressionproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.blockcompressionproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.blockcompressionproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.isolatedloadingproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.isolatedloadingproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.isolatedloadingproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lockingproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lockingproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lockingproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LockingProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.insert_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.insert_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.insert_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Insert) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.intersect_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Intersect) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.intersect_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Intersect) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.introducer_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.introducer_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.introducer_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Introducer) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pseudotype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pseudotype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.pseudotype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.PseudoType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.table_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.table_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.table_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Table, sep: str = ' AS ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablesample_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablesample_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tablesample_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.TableSample) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pivot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pivot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.pivot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Pivot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tuple_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tuple_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tuple_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Tuple) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.update_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.update_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.update_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Update) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.values_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.values_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.values_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Values) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.var_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.var_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.var_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Var) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.into_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.into_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.into_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Into) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.from_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.from_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.from_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.From) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.group_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.group_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.group_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Group) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.having_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.having_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.having_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Having) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.join_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.join_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.join_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Join) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lambda_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lambda_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lambda_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Lambda,\tarrow_sep: str = '->') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lateral_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lateral_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lateral_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Lateral) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.limit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.limit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.limit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Limit) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.offset_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.offset_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.offset_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Offset) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lock_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lock_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lock_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Lock) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.literal_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.literal_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.literal_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Literal) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.loaddata_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.loaddata_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.loaddata_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LoadData) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.null_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.null_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.null_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.boolean_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.boolean_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.boolean_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Boolean) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.order_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.order_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.order_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cluster_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cluster_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cluster_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cluster) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distribute_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distribute_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.distribute_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Distribute) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sort_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sort_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sort_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Sort) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ordered_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ordered_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.ordered_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Ordered) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.matchrecognize_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.matchrecognize_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.matchrecognize_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.query_modifiers": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.query_modifiers", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.query_modifiers", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.select_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.select_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.select_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Select) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.schema_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.schema_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.schema_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Schema) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.star_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.star_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.star_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Star) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.structkwarg_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.structkwarg_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.structkwarg_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.StructKwarg) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.parameter_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.parameter_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.parameter_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Parameter) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sessionparameter_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sessionparameter_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sessionparameter_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.SessionParameter) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.placeholder_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.placeholder_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.placeholder_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Placeholder) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.subquery_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.subquery_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.subquery_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Subquery) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.qualify_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.qualify_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.qualify_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Qualify) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.union_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Union) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.union_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Union) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unnest_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unnest_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.unnest_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Unnest) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.where_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.where_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.where_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Where) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.window_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Window) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_by_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_by_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.partition_by_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Window | sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_spec_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_spec_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.window_spec_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.WindowSpec) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.withingroup_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.withingroup_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.withingroup_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.WithinGroup) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.between_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.between_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.between_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Between) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bracket_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bracket_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bracket_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Bracket) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.all_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.all_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.all_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.All) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.any_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.any_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.any_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Any) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.exists_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.exists_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.exists_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Exists) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.case_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.case_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.case_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Case) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.constraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.constraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.constraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Constraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.extract_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.extract_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.extract_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Extract) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trim_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trim_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.trim_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Trim) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.concat_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.concat_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.concat_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Concat) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.check_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.check_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.check_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Check) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.foreignkey_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.foreignkey_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.foreignkey_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykey_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykey_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.primarykey_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unique_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unique_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.unique_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Unique) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.if_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.if_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.if_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.If) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.in_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.In) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_unnest_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_unnest_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.in_unnest_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, unnest: sqlglot.expressions.Unnest) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.interval_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.interval_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.interval_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Interval) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.return_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.return_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.return_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Return) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.reference_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.reference_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.reference_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Reference) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.anonymous_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.anonymous_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.anonymous_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Anonymous) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.paren_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.paren_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.paren_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Paren) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neg_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neg_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.neg_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Neg) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.not_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.not_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.not_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Not) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.alias_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.alias_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.alias_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Alias) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.aliases_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.aliases_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.aliases_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Aliases) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.attimezone_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.attimezone_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.attimezone_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AtTimeZone) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.add_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.add_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.add_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Add) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.and_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.and_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.and_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.And) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.connector_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.connector_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.connector_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Connector, op: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseand_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseand_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiseand_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseAnd) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseleftshift_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseleftshift_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiseleftshift_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisenot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisenot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwisenot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseNot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseor_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseor_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiseor_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseOr) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiserightshift_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiserightshift_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiserightshift_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseRightShift) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisexor_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisexor_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwisexor_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseXor) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.currentdate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.currentdate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.currentdate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.collate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.collate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.collate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Collate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.command_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.command_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.command_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Command) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.commit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.commit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.commit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Commit) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rollback_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rollback_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.rollback_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Rollback) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altercolumn_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altercolumn_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.altercolumn_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AlterColumn) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.renametable_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.renametable_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.renametable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altertable_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altertable_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.altertable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.droppartition_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.droppartition_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.droppartition_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DropPartition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.addconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.addconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.addconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AddConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distinct_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distinct_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.distinct_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Distinct) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ignorenulls_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ignorenulls_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.ignorenulls_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.IgnoreNulls) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.respectnulls_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.respectnulls_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.respectnulls_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RespectNulls) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intdiv_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intdiv_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.intdiv_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.IntDiv) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dpipe_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dpipe_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.dpipe_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DPipe) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.div_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.div_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.div_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Div) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distance_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distance_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.distance_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Distance) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.dot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Dot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.eq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.eq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.eq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.EQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.escape_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.escape_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.escape_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Escape) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.glob_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.glob_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.glob_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Glob) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gt_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gt_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.gt_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.GT) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.gte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.GTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ilike_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ilike_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.ilike_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ILike) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.is_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.is_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.is_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Is) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.like_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.like_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.like_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Like) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.similarto_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.similarto_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.similarto_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.SimilarTo) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lt_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lt_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lt_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LT) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mod_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mod_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.mod_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Mod) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mul_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mul_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.mul_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Mul) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.neq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NEQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeeq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeeq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.nullsafeeq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeEQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeneq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeneq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.nullsafeneq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeNEQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.or_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.or_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.or_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Or) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.slice_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.slice_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.slice_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Slice) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sub_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sub_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sub_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Sub) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trycast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trycast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.trycast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.TryCast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.use_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.use_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.use_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Use) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.binary": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.binary", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.binary", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Binary, op: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.function_fallback_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.function_fallback_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.function_fallback_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Func) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.func", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tname: str,\t*args: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_args": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_args", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.format_args", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *args: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.text_width": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.text_width", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.text_width", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, args: Iterable) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_time", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.format_time", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> Optional[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.expressions", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tkey: Optional[str] = None,\tflat: bool = False,\tindent: bool = True,\tsep: str = ', ',\tprefix: str = '') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.op_expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.op_expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.op_expressions", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\top: str,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tflat: bool = False) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.naked_property": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.naked_property", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.naked_property", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Property) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.set_operation": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.set_operation", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.set_operation", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, op: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tag_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tag_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tag_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Tag) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.token_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.token_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.token_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, token_type: sqlglot.tokens.TokenType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.userdefinedfunction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.userdefinedfunction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.userdefinedfunction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.UserDefinedFunction) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.joinhint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.joinhint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.joinhint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.JoinHint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.kwarg_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.kwarg_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.kwarg_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.when_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.when_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.when_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.When) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.merge_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.merge_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.merge_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Merge) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.helper.AutoName": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "AutoName", "kind": "class", "doc": "

This is used for creating enum classes where auto() is the string form of the corresponding value's name.

\n", "bases": "enum.Enum"}, "sqlglot.helper.seq_get": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.seq_get", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "seq_get", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the value in seq at position index, or None if index is out of bounds.

\n", "signature": "(seq: Sequence[~T], index: int) -> Optional[~T]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.ensure_list": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.ensure_list", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "ensure_list", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Ensures that a value is a list, otherwise casts or wraps it into one.

  • value: the value of interest.
  • \n

The value cast as a list if it's a list or a tuple, or else the value wrapped in a list.

\n", "signature": "(value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.ensure_collection": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.ensure_collection", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "ensure_collection", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Ensures that a value is a collection (excluding str and bytes), otherwise wraps it into a list.

  • value: the value of interest.
  • \n

The value if it's a collection, or else the value wrapped in a list.

\n", "signature": "(value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.csv": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.csv", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "csv", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Formats any number of string arguments as CSV.

  • args: the string arguments to format.
  • \n
  • sep: the argument separator.
  • \n

The arguments formatted as a CSV string.

\n", "signature": "(*args, sep: str = ', ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.subclasses": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.subclasses", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "subclasses", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns all subclasses for a collection of classes, possibly excluding some of them.

  • module_name: the name of the module to search for subclasses in.
  • \n
  • classes: class(es) we want to find the subclasses of.
  • \n
  • exclude: class(es) we want to exclude from the returned list.
  • \n

The target subclasses.

\n", "signature": "(\tmodule_name: str,\tclasses: Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]],\texclude: Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]] = ()) -> List[Type]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.apply_index_offset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.apply_index_offset", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "apply_index_offset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Applies an offset to a given integer literal expression.

  • expressions: the expression the offset will be applied to, wrapped in a list.
  • \n
  • offset: the offset that will be applied.
  • \n

The original expression with the offset applied to it, wrapped in a list. If the provided\n expressions argument contains more than one expressions, it's returned unaffected.

\n", "signature": "(expressions: List[Optional[~E]], offset: int) -> List[Optional[~E]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.camel_to_snake_case": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.camel_to_snake_case", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "camel_to_snake_case", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts name from camelCase to snake_case and returns the result.

\n", "signature": "(name: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.while_changing": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.while_changing", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "while_changing", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Applies a transformation to a given expression until a fix point is reached.

  • expression: the expression to be transformed.
  • \n
  • func: the transformation to be applied.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\tfunc: Callable[[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]], ~E]) -> ~E:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.tsort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.tsort", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "tsort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Sorts a given directed acyclic graph in topological order.

  • dag: the graph to be sorted.
  • \n

A list that contains all of the graph's nodes in topological order.

\n", "signature": "(dag: Dict[~T, List[~T]]) -> List[~T]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.open_file": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.open_file", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "open_file", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Open a file that may be compressed as gzip and return it in universal newline mode.

\n", "signature": "(file_name: str) -> <class 'TextIO'>:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.csv_reader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.csv_reader", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "csv_reader", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a csv reader given the expression READ_CSV(name, ['delimiter', '|', ...]).

  • read_csv: a ReadCSV function call
  • \n

A python csv reader.

\n", "signature": "(read_csv: sqlglot.expressions.ReadCSV) -> Any:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.find_new_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.find_new_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "find_new_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Searches for a new name.

  • taken: a collection of taken names.
  • \n
  • base: base name to alter.
  • \n

The new, available name.

\n", "signature": "(taken: Collection[str], base: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.object_to_dict": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.object_to_dict", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "object_to_dict", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a dictionary created from an object's attributes.

\n", "signature": "(obj: Any, **kwargs) -> Dict:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.split_num_words": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.split_num_words", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "split_num_words", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Perform a split on a value and return N words as a result with None used for words that don't exist.

  • value: the value to be split.
  • \n
  • sep: the value to use to split on.
  • \n
  • min_num_words: the minimum number of words that are going to be in the result.
  • \n
  • fill_from_start: indicates that if None values should be inserted at the start or end of the list.
  • \n
>>> split_num_words("db.table", ".", 3)\n[None, 'db', 'table']\n>>> split_num_words("db.table", ".", 3, fill_from_start=False)\n['db', 'table', None]\n>>> split_num_words("db.table", ".", 1)\n['db', 'table']\n

The list of words returned by split, possibly augmented by a number of None values.

\n", "signature": "(\tvalue: str,\tsep: str,\tmin_num_words: int,\tfill_from_start: bool = True) -> List[Optional[str]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.is_iterable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.is_iterable", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "is_iterable", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Checks if the value is an iterable, excluding the types str and bytes.

>>> is_iterable([1,2])\nTrue\n>>> is_iterable("test")\nFalse\n
  • value: the value to check if it is an iterable.
  • \n

A bool value indicating if it is an iterable.

\n", "signature": "(value: Any) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.flatten": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.flatten", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "flatten", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Flattens an iterable that can contain both iterable and non-iterable elements. Objects of\ntype str and bytes are not regarded as iterables.

>>> list(flatten([[1, 2], 3, {4}, (5, "bla")]))\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'bla']\n>>> list(flatten([1, 2, 3]))\n[1, 2, 3]\n
  • values: the value to be flattened.
  • \n

Non-iterable elements in values.

\n", "signature": "(values: Iterable[Union[Iterable[Any], Any]]) -> Iterator[Any]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.count_params": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.count_params", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "count_params", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the number of formal parameters expected by a function, without counting \"self\"\nand \"cls\", in case of instance and class methods, respectively.

\n", "signature": "(function: Callable) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.dict_depth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.dict_depth", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "dict_depth", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the nesting depth of a dictionary.

For example:
>>> dict_depth(None)\n0\n>>> dict_depth({})\n1\n>>> dict_depth({"a": "b"})\n1\n>>> dict_depth({"a": {}})\n2\n>>> dict_depth({"a": {"b": {}}})\n3\n
  • d (dict): dictionary
  • \n

int: depth

\n", "signature": "(d: Dict) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.first": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.first", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "first", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first element from an iterable.


Useful for sets.

\n", "signature": "(it: Iterable[~T]) -> ~T:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tdownstream: List[sqlglot.lineage.Node] = <factory>)"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node.walk": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node.walk", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node.walk", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> Iterator[sqlglot.lineage.Node]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node.to_html": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node.to_html", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node.to_html", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **opts) -> sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage.lineage": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.lineage", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "lineage", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build the lineage graph for a column of a SQL query.

  • column: The column to build the lineage for.
  • \n
  • sql: The SQL string or expression.
  • \n
  • schema: The schema of tables.
  • \n
  • sources: A mapping of queries which will be used to continue building lineage.
  • \n
  • rules: Optimizer rules to apply, by default only qualifying tables and columns.
  • \n
  • dialect: The dialect of input SQL.
  • \n

A lineage node.

\n", "signature": "(\tcolumn: str | sqlglot.expressions.Column,\tsql: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tschema: Union[Dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None,\tsources: Optional[Dict[str, str | sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable]] = None,\trules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function qualify_tables at 0x7f14510fd510>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7f14510fcb80>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7f145108f0a0>),\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.lineage.Node:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "LineageHTML", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Node to HTML generator using vis.js.


\n"}, "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "LineageHTML.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tnode: sqlglot.lineage.Node,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\timports: bool = True,\t**opts: Any)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.annotate_types": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.annotate_types", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "annotate_types", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively infer & annotate types in an expression syntax tree against a schema.\nAssumes that we've already executed the optimizer's qualify_columns step.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> schema = {"y": {"cola": "SMALLINT"}}\n>>> sql = "SELECT x.cola + 2.5 AS cola FROM (SELECT y.cola AS cola FROM y AS y) AS x"\n>>> annotated_expr = annotate_types(sqlglot.parse_one(sql), schema=schema)\n>>> annotated_expr.expressions[0].type.this  # Get the type of "x.cola + 2.5 AS cola"\n<Type.DOUBLE: 'DOUBLE'>\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): Expression to annotate.
  • \n
  • schema (dict|sqlglot.optimizer.Schema): Database schema.
  • \n
  • annotators (dict): Maps expression type to corresponding annotation function.
  • \n
  • coerces_to (dict): Maps expression type to set of types that it can be coerced into.
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: expression annotated with types

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema=None, annotators=None, coerces_to=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "TypeAnnotator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "TypeAnnotator.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(schema=None, annotators=None, coerces_to=None)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.annotate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.annotate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "TypeAnnotator.annotate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.canonicalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.canonicalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "canonicalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts a sql expression into a standard form.


This method relies on annotate_types because many of the\nconversions rely on type inference.

  • expression: The expression to canonicalize.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.add_text_to_concat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.add_text_to_concat", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "add_text_to_concat", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(node: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.coerce_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.coerce_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "coerce_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(node: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.remove_redundant_casts": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.remove_redundant_casts", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "remove_redundant_casts", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes.eliminate_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes.eliminate_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes", "qualname": "eliminate_ctes", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove unused CTEs from an expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "WITH y AS (SELECT a FROM x) SELECT a FROM z"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> eliminate_ctes(expression).sql()\n'SELECT a FROM z'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.eliminate_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.eliminate_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "qualname": "eliminate_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove unused joins from an expression.


This only removes joins when we know that the join condition doesn't produce duplicate rows.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT x.a FROM x LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT y.b FROM y) AS y ON x.b = y.b"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> eliminate_joins(expression).sql()\n'SELECT x.a FROM x'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.join_condition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.join_condition", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "qualname": "join_condition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Extract the join condition from a join expression.

  • join (exp.Join)
  • \n

tuple[list[str], list[str], exp.Expression]:\n Tuple of (source key, join key, remaining predicate)

\n", "signature": "(join):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries.eliminate_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries.eliminate_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries", "qualname": "eliminate_subqueries", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite derived tables as CTES, deduplicating if possible.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT * FROM x) AS y")\n>>> eliminate_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'WITH y AS (SELECT * FROM x) SELECT a FROM y AS y'\n
This also deduplicates common subqueries:
>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT * FROM x) AS y JOIN (SELECT * FROM x) AS z")\n>>> eliminate_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'WITH y AS (SELECT * FROM x) SELECT a FROM y AS y JOIN y AS z'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals.expand_laterals": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals.expand_laterals", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals", "qualname": "expand_laterals", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Expand lateral column alias references.


This assumes qualify_columns as already run.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT x.a + 1 AS b, b + 1 AS c FROM x"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> expand_laterals(expression).sql()\n'SELECT x.a + 1 AS b, x.a + 1 + 1 AS c FROM x'\n
  • expression: expression to optimize
  • \n

optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects.expand_multi_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects.expand_multi_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects", "qualname": "expand_multi_table_selects", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace multiple FROM expressions with JOINs.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> expand_multi_table_selects(parse_one("SELECT * FROM x, y")).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM x CROSS JOIN y'\n
\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects.isolate_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects.isolate_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects", "qualname": "isolate_table_selects", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities.lower_identities": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities.lower_identities", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities", "qualname": "lower_identities", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert all unquoted identifiers to lower case.


Assuming the schema is all lower case, this essentially makes identifiers case-insensitive.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one('SELECT Bar.A AS A FROM "Foo".Bar')\n>>> lower_identities(expression).sql()\n'SELECT bar.a AS A FROM "Foo".bar'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to quote
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: quoted expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "qualname": "merge_subqueries", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to merge derived tables into the outer query.


This also merges CTEs if they are selected from only once.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT x.a FROM x) JOIN y")\n>>> merge_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'SELECT x.a FROM x JOIN y'\n

If leave_tables_isolated is True, this will not merge inner queries into outer\nqueries if it would result in multiple table selects in a single query:


expression = sqlglot.parse_one(\"SELECT a FROM (SELECT x.a FROM x) JOIN y\")\n merge_subqueries(expression, leave_tables_isolated=True).sql()\n 'SELECT a FROM (SELECT x.a FROM x) JOIN y'


Inspired by

  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n
  • leave_tables_isolated (bool):
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, leave_tables_isolated=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "qualname": "merge_ctes", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, leave_tables_isolated=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_derived_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_derived_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "qualname": "merge_derived_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, leave_tables_isolated=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "normalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST into conjunctive normal form.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("(x AND y) OR z")\n>>> normalize(expression).sql()\n'(x OR z) AND (y OR z)'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to normalize
  • \n
  • dnf (bool): rewrite in disjunctive normal form instead
  • \n
  • max_distance (int): the maximal estimated distance from cnf to attempt conversion
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: normalized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf=False, max_distance=128):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalized": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalized", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "normalized", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalization_distance": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalization_distance", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "normalization_distance", "kind": "function", "doc": "

The difference in the number of predicates between the current expression and the normalized form.


This is used as an estimate of the cost of the conversion which is exponential in complexity.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("(a AND b) OR (c AND d)")\n>>> normalization_distance(expression)\n4\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to compute distance
  • \n
  • dnf (bool): compute to dnf distance instead
  • \n

int: difference

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.distributive_law": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.distributive_law", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "distributive_law", "kind": "function", "doc": "

x OR (y AND z) -> (x OR y) AND (x OR z)\n(x AND y) OR (y AND z) -> (x OR y) AND (x OR z) AND (y OR y) AND (y OR z)

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf, max_distance):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.optimize_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.optimize_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "optimize_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Removes cross joins if possible and reorder joins based on predicate dependencies.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> optimize_joins(parse_one("SELECT * FROM x CROSS JOIN y JOIN z ON x.a = z.a AND y.a = z.a")).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM x JOIN z ON x.a = z.a AND TRUE JOIN y ON y.a = z.a'\n
\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.reorder_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.reorder_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "reorder_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Reorder joins by topological sort order based on predicate references.

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.normalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.normalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "normalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove INNER and OUTER from joins as they are optional.

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.other_table_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.other_table_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "other_table_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(join, exclude):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer", "qualname": "optimize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite a sqlglot AST into an optimized form.

  • expression: expression to optimize
  • \n
  • schema: database schema.\nThis can either be an instance of sqlglot.optimizer.Schema or a mapping in one of\nthe following forms:\n 1. {table: {col: type}}\n 2. {db: {table: {col: type}}}\n 3. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}\nIf no schema is provided then the default schema defined at sqlgot.schema will be used
  • \n
  • db: specify the default database, as might be set by a USE DATABASE db statement
  • \n
  • catalog: specify the default catalog, as might be set by a USE CATALOG c statement
  • \n
  • dialect: The dialect to parse the sql string.
  • \n
  • rules: sequence of optimizer rules to use.\nMany of the rules require tables and columns to be qualified.\nDo not remove qualify_tables or qualify_columns from the sequence of rules unless you know\nwhat you're doing!
  • \n
  • *kwargs: If a rule has a keyword argument with a same name in *kwargs, it will be passed in.
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tschema: Union[dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None,\tdb: Optional[str] = None,\tcatalog: Optional[str] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\trules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function lower_identities at 0x7f145108f370>, <function qualify_tables at 0x7f14510fd510>, <function isolate_table_selects at 0x7f145108f2e0>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7f14510fcb80>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7f145108f0a0>, <function validate_qualify_columns at 0x7f14510fcc10>, <function pushdown_projections at 0x7f14510fc940>, <function normalize at 0x7f145108d090>, <function unnest_subqueries at 0x7f14510fdab0>, <function expand_multi_table_selects at 0x7f145108f250>, <function pushdown_predicates at 0x7f14510fc4c0>, <function optimize_joins at 0x7f14510fc1f0>, <function eliminate_subqueries at 0x7f145108ecb0>, <function merge_subqueries at 0x7f145108f640>, <function eliminate_joins at 0x7f145108cee0>, <function eliminate_ctes at 0x7f145108cdc0>, <function annotate_types at 0x7f1451065cf0>, <function canonicalize at 0x7f145108c9d0>),\t**kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_predicates": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_predicates", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown_predicates", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to pushdown predicates in FROMS and JOINS

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM x AS x) AS y WHERE y.a = 1"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> pushdown_predicates(expression).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM x AS x WHERE y.a = 1) AS y WHERE TRUE'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(condition, sources, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_cnf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_cnf", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown_cnf", "kind": "function", "doc": "

If the predicates are in CNF like form, we can simply replace each block in the parent.

\n", "signature": "(predicates, scope, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_dnf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_dnf", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown_dnf", "kind": "function", "doc": "

If the predicates are in DNF form, we can only push down conditions that are in all blocks.\nAdditionally, we can't remove predicates from their original form.

\n", "signature": "(predicates, scope, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.nodes_for_predicate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.nodes_for_predicate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "nodes_for_predicate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(predicate, sources, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.replace_aliases": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.replace_aliases", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "replace_aliases", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(source, predicate):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.DEFAULT_SELECTION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.DEFAULT_SELECTION", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "qualname": "DEFAULT_SELECTION", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.pushdown_projections": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.pushdown_projections", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "qualname": "pushdown_projections", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to remove unused columns projections.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a, x.b AS b FROM x) AS y"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> pushdown_projections(expression).sql()\n'SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a FROM x) AS y'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.qualify_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.qualify_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "qualify_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified columns.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> schema = {"tbl": {"col": "INT"}}\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT col FROM tbl")\n>>> qualify_columns(expression, schema).sql()\n'SELECT tbl.col AS col FROM tbl'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to qualify
  • \n
  • schema (dict|sqlglot.optimizer.Schema): Database schema
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: qualified expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.validate_qualify_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.validate_qualify_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "validate_qualify_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Raise an OptimizeError if any columns aren't qualified

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables.qualify_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables.qualify_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables", "qualname": "qualify_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified tables.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM tbl")\n>>> qualify_tables(expression, db="db").sql()\n'SELECT 1 FROM db.tbl AS tbl'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to qualify
  • \n
  • db (str): Database name
  • \n
  • catalog (str): Catalog name
  • \n
  • schema: A schema to populate
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: qualified expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, db=None, catalog=None, schema=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "enum.Enum"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.ROOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.ROOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.ROOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.ROOT: 1>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.SUBQUERY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.SUBQUERY", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.SUBQUERY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.SUBQUERY: 2>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE: 3>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.CTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.CTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.CTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.CTE: 4>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UNION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UNION", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.UNION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.UNION: 5>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UDTF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UDTF", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.UDTF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.UDTF: 6>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Selection scope.

  • expression (exp.Select|exp.Union): Root expression of this scope
  • \n
  • sources (dict[str, exp.Table|Scope]): Mapping of source name to either\na Table expression or another Scope instance. For example:\n SELECT * FROM x {\"x\": Table(this=\"x\")}\n SELECT * FROM x AS y {\"y\": Table(this=\"x\")}\n SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS y {\"y\": Scope(...)}
  • \n
  • lateral_sources (dict[str, exp.Table|Scope]): Sources from laterals\nFor example:\n SELECT c FROM x LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE (a) AS c;\nThe LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE gets x as a source.
  • \n
  • outer_column_list (list[str]): If this is a derived table or CTE, and the outer query\ndefines a column list of it's alias of this scope, this is that list of columns.\nFor example:\n SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS y(col1, col2)\nThe inner query would have [\"col1\", \"col2\"] for its outer_column_list
  • \n
  • parent (Scope): Parent scope
  • \n
  • scope_type (ScopeType): Type of this scope, relative to it's parent
  • \n
  • subquery_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for subqueries
  • \n
  • cte_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for CTEs
  • \n
  • derived_table_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for derived_tables
  • \n
  • udtf_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for user defined tabular functions
  • \n
  • table_scopes (list[Scope]): derived_table_scopes + udtf_scopes, in the order that they're defined
  • \n
  • union_scopes (list[Scope, Scope]): If this Scope is for a Union expression, this will be\na list of the left and right child scopes.
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texpression,\tsources=None,\touter_column_list=None,\tparent=None,\tscope_type=<ScopeType.ROOT: 1>,\tlateral_sources=None)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.clear_cache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.clear_cache", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.clear_cache", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.branch": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.branch", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.branch", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Branch from the current scope to a new, inner scope

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, scope_type, chain_sources=None, **kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.walk": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.walk", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.walk", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.find", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first node in this scope which matches at least one of the specified types.


This does NOT traverse into subscopes.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n
  • bfs (bool): True to use breadth-first search, False to use depth-first.
  • \n

exp.Expression: the node which matches the criteria or None if no node matching\n the criteria was found.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find_all": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find_all", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.find_all", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this scope and only yields those that\nmatch at least one of the specified expression types.


This does NOT traverse into subscopes.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n
  • bfs (bool): True to use breadth-first search, False to use depth-first.
  • \n

exp.Expression: nodes

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace old with new.


This can be used instead of exp.Expression.replace to ensure the Scope is kept up-to-date.

  • old (exp.Expression): old node
  • \n
  • new (exp.Expression): new node
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, old, new):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.tables", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of tables in this scope.


list[exp.Table]: tables

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.ctes", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of CTEs in this scope.


list[exp.CTE]: ctes

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.derived_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.derived_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.derived_tables", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of derived tables in this scope.

For example:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) <- that's a derived table


list[exp.Subquery]: derived tables

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.udtfs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.udtfs", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.udtfs", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of \"User Defined Tabular Functions\" in this scope.


list[exp.UDTF]: UDTFs

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.subqueries", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of subqueries in this scope.

For example:

SELECT * FROM x WHERE a IN (SELECT ...) <- that's a subquery


list[exp.Subqueryable]: subqueries

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of columns in this scope.


list[exp.Column]: Column instances in this scope, plus any\n Columns that reference this scope from correlated subqueries.

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selected_sources": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selected_sources", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.selected_sources", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Mapping of nodes and sources that are actually selected from in this scope.


That is, all tables in a schema are selectable at any point. But a\ntable only becomes a selected source if it's included in a FROM or JOIN clause.


dict[str, (exp.Table|exp.Select, exp.Table|Scope)]: selected sources and nodes

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.cte_sources": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.cte_sources", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.cte_sources", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Sources that are CTEs.


dict[str, Scope]: Mapping of source alias to Scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.selects", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Select expressions of this scope.


For example, for the following expression:\n SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b FROM x


The outputs are the \"1 as a\" and \"2 as b\" expressions.


list[exp.Expression]: expressions

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.external_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.external_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.external_columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Columns that appear to reference sources in outer scopes.


list[exp.Column]: Column instances that don't reference\n sources in the current scope.

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.unqualified_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.unqualified_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.unqualified_columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Unqualified columns in the current scope.


list[exp.Column]: Unqualified columns

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.join_hints": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.join_hints", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.join_hints", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Hints that exist in the scope that reference tables


list[exp.JoinHint]: Join hints that are referenced within the scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.source_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.source_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.source_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get all columns in the current scope for a particular source.

  • source_name (str): Name of the source
  • \n

list[exp.Column]: Column instances that reference source_name

\n", "signature": "(self, source_name):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_subquery", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a subquery

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_derived_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_derived_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_derived_table", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a derived table

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_union", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_union", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a union

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_cte": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_cte", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_cte", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a common table expression

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_root": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_root", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_root", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this is the root scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_udtf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_udtf", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_udtf", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a UDTF (User Defined Table Function)

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_correlated_subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_correlated_subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_correlated_subquery", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a correlated subquery

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.rename_source": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.rename_source", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.rename_source", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rename a source in this scope

\n", "signature": "(self, old_name, new_name):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.add_source": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.add_source", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.add_source", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Add a source to this scope

\n", "signature": "(self, name, source):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.remove_source": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.remove_source", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.remove_source", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove a source from this scope

\n", "signature": "(self, name):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.traverse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.traverse", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.traverse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Traverse the scope tree from this node.


Scope: scope instances in depth-first-search post-order

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ref_count": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ref_count", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.ref_count", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Count the number of times each scope in this tree is referenced.


dict[int, int]: Mapping of Scope instance ID to reference count

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.traverse_scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.traverse_scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "traverse_scope", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Traverse an expression by it's \"scopes\".


\"Scope\" represents the current context of a Select statement.


This is helpful for optimizing queries, where we need more information than\nthe expression tree itself. For example, we might care about the source\nnames within a subquery. Returns a list because a generator could result in\nincomplete properties which is confusing.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM x) AS y")\n>>> scopes = traverse_scope(expression)\n>>> scopes[0].expression.sql(), list(scopes[0].sources)\n('SELECT a FROM x', ['x'])\n>>> scopes[1].expression.sql(), list(scopes[1].sources)\n('SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM x) AS y', ['y'])\n
  • expression (exp.Expression): expression to traverse
  • \n

list[Scope]: scope instances

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.build_scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.build_scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "build_scope", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a scope tree.

  • expression (exp.Expression): expression to build the scope tree for
  • \n

Scope: root scope

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.walk_in_scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.walk_in_scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "walk_in_scope", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in the syntrax tree, stopping at\nnodes that start child scopes.

  • expression (exp.Expression):
  • \n
  • bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied,\notherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead.
  • \n

tuple[exp.Expression, Optional[exp.Expression], str]: node, parent, arg key

\n", "signature": "(expression, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to simplify expressions.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("TRUE AND TRUE")\n>>> simplify(expression).sql()\n'TRUE'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to simplify
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: simplified expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.rewrite_between": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.rewrite_between", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "rewrite_between", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite x between y and z to x >= y AND x <= z.


This is done because comparison simplification is only done on lt/lte/gt/gte.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_not": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_not", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_not", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Demorgan's Law\nNOT (x OR y) -> NOT x AND NOT y\nNOT (x AND y) -> NOT x OR NOT y

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.flatten": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.flatten", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "flatten", "kind": "function", "doc": "


\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_connectors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_connectors", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_connectors", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_compliments": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_compliments", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "remove_compliments", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Removing compliments.



\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.uniq_sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.uniq_sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "uniq_sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Uniq and sort a connector.



\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.absorb_and_eliminate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.absorb_and_eliminate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "absorb_and_eliminate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

absorption:\n A AND (A OR B) -> A\n A OR (A AND B) -> A\n A AND (NOT A OR B) -> A AND B\n A OR (NOT A AND B) -> A OR B\nelimination:\n (A AND B) OR (A AND NOT B) -> A\n (A OR B) AND (A OR NOT B) -> A

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_literals": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_literals", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_literals", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_parens": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_parens", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_parens", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_where_true": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_where_true", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "remove_where_true", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.always_true": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.always_true", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "always_true", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.is_complement": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.is_complement", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "is_complement", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(a, b):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.eval_boolean": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.eval_boolean", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "eval_boolean", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, a, b):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_date": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_date", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "extract_date", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cast):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "extract_interval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(interval):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.date_literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.date_literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "date_literal", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(date):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.boolean_literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.boolean_literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "boolean_literal", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(condition):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "qualname": "unnest_subqueries", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to convert some predicates with subqueries into joins.


Convert scalar subqueries into cross joins.\nConvert correlated or vectorized subqueries into a group by so it is not a many to many left join.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM x AS x WHERE (SELECT y.a AS a FROM y AS y WHERE x.a = y.a) = 1 ")\n>>> unnest_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM x AS x LEFT JOIN (SELECT y.a AS a FROM y AS y WHERE TRUE GROUP BY y.a) AS _u_0 ON x.a = _u_0.a WHERE _u_0.a = 1'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to unnest
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: unnested expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "qualname": "unnest", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(select, parent_select, sequence):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.decorrelate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.decorrelate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "qualname": "decorrelate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(select, parent_select, external_columns, sequence):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.parser.parse_var_map": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.parse_var_map", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "parse_var_map", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(args):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\terror_level: Optional[sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel] = None,\terror_message_context: int = 100,\tindex_offset: int = 0,\tunnest_column_only: bool = False,\talias_post_tablesample: bool = False,\tmax_errors: int = 3,\tnull_ordering: Optional[str] = None)"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.reset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.reset", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.reset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses a list of tokens and returns a list of syntax trees, one tree\nper parsed SQL statement.

  • raw_tokens: the list of tokens.
  • \n
  • sql: the original SQL string, used to produce helpful debug messages.
  • \n

The list of syntax trees.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\traw_tokens: List[sqlglot.tokens.Token],\tsql: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse_into": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse_into", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.parse_into", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses a list of tokens into a given Expression type. If a collection of Expression\ntypes is given instead, this method will try to parse the token list into each one\nof them, stopping at the first for which the parsing succeeds.

  • expression_types: the expression type(s) to try and parse the token list into.
  • \n
  • raw_tokens: the list of tokens.
  • \n
  • sql: the original SQL string, used to produce helpful debug messages.
  • \n

The target Expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression_types: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]]],\traw_tokens: List[sqlglot.tokens.Token],\tsql: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.check_errors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.check_errors", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.check_errors", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Logs or raises any found errors, depending on the chosen error level setting.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.raise_error": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.raise_error", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.raise_error", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Appends an error in the list of recorded errors or raises it, depending on the chosen\nerror level setting.

\n", "signature": "(self, message: str, token: Optional[sqlglot.tokens.Token] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates a new, validated Expression.

  • exp_class: the expression class to instantiate.
  • \n
  • comments: an optional list of comments to attach to the expression.
  • \n
  • kwargs: the arguments to set for the expression along with their respective values.
  • \n

The target expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texp_class: Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\tcomments: Optional[List[str]] = None,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.validate_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.validate_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.validate_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Validates an already instantiated expression, making sure that all its mandatory arguments\nare set.

  • expression: the expression to validate.
  • \n
  • args: an optional list of items that was used to instantiate the expression, if it's a Func.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\targs: Optional[List] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.planner.Plan": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Plan", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Plan", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.planner.Plan.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Plan.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Plan.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.from_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.from_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.from_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine.\nNote: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For\nexample, given the following expression:


SELECT\n x.a,\n SUM(x.b)\nFROM x AS x\nJOIN y AS y\n ON x.a = y.a\nGROUP BY x.a


the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution):

  • Aggregate: x (4347984624)\nContext:\n Aggregations:\n - SUM(x.b)\n Group:\n - x.a\nProjections:\n
    • x.a
    • \n
    • \"x\".\"\"\nDependencies:\n
      • Join: x (4347985296)\nContext:\ny:\nOn: x.a = y.a\nProjections:\nDependencies:
      • \n
    • \n
    • Scan: x (4347983136)\nContext:\n Source: x AS x\nProjections:
    • \n
    • Scan: y (4343416624)\nContext:\n Source: y AS y\nProjections:
    • \n
  • \n
  • expression: the expression to build the DAG from.
  • \n
  • ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name.
  • \n

A Step DAG corresponding to expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.add_dependency": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.add_dependency", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.add_dependency", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dependency: sqlglot.planner.Step) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.to_s": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.to_s", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.to_s", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, level: int = 0) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Scan", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Scan", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Scan.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Scan.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan.from_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Scan.from_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Scan.from_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine.\nNote: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For\nexample, given the following expression:


SELECT\n x.a,\n SUM(x.b)\nFROM x AS x\nJOIN y AS y\n ON x.a = y.a\nGROUP BY x.a


the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution):

  • Aggregate: x (4347984624)\nContext:\n Aggregations:\n - SUM(x.b)\n Group:\n - x.a\nProjections:\n
    • x.a
    • \n
    • \"x\".\"\"\nDependencies:\n
      • Join: x (4347985296)\nContext:\ny:\nOn: x.a = y.a\nProjections:\nDependencies:
      • \n
    • \n
    • Scan: x (4347983136)\nContext:\n Source: x AS x\nProjections:
    • \n
    • Scan: y (4343416624)\nContext:\n Source: y AS y\nProjections:
    • \n
  • \n
  • expression: the expression to build the DAG from.
  • \n
  • ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name.
  • \n

A Step DAG corresponding to expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Join", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Join", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Join.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Join.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Join.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Join.from_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Join.from_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Join.from_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tjoins: Iterable[sqlglot.expressions.Join],\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Aggregate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Aggregate.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Sort", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Sort.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Sort.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Sort.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "SetOperation", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "SetOperation.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\top: Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\tleft: str | None,\tright: str | None,\tdistinct: bool = False)"}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.from_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.from_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "SetOperation.from_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine.\nNote: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For\nexample, given the following expression:


SELECT\n x.a,\n SUM(x.b)\nFROM x AS x\nJOIN y AS y\n ON x.a = y.a\nGROUP BY x.a


the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution):

  • Aggregate: x (4347984624)\nContext:\n Aggregations:\n - SUM(x.b)\n Group:\n - x.a\nProjections:\n
    • x.a
    • \n
    • \"x\".\"\"\nDependencies:\n
      • Join: x (4347985296)\nContext:\ny:\nOn: x.a = y.a\nProjections:\nDependencies:
      • \n
    • \n
    • Scan: x (4347983136)\nContext:\n Source: x AS x\nProjections:
    • \n
    • Scan: y (4343416624)\nContext:\n Source: y AS y\nProjections:
    • \n
  • \n
  • expression: the expression to build the DAG from.
  • \n
  • ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name.
  • \n

A Step DAG corresponding to expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Abstract base class for database schemas

\n", "bases": "abc.ABC"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.add_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.add_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.add_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Register or update a table. Some implementing classes may require column information to also be provided.

  • table: table expression instance or string representing the table.
  • \n
  • column_mapping: a column mapping that describes the structure of the table.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn_mapping: Union[Dict, str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.StructType, List, NoneType] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.column_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.column_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.column_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the column names for a table.

  • table: the Table expression instance.
  • \n
  • only_visible: whether to include invisible columns.
  • \n

The list of column names.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tonly_visible: bool = False) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.get_column_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.get_column_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.get_column_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the sqlglot.exp.DataType type of a column in the schema.

  • table: the source table.
  • \n
  • column: the target column.
  • \n

The resulting column type.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn: sqlglot.expressions.Column) -> sqlglot.expressions.DataType:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.supported_table_args": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.supported_table_args", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.supported_table_args", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Table arguments this schema support, e.g. (\"this\", \"db\", \"catalog\")

\n", "annotation": ": Tuple[str, ...]"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Abstract base class for generic types.


A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from\nthis class parameterized with one or more type variables.\nFor example, a generic mapping type might be defined as::


class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):\n def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:\n ...\n # Etc.


This class can then be used as follows::


def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:\n try:\n return mapping[key]\n except KeyError:\n return default

\n", "bases": "typing.Generic[~T]"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(mapping: dict | None = None)"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.table_parts": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.table_parts", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema.table_parts", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, table: sqlglot.expressions.Table) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.find": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.find", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema.find", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table,\ttrie: Optional[Dict] = None,\traise_on_missing: bool = True) -> Optional[~T]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Schema based on a nested mapping.

  • schema (dict): Mapping in one of the following forms:\n
    1. {table: {col: type}}
    2. \n
    3. {db: {table: {col: type}}}
    4. \n
    5. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}
    6. \n
    7. None - Tables will be added later
    8. \n
  • \n
  • visible (dict): Optional mapping of which columns in the schema are visible. If not provided, all columns\nare assumed to be visible. The nesting should mirror that of the schema:\n
    1. {table: set(cols)}}
    2. \n
    3. {db: {table: set(cols)}}}
    4. \n
    5. {catalog: {db: {table: set(*cols)}}}}
    6. \n
  • \n
  • dialect (str): The dialect to be used for custom type mappings.
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema[typing.Dict[str, str]], Schema"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tschema: Optional[Dict] = None,\tvisible: Optional[Dict] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None)"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.from_mapping_schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.from_mapping_schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.from_mapping_schema", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tmapping_schema: sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema) -> sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.add_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.add_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.add_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Register or update a table. Updates are only performed if a new column mapping is provided.

  • table: the Table expression instance or string representing the table.
  • \n
  • column_mapping: a column mapping that describes the structure of the table.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn_mapping: Union[Dict, str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.StructType, List, NoneType] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.column_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.column_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.column_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the column names for a table.

  • table: the Table expression instance.
  • \n
  • only_visible: whether to include invisible columns.
  • \n

The list of column names.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tonly_visible: bool = False) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.get_column_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.get_column_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.get_column_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the sqlglot.exp.DataType type of a column in the schema.

  • table: the source table.
  • \n
  • column: the target column.
  • \n

The resulting column type.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn: sqlglot.expressions.Column | str) -> sqlglot.expressions.DataType:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.ensure_schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.ensure_schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "ensure_schema", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(schema: Any) -> sqlglot.schema.Schema:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.ensure_column_mapping": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.ensure_column_mapping", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "ensure_column_mapping", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tmapping: Union[Dict, str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.StructType, List, NoneType]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.flatten_schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.flatten_schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "flatten_schema", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tschema: Dict,\tdepth: int,\tkeys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[List[str]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.serde": {"fullname": "sqlglot.serde", "modulename": "sqlglot.serde", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.serde.dump": {"fullname": "sqlglot.serde.dump", "modulename": "sqlglot.serde", "qualname": "dump", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively dump an AST into a JSON-serializable dict.

\n", "signature": "(\tnode: Union[List[ForwardRef('Node')], sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, dict, list, str, float, int, bool]) -> Union[dict, list, str, float, int, bool]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.serde.load": {"fullname": "sqlglot.serde.load", "modulename": "sqlglot.serde", "qualname": "load", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively load a dict (as returned by dump) into an AST.

\n", "signature": "(\tobj: Union[dict, list, str, float, int, bool]) -> Union[List[ForwardRef('Node')], sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, dict, list, str, float, int, bool]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.time", "modulename": "sqlglot.time", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.time.format_time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.time.format_time", "modulename": "sqlglot.time", "qualname": "format_time", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts a time string given a mapping.

>>> format_time("%Y", {"%Y": "YYYY"})\n'YYYY'\n
\n \n

Args:\n mapping: dictionary of time format to target time format.\n trie: optional trie, can be passed in for performance.

\n \n

Returns:\n The converted time string.

\n", "signature": "(\tstring: str,\tmapping: Dict[str, str],\ttrie: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Optional[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_PAREN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_PAREN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.L_PAREN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.L_PAREN: 'L_PAREN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_PAREN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_PAREN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.R_PAREN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.R_PAREN: 'R_PAREN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACKET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACKET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.L_BRACKET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.L_BRACKET: 'L_BRACKET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACKET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACKET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.R_BRACKET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.R_BRACKET: 'R_BRACKET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.L_BRACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.L_BRACE: 'L_BRACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.R_BRACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.R_BRACE: 'R_BRACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMA: 'COMMA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DOT: 'DOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DASH: 'DASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLUS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLUS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PLUS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PLUS: 'PLUS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLON: 'COLON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DCOLON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DCOLON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DCOLON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DCOLON: 'DCOLON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMICOLON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMICOLON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEMICOLON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEMICOLON: 'SEMICOLON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.STAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.STAR: 'STAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BACKSLASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BACKSLASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BACKSLASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BACKSLASH: 'BACKSLASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SLASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SLASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SLASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SLASH: 'SLASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LT: 'LT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LTE: 'LTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GT: 'GT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GTE: 'GTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NOT: 'NOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EQ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EQ: 'EQ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NEQ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NEQ: 'NEQ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ: 'NULLSAFE_EQ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AND": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AND", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AND", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AND: 'AND'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OR: 'OR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AMP: 'AMP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DPIPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DPIPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DPIPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DPIPE: 'DPIPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PIPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PIPE: 'PIPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CARET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CARET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CARET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CARET: 'CARET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TILDA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TILDA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TILDA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TILDA: 'TILDA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ARROW: 'ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DARROW: 'DARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FARROW: 'FARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HASH: 'HASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH_ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH_ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HASH_ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HASH_ARROW: 'HASH_ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DHASH_ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DHASH_ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DHASH_ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DHASH_ARROW: 'DHASH_ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LR_ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LR_ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LR_ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LR_ARROW: 'LR_ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOLLAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOLLAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DOLLAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DOLLAR: 'DOLLAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARAMETER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARAMETER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PARAMETER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PARAMETER: 'PARAMETER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER: 'SESSION_PARAMETER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATIONAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATIONAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NATIONAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NATIONAL: 'NATIONAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_START": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_START", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BLOCK_START", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BLOCK_START: 'BLOCK_START'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_END": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_END", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BLOCK_END", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BLOCK_END: 'BLOCK_END'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SPACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SPACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SPACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SPACE: 'SPACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BREAK": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BREAK", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BREAK", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BREAK: 'BREAK'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.STRING: 'STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NUMBER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NUMBER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NUMBER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NUMBER: 'NUMBER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IDENTIFIER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IDENTIFIER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IDENTIFIER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IDENTIFIER: 'IDENTIFIER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLUMN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLUMN: 'COLUMN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN_DEF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN_DEF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLUMN_DEF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLUMN_DEF: 'COLUMN_DEF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SCHEMA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SCHEMA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SCHEMA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SCHEMA: 'SCHEMA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TABLE: 'TABLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VAR: 'VAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIT_STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIT_STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BIT_STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BIT_STRING: 'BIT_STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HEX_STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HEX_STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HEX_STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HEX_STRING: 'HEX_STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BYTE_STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BYTE_STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BYTE_STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BYTE_STRING: 'BYTE_STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOOLEAN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOOLEAN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BOOLEAN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BOOLEAN: 'BOOLEAN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TINYINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TINYINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TINYINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TINYINT: 'TINYINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SMALLINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SMALLINT: 'SMALLINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INT: 'INT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BIGINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BIGINT: 'BIGINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FLOAT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FLOAT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FLOAT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FLOAT: 'FLOAT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOUBLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOUBLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DOUBLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DOUBLE: 'DOUBLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DECIMAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DECIMAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DECIMAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DECIMAL: 'DECIMAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CHAR: 'CHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NCHAR: 'NCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VARCHAR: 'VARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NVARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NVARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NVARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NVARCHAR: 'NVARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TEXT: 'TEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT: 'MEDIUMTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LONGTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LONGTEXT: 'LONGTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB: 'MEDIUMBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LONGBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LONGBLOB: 'LONGBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BINARY: 'BINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARBINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARBINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VARBINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VARBINARY: 'VARBINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.JSON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.JSON: 'JSON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSONB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSONB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.JSONB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.JSONB: 'JSONB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIME: 'TIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIMESTAMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIMESTAMP: 'TIMESTAMP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ: 'TIMESTAMPTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ: 'TIMESTAMPLTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATETIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATETIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DATETIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DATETIME: 'DATETIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DATE: 'DATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UUID": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UUID", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UUID", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UUID: 'UUID'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOGRAPHY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOGRAPHY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GEOGRAPHY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GEOGRAPHY: 'GEOGRAPHY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLABLE: 'NULLABLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOMETRY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOMETRY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GEOMETRY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GEOMETRY: 'GEOMETRY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HLLSKETCH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HLLSKETCH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HLLSKETCH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HLLSKETCH: 'HLLSKETCH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HSTORE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HSTORE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HSTORE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HSTORE: 'HSTORE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SUPER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SUPER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SUPER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SUPER: 'SUPER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SERIAL: 'SERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SMALLSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SMALLSERIAL: 'SMALLSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BIGSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BIGSERIAL: 'BIGSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.XML": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.XML", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.XML", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.XML: 'XML'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER: 'UNIQUEIDENTIFIER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MONEY: 'MONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLMONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLMONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SMALLMONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SMALLMONEY: 'SMALLMONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWVERSION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWVERSION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROWVERSION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROWVERSION: 'ROWVERSION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IMAGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IMAGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IMAGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IMAGE: 'IMAGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARIANT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARIANT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VARIANT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VARIANT: 'VARIANT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OBJECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OBJECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OBJECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OBJECT: 'OBJECT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALIAS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALIAS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALIAS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALIAS: 'ALIAS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALTER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALTER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALTER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALTER: 'ALTER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALWAYS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALWAYS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALWAYS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALWAYS: 'ALWAYS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALL: 'ALL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANTI": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANTI", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ANTI", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ANTI: 'ANTI'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ANY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ANY: 'ANY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.APPLY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.APPLY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.APPLY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.APPLY: 'APPLY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARRAY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARRAY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ARRAY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ARRAY: 'ARRAY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASC": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASC", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ASC", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ASC: 'ASC'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASOF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASOF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ASOF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ASOF: 'ASOF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE: 'AT_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT: 'AUTO_INCREMENT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BEGIN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BEGIN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BEGIN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BEGIN: 'BEGIN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BETWEEN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BETWEEN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BETWEEN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BETWEEN: 'BETWEEN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOTH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOTH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BOTH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BOTH: 'BOTH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BUCKET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BUCKET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BUCKET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BUCKET: 'BUCKET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BY_DEFAULT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BY_DEFAULT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BY_DEFAULT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BY_DEFAULT: 'BY_DEFAULT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CACHE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CACHE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CACHE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CACHE: 'CACHE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASCADE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASCADE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CASCADE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CASCADE: 'CASCADE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CASE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CASE: 'CASE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHARACTER_SET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHARACTER_SET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CHARACTER_SET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CHARACTER_SET: 'CHARACTER_SET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CLUSTER_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CLUSTER_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CLUSTER_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CLUSTER_BY: 'CLUSTER_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLLATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLLATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLLATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLLATE: 'COLLATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMAND": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMAND", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMAND", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMAND: 'COMMAND'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMENT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMENT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMENT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMENT: 'COMMENT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMIT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMIT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMIT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMIT: 'COMMIT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMPOUND": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMPOUND", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMPOUND", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMPOUND: 'COMPOUND'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CONSTRAINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CONSTRAINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CONSTRAINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CONSTRAINT: 'CONSTRAINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CREATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CREATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CREATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CREATE: 'CREATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CROSS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CROSS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CROSS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CROSS: 'CROSS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CUBE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CUBE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CUBE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CUBE: 'CUBE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_DATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_DATE: 'CURRENT_DATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: 'CURRENT_DATETIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_ROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_ROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_ROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_ROW: 'CURRENT_ROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_TIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: 'CURRENT_TIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DEFAULT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DEFAULT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DEFAULT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DEFAULT: 'DEFAULT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DELETE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DELETE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DELETE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DELETE: 'DELETE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESC": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESC", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DESC", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DESC: 'DESC'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESCRIBE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESCRIBE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DESCRIBE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DESCRIBE: 'DESCRIBE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DISTINCT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DISTINCT: 'DISTINCT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM: 'DISTINCT_FROM'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY: 'DISTRIBUTE_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DIV": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DIV", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DIV", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DIV: 'DIV'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DROP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DROP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DROP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DROP: 'DROP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ELSE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ELSE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ELSE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ELSE: 'ELSE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.END": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.END", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.END", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.END: 'END'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ESCAPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ESCAPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ESCAPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ESCAPE: 'ESCAPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXCEPT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXCEPT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EXCEPT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EXCEPT: 'EXCEPT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXECUTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXECUTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EXECUTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EXECUTE: 'EXECUTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXISTS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXISTS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EXISTS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EXISTS: 'EXISTS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FALSE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FALSE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FALSE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FALSE: 'FALSE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FETCH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FETCH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FETCH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FETCH: 'FETCH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FILTER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FILTER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FILTER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FILTER: 'FILTER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FINAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FINAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FINAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FINAL: 'FINAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FIRST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FIRST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FIRST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FIRST: 'FIRST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOLLOWING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOLLOWING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FOLLOWING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FOLLOWING: 'FOLLOWING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FOR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FOR: 'FOR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY: 'FOREIGN_KEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FORMAT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FORMAT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FORMAT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FORMAT: 'FORMAT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FROM": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FROM", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FROM", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FROM: 'FROM'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FULL: 'FULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FUNCTION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FUNCTION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FUNCTION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FUNCTION: 'FUNCTION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GLOB: 'GLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOBAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOBAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GLOBAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GLOBAL: 'GLOBAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUP_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUP_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GROUP_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GROUP_BY: 'GROUP_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUPING_SETS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUPING_SETS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GROUPING_SETS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GROUPING_SETS: 'GROUPING_SETS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HAVING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HAVING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HAVING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HAVING: 'HAVING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HINT: 'HINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IF: 'IF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS: 'IGNORE_NULLS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ILIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ILIKE: 'ILIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE_ANY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE_ANY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ILIKE_ANY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ILIKE_ANY: 'ILIKE_ANY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IN: 'IN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INDEX": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INDEX", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INDEX", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INDEX: 'INDEX'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INNER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INNER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INNER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INNER: 'INNER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INSERT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INSERT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INSERT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INSERT: 'INSERT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERSECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERSECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTERSECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTERSECT: 'INTERSECT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERVAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERVAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTERVAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTERVAL: 'INTERVAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTO", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTO: 'INTO'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTRODUCER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTRODUCER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTRODUCER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTRODUCER: 'INTRODUCER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IRLIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IRLIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IRLIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IRLIKE: 'IRLIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IS: 'IS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ISNULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ISNULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ISNULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ISNULL: 'ISNULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JOIN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JOIN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.JOIN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.JOIN: 'JOIN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LANGUAGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LANGUAGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LANGUAGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LANGUAGE: 'LANGUAGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LATERAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LATERAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LATERAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LATERAL: 'LATERAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LAZY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LAZY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LAZY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LAZY: 'LAZY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEADING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEADING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LEADING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LEADING: 'LEADING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEFT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEFT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LEFT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LEFT: 'LEFT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LIKE: 'LIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE_ANY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE_ANY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LIKE_ANY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LIKE_ANY: 'LIKE_ANY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIMIT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIMIT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LIMIT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LIMIT: 'LIMIT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOAD_DATA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOAD_DATA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LOAD_DATA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LOAD_DATA: 'LOAD_DATA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOCAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOCAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LOCAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LOCAL: 'LOCAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MAP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MAP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MAP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MAP: 'MAP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE: 'MATCH_RECOGNIZE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATERIALIZED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATERIALIZED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MATERIALIZED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MATERIALIZED: 'MATERIALIZED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MERGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MERGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MERGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MERGE: 'MERGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MOD": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MOD", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MOD", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MOD: 'MOD'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATURAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATURAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NATURAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NATURAL: 'NATURAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NEXT: 'NEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NO_ACTION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NO_ACTION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NO_ACTION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NO_ACTION: 'NO_ACTION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOTNULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOTNULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NOTNULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NOTNULL: 'NOTNULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULL: 'NULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_FIRST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_FIRST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLS_FIRST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLS_FIRST: 'NULLS_FIRST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_LAST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_LAST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLS_LAST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLS_LAST: 'NULLS_LAST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OFFSET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OFFSET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OFFSET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OFFSET: 'OFFSET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ON: 'ON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ONLY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ONLY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ONLY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ONLY: 'ONLY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OPTIONS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OPTIONS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OPTIONS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OPTIONS: 'OPTIONS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDER_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDER_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ORDER_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ORDER_BY: 'ORDER_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDERED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDERED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ORDERED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ORDERED: 'ORDERED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDINALITY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDINALITY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ORDINALITY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ORDINALITY: 'ORDINALITY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUTER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUTER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OUTER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OUTER: 'OUTER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUT_OF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUT_OF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OUT_OF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OUT_OF: 'OUT_OF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OVER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OVER: 'OVER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVERWRITE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVERWRITE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OVERWRITE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OVERWRITE: 'OVERWRITE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PARTITION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PARTITION: 'PARTITION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PARTITION_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PARTITION_BY: 'PARTITION_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PERCENT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PERCENT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PERCENT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PERCENT: 'PERCENT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIVOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIVOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PIVOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PIVOT: 'PIVOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLACEHOLDER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLACEHOLDER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PLACEHOLDER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PLACEHOLDER: 'PLACEHOLDER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRECEDING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRECEDING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PRECEDING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PRECEDING: 'PRECEDING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY: 'PRIMARY_KEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROCEDURE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROCEDURE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PROCEDURE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PROCEDURE: 'PROCEDURE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROPERTIES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROPERTIES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PROPERTIES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PROPERTIES: 'PROPERTIES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE: 'PSEUDO_TYPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUALIFY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUALIFY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.QUALIFY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.QUALIFY: 'QUALIFY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUOTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUOTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.QUOTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.QUOTE: 'QUOTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RANGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RANGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RANGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RANGE: 'RANGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RECURSIVE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RECURSIVE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RECURSIVE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RECURSIVE: 'RECURSIVE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REPLACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REPLACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.REPLACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.REPLACE: 'REPLACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS: 'RESPECT_NULLS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RETURNING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RETURNING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RETURNING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RETURNING: 'RETURNING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REFERENCES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REFERENCES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.REFERENCES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.REFERENCES: 'REFERENCES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RIGHT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RIGHT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RIGHT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RIGHT: 'RIGHT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RLIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RLIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RLIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RLIKE: 'RLIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLBACK": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLBACK", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROLLBACK", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROLLBACK: 'ROLLBACK'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLUP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLUP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROLLUP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROLLUP: 'ROLLUP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROW: 'ROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROWS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROWS: 'ROWS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEED: 'SEED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SELECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SELECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SELECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SELECT: 'SELECT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMI": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMI", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEMI", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEMI: 'SEMI'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEPARATOR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEPARATOR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEPARATOR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEPARATOR: 'SEPARATOR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES: 'SERDE_PROPERTIES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SET: 'SET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SHOW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SHOW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SHOW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SHOW: 'SHOW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SIMILAR_TO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SIMILAR_TO", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SIMILAR_TO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SIMILAR_TO: 'SIMILAR_TO'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SOME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SOME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SOME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SOME: 'SOME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORTKEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORTKEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SORTKEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SORTKEY: 'SORTKEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORT_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORT_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SORT_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SORT_BY: 'SORT_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRUCT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRUCT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.STRUCT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.STRUCT: 'STRUCT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE: 'TABLE_SAMPLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEMPORARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEMPORARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TEMPORARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TEMPORARY: 'TEMPORARY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TOP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TOP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TOP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TOP: 'TOP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.THEN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.THEN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.THEN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.THEN: 'THEN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRAILING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRAILING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TRAILING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TRAILING: 'TRAILING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRUE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRUE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TRUE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TRUE: 'TRUE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNBOUNDED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNBOUNDED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNBOUNDED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNBOUNDED: 'UNBOUNDED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNCACHE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNCACHE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNCACHE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNCACHE: 'UNCACHE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNION: 'UNION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNLOGGED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNLOGGED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNLOGGED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNLOGGED: 'UNLOGGED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNNEST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNNEST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNNEST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNNEST: 'UNNEST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNPIVOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNPIVOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNPIVOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNPIVOT: 'UNPIVOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UPDATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UPDATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UPDATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UPDATE: 'UPDATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.USE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.USE: 'USE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.USING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.USING: 'USING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VALUES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VALUES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VALUES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VALUES: 'VALUES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VIEW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VIEW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VIEW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VIEW: 'VIEW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VOLATILE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VOLATILE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VOLATILE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VOLATILE: 'VOLATILE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHEN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHEN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WHEN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WHEN: 'WHEN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHERE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHERE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WHERE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WHERE: 'WHERE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WINDOW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WINDOW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WINDOW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WINDOW: 'WINDOW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITH: 'WITH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE: 'WITH_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE: 'WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP: 'WITHIN_GROUP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE: 'WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNIQUE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNIQUE: 'UNIQUE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\ttoken_type: sqlglot.tokens.TokenType,\ttext: str,\tline: int = 1,\tcol: int = 1,\tcomments: List[str] = [])"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.number": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.number", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.number", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a NUMBER token with number as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, number: int) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.string": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.string", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.string", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a STRING token with string as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, string: str) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.identifier": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.identifier", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.identifier", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns an IDENTIFIER token with identifier as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, identifier: str) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.var": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.var", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.var", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns an VAR token with var as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, var: str) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.reset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.reset", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer.reset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.tokenize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.tokenize", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer.tokenize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a list of tokens corresponding to the SQL string sql.

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str) -> List[sqlglot.tokens.Token]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.transforms.unalias_group": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.unalias_group", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "unalias_group", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace references to select aliases in GROUP BY clauses.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY b").transform(unalias_group).sql()\n'SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY 1'\n
  • expression: the expression that will be transformed.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.eliminate_distinct_on": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.eliminate_distinct_on", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "eliminate_distinct_on", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert SELECT DISTINCT ON statements to a subquery with a window function.


This is useful for dialects that don't support SELECT DISTINCT ON but support window functions.

  • expression: the expression that will be transformed.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "remove_precision_parameterized_types", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Some dialects only allow the precision for parameterized types to be defined in the DDL and not in other expressions.\nThis transforms removes the precision from parameterized types in expressions.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.preprocess": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.preprocess", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "preprocess", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates a new transform by chaining a sequence of transformations and converts the resulting\nexpression to SQL, using an appropriate Generator.TRANSFORMS function.

  • transforms: sequence of transform functions. These will be called in order.
  • \n
  • to_sql: final transform that converts the resulting expression to a SQL string.
  • \n

Function that can be used as a generator transform.

\n", "signature": "(\ttransforms: List[Callable[[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], sqlglot.expressions.Expression]],\tto_sql: Callable[[sqlglot.generator.Generator, sqlglot.expressions.Expression], str]) -> Callable[[sqlglot.generator.Generator, sqlglot.expressions.Expression], str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.delegate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.delegate", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "delegate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create a new method that delegates to attr. This is useful for creating Generator.TRANSFORMS\nfunctions that delegate to existing generator methods.

\n", "signature": "(attr: str) -> Callable:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.trie": {"fullname": "sqlglot.trie", "modulename": "sqlglot.trie", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.trie.new_trie": {"fullname": "sqlglot.trie.new_trie", "modulename": "sqlglot.trie", "qualname": "new_trie", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates a new trie out of a collection of keywords.


The trie is represented as a sequence of nested dictionaries keyed by either single character\nstrings, or by 0, which is used to designate that a keyword is in the trie.

>>> new_trie(["bla", "foo", "blab"])\n{'b': {'l': {'a': {0: True, 'b': {0: True}}}}, 'f': {'o': {'o': {0: True}}}}\n
  • keywords: the keywords to create the trie from.
  • \n

The trie corresponding to keywords.

\n", "signature": "(keywords: Iterable[Sequence[Hashable]]) -> Dict:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.trie.in_trie": {"fullname": "sqlglot.trie.in_trie", "modulename": "sqlglot.trie", "qualname": "in_trie", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Checks whether a key is in a trie.

>>> in_trie(new_trie(["cat"]), "bob")\n(0, {'c': {'a': {'t': {0: True}}}})\n
\n \n
>>> in_trie(new_trie(["cat"]), "ca")\n(1, {'t': {0: True}})\n
\n \n
>>> in_trie(new_trie(["cat"]), "cat")\n(2, {0: True})\n
  • trie: the trie to be searched.
  • \n
  • key: the target key.
  • \n

A pair (value, subtrie), where subtrie is the sub-trie we get at the point where the search stops, and value\n is either 0 (search was unsuccessful), 1 (value is a prefix of a keyword in trie) or 2 (key is intrie`).

\n", "signature": "(trie: Dict, key: Sequence[Hashable]) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:", "funcdef": "def"}}, "docInfo": {"sqlglot": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 1, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 5685}, "sqlglot.pretty": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 2, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 10}, "sqlglot.schema": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.parse": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 124, "bases": 0, "doc": 84}, "sqlglot.parse_one": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 198, "bases": 0, "doc": 99}, "sqlglot.transpile": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 239, "bases": 0, "doc": 177}, "sqlglot.dataframe": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3543}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 4, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.table": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 208, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 259, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.copy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 41, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 48, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.alias": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.where": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 86, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.filter": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 86, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.groupBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 48, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.agg": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 48, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.join": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 180, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.orderBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 120, "bases": 0, "doc": 44}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sort": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 120, "bases": 0, "doc": 44}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.union": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionAll": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionByName": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 61, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersect": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersectAll": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.exceptAll": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.distinct": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropDuplicates": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 38, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropna": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 138, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.fillna": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 123, "bases": 0, "doc": 100}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.replace": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 217, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumn": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 77, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 31, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.drop": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 80, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.limit": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.hint": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 77, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.repartition": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 111, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.coalesce": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.cache": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.persist": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 60, "bases": 0, "doc": 20}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 106, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.agg": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 90, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.count": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.mean": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.avg": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.max": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.min": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.sum": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.pivot": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 63, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_col": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 71, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_cols": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 98, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_anonymous_function": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 123, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_expression_over_column": {"qualname": 5, "fullname": 8, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 92, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.binary_op": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 85, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.inverse_binary_op": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 85, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.unary_op": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_literal": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 39, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.copy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.set_table_name": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 55, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.alias": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_first": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_last": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_first": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_last": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.when": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 77, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.otherwise": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNull": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNotNull": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.cast": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 53, "bases": 0, "doc": 27}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.startswith": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 78, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.endswith": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 78, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.rlike": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ilike": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.substr": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 121, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isin": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 81, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.between": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 97, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.over": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.drop": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 138, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.fill": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 143, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.replace": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 177, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 4, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.partitionBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 104, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.orderBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 104, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rowsBetween": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 54, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rangeBetween": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 54, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 38, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.copy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 11, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.partitionBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 104, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.orderBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 104, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rowsBetween": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 54, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rangeBetween": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 54, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.table": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 122, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.copy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 41, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 27, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.mode": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 52, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.insertInto": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 70, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 71, 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"default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 3, "doc": 495}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.array_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 22, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 22, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 22, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op": {"qualname": 5, "fullname": 8, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.except_op": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, 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"sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql": {"tf": 7.416198487095663}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.inline_array_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_ilike_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_paren_current_date_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_recursive_cte_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_safe_divide_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_tablesample_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_pivot_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_trycast_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_properties_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.str_position_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.struct_extract_sql": {"tf": 6.48074069840786}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.var_map_sql": {"tf": 8.48528137423857}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.format_time_lambda": {"tf": 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"sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql": {"tf": 3.7416573867739413}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.__init__": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.__init__": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.__init__": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.update_sql": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.mod_sql": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.__init__": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql": {"tf": 3.7416573867739413}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.__init__": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, 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"sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_subqueries": {"tf": 2.8284271247461903}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalize": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.distributive_law": {"tf": 2.449489742783178}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.optimize_joins": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_predicates": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.pushdown_projections": {"tf": 2.23606797749979}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope": {"tf": 2.6457513110645907}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.subqueries": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selects": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.traverse_scope": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.rewrite_between": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_not": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest_subqueries": {"tf": 2.449489742783178}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.from_expression": {"tf": 4}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan.from_expression": {"tf": 4}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.from_expression": {"tf": 4}, "sqlglot.transforms.unalias_group": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 61, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "v": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {"sqlglot.diff": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}, "z": {"docs": {"sqlglot": {"tf": 3}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.assert_is": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.update": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.and_": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.or_": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.expand": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes.eliminate_ctes": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries.eliminate_subqueries": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalize": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.distributive_law": {"tf": 2.23606797749979}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.optimize_joins": {"tf": 2.449489742783178}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.rewrite_between": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 14, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "g": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "m": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {"sqlglot.diff": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {"sqlglot.executor": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}, "k": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "p": {"docs": {"sqlglot": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.diff": {"tf": 3.605551275463989}, "sqlglot.diff.diff": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.executor": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 4}}, "y": {"docs": {"sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Tables": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression": {"tf": 2}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.this": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expression": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expressions": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.text": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.append": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.set": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.walk": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.join_condition": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.walk_in_scope": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.trie.in_trie": {"tf": 2}}, "df": 34, "w": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "d": {"docs": {"sqlglot.executor": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.trie.new_trie": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.trie.in_trie": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 5, "s": {"docs": {"sqlglot": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.dialects": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.trie.new_trie": {"tf": 2}}, "df": 3}}}}}, "s": {"docs": {"sqlglot.dataframe": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.diff": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 24}, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {"sqlglot.executor.table.Tables": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 2}}}}, "d": {"docs": {"sqlglot.trie.new_trie": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"sqlglot": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}, "p": 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{"docs": {}, "df": 0, "g": {"docs": {"sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 1, "s": {"docs": {"sqlglot.expressions.Condition.and_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.or_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.union": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.intersect": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.except_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.on": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.using": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.with_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Union.limit": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.from_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.group_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.order_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.sort_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.cluster_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.limit": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.offset": {"tf": 1}, "": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.where": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.having": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.ctas": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.union": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.intersect": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.except_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.func": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.expression": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 29}}}}}}}}}, "pipeline": ["trimmer"], "_isPrebuiltIndex": true}; + /** pdoc search index */const docs = {"version": "0.9.5", "fields": ["qualname", "fullname", "annotation", "default_value", "signature", "bases", "doc"], "ref": "fullname", "documentStore": {"docs": {"sqlglot": {"fullname": "sqlglot", "modulename": "sqlglot", "kind": "module", "doc": "



SQLGlot is a no-dependency SQL parser, transpiler, optimizer, and engine. It can be used to format SQL or translate between 19 different dialects like DuckDB, Presto, Spark, Snowflake, and BigQuery. It aims to read a wide variety of SQL inputs and output syntactically correct SQL in the targeted dialects.


It is a very comprehensive generic SQL parser with a robust test suite. It is also quite performant, while being written purely in Python.


You can easily customize the parser, analyze queries, traverse expression trees, and programmatically build SQL.


Syntax errors are highlighted and dialect incompatibilities can warn or raise depending on configurations. However, it should be noted that SQL validation is not SQLGlot\u2019s goal, so some syntax errors may go unnoticed.


Contributions are very welcome in SQLGlot; read the contribution guide to get started!


Table of Contents




From PyPI:

pip3 install sqlglot\n

Or with a local checkout:

make install\n

Requirements for development (optional):

make install-dev\n

Get in Touch


We'd love to hear from you. Join our community Slack channel!




Formatting and Transpiling


Easily translate from one dialect to another. For example, date/time functions vary from dialects and can be hard to deal with:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT EPOCH_MS(1618088028295)", read="duckdb", write="hive")[0]\n
'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1618088028295 / 1000)'\n

SQLGlot can even translate custom time formats:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT STRFTIME(x, '%y-%-m-%S')", read="duckdb", write="hive")[0]\n
"SELECT DATE_FORMAT(x, 'yy-M-ss')"\n

As another example, let's suppose that we want to read in a SQL query that contains a CTE and a cast to REAL, and then transpile it to Spark, which uses backticks for identifiers and FLOAT instead of REAL:

import sqlglot\n\nsql = """WITH baz AS (SELECT a, c FROM foo WHERE a = 1) SELECT f.a, b.b, baz.c, CAST("b"."a" AS REAL) d FROM foo f JOIN bar b ON f.a = b.a LEFT JOIN baz ON f.a = baz.a"""\nprint(sqlglot.transpile(sql, write="spark", identify=True, pretty=True)[0])\n
WITH `baz` AS (\n  SELECT\n    `a`,\n    `c`\n  FROM `foo`\n  WHERE\n    `a` = 1\n)\nSELECT\n  `f`.`a`,\n  `b`.`b`,\n  `baz`.`c`,\n  CAST(`b`.`a` AS FLOAT) AS `d`\nFROM `foo` AS `f`\nJOIN `bar` AS `b`\n  ON `f`.`a` = `b`.`a`\nLEFT JOIN `baz`\n  ON `f`.`a` = `baz`.`a`\n

Comments are also preserved in a best-effort basis when transpiling SQL code:

sql = """\n/* multi\n   line\n   comment\n*/\nSELECT\n  tbl.cola /* comment 1 */ + tbl.colb /* comment 2 */,\n  CAST(x AS INT), # comment 3\n  y               -- comment 4\nFROM\n  bar /* comment 5 */,\n  tbl #          comment 6\n"""\n\nprint(sqlglot.transpile(sql, read='mysql', pretty=True)[0])\n
/* multi\n   line\n   comment\n*/\nSELECT\n  tbl.cola /* comment 1 */ + tbl.colb /* comment 2 */,\n  CAST(x AS INT), /* comment 3 */\n  y /* comment 4 */\nFROM bar /* comment 5 */, tbl /*          comment 6 */\n



You can explore SQL with expression helpers to do things like find columns and tables:

from sqlglot import parse_one, exp\n\n# print all column references (a and b)\nfor column in parse_one("SELECT a, b + 1 AS c FROM d").find_all(exp.Column):\n    print(column.alias_or_name)\n\n# find all projections in select statements (a and c)\nfor select in parse_one("SELECT a, b + 1 AS c FROM d").find_all(exp.Select):\n    for projection in select.expressions:\n        print(projection.alias_or_name)\n\n# find all tables (x, y, z)\nfor table in parse_one("SELECT * FROM x JOIN y JOIN z").find_all(exp.Table):\n    print(\n

Parser Errors


When the parser detects an error in the syntax, it raises a ParserError:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT foo( FROM bar")\n
sqlglot.errors.ParseError: Expecting ). Line 1, Col: 13.\n  select foo( FROM bar\n              ~~~~\n

Structured syntax errors are accessible for programmatic use:

import sqlglot\ntry:\n    sqlglot.transpile("SELECT foo( FROM bar")\nexcept sqlglot.errors.ParseError as e:\n    print(e.errors)\n
[{\n  'description': 'Expecting )',\n  'line': 1,\n  'col': 13,\n  'start_context': 'SELECT foo( ',\n  'highlight': 'FROM',\n  'end_context': ' bar'\n}]\n

Unsupported Errors


Presto APPROX_DISTINCT supports the accuracy argument which is not supported in Hive:

import sqlglot\nsqlglot.transpile("SELECT APPROX_DISTINCT(a, 0.1) FROM foo", read="presto", write="hive")\n

Build and Modify SQL


SQLGlot supports incrementally building sql expressions:

from sqlglot import select, condition\n\nwhere = condition("x=1").and_("y=1")\nselect("*").from_("y").where(where).sql()\n
'SELECT * FROM y WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1'\n

You can also modify a parsed tree:

from sqlglot import parse_one\nparse_one("SELECT x FROM y").from_("z").sql()\n
'SELECT x FROM y, z'\n

There is also a way to recursively transform the parsed tree by applying a mapping function to each tree node:

from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n\nexpression_tree = parse_one("SELECT a FROM x")\n\ndef transformer(node):\n    if isinstance(node, exp.Column) and == "a":\n        return parse_one("FUN(a)")\n    return node\n\ntransformed_tree = expression_tree.transform(transformer)\ntransformed_tree.sql()\n

SQL Optimizer


SQLGlot can rewrite queries into an \"optimized\" form. It performs a variety of techniques to create a new canonical AST. This AST can be used to standardize queries or provide the foundations for implementing an actual engine. For example:

import sqlglot\nfrom sqlglot.optimizer import optimize\n\nprint(\n    optimize(\n        sqlglot.parse_one("""\n            SELECT A OR (B OR (C AND D))\n            FROM x\n            WHERE Z = date '2021-01-01' + INTERVAL '1' month OR 1 = 0\n        """),\n        schema={"x": {"A": "INT", "B": "INT", "C": "INT", "D": "INT", "Z": "STRING"}}\n    ).sql(pretty=True)\n)\n
SELECT\n  (\n    "x"."a" OR "x"."b" OR "x"."c"\n  ) AND (\n    "x"."a" OR "x"."b" OR "x"."d"\n  ) AS "_col_0"\nFROM "x" AS "x"\nWHERE\n  CAST("x"."z" AS DATE) = CAST('2021-02-01' AS DATE)\n

AST Introspection


You can see the AST version of the sql by calling repr:

from sqlglot import parse_one\nprint(repr(parse_one("SELECT a + 1 AS z")))\n
(SELECT expressions:\n  (ALIAS this:\n    (ADD this:\n      (COLUMN this:\n        (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)), expression:\n      (LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False)), alias:\n    (IDENTIFIER this: z, quoted: False)))\n

AST Diff


SQLGlot can calculate the difference between two expressions and output changes in a form of a sequence of actions needed to transform a source expression into a target one:

from sqlglot import diff, parse_one\ndiff(parse_one("SELECT a + b, c, d"), parse_one("SELECT c, a - b, d"))\n
[\n  Remove(expression=(ADD this:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)), expression:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False)))),\n  Insert(expression=(SUB this:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)), expression:\n    (COLUMN this:\n      (IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False)))),\n  Move(expression=(COLUMN this:\n    (IDENTIFIER this: c, quoted: False))),\n  Keep(source=(IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False), target=(IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False)),\n  ...\n]\n

See also: Semantic Diff for SQL.


Custom Dialects


Dialects can be added by subclassing Dialect:

from sqlglot import exp\nfrom sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect\nfrom sqlglot.generator import Generator\nfrom sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType\n\n\nclass Custom(Dialect):\n    class Tokenizer(Tokenizer):\n        QUOTES = ["'", '"']\n        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]\n\n        KEYWORDS = {\n            **Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,\n            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,\n            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,\n        }\n\n    class Generator(Generator):\n        TRANSFORMS = {exp.Array: lambda self, e: f"[{self.expressions(e)}]"}\n\n        TYPE_MAPPING = {\n            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",\n            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",\n            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",\n        }\n\nprint(Dialect["custom"])\n
<class '__main__.Custom'>\n

SQL Execution


One can even interpret SQL queries using SQLGlot, where the tables are represented as Python dictionaries. Although the engine is not very fast (it's not supposed to be) and is in a relatively early stage of development, it can be useful for unit testing and running SQL natively across Python objects. Additionally, the foundation can be easily integrated with fast compute kernels (arrow, pandas). Below is an example showcasing the execution of a SELECT expression that involves aggregations and JOINs:

from sqlglot.executor import execute\n\ntables = {\n    "sushi": [\n        {"id": 1, "price": 1.0},\n        {"id": 2, "price": 2.0},\n        {"id": 3, "price": 3.0},\n    ],\n    "order_items": [\n        {"sushi_id": 1, "order_id": 1},\n        {"sushi_id": 1, "order_id": 1},\n        {"sushi_id": 2, "order_id": 1},\n        {"sushi_id": 3, "order_id": 2},\n    ],\n    "orders": [\n        {"id": 1, "user_id": 1},\n        {"id": 2, "user_id": 2},\n    ],\n}\n\nexecute(\n    """\n    SELECT\n      o.user_id,\n      SUM(s.price) AS price\n    FROM orders o\n    JOIN order_items i\n      ON = i.order_id\n    JOIN sushi s\n      ON i.sushi_id =\n    GROUP BY o.user_id\n    """,\n    tables=tables\n)\n
user_id price\n      1   4.0\n      2   3.0\n

See also: Writing a Python SQL engine from scratch.


Used By




SQLGlot uses pdoc to serve its API documentation:

make docs-serve\n

Run Tests and Lint

make check  # Set SKIP_INTEGRATION=1 to skip integration tests\n



Benchmarks run on Python 3.10.5 in seconds.

\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n
tpch0.01308 (1.0)1.60626 (122.7)0.01168 (0.893)0.04958 (3.791)0.08543 (6.531)0.00136 (0.104)
short0.00109 (1.0)0.14134 (129.2)0.00099 (0.906)0.00342 (3.131)0.00652 (5.970)8.76E-5 (0.080)
long0.01399 (1.0)2.12632 (151.9)0.01126 (0.805)0.04410 (3.151)0.06671 (4.767)0.00107 (0.076)
crazy0.03969 (1.0)24.3777 (614.1)0.03917 (0.987)11.7043 (294.8)1.03280 (26.02)0.00625 (0.157)

Optional Dependencies


SQLGlot uses dateutil to simplify literal timedelta expressions. The optimizer will not simplify expressions like the following if the module cannot be found:

x + interval '1' month\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.pretty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.pretty", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "pretty", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Whether to format generated SQL by default.

\n", "default_value": " = False"}, "sqlglot.schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parse", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses the given SQL string into a collection of syntax trees, one per parsed SQL statement.

  • sql: the SQL code string to parse.
  • \n
  • read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • **opts: other sqlglot.parser.Parser options.
  • \n

The resulting syntax tree collection.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parse_one": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parse_one", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "parse_one", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses the given SQL string and returns a syntax tree for the first parsed SQL statement.

  • sql: the SQL code string to parse.
  • \n
  • read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into.
  • \n
  • **opts: other sqlglot.parser.Parser options.
  • \n

The syntax tree for the first parsed statement.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tinto: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transpile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transpile", "modulename": "sqlglot", "qualname": "transpile", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses the given SQL string in accordance with the source dialect and returns a list of SQL strings transformed\nto conform to the target dialect. Each string in the returned list represents a single transformed SQL statement.

  • sql: the SQL code string to transpile.
  • \n
  • read: the source dialect used to parse the input string (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • write: the target dialect into which the input should be transformed (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • identity: if set to True and if the target dialect is not specified the source dialect will be used as both:\nthe source and the target dialect.
  • \n
  • error_level: the desired error level of the parser.
  • \n
  • **opts: other sqlglot.generator.Generator options.
  • \n

The list of transpiled SQL statements.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\twrite: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tidentity: bool = True,\terror_level: Optional[sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel] = None,\t**opts) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe", "kind": "module", "doc": "

PySpark DataFrame SQL Generator


This is a drop-in replacement for the PySpark DataFrame API that will generate SQL instead of executing DataFrame operations directly. This, when combined with the transpiling support in SQLGlot, allows one to write PySpark DataFrame code and execute it on other engines like DuckDB, Presto, Spark, Snowflake, and BigQuery.


Currently many of the common operations are covered and more functionality will be added over time. Please open an issue or PR with your feedback or contribution to help influence what should be prioritized next and make sure your use case is properly supported.


How to use



  • Install SQLGlot and that is all that is required to just generate SQL. The examples show generating SQL and then executing that SQL on a specific engine and that will require that engine's client library.
  • \n
  • Find/replace all from pyspark.sql with from sqlglot.dataframe.
  • \n
  • Prior to any or spark.table run sqlglot.schema.add_table('<table_name>', <column_structure>).\n
    • The column structure can be defined the following ways:\n
      • Dictionary where the keys are column names and values are string of the Spark SQL type name.\n
        • Ex: {'cola': 'string', 'colb': 'int'}
        • \n
      • \n
      • PySpark DataFrame StructType similar to when using createDataFrame.\n
        • Ex: StructType([StructField('cola', StringType()), StructField('colb', IntegerType())])
        • \n
      • \n
      • A string of names and types similar to what is supported in createDataFrame.\n
        • Ex: cola: STRING, colb: INT
        • \n
      • \n
      • [Not Recommended] A list of string column names without type.\n
        • Ex: ['cola', 'colb']
        • \n
        • The lack of types may limit functionality in future releases.
        • \n
      • \n
    • \n
    • See Registering Custom Schema for information on how to skip this step if the information is stored externally.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Add .sql(pretty=True) to your final DataFrame command to return a list of sql statements to run that command.\n
    • In most cases a single SQL statement is returned. Currently the only exception is when caching DataFrames which isn't supported in other dialects.
    • \n
    • Spark is the default output dialect. See dialects for a full list of dialects.
    • \n
    • Ex: .sql(pretty=True, dialect='bigquery')
    • \n
  • \n


import sqlglot\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\n\nsqlglot.schema.add_table('employee', {\n  'employee_id': 'INT',\n  'fname': 'STRING',\n  'lname': 'STRING',\n  'age': 'INT',\n})  # Register the table structure prior to reading from the table\n\nspark = SparkSession()\n\ndf = (\n    spark\n    .table('employee')\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees")) \n)\n\nprint(df.sql(pretty=True))  # Spark will be the dialect used by default\n
SELECT\n  `employee`.`age` AS `age`,\n  COUNT(DISTINCT `employee`.`employee_id`) AS `num_employees`\nFROM `employee` AS `employee`\nGROUP BY\n  `employee`.`age`\n

Registering Custom Schema Class


The step of adding sqlglot.schema.add_table can be skipped if you have the column structure stored externally like in a file or from an external metadata table. This can be done by writing a class that implements the sqlglot.schema.Schema abstract class and then assigning that class to sqlglot.schema.

import sqlglot\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\nfrom sqlglot.schema import Schema\n\n\nclass ExternalSchema(Schema):\n  ...\n\nsqlglot.schema = ExternalSchema()\n\nspark = SparkSession()\n\ndf = (\n    spark\n    .table('employee')\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees")) \n)\n\nprint(df.sql(pretty=True))\n

Example Implementations



from import bigquery\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import types\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\n\nclient = bigquery.Client()\n\ndata = [\n    (1, "Jack", "Shephard", 34),\n    (2, "John", "Locke", 48),\n    (3, "Kate", "Austen", 34),\n    (4, "Claire", "Littleton", 22),\n    (5, "Hugo", "Reyes", 26),\n]\nschema = types.StructType([\n    types.StructField('employee_id', types.IntegerType(), False),\n    types.StructField('fname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('lname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('age', types.IntegerType(), False),\n])\n\nsql_statements = (\n    SparkSession()\n    .createDataFrame(data, schema)\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees"))\n    .sql(dialect="bigquery")\n)\n\nresult = None\nfor sql in sql_statements:\n  result = client.query(sql)\n\nassert result is not None\nfor row in client.query(result):\n    print(f"Age: {row['age']}, Num Employees: {row['num_employees']}")\n


import os\n\nimport snowflake.connector\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe import types\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe import functions as F\n\nctx = snowflake.connector.connect(\n    user=os.environ["SNOWFLAKE_USER"],\n    password=os.environ["SNOWFLAKE_PASS"],\n    account=os.environ["SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT"]\n)\ncs = ctx.cursor()\n\ndata = [\n    (1, "Jack", "Shephard", 34),\n    (2, "John", "Locke", 48),\n    (3, "Kate", "Austen", 34),\n    (4, "Claire", "Littleton", 22),\n    (5, "Hugo", "Reyes", 26),\n]\nschema = types.StructType([\n    types.StructField('employee_id', types.IntegerType(), False),\n    types.StructField('fname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('lname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('age', types.IntegerType(), False),\n])\n\nsql_statements = (\n    SparkSession()\n    .createDataFrame(data, schema)\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("lname")).alias("num_employees"))\n    .sql(dialect="snowflake")\n)\n\ntry:\n    for sql in sql_statements:\n        cs.execute(sql)\n    results = cs.fetchall()\n    for row in results:\n        print(f"Age: {row[0]}, Num Employees: {row[1]}")\nfinally:\n    cs.close()\nctx.close()\n


from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession as PySparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session import SparkSession\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import types\nfrom sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as F\n\ndata = [\n    (1, "Jack", "Shephard", 34),\n    (2, "John", "Locke", 48),\n    (3, "Kate", "Austen", 34),\n    (4, "Claire", "Littleton", 22),\n    (5, "Hugo", "Reyes", 26),\n]\nschema = types.StructType([\n    types.StructField('employee_id', types.IntegerType(), False),\n    types.StructField('fname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('lname', types.StringType(), False),\n    types.StructField('age', types.IntegerType(), False),\n])\n\nsql_statements = (\n    SparkSession()\n    .createDataFrame(data, schema)\n    .groupBy(F.col("age"))\n    .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id")).alias("num_employees"))\n    .sql(dialect="spark")\n)\n\npyspark = PySparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").getOrCreate()\n\ndf = None\nfor sql in sql_statements:\n    df = pyspark.sql(sql)\n\nassert df is not None\\n

Unsupportable Operations


Any operation that lacks a way to represent it in SQL cannot be supported by this tool. An example of this would be rdd operations. Since the DataFrame API though is mostly modeled around SQL concepts most operations can be supported.

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, tableName: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.createDataFrame", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tdata: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, <MagicMock id='140483441683968'>], List[<MagicMock id='140483441683968'>], Tuple]],\tschema: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483443386656'>] = None,\tsamplingRatio: Optional[float] = None,\tverifySchema: bool = False) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "SparkSession.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sqlQuery: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tspark: <MagicMock id='140483442251840'>,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Select,\tbranch_id: Optional[str] = None,\tsequence_id: Optional[str] = None,\tlast_op: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations.Operation = <Operation.INIT: -1>,\tpending_hints: Optional[List[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]] = None,\toutput_expression_container: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483442487456'>] = None,\t**kwargs)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dialect='spark', optimize=True, **kwargs) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.alias", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.where": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.where", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.where", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcolumn: Union[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, bool],\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.filter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.filter", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.filter", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcolumn: Union[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, bool],\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.groupBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.groupBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.groupBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols, **kwargs) ->", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.agg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.agg", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.agg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *exprs, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.join", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother_df: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\ton: Union[str, List[str], sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]],\thow: str = 'inner',\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.orderBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.orderBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.orderBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

This implementation lets any ordered columns take priority over whatever is provided in ascending. Spark\nhas irregular behavior and can result in runtime errors. Users shouldn't be mixing the two anyways so this\nis unlikely to come up.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tascending: Union[Any, List[Any], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

This implementation lets any ordered columns take priority over whatever is provided in ascending. Spark\nhas irregular behavior and can result in runtime errors. Users shouldn't be mixing the two anyways so this\nis unlikely to come up.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tascending: Union[Any, List[Any], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.union", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.union", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.unionAll", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionByName": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionByName", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.unionByName", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\tallowMissingColumns: bool = False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.intersect", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersectAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersectAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.intersectAll", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.exceptAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.exceptAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.exceptAll", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tother: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.distinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.distinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.distinct", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropDuplicates": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropDuplicates", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.dropDuplicates", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, subset: Optional[List[str]] = None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropna": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropna", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.dropna", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\thow: str = 'any',\tthresh: Optional[int] = None,\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.fillna": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.fillna", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.fillna", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Functionality Difference: If you provide a value to replace a null and that type conflicts\nwith the type of the column then PySpark will just ignore your replacement.\nThis will try to cast them to be the same in some cases. So they won't always match.\nBest to not mix types so make sure replacement is the same type as the column


Possibility for improvement: Use typeof function to get the type of the column\nand check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: <MagicMock id='140483439601424'>,\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tto_replace: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict],\tvalue: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, NoneType] = None,\tsubset: Union[Collection[<MagicMock id='140483439717408'>], <MagicMock id='140483439717408'>, NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumn": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumn", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.withColumn", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcolName: str,\tcol: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.withColumnRenamed", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, existing: str, new: str):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.drop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.drop", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.drop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, num: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.hint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.hint", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.hint", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tname: str,\t*parameters: Union[str, int, NoneType]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.repartition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.repartition", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.repartition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tnumPartitions: Union[int, <MagicMock id='140483439886592'>],\t*cols: <MagicMock id='140483439948896'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.coalesce": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.coalesce", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.coalesce", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, numPartitions: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.cache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.cache", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.cache", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.persist": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.persist", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrame.persist", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Storage Level Options:

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tstorageLevel: str = 'MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER') -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tdf: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\tgroup_by_cols: List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tlast_op: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations.Operation)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.agg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.agg", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.agg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*exprs: Union[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column, Dict[str, str]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.count": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.count", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.count", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.mean": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.mean", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.mean", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.avg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.avg", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.avg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.max": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.max", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.max", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.min": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.min", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.min", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.sum": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.sum", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.sum", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.pivot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.pivot", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "GroupedData.pivot", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *cols: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: Union[<MagicMock id='140483439967056'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType])"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_col": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_col", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ensure_col", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tvalue: Union[<MagicMock id='140483440277968'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_cols": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_cols", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ensure_cols", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\targs: List[Union[<MagicMock id='140483438527104'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]) -> List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_anonymous_function": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_anonymous_function", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.invoke_anonymous_function", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tcolumn: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483438591760'>],\tfunc_name: str,\t*args: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483438648176'>]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_expression_over_column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_expression_over_column", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.invoke_expression_over_column", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tcolumn: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483438730096'>],\tcallable_expression: Callable,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.binary_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.binary_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.binary_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tklass: Callable,\tother: <MagicMock id='140483438706640'>,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.inverse_binary_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.inverse_binary_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.inverse_binary_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tklass: Callable,\tother: <MagicMock id='140483438814656'>,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.unary_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.unary_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.unary_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, klass: Callable, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ensure_literal", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, value) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.set_table_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.set_table_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.set_table_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, table_name: str, copy=False) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.alias", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.asc", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.desc", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_first": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_first", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.asc_nulls_first", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_last": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_last", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.asc_nulls_last", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_first": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_first", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.desc_nulls_first", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_last": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_last", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.desc_nulls_last", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.when": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.when", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.when", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tcondition: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column,\tvalue: Any) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.otherwise": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.otherwise", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.otherwise", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, value: Any) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNull": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNull", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.isNull", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNotNull": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNotNull", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.isNotNull", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.cast", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Functionality Difference: PySpark cast accepts a datatype instance of the datatype class\nSqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

\n", "signature": "(self, dataType: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.DataType]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.startswith": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.startswith", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.startswith", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.endswith": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.endswith", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.endswith", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: Union[str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.rlike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.rlike", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.rlike", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, regexp: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, other: str):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ilike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ilike", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.ilike", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, other: str):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.substr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.substr", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.substr", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tstartPos: Union[int, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column],\tlength: Union[int, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isin": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isin", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.isin", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483438973072'>, Iterable[<MagicMock id='140483438973072'>]]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.between": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.between", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.between", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tlowerBound: <MagicMock id='140483439030096'>,\tupperBound: <MagicMock id='140483439074304'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.over": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.over", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Column.over", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\twindow: <MagicMock id='140483439149984'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.column.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(df: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.drop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.drop", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.drop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\thow: str = 'any',\tthresh: Optional[int] = None,\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.fill": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.fill", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.fill", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tvalue: Union[int, bool, float, str, Dict[str, Any]],\tsubset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameNaFunctions.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameNaFunctions.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tto_replace: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict],\tvalue: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, NoneType] = None,\tsubset: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.partitionBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.partitionBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.partitionBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483439288784'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483439288784'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.orderBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.orderBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.orderBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483439363408'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483439363408'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rowsBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rowsBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.rowsBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rangeBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Window.rangeBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "Window.rangeBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression = (WINDOW ))"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.partitionBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.partitionBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.partitionBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483437616032'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483437616032'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.orderBy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.orderBy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.orderBy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483438173232'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483438173232'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rowsBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rowsBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.rowsBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rangeBetween": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec.rangeBetween", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "WindowSpec.rangeBetween", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, start: int, end: int) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.window.WindowSpec:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameReader", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameReader.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(spark: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session.SparkSession)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameReader.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameReader.table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, tableName: str) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tdf: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe.DataFrame,\tspark: Optional[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.session.SparkSession] = None,\tmode: Optional[str] = None,\tby_name: bool = False)"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.mode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.mode", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.mode", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsaveMode: Optional[str]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.insertInto": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.insertInto", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.insertInto", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttableName: str,\toverwrite: Optional[bool] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.dataframe.sql", "qualname": "DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tname: str,\tformat: Optional[str] = None,\tmode: Optional[str] = None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects", "kind": "module", "doc": "



While there is a SQL standard, most SQL engines support a variation of that standard. This makes it difficult\nto write portable SQL code. SQLGlot bridges all the different variations, called \"dialects\", with an extensible\nSQL transpilation framework.


The base sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect class implements a generic dialect that aims to be as universal as possible.


Each SQL variation has its own Dialect subclass, extending the corresponding Tokenizer, Parser and Generator\nclasses as needed.


Implementing a custom Dialect


Consider the following example:

from sqlglot import exp\nfrom sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect\nfrom sqlglot.generator import Generator\nfrom sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType\n\n\nclass Custom(Dialect):\n    class Tokenizer(Tokenizer):\n        QUOTES = ["'", '"']\n        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]\n\n        KEYWORDS = {\n            **Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,\n            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,\n            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,\n        }\n\n    class Generator(Generator):\n        TRANSFORMS = {exp.Array: lambda self, e: f"[{self.expressions(e)}]"}\n\n        TYPE_MAPPING = {\n            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",\n            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",\n            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",\n            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",\n        }\n

This is a typical example of adding a new dialect implementation in SQLGlot: we specify its identifier and string\ndelimiters, as well as what tokens it uses for its types and how they're associated with SQLGlot types. Since\nthe Expression classes are common for each dialect supported in SQLGlot, we may also need to override the generation\nlogic for some expressions; this is usually done by adding new entries to the TRANSFORMS mapping.

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "kind": "module", "doc": "

Supports BigQuery Standard SQL.

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.array_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.array_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.array_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Array) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.commit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.rollback_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.in_unnest_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Unnest) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.except_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.except_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.except_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Except) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.intersect_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery.BigQuery.Generator.intersect_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.bigquery", "qualname": "BigQuery.Generator.intersect_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Intersect) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator.cte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse.ClickHouse.Generator.cte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.clickhouse", "qualname": "ClickHouse.Generator.cte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks.Databricks.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.databricks", "qualname": "Databricks.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "builtins.str, enum.Enum"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DIALECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DIALECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DIALECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DIALECT: ''>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.BIGQUERY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.BIGQUERY", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.BIGQUERY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.BIGQUERY: 'bigquery'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.CLICKHOUSE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.CLICKHOUSE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.CLICKHOUSE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.CLICKHOUSE: 'clickhouse'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DUCKDB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DUCKDB", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DUCKDB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DUCKDB: 'duckdb'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.HIVE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.HIVE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.HIVE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.HIVE: 'hive'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.MYSQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.MYSQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.MYSQL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.MYSQL: 'mysql'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.ORACLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.ORACLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.ORACLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.ORACLE: 'oracle'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.POSTGRES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.POSTGRES", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.POSTGRES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.POSTGRES: 'postgres'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.PRESTO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.PRESTO", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.PRESTO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.PRESTO: 'presto'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.REDSHIFT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.REDSHIFT", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.REDSHIFT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.REDSHIFT: 'redshift'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SNOWFLAKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SNOWFLAKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.SNOWFLAKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.SNOWFLAKE: 'snowflake'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SPARK": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SPARK", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.SPARK", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.SPARK: 'spark'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SQLITE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.SQLITE", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.SQLITE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.SQLITE: 'sqlite'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.STARROCKS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.STARROCKS", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.STARROCKS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.STARROCKS: 'starrocks'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TABLEAU": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TABLEAU", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TABLEAU", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TABLEAU: 'tableau'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TRINO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TRINO", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TRINO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TRINO: 'trino'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TSQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TSQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TSQL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TSQL: 'tsql'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DATABRICKS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DATABRICKS", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DATABRICKS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DATABRICKS: 'databricks'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DRILL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.DRILL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.DRILL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.DRILL: 'drill'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TERADATA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialects.TERADATA", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialects.TERADATA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Dialects.TERADATA: 'teradata'>"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.get_or_raise": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.get_or_raise", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.get_or_raise", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType]) -> Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.format_time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.format_time", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.format_time", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, **opts) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse_into": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parse_into", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.parse_into", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression_type: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]]],\tsql: str,\t**opts) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generate", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.generate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\t**opts) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.transpile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.transpile", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.transpile", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, **opts) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.parser", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **opts) -> sqlglot.parser.Parser:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect.generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "Dialect.generator", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **opts) -> sqlglot.generator.Generator:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.rename_func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.rename_func", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "rename_func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str) -> Callable[[sqlglot.generator.Generator, sqlglot.expressions.Expression], str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.approx_count_distinct_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.approx_count_distinct_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "approx_count_distinct_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.ApproxDistinct) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.if_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.if_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "if_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.If) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "arrow_json_extract_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtract | sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtract) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtractScalar | sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtractScalar) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.inline_array_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.inline_array_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "inline_array_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Array) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_ilike_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_ilike_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_ilike_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.ILike) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_paren_current_date_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_paren_current_date_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_paren_current_date_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_recursive_cte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_recursive_cte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_recursive_cte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.With) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_safe_divide_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_safe_divide_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_safe_divide_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.SafeDivide) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_tablesample_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_tablesample_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_tablesample_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.TableSample) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_pivot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_pivot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_pivot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Pivot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_trycast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_trycast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_trycast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.TryCast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_properties_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_properties_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "no_properties_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.str_position_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.str_position_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "str_position_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.struct_extract_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.struct_extract_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "struct_extract_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.StructExtract) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.var_map_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.var_map_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "var_map_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Map | sqlglot.expressions.VarMap,\tmap_func_name: str = 'MAP') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.format_time_lambda": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.format_time_lambda", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "format_time_lambda", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Helper used for time expressions.

  • exp_class: the expression class to instantiate.
  • \n
  • dialect: target sql dialect.
  • \n
  • default: the default format, True being time.
  • \n

A callable that can be used to return the appropriately formatted time expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texp_class: Type[~E],\tdialect: str,\tdefault: Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None) -> Callable[[Sequence], ~E]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.create_with_partitions_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.create_with_partitions_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "create_with_partitions_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

In Hive and Spark, the PARTITIONED BY property acts as an extension of a table's schema. When the\nPARTITIONED BY value is an array of column names, they are transformed into a schema. The corresponding\ncolumns are removed from the create statement.

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Create) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.parse_date_delta": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.parse_date_delta", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "parse_date_delta", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texp_class: Type[~E],\tunit_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Callable[[Sequence], ~E]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.locate_to_strposition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.locate_to_strposition", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "locate_to_strposition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(args: Sequence) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.strposition_to_locate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.strposition_to_locate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "strposition_to_locate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.timestrtotime_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.timestrtotime_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "timestrtotime_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToTime) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.datestrtodate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.datestrtodate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "datestrtodate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.DateStrToDate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.trim_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.trim_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect", "qualname": "trim_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself: sqlglot.generator.Generator,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Trim) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator.normalize_func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.Generator.normalize_func", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.drill", "qualname": "Drill.Generator.normalize_func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb.DuckDB.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.duckdb", "qualname": "DuckDB.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.with_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.with_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Generator.with_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, properties):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.hive", "qualname": "Hive.Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.show_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.show_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator.show_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.setitem_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.setitem_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator.setitem_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.set_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator.set_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql", "qualname": "MySQL.Generator.set_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.query_modifiers", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.offset_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Offset) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.table_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Table, sep: str = ' ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Generator.xmltable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.XMLTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "", "qualname": "Oracle.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres", "qualname": "Postgres.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.presto", "qualname": "Presto.Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.postgres.Postgres.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.values_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.values_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.values_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts VALUES... expression into a series of unions.


Note: If you have a lot of unions then this will result in a large number of recursive statements to\nevaluate the expression. You may need to increase sys.setrecursionlimit to run and it can also be\nvery slow.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Values) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.with_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.with_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.with_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Redshift doesn't have WITH as part of their with_properties so we remove it

\n", "signature": "(self, properties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.renametable_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.renametable_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.renametable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Redshift only supports defining the table name itself (not the db) when renaming tables

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift.Redshift.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.redshift", "qualname": "Redshift.Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Redshift converts the TEXT data type to VARCHAR(255) by default when people more generally mean\nVARCHAR of max length which is VARCHAR(max) in Redshift. Therefore if we get a TEXT data type\nwithout precision we convert it to VARCHAR(max) and if it does have precision then we just convert\nTEXT to VARCHAR.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.ilikeany_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.ilikeany_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.ilikeany_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ILikeAny) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.likeany_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.likeany_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.likeany_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LikeAny) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.except_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.except_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.except_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.intersect_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.intersect_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.intersect_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.values_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.values_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.values_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Due to a bug in Snowflake we want to make sure that all columns in a VALUES table alias are unquoted.


We also want to make sure that after we find matches where we need to unquote a column that we prevent users\nfrom adding quotes to the column by using the identify argument when generating the SQL.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Values) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.select_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.select_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.select_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Due to a bug in Snowflake we want to make sure that all columns in a VALUES table alias are unquoted and also\nthat all columns in a SELECT are unquoted. We also want to make sure that after we find matches where we need\nto unquote a column that we prevent users from adding quotes to the column by using the identify argument when\ngenerating the SQL.


Note: We make an assumption that any columns referenced in a VALUES expression should be unquoted throughout the\nexpression. This might not be true in a case where the same column name can be sourced from another table that can\nproperly quote but should be true in most cases.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Select) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Describe) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake", "qualname": "Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator.cast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Generator.cast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Generator.cast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.spark", "qualname": "Spark.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.hive.Hive.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite.SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.sqlite", "qualname": "SQLite.Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "qualname": "StarRocks", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "qualname": "StarRocks.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks.StarRocks.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.starrocks", "qualname": "StarRocks.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.mysql.MySQL.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tableau", "qualname": "Tableau.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.partitionedbyproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.PartitionedByProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.update_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.update_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.update_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Update) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.mod_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.mod_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.mod_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Mod) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.teradata", "qualname": "Teradata.Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.trino", "qualname": "Trino.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.presto.Presto.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, e):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.parser.Parser"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Generator.systemtime_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.SystemTime) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.dialects.tsql", "qualname": "TSQL.Generator.returnsproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ReturnsProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.diff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "kind": "module", "doc": "

Semantic Diff for SQL


by Iaroslav Zeigerman




Software is constantly changing and evolving, and identifying what has changed and reviewing those changes is an integral part of the development process. SQL code is no exception to this.


Text-based diff tools such as git diff, when applied to a code base, have certain limitations. First, they can only detect insertions and deletions, not movements or updates of individual pieces of code. Second, such tools can only detect changes between lines of text, which is too coarse for something as granular and detailed as source code. Additionally, the outcome of such a diff is dependent on the underlying code formatting, and yields different results if the formatting should change.


Consider the following diff generated by Git:




Semantically the query hasn\u2019t changed. The two arguments b and c have been swapped (moved), posing no impact on the output of the query. Yet Git replaced the whole affected expression alongside a bulk of unrelated elements.


The alternative to text-based diffing is to compare Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) instead. The main advantage of ASTs are that they are a direct product of code parsing, which represents the underlying code structure at any desired level of granularity. Comparing ASTs may yield extremely precise diffs; changes such as code movements and updates can also be detected. Even more importantly, this approach facilitates additional use cases beyond eyeballing two versions of source code side by side.


The use cases I had in mind for SQL when I decided to embark on this journey of semantic diffing were the following:

  • Query similarity score. Identifying which parts the two queries have in common to automatically suggest opportunities for consolidation, creation of intermediate/staging tables, and so on.
  • \n
  • Differentiating between cosmetic / structural changes and functional ones. For example when a nested query is refactored into a common table expression (CTE), this kind of change doesn\u2019t have any functional impact on either a query or its outcome.
  • \n
  • Automatic suggestions about the need to retroactively backfill data. This is especially important for pipelines that populate very large tables for which restatement is a runtime-intensive procedure. The ability to discern between simple code movements and actual modifications can help assess the impact of a change and make suggestions accordingly.
  • \n

The implementation discussed in this post is now a part of the SQLGlot library. You can find a complete source code in the module. The choice of SQLglot was an obvious one due to its simple but powerful API, lack of external dependencies and, more importantly, extensive list of supported SQL dialects.


The Search for a Solution


When it comes to any diffing tool (not just a semantic one), the primary challenge is to match as many elements of compared entities as possible. Once such a set of matching elements is available, deriving a sequence of changes becomes an easy task.


If our elements have unique identifiers associated with them (for example, an element\u2019s ID in DOM), the matching problem is trivial. However, the SQL syntax trees that we are comparing have neither unique keys nor object identifiers that can be used for the purposes of matching. So, how do we suppose to find pairs of nodes that are related?


To better illustrate the problem, consider comparing the following SQL expressions: SELECT a + b + c, d, e and SELECT a - b + c, e, f. Matching individual nodes from respective syntax trees can be visualized as follows:


\"Figure\nFigure 1: Example of node matching for two SQL expression trees.


By looking at the figure of node matching for two SQL expression trees above, we conclude that the following changes should be captured by our solution:

  • Inserted nodes: Sub and f. These are the nodes from the target AST which do not have a matching node in the source AST.
  • \n
  • Removed nodes: Add and d. These are the nodes from the source AST which do not have a counterpart in the target AST.
  • \n
  • Remaining nodes must be identified as unchanged.
  • \n

It should be clear at this point that if we manage to match nodes in the source tree with their counterparts in the target tree, then computing the diff becomes a trivial matter.


Na\u00efve Brute-Force


The na\u00efve solution would be to try all different permutations of node pair combinations, and see which set of pairs performs the best based on some type of heuristics. The runtime cost of such a solution quickly reaches the escape velocity; if both trees had only 10 nodes each, the number of such sets would approximately be 10! ^ 2 = 3.6M ^ 2 ~= 13 * 10^12. This is a very bad case of factorial complexity (to be precise, it\u2019s actually much worse - O(n! ^ 2) - but I couldn\u2019t come up with a name for it), so there is little need to explore this approach any further.


Myers Algorithm


After the na\u00efve approach was proven to be infeasible, the next question I asked myself was \u201chow does git diff work?\u201d. This question led me to discover the Myers diff algorithm [1]. This algorithm has been designed to compare sequences of strings. At its core, it\u2019s looking for the shortest path on a graph of possible edits that transform the first sequence into the second one, while heavily rewarding those paths that lead to longest subsequences of unchanged elements. There\u2019s a lot of material out there describing this algorithm in greater detail. I found James Coglan\u2019s series of blog posts to be the most comprehensive.


Therefore, I had this \u201cbrilliant\u201d (actually not) idea to transform trees into sequences by traversing them in topological order, and then applying the Myers algorithm on resulting sequences while using a custom heuristics when checking the equality of two nodes. Unsurprisingly, comparing sequences of strings is quite different from comparing hierarchical tree structures, and by flattening trees into sequences, we lose a lot of relevant context. This resulted in a terrible performance of this algorithm on ASTs. It often matched completely unrelated nodes, even when the two trees were mostly the same, and produced extremely inaccurate lists of changes overall. After playing around with it a little and tweaking my equality heuristics to improve accuracy, I ultimately scrapped the whole implementation and went back to the drawing board.


Change Distiller


The algorithm I settled on at the end was Change Distiller, created by Fluri et al. [2], which in turn is an improvement over the core idea described by Chawathe et al. [3].


The algorithm consists of two high-level steps:

  1. Finding appropriate matchings between pairs of nodes that are part of compared ASTs. Identifying what is meant by \u201cappropriate\u201d matching is also a part of this step.
  2. \n
  3. Generating the so-called \u201cedit script\u201d from the matching set built in the 1st step. The edit script is a sequence of edit operations (for example, insert, remove, update, etc.) on individual tree nodes, such that when applied as transformations on the source AST, it eventually becomes the target AST. In general, the shorter the sequence, the better. The length of the edit script can be used to compare the performance of different algorithms, though this is not the only metric that matters.
  4. \n

The rest of this section is dedicated to the Python implementation of the steps above using the AST implementation provided by the SQLGlot library.


Building the Matching Set


Matching Leaves


We begin composing the matching set by matching the leaf nodes. Leaf nodes are the nodes that do not have any children nodes (such as literals, identifiers, etc.). In order to match them, we gather all the leaf nodes from the source tree and generate a cartesian product with all the leaves from the target tree, while comparing pairs created this way and assigning them a similarity score. During this stage, we also exclude pairs that don\u2019t pass basic matching criteria. Then, we pick pairs that scored the highest while making sure that each node is matched no more than once.


Using the example provided at the beginning of the post, the process of building an initial set of candidate matchings can be seen on Figure 2.


\"Figure\nFigure 2: Building a set of candidate matchings between leaf nodes. The third item in each triplet represents a similarity score between two nodes.


First, let\u2019s analyze the similarity score. Then, we\u2019ll discuss matching criteria.


The similarity score proposed by Fluri et al. [2] is a dice coefficient applied to bigrams of respective node values. A bigram is a sequence of two adjacent elements from a string computed in a sliding window fashion:

def bigram(string):\n    count = max(0, len(string) - 1)\n    return [string[i : i + 2] for i in range(count)]\n

For reasons that will become clear shortly, we actually need to compute bigram histograms rather than just sequences:

from collections import defaultdict\n\ndef bigram_histo(string):\n    count = max(0, len(string) - 1)\n    bigram_histo = defaultdict(int)\n    for i in range(count):\n        bigram_histo[string[i : i + 2]] += 1\n    return bigram_histo\n

The dice coefficient formula looks like following:




Where X is a bigram of the source node and Y is a bigram of the second one. What this essentially does is count the number of bigram elements the two nodes have in common, multiply it by 2, and then divide by the total number of elements in both bigrams. This is where bigram histograms come in handy:

def dice_coefficient(source, target):\n    source_histo = bigram_histo(source.sql())\n    target_histo = bigram_histo(target.sql())\n\n    total_grams = (\n        sum(source_histo.values()) + sum(target_histo.values())\n    )\n    if not total_grams:\n        return 1.0 if source == target else 0.0\n\n    overlap_len = 0\n    overlapping_grams = set(source_histo) & set(target_histo)\n    for g in overlapping_grams:\n        overlap_len += min(source_histo[g], target_histo[g])\n\n    return 2 * overlap_len / total_grams\n

To compute a bigram given a tree node, we first transform the node into its canonical SQL representation,so that the Literal(123) node becomes just \u201c123\u201d and the Identifier(\u201ca\u201d) node becomes just \u201ca\u201d. We also handle a scenario when strings are too short to derive bigrams. In this case, we fallback to checking the two nodes for equality.


Now when we know how to compute the similarity score, we can take care of the matching criteria for leaf nodes. In the original paper [2], the matching criteria is formalized as follows:




The two nodes are matched if two conditions are met:

  1. The node labels match (in our case labels are just node types).
  2. \n
  3. The similarity score for node values is greater than or equal to some threshold \u201cf\u201d. The authors of the paper recommend setting the value of \u201cf\u201d to 0.6.
  4. \n

With building blocks in place, we can now build a matching set for leaf nodes. First, we generate a list of candidates for matching:

from heapq import heappush, heappop\n\ncandidate_matchings = []\nsource_leaves = _get_leaves(self._source)\ntarget_leaves = _get_leaves(self._target)\nfor source_leaf in source_leaves:\n    for target_leaf in target_leaves:\n        if _is_same_type(source_leaf, target_leaf):\n            similarity_score = dice_coefficient(\n                source_leaf, target_leaf\n            )\n            if similarity_score >= 0.6:\n                heappush(\n                    candidate_matchings,\n                    (\n                        -similarity_score,\n                        len(candidate_matchings),\n                        source_leaf,\n                        target_leaf,\n                    ),\n                )\n

In the implementation above, we push each matching pair onto the heap to automatically maintain the correct order based on the assigned similarity score.


Finally, we build the initial matching set by picking leaf pairs with the highest score:

matching_set = set()\nwhile candidate_matchings:\n    _, _, source_leaf, target_leaf = heappop(candidate_matchings)\n    if (\n        source_leaf in unmatched_source_nodes\n        and target_leaf in unmatched_target_nodes\n    ):\n        matching_set.add((source_leaf, target_leaf))\n        unmatched_source_nodes.remove(source_leaf)\n        unmatched_target_nodes.remove(target_leaf)\n

To finalize the matching set, we should now proceed with matching inner nodes.


Matching Inner Nodes


Matching inner nodes is quite similar to matching leaf nodes, with the following two distinctions:

  • Rather than ranking a set of possible candidates, we pick the first node pair that passes the matching criteria.
  • \n
  • The matching criteria itself has been extended to account for the number of leaf nodes the pair of inner nodes have in common.
  • \n

\"Figure\nFigure 3: Matching inner nodes based on their type as well as how many of their leaf nodes have been previously matched.


Let\u2019s start with the matching criteria. The criteria is formalized as follows:




Alongside already familiar similarity score and node type criteria, there is a new one in the middle: the ratio of leaf nodes that the two nodes have in common must exceed some threshold \u201ct\u201d. The recommended value for \u201ct\u201d is also 0.6. Counting the number of common leaf nodes is pretty straightforward, since we already have the complete matching set for leaves. All we need to do is count how many matching pairs do leaf nodes from the two compared inner nodes form.


There are two additional heuristics associated with this matching criteria:

  • Inner node similarity weighting: if the similarity score between the node values doesn\u2019t pass the threshold \u201cf\u201d but the ratio of common leaf nodes (\u201ct\u201d) is greater than or equal to 0.8, then the matching is considered successful.
  • \n
  • The threshold \u201ct\u201d is reduced to 0.4 for inner nodes with the number of leaf nodes equal to 4 or less, in order to decrease the false negative rate for small subtrees.
  • \n

We now only have to iterate through the remaining unmatched nodes and form matching pairs based on the outlined criteria:

leaves_matching_set = matching_set.copy()\n\nfor source_node in unmatched_source_nodes.copy():\n    for target_node in unmatched_target_nodes:\n        if _is_same_type(source_node, target_node):\n            source_leaves = set(_get_leaves(source_node))\n            target_leaves = set(_get_leaves(target_node))\n\n            max_leaves_num = max(len(source_leaves), len(target_leaves))\n            if max_leaves_num:\n                common_leaves_num = sum(\n                    1 if s in source_leaves and t in target_leaves else 0\n                    for s, t in leaves_matching_set\n                )\n                leaf_similarity_score = common_leaves_num / max_leaves_num\n            else:\n                leaf_similarity_score = 0.0\n\n            adjusted_t = (\n                0.6\n                if min(len(source_leaves), len(target_leaves)) > 4\n                else 0.4\n            )\n\n            if leaf_similarity_score >= 0.8 or (\n                leaf_similarity_score >= adjusted_t\n                and dice_coefficient(source_node, target_node) >= 0.6\n            ):\n                matching_set.add((source_node, target_node))\n                unmatched_source_nodes.remove(source_node)\n                unmatched_target_nodes.remove(target_node)\n                break\n

After the matching set is formed, we can proceed with generation of the edit script, which will be the algorithm\u2019s output.


Generating the Edit Script


At this point, we should have the following 3 sets at our disposal:

  • The set of matched node pairs.
  • \n
  • The set of remaining unmatched nodes from the source tree.
  • \n
  • The set of remaining unmatched nodes from the target tree.
  • \n

We can derive 3 kinds of edits from the matching set: either the node\u2019s value was updated (Update), the node was moved to a different position within the tree (Move), or the node remained unchanged (Keep). Note that the Move case is not mutually exclusive with the other two. The node could have been updated or could have remained the same while at the same time its position within its parent node or the parent node itself could have changed. All unmatched nodes from the source tree are the ones that were removed (Remove), while unmatched nodes from the target tree are the ones that were inserted (Insert).


The latter two cases are pretty straightforward to implement:

edit_script = []\n\nfor removed_node in unmatched_source_nodes:\n    edit_script.append(Remove(removed_node))\nfor inserted_node in unmatched_target_nodes:\n    edit_script.append(Insert(inserted_node))\n

Traversing the matching set requires a little more thought:

for source_node, target_node in matching_set:\n    if (\n        not isinstance(source_node, LEAF_EXPRESSION_TYPES)\n        or source_node == target_node\n    ):\n        move_edits = generate_move_edits(\n            source_node, target_node, matching_set\n        )\n        edit_script.extend(move_edits)\n        edit_script.append(Keep(source_node, target_node))\n    else:\n        edit_script.append(Update(source_node, target_node))\n

If a matching pair represents a pair of leaf nodes, we check if they are the same to decide whether an update took place. For inner node pairs, we also need to compare the positions of their respective children to detect node movements. Chawathe et al. [3] suggest applying the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm which, no surprise here, was described by Myers himself [1]. There is a small catch, however: instead of checking the equality of two children nodes, we need to check whether the two nodes form a pair that is a part of our matching set.


Now with this knowledge, the implementation becomes straightforward:

def generate_move_edits(source, target, matching_set):\n    source_children = _get_child_nodes(source)\n    target_children = _get_child_nodes(target)\n\n    lcs = set(\n        _longest_common_subsequence(\n            source_children,\n            target_children,\n            lambda l, r: (l, r) in matching_set\n        )\n    )\n\n    move_edits = []\n    for node in source_children:\n        if node not in lcs and node not in unmatched_source_nodes:\n            move_edits.append(Move(node))\n\n    return move_edits\n

I left out the implementation of the LCS algorithm itself here, but there are plenty of implementation choices out there that can be easily looked up.




The implemented algorithm produces the output that resembles the following:

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one, diff\n>>> diff(parse_one("SELECT a + b + c, d, e"), parse_one("SELECT a - b + c, e, f"))\n\nRemove(Add)\nRemove(Column(d))\nRemove(Identifier(d))\nInsert(Sub)\nInsert(Column(f))\nInsert(Identifier(f))\nKeep(Select, Select)\nKeep(Add, Add)\nKeep(Column(a), Column(a))\nKeep(Identifier(a), Identifier(a))\nKeep(Column(b), Column(b))\nKeep(Identifier(b), Identifier(b))\nKeep(Column(c), Column(c))\nKeep(Identifier(c), Identifier(c))\nKeep(Column(e), Column(e))\nKeep(Identifier(e), Identifier(e))\n

Note that the output above is abbreviated. The string representation of actual AST nodes is significantly more verbose.


The implementation works especially well when coupled with the SQLGlot\u2019s query optimizer which can be used to produce canonical representations of compared queries:

>>> schema={"t": {"a": "INT", "b": "INT", "c": "INT", "d": "INT"}}\n>>> source = """\n... SELECT 1 + 1 + a\n... FROM t\n... WHERE b = 1 OR (c = 2 AND d = 3)\n... """\n>>> target = """\n... SELECT 2 + a\n... FROM t\n... WHERE (b = 1 OR c = 2) AND (b = 1 OR d = 3)\n... """\n>>> optimized_source = optimize(parse_one(source), schema=schema)\n>>> optimized_target = optimize(parse_one(target), schema=schema)\n>>> edit_script = diff(optimized_source, optimized_target)\n>>> sum(0 if isinstance(e, Keep) else 1 for e in edit_script)\n0\n



The worst case runtime complexity of this algorithm is not exactly stellar: O(n^2 * log n^2). This is because of the leaf matching process, which involves ranking a cartesian product between all leaf nodes of compared trees. Unsurprisingly, the algorithm takes a considerable time to finish for bigger queries.


There are still a few basic things we can do in our implementation to help improve performance:

  • Refer to individual node objects using their identifiers (Python\u2019s id()) instead of direct references in sets. This helps avoid costly recursive hash calculations and equality checks.
  • \n
  • Cache bigram histograms to avoid computing them more than once for the same node.
  • \n
  • Compute the canonical SQL string representation for each tree once while caching string representations of all inner nodes. This prevents redundant tree traversals when bigrams are computed.
  • \n

At the time of writing only the first two optimizations have been implemented, so there is an opportunity to contribute for anyone who\u2019s interested.


Alternative Solutions


This section is dedicated to solutions that I\u2019ve investigated, but haven\u2019t tried.


First, this section wouldn\u2019t be complete without Tristan Hume\u2019s blog post. Tristan\u2019s solution has a lot in common with the Myers algorithm plus heuristics that is much more clever than what I came up with. The implementation relies on a combination of dynamic programming and A* search algorithm to explore the space of possible matchings and pick the best ones. It seemed to have worked well for Tistan\u2019s specific use case, but after my negative experience with the Myers algorithm, I decided to try something different.


Another notable approach is the Gumtree algorithm by Falleri et al. [4]. I discovered this paper after I\u2019d already implemented the algorithm that is the main focus of this post. In sections 5.2 and 5.3 of their paper, the authors compare the two algorithms side by side and claim that Gumtree is significantly better in terms of both runtime performance and accuracy when evaluated on 12 792 pairs of Java source files. This doesn\u2019t surprise me, as the algorithm takes the height of subtrees into account. In my tests, I definitely saw scenarios in which this context would have helped. On top of that, the authors promise O(n^2) runtime complexity in the worst case which, given the Change Distiller's O(n^2 * log n^2), looks particularly tempting. I hope to try this algorithm out at some point, and there is a good chance you see me writing about it in my future posts.




The Change Distiller algorithm yielded quite satisfactory results in most of my tests. The scenarios in which it fell short mostly concerned identical (or very similar) subtrees located in different parts of the AST. In those cases, node mismatches were frequent and, as a result, edit scripts were somewhat suboptimal.


Additionally, the runtime performance of the algorithm leaves a lot to be desired. On trees with 1000 leaf nodes each, the algorithm takes a little under 2 seconds to complete. My implementation still has room for improvement, but this should give you a rough idea of what to expect. It appears that the Gumtree algorithm [4] can help address both of these points. I hope to find bandwidth to work on it soon and then compare the two algorithms side-by-side to find out which one performs better on SQL specifically. In the meantime, Change Distiller definitely gets the job done, and I can now proceed with applying it to some of the use cases I mentioned at the beginning of this post.


I\u2019m also curious to learn whether other folks in the industry faced a similar problem, and how they approached it. If you did something similar, I\u2019m interested to hear about your experience.




[1] Eugene W. Myers. An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations. Algorithmica 1(2): 251-266 (1986)


[2] B. Fluri, M. Wursch, M. Pinzger, and H. Gall. Change Distilling: Tree differencing for fine-grained source code change extraction. IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 33(11):725\u2013743, 2007.


[3] S.S. Chawathe, A. Rajaraman, H. Garcia-Molina, and J. Widom. Change Detection in Hierarchically Structured Information. Proc. ACM Sigmod Int\u2019l Conf. Management of Data, pp. 493-504, June 1996


[4] Jean-R\u00e9my Falleri, Flor\u00e9al Morandat, Xavier Blanc, Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus. Fine-grained and Accurate Source Code Differencing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2014, V\u00e4steras, Sweden. pp.313-324, 10.1145/2642937.2642982. hal-01054552

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Insert": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Insert", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Insert", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that a new node has been inserted

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Insert.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Insert.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Insert.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Remove": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Remove", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Remove", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node has been removed

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Remove.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Remove.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Remove.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Move": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Move", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Move", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node's position within the tree has changed

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Move.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Move.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Move.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Update": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Update", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Update", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node has been updated

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Update.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Update.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Update.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.Keep": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Keep", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Keep", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Indicates that an existing node hasn't been changed

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.Keep.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.Keep.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "Keep.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.diff.diff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.diff", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "diff", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the list of changes between the source and the target expressions.

>>> diff(parse_one("a + b"), parse_one("a + c"))\n[\n    Remove(expression=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: b, quoted: False))),\n    Insert(expression=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: c, quoted: False))),\n    Keep(\n        source=(ADD this: ...),\n        target=(ADD this: ...)\n    ),\n    Keep(\n        source=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False)),\n        target=(COLUMN this: (IDENTIFIER this: a, quoted: False))\n    ),\n]\n
  • source: the source expression.
  • \n
  • target: the target expression against which the diff should be calculated.
  • \n

the list of Insert, Remove, Move, Update and Keep objects for each node in the source and the\n target expression trees. This list represents a sequence of steps needed to transform the source\n expression tree into the target one.

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> List[Union[sqlglot.diff.Insert, sqlglot.diff.Remove, sqlglot.diff.Move, sqlglot.diff.Update, sqlglot.diff.Keep]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "ChangeDistiller", "kind": "class", "doc": "

The implementation of the Change Distiller algorithm described by Beat Fluri and Martin Pinzger in\ntheir paper, which in turn is based on the algorithm by\nChawathe et al. described in

\n"}, "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "ChangeDistiller.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(f: float = 0.6, t: float = 0.6)"}, "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.diff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.diff.ChangeDistiller.diff", "modulename": "sqlglot.diff", "qualname": "ChangeDistiller.diff", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\ttarget: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> List[Union[sqlglot.diff.Insert, sqlglot.diff.Remove, sqlglot.diff.Move, sqlglot.diff.Update, sqlglot.diff.Keep]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.errors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IGNORE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IGNORE", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.IGNORE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Ignore all errors.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.IGNORE: 'IGNORE'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.WARN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.WARN", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.WARN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Log all errors.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.WARN: 'WARN'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.RAISE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.RAISE", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.RAISE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Collect all errors and raise a single exception.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.RAISE: 'RAISE'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Immediately raise an exception on the first error found.

\n", "default_value": " = <ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE: 'IMMEDIATE'>"}, "sqlglot.errors.SqlglotError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.SqlglotError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "SqlglotError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "sqlglot.errors.UnsupportedError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.UnsupportedError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "UnsupportedError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.ParseError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ParseError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ParseError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.ParseError.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ParseError.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ParseError.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(message: str, errors: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None)"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tmessage: str,\tdescription: Optional[str] = None,\tline: Optional[int] = None,\tcol: Optional[int] = None,\tstart_context: Optional[str] = None,\thighlight: Optional[str] = None,\tend_context: Optional[str] = None,\tinto_expression: Optional[str] = None) -> sqlglot.errors.ParseError:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.errors.TokenError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.TokenError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "TokenError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.OptimizeError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.OptimizeError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "OptimizeError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.SchemaError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.SchemaError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "SchemaError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.ExecuteError": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.ExecuteError", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "ExecuteError", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "SqlglotError"}, "sqlglot.errors.concat_messages": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.concat_messages", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "concat_messages", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(errors: Sequence[Any], maximum: int) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.errors.merge_errors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.errors.merge_errors", "modulename": "sqlglot.errors", "qualname": "merge_errors", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(errors: Sequence[sqlglot.errors.ParseError]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor", "kind": "module", "doc": "

Writing a Python SQL engine from scratch


Toby Mao




When I first started writing SQLGlot in early 2021, my goal was just to translate SQL queries from SparkSQL to Presto and vice versa. However, over the last year and a half, I've ended up with a full-fledged SQL engine. SQLGlot can now parse and transpile between 18 SQL dialects and can execute all 24 TPC-H SQL queries. The parser and engine are all written from scratch using Python.


This post will cover why I went through the effort of creating a Python SQL engine and how a simple query goes from a string to actually transforming data. The following steps are briefly summarized:




I started working on SQLGlot because of my work on the experimentation and metrics platform at Netflix, where I built tools that allowed data scientists to define and compute SQL-based metrics. Netflix relied on multiple engines to query data (Spark, Presto, and Druid), so my team built the metrics platform around PyPika, a Python SQL query builder. This way, definitions could be reused across multiple engines. However, it became quickly apparent that writing python code to programmatically generate SQL was challenging for data scientists, especially those with academic backgrounds, since they were mostly familiar with R and SQL. At the time, the only Python SQL parser was sqlparse, which is not actually a parser but a tokenizer, so having users write raw SQL into the platform wasn't really an option. Some time later, I randomly stumbled across Crafting Interpreters and realized that I could use it as a guide towards creating my own SQL parser/transpiler.


Why did I do this? Isn't a Python SQL engine going to be extremely slow?


The main reason why I ended up building a SQL engine was...just for entertainment. It's been fun learning about all the things required to actually run a SQL query, and seeing it actually work is extremely rewarding. Before SQLGlot, I had zero experience with lexers, parsers, or compilers.


In terms of practical use cases, I planned to use the Python SQL engine for unit testing SQL pipelines. Big data pipelines are tough to test because many of the engines are not open source and cannot be run locally. With SQLGlot, you can take a SQL query targeting a warehouse such as Snowflake and seamlessly run it in CI on mock Python data. It's easy to mock data and create arbitrary UDFs because everything is just Python. Although the implementation is slow and unsuitable for large amounts of data (> 1 million rows), there's very little overhead/startup and you can run queries on test data in a couple of milliseconds.


Finally, the components that have been built to support execution can be used as a foundation for a faster engine. I'm inspired by what Apache Calcite has done for the JVM world. Even though Python is commonly used for data, there hasn't been a Calcite for Python. So, you could say that SQLGlot aims to be that framework. For example, it wouldn't take much work to replace the Python execution engine with numpy/pandas/arrow to become a respectably-performing query engine. The implementation would be able to leverage the parser, optimizer, and logical planner, only needing to implement physical execution. There is a lot of work in the Python ecosystem around high performance vectorized computation, which I think could benefit from a pure Python-based AST/plan. Parsing and planning doesn't have to be fast when the bottleneck of running queries is processing terabytes of data. So, having a Python-based ecosystem around SQL is beneficial given the ease of development in Python, despite not having bare metal performance.


Parts of SQLGlot's toolkit are being used today by the following:

  • Ibis: A Python library that provides a lightweight, universal interface for data wrangling.\n
    • Uses the Python SQL expression builder and leverages the optimizer/planner to convert SQL into dataframe operations.
    • \n
  • \n
  • mysql-mimic: Pure-Python implementation of the MySQL server wire protocol\n
    • Parses / transforms SQL and executes INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Quokka: Push-based vectorized query engine\n
    • Parse and optimizes SQL.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Splink: Fast, accurate and scalable probabilistic data linkage using your choice of SQL backend.\n
    • Transpiles queries.
    • \n
  • \n



There are many steps involved with actually running a simple query like:

SELECT\n  bar.a,\n  b + 1 AS b\nFROM bar\nJOIN baz\n  ON bar.a = baz.a\nWHERE bar.a > 1\n

In this post, I'll walk through all the steps SQLGlot takes to run this query over Python objects.




The first step is to convert the sql string into a list of tokens. SQLGlot's tokenizer is quite simple and can be found here. In a while loop, it checks each character and either appends the character to the current token, or makes a new token.


Running the SQLGlot tokenizer shows the output.




Each keyword has been converted to a SQLGlot Token object. Each token has some metadata associated with it, like line/column information for error messages. Comments are also a part of the token, so that comments can be preserved.




Once a SQL statement is tokenized, we don't need to worry about white space and other formatting, so it's easier to work with. We can now convert the list of tokens into an AST. The SQLGlot parser is a handwritten recursive descent parser.


Similar to the tokenizer, it consumes the tokens sequentially, but it instead uses a recursive algorithm. The tokens are converted into a single AST node that presents the SQL query. The SQLGlot parser was designed to support various dialects, so it contains many options for overriding parsing functionality.




The AST is a generic representation of a given SQL query. Each dialect can override or implement its own generator, which can convert an AST object into syntatically-correct SQL.




Once we have our AST, we can transform it into an equivalent query that produces the same results more efficiently. When optimizing queries, most engines first convert the AST into a logical plan and then optimize the plan. However, I chose to optimize the AST directly for the following reasons:

  1. It's easier to debug and validate the optimizations when the input and output are both SQL.

  2. \n
  3. Rules can be applied a la carte to transform SQL into a more desirable form.

  4. \n
  5. I wanted a way to generate 'canonical sql'. Having a canonical representation of SQL is useful for understanding if two queries are semantically equivalent (e.g. SELECT 1 + 1 and SELECT 2).

  6. \n

I've yet to find another engine that takes this approach, but I'm quite happy with this decision. The optimizer currently does not perform any \"physical optimizations\" such as join reordering. Those are left to the execution layer, as additional statistics and information could become relevant.




The optimizer currently has 17 rules. Each of these rules is applied, transforming the AST in place. The combination of these rules creates \"canonical\" sql that can then be more easily converted into a logical plan and executed.


Some example rules are:


qualify_tables and qualify_columns

  • Adds all db/catalog qualifiers to tables and forces an alias.
  • \n
  • Ensure each column is unambiguous and expand stars.
  • \n
SELECT * FROM x;\n\nSELECT "db"."x" AS "x";\n



Boolean and math simplification. Check out all the test cases.

((NOT FALSE) AND (x = x)) AND (TRUE OR 1 <> 3);\nx = x;\n\n1 + 1;\n2;\n



Attempts to convert all predicates into conjunctive normal form.

-- DNF\n(A AND B) OR (B AND C AND D);\n\n-- CNF\n(A OR C) AND (A OR D) AND B;\n



Converts subqueries in predicates into joins.

-- The subquery can be converted into a left join\nSELECT *\nFROM x AS x\nWHERE (\n  SELECT y.a AS a\n  FROM y AS y\n  WHERE x.a = y.a\n) = 1;\n\nSELECT *\nFROM x AS x\nLEFT JOIN (\n  SELECT y.a AS a\n  FROM y AS y\n  WHERE TRUE\n  GROUP BY y.a\n) AS "_u_0"\n  ON x.a = "_u_0".a\nWHERE ("_u_0".a = 1 AND NOT "_u_0".a IS NULL)\n



Push down filters into the innermost query.

SELECT *\nFROM (\n  SELECT *\n  FROM x AS x\n) AS y\nWHERE y.a = 1;\n\nSELECT *\nFROM (\n  SELECT *\n  FROM x AS x\n  WHERE y.a = 1\n) AS y WHERE TRUE\n



Infer all types throughout the AST given schema information and function type definitions.




After the SQL AST has been \"optimized\", it's much easier to convert into a logical plan. The AST is traversed and converted into a DAG consisting of one of five steps. The different steps are:




Selects columns from a table, applies projections, and finally filters the table.




Sorts a table for order by expressions.




Applies the operators union/union all/except/intersect.




Applies an aggregation/group by.




Joins multiple tables together.




The logical plan is quite simple and contains the information required to convert it into a physical plan (execution).




Finally, we can actually execute the SQL query. The Python engine is not fast, but it's very small (~400 LOC)! It iterates the DAG with a queue and runs each step, passing each intermediary table to the next step.


In order to keep things simple, it evaluates expressions with eval. Because SQLGlot was built primarily to be a transpiler, it was simple to create a \"Python SQL\" dialect. So a SQL expression x + 1 can just be converted into scope['x'] + 1.




What's next


SQLGlot's main focus will always be on parsing/transpiling, but I plan to continue development on the execution engine. I'd like to pass TPC-DS. If someone doesn't beat me to it, I may even take a stab at writing a Pandas/Arrow execution engine.


I'm hoping that over time, SQLGlot will spark the Python SQL ecosystem just like Calcite has for Java.


Special thanks


SQLGlot would not be what it is without it's core contributors. In particular, the execution engine would not exist without Barak Alon and George Sittas.


Get in touch


If you'd like to chat more about SQLGlot, please join my Slack Channel!

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.execute": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.execute", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor", "qualname": "execute", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Run a sql query against data.

  • sql: a sql statement.
  • \n
  • schema: database schema.\nThis can either be an instance of Schema or a mapping in one of the following forms:\n
    1. {table: {col: type}}
    2. \n
    3. {db: {table: {col: type}}}
    4. \n
    5. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}
    6. \n
  • \n
  • read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • tables: additional tables to register.
  • \n

Simple columnar data structure.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tschema: Union[Dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None,\tread: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\ttables: Optional[Dict] = None) -> sqlglot.executor.table.Table:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Execution context for sql expressions.


Context is used to hold relevant data tables which can then be queried on with eval.


References to columns can either be scalar or vectors. When set_row is used, column references\nevaluate to scalars while set_range evaluates to vectors. This allows convenient and efficient\nevaluation of aggregation functions.

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Args\n tables: representing the scope of the current execution context.\n env: dictionary of functions within the execution context.

\n", "signature": "(\ttables: Dict[str, sqlglot.executor.table.Table],\tenv: Optional[Dict] = None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.eval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, code):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval_tuple": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.eval_tuple", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.eval_tuple", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, codes):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.add_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.add_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.add_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *columns: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.table_iter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.table_iter", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.table_iter", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter, sqlglot.executor.context.Context]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.filter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.filter", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.filter", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, condition) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, key) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_row": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_row", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.set_row", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, row: Tuple) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_index": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_index", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.set_index", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, index: int) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_range": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.context.Context.set_range", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.context", "qualname": "Context.set_range", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, start: int, end: int) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "reverse_key", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.reverse_key.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "reverse_key.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(obj)"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.filter_nulls": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.filter_nulls", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "filter_nulls", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(func, empty_null=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.null_if_any": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.null_if_any", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "null_if_any", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Decorator that makes a function return None if any of the required arguments are None.


This also supports decoration with no arguments, e.g.:

@null_if_any\ndef foo(a, b): ...\n

In which case all arguments are required.

\n", "signature": "(*required):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.str_position": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.str_position", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "str_position", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(substr, this, position=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.substring": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.substring", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "substring", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, start=None, length=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "cast", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, to):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.ordered": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.ordered", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "ordered", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, desc, nulls_first):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.env.interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.env.interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.env", "qualname": "interval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(this, unit):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(env=None, tables=None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.execute": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.execute", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.execute", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, plan):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.generate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert a SQL expression into literal Python code and compile it into bytecode.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate_tuple": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.generate_tuple", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.generate_tuple", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert an array of SQL expressions into tuple of Python byte code.

\n", "signature": "(self, expressions):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.context": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.context", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.context", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, tables):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expressions):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.scan", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.static": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.static", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.static", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.scan_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_csv": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.scan_csv", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.scan_csv", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.join", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.nested_loop_join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.nested_loop_join", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.nested_loop_join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, _join, source_context, join_context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.hash_join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.hash_join", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.hash_join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, join, source_context, join_context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.aggregate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.aggregate", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.aggregate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.set_operation": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.PythonExecutor.set_operation", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "PythonExecutor.set_operation", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, step, context):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python.Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer"}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.python", "qualname": "Python.Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.generator.Generator"}, "sqlglot.executor.table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(columns, rows=None, column_range=None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.add_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.add_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.add_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *columns: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.append": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.append", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.append", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, row):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.pop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Table.pop", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Table.pop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "TableIter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.TableIter.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "TableIter.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(table)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RangeReader", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RangeReader.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RangeReader.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(table)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RowReader", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.RowReader.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "RowReader.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(columns, column_range=None)"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.Tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.Tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "Tables", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Abstract base class for generic types.


A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from\nthis class parameterized with one or more type variables.\nFor example, a generic mapping type might be defined as::


class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):\n def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:\n ...\n # Etc.


This class can then be used as follows::


def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:\n try:\n return mapping[key]\n except KeyError:\n return default

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema[sqlglot.executor.table.Table]"}, "sqlglot.executor.table.ensure_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.executor.table.ensure_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.executor.table", "qualname": "ensure_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(d: Optional[Dict]) -> sqlglot.executor.table.Tables:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "kind": "module", "doc": "



Every AST node in SQLGlot is represented by a subclass of Expression.


This module contains the implementation of all supported Expression types. Additionally,\nit exposes a number of helper functions, which are mainly used to programmatically build\nSQL expressions, such as

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression", "kind": "class", "doc": "

The base class for all expressions in a syntax tree. Each Expression encapsulates any necessary\ncontext, such as its child expressions, their names (arg keys), and whether a given child expression\nis optional or not.

  • key: a unique key for each class in the Expression hierarchy. This is useful for hashing\nand representing expressions as strings.
  • \n
  • arg_types: determines what arguments (child nodes) are supported by an expression. It\nmaps arg keys to booleans that indicate whether the corresponding args are optional.
  • \n
>>> class Foo(Expression):\n...     arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}\n
\n \n

The above definition informs us that Foo is an Expression that requires an argument called\n \"this\" and may also optionally receive an argument called \"expression\".

  • args: a mapping used for retrieving the arguments of an expression, given their arg keys.
  • \n
  • parent: a reference to the parent expression (or None, in case of root expressions).
  • \n
  • arg_key: the arg key an expression is associated with, i.e. the name its parent expression\nuses to refer to it.
  • \n
  • comments: a list of comments that are associated with a given expression. This is used in\norder to preserve comments when transpiling SQL code.
  • \n
  • _type: the sqlglot.expressions.DataType type of an expression. This is inferred by the\noptimizer, in order to enable some transformations that require type information.
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(**args: Any)"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.this": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.this", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.this", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Retrieves the argument with key \"this\".

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.expression", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Retrieves the argument with key \"expression\".

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.expressions", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Retrieves the argument with key \"expressions\".

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.text": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.text", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.text", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a textual representation of the argument corresponding to \"key\". This can only be used\nfor args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and literals.

\n", "signature": "(self, key) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_string": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_string", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_string", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether a Literal expression is a string.

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_number": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_number", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_number", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether a Literal expression is a number.

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_int": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_int", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_int", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether a Literal expression is an integer.

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_star": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.is_star", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.is_star", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Checks whether an expression is a star.

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.alias", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Returns the alias of the expression, or an empty string if it's not aliased.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a deep copy of the expression.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.append": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.append", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.append", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list.

  • arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg
  • \n
  • value (Any): value to append to the list
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, arg_key, value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.set": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.set", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.set", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Sets arg_key to value.

  • arg_key (str): name of the expression arg.
  • \n
  • value: value to set the arg to.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, arg_key, value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.depth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.depth", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.depth", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Returns the depth of this tree.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.find", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of\nthe specified types.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n

The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_all": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_all", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.find_all", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only\nyields those that match at least one of the specified expression types.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n

The generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_ancestor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.find_ancestor", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.find_ancestor", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n

The parent node.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.parent_select": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.parent_select", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.parent_select", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Returns the parent select statement.

\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.walk": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.walk", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.walk", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree.

  • bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied,\notherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead.
  • \n
  • prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if\nthe generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree.
  • \n

the generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, bfs=True, prune=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dfs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dfs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.dfs", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in\nthe DFS (Depth-first) order.


The generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.bfs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.bfs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.bfs", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in\nthe BFS (Breadth-first) order.


The generator object.

\n", "signature": "(self, prune=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.unnest", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first non parenthesis child or self.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unalias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unalias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.unalias", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest_operands": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.unnest_operands", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.unnest_operands", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns unnested operands as a tuple.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.flatten": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.flatten", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.flatten", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class.


A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C]

\n", "signature": "(self, unnest=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns SQL string representation of this tree.

  • dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. \"spark\", \"hive\", \"presto\", \"mysql\").
  • \n
  • opts: other sqlglot.generator.Generator options.
  • \n

The SQL string.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.transform": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.transform", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.transform", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones)\nand applies the given transformation function to each node.

  • fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a\nnew transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function\nreturns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is\nmodified in place.
  • \n

The transformed tree.

\n", "signature": "(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Swap out this expression with a new expression.


For example::

>>> tree = Select().select(\"x\").from_(\"tbl\")\n>>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this=\"y\"))\n(COLUMN this: y)\n>>> tree.sql()\n'SELECT y FROM tbl'\n
  • expression (Expression|None): new node
  • \n

The new expression or expressions.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.pop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.pop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.pop", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove this expression from its AST.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.assert_is": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.assert_is", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.assert_is", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Assert that this Expression is an instance of type_.


If it is NOT an instance of type_, this raises an assertion error.\nOtherwise, this returns this expression.


This is useful for type security in chained expressions:

\n \n
>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql()\n'SELECT x, z FROM y'\n
\n", "signature": "(self, type_):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.error_messages": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.error_messages", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.error_messages", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set).

  • args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used\nto check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit.
  • \n

A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found.

\n", "signature": "(self, args: Optional[Sequence] = None) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dump": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.dump", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.dump", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.load": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Expression.load", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Expression.load", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Load a dict (as returned by Expression.dump) into an Expression instance.

\n", "signature": "(cls, obj):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.and_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.and_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition.and_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

AND this condition with one or multiple expressions.

>>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql()\n'x = 1 AND y = 1'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

And: the new condition.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.or_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.or_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition.or_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

OR this condition with one or multiple expressions.

>>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql()\n'x = 1 OR y = 1'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Or: the new condition.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.not_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.not_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Condition.not_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Wrap this condition with NOT.

>>> condition("x=1").not_().sql()\n'NOT x = 1'\n

Not: the new condition.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Predicate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Predicate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Predicate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Relationships like x = y, x > 1, x >= y.

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DerivedTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DerivedTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DerivedTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.union", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable.union", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a UNION expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Union: the Union expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable.intersect", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an INTERSECT expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Intersect: the Intersect expression

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.except_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.except_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unionable.except_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an EXCEPT expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Except: the Except expression

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UDTF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UDTF", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UDTF", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "DerivedTable, Unionable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cache", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cache", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Uncache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Uncache", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Uncache", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Create": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Create", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Create", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Describe": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Describe", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Describe", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Set": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Set", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Set", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SetItem": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SetItem", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SetItem", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Show": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Show", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Show", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UserDefinedFunction": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UserDefinedFunction", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UserDefinedFunction", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSet": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSet", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CharacterSet", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.With": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.With", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "With", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WithinGroup": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WithinGroup", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WithinGroup", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CTE", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "DerivedTable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TableAlias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TableAlias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TableAlias", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitString": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitString", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitString", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.HexString": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.HexString", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "HexString", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ByteString": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ByteString", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ByteString", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Column", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Column", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Column.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Column.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Column.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnDef": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnDef", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ColumnDef", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AlterColumn": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AlterColumn", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AlterColumn", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RenameTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraintKind": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraintKind", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ColumnConstraintKind", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AutoIncrementColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CaseSpecificColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CaseSpecificColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CaseSpecificColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CharacterSetColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CheckColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CheckColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CheckColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CollateColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CollateColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CollateColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CommentColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CommentColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CommentColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateFormatColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateFormatColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateFormatColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DefaultColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DefaultColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DefaultColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.EncodeColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.EncodeColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "EncodeColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NotNullColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NotNullColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NotNullColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TitleColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TitleColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TitleColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UniqueColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UniqueColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UniqueColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UppercaseColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UppercaseColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UppercaseColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PathColumnConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PathColumnConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PathColumnConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "ColumnConstraintKind"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Constraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Constraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Constraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Delete": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Delete", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Delete", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Drop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Drop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Drop", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Filter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Filter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Filter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Check": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Check", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Check", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Directory": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Directory", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Directory", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ForeignKey", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKey": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKey", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PrimaryKey", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unique": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unique", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unique", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Into": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Into", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Into", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.From": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.From", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "From", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Having": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Having", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Having", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Hint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Hint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Hint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JoinHint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JoinHint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JoinHint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Identifier", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Identifier.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Identifier.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Index": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Index", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Index", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Insert": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Insert", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Insert", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Introducer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Introducer", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Introducer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.National": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.National", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "National", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LoadData": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LoadData", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LoadData", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Partition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Partition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Partition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Fetch": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Fetch", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Fetch", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Group": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Group", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Group", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lambda": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lambda", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lambda", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Limit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.number": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.number", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal.number", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, number) -> sqlglot.expressions.Literal:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.string": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.string", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal.string", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, string) -> sqlglot.expressions.Literal:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Literal.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Literal.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Join", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Join", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.on": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Join.on", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Join.on", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the ON expressions.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql()\n'JOIN x ON y = 1'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.\nMultiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Join: the modified join expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.using": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Join.using", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Join.using", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the USING expressions.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql()\n'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, concatenate the new expressions to the existing \"using\" list.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Join: the modified join expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lateral": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lateral", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lateral", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "UDTF"}, "sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "MatchRecognize", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Final": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Final", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Final", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Offset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Offset", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Offset", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Order": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Order", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Order", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cluster": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cluster", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cluster", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Order"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Distribute": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Distribute", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Distribute", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Order"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sort", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Order"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Ordered": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Ordered", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Ordered", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Property": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Property", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Property", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AlgorithmProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AlgorithmProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AlgorithmProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DefinerProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DefinerProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DefinerProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SqlSecurityProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SqlSecurityProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SqlSecurityProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TableFormatProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TableFormatProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TableFormatProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PartitionedByProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PartitionedByProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PartitionedByProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.FileFormatProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.FileFormatProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "FileFormatProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DistKeyProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DistKeyProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DistKeyProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SortKeyProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SortKeyProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SortKeyProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DistStyleProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DistStyleProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DistStyleProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LikeProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LikeProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LikeProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LocationProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LocationProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LocationProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.EngineProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.EngineProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "EngineProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AutoIncrementProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AutoIncrementProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSetProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CharacterSetProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CollateProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CollateProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CollateProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SchemaCommentProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SchemaCommentProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SchemaCommentProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ReturnsProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ReturnsProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ReturnsProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LanguageProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LanguageProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LanguageProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ExecuteAsProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ExecuteAsProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ExecuteAsProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.VolatilityProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.VolatilityProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "VolatilityProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatDelimitedProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatDelimitedProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RowFormatDelimitedProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatSerdeProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatSerdeProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RowFormatSerdeProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SerdeProperties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SerdeProperties", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SerdeProperties", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.FallbackProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.FallbackProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "FallbackProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WithJournalTableProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WithJournalTableProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WithJournalTableProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LogProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LogProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LogProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JournalProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JournalProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JournalProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AfterJournalProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AfterJournalProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AfterJournalProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ChecksumProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ChecksumProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ChecksumProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.FreespaceProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.FreespaceProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "FreespaceProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.MergeBlockRatioProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.MergeBlockRatioProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "MergeBlockRatioProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataBlocksizeProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataBlocksizeProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataBlocksizeProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BlockCompressionProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BlockCompressionProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BlockCompressionProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IsolatedLoadingProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IsolatedLoadingProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IsolatedLoadingProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LockingProperty": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LockingProperty", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LockingProperty", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Property"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_CREATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_CREATE: 'POST_CREATE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_NAME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_NAME", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_NAME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_NAME: 'POST_NAME'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_SCHEMA: 'POST_SCHEMA'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_WITH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_WITH", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_WITH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_WITH: 'POST_WITH'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_ALIAS: 'POST_ALIAS'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.POST_INDEX", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.POST_INDEX: 'POST_INDEX'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Location.UNSUPPORTED: 'UNSUPPORTED'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.from_dict": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Properties.from_dict", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Properties.from_dict", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, properties_dict) -> sqlglot.expressions.Properties:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Qualify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Qualify", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Qualify", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Return": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Return", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Return", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Reference": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Reference", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Reference", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Tuple": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Tuple", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Tuple", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unionable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable.subquery", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery.

>>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery()\n>>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql()\n'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)'\n
  • alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n

Alias: the subquery

\n", "signature": "(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Subquery:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.with_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.with_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subqueryable.with_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the common table expressions.

>>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql()\n'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2'\n
  • alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to False.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\talias,\tas_,\trecursive=None,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Table", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Table", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SystemTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SystemTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SystemTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Union", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Union", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Subqueryable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Union.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Union.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Union.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the LIMIT expression.

>>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1'\n
  • expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nThis can also be an integer.\nIf a Limit instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Limit.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: The limited subqueryable.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the SELECT of the union recursively.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("select a from x union select a from y union select a from z").select("b").sql()\n'SELECT a, b FROM x UNION SELECT a, b FROM y UNION SELECT a, b FROM z'\n
  • *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append: if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy: if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Union: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tappend: bool = True,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tcopy: bool = True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Union:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Except": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Except", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Except", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Union"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Intersect", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Union"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unnest", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "UDTF"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Update": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Update", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Update", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Values": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Values", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Values", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "UDTF"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Var": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Var", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Var", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Schema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lock": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lock", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lock", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Subqueryable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.from_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.from_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.from_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the FROM expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a From instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a From.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the From expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.group_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.group_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.group_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the GROUP BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql()\n'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Group.\nIf nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Group expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.order_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.order_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.order_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the ORDER BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Order.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Order expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.sort_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.sort_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.sort_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the SORT BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a SORT.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Order expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.cluster_by": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.cluster_by", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.cluster_by", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the CLUSTER BY expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf a Group instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Cluster.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this flattens all the Order expression into a single expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.limit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.limit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.limit", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the LIMIT expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10'\n
  • expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nThis can also be an integer.\nIf a Limit instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Limit.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.offset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.offset", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.offset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the OFFSET expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10'\n
  • expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nThis can also be an integer.\nIf a Offset instance is passed, this is used as-is.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a Offset.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the SELECT expressions.

>>> Select().select("x", "y").sql()\n'SELECT x, y'\n
  • *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append: if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy: if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tappend: bool = True,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tcopy: bool = True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.lateral", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the LATERAL expressions.

>>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql()\n'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.join", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the JOIN expressions.

>>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'\n
\n \n
>>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql()\n'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)'\n
\n \n

Use join_type to change the type of join:

\n \n
>>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join \"on\" criteria as a SQL string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join \"using\" criteria as a SQL string.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions.\nOtherwise, this resets the expressions.
  • \n
  • join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression,\ton=None,\tusing=None,\tappend=True,\tjoin_type=None,\tjoin_alias=None,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.where": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.where", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.where", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the WHERE expressions.

>>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql()\n"SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'"\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.\nMultiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.having": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.having", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.having", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Append to or set the HAVING expressions.

>>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql()\n'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.\nMultiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
  • \n
  • append (bool): if True, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.\nOtherwise, this resets the expression.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.window": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.window", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.window", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\t*expressions,\tappend=True,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.distinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.distinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.distinct", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the OFFSET expression.

>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql()\n'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl'\n
  • distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n

Select: the modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.ctas": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.ctas", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.ctas", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement.

>>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql()\n'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl'\n
  • table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.\nIf another Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table.
  • \n
  • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table.
  • \n

Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable,\tproperties=None,\tdialect=None,\tcopy=True,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Create:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lock": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lock", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Select.lock", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Set the locking read mode for this expression.

>>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql")\n"SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE"\n
\n \n
>>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql")\n"SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE"\n
  • update: if True, the locking type will be FOR UPDATE, else it will be FOR SHARE.
  • \n
  • copy: if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
  • \n

The modified expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tupdate: bool = True,\tcopy: bool = True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subquery", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "DerivedTable, Unionable"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subquery.unnest", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first non subquery.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Subquery.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Subquery.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TableSample": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TableSample", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TableSample", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Tag": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Tag", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Tag", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Tags are used for generating arbitrary sql like SELECT x.

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Pivot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Pivot", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Pivot", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Window": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Window", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Window", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WindowSpec": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WindowSpec", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WindowSpec", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Where": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Where", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Where", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Star": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Star", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Star", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Star.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Star.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Star.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Parameter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Parameter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Parameter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SessionParameter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SessionParameter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SessionParameter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Placeholder": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Placeholder", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Placeholder", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Null": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Null", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Null", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Boolean": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Boolean", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Boolean", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.CHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.CHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.CHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.CHAR: 'CHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NCHAR: 'NCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.VARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.VARCHAR: 'VARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NVARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NVARCHAR: 'NVARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TEXT: 'TEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MEDIUMTEXT: 'MEDIUMTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.LONGTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.LONGTEXT: 'LONGTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MEDIUMBLOB: 'MEDIUMBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.LONGBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.LONGBLOB: 'LONGBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BINARY: 'BINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARBINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARBINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.VARBINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.VARBINARY: 'VARBINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.INT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.INT: 'INT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TINYINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TINYINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TINYINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TINYINT: 'TINYINT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SMALLINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SMALLINT: 'SMALLINT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BIGINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BIGINT: 'BIGINT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.FLOAT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.FLOAT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.FLOAT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.FLOAT: 'FLOAT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DOUBLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DOUBLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DOUBLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DOUBLE: 'DOUBLE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DECIMAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DECIMAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DECIMAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DECIMAL: 'DECIMAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BOOLEAN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BOOLEAN: 'BOOLEAN'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSON", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.JSON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.JSON: 'JSON'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSONB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.JSONB", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.JSONB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.JSONB: 'JSONB'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INTERVAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.INTERVAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.INTERVAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.INTERVAL: 'INTERVAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIME: 'TIME'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIMESTAMP: 'TIMESTAMP'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIMESTAMPTZ: 'TIMESTAMPTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ: 'TIMESTAMPLTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DATE: 'DATE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATETIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.DATETIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.DATETIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.DATETIME: 'DATETIME'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ARRAY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ARRAY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.ARRAY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.ARRAY: 'ARRAY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MAP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MAP", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MAP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MAP: 'MAP'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UUID": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UUID", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.UUID", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.UUID: 'UUID'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOGRAPHY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOGRAPHY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.GEOGRAPHY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.GEOGRAPHY: 'GEOGRAPHY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOMETRY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.GEOMETRY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.GEOMETRY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.GEOMETRY: 'GEOMETRY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.STRUCT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.STRUCT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.STRUCT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.STRUCT: 'STRUCT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULLABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULLABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NULLABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NULLABLE: 'NULLABLE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HLLSKETCH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HLLSKETCH", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.HLLSKETCH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.HLLSKETCH: 'HLLSKETCH'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HSTORE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.HSTORE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.HSTORE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.HSTORE: 'HSTORE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SUPER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SUPER", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SUPER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SUPER: 'SUPER'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SERIAL: 'SERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SMALLSERIAL: 'SMALLSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.BIGSERIAL: 'BIGSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.XML": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.XML", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.XML", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.XML: 'XML'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER: 'UNIQUEIDENTIFIER'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.MONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.MONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.MONEY: 'MONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLMONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.SMALLMONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.SMALLMONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.SMALLMONEY: 'SMALLMONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ROWVERSION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.ROWVERSION", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.ROWVERSION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.ROWVERSION: 'ROWVERSION'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.IMAGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.IMAGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.IMAGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.IMAGE: 'IMAGE'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARIANT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.VARIANT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.VARIANT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.VARIANT: 'VARIANT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.OBJECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.OBJECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.OBJECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.OBJECT: 'OBJECT'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.NULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.NULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.NULL: 'NULL'>"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNKNOWN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type.UNKNOWN", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.Type.UNKNOWN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <Type.UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN'>"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tdtype: str | sqlglot.expressions.DataType | sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.DataType:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.is_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DataType.is_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DataType.is_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dtype: sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PseudoType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PseudoType", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PseudoType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StructKwarg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StructKwarg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StructKwarg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SubqueryPredicate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SubqueryPredicate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SubqueryPredicate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.All": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.All", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "All", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "SubqueryPredicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Any": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Any", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Any", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "SubqueryPredicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Exists": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Exists", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Exists", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "SubqueryPredicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Command": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Command", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Command", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Transaction": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Transaction", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Transaction", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Commit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Commit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Commit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Rollback": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Rollback", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Rollback", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AlterTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AddConstraint": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AddConstraint", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AddConstraint", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DropPartition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DropPartition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DropPartition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Binary": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Binary", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Binary", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Add": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Add", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Add", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Connector": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Connector", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Connector", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.And": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.And", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "And", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Connector"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Or": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Or", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Or", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Connector"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseAnd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseAnd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseAnd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseLeftShift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseLeftShift", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseLeftShift", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseOr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseOr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseOr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseRightShift": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseRightShift", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseRightShift", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseXor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseXor", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseXor", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Div": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Div", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Div", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Dot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Dot", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Dot", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DPipe": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DPipe", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DPipe", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.EQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.EQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "EQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NullSafeEQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeNEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeNEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NullSafeNEQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Distance": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Distance", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Distance", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Escape": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Escape", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Escape", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Glob": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Glob", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Glob", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GT", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GTE", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ILike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ILike", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ILike", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ILikeAny": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ILikeAny", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ILikeAny", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IntDiv": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IntDiv", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IntDiv", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Is": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Is", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Is", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Kwarg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Kwarg in special functions like func(kwarg => y).

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Like": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Like", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Like", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LikeAny": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LikeAny", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LikeAny", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LT", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LT", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LTE", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Mod": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Mod", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Mod", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Mul": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Mul", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Mul", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NEQ", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SimilarTo": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SimilarTo", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SimilarTo", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Slice": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Slice", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Slice", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unary": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unary", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unary", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseNot": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseNot", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "BitwiseNot", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Not": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Not", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Not", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary, Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Paren": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Paren", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Paren", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary, Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Neg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Neg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Neg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Unary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Alias": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Alias", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Alias", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Alias.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Alias.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Alias.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Aliases": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Aliases", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Aliases", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AtTimeZone": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AtTimeZone", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AtTimeZone", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Between": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Between", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Between", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Bracket": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Bracket", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Bracket", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Distinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Distinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Distinct", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.In": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.In", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "In", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Predicate"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeUnit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Automatically converts unit arg into a var.

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeUnit.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeUnit.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(**args)"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Interval", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IgnoreNulls": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IgnoreNulls", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IgnoreNulls", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RespectNulls": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RespectNulls", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RespectNulls", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func", "kind": "class", "doc": "

The base class for all function expressions.

  • is_var_len_args (bool): if set to True the last argument defined in arg_types will be\ntreated as a variable length argument and the argument's value will be stored as a list.
  • \n
  • _sql_names (list): determines the SQL name (1st item in the list) and aliases (subsequent items)\nfor this function expression. These values are used to map this node to a name during parsing\nas well as to provide the function's name during SQL string generation. By default the SQL\nname is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
  • \n
\n", "bases": "Condition"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.from_arg_list": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.from_arg_list", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.from_arg_list", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls, args):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.sql_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.sql_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.sql_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Func.default_parser_mappings": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Func.default_parser_mappings", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Func.default_parser_mappings", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cls):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AggFunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AggFunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AggFunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Abs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Abs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Abs", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Anonymous": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Anonymous", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Anonymous", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxDistinct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxDistinct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ApproxDistinct", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Array": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Array", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Array", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GenerateSeries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GenerateSeries", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GenerateSeries", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAgg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAgg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayAgg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAll": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAll", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayAll", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAny": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayAny", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayAny", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayConcat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayConcat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayConcat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayContains": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayContains", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayContains", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayFilter": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayFilter", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayFilter", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySize", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArraySize", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySort", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArraySort", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySum": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArraySum", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArraySum", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayUnionAgg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ArrayUnionAgg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ArrayUnionAgg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Avg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Avg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Avg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.AnyValue": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.AnyValue", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "AnyValue", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Case": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Case", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Case", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cast", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.output_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.output_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cast.output_name", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Name of the output column if this expression is a selection.


If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name\n'a'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name\n'c'\n>>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name\n''\n
\n"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.is_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Cast.is_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Cast.is_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dtype: sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Collate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Collate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Collate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TryCast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TryCast", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TryCast", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Cast"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Ceil": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Ceil", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Ceil", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Coalesce": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Coalesce", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Coalesce", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Concat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Concat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Concat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ConcatWs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ConcatWs", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ConcatWs", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Concat"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Count": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Count", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Count", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDatetime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDatetime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentDatetime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTimestamp": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.CurrentTimestamp", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "CurrentTimestamp", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DatetimeTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DatetimeTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfWeek": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfWeek", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DayOfWeek", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfMonth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfMonth", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DayOfMonth", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfYear": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DayOfYear", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DayOfYear", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.WeekOfYear": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.WeekOfYear", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "WeekOfYear", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LastDateOfMonth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LastDateOfMonth", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LastDateOfMonth", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Extract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Extract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Extract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimestampTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimestampTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeSub": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeSub", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeSub", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeDiff": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeDiff", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeDiff", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeTrunc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeTrunc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeTrunc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateFromParts": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateFromParts", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateFromParts", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateStrToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateStrToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateStrToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDateStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDateStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateToDateStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDi": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DateToDi", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DateToDi", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Day": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Day", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Day", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Decode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Decode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Decode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.DiToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.DiToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "DiToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Encode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Encode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Encode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Exp": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Exp", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Exp", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Explode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Explode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Explode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Floor": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Floor", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Floor", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Greatest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Greatest", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Greatest", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.GroupConcat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.GroupConcat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "GroupConcat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Hex": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Hex", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Hex", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.If": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.If", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "If", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.IfNull": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.IfNull", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "IfNull", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Initcap": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Initcap", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Initcap", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBContains": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBContains", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONBContains", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtractScalar": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONExtractScalar", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONExtractScalar", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "JSONExtract"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONBExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "JSONExtract"}, "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtractScalar": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.JSONBExtractScalar", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "JSONBExtractScalar", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "JSONExtract"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Least": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Least", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Least", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Length": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Length", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Length", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Levenshtein": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Levenshtein", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Levenshtein", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Ln": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Ln", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Ln", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Log": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Log", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Log", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Log2": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Log2", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Log2", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Log10": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Log10", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Log10", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.LogicalOr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.LogicalOr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "LogicalOr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Lower": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Lower", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Lower", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Map": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Map", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Map", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.VarMap": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.VarMap", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "VarMap", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Matches": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Matches", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Matches", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Oracle/Snowflake decode.\n\nPattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Max": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Max", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Max", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Min": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Min", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Min", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Month": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Month", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Month", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Nvl2": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Nvl2", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Nvl2", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Posexplode": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Posexplode", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Posexplode", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Pow": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Pow", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Pow", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Binary, Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileCont": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileCont", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PercentileCont", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileDisc": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.PercentileDisc", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "PercentileDisc", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Quantile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Quantile", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Quantile", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Quantiles": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Quantiles", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Quantiles", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.QuantileIf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.QuantileIf", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "QuantileIf", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxQuantile": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ApproxQuantile", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ApproxQuantile", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Quantile"}, "sqlglot.expressions.ReadCSV": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.ReadCSV", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "ReadCSV", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Reduce": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Reduce", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Reduce", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpLike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpLike", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpLike", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpILike": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpILike", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpILike", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpSplit": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RegexpSplit", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RegexpSplit", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Repeat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Repeat", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Repeat", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Round": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Round", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Round", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.RowNumber": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.RowNumber", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "RowNumber", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SafeDivide": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SafeDivide", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SafeDivide", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SetAgg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SetAgg", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SetAgg", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.SortArray": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.SortArray", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "SortArray", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Split": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Split", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Split", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Substring": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Substring", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Substring", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrPosition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrPosition", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrToTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrToTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrToTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StrToUnix": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StrToUnix", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StrToUnix", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.NumberToStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.NumberToStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "NumberToStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Struct": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Struct", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Struct", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StructExtract": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StructExtract", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StructExtract", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sum": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sum", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sum", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Sqrt": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Sqrt", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Sqrt", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Stddev": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Stddev", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Stddev", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StddevPop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StddevPop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StddevPop", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.StddevSamp": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.StddevSamp", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "StddevSamp", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeToStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToTimeStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToTimeStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeToTimeStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToUnix": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeToUnix", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeToUnix", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeStrToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeStrToTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToUnix": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TimeStrToUnix", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TimeStrToUnix", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Trim": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Trim", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Trim", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsAdd": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsAdd", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDsAdd", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func, TimeUnit"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDateStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDateStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDsToDateStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDsToDate", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDsToDate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDiToDi": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.TsOrDiToDi", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "TsOrDiToDi", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unhex": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Unhex", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Unhex", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UnixToStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTime": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTime", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UnixToTime", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTimeStr": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.UnixToTimeStr", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "UnixToTimeStr", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Upper": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Upper", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Upper", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Variance": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Variance", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Variance", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.VariancePop": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.VariancePop", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "VariancePop", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "AggFunc"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Week": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Week", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Week", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.XMLTable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.XMLTable", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "XMLTable", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Year": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Year", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Year", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Use": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Use", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Use", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.Merge": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.Merge", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "Merge", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Expression"}, "sqlglot.expressions.When": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.When", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "When", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Func"}, "sqlglot.expressions.maybe_parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.maybe_parse", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "maybe_parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Gracefully handle a possible string or expression.

>>> maybe_parse("1")\n(LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False)\n>>> maybe_parse(to_identifier("x"))\n(IDENTIFIER this: x, quoted: False)\n
  • sql_or_expression: the SQL code string or an expression
  • \n
  • into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • prefix: a string to prefix the sql with before it gets parsed\n(automatically includes a space)
  • \n
  • copy: whether or not to copy the expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat an input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Expression: the parsed or given expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql_or_expression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\t*,\tinto: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]], NoneType] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\tprefix: Optional[str] = None,\tcopy: bool = False,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.union", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "union", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one UNION expression.

>>> union("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Union: the syntax tree for the UNION expression.

\n", "signature": "(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.intersect": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.intersect", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "intersect", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one INTERSECT expression.

>>> intersect("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Intersect: the syntax tree for the INTERSECT expression.

\n", "signature": "(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.except_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.except_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "except_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one EXCEPT expression.

>>> except_("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'\n
  • left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
  • \n
  • distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Except: the syntax tree for the EXCEPT statement.

\n", "signature": "(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "select", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from one or multiple SELECT expressions.

>>> select("col1", "col2").from_("tbl").sql()\n'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'\n
  • *expressions: the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a\nSELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat an input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.

\n", "signature": "(\t*expressions: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.from_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.from_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "from_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initializes a syntax tree from a FROM expression.

>>> from_("tbl").select("col1", "col2").sql()\n'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the FROM expressions of a\nSELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat the input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.update": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.update", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "update", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates an update statement.

>>> update("my_table", {"x": 1, "y": "2", "z": None}, from_="baz", where="id > 1").sql()\n"UPDATE my_table SET x = 1, y = '2', z = NULL FROM baz WHERE id > 1"\n
  • *properties (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary of properties to set which are\nauto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL
  • \n
  • where (str): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
  • \n
  • from_ (str): sql statement parsed into a FROM statement
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Update: the syntax tree for the UPDATE statement.

\n", "signature": "(\ttable,\tproperties,\twhere=None,\tfrom_=None,\tdialect=None,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Update:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.delete": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.delete", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "delete", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a delete statement.

>>> delete("my_table", where="id > 1").sql()\n'DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id > 1'\n
  • where (str|Condition): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Delete: the syntax tree for the DELETE statement.

\n", "signature": "(table, where=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Delete:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.condition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.condition", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "condition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Initialize a logical condition expression.

>>> condition("x=1").sql()\n'x = 1'\n
\n \n

This is helpful for composing larger logical syntax trees:

\n \n
>>> where = condition("x=1")\n>>> where = where.and_("y=1")\n>>> Select().from_("tbl").select("*").where(where).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1'\n
  • *expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the\ninput expression is a SQL string).
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case\nthat the input expression is a SQL string).
  • \n

Condition: the expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Condition:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.and_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.and_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "and_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Combine multiple conditions with an AND logical operator.

>>> and_("x=1", and_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()\n'x = 1 AND (y = 1 AND z = 1)'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

And: the new condition

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.And:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.or_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.or_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "or_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Combine multiple conditions with an OR logical operator.

>>> or_("x=1", or_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()\n'x = 1 OR (y = 1 OR z = 1)'\n
  • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Or: the new condition

\n", "signature": "(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Or:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.not_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.not_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "not_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Wrap a condition with a NOT operator.

>>> not_("this_suit='black'").sql()\n"NOT this_suit = 'black'"\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Not: the new condition

\n", "signature": "(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Not:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.paren": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.paren", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "paren", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Paren:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_identifier": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_identifier", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_identifier", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an identifier.

  • name: The name to turn into an identifier.
  • \n
  • quoted: Whether or not force quote the identifier.
  • \n

The identifier ast node.

\n", "signature": "(name, quoted=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_interval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds an interval expression from a string like '1 day' or '5 months'.

\n", "signature": "(\tinterval: str | sqlglot.expressions.Literal) -> sqlglot.expressions.Interval:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create a table expression from a [catalog].[schema].[table] sql path. Catalog and schema are optional.\nIf a table is passed in then that table is returned.

  • sql_path: a [catalog].[schema].[table] string.
  • \n

A table expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tsql_path: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Table, NoneType],\t**kwargs) -> Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Table]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.to_column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.to_column", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "to_column", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create a column from a [table].[column] sql path. Schema is optional.


If a column is passed in then that column is returned.

  • sql_path: [table].[column] string
  • \n

Table: A column expression

\n", "signature": "(\tsql_path: str | sqlglot.expressions.Column,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.alias_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.alias_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "alias_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create an Alias expression.

>>> alias_('foo', 'bar').sql()\n'foo AS bar'\n
\n \n
>>> alias_('(select 1, 2)', 'bar', table=['a', 'b']).sql()\n'(SELECT 1, 2) AS bar(a, b)'\n
  • expression: the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • alias: the alias name to use. If the name has\nspecial characters it is quoted.
  • \n
  • table: Whether or not to create a table alias, can also be a list of columns.
  • \n
  • quoted: whether or not to quote the alias
  • \n
  • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Alias: the aliased expression

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\talias: str | sqlglot.expressions.Identifier,\ttable: Union[bool, Sequence[str | sqlglot.expressions.Identifier]] = False,\tquoted: Optional[bool] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "subquery", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a subquery expression.

>>> subquery('select x from tbl', 'bar').select('x').sql()\n'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl) AS bar'\n
  • expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.\nIf an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
  • \n
  • alias (str | Expression): the alias name to use.
  • \n
  • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
  • \n
  • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
  • \n

Select: a new select with the subquery expression included

\n", "signature": "(expression, alias=None, dialect=None, **opts):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.column": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.column", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "column", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a Column.

  • col: column name
  • \n
  • table: table name
  • \n
  • schema: schema name
  • \n
  • quoted: whether or not to force quote each part
  • \n

Column: column instance

\n", "signature": "(\tcol: str | sqlglot.expressions.Identifier,\ttable: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Identifier, NoneType] = None,\tschema: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Identifier, NoneType] = None,\tquoted: Optional[bool] = None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Column:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.cast": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.cast", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "cast", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Cast an expression to a data type.

>>> cast('x + 1', 'int').sql()\n'CAST(x + 1 AS INT)'\n
  • expression: The expression to cast.
  • \n
  • to: The datatype to cast to.
  • \n

A cast node.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tto: str | sqlglot.expressions.DataType | sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type,\t**opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Cast:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.table_": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.table_", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "table_", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a Table.

  • table (str | Expression): column name
  • \n
  • db (str | Expression): db name
  • \n
  • catalog (str | Expression): catalog name
  • \n

Table: table instance

\n", "signature": "(\ttable,\tdb=None,\tcatalog=None,\tquoted=None,\talias=None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Table:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.values": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.values", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "values", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build VALUES statement.

>>> values([(1, '2')]).sql()\n"VALUES (1, '2')"\n
  • values: values statements that will be converted to SQL
  • \n
  • alias: optional alias
  • \n
  • columns: Optional list of ordered column names or ordered dictionary of column names to types.\nIf either are provided then an alias is also required.\nIf a dictionary is provided then the first column of the values will be casted to the expected type\nin order to help with type inference.
  • \n

Values: the Values expression object

\n", "signature": "(\tvalues: Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]],\talias: Optional[str] = None,\tcolumns: Union[Iterable[str], Dict[str, sqlglot.expressions.DataType], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Values:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.var": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.var", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "var", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a SQL variable.

>>> repr(var('x'))\n'(VAR this: x)'\n
\n \n
>>> repr(var(column('x', table='y')))\n'(VAR this: x)'\n
  • name: The name of the var or an expression who's name will become the var.
  • \n

The new variable node.

\n", "signature": "(\tname: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> sqlglot.expressions.Var:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.rename_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.rename_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "rename_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build ALTER TABLE... RENAME... expression

  • old_name: The old name of the table
  • \n
  • new_name: The new name of the table
  • \n

Alter table expression

\n", "signature": "(\told_name: str | sqlglot.expressions.Table,\tnew_name: str | sqlglot.expressions.Table) -> sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.convert": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.convert", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "convert", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert a python value into an expression object.


Raises an error if a conversion is not possible.

  • value (Any): a python object
  • \n

Expression: the equivalent expression object

\n", "signature": "(value) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_children": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.replace_children", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "replace_children", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace children of an expression with the result of a lambda fun(child) -> exp.

\n", "signature": "(expression, fun):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.column_table_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.column_table_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "column_table_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Return all table names referenced through columns in an expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> column_table_names(sqlglot.parse_one("a.b AND c.d AND c.e"))\n['c', 'a']\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to find table names
  • \n

list: A list of unique names

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.table_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.table_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "table_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the full name of a table as a string.

  • table (exp.Table | str): table expression node or string.
  • \n
>>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n>>> table_name(parse_one("select * from a.b.c").find(exp.Table))\n'a.b.c'\n

The table name.

\n", "signature": "(table) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.replace_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "replace_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace all tables in expression according to the mapping.

  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
  • \n
  • mapping (Dict[str, str]): mapping of table names.
  • \n
>>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n>>> replace_tables(parse_one("select * from a.b"), {"a.b": "c"}).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM c'\n

The mapped expression.

\n", "signature": "(expression, mapping):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "replace_placeholders", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace placeholders in an expression.

  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
  • \n
  • args: positional names that will substitute unnamed placeholders in the given order.
  • \n
  • kwargs: keyword arguments that will substitute named placeholders.
  • \n
>>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one\n>>> replace_placeholders(\n...     parse_one("select * from :tbl where ? = ?"), "a", "b", tbl="foo"\n... ).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a = b'\n

The mapped expression.

\n", "signature": "(expression, *args, **kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.expand": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.expand", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "expand", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Transforms an expression by expanding all referenced sources into subqueries.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> expand(parse_one("select * from x AS z"), {"x": parse_one("select * from y")}).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM y) AS z /* source: x */'\n
  • expression: The expression to expand.
  • \n
  • sources: A dictionary of name to Subqueryables.
  • \n
  • copy: Whether or not to copy the expression during transformation. Defaults to True.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tsources: Dict[str, sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable],\tcopy=True) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.func", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a Func expression.

>>> func("abs", 5).sql()\n'ABS(5)'\n
\n \n
>>> func("cast", this=5,"DOUBLE")).sql()\n'CAST(5 AS DOUBLE)'\n
  • name: the name of the function to build.
  • \n
  • args: the args used to instantiate the function of interest.
  • \n
  • dialect: the source dialect.
  • \n
  • kwargs: the kwargs used to instantiate the function of interest.
  • \n

The arguments args and kwargs are mutually exclusive.


An instance of the function of interest, or an anonymous function, if name doesn't\n correspond to an existing sqlglot.expressions.Func class.

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\t*args,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Func:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.true": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.true", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "true", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a true Boolean expression.

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.false": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.false", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "false", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a false Boolean expression.

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.expressions.null": {"fullname": "sqlglot.expressions.null", "modulename": "sqlglot.expressions", "qualname": "null", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a Null expression.

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Generator interprets the given syntax tree and produces a SQL string as an output.

  • time_mapping (dict): the dictionary of custom time mappings in which the key\nrepresents a python time format and the output the target time format
  • \n
  • time_trie (trie): a trie of the time_mapping keys
  • \n
  • pretty (bool): if set to True the returned string will be formatted. Default: False.
  • \n
  • quote_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • quote_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit quotes. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_start (str): specifies which starting character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identifier_end (str): specifies which ending character to use to delimit identifiers. Default: \".
  • \n
  • identify (bool): if set to True all identifiers will be delimited by the corresponding\ncharacter.
  • \n
  • normalize (bool): if set to True all identifiers will lower cased
  • \n
  • string_escape (str): specifies a string escape character. Default: '.
  • \n
  • identifier_escape (str): specifies an identifier escape character. Default: \".
  • \n
  • pad (int): determines padding in a formatted string. Default: 2.
  • \n
  • indent (int): determines the size of indentation in a formatted string. Default: 4.
  • \n
  • unnest_column_only (bool): if true unnest table aliases are considered only as column aliases
  • \n
  • normalize_functions (str): normalize function names, \"upper\", \"lower\", or None\nDefault: \"upper\"
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample (bool): if the table alias comes after tablesample\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • unsupported_level (ErrorLevel): determines the generator's behavior when it encounters\nunsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN.
  • \n
  • null_ordering (str): Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
  • max_unsupported (int): Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError.\nThis is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • leading_comma (bool): if the the comma is leading or trailing in select statements\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode.\nThe default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true\nline length.\nDefault: 80
  • \n
  • comments: Whether or not to preserve comments in the output SQL code.\nDefault: True
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\ttime_mapping=None,\ttime_trie=None,\tpretty=None,\tquote_start=None,\tquote_end=None,\tidentifier_start=None,\tidentifier_end=None,\tidentify=False,\tnormalize=False,\tstring_escape=None,\tidentifier_escape=None,\tpad=2,\tindent=2,\tindex_offset=0,\tunnest_column_only=False,\talias_post_tablesample=False,\tnormalize_functions='upper',\tunsupported_level=<ErrorLevel.WARN: 'WARN'>,\tnull_ordering=None,\tmax_unsupported=3,\tleading_comma=False,\tmax_text_width=80,\tcomments=True)"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generate", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.generate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Generates a SQL string by interpreting the given syntax tree.


Args\n expression: the syntax tree.


Returns\n the SQL string.

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unsupported": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unsupported", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.unsupported", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, message: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sep": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sep", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sep", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sep: str = ' ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.seg": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.seg", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.seg", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, sep: str = ' ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pad_comment": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pad_comment", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.pad_comment", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, comment: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.maybe_comment": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.maybe_comment", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.maybe_comment", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.wrap": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.wrap", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.wrap", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression | str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.no_identify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.no_identify", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.no_identify", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, func: Callable[..., str], *args, **kwargs) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.normalize_func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.normalize_func", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.normalize_func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, name: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.indent": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.indent", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.indent", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsql: str,\tlevel: int = 0,\tpad: Optional[int] = None,\tskip_first: bool = False,\tskip_last: bool = False) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType],\tkey: Optional[str] = None,\tcomment: bool = True) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uncache_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uncache_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.uncache_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Uncache) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cache_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cache_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cache_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cache) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.characterset_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.characterset_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.characterset_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CharacterSet) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.column_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.column_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.column_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Column) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columndef_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columndef_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.columndef_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ColumnDef) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.columnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.columnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, _) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.notnullcolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.notnullcolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.notnullcolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uniquecolumnconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.uniquecolumnconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.uniquecolumnconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, _) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.create_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.create_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.create_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Create) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.describe_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.describe_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.describe_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Describe) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.prepend_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.prepend_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.prepend_ctes", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, sql: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.with_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.With) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablealias_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablealias_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tablealias_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.TableAlias) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitstring_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitstring_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitstring_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitString) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hexstring_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hexstring_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.hexstring_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.HexString) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datatype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datatype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.datatype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.directory_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.directory_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.directory_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Directory) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.delete_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.delete_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.delete_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Delete) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.drop_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.drop_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.drop_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Drop) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.except_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Except) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.except_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.except_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Except) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fetch_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fetch_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.fetch_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Fetch) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.filter_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.filter_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.filter_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Filter) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.hint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.hint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Hint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.index_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.index_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.index_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Index) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.identifier_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.identifier_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.identifier_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Identifier) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.national_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.national_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.national_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.National) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.partition_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Partition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.properties_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.properties_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.properties_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.root_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.root_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.root_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, properties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "": {"fullname": "", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tproperties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties,\tprefix: str = '',\tsep: str = ', ',\tsuffix: str = '',\twrapped: bool = True) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.with_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.with_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, properties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.locate_properties": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.locate_properties", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.locate_properties", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tproperties: sqlglot.expressions.Properties) -> Dict[sqlglot.expressions.Properties.Location, list[sqlglot.expressions.Property]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.property_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.property_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.property_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Property) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.likeproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.likeproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.likeproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LikeProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fallbackproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.fallbackproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.fallbackproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.FallbackProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.journalproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.journalproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.journalproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.JournalProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.freespaceproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.freespaceproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.freespaceproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.FreespaceProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.afterjournalproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.afterjournalproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.afterjournalproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AfterJournalProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.checksumproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.checksumproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.checksumproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ChecksumProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mergeblockratioproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mergeblockratioproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.mergeblockratioproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datablocksizeproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.datablocksizeproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.datablocksizeproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.blockcompressionproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.blockcompressionproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.blockcompressionproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.isolatedloadingproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.isolatedloadingproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.isolatedloadingproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lockingproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lockingproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lockingproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LockingProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.insert_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.insert_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.insert_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Insert) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.intersect_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Intersect) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intersect_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.intersect_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Intersect) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.introducer_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.introducer_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.introducer_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Introducer) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pseudotype_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pseudotype_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.pseudotype_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.PseudoType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.table_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.table_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.table_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Table, sep: str = ' AS ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablesample_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tablesample_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tablesample_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.TableSample) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pivot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.pivot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.pivot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Pivot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tuple_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tuple_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tuple_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Tuple) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.update_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.update_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.update_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Update) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.values_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.values_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.values_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Values) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.var_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.var_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.var_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Var) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.into_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.into_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.into_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Into) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.from_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.from_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.from_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.From) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.group_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.group_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.group_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Group) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.having_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.having_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.having_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Having) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.join_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.join_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.join_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Join) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lambda_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lambda_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lambda_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Lambda,\tarrow_sep: str = '->') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lateral_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lateral_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lateral_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Lateral) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.limit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.limit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.limit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Limit) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.offset_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.offset_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.offset_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Offset) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lock_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lock_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lock_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Lock) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.literal_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.literal_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.literal_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Literal) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.loaddata_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.loaddata_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.loaddata_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LoadData) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.null_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.null_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.null_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.boolean_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.boolean_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.boolean_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Boolean) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.order_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.order_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.order_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cluster_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cluster_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cluster_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cluster) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distribute_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distribute_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.distribute_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Distribute) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sort_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sort_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sort_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Sort) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ordered_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ordered_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.ordered_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Ordered) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.matchrecognize_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.matchrecognize_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.matchrecognize_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.query_modifiers": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.query_modifiers", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.query_modifiers", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.select_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.select_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.select_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Select) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.schema_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.schema_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.schema_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Schema) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.star_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.star_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.star_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Star) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.structkwarg_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.structkwarg_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.structkwarg_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.StructKwarg) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.parameter_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.parameter_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.parameter_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Parameter) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sessionparameter_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sessionparameter_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sessionparameter_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.SessionParameter) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.placeholder_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.placeholder_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.placeholder_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Placeholder) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.subquery_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.subquery_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.subquery_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Subquery) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.qualify_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.qualify_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.qualify_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Qualify) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.union_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Union) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.union_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.union_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Union) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unnest_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unnest_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.unnest_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Unnest) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.where_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.where_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.where_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Where) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.window_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Window) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_by_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.partition_by_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.partition_by_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Window | sqlglot.expressions.MatchRecognize) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_spec_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.window_spec_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.window_spec_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.WindowSpec) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.withingroup_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.withingroup_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.withingroup_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.WithinGroup) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.between_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.between_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.between_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Between) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bracket_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bracket_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bracket_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Bracket) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.all_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.all_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.all_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.All) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.any_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.any_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.any_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Any) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.exists_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.exists_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.exists_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Exists) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.case_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.case_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.case_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Case) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.constraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.constraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.constraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Constraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.extract_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.extract_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.extract_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Extract) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trim_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trim_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.trim_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Trim) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.concat_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.concat_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.concat_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Concat) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.check_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.check_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.check_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Check) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.foreignkey_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.foreignkey_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.foreignkey_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykey_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.primarykey_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.primarykey_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ForeignKey) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unique_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.unique_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.unique_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Unique) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.if_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.if_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.if_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.If) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.in_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.In) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_unnest_op": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.in_unnest_op", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.in_unnest_op", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, unnest: sqlglot.expressions.Unnest) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.interval_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.interval_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.interval_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Interval) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.return_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.return_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.return_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Return) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.reference_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.reference_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.reference_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Reference) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.anonymous_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.anonymous_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.anonymous_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Anonymous) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.paren_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.paren_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.paren_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Paren) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neg_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neg_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.neg_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Neg) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.not_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.not_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.not_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Not) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.alias_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.alias_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.alias_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Alias) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.aliases_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.aliases_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.aliases_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Aliases) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.attimezone_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.attimezone_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.attimezone_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AtTimeZone) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.add_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.add_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.add_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Add) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.and_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.and_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.and_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.And) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.connector_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.connector_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.connector_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Connector, op: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseand_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseand_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiseand_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseAnd) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseleftshift_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseleftshift_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiseleftshift_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisenot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisenot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwisenot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseNot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseor_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiseor_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiseor_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseOr) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiserightshift_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwiserightshift_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwiserightshift_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseRightShift) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisexor_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.bitwisexor_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.bitwisexor_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.BitwiseXor) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.cast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.cast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Cast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.currentdate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.currentdate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.currentdate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.CurrentDate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.collate_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.collate_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.collate_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Collate) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.command_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.command_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.command_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Command) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.transaction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.transaction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.transaction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *_) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.commit_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.commit_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.commit_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Commit) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rollback_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.rollback_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.rollback_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Rollback) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altercolumn_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altercolumn_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.altercolumn_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AlterColumn) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.renametable_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.renametable_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.renametable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RenameTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altertable_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.altertable_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.altertable_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AlterTable) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.droppartition_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.droppartition_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.droppartition_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DropPartition) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.addconstraint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.addconstraint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.addconstraint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.AddConstraint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distinct_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distinct_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.distinct_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Distinct) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ignorenulls_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ignorenulls_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.ignorenulls_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.IgnoreNulls) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.respectnulls_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.respectnulls_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.respectnulls_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.RespectNulls) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intdiv_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.intdiv_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.intdiv_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.IntDiv) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dpipe_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dpipe_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.dpipe_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.DPipe) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.div_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.div_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.div_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Div) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distance_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.distance_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.distance_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Distance) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dot_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.dot_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.dot_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Dot) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.eq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.eq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.eq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.EQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.escape_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.escape_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.escape_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Escape) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.glob_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.glob_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.glob_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Glob) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gt_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gt_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.gt_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.GT) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.gte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.gte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.GTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ilike_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.ilike_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.ilike_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.ILike) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.is_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.is_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.is_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Is) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.like_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.like_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.like_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Like) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.similarto_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.similarto_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.similarto_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.SimilarTo) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lt_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lt_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lt_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LT) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lte_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.lte_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.lte_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.LTE) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mod_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mod_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.mod_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Mod) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mul_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.mul_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.mul_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Mul) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.neq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.neq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NEQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeeq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeeq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.nullsafeeq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeEQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeneq_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.nullsafeneq_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.nullsafeneq_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.NullSafeNEQ) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.or_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.or_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.or_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Or) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.slice_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.slice_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.slice_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Slice) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sub_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.sub_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.sub_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Sub) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trycast_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.trycast_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.trycast_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.TryCast) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.use_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.use_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.use_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Use) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.binary": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.binary", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.binary", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Binary, op: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.function_fallback_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.function_fallback_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.function_fallback_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Func) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.func": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.func", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.func", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tname: str,\t*args: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_args": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_args", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.format_args", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, *args: Union[str, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.text_width": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.text_width", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.text_width", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, args: Iterable) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.format_time", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.format_time", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> Optional[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.expressions", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tkey: Optional[str] = None,\tflat: bool = False,\tindent: bool = True,\tsep: str = ', ',\tprefix: str = '') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.op_expressions": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.op_expressions", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.op_expressions", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\top: str,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tflat: bool = False) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.naked_property": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.naked_property", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.naked_property", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Property) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.set_operation": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.set_operation", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.set_operation", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression, op: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tag_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.tag_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.tag_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Tag) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.token_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.token_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.token_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, token_type: sqlglot.tokens.TokenType) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.userdefinedfunction_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.userdefinedfunction_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.userdefinedfunction_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.UserDefinedFunction) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.joinhint_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.joinhint_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.joinhint_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.JoinHint) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.kwarg_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.kwarg_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.kwarg_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Kwarg) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.when_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.when_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.when_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.When) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator.merge_sql": {"fullname": "sqlglot.generator.Generator.merge_sql", "modulename": "sqlglot.generator", "qualname": "Generator.merge_sql", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Merge) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.helper.AutoName": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "AutoName", "kind": "class", "doc": "

This is used for creating enum classes where auto() is the string form of the corresponding value's name.

\n", "bases": "enum.Enum"}, "sqlglot.helper.seq_get": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.seq_get", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "seq_get", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the value in seq at position index, or None if index is out of bounds.

\n", "signature": "(seq: Sequence[~T], index: int) -> Optional[~T]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.ensure_list": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.ensure_list", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "ensure_list", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Ensures that a value is a list, otherwise casts or wraps it into one.

  • value: the value of interest.
  • \n

The value cast as a list if it's a list or a tuple, or else the value wrapped in a list.

\n", "signature": "(value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.ensure_collection": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.ensure_collection", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "ensure_collection", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Ensures that a value is a collection (excluding str and bytes), otherwise wraps it into a list.

  • value: the value of interest.
  • \n

The value if it's a collection, or else the value wrapped in a list.

\n", "signature": "(value):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.csv": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.csv", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "csv", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Formats any number of string arguments as CSV.

  • args: the string arguments to format.
  • \n
  • sep: the argument separator.
  • \n

The arguments formatted as a CSV string.

\n", "signature": "(*args, sep: str = ', ') -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.subclasses": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.subclasses", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "subclasses", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns all subclasses for a collection of classes, possibly excluding some of them.

  • module_name: the name of the module to search for subclasses in.
  • \n
  • classes: class(es) we want to find the subclasses of.
  • \n
  • exclude: class(es) we want to exclude from the returned list.
  • \n

The target subclasses.

\n", "signature": "(\tmodule_name: str,\tclasses: Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]],\texclude: Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]] = ()) -> List[Type]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.apply_index_offset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.apply_index_offset", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "apply_index_offset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Applies an offset to a given integer literal expression.

  • expressions: the expression the offset will be applied to, wrapped in a list.
  • \n
  • offset: the offset that will be applied.
  • \n

The original expression with the offset applied to it, wrapped in a list. If the provided\n expressions argument contains more than one expressions, it's returned unaffected.

\n", "signature": "(expressions: List[Optional[~E]], offset: int) -> List[Optional[~E]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.camel_to_snake_case": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.camel_to_snake_case", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "camel_to_snake_case", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts name from camelCase to snake_case and returns the result.

\n", "signature": "(name: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.while_changing": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.while_changing", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "while_changing", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Applies a transformation to a given expression until a fix point is reached.

  • expression: the expression to be transformed.
  • \n
  • func: the transformation to be applied.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\tfunc: Callable[[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]], ~E]) -> ~E:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.tsort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.tsort", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "tsort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Sorts a given directed acyclic graph in topological order.

  • dag: the graph to be sorted.
  • \n

A list that contains all of the graph's nodes in topological order.

\n", "signature": "(dag: Dict[~T, List[~T]]) -> List[~T]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.open_file": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.open_file", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "open_file", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Open a file that may be compressed as gzip and return it in universal newline mode.

\n", "signature": "(file_name: str) -> <class 'TextIO'>:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.csv_reader": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.csv_reader", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "csv_reader", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a csv reader given the expression READ_CSV(name, ['delimiter', '|', ...]).

  • read_csv: a ReadCSV function call
  • \n

A python csv reader.

\n", "signature": "(read_csv: sqlglot.expressions.ReadCSV) -> Any:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.find_new_name": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.find_new_name", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "find_new_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Searches for a new name.

  • taken: a collection of taken names.
  • \n
  • base: base name to alter.
  • \n

The new, available name.

\n", "signature": "(taken: Collection[str], base: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.object_to_dict": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.object_to_dict", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "object_to_dict", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a dictionary created from an object's attributes.

\n", "signature": "(obj: Any, **kwargs) -> Dict:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.split_num_words": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.split_num_words", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "split_num_words", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Perform a split on a value and return N words as a result with None used for words that don't exist.

  • value: the value to be split.
  • \n
  • sep: the value to use to split on.
  • \n
  • min_num_words: the minimum number of words that are going to be in the result.
  • \n
  • fill_from_start: indicates that if None values should be inserted at the start or end of the list.
  • \n
>>> split_num_words("db.table", ".", 3)\n[None, 'db', 'table']\n>>> split_num_words("db.table", ".", 3, fill_from_start=False)\n['db', 'table', None]\n>>> split_num_words("db.table", ".", 1)\n['db', 'table']\n

The list of words returned by split, possibly augmented by a number of None values.

\n", "signature": "(\tvalue: str,\tsep: str,\tmin_num_words: int,\tfill_from_start: bool = True) -> List[Optional[str]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.is_iterable": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.is_iterable", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "is_iterable", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Checks if the value is an iterable, excluding the types str and bytes.

>>> is_iterable([1,2])\nTrue\n>>> is_iterable("test")\nFalse\n
  • value: the value to check if it is an iterable.
  • \n

A bool value indicating if it is an iterable.

\n", "signature": "(value: Any) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.flatten": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.flatten", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "flatten", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Flattens an iterable that can contain both iterable and non-iterable elements. Objects of\ntype str and bytes are not regarded as iterables.

>>> list(flatten([[1, 2], 3, {4}, (5, "bla")]))\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'bla']\n>>> list(flatten([1, 2, 3]))\n[1, 2, 3]\n
  • values: the value to be flattened.
  • \n

Non-iterable elements in values.

\n", "signature": "(values: Iterable[Union[Iterable[Any], Any]]) -> Iterator[Any]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.count_params": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.count_params", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "count_params", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the number of formal parameters expected by a function, without counting \"self\"\nand \"cls\", in case of instance and class methods, respectively.

\n", "signature": "(function: Callable) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.dict_depth": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.dict_depth", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "dict_depth", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the nesting depth of a dictionary.

For example:
>>> dict_depth(None)\n0\n>>> dict_depth({})\n1\n>>> dict_depth({"a": "b"})\n1\n>>> dict_depth({"a": {}})\n2\n>>> dict_depth({"a": {"b": {}}})\n3\n
  • d (dict): dictionary
  • \n

int: depth

\n", "signature": "(d: Dict) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.helper.first": {"fullname": "sqlglot.helper.first", "modulename": "sqlglot.helper", "qualname": "first", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first element from an iterable.


Useful for sets.

\n", "signature": "(it: Iterable[~T]) -> ~T:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tsource: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tdownstream: List[sqlglot.lineage.Node] = <factory>)"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node.walk": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node.walk", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node.walk", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> Iterator[sqlglot.lineage.Node]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage.Node.to_html": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.Node.to_html", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "Node.to_html", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **opts) -> sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage.lineage": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.lineage", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "lineage", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build the lineage graph for a column of a SQL query.

  • column: The column to build the lineage for.
  • \n
  • sql: The SQL string or expression.
  • \n
  • schema: The schema of tables.
  • \n
  • sources: A mapping of queries which will be used to continue building lineage.
  • \n
  • rules: Optimizer rules to apply, by default only qualifying tables and columns.
  • \n
  • dialect: The dialect of input SQL.
  • \n

A lineage node.

\n", "signature": "(\tcolumn: str | sqlglot.expressions.Column,\tsql: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tschema: Union[Dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None,\tsources: Optional[Dict[str, str | sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable]] = None,\trules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function qualify_tables at 0x7fc4dac09fc0>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7fc4dac09000>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7fc4dac37760>),\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.lineage.Node:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "LineageHTML", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Node to HTML generator using vis.js.


\n"}, "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.lineage.LineageHTML.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.lineage", "qualname": "LineageHTML.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tnode: sqlglot.lineage.Node,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\timports: bool = True,\t**opts: Any)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.annotate_types": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.annotate_types", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "annotate_types", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively infer & annotate types in an expression syntax tree against a schema.\nAssumes that we've already executed the optimizer's qualify_columns step.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> schema = {"y": {"cola": "SMALLINT"}}\n>>> sql = "SELECT x.cola + 2.5 AS cola FROM (SELECT y.cola AS cola FROM y AS y) AS x"\n>>> annotated_expr = annotate_types(sqlglot.parse_one(sql), schema=schema)\n>>> annotated_expr.expressions[0].type.this  # Get the type of "x.cola + 2.5 AS cola"\n<Type.DOUBLE: 'DOUBLE'>\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): Expression to annotate.
  • \n
  • schema (dict|sqlglot.optimizer.Schema): Database schema.
  • \n
  • annotators (dict): Maps expression type to corresponding annotation function.
  • \n
  • coerces_to (dict): Maps expression type to set of types that it can be coerced into.
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: expression annotated with types

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema=None, annotators=None, coerces_to=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "TypeAnnotator", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "TypeAnnotator.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(schema=None, annotators=None, coerces_to=None)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.annotate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types.TypeAnnotator.annotate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types", "qualname": "TypeAnnotator.annotate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.canonicalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.canonicalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "canonicalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts a sql expression into a standard form.


This method relies on annotate_types because many of the\nconversions rely on type inference.

  • expression: The expression to canonicalize.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.add_text_to_concat": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.add_text_to_concat", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "add_text_to_concat", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(node: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.coerce_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.coerce_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "coerce_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(node: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.remove_redundant_casts": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize.remove_redundant_casts", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize", "qualname": "remove_redundant_casts", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes.eliminate_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes.eliminate_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes", "qualname": "eliminate_ctes", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove unused CTEs from an expression.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "WITH y AS (SELECT a FROM x) SELECT a FROM z"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> eliminate_ctes(expression).sql()\n'SELECT a FROM z'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.eliminate_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.eliminate_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "qualname": "eliminate_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove unused joins from an expression.


This only removes joins when we know that the join condition doesn't produce duplicate rows.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT x.a FROM x LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT y.b FROM y) AS y ON x.b = y.b"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> eliminate_joins(expression).sql()\n'SELECT x.a FROM x'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.join_condition": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins.join_condition", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins", "qualname": "join_condition", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Extract the join condition from a join expression.

  • join (exp.Join)
  • \n

tuple[list[str], list[str], exp.Expression]:\n Tuple of (source key, join key, remaining predicate)

\n", "signature": "(join):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries.eliminate_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries.eliminate_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries", "qualname": "eliminate_subqueries", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite derived tables as CTES, deduplicating if possible.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT * FROM x) AS y")\n>>> eliminate_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'WITH y AS (SELECT * FROM x) SELECT a FROM y AS y'\n
This also deduplicates common subqueries:
>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT * FROM x) AS y JOIN (SELECT * FROM x) AS z")\n>>> eliminate_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'WITH y AS (SELECT * FROM x) SELECT a FROM y AS y JOIN y AS z'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals.expand_laterals": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals.expand_laterals", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_laterals", "qualname": "expand_laterals", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Expand lateral column alias references.


This assumes qualify_columns as already run.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT x.a + 1 AS b, b + 1 AS c FROM x"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> expand_laterals(expression).sql()\n'SELECT x.a + 1 AS b, x.a + 1 + 1 AS c FROM x'\n
  • expression: expression to optimize
  • \n

optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects.expand_multi_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects.expand_multi_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.expand_multi_table_selects", "qualname": "expand_multi_table_selects", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace multiple FROM expressions with JOINs.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> expand_multi_table_selects(parse_one("SELECT * FROM x, y")).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM x CROSS JOIN y'\n
\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects.isolate_table_selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects.isolate_table_selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.isolate_table_selects", "qualname": "isolate_table_selects", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities.lower_identities": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities.lower_identities", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.lower_identities", "qualname": "lower_identities", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert all unquoted identifiers to lower case.


Assuming the schema is all lower case, this essentially makes identifiers case-insensitive.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one('SELECT Bar.A AS A FROM "Foo".Bar')\n>>> lower_identities(expression).sql()\n'SELECT bar.a AS A FROM "Foo".bar'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to quote
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: quoted expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "qualname": "merge_subqueries", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to merge derived tables into the outer query.


This also merges CTEs if they are selected from only once.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT x.a FROM x) JOIN y")\n>>> merge_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'SELECT x.a FROM x JOIN y'\n

If leave_tables_isolated is True, this will not merge inner queries into outer\nqueries if it would result in multiple table selects in a single query:


expression = sqlglot.parse_one(\"SELECT a FROM (SELECT x.a FROM x) JOIN y\")\n merge_subqueries(expression, leave_tables_isolated=True).sql()\n 'SELECT a FROM (SELECT x.a FROM x) JOIN y'


Inspired by

  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n
  • leave_tables_isolated (bool):
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, leave_tables_isolated=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "qualname": "merge_ctes", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, leave_tables_isolated=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_derived_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries.merge_derived_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries", "qualname": "merge_derived_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, leave_tables_isolated=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "normalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST into conjunctive normal form.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("(x AND y) OR z")\n>>> normalize(expression).sql()\n'(x OR z) AND (y OR z)'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to normalize
  • \n
  • dnf (bool): rewrite in disjunctive normal form instead
  • \n
  • max_distance (int): the maximal estimated distance from cnf to attempt conversion
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: normalized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf=False, max_distance=128):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalized": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalized", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "normalized", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalization_distance": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.normalization_distance", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "normalization_distance", "kind": "function", "doc": "

The difference in the number of predicates between the current expression and the normalized form.


This is used as an estimate of the cost of the conversion which is exponential in complexity.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("(a AND b) OR (c AND d)")\n>>> normalization_distance(expression)\n4\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to compute distance
  • \n
  • dnf (bool): compute to dnf distance instead
  • \n

int: difference

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.distributive_law": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize.distributive_law", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.normalize", "qualname": "distributive_law", "kind": "function", "doc": "

x OR (y AND z) -> (x OR y) AND (x OR z)\n(x AND y) OR (y AND z) -> (x OR y) AND (x OR z) AND (y OR y) AND (y OR z)

\n", "signature": "(expression, dnf, max_distance):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.optimize_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.optimize_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "optimize_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Removes cross joins if possible and reorder joins based on predicate dependencies.

>>> from sqlglot import parse_one\n>>> optimize_joins(parse_one("SELECT * FROM x CROSS JOIN y JOIN z ON x.a = z.a AND y.a = z.a")).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM x JOIN z ON x.a = z.a AND TRUE JOIN y ON y.a = z.a'\n
\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.reorder_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.reorder_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "reorder_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Reorder joins by topological sort order based on predicate references.

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.normalize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.normalize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "normalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove INNER and OUTER from joins as they are optional.

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.other_table_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins.other_table_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins", "qualname": "other_table_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(join, exclude):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer", "qualname": "optimize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite a sqlglot AST into an optimized form.

  • expression: expression to optimize
  • \n
  • schema: database schema.\nThis can either be an instance of sqlglot.optimizer.Schema or a mapping in one of\nthe following forms:\n 1. {table: {col: type}}\n 2. {db: {table: {col: type}}}\n 3. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}\nIf no schema is provided then the default schema defined at sqlgot.schema will be used
  • \n
  • db: specify the default database, as might be set by a USE DATABASE db statement
  • \n
  • catalog: specify the default catalog, as might be set by a USE CATALOG c statement
  • \n
  • dialect: The dialect to parse the sql string.
  • \n
  • rules: sequence of optimizer rules to use.\nMany of the rules require tables and columns to be qualified.\nDo not remove qualify_tables or qualify_columns from the sequence of rules unless you know\nwhat you're doing!
  • \n
  • *kwargs: If a rule has a keyword argument with a same name in *kwargs, it will be passed in.
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tschema: Union[dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None,\tdb: Optional[str] = None,\tcatalog: Optional[str] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None,\trules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function lower_identities at 0x7fc4dac379a0>, <function qualify_tables at 0x7fc4dac09fc0>, <function isolate_table_selects at 0x7fc4dac37910>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7fc4dac09000>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7fc4dac37760>, <function pushdown_projections at 0x7fc4dac093f0>, <function validate_qualify_columns at 0x7fc4dac09090>, <function normalize at 0x7fc4dac357e0>, <function unnest_subqueries at 0x7fc4dac0a0e0>, <function expand_multi_table_selects at 0x7fc4dac37880>, <function pushdown_predicates at 0x7fc4dac08af0>, <function optimize_joins at 0x7fc4dac08820>, <function eliminate_subqueries at 0x7fc4dac37370>, <function merge_subqueries at 0x7fc4dac37c70>, <function eliminate_joins at 0x7fc4dac35630>, <function eliminate_ctes at 0x7fc4dac35510>, <function annotate_types at 0x7fc4dabb6440>, <function canonicalize at 0x7fc4dac35120>),\t**kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_predicates": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_predicates", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown_predicates", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to pushdown predicates in FROMS and JOINS

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM x AS x) AS y WHERE y.a = 1"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> pushdown_predicates(expression).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM x AS x WHERE y.a = 1) AS y WHERE TRUE'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(condition, sources, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_cnf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_cnf", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown_cnf", "kind": "function", "doc": "

If the predicates are in CNF like form, we can simply replace each block in the parent.

\n", "signature": "(predicates, scope, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_dnf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.pushdown_dnf", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "pushdown_dnf", "kind": "function", "doc": "

If the predicates are in DNF form, we can only push down conditions that are in all blocks.\nAdditionally, we can't remove predicates from their original form.

\n", "signature": "(predicates, scope, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.nodes_for_predicate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.nodes_for_predicate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "nodes_for_predicate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(predicate, sources, scope_ref_count):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.replace_aliases": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates.replace_aliases", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates", "qualname": "replace_aliases", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(source, predicate):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.DEFAULT_SELECTION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.DEFAULT_SELECTION", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "qualname": "DEFAULT_SELECTION", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "():", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.pushdown_projections": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections.pushdown_projections", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections", "qualname": "pushdown_projections", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to remove unused columns projections.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sql = "SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a, x.b AS b FROM x) AS y"\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)\n>>> pushdown_projections(expression).sql()\n'SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a FROM x) AS y'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.qualify_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.qualify_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "qualify_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified columns.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> schema = {"tbl": {"col": "INT"}}\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT col FROM tbl")\n>>> qualify_columns(expression, schema).sql()\n'SELECT tbl.col AS col FROM tbl'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to qualify
  • \n
  • schema (dict|sqlglot.optimizer.Schema): Database schema
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: qualified expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, schema):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.validate_qualify_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.validate_qualify_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "validate_qualify_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Raise an OptimizeError if any columns aren't qualified

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "Resolver", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Helper for resolving columns.


This is a class so we can lazily load some things and easily share them across functions.

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "Resolver.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(scope, schema)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.get_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.get_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "Resolver.get_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the table for a column name.

  • column_name: The column name to find the table for.
  • \n

The table name if it can be found/inferred.

\n", "signature": "(self, column_name: str) -> Optional[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.all_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.all_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "Resolver.all_columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

All available columns of all sources in this scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.get_source_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns.Resolver.get_source_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns", "qualname": "Resolver.get_source_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Resolve the source columns for a given source name

\n", "signature": "(self, name, only_visible=False):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables.qualify_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables.qualify_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_tables", "qualname": "qualify_tables", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified tables.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM tbl")\n>>> qualify_tables(expression, db="db").sql()\n'SELECT 1 FROM db.tbl AS tbl'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to qualify
  • \n
  • db (str): Database name
  • \n
  • catalog (str): Catalog name
  • \n
  • schema: A schema to populate
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: qualified expression

\n", "signature": "(expression, db=None, catalog=None, schema=None):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "enum.Enum"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.ROOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.ROOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.ROOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.ROOT: 1>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.SUBQUERY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.SUBQUERY", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.SUBQUERY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.SUBQUERY: 2>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.DERIVED_TABLE: 3>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.CTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.CTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.CTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.CTE: 4>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UNION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UNION", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.UNION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.UNION: 5>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UDTF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.ScopeType.UDTF", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "ScopeType.UDTF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <ScopeType.UDTF: 6>"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Selection scope.

  • expression (exp.Select|exp.Union): Root expression of this scope
  • \n
  • sources (dict[str, exp.Table|Scope]): Mapping of source name to either\na Table expression or another Scope instance. For example:\n SELECT * FROM x {\"x\": Table(this=\"x\")}\n SELECT * FROM x AS y {\"y\": Table(this=\"x\")}\n SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS y {\"y\": Scope(...)}
  • \n
  • lateral_sources (dict[str, exp.Table|Scope]): Sources from laterals\nFor example:\n SELECT c FROM x LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE (a) AS c;\nThe LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE gets x as a source.
  • \n
  • outer_column_list (list[str]): If this is a derived table or CTE, and the outer query\ndefines a column list of it's alias of this scope, this is that list of columns.\nFor example:\n SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS y(col1, col2)\nThe inner query would have [\"col1\", \"col2\"] for its outer_column_list
  • \n
  • parent (Scope): Parent scope
  • \n
  • scope_type (ScopeType): Type of this scope, relative to it's parent
  • \n
  • subquery_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for subqueries
  • \n
  • cte_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for CTEs
  • \n
  • derived_table_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for derived_tables
  • \n
  • udtf_scopes (list[Scope]): List of all child scopes for user defined tabular functions
  • \n
  • table_scopes (list[Scope]): derived_table_scopes + udtf_scopes, in the order that they're defined
  • \n
  • union_scopes (list[Scope, Scope]): If this Scope is for a Union expression, this will be\na list of the left and right child scopes.
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\texpression,\tsources=None,\touter_column_list=None,\tparent=None,\tscope_type=<ScopeType.ROOT: 1>,\tlateral_sources=None)"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.clear_cache": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.clear_cache", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.clear_cache", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.branch": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.branch", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.branch", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Branch from the current scope to a new, inner scope

\n", "signature": "(self, expression, scope_type, chain_sources=None, **kwargs):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.walk": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.walk", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.walk", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.find", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns the first node in this scope which matches at least one of the specified types.


This does NOT traverse into subscopes.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n
  • bfs (bool): True to use breadth-first search, False to use depth-first.
  • \n

exp.Expression: the node which matches the criteria or None if no node matching\n the criteria was found.

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find_all": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.find_all", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.find_all", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this scope and only yields those that\nmatch at least one of the specified expression types.


This does NOT traverse into subscopes.

  • expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
  • \n
  • bfs (bool): True to use breadth-first search, False to use depth-first.
  • \n

exp.Expression: nodes

\n", "signature": "(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.replace": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.replace", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.replace", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace old with new.


This can be used instead of exp.Expression.replace to ensure the Scope is kept up-to-date.

  • old (exp.Expression): old node
  • \n
  • new (exp.Expression): new node
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, old, new):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.tables", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of tables in this scope.


list[exp.Table]: tables

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ctes": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ctes", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.ctes", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of CTEs in this scope.


list[exp.CTE]: ctes

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.derived_tables": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.derived_tables", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.derived_tables", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of derived tables in this scope.

For example:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) <- that's a derived table


list[exp.Subquery]: derived tables

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.udtfs": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.udtfs", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.udtfs", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of \"User Defined Tabular Functions\" in this scope.


list[exp.UDTF]: UDTFs

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.subqueries", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of subqueries in this scope.

For example:

SELECT * FROM x WHERE a IN (SELECT ...) <- that's a subquery


list[exp.Subqueryable]: subqueries

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

List of columns in this scope.


list[exp.Column]: Column instances in this scope, plus any\n Columns that reference this scope from correlated subqueries.

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selected_sources": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selected_sources", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.selected_sources", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Mapping of nodes and sources that are actually selected from in this scope.


That is, all tables in a schema are selectable at any point. But a\ntable only becomes a selected source if it's included in a FROM or JOIN clause.


dict[str, (exp.Table|exp.Select, exp.Table|Scope)]: selected sources and nodes

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.cte_sources": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.cte_sources", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.cte_sources", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Sources that are CTEs.


dict[str, Scope]: Mapping of source alias to Scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selects": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.selects", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.selects", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Select expressions of this scope.


For example, for the following expression:\n SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b FROM x


The outputs are the \"1 as a\" and \"2 as b\" expressions.


list[exp.Expression]: expressions

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.external_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.external_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.external_columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Columns that appear to reference sources in outer scopes.


list[exp.Column]: Column instances that don't reference\n sources in the current scope.

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.unqualified_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.unqualified_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.unqualified_columns", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Unqualified columns in the current scope.


list[exp.Column]: Unqualified columns

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.join_hints": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.join_hints", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.join_hints", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Hints that exist in the scope that reference tables


list[exp.JoinHint]: Join hints that are referenced within the scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.source_columns": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.source_columns", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.source_columns", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get all columns in the current scope for a particular source.

  • source_name (str): Name of the source
  • \n

list[exp.Column]: Column instances that reference source_name

\n", "signature": "(self, source_name):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_subquery", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a subquery

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_derived_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_derived_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_derived_table", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a derived table

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_union": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_union", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_union", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a union

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_cte": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_cte", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_cte", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a common table expression

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_root": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_root", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_root", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this is the root scope

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_udtf": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_udtf", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_udtf", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a UDTF (User Defined Table Function)

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_correlated_subquery": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.is_correlated_subquery", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.is_correlated_subquery", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Determine if this scope is a correlated subquery

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.rename_source": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.rename_source", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.rename_source", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rename a source in this scope

\n", "signature": "(self, old_name, new_name):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.add_source": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.add_source", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.add_source", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Add a source to this scope

\n", "signature": "(self, name, source):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.remove_source": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.remove_source", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.remove_source", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Remove a source from this scope

\n", "signature": "(self, name):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.traverse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.traverse", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.traverse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Traverse the scope tree from this node.


Scope: scope instances in depth-first-search post-order

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ref_count": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.ref_count", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "Scope.ref_count", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Count the number of times each scope in this tree is referenced.


dict[int, int]: Mapping of Scope instance ID to reference count

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.traverse_scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.traverse_scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "traverse_scope", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Traverse an expression by it's \"scopes\".


\"Scope\" represents the current context of a Select statement.


This is helpful for optimizing queries, where we need more information than\nthe expression tree itself. For example, we might care about the source\nnames within a subquery. Returns a list because a generator could result in\nincomplete properties which is confusing.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM x) AS y")\n>>> scopes = traverse_scope(expression)\n>>> scopes[0].expression.sql(), list(scopes[0].sources)\n('SELECT a FROM x', ['x'])\n>>> scopes[1].expression.sql(), list(scopes[1].sources)\n('SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM x) AS y', ['y'])\n
  • expression (exp.Expression): expression to traverse
  • \n

list[Scope]: scope instances

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.build_scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.build_scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "build_scope", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Build a scope tree.

  • expression (exp.Expression): expression to build the scope tree for
  • \n

Scope: root scope

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.walk_in_scope": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope.walk_in_scope", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.scope", "qualname": "walk_in_scope", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in the syntrax tree, stopping at\nnodes that start child scopes.

  • expression (exp.Expression):
  • \n
  • bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied,\notherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead.
  • \n

tuple[exp.Expression, Optional[exp.Expression], str]: node, parent, arg key

\n", "signature": "(expression, bfs=True):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to simplify expressions.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("TRUE AND TRUE")\n>>> simplify(expression).sql()\n'TRUE'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to simplify
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: simplified expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.rewrite_between": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.rewrite_between", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "rewrite_between", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite x between y and z to x >= y AND x <= z.


This is done because comparison simplification is only done on lt/lte/gt/gte.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_not": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_not", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_not", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Demorgan's Law\nNOT (x OR y) -> NOT x AND NOT y\nNOT (x AND y) -> NOT x OR NOT y

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.flatten": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.flatten", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "flatten", "kind": "function", "doc": "


\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_connectors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_connectors", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_connectors", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_compliments": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_compliments", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "remove_compliments", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Removing compliments.



\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.uniq_sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.uniq_sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "uniq_sort", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Uniq and sort a connector.



\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.absorb_and_eliminate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.absorb_and_eliminate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "absorb_and_eliminate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

absorption:\n A AND (A OR B) -> A\n A OR (A AND B) -> A\n A AND (NOT A OR B) -> A AND B\n A OR (NOT A AND B) -> A OR B\nelimination:\n (A AND B) OR (A AND NOT B) -> A\n (A OR B) AND (A OR NOT B) -> A

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_literals": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_literals", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_literals", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_parens": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.simplify_parens", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "simplify_parens", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_where_true": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.remove_where_true", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "remove_where_true", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.always_true": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.always_true", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "always_true", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.is_complement": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.is_complement", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "is_complement", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(a, b):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.eval_boolean": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.eval_boolean", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "eval_boolean", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression, a, b):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_date": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_date", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "extract_date", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(cast):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_interval": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.extract_interval", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "extract_interval", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(interval):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.date_literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.date_literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "date_literal", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(date):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.boolean_literal": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify.boolean_literal", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.simplify", "qualname": "boolean_literal", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(condition):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest_subqueries": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest_subqueries", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "qualname": "unnest_subqueries", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Rewrite sqlglot AST to convert some predicates with subqueries into joins.


Convert scalar subqueries into cross joins.\nConvert correlated or vectorized subqueries into a group by so it is not a many to many left join.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM x AS x WHERE (SELECT y.a AS a FROM y AS y WHERE x.a = y.a) = 1 ")\n>>> unnest_subqueries(expression).sql()\n'SELECT * FROM x AS x LEFT JOIN (SELECT y.a AS a FROM y AS y WHERE TRUE GROUP BY y.a) AS _u_0 ON x.a = _u_0.a WHERE _u_0.a = 1'\n
  • expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to unnest
  • \n

sqlglot.Expression: unnested expression

\n", "signature": "(expression):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.unnest", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "qualname": "unnest", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(select, parent_select, sequence):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.decorrelate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries.decorrelate", "modulename": "sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries", "qualname": "decorrelate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(select, parent_select, external_columns, sequence):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.parser.parse_var_map": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.parse_var_map", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "parse_var_map", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(args):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Parser consumes a list of tokens produced by the sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer and produces\na parsed syntax tree.

  • error_level: the desired error level.\nDefault: ErrorLevel.RAISE
  • \n
  • error_message_context: determines the amount of context to capture from a\nquery string when displaying the error message (in number of characters).\nDefault: 50.
  • \n
  • index_offset: Index offset for arrays eg ARRAY[0] vs ARRAY[1] as the head of a list.\nDefault: 0
  • \n
  • alias_post_tablesample: If the table alias comes after tablesample.\nDefault: False
  • \n
  • max_errors: Maximum number of error messages to include in a raised ParseError.\nThis is only relevant if error_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE.\nDefault: 3
  • \n
  • null_ordering: Indicates the default null ordering method to use if not explicitly set.\nOptions are \"nulls_are_small\", \"nulls_are_large\", \"nulls_are_last\".\nDefault: \"nulls_are_small\"
  • \n
\n"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\terror_level: Optional[sqlglot.errors.ErrorLevel] = None,\terror_message_context: int = 100,\tindex_offset: int = 0,\tunnest_column_only: bool = False,\talias_post_tablesample: bool = False,\tmax_errors: int = 3,\tnull_ordering: Optional[str] = None)"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.reset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.reset", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.reset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.parse", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses a list of tokens and returns a list of syntax trees, one tree\nper parsed SQL statement.

  • raw_tokens: the list of tokens.
  • \n
  • sql: the original SQL string, used to produce helpful debug messages.
  • \n

The list of syntax trees.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\traw_tokens: List[sqlglot.tokens.Token],\tsql: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse_into": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.parse_into", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.parse_into", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Parses a list of tokens into a given Expression type. If a collection of Expression\ntypes is given instead, this method will try to parse the token list into each one\nof them, stopping at the first for which the parsing succeeds.

  • expression_types: the expression type(s) to try and parse the token list into.
  • \n
  • raw_tokens: the list of tokens.
  • \n
  • sql: the original SQL string, used to produce helpful debug messages.
  • \n

The target Expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression_types: Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], Collection[Union[str, Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]]],\traw_tokens: List[sqlglot.tokens.Token],\tsql: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Optional[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.check_errors": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.check_errors", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.check_errors", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Logs or raises any found errors, depending on the chosen error level setting.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.raise_error": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.raise_error", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.raise_error", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Appends an error in the list of recorded errors or raises it, depending on the chosen\nerror level setting.

\n", "signature": "(self, message: str, token: Optional[sqlglot.tokens.Token] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates a new, validated Expression.

  • exp_class: the expression class to instantiate.
  • \n
  • comments: an optional list of comments to attach to the expression.
  • \n
  • kwargs: the arguments to set for the expression along with their respective values.
  • \n

The target expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texp_class: Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\tcomments: Optional[List[str]] = None,\t**kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.validate_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.parser.Parser.validate_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.parser", "qualname": "Parser.validate_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Validates an already instantiated expression, making sure that all its mandatory arguments\nare set.

  • expression: the expression to validate.
  • \n
  • args: an optional list of items that was used to instantiate the expression, if it's a Func.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\targs: Optional[List] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.planner.Plan": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Plan", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Plan", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.planner.Plan.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Plan.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Plan.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(expression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression)"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.from_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.from_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.from_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine.\nNote: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For\nexample, given the following expression:


SELECT\n x.a,\n SUM(x.b)\nFROM x AS x\nJOIN y AS y\n ON x.a = y.a\nGROUP BY x.a


the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution):

  • Aggregate: x (4347984624)\nContext:\n Aggregations:\n - SUM(x.b)\n Group:\n - x.a\nProjections:\n
    • x.a
    • \n
    • \"x\".\"\"\nDependencies:\n
      • Join: x (4347985296)\nContext:\ny:\nOn: x.a = y.a\nProjections:\nDependencies:
      • \n
    • \n
    • Scan: x (4347983136)\nContext:\n Source: x AS x\nProjections:
    • \n
    • Scan: y (4343416624)\nContext:\n Source: y AS y\nProjections:
    • \n
  • \n
  • expression: the expression to build the DAG from.
  • \n
  • ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name.
  • \n

A Step DAG corresponding to expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.add_dependency": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.add_dependency", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.add_dependency", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, dependency: sqlglot.planner.Step) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Step.to_s": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Step.to_s", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Step.to_s", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, level: int = 0) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Scan", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Scan", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Scan.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Scan.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Scan.from_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Scan.from_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Scan.from_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine.\nNote: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For\nexample, given the following expression:


SELECT\n x.a,\n SUM(x.b)\nFROM x AS x\nJOIN y AS y\n ON x.a = y.a\nGROUP BY x.a


the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution):

  • Aggregate: x (4347984624)\nContext:\n Aggregations:\n - SUM(x.b)\n Group:\n - x.a\nProjections:\n
    • x.a
    • \n
    • \"x\".\"\"\nDependencies:\n
      • Join: x (4347985296)\nContext:\ny:\nOn: x.a = y.a\nProjections:\nDependencies:
      • \n
    • \n
    • Scan: x (4347983136)\nContext:\n Source: x AS x\nProjections:
    • \n
    • Scan: y (4343416624)\nContext:\n Source: y AS y\nProjections:
    • \n
  • \n
  • expression: the expression to build the DAG from.
  • \n
  • ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name.
  • \n

A Step DAG corresponding to expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Join": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Join", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Join", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Join.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Join.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Join.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Join.from_joins": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Join.from_joins", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Join.from_joins", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tjoins: Iterable[sqlglot.expressions.Join],\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Aggregate", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Aggregate.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Aggregate.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.Sort": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Sort", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Sort", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.Sort.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.Sort.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "Sort.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "SetOperation", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n", "bases": "Step"}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "SetOperation.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\top: Type[sqlglot.expressions.Expression],\tleft: str | None,\tright: str | None,\tdistinct: bool = False)"}, "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.from_expression": {"fullname": "sqlglot.planner.SetOperation.from_expression", "modulename": "sqlglot.planner", "qualname": "SetOperation.from_expression", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine.\nNote: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For\nexample, given the following expression:


SELECT\n x.a,\n SUM(x.b)\nFROM x AS x\nJOIN y AS y\n ON x.a = y.a\nGROUP BY x.a


the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution):

  • Aggregate: x (4347984624)\nContext:\n Aggregations:\n - SUM(x.b)\n Group:\n - x.a\nProjections:\n
    • x.a
    • \n
    • \"x\".\"\"\nDependencies:\n
      • Join: x (4347985296)\nContext:\ny:\nOn: x.a = y.a\nProjections:\nDependencies:
      • \n
    • \n
    • Scan: x (4347983136)\nContext:\n Source: x AS x\nProjections:
    • \n
    • Scan: y (4343416624)\nContext:\n Source: y AS y\nProjections:
    • \n
  • \n
  • expression: the expression to build the DAG from.
  • \n
  • ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name.
  • \n

A Step DAG corresponding to expression.

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression,\tctes: Optional[Dict[str, sqlglot.planner.Step]] = None) -> sqlglot.planner.Step:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Abstract base class for database schemas

\n", "bases": "abc.ABC"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.add_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.add_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.add_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Register or update a table. Some implementing classes may require column information to also be provided.

  • table: table expression instance or string representing the table.
  • \n
  • column_mapping: a column mapping that describes the structure of the table.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn_mapping: Union[Dict, str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.StructType, List, NoneType] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.column_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.column_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.column_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the column names for a table.

  • table: the Table expression instance.
  • \n
  • only_visible: whether to include invisible columns.
  • \n

The list of column names.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tonly_visible: bool = False) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.get_column_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.get_column_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.get_column_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the sqlglot.exp.DataType type of a column in the schema.

  • table: the source table.
  • \n
  • column: the target column.
  • \n

The resulting column type.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn: sqlglot.expressions.Column) -> sqlglot.expressions.DataType:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.Schema.supported_table_args": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.Schema.supported_table_args", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "Schema.supported_table_args", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

Table arguments this schema support, e.g. (\"this\", \"db\", \"catalog\")

\n", "annotation": ": Tuple[str, ...]"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Abstract base class for generic types.


A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from\nthis class parameterized with one or more type variables.\nFor example, a generic mapping type might be defined as::


class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):\n def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:\n ...\n # Etc.


This class can then be used as follows::


def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:\n try:\n return mapping[key]\n except KeyError:\n return default

\n", "bases": "typing.Generic[~T]"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(mapping: dict | None = None)"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.table_parts": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.table_parts", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema.table_parts", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, table: sqlglot.expressions.Table) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.find": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema.find", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "AbstractMappingSchema.find", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table,\ttrie: Optional[Dict] = None,\traise_on_missing: bool = True) -> Optional[~T]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema", "kind": "class", "doc": "

Schema based on a nested mapping.

  • schema (dict): Mapping in one of the following forms:\n
    1. {table: {col: type}}
    2. \n
    3. {db: {table: {col: type}}}
    4. \n
    5. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}
    6. \n
    7. None - Tables will be added later
    8. \n
  • \n
  • visible (dict): Optional mapping of which columns in the schema are visible. If not provided, all columns\nare assumed to be visible. The nesting should mirror that of the schema:\n
    1. {table: set(cols)}}
    2. \n
    3. {db: {table: set(cols)}}}
    4. \n
    5. {catalog: {db: {table: set(*cols)}}}}
    6. \n
  • \n
  • dialect (str): The dialect to be used for custom type mappings.
  • \n
\n", "bases": "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema[typing.Dict[str, str]], Schema"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tschema: Optional[Dict] = None,\tvisible: Optional[Dict] = None,\tdialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None)"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.from_mapping_schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.from_mapping_schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.from_mapping_schema", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tcls,\tmapping_schema: sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema) -> sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.copy": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.copy", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.copy", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.add_table": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.add_table", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.add_table", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Register or update a table. Updates are only performed if a new column mapping is provided.

  • table: the Table expression instance or string representing the table.
  • \n
  • column_mapping: a column mapping that describes the structure of the table.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn_mapping: Union[Dict, str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.StructType, List, NoneType] = None) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.column_names": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.column_names", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.column_names", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the column names for a table.

  • table: the Table expression instance.
  • \n
  • only_visible: whether to include invisible columns.
  • \n

The list of column names.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tonly_visible: bool = False) -> List[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.get_column_type": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.MappingSchema.get_column_type", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "MappingSchema.get_column_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Get the sqlglot.exp.DataType type of a column in the schema.

  • table: the source table.
  • \n
  • column: the target column.
  • \n

The resulting column type.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\ttable: sqlglot.expressions.Table | str,\tcolumn: sqlglot.expressions.Column | str) -> sqlglot.expressions.DataType:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.ensure_schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.ensure_schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "ensure_schema", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(schema: Any) -> sqlglot.schema.Schema:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.ensure_column_mapping": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.ensure_column_mapping", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "ensure_column_mapping", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tmapping: Union[Dict, str, sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types.StructType, List, NoneType]):", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.schema.flatten_schema": {"fullname": "sqlglot.schema.flatten_schema", "modulename": "sqlglot.schema", "qualname": "flatten_schema", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tschema: Dict,\tdepth: int,\tkeys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[List[str]]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.serde": {"fullname": "sqlglot.serde", "modulename": "sqlglot.serde", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.serde.dump": {"fullname": "sqlglot.serde.dump", "modulename": "sqlglot.serde", "qualname": "dump", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively dump an AST into a JSON-serializable dict.

\n", "signature": "(\tnode: Union[List[ForwardRef('Node')], sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, dict, list, str, float, int, bool]) -> Union[dict, list, str, float, int, bool]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.serde.load": {"fullname": "sqlglot.serde.load", "modulename": "sqlglot.serde", "qualname": "load", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Recursively load a dict (as returned by dump) into an AST.

\n", "signature": "(\tobj: Union[dict, list, str, float, int, bool]) -> Union[List[ForwardRef('Node')], sqlglot.expressions.DataType.Type, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, dict, list, str, float, int, bool]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.time", "modulename": "sqlglot.time", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.time.format_time": {"fullname": "sqlglot.time.format_time", "modulename": "sqlglot.time", "qualname": "format_time", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Converts a time string given a mapping.

>>> format_time("%Y", {"%Y": "YYYY"})\n'YYYY'\n
\n \n

Args:\n mapping: dictionary of time format to target time format.\n trie: optional trie, can be passed in for performance.

\n \n

Returns:\n The converted time string.

\n", "signature": "(\tstring: str,\tmapping: Dict[str, str],\ttrie: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Optional[str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType", "kind": "class", "doc": "

An enumeration.

\n", "bases": "sqlglot.helper.AutoName"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_PAREN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_PAREN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.L_PAREN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.L_PAREN: 'L_PAREN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_PAREN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_PAREN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.R_PAREN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.R_PAREN: 'R_PAREN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACKET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACKET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.L_BRACKET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.L_BRACKET: 'L_BRACKET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACKET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACKET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.R_BRACKET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.R_BRACKET: 'R_BRACKET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.L_BRACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.L_BRACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.L_BRACE: 'L_BRACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.R_BRACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.R_BRACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.R_BRACE: 'R_BRACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMA: 'COMMA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DOT: 'DOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DASH: 'DASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLUS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLUS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PLUS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PLUS: 'PLUS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLON: 'COLON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DCOLON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DCOLON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DCOLON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DCOLON: 'DCOLON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMICOLON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMICOLON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEMICOLON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEMICOLON: 'SEMICOLON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.STAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.STAR: 'STAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BACKSLASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BACKSLASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BACKSLASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BACKSLASH: 'BACKSLASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SLASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SLASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SLASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SLASH: 'SLASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LT: 'LT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LTE: 'LTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GT: 'GT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GTE: 'GTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NOT: 'NOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EQ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EQ: 'EQ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NEQ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NEQ: 'NEQ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLSAFE_EQ: 'NULLSAFE_EQ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AND": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AND", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AND", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AND: 'AND'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OR: 'OR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AMP: 'AMP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DPIPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DPIPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DPIPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DPIPE: 'DPIPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PIPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PIPE: 'PIPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CARET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CARET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CARET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CARET: 'CARET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TILDA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TILDA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TILDA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TILDA: 'TILDA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ARROW: 'ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DARROW: 'DARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FARROW: 'FARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HASH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HASH: 'HASH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH_ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HASH_ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HASH_ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HASH_ARROW: 'HASH_ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DHASH_ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DHASH_ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DHASH_ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DHASH_ARROW: 'DHASH_ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LR_ARROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LR_ARROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LR_ARROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LR_ARROW: 'LR_ARROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOLLAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOLLAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DOLLAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DOLLAR: 'DOLLAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARAMETER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARAMETER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PARAMETER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PARAMETER: 'PARAMETER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER: 'SESSION_PARAMETER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATIONAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATIONAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NATIONAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NATIONAL: 'NATIONAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_START": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_START", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BLOCK_START", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BLOCK_START: 'BLOCK_START'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_END": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BLOCK_END", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BLOCK_END", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BLOCK_END: 'BLOCK_END'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SPACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SPACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SPACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SPACE: 'SPACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BREAK": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BREAK", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BREAK", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BREAK: 'BREAK'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.STRING: 'STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NUMBER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NUMBER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NUMBER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NUMBER: 'NUMBER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IDENTIFIER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IDENTIFIER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IDENTIFIER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IDENTIFIER: 'IDENTIFIER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLUMN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLUMN: 'COLUMN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN_DEF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLUMN_DEF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLUMN_DEF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLUMN_DEF: 'COLUMN_DEF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SCHEMA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SCHEMA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SCHEMA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SCHEMA: 'SCHEMA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TABLE: 'TABLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VAR: 'VAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIT_STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIT_STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BIT_STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BIT_STRING: 'BIT_STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HEX_STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HEX_STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HEX_STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HEX_STRING: 'HEX_STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BYTE_STRING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BYTE_STRING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BYTE_STRING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BYTE_STRING: 'BYTE_STRING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOOLEAN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOOLEAN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BOOLEAN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BOOLEAN: 'BOOLEAN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TINYINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TINYINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TINYINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TINYINT: 'TINYINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SMALLINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SMALLINT: 'SMALLINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INT: 'INT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BIGINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BIGINT: 'BIGINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FLOAT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FLOAT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FLOAT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FLOAT: 'FLOAT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOUBLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DOUBLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DOUBLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DOUBLE: 'DOUBLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DECIMAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DECIMAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DECIMAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DECIMAL: 'DECIMAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CHAR: 'CHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NCHAR: 'NCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VARCHAR: 'VARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NVARCHAR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NVARCHAR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NVARCHAR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NVARCHAR: 'NVARCHAR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TEXT: 'TEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT: 'MEDIUMTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGTEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGTEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LONGTEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LONGTEXT: 'LONGTEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB: 'MEDIUMBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGBLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LONGBLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LONGBLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LONGBLOB: 'LONGBLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BINARY: 'BINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARBINARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARBINARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VARBINARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VARBINARY: 'VARBINARY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.JSON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.JSON: 'JSON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSONB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JSONB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.JSONB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.JSONB: 'JSONB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIME: 'TIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIMESTAMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIMESTAMP: 'TIMESTAMP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ: 'TIMESTAMPTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ: 'TIMESTAMPLTZ'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATETIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATETIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DATETIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DATETIME: 'DATETIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DATE: 'DATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UUID": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UUID", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UUID", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UUID: 'UUID'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOGRAPHY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOGRAPHY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GEOGRAPHY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GEOGRAPHY: 'GEOGRAPHY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLABLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLABLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLABLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLABLE: 'NULLABLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOMETRY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GEOMETRY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GEOMETRY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GEOMETRY: 'GEOMETRY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HLLSKETCH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HLLSKETCH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HLLSKETCH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HLLSKETCH: 'HLLSKETCH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HSTORE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HSTORE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HSTORE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HSTORE: 'HSTORE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SUPER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SUPER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SUPER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SUPER: 'SUPER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SERIAL: 'SERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SMALLSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SMALLSERIAL: 'SMALLSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGSERIAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BIGSERIAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BIGSERIAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BIGSERIAL: 'BIGSERIAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.XML": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.XML", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.XML", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.XML: 'XML'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER: 'UNIQUEIDENTIFIER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MONEY: 'MONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLMONEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SMALLMONEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SMALLMONEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SMALLMONEY: 'SMALLMONEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWVERSION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWVERSION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROWVERSION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROWVERSION: 'ROWVERSION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IMAGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IMAGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IMAGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IMAGE: 'IMAGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARIANT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VARIANT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VARIANT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VARIANT: 'VARIANT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OBJECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OBJECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OBJECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OBJECT: 'OBJECT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALIAS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALIAS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALIAS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALIAS: 'ALIAS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALTER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALTER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALTER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALTER: 'ALTER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALWAYS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALWAYS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALWAYS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALWAYS: 'ALWAYS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ALL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ALL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ALL: 'ALL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANTI": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANTI", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ANTI", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ANTI: 'ANTI'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ANY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ANY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ANY: 'ANY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.APPLY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.APPLY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.APPLY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.APPLY: 'APPLY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARRAY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ARRAY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ARRAY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ARRAY: 'ARRAY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASC": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASC", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ASC", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ASC: 'ASC'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASOF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ASOF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ASOF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ASOF: 'ASOF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AT_TIME_ZONE: 'AT_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT: 'AUTO_INCREMENT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BEGIN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BEGIN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BEGIN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BEGIN: 'BEGIN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BETWEEN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BETWEEN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BETWEEN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BETWEEN: 'BETWEEN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOTH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BOTH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BOTH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BOTH: 'BOTH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BUCKET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BUCKET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BUCKET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BUCKET: 'BUCKET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BY_DEFAULT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.BY_DEFAULT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.BY_DEFAULT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.BY_DEFAULT: 'BY_DEFAULT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CACHE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CACHE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CACHE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CACHE: 'CACHE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASCADE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASCADE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CASCADE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CASCADE: 'CASCADE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CASE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CASE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CASE: 'CASE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHARACTER_SET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CHARACTER_SET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CHARACTER_SET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CHARACTER_SET: 'CHARACTER_SET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CLUSTER_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CLUSTER_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CLUSTER_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CLUSTER_BY: 'CLUSTER_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLLATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COLLATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COLLATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COLLATE: 'COLLATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMAND": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMAND", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMAND", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMAND: 'COMMAND'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMENT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMENT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMENT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMENT: 'COMMENT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMIT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMMIT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMMIT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMMIT: 'COMMIT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMPOUND": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.COMPOUND", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.COMPOUND", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.COMPOUND: 'COMPOUND'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CONSTRAINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CONSTRAINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CONSTRAINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CONSTRAINT: 'CONSTRAINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CREATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CREATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CREATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CREATE: 'CREATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CROSS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CROSS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CROSS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CROSS: 'CROSS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CUBE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CUBE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CUBE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CUBE: 'CUBE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_DATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_DATE: 'CURRENT_DATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: 'CURRENT_DATETIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_ROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_ROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_ROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_ROW: 'CURRENT_ROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_TIME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: 'CURRENT_TIME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DEFAULT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DEFAULT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DEFAULT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DEFAULT: 'DEFAULT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DELETE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DELETE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DELETE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DELETE: 'DELETE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESC": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESC", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DESC", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DESC: 'DESC'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESCRIBE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DESCRIBE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DESCRIBE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DESCRIBE: 'DESCRIBE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DISTINCT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DISTINCT: 'DISTINCT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DISTINCT_FROM: 'DISTINCT_FROM'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DISTRIBUTE_BY: 'DISTRIBUTE_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DIV": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DIV", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DIV", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DIV: 'DIV'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DROP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.DROP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.DROP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.DROP: 'DROP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ELSE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ELSE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ELSE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ELSE: 'ELSE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.END": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.END", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.END", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.END: 'END'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ESCAPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ESCAPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ESCAPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ESCAPE: 'ESCAPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXCEPT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXCEPT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EXCEPT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EXCEPT: 'EXCEPT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXECUTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXECUTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EXECUTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EXECUTE: 'EXECUTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXISTS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.EXISTS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.EXISTS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.EXISTS: 'EXISTS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FALSE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FALSE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FALSE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FALSE: 'FALSE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FETCH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FETCH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FETCH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FETCH: 'FETCH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FILTER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FILTER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FILTER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FILTER: 'FILTER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FINAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FINAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FINAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FINAL: 'FINAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FIRST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FIRST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FIRST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FIRST: 'FIRST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOLLOWING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOLLOWING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FOLLOWING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FOLLOWING: 'FOLLOWING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FOR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FOR: 'FOR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FOREIGN_KEY: 'FOREIGN_KEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FORMAT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FORMAT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FORMAT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FORMAT: 'FORMAT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FROM": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FROM", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FROM", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FROM: 'FROM'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FULL: 'FULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FUNCTION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.FUNCTION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.FUNCTION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.FUNCTION: 'FUNCTION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOB": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOB", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GLOB", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GLOB: 'GLOB'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOBAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GLOBAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GLOBAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GLOBAL: 'GLOBAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUP_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUP_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GROUP_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GROUP_BY: 'GROUP_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUPING_SETS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.GROUPING_SETS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.GROUPING_SETS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.GROUPING_SETS: 'GROUPING_SETS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HAVING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HAVING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HAVING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HAVING: 'HAVING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HINT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.HINT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.HINT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.HINT: 'HINT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IF: 'IF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IGNORE_NULLS: 'IGNORE_NULLS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ILIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ILIKE: 'ILIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE_ANY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ILIKE_ANY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ILIKE_ANY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ILIKE_ANY: 'ILIKE_ANY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IN: 'IN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INDEX": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INDEX", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INDEX", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INDEX: 'INDEX'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INNER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INNER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INNER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INNER: 'INNER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INSERT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INSERT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INSERT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INSERT: 'INSERT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERSECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERSECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTERSECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTERSECT: 'INTERSECT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERVAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTERVAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTERVAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTERVAL: 'INTERVAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTO", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTO: 'INTO'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTRODUCER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.INTRODUCER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.INTRODUCER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.INTRODUCER: 'INTRODUCER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IRLIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IRLIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IRLIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IRLIKE: 'IRLIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.IS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.IS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.IS: 'IS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ISNULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ISNULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ISNULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ISNULL: 'ISNULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JOIN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.JOIN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.JOIN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.JOIN: 'JOIN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LANGUAGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LANGUAGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LANGUAGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LANGUAGE: 'LANGUAGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LATERAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LATERAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LATERAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LATERAL: 'LATERAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LAZY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LAZY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LAZY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LAZY: 'LAZY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEADING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEADING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LEADING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LEADING: 'LEADING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEFT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LEFT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LEFT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LEFT: 'LEFT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LIKE: 'LIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE_ANY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIKE_ANY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LIKE_ANY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LIKE_ANY: 'LIKE_ANY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIMIT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LIMIT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LIMIT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LIMIT: 'LIMIT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOAD_DATA": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOAD_DATA", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LOAD_DATA", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LOAD_DATA: 'LOAD_DATA'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOCAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.LOCAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.LOCAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.LOCAL: 'LOCAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MAP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MAP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MAP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MAP: 'MAP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE: 'MATCH_RECOGNIZE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATERIALIZED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MATERIALIZED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MATERIALIZED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MATERIALIZED: 'MATERIALIZED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MERGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MERGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MERGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MERGE: 'MERGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MOD": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.MOD", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.MOD", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.MOD: 'MOD'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATURAL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NATURAL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NATURAL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NATURAL: 'NATURAL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEXT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NEXT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NEXT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NEXT: 'NEXT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NO_ACTION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NO_ACTION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NO_ACTION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NO_ACTION: 'NO_ACTION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOTNULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NOTNULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NOTNULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NOTNULL: 'NOTNULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULL": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULL", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULL", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULL: 'NULL'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_FIRST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_FIRST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLS_FIRST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLS_FIRST: 'NULLS_FIRST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_LAST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.NULLS_LAST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.NULLS_LAST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.NULLS_LAST: 'NULLS_LAST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OFFSET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OFFSET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OFFSET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OFFSET: 'OFFSET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ON": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ON", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ON", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ON: 'ON'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ONLY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ONLY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ONLY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ONLY: 'ONLY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OPTIONS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OPTIONS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OPTIONS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OPTIONS: 'OPTIONS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDER_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDER_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ORDER_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ORDER_BY: 'ORDER_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDERED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDERED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ORDERED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ORDERED: 'ORDERED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDINALITY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ORDINALITY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ORDINALITY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ORDINALITY: 'ORDINALITY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUTER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUTER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OUTER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OUTER: 'OUTER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUT_OF": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OUT_OF", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OUT_OF", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OUT_OF: 'OUT_OF'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OVER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OVER: 'OVER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVERWRITE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.OVERWRITE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.OVERWRITE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.OVERWRITE: 'OVERWRITE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PARTITION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PARTITION: 'PARTITION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PARTITION_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PARTITION_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PARTITION_BY: 'PARTITION_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PERCENT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PERCENT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PERCENT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PERCENT: 'PERCENT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIVOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PIVOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PIVOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PIVOT: 'PIVOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLACEHOLDER": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PLACEHOLDER", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PLACEHOLDER", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PLACEHOLDER: 'PLACEHOLDER'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRECEDING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRECEDING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PRECEDING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PRECEDING: 'PRECEDING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PRIMARY_KEY: 'PRIMARY_KEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROCEDURE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROCEDURE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PROCEDURE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PROCEDURE: 'PROCEDURE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROPERTIES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PROPERTIES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PROPERTIES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PROPERTIES: 'PROPERTIES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.PSEUDO_TYPE: 'PSEUDO_TYPE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUALIFY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUALIFY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.QUALIFY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.QUALIFY: 'QUALIFY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUOTE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.QUOTE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.QUOTE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.QUOTE: 'QUOTE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RANGE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RANGE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RANGE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RANGE: 'RANGE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RECURSIVE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RECURSIVE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RECURSIVE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RECURSIVE: 'RECURSIVE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REPLACE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REPLACE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.REPLACE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.REPLACE: 'REPLACE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RESPECT_NULLS: 'RESPECT_NULLS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RETURNING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RETURNING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RETURNING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RETURNING: 'RETURNING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REFERENCES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.REFERENCES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.REFERENCES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.REFERENCES: 'REFERENCES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RIGHT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RIGHT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RIGHT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RIGHT: 'RIGHT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RLIKE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.RLIKE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.RLIKE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.RLIKE: 'RLIKE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLBACK": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLBACK", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROLLBACK", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROLLBACK: 'ROLLBACK'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLUP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROLLUP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROLLUP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROLLUP: 'ROLLUP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROW: 'ROW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWS": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.ROWS", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.ROWS", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.ROWS: 'ROWS'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEED: 'SEED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SELECT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SELECT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SELECT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SELECT: 'SELECT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMI": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEMI", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEMI", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEMI: 'SEMI'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEPARATOR": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SEPARATOR", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SEPARATOR", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SEPARATOR: 'SEPARATOR'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SERDE_PROPERTIES: 'SERDE_PROPERTIES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SET": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SET", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SET", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SET: 'SET'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SHOW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SHOW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SHOW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SHOW: 'SHOW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SIMILAR_TO": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SIMILAR_TO", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SIMILAR_TO", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SIMILAR_TO: 'SIMILAR_TO'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SOME": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SOME", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SOME", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SOME: 'SOME'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORTKEY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORTKEY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SORTKEY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SORTKEY: 'SORTKEY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORT_BY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.SORT_BY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.SORT_BY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.SORT_BY: 'SORT_BY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRUCT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.STRUCT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.STRUCT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.STRUCT: 'STRUCT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE: 'TABLE_SAMPLE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEMPORARY": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TEMPORARY", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TEMPORARY", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TEMPORARY: 'TEMPORARY'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TOP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TOP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TOP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TOP: 'TOP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.THEN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.THEN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.THEN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.THEN: 'THEN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRAILING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRAILING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TRAILING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TRAILING: 'TRAILING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRUE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.TRUE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.TRUE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.TRUE: 'TRUE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNBOUNDED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNBOUNDED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNBOUNDED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNBOUNDED: 'UNBOUNDED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNCACHE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNCACHE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNCACHE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNCACHE: 'UNCACHE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNION": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNION", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNION", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNION: 'UNION'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNLOGGED": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNLOGGED", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNLOGGED", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNLOGGED: 'UNLOGGED'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNNEST": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNNEST", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNNEST", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNNEST: 'UNNEST'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNPIVOT": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNPIVOT", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNPIVOT", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNPIVOT: 'UNPIVOT'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UPDATE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UPDATE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UPDATE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UPDATE: 'UPDATE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.USE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.USE: 'USE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USING": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.USING", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.USING", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.USING: 'USING'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VALUES": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VALUES", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VALUES", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VALUES: 'VALUES'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VIEW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VIEW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VIEW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VIEW: 'VIEW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VOLATILE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.VOLATILE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.VOLATILE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.VOLATILE: 'VOLATILE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHEN": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHEN", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WHEN", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WHEN: 'WHEN'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHERE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WHERE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WHERE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WHERE: 'WHERE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WINDOW": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WINDOW", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WINDOW", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WINDOW: 'WINDOW'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITH", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITH: 'WITH'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITH_TIME_ZONE: 'WITH_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE: 'WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITHIN_GROUP: 'WITHIN_GROUP'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE: 'WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUE": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.TokenType.UNIQUE", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "TokenType.UNIQUE", "kind": "variable", "doc": "

\n", "default_value": " = <TokenType.UNIQUE: 'UNIQUE'>"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\ttoken_type: sqlglot.tokens.TokenType,\ttext: str,\tline: int = 1,\tcol: int = 1,\tcomments: List[str] = [])"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.number": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.number", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.number", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a NUMBER token with number as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, number: int) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.string": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.string", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.string", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a STRING token with string as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, string: str) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.identifier": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.identifier", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.identifier", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns an IDENTIFIER token with identifier as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, identifier: str) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Token.var": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Token.var", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Token.var", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns an VAR token with var as its text.

\n", "signature": "(cls, var: str) -> sqlglot.tokens.Token:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer", "kind": "class", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.__init__": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.__init__", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "()"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.reset": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.reset", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer.reset", "kind": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.tokenize": {"fullname": "sqlglot.tokens.Tokenizer.tokenize", "modulename": "sqlglot.tokens", "qualname": "Tokenizer.tokenize", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Returns a list of tokens corresponding to the SQL string sql.

\n", "signature": "(self, sql: str) -> List[sqlglot.tokens.Token]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.transforms.unalias_group": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.unalias_group", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "unalias_group", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Replace references to select aliases in GROUP BY clauses.

>>> import sqlglot\n>>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY b").transform(unalias_group).sql()\n'SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY 1'\n
  • expression: the expression that will be transformed.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.eliminate_distinct_on": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.eliminate_distinct_on", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "eliminate_distinct_on", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Convert SELECT DISTINCT ON statements to a subquery with a window function.


This is useful for dialects that don't support SELECT DISTINCT ON but support window functions.

  • expression: the expression that will be transformed.
  • \n

The transformed expression.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "remove_precision_parameterized_types", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Some dialects only allow the precision for parameterized types to be defined in the DDL and not in other expressions.\nThis transforms removes the precision from parameterized types in expressions.

\n", "signature": "(\texpression: sqlglot.expressions.Expression) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.preprocess": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.preprocess", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "preprocess", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates a new transform by chaining a sequence of transformations and converts the resulting\nexpression to SQL, using an appropriate Generator.TRANSFORMS function.

  • transforms: sequence of transform functions. These will be called in order.
  • \n
  • to_sql: final transform that converts the resulting expression to a SQL string.
  • \n

Function that can be used as a generator transform.

\n", "signature": "(\ttransforms: List[Callable[[sqlglot.expressions.Expression], sqlglot.expressions.Expression]],\tto_sql: Callable[[sqlglot.generator.Generator, sqlglot.expressions.Expression], str]) -> Callable[[sqlglot.generator.Generator, sqlglot.expressions.Expression], str]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.transforms.delegate": {"fullname": "sqlglot.transforms.delegate", "modulename": "sqlglot.transforms", "qualname": "delegate", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Create a new method that delegates to attr. This is useful for creating Generator.TRANSFORMS\nfunctions that delegate to existing generator methods.

\n", "signature": "(attr: str) -> Callable:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.trie": {"fullname": "sqlglot.trie", "modulename": "sqlglot.trie", "kind": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "sqlglot.trie.new_trie": {"fullname": "sqlglot.trie.new_trie", "modulename": "sqlglot.trie", "qualname": "new_trie", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Creates a new trie out of a collection of keywords.


The trie is represented as a sequence of nested dictionaries keyed by either single character\nstrings, or by 0, which is used to designate that a keyword is in the trie.

>>> new_trie(["bla", "foo", "blab"])\n{'b': {'l': {'a': {0: True, 'b': {0: True}}}}, 'f': {'o': {'o': {0: True}}}}\n
  • keywords: the keywords to create the trie from.
  • \n

The trie corresponding to keywords.

\n", "signature": "(keywords: Iterable[Sequence[Hashable]]) -> Dict:", "funcdef": "def"}, "sqlglot.trie.in_trie": {"fullname": "sqlglot.trie.in_trie", "modulename": "sqlglot.trie", "qualname": "in_trie", "kind": "function", "doc": "

Checks whether a key is in a trie.

>>> in_trie(new_trie(["cat"]), "bob")\n(0, {'c': {'a': {'t': {0: True}}}})\n
\n \n
>>> in_trie(new_trie(["cat"]), "ca")\n(1, {'t': {0: True}})\n
\n \n
>>> in_trie(new_trie(["cat"]), "cat")\n(2, {0: True})\n
  • trie: the trie to be searched.
  • \n
  • key: the target key.
  • \n

A pair (value, subtrie), where subtrie is the sub-trie we get at the point where the search stops, and value\n is either 0 (search was unsuccessful), 1 (value is a prefix of a keyword in trie) or 2 (key is intrie`).

\n", "signature": "(trie: Dict, key: Sequence[Hashable]) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:", "funcdef": "def"}}, "docInfo": {"sqlglot": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 1, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 5685}, "sqlglot.pretty": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 2, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 10}, "sqlglot.schema": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.parse": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 124, "bases": 0, "doc": 84}, "sqlglot.parse_one": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 198, "bases": 0, "doc": 99}, "sqlglot.transpile": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 239, "bases": 0, "doc": 177}, "sqlglot.dataframe": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3543}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 4, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.table": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 208, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.SparkSession.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 259, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.copy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 41, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 48, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.alias": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.where": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 86, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.filter": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 86, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.groupBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 48, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.agg": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 48, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.join": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 180, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.orderBy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 120, "bases": 0, "doc": 44}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.sort": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 120, "bases": 0, "doc": 44}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.union": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionAll": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.unionByName": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 61, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersect": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.intersectAll": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.exceptAll": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 66, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.distinct": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropDuplicates": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 38, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.dropna": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 138, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.fillna": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 123, "bases": 0, "doc": 100}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.replace": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 217, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumn": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 77, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 31, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.drop": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 80, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.limit": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.hint": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 77, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.repartition": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 111, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.coalesce": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.cache": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame.persist": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 60, "bases": 0, "doc": 20}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 106, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.agg": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 90, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.count": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.mean": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.avg": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.max": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.min": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.sum": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.GroupedData.pivot": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 46, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 63, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_col": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 71, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_cols": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 98, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_anonymous_function": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 123, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.invoke_expression_over_column": {"qualname": 5, "fullname": 8, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 92, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.binary_op": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 85, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.inverse_binary_op": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 85, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.unary_op": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ensure_literal": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 39, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.copy": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.set_table_name": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 55, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.sql": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.alias": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_first": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.asc_nulls_last": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_first": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.desc_nulls_last": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.when": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 77, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.otherwise": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNull": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.isNotNull": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.cast": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 53, "bases": 0, "doc": 27}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.startswith": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 78, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.endswith": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 78, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.rlike": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 44, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.ilike": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 21, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column.substr": 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"doc": 66}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.select_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 125}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.describe_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.snowflake.Snowflake.Generator.generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 7, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 36, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 4, "doc": 3}, "sqlglot.dialects.spark.Spark.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 4, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, 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1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.approx_count_distinct_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.if_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.inline_array_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_ilike_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_paren_current_date_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_recursive_cte_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_safe_divide_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_tablesample_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_pivot_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_trycast_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.no_properties_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.str_position_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.struct_extract_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.var_map_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.format_time_lambda": {"tf": 5.744562646538029}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.create_with_partitions_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.parse_date_delta": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.locate_to_strposition": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.strposition_to_locate_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.timestrtotime_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.datestrtodate_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.dialect.trim_sql": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.dialects.drill.Drill.__init__": {"tf": 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"sqlglot.dialects.tableau.Tableau.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.teradata.Teradata.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.trino.Trino.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.dialects.tsql.TSQL.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.diff": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.executor.python.Python.Generator": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Expression": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.generator.Generator": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 24}, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {"sqlglot.executor.table.Tables": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.schema.AbstractMappingSchema": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 2}}}}, "d": {"docs": {"sqlglot.trie.new_trie": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"sqlglot": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}, "p": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {"sqlglot.optimizer.scope.Scope.replace": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}, "a": {"docs": {}, 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{"sqlglot.expressions.Condition.and_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Condition.or_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.union": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.intersect": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Unionable.except_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.on": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Join.using": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable.with_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Union.limit": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.from_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.group_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.order_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.sort_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.cluster_by": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.limit": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.offset": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.lateral": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.join": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.where": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.having": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.Select.ctas": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.union": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.intersect": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.except_": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.replace_placeholders": {"tf": 1}, "sqlglot.expressions.func": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "sqlglot.optimizer.optimizer.optimize": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "sqlglot.parser.Parser.expression": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 28}}}}}}}}}, "pipeline": ["trimmer"], "_isPrebuiltIndex": true}; // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 1) // Also split on html tags. this is a cheap heuristic, but good enough. diff --git a/docs/sqlglot.html b/docs/sqlglot.html index e686c9c..896e331 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot.html @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ 40 T = t.TypeVar("T", bound=Expression) 41 42 - 43__version__ = "11.1.2" + 43__version__ = "11.1.3" 44 45pretty = False 46"""Whether to format generated SQL by default.""" diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/dataframe/sql.html b/docs/sqlglot/dataframe/sql.html index 6996f8e..ea00232 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/dataframe/sql.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/dataframe/sql.html @@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
def - createDataFrame( self, data: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, <MagicMock id='139725215695536'>], List[<MagicMock id='139725215695536'>], Tuple]], schema: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725215622064'>] = None, samplingRatio: Optional[float] = None, verifySchema: bool = False) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: + createDataFrame( self, data: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, <MagicMock id='140483441683968'>], List[<MagicMock id='140483441683968'>], Tuple]], schema: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483443386656'>] = None, samplingRatio: Optional[float] = None, verifySchema: bool = False) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: @@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@
- DataFrame( spark: <MagicMock id='139725216439680'>, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Select, branch_id: Optional[str] = None, sequence_id: Optional[str] = None, last_op: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations.Operation = <Operation.INIT: -1>, pending_hints: Optional[List[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]] = None, output_expression_container: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725216580944'>] = None, **kwargs) + DataFrame( spark: <MagicMock id='140483442251840'>, expression: sqlglot.expressions.Select, branch_id: Optional[str] = None, sequence_id: Optional[str] = None, last_op: sqlglot.dataframe.sql.operations.Operation = <Operation.INIT: -1>, pending_hints: Optional[List[sqlglot.expressions.Expression]] = None, output_expression_container: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483442487456'>] = None, **kwargs) @@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ is unlikely to come up.

def - fillna( self, value: <MagicMock id='139725213592944'>, subset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: + fillna( self, value: <MagicMock id='140483439601424'>, subset: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: @@ -2307,7 +2307,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - replace( self, to_replace: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict], value: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, NoneType] = None, subset: Union[Collection[<MagicMock id='139725213796384'>], <MagicMock id='139725213796384'>, NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: + replace( self, to_replace: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict], value: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, NoneType] = None, subset: Union[Collection[<MagicMock id='140483439717408'>], <MagicMock id='140483439717408'>, NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: @@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - repartition( self, numPartitions: Union[int, <MagicMock id='139725213899536'>], *cols: <MagicMock id='139725214009616'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: + repartition( self, numPartitions: Union[int, <MagicMock id='140483439886592'>], *cols: <MagicMock id='140483439948896'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.DataFrame: @@ -2993,183 +2993,184 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null 144 if is_iterable(v) 145 else Column.ensure_col(v).expression 146 for k, v in kwargs.items() -147 } -148 new_expression = ( -149 callable_expression(**ensure_expression_values) -150 if ensured_column is None -151 else callable_expression( -152 this=ensured_column.column_expression, **ensure_expression_values -153 ) -154 ) -155 return Column(new_expression) -156 -157 def binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column: -158 return Column( -159 klass(this=self.column_expression, expression=Column(other).column_expression, **kwargs) -160 ) -161 -162 def inverse_binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column: -163 return Column( -164 klass(this=Column(other).column_expression, expression=self.column_expression, **kwargs) -165 ) -166 -167 def unary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, **kwargs) -> Column: -168 return Column(klass(this=self.column_expression, **kwargs)) -169 -170 @property -171 def is_alias(self): -172 return isinstance(self.expression, exp.Alias) -173 -174 @property -175 def is_column(self): -176 return isinstance(self.expression, exp.Column) -177 -178 @property -179 def column_expression(self) -> exp.Column: -180 return self.expression.unalias() -181 -182 @property -183 def alias_or_name(self) -> str: -184 return self.expression.alias_or_name -185 -186 @classmethod -187 def ensure_literal(cls, value) -> Column: -188 from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit -189 -190 if isinstance(value, cls): -191 value = value.expression -192 if not isinstance(value, exp.Literal): -193 return lit(value) -194 return Column(value) -195 -196 def copy(self) -> Column: -197 return Column(self.expression.copy()) -198 -199 def set_table_name(self, table_name: str, copy=False) -> Column: -200 expression = self.expression.copy() if copy else self.expression -201 expression.set("table", exp.to_identifier(table_name)) -202 return Column(expression) -203 -204 def sql(self, **kwargs) -> str: -205 return self.expression.sql(**{"dialect": "spark", **kwargs}) -206 -207 def alias(self, name: str) -> Column: -208 new_expression = exp.alias_(self.column_expression, name) -209 return Column(new_expression) -210 -211 def asc(self) -> Column: -212 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=True) -213 return Column(new_expression) -214 -215 def desc(self) -> Column: -216 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=False) -217 return Column(new_expression) -218 -219 asc_nulls_first = asc -220 -221 def asc_nulls_last(self) -> Column: -222 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=False) -223 return Column(new_expression) -224 -225 def desc_nulls_first(self) -> Column: -226 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=True) -227 return Column(new_expression) -228 -229 desc_nulls_last = desc -230 -231 def when(self, condition: Column, value: t.Any) -> Column: -232 from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import when -233 -234 column_with_if = when(condition, value) -235 if not isinstance(self.expression, exp.Case): -236 return column_with_if -237 new_column = self.copy() -238 new_column.expression.args["ifs"].extend(column_with_if.expression.args["ifs"]) -239 return new_column -240 -241 def otherwise(self, value: t.Any) -> Column: -242 from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit -243 -244 true_value = value if isinstance(value, Column) else lit(value) -245 new_column = self.copy() -246 new_column.expression.set("default", true_value.column_expression) -247 return new_column -248 -249 def isNull(self) -> Column: -250 new_expression = exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null()) -251 return Column(new_expression) -252 -253 def isNotNull(self) -> Column: -254 new_expression = exp.Not(this=exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null())) -255 return Column(new_expression) -256 -257 def cast(self, dataType: t.Union[str, DataType]): -258 """ -259 Functionality Difference: PySpark cast accepts a datatype instance of the datatype class -260 Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string -261 """ -262 if isinstance(dataType, DataType): -263 dataType = dataType.simpleString() -264 return Column(exp.cast(self.column_expression, dataType, dialect="spark")) -265 -266 def startswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column: -267 value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value -268 return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "STARTSWITH", value) -269 -270 def endswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column: -271 value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value -272 return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "ENDSWITH", value) -273 -274 def rlike(self, regexp: str) -> Column: -275 return self.invoke_expression_over_column( -276 column=self, callable_expression=exp.RegexpLike, expression=self._lit(regexp).expression -277 ) -278 -279 def like(self, other: str): -280 return self.invoke_expression_over_column( -281 self, exp.Like, expression=self._lit(other).expression -282 ) -283 -284 def ilike(self, other: str): -285 return self.invoke_expression_over_column( -286 self, exp.ILike, expression=self._lit(other).expression -287 ) -288 -289 def substr(self, startPos: t.Union[int, Column], length: t.Union[int, Column]) -> Column: -290 startPos = self._lit(startPos) if not isinstance(startPos, Column) else startPos -291 length = self._lit(length) if not isinstance(length, Column) else length -292 return Column.invoke_expression_over_column( -293 self, exp.Substring, start=startPos.expression, length=length.expression -294 ) -295 -296 def isin(self, *cols: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral, t.Iterable[ColumnOrLiteral]]): -297 columns = flatten(cols) if isinstance(cols[0], (list, set, tuple)) else cols # type: ignore -298 expressions = [self._lit(x).expression for x in columns] -299 return Column.invoke_expression_over_column(self, exp.In, expressions=expressions) # type: ignore -300 -301 def between( -302 self, -303 lowerBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral], -304 upperBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral], -305 ) -> Column: -306 lower_bound_exp = ( -307 self._lit(lowerBound) if not isinstance(lowerBound, Column) else lowerBound -308 ) -309 upper_bound_exp = ( -310 self._lit(upperBound) if not isinstance(upperBound, Column) else upperBound -311 ) -312 return Column( -313 exp.Between( -314 this=self.column_expression, -315 low=lower_bound_exp.expression, -316 high=upper_bound_exp.expression, -317 ) -318 ) -319 -320 def over(self, window: WindowSpec) -> Column: -321 window_expression = window.expression.copy() -322 window_expression.set("this", self.column_expression) -323 return Column(window_expression) +147 if v is not None +148 } +149 new_expression = ( +150 callable_expression(**ensure_expression_values) +151 if ensured_column is None +152 else callable_expression( +153 this=ensured_column.column_expression, **ensure_expression_values +154 ) +155 ) +156 return Column(new_expression) +157 +158 def binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column: +159 return Column( +160 klass(this=self.column_expression, expression=Column(other).column_expression, **kwargs) +161 ) +162 +163 def inverse_binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column: +164 return Column( +165 klass(this=Column(other).column_expression, expression=self.column_expression, **kwargs) +166 ) +167 +168 def unary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, **kwargs) -> Column: +169 return Column(klass(this=self.column_expression, **kwargs)) +170 +171 @property +172 def is_alias(self): +173 return isinstance(self.expression, exp.Alias) +174 +175 @property +176 def is_column(self): +177 return isinstance(self.expression, exp.Column) +178 +179 @property +180 def column_expression(self) -> exp.Column: +181 return self.expression.unalias() +182 +183 @property +184 def alias_or_name(self) -> str: +185 return self.expression.alias_or_name +186 +187 @classmethod +188 def ensure_literal(cls, value) -> Column: +189 from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit +190 +191 if isinstance(value, cls): +192 value = value.expression +193 if not isinstance(value, exp.Literal): +194 return lit(value) +195 return Column(value) +196 +197 def copy(self) -> Column: +198 return Column(self.expression.copy()) +199 +200 def set_table_name(self, table_name: str, copy=False) -> Column: +201 expression = self.expression.copy() if copy else self.expression +202 expression.set("table", exp.to_identifier(table_name)) +203 return Column(expression) +204 +205 def sql(self, **kwargs) -> str: +206 return self.expression.sql(**{"dialect": "spark", **kwargs}) +207 +208 def alias(self, name: str) -> Column: +209 new_expression = exp.alias_(self.column_expression, name) +210 return Column(new_expression) +211 +212 def asc(self) -> Column: +213 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=True) +214 return Column(new_expression) +215 +216 def desc(self) -> Column: +217 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=False) +218 return Column(new_expression) +219 +220 asc_nulls_first = asc +221 +222 def asc_nulls_last(self) -> Column: +223 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=False) +224 return Column(new_expression) +225 +226 def desc_nulls_first(self) -> Column: +227 new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=True) +228 return Column(new_expression) +229 +230 desc_nulls_last = desc +231 +232 def when(self, condition: Column, value: t.Any) -> Column: +233 from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import when +234 +235 column_with_if = when(condition, value) +236 if not isinstance(self.expression, exp.Case): +237 return column_with_if +238 new_column = self.copy() +239 new_column.expression.args["ifs"].extend(column_with_if.expression.args["ifs"]) +240 return new_column +241 +242 def otherwise(self, value: t.Any) -> Column: +243 from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit +244 +245 true_value = value if isinstance(value, Column) else lit(value) +246 new_column = self.copy() +247 new_column.expression.set("default", true_value.column_expression) +248 return new_column +249 +250 def isNull(self) -> Column: +251 new_expression = exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null()) +252 return Column(new_expression) +253 +254 def isNotNull(self) -> Column: +255 new_expression = exp.Not(this=exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null())) +256 return Column(new_expression) +257 +258 def cast(self, dataType: t.Union[str, DataType]): +259 """ +260 Functionality Difference: PySpark cast accepts a datatype instance of the datatype class +261 Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string +262 """ +263 if isinstance(dataType, DataType): +264 dataType = dataType.simpleString() +265 return Column(exp.cast(self.column_expression, dataType, dialect="spark")) +266 +267 def startswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column: +268 value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value +269 return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "STARTSWITH", value) +270 +271 def endswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column: +272 value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value +273 return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "ENDSWITH", value) +274 +275 def rlike(self, regexp: str) -> Column: +276 return self.invoke_expression_over_column( +277 column=self, callable_expression=exp.RegexpLike, expression=self._lit(regexp).expression +278 ) +279 +280 def like(self, other: str): +281 return self.invoke_expression_over_column( +282 self, exp.Like, expression=self._lit(other).expression +283 ) +284 +285 def ilike(self, other: str): +286 return self.invoke_expression_over_column( +287 self, exp.ILike, expression=self._lit(other).expression +288 ) +289 +290 def substr(self, startPos: t.Union[int, Column], length: t.Union[int, Column]) -> Column: +291 startPos = self._lit(startPos) if not isinstance(startPos, Column) else startPos +292 length = self._lit(length) if not isinstance(length, Column) else length +293 return Column.invoke_expression_over_column( +294 self, exp.Substring, start=startPos.expression, length=length.expression +295 ) +296 +297 def isin(self, *cols: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral, t.Iterable[ColumnOrLiteral]]): +298 columns = flatten(cols) if isinstance(cols[0], (list, set, tuple)) else cols # type: ignore +299 expressions = [self._lit(x).expression for x in columns] +300 return Column.invoke_expression_over_column(self, exp.In, expressions=expressions) # type: ignore +301 +302 def between( +303 self, +304 lowerBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral], +305 upperBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral], +306 ) -> Column: +307 lower_bound_exp = ( +308 self._lit(lowerBound) if not isinstance(lowerBound, Column) else lowerBound +309 ) +310 upper_bound_exp = ( +311 self._lit(upperBound) if not isinstance(upperBound, Column) else upperBound +312 ) +313 return Column( +314 exp.Between( +315 this=self.column_expression, +316 low=lower_bound_exp.expression, +317 high=upper_bound_exp.expression, +318 ) +319 ) +320 +321 def over(self, window: WindowSpec) -> Column: +322 window_expression = window.expression.copy() +323 window_expression.set("this", self.column_expression) +324 return Column(window_expression)
@@ -3179,7 +3180,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
- Column( expression: Union[<MagicMock id='139725214054480'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) + Column( expression: Union[<MagicMock id='140483439967056'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]) @@ -3207,7 +3208,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - ensure_col( cls, value: Union[<MagicMock id='139725214486192'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]): + ensure_col( cls, value: Union[<MagicMock id='140483440277968'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression, NoneType]): @@ -3228,7 +3229,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - ensure_cols( cls, args: List[Union[<MagicMock id='139725212552544'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]) -> List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column]: + ensure_cols( cls, args: List[Union[<MagicMock id='140483438527104'>, sqlglot.expressions.Expression]]) -> List[sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column]: @@ -3249,7 +3250,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - invoke_anonymous_function( cls, column: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725212635904'>], func_name: str, *args: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725212692304'>]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: + invoke_anonymous_function( cls, column: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483438591760'>], func_name: str, *args: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483438648176'>]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: @@ -3276,7 +3277,7 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - invoke_expression_over_column( cls, column: Optional[<MagicMock id='139725212757840'>], callable_expression: Callable, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: + invoke_expression_over_column( cls, column: Optional[<MagicMock id='140483438730096'>], callable_expression: Callable, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: @@ -3292,15 +3293,16 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null 144 if is_iterable(v) 145 else Column.ensure_col(v).expression 146 for k, v in kwargs.items() -147 } -148 new_expression = ( -149 callable_expression(**ensure_expression_values) -150 if ensured_column is None -151 else callable_expression( -152 this=ensured_column.column_expression, **ensure_expression_values -153 ) -154 ) -155 return Column(new_expression) +147 if v is not None +148 } +149 new_expression = ( +150 callable_expression(**ensure_expression_values) +151 if ensured_column is None +152 else callable_expression( +153 this=ensured_column.column_expression, **ensure_expression_values +154 ) +155 ) +156 return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3312,16 +3314,16 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - binary_op( self, klass: Callable, other: <MagicMock id='139725212831072'>, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: + binary_op( self, klass: Callable, other: <MagicMock id='140483438706640'>, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column:
157    def binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column:
-158        return Column(
-159            klass(this=self.column_expression, expression=Column(other).column_expression, **kwargs)
-160        )
158    def binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column:
+159        return Column(
+160            klass(this=self.column_expression, expression=Column(other).column_expression, **kwargs)
+161        )
@@ -3333,16 +3335,16 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
def - inverse_binary_op( self, klass: Callable, other: <MagicMock id='139725212841200'>, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: + inverse_binary_op( self, klass: Callable, other: <MagicMock id='140483438814656'>, **kwargs) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column:
162    def inverse_binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column:
-163        return Column(
-164            klass(this=Column(other).column_expression, expression=self.column_expression, **kwargs)
-165        )
163    def inverse_binary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, other: ColumnOrLiteral, **kwargs) -> Column:
+164        return Column(
+165            klass(this=Column(other).column_expression, expression=self.column_expression, **kwargs)
+166        )
@@ -3360,8 +3362,8 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
167    def unary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, **kwargs) -> Column:
-168        return Column(klass(this=self.column_expression, **kwargs))
168    def unary_op(self, klass: t.Callable, **kwargs) -> Column:
+169        return Column(klass(this=self.column_expression, **kwargs))
@@ -3380,15 +3382,15 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
186    @classmethod
-187    def ensure_literal(cls, value) -> Column:
-188        from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit
-190        if isinstance(value, cls):
-191            value = value.expression
-192        if not isinstance(value, exp.Literal):
-193            return lit(value)
-194        return Column(value)
187    @classmethod
+188    def ensure_literal(cls, value) -> Column:
+189        from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit
+191        if isinstance(value, cls):
+192            value = value.expression
+193        if not isinstance(value, exp.Literal):
+194            return lit(value)
+195        return Column(value)
@@ -3406,8 +3408,8 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
196    def copy(self) -> Column:
-197        return Column(self.expression.copy())
197    def copy(self) -> Column:
+198        return Column(self.expression.copy())
@@ -3425,10 +3427,10 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
199    def set_table_name(self, table_name: str, copy=False) -> Column:
-200        expression = self.expression.copy() if copy else self.expression
-201        expression.set("table", exp.to_identifier(table_name))
-202        return Column(expression)
200    def set_table_name(self, table_name: str, copy=False) -> Column:
+201        expression = self.expression.copy() if copy else self.expression
+202        expression.set("table", exp.to_identifier(table_name))
+203        return Column(expression)
@@ -3446,8 +3448,8 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
204    def sql(self, **kwargs) -> str:
-205        return self.expression.sql(**{"dialect": "spark", **kwargs})
205    def sql(self, **kwargs) -> str:
+206        return self.expression.sql(**{"dialect": "spark", **kwargs})
@@ -3465,9 +3467,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
207    def alias(self, name: str) -> Column:
-208        new_expression = exp.alias_(self.column_expression, name)
-209        return Column(new_expression)
208    def alias(self, name: str) -> Column:
+209        new_expression = exp.alias_(self.column_expression, name)
+210        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3485,9 +3487,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
211    def asc(self) -> Column:
-212        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=True)
-213        return Column(new_expression)
212    def asc(self) -> Column:
+213        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=True)
+214        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3505,9 +3507,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
215    def desc(self) -> Column:
-216        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=False)
-217        return Column(new_expression)
216    def desc(self) -> Column:
+217        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=False)
+218        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3525,9 +3527,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
211    def asc(self) -> Column:
-212        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=True)
-213        return Column(new_expression)
212    def asc(self) -> Column:
+213        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=True)
+214        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3545,9 +3547,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
221    def asc_nulls_last(self) -> Column:
-222        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=False)
-223        return Column(new_expression)
222    def asc_nulls_last(self) -> Column:
+223        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=False, nulls_first=False)
+224        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3565,9 +3567,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
225    def desc_nulls_first(self) -> Column:
-226        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=True)
-227        return Column(new_expression)
226    def desc_nulls_first(self) -> Column:
+227        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=True)
+228        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3585,9 +3587,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
215    def desc(self) -> Column:
-216        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=False)
-217        return Column(new_expression)
216    def desc(self) -> Column:
+217        new_expression = exp.Ordered(this=self.column_expression, desc=True, nulls_first=False)
+218        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3605,15 +3607,15 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
231    def when(self, condition: Column, value: t.Any) -> Column:
-232        from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import when
-234        column_with_if = when(condition, value)
-235        if not isinstance(self.expression, exp.Case):
-236            return column_with_if
-237        new_column = self.copy()
-238        new_column.expression.args["ifs"].extend(column_with_if.expression.args["ifs"])
-239        return new_column
232    def when(self, condition: Column, value: t.Any) -> Column:
+233        from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import when
+235        column_with_if = when(condition, value)
+236        if not isinstance(self.expression, exp.Case):
+237            return column_with_if
+238        new_column = self.copy()
+239        new_column.expression.args["ifs"].extend(column_with_if.expression.args["ifs"])
+240        return new_column
@@ -3631,13 +3633,13 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
241    def otherwise(self, value: t.Any) -> Column:
-242        from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit
-244        true_value = value if isinstance(value, Column) else lit(value)
-245        new_column = self.copy()
-246        new_column.expression.set("default", true_value.column_expression)
-247        return new_column
242    def otherwise(self, value: t.Any) -> Column:
+243        from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.functions import lit
+245        true_value = value if isinstance(value, Column) else lit(value)
+246        new_column = self.copy()
+247        new_column.expression.set("default", true_value.column_expression)
+248        return new_column
@@ -3655,9 +3657,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
249    def isNull(self) -> Column:
-250        new_expression = exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null())
-251        return Column(new_expression)
250    def isNull(self) -> Column:
+251        new_expression = exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null())
+252        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3675,9 +3677,9 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
253    def isNotNull(self) -> Column:
-254        new_expression = exp.Not(this=exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null()))
-255        return Column(new_expression)
254    def isNotNull(self) -> Column:
+255        new_expression = exp.Not(this=exp.Is(this=self.column_expression, expression=exp.Null()))
+256        return Column(new_expression)
@@ -3695,14 +3697,14 @@ and check if it matches the type of the value provided. If not then make it null
257    def cast(self, dataType: t.Union[str, DataType]):
-258        """
-259        Functionality Difference: PySpark cast accepts a datatype instance of the datatype class
-260        Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string
-261        """
-262        if isinstance(dataType, DataType):
-263            dataType = dataType.simpleString()
-264        return Column(exp.cast(self.column_expression, dataType, dialect="spark"))
258    def cast(self, dataType: t.Union[str, DataType]):
+259        """
+260        Functionality Difference: PySpark cast accepts a datatype instance of the datatype class
+261        Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string
+262        """
+263        if isinstance(dataType, DataType):
+264            dataType = dataType.simpleString()
+265        return Column(exp.cast(self.column_expression, dataType, dialect="spark"))
@@ -3723,9 +3725,9 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

266    def startswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column:
-267        value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value
-268        return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "STARTSWITH", value)
267    def startswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column:
+268        value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value
+269        return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "STARTSWITH", value)
@@ -3743,9 +3745,9 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

270    def endswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column:
-271        value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value
-272        return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "ENDSWITH", value)
271    def endswith(self, value: t.Union[str, Column]) -> Column:
+272        value = self._lit(value) if not isinstance(value, Column) else value
+273        return self.invoke_anonymous_function(self, "ENDSWITH", value)
@@ -3763,10 +3765,10 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

274    def rlike(self, regexp: str) -> Column:
-275        return self.invoke_expression_over_column(
-276            column=self, callable_expression=exp.RegexpLike, expression=self._lit(regexp).expression
-277        )
275    def rlike(self, regexp: str) -> Column:
+276        return self.invoke_expression_over_column(
+277            column=self, callable_expression=exp.RegexpLike, expression=self._lit(regexp).expression
+278        )
@@ -3784,10 +3786,10 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

279    def like(self, other: str):
-280        return self.invoke_expression_over_column(
-281            self, exp.Like, expression=self._lit(other).expression
-282        )
280    def like(self, other: str):
+281        return self.invoke_expression_over_column(
+282            self, exp.Like, expression=self._lit(other).expression
+283        )
@@ -3805,10 +3807,10 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

284    def ilike(self, other: str):
-285        return self.invoke_expression_over_column(
-286            self, exp.ILike, expression=self._lit(other).expression
-287        )
285    def ilike(self, other: str):
+286        return self.invoke_expression_over_column(
+287            self, exp.ILike, expression=self._lit(other).expression
+288        )
@@ -3826,12 +3828,12 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

289    def substr(self, startPos: t.Union[int, Column], length: t.Union[int, Column]) -> Column:
-290        startPos = self._lit(startPos) if not isinstance(startPos, Column) else startPos
-291        length = self._lit(length) if not isinstance(length, Column) else length
-292        return Column.invoke_expression_over_column(
-293            self, exp.Substring, start=startPos.expression, length=length.expression
-294        )
290    def substr(self, startPos: t.Union[int, Column], length: t.Union[int, Column]) -> Column:
+291        startPos = self._lit(startPos) if not isinstance(startPos, Column) else startPos
+292        length = self._lit(length) if not isinstance(length, Column) else length
+293        return Column.invoke_expression_over_column(
+294            self, exp.Substring, start=startPos.expression, length=length.expression
+295        )
@@ -3843,16 +3845,16 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - isin( self, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213009472'>, Iterable[<MagicMock id='139725213009472'>]]): + isin( self, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483438973072'>, Iterable[<MagicMock id='140483438973072'>]]):
296    def isin(self, *cols: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral, t.Iterable[ColumnOrLiteral]]):
-297        columns = flatten(cols) if isinstance(cols[0], (list, set, tuple)) else cols  # type: ignore
-298        expressions = [self._lit(x).expression for x in columns]
-299        return Column.invoke_expression_over_column(self, exp.In, expressions=expressions)  # type: ignore
297    def isin(self, *cols: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral, t.Iterable[ColumnOrLiteral]]):
+298        columns = flatten(cols) if isinstance(cols[0], (list, set, tuple)) else cols  # type: ignore
+299        expressions = [self._lit(x).expression for x in columns]
+300        return Column.invoke_expression_over_column(self, exp.In, expressions=expressions)  # type: ignore
@@ -3864,30 +3866,30 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - between( self, lowerBound: <MagicMock id='139725213096576'>, upperBound: <MagicMock id='139725213134672'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: + between( self, lowerBound: <MagicMock id='140483439030096'>, upperBound: <MagicMock id='140483439074304'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column:
301    def between(
-302        self,
-303        lowerBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral],
-304        upperBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral],
-305    ) -> Column:
-306        lower_bound_exp = (
-307            self._lit(lowerBound) if not isinstance(lowerBound, Column) else lowerBound
-308        )
-309        upper_bound_exp = (
-310            self._lit(upperBound) if not isinstance(upperBound, Column) else upperBound
-311        )
-312        return Column(
-313            exp.Between(
-314                this=self.column_expression,
-315                low=lower_bound_exp.expression,
-316                high=upper_bound_exp.expression,
-317            )
-318        )
302    def between(
+303        self,
+304        lowerBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral],
+305        upperBound: t.Union[ColumnOrLiteral],
+306    ) -> Column:
+307        lower_bound_exp = (
+308            self._lit(lowerBound) if not isinstance(lowerBound, Column) else lowerBound
+309        )
+310        upper_bound_exp = (
+311            self._lit(upperBound) if not isinstance(upperBound, Column) else upperBound
+312        )
+313        return Column(
+314            exp.Between(
+315                this=self.column_expression,
+316                low=lower_bound_exp.expression,
+317                high=upper_bound_exp.expression,
+318            )
+319        )
@@ -3899,16 +3901,16 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - over( self, window: <MagicMock id='139725213176000'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column: + over( self, window: <MagicMock id='140483439149984'>) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.Column:
320    def over(self, window: WindowSpec) -> Column:
-321        window_expression = window.expression.copy()
-322        window_expression.set("this", self.column_expression)
-323        return Column(window_expression)
321    def over(self, window: WindowSpec) -> Column:
+322        window_expression = window.expression.copy()
+323        window_expression.set("this", self.column_expression)
+324        return Column(window_expression)
@@ -4109,7 +4111,7 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - partitionBy( cls, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213424208'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725213424208'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: + partitionBy( cls, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483439288784'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483439288784'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: @@ -4130,7 +4132,7 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - orderBy( cls, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213347952'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725213347952'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: + orderBy( cls, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483439363408'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483439363408'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: @@ -4355,7 +4357,7 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - partitionBy( self, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725213251904'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725213251904'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: + partitionBy( self, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483437616032'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483437616032'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: @@ -4382,7 +4384,7 @@ Sqlglot doesn't currently replicate this class so it only accepts a string

def - orderBy( self, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='139725212189360'>, List[<MagicMock id='139725212189360'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: + orderBy( self, *cols: Union[<MagicMock id='140483438173232'>, List[<MagicMock id='140483438173232'>]]) -> sqlglot.dataframe.sql.WindowSpec: diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/dialects/bigquery.html b/docs/sqlglot/dialects/bigquery.html index af0a508..2fa8ee4 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/dialects/bigquery.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/dialects/bigquery.html @@ -105,288 +105,298 @@ 2 3from __future__ import annotations 4 - 5import typing as t - 6 - 7from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens, transforms - 8from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( - 9 Dialect, - 10 datestrtodate_sql, - 11 inline_array_sql, - 12 no_ilike_sql, - 13 rename_func, - 14 timestrtotime_sql, - 15) - 16from sqlglot.helper import seq_get - 17from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType - 18 - 19E = t.TypeVar("E", bound=exp.Expression) - 20 + 5import re + 6import typing as t + 7 + 8from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens, transforms + 9from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( + 10 Dialect, + 11 datestrtodate_sql, + 12 inline_array_sql, + 13 no_ilike_sql, + 14 rename_func, + 15 timestrtotime_sql, + 16) + 17from sqlglot.helper import seq_get + 18from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType + 19 + 20E = t.TypeVar("E", bound=exp.Expression) 21 - 22def _date_add(expression_class: t.Type[E]) -> t.Callable[[t.Sequence], E]: - 23 def func(args): - 24 interval = seq_get(args, 1) - 25 return expression_class( - 26 this=seq_get(args, 0), - 27 expression=interval.this, - 28 unit=interval.args.get("unit"), - 29 ) - 30 - 31 return func - 32 + 22 + 23def _date_add(expression_class: t.Type[E]) -> t.Callable[[t.Sequence], E]: + 24 def func(args): + 25 interval = seq_get(args, 1) + 26 return expression_class( + 27 this=seq_get(args, 0), + 28 expression=interval.this, + 29 unit=interval.args.get("unit"), + 30 ) + 31 + 32 return func 33 - 34def _date_add_sql( - 35 data_type: str, kind: str - 36) -> t.Callable[[generator.Generator, exp.Expression], str]: - 37 def func(self, expression): - 38 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 39 return f"{data_type}_{kind}({this}, {self.sql(exp.Interval(this=expression.expression, unit=expression.args.get('unit') or exp.Literal.string('day')))})" - 40 - 41 return func - 42 + 34 + 35def _date_add_sql( + 36 data_type: str, kind: str + 37) -> t.Callable[[generator.Generator, exp.Expression], str]: + 38 def func(self, expression): + 39 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 40 return f"{data_type}_{kind}({this}, {self.sql(exp.Interval(this=expression.expression, unit=expression.args.get('unit') or exp.Literal.string('day')))})" + 41 + 42 return func 43 - 44def _derived_table_values_to_unnest(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.Values) -> str: - 45 if not isinstance(expression.unnest().parent, exp.From): - 46 expression = t.cast(exp.Values, transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types(expression)) - 47 return self.values_sql(expression) - 48 rows = [tuple_exp.expressions for tuple_exp in expression.find_all(exp.Tuple)] - 49 structs = [] - 50 for row in rows: - 51 aliases = [ - 52 exp.alias_(value, column_name) - 53 for value, column_name in zip(row, expression.args["alias"].args["columns"]) - 54 ] - 55 structs.append(exp.Struct(expressions=aliases)) - 56 unnest_exp = exp.Unnest(expressions=[exp.Array(expressions=structs)]) - 57 return self.unnest_sql(unnest_exp) - 58 + 44 + 45def _derived_table_values_to_unnest(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.Values) -> str: + 46 if not isinstance(expression.unnest().parent, exp.From): + 47 expression = t.cast(exp.Values, transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types(expression)) + 48 return self.values_sql(expression) + 49 rows = [tuple_exp.expressions for tuple_exp in expression.find_all(exp.Tuple)] + 50 structs = [] + 51 for row in rows: + 52 aliases = [ + 53 exp.alias_(value, column_name) + 54 for value, column_name in zip(row, expression.args["alias"].args["columns"]) + 55 ] + 56 structs.append(exp.Struct(expressions=aliases)) + 57 unnest_exp = exp.Unnest(expressions=[exp.Array(expressions=structs)]) + 58 return self.unnest_sql(unnest_exp) 59 - 60def _returnsproperty_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.ReturnsProperty) -> str: - 61 this = expression.this - 62 if isinstance(this, exp.Schema): - 63 this = f"{this.this} <{self.expressions(this)}>" - 64 else: - 65 this = self.sql(this) - 66 return f"RETURNS {this}" - 67 + 60 + 61def _returnsproperty_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.ReturnsProperty) -> str: + 62 this = expression.this + 63 if isinstance(this, exp.Schema): + 64 this = f"{this.this} <{self.expressions(this)}>" + 65 else: + 66 this = self.sql(this) + 67 return f"RETURNS {this}" 68 - 69def _create_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.Create) -> str: - 70 kind = expression.args["kind"] - 71 returns = expression.find(exp.ReturnsProperty) - 72 if kind.upper() == "FUNCTION" and returns and returns.args.get("is_table"): - 73 expression = expression.copy() - 74 expression.set("kind", "TABLE FUNCTION") - 75 if isinstance( - 76 expression.expression, - 77 ( - 78 exp.Subquery, - 79 exp.Literal, - 80 ), - 81 ): - 82 expression.set("expression", expression.expression.this) - 83 - 84 return self.create_sql(expression) - 85 - 86 return self.create_sql(expression) - 87 + 69 + 70def _create_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.Create) -> str: + 71 kind = expression.args["kind"] + 72 returns = expression.find(exp.ReturnsProperty) + 73 if kind.upper() == "FUNCTION" and returns and returns.args.get("is_table"): + 74 expression = expression.copy() + 75 expression.set("kind", "TABLE FUNCTION") + 76 if isinstance( + 77 expression.expression, + 78 ( + 79 exp.Subquery, + 80 exp.Literal, + 81 ), + 82 ): + 83 expression.set("expression", expression.expression.this) + 84 + 85 return self.create_sql(expression) + 86 + 87 return self.create_sql(expression) 88 - 89def _unqualify_unnest(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: - 90 """Remove references to unnest table aliases since bigquery doesn't allow them. - 91 - 92 These are added by the optimizer's qualify_column step. - 93 """ - 94 if isinstance(expression, exp.Select): - 95 unnests = { - 96 unnest.alias - 97 for unnest in expression.args.get("from", exp.From(expressions=[])).expressions - 98 if isinstance(unnest, exp.Unnest) and unnest.alias - 99 } -100 -101 if unnests: -102 expression = expression.copy() -103 -104 for select in expression.expressions: -105 for column in select.find_all(exp.Column): -106 if column.table in unnests: -107 column.set("table", None) -108 -109 return expression -110 + 89 + 90def _unqualify_unnest(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: + 91 """Remove references to unnest table aliases since bigquery doesn't allow them. + 92 + 93 These are added by the optimizer's qualify_column step. + 94 """ + 95 if isinstance(expression, exp.Select): + 96 unnests = { + 97 unnest.alias + 98 for unnest in expression.args.get("from", exp.From(expressions=[])).expressions + 99 if isinstance(unnest, exp.Unnest) and unnest.alias +100 } +101 +102 if unnests: +103 expression = expression.copy() +104 +105 for select in expression.expressions: +106 for column in select.find_all(exp.Column): +107 if column.table in unnests: +108 column.set("table", None) +109 +110 return expression 111 -112class BigQuery(Dialect): -113 unnest_column_only = True -114 time_mapping = { -115 "%M": "%-M", -116 "%d": "%-d", -117 "%m": "%-m", -118 "%y": "%-y", -119 "%H": "%-H", -120 "%I": "%-I", -121 "%S": "%-S", -122 "%j": "%-j", -123 } -124 -125 class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): -126 QUOTES = [ -127 (prefix + quote, quote) if prefix else quote -128 for quote in ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"] -129 for prefix in ["", "r", "R"] -130 ] -131 COMMENTS = ["--", "#", ("/*", "*/")] -132 IDENTIFIERS = ["`"] -133 STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"] -134 HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")] -135 -136 KEYWORDS = { -137 **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, -138 "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND, -139 "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN, -140 "CURRENT_DATETIME": TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME, -141 "CURRENT_TIME": TokenType.CURRENT_TIME, -142 "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND, -143 "GEOGRAPHY": TokenType.GEOGRAPHY, -144 "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE, -145 "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT, -146 "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE, -147 "UNKNOWN": TokenType.NULL, -148 } -149 KEYWORDS.pop("DIV") -150 -151 class Parser(parser.Parser): -152 FUNCTIONS = { -153 **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore -154 "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc( -155 unit=exp.Literal.string(seq_get(args, 1).name), # type: ignore -156 this=seq_get(args, 0), -157 ), -158 "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd), -159 "DATETIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.DatetimeAdd), -160 "DIV": lambda args: exp.IntDiv(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1)), -161 "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list, -162 "TIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimeAdd), -163 "TIMESTAMP_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimestampAdd), -164 "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub), -165 "DATETIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.DatetimeSub), -166 "TIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimeSub), -167 "TIMESTAMP_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimestampSub), -168 "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": lambda args: exp.StrToTime( -169 this=seq_get(args, 1), format=seq_get(args, 0) -170 ), -171 } -172 -173 FUNCTION_PARSERS = { -174 **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, # type: ignore -175 "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]), -176 } -177 FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM") -178 -179 NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = { -180 **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore -181 TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime, -182 TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: exp.CurrentTime, -183 } -184 -185 NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = { -186 *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS, # type: ignore -187 TokenType.TABLE, -188 } -189 -190 ID_VAR_TOKENS = { -191 *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS, # type: ignore -192 TokenType.VALUES, +112 +113class BigQuery(Dialect): +114 unnest_column_only = True +115 time_mapping = { +116 "%M": "%-M", +117 "%d": "%-d", +118 "%m": "%-m", +119 "%y": "%-y", +120 "%H": "%-H", +121 "%I": "%-I", +122 "%S": "%-S", +123 "%j": "%-j", +124 } +125 +126 class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): +127 QUOTES = [ +128 (prefix + quote, quote) if prefix else quote +129 for quote in ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"] +130 for prefix in ["", "r", "R"] +131 ] +132 COMMENTS = ["--", "#", ("/*", "*/")] +133 IDENTIFIERS = ["`"] +134 STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"] +135 HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")] +136 +137 KEYWORDS = { +138 **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, +139 "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND, +140 "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN, +141 "CURRENT_DATETIME": TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME, +142 "CURRENT_TIME": TokenType.CURRENT_TIME, +143 "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND, +144 "GEOGRAPHY": TokenType.GEOGRAPHY, +145 "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE, +146 "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT, +147 "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE, +148 "UNKNOWN": TokenType.NULL, +149 } +150 KEYWORDS.pop("DIV") +151 +152 class Parser(parser.Parser): +153 FUNCTIONS = { +154 **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore +155 "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc( +156 unit=exp.Literal.string(seq_get(args, 1).name), # type: ignore +157 this=seq_get(args, 0), +158 ), +159 "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd), +160 "DATETIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.DatetimeAdd), +161 "DIV": lambda args: exp.IntDiv(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1)), +162 "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list, +163 "REGEXP_EXTRACT": lambda args: exp.RegexpExtract( +164 this=seq_get(args, 0), +165 expression=seq_get(args, 1), +166 position=seq_get(args, 2), +167 occurrence=seq_get(args, 3), +168 group=exp.Literal.number(1) +169 if re.compile(str(seq_get(args, 1))).groups == 1 +170 else None, +171 ), +172 "TIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimeAdd), +173 "TIMESTAMP_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimestampAdd), +174 "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub), +175 "DATETIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.DatetimeSub), +176 "TIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimeSub), +177 "TIMESTAMP_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimestampSub), +178 "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": lambda args: exp.StrToTime( +179 this=seq_get(args, 1), format=seq_get(args, 0) +180 ), +181 } +182 +183 FUNCTION_PARSERS = { +184 **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, # type: ignore +185 "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]), +186 } +187 FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM") +188 +189 NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = { +190 **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore +191 TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime, +192 TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: exp.CurrentTime, 193 } 194 -195 PROPERTY_PARSERS = { -196 **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, # type: ignore -197 "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression( -198 exp.VolatilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE") -199 ), -200 } -201 -202 class Generator(generator.Generator): -203 TRANSFORMS = { -204 **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore -205 **transforms.REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES, # type: ignore -206 exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"), -207 exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("DATE", "ADD"), -208 exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("DATE", "SUB"), -209 exp.DatetimeAdd: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"), -210 exp.DatetimeSub: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"), -211 exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})", -212 exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql, -213 exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")), -214 exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"), -215 exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, -216 exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"), -217 exp.Select: transforms.preprocess( -218 [_unqualify_unnest], transforms.delegate("select_sql") -219 ), -220 exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_TIMESTAMP({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})", -221 exp.TimeAdd: _date_add_sql("TIME", "ADD"), -222 exp.TimeSub: _date_add_sql("TIME", "SUB"), -223 exp.TimestampAdd: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"), -224 exp.TimestampSub: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"), -225 exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql, -226 exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}", -227 exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"), -228 exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest, -229 exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql, -230 exp.Create: _create_sql, -231 exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression), -232 exp.VolatilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC" -233 if == "IMMUTABLE" -234 else "NOT DETERMINISTIC", -235 exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"), -236 } -237 -238 TYPE_MAPPING = { -239 **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, # type: ignore -240 exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64", -241 exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64", -242 exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64", -243 exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64", -244 exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC", -245 exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64", -246 exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64", -247 exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL", -248 exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING", -249 exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING", -250 exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING", -251 } -252 PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { -253 **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION, # type: ignore -254 exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, -255 } -256 -257 EXPLICIT_UNION = True -258 -259 def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str: -260 first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0) -261 if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable): -262 return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}" -263 -264 return inline_array_sql(self, expression) -265 -266 def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: -267 return "BEGIN TRANSACTION" +195 NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = { +196 *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS, # type: ignore +197 TokenType.TABLE, +198 } +199 +200 ID_VAR_TOKENS = { +201 *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS, # type: ignore +202 TokenType.VALUES, +203 } +204 +205 PROPERTY_PARSERS = { +206 **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, # type: ignore +207 "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression( +208 exp.VolatilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE") +209 ), +210 } +211 +212 class Generator(generator.Generator): +213 TRANSFORMS = { +214 **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore +215 **transforms.REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES, # type: ignore +216 exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"), +217 exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("DATE", "ADD"), +218 exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("DATE", "SUB"), +219 exp.DatetimeAdd: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"), +220 exp.DatetimeSub: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"), +221 exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})", +222 exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql, +223 exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")), +224 exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"), +225 exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, +226 exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"), +227 exp.Select: transforms.preprocess( +228 [_unqualify_unnest], transforms.delegate("select_sql") +229 ), +230 exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_TIMESTAMP({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})", +231 exp.TimeAdd: _date_add_sql("TIME", "ADD"), +232 exp.TimeSub: _date_add_sql("TIME", "SUB"), +233 exp.TimestampAdd: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"), +234 exp.TimestampSub: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"), +235 exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql, +236 exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}", +237 exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"), +238 exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest, +239 exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql, +240 exp.Create: _create_sql, +241 exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression), +242 exp.VolatilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC" +243 if == "IMMUTABLE" +244 else "NOT DETERMINISTIC", +245 exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"), +246 } +247 +248 TYPE_MAPPING = { +249 **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, # type: ignore +250 exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64", +251 exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64", +252 exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64", +253 exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64", +254 exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC", +255 exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64", +256 exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64", +257 exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL", +258 exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING", +259 exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING", +260 exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING", +261 } +262 PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { +263 **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION, # type: ignore +264 exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, +265 } +266 +267 EXPLICIT_UNION = True 268 -269 def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str: -270 return "COMMIT TRANSACTION" -271 -272 def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str: -273 return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" -274 -275 def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: -276 return self.sql(expression) -277 -278 def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: -279 if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): -280 self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery") -281 return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" -282 -283 def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: -284 if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): -285 self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery") -286 return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" +269 def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str: +270 first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0) +271 if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable): +272 return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}" +273 +274 return inline_array_sql(self, expression) +275 +276 def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: +277 return "BEGIN TRANSACTION" +278 +279 def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str: +280 return "COMMIT TRANSACTION" +281 +282 def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str: +283 return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" +284 +285 def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: +286 return self.sql(expression) +287 +288 def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: +289 if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): +290 self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery") +291 return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" +292 +293 def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: +294 if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): +295 self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery") +296 return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
@@ -402,181 +412,190 @@
113class BigQuery(Dialect):
-114    unnest_column_only = True
-115    time_mapping = {
-116        "%M": "%-M",
-117        "%d": "%-d",
-118        "%m": "%-m",
-119        "%y": "%-y",
-120        "%H": "%-H",
-121        "%I": "%-I",
-122        "%S": "%-S",
-123        "%j": "%-j",
-124    }
-126    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
-128            (prefix + quote, quote) if prefix else quote
-129            for quote in ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"]
-130            for prefix in ["", "r", "R"]
-131        ]
-133        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
-134        STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"]
-135        HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")]
-137        KEYWORDS = {
-138            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
-139            "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND,
-140            "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN,
-142            "CURRENT_TIME": TokenType.CURRENT_TIME,
-143            "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND,
-144            "GEOGRAPHY": TokenType.GEOGRAPHY,
-145            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,
-146            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,
-147            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE,
-148            "UNKNOWN": TokenType.NULL,
-149        }
-150        KEYWORDS.pop("DIV")
-152    class Parser(parser.Parser):
-153        FUNCTIONS = {
-154            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
-155            "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc(
-156                unit=exp.Literal.string(seq_get(args, 1).name),  # type: ignore
-157                this=seq_get(args, 0),
-158            ),
-159            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
-160            "DATETIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.DatetimeAdd),
-161            "DIV": lambda args: exp.IntDiv(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1)),
-162            "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
-163            "TIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimeAdd),
-164            "TIMESTAMP_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimestampAdd),
-165            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
-166            "DATETIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.DatetimeSub),
-167            "TIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimeSub),
-168            "TIMESTAMP_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimestampSub),
-169            "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": lambda args: exp.StrToTime(
-170                this=seq_get(args, 1), format=seq_get(args, 0)
-171            ),
-172        }
-174        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
-175            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-176            "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]),
-177        }
-178        FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM")
-180        NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = {
-181            **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
-182            TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime,
-183            TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: exp.CurrentTime,
-184        }
-186        NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = {
-187            *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
-188            TokenType.TABLE,
-189        }
-191        ID_VAR_TOKENS = {
-192            *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
-193            TokenType.VALUES,
114class BigQuery(Dialect):
+115    unnest_column_only = True
+116    time_mapping = {
+117        "%M": "%-M",
+118        "%d": "%-d",
+119        "%m": "%-m",
+120        "%y": "%-y",
+121        "%H": "%-H",
+122        "%I": "%-I",
+123        "%S": "%-S",
+124        "%j": "%-j",
+125    }
+127    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
+129            (prefix + quote, quote) if prefix else quote
+130            for quote in ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"]
+131            for prefix in ["", "r", "R"]
+132        ]
+134        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
+135        STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"]
+136        HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")]
+138        KEYWORDS = {
+139            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
+140            "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND,
+141            "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN,
+143            "CURRENT_TIME": TokenType.CURRENT_TIME,
+144            "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND,
+145            "GEOGRAPHY": TokenType.GEOGRAPHY,
+146            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,
+147            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,
+148            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE,
+149            "UNKNOWN": TokenType.NULL,
+150        }
+151        KEYWORDS.pop("DIV")
+153    class Parser(parser.Parser):
+154        FUNCTIONS = {
+155            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+156            "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc(
+157                unit=exp.Literal.string(seq_get(args, 1).name),  # type: ignore
+158                this=seq_get(args, 0),
+159            ),
+160            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
+161            "DATETIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.DatetimeAdd),
+162            "DIV": lambda args: exp.IntDiv(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1)),
+163            "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
+164            "REGEXP_EXTRACT": lambda args: exp.RegexpExtract(
+165                this=seq_get(args, 0),
+166                expression=seq_get(args, 1),
+167                position=seq_get(args, 2),
+168                occurrence=seq_get(args, 3),
+169                group=exp.Literal.number(1)
+170                if re.compile(str(seq_get(args, 1))).groups == 1
+171                else None,
+172            ),
+173            "TIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimeAdd),
+174            "TIMESTAMP_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimestampAdd),
+175            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
+176            "DATETIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.DatetimeSub),
+177            "TIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimeSub),
+178            "TIMESTAMP_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimestampSub),
+179            "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": lambda args: exp.StrToTime(
+180                this=seq_get(args, 1), format=seq_get(args, 0)
+181            ),
+182        }
+184        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
+185            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+186            "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]),
+187        }
+188        FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM")
+190        NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = {
+191            **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+192            TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime,
+193            TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: exp.CurrentTime,
 194        }
-196        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
-197            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-198            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression(
-199                exp.VolatilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE")
-200            ),
-201        }
-203    class Generator(generator.Generator):
-204        TRANSFORMS = {
-205            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
-206            **transforms.REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES,  # type: ignore
-207            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
-208            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("DATE", "ADD"),
-209            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("DATE", "SUB"),
-210            exp.DatetimeAdd: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"),
-211            exp.DatetimeSub: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"),
-212            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})",
-213            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
-214            exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")),
-215            exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"),
-216            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
-217            exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"),
-218            exp.Select: transforms.preprocess(
-219                [_unqualify_unnest], transforms.delegate("select_sql")
-220            ),
-221            exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_TIMESTAMP({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})",
-222            exp.TimeAdd: _date_add_sql("TIME", "ADD"),
-223            exp.TimeSub: _date_add_sql("TIME", "SUB"),
-224            exp.TimestampAdd: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"),
-225            exp.TimestampSub: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"),
-226            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
-227            exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}",
-228            exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"),
-229            exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest,
-230            exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql,
-231            exp.Create: _create_sql,
-232            exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression),
-233            exp.VolatilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC"
-234            if == "IMMUTABLE"
-235            else "NOT DETERMINISTIC",
-236            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"),
-237        }
-239        TYPE_MAPPING = {
-240            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
-241            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",
-242            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",
-243            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",
-244            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",
-245            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",
-246            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",
-247            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",
-248            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",
-249            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",
-250            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING",
-251            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING",
-252        }
-254            **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION,  # type: ignore
-255            exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA,
-256        }
-258        EXPLICIT_UNION = True
-260        def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str:
-261            first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0)
-262            if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable):
-263                return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}"
-265            return inline_array_sql(self, expression)
-267        def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-268            return "BEGIN TRANSACTION"
+196        NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = {
+197            *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
+198            TokenType.TABLE,
+199        }
+201        ID_VAR_TOKENS = {
+202            *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
+203            TokenType.VALUES,
+204        }
+206        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
+207            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+208            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression(
+209                exp.VolatilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE")
+210            ),
+211        }
+213    class Generator(generator.Generator):
+214        TRANSFORMS = {
+215            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
+216            **transforms.REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES,  # type: ignore
+217            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
+218            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("DATE", "ADD"),
+219            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("DATE", "SUB"),
+220            exp.DatetimeAdd: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"),
+221            exp.DatetimeSub: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"),
+222            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})",
+223            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
+224            exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")),
+225            exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"),
+226            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
+227            exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"),
+228            exp.Select: transforms.preprocess(
+229                [_unqualify_unnest], transforms.delegate("select_sql")
+230            ),
+231            exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_TIMESTAMP({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})",
+232            exp.TimeAdd: _date_add_sql("TIME", "ADD"),
+233            exp.TimeSub: _date_add_sql("TIME", "SUB"),
+234            exp.TimestampAdd: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"),
+235            exp.TimestampSub: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"),
+236            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
+237            exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}",
+238            exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"),
+239            exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest,
+240            exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql,
+241            exp.Create: _create_sql,
+242            exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression),
+243            exp.VolatilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC"
+244            if == "IMMUTABLE"
+245            else "NOT DETERMINISTIC",
+246            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"),
+247        }
+249        TYPE_MAPPING = {
+250            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
+251            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",
+252            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",
+253            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",
+254            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",
+255            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",
+256            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",
+257            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",
+258            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",
+259            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",
+260            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING",
+261            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING",
+262        }
+264            **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION,  # type: ignore
+265            exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA,
+266        }
+268        EXPLICIT_UNION = True
-270        def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-271            return "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
-273        def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-274            return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"
-276        def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
-277            return self.sql(expression)
-279        def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
-280            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
-281                self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
-282            return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
-284        def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
-285            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
-286                self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
-287            return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
+270        def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str:
+271            first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0)
+272            if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable):
+273                return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}"
+275            return inline_array_sql(self, expression)
+277        def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+278            return "BEGIN TRANSACTION"
+280        def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+281            return "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
+283        def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+284            return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"
+286        def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
+287            return self.sql(expression)
+289        def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
+290            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
+291                self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
+292            return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
+294        def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
+295            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
+296                self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
+297            return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
@@ -622,31 +641,31 @@
126    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
-128            (prefix + quote, quote) if prefix else quote
-129            for quote in ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"]
-130            for prefix in ["", "r", "R"]
-131        ]
-133        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
-134        STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"]
-135        HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")]
-137        KEYWORDS = {
-138            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
-139            "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND,
-140            "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN,
-142            "CURRENT_TIME": TokenType.CURRENT_TIME,
-143            "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND,
-144            "GEOGRAPHY": TokenType.GEOGRAPHY,
-145            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,
-146            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,
-147            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE,
-148            "UNKNOWN": TokenType.NULL,
-149        }
-150        KEYWORDS.pop("DIV")
127    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
+129            (prefix + quote, quote) if prefix else quote
+130            for quote in ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"]
+131            for prefix in ["", "r", "R"]
+132        ]
+134        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
+135        STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"]
+136        HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")]
+138        KEYWORDS = {
+139            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
+140            "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND,
+141            "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN,
+143            "CURRENT_TIME": TokenType.CURRENT_TIME,
+144            "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND,
+145            "GEOGRAPHY": TokenType.GEOGRAPHY,
+146            "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE,
+147            "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT,
+148            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE,
+149            "UNKNOWN": TokenType.NULL,
+150        }
+151        KEYWORDS.pop("DIV")
@@ -675,56 +694,65 @@
152    class Parser(parser.Parser):
-153        FUNCTIONS = {
-154            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
-155            "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc(
-156                unit=exp.Literal.string(seq_get(args, 1).name),  # type: ignore
-157                this=seq_get(args, 0),
-158            ),
-159            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
-160            "DATETIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.DatetimeAdd),
-161            "DIV": lambda args: exp.IntDiv(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1)),
-162            "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
-163            "TIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimeAdd),
-164            "TIMESTAMP_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimestampAdd),
-165            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
-166            "DATETIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.DatetimeSub),
-167            "TIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimeSub),
-168            "TIMESTAMP_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimestampSub),
-169            "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": lambda args: exp.StrToTime(
-170                this=seq_get(args, 1), format=seq_get(args, 0)
-171            ),
-172        }
-174        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
-175            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-176            "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]),
-177        }
-178        FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM")
-180        NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = {
-181            **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
-182            TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime,
-183            TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: exp.CurrentTime,
-184        }
-186        NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = {
-187            *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
-188            TokenType.TABLE,
-189        }
-191        ID_VAR_TOKENS = {
-192            *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
-193            TokenType.VALUES,
153    class Parser(parser.Parser):
+154        FUNCTIONS = {
+155            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+156            "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc(
+157                unit=exp.Literal.string(seq_get(args, 1).name),  # type: ignore
+158                this=seq_get(args, 0),
+159            ),
+160            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
+161            "DATETIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.DatetimeAdd),
+162            "DIV": lambda args: exp.IntDiv(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1)),
+163            "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
+164            "REGEXP_EXTRACT": lambda args: exp.RegexpExtract(
+165                this=seq_get(args, 0),
+166                expression=seq_get(args, 1),
+167                position=seq_get(args, 2),
+168                occurrence=seq_get(args, 3),
+169                group=exp.Literal.number(1)
+170                if re.compile(str(seq_get(args, 1))).groups == 1
+171                else None,
+172            ),
+173            "TIME_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimeAdd),
+174            "TIMESTAMP_ADD": _date_add(exp.TimestampAdd),
+175            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
+176            "DATETIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.DatetimeSub),
+177            "TIME_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimeSub),
+178            "TIMESTAMP_SUB": _date_add(exp.TimestampSub),
+179            "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": lambda args: exp.StrToTime(
+180                this=seq_get(args, 1), format=seq_get(args, 0)
+181            ),
+182        }
+184        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
+185            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+186            "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]),
+187        }
+188        FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM")
+190        NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = {
+191            **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+192            TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime,
+193            TokenType.CURRENT_TIME: exp.CurrentTime,
 194        }
-196        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
-197            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-198            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression(
-199                exp.VolatilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE")
-200            ),
-201        }
+196        NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = {
+197            *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
+198            TokenType.TABLE,
+199        }
+201        ID_VAR_TOKENS = {
+202            *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS,  # type: ignore
+203            TokenType.VALUES,
+204        }
+206        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
+207            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+208            "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression(
+209                exp.VolatilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE")
+210            ),
+211        }
@@ -781,91 +809,91 @@ Default: "nulls_are_small"
203    class Generator(generator.Generator):
-204        TRANSFORMS = {
-205            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
-206            **transforms.REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES,  # type: ignore
-207            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
-208            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("DATE", "ADD"),
-209            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("DATE", "SUB"),
-210            exp.DatetimeAdd: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"),
-211            exp.DatetimeSub: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"),
-212            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})",
-213            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
-214            exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")),
-215            exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"),
-216            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
-217            exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"),
-218            exp.Select: transforms.preprocess(
-219                [_unqualify_unnest], transforms.delegate("select_sql")
-220            ),
-221            exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_TIMESTAMP({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})",
-222            exp.TimeAdd: _date_add_sql("TIME", "ADD"),
-223            exp.TimeSub: _date_add_sql("TIME", "SUB"),
-224            exp.TimestampAdd: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"),
-225            exp.TimestampSub: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"),
-226            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
-227            exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}",
-228            exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"),
-229            exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest,
-230            exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql,
-231            exp.Create: _create_sql,
-232            exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression),
-233            exp.VolatilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC"
-234            if == "IMMUTABLE"
-235            else "NOT DETERMINISTIC",
-236            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"),
-237        }
-239        TYPE_MAPPING = {
-240            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
-241            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",
-242            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",
-243            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",
-244            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",
-245            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",
-246            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",
-247            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",
-248            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",
-249            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",
-250            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING",
-251            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING",
-252        }
-254            **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION,  # type: ignore
-255            exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA,
-256        }
-258        EXPLICIT_UNION = True
-260        def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str:
-261            first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0)
-262            if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable):
-263                return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}"
-265            return inline_array_sql(self, expression)
-267        def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-268            return "BEGIN TRANSACTION"
213    class Generator(generator.Generator):
+214        TRANSFORMS = {
+215            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
+216            **transforms.REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES,  # type: ignore
+217            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
+218            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("DATE", "ADD"),
+219            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("DATE", "SUB"),
+220            exp.DatetimeAdd: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"),
+221            exp.DatetimeSub: _date_add_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"),
+222            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})",
+223            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
+224            exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")),
+225            exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"),
+226            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
+227            exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"),
+228            exp.Select: transforms.preprocess(
+229                [_unqualify_unnest], transforms.delegate("select_sql")
+230            ),
+231            exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_TIMESTAMP({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})",
+232            exp.TimeAdd: _date_add_sql("TIME", "ADD"),
+233            exp.TimeSub: _date_add_sql("TIME", "SUB"),
+234            exp.TimestampAdd: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"),
+235            exp.TimestampSub: _date_add_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"),
+236            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
+237            exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}",
+238            exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"),
+239            exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest,
+240            exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql,
+241            exp.Create: _create_sql,
+242            exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression),
+243            exp.VolatilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC"
+244            if == "IMMUTABLE"
+245            else "NOT DETERMINISTIC",
+246            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"),
+247        }
+249        TYPE_MAPPING = {
+250            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
+251            exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64",
+252            exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64",
+253            exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64",
+254            exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64",
+255            exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC",
+256            exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64",
+257            exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64",
+258            exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL",
+259            exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING",
+260            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING",
+261            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING",
+262        }
+264            **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION,  # type: ignore
+265            exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA,
+266        }
+268        EXPLICIT_UNION = True
-270        def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-271            return "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
-273        def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-274            return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"
-276        def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
-277            return self.sql(expression)
-279        def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
-280            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
-281                self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
-282            return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
-284        def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
-285            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
-286                self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
-287            return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
+270        def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str:
+271            first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0)
+272            if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable):
+273                return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}"
+275            return inline_array_sql(self, expression)
+277        def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+278            return "BEGIN TRANSACTION"
+280        def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+281            return "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
+283        def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+284            return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"
+286        def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
+287            return self.sql(expression)
+289        def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
+290            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
+291                self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
+292            return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
+294        def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
+295            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
+296                self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
+297            return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
@@ -925,12 +953,12 @@ Default: True
260        def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str:
-261            first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0)
-262            if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable):
-263                return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}"
-265            return inline_array_sql(self, expression)
270        def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str:
+271            first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0)
+272            if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable):
+273                return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}"
+275            return inline_array_sql(self, expression)
@@ -948,8 +976,8 @@ Default: True
267        def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-268            return "BEGIN TRANSACTION"
277        def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+278            return "BEGIN TRANSACTION"
@@ -967,8 +995,8 @@ Default: True
270        def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-271            return "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
280        def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+281            return "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
@@ -986,8 +1014,8 @@ Default: True
273        def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str:
-274            return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"
283        def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str:
+284            return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"
@@ -1005,8 +1033,8 @@ Default: True
276        def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
-277            return self.sql(expression)
286        def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
+287            return self.sql(expression)
@@ -1024,10 +1052,10 @@ Default: True
279        def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
-280            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
-281                self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
-282            return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
289        def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
+290            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
+291                self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
+292            return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
@@ -1045,10 +1073,10 @@ Default: True
284        def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
-285            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
-286                self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
-287            return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
294        def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
+295            if not expression.args.get("distinct", False):
+296                self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery")
+297            return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/dialects/duckdb.html b/docs/sqlglot/dialects/duckdb.html index 1368142..4a00b32 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/dialects/duckdb.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/dialects/duckdb.html @@ -155,102 +155,115 @@
73 return self.datatype_sql(expression) 74 75 - 76class DuckDB(Dialect): - 77 class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): - 78 KEYWORDS = { - 79 **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, - 80 ":=": TokenType.EQ, - 81 "ATTACH": TokenType.COMMAND, - 82 "CHARACTER VARYING": TokenType.VARCHAR, - 83 } - 84 - 85 class Parser(parser.Parser): - 86 FUNCTIONS = { - 87 **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore - 88 "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT": exp.ApproxDistinct.from_arg_list, - 89 "ARRAY_LENGTH": exp.ArraySize.from_arg_list, - 90 "ARRAY_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list, - 91 "ARRAY_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse, - 92 "EPOCH": exp.TimeToUnix.from_arg_list, - 93 "EPOCH_MS": lambda args: exp.UnixToTime( - 94 this=exp.Div( - 95 this=seq_get(args, 0), - 96 expression=exp.Literal.number(1000), - 97 ) - 98 ), - 99 "LIST_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list, -100 "LIST_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse, -101 "LIST_VALUE": exp.Array.from_arg_list, -102 "REGEXP_MATCHES": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list, -103 "STRFTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "duckdb"), -104 "STRPTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "duckdb"), -105 "STR_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list, -106 "STRING_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list, -107 "STRING_TO_ARRAY": exp.Split.from_arg_list, -108 "STR_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list, -109 "STRING_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list, -110 "STRUCT_PACK": exp.Struct.from_arg_list, -111 "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list, -112 "UNNEST": exp.Explode.from_arg_list, -113 } -114 -115 class Generator(generator.Generator): -116 STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("(", ")") -117 -118 TRANSFORMS = { -119 **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore -120 exp.ApproxDistinct: approx_count_distinct_sql, -121 exp.Array: lambda self, e: self.func("ARRAY", e.expressions[0]) -122 if isinstance(seq_get(e.expressions, 0), exp.Select) -123 else rename_func("LIST_VALUE")(self, e), -124 exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"), -125 exp.ArraySort: _array_sort_sql, -126 exp.ArraySum: rename_func("LIST_SUM"), -127 exp.DataType: _datatype_sql, -128 exp.DateAdd: _date_add, -129 exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: self.func( -130 "DATE_DIFF", e.args.get("unit") or exp.Literal.string("day"), e.expression, e.this -131 ), -132 exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql, -133 exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS INT)", -134 exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRPTIME(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS DATE)", -135 exp.Explode: rename_func("UNNEST"), -136 exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql, -137 exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql, -138 exp.JSONBExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql, -139 exp.JSONBExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql, -140 exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("BOOL_OR"), -141 exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql, -142 exp.Properties: no_properties_sql, -143 exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"), -144 exp.RegexpSplit: rename_func("STR_SPLIT_REGEX"), -145 exp.SafeDivide: no_safe_divide_sql, -146 exp.Split: rename_func("STR_SPLIT"), -147 exp.SortArray: _sort_array_sql, -148 exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql, -149 exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, e)} AS DATE)", -150 exp.StrToTime: _str_to_time_sql, -151 exp.StrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(STRPTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)}))", -152 exp.Struct: _struct_sql, -153 exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql, -154 exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)", -155 exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql, -156 exp.TimeStrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP))", -157 exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", -158 exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("EPOCH"), -159 exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)", -160 exp.TsOrDsAdd: _ts_or_ds_add, -161 exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql, -162 exp.UnixToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}), {self.format_time(e)})", -163 exp.UnixToTime: rename_func("TO_TIMESTAMP"), -164 exp.UnixToTimeStr: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}) AS TEXT)", -165 } -166 -167 TYPE_MAPPING = { -168 **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, # type: ignore -169 exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT", -170 exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT", -171 } + 76def _regexp_extract_sql(self, expression): + 77 bad_args = list(filter(expression.args.get, ("position", "occurrence"))) + 78 if bad_args: + 79 self.unsupported(f"REGEXP_EXTRACT does not support arg(s) {bad_args}") + 80 return self.func( + 81 "REGEXP_EXTRACT", + 82 expression.args.get("this"), + 83 expression.args.get("expression"), + 84 expression.args.get("group"), + 85 ) + 86 + 87 + 88class DuckDB(Dialect): + 89 class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): + 90 KEYWORDS = { + 91 **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, + 92 ":=": TokenType.EQ, + 93 "ATTACH": TokenType.COMMAND, + 94 "CHARACTER VARYING": TokenType.VARCHAR, + 95 } + 96 + 97 class Parser(parser.Parser): + 98 FUNCTIONS = { + 99 **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore +100 "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT": exp.ApproxDistinct.from_arg_list, +101 "ARRAY_LENGTH": exp.ArraySize.from_arg_list, +102 "ARRAY_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list, +103 "ARRAY_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse, +104 "EPOCH": exp.TimeToUnix.from_arg_list, +105 "EPOCH_MS": lambda args: exp.UnixToTime( +106 this=exp.Div( +107 this=seq_get(args, 0), +108 expression=exp.Literal.number(1000), +109 ) +110 ), +111 "LIST_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list, +112 "LIST_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse, +113 "LIST_VALUE": exp.Array.from_arg_list, +114 "REGEXP_MATCHES": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list, +115 "STRFTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "duckdb"), +116 "STRPTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "duckdb"), +117 "STR_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list, +118 "STRING_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list, +119 "STRING_TO_ARRAY": exp.Split.from_arg_list, +120 "STR_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list, +121 "STRING_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list, +122 "STRUCT_PACK": exp.Struct.from_arg_list, +123 "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list, +124 "UNNEST": exp.Explode.from_arg_list, +125 } +126 +127 class Generator(generator.Generator): +128 STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("(", ")") +129 +130 TRANSFORMS = { +131 **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore +132 exp.ApproxDistinct: approx_count_distinct_sql, +133 exp.Array: lambda self, e: self.func("ARRAY", e.expressions[0]) +134 if isinstance(seq_get(e.expressions, 0), exp.Select) +135 else rename_func("LIST_VALUE")(self, e), +136 exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"), +137 exp.ArraySort: _array_sort_sql, +138 exp.ArraySum: rename_func("LIST_SUM"), +139 exp.DataType: _datatype_sql, +140 exp.DateAdd: _date_add, +141 exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: self.func( +142 "DATE_DIFF", e.args.get("unit") or exp.Literal.string("day"), e.expression, e.this +143 ), +144 exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql, +145 exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS INT)", +146 exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRPTIME(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS DATE)", +147 exp.Explode: rename_func("UNNEST"), +148 exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql, +149 exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql, +150 exp.JSONBExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql, +151 exp.JSONBExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql, +152 exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("BOOL_OR"), +153 exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql, +154 exp.Properties: no_properties_sql, +155 exp.RegexpExtract: _regexp_extract_sql, +156 exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"), +157 exp.RegexpSplit: rename_func("STR_SPLIT_REGEX"), +158 exp.SafeDivide: no_safe_divide_sql, +159 exp.Split: rename_func("STR_SPLIT"), +160 exp.SortArray: _sort_array_sql, +161 exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql, +162 exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, e)} AS DATE)", +163 exp.StrToTime: _str_to_time_sql, +164 exp.StrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(STRPTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)}))", +165 exp.Struct: _struct_sql, +166 exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql, +167 exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)", +168 exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql, +169 exp.TimeStrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP))", +170 exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", +171 exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("EPOCH"), +172 exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)", +173 exp.TsOrDsAdd: _ts_or_ds_add, +174 exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql, +175 exp.UnixToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}), {self.format_time(e)})", +176 exp.UnixToTime: rename_func("TO_TIMESTAMP"), +177 exp.UnixToTimeStr: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}) AS TEXT)", +178 } +179 +180 TYPE_MAPPING = { +181 **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, # type: ignore +182 exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT", +183 exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT", +184 }
@@ -266,102 +279,103 @@
 77class DuckDB(Dialect):
- 78    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
- 79        KEYWORDS = {
- 80            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
- 81            ":=": TokenType.EQ,
- 82            "ATTACH": TokenType.COMMAND,
- 83            "CHARACTER VARYING": TokenType.VARCHAR,
- 84        }
- 85
- 86    class Parser(parser.Parser):
- 87        FUNCTIONS = {
- 88            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
- 89            "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT": exp.ApproxDistinct.from_arg_list,
- 90            "ARRAY_LENGTH": exp.ArraySize.from_arg_list,
- 91            "ARRAY_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
- 92            "ARRAY_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
- 93            "EPOCH": exp.TimeToUnix.from_arg_list,
- 94            "EPOCH_MS": lambda args: exp.UnixToTime(
- 95                this=exp.Div(
- 96                    this=seq_get(args, 0),
- 97                    expression=exp.Literal.number(1000),
- 98                )
- 99            ),
-100            "LIST_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
-101            "LIST_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
-102            "LIST_VALUE": exp.Array.from_arg_list,
-103            "REGEXP_MATCHES": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
-104            "STRFTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "duckdb"),
-105            "STRPTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "duckdb"),
-106            "STR_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
-107            "STRING_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
-108            "STRING_TO_ARRAY": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
-109            "STR_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
-110            "STRING_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
-111            "STRUCT_PACK": exp.Struct.from_arg_list,
-112            "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list,
-113            "UNNEST": exp.Explode.from_arg_list,
-114        }
-116    class Generator(generator.Generator):
-117        STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("(", ")")
-119        TRANSFORMS = {
-120            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
-121            exp.ApproxDistinct: approx_count_distinct_sql,
-122            exp.Array: lambda self, e: self.func("ARRAY", e.expressions[0])
-123            if isinstance(seq_get(e.expressions, 0), exp.Select)
-124            else rename_func("LIST_VALUE")(self, e),
-125            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
-126            exp.ArraySort: _array_sort_sql,
-127            exp.ArraySum: rename_func("LIST_SUM"),
-128            exp.DataType: _datatype_sql,
-129            exp.DateAdd: _date_add,
-130            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: self.func(
-131                "DATE_DIFF", e.args.get("unit") or exp.Literal.string("day"), e.expression, e.this
-132            ),
-133            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
-134            exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS INT)",
-135            exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRPTIME(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS DATE)",
-136            exp.Explode: rename_func("UNNEST"),
-137            exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
-138            exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
-139            exp.JSONBExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
-140            exp.JSONBExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
-141            exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("BOOL_OR"),
-142            exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql,
-143            exp.Properties: no_properties_sql,
-144            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"),
-145            exp.RegexpSplit: rename_func("STR_SPLIT_REGEX"),
-146            exp.SafeDivide: no_safe_divide_sql,
-147            exp.Split: rename_func("STR_SPLIT"),
-148            exp.SortArray: _sort_array_sql,
-149            exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql,
-150            exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, e)} AS DATE)",
-151            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_time_sql,
-152            exp.StrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(STRPTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)}))",
-153            exp.Struct: _struct_sql,
-154            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
-155            exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)",
-156            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
-157            exp.TimeStrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP))",
-158            exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})",
-159            exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("EPOCH"),
-160            exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)",
-161            exp.TsOrDsAdd: _ts_or_ds_add,
-162            exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql,
-163            exp.UnixToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}), {self.format_time(e)})",
-164            exp.UnixToTime: rename_func("TO_TIMESTAMP"),
-165            exp.UnixToTimeStr: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}) AS TEXT)",
-166        }
-168        TYPE_MAPPING = {
-169            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
-170            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT",
-171            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT",
-172        }
 89class DuckDB(Dialect):
+ 90    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
+ 91        KEYWORDS = {
+ 92            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
+ 93            ":=": TokenType.EQ,
+ 94            "ATTACH": TokenType.COMMAND,
+ 95            "CHARACTER VARYING": TokenType.VARCHAR,
+ 96        }
+ 97
+ 98    class Parser(parser.Parser):
+ 99        FUNCTIONS = {
+100            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+101            "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT": exp.ApproxDistinct.from_arg_list,
+102            "ARRAY_LENGTH": exp.ArraySize.from_arg_list,
+103            "ARRAY_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
+104            "ARRAY_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
+105            "EPOCH": exp.TimeToUnix.from_arg_list,
+106            "EPOCH_MS": lambda args: exp.UnixToTime(
+107                this=exp.Div(
+108                    this=seq_get(args, 0),
+109                    expression=exp.Literal.number(1000),
+110                )
+111            ),
+112            "LIST_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
+113            "LIST_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
+114            "LIST_VALUE": exp.Array.from_arg_list,
+115            "REGEXP_MATCHES": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
+116            "STRFTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "duckdb"),
+117            "STRPTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "duckdb"),
+118            "STR_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
+119            "STRING_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
+120            "STRING_TO_ARRAY": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
+121            "STR_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
+122            "STRING_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
+123            "STRUCT_PACK": exp.Struct.from_arg_list,
+124            "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list,
+125            "UNNEST": exp.Explode.from_arg_list,
+126        }
+128    class Generator(generator.Generator):
+129        STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("(", ")")
+131        TRANSFORMS = {
+132            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
+133            exp.ApproxDistinct: approx_count_distinct_sql,
+134            exp.Array: lambda self, e: self.func("ARRAY", e.expressions[0])
+135            if isinstance(seq_get(e.expressions, 0), exp.Select)
+136            else rename_func("LIST_VALUE")(self, e),
+137            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
+138            exp.ArraySort: _array_sort_sql,
+139            exp.ArraySum: rename_func("LIST_SUM"),
+140            exp.DataType: _datatype_sql,
+141            exp.DateAdd: _date_add,
+142            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: self.func(
+143                "DATE_DIFF", e.args.get("unit") or exp.Literal.string("day"), e.expression, e.this
+144            ),
+145            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
+146            exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS INT)",
+147            exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRPTIME(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS DATE)",
+148            exp.Explode: rename_func("UNNEST"),
+149            exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
+150            exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
+151            exp.JSONBExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
+152            exp.JSONBExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
+153            exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("BOOL_OR"),
+154            exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql,
+155            exp.Properties: no_properties_sql,
+156            exp.RegexpExtract: _regexp_extract_sql,
+157            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"),
+158            exp.RegexpSplit: rename_func("STR_SPLIT_REGEX"),
+159            exp.SafeDivide: no_safe_divide_sql,
+160            exp.Split: rename_func("STR_SPLIT"),
+161            exp.SortArray: _sort_array_sql,
+162            exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql,
+163            exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, e)} AS DATE)",
+164            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_time_sql,
+165            exp.StrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(STRPTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)}))",
+166            exp.Struct: _struct_sql,
+167            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
+168            exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)",
+169            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
+170            exp.TimeStrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP))",
+171            exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})",
+172            exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("EPOCH"),
+173            exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)",
+174            exp.TsOrDsAdd: _ts_or_ds_add,
+175            exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql,
+176            exp.UnixToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}), {self.format_time(e)})",
+177            exp.UnixToTime: rename_func("TO_TIMESTAMP"),
+178            exp.UnixToTimeStr: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}) AS TEXT)",
+179        }
+181        TYPE_MAPPING = {
+182            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
+183            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT",
+184            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT",
+185        }
@@ -407,13 +421,13 @@
78    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
-79        KEYWORDS = {
-80            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
-81            ":=": TokenType.EQ,
-82            "ATTACH": TokenType.COMMAND,
-83            "CHARACTER VARYING": TokenType.VARCHAR,
-84        }
90    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
+91        KEYWORDS = {
+92            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
+93            ":=": TokenType.EQ,
+94            "ATTACH": TokenType.COMMAND,
+95            "CHARACTER VARYING": TokenType.VARCHAR,
+96        }
@@ -442,35 +456,35 @@
 86    class Parser(parser.Parser):
- 87        FUNCTIONS = {
- 88            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
- 89            "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT": exp.ApproxDistinct.from_arg_list,
- 90            "ARRAY_LENGTH": exp.ArraySize.from_arg_list,
- 91            "ARRAY_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
- 92            "ARRAY_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
- 93            "EPOCH": exp.TimeToUnix.from_arg_list,
- 94            "EPOCH_MS": lambda args: exp.UnixToTime(
- 95                this=exp.Div(
- 96                    this=seq_get(args, 0),
- 97                    expression=exp.Literal.number(1000),
- 98                )
- 99            ),
-100            "LIST_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
-101            "LIST_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
-102            "LIST_VALUE": exp.Array.from_arg_list,
-103            "REGEXP_MATCHES": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
-104            "STRFTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "duckdb"),
-105            "STRPTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "duckdb"),
-106            "STR_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
-107            "STRING_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
-108            "STRING_TO_ARRAY": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
-109            "STR_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
-110            "STRING_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
-111            "STRUCT_PACK": exp.Struct.from_arg_list,
-112            "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list,
-113            "UNNEST": exp.Explode.from_arg_list,
-114        }
 98    class Parser(parser.Parser):
+ 99        FUNCTIONS = {
+100            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+101            "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT": exp.ApproxDistinct.from_arg_list,
+102            "ARRAY_LENGTH": exp.ArraySize.from_arg_list,
+103            "ARRAY_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
+104            "ARRAY_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
+105            "EPOCH": exp.TimeToUnix.from_arg_list,
+106            "EPOCH_MS": lambda args: exp.UnixToTime(
+107                this=exp.Div(
+108                    this=seq_get(args, 0),
+109                    expression=exp.Literal.number(1000),
+110                )
+111            ),
+112            "LIST_SORT": exp.SortArray.from_arg_list,
+113            "LIST_REVERSE_SORT": _sort_array_reverse,
+114            "LIST_VALUE": exp.Array.from_arg_list,
+115            "REGEXP_MATCHES": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list,
+116            "STRFTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "duckdb"),
+117            "STRPTIME": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "duckdb"),
+118            "STR_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
+119            "STRING_SPLIT": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
+120            "STRING_TO_ARRAY": exp.Split.from_arg_list,
+121            "STR_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
+122            "STRING_SPLIT_REGEX": exp.RegexpSplit.from_arg_list,
+123            "STRUCT_PACK": exp.Struct.from_arg_list,
+124            "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list,
+125            "UNNEST": exp.Explode.from_arg_list,
+126        }
@@ -527,63 +541,64 @@ Default: "nulls_are_small"
116    class Generator(generator.Generator):
-117        STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("(", ")")
-119        TRANSFORMS = {
-120            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
-121            exp.ApproxDistinct: approx_count_distinct_sql,
-122            exp.Array: lambda self, e: self.func("ARRAY", e.expressions[0])
-123            if isinstance(seq_get(e.expressions, 0), exp.Select)
-124            else rename_func("LIST_VALUE")(self, e),
-125            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
-126            exp.ArraySort: _array_sort_sql,
-127            exp.ArraySum: rename_func("LIST_SUM"),
-128            exp.DataType: _datatype_sql,
-129            exp.DateAdd: _date_add,
-130            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: self.func(
-131                "DATE_DIFF", e.args.get("unit") or exp.Literal.string("day"), e.expression, e.this
-132            ),
-133            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
-134            exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS INT)",
-135            exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRPTIME(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS DATE)",
-136            exp.Explode: rename_func("UNNEST"),
-137            exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
-138            exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
-139            exp.JSONBExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
-140            exp.JSONBExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
-141            exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("BOOL_OR"),
-142            exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql,
-143            exp.Properties: no_properties_sql,
-144            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"),
-145            exp.RegexpSplit: rename_func("STR_SPLIT_REGEX"),
-146            exp.SafeDivide: no_safe_divide_sql,
-147            exp.Split: rename_func("STR_SPLIT"),
-148            exp.SortArray: _sort_array_sql,
-149            exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql,
-150            exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, e)} AS DATE)",
-151            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_time_sql,
-152            exp.StrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(STRPTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)}))",
-153            exp.Struct: _struct_sql,
-154            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
-155            exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)",
-156            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
-157            exp.TimeStrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP))",
-158            exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})",
-159            exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("EPOCH"),
-160            exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)",
-161            exp.TsOrDsAdd: _ts_or_ds_add,
-162            exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql,
-163            exp.UnixToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}), {self.format_time(e)})",
-164            exp.UnixToTime: rename_func("TO_TIMESTAMP"),
-165            exp.UnixToTimeStr: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}) AS TEXT)",
-166        }
-168        TYPE_MAPPING = {
-169            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
-170            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT",
-171            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT",
-172        }
128    class Generator(generator.Generator):
+129        STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("(", ")")
+131        TRANSFORMS = {
+132            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
+133            exp.ApproxDistinct: approx_count_distinct_sql,
+134            exp.Array: lambda self, e: self.func("ARRAY", e.expressions[0])
+135            if isinstance(seq_get(e.expressions, 0), exp.Select)
+136            else rename_func("LIST_VALUE")(self, e),
+137            exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"),
+138            exp.ArraySort: _array_sort_sql,
+139            exp.ArraySum: rename_func("LIST_SUM"),
+140            exp.DataType: _datatype_sql,
+141            exp.DateAdd: _date_add,
+142            exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: self.func(
+143                "DATE_DIFF", e.args.get("unit") or exp.Literal.string("day"), e.expression, e.this
+144            ),
+145            exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql,
+146            exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS INT)",
+147            exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST(STRPTIME(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), {DuckDB.dateint_format}) AS DATE)",
+148            exp.Explode: rename_func("UNNEST"),
+149            exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
+150            exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
+151            exp.JSONBExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql,
+152            exp.JSONBExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql,
+153            exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("BOOL_OR"),
+154            exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql,
+155            exp.Properties: no_properties_sql,
+156            exp.RegexpExtract: _regexp_extract_sql,
+157            exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"),
+158            exp.RegexpSplit: rename_func("STR_SPLIT_REGEX"),
+159            exp.SafeDivide: no_safe_divide_sql,
+160            exp.Split: rename_func("STR_SPLIT"),
+161            exp.SortArray: _sort_array_sql,
+162            exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql,
+163            exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, e)} AS DATE)",
+164            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_time_sql,
+165            exp.StrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(STRPTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)}))",
+166            exp.Struct: _struct_sql,
+167            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
+168            exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)",
+169            exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql,
+170            exp.TimeStrToUnix: lambda self, e: f"EPOCH(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP))",
+171            exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})",
+172            exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("EPOCH"),
+173            exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS TEXT), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)",
+174            exp.TsOrDsAdd: _ts_or_ds_add,
+175            exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql,
+176            exp.UnixToStr: lambda self, e: f"STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}), {self.format_time(e)})",
+177            exp.UnixToTime: rename_func("TO_TIMESTAMP"),
+178            exp.UnixToTimeStr: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}) AS TEXT)",
+179        }
+181        TYPE_MAPPING = {
+182            **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING,  # type: ignore
+183            exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT",
+184            exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT",
+185        }
diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/dialects/mysql.html b/docs/sqlglot/dialects/mysql.html index 0d7e64f..ee9e9ad 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/dialects/mysql.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/dialects/mysql.html @@ -99,521 +99,526 @@
8 no_paren_current_date_sql, 9 no_tablesample_sql, 10 no_trycast_sql, - 11 strposition_to_locate_sql, - 12) - 13from sqlglot.helper import seq_get - 14from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType - 15 + 11 rename_func, + 12 strposition_to_locate_sql, + 13) + 14from sqlglot.helper import seq_get + 15from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType 16 - 17def _show_parser(*args, **kwargs): - 18 def _parse(self): - 19 return self._parse_show_mysql(*args, **kwargs) - 20 - 21 return _parse - 22 + 17 + 18def _show_parser(*args, **kwargs): + 19 def _parse(self): + 20 return self._parse_show_mysql(*args, **kwargs) + 21 + 22 return _parse 23 - 24def _date_trunc_sql(self, expression): - 25 expr = self.sql(expression, "this") - 26 unit = expression.text("unit") - 27 - 28 if unit == "day": - 29 return f"DATE({expr})" - 30 - 31 if unit == "week": - 32 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' ', WEEK({expr}, 1), ' 1')" - 33 date_format = "%Y %u %w" - 34 elif unit == "month": - 35 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' ', MONTH({expr}), ' 1')" - 36 date_format = "%Y %c %e" - 37 elif unit == "quarter": - 38 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' ', QUARTER({expr}) * 3 - 2, ' 1')" - 39 date_format = "%Y %c %e" - 40 elif unit == "year": - 41 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' 1 1')" - 42 date_format = "%Y %c %e" - 43 else: - 44 self.unsupported(f"Unexpected interval unit: {unit}") - 45 return f"DATE({expr})" - 46 - 47 return f"STR_TO_DATE({concat}, '{date_format}')" - 48 + 24 + 25def _date_trunc_sql(self, expression): + 26 expr = self.sql(expression, "this") + 27 unit = expression.text("unit") + 28 + 29 if unit == "day": + 30 return f"DATE({expr})" + 31 + 32 if unit == "week": + 33 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' ', WEEK({expr}, 1), ' 1')" + 34 date_format = "%Y %u %w" + 35 elif unit == "month": + 36 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' ', MONTH({expr}), ' 1')" + 37 date_format = "%Y %c %e" + 38 elif unit == "quarter": + 39 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' ', QUARTER({expr}) * 3 - 2, ' 1')" + 40 date_format = "%Y %c %e" + 41 elif unit == "year": + 42 concat = f"CONCAT(YEAR({expr}), ' 1 1')" + 43 date_format = "%Y %c %e" + 44 else: + 45 self.unsupported(f"Unexpected interval unit: {unit}") + 46 return f"DATE({expr})" + 47 + 48 return f"STR_TO_DATE({concat}, '{date_format}')" 49 - 50def _str_to_date(args): - 51 date_format = MySQL.format_time(seq_get(args, 1)) - 52 return exp.StrToDate(this=seq_get(args, 0), format=date_format) - 53 + 50 + 51def _str_to_date(args): + 52 date_format = MySQL.format_time(seq_get(args, 1)) + 53 return exp.StrToDate(this=seq_get(args, 0), format=date_format) 54 - 55def _str_to_date_sql(self, expression): - 56 date_format = self.format_time(expression) - 57 return f"STR_TO_DATE({self.sql(expression.this)}, {date_format})" - 58 + 55 + 56def _str_to_date_sql(self, expression): + 57 date_format = self.format_time(expression) + 58 return f"STR_TO_DATE({self.sql(expression.this)}, {date_format})" 59 - 60def _trim_sql(self, expression): - 61 target = self.sql(expression, "this") - 62 trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") - 63 remove_chars = self.sql(expression, "expression") - 64 - 65 # Use TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM syntax if the expression isn't mysql-specific - 66 if not remove_chars: - 67 return self.trim_sql(expression) - 68 - 69 trim_type = f"{trim_type} " if trim_type else "" - 70 remove_chars = f"{remove_chars} " if remove_chars else "" - 71 from_part = "FROM " if trim_type or remove_chars else "" - 72 return f"TRIM({trim_type}{remove_chars}{from_part}{target})" - 73 + 60 + 61def _trim_sql(self, expression): + 62 target = self.sql(expression, "this") + 63 trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") + 64 remove_chars = self.sql(expression, "expression") + 65 + 66 # Use TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM syntax if the expression isn't mysql-specific + 67 if not remove_chars: + 68 return self.trim_sql(expression) + 69 + 70 trim_type = f"{trim_type} " if trim_type else "" + 71 remove_chars = f"{remove_chars} " if remove_chars else "" + 72 from_part = "FROM " if trim_type or remove_chars else "" + 73 return f"TRIM({trim_type}{remove_chars}{from_part}{target})" 74 - 75def _date_add(expression_class): - 76 def func(args): - 77 interval = seq_get(args, 1) - 78 return expression_class( - 79 this=seq_get(args, 0), - 80 expression=interval.this, - 81 unit=exp.Literal.string(interval.text("unit").lower()), - 82 ) - 83 - 84 return func - 85 + 75 + 76def _date_add(expression_class): + 77 def func(args): + 78 interval = seq_get(args, 1) + 79 return expression_class( + 80 this=seq_get(args, 0), + 81 expression=interval.this, + 82 unit=exp.Literal.string(interval.text("unit").lower()), + 83 ) + 84 + 85 return func 86 - 87def _date_add_sql(kind): - 88 def func(self, expression): - 89 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 90 unit = expression.text("unit").upper() or "DAY" - 91 return ( - 92 f"DATE_{kind}({this}, {self.sql(exp.Interval(this=expression.expression, unit=unit))})" - 93 ) - 94 - 95 return func - 96 + 87 + 88def _date_add_sql(kind): + 89 def func(self, expression): + 90 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 91 unit = expression.text("unit").upper() or "DAY" + 92 return ( + 93 f"DATE_{kind}({this}, {self.sql(exp.Interval(this=expression.expression, unit=unit))})" + 94 ) + 95 + 96 return func 97 - 98class MySQL(Dialect): - 99 time_format = "'%Y-%m-%d %T'" -100 -101 # -102 time_mapping = { -103 "%M": "%B", -104 "%c": "%-m", -105 "%e": "%-d", -106 "%h": "%I", -107 "%i": "%M", -108 "%s": "%S", -109 "%S": "%S", -110 "%u": "%W", -111 "%k": "%-H", -112 "%l": "%-I", -113 "%T": "%H:%M:%S", -114 } -115 -116 class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): -117 QUOTES = ["'", '"'] -118 COMMENTS = ["--", "#", ("/*", "*/")] -119 IDENTIFIERS = ["`"] -120 STRING_ESCAPES = ["'", "\\"] -121 BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'"), ("0b", "")] -122 HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", "")] -123 -124 KEYWORDS = { -125 **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, -126 "MEDIUMTEXT": TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT, -127 "LONGTEXT": TokenType.LONGTEXT, -128 "MEDIUMBLOB": TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB, -129 "LONGBLOB": TokenType.LONGBLOB, -130 "START": TokenType.BEGIN, -131 "SEPARATOR": TokenType.SEPARATOR, -132 "_ARMSCII8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -133 "_ASCII": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -134 "_BIG5": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -135 "_BINARY": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -136 "_CP1250": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -137 "_CP1251": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -138 "_CP1256": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -139 "_CP1257": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -140 "_CP850": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -141 "_CP852": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -142 "_CP866": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -143 "_CP932": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -144 "_DEC8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -145 "_EUCJPMS": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -146 "_EUCKR": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -147 "_GB18030": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -148 "_GB2312": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -149 "_GBK": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -150 "_GEOSTD8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -151 "_GREEK": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -152 "_HEBREW": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -153 "_HP8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -154 "_KEYBCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -155 "_KOI8R": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -156 "_KOI8U": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -157 "_LATIN1": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -158 "_LATIN2": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -159 "_LATIN5": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -160 "_LATIN7": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -161 "_MACCE": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -162 "_MACROMAN": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -163 "_SJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -164 "_SWE7": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -165 "_TIS620": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -166 "_UCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -167 "_UJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -168 # -169 "_UTF8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -170 "_UTF16": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -171 "_UTF16LE": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -172 "_UTF32": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -173 "_UTF8MB3": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -174 "_UTF8MB4": TokenType.INTRODUCER, -175 "@@": TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER, -176 } -177 -178 COMMANDS = tokens.Tokenizer.COMMANDS - {TokenType.SET, TokenType.SHOW} -179 -180 class Parser(parser.Parser): -181 FUNC_TOKENS = {*parser.Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.SCHEMA} # type: ignore -182 -183 FUNCTIONS = { -184 **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore -185 "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd), -186 "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub), -187 "STR_TO_DATE": _str_to_date, -188 "LOCATE": locate_to_strposition, -189 "INSTR": lambda args: exp.StrPosition(substr=seq_get(args, 1), this=seq_get(args, 0)), -190 "LEFT": lambda args: exp.Substring( -191 this=seq_get(args, 0), start=exp.Literal.number(1), length=seq_get(args, 1) -192 ), -193 } -194 -195 FUNCTION_PARSERS = { -196 **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, # type: ignore -197 "GROUP_CONCAT": lambda self: self.expression( -198 exp.GroupConcat, -199 this=self._parse_lambda(), -200 separator=self._match(TokenType.SEPARATOR) and self._parse_field(), -201 ), -202 } -203 -204 PROPERTY_PARSERS = { -205 **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, # type: ignore -206 "ENGINE": lambda self: self._parse_property_assignment(exp.EngineProperty), -207 } -208 -209 STATEMENT_PARSERS = { -210 **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS, # type: ignore -211 TokenType.SHOW: lambda self: self._parse_show(), -212 TokenType.SET: lambda self: self._parse_set(), -213 } -214 -215 SHOW_PARSERS = { -216 "BINARY LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"), -217 "MASTER LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"), -218 "BINLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("BINLOG EVENTS"), -219 "CHARACTER SET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"), -220 "CHARSET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"), -221 "COLLATION": _show_parser("COLLATION"), -222 "FULL COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM", full=True), -223 "COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM"), -224 "CREATE DATABASE": _show_parser("CREATE DATABASE", target=True), -225 "CREATE EVENT": _show_parser("CREATE EVENT", target=True), -226 "CREATE FUNCTION": _show_parser("CREATE FUNCTION", target=True), -227 "CREATE PROCEDURE": _show_parser("CREATE PROCEDURE", target=True), -228 "CREATE TABLE": _show_parser("CREATE TABLE", target=True), -229 "CREATE TRIGGER": _show_parser("CREATE TRIGGER", target=True), -230 "CREATE VIEW": _show_parser("CREATE VIEW", target=True), -231 "DATABASES": _show_parser("DATABASES"), -232 "ENGINE": _show_parser("ENGINE", target=True), -233 "STORAGE ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"), -234 "ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"), -235 "ERRORS": _show_parser("ERRORS"), -236 "EVENTS": _show_parser("EVENTS"), -237 "FUNCTION CODE": _show_parser("FUNCTION CODE", target=True), -238 "FUNCTION STATUS": _show_parser("FUNCTION STATUS"), -239 "GRANTS": _show_parser("GRANTS", target="FOR"), -240 "INDEX": _show_parser("INDEX", target="FROM"), -241 "MASTER STATUS": _show_parser("MASTER STATUS"), -242 "OPEN TABLES": _show_parser("OPEN TABLES"), -243 "PLUGINS": _show_parser("PLUGINS"), -244 "PROCEDURE CODE": _show_parser("PROCEDURE CODE", target=True), -245 "PROCEDURE STATUS": _show_parser("PROCEDURE STATUS"), -246 "PRIVILEGES": _show_parser("PRIVILEGES"), -247 "FULL PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST", full=True), -248 "PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST"), -249 "PROFILE": _show_parser("PROFILE"), -250 "PROFILES": _show_parser("PROFILES"), -251 "RELAYLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("RELAYLOG EVENTS"), -252 "REPLICAS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"), -253 "SLAVE HOSTS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"), -254 "REPLICA STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"), -255 "SLAVE STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"), -256 "GLOBAL STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS", global_=True), -257 "SESSION STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"), -258 "STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"), -259 "TABLE STATUS": _show_parser("TABLE STATUS"), -260 "FULL TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES", full=True), -261 "TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES"), -262 "TRIGGERS": _show_parser("TRIGGERS"), -263 "GLOBAL VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES", global_=True), -264 "SESSION VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"), -265 "VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"), -266 "WARNINGS": _show_parser("WARNINGS"), -267 } -268 -269 SET_PARSERS = { -270 "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("GLOBAL"), -271 "PERSIST": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST"), -272 "PERSIST_ONLY": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST_ONLY"), -273 "SESSION": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("SESSION"), -274 "LOCAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("LOCAL"), -275 "CHARACTER SET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"), -276 "CHARSET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"), -277 "NAMES": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_names(), -278 "TRANSACTION": lambda self: self._parse_set_transaction(), -279 } -280 -281 PROFILE_TYPES = { -282 "ALL", -283 "BLOCK IO", -284 "CONTEXT SWITCHES", -285 "CPU", -286 "IPC", -287 "MEMORY", -288 "PAGE FAULTS", -289 "SOURCE", -290 "SWAPS", -291 } -292 -293 TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS = { -294 "ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ", -295 "ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED", -296 "ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED", -297 "ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE", -298 "READ WRITE", -299 "READ ONLY", -300 } -301 -302 def _parse_show_mysql(self, this, target=False, full=None, global_=None): -303 if target: -304 if isinstance(target, str): -305 self._match_text_seq(target) -306 target_id = self._parse_id_var() -307 else: -308 target_id = None -309 -310 log = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("IN") else None -311 -312 if this in {"BINLOG EVENTS", "RELAYLOG EVENTS"}: -313 position = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None -314 db = None -315 else: -316 position = None -317 db = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None -318 -319 channel = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "CHANNEL") else None -320 -321 like = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("LIKE") else None -322 where = self._parse_where() -323 -324 if this == "PROFILE": -325 types = self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.PROFILE_TYPES)) -326 query = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "QUERY") else None -327 offset = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("OFFSET") else None -328 limit = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT") else None -329 else: -330 types, query = None, None -331 offset, limit = self._parse_oldstyle_limit() -332 -333 mutex = True if self._match_text_seq("MUTEX") else None -334 mutex = False if self._match_text_seq("STATUS") else mutex -335 -336 return self.expression( -337 exp.Show, -338 this=this, -339 target=target_id, -340 full=full, -341 log=log, -342 position=position, -343 db=db, -344 channel=channel, -345 like=like, -346 where=where, -347 types=types, -348 query=query, -349 offset=offset, -350 limit=limit, -351 mutex=mutex, -352 **{"global": global_}, -353 ) -354 -355 def _parse_var_from_options(self, options): -356 for option in options: -357 if self._match_text_seq(*option.split(" ")): -358 return exp.Var(this=option) -359 return None -360 -361 def _parse_oldstyle_limit(self): -362 limit = None -363 offset = None -364 if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT"): -365 parts = self._parse_csv(self._parse_number) -366 if len(parts) == 1: -367 limit = parts[0] -368 elif len(parts) == 2: -369 limit = parts[1] -370 offset = parts[0] -371 return offset, limit -372 -373 def _default_parse_set_item(self): -374 return self._parse_set_item_assignment(kind=None) -375 -376 def _parse_set_item_assignment(self, kind): -377 if kind in {"GLOBAL", "SESSION"} and self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION"): -378 return self._parse_set_transaction(global_=kind == "GLOBAL") -379 -380 left = self._parse_primary() or self._parse_id_var() -381 if not self._match(TokenType.EQ): -382 self.raise_error("Expected =") -383 right = self._parse_statement() or self._parse_id_var() -384 -385 this = self.expression( -386 exp.EQ, -387 this=left, -388 expression=right, -389 ) -390 -391 return self.expression( -392 exp.SetItem, -393 this=this, -394 kind=kind, -395 ) -396 -397 def _parse_set_item_charset(self, kind): -398 this = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var() -399 -400 return self.expression( -401 exp.SetItem, -402 this=this, -403 kind=kind, -404 ) -405 -406 def _parse_set_item_names(self): -407 charset = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var() -408 if self._match_text_seq("COLLATE"): -409 collate = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var() -410 else: -411 collate = None -412 return self.expression( -413 exp.SetItem, -414 this=charset, -415 collate=collate, -416 kind="NAMES", -417 ) -418 -419 def _parse_set_transaction(self, global_=False): -420 self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION") -421 characteristics = self._parse_csv( -422 lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS) -423 ) -424 return self.expression( -425 exp.SetItem, -426 expressions=characteristics, -427 kind="TRANSACTION", -428 **{"global": global_}, -429 ) -430 -431 class Generator(generator.Generator): -432 LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED = True -433 NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED = False -434 -435 TRANSFORMS = { -436 **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore -437 exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql, -438 exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", -439 exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, -440 exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql, -441 exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql, -442 exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"), -443 exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"), -444 exp.DateTrunc: _date_trunc_sql, -445 exp.GroupConcat: lambda self, e: f"""GROUP_CONCAT({self.sql(e, "this")} SEPARATOR {self.sql(e, "separator") or "','"})""", -446 exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date_sql, -447 exp.StrToTime: _str_to_date_sql, -448 exp.Trim: _trim_sql, -449 exp.NullSafeEQ: lambda self, e: self.binary(e, "<=>"), -450 exp.NullSafeNEQ: lambda self, e: self.not_sql(self.binary(e, "<=>")), -451 exp.StrPosition: strposition_to_locate_sql, -452 } -453 -454 TYPE_MAPPING = generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING.copy() -455 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT) -456 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT) -457 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB) -458 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB) -459 -460 def show_sql(self, expression): -461 this = f" {}" -462 full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else "" -463 global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else "" + 98 + 99class MySQL(Dialect): +100 time_format = "'%Y-%m-%d %T'" +101 +102 # +103 time_mapping = { +104 "%M": "%B", +105 "%c": "%-m", +106 "%e": "%-d", +107 "%h": "%I", +108 "%i": "%M", +109 "%s": "%S", +110 "%S": "%S", +111 "%u": "%W", +112 "%k": "%-H", +113 "%l": "%-I", +114 "%T": "%H:%M:%S", +115 } +116 +117 class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): +118 QUOTES = ["'", '"'] +119 COMMENTS = ["--", "#", ("/*", "*/")] +120 IDENTIFIERS = ["`"] +121 STRING_ESCAPES = ["'", "\\"] +122 BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'"), ("0b", "")] +123 HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", "")] +124 +125 KEYWORDS = { +126 **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, +127 "MEDIUMTEXT": TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT, +128 "LONGTEXT": TokenType.LONGTEXT, +129 "MEDIUMBLOB": TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB, +130 "LONGBLOB": TokenType.LONGBLOB, +131 "START": TokenType.BEGIN, +132 "SEPARATOR": TokenType.SEPARATOR, +133 "_ARMSCII8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +134 "_ASCII": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +135 "_BIG5": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +136 "_BINARY": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +137 "_CP1250": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +138 "_CP1251": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +139 "_CP1256": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +140 "_CP1257": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +141 "_CP850": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +142 "_CP852": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +143 "_CP866": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +144 "_CP932": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +145 "_DEC8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +146 "_EUCJPMS": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +147 "_EUCKR": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +148 "_GB18030": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +149 "_GB2312": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +150 "_GBK": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +151 "_GEOSTD8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +152 "_GREEK": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +153 "_HEBREW": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +154 "_HP8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +155 "_KEYBCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +156 "_KOI8R": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +157 "_KOI8U": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +158 "_LATIN1": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +159 "_LATIN2": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +160 "_LATIN5": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +161 "_LATIN7": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +162 "_MACCE": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +163 "_MACROMAN": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +164 "_SJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +165 "_SWE7": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +166 "_TIS620": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +167 "_UCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +168 "_UJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +169 # +170 "_UTF8": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +171 "_UTF16": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +172 "_UTF16LE": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +173 "_UTF32": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +174 "_UTF8MB3": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +175 "_UTF8MB4": TokenType.INTRODUCER, +176 "@@": TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER, +177 } +178 +179 COMMANDS = tokens.Tokenizer.COMMANDS - {TokenType.SET, TokenType.SHOW} +180 +181 class Parser(parser.Parser): +182 FUNC_TOKENS = {*parser.Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.SCHEMA} # type: ignore +183 +184 FUNCTIONS = { +185 **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore +186 "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd), +187 "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub), +188 "STR_TO_DATE": _str_to_date, +189 "LOCATE": locate_to_strposition, +190 "INSTR": lambda args: exp.StrPosition(substr=seq_get(args, 1), this=seq_get(args, 0)), +191 "LEFT": lambda args: exp.Substring( +192 this=seq_get(args, 0), start=exp.Literal.number(1), length=seq_get(args, 1) +193 ), +194 } +195 +196 FUNCTION_PARSERS = { +197 **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, # type: ignore +198 "GROUP_CONCAT": lambda self: self.expression( +199 exp.GroupConcat, +200 this=self._parse_lambda(), +201 separator=self._match(TokenType.SEPARATOR) and self._parse_field(), +202 ), +203 } +204 +205 PROPERTY_PARSERS = { +206 **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, # type: ignore +207 "ENGINE": lambda self: self._parse_property_assignment(exp.EngineProperty), +208 } +209 +210 STATEMENT_PARSERS = { +211 **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS, # type: ignore +212 TokenType.SHOW: lambda self: self._parse_show(), +213 TokenType.SET: lambda self: self._parse_set(), +214 } +215 +216 SHOW_PARSERS = { +217 "BINARY LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"), +218 "MASTER LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"), +219 "BINLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("BINLOG EVENTS"), +220 "CHARACTER SET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"), +221 "CHARSET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"), +222 "COLLATION": _show_parser("COLLATION"), +223 "FULL COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM", full=True), +224 "COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM"), +225 "CREATE DATABASE": _show_parser("CREATE DATABASE", target=True), +226 "CREATE EVENT": _show_parser("CREATE EVENT", target=True), +227 "CREATE FUNCTION": _show_parser("CREATE FUNCTION", target=True), +228 "CREATE PROCEDURE": _show_parser("CREATE PROCEDURE", target=True), +229 "CREATE TABLE": _show_parser("CREATE TABLE", target=True), +230 "CREATE TRIGGER": _show_parser("CREATE TRIGGER", target=True), +231 "CREATE VIEW": _show_parser("CREATE VIEW", target=True), +232 "DATABASES": _show_parser("DATABASES"), +233 "ENGINE": _show_parser("ENGINE", target=True), +234 "STORAGE ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"), +235 "ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"), +236 "ERRORS": _show_parser("ERRORS"), +237 "EVENTS": _show_parser("EVENTS"), +238 "FUNCTION CODE": _show_parser("FUNCTION CODE", target=True), +239 "FUNCTION STATUS": _show_parser("FUNCTION STATUS"), +240 "GRANTS": _show_parser("GRANTS", target="FOR"), +241 "INDEX": _show_parser("INDEX", target="FROM"), +242 "MASTER STATUS": _show_parser("MASTER STATUS"), +243 "OPEN TABLES": _show_parser("OPEN TABLES"), +244 "PLUGINS": _show_parser("PLUGINS"), +245 "PROCEDURE CODE": _show_parser("PROCEDURE CODE", target=True), +246 "PROCEDURE STATUS": _show_parser("PROCEDURE STATUS"), +247 "PRIVILEGES": _show_parser("PRIVILEGES"), +248 "FULL PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST", full=True), +249 "PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST"), +250 "PROFILE": _show_parser("PROFILE"), +251 "PROFILES": _show_parser("PROFILES"), +252 "RELAYLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("RELAYLOG EVENTS"), +253 "REPLICAS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"), +254 "SLAVE HOSTS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"), +255 "REPLICA STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"), +256 "SLAVE STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"), +257 "GLOBAL STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS", global_=True), +258 "SESSION STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"), +259 "STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"), +260 "TABLE STATUS": _show_parser("TABLE STATUS"), +261 "FULL TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES", full=True), +262 "TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES"), +263 "TRIGGERS": _show_parser("TRIGGERS"), +264 "GLOBAL VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES", global_=True), +265 "SESSION VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"), +266 "VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"), +267 "WARNINGS": _show_parser("WARNINGS"), +268 } +269 +270 SET_PARSERS = { +271 "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("GLOBAL"), +272 "PERSIST": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST"), +273 "PERSIST_ONLY": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST_ONLY"), +274 "SESSION": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("SESSION"), +275 "LOCAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("LOCAL"), +276 "CHARACTER SET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"), +277 "CHARSET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"), +278 "NAMES": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_names(), +279 "TRANSACTION": lambda self: self._parse_set_transaction(), +280 } +281 +282 PROFILE_TYPES = { +283 "ALL", +284 "BLOCK IO", +285 "CONTEXT SWITCHES", +286 "CPU", +287 "IPC", +288 "MEMORY", +289 "PAGE FAULTS", +290 "SOURCE", +291 "SWAPS", +292 } +293 +294 TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS = { +295 "ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ", +296 "ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED", +297 "ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED", +298 "ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE", +299 "READ WRITE", +300 "READ ONLY", +301 } +302 +303 def _parse_show_mysql(self, this, target=False, full=None, global_=None): +304 if target: +305 if isinstance(target, str): +306 self._match_text_seq(target) +307 target_id = self._parse_id_var() +308 else: +309 target_id = None +310 +311 log = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("IN") else None +312 +313 if this in {"BINLOG EVENTS", "RELAYLOG EVENTS"}: +314 position = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None +315 db = None +316 else: +317 position = None +318 db = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None +319 +320 channel = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "CHANNEL") else None +321 +322 like = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("LIKE") else None +323 where = self._parse_where() +324 +325 if this == "PROFILE": +326 types = self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.PROFILE_TYPES)) +327 query = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "QUERY") else None +328 offset = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("OFFSET") else None +329 limit = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT") else None +330 else: +331 types, query = None, None +332 offset, limit = self._parse_oldstyle_limit() +333 +334 mutex = True if self._match_text_seq("MUTEX") else None +335 mutex = False if self._match_text_seq("STATUS") else mutex +336 +337 return self.expression( +338 exp.Show, +339 this=this, +340 target=target_id, +341 full=full, +342 log=log, +343 position=position, +344 db=db, +345 channel=channel, +346 like=like, +347 where=where, +348 types=types, +349 query=query, +350 offset=offset, +351 limit=limit, +352 mutex=mutex, +353 **{"global": global_}, +354 ) +355 +356 def _parse_var_from_options(self, options): +357 for option in options: +358 if self._match_text_seq(*option.split(" ")): +359 return exp.Var(this=option) +360 return None +361 +362 def _parse_oldstyle_limit(self): +363 limit = None +364 offset = None +365 if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT"): +366 parts = self._parse_csv(self._parse_number) +367 if len(parts) == 1: +368 limit = parts[0] +369 elif len(parts) == 2: +370 limit = parts[1] +371 offset = parts[0] +372 return offset, limit +373 +374 def _default_parse_set_item(self): +375 return self._parse_set_item_assignment(kind=None) +376 +377 def _parse_set_item_assignment(self, kind): +378 if kind in {"GLOBAL", "SESSION"} and self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION"): +379 return self._parse_set_transaction(global_=kind == "GLOBAL") +380 +381 left = self._parse_primary() or self._parse_id_var() +382 if not self._match(TokenType.EQ): +383 self.raise_error("Expected =") +384 right = self._parse_statement() or self._parse_id_var() +385 +386 this = self.expression( +387 exp.EQ, +388 this=left, +389 expression=right, +390 ) +391 +392 return self.expression( +393 exp.SetItem, +394 this=this, +395 kind=kind, +396 ) +397 +398 def _parse_set_item_charset(self, kind): +399 this = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var() +400 +401 return self.expression( +402 exp.SetItem, +403 this=this, +404 kind=kind, +405 ) +406 +407 def _parse_set_item_names(self): +408 charset = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var() +409 if self._match_text_seq("COLLATE"): +410 collate = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var() +411 else: +412 collate = None +413 return self.expression( +414 exp.SetItem, +415 this=charset, +416 collate=collate, +417 kind="NAMES", +418 ) +419 +420 def _parse_set_transaction(self, global_=False): +421 self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION") +422 characteristics = self._parse_csv( +423 lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS) +424 ) +425 return self.expression( +426 exp.SetItem, +427 expressions=characteristics, +428 kind="TRANSACTION", +429 **{"global": global_}, +430 ) +431 +432 class Generator(generator.Generator): +433 LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED = True +434 NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED = False +435 +436 TRANSFORMS = { +437 **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore +438 exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql, +439 exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", +440 exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, +441 exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql, +442 exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql, +443 exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"), +444 exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"), +445 exp.DateTrunc: _date_trunc_sql, +446 exp.DayOfWeek: rename_func("DAYOFWEEK"), +447 exp.DayOfMonth: rename_func("DAYOFMONTH"), +448 exp.DayOfYear: rename_func("DAYOFYEAR"), +449 exp.WeekOfYear: rename_func("WEEKOFYEAR"), +450 exp.GroupConcat: lambda self, e: f"""GROUP_CONCAT({self.sql(e, "this")} SEPARATOR {self.sql(e, "separator") or "','"})""", +451 exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date_sql, +452 exp.StrToTime: _str_to_date_sql, +453 exp.Trim: _trim_sql, +454 exp.NullSafeEQ: lambda self, e: self.binary(e, "<=>"), +455 exp.NullSafeNEQ: lambda self, e: self.not_sql(self.binary(e, "<=>")), +456 exp.StrPosition: strposition_to_locate_sql, +457 } +458 +459 TYPE_MAPPING = generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING.copy() +460 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT) +461 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT) +462 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB) +463 TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB) 464 -465 target = self.sql(expression, "target") -466 target = f" {target}" if target else "" -467 if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}: -468 target = f" FROM{target}" -469 elif == "GRANTS": -470 target = f" FOR{target}" -471 -472 db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db") -473 -474 like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like") -475 where = self.sql(expression, "where") +465 def show_sql(self, expression): +466 this = f" {}" +467 full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else "" +468 global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else "" +469 +470 target = self.sql(expression, "target") +471 target = f" {target}" if target else "" +472 if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}: +473 target = f" FROM{target}" +474 elif == "GRANTS": +475 target = f" FOR{target}" 476 -477 types = self.expressions(expression, key="types") -478 types = f" {types}" if types else types -479 query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query") -480 -481 if == "PROFILE": -482 offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset") -483 limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit") -484 else: -485 offset = "" -486 limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression) -487 -488 log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log") -489 position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position") -490 -491 channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel") +477 db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db") +478 +479 like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like") +480 where = self.sql(expression, "where") +481 +482 types = self.expressions(expression, key="types") +483 types = f" {types}" if types else types +484 query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query") +485 +486 if == "PROFILE": +487 offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset") +488 limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit") +489 else: +490 offset = "" +491 limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression) 492 -493 if == "ENGINE": -494 mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS" -495 else: -496 mutex_or_status = "" +493 log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log") +494 position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position") +495 +496 channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel") 497 -498 return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}" -499 -500 def _prefixed_sql(self, prefix, expression, arg): -501 sql = self.sql(expression, arg) -502 if not sql: -503 return "" -504 return f" {prefix} {sql}" -505 -506 def _oldstyle_limit_sql(self, expression): -507 limit = self.sql(expression, "limit") -508 offset = self.sql(expression, "offset") -509 if limit: -510 limit_offset = f"{offset}, {limit}" if offset else limit -511 return f" LIMIT {limit_offset}" -512 return "" -513 -514 def setitem_sql(self, expression): -515 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") -516 kind = f"{kind} " if kind else "" -517 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -518 expressions = self.expressions(expression) -519 collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") -520 collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" -521 global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else "" -522 return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}" -523 -524 def set_sql(self, expression): -525 return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}" +498 if == "ENGINE": +499 mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS" +500 else: +501 mutex_or_status = "" +502 +503 return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}" +504 +505 def _prefixed_sql(self, prefix, expression, arg): +506 sql = self.sql(expression, arg) +507 if not sql: +508 return "" +509 return f" {prefix} {sql}" +510 +511 def _oldstyle_limit_sql(self, expression): +512 limit = self.sql(expression, "limit") +513 offset = self.sql(expression, "offset") +514 if limit: +515 limit_offset = f"{offset}, {limit}" if offset else limit +516 return f" LIMIT {limit_offset}" +517 return "" +518 +519 def setitem_sql(self, expression): +520 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") +521 kind = f"{kind} " if kind else "" +522 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +523 expressions = self.expressions(expression) +524 collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") +525 collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" +526 global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else "" +527 return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}" +528 +529 def set_sql(self, expression): +530 return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
@@ -629,434 +634,438 @@
 99class MySQL(Dialect):
-100    time_format = "'%Y-%m-%d %T'"
-102    #
-103    time_mapping = {
-104        "%M": "%B",
-105        "%c": "%-m",
-106        "%e": "%-d",
-107        "%h": "%I",
-108        "%i": "%M",
-109        "%s": "%S",
-110        "%S": "%S",
-111        "%u": "%W",
-112        "%k": "%-H",
-113        "%l": "%-I",
-114        "%T": "%H:%M:%S",
-115    }
-117    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
-120        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
-121        STRING_ESCAPES = ["'", "\\"]
-122        BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'"), ("0b", "")]
-123        HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", "")]
-125        KEYWORDS = {
-126            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
-127            "MEDIUMTEXT": TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT,
-128            "LONGTEXT": TokenType.LONGTEXT,
-129            "MEDIUMBLOB": TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB,
-130            "LONGBLOB": TokenType.LONGBLOB,
-131            "START": TokenType.BEGIN,
-132            "SEPARATOR": TokenType.SEPARATOR,
-133            "_ARMSCII8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-134            "_ASCII": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-135            "_BIG5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-136            "_BINARY": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-137            "_CP1250": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-138            "_CP1251": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-139            "_CP1256": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-140            "_CP1257": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-141            "_CP850": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-142            "_CP852": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-143            "_CP866": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-144            "_CP932": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-145            "_DEC8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-146            "_EUCJPMS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-147            "_EUCKR": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-148            "_GB18030": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-149            "_GB2312": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-150            "_GBK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-151            "_GEOSTD8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-152            "_GREEK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-153            "_HEBREW": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-154            "_HP8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-155            "_KEYBCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-156            "_KOI8R": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-157            "_KOI8U": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-158            "_LATIN1": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-159            "_LATIN2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-160            "_LATIN5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-161            "_LATIN7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-162            "_MACCE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-163            "_MACROMAN": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-164            "_SJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-165            "_SWE7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-166            "_TIS620": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-167            "_UCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-168            "_UJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-169            #
-170            "_UTF8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-171            "_UTF16": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-172            "_UTF16LE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-173            "_UTF32": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-174            "_UTF8MB3": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-175            "_UTF8MB4": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-176            "@@": TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER,
-177        }
-179        COMMANDS = tokens.Tokenizer.COMMANDS - {TokenType.SET, TokenType.SHOW}
-181    class Parser(parser.Parser):
-182        FUNC_TOKENS = {*parser.Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.SCHEMA}  # type: ignore
-184        FUNCTIONS = {
-185            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
-186            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
-187            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
-188            "STR_TO_DATE": _str_to_date,
-189            "LOCATE": locate_to_strposition,
-190            "INSTR": lambda args: exp.StrPosition(substr=seq_get(args, 1), this=seq_get(args, 0)),
-191            "LEFT": lambda args: exp.Substring(
-192                this=seq_get(args, 0), start=exp.Literal.number(1), length=seq_get(args, 1)
-193            ),
-194        }
-196        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
-197            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-198            "GROUP_CONCAT": lambda self: self.expression(
-199                exp.GroupConcat,
-200                this=self._parse_lambda(),
-201                separator=self._match(TokenType.SEPARATOR) and self._parse_field(),
-202            ),
-203        }
-205        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
-206            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-207            "ENGINE": lambda self: self._parse_property_assignment(exp.EngineProperty),
-208        }
-210        STATEMENT_PARSERS = {
-211            **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-212            TokenType.SHOW: lambda self: self._parse_show(),
-213            TokenType.SET: lambda self: self._parse_set(),
-214        }
-216        SHOW_PARSERS = {
-217            "BINARY LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
-218            "MASTER LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
-219            "BINLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("BINLOG EVENTS"),
-220            "CHARACTER SET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
-221            "CHARSET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
-222            "COLLATION": _show_parser("COLLATION"),
-223            "FULL COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM", full=True),
-224            "COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM"),
-225            "CREATE DATABASE": _show_parser("CREATE DATABASE", target=True),
-226            "CREATE EVENT": _show_parser("CREATE EVENT", target=True),
-227            "CREATE FUNCTION": _show_parser("CREATE FUNCTION", target=True),
-228            "CREATE PROCEDURE": _show_parser("CREATE PROCEDURE", target=True),
-229            "CREATE TABLE": _show_parser("CREATE TABLE", target=True),
-230            "CREATE TRIGGER": _show_parser("CREATE TRIGGER", target=True),
-231            "CREATE VIEW": _show_parser("CREATE VIEW", target=True),
-232            "DATABASES": _show_parser("DATABASES"),
-233            "ENGINE": _show_parser("ENGINE", target=True),
-234            "STORAGE ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
-235            "ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
-236            "ERRORS": _show_parser("ERRORS"),
-237            "EVENTS": _show_parser("EVENTS"),
-238            "FUNCTION CODE": _show_parser("FUNCTION CODE", target=True),
-239            "FUNCTION STATUS": _show_parser("FUNCTION STATUS"),
-240            "GRANTS": _show_parser("GRANTS", target="FOR"),
-241            "INDEX": _show_parser("INDEX", target="FROM"),
-242            "MASTER STATUS": _show_parser("MASTER STATUS"),
-243            "OPEN TABLES": _show_parser("OPEN TABLES"),
-244            "PLUGINS": _show_parser("PLUGINS"),
-245            "PROCEDURE CODE": _show_parser("PROCEDURE CODE", target=True),
-246            "PROCEDURE STATUS": _show_parser("PROCEDURE STATUS"),
-247            "PRIVILEGES": _show_parser("PRIVILEGES"),
-248            "FULL PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST", full=True),
-249            "PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST"),
-250            "PROFILE": _show_parser("PROFILE"),
-251            "PROFILES": _show_parser("PROFILES"),
-252            "RELAYLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("RELAYLOG EVENTS"),
-253            "REPLICAS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
-254            "SLAVE HOSTS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
-255            "REPLICA STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
-256            "SLAVE STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
-257            "GLOBAL STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS", global_=True),
-258            "SESSION STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
-259            "STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
-260            "TABLE STATUS": _show_parser("TABLE STATUS"),
-261            "FULL TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES", full=True),
-262            "TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES"),
-263            "TRIGGERS": _show_parser("TRIGGERS"),
-264            "GLOBAL VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES", global_=True),
-265            "SESSION VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
-266            "VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
-267            "WARNINGS": _show_parser("WARNINGS"),
-268        }
-270        SET_PARSERS = {
-271            "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("GLOBAL"),
-272            "PERSIST": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST"),
-273            "PERSIST_ONLY": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST_ONLY"),
-274            "SESSION": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("SESSION"),
-275            "LOCAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("LOCAL"),
-276            "CHARACTER SET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
-277            "CHARSET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
-278            "NAMES": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_names(),
-279            "TRANSACTION": lambda self: self._parse_set_transaction(),
-280        }
-282        PROFILE_TYPES = {
-283            "ALL",
-284            "BLOCK IO",
-285            "CONTEXT SWITCHES",
-286            "CPU",
-287            "IPC",
-288            "MEMORY",
-289            "PAGE FAULTS",
-290            "SOURCE",
-291            "SWAPS",
-292        }
-299            "READ WRITE",
-300            "READ ONLY",
-301        }
-303        def _parse_show_mysql(self, this, target=False, full=None, global_=None):
-304            if target:
-305                if isinstance(target, str):
-306                    self._match_text_seq(target)
-307                target_id = self._parse_id_var()
-308            else:
-309                target_id = None
-311            log = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("IN") else None
-313            if this in {"BINLOG EVENTS", "RELAYLOG EVENTS"}:
-314                position = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
-315                db = None
-316            else:
-317                position = None
-318                db = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
-320            channel = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "CHANNEL") else None
-322            like = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("LIKE") else None
-323            where = self._parse_where()
-325            if this == "PROFILE":
-326                types = self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.PROFILE_TYPES))
-327                query = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "QUERY") else None
-328                offset = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("OFFSET") else None
-329                limit = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT") else None
-330            else:
-331                types, query = None, None
-332                offset, limit = self._parse_oldstyle_limit()
-334            mutex = True if self._match_text_seq("MUTEX") else None
-335            mutex = False if self._match_text_seq("STATUS") else mutex
-337            return self.expression(
-338                exp.Show,
-339                this=this,
-340                target=target_id,
-341                full=full,
-342                log=log,
-343                position=position,
-344                db=db,
-345                channel=channel,
-346                like=like,
-347                where=where,
-348                types=types,
-349                query=query,
-350                offset=offset,
-351                limit=limit,
-352                mutex=mutex,
-353                **{"global": global_},
-354            )
-356        def _parse_var_from_options(self, options):
-357            for option in options:
-358                if self._match_text_seq(*option.split(" ")):
-359                    return exp.Var(this=option)
-360            return None
-362        def _parse_oldstyle_limit(self):
-363            limit = None
-364            offset = None
-365            if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT"):
-366                parts = self._parse_csv(self._parse_number)
-367                if len(parts) == 1:
-368                    limit = parts[0]
-369                elif len(parts) == 2:
-370                    limit = parts[1]
-371                    offset = parts[0]
-372            return offset, limit
-374        def _default_parse_set_item(self):
-375            return self._parse_set_item_assignment(kind=None)
-377        def _parse_set_item_assignment(self, kind):
-378            if kind in {"GLOBAL", "SESSION"} and self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION"):
-379                return self._parse_set_transaction(global_=kind == "GLOBAL")
-381            left = self._parse_primary() or self._parse_id_var()
-382            if not self._match(TokenType.EQ):
-383                self.raise_error("Expected =")
-384            right = self._parse_statement() or self._parse_id_var()
-386            this = self.expression(
-387                exp.EQ,
-388                this=left,
-389                expression=right,
-390            )
-392            return self.expression(
-393                exp.SetItem,
-394                this=this,
-395                kind=kind,
-396            )
-398        def _parse_set_item_charset(self, kind):
-399            this = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
-401            return self.expression(
-402                exp.SetItem,
-403                this=this,
-404                kind=kind,
-405            )
-407        def _parse_set_item_names(self):
-408            charset = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
-409            if self._match_text_seq("COLLATE"):
-410                collate = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
-411            else:
-412                collate = None
-413            return self.expression(
-414                exp.SetItem,
-415                this=charset,
-416                collate=collate,
-417                kind="NAMES",
-418            )
-420        def _parse_set_transaction(self, global_=False):
-421            self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION")
-422            characteristics = self._parse_csv(
-423                lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS)
-424            )
-425            return self.expression(
-426                exp.SetItem,
-427                expressions=characteristics,
-428                kind="TRANSACTION",
-429                **{"global": global_},
-430            )
-432    class Generator(generator.Generator):
-436        TRANSFORMS = {
-437            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
-438            exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql,
-439            exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
-440            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
-441            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
-442            exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql,
-443            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"),
-444            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"),
-445            exp.DateTrunc: _date_trunc_sql,
-446            exp.GroupConcat: lambda self, e: f"""GROUP_CONCAT({self.sql(e, "this")} SEPARATOR {self.sql(e, "separator") or "','"})""",
-447            exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date_sql,
-448            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_date_sql,
-449            exp.Trim: _trim_sql,
-450            exp.NullSafeEQ: lambda self, e: self.binary(e, "<=>"),
-451            exp.NullSafeNEQ: lambda self, e: self.not_sql(self.binary(e, "<=>")),
-452            exp.StrPosition: strposition_to_locate_sql,
-453        }
-455        TYPE_MAPPING = generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING.copy()
-456        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT)
-457        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT)
-458        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB)
-459        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB)
-461        def show_sql(self, expression):
-462            this = f" {}"
-463            full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else ""
-464            global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else ""
100class MySQL(Dialect):
+101    time_format = "'%Y-%m-%d %T'"
+103    #
+104    time_mapping = {
+105        "%M": "%B",
+106        "%c": "%-m",
+107        "%e": "%-d",
+108        "%h": "%I",
+109        "%i": "%M",
+110        "%s": "%S",
+111        "%S": "%S",
+112        "%u": "%W",
+113        "%k": "%-H",
+114        "%l": "%-I",
+115        "%T": "%H:%M:%S",
+116    }
+118    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
+121        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
+122        STRING_ESCAPES = ["'", "\\"]
+123        BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'"), ("0b", "")]
+124        HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", "")]
+126        KEYWORDS = {
+127            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
+128            "MEDIUMTEXT": TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT,
+129            "LONGTEXT": TokenType.LONGTEXT,
+130            "MEDIUMBLOB": TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB,
+131            "LONGBLOB": TokenType.LONGBLOB,
+132            "START": TokenType.BEGIN,
+133            "SEPARATOR": TokenType.SEPARATOR,
+134            "_ARMSCII8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+135            "_ASCII": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+136            "_BIG5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+137            "_BINARY": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+138            "_CP1250": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+139            "_CP1251": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+140            "_CP1256": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+141            "_CP1257": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+142            "_CP850": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+143            "_CP852": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+144            "_CP866": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+145            "_CP932": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+146            "_DEC8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+147            "_EUCJPMS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+148            "_EUCKR": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+149            "_GB18030": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+150            "_GB2312": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+151            "_GBK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+152            "_GEOSTD8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+153            "_GREEK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+154            "_HEBREW": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+155            "_HP8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+156            "_KEYBCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+157            "_KOI8R": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+158            "_KOI8U": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+159            "_LATIN1": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+160            "_LATIN2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+161            "_LATIN5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+162            "_LATIN7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+163            "_MACCE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+164            "_MACROMAN": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+165            "_SJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+166            "_SWE7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+167            "_TIS620": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+168            "_UCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+169            "_UJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+170            #
+171            "_UTF8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+172            "_UTF16": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+173            "_UTF16LE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+174            "_UTF32": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+175            "_UTF8MB3": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+176            "_UTF8MB4": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+177            "@@": TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER,
+178        }
+180        COMMANDS = tokens.Tokenizer.COMMANDS - {TokenType.SET, TokenType.SHOW}
+182    class Parser(parser.Parser):
+183        FUNC_TOKENS = {*parser.Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.SCHEMA}  # type: ignore
+185        FUNCTIONS = {
+186            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+187            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
+188            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
+189            "STR_TO_DATE": _str_to_date,
+190            "LOCATE": locate_to_strposition,
+191            "INSTR": lambda args: exp.StrPosition(substr=seq_get(args, 1), this=seq_get(args, 0)),
+192            "LEFT": lambda args: exp.Substring(
+193                this=seq_get(args, 0), start=exp.Literal.number(1), length=seq_get(args, 1)
+194            ),
+195        }
+197        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
+198            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+199            "GROUP_CONCAT": lambda self: self.expression(
+200                exp.GroupConcat,
+201                this=self._parse_lambda(),
+202                separator=self._match(TokenType.SEPARATOR) and self._parse_field(),
+203            ),
+204        }
+206        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
+207            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+208            "ENGINE": lambda self: self._parse_property_assignment(exp.EngineProperty),
+209        }
+211        STATEMENT_PARSERS = {
+212            **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+213            TokenType.SHOW: lambda self: self._parse_show(),
+214            TokenType.SET: lambda self: self._parse_set(),
+215        }
+217        SHOW_PARSERS = {
+218            "BINARY LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
+219            "MASTER LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
+220            "BINLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("BINLOG EVENTS"),
+221            "CHARACTER SET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
+222            "CHARSET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
+223            "COLLATION": _show_parser("COLLATION"),
+224            "FULL COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM", full=True),
+225            "COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM"),
+226            "CREATE DATABASE": _show_parser("CREATE DATABASE", target=True),
+227            "CREATE EVENT": _show_parser("CREATE EVENT", target=True),
+228            "CREATE FUNCTION": _show_parser("CREATE FUNCTION", target=True),
+229            "CREATE PROCEDURE": _show_parser("CREATE PROCEDURE", target=True),
+230            "CREATE TABLE": _show_parser("CREATE TABLE", target=True),
+231            "CREATE TRIGGER": _show_parser("CREATE TRIGGER", target=True),
+232            "CREATE VIEW": _show_parser("CREATE VIEW", target=True),
+233            "DATABASES": _show_parser("DATABASES"),
+234            "ENGINE": _show_parser("ENGINE", target=True),
+235            "STORAGE ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
+236            "ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
+237            "ERRORS": _show_parser("ERRORS"),
+238            "EVENTS": _show_parser("EVENTS"),
+239            "FUNCTION CODE": _show_parser("FUNCTION CODE", target=True),
+240            "FUNCTION STATUS": _show_parser("FUNCTION STATUS"),
+241            "GRANTS": _show_parser("GRANTS", target="FOR"),
+242            "INDEX": _show_parser("INDEX", target="FROM"),
+243            "MASTER STATUS": _show_parser("MASTER STATUS"),
+244            "OPEN TABLES": _show_parser("OPEN TABLES"),
+245            "PLUGINS": _show_parser("PLUGINS"),
+246            "PROCEDURE CODE": _show_parser("PROCEDURE CODE", target=True),
+247            "PROCEDURE STATUS": _show_parser("PROCEDURE STATUS"),
+248            "PRIVILEGES": _show_parser("PRIVILEGES"),
+249            "FULL PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST", full=True),
+250            "PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST"),
+251            "PROFILE": _show_parser("PROFILE"),
+252            "PROFILES": _show_parser("PROFILES"),
+253            "RELAYLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("RELAYLOG EVENTS"),
+254            "REPLICAS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
+255            "SLAVE HOSTS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
+256            "REPLICA STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
+257            "SLAVE STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
+258            "GLOBAL STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS", global_=True),
+259            "SESSION STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
+260            "STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
+261            "TABLE STATUS": _show_parser("TABLE STATUS"),
+262            "FULL TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES", full=True),
+263            "TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES"),
+264            "TRIGGERS": _show_parser("TRIGGERS"),
+265            "GLOBAL VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES", global_=True),
+266            "SESSION VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
+267            "VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
+268            "WARNINGS": _show_parser("WARNINGS"),
+269        }
+271        SET_PARSERS = {
+272            "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("GLOBAL"),
+273            "PERSIST": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST"),
+274            "PERSIST_ONLY": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST_ONLY"),
+275            "SESSION": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("SESSION"),
+276            "LOCAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("LOCAL"),
+277            "CHARACTER SET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
+278            "CHARSET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
+279            "NAMES": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_names(),
+280            "TRANSACTION": lambda self: self._parse_set_transaction(),
+281        }
+283        PROFILE_TYPES = {
+284            "ALL",
+285            "BLOCK IO",
+286            "CONTEXT SWITCHES",
+287            "CPU",
+288            "IPC",
+289            "MEMORY",
+290            "PAGE FAULTS",
+291            "SOURCE",
+292            "SWAPS",
+293        }
+300            "READ WRITE",
+301            "READ ONLY",
+302        }
+304        def _parse_show_mysql(self, this, target=False, full=None, global_=None):
+305            if target:
+306                if isinstance(target, str):
+307                    self._match_text_seq(target)
+308                target_id = self._parse_id_var()
+309            else:
+310                target_id = None
+312            log = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("IN") else None
+314            if this in {"BINLOG EVENTS", "RELAYLOG EVENTS"}:
+315                position = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
+316                db = None
+317            else:
+318                position = None
+319                db = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
+321            channel = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "CHANNEL") else None
+323            like = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("LIKE") else None
+324            where = self._parse_where()
+326            if this == "PROFILE":
+327                types = self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.PROFILE_TYPES))
+328                query = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "QUERY") else None
+329                offset = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("OFFSET") else None
+330                limit = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT") else None
+331            else:
+332                types, query = None, None
+333                offset, limit = self._parse_oldstyle_limit()
+335            mutex = True if self._match_text_seq("MUTEX") else None
+336            mutex = False if self._match_text_seq("STATUS") else mutex
+338            return self.expression(
+339                exp.Show,
+340                this=this,
+341                target=target_id,
+342                full=full,
+343                log=log,
+344                position=position,
+345                db=db,
+346                channel=channel,
+347                like=like,
+348                where=where,
+349                types=types,
+350                query=query,
+351                offset=offset,
+352                limit=limit,
+353                mutex=mutex,
+354                **{"global": global_},
+355            )
+357        def _parse_var_from_options(self, options):
+358            for option in options:
+359                if self._match_text_seq(*option.split(" ")):
+360                    return exp.Var(this=option)
+361            return None
+363        def _parse_oldstyle_limit(self):
+364            limit = None
+365            offset = None
+366            if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT"):
+367                parts = self._parse_csv(self._parse_number)
+368                if len(parts) == 1:
+369                    limit = parts[0]
+370                elif len(parts) == 2:
+371                    limit = parts[1]
+372                    offset = parts[0]
+373            return offset, limit
+375        def _default_parse_set_item(self):
+376            return self._parse_set_item_assignment(kind=None)
+378        def _parse_set_item_assignment(self, kind):
+379            if kind in {"GLOBAL", "SESSION"} and self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION"):
+380                return self._parse_set_transaction(global_=kind == "GLOBAL")
+382            left = self._parse_primary() or self._parse_id_var()
+383            if not self._match(TokenType.EQ):
+384                self.raise_error("Expected =")
+385            right = self._parse_statement() or self._parse_id_var()
+387            this = self.expression(
+388                exp.EQ,
+389                this=left,
+390                expression=right,
+391            )
+393            return self.expression(
+394                exp.SetItem,
+395                this=this,
+396                kind=kind,
+397            )
+399        def _parse_set_item_charset(self, kind):
+400            this = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
+402            return self.expression(
+403                exp.SetItem,
+404                this=this,
+405                kind=kind,
+406            )
+408        def _parse_set_item_names(self):
+409            charset = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
+410            if self._match_text_seq("COLLATE"):
+411                collate = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
+412            else:
+413                collate = None
+414            return self.expression(
+415                exp.SetItem,
+416                this=charset,
+417                collate=collate,
+418                kind="NAMES",
+419            )
+421        def _parse_set_transaction(self, global_=False):
+422            self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION")
+423            characteristics = self._parse_csv(
+424                lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS)
+425            )
+426            return self.expression(
+427                exp.SetItem,
+428                expressions=characteristics,
+429                kind="TRANSACTION",
+430                **{"global": global_},
+431            )
+433    class Generator(generator.Generator):
+437        TRANSFORMS = {
+438            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
+439            exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql,
+440            exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
+441            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
+442            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
+443            exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql,
+444            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"),
+445            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"),
+446            exp.DateTrunc: _date_trunc_sql,
+447            exp.DayOfWeek: rename_func("DAYOFWEEK"),
+448            exp.DayOfMonth: rename_func("DAYOFMONTH"),
+449            exp.DayOfYear: rename_func("DAYOFYEAR"),
+450            exp.WeekOfYear: rename_func("WEEKOFYEAR"),
+451            exp.GroupConcat: lambda self, e: f"""GROUP_CONCAT({self.sql(e, "this")} SEPARATOR {self.sql(e, "separator") or "','"})""",
+452            exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date_sql,
+453            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_date_sql,
+454            exp.Trim: _trim_sql,
+455            exp.NullSafeEQ: lambda self, e: self.binary(e, "<=>"),
+456            exp.NullSafeNEQ: lambda self, e: self.not_sql(self.binary(e, "<=>")),
+457            exp.StrPosition: strposition_to_locate_sql,
+458        }
+460        TYPE_MAPPING = generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING.copy()
+461        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT)
+462        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT)
+463        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB)
+464        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB)
-466            target = self.sql(expression, "target")
-467            target = f" {target}" if target else ""
-468            if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}:
-469                target = f" FROM{target}"
-470            elif == "GRANTS":
-471                target = f" FOR{target}"
-473            db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db")
-475            like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like")
-476            where = self.sql(expression, "where")
+466        def show_sql(self, expression):
+467            this = f" {}"
+468            full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else ""
+469            global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else ""
+471            target = self.sql(expression, "target")
+472            target = f" {target}" if target else ""
+473            if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}:
+474                target = f" FROM{target}"
+475            elif == "GRANTS":
+476                target = f" FOR{target}"
-478            types = self.expressions(expression, key="types")
-479            types = f" {types}" if types else types
-480            query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query")
-482            if == "PROFILE":
-483                offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset")
-484                limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit")
-485            else:
-486                offset = ""
-487                limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression)
-489            log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log")
-490            position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position")
-492            channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel")
+478            db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db")
+480            like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like")
+481            where = self.sql(expression, "where")
+483            types = self.expressions(expression, key="types")
+484            types = f" {types}" if types else types
+485            query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query")
+487            if == "PROFILE":
+488                offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset")
+489                limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit")
+490            else:
+491                offset = ""
+492                limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression)
-494            if == "ENGINE":
-495                mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS"
-496            else:
-497                mutex_or_status = ""
+494            log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log")
+495            position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position")
+497            channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel")
-499            return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}"
-501        def _prefixed_sql(self, prefix, expression, arg):
-502            sql = self.sql(expression, arg)
-503            if not sql:
-504                return ""
-505            return f" {prefix} {sql}"
-507        def _oldstyle_limit_sql(self, expression):
-508            limit = self.sql(expression, "limit")
-509            offset = self.sql(expression, "offset")
-510            if limit:
-511                limit_offset = f"{offset}, {limit}" if offset else limit
-512                return f" LIMIT {limit_offset}"
-513            return ""
-515        def setitem_sql(self, expression):
-516            kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
-517            kind = f"{kind} " if kind else ""
-518            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
-519            expressions = self.expressions(expression)
-520            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
-521            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
-522            global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else ""
-523            return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}"
-525        def set_sql(self, expression):
-526            return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
+499            if == "ENGINE":
+500                mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS"
+501            else:
+502                mutex_or_status = ""
+504            return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}"
+506        def _prefixed_sql(self, prefix, expression, arg):
+507            sql = self.sql(expression, arg)
+508            if not sql:
+509                return ""
+510            return f" {prefix} {sql}"
+512        def _oldstyle_limit_sql(self, expression):
+513            limit = self.sql(expression, "limit")
+514            offset = self.sql(expression, "offset")
+515            if limit:
+516                limit_offset = f"{offset}, {limit}" if offset else limit
+517                return f" LIMIT {limit_offset}"
+518            return ""
+520        def setitem_sql(self, expression):
+521            kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
+522            kind = f"{kind} " if kind else ""
+523            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
+524            expressions = self.expressions(expression)
+525            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
+526            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
+527            global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else ""
+528            return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}"
+530        def set_sql(self, expression):
+531            return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
@@ -1102,69 +1111,69 @@
117    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
-120        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
-121        STRING_ESCAPES = ["'", "\\"]
-122        BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'"), ("0b", "")]
-123        HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", "")]
-125        KEYWORDS = {
-126            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
-127            "MEDIUMTEXT": TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT,
-128            "LONGTEXT": TokenType.LONGTEXT,
-129            "MEDIUMBLOB": TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB,
-130            "LONGBLOB": TokenType.LONGBLOB,
-131            "START": TokenType.BEGIN,
-132            "SEPARATOR": TokenType.SEPARATOR,
-133            "_ARMSCII8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-134            "_ASCII": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-135            "_BIG5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-136            "_BINARY": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-137            "_CP1250": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-138            "_CP1251": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-139            "_CP1256": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-140            "_CP1257": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-141            "_CP850": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-142            "_CP852": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-143            "_CP866": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-144            "_CP932": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-145            "_DEC8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-146            "_EUCJPMS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-147            "_EUCKR": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-148            "_GB18030": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-149            "_GB2312": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-150            "_GBK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-151            "_GEOSTD8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-152            "_GREEK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-153            "_HEBREW": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-154            "_HP8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-155            "_KEYBCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-156            "_KOI8R": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-157            "_KOI8U": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-158            "_LATIN1": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-159            "_LATIN2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-160            "_LATIN5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-161            "_LATIN7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-162            "_MACCE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-163            "_MACROMAN": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-164            "_SJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-165            "_SWE7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-166            "_TIS620": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-167            "_UCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-168            "_UJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-169            #
-170            "_UTF8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-171            "_UTF16": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-172            "_UTF16LE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-173            "_UTF32": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-174            "_UTF8MB3": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-175            "_UTF8MB4": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
-176            "@@": TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER,
-177        }
-179        COMMANDS = tokens.Tokenizer.COMMANDS - {TokenType.SET, TokenType.SHOW}
118    class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer):
+121        IDENTIFIERS = ["`"]
+122        STRING_ESCAPES = ["'", "\\"]
+123        BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'"), ("0b", "")]
+124        HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", "")]
+126        KEYWORDS = {
+127            **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS,
+128            "MEDIUMTEXT": TokenType.MEDIUMTEXT,
+129            "LONGTEXT": TokenType.LONGTEXT,
+130            "MEDIUMBLOB": TokenType.MEDIUMBLOB,
+131            "LONGBLOB": TokenType.LONGBLOB,
+132            "START": TokenType.BEGIN,
+133            "SEPARATOR": TokenType.SEPARATOR,
+134            "_ARMSCII8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+135            "_ASCII": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+136            "_BIG5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+137            "_BINARY": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+138            "_CP1250": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+139            "_CP1251": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+140            "_CP1256": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+141            "_CP1257": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+142            "_CP850": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+143            "_CP852": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+144            "_CP866": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+145            "_CP932": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+146            "_DEC8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+147            "_EUCJPMS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+148            "_EUCKR": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+149            "_GB18030": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+150            "_GB2312": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+151            "_GBK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+152            "_GEOSTD8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+153            "_GREEK": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+154            "_HEBREW": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+155            "_HP8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+156            "_KEYBCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+157            "_KOI8R": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+158            "_KOI8U": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+159            "_LATIN1": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+160            "_LATIN2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+161            "_LATIN5": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+162            "_LATIN7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+163            "_MACCE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+164            "_MACROMAN": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+165            "_SJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+166            "_SWE7": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+167            "_TIS620": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+168            "_UCS2": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+169            "_UJIS": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+170            #
+171            "_UTF8": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+172            "_UTF16": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+173            "_UTF16LE": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+174            "_UTF32": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+175            "_UTF8MB3": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+176            "_UTF8MB4": TokenType.INTRODUCER,
+177            "@@": TokenType.SESSION_PARAMETER,
+178        }
+180        COMMANDS = tokens.Tokenizer.COMMANDS - {TokenType.SET, TokenType.SHOW}
@@ -1193,256 +1202,256 @@
181    class Parser(parser.Parser):
-182        FUNC_TOKENS = {*parser.Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.SCHEMA}  # type: ignore
-184        FUNCTIONS = {
-185            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
-186            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
-187            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
-188            "STR_TO_DATE": _str_to_date,
-189            "LOCATE": locate_to_strposition,
-190            "INSTR": lambda args: exp.StrPosition(substr=seq_get(args, 1), this=seq_get(args, 0)),
-191            "LEFT": lambda args: exp.Substring(
-192                this=seq_get(args, 0), start=exp.Literal.number(1), length=seq_get(args, 1)
-193            ),
-194        }
-196        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
-197            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-198            "GROUP_CONCAT": lambda self: self.expression(
-199                exp.GroupConcat,
-200                this=self._parse_lambda(),
-201                separator=self._match(TokenType.SEPARATOR) and self._parse_field(),
-202            ),
-203        }
-205        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
-206            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-207            "ENGINE": lambda self: self._parse_property_assignment(exp.EngineProperty),
-208        }
-210        STATEMENT_PARSERS = {
-211            **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
-212            TokenType.SHOW: lambda self: self._parse_show(),
-213            TokenType.SET: lambda self: self._parse_set(),
-214        }
-216        SHOW_PARSERS = {
-217            "BINARY LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
-218            "MASTER LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
-219            "BINLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("BINLOG EVENTS"),
-220            "CHARACTER SET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
-221            "CHARSET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
-222            "COLLATION": _show_parser("COLLATION"),
-223            "FULL COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM", full=True),
-224            "COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM"),
-225            "CREATE DATABASE": _show_parser("CREATE DATABASE", target=True),
-226            "CREATE EVENT": _show_parser("CREATE EVENT", target=True),
-227            "CREATE FUNCTION": _show_parser("CREATE FUNCTION", target=True),
-228            "CREATE PROCEDURE": _show_parser("CREATE PROCEDURE", target=True),
-229            "CREATE TABLE": _show_parser("CREATE TABLE", target=True),
-230            "CREATE TRIGGER": _show_parser("CREATE TRIGGER", target=True),
-231            "CREATE VIEW": _show_parser("CREATE VIEW", target=True),
-232            "DATABASES": _show_parser("DATABASES"),
-233            "ENGINE": _show_parser("ENGINE", target=True),
-234            "STORAGE ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
-235            "ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
-236            "ERRORS": _show_parser("ERRORS"),
-237            "EVENTS": _show_parser("EVENTS"),
-238            "FUNCTION CODE": _show_parser("FUNCTION CODE", target=True),
-239            "FUNCTION STATUS": _show_parser("FUNCTION STATUS"),
-240            "GRANTS": _show_parser("GRANTS", target="FOR"),
-241            "INDEX": _show_parser("INDEX", target="FROM"),
-242            "MASTER STATUS": _show_parser("MASTER STATUS"),
-243            "OPEN TABLES": _show_parser("OPEN TABLES"),
-244            "PLUGINS": _show_parser("PLUGINS"),
-245            "PROCEDURE CODE": _show_parser("PROCEDURE CODE", target=True),
-246            "PROCEDURE STATUS": _show_parser("PROCEDURE STATUS"),
-247            "PRIVILEGES": _show_parser("PRIVILEGES"),
-248            "FULL PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST", full=True),
-249            "PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST"),
-250            "PROFILE": _show_parser("PROFILE"),
-251            "PROFILES": _show_parser("PROFILES"),
-252            "RELAYLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("RELAYLOG EVENTS"),
-253            "REPLICAS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
-254            "SLAVE HOSTS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
-255            "REPLICA STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
-256            "SLAVE STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
-257            "GLOBAL STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS", global_=True),
-258            "SESSION STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
-259            "STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
-260            "TABLE STATUS": _show_parser("TABLE STATUS"),
-261            "FULL TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES", full=True),
-262            "TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES"),
-263            "TRIGGERS": _show_parser("TRIGGERS"),
-264            "GLOBAL VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES", global_=True),
-265            "SESSION VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
-266            "VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
-267            "WARNINGS": _show_parser("WARNINGS"),
-268        }
-270        SET_PARSERS = {
-271            "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("GLOBAL"),
-272            "PERSIST": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST"),
-273            "PERSIST_ONLY": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST_ONLY"),
-274            "SESSION": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("SESSION"),
-275            "LOCAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("LOCAL"),
-276            "CHARACTER SET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
-277            "CHARSET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
-278            "NAMES": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_names(),
-279            "TRANSACTION": lambda self: self._parse_set_transaction(),
-280        }
-282        PROFILE_TYPES = {
-283            "ALL",
-284            "BLOCK IO",
-285            "CONTEXT SWITCHES",
-286            "CPU",
-287            "IPC",
-288            "MEMORY",
-289            "PAGE FAULTS",
-290            "SOURCE",
-291            "SWAPS",
-292        }
-299            "READ WRITE",
-300            "READ ONLY",
-301        }
-303        def _parse_show_mysql(self, this, target=False, full=None, global_=None):
-304            if target:
-305                if isinstance(target, str):
-306                    self._match_text_seq(target)
-307                target_id = self._parse_id_var()
-308            else:
-309                target_id = None
-311            log = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("IN") else None
-313            if this in {"BINLOG EVENTS", "RELAYLOG EVENTS"}:
-314                position = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
-315                db = None
-316            else:
-317                position = None
-318                db = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
-320            channel = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "CHANNEL") else None
-322            like = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("LIKE") else None
-323            where = self._parse_where()
-325            if this == "PROFILE":
-326                types = self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.PROFILE_TYPES))
-327                query = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "QUERY") else None
-328                offset = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("OFFSET") else None
-329                limit = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT") else None
-330            else:
-331                types, query = None, None
-332                offset, limit = self._parse_oldstyle_limit()
-334            mutex = True if self._match_text_seq("MUTEX") else None
-335            mutex = False if self._match_text_seq("STATUS") else mutex
-337            return self.expression(
-338                exp.Show,
-339                this=this,
-340                target=target_id,
-341                full=full,
-342                log=log,
-343                position=position,
-344                db=db,
-345                channel=channel,
-346                like=like,
-347                where=where,
-348                types=types,
-349                query=query,
-350                offset=offset,
-351                limit=limit,
-352                mutex=mutex,
-353                **{"global": global_},
-354            )
-356        def _parse_var_from_options(self, options):
-357            for option in options:
-358                if self._match_text_seq(*option.split(" ")):
-359                    return exp.Var(this=option)
-360            return None
-362        def _parse_oldstyle_limit(self):
-363            limit = None
-364            offset = None
-365            if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT"):
-366                parts = self._parse_csv(self._parse_number)
-367                if len(parts) == 1:
-368                    limit = parts[0]
-369                elif len(parts) == 2:
-370                    limit = parts[1]
-371                    offset = parts[0]
-372            return offset, limit
-374        def _default_parse_set_item(self):
-375            return self._parse_set_item_assignment(kind=None)
-377        def _parse_set_item_assignment(self, kind):
-378            if kind in {"GLOBAL", "SESSION"} and self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION"):
-379                return self._parse_set_transaction(global_=kind == "GLOBAL")
-381            left = self._parse_primary() or self._parse_id_var()
-382            if not self._match(TokenType.EQ):
-383                self.raise_error("Expected =")
-384            right = self._parse_statement() or self._parse_id_var()
-386            this = self.expression(
-387                exp.EQ,
-388                this=left,
-389                expression=right,
-390            )
-392            return self.expression(
-393                exp.SetItem,
-394                this=this,
-395                kind=kind,
-396            )
-398        def _parse_set_item_charset(self, kind):
-399            this = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
-401            return self.expression(
-402                exp.SetItem,
-403                this=this,
-404                kind=kind,
-405            )
-407        def _parse_set_item_names(self):
-408            charset = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
-409            if self._match_text_seq("COLLATE"):
-410                collate = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
-411            else:
-412                collate = None
-413            return self.expression(
-414                exp.SetItem,
-415                this=charset,
-416                collate=collate,
-417                kind="NAMES",
-418            )
-420        def _parse_set_transaction(self, global_=False):
-421            self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION")
-422            characteristics = self._parse_csv(
-423                lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS)
-424            )
-425            return self.expression(
-426                exp.SetItem,
-427                expressions=characteristics,
-428                kind="TRANSACTION",
-429                **{"global": global_},
-430            )
182    class Parser(parser.Parser):
+183        FUNC_TOKENS = {*parser.Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.SCHEMA}  # type: ignore
+185        FUNCTIONS = {
+186            **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS,  # type: ignore
+187            "DATE_ADD": _date_add(exp.DateAdd),
+188            "DATE_SUB": _date_add(exp.DateSub),
+189            "STR_TO_DATE": _str_to_date,
+190            "LOCATE": locate_to_strposition,
+191            "INSTR": lambda args: exp.StrPosition(substr=seq_get(args, 1), this=seq_get(args, 0)),
+192            "LEFT": lambda args: exp.Substring(
+193                this=seq_get(args, 0), start=exp.Literal.number(1), length=seq_get(args, 1)
+194            ),
+195        }
+197        FUNCTION_PARSERS = {
+198            **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+199            "GROUP_CONCAT": lambda self: self.expression(
+200                exp.GroupConcat,
+201                this=self._parse_lambda(),
+202                separator=self._match(TokenType.SEPARATOR) and self._parse_field(),
+203            ),
+204        }
+206        PROPERTY_PARSERS = {
+207            **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+208            "ENGINE": lambda self: self._parse_property_assignment(exp.EngineProperty),
+209        }
+211        STATEMENT_PARSERS = {
+212            **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS,  # type: ignore
+213            TokenType.SHOW: lambda self: self._parse_show(),
+214            TokenType.SET: lambda self: self._parse_set(),
+215        }
+217        SHOW_PARSERS = {
+218            "BINARY LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
+219            "MASTER LOGS": _show_parser("BINARY LOGS"),
+220            "BINLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("BINLOG EVENTS"),
+221            "CHARACTER SET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
+222            "CHARSET": _show_parser("CHARACTER SET"),
+223            "COLLATION": _show_parser("COLLATION"),
+224            "FULL COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM", full=True),
+225            "COLUMNS": _show_parser("COLUMNS", target="FROM"),
+226            "CREATE DATABASE": _show_parser("CREATE DATABASE", target=True),
+227            "CREATE EVENT": _show_parser("CREATE EVENT", target=True),
+228            "CREATE FUNCTION": _show_parser("CREATE FUNCTION", target=True),
+229            "CREATE PROCEDURE": _show_parser("CREATE PROCEDURE", target=True),
+230            "CREATE TABLE": _show_parser("CREATE TABLE", target=True),
+231            "CREATE TRIGGER": _show_parser("CREATE TRIGGER", target=True),
+232            "CREATE VIEW": _show_parser("CREATE VIEW", target=True),
+233            "DATABASES": _show_parser("DATABASES"),
+234            "ENGINE": _show_parser("ENGINE", target=True),
+235            "STORAGE ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
+236            "ENGINES": _show_parser("ENGINES"),
+237            "ERRORS": _show_parser("ERRORS"),
+238            "EVENTS": _show_parser("EVENTS"),
+239            "FUNCTION CODE": _show_parser("FUNCTION CODE", target=True),
+240            "FUNCTION STATUS": _show_parser("FUNCTION STATUS"),
+241            "GRANTS": _show_parser("GRANTS", target="FOR"),
+242            "INDEX": _show_parser("INDEX", target="FROM"),
+243            "MASTER STATUS": _show_parser("MASTER STATUS"),
+244            "OPEN TABLES": _show_parser("OPEN TABLES"),
+245            "PLUGINS": _show_parser("PLUGINS"),
+246            "PROCEDURE CODE": _show_parser("PROCEDURE CODE", target=True),
+247            "PROCEDURE STATUS": _show_parser("PROCEDURE STATUS"),
+248            "PRIVILEGES": _show_parser("PRIVILEGES"),
+249            "FULL PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST", full=True),
+250            "PROCESSLIST": _show_parser("PROCESSLIST"),
+251            "PROFILE": _show_parser("PROFILE"),
+252            "PROFILES": _show_parser("PROFILES"),
+253            "RELAYLOG EVENTS": _show_parser("RELAYLOG EVENTS"),
+254            "REPLICAS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
+255            "SLAVE HOSTS": _show_parser("REPLICAS"),
+256            "REPLICA STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
+257            "SLAVE STATUS": _show_parser("REPLICA STATUS"),
+258            "GLOBAL STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS", global_=True),
+259            "SESSION STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
+260            "STATUS": _show_parser("STATUS"),
+261            "TABLE STATUS": _show_parser("TABLE STATUS"),
+262            "FULL TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES", full=True),
+263            "TABLES": _show_parser("TABLES"),
+264            "TRIGGERS": _show_parser("TRIGGERS"),
+265            "GLOBAL VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES", global_=True),
+266            "SESSION VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
+267            "VARIABLES": _show_parser("VARIABLES"),
+268            "WARNINGS": _show_parser("WARNINGS"),
+269        }
+271        SET_PARSERS = {
+272            "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("GLOBAL"),
+273            "PERSIST": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST"),
+274            "PERSIST_ONLY": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("PERSIST_ONLY"),
+275            "SESSION": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("SESSION"),
+276            "LOCAL": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_assignment("LOCAL"),
+277            "CHARACTER SET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
+278            "CHARSET": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_charset("CHARACTER SET"),
+279            "NAMES": lambda self: self._parse_set_item_names(),
+280            "TRANSACTION": lambda self: self._parse_set_transaction(),
+281        }
+283        PROFILE_TYPES = {
+284            "ALL",
+285            "BLOCK IO",
+286            "CONTEXT SWITCHES",
+287            "CPU",
+288            "IPC",
+289            "MEMORY",
+290            "PAGE FAULTS",
+291            "SOURCE",
+292            "SWAPS",
+293        }
+300            "READ WRITE",
+301            "READ ONLY",
+302        }
+304        def _parse_show_mysql(self, this, target=False, full=None, global_=None):
+305            if target:
+306                if isinstance(target, str):
+307                    self._match_text_seq(target)
+308                target_id = self._parse_id_var()
+309            else:
+310                target_id = None
+312            log = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("IN") else None
+314            if this in {"BINLOG EVENTS", "RELAYLOG EVENTS"}:
+315                position = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
+316                db = None
+317            else:
+318                position = None
+319                db = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FROM") else None
+321            channel = self._parse_id_var() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "CHANNEL") else None
+323            like = self._parse_string() if self._match_text_seq("LIKE") else None
+324            where = self._parse_where()
+326            if this == "PROFILE":
+327                types = self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.PROFILE_TYPES))
+328                query = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("FOR", "QUERY") else None
+329                offset = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("OFFSET") else None
+330                limit = self._parse_number() if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT") else None
+331            else:
+332                types, query = None, None
+333                offset, limit = self._parse_oldstyle_limit()
+335            mutex = True if self._match_text_seq("MUTEX") else None
+336            mutex = False if self._match_text_seq("STATUS") else mutex
+338            return self.expression(
+339                exp.Show,
+340                this=this,
+341                target=target_id,
+342                full=full,
+343                log=log,
+344                position=position,
+345                db=db,
+346                channel=channel,
+347                like=like,
+348                where=where,
+349                types=types,
+350                query=query,
+351                offset=offset,
+352                limit=limit,
+353                mutex=mutex,
+354                **{"global": global_},
+355            )
+357        def _parse_var_from_options(self, options):
+358            for option in options:
+359                if self._match_text_seq(*option.split(" ")):
+360                    return exp.Var(this=option)
+361            return None
+363        def _parse_oldstyle_limit(self):
+364            limit = None
+365            offset = None
+366            if self._match_text_seq("LIMIT"):
+367                parts = self._parse_csv(self._parse_number)
+368                if len(parts) == 1:
+369                    limit = parts[0]
+370                elif len(parts) == 2:
+371                    limit = parts[1]
+372                    offset = parts[0]
+373            return offset, limit
+375        def _default_parse_set_item(self):
+376            return self._parse_set_item_assignment(kind=None)
+378        def _parse_set_item_assignment(self, kind):
+379            if kind in {"GLOBAL", "SESSION"} and self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION"):
+380                return self._parse_set_transaction(global_=kind == "GLOBAL")
+382            left = self._parse_primary() or self._parse_id_var()
+383            if not self._match(TokenType.EQ):
+384                self.raise_error("Expected =")
+385            right = self._parse_statement() or self._parse_id_var()
+387            this = self.expression(
+388                exp.EQ,
+389                this=left,
+390                expression=right,
+391            )
+393            return self.expression(
+394                exp.SetItem,
+395                this=this,
+396                kind=kind,
+397            )
+399        def _parse_set_item_charset(self, kind):
+400            this = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
+402            return self.expression(
+403                exp.SetItem,
+404                this=this,
+405                kind=kind,
+406            )
+408        def _parse_set_item_names(self):
+409            charset = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
+410            if self._match_text_seq("COLLATE"):
+411                collate = self._parse_string() or self._parse_id_var()
+412            else:
+413                collate = None
+414            return self.expression(
+415                exp.SetItem,
+416                this=charset,
+417                collate=collate,
+418                kind="NAMES",
+419            )
+421        def _parse_set_transaction(self, global_=False):
+422            self._match_text_seq("TRANSACTION")
+423            characteristics = self._parse_csv(
+424                lambda: self._parse_var_from_options(self.TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS)
+425            )
+426            return self.expression(
+427                exp.SetItem,
+428                expressions=characteristics,
+429                kind="TRANSACTION",
+430                **{"global": global_},
+431            )
@@ -1499,101 +1508,105 @@ Default: "nulls_are_small"
432    class Generator(generator.Generator):
-436        TRANSFORMS = {
-437            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
-438            exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql,
-439            exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
-440            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
-441            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
-442            exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql,
-443            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"),
-444            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"),
-445            exp.DateTrunc: _date_trunc_sql,
-446            exp.GroupConcat: lambda self, e: f"""GROUP_CONCAT({self.sql(e, "this")} SEPARATOR {self.sql(e, "separator") or "','"})""",
-447            exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date_sql,
-448            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_date_sql,
-449            exp.Trim: _trim_sql,
-450            exp.NullSafeEQ: lambda self, e: self.binary(e, "<=>"),
-451            exp.NullSafeNEQ: lambda self, e: self.not_sql(self.binary(e, "<=>")),
-452            exp.StrPosition: strposition_to_locate_sql,
-453        }
-455        TYPE_MAPPING = generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING.copy()
-456        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT)
-457        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT)
-458        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB)
-459        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB)
-461        def show_sql(self, expression):
-462            this = f" {}"
-463            full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else ""
-464            global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else ""
433    class Generator(generator.Generator):
+437        TRANSFORMS = {
+438            **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS,  # type: ignore
+439            exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql,
+440            exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
+441            exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql,
+442            exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql,
+443            exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql,
+444            exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"),
+445            exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"),
+446            exp.DateTrunc: _date_trunc_sql,
+447            exp.DayOfWeek: rename_func("DAYOFWEEK"),
+448            exp.DayOfMonth: rename_func("DAYOFMONTH"),
+449            exp.DayOfYear: rename_func("DAYOFYEAR"),
+450            exp.WeekOfYear: rename_func("WEEKOFYEAR"),
+451            exp.GroupConcat: lambda self, e: f"""GROUP_CONCAT({self.sql(e, "this")} SEPARATOR {self.sql(e, "separator") or "','"})""",
+452            exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date_sql,
+453            exp.StrToTime: _str_to_date_sql,
+454            exp.Trim: _trim_sql,
+455            exp.NullSafeEQ: lambda self, e: self.binary(e, "<=>"),
+456            exp.NullSafeNEQ: lambda self, e: self.not_sql(self.binary(e, "<=>")),
+457            exp.StrPosition: strposition_to_locate_sql,
+458        }
+460        TYPE_MAPPING = generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING.copy()
+461        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT)
+462        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT)
+463        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB)
+464        TYPE_MAPPING.pop(exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB)
-466            target = self.sql(expression, "target")
-467            target = f" {target}" if target else ""
-468            if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}:
-469                target = f" FROM{target}"
-470            elif == "GRANTS":
-471                target = f" FOR{target}"
-473            db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db")
-475            like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like")
-476            where = self.sql(expression, "where")
+466        def show_sql(self, expression):
+467            this = f" {}"
+468            full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else ""
+469            global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else ""
+471            target = self.sql(expression, "target")
+472            target = f" {target}" if target else ""
+473            if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}:
+474                target = f" FROM{target}"
+475            elif == "GRANTS":
+476                target = f" FOR{target}"
-478            types = self.expressions(expression, key="types")
-479            types = f" {types}" if types else types
-480            query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query")
-482            if == "PROFILE":
-483                offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset")
-484                limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit")
-485            else:
-486                offset = ""
-487                limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression)
-489            log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log")
-490            position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position")
-492            channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel")
+478            db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db")
+480            like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like")
+481            where = self.sql(expression, "where")
+483            types = self.expressions(expression, key="types")
+484            types = f" {types}" if types else types
+485            query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query")
+487            if == "PROFILE":
+488                offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset")
+489                limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit")
+490            else:
+491                offset = ""
+492                limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression)
-494            if == "ENGINE":
-495                mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS"
-496            else:
-497                mutex_or_status = ""
+494            log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log")
+495            position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position")
+497            channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel")
-499            return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}"
-501        def _prefixed_sql(self, prefix, expression, arg):
-502            sql = self.sql(expression, arg)
-503            if not sql:
-504                return ""
-505            return f" {prefix} {sql}"
-507        def _oldstyle_limit_sql(self, expression):
-508            limit = self.sql(expression, "limit")
-509            offset = self.sql(expression, "offset")
-510            if limit:
-511                limit_offset = f"{offset}, {limit}" if offset else limit
-512                return f" LIMIT {limit_offset}"
-513            return ""
-515        def setitem_sql(self, expression):
-516            kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
-517            kind = f"{kind} " if kind else ""
-518            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
-519            expressions = self.expressions(expression)
-520            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
-521            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
-522            global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else ""
-523            return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}"
-525        def set_sql(self, expression):
-526            return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
+499            if == "ENGINE":
+500                mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS"
+501            else:
+502                mutex_or_status = ""
+504            return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}"
+506        def _prefixed_sql(self, prefix, expression, arg):
+507            sql = self.sql(expression, arg)
+508            if not sql:
+509                return ""
+510            return f" {prefix} {sql}"
+512        def _oldstyle_limit_sql(self, expression):
+513            limit = self.sql(expression, "limit")
+514            offset = self.sql(expression, "offset")
+515            if limit:
+516                limit_offset = f"{offset}, {limit}" if offset else limit
+517                return f" LIMIT {limit_offset}"
+518            return ""
+520        def setitem_sql(self, expression):
+521            kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
+522            kind = f"{kind} " if kind else ""
+523            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
+524            expressions = self.expressions(expression)
+525            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
+526            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
+527            global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else ""
+528            return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}"
+530        def set_sql(self, expression):
+531            return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
@@ -1653,45 +1666,45 @@ Default: True
461        def show_sql(self, expression):
-462            this = f" {}"
-463            full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else ""
-464            global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else ""
-466            target = self.sql(expression, "target")
-467            target = f" {target}" if target else ""
-468            if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}:
-469                target = f" FROM{target}"
-470            elif == "GRANTS":
-471                target = f" FOR{target}"
-473            db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db")
-475            like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like")
-476            where = self.sql(expression, "where")
466        def show_sql(self, expression):
+467            this = f" {}"
+468            full = " FULL" if expression.args.get("full") else ""
+469            global_ = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else ""
+471            target = self.sql(expression, "target")
+472            target = f" {target}" if target else ""
+473            if in {"COLUMNS", "INDEX"}:
+474                target = f" FROM{target}"
+475            elif == "GRANTS":
+476                target = f" FOR{target}"
-478            types = self.expressions(expression, key="types")
-479            types = f" {types}" if types else types
-480            query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query")
-482            if == "PROFILE":
-483                offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset")
-484                limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit")
-485            else:
-486                offset = ""
-487                limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression)
-489            log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log")
-490            position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position")
-492            channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel")
+478            db = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "db")
+480            like = self._prefixed_sql("LIKE", expression, "like")
+481            where = self.sql(expression, "where")
+483            types = self.expressions(expression, key="types")
+484            types = f" {types}" if types else types
+485            query = self._prefixed_sql("FOR QUERY", expression, "query")
+487            if == "PROFILE":
+488                offset = self._prefixed_sql("OFFSET", expression, "offset")
+489                limit = self._prefixed_sql("LIMIT", expression, "limit")
+490            else:
+491                offset = ""
+492                limit = self._oldstyle_limit_sql(expression)
-494            if == "ENGINE":
-495                mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS"
-496            else:
-497                mutex_or_status = ""
+494            log = self._prefixed_sql("IN", expression, "log")
+495            position = self._prefixed_sql("FROM", expression, "position")
+497            channel = self._prefixed_sql("FOR CHANNEL", expression, "channel")
-499            return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}"
+499            if == "ENGINE":
+500                mutex_or_status = " MUTEX" if expression.args.get("mutex") else " STATUS"
+501            else:
+502                mutex_or_status = ""
+504            return f"SHOW{full}{global_}{this}{target}{types}{db}{query}{log}{position}{channel}{mutex_or_status}{like}{where}{offset}{limit}"
@@ -1709,15 +1722,15 @@ Default: True
515        def setitem_sql(self, expression):
-516            kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
-517            kind = f"{kind} " if kind else ""
-518            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
-519            expressions = self.expressions(expression)
-520            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
-521            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
-522            global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else ""
-523            return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}"
520        def setitem_sql(self, expression):
+521            kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
+522            kind = f"{kind} " if kind else ""
+523            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
+524            expressions = self.expressions(expression)
+525            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
+526            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
+527            global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else ""
+528            return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}"
@@ -1735,8 +1748,8 @@ Default: True
525        def set_sql(self, expression):
-526            return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
530        def set_sql(self, expression):
+531            return f"SET {self.expressions(expression)}"
diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/expressions.html b/docs/sqlglot/expressions.html index d8e3ed4..f110b40 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/expressions.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/expressions.html @@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
  • is_int
  • +
  • + is_star +
  • alias
  • @@ -962,6 +965,9 @@
  • limit
  • +
  • + select +
  • @@ -2350,6 +2356,12 @@
    + +
  • + RegexpExtract +
  • RegexpLike @@ -2902,7 +2914,7 @@ SQL expressions, such as< 128 """ 129 return self.args.get("expressions") or [] 130 - 131 def text(self, key): + 131 def text(self, key) -> str: 132 """ 133 Returns a textual representation of the argument corresponding to "key". This can only be used 134 for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and literals. @@ -2917,21 +2929,21 @@ SQL expressions, such as< 143 return "" 144 145 @property - 146 def is_string(self): + 146 def is_string(self) -> bool: 147 """ 148 Checks whether a Literal expression is a string. 149 """ 150 return isinstance(self, Literal) and self.args["is_string"] 151 152 @property - 153 def is_number(self): + 153 def is_number(self) -> bool: 154 """ 155 Checks whether a Literal expression is a number. 156 """ 157 return isinstance(self, Literal) and not self.args["is_string"] 158 159 @property - 160 def is_int(self): + 160 def is_int(self) -> bool: 161 """ 162 Checks whether a Literal expression is an integer. 163 """ @@ -2944,4555 +2956,4623 @@ SQL expressions, such as< 170 return False 171 172 @property - 173 def alias(self): - 174 """ - 175 Returns the alias of the expression, or an empty string if it's not aliased. - 176 """ - 177 if isinstance(self.args.get("alias"), TableAlias): - 178 return self.args["alias"].name - 179 return self.text("alias") - 180 - 181 @property - 182 def name(self) -> str: - 183 return self.text("this") - 184 - 185 @property - 186 def alias_or_name(self): - 187 return self.alias or - 188 - 189 @property - 190 def output_name(self): - 191 """ - 192 Name of the output column if this expression is a selection. + 173 def is_star(self) -> bool: + 174 """Checks whether an expression is a star.""" + 175 return isinstance(self, Star) or (isinstance(self, Column) and isinstance(self.this, Star)) + 176 + 177 @property + 178 def alias(self) -> str: + 179 """ + 180 Returns the alias of the expression, or an empty string if it's not aliased. + 181 """ + 182 if isinstance(self.args.get("alias"), TableAlias): + 183 return self.args["alias"].name + 184 return self.text("alias") + 185 + 186 @property + 187 def name(self) -> str: + 188 return self.text("this") + 189 + 190 @property + 191 def alias_or_name(self): + 192 return self.alias or 193 - 194 If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned. - 195 - 196 Example: - 197 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one - 198 >>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name - 199 'a' - 200 >>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name - 201 'c' - 202 >>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name - 203 '' - 204 """ - 205 return "" - 206 - 207 @property - 208 def type(self) -> t.Optional[DataType]: - 209 return self._type - 210 - 211 @type.setter - 212 def type(self, dtype: t.Optional[DataType | DataType.Type | str]) -> None: - 213 if dtype and not isinstance(dtype, DataType): - 214 dtype = - 215 self._type = dtype # type: ignore - 216 - 217 def __deepcopy__(self, memo): - 218 copy = self.__class__(**deepcopy(self.args)) - 219 copy.comments = self.comments - 220 copy.type = self.type - 221 return copy - 222 - 223 def copy(self): - 224 """ - 225 Returns a deep copy of the expression. - 226 """ - 227 new = deepcopy(self) - 228 new.parent = self.parent - 229 for item, parent, _ in new.bfs(): - 230 if isinstance(item, Expression) and parent: - 231 item.parent = parent - 232 return new - 233 - 234 def append(self, arg_key, value): - 235 """ - 236 Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list. - 237 - 238 Args: - 239 arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg - 240 value (Any): value to append to the list - 241 """ - 242 if not isinstance(self.args.get(arg_key), list): - 243 self.args[arg_key] = [] - 244 self.args[arg_key].append(value) - 245 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) - 246 - 247 def set(self, arg_key, value): - 248 """ - 249 Sets `arg_key` to `value`. - 250 - 251 Args: - 252 arg_key (str): name of the expression arg. - 253 value: value to set the arg to. - 254 """ - 255 self.args[arg_key] = value - 256 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) - 257 - 258 def _set_parent(self, arg_key, value): - 259 if isinstance(value, Expression): - 260 value.parent = self - 261 value.arg_key = arg_key - 262 elif isinstance(value, list): - 263 for v in value: - 264 if isinstance(v, Expression): - 265 v.parent = self - 266 v.arg_key = arg_key - 267 - 268 @property - 269 def depth(self): - 270 """ - 271 Returns the depth of this tree. - 272 """ - 273 if self.parent: - 274 return self.parent.depth + 1 - 275 return 0 - 276 - 277 def find(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): - 278 """ - 279 Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of - 280 the specified types. + 194 @property + 195 def output_name(self): + 196 """ + 197 Name of the output column if this expression is a selection. + 198 + 199 If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned. + 200 + 201 Example: + 202 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one + 203 >>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name + 204 'a' + 205 >>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name + 206 'c' + 207 >>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name + 208 '' + 209 """ + 210 return "" + 211 + 212 @property + 213 def type(self) -> t.Optional[DataType]: + 214 return self._type + 215 + 216 @type.setter + 217 def type(self, dtype: t.Optional[DataType | DataType.Type | str]) -> None: + 218 if dtype and not isinstance(dtype, DataType): + 219 dtype = + 220 self._type = dtype # type: ignore + 221 + 222 def __deepcopy__(self, memo): + 223 copy = self.__class__(**deepcopy(self.args)) + 224 copy.comments = self.comments + 225 copy.type = self.type + 226 return copy + 227 + 228 def copy(self): + 229 """ + 230 Returns a deep copy of the expression. + 231 """ + 232 new = deepcopy(self) + 233 new.parent = self.parent + 234 for item, parent, _ in new.bfs(): + 235 if isinstance(item, Expression) and parent: + 236 item.parent = parent + 237 return new + 238 + 239 def append(self, arg_key, value): + 240 """ + 241 Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list. + 242 + 243 Args: + 244 arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg + 245 value (Any): value to append to the list + 246 """ + 247 if not isinstance(self.args.get(arg_key), list): + 248 self.args[arg_key] = [] + 249 self.args[arg_key].append(value) + 250 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) + 251 + 252 def set(self, arg_key, value): + 253 """ + 254 Sets `arg_key` to `value`. + 255 + 256 Args: + 257 arg_key (str): name of the expression arg. + 258 value: value to set the arg to. + 259 """ + 260 self.args[arg_key] = value + 261 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) + 262 + 263 def _set_parent(self, arg_key, value): + 264 if isinstance(value, Expression): + 265 value.parent = self + 266 value.arg_key = arg_key + 267 elif isinstance(value, list): + 268 for v in value: + 269 if isinstance(v, Expression): + 270 v.parent = self + 271 v.arg_key = arg_key + 272 + 273 @property + 274 def depth(self): + 275 """ + 276 Returns the depth of this tree. + 277 """ + 278 if self.parent: + 279 return self.parent.depth + 1 + 280 return 0 281 - 282 Args: - 283 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. - 284 - 285 Returns: - 286 The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found. - 287 """ - 288 return next(self.find_all(*expression_types, bfs=bfs), None) + 282 def find(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): + 283 """ + 284 Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of + 285 the specified types. + 286 + 287 Args: + 288 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. 289 - 290 def find_all(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): - 291 """ - 292 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only - 293 yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types. + 290 Returns: + 291 The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found. + 292 """ + 293 return next(self.find_all(*expression_types, bfs=bfs), None) 294 - 295 Args: - 296 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. - 297 - 298 Returns: - 299 The generator object. - 300 """ - 301 for expression, _, _ in self.walk(bfs=bfs): - 302 if isinstance(expression, expression_types): - 303 yield expression - 304 - 305 def find_ancestor(self, *expression_types): - 306 """ - 307 Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types. - 308 - 309 Args: - 310 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. - 311 - 312 Returns: - 313 The parent node. - 314 """ - 315 ancestor = self.parent - 316 while ancestor and not isinstance(ancestor, expression_types): - 317 ancestor = ancestor.parent - 318 return ancestor - 319 - 320 @property - 321 def parent_select(self): - 322 """ - 323 Returns the parent select statement. - 324 """ - 325 return self.find_ancestor(Select) - 326 - 327 def walk(self, bfs=True, prune=None): - 328 """ - 329 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree. - 330 - 331 Args: - 332 bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied, - 333 otherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead. - 334 prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if - 335 the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree. - 336 - 337 Returns: - 338 the generator object. - 339 """ - 340 if bfs: - 341 yield from self.bfs(prune=prune) - 342 else: - 343 yield from self.dfs(prune=prune) - 344 - 345 def dfs(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None): - 346 """ - 347 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in - 348 the DFS (Depth-first) order. + 295 def find_all(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): + 296 """ + 297 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only + 298 yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types. + 299 + 300 Args: + 301 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. + 302 + 303 Returns: + 304 The generator object. + 305 """ + 306 for expression, _, _ in self.walk(bfs=bfs): + 307 if isinstance(expression, expression_types): + 308 yield expression + 309 + 310 def find_ancestor(self, *expression_types): + 311 """ + 312 Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types. + 313 + 314 Args: + 315 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. + 316 + 317 Returns: + 318 The parent node. + 319 """ + 320 ancestor = self.parent + 321 while ancestor and not isinstance(ancestor, expression_types): + 322 ancestor = ancestor.parent + 323 return ancestor + 324 + 325 @property + 326 def parent_select(self): + 327 """ + 328 Returns the parent select statement. + 329 """ + 330 return self.find_ancestor(Select) + 331 + 332 def walk(self, bfs=True, prune=None): + 333 """ + 334 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree. + 335 + 336 Args: + 337 bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied, + 338 otherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead. + 339 prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if + 340 the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree. + 341 + 342 Returns: + 343 the generator object. + 344 """ + 345 if bfs: + 346 yield from self.bfs(prune=prune) + 347 else: + 348 yield from self.dfs(prune=prune) 349 - 350 Returns: - 351 The generator object. - 352 """ - 353 parent = parent or self.parent - 354 yield self, parent, key - 355 if prune and prune(self, parent, key): - 356 return - 357 - 358 for k, v in self.args.items(): - 359 for node in ensure_collection(v): - 360 if isinstance(node, Expression): - 361 yield from node.dfs(self, k, prune) + 350 def dfs(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None): + 351 """ + 352 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in + 353 the DFS (Depth-first) order. + 354 + 355 Returns: + 356 The generator object. + 357 """ + 358 parent = parent or self.parent + 359 yield self, parent, key + 360 if prune and prune(self, parent, key): + 361 return 362 - 363 def bfs(self, prune=None): - 364 """ - 365 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in - 366 the BFS (Breadth-first) order. + 363 for k, v in self.args.items(): + 364 for node in ensure_collection(v): + 365 if isinstance(node, Expression): + 366 yield from node.dfs(self, k, prune) 367 - 368 Returns: - 369 The generator object. - 370 """ - 371 queue = deque([(self, self.parent, None)]) + 368 def bfs(self, prune=None): + 369 """ + 370 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in + 371 the BFS (Breadth-first) order. 372 - 373 while queue: - 374 item, parent, key = queue.popleft() - 375 - 376 yield item, parent, key - 377 if prune and prune(item, parent, key): - 378 continue - 379 - 380 if isinstance(item, Expression): - 381 for k, v in item.args.items(): - 382 for node in ensure_collection(v): - 383 if isinstance(node, Expression): - 384 queue.append((node, item, k)) - 385 - 386 def unnest(self): - 387 """ - 388 Returns the first non parenthesis child or self. - 389 """ - 390 expression = self - 391 while isinstance(expression, Paren): - 392 expression = expression.this - 393 return expression - 394 - 395 def unalias(self): - 396 """ - 397 Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias. - 398 """ - 399 if isinstance(self, Alias): - 400 return self.this - 401 return self - 402 - 403 def unnest_operands(self): - 404 """ - 405 Returns unnested operands as a tuple. - 406 """ - 407 return tuple(arg.unnest() for arg in self.args.values() if arg) - 408 - 409 def flatten(self, unnest=True): - 410 """ - 411 Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class. - 412 - 413 A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C] - 414 """ - 415 for node, _, _ in self.dfs(prune=lambda n, p, *_: p and not isinstance(n, self.__class__)): - 416 if not isinstance(node, self.__class__): - 417 yield node.unnest() if unnest else node - 418 - 419 def __str__(self): - 420 return self.sql() - 421 - 422 def __repr__(self): - 423 return self._to_s() - 424 - 425 def sql(self, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> str: - 426 """ - 427 Returns SQL string representation of this tree. - 428 - 429 Args: - 430 dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). - 431 opts: other `sqlglot.generator.Generator` options. - 432 - 433 Returns: - 434 The SQL string. - 435 """ - 436 from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect + 373 Returns: + 374 The generator object. + 375 """ + 376 queue = deque([(self, self.parent, None)]) + 377 + 378 while queue: + 379 item, parent, key = queue.popleft() + 380 + 381 yield item, parent, key + 382 if prune and prune(item, parent, key): + 383 continue + 384 + 385 if isinstance(item, Expression): + 386 for k, v in item.args.items(): + 387 for node in ensure_collection(v): + 388 if isinstance(node, Expression): + 389 queue.append((node, item, k)) + 390 + 391 def unnest(self): + 392 """ + 393 Returns the first non parenthesis child or self. + 394 """ + 395 expression = self + 396 while isinstance(expression, Paren): + 397 expression = expression.this + 398 return expression + 399 + 400 def unalias(self): + 401 """ + 402 Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias. + 403 """ + 404 if isinstance(self, Alias): + 405 return self.this + 406 return self + 407 + 408 def unnest_operands(self): + 409 """ + 410 Returns unnested operands as a tuple. + 411 """ + 412 return tuple(arg.unnest() for arg in self.args.values() if arg) + 413 + 414 def flatten(self, unnest=True): + 415 """ + 416 Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class. + 417 + 418 A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C] + 419 """ + 420 for node, _, _ in self.dfs(prune=lambda n, p, *_: p and not isinstance(n, self.__class__)): + 421 if not isinstance(node, self.__class__): + 422 yield node.unnest() if unnest else node + 423 + 424 def __str__(self): + 425 return self.sql() + 426 + 427 def __repr__(self): + 428 return self._to_s() + 429 + 430 def sql(self, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> str: + 431 """ + 432 Returns SQL string representation of this tree. + 433 + 434 Args: + 435 dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). + 436 opts: other `sqlglot.generator.Generator` options. 437 - 438 return Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().generate(self, **opts) - 439 - 440 def _to_s(self, hide_missing: bool = True, level: int = 0) -> str: - 441 indent = "" if not level else "\n" - 442 indent += "".join([" "] * level) - 443 left = f"({self.key.upper()} " + 438 Returns: + 439 The SQL string. + 440 """ + 441 from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect + 442 + 443 return Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().generate(self, **opts) 444 - 445 args: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = { - 446 k: ", ".join( - 447 v._to_s(hide_missing=hide_missing, level=level + 1) - 448 if hasattr(v, "_to_s") - 449 else str(v) - 450 for v in ensure_collection(vs) - 451 if v is not None - 452 ) - 453 for k, vs in self.args.items() - 454 } - 455 args["comments"] = self.comments - 456 args["type"] = self.type - 457 args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v or not hide_missing} - 458 - 459 right = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in args.items()) - 460 right += ")" - 461 - 462 return indent + left + right + 445 def _to_s(self, hide_missing: bool = True, level: int = 0) -> str: + 446 indent = "" if not level else "\n" + 447 indent += "".join([" "] * level) + 448 left = f"({self.key.upper()} " + 449 + 450 args: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = { + 451 k: ", ".join( + 452 v._to_s(hide_missing=hide_missing, level=level + 1) + 453 if hasattr(v, "_to_s") + 454 else str(v) + 455 for v in ensure_collection(vs) + 456 if v is not None + 457 ) + 458 for k, vs in self.args.items() + 459 } + 460 args["comments"] = self.comments + 461 args["type"] = self.type + 462 args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v or not hide_missing} 463 - 464 def transform(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs): - 465 """ - 466 Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones) - 467 and applies the given transformation function to each node. + 464 right = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in args.items()) + 465 right += ")" + 466 + 467 return indent + left + right 468 - 469 Args: - 470 fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a - 471 new transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function - 472 returns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree. - 473 copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is - 474 modified in place. - 475 - 476 Returns: - 477 The transformed tree. - 478 """ - 479 node = self.copy() if copy else self - 480 new_node = fun(node, *args, **kwargs) - 481 - 482 if new_node is None or not isinstance(new_node, Expression): - 483 return new_node - 484 if new_node is not node: - 485 new_node.parent = node.parent - 486 return new_node - 487 - 488 replace_children(new_node, lambda child: child.transform(fun, *args, copy=False, **kwargs)) - 489 return new_node - 490 - 491 def replace(self, expression): - 492 """ - 493 Swap out this expression with a new expression. - 494 - 495 For example:: - 496 - 497 >>> tree = Select().select("x").from_("tbl") - 498 >>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this="y")) - 499 (COLUMN this: y) - 500 >>> tree.sql() - 501 'SELECT y FROM tbl' - 502 - 503 Args: - 504 expression (Expression|None): new node - 505 - 506 Returns: - 507 The new expression or expressions. - 508 """ - 509 if not self.parent: - 510 return expression - 511 - 512 parent = self.parent - 513 self.parent = None - 514 - 515 replace_children(parent, lambda child: expression if child is self else child) - 516 return expression - 517 - 518 def pop(self): - 519 """ - 520 Remove this expression from its AST. - 521 """ - 522 self.replace(None) - 523 - 524 def assert_is(self, type_): - 525 """ - 526 Assert that this `Expression` is an instance of `type_`. - 527 - 528 If it is NOT an instance of `type_`, this raises an assertion error. - 529 Otherwise, this returns this expression. - 530 - 531 Examples: - 532 This is useful for type security in chained expressions: - 533 - 534 >>> import sqlglot - 535 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql() - 536 'SELECT x, z FROM y' - 537 """ - 538 assert isinstance(self, type_) - 539 return self - 540 - 541 def error_messages(self, args: t.Optional[t.Sequence] = None) -> t.List[str]: - 542 """ - 543 Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set). - 544 - 545 Args: - 546 args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used - 547 to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. - 548 - 549 Returns: - 550 A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found. - 551 """ - 552 errors: t.List[str] = [] + 469 def transform(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs): + 470 """ + 471 Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones) + 472 and applies the given transformation function to each node. + 473 + 474 Args: + 475 fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a + 476 new transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function + 477 returns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree. + 478 copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is + 479 modified in place. + 480 + 481 Returns: + 482 The transformed tree. + 483 """ + 484 node = self.copy() if copy else self + 485 new_node = fun(node, *args, **kwargs) + 486 + 487 if new_node is None or not isinstance(new_node, Expression): + 488 return new_node + 489 if new_node is not node: + 490 new_node.parent = node.parent + 491 return new_node + 492 + 493 replace_children(new_node, lambda child: child.transform(fun, *args, copy=False, **kwargs)) + 494 return new_node + 495 + 496 def replace(self, expression): + 497 """ + 498 Swap out this expression with a new expression. + 499 + 500 For example:: + 501 + 502 >>> tree = Select().select("x").from_("tbl") + 503 >>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this="y")) + 504 (COLUMN this: y) + 505 >>> tree.sql() + 506 'SELECT y FROM tbl' + 507 + 508 Args: + 509 expression (Expression|None): new node + 510 + 511 Returns: + 512 The new expression or expressions. + 513 """ + 514 if not self.parent: + 515 return expression + 516 + 517 parent = self.parent + 518 self.parent = None + 519 + 520 replace_children(parent, lambda child: expression if child is self else child) + 521 return expression + 522 + 523 def pop(self): + 524 """ + 525 Remove this expression from its AST. + 526 """ + 527 self.replace(None) + 528 + 529 def assert_is(self, type_): + 530 """ + 531 Assert that this `Expression` is an instance of `type_`. + 532 + 533 If it is NOT an instance of `type_`, this raises an assertion error. + 534 Otherwise, this returns this expression. + 535 + 536 Examples: + 537 This is useful for type security in chained expressions: + 538 + 539 >>> import sqlglot + 540 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql() + 541 'SELECT x, z FROM y' + 542 """ + 543 assert isinstance(self, type_) + 544 return self + 545 + 546 def error_messages(self, args: t.Optional[t.Sequence] = None) -> t.List[str]: + 547 """ + 548 Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set). + 549 + 550 Args: + 551 args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used + 552 to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. 553 - 554 for k in self.args: - 555 if k not in self.arg_types: - 556 errors.append(f"Unexpected keyword: '{k}' for {self.__class__}") - 557 for k, mandatory in self.arg_types.items(): - 558 v = self.args.get(k) - 559 if mandatory and (v is None or (isinstance(v, list) and not v)): - 560 errors.append(f"Required keyword: '{k}' missing for {self.__class__}") - 561 - 562 if ( - 563 args - 564 and isinstance(self, Func) - 565 and len(args) > len(self.arg_types) - 566 and not self.is_var_len_args - 567 ): - 568 errors.append( - 569 f"The number of provided arguments ({len(args)}) is greater than " - 570 f"the maximum number of supported arguments ({len(self.arg_types)})" - 571 ) - 572 - 573 return errors - 574 - 575 def dump(self): - 576 """ - 577 Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict. - 578 """ - 579 from sqlglot.serde import dump - 580 - 581 return dump(self) - 582 - 583 @classmethod - 584 def load(cls, obj): - 585 """ - 586 Load a dict (as returned by `Expression.dump`) into an Expression instance. - 587 """ - 588 from sqlglot.serde import load - 589 - 590 return load(obj) - 591 - 592 - 593IntoType = t.Union[ - 594 str, - 595 t.Type[Expression], - 596 t.Collection[t.Union[str, t.Type[Expression]]], - 597] - 598 - 599 - 600class Condition(Expression): - 601 def and_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts): - 602 """ - 603 AND this condition with one or multiple expressions. + 554 Returns: + 555 A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found. + 556 """ + 557 errors: t.List[str] = [] + 558 + 559 for k in self.args: + 560 if k not in self.arg_types: + 561 errors.append(f"Unexpected keyword: '{k}' for {self.__class__}") + 562 for k, mandatory in self.arg_types.items(): + 563 v = self.args.get(k) + 564 if mandatory and (v is None or (isinstance(v, list) and not v)): + 565 errors.append(f"Required keyword: '{k}' missing for {self.__class__}") + 566 + 567 if ( + 568 args + 569 and isinstance(self, Func) + 570 and len(args) > len(self.arg_types) + 571 and not self.is_var_len_args + 572 ): + 573 errors.append( + 574 f"The number of provided arguments ({len(args)}) is greater than " + 575 f"the maximum number of supported arguments ({len(self.arg_types)})" + 576 ) + 577 + 578 return errors + 579 + 580 def dump(self): + 581 """ + 582 Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict. + 583 """ + 584 from sqlglot.serde import dump + 585 + 586 return dump(self) + 587 + 588 @classmethod + 589 def load(cls, obj): + 590 """ + 591 Load a dict (as returned by `Expression.dump`) into an Expression instance. + 592 """ + 593 from sqlglot.serde import load + 594 + 595 return load(obj) + 596 + 597 + 598IntoType = t.Union[ + 599 str, + 600 t.Type[Expression], + 601 t.Collection[t.Union[str, t.Type[Expression]]], + 602] + 603 604 - 605 Example: - 606 >>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql() - 607 'x = 1 AND y = 1' - 608 - 609 Args: - 610 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. - 611 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. - 612 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. - 613 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. - 614 - 615 Returns: - 616 And: the new condition. - 617 """ - 618 return and_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) + 605class Condition(Expression): + 606 def and_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts): + 607 """ + 608 AND this condition with one or multiple expressions. + 609 + 610 Example: + 611 >>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql() + 612 'x = 1 AND y = 1' + 613 + 614 Args: + 615 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. + 616 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. + 617 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. + 618 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. 619 - 620 def or_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts): - 621 """ - 622 OR this condition with one or multiple expressions. - 623 - 624 Example: - 625 >>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql() - 626 'x = 1 OR y = 1' - 627 - 628 Args: - 629 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. - 630 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. - 631 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. - 632 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. - 633 - 634 Returns: - 635 Or: the new condition. - 636 """ - 637 return or_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) + 620 Returns: + 621 And: the new condition. + 622 """ + 623 return and_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) + 624 + 625 def or_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts): + 626 """ + 627 OR this condition with one or multiple expressions. + 628 + 629 Example: + 630 >>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql() + 631 'x = 1 OR y = 1' + 632 + 633 Args: + 634 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. + 635 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. + 636 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. + 637 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. 638 - 639 def not_(self): - 640 """ - 641 Wrap this condition with NOT. - 642 - 643 Example: - 644 >>> condition("x=1").not_().sql() - 645 'NOT x = 1' - 646 - 647 Returns: - 648 Not: the new condition. - 649 """ - 650 return not_(self) + 639 Returns: + 640 Or: the new condition. + 641 """ + 642 return or_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) + 643 + 644 def not_(self): + 645 """ + 646 Wrap this condition with NOT. + 647 + 648 Example: + 649 >>> condition("x=1").not_().sql() + 650 'NOT x = 1' 651 - 652 - 653class Predicate(Condition): - 654 """Relationships like x = y, x > 1, x >= y.""" - 655 + 652 Returns: + 653 Not: the new condition. + 654 """ + 655 return not_(self) 656 - 657class DerivedTable(Expression): - 658 @property - 659 def alias_column_names(self): - 660 table_alias = self.args.get("alias") - 661 if not table_alias: - 662 return [] - 663 column_list = table_alias.assert_is(TableAlias).args.get("columns") or [] - 664 return [ for c in column_list] - 665 - 666 @property - 667 def selects(self): - 668 alias = self.args.get("alias") - 669 - 670 if alias: - 671 return alias.columns - 672 return [] - 673 - 674 @property - 675 def named_selects(self): - 676 return [select.output_name for select in self.selects] - 677 + 657 + 658class Predicate(Condition): + 659 """Relationships like x = y, x > 1, x >= y.""" + 660 + 661 + 662class DerivedTable(Expression): + 663 @property + 664 def alias_column_names(self): + 665 table_alias = self.args.get("alias") + 666 if not table_alias: + 667 return [] + 668 column_list = table_alias.assert_is(TableAlias).args.get("columns") or [] + 669 return [ for c in column_list] + 670 + 671 @property + 672 def selects(self): + 673 alias = self.args.get("alias") + 674 + 675 if alias: + 676 return alias.columns + 677 return [] 678 - 679class Unionable(Expression): - 680 def union(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): - 681 """ - 682 Builds a UNION expression. + 679 @property + 680 def named_selects(self): + 681 return [select.output_name for select in self.selects] + 682 683 - 684 Example: - 685 >>> import sqlglot - 686 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql() - 687 'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla' + 684class Unionable(Expression): + 685 def union(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): + 686 """ + 687 Builds a UNION expression. 688 - 689 Args: - 690 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string. - 691 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. - 692 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. - 693 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. - 694 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. - 695 Returns: - 696 Union: the Union expression. - 697 """ - 698 return union(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts) - 699 - 700 def intersect(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): - 701 """ - 702 Builds an INTERSECT expression. - 703 - 704 Example: - 705 >>> import sqlglot - 706 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql() - 707 'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla' + 689 Example: + 690 >>> import sqlglot + 691 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql() + 692 'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla' + 693 + 694 Args: + 695 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string. + 696 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. + 697 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. + 698 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. + 699 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. + 700 Returns: + 701 Union: the Union expression. + 702 """ + 703 return union(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts) + 704 + 705 def intersect(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): + 706 """ + 707 Builds an INTERSECT expression. 708 - 709 Args: - 710 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string. - 711 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. - 712 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. - 713 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. - 714 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. - 715 Returns: - 716 Intersect: the Intersect expression - 717 """ - 718 return intersect(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts) - 719 - 720 def except_(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): - 721 """ - 722 Builds an EXCEPT expression. - 723 - 724 Example: - 725 >>> import sqlglot - 726 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql() - 727 'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla' + 709 Example: + 710 >>> import sqlglot + 711 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql() + 712 'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla' + 713 + 714 Args: + 715 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string. + 716 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. + 717 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. + 718 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. + 719 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. + 720 Returns: + 721 Intersect: the Intersect expression + 722 """ + 723 return intersect(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts) + 724 + 725 def except_(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): + 726 """ + 727 Builds an EXCEPT expression. 728 - 729 Args: - 730 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string. - 731 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. - 732 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. - 733 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. - 734 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. - 735 Returns: - 736 Except: the Except expression - 737 """ - 738 return except_(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts) - 739 - 740 - 741class UDTF(DerivedTable, Unionable): - 742 pass - 743 + 729 Example: + 730 >>> import sqlglot + 731 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql() + 732 'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla' + 733 + 734 Args: + 735 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string. + 736 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. + 737 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. + 738 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. + 739 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. + 740 Returns: + 741 Except: the Except expression + 742 """ + 743 return except_(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts) 744 - 745class Cache(Expression): - 746 arg_types = { - 747 "with": False, - 748 "this": True, - 749 "lazy": False, - 750 "options": False, - 751 "expression": False, - 752 } - 753 - 754 - 755class Uncache(Expression): - 756 arg_types = {"this": True, "exists": False} - 757 + 745 + 746class UDTF(DerivedTable, Unionable): + 747 pass + 748 + 749 + 750class Cache(Expression): + 751 arg_types = { + 752 "with": False, + 753 "this": True, + 754 "lazy": False, + 755 "options": False, + 756 "expression": False, + 757 } 758 - 759class Create(Expression): - 760 arg_types = { - 761 "with": False, - 762 "this": True, - 763 "kind": True, - 764 "expression": False, - 765 "set": False, - 766 "multiset": False, - 767 "global_temporary": False, - 768 "volatile": False, - 769 "exists": False, - 770 "properties": False, - 771 "temporary": False, - 772 "transient": False, - 773 "external": False, - 774 "replace": False, - 775 "unique": False, - 776 "materialized": False, - 777 "data": False, - 778 "statistics": False, - 779 "no_primary_index": False, - 780 "indexes": False, - 781 "no_schema_binding": False, - 782 "begin": False, - 783 } - 784 - 785 - 786class Describe(Expression): - 787 arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False} - 788 + 759 + 760class Uncache(Expression): + 761 arg_types = {"this": True, "exists": False} + 762 + 763 + 764class Create(Expression): + 765 arg_types = { + 766 "with": False, + 767 "this": True, + 768 "kind": True, + 769 "expression": False, + 770 "set": False, + 771 "multiset": False, + 772 "global_temporary": False, + 773 "volatile": False, + 774 "exists": False, + 775 "properties": False, + 776 "temporary": False, + 777 "transient": False, + 778 "external": False, + 779 "replace": False, + 780 "unique": False, + 781 "materialized": False, + 782 "data": False, + 783 "statistics": False, + 784 "no_primary_index": False, + 785 "indexes": False, + 786 "no_schema_binding": False, + 787 "begin": False, + 788 } 789 - 790class Set(Expression): - 791 arg_types = {"expressions": True} - 792 + 790 + 791class Describe(Expression): + 792 arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False} 793 - 794class SetItem(Expression): - 795 arg_types = { - 796 "this": False, - 797 "expressions": False, - 798 "kind": False, - 799 "collate": False, # MySQL SET NAMES statement - 800 "global": False, - 801 } - 802 - 803 - 804class Show(Expression): - 805 arg_types = { - 806 "this": True, - 807 "target": False, - 808 "offset": False, - 809 "limit": False, - 810 "like": False, - 811 "where": False, - 812 "db": False, - 813 "full": False, - 814 "mutex": False, - 815 "query": False, - 816 "channel": False, - 817 "global": False, - 818 "log": False, - 819 "position": False, - 820 "types": False, - 821 } - 822 - 823 - 824class UserDefinedFunction(Expression): - 825 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "wrapped": False} - 826 + 794 + 795class Set(Expression): + 796 arg_types = {"expressions": True} + 797 + 798 + 799class SetItem(Expression): + 800 arg_types = { + 801 "this": False, + 802 "expressions": False, + 803 "kind": False, + 804 "collate": False, # MySQL SET NAMES statement + 805 "global": False, + 806 } + 807 + 808 + 809class Show(Expression): + 810 arg_types = { + 811 "this": True, + 812 "target": False, + 813 "offset": False, + 814 "limit": False, + 815 "like": False, + 816 "where": False, + 817 "db": False, + 818 "full": False, + 819 "mutex": False, + 820 "query": False, + 821 "channel": False, + 822 "global": False, + 823 "log": False, + 824 "position": False, + 825 "types": False, + 826 } 827 - 828class CharacterSet(Expression): - 829 arg_types = {"this": True, "default": False} - 830 + 828 + 829class UserDefinedFunction(Expression): + 830 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "wrapped": False} 831 - 832class With(Expression): - 833 arg_types = {"expressions": True, "recursive": False} - 834 - 835 @property - 836 def recursive(self) -> bool: - 837 return bool(self.args.get("recursive")) - 838 + 832 + 833class CharacterSet(Expression): + 834 arg_types = {"this": True, "default": False} + 835 + 836 + 837class With(Expression): + 838 arg_types = {"expressions": True, "recursive": False} 839 - 840class WithinGroup(Expression): - 841 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} - 842 + 840 @property + 841 def recursive(self) -> bool: + 842 return bool(self.args.get("recursive")) 843 - 844class CTE(DerivedTable): - 845 arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": True} - 846 + 844 + 845class WithinGroup(Expression): + 846 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} 847 - 848class TableAlias(Expression): - 849 arg_types = {"this": False, "columns": False} - 850 - 851 @property - 852 def columns(self): - 853 return self.args.get("columns") or [] - 854 + 848 + 849class CTE(DerivedTable): + 850 arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": True} + 851 + 852 + 853class TableAlias(Expression): + 854 arg_types = {"this": False, "columns": False} 855 - 856class BitString(Condition): - 857 pass - 858 + 856 @property + 857 def columns(self): + 858 return self.args.get("columns") or [] 859 - 860class HexString(Condition): - 861 pass - 862 + 860 + 861class BitString(Condition): + 862 pass 863 - 864class ByteString(Condition): - 865 pass - 866 + 864 + 865class HexString(Condition): + 866 pass 867 - 868class Column(Condition): - 869 arg_types = {"this": True, "table": False, "schema": False} - 870 - 871 @property - 872 def table(self) -> t.Optional[str]: - 873 return self.text("table") - 874 - 875 @property - 876 def schema(self) -> t.Optional[str]: - 877 return self.text("schema") - 878 - 879 @property - 880 def output_name(self) -> str: - 881 return - 882 + 868 + 869class ByteString(Condition): + 870 pass + 871 + 872 + 873class Column(Condition): + 874 arg_types = {"this": True, "table": False, "db": False, "catalog": False} + 875 + 876 @property + 877 def table(self) -> str: + 878 return self.text("table") + 879 + 880 @property + 881 def db(self) -> str: + 882 return self.text("db") 883 - 884class ColumnDef(Expression): - 885 arg_types = { - 886 "this": True, - 887 "kind": False, - 888 "constraints": False, - 889 "exists": False, - 890 } + 884 @property + 885 def catalog(self) -> str: + 886 return self.text("catalog") + 887 + 888 @property + 889 def output_name(self) -> str: + 890 return 891 892 - 893class AlterColumn(Expression): + 893class ColumnDef(Expression): 894 arg_types = { 895 "this": True, - 896 "dtype": False, - 897 "collate": False, - 898 "using": False, - 899 "default": False, - 900 "drop": False, - 901 } - 902 - 903 - 904class RenameTable(Expression): - 905 pass - 906 - 907 - 908class ColumnConstraint(Expression): - 909 arg_types = {"this": False, "kind": True} - 910 + 896 "kind": False, + 897 "constraints": False, + 898 "exists": False, + 899 } + 900 + 901 + 902class AlterColumn(Expression): + 903 arg_types = { + 904 "this": True, + 905 "dtype": False, + 906 "collate": False, + 907 "using": False, + 908 "default": False, + 909 "drop": False, + 910 } 911 - 912class ColumnConstraintKind(Expression): - 913 pass - 914 + 912 + 913class RenameTable(Expression): + 914 pass 915 - 916class AutoIncrementColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 917 pass - 918 + 916 + 917class ColumnConstraint(Expression): + 918 arg_types = {"this": False, "kind": True} 919 - 920class CaseSpecificColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 921 arg_types = {"not_": True} - 922 + 920 + 921class ColumnConstraintKind(Expression): + 922 pass 923 - 924class CharacterSetColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 925 arg_types = {"this": True} - 926 + 924 + 925class AutoIncrementColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 926 pass 927 - 928class CheckColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 929 pass - 930 + 928 + 929class CaseSpecificColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 930 arg_types = {"not_": True} 931 - 932class CollateColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 933 pass - 934 + 932 + 933class CharacterSetColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 934 arg_types = {"this": True} 935 - 936class CommentColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 937 pass - 938 + 936 + 937class CheckColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 938 pass 939 - 940class DateFormatColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 941 arg_types = {"this": True} - 942 + 940 + 941class CollateColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 942 pass 943 - 944class DefaultColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 945 pass - 946 + 944 + 945class CommentColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 946 pass 947 - 948class EncodeColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 949 pass - 950 + 948 + 949class DateFormatColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 950 arg_types = {"this": True} 951 - 952class GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 953 # this: True -> ALWAYS, this: False -> BY DEFAULT - 954 arg_types = { - 955 "this": False, - 956 "start": False, - 957 "increment": False, - 958 "minvalue": False, - 959 "maxvalue": False, - 960 "cycle": False, - 961 } - 962 - 963 - 964class NotNullColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 965 arg_types = {"allow_null": False} - 966 - 967 - 968class PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 969 arg_types = {"desc": False} - 970 + 952 + 953class DefaultColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 954 pass + 955 + 956 + 957class EncodeColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 958 pass + 959 + 960 + 961class GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 962 # this: True -> ALWAYS, this: False -> BY DEFAULT + 963 arg_types = { + 964 "this": False, + 965 "start": False, + 966 "increment": False, + 967 "minvalue": False, + 968 "maxvalue": False, + 969 "cycle": False, + 970 } 971 - 972class TitleColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 973 pass - 974 + 972 + 973class NotNullColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 974 arg_types = {"allow_null": False} 975 - 976class UniqueColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 977 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} - 978 + 976 + 977class PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 978 arg_types = {"desc": False} 979 - 980class UppercaseColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 981 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} - 982 + 980 + 981class TitleColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 982 pass 983 - 984class PathColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): - 985 pass - 986 + 984 + 985class UniqueColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 986 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} 987 - 988class Constraint(Expression): - 989 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} - 990 + 988 + 989class UppercaseColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 990 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} 991 - 992class Delete(Expression): - 993 arg_types = {"with": False, "this": False, "using": False, "where": False} - 994 + 992 + 993class PathColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind): + 994 pass 995 - 996class Drop(Expression): - 997 arg_types = { - 998 "this": False, - 999 "kind": False, -1000 "exists": False, -1001 "temporary": False, -1002 "materialized": False, -1003 "cascade": False, -1004 } -1005 -1006 -1007class Filter(Expression): -1008 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -1009 -1010 -1011class Check(Expression): -1012 pass -1013 + 996 + 997class Constraint(Expression): + 998 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} + 999 +1000 +1001class Delete(Expression): +1002 arg_types = {"with": False, "this": False, "using": False, "where": False} +1003 +1004 +1005class Drop(Expression): +1006 arg_types = { +1007 "this": False, +1008 "kind": False, +1009 "exists": False, +1010 "temporary": False, +1011 "materialized": False, +1012 "cascade": False, +1013 } 1014 -1015class Directory(Expression): -1016 # -1017 arg_types = {"this": True, "local": False, "row_format": False} +1015 +1016class Filter(Expression): +1017 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} 1018 1019 -1020class ForeignKey(Expression): -1021 arg_types = { -1022 "expressions": True, -1023 "reference": False, -1024 "delete": False, -1025 "update": False, -1026 } +1020class Check(Expression): +1021 pass +1022 +1023 +1024class Directory(Expression): +1025 # +1026 arg_types = {"this": True, "local": False, "row_format": False} 1027 1028 -1029class PrimaryKey(Expression): -1030 arg_types = {"expressions": True, "options": False} -1031 -1032 -1033class Unique(Expression): -1034 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -1035 +1029class ForeignKey(Expression): +1030 arg_types = { +1031 "expressions": True, +1032 "reference": False, +1033 "delete": False, +1034 "update": False, +1035 } 1036 -1037# -1038# -1039class Into(Expression): -1040 arg_types = {"this": True, "temporary": False, "unlogged": False} +1037 +1038class PrimaryKey(Expression): +1039 arg_types = {"expressions": True, "options": False} +1040 1041 -1042 -1043class From(Expression): -1044 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +1042class Unique(Expression): +1043 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +1044 1045 -1046 -1047class Having(Expression): -1048 pass -1049 +1046# +1047# +1048class Into(Expression): +1049 arg_types = {"this": True, "temporary": False, "unlogged": False} 1050 -1051class Hint(Expression): -1052 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -1053 +1051 +1052class From(Expression): +1053 arg_types = {"expressions": True} 1054 -1055class JoinHint(Expression): -1056 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} -1057 +1055 +1056class Having(Expression): +1057 pass 1058 -1059class Identifier(Expression): -1060 arg_types = {"this": True, "quoted": False} -1061 -1062 @property -1063 def quoted(self): -1064 return bool(self.args.get("quoted")) -1065 -1066 def __eq__(self, other): -1067 return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and _norm_arg(self.this) == _norm_arg(other.this) -1068 -1069 def __hash__(self): -1070 return hash((self.key, self.this.lower())) -1071 -1072 @property -1073 def output_name(self): -1074 return -1075 -1076 -1077class Index(Expression): -1078 arg_types = { -1079 "this": False, -1080 "table": False, -1081 "where": False, -1082 "columns": False, -1083 "unique": False, -1084 "primary": False, -1085 "amp": False, # teradata -1086 } -1087 -1088 -1089class Insert(Expression): -1090 arg_types = { -1091 "with": False, -1092 "this": True, -1093 "expression": False, -1094 "overwrite": False, -1095 "exists": False, -1096 "partition": False, -1097 "alternative": False, -1098 } -1099 -1100 -1101# -1102class Introducer(Expression): -1103 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -1104 -1105 -1106# national char, like n'utf8' -1107class National(Expression): -1108 pass +1059 +1060class Hint(Expression): +1061 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +1062 +1063 +1064class JoinHint(Expression): +1065 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} +1066 +1067 +1068class Identifier(Expression): +1069 arg_types = {"this": True, "quoted": False} +1070 +1071 @property +1072 def quoted(self): +1073 return bool(self.args.get("quoted")) +1074 +1075 def __eq__(self, other): +1076 return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and _norm_arg(self.this) == _norm_arg(other.this) +1077 +1078 def __hash__(self): +1079 return hash((self.key, self.this.lower())) +1080 +1081 @property +1082 def output_name(self): +1083 return +1084 +1085 +1086class Index(Expression): +1087 arg_types = { +1088 "this": False, +1089 "table": False, +1090 "where": False, +1091 "columns": False, +1092 "unique": False, +1093 "primary": False, +1094 "amp": False, # teradata +1095 } +1096 +1097 +1098class Insert(Expression): +1099 arg_types = { +1100 "with": False, +1101 "this": True, +1102 "expression": False, +1103 "overwrite": False, +1104 "exists": False, +1105 "partition": False, +1106 "alternative": False, +1107 } +1108 1109 -1110 -1111class LoadData(Expression): -1112 arg_types = { -1113 "this": True, -1114 "local": False, -1115 "overwrite": False, -1116 "inpath": True, -1117 "partition": False, -1118 "input_format": False, -1119 "serde": False, -1120 } -1121 -1122 -1123class Partition(Expression): -1124 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -1125 -1126 -1127class Fetch(Expression): -1128 arg_types = {"direction": False, "count": False} -1129 +1110# +1111class Introducer(Expression): +1112 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +1113 +1114 +1115# national char, like n'utf8' +1116class National(Expression): +1117 pass +1118 +1119 +1120class LoadData(Expression): +1121 arg_types = { +1122 "this": True, +1123 "local": False, +1124 "overwrite": False, +1125 "inpath": True, +1126 "partition": False, +1127 "input_format": False, +1128 "serde": False, +1129 } 1130 -1131class Group(Expression): -1132 arg_types = { -1133 "expressions": False, -1134 "grouping_sets": False, -1135 "cube": False, -1136 "rollup": False, -1137 } +1131 +1132class Partition(Expression): +1133 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +1134 +1135 +1136class Fetch(Expression): +1137 arg_types = {"direction": False, "count": False} 1138 1139 -1140class Lambda(Expression): -1141 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} -1142 -1143 -1144class Limit(Expression): -1145 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True} -1146 +1140class Group(Expression): +1141 arg_types = { +1142 "expressions": False, +1143 "grouping_sets": False, +1144 "cube": False, +1145 "rollup": False, +1146 } 1147 -1148class Literal(Condition): -1149 arg_types = {"this": True, "is_string": True} -1150 -1151 def __eq__(self, other): -1152 return ( -1153 isinstance(other, Literal) -1154 and self.this == other.this -1155 and self.args["is_string"] == other.args["is_string"] -1156 ) -1157 -1158 def __hash__(self): -1159 return hash((self.key, self.this, self.args["is_string"])) -1160 -1161 @classmethod -1162 def number(cls, number) -> Literal: -1163 return cls(this=str(number), is_string=False) -1164 -1165 @classmethod -1166 def string(cls, string) -> Literal: -1167 return cls(this=str(string), is_string=True) -1168 -1169 @property -1170 def output_name(self): -1171 return -1172 +1148 +1149class Lambda(Expression): +1150 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} +1151 +1152 +1153class Limit(Expression): +1154 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True} +1155 +1156 +1157class Literal(Condition): +1158 arg_types = {"this": True, "is_string": True} +1159 +1160 def __eq__(self, other): +1161 return ( +1162 isinstance(other, Literal) +1163 and self.this == other.this +1164 and self.args["is_string"] == other.args["is_string"] +1165 ) +1166 +1167 def __hash__(self): +1168 return hash((self.key, self.this, self.args["is_string"])) +1169 +1170 @classmethod +1171 def number(cls, number) -> Literal: +1172 return cls(this=str(number), is_string=False) 1173 -1174class Join(Expression): -1175 arg_types = { -1176 "this": True, -1177 "on": False, -1178 "side": False, -1179 "kind": False, -1180 "using": False, -1181 "natural": False, -1182 } -1183 -1184 @property -1185 def kind(self): -1186 return self.text("kind").upper() -1187 -1188 @property -1189 def side(self): -1190 return self.text("side").upper() -1191 -1192 @property -1193 def alias_or_name(self): -1194 return self.this.alias_or_name -1195 -1196 def on(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts): -1197 """ -1198 Append to or set the ON expressions. -1199 -1200 Example: -1201 >>> import sqlglot -1202 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql() -1203 'JOIN x ON y = 1' +1174 @classmethod +1175 def string(cls, string) -> Literal: +1176 return cls(this=str(string), is_string=True) +1177 +1178 @property +1179 def output_name(self): +1180 return +1181 +1182 +1183class Join(Expression): +1184 arg_types = { +1185 "this": True, +1186 "on": False, +1187 "side": False, +1188 "kind": False, +1189 "using": False, +1190 "natural": False, +1191 } +1192 +1193 @property +1194 def kind(self): +1195 return self.text("kind").upper() +1196 +1197 @property +1198 def side(self): +1199 return self.text("side").upper() +1200 +1201 @property +1202 def alias_or_name(self): +1203 return self.this.alias_or_name 1204 -1205 Args: -1206 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1207 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -1208 Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator. -1209 append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression. -1210 Otherwise, this resets the expression. -1211 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -1212 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1213 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -1214 -1215 Returns: -1216 Join: the modified join expression. -1217 """ -1218 join = _apply_conjunction_builder( -1219 *expressions, -1220 instance=self, -1221 arg="on", -1222 append=append, -1223 dialect=dialect, -1224 copy=copy, -1225 **opts, -1226 ) -1227 -1228 if join.kind == "CROSS": -1229 join.set("kind", None) -1230 -1231 return join -1232 -1233 def using(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts): -1234 """ -1235 Append to or set the USING expressions. +1205 def on(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts): +1206 """ +1207 Append to or set the ON expressions. +1208 +1209 Example: +1210 >>> import sqlglot +1211 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql() +1212 'JOIN x ON y = 1' +1213 +1214 Args: +1215 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +1216 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +1217 Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator. +1218 append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression. +1219 Otherwise, this resets the expression. +1220 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +1221 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1222 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1223 +1224 Returns: +1225 Join: the modified join expression. +1226 """ +1227 join = _apply_conjunction_builder( +1228 *expressions, +1229 instance=self, +1230 arg="on", +1231 append=append, +1232 dialect=dialect, +1233 copy=copy, +1234 **opts, +1235 ) 1236 -1237 Example: -1238 >>> import sqlglot -1239 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql() -1240 'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)' +1237 if join.kind == "CROSS": +1238 join.set("kind", None) +1239 +1240 return join 1241 -1242 Args: -1243 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1244 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -1245 append (bool): if `True`, concatenate the new expressions to the existing "using" list. -1246 Otherwise, this resets the expression. -1247 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -1248 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1249 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1242 def using(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts): +1243 """ +1244 Append to or set the USING expressions. +1245 +1246 Example: +1247 >>> import sqlglot +1248 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql() +1249 'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)' 1250 -1251 Returns: -1252 Join: the modified join expression. -1253 """ -1254 join = _apply_list_builder( -1255 *expressions, -1256 instance=self, -1257 arg="using", -1258 append=append, -1259 dialect=dialect, -1260 copy=copy, -1261 **opts, -1262 ) -1263 -1264 if join.kind == "CROSS": -1265 join.set("kind", None) -1266 -1267 return join -1268 -1269 -1270class Lateral(UDTF): -1271 arg_types = {"this": True, "view": False, "outer": False, "alias": False} +1251 Args: +1252 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +1253 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +1254 append (bool): if `True`, concatenate the new expressions to the existing "using" list. +1255 Otherwise, this resets the expression. +1256 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +1257 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1258 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1259 +1260 Returns: +1261 Join: the modified join expression. +1262 """ +1263 join = _apply_list_builder( +1264 *expressions, +1265 instance=self, +1266 arg="using", +1267 append=append, +1268 dialect=dialect, +1269 copy=copy, +1270 **opts, +1271 ) 1272 -1273 -1274class MatchRecognize(Expression): -1275 arg_types = { -1276 "partition_by": False, -1277 "order": False, -1278 "measures": False, -1279 "rows": False, -1280 "after": False, -1281 "pattern": False, -1282 "define": False, -1283 } -1284 -1285 -1286# Clickhouse FROM FINAL modifier -1287# -1288class Final(Expression): -1289 pass -1290 -1291 -1292class Offset(Expression): -1293 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True} +1273 if join.kind == "CROSS": +1274 join.set("kind", None) +1275 +1276 return join +1277 +1278 +1279class Lateral(UDTF): +1280 arg_types = {"this": True, "view": False, "outer": False, "alias": False} +1281 +1282 +1283class MatchRecognize(Expression): +1284 arg_types = { +1285 "partition_by": False, +1286 "order": False, +1287 "measures": False, +1288 "rows": False, +1289 "after": False, +1290 "pattern": False, +1291 "define": False, +1292 } +1293 1294 -1295 -1296class Order(Expression): -1297 arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": True} -1298 +1295# Clickhouse FROM FINAL modifier +1296# +1297class Final(Expression): +1298 pass 1299 -1300# hive specific sorts -1301# -1302class Cluster(Order): -1303 pass +1300 +1301class Offset(Expression): +1302 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True} +1303 1304 -1305 -1306class Distribute(Order): -1307 pass +1305class Order(Expression): +1306 arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": True} +1307 1308 -1309 -1310class Sort(Order): -1311 pass -1312 +1309# hive specific sorts +1310# +1311class Cluster(Order): +1312 pass 1313 -1314class Ordered(Expression): -1315 arg_types = {"this": True, "desc": True, "nulls_first": True} -1316 +1314 +1315class Distribute(Order): +1316 pass 1317 -1318class Property(Expression): -1319 arg_types = {"this": True, "value": True} -1320 +1318 +1319class Sort(Order): +1320 pass 1321 -1322class AlgorithmProperty(Property): -1323 arg_types = {"this": True} -1324 +1322 +1323class Ordered(Expression): +1324 arg_types = {"this": True, "desc": True, "nulls_first": True} 1325 -1326class DefinerProperty(Property): -1327 arg_types = {"this": True} -1328 +1326 +1327class Property(Expression): +1328 arg_types = {"this": True, "value": True} 1329 -1330class SqlSecurityProperty(Property): -1331 arg_types = {"definer": True} -1332 +1330 +1331class AlgorithmProperty(Property): +1332 arg_types = {"this": True} 1333 -1334class TableFormatProperty(Property): -1335 arg_types = {"this": True} -1336 +1334 +1335class DefinerProperty(Property): +1336 arg_types = {"this": True} 1337 -1338class PartitionedByProperty(Property): -1339 arg_types = {"this": True} -1340 +1338 +1339class SqlSecurityProperty(Property): +1340 arg_types = {"definer": True} 1341 -1342class FileFormatProperty(Property): -1343 arg_types = {"this": True} -1344 +1342 +1343class TableFormatProperty(Property): +1344 arg_types = {"this": True} 1345 -1346class DistKeyProperty(Property): -1347 arg_types = {"this": True} -1348 +1346 +1347class PartitionedByProperty(Property): +1348 arg_types = {"this": True} 1349 -1350class SortKeyProperty(Property): -1351 arg_types = {"this": True, "compound": False} -1352 +1350 +1351class FileFormatProperty(Property): +1352 arg_types = {"this": True} 1353 -1354class DistStyleProperty(Property): -1355 arg_types = {"this": True} -1356 +1354 +1355class DistKeyProperty(Property): +1356 arg_types = {"this": True} 1357 -1358class LikeProperty(Property): -1359 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -1360 +1358 +1359class SortKeyProperty(Property): +1360 arg_types = {"this": True, "compound": False} 1361 -1362class LocationProperty(Property): -1363 arg_types = {"this": True} -1364 +1362 +1363class DistStyleProperty(Property): +1364 arg_types = {"this": True} 1365 -1366class EngineProperty(Property): -1367 arg_types = {"this": True} -1368 +1366 +1367class LikeProperty(Property): +1368 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} 1369 -1370class AutoIncrementProperty(Property): -1371 arg_types = {"this": True} -1372 +1370 +1371class LocationProperty(Property): +1372 arg_types = {"this": True} 1373 -1374class CharacterSetProperty(Property): -1375 arg_types = {"this": True, "default": True} -1376 +1374 +1375class EngineProperty(Property): +1376 arg_types = {"this": True} 1377 -1378class CollateProperty(Property): -1379 arg_types = {"this": True} -1380 +1378 +1379class AutoIncrementProperty(Property): +1380 arg_types = {"this": True} 1381 -1382class SchemaCommentProperty(Property): -1383 arg_types = {"this": True} -1384 +1382 +1383class CharacterSetProperty(Property): +1384 arg_types = {"this": True, "default": True} 1385 -1386class ReturnsProperty(Property): -1387 arg_types = {"this": True, "is_table": False, "table": False} -1388 +1386 +1387class CollateProperty(Property): +1388 arg_types = {"this": True} 1389 -1390class LanguageProperty(Property): -1391 arg_types = {"this": True} -1392 +1390 +1391class SchemaCommentProperty(Property): +1392 arg_types = {"this": True} 1393 -1394class ExecuteAsProperty(Property): -1395 arg_types = {"this": True} -1396 +1394 +1395class ReturnsProperty(Property): +1396 arg_types = {"this": True, "is_table": False, "table": False} 1397 -1398class VolatilityProperty(Property): -1399 arg_types = {"this": True} -1400 +1398 +1399class LanguageProperty(Property): +1400 arg_types = {"this": True} 1401 -1402class RowFormatDelimitedProperty(Property): -1403 # -1404 arg_types = { -1405 "fields": False, -1406 "escaped": False, -1407 "collection_items": False, -1408 "map_keys": False, -1409 "lines": False, -1410 "null": False, -1411 "serde": False, -1412 } -1413 -1414 -1415class RowFormatSerdeProperty(Property): -1416 arg_types = {"this": True} -1417 -1418 -1419class SerdeProperties(Property): -1420 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -1421 +1402 +1403class ExecuteAsProperty(Property): +1404 arg_types = {"this": True} +1405 +1406 +1407class VolatilityProperty(Property): +1408 arg_types = {"this": True} +1409 +1410 +1411class RowFormatDelimitedProperty(Property): +1412 # +1413 arg_types = { +1414 "fields": False, +1415 "escaped": False, +1416 "collection_items": False, +1417 "map_keys": False, +1418 "lines": False, +1419 "null": False, +1420 "serde": False, +1421 } 1422 -1423class FallbackProperty(Property): -1424 arg_types = {"no": True, "protection": False} -1425 +1423 +1424class RowFormatSerdeProperty(Property): +1425 arg_types = {"this": True} 1426 -1427class WithJournalTableProperty(Property): -1428 arg_types = {"this": True} -1429 +1427 +1428class SerdeProperties(Property): +1429 arg_types = {"expressions": True} 1430 -1431class LogProperty(Property): -1432 arg_types = {"no": True} -1433 +1431 +1432class FallbackProperty(Property): +1433 arg_types = {"no": True, "protection": False} 1434 -1435class JournalProperty(Property): -1436 arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "before": False} -1437 +1435 +1436class WithJournalTableProperty(Property): +1437 arg_types = {"this": True} 1438 -1439class AfterJournalProperty(Property): -1440 arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "local": False} -1441 +1439 +1440class LogProperty(Property): +1441 arg_types = {"no": True} 1442 -1443class ChecksumProperty(Property): -1444 arg_types = {"on": False, "default": False} -1445 +1443 +1444class JournalProperty(Property): +1445 arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "before": False} 1446 -1447class FreespaceProperty(Property): -1448 arg_types = {"this": True, "percent": False} -1449 +1447 +1448class AfterJournalProperty(Property): +1449 arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "local": False} 1450 -1451class MergeBlockRatioProperty(Property): -1452 arg_types = {"this": False, "no": False, "default": False, "percent": False} -1453 +1451 +1452class ChecksumProperty(Property): +1453 arg_types = {"on": False, "default": False} 1454 -1455class DataBlocksizeProperty(Property): -1456 arg_types = {"size": False, "units": False, "min": False, "default": False} -1457 +1455 +1456class FreespaceProperty(Property): +1457 arg_types = {"this": True, "percent": False} 1458 -1459class BlockCompressionProperty(Property): -1460 arg_types = {"autotemp": False, "always": False, "default": True, "manual": True, "never": True} -1461 +1459 +1460class MergeBlockRatioProperty(Property): +1461 arg_types = {"this": False, "no": False, "default": False, "percent": False} 1462 -1463class IsolatedLoadingProperty(Property): -1464 arg_types = { -1465 "no": True, -1466 "concurrent": True, -1467 "for_all": True, -1468 "for_insert": True, -1469 "for_none": True, -1470 } +1463 +1464class DataBlocksizeProperty(Property): +1465 arg_types = {"size": False, "units": False, "min": False, "default": False} +1466 +1467 +1468class BlockCompressionProperty(Property): +1469 arg_types = {"autotemp": False, "always": False, "default": True, "manual": True, "never": True} +1470 1471 -1472 -1473class LockingProperty(Property): -1474 arg_types = { -1475 "this": False, -1476 "kind": True, -1477 "for_or_in": True, -1478 "lock_type": True, -1479 "override": False, -1480 } +1472class IsolatedLoadingProperty(Property): +1473 arg_types = { +1474 "no": True, +1475 "concurrent": True, +1476 "for_all": True, +1477 "for_insert": True, +1478 "for_none": True, +1479 } +1480 1481 -1482 -1483class Properties(Expression): -1484 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -1485 -1486 NAME_TO_PROPERTY = { -1487 "ALGORITHM": AlgorithmProperty, -1488 "AUTO_INCREMENT": AutoIncrementProperty, -1489 "CHARACTER SET": CharacterSetProperty, -1490 "COLLATE": CollateProperty, -1491 "COMMENT": SchemaCommentProperty, -1492 "DEFINER": DefinerProperty, -1493 "DISTKEY": DistKeyProperty, -1494 "DISTSTYLE": DistStyleProperty, -1495 "ENGINE": EngineProperty, -1496 "EXECUTE AS": ExecuteAsProperty, -1497 "FORMAT": FileFormatProperty, -1498 "LANGUAGE": LanguageProperty, -1499 "LOCATION": LocationProperty, -1500 "PARTITIONED_BY": PartitionedByProperty, -1501 "RETURNS": ReturnsProperty, -1502 "SORTKEY": SortKeyProperty, -1503 "TABLE_FORMAT": TableFormatProperty, -1504 } -1505 -1506 PROPERTY_TO_NAME = {v: k for k, v in NAME_TO_PROPERTY.items()} -1507 -1508 # CREATE property locations -1509 # Form: schema specified -1510 # create [POST_CREATE] -1511 # table a [POST_NAME] -1512 # (b int) [POST_SCHEMA] -1513 # with ([POST_WITH]) -1514 # index (b) [POST_INDEX] -1515 # -1516 # Form: alias selection -1517 # create [POST_CREATE] -1518 # table a [POST_NAME] -1519 # as [POST_ALIAS] (select * from b) -1520 # index (c) [POST_INDEX] -1521 class Location(AutoName): -1522 POST_CREATE = auto() -1523 POST_NAME = auto() -1524 POST_SCHEMA = auto() -1525 POST_WITH = auto() -1526 POST_ALIAS = auto() -1527 POST_INDEX = auto() -1528 UNSUPPORTED = auto() -1529 -1530 @classmethod -1531 def from_dict(cls, properties_dict) -> Properties: -1532 expressions = [] -1533 for key, value in properties_dict.items(): -1534 property_cls = cls.NAME_TO_PROPERTY.get(key.upper()) -1535 if property_cls: -1536 expressions.append(property_cls(this=convert(value))) -1537 else: -1538 expressions.append(Property(this=Literal.string(key), value=convert(value))) -1539 -1540 return cls(expressions=expressions) -1541 -1542 -1543class Qualify(Expression): -1544 pass -1545 -1546 -1547# -1548class Return(Expression): -1549 pass +1482class LockingProperty(Property): +1483 arg_types = { +1484 "this": False, +1485 "kind": True, +1486 "for_or_in": True, +1487 "lock_type": True, +1488 "override": False, +1489 } +1490 +1491 +1492class Properties(Expression): +1493 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +1494 +1495 NAME_TO_PROPERTY = { +1496 "ALGORITHM": AlgorithmProperty, +1497 "AUTO_INCREMENT": AutoIncrementProperty, +1498 "CHARACTER SET": CharacterSetProperty, +1499 "COLLATE": CollateProperty, +1500 "COMMENT": SchemaCommentProperty, +1501 "DEFINER": DefinerProperty, +1502 "DISTKEY": DistKeyProperty, +1503 "DISTSTYLE": DistStyleProperty, +1504 "ENGINE": EngineProperty, +1505 "EXECUTE AS": ExecuteAsProperty, +1506 "FORMAT": FileFormatProperty, +1507 "LANGUAGE": LanguageProperty, +1508 "LOCATION": LocationProperty, +1509 "PARTITIONED_BY": PartitionedByProperty, +1510 "RETURNS": ReturnsProperty, +1511 "SORTKEY": SortKeyProperty, +1512 "TABLE_FORMAT": TableFormatProperty, +1513 } +1514 +1515 PROPERTY_TO_NAME = {v: k for k, v in NAME_TO_PROPERTY.items()} +1516 +1517 # CREATE property locations +1518 # Form: schema specified +1519 # create [POST_CREATE] +1520 # table a [POST_NAME] +1521 # (b int) [POST_SCHEMA] +1522 # with ([POST_WITH]) +1523 # index (b) [POST_INDEX] +1524 # +1525 # Form: alias selection +1526 # create [POST_CREATE] +1527 # table a [POST_NAME] +1528 # as [POST_ALIAS] (select * from b) +1529 # index (c) [POST_INDEX] +1530 class Location(AutoName): +1531 POST_CREATE = auto() +1532 POST_NAME = auto() +1533 POST_SCHEMA = auto() +1534 POST_WITH = auto() +1535 POST_ALIAS = auto() +1536 POST_INDEX = auto() +1537 UNSUPPORTED = auto() +1538 +1539 @classmethod +1540 def from_dict(cls, properties_dict) -> Properties: +1541 expressions = [] +1542 for key, value in properties_dict.items(): +1543 property_cls = cls.NAME_TO_PROPERTY.get(key.upper()) +1544 if property_cls: +1545 expressions.append(property_cls(this=convert(value))) +1546 else: +1547 expressions.append(Property(this=Literal.string(key), value=convert(value))) +1548 +1549 return cls(expressions=expressions) 1550 1551 -1552class Reference(Expression): -1553 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "options": False} +1552class Qualify(Expression): +1553 pass 1554 1555 -1556class Tuple(Expression): -1557 arg_types = {"expressions": False} -1558 +1556# +1557class Return(Expression): +1558 pass 1559 -1560class Subqueryable(Unionable): -1561 def subquery(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> Subquery: -1562 """ -1563 Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery. +1560 +1561class Reference(Expression): +1562 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "options": False} +1563 1564 -1565 Example: -1566 >>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery() -1567 >>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql() -1568 'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)' -1569 -1570 Args: -1571 alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery -1572 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1565class Tuple(Expression): +1566 arg_types = {"expressions": False} +1567 +1568 +1569class Subqueryable(Unionable): +1570 def subquery(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> Subquery: +1571 """ +1572 Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery. 1573 -1574 Returns: -1575 Alias: the subquery -1576 """ -1577 instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy) -1578 return Subquery( -1579 this=instance, -1580 alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)), -1581 ) +1574 Example: +1575 >>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery() +1576 >>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql() +1577 'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)' +1578 +1579 Args: +1580 alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery +1581 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. 1582 -1583 def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1584 raise NotImplementedError -1585 -1586 @property -1587 def ctes(self): -1588 with_ = self.args.get("with") -1589 if not with_: -1590 return [] -1591 return with_.expressions -1592 -1593 @property -1594 def selects(self): -1595 raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `selects`") -1596 -1597 @property -1598 def named_selects(self): -1599 raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `named_selects`") -1600 -1601 def with_( -1602 self, -1603 alias, -1604 as_, -1605 recursive=None, -1606 append=True, -1607 dialect=None, -1608 copy=True, -1609 **opts, -1610 ): -1611 """ -1612 Append to or set the common table expressions. -1613 -1614 Example: -1615 >>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql() -1616 'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2' -1617 -1618 Args: -1619 alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name. -1620 If an `Expression` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1621 as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression. -1622 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -1623 recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to `False`. -1624 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -1625 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. -1626 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1627 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1628 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -1629 -1630 Returns: -1631 Select: the modified expression. -1632 """ -1633 alias_expression = maybe_parse( -1634 alias, -1635 dialect=dialect, -1636 into=TableAlias, -1637 **opts, -1638 ) -1639 as_expression = maybe_parse( -1640 as_, -1641 dialect=dialect, -1642 **opts, -1643 ) -1644 cte = CTE( -1645 this=as_expression, -1646 alias=alias_expression, +1583 Returns: +1584 Alias: the subquery +1585 """ +1586 instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy) +1587 return Subquery( +1588 this=instance, +1589 alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)), +1590 ) +1591 +1592 def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +1593 raise NotImplementedError +1594 +1595 @property +1596 def ctes(self): +1597 with_ = self.args.get("with") +1598 if not with_: +1599 return [] +1600 return with_.expressions +1601 +1602 @property +1603 def selects(self): +1604 raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `selects`") +1605 +1606 @property +1607 def named_selects(self): +1608 raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `named_selects`") +1609 +1610 def with_( +1611 self, +1612 alias, +1613 as_, +1614 recursive=None, +1615 append=True, +1616 dialect=None, +1617 copy=True, +1618 **opts, +1619 ): +1620 """ +1621 Append to or set the common table expressions. +1622 +1623 Example: +1624 >>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql() +1625 'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2' +1626 +1627 Args: +1628 alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name. +1629 If an `Expression` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +1630 as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression. +1631 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +1632 recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to `False`. +1633 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +1634 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. +1635 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +1636 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1637 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1638 +1639 Returns: +1640 Select: the modified expression. +1641 """ +1642 alias_expression = maybe_parse( +1643 alias, +1644 dialect=dialect, +1645 into=TableAlias, +1646 **opts, 1647 ) -1648 return _apply_child_list_builder( -1649 cte, -1650 instance=self, -1651 arg="with", -1652 append=append, -1653 copy=copy, -1654 into=With, -1655 properties={"recursive": recursive or False}, +1648 as_expression = maybe_parse( +1649 as_, +1650 dialect=dialect, +1651 **opts, +1652 ) +1653 cte = CTE( +1654 this=as_expression, +1655 alias=alias_expression, 1656 ) -1657 -1658 -1659QUERY_MODIFIERS = { -1660 "match": False, -1661 "laterals": False, -1662 "joins": False, -1663 "pivots": False, -1664 "where": False, -1665 "group": False, -1666 "having": False, -1667 "qualify": False, -1668 "windows": False, -1669 "distribute": False, -1670 "sort": False, -1671 "cluster": False, -1672 "order": False, -1673 "limit": False, -1674 "offset": False, -1675 "lock": False, -1676} -1677 -1678 -1679class Table(Expression): -1680 arg_types = { -1681 "this": True, -1682 "alias": False, -1683 "db": False, -1684 "catalog": False, -1685 "laterals": False, -1686 "joins": False, -1687 "pivots": False, -1688 "hints": False, -1689 "system_time": False, -1690 } -1691 -1692 -1693# See the TSQL "Querying data in a system-versioned temporal table" page -1694class SystemTime(Expression): -1695 arg_types = { -1696 "this": False, -1697 "expression": False, -1698 "kind": True, +1657 return _apply_child_list_builder( +1658 cte, +1659 instance=self, +1660 arg="with", +1661 append=append, +1662 copy=copy, +1663 into=With, +1664 properties={"recursive": recursive or False}, +1665 ) +1666 +1667 +1668QUERY_MODIFIERS = { +1669 "match": False, +1670 "laterals": False, +1671 "joins": False, +1672 "pivots": False, +1673 "where": False, +1674 "group": False, +1675 "having": False, +1676 "qualify": False, +1677 "windows": False, +1678 "distribute": False, +1679 "sort": False, +1680 "cluster": False, +1681 "order": False, +1682 "limit": False, +1683 "offset": False, +1684 "lock": False, +1685} +1686 +1687 +1688class Table(Expression): +1689 arg_types = { +1690 "this": True, +1691 "alias": False, +1692 "db": False, +1693 "catalog": False, +1694 "laterals": False, +1695 "joins": False, +1696 "pivots": False, +1697 "hints": False, +1698 "system_time": False, 1699 } 1700 -1701 -1702class Union(Subqueryable): -1703 arg_types = { -1704 "with": False, -1705 "this": True, -1706 "expression": True, -1707 "distinct": False, -1708 **QUERY_MODIFIERS, -1709 } -1710 -1711 def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1712 """ -1713 Set the LIMIT expression. -1714 -1715 Example: -1716 >>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql() -1717 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1' +1701 @property +1702 def db(self) -> str: +1703 return self.text("db") +1704 +1705 @property +1706 def catalog(self) -> str: +1707 return self.text("catalog") +1708 +1709 +1710# See the TSQL "Querying data in a system-versioned temporal table" page +1711class SystemTime(Expression): +1712 arg_types = { +1713 "this": False, +1714 "expression": False, +1715 "kind": True, +1716 } +1717 1718 -1719 Args: -1720 expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. -1721 This can also be an integer. -1722 If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1723 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`. -1724 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1725 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1726 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1719class Union(Subqueryable): +1720 arg_types = { +1721 "with": False, +1722 "this": True, +1723 "expression": True, +1724 "distinct": False, +1725 **QUERY_MODIFIERS, +1726 } 1727 -1728 Returns: -1729 Select: The limited subqueryable. -1730 """ -1731 return ( -1732 select("*") -1733 .from_(self.subquery(alias="_l_0", copy=copy)) -1734 .limit(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts) -1735 ) -1736 -1737 @property -1738 def named_selects(self): -1739 return self.this.unnest().named_selects -1740 -1741 @property -1742 def selects(self): -1743 return self.this.unnest().selects +1728 def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +1729 """ +1730 Set the LIMIT expression. +1731 +1732 Example: +1733 >>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql() +1734 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1' +1735 +1736 Args: +1737 expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. +1738 This can also be an integer. +1739 If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +1740 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`. +1741 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +1742 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1743 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. 1744 -1745 @property -1746 def left(self): -1747 return self.this -1748 -1749 @property -1750 def right(self): -1751 return self.expression -1752 +1745 Returns: +1746 Select: The limited subqueryable. +1747 """ +1748 return ( +1749 select("*") +1750 .from_(self.subquery(alias="_l_0", copy=copy)) +1751 .limit(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts) +1752 ) 1753 -1754class Except(Union): -1755 pass -1756 -1757 -1758class Intersect(Union): -1759 pass -1760 -1761 -1762class Unnest(UDTF): -1763 arg_types = { -1764 "expressions": True, -1765 "ordinality": False, -1766 "alias": False, -1767 "offset": False, -1768 } -1769 -1770 -1771class Update(Expression): -1772 arg_types = { -1773 "with": False, -1774 "this": False, -1775 "expressions": True, -1776 "from": False, -1777 "where": False, -1778 } -1779 -1780 -1781class Values(UDTF): -1782 arg_types = { -1783 "expressions": True, -1784 "ordinality": False, -1785 "alias": False, -1786 } +1754 def select( +1755 self, +1756 *expressions: str | Expression, +1757 append: bool = True, +1758 dialect: DialectType = None, +1759 copy: bool = True, +1760 **opts, +1761 ) -> Union: +1762 """Append to or set the SELECT of the union recursively. +1763 +1764 Example: +1765 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one +1766 >>> parse_one("select a from x union select a from y union select a from z").select("b").sql() +1767 'SELECT a, b FROM x UNION SELECT a, b FROM y UNION SELECT a, b FROM z' +1768 +1769 Args: +1770 *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse. +1771 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +1772 append: if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +1773 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. +1774 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +1775 copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1776 opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1777 +1778 Returns: +1779 Union: the modified expression. +1780 """ +1781 this = self.copy() if copy else self +1782 this.this.unnest().select(*expressions, append=append, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts) +1783 this.expression.unnest().select( +1784 *expressions, append=append, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts +1785 ) +1786 return this 1787 -1788 -1789class Var(Expression): -1790 pass +1788 @property +1789 def named_selects(self): +1790 return self.this.unnest().named_selects 1791 -1792 -1793class Schema(Expression): -1794 arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": False} +1792 @property +1793 def selects(self): +1794 return self.this.unnest().selects 1795 -1796 -1797# Used to represent the FOR UPDATE and FOR SHARE locking read types. -1798# -1799class Lock(Expression): -1800 arg_types = {"update": True} -1801 -1802 -1803class Select(Subqueryable): -1804 arg_types = { -1805 "with": False, -1806 "expressions": False, -1807 "hint": False, -1808 "distinct": False, -1809 "into": False, -1810 "from": False, -1811 **QUERY_MODIFIERS, -1812 } -1813 -1814 def from_(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1815 """ -1816 Set the FROM expression. -1817 -1818 Example: -1819 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql() -1820 'SELECT x FROM tbl' +1796 @property +1797 def left(self): +1798 return self.this +1799 +1800 @property +1801 def right(self): +1802 return self.expression +1803 +1804 +1805class Except(Union): +1806 pass +1807 +1808 +1809class Intersect(Union): +1810 pass +1811 +1812 +1813class Unnest(UDTF): +1814 arg_types = { +1815 "expressions": True, +1816 "ordinality": False, +1817 "alias": False, +1818 "offset": False, +1819 } +1820 1821 -1822 Args: -1823 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1824 If a `From` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1825 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `From`. -1826 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -1827 Otherwise, this flattens all the `From` expression into a single expression. -1828 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1829 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1830 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1822class Update(Expression): +1823 arg_types = { +1824 "with": False, +1825 "this": False, +1826 "expressions": True, +1827 "from": False, +1828 "where": False, +1829 } +1830 1831 -1832 Returns: -1833 Select: the modified expression. -1834 """ -1835 return _apply_child_list_builder( -1836 *expressions, -1837 instance=self, -1838 arg="from", -1839 append=append, -1840 copy=copy, -1841 prefix="FROM", -1842 into=From, -1843 dialect=dialect, -1844 **opts, -1845 ) +1832class Values(UDTF): +1833 arg_types = { +1834 "expressions": True, +1835 "ordinality": False, +1836 "alias": False, +1837 } +1838 +1839 +1840class Var(Expression): +1841 pass +1842 +1843 +1844class Schema(Expression): +1845 arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": False} 1846 -1847 def group_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1848 """ -1849 Set the GROUP BY expression. -1850 -1851 Example: -1852 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql() -1853 'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x' -1854 -1855 Args: -1856 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1857 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1858 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Group`. -1859 If nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression -1860 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -1861 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Group` expression into a single expression. -1862 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1863 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1864 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -1865 -1866 Returns: -1867 Select: the modified expression. -1868 """ -1869 if not expressions: -1870 return self if not copy else self.copy() -1871 return _apply_child_list_builder( -1872 *expressions, -1873 instance=self, -1874 arg="group", -1875 append=append, -1876 copy=copy, -1877 prefix="GROUP BY", -1878 into=Group, -1879 dialect=dialect, -1880 **opts, -1881 ) +1847 +1848# Used to represent the FOR UPDATE and FOR SHARE locking read types. +1849# +1850class Lock(Expression): +1851 arg_types = {"update": True} +1852 +1853 +1854class Select(Subqueryable): +1855 arg_types = { +1856 "with": False, +1857 "expressions": False, +1858 "hint": False, +1859 "distinct": False, +1860 "into": False, +1861 "from": False, +1862 **QUERY_MODIFIERS, +1863 } +1864 +1865 def from_(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +1866 """ +1867 Set the FROM expression. +1868 +1869 Example: +1870 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql() +1871 'SELECT x FROM tbl' +1872 +1873 Args: +1874 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +1875 If a `From` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +1876 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `From`. +1877 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +1878 Otherwise, this flattens all the `From` expression into a single expression. +1879 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +1880 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1881 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. 1882 -1883 def order_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1884 """ -1885 Set the ORDER BY expression. -1886 -1887 Example: -1888 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql() -1889 'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC' -1890 -1891 Args: -1892 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1893 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1894 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Order`. -1895 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -1896 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression. -1897 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1898 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1899 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -1900 -1901 Returns: -1902 Select: the modified expression. -1903 """ -1904 return _apply_child_list_builder( -1905 *expressions, -1906 instance=self, -1907 arg="order", -1908 append=append, -1909 copy=copy, -1910 prefix="ORDER BY", -1911 into=Order, -1912 dialect=dialect, -1913 **opts, -1914 ) -1915 -1916 def sort_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1917 """ -1918 Set the SORT BY expression. -1919 -1920 Example: -1921 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql() -1922 'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC' -1923 -1924 Args: -1925 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1926 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1927 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `SORT`. -1928 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -1929 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression. -1930 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1931 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1932 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1883 Returns: +1884 Select: the modified expression. +1885 """ +1886 return _apply_child_list_builder( +1887 *expressions, +1888 instance=self, +1889 arg="from", +1890 append=append, +1891 copy=copy, +1892 prefix="FROM", +1893 into=From, +1894 dialect=dialect, +1895 **opts, +1896 ) +1897 +1898 def group_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +1899 """ +1900 Set the GROUP BY expression. +1901 +1902 Example: +1903 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql() +1904 'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x' +1905 +1906 Args: +1907 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +1908 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +1909 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Group`. +1910 If nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression +1911 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +1912 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Group` expression into a single expression. +1913 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +1914 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1915 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1916 +1917 Returns: +1918 Select: the modified expression. +1919 """ +1920 if not expressions: +1921 return self if not copy else self.copy() +1922 return _apply_child_list_builder( +1923 *expressions, +1924 instance=self, +1925 arg="group", +1926 append=append, +1927 copy=copy, +1928 prefix="GROUP BY", +1929 into=Group, +1930 dialect=dialect, +1931 **opts, +1932 ) 1933 -1934 Returns: -1935 Select: the modified expression. -1936 """ -1937 return _apply_child_list_builder( -1938 *expressions, -1939 instance=self, -1940 arg="sort", -1941 append=append, -1942 copy=copy, -1943 prefix="SORT BY", -1944 into=Sort, -1945 dialect=dialect, -1946 **opts, -1947 ) -1948 -1949 def cluster_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1950 """ -1951 Set the CLUSTER BY expression. -1952 -1953 Example: -1954 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql() -1955 'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC' -1956 -1957 Args: -1958 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -1959 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1960 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Cluster`. -1961 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -1962 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression. -1963 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1964 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1965 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1934 def order_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +1935 """ +1936 Set the ORDER BY expression. +1937 +1938 Example: +1939 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql() +1940 'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC' +1941 +1942 Args: +1943 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +1944 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +1945 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Order`. +1946 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +1947 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression. +1948 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +1949 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1950 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1951 +1952 Returns: +1953 Select: the modified expression. +1954 """ +1955 return _apply_child_list_builder( +1956 *expressions, +1957 instance=self, +1958 arg="order", +1959 append=append, +1960 copy=copy, +1961 prefix="ORDER BY", +1962 into=Order, +1963 dialect=dialect, +1964 **opts, +1965 ) 1966 -1967 Returns: -1968 Select: the modified expression. -1969 """ -1970 return _apply_child_list_builder( -1971 *expressions, -1972 instance=self, -1973 arg="cluster", -1974 append=append, -1975 copy=copy, -1976 prefix="CLUSTER BY", -1977 into=Cluster, -1978 dialect=dialect, -1979 **opts, -1980 ) -1981 -1982 def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -1983 """ -1984 Set the LIMIT expression. -1985 -1986 Example: -1987 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql() -1988 'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10' -1989 -1990 Args: -1991 expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. -1992 This can also be an integer. -1993 If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -1994 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`. -1995 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -1996 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -1997 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -1998 -1999 Returns: -2000 Select: the modified expression. -2001 """ -2002 return _apply_builder( -2003 expression=expression, -2004 instance=self, -2005 arg="limit", -2006 into=Limit, -2007 prefix="LIMIT", -2008 dialect=dialect, -2009 copy=copy, -2010 **opts, -2011 ) -2012 -2013 def offset(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -2014 """ -2015 Set the OFFSET expression. -2016 -2017 Example: -2018 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql() -2019 'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10' -2020 -2021 Args: -2022 expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. -2023 This can also be an integer. -2024 If a `Offset` instance is passed, this is used as-is. -2025 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Offset`. -2026 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -2027 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2028 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -2029 -2030 Returns: -2031 Select: the modified expression. -2032 """ -2033 return _apply_builder( -2034 expression=expression, -2035 instance=self, -2036 arg="offset", -2037 into=Offset, -2038 prefix="OFFSET", -2039 dialect=dialect, -2040 copy=copy, -2041 **opts, -2042 ) -2043 -2044 def select(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -2045 """ -2046 Append to or set the SELECT expressions. -2047 -2048 Example: -2049 >>> Select().select("x", "y").sql() -2050 'SELECT x, y' -2051 -2052 Args: -2053 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -2054 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2055 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -2056 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. -2057 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -2058 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2059 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -2060 -2061 Returns: -2062 Select: the modified expression. -2063 """ -2064 return _apply_list_builder( -2065 *expressions, -2066 instance=self, -2067 arg="expressions", -2068 append=append, -2069 dialect=dialect, -2070 copy=copy, -2071 **opts, -2072 ) -2073 -2074 def lateral(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -2075 """ -2076 Append to or set the LATERAL expressions. -2077 -2078 Example: -2079 >>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql() -2080 'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z' -2081 -2082 Args: -2083 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -2084 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2085 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -2086 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. -2087 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -2088 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2089 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -2090 -2091 Returns: -2092 Select: the modified expression. -2093 """ -2094 return _apply_list_builder( -2095 *expressions, -2096 instance=self, -2097 arg="laterals", -2098 append=append, -2099 into=Lateral, -2100 prefix="LATERAL VIEW", -2101 dialect=dialect, -2102 copy=copy, -2103 **opts, -2104 ) +1967 def sort_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +1968 """ +1969 Set the SORT BY expression. +1970 +1971 Example: +1972 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql() +1973 'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC' +1974 +1975 Args: +1976 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +1977 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +1978 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `SORT`. +1979 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +1980 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression. +1981 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +1982 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +1983 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +1984 +1985 Returns: +1986 Select: the modified expression. +1987 """ +1988 return _apply_child_list_builder( +1989 *expressions, +1990 instance=self, +1991 arg="sort", +1992 append=append, +1993 copy=copy, +1994 prefix="SORT BY", +1995 into=Sort, +1996 dialect=dialect, +1997 **opts, +1998 ) +1999 +2000 def cluster_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2001 """ +2002 Set the CLUSTER BY expression. +2003 +2004 Example: +2005 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql() +2006 'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC' +2007 +2008 Args: +2009 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +2010 If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +2011 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Cluster`. +2012 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +2013 Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression. +2014 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +2015 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2016 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +2017 +2018 Returns: +2019 Select: the modified expression. +2020 """ +2021 return _apply_child_list_builder( +2022 *expressions, +2023 instance=self, +2024 arg="cluster", +2025 append=append, +2026 copy=copy, +2027 prefix="CLUSTER BY", +2028 into=Cluster, +2029 dialect=dialect, +2030 **opts, +2031 ) +2032 +2033 def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2034 """ +2035 Set the LIMIT expression. +2036 +2037 Example: +2038 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql() +2039 'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10' +2040 +2041 Args: +2042 expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. +2043 This can also be an integer. +2044 If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +2045 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`. +2046 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +2047 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2048 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +2049 +2050 Returns: +2051 Select: the modified expression. +2052 """ +2053 return _apply_builder( +2054 expression=expression, +2055 instance=self, +2056 arg="limit", +2057 into=Limit, +2058 prefix="LIMIT", +2059 dialect=dialect, +2060 copy=copy, +2061 **opts, +2062 ) +2063 +2064 def offset(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2065 """ +2066 Set the OFFSET expression. +2067 +2068 Example: +2069 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql() +2070 'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10' +2071 +2072 Args: +2073 expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. +2074 This can also be an integer. +2075 If a `Offset` instance is passed, this is used as-is. +2076 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Offset`. +2077 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +2078 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2079 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +2080 +2081 Returns: +2082 Select: the modified expression. +2083 """ +2084 return _apply_builder( +2085 expression=expression, +2086 instance=self, +2087 arg="offset", +2088 into=Offset, +2089 prefix="OFFSET", +2090 dialect=dialect, +2091 copy=copy, +2092 **opts, +2093 ) +2094 +2095 def select( +2096 self, +2097 *expressions: str | Expression, +2098 append: bool = True, +2099 dialect: DialectType = None, +2100 copy: bool = True, +2101 **opts, +2102 ) -> Select: +2103 """ +2104 Append to or set the SELECT expressions. 2105 -2106 def join( -2107 self, -2108 expression, -2109 on=None, -2110 using=None, -2111 append=True, -2112 join_type=None, -2113 join_alias=None, -2114 dialect=None, -2115 copy=True, -2116 **opts, -2117 ) -> Select: -2118 """ -2119 Append to or set the JOIN expressions. -2120 -2121 Example: -2122 >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql() -2123 'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y' -2124 -2125 >>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql() -2126 'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)' -2127 -2128 Use `join_type` to change the type of join: -2129 -2130 >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql() -2131 'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y' -2132 -2133 Args: -2134 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. -2135 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2136 on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "on" criteria as a SQL string. -2137 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2138 using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "using" criteria as a SQL string. -2139 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2140 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. -2141 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. -2142 join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type -2143 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -2144 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2145 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -2146 -2147 Returns: -2148 Select: the modified expression. -2149 """ -2150 parse_args = {"dialect": dialect, **opts} -2151 -2152 try: -2153 expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=Join, prefix="JOIN", **parse_args) -2154 except ParseError: -2155 expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=(Join, Expression), **parse_args) -2156 -2157 join = expression if isinstance(expression, Join) else Join(this=expression) -2158 -2159 if isinstance(join.this, Select): -2160 join.this.replace(join.this.subquery()) -2161 -2162 if join_type: -2163 natural: t.Optional[Token] -2164 side: t.Optional[Token] -2165 kind: t.Optional[Token] -2166 -2167 natural, side, kind = maybe_parse(join_type, into="JOIN_TYPE", **parse_args) # type: ignore -2168 -2169 if natural: -2170 join.set("natural", True) -2171 if side: -2172 join.set("side", side.text) -2173 if kind: -2174 join.set("kind", kind.text) -2175 -2176 if on: -2177 on = and_(*ensure_collection(on), dialect=dialect, **opts) -2178 join.set("on", on) -2179 -2180 if using: -2181 join = _apply_list_builder( -2182 *ensure_collection(using), -2183 instance=join, -2184 arg="using", -2185 append=append, -2186 copy=copy, -2187 **opts, -2188 ) -2189 -2190 if join_alias: -2191 join.set("this", alias_(join.this, join_alias, table=True)) -2192 return _apply_list_builder( -2193 join, -2194 instance=self, -2195 arg="joins", -2196 append=append, -2197 copy=copy, -2198 **opts, -2199 ) -2200 -2201 def where(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -2202 """ -2203 Append to or set the WHERE expressions. +2106 Example: +2107 >>> Select().select("x", "y").sql() +2108 'SELECT x, y' +2109 +2110 Args: +2111 *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse. +2112 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2113 append: if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +2114 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. +2115 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +2116 copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2117 opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +2118 +2119 Returns: +2120 Select: the modified expression. +2121 """ +2122 return _apply_list_builder( +2123 *expressions, +2124 instance=self, +2125 arg="expressions", +2126 append=append, +2127 dialect=dialect, +2128 copy=copy, +2129 **opts, +2130 ) +2131 +2132 def lateral(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2133 """ +2134 Append to or set the LATERAL expressions. +2135 +2136 Example: +2137 >>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql() +2138 'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z' +2139 +2140 Args: +2141 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +2142 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2143 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +2144 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. +2145 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +2146 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2147 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +2148 +2149 Returns: +2150 Select: the modified expression. +2151 """ +2152 return _apply_list_builder( +2153 *expressions, +2154 instance=self, +2155 arg="laterals", +2156 append=append, +2157 into=Lateral, +2158 prefix="LATERAL VIEW", +2159 dialect=dialect, +2160 copy=copy, +2161 **opts, +2162 ) +2163 +2164 def join( +2165 self, +2166 expression, +2167 on=None, +2168 using=None, +2169 append=True, +2170 join_type=None, +2171 join_alias=None, +2172 dialect=None, +2173 copy=True, +2174 **opts, +2175 ) -> Select: +2176 """ +2177 Append to or set the JOIN expressions. +2178 +2179 Example: +2180 >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql() +2181 'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y' +2182 +2183 >>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql() +2184 'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)' +2185 +2186 Use `join_type` to change the type of join: +2187 +2188 >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql() +2189 'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y' +2190 +2191 Args: +2192 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. +2193 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2194 on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "on" criteria as a SQL string. +2195 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2196 using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "using" criteria as a SQL string. +2197 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2198 append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions. +2199 Otherwise, this resets the expressions. +2200 join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type +2201 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +2202 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2203 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. 2204 -2205 Example: -2206 >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql() -2207 "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'" -2208 -2209 Args: -2210 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -2211 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2212 Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator. -2213 append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression. -2214 Otherwise, this resets the expression. -2215 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -2216 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2217 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -2218 -2219 Returns: -2220 Select: the modified expression. -2221 """ -2222 return _apply_conjunction_builder( -2223 *expressions, -2224 instance=self, -2225 arg="where", -2226 append=append, -2227 into=Where, -2228 dialect=dialect, -2229 copy=copy, -2230 **opts, -2231 ) -2232 -2233 def having(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -2234 """ -2235 Append to or set the HAVING expressions. -2236 -2237 Example: -2238 >>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql() -2239 'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3' -2240 -2241 Args: -2242 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -2243 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2244 Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator. -2245 append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression. -2246 Otherwise, this resets the expression. -2247 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -2248 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2249 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -2250 -2251 Returns: -2252 Select: the modified expression. -2253 """ -2254 return _apply_conjunction_builder( -2255 *expressions, -2256 instance=self, -2257 arg="having", -2258 append=append, -2259 into=Having, -2260 dialect=dialect, -2261 copy=copy, -2262 **opts, -2263 ) -2264 -2265 def window(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: -2266 return _apply_list_builder( -2267 *expressions, -2268 instance=self, -2269 arg="windows", -2270 append=append, -2271 into=Window, -2272 dialect=dialect, -2273 copy=copy, -2274 **opts, -2275 ) +2205 Returns: +2206 Select: the modified expression. +2207 """ +2208 parse_args = {"dialect": dialect, **opts} +2209 +2210 try: +2211 expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=Join, prefix="JOIN", **parse_args) +2212 except ParseError: +2213 expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=(Join, Expression), **parse_args) +2214 +2215 join = expression if isinstance(expression, Join) else Join(this=expression) +2216 +2217 if isinstance(join.this, Select): +2218 join.this.replace(join.this.subquery()) +2219 +2220 if join_type: +2221 natural: t.Optional[Token] +2222 side: t.Optional[Token] +2223 kind: t.Optional[Token] +2224 +2225 natural, side, kind = maybe_parse(join_type, into="JOIN_TYPE", **parse_args) # type: ignore +2226 +2227 if natural: +2228 join.set("natural", True) +2229 if side: +2230 join.set("side", side.text) +2231 if kind: +2232 join.set("kind", kind.text) +2233 +2234 if on: +2235 on = and_(*ensure_collection(on), dialect=dialect, **opts) +2236 join.set("on", on) +2237 +2238 if using: +2239 join = _apply_list_builder( +2240 *ensure_collection(using), +2241 instance=join, +2242 arg="using", +2243 append=append, +2244 copy=copy, +2245 **opts, +2246 ) +2247 +2248 if join_alias: +2249 join.set("this", alias_(join.this, join_alias, table=True)) +2250 return _apply_list_builder( +2251 join, +2252 instance=self, +2253 arg="joins", +2254 append=append, +2255 copy=copy, +2256 **opts, +2257 ) +2258 +2259 def where(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2260 """ +2261 Append to or set the WHERE expressions. +2262 +2263 Example: +2264 >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql() +2265 "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'" +2266 +2267 Args: +2268 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +2269 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2270 Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator. +2271 append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression. +2272 Otherwise, this resets the expression. +2273 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +2274 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2275 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. 2276 -2277 def distinct(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> Select: -2278 """ -2279 Set the OFFSET expression. -2280 -2281 Example: -2282 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql() -2283 'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl' -2284 -2285 Args: -2286 distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct -2287 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2288 -2289 Returns: -2290 Select: the modified expression. -2291 """ -2292 instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy) -2293 instance.set("distinct", Distinct() if distinct else None) -2294 return instance -2295 -2296 def ctas(self, table, properties=None, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Create: -2297 """ -2298 Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement. -2299 -2300 Example: -2301 >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql() -2302 'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl' -2303 -2304 Args: -2305 table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name. -2306 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -2307 properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties -2308 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table. -2309 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2310 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table. -2311 -2312 Returns: -2313 Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression -2314 """ -2315 instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy) -2316 table_expression = maybe_parse( -2317 table, -2318 into=Table, -2319 dialect=dialect, +2277 Returns: +2278 Select: the modified expression. +2279 """ +2280 return _apply_conjunction_builder( +2281 *expressions, +2282 instance=self, +2283 arg="where", +2284 append=append, +2285 into=Where, +2286 dialect=dialect, +2287 copy=copy, +2288 **opts, +2289 ) +2290 +2291 def having(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2292 """ +2293 Append to or set the HAVING expressions. +2294 +2295 Example: +2296 >>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql() +2297 'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3' +2298 +2299 Args: +2300 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +2301 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2302 Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator. +2303 append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression. +2304 Otherwise, this resets the expression. +2305 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +2306 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2307 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +2308 +2309 Returns: +2310 Select: the modified expression. +2311 """ +2312 return _apply_conjunction_builder( +2313 *expressions, +2314 instance=self, +2315 arg="having", +2316 append=append, +2317 into=Having, +2318 dialect=dialect, +2319 copy=copy, 2320 **opts, 2321 ) -2322 properties_expression = None -2323 if properties: -2324 properties_expression = Properties.from_dict(properties) -2325 -2326 return Create( -2327 this=table_expression, -2328 kind="table", -2329 expression=instance, -2330 properties=properties_expression, -2331 ) -2332 -2333 def lock(self, update: bool = True, copy: bool = True) -> Select: -2334 """ -2335 Set the locking read mode for this expression. -2336 -2337 Examples: -2338 >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql") -2339 "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE" -2340 -2341 >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql") -2342 "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE" -2343 -2344 Args: -2345 update: if `True`, the locking type will be `FOR UPDATE`, else it will be `FOR SHARE`. -2346 copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. -2347 -2348 Returns: -2349 The modified expression. -2350 """ -2351 -2352 inst = _maybe_copy(self, copy) -2353 inst.set("lock", Lock(update=update)) -2354 -2355 return inst -2356 -2357 @property -2358 def named_selects(self) -> t.List[str]: -2359 return [e.output_name for e in self.expressions if e.alias_or_name] -2360 -2361 @property -2362 def selects(self) -> t.List[Expression]: -2363 return self.expressions -2364 -2365 -2366class Subquery(DerivedTable, Unionable): -2367 arg_types = { -2368 "this": True, -2369 "alias": False, -2370 "with": False, -2371 **QUERY_MODIFIERS, -2372 } -2373 -2374 def unnest(self): -2375 """ -2376 Returns the first non subquery. -2377 """ -2378 expression = self -2379 while isinstance(expression, Subquery): -2380 expression = expression.this -2381 return expression -2382 -2383 @property -2384 def output_name(self): -2385 return self.alias -2386 -2387 -2388class TableSample(Expression): -2389 arg_types = { -2390 "this": False, -2391 "method": False, -2392 "bucket_numerator": False, -2393 "bucket_denominator": False, -2394 "bucket_field": False, -2395 "percent": False, -2396 "rows": False, -2397 "size": False, -2398 "seed": False, -2399 } -2400 +2322 +2323 def window(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select: +2324 return _apply_list_builder( +2325 *expressions, +2326 instance=self, +2327 arg="windows", +2328 append=append, +2329 into=Window, +2330 dialect=dialect, +2331 copy=copy, +2332 **opts, +2333 ) +2334 +2335 def distinct(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> Select: +2336 """ +2337 Set the OFFSET expression. +2338 +2339 Example: +2340 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql() +2341 'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl' +2342 +2343 Args: +2344 distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct +2345 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2346 +2347 Returns: +2348 Select: the modified expression. +2349 """ +2350 instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy) +2351 instance.set("distinct", Distinct() if distinct else None) +2352 return instance +2353 +2354 def ctas(self, table, properties=None, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Create: +2355 """ +2356 Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement. +2357 +2358 Example: +2359 >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql() +2360 'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl' +2361 +2362 Args: +2363 table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name. +2364 If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +2365 properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties +2366 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table. +2367 copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2368 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table. +2369 +2370 Returns: +2371 Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression +2372 """ +2373 instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy) +2374 table_expression = maybe_parse( +2375 table, +2376 into=Table, +2377 dialect=dialect, +2378 **opts, +2379 ) +2380 properties_expression = None +2381 if properties: +2382 properties_expression = Properties.from_dict(properties) +2383 +2384 return Create( +2385 this=table_expression, +2386 kind="table", +2387 expression=instance, +2388 properties=properties_expression, +2389 ) +2390 +2391 def lock(self, update: bool = True, copy: bool = True) -> Select: +2392 """ +2393 Set the locking read mode for this expression. +2394 +2395 Examples: +2396 >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql") +2397 "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE" +2398 +2399 >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql") +2400 "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE" 2401 -2402class Tag(Expression): -2403 """Tags are used for generating arbitrary sql like SELECT <span>x</span>.""" -2404 -2405 arg_types = { -2406 "this": False, -2407 "prefix": False, -2408 "postfix": False, -2409 } -2410 -2411 -2412class Pivot(Expression): -2413 arg_types = { -2414 "this": False, -2415 "expressions": True, -2416 "field": True, -2417 "unpivot": True, -2418 } -2419 -2420 -2421class Window(Expression): -2422 arg_types = { -2423 "this": True, -2424 "partition_by": False, -2425 "order": False, -2426 "spec": False, +2402 Args: +2403 update: if `True`, the locking type will be `FOR UPDATE`, else it will be `FOR SHARE`. +2404 copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place. +2405 +2406 Returns: +2407 The modified expression. +2408 """ +2409 +2410 inst = _maybe_copy(self, copy) +2411 inst.set("lock", Lock(update=update)) +2412 +2413 return inst +2414 +2415 @property +2416 def named_selects(self) -> t.List[str]: +2417 return [e.output_name for e in self.expressions if e.alias_or_name] +2418 +2419 @property +2420 def selects(self) -> t.List[Expression]: +2421 return self.expressions +2422 +2423 +2424class Subquery(DerivedTable, Unionable): +2425 arg_types = { +2426 "this": True, 2427 "alias": False, -2428 } -2429 -2430 -2431class WindowSpec(Expression): -2432 arg_types = { -2433 "kind": False, -2434 "start": False, -2435 "start_side": False, -2436 "end": False, -2437 "end_side": False, -2438 } -2439 +2428 "with": False, +2429 **QUERY_MODIFIERS, +2430 } +2431 +2432 def unnest(self): +2433 """ +2434 Returns the first non subquery. +2435 """ +2436 expression = self +2437 while isinstance(expression, Subquery): +2438 expression = expression.this +2439 return expression 2440 -2441class Where(Expression): -2442 pass -2443 +2441 @property +2442 def output_name(self): +2443 return self.alias 2444 -2445class Star(Expression): -2446 arg_types = {"except": False, "replace": False} -2447 -2448 @property -2449 def name(self) -> str: -2450 return "*" -2451 -2452 @property -2453 def output_name(self): -2454 return -2455 -2456 -2457class Parameter(Expression): -2458 arg_types = {"this": True, "wrapped": False} +2445 +2446class TableSample(Expression): +2447 arg_types = { +2448 "this": False, +2449 "method": False, +2450 "bucket_numerator": False, +2451 "bucket_denominator": False, +2452 "bucket_field": False, +2453 "percent": False, +2454 "rows": False, +2455 "size": False, +2456 "seed": False, +2457 } +2458 2459 -2460 -2461class SessionParameter(Expression): -2462 arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False} -2463 -2464 -2465class Placeholder(Expression): -2466 arg_types = {"this": False} -2467 +2460class Tag(Expression): +2461 """Tags are used for generating arbitrary sql like SELECT <span>x</span>.""" +2462 +2463 arg_types = { +2464 "this": False, +2465 "prefix": False, +2466 "postfix": False, +2467 } 2468 -2469class Null(Condition): -2470 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} -2471 -2472 @property -2473 def name(self) -> str: -2474 return "NULL" -2475 -2476 -2477class Boolean(Condition): -2478 pass -2479 -2480 -2481class DataType(Expression): -2482 arg_types = { -2483 "this": True, -2484 "expressions": False, -2485 "nested": False, -2486 "values": False, -2487 "prefix": False, -2488 } -2489 -2490 class Type(AutoName): -2491 CHAR = auto() -2492 NCHAR = auto() -2493 VARCHAR = auto() -2494 NVARCHAR = auto() -2495 TEXT = auto() -2496 MEDIUMTEXT = auto() -2497 LONGTEXT = auto() -2498 MEDIUMBLOB = auto() -2499 LONGBLOB = auto() -2500 BINARY = auto() -2501 VARBINARY = auto() -2502 INT = auto() -2503 TINYINT = auto() -2504 SMALLINT = auto() -2505 BIGINT = auto() -2506 FLOAT = auto() -2507 DOUBLE = auto() -2508 DECIMAL = auto() -2509 BOOLEAN = auto() -2510 JSON = auto() -2511 JSONB = auto() -2512 INTERVAL = auto() -2513 TIME = auto() -2514 TIMESTAMP = auto() -2515 TIMESTAMPTZ = auto() -2516 TIMESTAMPLTZ = auto() -2517 DATE = auto() -2518 DATETIME = auto() -2519 ARRAY = auto() -2520 MAP = auto() -2521 UUID = auto() -2522 GEOGRAPHY = auto() -2523 GEOMETRY = auto() -2524 STRUCT = auto() -2525 NULLABLE = auto() -2526 HLLSKETCH = auto() -2527 HSTORE = auto() -2528 SUPER = auto() -2529 SERIAL = auto() -2530 SMALLSERIAL = auto() -2531 BIGSERIAL = auto() -2532 XML = auto() -2533 UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = auto() -2534 MONEY = auto() -2535 SMALLMONEY = auto() -2536 ROWVERSION = auto() -2537 IMAGE = auto() -2538 VARIANT = auto() -2539 OBJECT = auto() -2540 NULL = auto() -2541 UNKNOWN = auto() # Sentinel value, useful for type annotation -2542 -2543 TEXT_TYPES = { -2544 Type.CHAR, -2545 Type.NCHAR, -2546 Type.VARCHAR, -2547 Type.NVARCHAR, -2548 Type.TEXT, -2549 } -2550 -2551 INTEGER_TYPES = { -2552 Type.INT, -2553 Type.TINYINT, -2554 Type.SMALLINT, -2555 Type.BIGINT, -2556 } -2557 -2558 FLOAT_TYPES = { -2559 Type.FLOAT, -2560 Type.DOUBLE, -2561 } -2562 -2563 NUMERIC_TYPES = {*INTEGER_TYPES, *FLOAT_TYPES} -2564 -2565 TEMPORAL_TYPES = { -2566 Type.TIMESTAMP, -2567 Type.TIMESTAMPTZ, -2568 Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ, -2569 Type.DATE, -2570 Type.DATETIME, -2571 } -2572 -2573 @classmethod -2574 def build( -2575 cls, dtype: str | DataType | DataType.Type, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs -2576 ) -> DataType: -2577 from sqlglot import parse_one -2578 -2579 if isinstance(dtype, str): -2580 if dtype.upper() in cls.Type.__members__: -2581 data_type_exp: t.Optional[Expression] = DataType(this=DataType.Type[dtype.upper()]) -2582 else: -2583 data_type_exp = parse_one(dtype, read=dialect, into=DataType) -2584 if data_type_exp is None: -2585 raise ValueError(f"Unparsable data type value: {dtype}") -2586 elif isinstance(dtype, DataType.Type): -2587 data_type_exp = DataType(this=dtype) -2588 elif isinstance(dtype, DataType): -2589 return dtype -2590 else: -2591 raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type: {type(dtype)}. Expected str or DataType.Type") -2592 return DataType(**{**data_type_exp.args, **kwargs}) -2593 -2594 def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool: -2595 return self.this == dtype -2596 -2597 -2598# -2599class PseudoType(Expression): -2600 pass -2601 -2602 -2603class StructKwarg(Expression): -2604 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -2605 -2606 -2607# WHERE x <OP> EXISTS|ALL|ANY|SOME(SELECT ...) -2608class SubqueryPredicate(Predicate): -2609 pass -2610 -2611 -2612class All(SubqueryPredicate): -2613 pass -2614 +2469 +2470class Pivot(Expression): +2471 arg_types = { +2472 "this": False, +2473 "expressions": True, +2474 "field": True, +2475 "unpivot": True, +2476 } +2477 +2478 +2479class Window(Expression): +2480 arg_types = { +2481 "this": True, +2482 "partition_by": False, +2483 "order": False, +2484 "spec": False, +2485 "alias": False, +2486 } +2487 +2488 +2489class WindowSpec(Expression): +2490 arg_types = { +2491 "kind": False, +2492 "start": False, +2493 "start_side": False, +2494 "end": False, +2495 "end_side": False, +2496 } +2497 +2498 +2499class Where(Expression): +2500 pass +2501 +2502 +2503class Star(Expression): +2504 arg_types = {"except": False, "replace": False} +2505 +2506 @property +2507 def name(self) -> str: +2508 return "*" +2509 +2510 @property +2511 def output_name(self): +2512 return +2513 +2514 +2515class Parameter(Expression): +2516 arg_types = {"this": True, "wrapped": False} +2517 +2518 +2519class SessionParameter(Expression): +2520 arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False} +2521 +2522 +2523class Placeholder(Expression): +2524 arg_types = {"this": False} +2525 +2526 +2527class Null(Condition): +2528 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} +2529 +2530 @property +2531 def name(self) -> str: +2532 return "NULL" +2533 +2534 +2535class Boolean(Condition): +2536 pass +2537 +2538 +2539class DataType(Expression): +2540 arg_types = { +2541 "this": True, +2542 "expressions": False, +2543 "nested": False, +2544 "values": False, +2545 "prefix": False, +2546 } +2547 +2548 class Type(AutoName): +2549 CHAR = auto() +2550 NCHAR = auto() +2551 VARCHAR = auto() +2552 NVARCHAR = auto() +2553 TEXT = auto() +2554 MEDIUMTEXT = auto() +2555 LONGTEXT = auto() +2556 MEDIUMBLOB = auto() +2557 LONGBLOB = auto() +2558 BINARY = auto() +2559 VARBINARY = auto() +2560 INT = auto() +2561 TINYINT = auto() +2562 SMALLINT = auto() +2563 BIGINT = auto() +2564 FLOAT = auto() +2565 DOUBLE = auto() +2566 DECIMAL = auto() +2567 BOOLEAN = auto() +2568 JSON = auto() +2569 JSONB = auto() +2570 INTERVAL = auto() +2571 TIME = auto() +2572 TIMESTAMP = auto() +2573 TIMESTAMPTZ = auto() +2574 TIMESTAMPLTZ = auto() +2575 DATE = auto() +2576 DATETIME = auto() +2577 ARRAY = auto() +2578 MAP = auto() +2579 UUID = auto() +2580 GEOGRAPHY = auto() +2581 GEOMETRY = auto() +2582 STRUCT = auto() +2583 NULLABLE = auto() +2584 HLLSKETCH = auto() +2585 HSTORE = auto() +2586 SUPER = auto() +2587 SERIAL = auto() +2588 SMALLSERIAL = auto() +2589 BIGSERIAL = auto() +2590 XML = auto() +2591 UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = auto() +2592 MONEY = auto() +2593 SMALLMONEY = auto() +2594 ROWVERSION = auto() +2595 IMAGE = auto() +2596 VARIANT = auto() +2597 OBJECT = auto() +2598 NULL = auto() +2599 UNKNOWN = auto() # Sentinel value, useful for type annotation +2600 +2601 TEXT_TYPES = { +2602 Type.CHAR, +2603 Type.NCHAR, +2604 Type.VARCHAR, +2605 Type.NVARCHAR, +2606 Type.TEXT, +2607 } +2608 +2609 INTEGER_TYPES = { +2610 Type.INT, +2611 Type.TINYINT, +2612 Type.SMALLINT, +2613 Type.BIGINT, +2614 } 2615 -2616class Any(SubqueryPredicate): -2617 pass -2618 -2619 -2620class Exists(SubqueryPredicate): -2621 pass +2616 FLOAT_TYPES = { +2617 Type.FLOAT, +2618 Type.DOUBLE, +2619 } +2620 +2621 NUMERIC_TYPES = {*INTEGER_TYPES, *FLOAT_TYPES} 2622 -2623 -2624# Commands to interact with the databases or engines. For most of the command -2625# expressions we parse whatever comes after the command's name as a string. -2626class Command(Expression): -2627 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -2628 -2629 -2630class Transaction(Expression): -2631 arg_types = {"this": False, "modes": False} -2632 -2633 -2634class Commit(Expression): -2635 arg_types = {"chain": False} +2623 TEMPORAL_TYPES = { +2624 Type.TIMESTAMP, +2625 Type.TIMESTAMPTZ, +2626 Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ, +2627 Type.DATE, +2628 Type.DATETIME, +2629 } +2630 +2631 @classmethod +2632 def build( +2633 cls, dtype: str | DataType | DataType.Type, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs +2634 ) -> DataType: +2635 from sqlglot import parse_one 2636 -2637 -2638class Rollback(Expression): -2639 arg_types = {"savepoint": False} -2640 -2641 -2642class AlterTable(Expression): -2643 arg_types = {"this": True, "actions": True, "exists": False} -2644 -2645 -2646class AddConstraint(Expression): -2647 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False, "enforced": False} -2648 -2649 -2650class DropPartition(Expression): -2651 arg_types = {"expressions": True, "exists": False} -2652 -2653 -2654# Binary expressions like (ADD a b) -2655class Binary(Expression): -2656 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -2657 -2658 @property -2659 def left(self): -2660 return self.this -2661 -2662 @property -2663 def right(self): -2664 return self.expression -2665 -2666 -2667class Add(Binary): -2668 pass +2637 if isinstance(dtype, str): +2638 if dtype.upper() in cls.Type.__members__: +2639 data_type_exp: t.Optional[Expression] = DataType(this=DataType.Type[dtype.upper()]) +2640 else: +2641 data_type_exp = parse_one(dtype, read=dialect, into=DataType) +2642 if data_type_exp is None: +2643 raise ValueError(f"Unparsable data type value: {dtype}") +2644 elif isinstance(dtype, DataType.Type): +2645 data_type_exp = DataType(this=dtype) +2646 elif isinstance(dtype, DataType): +2647 return dtype +2648 else: +2649 raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type: {type(dtype)}. Expected str or DataType.Type") +2650 return DataType(**{**data_type_exp.args, **kwargs}) +2651 +2652 def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool: +2653 return self.this == dtype +2654 +2655 +2656# +2657class PseudoType(Expression): +2658 pass +2659 +2660 +2661class StructKwarg(Expression): +2662 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +2663 +2664 +2665# WHERE x <OP> EXISTS|ALL|ANY|SOME(SELECT ...) +2666class SubqueryPredicate(Predicate): +2667 pass +2668 2669 -2670 -2671class Connector(Binary, Condition): -2672 pass +2670class All(SubqueryPredicate): +2671 pass +2672 2673 -2674 -2675class And(Connector): -2676 pass +2674class Any(SubqueryPredicate): +2675 pass +2676 2677 -2678 -2679class Or(Connector): -2680 pass +2678class Exists(SubqueryPredicate): +2679 pass +2680 2681 -2682 -2683class BitwiseAnd(Binary): -2684 pass -2685 +2682# Commands to interact with the databases or engines. For most of the command +2683# expressions we parse whatever comes after the command's name as a string. +2684class Command(Expression): +2685 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} 2686 -2687class BitwiseLeftShift(Binary): -2688 pass -2689 +2687 +2688class Transaction(Expression): +2689 arg_types = {"this": False, "modes": False} 2690 -2691class BitwiseOr(Binary): -2692 pass -2693 +2691 +2692class Commit(Expression): +2693 arg_types = {"chain": False} 2694 -2695class BitwiseRightShift(Binary): -2696 pass -2697 +2695 +2696class Rollback(Expression): +2697 arg_types = {"savepoint": False} 2698 -2699class BitwiseXor(Binary): -2700 pass -2701 +2699 +2700class AlterTable(Expression): +2701 arg_types = {"this": True, "actions": True, "exists": False} 2702 -2703class Div(Binary): -2704 pass -2705 +2703 +2704class AddConstraint(Expression): +2705 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False, "enforced": False} 2706 -2707class Dot(Binary): -2708 @property -2709 def name(self) -> str: -2710 return +2707 +2708class DropPartition(Expression): +2709 arg_types = {"expressions": True, "exists": False} +2710 2711 -2712 -2713class DPipe(Binary): -2714 pass +2712# Binary expressions like (ADD a b) +2713class Binary(Expression): +2714 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} 2715 -2716 -2717class EQ(Binary, Predicate): -2718 pass +2716 @property +2717 def left(self): +2718 return self.this 2719 -2720 -2721class NullSafeEQ(Binary, Predicate): -2722 pass +2720 @property +2721 def right(self): +2722 return self.expression 2723 2724 -2725class NullSafeNEQ(Binary, Predicate): +2725class Add(Binary): 2726 pass 2727 2728 -2729class Distance(Binary): +2729class Connector(Binary, Condition): 2730 pass 2731 2732 -2733class Escape(Binary): +2733class And(Connector): 2734 pass 2735 2736 -2737class Glob(Binary, Predicate): +2737class Or(Connector): 2738 pass 2739 2740 -2741class GT(Binary, Predicate): +2741class BitwiseAnd(Binary): 2742 pass 2743 2744 -2745class GTE(Binary, Predicate): +2745class BitwiseLeftShift(Binary): 2746 pass 2747 2748 -2749class ILike(Binary, Predicate): +2749class BitwiseOr(Binary): 2750 pass 2751 2752 -2753class ILikeAny(Binary, Predicate): +2753class BitwiseRightShift(Binary): 2754 pass 2755 2756 -2757class IntDiv(Binary): +2757class BitwiseXor(Binary): 2758 pass 2759 2760 -2761class Is(Binary, Predicate): +2761class Div(Binary): 2762 pass 2763 2764 -2765class Kwarg(Binary): -2766 """Kwarg in special functions like func(kwarg => y).""" -2767 -2768 -2769class Like(Binary, Predicate): -2770 pass -2771 -2772 -2773class LikeAny(Binary, Predicate): -2774 pass -2775 -2776 -2777class LT(Binary, Predicate): -2778 pass -2779 -2780 -2781class LTE(Binary, Predicate): -2782 pass -2783 -2784 -2785class Mod(Binary): -2786 pass -2787 -2788 -2789class Mul(Binary): -2790 pass -2791 -2792 -2793class NEQ(Binary, Predicate): -2794 pass -2795 -2796 -2797class SimilarTo(Binary, Predicate): -2798 pass -2799 -2800 -2801class Slice(Binary): -2802 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False} -2803 -2804 -2805class Sub(Binary): -2806 pass -2807 -2808 -2809# Unary Expressions -2810# (NOT a) -2811class Unary(Expression): +2765class Dot(Binary): +2766 @property +2767 def name(self) -> str: +2768 return +2769 +2770 +2771class DPipe(Binary): +2772 pass +2773 +2774 +2775class EQ(Binary, Predicate): +2776 pass +2777 +2778 +2779class NullSafeEQ(Binary, Predicate): +2780 pass +2781 +2782 +2783class NullSafeNEQ(Binary, Predicate): +2784 pass +2785 +2786 +2787class Distance(Binary): +2788 pass +2789 +2790 +2791class Escape(Binary): +2792 pass +2793 +2794 +2795class Glob(Binary, Predicate): +2796 pass +2797 +2798 +2799class GT(Binary, Predicate): +2800 pass +2801 +2802 +2803class GTE(Binary, Predicate): +2804 pass +2805 +2806 +2807class ILike(Binary, Predicate): +2808 pass +2809 +2810 +2811class ILikeAny(Binary, Predicate): 2812 pass 2813 2814 -2815class BitwiseNot(Unary): +2815class IntDiv(Binary): 2816 pass 2817 2818 -2819class Not(Unary, Condition): +2819class Is(Binary, Predicate): 2820 pass 2821 2822 -2823class Paren(Unary, Condition): -2824 arg_types = {"this": True, "with": False} +2823class Kwarg(Binary): +2824 """Kwarg in special functions like func(kwarg => y).""" 2825 2826 -2827class Neg(Unary): +2827class Like(Binary, Predicate): 2828 pass 2829 2830 -2831# Special Functions -2832class Alias(Expression): -2833 arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": False} +2831class LikeAny(Binary, Predicate): +2832 pass +2833 2834 -2835 @property -2836 def output_name(self): -2837 return self.alias +2835class LT(Binary, Predicate): +2836 pass +2837 2838 -2839 -2840class Aliases(Expression): -2841 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} +2839class LTE(Binary, Predicate): +2840 pass +2841 2842 -2843 @property -2844 def aliases(self): -2845 return self.expressions +2843class Mod(Binary): +2844 pass +2845 2846 -2847 -2848class AtTimeZone(Expression): -2849 arg_types = {"this": True, "zone": True} +2847class Mul(Binary): +2848 pass +2849 2850 -2851 -2852class Between(Predicate): -2853 arg_types = {"this": True, "low": True, "high": True} +2851class NEQ(Binary, Predicate): +2852 pass +2853 2854 -2855 -2856class Bracket(Condition): -2857 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} +2855class SimilarTo(Binary, Predicate): +2856 pass +2857 2858 -2859 -2860class Distinct(Expression): -2861 arg_types = {"expressions": False, "on": False} +2859class Slice(Binary): +2860 arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False} +2861 2862 -2863 -2864class In(Predicate): -2865 arg_types = { -2866 "this": True, -2867 "expressions": False, -2868 "query": False, -2869 "unnest": False, -2870 "field": False, -2871 "is_global": False, -2872 } -2873 -2874 -2875class TimeUnit(Expression): -2876 """Automatically converts unit arg into a var.""" -2877 -2878 arg_types = {"unit": False} +2863class Sub(Binary): +2864 pass +2865 +2866 +2867# Unary Expressions +2868# (NOT a) +2869class Unary(Expression): +2870 pass +2871 +2872 +2873class BitwiseNot(Unary): +2874 pass +2875 +2876 +2877class Not(Unary, Condition): +2878 pass 2879 -2880 def __init__(self, **args): -2881 unit = args.get("unit") -2882 if isinstance(unit, Column): -2883 args["unit"] = Var( -2884 elif isinstance(unit, Week): -2885 unit.set("this", Var( -2886 super().__init__(**args) +2880 +2881class Paren(Unary, Condition): +2882 arg_types = {"this": True, "with": False} +2883 +2884 +2885class Neg(Unary): +2886 pass 2887 2888 -2889class Interval(TimeUnit): -2890 arg_types = {"this": False, "unit": False} -2891 +2889# Special Functions +2890class Alias(Expression): +2891 arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": False} 2892 -2893class IgnoreNulls(Expression): -2894 pass -2895 +2893 @property +2894 def output_name(self): +2895 return self.alias 2896 -2897class RespectNulls(Expression): -2898 pass -2899 +2897 +2898class Aliases(Expression): +2899 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} 2900 -2901# Functions -2902class Func(Condition): -2903 """ -2904 The base class for all function expressions. +2901 @property +2902 def aliases(self): +2903 return self.expressions +2904 2905 -2906 Attributes: -2907 is_var_len_args (bool): if set to True the last argument defined in arg_types will be -2908 treated as a variable length argument and the argument's value will be stored as a list. -2909 _sql_names (list): determines the SQL name (1st item in the list) and aliases (subsequent items) -2910 for this function expression. These values are used to map this node to a name during parsing -2911 as well as to provide the function's name during SQL string generation. By default the SQL -2912 name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case. -2913 """ -2914 -2915 is_var_len_args = False +2906class AtTimeZone(Expression): +2907 arg_types = {"this": True, "zone": True} +2908 +2909 +2910class Between(Predicate): +2911 arg_types = {"this": True, "low": True, "high": True} +2912 +2913 +2914class Bracket(Condition): +2915 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} 2916 -2917 @classmethod -2918 def from_arg_list(cls, args): -2919 if cls.is_var_len_args: -2920 all_arg_keys = list(cls.arg_types) -2921 # If this function supports variable length argument treat the last argument as such. -2922 non_var_len_arg_keys = all_arg_keys[:-1] if cls.is_var_len_args else all_arg_keys -2923 num_non_var = len(non_var_len_arg_keys) -2924 -2925 args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, non_var_len_arg_keys)} -2926 args_dict[all_arg_keys[-1]] = args[num_non_var:] -2927 else: -2928 args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, cls.arg_types)} -2929 -2930 return cls(**args_dict) +2917 +2918class Distinct(Expression): +2919 arg_types = {"expressions": False, "on": False} +2920 +2921 +2922class In(Predicate): +2923 arg_types = { +2924 "this": True, +2925 "expressions": False, +2926 "query": False, +2927 "unnest": False, +2928 "field": False, +2929 "is_global": False, +2930 } 2931 -2932 @classmethod -2933 def sql_names(cls): -2934 if cls is Func: -2935 raise NotImplementedError( -2936 "SQL name is only supported by concrete function implementations" -2937 ) -2938 if "_sql_names" not in cls.__dict__: -2939 cls._sql_names = [camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)] -2940 return cls._sql_names -2941 -2942 @classmethod -2943 def sql_name(cls): -2944 return cls.sql_names()[0] +2932 +2933class TimeUnit(Expression): +2934 """Automatically converts unit arg into a var.""" +2935 +2936 arg_types = {"unit": False} +2937 +2938 def __init__(self, **args): +2939 unit = args.get("unit") +2940 if isinstance(unit, Column): +2941 args["unit"] = Var( +2942 elif isinstance(unit, Week): +2943 unit.set("this", Var( +2944 super().__init__(**args) 2945 -2946 @classmethod -2947 def default_parser_mappings(cls): -2948 return {name: cls.from_arg_list for name in cls.sql_names()} +2946 +2947class Interval(TimeUnit): +2948 arg_types = {"this": False, "unit": False} 2949 2950 -2951class AggFunc(Func): +2951class IgnoreNulls(Expression): 2952 pass 2953 2954 -2955class Abs(Func): +2955class RespectNulls(Expression): 2956 pass 2957 2958 -2959class Anonymous(Func): -2960 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -2961 is_var_len_args = True -2962 +2959# Functions +2960class Func(Condition): +2961 """ +2962 The base class for all function expressions. 2963 -2964class ApproxDistinct(AggFunc): -2965 arg_types = {"this": True, "accuracy": False} -2966 -2967 -2968class Array(Func): -2969 arg_types = {"expressions": False} -2970 is_var_len_args = True -2971 +2964 Attributes: +2965 is_var_len_args (bool): if set to True the last argument defined in arg_types will be +2966 treated as a variable length argument and the argument's value will be stored as a list. +2967 _sql_names (list): determines the SQL name (1st item in the list) and aliases (subsequent items) +2968 for this function expression. These values are used to map this node to a name during parsing +2969 as well as to provide the function's name during SQL string generation. By default the SQL +2970 name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case. +2971 """ 2972 -2973class GenerateSeries(Func): -2974 arg_types = {"start": True, "end": True, "step": False} -2975 -2976 -2977class ArrayAgg(AggFunc): -2978 pass -2979 -2980 -2981class ArrayAll(Func): -2982 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -2983 -2984 -2985class ArrayAny(Func): -2986 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +2973 is_var_len_args = False +2974 +2975 @classmethod +2976 def from_arg_list(cls, args): +2977 if cls.is_var_len_args: +2978 all_arg_keys = list(cls.arg_types) +2979 # If this function supports variable length argument treat the last argument as such. +2980 non_var_len_arg_keys = all_arg_keys[:-1] if cls.is_var_len_args else all_arg_keys +2981 num_non_var = len(non_var_len_arg_keys) +2982 +2983 args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, non_var_len_arg_keys)} +2984 args_dict[all_arg_keys[-1]] = args[num_non_var:] +2985 else: +2986 args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, cls.arg_types)} 2987 -2988 -2989class ArrayConcat(Func): -2990 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -2991 is_var_len_args = True -2992 -2993 -2994class ArrayContains(Func): -2995 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -2996 -2997 -2998class ArrayFilter(Func): -2999 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -3000 _sql_names = ["FILTER", "ARRAY_FILTER"] -3001 -3002 -3003class ArraySize(Func): -3004 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -3005 -3006 -3007class ArraySort(Func): -3008 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -3009 -3010 -3011class ArraySum(Func): -3012 pass -3013 -3014 -3015class ArrayUnionAgg(AggFunc): -3016 pass -3017 -3018 -3019class Avg(AggFunc): -3020 pass +2988 return cls(**args_dict) +2989 +2990 @classmethod +2991 def sql_names(cls): +2992 if cls is Func: +2993 raise NotImplementedError( +2994 "SQL name is only supported by concrete function implementations" +2995 ) +2996 if "_sql_names" not in cls.__dict__: +2997 cls._sql_names = [camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)] +2998 return cls._sql_names +2999 +3000 @classmethod +3001 def sql_name(cls): +3002 return cls.sql_names()[0] +3003 +3004 @classmethod +3005 def default_parser_mappings(cls): +3006 return {name: cls.from_arg_list for name in cls.sql_names()} +3007 +3008 +3009class AggFunc(Func): +3010 pass +3011 +3012 +3013class Abs(Func): +3014 pass +3015 +3016 +3017class Anonymous(Func): +3018 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} +3019 is_var_len_args = True +3020 3021 -3022 -3023class AnyValue(AggFunc): -3024 pass +3022class ApproxDistinct(AggFunc): +3023 arg_types = {"this": True, "accuracy": False} +3024 3025 -3026 -3027class Case(Func): -3028 arg_types = {"this": False, "ifs": True, "default": False} +3026class Array(Func): +3027 arg_types = {"expressions": False} +3028 is_var_len_args = True 3029 3030 -3031class Cast(Func): -3032 arg_types = {"this": True, "to": True} +3031class GenerateSeries(Func): +3032 arg_types = {"start": True, "end": True, "step": False} 3033 -3034 @property -3035 def name(self) -> str: -3036 return +3034 +3035class ArrayAgg(AggFunc): +3036 pass 3037 -3038 @property -3039 def to(self): -3040 return self.args["to"] +3038 +3039class ArrayAll(Func): +3040 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} 3041 -3042 @property -3043 def output_name(self): -3044 return +3042 +3043class ArrayAny(Func): +3044 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} 3045 -3046 def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool: -3047 return -3048 -3049 -3050class Collate(Binary): -3051 pass -3052 -3053 -3054class TryCast(Cast): -3055 pass -3056 -3057 -3058class Ceil(Func): -3059 arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False} -3060 _sql_names = ["CEIL", "CEILING"] -3061 -3062 -3063class Coalesce(Func): -3064 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -3065 is_var_len_args = True -3066 +3046 +3047class ArrayConcat(Func): +3048 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} +3049 is_var_len_args = True +3050 +3051 +3052class ArrayContains(Func): +3053 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +3054 +3055 +3056class ArrayFilter(Func): +3057 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +3058 _sql_names = ["FILTER", "ARRAY_FILTER"] +3059 +3060 +3061class ArraySize(Func): +3062 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} +3063 +3064 +3065class ArraySort(Func): +3066 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} 3067 -3068class Concat(Func): -3069 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -3070 is_var_len_args = True +3068 +3069class ArraySum(Func): +3070 pass 3071 3072 -3073class ConcatWs(Concat): -3074 _sql_names = ["CONCAT_WS"] +3073class ArrayUnionAgg(AggFunc): +3074 pass 3075 3076 -3077class Count(AggFunc): -3078 arg_types = {"this": False} +3077class Avg(AggFunc): +3078 pass 3079 3080 -3081class CurrentDate(Func): -3082 arg_types = {"this": False} +3081class AnyValue(AggFunc): +3082 pass 3083 3084 -3085class CurrentDatetime(Func): -3086 arg_types = {"this": False} +3085class Case(Func): +3086 arg_types = {"this": False, "ifs": True, "default": False} 3087 3088 -3089class CurrentTime(Func): -3090 arg_types = {"this": False} +3089class Cast(Func): +3090 arg_types = {"this": True, "to": True} 3091 -3092 -3093class CurrentTimestamp(Func): -3094 arg_types = {"this": False} +3092 @property +3093 def name(self) -> str: +3094 return 3095 -3096 -3097class DateAdd(Func, TimeUnit): -3098 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3096 @property +3097 def to(self): +3098 return self.args["to"] 3099 -3100 -3101class DateSub(Func, TimeUnit): -3102 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3100 @property +3101 def output_name(self): +3102 return 3103 -3104 -3105class DateDiff(Func, TimeUnit): -3106 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3104 def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool: +3105 return +3106 3107 -3108 -3109class DateTrunc(Func): -3110 arg_types = {"unit": True, "this": True, "zone": False} +3108class Collate(Binary): +3109 pass +3110 3111 -3112 -3113class DatetimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit): -3114 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3112class TryCast(Cast): +3113 pass +3114 3115 -3116 -3117class DatetimeSub(Func, TimeUnit): -3118 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3116class Ceil(Func): +3117 arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False} +3118 _sql_names = ["CEIL", "CEILING"] 3119 3120 -3121class DatetimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit): -3122 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3123 +3121class Coalesce(Func): +3122 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} +3123 is_var_len_args = True 3124 -3125class DatetimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit): -3126 arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False} -3127 -3128 -3129class DayOfWeek(Func): -3130 _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_WEEK", "DAYOFWEEK"] -3131 -3132 -3133class DayOfMonth(Func): -3134 _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_MONTH", "DAYOFMONTH"] -3135 -3136 -3137class DayOfYear(Func): -3138 _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_YEAR", "DAYOFYEAR"] -3139 -3140 -3141class WeekOfYear(Func): -3142 _sql_names = ["WEEK_OF_YEAR", "WEEKOFYEAR"] -3143 -3144 -3145class LastDateOfMonth(Func): -3146 pass -3147 -3148 -3149class Extract(Func): -3150 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -3151 -3152 -3153class TimestampAdd(Func, TimeUnit): -3154 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3155 -3156 -3157class TimestampSub(Func, TimeUnit): -3158 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3159 -3160 -3161class TimestampDiff(Func, TimeUnit): -3162 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3163 -3164 -3165class TimestampTrunc(Func, TimeUnit): -3166 arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False} -3167 -3168 -3169class TimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit): -3170 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3171 -3172 -3173class TimeSub(Func, TimeUnit): -3174 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3175 -3176 -3177class TimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit): -3178 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3179 -3180 -3181class TimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit): -3182 arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False} -3183 -3184 -3185class DateFromParts(Func): -3186 _sql_names = ["DATEFROMPARTS"] -3187 arg_types = {"year": True, "month": True, "day": True} -3188 +3125 +3126class Concat(Func): +3127 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +3128 is_var_len_args = True +3129 +3130 +3131class ConcatWs(Concat): +3132 _sql_names = ["CONCAT_WS"] +3133 +3134 +3135class Count(AggFunc): +3136 arg_types = {"this": False} +3137 +3138 +3139class CurrentDate(Func): +3140 arg_types = {"this": False} +3141 +3142 +3143class CurrentDatetime(Func): +3144 arg_types = {"this": False} +3145 +3146 +3147class CurrentTime(Func): +3148 arg_types = {"this": False} +3149 +3150 +3151class CurrentTimestamp(Func): +3152 arg_types = {"this": False} +3153 +3154 +3155class DateAdd(Func, TimeUnit): +3156 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3157 +3158 +3159class DateSub(Func, TimeUnit): +3160 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3161 +3162 +3163class DateDiff(Func, TimeUnit): +3164 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3165 +3166 +3167class DateTrunc(Func): +3168 arg_types = {"unit": True, "this": True, "zone": False} +3169 +3170 +3171class DatetimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit): +3172 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3173 +3174 +3175class DatetimeSub(Func, TimeUnit): +3176 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3177 +3178 +3179class DatetimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit): +3180 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3181 +3182 +3183class DatetimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit): +3184 arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False} +3185 +3186 +3187class DayOfWeek(Func): +3188 _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_WEEK", "DAYOFWEEK"] 3189 -3190class DateStrToDate(Func): -3191 pass -3192 +3190 +3191class DayOfMonth(Func): +3192 _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_MONTH", "DAYOFMONTH"] 3193 -3194class DateToDateStr(Func): -3195 pass -3196 +3194 +3195class DayOfYear(Func): +3196 _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_YEAR", "DAYOFYEAR"] 3197 -3198class DateToDi(Func): -3199 pass -3200 +3198 +3199class WeekOfYear(Func): +3200 _sql_names = ["WEEK_OF_YEAR", "WEEKOFYEAR"] 3201 -3202class Day(Func): -3203 pass -3204 +3202 +3203class LastDateOfMonth(Func): +3204 pass 3205 -3206class Decode(Func): -3207 arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True, "replace": False} -3208 +3206 +3207class Extract(Func): +3208 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} 3209 -3210class DiToDate(Func): -3211 pass -3212 +3210 +3211class TimestampAdd(Func, TimeUnit): +3212 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} 3213 -3214class Encode(Func): -3215 arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True} -3216 +3214 +3215class TimestampSub(Func, TimeUnit): +3216 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} 3217 -3218class Exp(Func): -3219 pass -3220 +3218 +3219class TimestampDiff(Func, TimeUnit): +3220 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} 3221 -3222class Explode(Func): -3223 pass -3224 +3222 +3223class TimestampTrunc(Func, TimeUnit): +3224 arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False} 3225 -3226class Floor(Func): -3227 arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False} -3228 +3226 +3227class TimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit): +3228 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} 3229 -3230class Greatest(Func): -3231 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -3232 is_var_len_args = True +3230 +3231class TimeSub(Func, TimeUnit): +3232 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} 3233 3234 -3235class GroupConcat(Func): -3236 arg_types = {"this": True, "separator": False} +3235class TimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit): +3236 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} 3237 3238 -3239class Hex(Func): -3240 pass +3239class TimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit): +3240 arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False} 3241 3242 -3243class If(Func): -3244 arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False} -3245 +3243class DateFromParts(Func): +3244 _sql_names = ["DATEFROMPARTS"] +3245 arg_types = {"year": True, "month": True, "day": True} 3246 -3247class IfNull(Func): -3248 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -3249 _sql_names = ["IFNULL", "NVL"] +3247 +3248class DateStrToDate(Func): +3249 pass 3250 3251 -3252class Initcap(Func): +3252class DateToDateStr(Func): 3253 pass 3254 3255 -3256class JSONBContains(Binary): -3257 _sql_names = ["JSONB_CONTAINS"] +3256class DateToDi(Func): +3257 pass 3258 3259 -3260class JSONExtract(Binary, Func): -3261 _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT"] +3260class Day(Func): +3261 pass 3262 3263 -3264class JSONExtractScalar(JSONExtract): -3265 _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR"] +3264class Decode(Func): +3265 arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True, "replace": False} 3266 3267 -3268class JSONBExtract(JSONExtract): -3269 _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT"] +3268class DiToDate(Func): +3269 pass 3270 3271 -3272class JSONBExtractScalar(JSONExtract): -3273 _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT_SCALAR"] +3272class Encode(Func): +3273 arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True} 3274 3275 -3276class Least(Func): -3277 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -3278 is_var_len_args = True +3276class Exp(Func): +3277 pass +3278 3279 -3280 -3281class Length(Func): -3282 pass +3280class Explode(Func): +3281 pass +3282 3283 -3284 -3285class Levenshtein(Func): -3286 arg_types = { -3287 "this": True, -3288 "expression": False, -3289 "ins_cost": False, -3290 "del_cost": False, -3291 "sub_cost": False, -3292 } -3293 -3294 -3295class Ln(Func): -3296 pass -3297 -3298 -3299class Log(Func): -3300 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -3301 -3302 -3303class Log2(Func): -3304 pass -3305 -3306 -3307class Log10(Func): -3308 pass +3284class Floor(Func): +3285 arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False} +3286 +3287 +3288class Greatest(Func): +3289 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} +3290 is_var_len_args = True +3291 +3292 +3293class GroupConcat(Func): +3294 arg_types = {"this": True, "separator": False} +3295 +3296 +3297class Hex(Func): +3298 pass +3299 +3300 +3301class If(Func): +3302 arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False} +3303 +3304 +3305class IfNull(Func): +3306 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} +3307 _sql_names = ["IFNULL", "NVL"] +3308 3309 -3310 -3311class LogicalOr(AggFunc): -3312 _sql_names = ["LOGICAL_OR", "BOOL_OR"] +3310class Initcap(Func): +3311 pass +3312 3313 -3314 -3315class Lower(Func): -3316 _sql_names = ["LOWER", "LCASE"] +3314class JSONBContains(Binary): +3315 _sql_names = ["JSONB_CONTAINS"] +3316 3317 -3318 -3319class Map(Func): -3320 arg_types = {"keys": False, "values": False} +3318class JSONExtract(Binary, Func): +3319 _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT"] +3320 3321 -3322 -3323class VarMap(Func): -3324 arg_types = {"keys": True, "values": True} -3325 is_var_len_args = True -3326 -3327 -3328class Matches(Func): -3329 """Oracle/Snowflake decode. -3330 -3331 Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else) -3332 """ +3322class JSONExtractScalar(JSONExtract): +3323 _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR"] +3324 +3325 +3326class JSONBExtract(JSONExtract): +3327 _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT"] +3328 +3329 +3330class JSONBExtractScalar(JSONExtract): +3331 _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT_SCALAR"] +3332 3333 -3334 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} -3335 is_var_len_args = True -3336 +3334class Least(Func): +3335 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} +3336 is_var_len_args = True 3337 -3338class Max(AggFunc): -3339 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -3340 +3338 +3339class Length(Func): +3340 pass 3341 -3342class Min(AggFunc): -3343 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} -3344 -3345 -3346class Month(Func): -3347 pass -3348 -3349 -3350class Nvl2(Func): -3351 arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False} +3342 +3343class Levenshtein(Func): +3344 arg_types = { +3345 "this": True, +3346 "expression": False, +3347 "ins_cost": False, +3348 "del_cost": False, +3349 "sub_cost": False, +3350 } +3351 3352 -3353 -3354class Posexplode(Func): -3355 pass +3353class Ln(Func): +3354 pass +3355 3356 -3357 -3358class Pow(Binary, Func): -3359 _sql_names = ["POWER", "POW"] +3357class Log(Func): +3358 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} +3359 3360 -3361 -3362class PercentileCont(AggFunc): -3363 pass +3361class Log2(Func): +3362 pass +3363 3364 -3365 -3366class PercentileDisc(AggFunc): -3367 pass +3365class Log10(Func): +3366 pass +3367 3368 -3369 -3370class Quantile(AggFunc): -3371 arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True} +3369class LogicalOr(AggFunc): +3370 _sql_names = ["LOGICAL_OR", "BOOL_OR"] +3371 3372 -3373 -3374# Clickhouse-specific: -3375# -3376class Quantiles(AggFunc): -3377 arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True} -3378 +3373class Lower(Func): +3374 _sql_names = ["LOWER", "LCASE"] +3375 +3376 +3377class Map(Func): +3378 arg_types = {"keys": False, "values": False} 3379 -3380class QuantileIf(AggFunc): -3381 arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True} -3382 -3383 -3384class ApproxQuantile(Quantile): -3385 arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True, "accuracy": False, "weight": False} -3386 -3387 -3388class ReadCSV(Func): -3389 _sql_names = ["READ_CSV"] -3390 is_var_len_args = True -3391 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} -3392 -3393 -3394class Reduce(Func): -3395 arg_types = {"this": True, "initial": True, "merge": True, "finish": False} -3396 -3397 -3398class RegexpLike(Func): -3399 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False} -3400 -3401 -3402class RegexpILike(Func): -3403 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False} -3404 -3405 -3406class RegexpSplit(Func): -3407 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -3408 -3409 -3410class Repeat(Func): -3411 arg_types = {"this": True, "times": True} -3412 -3413 -3414class Round(Func): -3415 arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False} -3416 -3417 -3418class RowNumber(Func): -3419 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} -3420 -3421 -3422class SafeDivide(Func): -3423 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -3424 -3425 -3426class SetAgg(AggFunc): -3427 pass -3428 -3429 -3430class SortArray(Func): -3431 arg_types = {"this": True, "asc": False} -3432 -3433 -3434class Split(Func): -3435 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "limit": False} +3380 +3381class VarMap(Func): +3382 arg_types = {"keys": True, "values": True} +3383 is_var_len_args = True +3384 +3385 +3386class Matches(Func): +3387 """Oracle/Snowflake decode. +3388 +3389 Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else) +3390 """ +3391 +3392 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True} +3393 is_var_len_args = True +3394 +3395 +3396class Max(AggFunc): +3397 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} +3398 +3399 +3400class Min(AggFunc): +3401 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False} +3402 +3403 +3404class Month(Func): +3405 pass +3406 +3407 +3408class Nvl2(Func): +3409 arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False} +3410 +3411 +3412class Posexplode(Func): +3413 pass +3414 +3415 +3416class Pow(Binary, Func): +3417 _sql_names = ["POWER", "POW"] +3418 +3419 +3420class PercentileCont(AggFunc): +3421 pass +3422 +3423 +3424class PercentileDisc(AggFunc): +3425 pass +3426 +3427 +3428class Quantile(AggFunc): +3429 arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True} +3430 +3431 +3432# Clickhouse-specific: +3433# +3434class Quantiles(AggFunc): +3435 arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True} 3436 3437 -3438# Start may be omitted in the case of postgres -3439# @ Table 9-6 -3440class Substring(Func): -3441 arg_types = {"this": True, "start": False, "length": False} -3442 -3443 -3444class StrPosition(Func): -3445 arg_types = { -3446 "this": True, -3447 "substr": True, -3448 "position": False, -3449 "instance": False, -3450 } +3438class QuantileIf(AggFunc): +3439 arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True} +3440 +3441 +3442class ApproxQuantile(Quantile): +3443 arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True, "accuracy": False, "weight": False} +3444 +3445 +3446class ReadCSV(Func): +3447 _sql_names = ["READ_CSV"] +3448 is_var_len_args = True +3449 arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False} +3450 3451 -3452 -3453class StrToDate(Func): -3454 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} +3452class Reduce(Func): +3453 arg_types = {"this": True, "initial": True, "merge": True, "finish": False} +3454 3455 -3456 -3457class StrToTime(Func): -3458 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} -3459 -3460 -3461# Spark allows unix_timestamp() -3462# -3463class StrToUnix(Func): -3464 arg_types = {"this": False, "format": False} +3456class RegexpExtract(Func): +3457 arg_types = { +3458 "this": True, +3459 "expression": True, +3460 "position": False, +3461 "occurrence": False, +3462 "group": False, +3463 } +3464 3465 -3466 -3467class NumberToStr(Func): -3468 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} +3466class RegexpLike(Func): +3467 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False} +3468 3469 -3470 -3471class Struct(Func): -3472 arg_types = {"expressions": True} -3473 is_var_len_args = True -3474 -3475 -3476class StructExtract(Func): -3477 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} -3478 -3479 -3480class Sum(AggFunc): -3481 pass -3482 -3483 -3484class Sqrt(Func): -3485 pass -3486 -3487 -3488class Stddev(AggFunc): -3489 pass -3490 -3491 -3492class StddevPop(AggFunc): -3493 pass -3494 -3495 -3496class StddevSamp(AggFunc): -3497 pass -3498 -3499 -3500class TimeToStr(Func): -3501 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} -3502 -3503 -3504class TimeToTimeStr(Func): -3505 pass -3506 -3507 -3508class TimeToUnix(Func): -3509 pass +3470class RegexpILike(Func): +3471 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False} +3472 +3473 +3474class RegexpSplit(Func): +3475 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +3476 +3477 +3478class Repeat(Func): +3479 arg_types = {"this": True, "times": True} +3480 +3481 +3482class Round(Func): +3483 arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False} +3484 +3485 +3486class RowNumber(Func): +3487 arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} +3488 +3489 +3490class SafeDivide(Func): +3491 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +3492 +3493 +3494class SetAgg(AggFunc): +3495 pass +3496 +3497 +3498class SortArray(Func): +3499 arg_types = {"this": True, "asc": False} +3500 +3501 +3502class Split(Func): +3503 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "limit": False} +3504 +3505 +3506# Start may be omitted in the case of postgres +3507# @ Table 9-6 +3508class Substring(Func): +3509 arg_types = {"this": True, "start": False, "length": False} 3510 3511 -3512class TimeStrToDate(Func): -3513 pass -3514 -3515 -3516class TimeStrToTime(Func): -3517 pass -3518 +3512class StrPosition(Func): +3513 arg_types = { +3514 "this": True, +3515 "substr": True, +3516 "position": False, +3517 "instance": False, +3518 } 3519 -3520class TimeStrToUnix(Func): -3521 pass -3522 +3520 +3521class StrToDate(Func): +3522 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} 3523 -3524class Trim(Func): -3525 arg_types = { -3526 "this": True, -3527 "expression": False, -3528 "position": False, -3529 "collation": False, -3530 } -3531 -3532 -3533class TsOrDsAdd(Func, TimeUnit): -3534 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} -3535 -3536 -3537class TsOrDsToDateStr(Func): -3538 pass -3539 -3540 -3541class TsOrDsToDate(Func): -3542 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False} +3524 +3525class StrToTime(Func): +3526 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} +3527 +3528 +3529# Spark allows unix_timestamp() +3530# +3531class StrToUnix(Func): +3532 arg_types = {"this": False, "format": False} +3533 +3534 +3535class NumberToStr(Func): +3536 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} +3537 +3538 +3539class Struct(Func): +3540 arg_types = {"expressions": True} +3541 is_var_len_args = True +3542 3543 -3544 -3545class TsOrDiToDi(Func): -3546 pass +3544class StructExtract(Func): +3545 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True} +3546 3547 -3548 -3549class Unhex(Func): -3550 pass +3548class Sum(AggFunc): +3549 pass +3550 3551 -3552 -3553class UnixToStr(Func): -3554 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False} +3552class Sqrt(Func): +3553 pass +3554 3555 -3556 -3557# -3558# presto has weird zone/hours/minutes -3559class UnixToTime(Func): -3560 arg_types = {"this": True, "scale": False, "zone": False, "hours": False, "minutes": False} -3561 -3562 SECONDS = Literal.string("seconds") -3563 MILLIS = Literal.string("millis") -3564 MICROS = Literal.string("micros") -3565 +3556class Stddev(AggFunc): +3557 pass +3558 +3559 +3560class StddevPop(AggFunc): +3561 pass +3562 +3563 +3564class StddevSamp(AggFunc): +3565 pass 3566 -3567class UnixToTimeStr(Func): -3568 pass -3569 +3567 +3568class TimeToStr(Func): +3569 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True} 3570 -3571class Upper(Func): -3572 _sql_names = ["UPPER", "UCASE"] -3573 +3571 +3572class TimeToTimeStr(Func): +3573 pass 3574 -3575class Variance(AggFunc): -3576 _sql_names = ["VARIANCE", "VARIANCE_SAMP", "VAR_SAMP"] -3577 +3575 +3576class TimeToUnix(Func): +3577 pass 3578 -3579class VariancePop(AggFunc): -3580 _sql_names = ["VARIANCE_POP", "VAR_POP"] -3581 +3579 +3580class TimeStrToDate(Func): +3581 pass 3582 -3583class Week(Func): -3584 arg_types = {"this": True, "mode": False} -3585 +3583 +3584class TimeStrToTime(Func): +3585 pass 3586 -3587class XMLTable(Func): -3588 arg_types = {"this": True, "passing": False, "columns": False, "by_ref": False} -3589 +3587 +3588class TimeStrToUnix(Func): +3589 pass 3590 -3591class Year(Func): -3592 pass -3593 -3594 -3595class Use(Expression): -3596 arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False} -3597 -3598 -3599class Merge(Expression): -3600 arg_types = {"this": True, "using": True, "on": True, "expressions": True} -3601 -3602 -3603class When(Func): -3604 arg_types = {"this": True, "then": True} -3605 -3606 -3607def _norm_args(expression): -3608 args = {} -3609 -3610 for k, arg in expression.args.items(): -3611 if isinstance(arg, list): -3612 arg = [_norm_arg(a) for a in arg] -3613 if not arg: -3614 arg = None -3615 else: -3616 arg = _norm_arg(arg) -3617 -3618 if arg is not None and arg is not False: -3619 args[k] = arg +3591 +3592class Trim(Func): +3593 arg_types = { +3594 "this": True, +3595 "expression": False, +3596 "position": False, +3597 "collation": False, +3598 } +3599 +3600 +3601class TsOrDsAdd(Func, TimeUnit): +3602 arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False} +3603 +3604 +3605class TsOrDsToDateStr(Func): +3606 pass +3607 +3608 +3609class TsOrDsToDate(Func): +3610 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False} +3611 +3612 +3613class TsOrDiToDi(Func): +3614 pass +3615 +3616 +3617class Unhex(Func): +3618 pass +3619 3620 -3621 return args -3622 +3621class UnixToStr(Func): +3622 arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False} 3623 -3624def _norm_arg(arg): -3625 return arg.lower() if isinstance(arg, str) else arg -3626 -3627 -3628ALL_FUNCTIONS = subclasses(__name__, Func, (AggFunc, Anonymous, Func)) +3624 +3625# +3626# presto has weird zone/hours/minutes +3627class UnixToTime(Func): +3628 arg_types = {"this": True, "scale": False, "zone": False, "hours": False, "minutes": False} 3629 -3630 -3631# Helpers -3632def maybe_parse( -3633 sql_or_expression: str | Expression, -3634 *, -3635 into: t.Optional[IntoType] = None, -3636 dialect: DialectType = None, -3637 prefix: t.Optional[str] = None, -3638 copy: bool = False, -3639 **opts, -3640) -> Expression: -3641 """Gracefully handle a possible string or expression. +3630 SECONDS = Literal.string("seconds") +3631 MILLIS = Literal.string("millis") +3632 MICROS = Literal.string("micros") +3633 +3634 +3635class UnixToTimeStr(Func): +3636 pass +3637 +3638 +3639class Upper(Func): +3640 _sql_names = ["UPPER", "UCASE"] +3641 3642 -3643 Example: -3644 >>> maybe_parse("1") -3645 (LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False) -3646 >>> maybe_parse(to_identifier("x")) -3647 (IDENTIFIER this: x, quoted: False) -3648 -3649 Args: -3650 sql_or_expression: the SQL code string or an expression -3651 into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into -3652 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an -3653 input expression is a SQL string). -3654 prefix: a string to prefix the sql with before it gets parsed -3655 (automatically includes a space) -3656 copy: whether or not to copy the expression. -3657 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case -3658 that an input expression is a SQL string). -3659 -3660 Returns: -3661 Expression: the parsed or given expression. -3662 """ -3663 if isinstance(sql_or_expression, Expression): -3664 if copy: -3665 return sql_or_expression.copy() -3666 return sql_or_expression -3667 -3668 import sqlglot +3643class Variance(AggFunc): +3644 _sql_names = ["VARIANCE", "VARIANCE_SAMP", "VAR_SAMP"] +3645 +3646 +3647class VariancePop(AggFunc): +3648 _sql_names = ["VARIANCE_POP", "VAR_POP"] +3649 +3650 +3651class Week(Func): +3652 arg_types = {"this": True, "mode": False} +3653 +3654 +3655class XMLTable(Func): +3656 arg_types = {"this": True, "passing": False, "columns": False, "by_ref": False} +3657 +3658 +3659class Year(Func): +3660 pass +3661 +3662 +3663class Use(Expression): +3664 arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False} +3665 +3666 +3667class Merge(Expression): +3668 arg_types = {"this": True, "using": True, "on": True, "expressions": True} 3669 -3670 sql = str(sql_or_expression) -3671 if prefix: -3672 sql = f"{prefix} {sql}" -3673 return sqlglot.parse_one(sql, read=dialect, into=into, **opts) +3670 +3671class When(Func): +3672 arg_types = {"this": True, "then": True} +3673 3674 -3675 -3676def _maybe_copy(instance, copy=True): -3677 return instance.copy() if copy else instance -3678 -3679 -3680def _is_wrong_expression(expression, into): -3681 return isinstance(expression, Expression) and not isinstance(expression, into) -3682 -3683 -3684def _apply_builder( -3685 expression, -3686 instance, -3687 arg, -3688 copy=True, -3689 prefix=None, -3690 into=None, -3691 dialect=None, -3692 **opts, -3693): -3694 if _is_wrong_expression(expression, into): -3695 expression = into(this=expression) -3696 instance = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) -3697 expression = maybe_parse( -3698 sql_or_expression=expression, -3699 prefix=prefix, -3700 into=into, -3701 dialect=dialect, -3702 **opts, -3703 ) -3704 instance.set(arg, expression) -3705 return instance -3706 -3707 -3708def _apply_child_list_builder( -3709 *expressions, -3710 instance, -3711 arg, -3712 append=True, -3713 copy=True, -3714 prefix=None, -3715 into=None, -3716 dialect=None, -3717 properties=None, -3718 **opts, -3719): -3720 instance = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) -3721 parsed = [] -3722 for expression in expressions: -3723 if _is_wrong_expression(expression, into): -3724 expression = into(expressions=[expression]) -3725 expression = maybe_parse( -3726 expression, -3727 into=into, -3728 dialect=dialect, -3729 prefix=prefix, -3730 **opts, -3731 ) -3732 parsed.extend(expression.expressions) -3733 -3734 existing = instance.args.get(arg) -3735 if append and existing: -3736 parsed = existing.expressions + parsed +3675def _norm_args(expression): +3676 args = {} +3677 +3678 for k, arg in expression.args.items(): +3679 if isinstance(arg, list): +3680 arg = [_norm_arg(a) for a in arg] +3681 if not arg: +3682 arg = None +3683 else: +3684 arg = _norm_arg(arg) +3685 +3686 if arg is not None and arg is not False: +3687 args[k] = arg +3688 +3689 return args +3690 +3691 +3692def _norm_arg(arg): +3693 return arg.lower() if isinstance(arg, str) else arg +3694 +3695 +3696ALL_FUNCTIONS = subclasses(__name__, Func, (AggFunc, Anonymous, Func)) +3697 +3698 +3699# Helpers +3700def maybe_parse( +3701 sql_or_expression: str | Expression, +3702 *, +3703 into: t.Optional[IntoType] = None, +3704 dialect: DialectType = None, +3705 prefix: t.Optional[str] = None, +3706 copy: bool = False, +3707 **opts, +3708) -> Expression: +3709 """Gracefully handle a possible string or expression. +3710 +3711 Example: +3712 >>> maybe_parse("1") +3713 (LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False) +3714 >>> maybe_parse(to_identifier("x")) +3715 (IDENTIFIER this: x, quoted: False) +3716 +3717 Args: +3718 sql_or_expression: the SQL code string or an expression +3719 into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into +3720 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an +3721 input expression is a SQL string). +3722 prefix: a string to prefix the sql with before it gets parsed +3723 (automatically includes a space) +3724 copy: whether or not to copy the expression. +3725 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case +3726 that an input expression is a SQL string). +3727 +3728 Returns: +3729 Expression: the parsed or given expression. +3730 """ +3731 if isinstance(sql_or_expression, Expression): +3732 if copy: +3733 return sql_or_expression.copy() +3734 return sql_or_expression +3735 +3736 import sqlglot 3737 -3738 child = into(expressions=parsed) -3739 for k, v in (properties or {}).items(): -3740 child.set(k, v) -3741 instance.set(arg, child) -3742 return instance +3738 sql = str(sql_or_expression) +3739 if prefix: +3740 sql = f"{prefix} {sql}" +3741 return sqlglot.parse_one(sql, read=dialect, into=into, **opts) +3742 3743 -3744 -3745def _apply_list_builder( -3746 *expressions, -3747 instance, -3748 arg, -3749 append=True, -3750 copy=True, -3751 prefix=None, -3752 into=None, -3753 dialect=None, -3754 **opts, -3755): -3756 inst = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) -3757 -3758 expressions = [ -3759 maybe_parse( -3760 sql_or_expression=expression, -3761 into=into, -3762 prefix=prefix, -3763 dialect=dialect, -3764 **opts, -3765 ) -3766 for expression in expressions -3767 ] -3768 -3769 existing_expressions = inst.args.get(arg) -3770 if append and existing_expressions: -3771 expressions = existing_expressions + expressions -3772 -3773 inst.set(arg, expressions) -3774 return inst +3744def _maybe_copy(instance, copy=True): +3745 return instance.copy() if copy else instance +3746 +3747 +3748def _is_wrong_expression(expression, into): +3749 return isinstance(expression, Expression) and not isinstance(expression, into) +3750 +3751 +3752def _apply_builder( +3753 expression, +3754 instance, +3755 arg, +3756 copy=True, +3757 prefix=None, +3758 into=None, +3759 dialect=None, +3760 **opts, +3761): +3762 if _is_wrong_expression(expression, into): +3763 expression = into(this=expression) +3764 instance = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) +3765 expression = maybe_parse( +3766 sql_or_expression=expression, +3767 prefix=prefix, +3768 into=into, +3769 dialect=dialect, +3770 **opts, +3771 ) +3772 instance.set(arg, expression) +3773 return instance +3774 3775 -3776 -3777def _apply_conjunction_builder( -3778 *expressions, -3779 instance, -3780 arg, -3781 into=None, -3782 append=True, -3783 copy=True, +3776def _apply_child_list_builder( +3777 *expressions, +3778 instance, +3779 arg, +3780 append=True, +3781 copy=True, +3782 prefix=None, +3783 into=None, 3784 dialect=None, -3785 **opts, -3786): -3787 expressions = [exp for exp in expressions if exp is not None and exp != ""] -3788 if not expressions: -3789 return instance -3790 -3791 inst = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) -3792 -3793 existing = inst.args.get(arg) -3794 if append and existing is not None: -3795 expressions = [existing.this if into else existing] + list(expressions) -3796 -3797 node = and_(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) -3798 -3799 inst.set(arg, into(this=node) if into else node) -3800 return inst +3785 properties=None, +3786 **opts, +3787): +3788 instance = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) +3789 parsed = [] +3790 for expression in expressions: +3791 if _is_wrong_expression(expression, into): +3792 expression = into(expressions=[expression]) +3793 expression = maybe_parse( +3794 expression, +3795 into=into, +3796 dialect=dialect, +3797 prefix=prefix, +3798 **opts, +3799 ) +3800 parsed.extend(expression.expressions) 3801 -3802 -3803def _combine(expressions, operator, dialect=None, **opts): -3804 expressions = [condition(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts) for expression in expressions] -3805 this = expressions[0] -3806 if expressions[1:]: -3807 this = _wrap_operator(this) -3808 for expression in expressions[1:]: -3809 this = operator(this=this, expression=_wrap_operator(expression)) -3810 return this +3802 existing = instance.args.get(arg) +3803 if append and existing: +3804 parsed = existing.expressions + parsed +3805 +3806 child = into(expressions=parsed) +3807 for k, v in (properties or {}).items(): +3808 child.set(k, v) +3809 instance.set(arg, child) +3810 return instance 3811 3812 -3813def _wrap_operator(expression): -3814 if isinstance(expression, (And, Or, Not)): -3815 expression = Paren(this=expression) -3816 return expression -3817 -3818 -3819def union(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): -3820 """ -3821 Initializes a syntax tree from one UNION expression. -3822 -3823 Example: -3824 >>> union("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql() -3825 'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla' -3826 -3827 Args: -3828 left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side. -3829 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -3830 right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side. -3831 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -3832 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. -3833 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -3834 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -3835 Returns: -3836 Union: the syntax tree for the UNION expression. -3837 """ -3838 left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts) -3839 right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3813def _apply_list_builder( +3814 *expressions, +3815 instance, +3816 arg, +3817 append=True, +3818 copy=True, +3819 prefix=None, +3820 into=None, +3821 dialect=None, +3822 **opts, +3823): +3824 inst = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) +3825 +3826 expressions = [ +3827 maybe_parse( +3828 sql_or_expression=expression, +3829 into=into, +3830 prefix=prefix, +3831 dialect=dialect, +3832 **opts, +3833 ) +3834 for expression in expressions +3835 ] +3836 +3837 existing_expressions = inst.args.get(arg) +3838 if append and existing_expressions: +3839 expressions = existing_expressions + expressions 3840 -3841 return Union(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct) -3842 +3841 inst.set(arg, expressions) +3842 return inst 3843 -3844def intersect(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): -3845 """ -3846 Initializes a syntax tree from one INTERSECT expression. -3847 -3848 Example: -3849 >>> intersect("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql() -3850 'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla' -3851 -3852 Args: -3853 left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side. -3854 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -3855 right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side. -3856 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -3857 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. -3858 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -3859 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -3860 Returns: -3861 Intersect: the syntax tree for the INTERSECT expression. -3862 """ -3863 left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts) -3864 right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts) -3865 -3866 return Intersect(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct) -3867 -3868 -3869def except_(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): -3870 """ -3871 Initializes a syntax tree from one EXCEPT expression. -3872 -3873 Example: -3874 >>> except_("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql() -3875 'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla' -3876 -3877 Args: -3878 left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side. -3879 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -3880 right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side. -3881 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. -3882 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. -3883 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -3884 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. -3885 Returns: -3886 Except: the syntax tree for the EXCEPT statement. -3887 """ -3888 left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts) -3889 right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3844 +3845def _apply_conjunction_builder( +3846 *expressions, +3847 instance, +3848 arg, +3849 into=None, +3850 append=True, +3851 copy=True, +3852 dialect=None, +3853 **opts, +3854): +3855 expressions = [exp for exp in expressions if exp is not None and exp != ""] +3856 if not expressions: +3857 return instance +3858 +3859 inst = _maybe_copy(instance, copy) +3860 +3861 existing = inst.args.get(arg) +3862 if append and existing is not None: +3863 expressions = [existing.this if into else existing] + list(expressions) +3864 +3865 node = and_(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3866 +3867 inst.set(arg, into(this=node) if into else node) +3868 return inst +3869 +3870 +3871def _combine(expressions, operator, dialect=None, **opts): +3872 expressions = [condition(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts) for expression in expressions] +3873 this = expressions[0] +3874 if expressions[1:]: +3875 this = _wrap_operator(this) +3876 for expression in expressions[1:]: +3877 this = operator(this=this, expression=_wrap_operator(expression)) +3878 return this +3879 +3880 +3881def _wrap_operator(expression): +3882 if isinstance(expression, (And, Or, Not)): +3883 expression = Paren(this=expression) +3884 return expression +3885 +3886 +3887def union(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): +3888 """ +3889 Initializes a syntax tree from one UNION expression. 3890 -3891 return Except(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct) -3892 -3893 -3894def select(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Select: -3895 """ -3896 Initializes a syntax tree from one or multiple SELECT expressions. -3897 -3898 Example: -3899 >>> select("col1", "col2").from_("tbl").sql() -3900 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl' -3901 -3902 Args: -3903 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a -3904 SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -3905 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an -3906 input expression is a SQL string). -3907 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case -3908 that an input expression is a SQL string). -3909 -3910 Returns: -3911 Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement. -3912 """ -3913 return Select().select(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) -3914 +3891 Example: +3892 >>> union("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql() +3893 'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla' +3894 +3895 Args: +3896 left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side. +3897 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +3898 right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side. +3899 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +3900 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. +3901 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +3902 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +3903 Returns: +3904 Union: the syntax tree for the UNION expression. +3905 """ +3906 left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3907 right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3908 +3909 return Union(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct) +3910 +3911 +3912def intersect(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): +3913 """ +3914 Initializes a syntax tree from one INTERSECT expression. 3915 -3916def from_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Select: -3917 """ -3918 Initializes a syntax tree from a FROM expression. +3916 Example: +3917 >>> intersect("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql() +3918 'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla' 3919 -3920 Example: -3921 >>> from_("tbl").select("col1", "col2").sql() -3922 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl' -3923 -3924 Args: -3925 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the FROM expressions of a -3926 SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -3927 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the -3928 input expression is a SQL string). -3929 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case -3930 that the input expression is a SQL string). -3931 -3932 Returns: -3933 Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement. -3934 """ -3935 return Select().from_(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3920 Args: +3921 left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side. +3922 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +3923 right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side. +3924 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +3925 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. +3926 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +3927 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +3928 Returns: +3929 Intersect: the syntax tree for the INTERSECT expression. +3930 """ +3931 left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3932 right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3933 +3934 return Intersect(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct) +3935 3936 -3937 -3938def update(table, properties, where=None, from_=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Update: -3939 """ -3940 Creates an update statement. -3941 -3942 Example: -3943 >>> update("my_table", {"x": 1, "y": "2", "z": None}, from_="baz", where="id > 1").sql() -3944 "UPDATE my_table SET x = 1, y = '2', z = NULL FROM baz WHERE id > 1" -3945 -3946 Args: -3947 *properties (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary of properties to set which are -3948 auto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL -3949 where (str): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement -3950 from_ (str): sql statement parsed into a FROM statement -3951 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -3952 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. -3953 -3954 Returns: -3955 Update: the syntax tree for the UPDATE statement. -3956 """ -3957 update = Update(this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect)) -3958 update.set( -3959 "expressions", -3960 [ -3961 EQ(this=maybe_parse(k, dialect=dialect, **opts), expression=convert(v)) -3962 for k, v in properties.items() -3963 ], -3964 ) -3965 if from_: -3966 update.set( -3967 "from", -3968 maybe_parse(from_, into=From, dialect=dialect, prefix="FROM", **opts), -3969 ) -3970 if isinstance(where, Condition): -3971 where = Where(this=where) -3972 if where: -3973 update.set( -3974 "where", -3975 maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts), -3976 ) -3977 return update -3978 -3979 -3980def delete(table, where=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Delete: -3981 """ -3982 Builds a delete statement. +3937def except_(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts): +3938 """ +3939 Initializes a syntax tree from one EXCEPT expression. +3940 +3941 Example: +3942 >>> except_("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql() +3943 'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla' +3944 +3945 Args: +3946 left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side. +3947 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +3948 right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side. +3949 If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is. +3950 distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true. +3951 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +3952 opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions. +3953 Returns: +3954 Except: the syntax tree for the EXCEPT statement. +3955 """ +3956 left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3957 right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3958 +3959 return Except(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct) +3960 +3961 +3962def select(*expressions: str | Expression, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> Select: +3963 """ +3964 Initializes a syntax tree from one or multiple SELECT expressions. +3965 +3966 Example: +3967 >>> select("col1", "col2").from_("tbl").sql() +3968 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl' +3969 +3970 Args: +3971 *expressions: the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a +3972 SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +3973 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an +3974 input expression is a SQL string). +3975 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case +3976 that an input expression is a SQL string). +3977 +3978 Returns: +3979 Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement. +3980 """ +3981 return Select().select(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) +3982 3983 -3984 Example: -3985 >>> delete("my_table", where="id > 1").sql() -3986 'DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id > 1' +3984def from_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Select: +3985 """ +3986 Initializes a syntax tree from a FROM expression. 3987 -3988 Args: -3989 where (str|Condition): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement -3990 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. -3991 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. -3992 -3993 Returns: -3994 Delete: the syntax tree for the DELETE statement. -3995 """ -3996 return Delete( -3997 this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect, **opts), -3998 where=Where(this=where) -3999 if isinstance(where, Condition) -4000 else maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts), -4001 ) -4002 -4003 -4004def condition(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Condition: -4005 """ -4006 Initialize a logical condition expression. -4007 -4008 Example: -4009 >>> condition("x=1").sql() -4010 'x = 1' -4011 -4012 This is helpful for composing larger logical syntax trees: -4013 >>> where = condition("x=1") -4014 >>> where = where.and_("y=1") -4015 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("*").where(where).sql() -4016 'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1' -4017 -4018 Args: -4019 *expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. -4020 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -4021 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the -4022 input expression is a SQL string). -4023 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case -4024 that the input expression is a SQL string). -4025 -4026 Returns: -4027 Condition: the expression -4028 """ -4029 return maybe_parse( # type: ignore -4030 expression, -4031 into=Condition, -4032 dialect=dialect, -4033 **opts, -4034 ) -4035 -4036 -4037def and_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> And: -4038 """ -4039 Combine multiple conditions with an AND logical operator. -4040 -4041 Example: -4042 >>> and_("x=1", and_("y=1", "z=1")).sql() -4043 'x = 1 AND (y = 1 AND z = 1)' -4044 -4045 Args: -4046 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -4047 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -4048 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -4049 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. -4050 -4051 Returns: -4052 And: the new condition -4053 """ -4054 return _combine(expressions, And, dialect, **opts) +3988 Example: +3989 >>> from_("tbl").select("col1", "col2").sql() +3990 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl' +3991 +3992 Args: +3993 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the FROM expressions of a +3994 SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +3995 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the +3996 input expression is a SQL string). +3997 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case +3998 that the input expression is a SQL string). +3999 +4000 Returns: +4001 Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement. +4002 """ +4003 return Select().from_(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts) +4004 +4005 +4006def update(table, properties, where=None, from_=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Update: +4007 """ +4008 Creates an update statement. +4009 +4010 Example: +4011 >>> update("my_table", {"x": 1, "y": "2", "z": None}, from_="baz", where="id > 1").sql() +4012 "UPDATE my_table SET x = 1, y = '2', z = NULL FROM baz WHERE id > 1" +4013 +4014 Args: +4015 *properties (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary of properties to set which are +4016 auto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL +4017 where (str): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement +4018 from_ (str): sql statement parsed into a FROM statement +4019 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +4020 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +4021 +4022 Returns: +4023 Update: the syntax tree for the UPDATE statement. +4024 """ +4025 update = Update(this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect)) +4026 update.set( +4027 "expressions", +4028 [ +4029 EQ(this=maybe_parse(k, dialect=dialect, **opts), expression=convert(v)) +4030 for k, v in properties.items() +4031 ], +4032 ) +4033 if from_: +4034 update.set( +4035 "from", +4036 maybe_parse(from_, into=From, dialect=dialect, prefix="FROM", **opts), +4037 ) +4038 if isinstance(where, Condition): +4039 where = Where(this=where) +4040 if where: +4041 update.set( +4042 "where", +4043 maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts), +4044 ) +4045 return update +4046 +4047 +4048def delete(table, where=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Delete: +4049 """ +4050 Builds a delete statement. +4051 +4052 Example: +4053 >>> delete("my_table", where="id > 1").sql() +4054 'DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id > 1' 4055 -4056 -4057def or_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Or: -4058 """ -4059 Combine multiple conditions with an OR logical operator. +4056 Args: +4057 where (str|Condition): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement +4058 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions. +4059 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. 4060 -4061 Example: -4062 >>> or_("x=1", or_("y=1", "z=1")).sql() -4063 'x = 1 OR (y = 1 OR z = 1)' -4064 -4065 Args: -4066 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -4067 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -4068 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -4069 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +4061 Returns: +4062 Delete: the syntax tree for the DELETE statement. +4063 """ +4064 return Delete( +4065 this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect, **opts), +4066 where=Where(this=where) +4067 if isinstance(where, Condition) +4068 else maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts), +4069 ) 4070 -4071 Returns: -4072 Or: the new condition -4073 """ -4074 return _combine(expressions, Or, dialect, **opts) +4071 +4072def condition(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Condition: +4073 """ +4074 Initialize a logical condition expression. 4075 -4076 -4077def not_(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Not: -4078 """ -4079 Wrap a condition with a NOT operator. -4080 -4081 Example: -4082 >>> not_("this_suit='black'").sql() -4083 "NOT this_suit = 'black'" -4084 -4085 Args: -4086 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -4087 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -4088 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -4089 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. -4090 -4091 Returns: -4092 Not: the new condition -4093 """ -4094 this = condition( -4095 expression, -4096 dialect=dialect, -4097 **opts, -4098 ) -4099 return Not(this=_wrap_operator(this)) -4100 -4101 -4102def paren(expression) -> Paren: -4103 return Paren(this=expression) +4076 Example: +4077 >>> condition("x=1").sql() +4078 'x = 1' +4079 +4080 This is helpful for composing larger logical syntax trees: +4081 >>> where = condition("x=1") +4082 >>> where = where.and_("y=1") +4083 >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("*").where(where).sql() +4084 'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1' +4085 +4086 Args: +4087 *expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse. +4088 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +4089 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the +4090 input expression is a SQL string). +4091 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case +4092 that the input expression is a SQL string). +4093 +4094 Returns: +4095 Condition: the expression +4096 """ +4097 return maybe_parse( # type: ignore +4098 expression, +4099 into=Condition, +4100 dialect=dialect, +4101 **opts, +4102 ) +4103 4104 -4105 -4106SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE = re.compile(r"^[_a-zA-Z][\w]*$") -4107 +4105def and_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> And: +4106 """ +4107 Combine multiple conditions with an AND logical operator. 4108 -4109@t.overload -4110def to_identifier(name: None, quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None) -> None: -4111 ... +4109 Example: +4110 >>> and_("x=1", and_("y=1", "z=1")).sql() +4111 'x = 1 AND (y = 1 AND z = 1)' 4112 -4113 -4114@t.overload -4115def to_identifier(name: str | Identifier, quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None) -> Identifier: -4116 ... -4117 +4113 Args: +4114 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +4115 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +4116 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +4117 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. 4118 -4119def to_identifier(name, quoted=None): -4120 """Builds an identifier. -4121 -4122 Args: -4123 name: The name to turn into an identifier. -4124 quoted: Whether or not force quote the identifier. -4125 -4126 Returns: -4127 The identifier ast node. -4128 """ -4129 -4130 if name is None: -4131 return None +4119 Returns: +4120 And: the new condition +4121 """ +4122 return _combine(expressions, And, dialect, **opts) +4123 +4124 +4125def or_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Or: +4126 """ +4127 Combine multiple conditions with an OR logical operator. +4128 +4129 Example: +4130 >>> or_("x=1", or_("y=1", "z=1")).sql() +4131 'x = 1 OR (y = 1 OR z = 1)' 4132 -4133 if isinstance(name, Identifier): -4134 identifier = name -4135 elif isinstance(name, str): -4136 identifier = Identifier( -4137 this=name, -4138 quoted=not re.match(SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE, name) if quoted is None else quoted, -4139 ) -4140 else: -4141 raise ValueError(f"Name needs to be a string or an Identifier, got: {name.__class__}") -4142 return identifier +4133 Args: +4134 *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +4135 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +4136 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +4137 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +4138 +4139 Returns: +4140 Or: the new condition +4141 """ +4142 return _combine(expressions, Or, dialect, **opts) 4143 4144 -4145INTERVAL_STRING_RE = re.compile(r"\s*([0-9]+)\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s*") -4146 -4147 -4148def to_interval(interval: str | Literal) -> Interval: -4149 """Builds an interval expression from a string like '1 day' or '5 months'.""" -4150 if isinstance(interval, Literal): -4151 if not interval.is_string: -4152 raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.") -4153 -4154 interval = interval.this -4155 -4156 interval_parts = INTERVAL_STRING_RE.match(interval) # type: ignore -4157 -4158 if not interval_parts: -4159 raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.") -4160 -4161 return Interval( -4162 this=Literal.string(, -4163 unit=Var(, -4164 ) -4165 -4166 -4167@t.overload -4168def to_table(sql_path: str | Table, **kwargs) -> Table: -4169 ... -4170 -4171 -4172@t.overload -4173def to_table(sql_path: None, **kwargs) -> None: -4174 ... +4145def not_(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Not: +4146 """ +4147 Wrap a condition with a NOT operator. +4148 +4149 Example: +4150 >>> not_("this_suit='black'").sql() +4151 "NOT this_suit = 'black'" +4152 +4153 Args: +4154 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +4155 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +4156 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +4157 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +4158 +4159 Returns: +4160 Not: the new condition +4161 """ +4162 this = condition( +4163 expression, +4164 dialect=dialect, +4165 **opts, +4166 ) +4167 return Not(this=_wrap_operator(this)) +4168 +4169 +4170def paren(expression) -> Paren: +4171 return Paren(this=expression) +4172 +4173 +4174SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE = re.compile(r"^[_a-zA-Z][\w]*$") 4175 4176 -4177def to_table(sql_path: t.Optional[str | Table], **kwargs) -> t.Optional[Table]: -4178 """ -4179 Create a table expression from a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` sql path. Catalog and schema are optional. -4180 If a table is passed in then that table is returned. +4177@t.overload +4178def to_identifier(name: None, quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None) -> None: +4179 ... +4180 4181 -4182 Args: -4183 sql_path: a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` string. -4184 -4185 Returns: -4186 A table expression. -4187 """ -4188 if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Table): -4189 return sql_path -4190 if not isinstance(sql_path, str): -4191 raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for a table: {type(sql_path)}") -4192 -4193 catalog, db, table_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 3)) -4194 return Table(this=table_name, db=db, catalog=catalog, **kwargs) -4195 -4196 -4197def to_column(sql_path: str | Column, **kwargs) -> Column: -4198 """ -4199 Create a column from a `[table].[column]` sql path. Schema is optional. +4182@t.overload +4183def to_identifier(name: str | Identifier, quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None) -> Identifier: +4184 ... +4185 +4186 +4187def to_identifier(name, quoted=None): +4188 """Builds an identifier. +4189 +4190 Args: +4191 name: The name to turn into an identifier. +4192 quoted: Whether or not force quote the identifier. +4193 +4194 Returns: +4195 The identifier ast node. +4196 """ +4197 +4198 if name is None: +4199 return None 4200 -4201 If a column is passed in then that column is returned. -4202 -4203 Args: -4204 sql_path: `[table].[column]` string -4205 Returns: -4206 Table: A column expression -4207 """ -4208 if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Column): -4209 return sql_path -4210 if not isinstance(sql_path, str): -4211 raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for column: {type(sql_path)}") -4212 table_name, column_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 2)) -4213 return Column(this=column_name, table=table_name, **kwargs) +4201 if isinstance(name, Identifier): +4202 identifier = name +4203 elif isinstance(name, str): +4204 identifier = Identifier( +4205 this=name, +4206 quoted=not re.match(SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE, name) if quoted is None else quoted, +4207 ) +4208 else: +4209 raise ValueError(f"Name needs to be a string or an Identifier, got: {name.__class__}") +4210 return identifier +4211 +4212 +4213INTERVAL_STRING_RE = re.compile(r"\s*([0-9]+)\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s*") 4214 4215 -4216def alias_( -4217 expression: str | Expression, -4218 alias: str | Identifier, -4219 table: bool | t.Sequence[str | Identifier] = False, -4220 quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None, -4221 dialect: DialectType = None, -4222 **opts, -4223): -4224 """Create an Alias expression. +4216def to_interval(interval: str | Literal) -> Interval: +4217 """Builds an interval expression from a string like '1 day' or '5 months'.""" +4218 if isinstance(interval, Literal): +4219 if not interval.is_string: +4220 raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.") +4221 +4222 interval = interval.this +4223 +4224 interval_parts = INTERVAL_STRING_RE.match(interval) # type: ignore 4225 -4226 Example: -4227 >>> alias_('foo', 'bar').sql() -4228 'foo AS bar' -4229 -4230 >>> alias_('(select 1, 2)', 'bar', table=['a', 'b']).sql() -4231 '(SELECT 1, 2) AS bar(a, b)' -4232 -4233 Args: -4234 expression: the SQL code strings to parse. -4235 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -4236 alias: the alias name to use. If the name has -4237 special characters it is quoted. -4238 table: Whether or not to create a table alias, can also be a list of columns. -4239 quoted: whether or not to quote the alias -4240 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expression. -4241 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. -4242 -4243 Returns: -4244 Alias: the aliased expression -4245 """ -4246 exp = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts) -4247 alias = to_identifier(alias, quoted=quoted) -4248 -4249 if table: -4250 table_alias = TableAlias(this=alias) -4251 exp.set("alias", table_alias) +4226 if not interval_parts: +4227 raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.") +4228 +4229 return Interval( +4230 this=Literal.string(, +4231 unit=Var(, +4232 ) +4233 +4234 +4235@t.overload +4236def to_table(sql_path: str | Table, **kwargs) -> Table: +4237 ... +4238 +4239 +4240@t.overload +4241def to_table(sql_path: None, **kwargs) -> None: +4242 ... +4243 +4244 +4245def to_table(sql_path: t.Optional[str | Table], **kwargs) -> t.Optional[Table]: +4246 """ +4247 Create a table expression from a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` sql path. Catalog and schema are optional. +4248 If a table is passed in then that table is returned. +4249 +4250 Args: +4251 sql_path: a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` string. 4252 -4253 if not isinstance(table, bool): -4254 for column in table: -4255 table_alias.append("columns", to_identifier(column, quoted=quoted)) -4256 -4257 return exp -4258 -4259 # We don't set the "alias" arg for Window expressions, because that would add an IDENTIFIER node in -4260 # the AST, representing a "named_window" [1] construct (eg. bigquery). What we want is an ALIAS node -4261 # for the complete Window expression. -4262 # -4263 # [1]: +4253 Returns: +4254 A table expression. +4255 """ +4256 if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Table): +4257 return sql_path +4258 if not isinstance(sql_path, str): +4259 raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for a table: {type(sql_path)}") +4260 +4261 catalog, db, table_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 3)) +4262 return Table(this=table_name, db=db, catalog=catalog, **kwargs) +4263 4264 -4265 if "alias" in exp.arg_types and not isinstance(exp, Window): -4266 exp = exp.copy() -4267 exp.set("alias", alias) -4268 return exp -4269 return Alias(this=exp, alias=alias) +4265def to_column(sql_path: str | Column, **kwargs) -> Column: +4266 """ +4267 Create a column from a `[table].[column]` sql path. Schema is optional. +4268 +4269 If a column is passed in then that column is returned. 4270 -4271 -4272def subquery(expression, alias=None, dialect=None, **opts): -4273 """ -4274 Build a subquery expression. -4275 -4276 Example: -4277 >>> subquery('select x from tbl', 'bar').select('x').sql() -4278 'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl) AS bar' -4279 -4280 Args: -4281 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. -4282 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. -4283 alias (str | Expression): the alias name to use. -4284 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. -4285 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. -4286 -4287 Returns: -4288 Select: a new select with the subquery expression included -4289 """ -4290 -4291 expression = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts).subquery(alias) -4292 return Select().from_(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts) +4271 Args: +4272 sql_path: `[table].[column]` string +4273 Returns: +4274 Table: A column expression +4275 """ +4276 if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Column): +4277 return sql_path +4278 if not isinstance(sql_path, str): +4279 raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for column: {type(sql_path)}") +4280 table_name, column_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 2)) +4281 return Column(this=column_name, table=table_name, **kwargs) +4282 +4283 +4284def alias_( +4285 expression: str | Expression, +4286 alias: str | Identifier, +4287 table: bool | t.Sequence[str | Identifier] = False, +4288 quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None, +4289 dialect: DialectType = None, +4290 **opts, +4291): +4292 """Create an Alias expression. 4293 -4294 -4295def column( -4296 col: str | Identifier, -4297 table: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None, -4298 schema: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None, -4299 quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None, -4300) -> Column: -4301 """ -4302 Build a Column. -4303 -4304 Args: -4305 col: column name -4306 table: table name -4307 schema: schema name -4308 quoted: whether or not to force quote each part -4309 Returns: -4310 Column: column instance -4311 """ -4312 return Column( -4313 this=to_identifier(col, quoted=quoted), -4314 table=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted), -4315 schema=to_identifier(schema, quoted=quoted), -4316 ) -4317 -4318 -4319def cast(expression: str | Expression, to: str | DataType | DataType.Type, **opts) -> Cast: -4320 """Cast an expression to a data type. -4321 -4322 Example: -4323 >>> cast('x + 1', 'int').sql() -4324 'CAST(x + 1 AS INT)' -4325 -4326 Args: -4327 expression: The expression to cast. -4328 to: The datatype to cast to. -4329 -4330 Returns: -4331 A cast node. -4332 """ -4333 expression = maybe_parse(expression, **opts) -4334 return Cast(this=expression,, **opts)) -4335 -4336 -4337def table_(table, db=None, catalog=None, quoted=None, alias=None) -> Table: -4338 """Build a Table. +4294 Example: +4295 >>> alias_('foo', 'bar').sql() +4296 'foo AS bar' +4297 +4298 >>> alias_('(select 1, 2)', 'bar', table=['a', 'b']).sql() +4299 '(SELECT 1, 2) AS bar(a, b)' +4300 +4301 Args: +4302 expression: the SQL code strings to parse. +4303 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +4304 alias: the alias name to use. If the name has +4305 special characters it is quoted. +4306 table: Whether or not to create a table alias, can also be a list of columns. +4307 quoted: whether or not to quote the alias +4308 dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expression. +4309 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. +4310 +4311 Returns: +4312 Alias: the aliased expression +4313 """ +4314 exp = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts) +4315 alias = to_identifier(alias, quoted=quoted) +4316 +4317 if table: +4318 table_alias = TableAlias(this=alias) +4319 exp.set("alias", table_alias) +4320 +4321 if not isinstance(table, bool): +4322 for column in table: +4323 table_alias.append("columns", to_identifier(column, quoted=quoted)) +4324 +4325 return exp +4326 +4327 # We don't set the "alias" arg for Window expressions, because that would add an IDENTIFIER node in +4328 # the AST, representing a "named_window" [1] construct (eg. bigquery). What we want is an ALIAS node +4329 # for the complete Window expression. +4330 # +4331 # [1]: +4332 +4333 if "alias" in exp.arg_types and not isinstance(exp, Window): +4334 exp = exp.copy() +4335 exp.set("alias", alias) +4336 return exp +4337 return Alias(this=exp, alias=alias) +4338 4339 -4340 Args: -4341 table (str | Expression): column name -4342 db (str | Expression): db name -4343 catalog (str | Expression): catalog name -4344 -4345 Returns: -4346 Table: table instance -4347 """ -4348 return Table( -4349 this=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted), -4350 db=to_identifier(db, quoted=quoted), -4351 catalog=to_identifier(catalog, quoted=quoted), -4352 alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)) if alias else None, -4353 ) +4340def subquery(expression, alias=None, dialect=None, **opts): +4341 """ +4342 Build a subquery expression. +4343 +4344 Example: +4345 >>> subquery('select x from tbl', 'bar').select('x').sql() +4346 'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl) AS bar' +4347 +4348 Args: +4349 expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +4350 If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is. +4351 alias (str | Expression): the alias name to use. +4352 dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression. +4353 **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions. 4354 -4355 -4356def values( -4357 values: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[t.Any, ...]], -4358 alias: t.Optional[str] = None, -4359 columns: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str] | t.Dict[str, DataType]] = None, -4360) -> Values: -4361 """Build VALUES statement. +4355 Returns: +4356 Select: a new select with the subquery expression included +4357 """ +4358 +4359 expression = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts).subquery(alias) +4360 return Select().from_(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts) +4361 4362 -4363 Example: -4364 >>> values([(1, '2')]).sql() -4365 "VALUES (1, '2')" -4366 -4367 Args: -4368 values: values statements that will be converted to SQL -4369 alias: optional alias -4370 columns: Optional list of ordered column names or ordered dictionary of column names to types. -4371 If either are provided then an alias is also required. -4372 If a dictionary is provided then the first column of the values will be casted to the expected type -4373 in order to help with type inference. -4374 -4375 Returns: -4376 Values: the Values expression object -4377 """ -4378 if columns and not alias: -4379 raise ValueError("Alias is required when providing columns") -4380 table_alias = ( -4381 TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias), columns=[to_identifier(x) for x in columns]) -4382 if columns -4383 else TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias) if alias else None) +4363def column( +4364 col: str | Identifier, +4365 table: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None, +4366 schema: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None, +4367 quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None, +4368) -> Column: +4369 """ +4370 Build a Column. +4371 +4372 Args: +4373 col: column name +4374 table: table name +4375 schema: schema name +4376 quoted: whether or not to force quote each part +4377 Returns: +4378 Column: column instance +4379 """ +4380 return Column( +4381 this=to_identifier(col, quoted=quoted), +4382 table=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted), +4383 schema=to_identifier(schema, quoted=quoted), 4384 ) -4385 expressions = [convert(tup) for tup in values] -4386 if columns and isinstance(columns, dict): -4387 types = list(columns.values()) -4388 expressions[0].set( -4389 "expressions", -4390 [cast(x, types[i]) for i, x in enumerate(expressions[0].expressions)], -4391 ) -4392 return Values( -4393 expressions=expressions, -4394 alias=table_alias, -4395 ) -4396 +4385 +4386 +4387def cast(expression: str | Expression, to: str | DataType | DataType.Type, **opts) -> Cast: +4388 """Cast an expression to a data type. +4389 +4390 Example: +4391 >>> cast('x + 1', 'int').sql() +4392 'CAST(x + 1 AS INT)' +4393 +4394 Args: +4395 expression: The expression to cast. +4396 to: The datatype to cast to. 4397 -4398def var(name: t.Optional[str | Expression]) -> Var: -4399 """Build a SQL variable. -4400 -4401 Example: -4402 >>> repr(var('x')) -4403 '(VAR this: x)' +4398 Returns: +4399 A cast node. +4400 """ +4401 expression = maybe_parse(expression, **opts) +4402 return Cast(this=expression,, **opts)) +4403 4404 -4405 >>> repr(var(column('x', table='y'))) -4406 '(VAR this: x)' +4405def table_(table, db=None, catalog=None, quoted=None, alias=None) -> Table: +4406 """Build a Table. 4407 4408 Args: -4409 name: The name of the var or an expression who's name will become the var. -4410 -4411 Returns: -4412 The new variable node. -4413 """ -4414 if not name: -4415 raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert empty name into var.") -4416 -4417 if isinstance(name, Expression): -4418 name = -4419 return Var(this=name) -4420 -4421 -4422def rename_table(old_name: str | Table, new_name: str | Table) -> AlterTable: -4423 """Build ALTER TABLE... RENAME... expression -4424 -4425 Args: -4426 old_name: The old name of the table -4427 new_name: The new name of the table -4428 -4429 Returns: -4430 Alter table expression -4431 """ -4432 old_table = to_table(old_name) -4433 new_table = to_table(new_name) -4434 return AlterTable( -4435 this=old_table, -4436 actions=[ -4437 RenameTable(this=new_table), -4438 ], -4439 ) -4440 -4441 -4442def convert(value) -> Expression: -4443 """Convert a python value into an expression object. -4444 -4445 Raises an error if a conversion is not possible. -4446 -4447 Args: -4448 value (Any): a python object -4449 -4450 Returns: -4451 Expression: the equivalent expression object -4452 """ -4453 if isinstance(value, Expression): -4454 return value -4455 if value is None: -4456 return NULL -4457 if isinstance(value, bool): -4458 return Boolean(this=value) -4459 if isinstance(value, str): -4460 return Literal.string(value) -4461 if isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value): -4462 return NULL -4463 if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): -4464 return Literal.number(value) -4465 if isinstance(value, tuple): -4466 return Tuple(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value]) -4467 if isinstance(value, list): -4468 return Array(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value]) -4469 if isinstance(value, dict): -4470 return Map( -4471 keys=[convert(k) for k in value], -4472 values=[convert(v) for v in value.values()], -4473 ) -4474 if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): -4475 datetime_literal = Literal.string( -4476 (value if value.tzinfo else value.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).isoformat() -4477 ) -4478 return TimeStrToTime(this=datetime_literal) -4479 if isinstance(value, -4480 date_literal = Literal.string(value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) -4481 return DateStrToDate(this=date_literal) -4482 raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {value}") -4483 +4409 table (str | Expression): column name +4410 db (str | Expression): db name +4411 catalog (str | Expression): catalog name +4412 +4413 Returns: +4414 Table: table instance +4415 """ +4416 return Table( +4417 this=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted), +4418 db=to_identifier(db, quoted=quoted), +4419 catalog=to_identifier(catalog, quoted=quoted), +4420 alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)) if alias else None, +4421 ) +4422 +4423 +4424def values( +4425 values: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[t.Any, ...]], +4426 alias: t.Optional[str] = None, +4427 columns: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str] | t.Dict[str, DataType]] = None, +4428) -> Values: +4429 """Build VALUES statement. +4430 +4431 Example: +4432 >>> values([(1, '2')]).sql() +4433 "VALUES (1, '2')" +4434 +4435 Args: +4436 values: values statements that will be converted to SQL +4437 alias: optional alias +4438 columns: Optional list of ordered column names or ordered dictionary of column names to types. +4439 If either are provided then an alias is also required. +4440 If a dictionary is provided then the first column of the values will be casted to the expected type +4441 in order to help with type inference. +4442 +4443 Returns: +4444 Values: the Values expression object +4445 """ +4446 if columns and not alias: +4447 raise ValueError("Alias is required when providing columns") +4448 table_alias = ( +4449 TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias), columns=[to_identifier(x) for x in columns]) +4450 if columns +4451 else TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias) if alias else None) +4452 ) +4453 expressions = [convert(tup) for tup in values] +4454 if columns and isinstance(columns, dict): +4455 types = list(columns.values()) +4456 expressions[0].set( +4457 "expressions", +4458 [cast(x, types[i]) for i, x in enumerate(expressions[0].expressions)], +4459 ) +4460 return Values( +4461 expressions=expressions, +4462 alias=table_alias, +4463 ) +4464 +4465 +4466def var(name: t.Optional[str | Expression]) -> Var: +4467 """Build a SQL variable. +4468 +4469 Example: +4470 >>> repr(var('x')) +4471 '(VAR this: x)' +4472 +4473 >>> repr(var(column('x', table='y'))) +4474 '(VAR this: x)' +4475 +4476 Args: +4477 name: The name of the var or an expression who's name will become the var. +4478 +4479 Returns: +4480 The new variable node. +4481 """ +4482 if not name: +4483 raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert empty name into var.") 4484 -4485def replace_children(expression, fun): -4486 """ -4487 Replace children of an expression with the result of a lambda fun(child) -> exp. -4488 """ -4489 for k, v in expression.args.items(): -4490 is_list_arg = isinstance(v, list) -4491 -4492 child_nodes = v if is_list_arg else [v] -4493 new_child_nodes = [] -4494 -4495 for cn in child_nodes: -4496 if isinstance(cn, Expression): -4497 for child_node in ensure_collection(fun(cn)): -4498 new_child_nodes.append(child_node) -4499 child_node.parent = expression -4500 child_node.arg_key = k -4501 else: -4502 new_child_nodes.append(cn) -4503 -4504 expression.args[k] = new_child_nodes if is_list_arg else seq_get(new_child_nodes, 0) -4505 -4506 -4507def column_table_names(expression): -4508 """ -4509 Return all table names referenced through columns in an expression. -4510 -4511 Example: -4512 >>> import sqlglot -4513 >>> column_table_names(sqlglot.parse_one("a.b AND c.d AND c.e")) -4514 ['c', 'a'] -4515 -4516 Args: -4517 expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to find table names -4518 -4519 Returns: -4520 list: A list of unique names -4521 """ -4522 return list(dict.fromkeys(column.table for column in expression.find_all(Column))) -4523 -4524 -4525def table_name(table) -> str: -4526 """Get the full name of a table as a string. -4527 -4528 Args: -4529 table (exp.Table | str): table expression node or string. -4530 -4531 Examples: -4532 >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one -4533 >>> table_name(parse_one("select * from a.b.c").find(exp.Table)) -4534 'a.b.c' -4535 -4536 Returns: -4537 The table name. -4538 """ -4539 -4540 table = maybe_parse(table, into=Table) -4541 -4542 if not table: -4543 raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse {table}") -4544 -4545 return ".".join( -4546 part -4547 for part in ( -4548 table.text("catalog"), -4549 table.text("db"), -4550, -4551 ) -4552 if part -4553 ) -4554 -4555 -4556def replace_tables(expression, mapping): -4557 """Replace all tables in expression according to the mapping. -4558 -4559 Args: -4560 expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced. -4561 mapping (Dict[str, str]): mapping of table names. +4485 if isinstance(name, Expression): +4486 name = +4487 return Var(this=name) +4488 +4489 +4490def rename_table(old_name: str | Table, new_name: str | Table) -> AlterTable: +4491 """Build ALTER TABLE... RENAME... expression +4492 +4493 Args: +4494 old_name: The old name of the table +4495 new_name: The new name of the table +4496 +4497 Returns: +4498 Alter table expression +4499 """ +4500 old_table = to_table(old_name) +4501 new_table = to_table(new_name) +4502 return AlterTable( +4503 this=old_table, +4504 actions=[ +4505 RenameTable(this=new_table), +4506 ], +4507 ) +4508 +4509 +4510def convert(value) -> Expression: +4511 """Convert a python value into an expression object. +4512 +4513 Raises an error if a conversion is not possible. +4514 +4515 Args: +4516 value (Any): a python object +4517 +4518 Returns: +4519 Expression: the equivalent expression object +4520 """ +4521 if isinstance(value, Expression): +4522 return value +4523 if value is None: +4524 return NULL +4525 if isinstance(value, bool): +4526 return Boolean(this=value) +4527 if isinstance(value, str): +4528 return Literal.string(value) +4529 if isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value): +4530 return NULL +4531 if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): +4532 return Literal.number(value) +4533 if isinstance(value, tuple): +4534 return Tuple(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value]) +4535 if isinstance(value, list): +4536 return Array(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value]) +4537 if isinstance(value, dict): +4538 return Map( +4539 keys=[convert(k) for k in value], +4540 values=[convert(v) for v in value.values()], +4541 ) +4542 if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): +4543 datetime_literal = Literal.string( +4544 (value if value.tzinfo else value.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).isoformat() +4545 ) +4546 return TimeStrToTime(this=datetime_literal) +4547 if isinstance(value, +4548 date_literal = Literal.string(value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) +4549 return DateStrToDate(this=date_literal) +4550 raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {value}") +4551 +4552 +4553def replace_children(expression, fun): +4554 """ +4555 Replace children of an expression with the result of a lambda fun(child) -> exp. +4556 """ +4557 for k, v in expression.args.items(): +4558 is_list_arg = isinstance(v, list) +4559 +4560 child_nodes = v if is_list_arg else [v] +4561 new_child_nodes = [] 4562 -4563 Examples: -4564 >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one -4565 >>> replace_tables(parse_one("select * from a.b"), {"a.b": "c"}).sql() -4566 'SELECT * FROM c' -4567 -4568 Returns: -4569 The mapped expression. -4570 """ +4563 for cn in child_nodes: +4564 if isinstance(cn, Expression): +4565 for child_node in ensure_collection(fun(cn)): +4566 new_child_nodes.append(child_node) +4567 child_node.parent = expression +4568 child_node.arg_key = k +4569 else: +4570 new_child_nodes.append(cn) 4571 -4572 def _replace_tables(node): -4573 if isinstance(node, Table): -4574 new_name = mapping.get(table_name(node)) -4575 if new_name: -4576 return to_table( -4577 new_name, -4578 **{k: v for k, v in node.args.items() if k not in ("this", "db", "catalog")}, -4579 ) -4580 return node -4581 -4582 return expression.transform(_replace_tables) +4572 expression.args[k] = new_child_nodes if is_list_arg else seq_get(new_child_nodes, 0) +4573 +4574 +4575def column_table_names(expression): +4576 """ +4577 Return all table names referenced through columns in an expression. +4578 +4579 Example: +4580 >>> import sqlglot +4581 >>> column_table_names(sqlglot.parse_one("a.b AND c.d AND c.e")) +4582 ['c', 'a'] 4583 -4584 -4585def replace_placeholders(expression, *args, **kwargs): -4586 """Replace placeholders in an expression. -4587 -4588 Args: -4589 expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced. -4590 args: positional names that will substitute unnamed placeholders in the given order. -4591 kwargs: keyword arguments that will substitute named placeholders. +4584 Args: +4585 expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to find table names +4586 +4587 Returns: +4588 list: A list of unique names +4589 """ +4590 return list(dict.fromkeys(column.table for column in expression.find_all(Column))) +4591 4592 -4593 Examples: -4594 >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one -4595 >>> replace_placeholders( -4596 ... parse_one("select * from :tbl where ? = ?"), "a", "b", tbl="foo" -4597 ... ).sql() -4598 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a = b' -4599 -4600 Returns: -4601 The mapped expression. -4602 """ +4593def table_name(table) -> str: +4594 """Get the full name of a table as a string. +4595 +4596 Args: +4597 table (exp.Table | str): table expression node or string. +4598 +4599 Examples: +4600 >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one +4601 >>> table_name(parse_one("select * from a.b.c").find(exp.Table)) +4602 'a.b.c' 4603 -4604 def _replace_placeholders(node, args, **kwargs): -4605 if isinstance(node, Placeholder): -4606 if -4607 new_name = kwargs.get( -4608 if new_name: -4609 return to_identifier(new_name) -4610 else: -4611 try: -4612 return to_identifier(next(args)) -4613 except StopIteration: -4614 pass -4615 return node -4616 -4617 return expression.transform(_replace_placeholders, iter(args), **kwargs) -4618 -4619 -4620def expand(expression: Expression, sources: t.Dict[str, Subqueryable], copy=True) -> Expression: -4621 """Transforms an expression by expanding all referenced sources into subqueries. +4604 Returns: +4605 The table name. +4606 """ +4607 +4608 table = maybe_parse(table, into=Table) +4609 +4610 if not table: +4611 raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse {table}") +4612 +4613 return ".".join( +4614 part +4615 for part in ( +4616 table.text("catalog"), +4617 table.text("db"), +4618, +4619 ) +4620 if part +4621 ) 4622 -4623 Examples: -4624 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one -4625 >>> expand(parse_one("select * from x AS z"), {"x": parse_one("select * from y")}).sql() -4626 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM y) AS z /* source: x */' -4627 -4628 Args: -4629 expression: The expression to expand. -4630 sources: A dictionary of name to Subqueryables. -4631 copy: Whether or not to copy the expression during transformation. Defaults to True. -4632 -4633 Returns: -4634 The transformed expression. -4635 """ -4636 -4637 def _expand(node: Expression): -4638 if isinstance(node, Table): -4639 name = table_name(node) -4640 source = sources.get(name) -4641 if source: -4642 subquery = source.subquery(node.alias or name) -4643 subquery.comments = [f"source: {name}"] -4644 return subquery -4645 return node -4646 -4647 return expression.transform(_expand, copy=copy) -4648 +4623 +4624def replace_tables(expression, mapping): +4625 """Replace all tables in expression according to the mapping. +4626 +4627 Args: +4628 expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced. +4629 mapping (Dict[str, str]): mapping of table names. +4630 +4631 Examples: +4632 >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one +4633 >>> replace_tables(parse_one("select * from a.b"), {"a.b": "c"}).sql() +4634 'SELECT * FROM c' +4635 +4636 Returns: +4637 The mapped expression. +4638 """ +4639 +4640 def _replace_tables(node): +4641 if isinstance(node, Table): +4642 new_name = mapping.get(table_name(node)) +4643 if new_name: +4644 return to_table( +4645 new_name, +4646 **{k: v for k, v in node.args.items() if k not in ("this", "db", "catalog")}, +4647 ) +4648 return node 4649 -4650def func(name: str, *args, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs) -> Func: -4651 """ -4652 Returns a Func expression. -4653 -4654 Examples: -4655 >>> func("abs", 5).sql() -4656 'ABS(5)' -4657 -4658 >>> func("cast", this=5,"DOUBLE")).sql() -4659 'CAST(5 AS DOUBLE)' +4650 return expression.transform(_replace_tables) +4651 +4652 +4653def replace_placeholders(expression, *args, **kwargs): +4654 """Replace placeholders in an expression. +4655 +4656 Args: +4657 expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced. +4658 args: positional names that will substitute unnamed placeholders in the given order. +4659 kwargs: keyword arguments that will substitute named placeholders. 4660 -4661 Args: -4662 name: the name of the function to build. -4663 args: the args used to instantiate the function of interest. -4664 dialect: the source dialect. -4665 kwargs: the kwargs used to instantiate the function of interest. -4666 -4667 Note: -4668 The arguments `args` and `kwargs` are mutually exclusive. -4669 -4670 Returns: -4671 An instance of the function of interest, or an anonymous function, if `name` doesn't -4672 correspond to an existing `sqlglot.expressions.Func` class. -4673 """ -4674 if args and kwargs: -4675 raise ValueError("Can't use both args and kwargs to instantiate a function.") -4676 -4677 from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect -4678 -4679 args = tuple(convert(arg) for arg in args) -4680 kwargs = {key: convert(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()} -4681 -4682 parser = Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().parser() -4683 from_args_list = parser.FUNCTIONS.get(name.upper()) +4661 Examples: +4662 >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one +4663 >>> replace_placeholders( +4664 ... parse_one("select * from :tbl where ? = ?"), "a", "b", tbl="foo" +4665 ... ).sql() +4666 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a = b' +4667 +4668 Returns: +4669 The mapped expression. +4670 """ +4671 +4672 def _replace_placeholders(node, args, **kwargs): +4673 if isinstance(node, Placeholder): +4674 if +4675 new_name = kwargs.get( +4676 if new_name: +4677 return to_identifier(new_name) +4678 else: +4679 try: +4680 return to_identifier(next(args)) +4681 except StopIteration: +4682 pass +4683 return node 4684 -4685 if from_args_list: -4686 function = from_args_list(args) if args else from_args_list.__self__(**kwargs) # type: ignore -4687 else: -4688 kwargs = kwargs or {"expressions": args} -4689 function = Anonymous(this=name, **kwargs) +4685 return expression.transform(_replace_placeholders, iter(args), **kwargs) +4686 +4687 +4688def expand(expression: Expression, sources: t.Dict[str, Subqueryable], copy=True) -> Expression: +4689 """Transforms an expression by expanding all referenced sources into subqueries. 4690 -4691 for error_message in function.error_messages(args): -4692 raise ValueError(error_message) -4693 -4694 return function +4691 Examples: +4692 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one +4693 >>> expand(parse_one("select * from x AS z"), {"x": parse_one("select * from y")}).sql() +4694 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM y) AS z /* source: x */' 4695 -4696 -4697def true(): -4698 """ -4699 Returns a true Boolean expression. -4700 """ -4701 return Boolean(this=True) -4702 -4703 -4704def false(): -4705 """ -4706 Returns a false Boolean expression. -4707 """ -4708 return Boolean(this=False) -4709 -4710 -4711def null(): -4712 """ -4713 Returns a Null expression. -4714 """ -4715 return Null() +4696 Args: +4697 expression: The expression to expand. +4698 sources: A dictionary of name to Subqueryables. +4699 copy: Whether or not to copy the expression during transformation. Defaults to True. +4700 +4701 Returns: +4702 The transformed expression. +4703 """ +4704 +4705 def _expand(node: Expression): +4706 if isinstance(node, Table): +4707 name = table_name(node) +4708 source = sources.get(name) +4709 if source: +4710 subquery = source.subquery(node.alias or name) +4711 subquery.comments = [f"source: {name}"] +4712 return subquery +4713 return node +4714 +4715 return expression.transform(_expand, copy=copy) 4716 4717 -4718# TODO: deprecate this -4719TRUE = Boolean(this=True) -4720FALSE = Boolean(this=False) -4721NULL = Null() +4718def func(name: str, *args, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs) -> Func: +4719 """ +4720 Returns a Func expression. +4721 +4722 Examples: +4723 >>> func("abs", 5).sql() +4724 'ABS(5)' +4725 +4726 >>> func("cast", this=5,"DOUBLE")).sql() +4727 'CAST(5 AS DOUBLE)' +4728 +4729 Args: +4730 name: the name of the function to build. +4731 args: the args used to instantiate the function of interest. +4732 dialect: the source dialect. +4733 kwargs: the kwargs used to instantiate the function of interest. +4734 +4735 Note: +4736 The arguments `args` and `kwargs` are mutually exclusive. +4737 +4738 Returns: +4739 An instance of the function of interest, or an anonymous function, if `name` doesn't +4740 correspond to an existing `sqlglot.expressions.Func` class. +4741 """ +4742 if args and kwargs: +4743 raise ValueError("Can't use both args and kwargs to instantiate a function.") +4744 +4745 from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect +4746 +4747 args = tuple(convert(arg) for arg in args) +4748 kwargs = {key: convert(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()} +4749 +4750 parser = Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().parser() +4751 from_args_list = parser.FUNCTIONS.get(name.upper()) +4752 +4753 if from_args_list: +4754 function = from_args_list(args) if args else from_args_list.__self__(**kwargs) # type: ignore +4755 else: +4756 kwargs = kwargs or {"expressions": args} +4757 function = Anonymous(this=name, **kwargs) +4758 +4759 for error_message in function.error_messages(args): +4760 raise ValueError(error_message) +4761 +4762 return function +4763 +4764 +4765def true(): +4766 """ +4767 Returns a true Boolean expression. +4768 """ +4769 return Boolean(this=True) +4770 +4771 +4772def false(): +4773 """ +4774 Returns a false Boolean expression. +4775 """ +4776 return Boolean(this=False) +4777 +4778 +4779def null(): +4780 """ +4781 Returns a Null expression. +4782 """ +4783 return Null() +4784 +4785 +4786# TODO: deprecate this +4787TRUE = Boolean(this=True) +4788FALSE = Boolean(this=False) +4789NULL = Null()
  • @@ -7586,7 +7666,7 @@ SQL expressions, such as<
    129 """ 130 return self.args.get("expressions") or [] 131 -132 def text(self, key): +132 def text(self, key) -> str: 133 """ 134 Returns a textual representation of the argument corresponding to "key". This can only be used 135 for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and literals. @@ -7601,21 +7681,21 @@ SQL expressions, such as< 144 return "" 145 146 @property -147 def is_string(self): +147 def is_string(self) -> bool: 148 """ 149 Checks whether a Literal expression is a string. 150 """ 151 return isinstance(self, Literal) and self.args["is_string"] 152 153 @property -154 def is_number(self): +154 def is_number(self) -> bool: 155 """ 156 Checks whether a Literal expression is a number. 157 """ 158 return isinstance(self, Literal) and not self.args["is_string"] 159 160 @property -161 def is_int(self): +161 def is_int(self) -> bool: 162 """ 163 Checks whether a Literal expression is an integer. 164 """ @@ -7628,424 +7708,429 @@ SQL expressions, such as< 171 return False 172 173 @property -174 def alias(self): -175 """ -176 Returns the alias of the expression, or an empty string if it's not aliased. -177 """ -178 if isinstance(self.args.get("alias"), TableAlias): -179 return self.args["alias"].name -180 return self.text("alias") -181 -182 @property -183 def name(self) -> str: -184 return self.text("this") -185 -186 @property -187 def alias_or_name(self): -188 return self.alias or -189 -190 @property -191 def output_name(self): -192 """ -193 Name of the output column if this expression is a selection. +174 def is_star(self) -> bool: +175 """Checks whether an expression is a star.""" +176 return isinstance(self, Star) or (isinstance(self, Column) and isinstance(self.this, Star)) +177 +178 @property +179 def alias(self) -> str: +180 """ +181 Returns the alias of the expression, or an empty string if it's not aliased. +182 """ +183 if isinstance(self.args.get("alias"), TableAlias): +184 return self.args["alias"].name +185 return self.text("alias") +186 +187 @property +188 def name(self) -> str: +189 return self.text("this") +190 +191 @property +192 def alias_or_name(self): +193 return self.alias or 194 -195 If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned. -196 -197 Example: -198 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one -199 >>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name -200 'a' -201 >>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name -202 'c' -203 >>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name -204 '' -205 """ -206 return "" -207 -208 @property -209 def type(self) -> t.Optional[DataType]: -210 return self._type -211 -212 @type.setter -213 def type(self, dtype: t.Optional[DataType | DataType.Type | str]) -> None: -214 if dtype and not isinstance(dtype, DataType): -215 dtype = -216 self._type = dtype # type: ignore -217 -218 def __deepcopy__(self, memo): -219 copy = self.__class__(**deepcopy(self.args)) -220 copy.comments = self.comments -221 copy.type = self.type -222 return copy -223 -224 def copy(self): -225 """ -226 Returns a deep copy of the expression. -227 """ -228 new = deepcopy(self) -229 new.parent = self.parent -230 for item, parent, _ in new.bfs(): -231 if isinstance(item, Expression) and parent: -232 item.parent = parent -233 return new -234 -235 def append(self, arg_key, value): -236 """ -237 Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list. -238 -239 Args: -240 arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg -241 value (Any): value to append to the list -242 """ -243 if not isinstance(self.args.get(arg_key), list): -244 self.args[arg_key] = [] -245 self.args[arg_key].append(value) -246 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) -247 -248 def set(self, arg_key, value): -249 """ -250 Sets `arg_key` to `value`. -251 -252 Args: -253 arg_key (str): name of the expression arg. -254 value: value to set the arg to. -255 """ -256 self.args[arg_key] = value -257 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) -258 -259 def _set_parent(self, arg_key, value): -260 if isinstance(value, Expression): -261 value.parent = self -262 value.arg_key = arg_key -263 elif isinstance(value, list): -264 for v in value: -265 if isinstance(v, Expression): -266 v.parent = self -267 v.arg_key = arg_key -268 -269 @property -270 def depth(self): -271 """ -272 Returns the depth of this tree. -273 """ -274 if self.parent: -275 return self.parent.depth + 1 -276 return 0 -277 -278 def find(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): -279 """ -280 Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of -281 the specified types. +195 @property +196 def output_name(self): +197 """ +198 Name of the output column if this expression is a selection. +199 +200 If the Expression has no output name, an empty string is returned. +201 +202 Example: +203 >>> from sqlglot import parse_one +204 >>> parse_one("SELECT a").expressions[0].output_name +205 'a' +206 >>> parse_one("SELECT b AS c").expressions[0].output_name +207 'c' +208 >>> parse_one("SELECT 1 + 2").expressions[0].output_name +209 '' +210 """ +211 return "" +212 +213 @property +214 def type(self) -> t.Optional[DataType]: +215 return self._type +216 +217 @type.setter +218 def type(self, dtype: t.Optional[DataType | DataType.Type | str]) -> None: +219 if dtype and not isinstance(dtype, DataType): +220 dtype = +221 self._type = dtype # type: ignore +222 +223 def __deepcopy__(self, memo): +224 copy = self.__class__(**deepcopy(self.args)) +225 copy.comments = self.comments +226 copy.type = self.type +227 return copy +228 +229 def copy(self): +230 """ +231 Returns a deep copy of the expression. +232 """ +233 new = deepcopy(self) +234 new.parent = self.parent +235 for item, parent, _ in new.bfs(): +236 if isinstance(item, Expression) and parent: +237 item.parent = parent +238 return new +239 +240 def append(self, arg_key, value): +241 """ +242 Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list. +243 +244 Args: +245 arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg +246 value (Any): value to append to the list +247 """ +248 if not isinstance(self.args.get(arg_key), list): +249 self.args[arg_key] = [] +250 self.args[arg_key].append(value) +251 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) +252 +253 def set(self, arg_key, value): +254 """ +255 Sets `arg_key` to `value`. +256 +257 Args: +258 arg_key (str): name of the expression arg. +259 value: value to set the arg to. +260 """ +261 self.args[arg_key] = value +262 self._set_parent(arg_key, value) +263 +264 def _set_parent(self, arg_key, value): +265 if isinstance(value, Expression): +266 value.parent = self +267 value.arg_key = arg_key +268 elif isinstance(value, list): +269 for v in value: +270 if isinstance(v, Expression): +271 v.parent = self +272 v.arg_key = arg_key +273 +274 @property +275 def depth(self): +276 """ +277 Returns the depth of this tree. +278 """ +279 if self.parent: +280 return self.parent.depth + 1 +281 return 0 282 -283 Args: -284 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. -285 -286 Returns: -287 The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found. -288 """ -289 return next(self.find_all(*expression_types, bfs=bfs), None) +283 def find(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): +284 """ +285 Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of +286 the specified types. +287 +288 Args: +289 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. 290 -291 def find_all(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): -292 """ -293 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only -294 yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types. +291 Returns: +292 The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found. +293 """ +294 return next(self.find_all(*expression_types, bfs=bfs), None) 295 -296 Args: -297 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. -298 -299 Returns: -300 The generator object. -301 """ -302 for expression, _, _ in self.walk(bfs=bfs): -303 if isinstance(expression, expression_types): -304 yield expression -305 -306 def find_ancestor(self, *expression_types): -307 """ -308 Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types. -309 -310 Args: -311 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. -312 -313 Returns: -314 The parent node. -315 """ -316 ancestor = self.parent -317 while ancestor and not isinstance(ancestor, expression_types): -318 ancestor = ancestor.parent -319 return ancestor -320 -321 @property -322 def parent_select(self): -323 """ -324 Returns the parent select statement. -325 """ -326 return self.find_ancestor(Select) -327 -328 def walk(self, bfs=True, prune=None): -329 """ -330 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree. -331 -332 Args: -333 bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied, -334 otherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead. -335 prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if -336 the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree. -337 -338 Returns: -339 the generator object. -340 """ -341 if bfs: -342 yield from self.bfs(prune=prune) -343 else: -344 yield from self.dfs(prune=prune) -345 -346 def dfs(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None): -347 """ -348 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in -349 the DFS (Depth-first) order. +296 def find_all(self, *expression_types, bfs=True): +297 """ +298 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only +299 yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types. +300 +301 Args: +302 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. +303 +304 Returns: +305 The generator object. +306 """ +307 for expression, _, _ in self.walk(bfs=bfs): +308 if isinstance(expression, expression_types): +309 yield expression +310 +311 def find_ancestor(self, *expression_types): +312 """ +313 Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types. +314 +315 Args: +316 expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match. +317 +318 Returns: +319 The parent node. +320 """ +321 ancestor = self.parent +322 while ancestor and not isinstance(ancestor, expression_types): +323 ancestor = ancestor.parent +324 return ancestor +325 +326 @property +327 def parent_select(self): +328 """ +329 Returns the parent select statement. +330 """ +331 return self.find_ancestor(Select) +332 +333 def walk(self, bfs=True, prune=None): +334 """ +335 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree. +336 +337 Args: +338 bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied, +339 otherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead. +340 prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if +341 the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree. +342 +343 Returns: +344 the generator object. +345 """ +346 if bfs: +347 yield from self.bfs(prune=prune) +348 else: +349 yield from self.dfs(prune=prune) 350 -351 Returns: -352 The generator object. -353 """ -354 parent = parent or self.parent -355 yield self, parent, key -356 if prune and prune(self, parent, key): -357 return -358 -359 for k, v in self.args.items(): -360 for node in ensure_collection(v): -361 if isinstance(node, Expression): -362 yield from node.dfs(self, k, prune) +351 def dfs(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None): +352 """ +353 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in +354 the DFS (Depth-first) order. +355 +356 Returns: +357 The generator object. +358 """ +359 parent = parent or self.parent +360 yield self, parent, key +361 if prune and prune(self, parent, key): +362 return 363 -364 def bfs(self, prune=None): -365 """ -366 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in -367 the BFS (Breadth-first) order. +364 for k, v in self.args.items(): +365 for node in ensure_collection(v): +366 if isinstance(node, Expression): +367 yield from node.dfs(self, k, prune) 368 -369 Returns: -370 The generator object. -371 """ -372 queue = deque([(self, self.parent, None)]) +369 def bfs(self, prune=None): +370 """ +371 Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in +372 the BFS (Breadth-first) order. 373 -374 while queue: -375 item, parent, key = queue.popleft() -376 -377 yield item, parent, key -378 if prune and prune(item, parent, key): -379 continue -380 -381 if isinstance(item, Expression): -382 for k, v in item.args.items(): -383 for node in ensure_collection(v): -384 if isinstance(node, Expression): -385 queue.append((node, item, k)) -386 -387 def unnest(self): -388 """ -389 Returns the first non parenthesis child or self. -390 """ -391 expression = self -392 while isinstance(expression, Paren): -393 expression = expression.this -394 return expression -395 -396 def unalias(self): -397 """ -398 Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias. -399 """ -400 if isinstance(self, Alias): -401 return self.this -402 return self -403 -404 def unnest_operands(self): -405 """ -406 Returns unnested operands as a tuple. -407 """ -408 return tuple(arg.unnest() for arg in self.args.values() if arg) -409 -410 def flatten(self, unnest=True): -411 """ -412 Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class. -413 -414 A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C] -415 """ -416 for node, _, _ in self.dfs(prune=lambda n, p, *_: p and not isinstance(n, self.__class__)): -417 if not isinstance(node, self.__class__): -418 yield node.unnest() if unnest else node -419 -420 def __str__(self): -421 return self.sql() -422 -423 def __repr__(self): -424 return self._to_s() -425 -426 def sql(self, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> str: -427 """ -428 Returns SQL string representation of this tree. -429 -430 Args: -431 dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). -432 opts: other `sqlglot.generator.Generator` options. -433 -434 Returns: -435 The SQL string. -436 """ -437 from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect +374 Returns: +375 The generator object. +376 """ +377 queue = deque([(self, self.parent, None)]) +378 +379 while queue: +380 item, parent, key = queue.popleft() +381 +382 yield item, parent, key +383 if prune and prune(item, parent, key): +384 continue +385 +386 if isinstance(item, Expression): +387 for k, v in item.args.items(): +388 for node in ensure_collection(v): +389 if isinstance(node, Expression): +390 queue.append((node, item, k)) +391 +392 def unnest(self): +393 """ +394 Returns the first non parenthesis child or self. +395 """ +396 expression = self +397 while isinstance(expression, Paren): +398 expression = expression.this +399 return expression +400 +401 def unalias(self): +402 """ +403 Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias. +404 """ +405 if isinstance(self, Alias): +406 return self.this +407 return self +408 +409 def unnest_operands(self): +410 """ +411 Returns unnested operands as a tuple. +412 """ +413 return tuple(arg.unnest() for arg in self.args.values() if arg) +414 +415 def flatten(self, unnest=True): +416 """ +417 Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class. +418 +419 A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C] +420 """ +421 for node, _, _ in self.dfs(prune=lambda n, p, *_: p and not isinstance(n, self.__class__)): +422 if not isinstance(node, self.__class__): +423 yield node.unnest() if unnest else node +424 +425 def __str__(self): +426 return self.sql() +427 +428 def __repr__(self): +429 return self._to_s() +430 +431 def sql(self, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> str: +432 """ +433 Returns SQL string representation of this tree. +434 +435 Args: +436 dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). +437 opts: other `sqlglot.generator.Generator` options. 438 -439 return Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().generate(self, **opts) -440 -441 def _to_s(self, hide_missing: bool = True, level: int = 0) -> str: -442 indent = "" if not level else "\n" -443 indent += "".join([" "] * level) -444 left = f"({self.key.upper()} " +439 Returns: +440 The SQL string. +441 """ +442 from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect +443 +444 return Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().generate(self, **opts) 445 -446 args: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = { -447 k: ", ".join( -448 v._to_s(hide_missing=hide_missing, level=level + 1) -449 if hasattr(v, "_to_s") -450 else str(v) -451 for v in ensure_collection(vs) -452 if v is not None -453 ) -454 for k, vs in self.args.items() -455 } -456 args["comments"] = self.comments -457 args["type"] = self.type -458 args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v or not hide_missing} -459 -460 right = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in args.items()) -461 right += ")" -462 -463 return indent + left + right +446 def _to_s(self, hide_missing: bool = True, level: int = 0) -> str: +447 indent = "" if not level else "\n" +448 indent += "".join([" "] * level) +449 left = f"({self.key.upper()} " +450 +451 args: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = { +452 k: ", ".join( +453 v._to_s(hide_missing=hide_missing, level=level + 1) +454 if hasattr(v, "_to_s") +455 else str(v) +456 for v in ensure_collection(vs) +457 if v is not None +458 ) +459 for k, vs in self.args.items() +460 } +461 args["comments"] = self.comments +462 args["type"] = self.type +463 args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v or not hide_missing} 464 -465 def transform(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs): -466 """ -467 Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones) -468 and applies the given transformation function to each node. +465 right = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in args.items()) +466 right += ")" +467 +468 return indent + left + right 469 -470 Args: -471 fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a -472 new transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function -473 returns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree. -474 copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is -475 modified in place. -476 -477 Returns: -478 The transformed tree. -479 """ -480 node = self.copy() if copy else self -481 new_node = fun(node, *args, **kwargs) -482 -483 if new_node is None or not isinstance(new_node, Expression): -484 return new_node -485 if new_node is not node: -486 new_node.parent = node.parent -487 return new_node -488 -489 replace_children(new_node, lambda child: child.transform(fun, *args, copy=False, **kwargs)) -490 return new_node -491 -492 def replace(self, expression): -493 """ -494 Swap out this expression with a new expression. -495 -496 For example:: -497 -498 >>> tree = Select().select("x").from_("tbl") -499 >>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this="y")) -500 (COLUMN this: y) -501 >>> tree.sql() -502 'SELECT y FROM tbl' -503 -504 Args: -505 expression (Expression|None): new node -506 -507 Returns: -508 The new expression or expressions. -509 """ -510 if not self.parent: -511 return expression -512 -513 parent = self.parent -514 self.parent = None -515 -516 replace_children(parent, lambda child: expression if child is self else child) -517 return expression -518 -519 def pop(self): -520 """ -521 Remove this expression from its AST. -522 """ -523 self.replace(None) -524 -525 def assert_is(self, type_): -526 """ -527 Assert that this `Expression` is an instance of `type_`. -528 -529 If it is NOT an instance of `type_`, this raises an assertion error. -530 Otherwise, this returns this expression. -531 -532 Examples: -533 This is useful for type security in chained expressions: -534 -535 >>> import sqlglot -536 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql() -537 'SELECT x, z FROM y' -538 """ -539 assert isinstance(self, type_) -540 return self -541 -542 def error_messages(self, args: t.Optional[t.Sequence] = None) -> t.List[str]: -543 """ -544 Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set). -545 -546 Args: -547 args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used -548 to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. -549 -550 Returns: -551 A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found. -552 """ -553 errors: t.List[str] = [] +470 def transform(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs): +471 """ +472 Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones) +473 and applies the given transformation function to each node. +474 +475 Args: +476 fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a +477 new transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function +478 returns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree. +479 copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is +480 modified in place. +481 +482 Returns: +483 The transformed tree. +484 """ +485 node = self.copy() if copy else self +486 new_node = fun(node, *args, **kwargs) +487 +488 if new_node is None or not isinstance(new_node, Expression): +489 return new_node +490 if new_node is not node: +491 new_node.parent = node.parent +492 return new_node +493 +494 replace_children(new_node, lambda child: child.transform(fun, *args, copy=False, **kwargs)) +495 return new_node +496 +497 def replace(self, expression): +498 """ +499 Swap out this expression with a new expression. +500 +501 For example:: +502 +503 >>> tree = Select().select("x").from_("tbl") +504 >>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this="y")) +505 (COLUMN this: y) +506 >>> tree.sql() +507 'SELECT y FROM tbl' +508 +509 Args: +510 expression (Expression|None): new node +511 +512 Returns: +513 The new expression or expressions. +514 """ +515 if not self.parent: +516 return expression +517 +518 parent = self.parent +519 self.parent = None +520 +521 replace_children(parent, lambda child: expression if child is self else child) +522 return expression +523 +524 def pop(self): +525 """ +526 Remove this expression from its AST. +527 """ +528 self.replace(None) +529 +530 def assert_is(self, type_): +531 """ +532 Assert that this `Expression` is an instance of `type_`. +533 +534 If it is NOT an instance of `type_`, this raises an assertion error. +535 Otherwise, this returns this expression. +536 +537 Examples: +538 This is useful for type security in chained expressions: +539 +540 >>> import sqlglot +541 >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql() +542 'SELECT x, z FROM y' +543 """ +544 assert isinstance(self, type_) +545 return self +546 +547 def error_messages(self, args: t.Optional[t.Sequence] = None) -> t.List[str]: +548 """ +549 Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set). +550 +551 Args: +552 args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used +553 to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. 554 -555 for k in self.args: -556 if k not in self.arg_types: -557 errors.append(f"Unexpected keyword: '{k}' for {self.__class__}") -558 for k, mandatory in self.arg_types.items(): -559 v = self.args.get(k) -560 if mandatory and (v is None or (isinstance(v, list) and not v)): -561 errors.append(f"Required keyword: '{k}' missing for {self.__class__}") -562 -563 if ( -564 args -565 and isinstance(self, Func) -566 and len(args) > len(self.arg_types) -567 and not self.is_var_len_args -568 ): -569 errors.append( -570 f"The number of provided arguments ({len(args)}) is greater than " -571 f"the maximum number of supported arguments ({len(self.arg_types)})" -572 ) -573 -574 return errors -575 -576 def dump(self): -577 """ -578 Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict. -579 """ -580 from sqlglot.serde import dump -581 -582 return dump(self) -583 -584 @classmethod -585 def load(cls, obj): -586 """ -587 Load a dict (as returned by `Expression.dump`) into an Expression instance. -588 """ -589 from sqlglot.serde import load -590 -591 return load(obj) +555 Returns: +556 A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found. +557 """ +558 errors: t.List[str] = [] +559 +560 for k in self.args: +561 if k not in self.arg_types: +562 errors.append(f"Unexpected keyword: '{k}' for {self.__class__}") +563 for k, mandatory in self.arg_types.items(): +564 v = self.args.get(k) +565 if mandatory and (v is None or (isinstance(v, list) and not v)): +566 errors.append(f"Required keyword: '{k}' missing for {self.__class__}") +567 +568 if ( +569 args +570 and isinstance(self, Func) +571 and len(args) > len(self.arg_types) +572 and not self.is_var_len_args +573 ): +574 errors.append( +575 f"The number of provided arguments ({len(args)}) is greater than " +576 f"the maximum number of supported arguments ({len(self.arg_types)})" +577 ) +578 +579 return errors +580 +581 def dump(self): +582 """ +583 Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict. +584 """ +585 from sqlglot.serde import dump +586 +587 return dump(self) +588 +589 @classmethod +590 def load(cls, obj): +591 """ +592 Load a dict (as returned by `Expression.dump`) into an Expression instance. +593 """ +594 from sqlglot.serde import load +595 +596 return load(obj)
    @@ -8159,13 +8244,13 @@ optimizer, in order to enable some transformations that require type information
    def - text(self, key): + text(self, key) -> str:
    132    def text(self, key):
    132    def text(self, key) -> str:
     133        """
     134        Returns a textual representation of the argument corresponding to "key". This can only be used
     135        for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and literals.
    @@ -8189,7 +8274,7 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    - is_string + is_string: bool
    @@ -8202,7 +8287,7 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    - is_number + is_number: bool
    @@ -8215,7 +8300,7 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    - is_int + is_int: bool
    @@ -8225,10 +8310,23 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    + is_star: bool + + +
    + + +

    Checks whether an expression is a star.

    + +
    - alias + alias: str
    @@ -8280,16 +8378,16 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    224    def copy(self):
    -225        """
    -226        Returns a deep copy of the expression.
    -227        """
    -228        new = deepcopy(self)
    -229        new.parent = self.parent
    -230        for item, parent, _ in new.bfs():
    -231            if isinstance(item, Expression) and parent:
    -232                item.parent = parent
    -233        return new
    229    def copy(self):
    +230        """
    +231        Returns a deep copy of the expression.
    +232        """
    +233        new = deepcopy(self)
    +234        new.parent = self.parent
    +235        for item, parent, _ in new.bfs():
    +236            if isinstance(item, Expression) and parent:
    +237                item.parent = parent
    +238        return new
    @@ -8309,18 +8407,18 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    235    def append(self, arg_key, value):
    -236        """
    -237        Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list.
    -239        Args:
    -240            arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg
    -241            value (Any): value to append to the list
    -242        """
    -243        if not isinstance(self.args.get(arg_key), list):
    -244            self.args[arg_key] = []
    -245        self.args[arg_key].append(value)
    -246        self._set_parent(arg_key, value)
    240    def append(self, arg_key, value):
    +241        """
    +242        Appends value to arg_key if it's a list or sets it as a new list.
    +244        Args:
    +245            arg_key (str): name of the list expression arg
    +246            value (Any): value to append to the list
    +247        """
    +248        if not isinstance(self.args.get(arg_key), list):
    +249            self.args[arg_key] = []
    +250        self.args[arg_key].append(value)
    +251        self._set_parent(arg_key, value)
    @@ -8347,16 +8445,16 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    248    def set(self, arg_key, value):
    -249        """
    -250        Sets `arg_key` to `value`.
    -252        Args:
    -253            arg_key (str): name of the expression arg.
    -254            value: value to set the arg to.
    -255        """
    -256        self.args[arg_key] = value
    -257        self._set_parent(arg_key, value)
    253    def set(self, arg_key, value):
    +254        """
    +255        Sets `arg_key` to `value`.
    +257        Args:
    +258            arg_key (str): name of the expression arg.
    +259            value: value to set the arg to.
    +260        """
    +261        self.args[arg_key] = value
    +262        self._set_parent(arg_key, value)
    @@ -8396,18 +8494,18 @@ for args that are strings or leaf Expression instances, such as identifiers and
    278    def find(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):
    -279        """
    -280        Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of
    -281        the specified types.
    -283        Args:
    -284            expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
    -286        Returns:
    -287            The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found.
    -288        """
    -289        return next(self.find_all(*expression_types, bfs=bfs), None)
    283    def find(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):
    +284        """
    +285        Returns the first node in this tree which matches at least one of
    +286        the specified types.
    +288        Args:
    +289            expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
    +291        Returns:
    +292            The node which matches the criteria or None if no such node was found.
    +293        """
    +294        return next(self.find_all(*expression_types, bfs=bfs), None)
    @@ -8440,20 +8538,20 @@ the specified types.

    291    def find_all(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):
    -292        """
    -293        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only
    -294        yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types.
    -296        Args:
    -297            expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
    -299        Returns:
    -300            The generator object.
    -301        """
    -302        for expression, _, _ in self.walk(bfs=bfs):
    -303            if isinstance(expression, expression_types):
    -304                yield expression
    296    def find_all(self, *expression_types, bfs=True):
    +297        """
    +298        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree and only
    +299        yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types.
    +301        Args:
    +302            expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
    +304        Returns:
    +305            The generator object.
    +306        """
    +307        for expression, _, _ in self.walk(bfs=bfs):
    +308            if isinstance(expression, expression_types):
    +309                yield expression
    @@ -8486,20 +8584,20 @@ yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types.

    306    def find_ancestor(self, *expression_types):
    -307        """
    -308        Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types.
    -310        Args:
    -311            expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
    -313        Returns:
    -314            The parent node.
    -315        """
    -316        ancestor = self.parent
    -317        while ancestor and not isinstance(ancestor, expression_types):
    -318            ancestor = ancestor.parent
    -319        return ancestor
    311    def find_ancestor(self, *expression_types):
    +312        """
    +313        Returns a nearest parent matching expression_types.
    +315        Args:
    +316            expression_types (type): the expression type(s) to match.
    +318        Returns:
    +319            The parent node.
    +320        """
    +321        ancestor = self.parent
    +322        while ancestor and not isinstance(ancestor, expression_types):
    +323            ancestor = ancestor.parent
    +324        return ancestor
    @@ -8544,23 +8642,23 @@ yields those that match at least one of the specified expression types.

    328    def walk(self, bfs=True, prune=None):
    -329        """
    -330        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree.
    -332        Args:
    -333            bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied,
    -334                otherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead.
    -335            prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if
    -336                the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree.
    -338        Returns:
    -339            the generator object.
    -340        """
    -341        if bfs:
    -342            yield from self.bfs(prune=prune)
    -343        else:
    -344            yield from self.dfs(prune=prune)
    333    def walk(self, bfs=True, prune=None):
    +334        """
    +335        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree.
    +337        Args:
    +338            bfs (bool): if set to True the BFS traversal order will be applied,
    +339                otherwise the DFS traversal will be used instead.
    +340            prune ((node, parent, arg_key) -> bool): callable that returns True if
    +341                the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree.
    +343        Returns:
    +344            the generator object.
    +345        """
    +346        if bfs:
    +347            yield from self.bfs(prune=prune)
    +348        else:
    +349            yield from self.dfs(prune=prune)
    @@ -8595,23 +8693,23 @@ the generator should stop traversing this branch of the tree.
    346    def dfs(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None):
    -347        """
    -348        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in
    -349        the DFS (Depth-first) order.
    -351        Returns:
    -352            The generator object.
    -353        """
    -354        parent = parent or self.parent
    -355        yield self, parent, key
    -356        if prune and prune(self, parent, key):
    -357            return
    -359        for k, v in self.args.items():
    -360            for node in ensure_collection(v):
    -361                if isinstance(node, Expression):
    -362                    yield from node.dfs(self, k, prune)
    351    def dfs(self, parent=None, key=None, prune=None):
    +352        """
    +353        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in
    +354        the DFS (Depth-first) order.
    +356        Returns:
    +357            The generator object.
    +358        """
    +359        parent = parent or self.parent
    +360        yield self, parent, key
    +361        if prune and prune(self, parent, key):
    +362            return
    +364        for k, v in self.args.items():
    +365            for node in ensure_collection(v):
    +366                if isinstance(node, Expression):
    +367                    yield from node.dfs(self, k, prune)
    @@ -8638,28 +8736,28 @@ the DFS (Depth-first) order.

    364    def bfs(self, prune=None):
    -365        """
    -366        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in
    -367        the BFS (Breadth-first) order.
    -369        Returns:
    -370            The generator object.
    -371        """
    -372        queue = deque([(self, self.parent, None)])
    369    def bfs(self, prune=None):
    +370        """
    +371        Returns a generator object which visits all nodes in this tree in
    +372        the BFS (Breadth-first) order.
    -374        while queue:
    -375            item, parent, key = queue.popleft()
    -377            yield item, parent, key
    -378            if prune and prune(item, parent, key):
    -379                continue
    -381            if isinstance(item, Expression):
    -382                for k, v in item.args.items():
    -383                    for node in ensure_collection(v):
    -384                        if isinstance(node, Expression):
    -385                            queue.append((node, item, k))
    +374        Returns:
    +375            The generator object.
    +376        """
    +377        queue = deque([(self, self.parent, None)])
    +379        while queue:
    +380            item, parent, key = queue.popleft()
    +382            yield item, parent, key
    +383            if prune and prune(item, parent, key):
    +384                continue
    +386            if isinstance(item, Expression):
    +387                for k, v in item.args.items():
    +388                    for node in ensure_collection(v):
    +389                        if isinstance(node, Expression):
    +390                            queue.append((node, item, k))
    @@ -8686,14 +8784,14 @@ the BFS (Breadth-first) order.

    387    def unnest(self):
    -388        """
    -389        Returns the first non parenthesis child or self.
    -390        """
    -391        expression = self
    -392        while isinstance(expression, Paren):
    -393            expression = expression.this
    -394        return expression
    392    def unnest(self):
    +393        """
    +394        Returns the first non parenthesis child or self.
    +395        """
    +396        expression = self
    +397        while isinstance(expression, Paren):
    +398            expression = expression.this
    +399        return expression
    @@ -8713,13 +8811,13 @@ the BFS (Breadth-first) order.

    396    def unalias(self):
    -397        """
    -398        Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias.
    -399        """
    -400        if isinstance(self, Alias):
    -401            return self.this
    -402        return self
    401    def unalias(self):
    +402        """
    +403        Returns the inner expression if this is an Alias.
    +404        """
    +405        if isinstance(self, Alias):
    +406            return self.this
    +407        return self
    @@ -8739,11 +8837,11 @@ the BFS (Breadth-first) order.

    404    def unnest_operands(self):
    -405        """
    -406        Returns unnested operands as a tuple.
    -407        """
    -408        return tuple(arg.unnest() for arg in self.args.values() if arg)
    409    def unnest_operands(self):
    +410        """
    +411        Returns unnested operands as a tuple.
    +412        """
    +413        return tuple(arg.unnest() for arg in self.args.values() if arg)
    @@ -8763,15 +8861,15 @@ the BFS (Breadth-first) order.

    410    def flatten(self, unnest=True):
    -411        """
    -412        Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class.
    -414        A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C]
    -415        """
    -416        for node, _, _ in self.dfs(prune=lambda n, p, *_: p and not isinstance(n, self.__class__)):
    -417            if not isinstance(node, self.__class__):
    -418                yield node.unnest() if unnest else node
    415    def flatten(self, unnest=True):
    +416        """
    +417        Returns a generator which yields child nodes who's parents are the same class.
    +419        A AND B AND C -> [A, B, C]
    +420        """
    +421        for node, _, _ in self.dfs(prune=lambda n, p, *_: p and not isinstance(n, self.__class__)):
    +422            if not isinstance(node, self.__class__):
    +423                yield node.unnest() if unnest else node
    @@ -8793,20 +8891,20 @@ the BFS (Breadth-first) order.

    426    def sql(self, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> str:
    -427        """
    -428        Returns SQL string representation of this tree.
    -430        Args:
    -431            dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql").
    -432            opts: other `sqlglot.generator.Generator` options.
    -434        Returns:
    -435            The SQL string.
    -436        """
    -437        from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect
    431    def sql(self, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> str:
    +432        """
    +433        Returns SQL string representation of this tree.
    +435        Args:
    +436            dialect: the dialect of the output SQL string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql").
    +437            opts: other `sqlglot.generator.Generator` options.
    -439        return Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().generate(self, **opts)
    +439        Returns:
    +440            The SQL string.
    +441        """
    +442        from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect
    +444        return Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().generate(self, **opts)
    @@ -8839,32 +8937,32 @@ the BFS (Breadth-first) order.

    465    def transform(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs):
    -466        """
    -467        Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones)
    -468        and applies the given transformation function to each node.
    -470        Args:
    -471            fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a
    -472                new transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function
    -473                returns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree.
    -474            copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is
    -475                modified in place.
    -477        Returns:
    -478            The transformed tree.
    -479        """
    -480        node = self.copy() if copy else self
    -481        new_node = fun(node, *args, **kwargs)
    -483        if new_node is None or not isinstance(new_node, Expression):
    -484            return new_node
    -485        if new_node is not node:
    -486            new_node.parent = node.parent
    -487            return new_node
    -489        replace_children(new_node, lambda child: child.transform(fun, *args, copy=False, **kwargs))
    -490        return new_node
    470    def transform(self, fun, *args, copy=True, **kwargs):
    +471        """
    +472        Recursively visits all tree nodes (excluding already transformed ones)
    +473        and applies the given transformation function to each node.
    +475        Args:
    +476            fun (function): a function which takes a node as an argument and returns a
    +477                new transformed node or the same node without modifications. If the function
    +478                returns None, then the corresponding node will be removed from the syntax tree.
    +479            copy (bool): if set to True a new tree instance is constructed, otherwise the tree is
    +480                modified in place.
    +482        Returns:
    +483            The transformed tree.
    +484        """
    +485        node = self.copy() if copy else self
    +486        new_node = fun(node, *args, **kwargs)
    +488        if new_node is None or not isinstance(new_node, Expression):
    +489            return new_node
    +490        if new_node is not node:
    +491            new_node.parent = node.parent
    +492            return new_node
    +494        replace_children(new_node, lambda child: child.transform(fun, *args, copy=False, **kwargs))
    +495        return new_node
    @@ -8901,32 +8999,32 @@ modified in place.
    492    def replace(self, expression):
    -493        """
    -494        Swap out this expression with a new expression.
    -496        For example::
    -498            >>> tree = Select().select("x").from_("tbl")
    -499            >>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this="y"))
    -500            (COLUMN this: y)
    -501            >>> tree.sql()
    -502            'SELECT y FROM tbl'
    -504        Args:
    -505            expression (Expression|None): new node
    -507        Returns:
    -508            The new expression or expressions.
    -509        """
    -510        if not self.parent:
    -511            return expression
    -513        parent = self.parent
    -514        self.parent = None
    -516        replace_children(parent, lambda child: expression if child is self else child)
    -517        return expression
    497    def replace(self, expression):
    +498        """
    +499        Swap out this expression with a new expression.
    +501        For example::
    +503            >>> tree = Select().select("x").from_("tbl")
    +504            >>> tree.find(Column).replace(Column(this="y"))
    +505            (COLUMN this: y)
    +506            >>> tree.sql()
    +507            'SELECT y FROM tbl'
    +509        Args:
    +510            expression (Expression|None): new node
    +512        Returns:
    +513            The new expression or expressions.
    +514        """
    +515        if not self.parent:
    +516            return expression
    +518        parent = self.parent
    +519        self.parent = None
    +521        replace_children(parent, lambda child: expression if child is self else child)
    +522        return expression
    @@ -8967,11 +9065,11 @@ modified in place.
    519    def pop(self):
    -520        """
    -521        Remove this expression from its AST.
    -522        """
    -523        self.replace(None)
    524    def pop(self):
    +525        """
    +526        Remove this expression from its AST.
    +527        """
    +528        self.replace(None)
    @@ -8991,22 +9089,22 @@ modified in place.
    525    def assert_is(self, type_):
    -526        """
    -527        Assert that this `Expression` is an instance of `type_`.
    -529        If it is NOT an instance of `type_`, this raises an assertion error.
    -530        Otherwise, this returns this expression.
    -532        Examples:
    -533            This is useful for type security in chained expressions:
    -535            >>> import sqlglot
    -536            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql()
    -537            'SELECT x, z FROM y'
    -538        """
    -539        assert isinstance(self, type_)
    -540        return self
    530    def assert_is(self, type_):
    +531        """
    +532        Assert that this `Expression` is an instance of `type_`.
    +534        If it is NOT an instance of `type_`, this raises an assertion error.
    +535        Otherwise, this returns this expression.
    +537        Examples:
    +538            This is useful for type security in chained expressions:
    +540            >>> import sqlglot
    +541            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT x from y").assert_is(Select).select("z").sql()
    +542            'SELECT x, z FROM y'
    +543        """
    +544        assert isinstance(self, type_)
    +545        return self
    @@ -9042,39 +9140,39 @@ Otherwise, this returns this expression.

    542    def error_messages(self, args: t.Optional[t.Sequence] = None) -> t.List[str]:
    -543        """
    -544        Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set).
    -546        Args:
    -547            args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used
    -548                to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit.
    -550        Returns:
    -551            A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found.
    -552        """
    -553        errors: t.List[str] = []
    547    def error_messages(self, args: t.Optional[t.Sequence] = None) -> t.List[str]:
    +548        """
    +549        Checks if this expression is valid (e.g. all mandatory args are set).
    +551        Args:
    +552            args: a sequence of values that were used to instantiate a Func expression. This is used
    +553                to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit.
    -555        for k in self.args:
    -556            if k not in self.arg_types:
    -557                errors.append(f"Unexpected keyword: '{k}' for {self.__class__}")
    -558        for k, mandatory in self.arg_types.items():
    -559            v = self.args.get(k)
    -560            if mandatory and (v is None or (isinstance(v, list) and not v)):
    -561                errors.append(f"Required keyword: '{k}' missing for {self.__class__}")
    -563        if (
    -564            args
    -565            and isinstance(self, Func)
    -566            and len(args) > len(self.arg_types)
    -567            and not self.is_var_len_args
    -568        ):
    -569            errors.append(
    -570                f"The number of provided arguments ({len(args)}) is greater than "
    -571                f"the maximum number of supported arguments ({len(self.arg_types)})"
    -572            )
    -574        return errors
    +555        Returns:
    +556            A list of error messages for all possible errors that were found.
    +557        """
    +558        errors: t.List[str] = []
    +560        for k in self.args:
    +561            if k not in self.arg_types:
    +562                errors.append(f"Unexpected keyword: '{k}' for {self.__class__}")
    +563        for k, mandatory in self.arg_types.items():
    +564            v = self.args.get(k)
    +565            if mandatory and (v is None or (isinstance(v, list) and not v)):
    +566                errors.append(f"Required keyword: '{k}' missing for {self.__class__}")
    +568        if (
    +569            args
    +570            and isinstance(self, Func)
    +571            and len(args) > len(self.arg_types)
    +572            and not self.is_var_len_args
    +573        ):
    +574            errors.append(
    +575                f"The number of provided arguments ({len(args)}) is greater than "
    +576                f"the maximum number of supported arguments ({len(self.arg_types)})"
    +577            )
    +579        return errors
    @@ -9107,13 +9205,13 @@ to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. -
    576    def dump(self):
    -577        """
    -578        Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict.
    -579        """
    -580        from sqlglot.serde import dump
    -582        return dump(self)
    581    def dump(self):
    +582        """
    +583        Dump this Expression to a JSON-serializable dict.
    +584        """
    +585        from sqlglot.serde import dump
    +587        return dump(self)
    @@ -9134,14 +9232,14 @@ to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. -
    584    @classmethod
    -585    def load(cls, obj):
    -586        """
    -587        Load a dict (as returned by `Expression.dump`) into an Expression instance.
    -588        """
    -589        from sqlglot.serde import load
    -591        return load(obj)
    589    @classmethod
    +590    def load(cls, obj):
    +591        """
    +592        Load a dict (as returned by `Expression.dump`) into an Expression instance.
    +593        """
    +594        from sqlglot.serde import load
    +596        return load(obj)
    @@ -9162,57 +9260,57 @@ to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. -
    601class Condition(Expression):
    -602    def and_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    -603        """
    -604        AND this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    -606        Example:
    -607            >>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql()
    -608            'x = 1 AND y = 1'
    -610        Args:
    -611            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -612                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -613            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -614            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -616        Returns:
    -617            And: the new condition.
    -618        """
    -619        return and_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    606class Condition(Expression):
    +607    def and_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    +608        """
    +609        AND this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    +611        Example:
    +612            >>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql()
    +613            'x = 1 AND y = 1'
    +615        Args:
    +616            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +617                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +618            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +619            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -621    def or_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    -622        """
    -623        OR this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    -625        Example:
    -626            >>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql()
    -627            'x = 1 OR y = 1'
    -629        Args:
    -630            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -631                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -632            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -633            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -635        Returns:
    -636            Or: the new condition.
    -637        """
    -638        return or_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +621        Returns:
    +622            And: the new condition.
    +623        """
    +624        return and_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +626    def or_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    +627        """
    +628        OR this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    +630        Example:
    +631            >>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql()
    +632            'x = 1 OR y = 1'
    +634        Args:
    +635            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +636                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +637            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +638            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -640    def not_(self):
    -641        """
    -642        Wrap this condition with NOT.
    -644        Example:
    -645            >>> condition("x=1").not_().sql()
    -646            'NOT x = 1'
    -648        Returns:
    -649            Not: the new condition.
    -650        """
    -651        return not_(self)
    +640        Returns:
    +641            Or: the new condition.
    +642        """
    +643        return or_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +645    def not_(self):
    +646        """
    +647        Wrap this condition with NOT.
    +649        Example:
    +650            >>> condition("x=1").not_().sql()
    +651            'NOT x = 1'
    +653        Returns:
    +654            Not: the new condition.
    +655        """
    +656        return not_(self)
    @@ -9229,24 +9327,24 @@ to check that the provided arguments don't exceed the function argument limit. -
    602    def and_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    -603        """
    -604        AND this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    -606        Example:
    -607            >>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql()
    -608            'x = 1 AND y = 1'
    -610        Args:
    -611            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -612                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -613            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -614            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -616        Returns:
    -617            And: the new condition.
    -618        """
    -619        return and_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    607    def and_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    +608        """
    +609        AND this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    +611        Example:
    +612            >>> condition("x=1").and_("y=1").sql()
    +613            'x = 1 AND y = 1'
    +615        Args:
    +616            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +617                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +618            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +619            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +621        Returns:
    +622            And: the new condition.
    +623        """
    +624        return and_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -9291,24 +9389,24 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    621    def or_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    -622        """
    -623        OR this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    -625        Example:
    -626            >>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql()
    -627            'x = 1 OR y = 1'
    -629        Args:
    -630            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -631                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -632            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -633            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -635        Returns:
    -636            Or: the new condition.
    -637        """
    -638        return or_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    626    def or_(self, *expressions, dialect=None, **opts):
    +627        """
    +628        OR this condition with one or multiple expressions.
    +630        Example:
    +631            >>> condition("x=1").or_("y=1").sql()
    +632            'x = 1 OR y = 1'
    +634        Args:
    +635            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +636                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +637            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +638            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +640        Returns:
    +641            Or: the new condition.
    +642        """
    +643        return or_(self, *expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -9353,18 +9451,18 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    640    def not_(self):
    -641        """
    -642        Wrap this condition with NOT.
    -644        Example:
    -645            >>> condition("x=1").not_().sql()
    -646            'NOT x = 1'
    -648        Returns:
    -649            Not: the new condition.
    -650        """
    -651        return not_(self)
    645    def not_(self):
    +646        """
    +647        Wrap this condition with NOT.
    +649        Example:
    +650            >>> condition("x=1").not_().sql()
    +651            'NOT x = 1'
    +653        Returns:
    +654            Not: the new condition.
    +655        """
    +656        return not_(self)
    @@ -9401,6 +9499,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -9442,8 +9541,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    654class Predicate(Condition):
    -655    """Relationships like x = y, x > 1, x >= y."""
    659class Predicate(Condition):
    +660    """Relationships like x = y, x > 1, x >= y."""
    @@ -9463,6 +9562,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -9510,26 +9610,26 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    658class DerivedTable(Expression):
    -659    @property
    -660    def alias_column_names(self):
    -661        table_alias = self.args.get("alias")
    -662        if not table_alias:
    -663            return []
    -664        column_list = table_alias.assert_is(TableAlias).args.get("columns") or []
    -665        return [ for c in column_list]
    -667    @property
    -668    def selects(self):
    -669        alias = self.args.get("alias")
    -671        if alias:
    -672            return alias.columns
    -673        return []
    -675    @property
    -676    def named_selects(self):
    -677        return [select.output_name for select in self.selects]
    663class DerivedTable(Expression):
    +664    @property
    +665    def alias_column_names(self):
    +666        table_alias = self.args.get("alias")
    +667        if not table_alias:
    +668            return []
    +669        column_list = table_alias.assert_is(TableAlias).args.get("columns") or []
    +670        return [ for c in column_list]
    +672    @property
    +673    def selects(self):
    +674        alias = self.args.get("alias")
    +676        if alias:
    +677            return alias.columns
    +678        return []
    +680    @property
    +681    def named_selects(self):
    +682        return [select.output_name for select in self.selects]
    @@ -9547,6 +9647,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -9588,66 +9689,66 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    680class Unionable(Expression):
    -681    def union(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -682        """
    -683        Builds a UNION expression.
    -685        Example:
    -686            >>> import sqlglot
    -687            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -688            'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'
    685class Unionable(Expression):
    +686    def union(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +687        """
    +688        Builds a UNION expression.
    -690        Args:
    -691            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    -692                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -693            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -694            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -695            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -696        Returns:
    -697            Union: the Union expression.
    -698        """
    -699        return union(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -701    def intersect(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -702        """
    -703        Builds an INTERSECT expression.
    -705        Example:
    -706            >>> import sqlglot
    -707            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -708            'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +690        Example:
    +691            >>> import sqlglot
    +692            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +693            'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'
    +695        Args:
    +696            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    +697                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +698            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +699            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +700            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +701        Returns:
    +702            Union: the Union expression.
    +703        """
    +704        return union(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +706    def intersect(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +707        """
    +708        Builds an INTERSECT expression.
    -710        Args:
    -711            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    -712                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -713            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -714            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -715            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -716        Returns:
    -717            Intersect: the Intersect expression
    -718        """
    -719        return intersect(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -721    def except_(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -722        """
    -723        Builds an EXCEPT expression.
    -725        Example:
    -726            >>> import sqlglot
    -727            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -728            'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +710        Example:
    +711            >>> import sqlglot
    +712            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +713            'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +715        Args:
    +716            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    +717                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +718            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +719            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +720            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +721        Returns:
    +722            Intersect: the Intersect expression
    +723        """
    +724        return intersect(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +726    def except_(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +727        """
    +728        Builds an EXCEPT expression.
    -730        Args:
    -731            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    -732                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -733            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -734            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -735            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -736        Returns:
    -737            Except: the Except expression
    -738        """
    -739        return except_(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +730        Example:
    +731            >>> import sqlglot
    +732            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +733            'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +735        Args:
    +736            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    +737                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +738            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +739            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +740            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +741        Returns:
    +742            Except: the Except expression
    +743        """
    +744        return except_(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -9664,25 +9765,25 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    681    def union(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -682        """
    -683        Builds a UNION expression.
    -685        Example:
    -686            >>> import sqlglot
    -687            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -688            'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'
    686    def union(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +687        """
    +688        Builds a UNION expression.
    -690        Args:
    -691            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    -692                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -693            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -694            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -695            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -696        Returns:
    -697            Union: the Union expression.
    -698        """
    -699        return union(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +690        Example:
    +691            >>> import sqlglot
    +692            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").union("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +693            'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'
    +695        Args:
    +696            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    +697                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +698            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +699            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +700            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +701        Returns:
    +702            Union: the Union expression.
    +703        """
    +704        return union(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -9729,25 +9830,25 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    701    def intersect(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -702        """
    -703        Builds an INTERSECT expression.
    -705        Example:
    -706            >>> import sqlglot
    -707            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -708            'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'
    706    def intersect(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +707        """
    +708        Builds an INTERSECT expression.
    -710        Args:
    -711            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    -712                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -713            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -714            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -715            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -716        Returns:
    -717            Intersect: the Intersect expression
    -718        """
    -719        return intersect(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +710        Example:
    +711            >>> import sqlglot
    +712            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").intersect("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +713            'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +715        Args:
    +716            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    +717                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +718            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +719            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +720            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +721        Returns:
    +722            Intersect: the Intersect expression
    +723        """
    +724        return intersect(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -9794,25 +9895,25 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    721    def except_(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -722        """
    -723        Builds an EXCEPT expression.
    -725        Example:
    -726            >>> import sqlglot
    -727            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -728            'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'
    726    def except_(self, expression, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +727        """
    +728        Builds an EXCEPT expression.
    -730        Args:
    -731            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    -732                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -733            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -734            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -735            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -736        Returns:
    -737            Except: the Except expression
    -738        """
    -739        return except_(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +730        Example:
    +731            >>> import sqlglot
    +732            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT * FROM foo").except_("SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +733            'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +735        Args:
    +736            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string.
    +737                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +738            distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +739            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +740            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +741        Returns:
    +742            Except: the Except expression
    +743        """
    +744        return except_(left=self, right=expression, distinct=distinct, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -9860,6 +9961,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -9901,8 +10003,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    742class UDTF(DerivedTable, Unionable):
    -743    pass
    747class UDTF(DerivedTable, Unionable):
    +748    pass
    @@ -9920,6 +10022,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -9967,14 +10070,14 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    746class Cache(Expression):
    -747    arg_types = {
    -748        "with": False,
    -749        "this": True,
    -750        "lazy": False,
    -751        "options": False,
    -752        "expression": False,
    -753    }
    751class Cache(Expression):
    +752    arg_types = {
    +753        "with": False,
    +754        "this": True,
    +755        "lazy": False,
    +756        "options": False,
    +757        "expression": False,
    +758    }
    @@ -9992,6 +10095,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10033,8 +10137,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    756class Uncache(Expression):
    -757    arg_types = {"this": True, "exists": False}
    761class Uncache(Expression):
    +762    arg_types = {"this": True, "exists": False}
    @@ -10052,6 +10156,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10093,31 +10198,31 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    760class Create(Expression):
    -761    arg_types = {
    -762        "with": False,
    -763        "this": True,
    -764        "kind": True,
    -765        "expression": False,
    -766        "set": False,
    -767        "multiset": False,
    -768        "global_temporary": False,
    -769        "volatile": False,
    -770        "exists": False,
    -771        "properties": False,
    -772        "temporary": False,
    -773        "transient": False,
    -774        "external": False,
    -775        "replace": False,
    -776        "unique": False,
    -777        "materialized": False,
    -778        "data": False,
    -779        "statistics": False,
    -780        "no_primary_index": False,
    -781        "indexes": False,
    -782        "no_schema_binding": False,
    -783        "begin": False,
    -784    }
    765class Create(Expression):
    +766    arg_types = {
    +767        "with": False,
    +768        "this": True,
    +769        "kind": True,
    +770        "expression": False,
    +771        "set": False,
    +772        "multiset": False,
    +773        "global_temporary": False,
    +774        "volatile": False,
    +775        "exists": False,
    +776        "properties": False,
    +777        "temporary": False,
    +778        "transient": False,
    +779        "external": False,
    +780        "replace": False,
    +781        "unique": False,
    +782        "materialized": False,
    +783        "data": False,
    +784        "statistics": False,
    +785        "no_primary_index": False,
    +786        "indexes": False,
    +787        "no_schema_binding": False,
    +788        "begin": False,
    +789    }
    @@ -10135,6 +10240,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10176,8 +10282,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    787class Describe(Expression):
    -788    arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False}
    792class Describe(Expression):
    +793    arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False}
    @@ -10195,6 +10301,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10236,8 +10343,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    791class Set(Expression):
    -792    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    796class Set(Expression):
    +797    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    @@ -10255,6 +10362,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10296,14 +10404,14 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    795class SetItem(Expression):
    -796    arg_types = {
    -797        "this": False,
    -798        "expressions": False,
    -799        "kind": False,
    -800        "collate": False,  # MySQL SET NAMES statement
    -801        "global": False,
    -802    }
    800class SetItem(Expression):
    +801    arg_types = {
    +802        "this": False,
    +803        "expressions": False,
    +804        "kind": False,
    +805        "collate": False,  # MySQL SET NAMES statement
    +806        "global": False,
    +807    }
    @@ -10321,6 +10429,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10362,24 +10471,24 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    805class Show(Expression):
    -806    arg_types = {
    -807        "this": True,
    -808        "target": False,
    -809        "offset": False,
    -810        "limit": False,
    -811        "like": False,
    -812        "where": False,
    -813        "db": False,
    -814        "full": False,
    -815        "mutex": False,
    -816        "query": False,
    -817        "channel": False,
    -818        "global": False,
    -819        "log": False,
    -820        "position": False,
    -821        "types": False,
    -822    }
    810class Show(Expression):
    +811    arg_types = {
    +812        "this": True,
    +813        "target": False,
    +814        "offset": False,
    +815        "limit": False,
    +816        "like": False,
    +817        "where": False,
    +818        "db": False,
    +819        "full": False,
    +820        "mutex": False,
    +821        "query": False,
    +822        "channel": False,
    +823        "global": False,
    +824        "log": False,
    +825        "position": False,
    +826        "types": False,
    +827    }
    @@ -10397,6 +10506,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10438,8 +10548,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    825class UserDefinedFunction(Expression):
    -826    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "wrapped": False}
    830class UserDefinedFunction(Expression):
    +831    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "wrapped": False}
    @@ -10457,6 +10567,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10498,8 +10609,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    829class CharacterSet(Expression):
    -830    arg_types = {"this": True, "default": False}
    834class CharacterSet(Expression):
    +835    arg_types = {"this": True, "default": False}
    @@ -10517,6 +10628,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10558,12 +10670,12 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    833class With(Expression):
    -834    arg_types = {"expressions": True, "recursive": False}
    -836    @property
    -837    def recursive(self) -> bool:
    -838        return bool(self.args.get("recursive"))
    838class With(Expression):
    +839    arg_types = {"expressions": True, "recursive": False}
    +841    @property
    +842    def recursive(self) -> bool:
    +843        return bool(self.args.get("recursive"))
    @@ -10581,6 +10693,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10622,8 +10735,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    841class WithinGroup(Expression):
    -842    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    846class WithinGroup(Expression):
    +847    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -10641,6 +10754,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10682,8 +10796,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    845class CTE(DerivedTable):
    -846    arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": True}
    850class CTE(DerivedTable):
    +851    arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": True}
    @@ -10701,6 +10815,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10742,12 +10857,12 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    849class TableAlias(Expression):
    -850    arg_types = {"this": False, "columns": False}
    -852    @property
    -853    def columns(self):
    -854        return self.args.get("columns") or []
    854class TableAlias(Expression):
    +855    arg_types = {"this": False, "columns": False}
    +857    @property
    +858    def columns(self):
    +859        return self.args.get("columns") or []
    @@ -10765,6 +10880,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10806,8 +10922,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    857class BitString(Condition):
    -858    pass
    862class BitString(Condition):
    +863    pass
    @@ -10825,6 +10941,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10872,8 +10989,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    861class HexString(Condition):
    -862    pass
    866class HexString(Condition):
    +867    pass
    @@ -10891,6 +11008,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -10938,8 +11056,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    865class ByteString(Condition):
    -866    pass
    870class ByteString(Condition):
    +871    pass
    @@ -10957,6 +11075,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11004,20 +11123,24 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    869class Column(Condition):
    -870    arg_types = {"this": True, "table": False, "schema": False}
    -872    @property
    -873    def table(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
    -874        return self.text("table")
    -876    @property
    -877    def schema(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
    -878        return self.text("schema")
    -880    @property
    -881    def output_name(self) -> str:
    -882        return
    874class Column(Condition):
    +875    arg_types = {"this": True, "table": False, "db": False, "catalog": False}
    +877    @property
    +878    def table(self) -> str:
    +879        return self.text("table")
    +881    @property
    +882    def db(self) -> str:
    +883        return self.text("db")
    +885    @property
    +886    def catalog(self) -> str:
    +887        return self.text("catalog")
    +889    @property
    +890    def output_name(self) -> str:
    +891        return
    @@ -11065,6 +11188,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11111,13 +11235,13 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    885class ColumnDef(Expression):
    -886    arg_types = {
    -887        "this": True,
    -888        "kind": False,
    -889        "constraints": False,
    -890        "exists": False,
    -891    }
    894class ColumnDef(Expression):
    +895    arg_types = {
    +896        "this": True,
    +897        "kind": False,
    +898        "constraints": False,
    +899        "exists": False,
    +900    }
    @@ -11135,6 +11259,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11176,15 +11301,15 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    894class AlterColumn(Expression):
    -895    arg_types = {
    -896        "this": True,
    -897        "dtype": False,
    -898        "collate": False,
    -899        "using": False,
    -900        "default": False,
    -901        "drop": False,
    -902    }
    903class AlterColumn(Expression):
    +904    arg_types = {
    +905        "this": True,
    +906        "dtype": False,
    +907        "collate": False,
    +908        "using": False,
    +909        "default": False,
    +910        "drop": False,
    +911    }
    @@ -11202,6 +11327,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11243,8 +11369,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    905class RenameTable(Expression):
    -906    pass
    914class RenameTable(Expression):
    +915    pass
    @@ -11262,6 +11388,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11303,8 +11430,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    909class ColumnConstraint(Expression):
    -910    arg_types = {"this": False, "kind": True}
    918class ColumnConstraint(Expression):
    +919    arg_types = {"this": False, "kind": True}
    @@ -11322,6 +11449,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11363,8 +11491,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    913class ColumnConstraintKind(Expression):
    -914    pass
    922class ColumnConstraintKind(Expression):
    +923    pass
    @@ -11382,6 +11510,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11423,8 +11552,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    917class AutoIncrementColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -918    pass
    926class AutoIncrementColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +927    pass
    @@ -11442,6 +11571,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11483,8 +11613,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    921class CaseSpecificColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -922    arg_types = {"not_": True}
    930class CaseSpecificColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +931    arg_types = {"not_": True}
    @@ -11502,6 +11632,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11543,8 +11674,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    925class CharacterSetColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -926    arg_types = {"this": True}
    934class CharacterSetColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +935    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -11562,6 +11693,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11603,8 +11735,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    929class CheckColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -930    pass
    938class CheckColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +939    pass
    @@ -11622,6 +11754,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11663,8 +11796,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    933class CollateColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -934    pass
    942class CollateColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +943    pass
    @@ -11682,6 +11815,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11723,8 +11857,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    937class CommentColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -938    pass
    946class CommentColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +947    pass
    @@ -11742,6 +11876,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11783,8 +11918,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    941class DateFormatColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -942    arg_types = {"this": True}
    950class DateFormatColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +951    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -11802,6 +11937,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11843,8 +11979,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    945class DefaultColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -946    pass
    954class DefaultColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +955    pass
    @@ -11862,6 +11998,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11903,8 +12040,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    949class EncodeColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -950    pass
    958class EncodeColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +959    pass
    @@ -11922,6 +12059,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -11963,16 +12101,16 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    953class GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -954    # this: True -> ALWAYS, this: False -> BY DEFAULT
    -955    arg_types = {
    -956        "this": False,
    -957        "start": False,
    -958        "increment": False,
    -959        "minvalue": False,
    -960        "maxvalue": False,
    -961        "cycle": False,
    -962    }
    962class GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +963    # this: True -> ALWAYS, this: False -> BY DEFAULT
    +964    arg_types = {
    +965        "this": False,
    +966        "start": False,
    +967        "increment": False,
    +968        "minvalue": False,
    +969        "maxvalue": False,
    +970        "cycle": False,
    +971    }
    @@ -11990,6 +12128,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12031,8 +12170,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    965class NotNullColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -966    arg_types = {"allow_null": False}
    974class NotNullColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +975    arg_types = {"allow_null": False}
    @@ -12050,6 +12189,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12091,8 +12231,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    969class PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -970    arg_types = {"desc": False}
    978class PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +979    arg_types = {"desc": False}
    @@ -12110,6 +12250,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12151,8 +12292,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    973class TitleColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -974    pass
    982class TitleColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +983    pass
    @@ -12170,6 +12311,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12211,8 +12353,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    977class UniqueColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -978    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    986class UniqueColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +987    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    @@ -12230,6 +12372,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12271,8 +12414,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    981class UppercaseColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -982    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    990class UppercaseColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +991    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    @@ -12290,6 +12433,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12331,8 +12475,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    985class PathColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    -986    pass
    994class PathColumnConstraint(ColumnConstraintKind):
    +995    pass
    @@ -12350,6 +12494,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12391,8 +12536,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    989class Constraint(Expression):
    -990    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    998class Constraint(Expression):
    +999    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -12410,6 +12555,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12451,8 +12597,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    993class Delete(Expression):
    -994    arg_types = {"with": False, "this": False, "using": False, "where": False}
    1002class Delete(Expression):
    +1003    arg_types = {"with": False, "this": False, "using": False, "where": False}
    @@ -12470,6 +12616,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12511,15 +12658,15 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
     997class Drop(Expression):
    - 998    arg_types = {
    - 999        "this": False,
    -1000        "kind": False,
    -1001        "exists": False,
    -1002        "temporary": False,
    -1003        "materialized": False,
    -1004        "cascade": False,
    -1005    }
    1006class Drop(Expression):
    +1007    arg_types = {
    +1008        "this": False,
    +1009        "kind": False,
    +1010        "exists": False,
    +1011        "temporary": False,
    +1012        "materialized": False,
    +1013        "cascade": False,
    +1014    }
    @@ -12537,6 +12684,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12578,8 +12726,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1008class Filter(Expression):
    -1009    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    1017class Filter(Expression):
    +1018    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -12597,6 +12745,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12638,8 +12787,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1012class Check(Expression):
    -1013    pass
    1021class Check(Expression):
    +1022    pass
    @@ -12657,6 +12806,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12698,9 +12848,9 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1016class Directory(Expression):
    -1017    #
    -1018    arg_types = {"this": True, "local": False, "row_format": False}
    1025class Directory(Expression):
    +1026    #
    +1027    arg_types = {"this": True, "local": False, "row_format": False}
    @@ -12718,6 +12868,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12759,13 +12910,13 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1021class ForeignKey(Expression):
    -1022    arg_types = {
    -1023        "expressions": True,
    -1024        "reference": False,
    -1025        "delete": False,
    -1026        "update": False,
    -1027    }
    1030class ForeignKey(Expression):
    +1031    arg_types = {
    +1032        "expressions": True,
    +1033        "reference": False,
    +1034        "delete": False,
    +1035        "update": False,
    +1036    }
    @@ -12783,6 +12934,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12824,8 +12976,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1030class PrimaryKey(Expression):
    -1031    arg_types = {"expressions": True, "options": False}
    1039class PrimaryKey(Expression):
    +1040    arg_types = {"expressions": True, "options": False}
    @@ -12843,6 +12995,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12884,8 +13037,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1034class Unique(Expression):
    -1035    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    1043class Unique(Expression):
    +1044    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    @@ -12903,6 +13056,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -12944,8 +13098,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1040class Into(Expression):
    -1041    arg_types = {"this": True, "temporary": False, "unlogged": False}
    1049class Into(Expression):
    +1050    arg_types = {"this": True, "temporary": False, "unlogged": False}
    @@ -12963,6 +13117,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13004,8 +13159,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1044class From(Expression):
    -1045    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    1053class From(Expression):
    +1054    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    @@ -13023,6 +13178,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13064,8 +13220,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1048class Having(Expression):
    -1049    pass
    1057class Having(Expression):
    +1058    pass
    @@ -13083,6 +13239,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13124,8 +13281,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1052class Hint(Expression):
    -1053    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    1061class Hint(Expression):
    +1062    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    @@ -13143,6 +13300,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13184,8 +13342,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1056class JoinHint(Expression):
    -1057    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    1065class JoinHint(Expression):
    +1066    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -13203,6 +13361,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13244,22 +13403,22 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1060class Identifier(Expression):
    -1061    arg_types = {"this": True, "quoted": False}
    -1063    @property
    -1064    def quoted(self):
    -1065        return bool(self.args.get("quoted"))
    -1067    def __eq__(self, other):
    -1068        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and _norm_arg(self.this) == _norm_arg(other.this)
    -1070    def __hash__(self):
    -1071        return hash((self.key, self.this.lower()))
    -1073    @property
    -1074    def output_name(self):
    -1075        return
    1069class Identifier(Expression):
    +1070    arg_types = {"this": True, "quoted": False}
    +1072    @property
    +1073    def quoted(self):
    +1074        return bool(self.args.get("quoted"))
    +1076    def __eq__(self, other):
    +1077        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and _norm_arg(self.this) == _norm_arg(other.this)
    +1079    def __hash__(self):
    +1080        return hash((self.key, self.this.lower()))
    +1082    @property
    +1083    def output_name(self):
    +1084        return
    @@ -13307,6 +13466,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13347,16 +13507,16 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1078class Index(Expression):
    -1079    arg_types = {
    -1080        "this": False,
    -1081        "table": False,
    -1082        "where": False,
    -1083        "columns": False,
    -1084        "unique": False,
    -1085        "primary": False,
    -1086        "amp": False,  # teradata
    -1087    }
    1087class Index(Expression):
    +1088    arg_types = {
    +1089        "this": False,
    +1090        "table": False,
    +1091        "where": False,
    +1092        "columns": False,
    +1093        "unique": False,
    +1094        "primary": False,
    +1095        "amp": False,  # teradata
    +1096    }
    @@ -13374,6 +13534,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13415,16 +13576,16 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1090class Insert(Expression):
    -1091    arg_types = {
    -1092        "with": False,
    -1093        "this": True,
    -1094        "expression": False,
    -1095        "overwrite": False,
    -1096        "exists": False,
    -1097        "partition": False,
    -1098        "alternative": False,
    -1099    }
    1099class Insert(Expression):
    +1100    arg_types = {
    +1101        "with": False,
    +1102        "this": True,
    +1103        "expression": False,
    +1104        "overwrite": False,
    +1105        "exists": False,
    +1106        "partition": False,
    +1107        "alternative": False,
    +1108    }
    @@ -13442,6 +13603,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13483,8 +13645,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1103class Introducer(Expression):
    -1104    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    1112class Introducer(Expression):
    +1113    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -13502,6 +13664,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13543,8 +13706,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1108class National(Expression):
    -1109    pass
    1117class National(Expression):
    +1118    pass
    @@ -13562,6 +13725,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13603,16 +13767,16 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1112class LoadData(Expression):
    -1113    arg_types = {
    -1114        "this": True,
    -1115        "local": False,
    -1116        "overwrite": False,
    -1117        "inpath": True,
    -1118        "partition": False,
    -1119        "input_format": False,
    -1120        "serde": False,
    -1121    }
    1121class LoadData(Expression):
    +1122    arg_types = {
    +1123        "this": True,
    +1124        "local": False,
    +1125        "overwrite": False,
    +1126        "inpath": True,
    +1127        "partition": False,
    +1128        "input_format": False,
    +1129        "serde": False,
    +1130    }
    @@ -13630,6 +13794,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13671,8 +13836,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1124class Partition(Expression):
    -1125    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    1133class Partition(Expression):
    +1134    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    @@ -13690,6 +13855,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13731,8 +13897,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1128class Fetch(Expression):
    -1129    arg_types = {"direction": False, "count": False}
    1137class Fetch(Expression):
    +1138    arg_types = {"direction": False, "count": False}
    @@ -13750,6 +13916,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13791,13 +13958,13 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1132class Group(Expression):
    -1133    arg_types = {
    -1134        "expressions": False,
    -1135        "grouping_sets": False,
    -1136        "cube": False,
    -1137        "rollup": False,
    -1138    }
    1141class Group(Expression):
    +1142    arg_types = {
    +1143        "expressions": False,
    +1144        "grouping_sets": False,
    +1145        "cube": False,
    +1146        "rollup": False,
    +1147    }
    @@ -13815,6 +13982,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13856,8 +14024,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1141class Lambda(Expression):
    -1142    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    1150class Lambda(Expression):
    +1151    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -13875,6 +14043,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13916,8 +14085,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1145class Limit(Expression):
    -1146    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True}
    1154class Limit(Expression):
    +1155    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True}
    @@ -13935,6 +14104,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -13976,30 +14146,30 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1149class Literal(Condition):
    -1150    arg_types = {"this": True, "is_string": True}
    -1152    def __eq__(self, other):
    -1153        return (
    -1154            isinstance(other, Literal)
    -1155            and self.this == other.this
    -1156            and self.args["is_string"] == other.args["is_string"]
    -1157        )
    -1159    def __hash__(self):
    -1160        return hash((self.key, self.this, self.args["is_string"]))
    -1162    @classmethod
    -1163    def number(cls, number) -> Literal:
    -1164        return cls(this=str(number), is_string=False)
    -1166    @classmethod
    -1167    def string(cls, string) -> Literal:
    -1168        return cls(this=str(string), is_string=True)
    -1170    @property
    -1171    def output_name(self):
    -1172        return
    1158class Literal(Condition):
    +1159    arg_types = {"this": True, "is_string": True}
    +1161    def __eq__(self, other):
    +1162        return (
    +1163            isinstance(other, Literal)
    +1164            and self.this == other.this
    +1165            and self.args["is_string"] == other.args["is_string"]
    +1166        )
    +1168    def __hash__(self):
    +1169        return hash((self.key, self.this, self.args["is_string"]))
    +1171    @classmethod
    +1172    def number(cls, number) -> Literal:
    +1173        return cls(this=str(number), is_string=False)
    +1175    @classmethod
    +1176    def string(cls, string) -> Literal:
    +1177        return cls(this=str(string), is_string=True)
    +1179    @property
    +1180    def output_name(self):
    +1181        return
    @@ -14017,9 +14187,9 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1162    @classmethod
    -1163    def number(cls, number) -> Literal:
    -1164        return cls(this=str(number), is_string=False)
    1171    @classmethod
    +1172    def number(cls, number) -> Literal:
    +1173        return cls(this=str(number), is_string=False)
    @@ -14038,9 +14208,9 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1166    @classmethod
    -1167    def string(cls, string) -> Literal:
    -1168        return cls(this=str(string), is_string=True)
    1175    @classmethod
    +1176    def string(cls, string) -> Literal:
    +1177        return cls(this=str(string), is_string=True)
    @@ -14089,6 +14259,7 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    @@ -14135,100 +14306,100 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1175class Join(Expression):
    -1176    arg_types = {
    -1177        "this": True,
    -1178        "on": False,
    -1179        "side": False,
    -1180        "kind": False,
    -1181        "using": False,
    -1182        "natural": False,
    -1183    }
    -1185    @property
    -1186    def kind(self):
    -1187        return self.text("kind").upper()
    -1189    @property
    -1190    def side(self):
    -1191        return self.text("side").upper()
    -1193    @property
    -1194    def alias_or_name(self):
    -1195        return self.this.alias_or_name
    -1197    def on(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    -1198        """
    -1199        Append to or set the ON expressions.
    -1201        Example:
    -1202            >>> import sqlglot
    -1203            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql()
    -1204            'JOIN x ON y = 1'
    1184class Join(Expression):
    +1185    arg_types = {
    +1186        "this": True,
    +1187        "on": False,
    +1188        "side": False,
    +1189        "kind": False,
    +1190        "using": False,
    +1191        "natural": False,
    +1192    }
    +1194    @property
    +1195    def kind(self):
    +1196        return self.text("kind").upper()
    +1198    @property
    +1199    def side(self):
    +1200        return self.text("side").upper()
    +1202    @property
    +1203    def alias_or_name(self):
    +1204        return self.this.alias_or_name
    -1206        Args:
    -1207            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1208                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -1209                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    -1210            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    -1211                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -1212            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -1213            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1214            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1216        Returns:
    -1217            Join: the modified join expression.
    -1218        """
    -1219        join = _apply_conjunction_builder(
    -1220            *expressions,
    -1221            instance=self,
    -1222            arg="on",
    -1223            append=append,
    -1224            dialect=dialect,
    -1225            copy=copy,
    -1226            **opts,
    -1227        )
    -1229        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    -1230            join.set("kind", None)
    -1232        return join
    -1234    def using(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    -1235        """
    -1236        Append to or set the USING expressions.
    +1206    def on(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    +1207        """
    +1208        Append to or set the ON expressions.
    +1210        Example:
    +1211            >>> import sqlglot
    +1212            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql()
    +1213            'JOIN x ON y = 1'
    +1215        Args:
    +1216            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1217                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1218                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    +1219            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    +1220                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +1221            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +1222            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1223            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1225        Returns:
    +1226            Join: the modified join expression.
    +1227        """
    +1228        join = _apply_conjunction_builder(
    +1229            *expressions,
    +1230            instance=self,
    +1231            arg="on",
    +1232            append=append,
    +1233            dialect=dialect,
    +1234            copy=copy,
    +1235            **opts,
    +1236        )
    -1238        Example:
    -1239            >>> import sqlglot
    -1240            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql()
    -1241            'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)'
    +1238        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    +1239            join.set("kind", None)
    +1241        return join
    -1243        Args:
    -1244            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1245                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -1246            append (bool): if `True`, concatenate the new expressions to the existing "using" list.
    -1247                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -1248            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -1249            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1250            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1243    def using(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    +1244        """
    +1245        Append to or set the USING expressions.
    +1247        Example:
    +1248            >>> import sqlglot
    +1249            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql()
    +1250            'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)'
    -1252        Returns:
    -1253            Join: the modified join expression.
    -1254        """
    -1255        join = _apply_list_builder(
    -1256            *expressions,
    -1257            instance=self,
    -1258            arg="using",
    -1259            append=append,
    -1260            dialect=dialect,
    -1261            copy=copy,
    -1262            **opts,
    -1263        )
    -1265        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    -1266            join.set("kind", None)
    -1268        return join
    +1252        Args:
    +1253            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1254                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1255            append (bool): if `True`, concatenate the new expressions to the existing "using" list.
    +1256                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +1257            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +1258            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1259            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1261        Returns:
    +1262            Join: the modified join expression.
    +1263        """
    +1264        join = _apply_list_builder(
    +1265            *expressions,
    +1266            instance=self,
    +1267            arg="using",
    +1268            append=append,
    +1269            dialect=dialect,
    +1270            copy=copy,
    +1271            **opts,
    +1272        )
    +1274        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    +1275            join.set("kind", None)
    +1277        return join
    @@ -14245,42 +14416,42 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    1197    def on(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    -1198        """
    -1199        Append to or set the ON expressions.
    -1201        Example:
    -1202            >>> import sqlglot
    -1203            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql()
    -1204            'JOIN x ON y = 1'
    -1206        Args:
    -1207            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1208                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -1209                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    -1210            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    -1211                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -1212            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -1213            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1214            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1216        Returns:
    -1217            Join: the modified join expression.
    -1218        """
    -1219        join = _apply_conjunction_builder(
    -1220            *expressions,
    -1221            instance=self,
    -1222            arg="on",
    -1223            append=append,
    -1224            dialect=dialect,
    -1225            copy=copy,
    -1226            **opts,
    -1227        )
    -1229        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    -1230            join.set("kind", None)
    -1232        return join
    1206    def on(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    +1207        """
    +1208        Append to or set the ON expressions.
    +1210        Example:
    +1211            >>> import sqlglot
    +1212            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).on("y = 1").sql()
    +1213            'JOIN x ON y = 1'
    +1215        Args:
    +1216            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1217                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1218                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    +1219            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    +1220                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +1221            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +1222            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1223            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1225        Returns:
    +1226            Join: the modified join expression.
    +1227        """
    +1228        join = _apply_conjunction_builder(
    +1229            *expressions,
    +1230            instance=self,
    +1231            arg="on",
    +1232            append=append,
    +1233            dialect=dialect,
    +1234            copy=copy,
    +1235            **opts,
    +1236        )
    +1238        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    +1239            join.set("kind", None)
    +1241        return join
    @@ -14330,41 +14501,41 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1234    def using(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    -1235        """
    -1236        Append to or set the USING expressions.
    -1238        Example:
    -1239            >>> import sqlglot
    -1240            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql()
    -1241            'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)'
    -1243        Args:
    -1244            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1245                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -1246            append (bool): if `True`, concatenate the new expressions to the existing "using" list.
    -1247                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -1248            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -1249            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1250            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    1243    def using(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts):
    +1244        """
    +1245        Append to or set the USING expressions.
    +1247        Example:
    +1248            >>> import sqlglot
    +1249            >>> sqlglot.parse_one("JOIN x", into=Join).using("foo", "bla").sql()
    +1250            'JOIN x USING (foo, bla)'
    -1252        Returns:
    -1253            Join: the modified join expression.
    -1254        """
    -1255        join = _apply_list_builder(
    -1256            *expressions,
    -1257            instance=self,
    -1258            arg="using",
    -1259            append=append,
    -1260            dialect=dialect,
    -1261            copy=copy,
    -1262            **opts,
    -1263        )
    -1265        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    -1266            join.set("kind", None)
    -1268        return join
    +1252        Args:
    +1253            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1254                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1255            append (bool): if `True`, concatenate the new expressions to the existing "using" list.
    +1256                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +1257            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +1258            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1259            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1261        Returns:
    +1262            Join: the modified join expression.
    +1263        """
    +1264        join = _apply_list_builder(
    +1265            *expressions,
    +1266            instance=self,
    +1267            arg="using",
    +1268            append=append,
    +1269            dialect=dialect,
    +1270            copy=copy,
    +1271            **opts,
    +1272        )
    +1274        if join.kind == "CROSS":
    +1275            join.set("kind", None)
    +1277        return join
    @@ -14414,6 +14585,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14455,8 +14627,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1271class Lateral(UDTF):
    -1272    arg_types = {"this": True, "view": False, "outer": False, "alias": False}
    1280class Lateral(UDTF):
    +1281    arg_types = {"this": True, "view": False, "outer": False, "alias": False}
    @@ -14474,6 +14646,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14521,16 +14694,16 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1275class MatchRecognize(Expression):
    -1276    arg_types = {
    -1277        "partition_by": False,
    -1278        "order": False,
    -1279        "measures": False,
    -1280        "rows": False,
    -1281        "after": False,
    -1282        "pattern": False,
    -1283        "define": False,
    -1284    }
    1284class MatchRecognize(Expression):
    +1285    arg_types = {
    +1286        "partition_by": False,
    +1287        "order": False,
    +1288        "measures": False,
    +1289        "rows": False,
    +1290        "after": False,
    +1291        "pattern": False,
    +1292        "define": False,
    +1293    }
    @@ -14548,6 +14721,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14589,8 +14763,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1289class Final(Expression):
    -1290    pass
    1298class Final(Expression):
    +1299    pass
    @@ -14608,6 +14782,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14649,8 +14824,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1293class Offset(Expression):
    -1294    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True}
    1302class Offset(Expression):
    +1303    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": True}
    @@ -14668,6 +14843,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14709,8 +14885,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1297class Order(Expression):
    -1298    arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": True}
    1306class Order(Expression):
    +1307    arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": True}
    @@ -14728,6 +14904,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14769,8 +14946,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1303class Cluster(Order):
    -1304    pass
    1312class Cluster(Order):
    +1313    pass
    @@ -14788,6 +14965,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14829,8 +15007,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1307class Distribute(Order):
    -1308    pass
    1316class Distribute(Order):
    +1317    pass
    @@ -14848,6 +15026,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14889,8 +15068,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1311class Sort(Order):
    -1312    pass
    1320class Sort(Order):
    +1321    pass
    @@ -14908,6 +15087,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -14949,8 +15129,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1315class Ordered(Expression):
    -1316    arg_types = {"this": True, "desc": True, "nulls_first": True}
    1324class Ordered(Expression):
    +1325    arg_types = {"this": True, "desc": True, "nulls_first": True}
    @@ -14968,6 +15148,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15009,8 +15190,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1319class Property(Expression):
    -1320    arg_types = {"this": True, "value": True}
    1328class Property(Expression):
    +1329    arg_types = {"this": True, "value": True}
    @@ -15028,6 +15209,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15069,8 +15251,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1323class AlgorithmProperty(Property):
    -1324    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1332class AlgorithmProperty(Property):
    +1333    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15088,6 +15270,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15129,8 +15312,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1327class DefinerProperty(Property):
    -1328    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1336class DefinerProperty(Property):
    +1337    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15148,6 +15331,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15189,8 +15373,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1331class SqlSecurityProperty(Property):
    -1332    arg_types = {"definer": True}
    1340class SqlSecurityProperty(Property):
    +1341    arg_types = {"definer": True}
    @@ -15208,6 +15392,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15249,8 +15434,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1335class TableFormatProperty(Property):
    -1336    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1344class TableFormatProperty(Property):
    +1345    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15268,6 +15453,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15309,8 +15495,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1339class PartitionedByProperty(Property):
    -1340    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1348class PartitionedByProperty(Property):
    +1349    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15328,6 +15514,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15369,8 +15556,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1343class FileFormatProperty(Property):
    -1344    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1352class FileFormatProperty(Property):
    +1353    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15388,6 +15575,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15429,8 +15617,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1347class DistKeyProperty(Property):
    -1348    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1356class DistKeyProperty(Property):
    +1357    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15448,6 +15636,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15489,8 +15678,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1351class SortKeyProperty(Property):
    -1352    arg_types = {"this": True, "compound": False}
    1360class SortKeyProperty(Property):
    +1361    arg_types = {"this": True, "compound": False}
    @@ -15508,6 +15697,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15549,8 +15739,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1355class DistStyleProperty(Property):
    -1356    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1364class DistStyleProperty(Property):
    +1365    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15568,6 +15758,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15609,8 +15800,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1359class LikeProperty(Property):
    -1360    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    1368class LikeProperty(Property):
    +1369    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    @@ -15628,6 +15819,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15669,8 +15861,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1363class LocationProperty(Property):
    -1364    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1372class LocationProperty(Property):
    +1373    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15688,6 +15880,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15729,8 +15922,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1367class EngineProperty(Property):
    -1368    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1376class EngineProperty(Property):
    +1377    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15748,6 +15941,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15789,8 +15983,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1371class AutoIncrementProperty(Property):
    -1372    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1380class AutoIncrementProperty(Property):
    +1381    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15808,6 +16002,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15849,8 +16044,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1375class CharacterSetProperty(Property):
    -1376    arg_types = {"this": True, "default": True}
    1384class CharacterSetProperty(Property):
    +1385    arg_types = {"this": True, "default": True}
    @@ -15868,6 +16063,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15909,8 +16105,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1379class CollateProperty(Property):
    -1380    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1388class CollateProperty(Property):
    +1389    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15928,6 +16124,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -15969,8 +16166,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1383class SchemaCommentProperty(Property):
    -1384    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1392class SchemaCommentProperty(Property):
    +1393    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -15988,6 +16185,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16029,8 +16227,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1387class ReturnsProperty(Property):
    -1388    arg_types = {"this": True, "is_table": False, "table": False}
    1396class ReturnsProperty(Property):
    +1397    arg_types = {"this": True, "is_table": False, "table": False}
    @@ -16048,6 +16246,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16089,8 +16288,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1391class LanguageProperty(Property):
    -1392    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1400class LanguageProperty(Property):
    +1401    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -16108,6 +16307,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16149,8 +16349,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1395class ExecuteAsProperty(Property):
    -1396    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1404class ExecuteAsProperty(Property):
    +1405    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -16168,6 +16368,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16209,8 +16410,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1399class VolatilityProperty(Property):
    -1400    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1408class VolatilityProperty(Property):
    +1409    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -16228,6 +16429,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16269,17 +16471,17 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1403class RowFormatDelimitedProperty(Property):
    -1404    #
    -1405    arg_types = {
    -1406        "fields": False,
    -1407        "escaped": False,
    -1408        "collection_items": False,
    -1409        "map_keys": False,
    -1410        "lines": False,
    -1411        "null": False,
    -1412        "serde": False,
    -1413    }
    1412class RowFormatDelimitedProperty(Property):
    +1413    #
    +1414    arg_types = {
    +1415        "fields": False,
    +1416        "escaped": False,
    +1417        "collection_items": False,
    +1418        "map_keys": False,
    +1419        "lines": False,
    +1420        "null": False,
    +1421        "serde": False,
    +1422    }
    @@ -16297,6 +16499,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16338,8 +16541,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1416class RowFormatSerdeProperty(Property):
    -1417    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1425class RowFormatSerdeProperty(Property):
    +1426    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -16357,6 +16560,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16398,8 +16602,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1420class SerdeProperties(Property):
    -1421    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    1429class SerdeProperties(Property):
    +1430    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    @@ -16417,6 +16621,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16458,8 +16663,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1424class FallbackProperty(Property):
    -1425    arg_types = {"no": True, "protection": False}
    1433class FallbackProperty(Property):
    +1434    arg_types = {"no": True, "protection": False}
    @@ -16477,6 +16682,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16518,8 +16724,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1428class WithJournalTableProperty(Property):
    -1429    arg_types = {"this": True}
    1437class WithJournalTableProperty(Property):
    +1438    arg_types = {"this": True}
    @@ -16537,6 +16743,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16578,8 +16785,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1432class LogProperty(Property):
    -1433    arg_types = {"no": True}
    1441class LogProperty(Property):
    +1442    arg_types = {"no": True}
    @@ -16597,6 +16804,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16638,8 +16846,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1436class JournalProperty(Property):
    -1437    arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "before": False}
    1445class JournalProperty(Property):
    +1446    arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "before": False}
    @@ -16657,6 +16865,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16698,8 +16907,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1440class AfterJournalProperty(Property):
    -1441    arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "local": False}
    1449class AfterJournalProperty(Property):
    +1450    arg_types = {"no": True, "dual": False, "local": False}
    @@ -16717,6 +16926,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16758,8 +16968,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1444class ChecksumProperty(Property):
    -1445    arg_types = {"on": False, "default": False}
    1453class ChecksumProperty(Property):
    +1454    arg_types = {"on": False, "default": False}
    @@ -16777,6 +16987,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16818,8 +17029,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1448class FreespaceProperty(Property):
    -1449    arg_types = {"this": True, "percent": False}
    1457class FreespaceProperty(Property):
    +1458    arg_types = {"this": True, "percent": False}
    @@ -16837,6 +17048,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16878,8 +17090,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1452class MergeBlockRatioProperty(Property):
    -1453    arg_types = {"this": False, "no": False, "default": False, "percent": False}
    1461class MergeBlockRatioProperty(Property):
    +1462    arg_types = {"this": False, "no": False, "default": False, "percent": False}
    @@ -16897,6 +17109,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16938,8 +17151,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1456class DataBlocksizeProperty(Property):
    -1457    arg_types = {"size": False, "units": False, "min": False, "default": False}
    1465class DataBlocksizeProperty(Property):
    +1466    arg_types = {"size": False, "units": False, "min": False, "default": False}
    @@ -16957,6 +17170,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -16998,8 +17212,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1460class BlockCompressionProperty(Property):
    -1461    arg_types = {"autotemp": False, "always": False, "default": True, "manual": True, "never": True}
    1469class BlockCompressionProperty(Property):
    +1470    arg_types = {"autotemp": False, "always": False, "default": True, "manual": True, "never": True}
    @@ -17017,6 +17231,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17058,14 +17273,14 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1464class IsolatedLoadingProperty(Property):
    -1465    arg_types = {
    -1466        "no": True,
    -1467        "concurrent": True,
    -1468        "for_all": True,
    -1469        "for_insert": True,
    -1470        "for_none": True,
    -1471    }
    1473class IsolatedLoadingProperty(Property):
    +1474    arg_types = {
    +1475        "no": True,
    +1476        "concurrent": True,
    +1477        "for_all": True,
    +1478        "for_insert": True,
    +1479        "for_none": True,
    +1480    }
    @@ -17083,6 +17298,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17124,14 +17340,14 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1474class LockingProperty(Property):
    -1475    arg_types = {
    -1476        "this": False,
    -1477        "kind": True,
    -1478        "for_or_in": True,
    -1479        "lock_type": True,
    -1480        "override": False,
    -1481    }
    1483class LockingProperty(Property):
    +1484    arg_types = {
    +1485        "this": False,
    +1486        "kind": True,
    +1487        "for_or_in": True,
    +1488        "lock_type": True,
    +1489        "override": False,
    +1490    }
    @@ -17149,6 +17365,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17190,64 +17407,64 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1484class Properties(Expression):
    -1485    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    -1487    NAME_TO_PROPERTY = {
    -1488        "ALGORITHM": AlgorithmProperty,
    -1489        "AUTO_INCREMENT": AutoIncrementProperty,
    -1490        "CHARACTER SET": CharacterSetProperty,
    -1491        "COLLATE": CollateProperty,
    -1492        "COMMENT": SchemaCommentProperty,
    -1493        "DEFINER": DefinerProperty,
    -1494        "DISTKEY": DistKeyProperty,
    -1495        "DISTSTYLE": DistStyleProperty,
    -1496        "ENGINE": EngineProperty,
    -1497        "EXECUTE AS": ExecuteAsProperty,
    -1498        "FORMAT": FileFormatProperty,
    -1499        "LANGUAGE": LanguageProperty,
    -1500        "LOCATION": LocationProperty,
    -1501        "PARTITIONED_BY": PartitionedByProperty,
    -1502        "RETURNS": ReturnsProperty,
    -1503        "SORTKEY": SortKeyProperty,
    -1504        "TABLE_FORMAT": TableFormatProperty,
    -1505    }
    -1507    PROPERTY_TO_NAME = {v: k for k, v in NAME_TO_PROPERTY.items()}
    -1509    # CREATE property locations
    -1510    # Form: schema specified
    -1511    #   create [POST_CREATE]
    -1512    #     table a [POST_NAME]
    -1513    #     (b int) [POST_SCHEMA]
    -1514    #     with ([POST_WITH])
    -1515    #     index (b) [POST_INDEX]
    -1516    #
    -1517    # Form: alias selection
    -1518    #   create [POST_CREATE]
    -1519    #     table a [POST_NAME]
    -1520    #     as [POST_ALIAS] (select * from b)
    -1521    #     index (c) [POST_INDEX]
    -1522    class Location(AutoName):
    -1523        POST_CREATE = auto()
    -1524        POST_NAME = auto()
    -1525        POST_SCHEMA = auto()
    -1526        POST_WITH = auto()
    -1527        POST_ALIAS = auto()
    -1528        POST_INDEX = auto()
    -1529        UNSUPPORTED = auto()
    -1531    @classmethod
    -1532    def from_dict(cls, properties_dict) -> Properties:
    -1533        expressions = []
    -1534        for key, value in properties_dict.items():
    -1535            property_cls = cls.NAME_TO_PROPERTY.get(key.upper())
    -1536            if property_cls:
    -1537                expressions.append(property_cls(this=convert(value)))
    -1538            else:
    -1539                expressions.append(Property(this=Literal.string(key), value=convert(value)))
    -1541        return cls(expressions=expressions)
    1493class Properties(Expression):
    +1494    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    +1496    NAME_TO_PROPERTY = {
    +1497        "ALGORITHM": AlgorithmProperty,
    +1498        "AUTO_INCREMENT": AutoIncrementProperty,
    +1499        "CHARACTER SET": CharacterSetProperty,
    +1500        "COLLATE": CollateProperty,
    +1501        "COMMENT": SchemaCommentProperty,
    +1502        "DEFINER": DefinerProperty,
    +1503        "DISTKEY": DistKeyProperty,
    +1504        "DISTSTYLE": DistStyleProperty,
    +1505        "ENGINE": EngineProperty,
    +1506        "EXECUTE AS": ExecuteAsProperty,
    +1507        "FORMAT": FileFormatProperty,
    +1508        "LANGUAGE": LanguageProperty,
    +1509        "LOCATION": LocationProperty,
    +1510        "PARTITIONED_BY": PartitionedByProperty,
    +1511        "RETURNS": ReturnsProperty,
    +1512        "SORTKEY": SortKeyProperty,
    +1513        "TABLE_FORMAT": TableFormatProperty,
    +1514    }
    +1516    PROPERTY_TO_NAME = {v: k for k, v in NAME_TO_PROPERTY.items()}
    +1518    # CREATE property locations
    +1519    # Form: schema specified
    +1520    #   create [POST_CREATE]
    +1521    #     table a [POST_NAME]
    +1522    #     (b int) [POST_SCHEMA]
    +1523    #     with ([POST_WITH])
    +1524    #     index (b) [POST_INDEX]
    +1525    #
    +1526    # Form: alias selection
    +1527    #   create [POST_CREATE]
    +1528    #     table a [POST_NAME]
    +1529    #     as [POST_ALIAS] (select * from b)
    +1530    #     index (c) [POST_INDEX]
    +1531    class Location(AutoName):
    +1532        POST_CREATE = auto()
    +1533        POST_NAME = auto()
    +1534        POST_SCHEMA = auto()
    +1535        POST_WITH = auto()
    +1536        POST_ALIAS = auto()
    +1537        POST_INDEX = auto()
    +1538        UNSUPPORTED = auto()
    +1540    @classmethod
    +1541    def from_dict(cls, properties_dict) -> Properties:
    +1542        expressions = []
    +1543        for key, value in properties_dict.items():
    +1544            property_cls = cls.NAME_TO_PROPERTY.get(key.upper())
    +1545            if property_cls:
    +1546                expressions.append(property_cls(this=convert(value)))
    +1547            else:
    +1548                expressions.append(Property(this=Literal.string(key), value=convert(value)))
    +1550        return cls(expressions=expressions)
    @@ -17265,17 +17482,17 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1531    @classmethod
    -1532    def from_dict(cls, properties_dict) -> Properties:
    -1533        expressions = []
    -1534        for key, value in properties_dict.items():
    -1535            property_cls = cls.NAME_TO_PROPERTY.get(key.upper())
    -1536            if property_cls:
    -1537                expressions.append(property_cls(this=convert(value)))
    -1538            else:
    -1539                expressions.append(Property(this=Literal.string(key), value=convert(value)))
    -1541        return cls(expressions=expressions)
    1540    @classmethod
    +1541    def from_dict(cls, properties_dict) -> Properties:
    +1542        expressions = []
    +1543        for key, value in properties_dict.items():
    +1544            property_cls = cls.NAME_TO_PROPERTY.get(key.upper())
    +1545            if property_cls:
    +1546                expressions.append(property_cls(this=convert(value)))
    +1547            else:
    +1548                expressions.append(Property(this=Literal.string(key), value=convert(value)))
    +1550        return cls(expressions=expressions)
    @@ -17294,6 +17511,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17335,14 +17553,14 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1522    class Location(AutoName):
    -1523        POST_CREATE = auto()
    -1524        POST_NAME = auto()
    -1525        POST_SCHEMA = auto()
    -1526        POST_WITH = auto()
    -1527        POST_ALIAS = auto()
    -1528        POST_INDEX = auto()
    -1529        UNSUPPORTED = auto()
    1531    class Location(AutoName):
    +1532        POST_CREATE = auto()
    +1533        POST_NAME = auto()
    +1534        POST_SCHEMA = auto()
    +1535        POST_WITH = auto()
    +1536        POST_ALIAS = auto()
    +1537        POST_INDEX = auto()
    +1538        UNSUPPORTED = auto()
    @@ -17449,8 +17667,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1544class Qualify(Expression):
    -1545    pass
    1553class Qualify(Expression):
    +1554    pass
    @@ -17468,6 +17686,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17509,8 +17728,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1549class Return(Expression):
    -1550    pass
    1558class Return(Expression):
    +1559    pass
    @@ -17528,6 +17747,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17569,8 +17789,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1553class Reference(Expression):
    -1554    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "options": False}
    1562class Reference(Expression):
    +1563    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False, "options": False}
    @@ -17588,6 +17808,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17629,8 +17850,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1557class Tuple(Expression):
    -1558    arg_types = {"expressions": False}
    1566class Tuple(Expression):
    +1567    arg_types = {"expressions": False}
    @@ -17648,6 +17869,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    @@ -17689,103 +17911,103 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1561class Subqueryable(Unionable):
    -1562    def subquery(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> Subquery:
    -1563        """
    -1564        Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery.
    -1566        Example:
    -1567            >>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery()
    -1568            >>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql()
    -1569            'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)'
    -1571        Args:
    -1572            alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery
    -1573            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    1570class Subqueryable(Unionable):
    +1571    def subquery(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> Subquery:
    +1572        """
    +1573        Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery.
    -1575        Returns:
    -1576            Alias: the subquery
    -1577        """
    -1578        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -1579        return Subquery(
    -1580            this=instance,
    -1581            alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)),
    -1582        )
    +1575        Example:
    +1576            >>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery()
    +1577            >>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql()
    +1578            'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)'
    +1580        Args:
    +1581            alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery
    +1582            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1584    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1585        raise NotImplementedError
    -1587    @property
    -1588    def ctes(self):
    -1589        with_ = self.args.get("with")
    -1590        if not with_:
    -1591            return []
    -1592        return with_.expressions
    -1594    @property
    -1595    def selects(self):
    -1596        raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `selects`")
    -1598    @property
    -1599    def named_selects(self):
    -1600        raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `named_selects`")
    -1602    def with_(
    -1603        self,
    -1604        alias,
    -1605        as_,
    -1606        recursive=None,
    -1607        append=True,
    -1608        dialect=None,
    -1609        copy=True,
    -1610        **opts,
    -1611    ):
    -1612        """
    -1613        Append to or set the common table expressions.
    -1615        Example:
    -1616            >>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql()
    -1617            'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2'
    -1619        Args:
    -1620            alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    -1621                If an `Expression` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1622            as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression.
    -1623                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -1624            recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to `False`.
    -1625            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1626                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -1627            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1628            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1629            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1631        Returns:
    -1632            Select: the modified expression.
    -1633        """
    -1634        alias_expression = maybe_parse(
    -1635            alias,
    -1636            dialect=dialect,
    -1637            into=TableAlias,
    -1638            **opts,
    -1639        )
    -1640        as_expression = maybe_parse(
    -1641            as_,
    -1642            dialect=dialect,
    -1643            **opts,
    -1644        )
    -1645        cte = CTE(
    -1646            this=as_expression,
    -1647            alias=alias_expression,
    +1584        Returns:
    +1585            Alias: the subquery
    +1586        """
    +1587        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +1588        return Subquery(
    +1589            this=instance,
    +1590            alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)),
    +1591        )
    +1593    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1594        raise NotImplementedError
    +1596    @property
    +1597    def ctes(self):
    +1598        with_ = self.args.get("with")
    +1599        if not with_:
    +1600            return []
    +1601        return with_.expressions
    +1603    @property
    +1604    def selects(self):
    +1605        raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `selects`")
    +1607    @property
    +1608    def named_selects(self):
    +1609        raise NotImplementedError("Subqueryable objects must implement `named_selects`")
    +1611    def with_(
    +1612        self,
    +1613        alias,
    +1614        as_,
    +1615        recursive=None,
    +1616        append=True,
    +1617        dialect=None,
    +1618        copy=True,
    +1619        **opts,
    +1620    ):
    +1621        """
    +1622        Append to or set the common table expressions.
    +1624        Example:
    +1625            >>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql()
    +1626            'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2'
    +1628        Args:
    +1629            alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    +1630                If an `Expression` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1631            as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression.
    +1632                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1633            recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to `False`.
    +1634            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1635                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +1636            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1637            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1638            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1640        Returns:
    +1641            Select: the modified expression.
    +1642        """
    +1643        alias_expression = maybe_parse(
    +1644            alias,
    +1645            dialect=dialect,
    +1646            into=TableAlias,
    +1647            **opts,
     1648        )
    -1649        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1650            cte,
    -1651            instance=self,
    -1652            arg="with",
    -1653            append=append,
    -1654            copy=copy,
    -1655            into=With,
    -1656            properties={"recursive": recursive or False},
    +1649        as_expression = maybe_parse(
    +1650            as_,
    +1651            dialect=dialect,
    +1652            **opts,
    +1653        )
    +1654        cte = CTE(
    +1655            this=as_expression,
    +1656            alias=alias_expression,
     1657        )
    +1658        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1659            cte,
    +1660            instance=self,
    +1661            arg="with",
    +1662            append=append,
    +1663            copy=copy,
    +1664            into=With,
    +1665            properties={"recursive": recursive or False},
    +1666        )
    @@ -17802,27 +18024,27 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1562    def subquery(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> Subquery:
    -1563        """
    -1564        Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery.
    -1566        Example:
    -1567            >>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery()
    -1568            >>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql()
    -1569            'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)'
    -1571        Args:
    -1572            alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery
    -1573            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    1571    def subquery(self, alias=None, copy=True) -> Subquery:
    +1572        """
    +1573        Convert this expression to an aliased expression that can be used as a Subquery.
    -1575        Returns:
    -1576            Alias: the subquery
    -1577        """
    -1578        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -1579        return Subquery(
    -1580            this=instance,
    -1581            alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)),
    -1582        )
    +1575        Example:
    +1576            >>> subquery = Select().select("x").from_("tbl").subquery()
    +1577            >>> Select().select("x").from_(subquery).sql()
    +1578            'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl)'
    +1580        Args:
    +1581            alias (str | Identifier): an optional alias for the subquery
    +1582            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1584        Returns:
    +1585            Alias: the subquery
    +1586        """
    +1587        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +1588        return Subquery(
    +1589            this=instance,
    +1590            alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)),
    +1591        )
    @@ -17866,8 +18088,8 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1584    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1585        raise NotImplementedError
    1593    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1594        raise NotImplementedError
    @@ -17885,62 +18107,62 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    1602    def with_(
    -1603        self,
    -1604        alias,
    -1605        as_,
    -1606        recursive=None,
    -1607        append=True,
    -1608        dialect=None,
    -1609        copy=True,
    -1610        **opts,
    -1611    ):
    -1612        """
    -1613        Append to or set the common table expressions.
    -1615        Example:
    -1616            >>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql()
    -1617            'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2'
    -1619        Args:
    -1620            alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    -1621                If an `Expression` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1622            as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression.
    -1623                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -1624            recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to `False`.
    -1625            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1626                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -1627            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1628            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1629            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1631        Returns:
    -1632            Select: the modified expression.
    -1633        """
    -1634        alias_expression = maybe_parse(
    -1635            alias,
    -1636            dialect=dialect,
    -1637            into=TableAlias,
    -1638            **opts,
    -1639        )
    -1640        as_expression = maybe_parse(
    -1641            as_,
    -1642            dialect=dialect,
    -1643            **opts,
    -1644        )
    -1645        cte = CTE(
    -1646            this=as_expression,
    -1647            alias=alias_expression,
    1611    def with_(
    +1612        self,
    +1613        alias,
    +1614        as_,
    +1615        recursive=None,
    +1616        append=True,
    +1617        dialect=None,
    +1618        copy=True,
    +1619        **opts,
    +1620    ):
    +1621        """
    +1622        Append to or set the common table expressions.
    +1624        Example:
    +1625            >>> Select().with_("tbl2", as_="SELECT * FROM tbl").select("x").from_("tbl2").sql()
    +1626            'WITH tbl2 AS (SELECT * FROM tbl) SELECT x FROM tbl2'
    +1628        Args:
    +1629            alias (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    +1630                If an `Expression` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1631            as_ (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table expression.
    +1632                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1633            recursive (bool): set the RECURSIVE part of the expression. Defaults to `False`.
    +1634            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1635                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +1636            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1637            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1638            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1640        Returns:
    +1641            Select: the modified expression.
    +1642        """
    +1643        alias_expression = maybe_parse(
    +1644            alias,
    +1645            dialect=dialect,
    +1646            into=TableAlias,
    +1647            **opts,
     1648        )
    -1649        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1650            cte,
    -1651            instance=self,
    -1652            arg="with",
    -1653            append=append,
    -1654            copy=copy,
    -1655            into=With,
    -1656            properties={"recursive": recursive or False},
    +1649        as_expression = maybe_parse(
    +1650            as_,
    +1651            dialect=dialect,
    +1652            **opts,
    +1653        )
    +1654        cte = CTE(
    +1655            this=as_expression,
    +1656            alias=alias_expression,
     1657        )
    +1658        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1659            cte,
    +1660            instance=self,
    +1661            arg="with",
    +1662            append=append,
    +1663            copy=copy,
    +1664            into=With,
    +1665            properties={"recursive": recursive or False},
    +1666        )
    @@ -17992,6 +18214,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    @@ -18039,18 +18262,26 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    1680class Table(Expression):
    -1681    arg_types = {
    -1682        "this": True,
    -1683        "alias": False,
    -1684        "db": False,
    -1685        "catalog": False,
    -1686        "laterals": False,
    -1687        "joins": False,
    -1688        "pivots": False,
    -1689        "hints": False,
    -1690        "system_time": False,
    -1691    }
    1689class Table(Expression):
    +1690    arg_types = {
    +1691        "this": True,
    +1692        "alias": False,
    +1693        "db": False,
    +1694        "catalog": False,
    +1695        "laterals": False,
    +1696        "joins": False,
    +1697        "pivots": False,
    +1698        "hints": False,
    +1699        "system_time": False,
    +1700    }
    +1702    @property
    +1703    def db(self) -> str:
    +1704        return self.text("db")
    +1706    @property
    +1707    def catalog(self) -> str:
    +1708        return self.text("catalog")
    @@ -18068,6 +18299,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    @@ -18109,12 +18341,12 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    1695class SystemTime(Expression):
    -1696    arg_types = {
    -1697        "this": False,
    -1698        "expression": False,
    -1699        "kind": True,
    -1700    }
    1712class SystemTime(Expression):
    +1713    arg_types = {
    +1714        "this": False,
    +1715        "expression": False,
    +1716        "kind": True,
    +1717    }
    @@ -18132,6 +18364,7 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    @@ -18173,56 +18406,90 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    1703class Union(Subqueryable):
    -1704    arg_types = {
    -1705        "with": False,
    -1706        "this": True,
    -1707        "expression": True,
    -1708        "distinct": False,
    -1709        **QUERY_MODIFIERS,
    -1710    }
    -1712    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1713        """
    -1714        Set the LIMIT expression.
    -1716        Example:
    -1717            >>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql()
    -1718            'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1'
    -1720        Args:
    -1721            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -1722                This can also be an integer.
    -1723                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1724                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    -1725            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1726            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1727            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    1720class Union(Subqueryable):
    +1721    arg_types = {
    +1722        "with": False,
    +1723        "this": True,
    +1724        "expression": True,
    +1725        "distinct": False,
    +1726        **QUERY_MODIFIERS,
    +1727    }
    -1729        Returns:
    -1730            Select: The limited subqueryable.
    -1731        """
    -1732        return (
    -1733            select("*")
    -1734            .from_(self.subquery(alias="_l_0", copy=copy))
    -1735            .limit(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts)
    -1736        )
    -1738    @property
    -1739    def named_selects(self):
    -1740        return self.this.unnest().named_selects
    -1742    @property
    -1743    def selects(self):
    -1744        return self.this.unnest().selects
    +1729    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1730        """
    +1731        Set the LIMIT expression.
    +1733        Example:
    +1734            >>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql()
    +1735            'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1'
    +1737        Args:
    +1738            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +1739                This can also be an integer.
    +1740                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1741                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    +1742            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1743            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1744            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1746    @property
    -1747    def left(self):
    -1748        return self.this
    -1750    @property
    -1751    def right(self):
    -1752        return self.expression
    +1746        Returns:
    +1747            Select: The limited subqueryable.
    +1748        """
    +1749        return (
    +1750            select("*")
    +1751            .from_(self.subquery(alias="_l_0", copy=copy))
    +1752            .limit(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts)
    +1753        )
    +1755    def select(
    +1756        self,
    +1757        *expressions: str | Expression,
    +1758        append: bool = True,
    +1759        dialect: DialectType = None,
    +1760        copy: bool = True,
    +1761        **opts,
    +1762    ) -> Union:
    +1763        """Append to or set the SELECT of the union recursively.
    +1765        Example:
    +1766            >>> from sqlglot import parse_one
    +1767            >>> parse_one("select a from x union select a from y union select a from z").select("b").sql()
    +1768            'SELECT a, b FROM x UNION SELECT a, b FROM y UNION SELECT a, b FROM z'
    +1770        Args:
    +1771            *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1772                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1773            append: if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1774                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +1775            dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +1776            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1777            opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1779        Returns:
    +1780            Union: the modified expression.
    +1781        """
    +1782        this = self.copy() if copy else self
    +1783        this.this.unnest().select(*expressions, append=append, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts)
    +1784        this.expression.unnest().select(
    +1785            *expressions, append=append, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts
    +1786        )
    +1787        return this
    +1789    @property
    +1790    def named_selects(self):
    +1791        return self.this.unnest().named_selects
    +1793    @property
    +1794    def selects(self):
    +1795        return self.this.unnest().selects
    +1797    @property
    +1798    def left(self):
    +1799        return self.this
    +1801    @property
    +1802    def right(self):
    +1803        return self.expression
    @@ -18239,31 +18506,31 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    1712    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1713        """
    -1714        Set the LIMIT expression.
    -1716        Example:
    -1717            >>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql()
    -1718            'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1'
    -1720        Args:
    -1721            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -1722                This can also be an integer.
    -1723                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1724                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    -1725            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1726            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1727            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1729        Returns:
    -1730            Select: The limited subqueryable.
    -1731        """
    -1732        return (
    -1733            select("*")
    -1734            .from_(self.subquery(alias="_l_0", copy=copy))
    -1735            .limit(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts)
    -1736        )
    1729    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1730        """
    +1731        Set the LIMIT expression.
    +1733        Example:
    +1734            >>> select("1").union(select("1")).limit(1).sql()
    +1735            'SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1) AS _l_0 LIMIT 1'
    +1737        Args:
    +1738            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +1739                This can also be an integer.
    +1740                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1741                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    +1742            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1743            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1744            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1746        Returns:
    +1747            Select: The limited subqueryable.
    +1748        """
    +1749        return (
    +1750            select("*")
    +1751            .from_(self.subquery(alias="_l_0", copy=copy))
    +1752            .limit(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts)
    +1753        )
    @@ -18299,6 +18566,87 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    + +
    + + def + select( self, *expressions: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, append: bool = True, dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None, copy: bool = True, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Union: + + + +
    + +
    1755    def select(
    +1756        self,
    +1757        *expressions: str | Expression,
    +1758        append: bool = True,
    +1759        dialect: DialectType = None,
    +1760        copy: bool = True,
    +1761        **opts,
    +1762    ) -> Union:
    +1763        """Append to or set the SELECT of the union recursively.
    +1765        Example:
    +1766            >>> from sqlglot import parse_one
    +1767            >>> parse_one("select a from x union select a from y union select a from z").select("b").sql()
    +1768            'SELECT a, b FROM x UNION SELECT a, b FROM y UNION SELECT a, b FROM z'
    +1770        Args:
    +1771            *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1772                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +1773            append: if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1774                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +1775            dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +1776            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1777            opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1779        Returns:
    +1780            Union: the modified expression.
    +1781        """
    +1782        this = self.copy() if copy else self
    +1783        this.this.unnest().select(*expressions, append=append, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts)
    +1784        this.expression.unnest().select(
    +1785            *expressions, append=append, dialect=dialect, copy=False, **opts
    +1786        )
    +1787        return this
    + + +

    Append to or set the SELECT of the union recursively.

    + +
    + +
    >>> from sqlglot import parse_one
    +>>> parse_one("select a from x union select a from y union select a from z").select("b").sql()
    + +
    + +
    • *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse. +If an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    • +
    • append: if True, add to any existing expressions. +Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    • +
    • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    • +
    • copy: if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
    • +
    • opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    • +
    + +
    + +

    Union: the modified expression.

    + +
    Inherited Members
    @@ -18312,6 +18660,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18364,8 +18713,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1755class Except(Union):
    -1756    pass
    1806class Except(Union):
    +1807    pass
    @@ -18383,6 +18732,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18412,6 +18762,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18439,8 +18790,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1759class Intersect(Union):
    -1760    pass
    1810class Intersect(Union):
    +1811    pass
    @@ -18458,6 +18809,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18487,6 +18839,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18514,13 +18867,13 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1763class Unnest(UDTF):
    -1764    arg_types = {
    -1765        "expressions": True,
    -1766        "ordinality": False,
    -1767        "alias": False,
    -1768        "offset": False,
    -1769    }
    1814class Unnest(UDTF):
    +1815    arg_types = {
    +1816        "expressions": True,
    +1817        "ordinality": False,
    +1818        "alias": False,
    +1819        "offset": False,
    +1820    }
    @@ -18538,6 +18891,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18585,14 +18939,14 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1772class Update(Expression):
    -1773    arg_types = {
    -1774        "with": False,
    -1775        "this": False,
    -1776        "expressions": True,
    -1777        "from": False,
    -1778        "where": False,
    -1779    }
    1823class Update(Expression):
    +1824    arg_types = {
    +1825        "with": False,
    +1826        "this": False,
    +1827        "expressions": True,
    +1828        "from": False,
    +1829        "where": False,
    +1830    }
    @@ -18610,6 +18964,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18651,12 +19006,12 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1782class Values(UDTF):
    -1783    arg_types = {
    -1784        "expressions": True,
    -1785        "ordinality": False,
    -1786        "alias": False,
    -1787    }
    1833class Values(UDTF):
    +1834    arg_types = {
    +1835        "expressions": True,
    +1836        "ordinality": False,
    +1837        "alias": False,
    +1838    }
    @@ -18674,6 +19029,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18721,8 +19077,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1790class Var(Expression):
    -1791    pass
    1841class Var(Expression):
    +1842    pass
    @@ -18740,6 +19096,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18781,8 +19138,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1794class Schema(Expression):
    -1795    arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": False}
    1845class Schema(Expression):
    +1846    arg_types = {"this": False, "expressions": False}
    @@ -18800,6 +19157,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18841,8 +19199,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1800class Lock(Expression):
    -1801    arg_types = {"update": True}
    1851class Lock(Expression):
    +1852    arg_types = {"update": True}
    @@ -18860,6 +19218,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -18901,567 +19260,574 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1804class Select(Subqueryable):
    -1805    arg_types = {
    -1806        "with": False,
    -1807        "expressions": False,
    -1808        "hint": False,
    -1809        "distinct": False,
    -1810        "into": False,
    -1811        "from": False,
    -1812        **QUERY_MODIFIERS,
    -1813    }
    -1815    def from_(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1816        """
    -1817        Set the FROM expression.
    -1819        Example:
    -1820            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql()
    -1821            'SELECT x FROM tbl'
    -1823        Args:
    -1824            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1825                If a `From` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1826                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `From`.
    -1827            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1828                Otherwise, this flattens all the `From` expression into a single expression.
    -1829            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1830            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1831            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1833        Returns:
    -1834            Select: the modified expression.
    -1835        """
    -1836        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1837            *expressions,
    -1838            instance=self,
    -1839            arg="from",
    -1840            append=append,
    -1841            copy=copy,
    -1842            prefix="FROM",
    -1843            into=From,
    -1844            dialect=dialect,
    -1845            **opts,
    -1846        )
    -1848    def group_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1849        """
    -1850        Set the GROUP BY expression.
    -1852        Example:
    -1853            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql()
    -1854            'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x'
    -1856        Args:
    -1857            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1858                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1859                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Group`.
    -1860                If nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression
    -1861            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1862                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Group` expression into a single expression.
    -1863            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1864            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1865            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1867        Returns:
    -1868            Select: the modified expression.
    -1869        """
    -1870        if not expressions:
    -1871            return self if not copy else self.copy()
    -1872        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1873            *expressions,
    -1874            instance=self,
    -1875            arg="group",
    -1876            append=append,
    -1877            copy=copy,
    -1878            prefix="GROUP BY",
    -1879            into=Group,
    -1880            dialect=dialect,
    -1881            **opts,
    -1882        )
    1855class Select(Subqueryable):
    +1856    arg_types = {
    +1857        "with": False,
    +1858        "expressions": False,
    +1859        "hint": False,
    +1860        "distinct": False,
    +1861        "into": False,
    +1862        "from": False,
    +1863        **QUERY_MODIFIERS,
    +1864    }
    +1866    def from_(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1867        """
    +1868        Set the FROM expression.
    +1870        Example:
    +1871            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql()
    +1872            'SELECT x FROM tbl'
    +1874        Args:
    +1875            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1876                If a `From` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1877                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `From`.
    +1878            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1879                Otherwise, this flattens all the `From` expression into a single expression.
    +1880            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1881            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1882            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1884    def order_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1885        """
    -1886        Set the ORDER BY expression.
    -1888        Example:
    -1889            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql()
    -1890            'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC'
    -1892        Args:
    -1893            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1894                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1895                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Order`.
    -1896            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1897                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    -1898            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1899            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1900            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1902        Returns:
    -1903            Select: the modified expression.
    -1904        """
    -1905        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1906            *expressions,
    -1907            instance=self,
    -1908            arg="order",
    -1909            append=append,
    -1910            copy=copy,
    -1911            prefix="ORDER BY",
    -1912            into=Order,
    -1913            dialect=dialect,
    -1914            **opts,
    -1915        )
    -1917    def sort_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1918        """
    -1919        Set the SORT BY expression.
    -1921        Example:
    -1922            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql()
    -1923            'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC'
    -1925        Args:
    -1926            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1927                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1928                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `SORT`.
    -1929            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1930                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    -1931            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1932            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1933            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1884        Returns:
    +1885            Select: the modified expression.
    +1886        """
    +1887        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1888            *expressions,
    +1889            instance=self,
    +1890            arg="from",
    +1891            append=append,
    +1892            copy=copy,
    +1893            prefix="FROM",
    +1894            into=From,
    +1895            dialect=dialect,
    +1896            **opts,
    +1897        )
    +1899    def group_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1900        """
    +1901        Set the GROUP BY expression.
    +1903        Example:
    +1904            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql()
    +1905            'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x'
    +1907        Args:
    +1908            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1909                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1910                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Group`.
    +1911                If nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression
    +1912            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1913                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Group` expression into a single expression.
    +1914            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1915            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1916            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1918        Returns:
    +1919            Select: the modified expression.
    +1920        """
    +1921        if not expressions:
    +1922            return self if not copy else self.copy()
    +1923        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1924            *expressions,
    +1925            instance=self,
    +1926            arg="group",
    +1927            append=append,
    +1928            copy=copy,
    +1929            prefix="GROUP BY",
    +1930            into=Group,
    +1931            dialect=dialect,
    +1932            **opts,
    +1933        )
    -1935        Returns:
    -1936            Select: the modified expression.
    -1937        """
    -1938        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1939            *expressions,
    -1940            instance=self,
    -1941            arg="sort",
    -1942            append=append,
    -1943            copy=copy,
    -1944            prefix="SORT BY",
    -1945            into=Sort,
    -1946            dialect=dialect,
    -1947            **opts,
    -1948        )
    -1950    def cluster_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1951        """
    -1952        Set the CLUSTER BY expression.
    -1954        Example:
    -1955            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql()
    -1956            'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC'
    -1958        Args:
    -1959            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1960                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1961                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Cluster`.
    -1962            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1963                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    -1964            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1965            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1966            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1935    def order_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1936        """
    +1937        Set the ORDER BY expression.
    +1939        Example:
    +1940            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql()
    +1941            'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC'
    +1943        Args:
    +1944            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1945                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1946                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Order`.
    +1947            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1948                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    +1949            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1950            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1951            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1953        Returns:
    +1954            Select: the modified expression.
    +1955        """
    +1956        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1957            *expressions,
    +1958            instance=self,
    +1959            arg="order",
    +1960            append=append,
    +1961            copy=copy,
    +1962            prefix="ORDER BY",
    +1963            into=Order,
    +1964            dialect=dialect,
    +1965            **opts,
    +1966        )
    -1968        Returns:
    -1969            Select: the modified expression.
    -1970        """
    -1971        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1972            *expressions,
    -1973            instance=self,
    -1974            arg="cluster",
    -1975            append=append,
    -1976            copy=copy,
    -1977            prefix="CLUSTER BY",
    -1978            into=Cluster,
    -1979            dialect=dialect,
    -1980            **opts,
    -1981        )
    -1983    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1984        """
    -1985        Set the LIMIT expression.
    -1987        Example:
    -1988            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql()
    -1989            'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10'
    -1991        Args:
    -1992            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -1993                This can also be an integer.
    -1994                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1995                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    -1996            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1997            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1998            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2000        Returns:
    -2001            Select: the modified expression.
    -2002        """
    -2003        return _apply_builder(
    -2004            expression=expression,
    -2005            instance=self,
    -2006            arg="limit",
    -2007            into=Limit,
    -2008            prefix="LIMIT",
    -2009            dialect=dialect,
    -2010            copy=copy,
    -2011            **opts,
    -2012        )
    -2014    def offset(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2015        """
    -2016        Set the OFFSET expression.
    -2018        Example:
    -2019            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql()
    -2020            'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10'
    -2022        Args:
    -2023            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -2024                This can also be an integer.
    -2025                If a `Offset` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -2026                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Offset`.
    -2027            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -2028            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2029            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2031        Returns:
    -2032            Select: the modified expression.
    -2033        """
    -2034        return _apply_builder(
    -2035            expression=expression,
    -2036            instance=self,
    -2037            arg="offset",
    -2038            into=Offset,
    -2039            prefix="OFFSET",
    -2040            dialect=dialect,
    -2041            copy=copy,
    -2042            **opts,
    -2043        )
    -2045    def select(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2046        """
    -2047        Append to or set the SELECT expressions.
    -2049        Example:
    -2050            >>> Select().select("x", "y").sql()
    -2051            'SELECT x, y'
    -2053        Args:
    -2054            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2055                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2056            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -2057                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -2058            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2059            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2060            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2062        Returns:
    -2063            Select: the modified expression.
    -2064        """
    -2065        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2066            *expressions,
    -2067            instance=self,
    -2068            arg="expressions",
    -2069            append=append,
    -2070            dialect=dialect,
    -2071            copy=copy,
    -2072            **opts,
    -2073        )
    -2075    def lateral(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2076        """
    -2077        Append to or set the LATERAL expressions.
    -2079        Example:
    -2080            >>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql()
    -2081            'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z'
    -2083        Args:
    -2084            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2085                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2086            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -2087                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -2088            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2089            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2090            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2092        Returns:
    -2093            Select: the modified expression.
    -2094        """
    -2095        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2096            *expressions,
    -2097            instance=self,
    -2098            arg="laterals",
    -2099            append=append,
    -2100            into=Lateral,
    -2101            prefix="LATERAL VIEW",
    -2102            dialect=dialect,
    -2103            copy=copy,
    -2104            **opts,
    -2105        )
    +1968    def sort_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1969        """
    +1970        Set the SORT BY expression.
    +1972        Example:
    +1973            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql()
    +1974            'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC'
    +1976        Args:
    +1977            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1978                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1979                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `SORT`.
    +1980            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1981                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    +1982            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1983            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1984            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1986        Returns:
    +1987            Select: the modified expression.
    +1988        """
    +1989        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1990            *expressions,
    +1991            instance=self,
    +1992            arg="sort",
    +1993            append=append,
    +1994            copy=copy,
    +1995            prefix="SORT BY",
    +1996            into=Sort,
    +1997            dialect=dialect,
    +1998            **opts,
    +1999        )
    +2001    def cluster_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2002        """
    +2003        Set the CLUSTER BY expression.
    +2005        Example:
    +2006            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql()
    +2007            'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC'
    +2009        Args:
    +2010            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2011                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +2012                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Cluster`.
    +2013            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2014                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    +2015            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +2016            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2017            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2019        Returns:
    +2020            Select: the modified expression.
    +2021        """
    +2022        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +2023            *expressions,
    +2024            instance=self,
    +2025            arg="cluster",
    +2026            append=append,
    +2027            copy=copy,
    +2028            prefix="CLUSTER BY",
    +2029            into=Cluster,
    +2030            dialect=dialect,
    +2031            **opts,
    +2032        )
    +2034    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2035        """
    +2036        Set the LIMIT expression.
    +2038        Example:
    +2039            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql()
    +2040            'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10'
    +2042        Args:
    +2043            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +2044                This can also be an integer.
    +2045                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +2046                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    +2047            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +2048            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2049            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2051        Returns:
    +2052            Select: the modified expression.
    +2053        """
    +2054        return _apply_builder(
    +2055            expression=expression,
    +2056            instance=self,
    +2057            arg="limit",
    +2058            into=Limit,
    +2059            prefix="LIMIT",
    +2060            dialect=dialect,
    +2061            copy=copy,
    +2062            **opts,
    +2063        )
    +2065    def offset(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2066        """
    +2067        Set the OFFSET expression.
    +2069        Example:
    +2070            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql()
    +2071            'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10'
    +2073        Args:
    +2074            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +2075                This can also be an integer.
    +2076                If a `Offset` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +2077                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Offset`.
    +2078            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +2079            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2080            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2082        Returns:
    +2083            Select: the modified expression.
    +2084        """
    +2085        return _apply_builder(
    +2086            expression=expression,
    +2087            instance=self,
    +2088            arg="offset",
    +2089            into=Offset,
    +2090            prefix="OFFSET",
    +2091            dialect=dialect,
    +2092            copy=copy,
    +2093            **opts,
    +2094        )
    +2096    def select(
    +2097        self,
    +2098        *expressions: str | Expression,
    +2099        append: bool = True,
    +2100        dialect: DialectType = None,
    +2101        copy: bool = True,
    +2102        **opts,
    +2103    ) -> Select:
    +2104        """
    +2105        Append to or set the SELECT expressions.
    -2107    def join(
    -2108        self,
    -2109        expression,
    -2110        on=None,
    -2111        using=None,
    -2112        append=True,
    -2113        join_type=None,
    -2114        join_alias=None,
    -2115        dialect=None,
    -2116        copy=True,
    -2117        **opts,
    -2118    ) -> Select:
    -2119        """
    -2120        Append to or set the JOIN expressions.
    -2122        Example:
    -2123            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql()
    -2124            'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    -2126            >>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql()
    -2127            'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)'
    -2129            Use `join_type` to change the type of join:
    -2131            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql()
    -2132            'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    -2134        Args:
    -2135            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -2136                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2137            on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "on" criteria as a SQL string.
    -2138                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2139            using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "using" criteria as a SQL string.
    -2140                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2141            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -2142                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -2143            join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type
    -2144            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2145            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2146            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2148        Returns:
    -2149            Select: the modified expression.
    -2150        """
    -2151        parse_args = {"dialect": dialect, **opts}
    -2153        try:
    -2154            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=Join, prefix="JOIN", **parse_args)
    -2155        except ParseError:
    -2156            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=(Join, Expression), **parse_args)
    -2158        join = expression if isinstance(expression, Join) else Join(this=expression)
    -2160        if isinstance(join.this, Select):
    -2161            join.this.replace(join.this.subquery())
    -2163        if join_type:
    -2164            natural: t.Optional[Token]
    -2165            side: t.Optional[Token]
    -2166            kind: t.Optional[Token]
    -2168            natural, side, kind = maybe_parse(join_type, into="JOIN_TYPE", **parse_args)  # type: ignore
    -2170            if natural:
    -2171                join.set("natural", True)
    -2172            if side:
    -2173                join.set("side", side.text)
    -2174            if kind:
    -2175                join.set("kind", kind.text)
    -2177        if on:
    -2178            on = and_(*ensure_collection(on), dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -2179            join.set("on", on)
    -2181        if using:
    -2182            join = _apply_list_builder(
    -2183                *ensure_collection(using),
    -2184                instance=join,
    -2185                arg="using",
    -2186                append=append,
    -2187                copy=copy,
    -2188                **opts,
    -2189            )
    -2191        if join_alias:
    -2192            join.set("this", alias_(join.this, join_alias, table=True))
    -2193        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2194            join,
    -2195            instance=self,
    -2196            arg="joins",
    -2197            append=append,
    -2198            copy=copy,
    -2199            **opts,
    -2200        )
    -2202    def where(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2203        """
    -2204        Append to or set the WHERE expressions.
    +2107        Example:
    +2108            >>> Select().select("x", "y").sql()
    +2109            'SELECT x, y'
    +2111        Args:
    +2112            *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2113                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2114            append: if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2115                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +2116            dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2117            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2118            opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2120        Returns:
    +2121            Select: the modified expression.
    +2122        """
    +2123        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2124            *expressions,
    +2125            instance=self,
    +2126            arg="expressions",
    +2127            append=append,
    +2128            dialect=dialect,
    +2129            copy=copy,
    +2130            **opts,
    +2131        )
    +2133    def lateral(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2134        """
    +2135        Append to or set the LATERAL expressions.
    +2137        Example:
    +2138            >>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql()
    +2139            'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z'
    +2141        Args:
    +2142            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2143                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2144            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2145                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +2146            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2147            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2148            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2150        Returns:
    +2151            Select: the modified expression.
    +2152        """
    +2153        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2154            *expressions,
    +2155            instance=self,
    +2156            arg="laterals",
    +2157            append=append,
    +2158            into=Lateral,
    +2159            prefix="LATERAL VIEW",
    +2160            dialect=dialect,
    +2161            copy=copy,
    +2162            **opts,
    +2163        )
    +2165    def join(
    +2166        self,
    +2167        expression,
    +2168        on=None,
    +2169        using=None,
    +2170        append=True,
    +2171        join_type=None,
    +2172        join_alias=None,
    +2173        dialect=None,
    +2174        copy=True,
    +2175        **opts,
    +2176    ) -> Select:
    +2177        """
    +2178        Append to or set the JOIN expressions.
    +2180        Example:
    +2181            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql()
    +2182            'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    +2184            >>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql()
    +2185            'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)'
    +2187            Use `join_type` to change the type of join:
    +2189            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql()
    +2190            'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    +2192        Args:
    +2193            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +2194                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2195            on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "on" criteria as a SQL string.
    +2196                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2197            using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "using" criteria as a SQL string.
    +2198                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2199            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2200                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +2201            join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type
    +2202            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2203            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2204            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2206        Example:
    -2207            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql()
    -2208            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'"
    -2210        Args:
    -2211            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2212                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2213                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    -2214            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    -2215                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -2216            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2217            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2218            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2220        Returns:
    -2221            Select: the modified expression.
    -2222        """
    -2223        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    -2224            *expressions,
    -2225            instance=self,
    -2226            arg="where",
    -2227            append=append,
    -2228            into=Where,
    -2229            dialect=dialect,
    -2230            copy=copy,
    -2231            **opts,
    -2232        )
    -2234    def having(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2235        """
    -2236        Append to or set the HAVING expressions.
    -2238        Example:
    -2239            >>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql()
    -2240            'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3'
    -2242        Args:
    -2243            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2244                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2245                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    -2246            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    -2247                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -2248            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2249            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2250            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2252        Returns:
    -2253            Select: the modified expression.
    -2254        """
    -2255        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    -2256            *expressions,
    -2257            instance=self,
    -2258            arg="having",
    -2259            append=append,
    -2260            into=Having,
    -2261            dialect=dialect,
    -2262            copy=copy,
    -2263            **opts,
    -2264        )
    -2266    def window(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2267        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2268            *expressions,
    -2269            instance=self,
    -2270            arg="windows",
    -2271            append=append,
    -2272            into=Window,
    -2273            dialect=dialect,
    -2274            copy=copy,
    -2275            **opts,
    -2276        )
    +2206        Returns:
    +2207            Select: the modified expression.
    +2208        """
    +2209        parse_args = {"dialect": dialect, **opts}
    +2211        try:
    +2212            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=Join, prefix="JOIN", **parse_args)
    +2213        except ParseError:
    +2214            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=(Join, Expression), **parse_args)
    +2216        join = expression if isinstance(expression, Join) else Join(this=expression)
    +2218        if isinstance(join.this, Select):
    +2219            join.this.replace(join.this.subquery())
    +2221        if join_type:
    +2222            natural: t.Optional[Token]
    +2223            side: t.Optional[Token]
    +2224            kind: t.Optional[Token]
    +2226            natural, side, kind = maybe_parse(join_type, into="JOIN_TYPE", **parse_args)  # type: ignore
    +2228            if natural:
    +2229                join.set("natural", True)
    +2230            if side:
    +2231                join.set("side", side.text)
    +2232            if kind:
    +2233                join.set("kind", kind.text)
    +2235        if on:
    +2236            on = and_(*ensure_collection(on), dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +2237            join.set("on", on)
    +2239        if using:
    +2240            join = _apply_list_builder(
    +2241                *ensure_collection(using),
    +2242                instance=join,
    +2243                arg="using",
    +2244                append=append,
    +2245                copy=copy,
    +2246                **opts,
    +2247            )
    +2249        if join_alias:
    +2250            join.set("this", alias_(join.this, join_alias, table=True))
    +2251        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2252            join,
    +2253            instance=self,
    +2254            arg="joins",
    +2255            append=append,
    +2256            copy=copy,
    +2257            **opts,
    +2258        )
    +2260    def where(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2261        """
    +2262        Append to or set the WHERE expressions.
    +2264        Example:
    +2265            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql()
    +2266            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'"
    +2268        Args:
    +2269            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2270                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2271                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    +2272            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    +2273                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +2274            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2275            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2276            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2278    def distinct(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> Select:
    -2279        """
    -2280        Set the OFFSET expression.
    -2282        Example:
    -2283            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql()
    -2284            'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl'
    -2286        Args:
    -2287            distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct
    -2288            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2290        Returns:
    -2291            Select: the modified expression.
    -2292        """
    -2293        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -2294        instance.set("distinct", Distinct() if distinct else None)
    -2295        return instance
    -2297    def ctas(self, table, properties=None, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Create:
    -2298        """
    -2299        Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement.
    -2301        Example:
    -2302            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql()
    -2303            'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl'
    -2305        Args:
    -2306            table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    -2307                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2308            properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties
    -2309            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table.
    -2310            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2311            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table.
    -2313        Returns:
    -2314            Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression
    -2315        """
    -2316        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -2317        table_expression = maybe_parse(
    -2318            table,
    -2319            into=Table,
    -2320            dialect=dialect,
    +2278        Returns:
    +2279            Select: the modified expression.
    +2280        """
    +2281        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    +2282            *expressions,
    +2283            instance=self,
    +2284            arg="where",
    +2285            append=append,
    +2286            into=Where,
    +2287            dialect=dialect,
    +2288            copy=copy,
    +2289            **opts,
    +2290        )
    +2292    def having(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2293        """
    +2294        Append to or set the HAVING expressions.
    +2296        Example:
    +2297            >>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql()
    +2298            'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3'
    +2300        Args:
    +2301            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2302                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2303                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    +2304            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    +2305                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +2306            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2307            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2308            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2310        Returns:
    +2311            Select: the modified expression.
    +2312        """
    +2313        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    +2314            *expressions,
    +2315            instance=self,
    +2316            arg="having",
    +2317            append=append,
    +2318            into=Having,
    +2319            dialect=dialect,
    +2320            copy=copy,
     2321            **opts,
     2322        )
    -2323        properties_expression = None
    -2324        if properties:
    -2325            properties_expression = Properties.from_dict(properties)
    -2327        return Create(
    -2328            this=table_expression,
    -2329            kind="table",
    -2330            expression=instance,
    -2331            properties=properties_expression,
    -2332        )
    -2334    def lock(self, update: bool = True, copy: bool = True) -> Select:
    -2335        """
    -2336        Set the locking read mode for this expression.
    -2338        Examples:
    -2339            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql")
    -2340            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE"
    -2342            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql")
    -2343            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE"
    -2345        Args:
    -2346            update: if `True`, the locking type will be `FOR UPDATE`, else it will be `FOR SHARE`.
    -2347            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2349        Returns:
    -2350            The modified expression.
    -2351        """
    -2353        inst = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -2354        inst.set("lock", Lock(update=update))
    -2356        return inst
    -2358    @property
    -2359    def named_selects(self) -> t.List[str]:
    -2360        return [e.output_name for e in self.expressions if e.alias_or_name]
    -2362    @property
    -2363    def selects(self) -> t.List[Expression]:
    -2364        return self.expressions
    +2324    def window(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2325        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2326            *expressions,
    +2327            instance=self,
    +2328            arg="windows",
    +2329            append=append,
    +2330            into=Window,
    +2331            dialect=dialect,
    +2332            copy=copy,
    +2333            **opts,
    +2334        )
    +2336    def distinct(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> Select:
    +2337        """
    +2338        Set the OFFSET expression.
    +2340        Example:
    +2341            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql()
    +2342            'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl'
    +2344        Args:
    +2345            distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct
    +2346            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2348        Returns:
    +2349            Select: the modified expression.
    +2350        """
    +2351        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +2352        instance.set("distinct", Distinct() if distinct else None)
    +2353        return instance
    +2355    def ctas(self, table, properties=None, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Create:
    +2356        """
    +2357        Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement.
    +2359        Example:
    +2360            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql()
    +2361            'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl'
    +2363        Args:
    +2364            table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    +2365                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2366            properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties
    +2367            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table.
    +2368            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2369            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table.
    +2371        Returns:
    +2372            Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression
    +2373        """
    +2374        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +2375        table_expression = maybe_parse(
    +2376            table,
    +2377            into=Table,
    +2378            dialect=dialect,
    +2379            **opts,
    +2380        )
    +2381        properties_expression = None
    +2382        if properties:
    +2383            properties_expression = Properties.from_dict(properties)
    +2385        return Create(
    +2386            this=table_expression,
    +2387            kind="table",
    +2388            expression=instance,
    +2389            properties=properties_expression,
    +2390        )
    +2392    def lock(self, update: bool = True, copy: bool = True) -> Select:
    +2393        """
    +2394        Set the locking read mode for this expression.
    +2396        Examples:
    +2397            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql")
    +2398            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE"
    +2400            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql")
    +2401            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE"
    +2403        Args:
    +2404            update: if `True`, the locking type will be `FOR UPDATE`, else it will be `FOR SHARE`.
    +2405            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2407        Returns:
    +2408            The modified expression.
    +2409        """
    +2411        inst = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +2412        inst.set("lock", Lock(update=update))
    +2414        return inst
    +2416    @property
    +2417    def named_selects(self) -> t.List[str]:
    +2418        return [e.output_name for e in self.expressions if e.alias_or_name]
    +2420    @property
    +2421    def selects(self) -> t.List[Expression]:
    +2422        return self.expressions
    @@ -19478,38 +19844,38 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    1815    def from_(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1816        """
    -1817        Set the FROM expression.
    -1819        Example:
    -1820            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql()
    -1821            'SELECT x FROM tbl'
    -1823        Args:
    -1824            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1825                If a `From` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1826                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `From`.
    -1827            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1828                Otherwise, this flattens all the `From` expression into a single expression.
    -1829            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1830            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1831            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1833        Returns:
    -1834            Select: the modified expression.
    -1835        """
    -1836        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1837            *expressions,
    -1838            instance=self,
    -1839            arg="from",
    -1840            append=append,
    -1841            copy=copy,
    -1842            prefix="FROM",
    -1843            into=From,
    -1844            dialect=dialect,
    -1845            **opts,
    -1846        )
    1866    def from_(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1867        """
    +1868        Set the FROM expression.
    +1870        Example:
    +1871            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sql()
    +1872            'SELECT x FROM tbl'
    +1874        Args:
    +1875            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1876                If a `From` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1877                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `From`.
    +1878            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1879                Otherwise, this flattens all the `From` expression into a single expression.
    +1880            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1881            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1882            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1884        Returns:
    +1885            Select: the modified expression.
    +1886        """
    +1887        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1888            *expressions,
    +1889            instance=self,
    +1890            arg="from",
    +1891            append=append,
    +1892            copy=copy,
    +1893            prefix="FROM",
    +1894            into=From,
    +1895            dialect=dialect,
    +1896            **opts,
    +1897        )
    @@ -19558,41 +19924,41 @@ Otherwise, this flattens all the From expressio
    1848    def group_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1849        """
    -1850        Set the GROUP BY expression.
    -1852        Example:
    -1853            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql()
    -1854            'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x'
    -1856        Args:
    -1857            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1858                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1859                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Group`.
    -1860                If nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression
    -1861            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1862                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Group` expression into a single expression.
    -1863            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1864            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1865            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1867        Returns:
    -1868            Select: the modified expression.
    -1869        """
    -1870        if not expressions:
    -1871            return self if not copy else self.copy()
    -1872        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1873            *expressions,
    -1874            instance=self,
    -1875            arg="group",
    -1876            append=append,
    -1877            copy=copy,
    -1878            prefix="GROUP BY",
    -1879            into=Group,
    -1880            dialect=dialect,
    -1881            **opts,
    -1882        )
    1899    def group_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1900        """
    +1901        Set the GROUP BY expression.
    +1903        Example:
    +1904            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x", "COUNT(1)").group_by("x").sql()
    +1905            'SELECT x, COUNT(1) FROM tbl GROUP BY x'
    +1907        Args:
    +1908            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1909                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1910                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Group`.
    +1911                If nothing is passed in then a group by is not applied to the expression
    +1912            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1913                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Group` expression into a single expression.
    +1914            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1915            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1916            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1918        Returns:
    +1919            Select: the modified expression.
    +1920        """
    +1921        if not expressions:
    +1922            return self if not copy else self.copy()
    +1923        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1924            *expressions,
    +1925            instance=self,
    +1926            arg="group",
    +1927            append=append,
    +1928            copy=copy,
    +1929            prefix="GROUP BY",
    +1930            into=Group,
    +1931            dialect=dialect,
    +1932            **opts,
    +1933        )
    @@ -19642,38 +20008,38 @@ Otherwise, this flattens all the Group express
    1884    def order_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1885        """
    -1886        Set the ORDER BY expression.
    -1888        Example:
    -1889            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql()
    -1890            'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC'
    -1892        Args:
    -1893            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1894                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1895                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Order`.
    -1896            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1897                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    -1898            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1899            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1900            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1902        Returns:
    -1903            Select: the modified expression.
    -1904        """
    -1905        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1906            *expressions,
    -1907            instance=self,
    -1908            arg="order",
    -1909            append=append,
    -1910            copy=copy,
    -1911            prefix="ORDER BY",
    -1912            into=Order,
    -1913            dialect=dialect,
    -1914            **opts,
    -1915        )
    1935    def order_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1936        """
    +1937        Set the ORDER BY expression.
    +1939        Example:
    +1940            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").order_by("x DESC").sql()
    +1941            'SELECT x FROM tbl ORDER BY x DESC'
    +1943        Args:
    +1944            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1945                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1946                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Order`.
    +1947            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1948                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    +1949            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1950            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1951            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1953        Returns:
    +1954            Select: the modified expression.
    +1955        """
    +1956        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1957            *expressions,
    +1958            instance=self,
    +1959            arg="order",
    +1960            append=append,
    +1961            copy=copy,
    +1962            prefix="ORDER BY",
    +1963            into=Order,
    +1964            dialect=dialect,
    +1965            **opts,
    +1966        )
    @@ -19722,38 +20088,38 @@ Otherwise, this flattens all the Order express
    1917    def sort_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1918        """
    -1919        Set the SORT BY expression.
    -1921        Example:
    -1922            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql()
    -1923            'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC'
    -1925        Args:
    -1926            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1927                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1928                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `SORT`.
    -1929            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1930                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    -1931            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1932            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1933            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1935        Returns:
    -1936            Select: the modified expression.
    -1937        """
    -1938        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1939            *expressions,
    -1940            instance=self,
    -1941            arg="sort",
    -1942            append=append,
    -1943            copy=copy,
    -1944            prefix="SORT BY",
    -1945            into=Sort,
    -1946            dialect=dialect,
    -1947            **opts,
    -1948        )
    1968    def sort_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +1969        """
    +1970        Set the SORT BY expression.
    +1972        Example:
    +1973            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").sort_by("x DESC").sql()
    +1974            'SELECT x FROM tbl SORT BY x DESC'
    +1976        Args:
    +1977            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +1978                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +1979                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `SORT`.
    +1980            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +1981                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    +1982            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +1983            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +1984            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +1986        Returns:
    +1987            Select: the modified expression.
    +1988        """
    +1989        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +1990            *expressions,
    +1991            instance=self,
    +1992            arg="sort",
    +1993            append=append,
    +1994            copy=copy,
    +1995            prefix="SORT BY",
    +1996            into=Sort,
    +1997            dialect=dialect,
    +1998            **opts,
    +1999        )
    @@ -19802,38 +20168,38 @@ Otherwise, this flattens all the Order express
    1950    def cluster_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1951        """
    -1952        Set the CLUSTER BY expression.
    -1954        Example:
    -1955            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql()
    -1956            'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC'
    -1958        Args:
    -1959            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -1960                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1961                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Cluster`.
    -1962            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -1963                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    -1964            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1965            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1966            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -1968        Returns:
    -1969            Select: the modified expression.
    -1970        """
    -1971        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    -1972            *expressions,
    -1973            instance=self,
    -1974            arg="cluster",
    -1975            append=append,
    -1976            copy=copy,
    -1977            prefix="CLUSTER BY",
    -1978            into=Cluster,
    -1979            dialect=dialect,
    -1980            **opts,
    -1981        )
    2001    def cluster_by(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2002        """
    +2003        Set the CLUSTER BY expression.
    +2005        Example:
    +2006            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").cluster_by("x DESC").sql()
    +2007            'SELECT x FROM tbl CLUSTER BY x DESC'
    +2009        Args:
    +2010            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2011                If a `Group` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +2012                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Cluster`.
    +2013            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2014                Otherwise, this flattens all the `Order` expression into a single expression.
    +2015            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +2016            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2017            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2019        Returns:
    +2020            Select: the modified expression.
    +2021        """
    +2022        return _apply_child_list_builder(
    +2023            *expressions,
    +2024            instance=self,
    +2025            arg="cluster",
    +2026            append=append,
    +2027            copy=copy,
    +2028            prefix="CLUSTER BY",
    +2029            into=Cluster,
    +2030            dialect=dialect,
    +2031            **opts,
    +2032        )
    @@ -19882,36 +20248,36 @@ Otherwise, this flattens all the Order express
    1983    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -1984        """
    -1985        Set the LIMIT expression.
    -1987        Example:
    -1988            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql()
    -1989            'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10'
    -1991        Args:
    -1992            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -1993                This can also be an integer.
    -1994                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -1995                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    -1996            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -1997            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -1998            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2000        Returns:
    -2001            Select: the modified expression.
    -2002        """
    -2003        return _apply_builder(
    -2004            expression=expression,
    -2005            instance=self,
    -2006            arg="limit",
    -2007            into=Limit,
    -2008            prefix="LIMIT",
    -2009            dialect=dialect,
    -2010            copy=copy,
    -2011            **opts,
    -2012        )
    2034    def limit(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2035        """
    +2036        Set the LIMIT expression.
    +2038        Example:
    +2039            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").limit(10).sql()
    +2040            'SELECT x FROM tbl LIMIT 10'
    +2042        Args:
    +2043            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +2044                This can also be an integer.
    +2045                If a `Limit` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +2046                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Limit`.
    +2047            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +2048            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2049            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2051        Returns:
    +2052            Select: the modified expression.
    +2053        """
    +2054        return _apply_builder(
    +2055            expression=expression,
    +2056            instance=self,
    +2057            arg="limit",
    +2058            into=Limit,
    +2059            prefix="LIMIT",
    +2060            dialect=dialect,
    +2061            copy=copy,
    +2062            **opts,
    +2063        )
    @@ -19959,36 +20325,36 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2014    def offset(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2015        """
    -2016        Set the OFFSET expression.
    -2018        Example:
    -2019            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql()
    -2020            'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10'
    -2022        Args:
    -2023            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -2024                This can also be an integer.
    -2025                If a `Offset` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -2026                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Offset`.
    -2027            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -2028            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2029            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2031        Returns:
    -2032            Select: the modified expression.
    -2033        """
    -2034        return _apply_builder(
    -2035            expression=expression,
    -2036            instance=self,
    -2037            arg="offset",
    -2038            into=Offset,
    -2039            prefix="OFFSET",
    -2040            dialect=dialect,
    -2041            copy=copy,
    -2042            **opts,
    -2043        )
    2065    def offset(self, expression, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2066        """
    +2067        Set the OFFSET expression.
    +2069        Example:
    +2070            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").offset(10).sql()
    +2071            'SELECT x FROM tbl OFFSET 10'
    +2073        Args:
    +2074            expression (str | int | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +2075                This can also be an integer.
    +2076                If a `Offset` instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +2077                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be wrapped in a `Offset`.
    +2078            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +2079            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2080            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2082        Returns:
    +2083            Select: the modified expression.
    +2084        """
    +2085        return _apply_builder(
    +2086            expression=expression,
    +2087            instance=self,
    +2088            arg="offset",
    +2089            into=Offset,
    +2090            prefix="OFFSET",
    +2091            dialect=dialect,
    +2092            copy=copy,
    +2093            **opts,
    +2094        )
    @@ -20030,41 +20396,48 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    def - select( self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select: + select( self, *expressions: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, append: bool = True, dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None, copy: bool = True, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:
    2045    def select(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2046        """
    -2047        Append to or set the SELECT expressions.
    -2049        Example:
    -2050            >>> Select().select("x", "y").sql()
    -2051            'SELECT x, y'
    -2053        Args:
    -2054            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2055                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2056            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -2057                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -2058            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2059            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2060            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2062        Returns:
    -2063            Select: the modified expression.
    -2064        """
    -2065        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2066            *expressions,
    -2067            instance=self,
    -2068            arg="expressions",
    -2069            append=append,
    -2070            dialect=dialect,
    -2071            copy=copy,
    -2072            **opts,
    -2073        )
    2096    def select(
    +2097        self,
    +2098        *expressions: str | Expression,
    +2099        append: bool = True,
    +2100        dialect: DialectType = None,
    +2101        copy: bool = True,
    +2102        **opts,
    +2103    ) -> Select:
    +2104        """
    +2105        Append to or set the SELECT expressions.
    +2107        Example:
    +2108            >>> Select().select("x", "y").sql()
    +2109            'SELECT x, y'
    +2111        Args:
    +2112            *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2113                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2114            append: if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2115                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +2116            dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2117            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2118            opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2120        Returns:
    +2121            Select: the modified expression.
    +2122        """
    +2123        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2124            *expressions,
    +2125            instance=self,
    +2126            arg="expressions",
    +2127            append=append,
    +2128            dialect=dialect,
    +2129            copy=copy,
    +2130            **opts,
    +2131        )
    @@ -20083,13 +20456,13 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse. +
    • *expressions: the SQL code strings to parse. If an Expression instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    • -
    • append (bool): if True, add to any existing expressions. +
    • append: if True, add to any existing expressions. Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    • -
    • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    • -
    • copy (bool): if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
    • -
    • opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    • +
    • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    • +
    • copy: if False, modify this expression instance in-place.
    • +
    • opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    @@ -20112,37 +20485,37 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    2075    def lateral(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2076        """
    -2077        Append to or set the LATERAL expressions.
    -2079        Example:
    -2080            >>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql()
    -2081            'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z'
    -2083        Args:
    -2084            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2085                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2086            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -2087                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -2088            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2089            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2090            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2092        Returns:
    -2093            Select: the modified expression.
    -2094        """
    -2095        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2096            *expressions,
    -2097            instance=self,
    -2098            arg="laterals",
    -2099            append=append,
    -2100            into=Lateral,
    -2101            prefix="LATERAL VIEW",
    -2102            dialect=dialect,
    -2103            copy=copy,
    -2104            **opts,
    -2105        )
    2133    def lateral(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2134        """
    +2135        Append to or set the LATERAL expressions.
    +2137        Example:
    +2138            >>> Select().select("x").lateral("OUTER explode(y) tbl2 AS z").from_("tbl").sql()
    +2139            'SELECT x FROM tbl LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(y) tbl2 AS z'
    +2141        Args:
    +2142            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2143                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2144            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2145                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +2146            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2147            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2148            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2150        Returns:
    +2151            Select: the modified expression.
    +2152        """
    +2153        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2154            *expressions,
    +2155            instance=self,
    +2156            arg="laterals",
    +2157            append=append,
    +2158            into=Lateral,
    +2159            prefix="LATERAL VIEW",
    +2160            dialect=dialect,
    +2161            copy=copy,
    +2162            **opts,
    +2163        )
    @@ -20190,100 +20563,100 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    2107    def join(
    -2108        self,
    -2109        expression,
    -2110        on=None,
    -2111        using=None,
    -2112        append=True,
    -2113        join_type=None,
    -2114        join_alias=None,
    -2115        dialect=None,
    -2116        copy=True,
    -2117        **opts,
    -2118    ) -> Select:
    -2119        """
    -2120        Append to or set the JOIN expressions.
    -2122        Example:
    -2123            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql()
    -2124            'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    -2126            >>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql()
    -2127            'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)'
    -2129            Use `join_type` to change the type of join:
    -2131            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql()
    -2132            'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    -2134        Args:
    -2135            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -2136                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2137            on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "on" criteria as a SQL string.
    -2138                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2139            using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "using" criteria as a SQL string.
    -2140                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2141            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    -2142                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    -2143            join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type
    -2144            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2145            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2146            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2148        Returns:
    -2149            Select: the modified expression.
    -2150        """
    -2151        parse_args = {"dialect": dialect, **opts}
    -2153        try:
    -2154            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=Join, prefix="JOIN", **parse_args)
    -2155        except ParseError:
    -2156            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=(Join, Expression), **parse_args)
    -2158        join = expression if isinstance(expression, Join) else Join(this=expression)
    -2160        if isinstance(join.this, Select):
    -2161            join.this.replace(join.this.subquery())
    -2163        if join_type:
    -2164            natural: t.Optional[Token]
    -2165            side: t.Optional[Token]
    -2166            kind: t.Optional[Token]
    -2168            natural, side, kind = maybe_parse(join_type, into="JOIN_TYPE", **parse_args)  # type: ignore
    -2170            if natural:
    -2171                join.set("natural", True)
    -2172            if side:
    -2173                join.set("side", side.text)
    -2174            if kind:
    -2175                join.set("kind", kind.text)
    -2177        if on:
    -2178            on = and_(*ensure_collection(on), dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -2179            join.set("on", on)
    -2181        if using:
    -2182            join = _apply_list_builder(
    -2183                *ensure_collection(using),
    -2184                instance=join,
    -2185                arg="using",
    -2186                append=append,
    -2187                copy=copy,
    -2188                **opts,
    -2189            )
    -2191        if join_alias:
    -2192            join.set("this", alias_(join.this, join_alias, table=True))
    -2193        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2194            join,
    -2195            instance=self,
    -2196            arg="joins",
    -2197            append=append,
    -2198            copy=copy,
    -2199            **opts,
    -2200        )
    2165    def join(
    +2166        self,
    +2167        expression,
    +2168        on=None,
    +2169        using=None,
    +2170        append=True,
    +2171        join_type=None,
    +2172        join_alias=None,
    +2173        dialect=None,
    +2174        copy=True,
    +2175        **opts,
    +2176    ) -> Select:
    +2177        """
    +2178        Append to or set the JOIN expressions.
    +2180        Example:
    +2181            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y").sql()
    +2182            'SELECT * FROM tbl JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    +2184            >>> Select().select("1").from_("a").join("b", using=["x", "y", "z"]).sql()
    +2185            'SELECT 1 FROM a JOIN b USING (x, y, z)'
    +2187            Use `join_type` to change the type of join:
    +2189            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").join("tbl2", on="tbl1.y = tbl2.y", join_type="left outer").sql()
    +2190            'SELECT * FROM tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.y = tbl2.y'
    +2192        Args:
    +2193            expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +2194                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2195            on (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "on" criteria as a SQL string.
    +2196                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2197            using (str | Expression): optionally specify the join "using" criteria as a SQL string.
    +2198                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2199            append (bool): if `True`, add to any existing expressions.
    +2200                Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    +2201            join_type (str): If set, alter the parsed join type
    +2202            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2203            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2204            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2206        Returns:
    +2207            Select: the modified expression.
    +2208        """
    +2209        parse_args = {"dialect": dialect, **opts}
    +2211        try:
    +2212            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=Join, prefix="JOIN", **parse_args)
    +2213        except ParseError:
    +2214            expression = maybe_parse(expression, into=(Join, Expression), **parse_args)
    +2216        join = expression if isinstance(expression, Join) else Join(this=expression)
    +2218        if isinstance(join.this, Select):
    +2219            join.this.replace(join.this.subquery())
    +2221        if join_type:
    +2222            natural: t.Optional[Token]
    +2223            side: t.Optional[Token]
    +2224            kind: t.Optional[Token]
    +2226            natural, side, kind = maybe_parse(join_type, into="JOIN_TYPE", **parse_args)  # type: ignore
    +2228            if natural:
    +2229                join.set("natural", True)
    +2230            if side:
    +2231                join.set("side", side.text)
    +2232            if kind:
    +2233                join.set("kind", kind.text)
    +2235        if on:
    +2236            on = and_(*ensure_collection(on), dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +2237            join.set("on", on)
    +2239        if using:
    +2240            join = _apply_list_builder(
    +2241                *ensure_collection(using),
    +2242                instance=join,
    +2243                arg="using",
    +2244                append=append,
    +2245                copy=copy,
    +2246                **opts,
    +2247            )
    +2249        if join_alias:
    +2250            join.set("this", alias_(join.this, join_alias, table=True))
    +2251        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2252            join,
    +2253            instance=self,
    +2254            arg="joins",
    +2255            append=append,
    +2256            copy=copy,
    +2257            **opts,
    +2258        )
    @@ -20350,37 +20723,37 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expressions.
    2202    def where(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2203        """
    -2204        Append to or set the WHERE expressions.
    -2206        Example:
    -2207            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql()
    -2208            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'"
    -2210        Args:
    -2211            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2212                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2213                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    -2214            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    -2215                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -2216            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2217            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2218            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2220        Returns:
    -2221            Select: the modified expression.
    -2222        """
    -2223        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    -2224            *expressions,
    -2225            instance=self,
    -2226            arg="where",
    -2227            append=append,
    -2228            into=Where,
    -2229            dialect=dialect,
    -2230            copy=copy,
    -2231            **opts,
    -2232        )
    2260    def where(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2261        """
    +2262        Append to or set the WHERE expressions.
    +2264        Example:
    +2265            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a' OR x < 'b'").sql()
    +2266            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' OR x < 'b'"
    +2268        Args:
    +2269            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2270                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2271                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    +2272            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    +2273                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +2274            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2275            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2276            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2278        Returns:
    +2279            Select: the modified expression.
    +2280        """
    +2281        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    +2282            *expressions,
    +2283            instance=self,
    +2284            arg="where",
    +2285            append=append,
    +2286            into=Where,
    +2287            dialect=dialect,
    +2288            copy=copy,
    +2289            **opts,
    +2290        )
    @@ -20429,37 +20802,37 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    2234    def having(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2235        """
    -2236        Append to or set the HAVING expressions.
    -2238        Example:
    -2239            >>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql()
    -2240            'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3'
    -2242        Args:
    -2243            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -2244                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2245                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    -2246            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    -2247                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    -2248            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -2249            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2250            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -2252        Returns:
    -2253            Select: the modified expression.
    -2254        """
    -2255        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    -2256            *expressions,
    -2257            instance=self,
    -2258            arg="having",
    -2259            append=append,
    -2260            into=Having,
    -2261            dialect=dialect,
    -2262            copy=copy,
    -2263            **opts,
    -2264        )
    2292    def having(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2293        """
    +2294        Append to or set the HAVING expressions.
    +2296        Example:
    +2297            >>> Select().select("x", "COUNT(y)").from_("tbl").group_by("x").having("COUNT(y) > 3").sql()
    +2298            'SELECT x, COUNT(y) FROM tbl GROUP BY x HAVING COUNT(y) > 3'
    +2300        Args:
    +2301            *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +2302                If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2303                Multiple expressions are combined with an AND operator.
    +2304            append (bool): if `True`, AND the new expressions to any existing expression.
    +2305                Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    +2306            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +2307            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2308            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +2310        Returns:
    +2311            Select: the modified expression.
    +2312        """
    +2313        return _apply_conjunction_builder(
    +2314            *expressions,
    +2315            instance=self,
    +2316            arg="having",
    +2317            append=append,
    +2318            into=Having,
    +2319            dialect=dialect,
    +2320            copy=copy,
    +2321            **opts,
    +2322        )
    @@ -20508,17 +20881,17 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    2266    def window(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    -2267        return _apply_list_builder(
    -2268            *expressions,
    -2269            instance=self,
    -2270            arg="windows",
    -2271            append=append,
    -2272            into=Window,
    -2273            dialect=dialect,
    -2274            copy=copy,
    -2275            **opts,
    -2276        )
    2324    def window(self, *expressions, append=True, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Select:
    +2325        return _apply_list_builder(
    +2326            *expressions,
    +2327            instance=self,
    +2328            arg="windows",
    +2329            append=append,
    +2330            into=Window,
    +2331            dialect=dialect,
    +2332            copy=copy,
    +2333            **opts,
    +2334        )
    @@ -20536,24 +20909,24 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    2278    def distinct(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> Select:
    -2279        """
    -2280        Set the OFFSET expression.
    -2282        Example:
    -2283            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql()
    -2284            'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl'
    -2286        Args:
    -2287            distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct
    -2288            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2290        Returns:
    -2291            Select: the modified expression.
    -2292        """
    -2293        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -2294        instance.set("distinct", Distinct() if distinct else None)
    -2295        return instance
    2336    def distinct(self, distinct=True, copy=True) -> Select:
    +2337        """
    +2338        Set the OFFSET expression.
    +2340        Example:
    +2341            >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("x").distinct().sql()
    +2342            'SELECT DISTINCT x FROM tbl'
    +2344        Args:
    +2345            distinct (bool): whether the Select should be distinct
    +2346            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2348        Returns:
    +2349            Select: the modified expression.
    +2350        """
    +2351        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +2352        instance.set("distinct", Distinct() if distinct else None)
    +2353        return instance
    @@ -20596,42 +20969,42 @@ Otherwise, this resets the expression.
    2297    def ctas(self, table, properties=None, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Create:
    -2298        """
    -2299        Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement.
    -2301        Example:
    -2302            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql()
    -2303            'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl'
    -2305        Args:
    -2306            table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    -2307                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -2308            properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties
    -2309            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table.
    -2310            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2311            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table.
    -2313        Returns:
    -2314            Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression
    -2315        """
    -2316        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -2317        table_expression = maybe_parse(
    -2318            table,
    -2319            into=Table,
    -2320            dialect=dialect,
    -2321            **opts,
    -2322        )
    -2323        properties_expression = None
    -2324        if properties:
    -2325            properties_expression = Properties.from_dict(properties)
    -2327        return Create(
    -2328            this=table_expression,
    -2329            kind="table",
    -2330            expression=instance,
    -2331            properties=properties_expression,
    -2332        )
    2355    def ctas(self, table, properties=None, dialect=None, copy=True, **opts) -> Create:
    +2356        """
    +2357        Convert this expression to a CREATE TABLE AS statement.
    +2359        Example:
    +2360            >>> Select().select("*").from_("tbl").ctas("x").sql()
    +2361            'CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT * FROM tbl'
    +2363        Args:
    +2364            table (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the table name.
    +2365                If another `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +2366            properties (dict): an optional mapping of table properties
    +2367            dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input table.
    +2368            copy (bool): if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2369            opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input table.
    +2371        Returns:
    +2372            Create: the CREATE TABLE AS expression
    +2373        """
    +2374        instance = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +2375        table_expression = maybe_parse(
    +2376            table,
    +2377            into=Table,
    +2378            dialect=dialect,
    +2379            **opts,
    +2380        )
    +2381        properties_expression = None
    +2382        if properties:
    +2383            properties_expression = Properties.from_dict(properties)
    +2385        return Create(
    +2386            this=table_expression,
    +2387            kind="table",
    +2388            expression=instance,
    +2389            properties=properties_expression,
    +2390        )
    @@ -20678,29 +21051,29 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2334    def lock(self, update: bool = True, copy: bool = True) -> Select:
    -2335        """
    -2336        Set the locking read mode for this expression.
    -2338        Examples:
    -2339            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql")
    -2340            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE"
    -2342            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql")
    -2343            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE"
    -2345        Args:
    -2346            update: if `True`, the locking type will be `FOR UPDATE`, else it will be `FOR SHARE`.
    -2347            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    -2349        Returns:
    -2350            The modified expression.
    -2351        """
    -2353        inst = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    -2354        inst.set("lock", Lock(update=update))
    -2356        return inst
    2392    def lock(self, update: bool = True, copy: bool = True) -> Select:
    +2393        """
    +2394        Set the locking read mode for this expression.
    +2396        Examples:
    +2397            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock().sql("mysql")
    +2398            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR UPDATE"
    +2400            >>> Select().select("x").from_("tbl").where("x = 'a'").lock(update=False).sql("mysql")
    +2401            "SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x = 'a' FOR SHARE"
    +2403        Args:
    +2404            update: if `True`, the locking type will be `FOR UPDATE`, else it will be `FOR SHARE`.
    +2405            copy: if `False`, modify this expression instance in-place.
    +2407        Returns:
    +2408            The modified expression.
    +2409        """
    +2411        inst = _maybe_copy(self, copy)
    +2412        inst.set("lock", Lock(update=update))
    +2414        return inst
    @@ -20750,6 +21123,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -20802,26 +21176,26 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2367class Subquery(DerivedTable, Unionable):
    -2368    arg_types = {
    -2369        "this": True,
    -2370        "alias": False,
    -2371        "with": False,
    -2372        **QUERY_MODIFIERS,
    -2373    }
    -2375    def unnest(self):
    -2376        """
    -2377        Returns the first non subquery.
    -2378        """
    -2379        expression = self
    -2380        while isinstance(expression, Subquery):
    -2381            expression = expression.this
    -2382        return expression
    -2384    @property
    -2385    def output_name(self):
    -2386        return self.alias
    2425class Subquery(DerivedTable, Unionable):
    +2426    arg_types = {
    +2427        "this": True,
    +2428        "alias": False,
    +2429        "with": False,
    +2430        **QUERY_MODIFIERS,
    +2431    }
    +2433    def unnest(self):
    +2434        """
    +2435        Returns the first non subquery.
    +2436        """
    +2437        expression = self
    +2438        while isinstance(expression, Subquery):
    +2439            expression = expression.this
    +2440        return expression
    +2442    @property
    +2443    def output_name(self):
    +2444        return self.alias
    @@ -20838,14 +21212,14 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2375    def unnest(self):
    -2376        """
    -2377        Returns the first non subquery.
    -2378        """
    -2379        expression = self
    -2380        while isinstance(expression, Subquery):
    -2381            expression = expression.this
    -2382        return expression
    2433    def unnest(self):
    +2434        """
    +2435        Returns the first non subquery.
    +2436        """
    +2437        expression = self
    +2438        while isinstance(expression, Subquery):
    +2439            expression = expression.this
    +2440        return expression
    @@ -20896,6 +21270,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -20941,18 +21316,18 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2389class TableSample(Expression):
    -2390    arg_types = {
    -2391        "this": False,
    -2392        "method": False,
    -2393        "bucket_numerator": False,
    -2394        "bucket_denominator": False,
    -2395        "bucket_field": False,
    -2396        "percent": False,
    -2397        "rows": False,
    -2398        "size": False,
    -2399        "seed": False,
    -2400    }
    2447class TableSample(Expression):
    +2448    arg_types = {
    +2449        "this": False,
    +2450        "method": False,
    +2451        "bucket_numerator": False,
    +2452        "bucket_denominator": False,
    +2453        "bucket_field": False,
    +2454        "percent": False,
    +2455        "rows": False,
    +2456        "size": False,
    +2457        "seed": False,
    +2458    }
    @@ -20970,6 +21345,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21011,14 +21387,14 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2403class Tag(Expression):
    -2404    """Tags are used for generating arbitrary sql like SELECT <span>x</span>."""
    -2406    arg_types = {
    -2407        "this": False,
    -2408        "prefix": False,
    -2409        "postfix": False,
    -2410    }
    2461class Tag(Expression):
    +2462    """Tags are used for generating arbitrary sql like SELECT <span>x</span>."""
    +2464    arg_types = {
    +2465        "this": False,
    +2466        "prefix": False,
    +2467        "postfix": False,
    +2468    }
    @@ -21038,6 +21414,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21079,13 +21456,13 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2413class Pivot(Expression):
    -2414    arg_types = {
    -2415        "this": False,
    -2416        "expressions": True,
    -2417        "field": True,
    -2418        "unpivot": True,
    -2419    }
    2471class Pivot(Expression):
    +2472    arg_types = {
    +2473        "this": False,
    +2474        "expressions": True,
    +2475        "field": True,
    +2476        "unpivot": True,
    +2477    }
    @@ -21103,6 +21480,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21144,14 +21522,14 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2422class Window(Expression):
    -2423    arg_types = {
    -2424        "this": True,
    -2425        "partition_by": False,
    -2426        "order": False,
    -2427        "spec": False,
    -2428        "alias": False,
    -2429    }
    2480class Window(Expression):
    +2481    arg_types = {
    +2482        "this": True,
    +2483        "partition_by": False,
    +2484        "order": False,
    +2485        "spec": False,
    +2486        "alias": False,
    +2487    }
    @@ -21169,6 +21547,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21210,14 +21589,14 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2432class WindowSpec(Expression):
    -2433    arg_types = {
    -2434        "kind": False,
    -2435        "start": False,
    -2436        "start_side": False,
    -2437        "end": False,
    -2438        "end_side": False,
    -2439    }
    2490class WindowSpec(Expression):
    +2491    arg_types = {
    +2492        "kind": False,
    +2493        "start": False,
    +2494        "start_side": False,
    +2495        "end": False,
    +2496        "end_side": False,
    +2497    }
    @@ -21235,6 +21614,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21276,8 +21656,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2442class Where(Expression):
    -2443    pass
    2500class Where(Expression):
    +2501    pass
    @@ -21295,6 +21675,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21336,16 +21717,16 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2446class Star(Expression):
    -2447    arg_types = {"except": False, "replace": False}
    -2449    @property
    -2450    def name(self) -> str:
    -2451        return "*"
    -2453    @property
    -2454    def output_name(self):
    -2455        return
    2504class Star(Expression):
    +2505    arg_types = {"except": False, "replace": False}
    +2507    @property
    +2508    def name(self) -> str:
    +2509        return "*"
    +2511    @property
    +2512    def output_name(self):
    +2513        return
    @@ -21393,6 +21774,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21433,8 +21815,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2458class Parameter(Expression):
    -2459    arg_types = {"this": True, "wrapped": False}
    2516class Parameter(Expression):
    +2517    arg_types = {"this": True, "wrapped": False}
    @@ -21452,6 +21834,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21493,8 +21876,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2462class SessionParameter(Expression):
    -2463    arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False}
    2520class SessionParameter(Expression):
    +2521    arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False}
    @@ -21512,6 +21895,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21553,8 +21937,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2466class Placeholder(Expression):
    -2467    arg_types = {"this": False}
    2524class Placeholder(Expression):
    +2525    arg_types = {"this": False}
    @@ -21572,6 +21956,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21613,12 +21998,12 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2470class Null(Condition):
    -2471    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    -2473    @property
    -2474    def name(self) -> str:
    -2475        return "NULL"
    2528class Null(Condition):
    +2529    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    +2531    @property
    +2532    def name(self) -> str:
    +2533        return "NULL"
    @@ -21636,6 +22021,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21683,8 +22069,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2478class Boolean(Condition):
    -2479    pass
    2536class Boolean(Condition):
    +2537    pass
    @@ -21702,6 +22088,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21749,121 +22136,121 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2482class DataType(Expression):
    -2483    arg_types = {
    -2484        "this": True,
    -2485        "expressions": False,
    -2486        "nested": False,
    -2487        "values": False,
    -2488        "prefix": False,
    -2489    }
    -2491    class Type(AutoName):
    -2492        CHAR = auto()
    -2493        NCHAR = auto()
    -2494        VARCHAR = auto()
    -2495        NVARCHAR = auto()
    -2496        TEXT = auto()
    -2497        MEDIUMTEXT = auto()
    -2498        LONGTEXT = auto()
    -2499        MEDIUMBLOB = auto()
    -2500        LONGBLOB = auto()
    -2501        BINARY = auto()
    -2502        VARBINARY = auto()
    -2503        INT = auto()
    -2504        TINYINT = auto()
    -2505        SMALLINT = auto()
    -2506        BIGINT = auto()
    -2507        FLOAT = auto()
    -2508        DOUBLE = auto()
    -2509        DECIMAL = auto()
    -2510        BOOLEAN = auto()
    -2511        JSON = auto()
    -2512        JSONB = auto()
    -2513        INTERVAL = auto()
    -2514        TIME = auto()
    -2515        TIMESTAMP = auto()
    -2516        TIMESTAMPTZ = auto()
    -2517        TIMESTAMPLTZ = auto()
    -2518        DATE = auto()
    -2519        DATETIME = auto()
    -2520        ARRAY = auto()
    -2521        MAP = auto()
    -2522        UUID = auto()
    -2523        GEOGRAPHY = auto()
    -2524        GEOMETRY = auto()
    -2525        STRUCT = auto()
    -2526        NULLABLE = auto()
    -2527        HLLSKETCH = auto()
    -2528        HSTORE = auto()
    -2529        SUPER = auto()
    -2530        SERIAL = auto()
    -2531        SMALLSERIAL = auto()
    -2532        BIGSERIAL = auto()
    -2533        XML = auto()
    -2534        UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = auto()
    -2535        MONEY = auto()
    -2536        SMALLMONEY = auto()
    -2537        ROWVERSION = auto()
    -2538        IMAGE = auto()
    -2539        VARIANT = auto()
    -2540        OBJECT = auto()
    -2541        NULL = auto()
    -2542        UNKNOWN = auto()  # Sentinel value, useful for type annotation
    -2544    TEXT_TYPES = {
    -2545        Type.CHAR,
    -2546        Type.NCHAR,
    -2547        Type.VARCHAR,
    -2548        Type.NVARCHAR,
    -2549        Type.TEXT,
    -2550    }
    -2552    INTEGER_TYPES = {
    -2553        Type.INT,
    -2554        Type.TINYINT,
    -2555        Type.SMALLINT,
    -2556        Type.BIGINT,
    -2557    }
    -2559    FLOAT_TYPES = {
    -2560        Type.FLOAT,
    -2561        Type.DOUBLE,
    -2562    }
    -2566    TEMPORAL_TYPES = {
    -2567        Type.TIMESTAMP,
    -2568        Type.TIMESTAMPTZ,
    -2569        Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ,
    -2570        Type.DATE,
    -2571        Type.DATETIME,
    -2572    }
    -2574    @classmethod
    -2575    def build(
    -2576        cls, dtype: str | DataType | DataType.Type, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs
    -2577    ) -> DataType:
    -2578        from sqlglot import parse_one
    -2580        if isinstance(dtype, str):
    -2581            if dtype.upper() in cls.Type.__members__:
    -2582                data_type_exp: t.Optional[Expression] = DataType(this=DataType.Type[dtype.upper()])
    -2583            else:
    -2584                data_type_exp = parse_one(dtype, read=dialect, into=DataType)
    -2585            if data_type_exp is None:
    -2586                raise ValueError(f"Unparsable data type value: {dtype}")
    -2587        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType.Type):
    -2588            data_type_exp = DataType(this=dtype)
    -2589        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType):
    -2590            return dtype
    -2591        else:
    -2592            raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type: {type(dtype)}. Expected str or DataType.Type")
    -2593        return DataType(**{**data_type_exp.args, **kwargs})
    -2595    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    -2596        return self.this == dtype
    2540class DataType(Expression):
    +2541    arg_types = {
    +2542        "this": True,
    +2543        "expressions": False,
    +2544        "nested": False,
    +2545        "values": False,
    +2546        "prefix": False,
    +2547    }
    +2549    class Type(AutoName):
    +2550        CHAR = auto()
    +2551        NCHAR = auto()
    +2552        VARCHAR = auto()
    +2553        NVARCHAR = auto()
    +2554        TEXT = auto()
    +2555        MEDIUMTEXT = auto()
    +2556        LONGTEXT = auto()
    +2557        MEDIUMBLOB = auto()
    +2558        LONGBLOB = auto()
    +2559        BINARY = auto()
    +2560        VARBINARY = auto()
    +2561        INT = auto()
    +2562        TINYINT = auto()
    +2563        SMALLINT = auto()
    +2564        BIGINT = auto()
    +2565        FLOAT = auto()
    +2566        DOUBLE = auto()
    +2567        DECIMAL = auto()
    +2568        BOOLEAN = auto()
    +2569        JSON = auto()
    +2570        JSONB = auto()
    +2571        INTERVAL = auto()
    +2572        TIME = auto()
    +2573        TIMESTAMP = auto()
    +2574        TIMESTAMPTZ = auto()
    +2575        TIMESTAMPLTZ = auto()
    +2576        DATE = auto()
    +2577        DATETIME = auto()
    +2578        ARRAY = auto()
    +2579        MAP = auto()
    +2580        UUID = auto()
    +2581        GEOGRAPHY = auto()
    +2582        GEOMETRY = auto()
    +2583        STRUCT = auto()
    +2584        NULLABLE = auto()
    +2585        HLLSKETCH = auto()
    +2586        HSTORE = auto()
    +2587        SUPER = auto()
    +2588        SERIAL = auto()
    +2589        SMALLSERIAL = auto()
    +2590        BIGSERIAL = auto()
    +2591        XML = auto()
    +2592        UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = auto()
    +2593        MONEY = auto()
    +2594        SMALLMONEY = auto()
    +2595        ROWVERSION = auto()
    +2596        IMAGE = auto()
    +2597        VARIANT = auto()
    +2598        OBJECT = auto()
    +2599        NULL = auto()
    +2600        UNKNOWN = auto()  # Sentinel value, useful for type annotation
    +2602    TEXT_TYPES = {
    +2603        Type.CHAR,
    +2604        Type.NCHAR,
    +2605        Type.VARCHAR,
    +2606        Type.NVARCHAR,
    +2607        Type.TEXT,
    +2608    }
    +2610    INTEGER_TYPES = {
    +2611        Type.INT,
    +2612        Type.TINYINT,
    +2613        Type.SMALLINT,
    +2614        Type.BIGINT,
    +2615    }
    +2617    FLOAT_TYPES = {
    +2618        Type.FLOAT,
    +2619        Type.DOUBLE,
    +2620    }
    +2624    TEMPORAL_TYPES = {
    +2625        Type.TIMESTAMP,
    +2626        Type.TIMESTAMPTZ,
    +2627        Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ,
    +2628        Type.DATE,
    +2629        Type.DATETIME,
    +2630    }
    +2632    @classmethod
    +2633    def build(
    +2634        cls, dtype: str | DataType | DataType.Type, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs
    +2635    ) -> DataType:
    +2636        from sqlglot import parse_one
    +2638        if isinstance(dtype, str):
    +2639            if dtype.upper() in cls.Type.__members__:
    +2640                data_type_exp: t.Optional[Expression] = DataType(this=DataType.Type[dtype.upper()])
    +2641            else:
    +2642                data_type_exp = parse_one(dtype, read=dialect, into=DataType)
    +2643            if data_type_exp is None:
    +2644                raise ValueError(f"Unparsable data type value: {dtype}")
    +2645        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType.Type):
    +2646            data_type_exp = DataType(this=dtype)
    +2647        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType):
    +2648            return dtype
    +2649        else:
    +2650            raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type: {type(dtype)}. Expected str or DataType.Type")
    +2651        return DataType(**{**data_type_exp.args, **kwargs})
    +2653    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    +2654        return self.this == dtype
    @@ -21881,26 +22268,26 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2574    @classmethod
    -2575    def build(
    -2576        cls, dtype: str | DataType | DataType.Type, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs
    -2577    ) -> DataType:
    -2578        from sqlglot import parse_one
    -2580        if isinstance(dtype, str):
    -2581            if dtype.upper() in cls.Type.__members__:
    -2582                data_type_exp: t.Optional[Expression] = DataType(this=DataType.Type[dtype.upper()])
    -2583            else:
    -2584                data_type_exp = parse_one(dtype, read=dialect, into=DataType)
    -2585            if data_type_exp is None:
    -2586                raise ValueError(f"Unparsable data type value: {dtype}")
    -2587        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType.Type):
    -2588            data_type_exp = DataType(this=dtype)
    -2589        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType):
    -2590            return dtype
    -2591        else:
    -2592            raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type: {type(dtype)}. Expected str or DataType.Type")
    -2593        return DataType(**{**data_type_exp.args, **kwargs})
    2632    @classmethod
    +2633    def build(
    +2634        cls, dtype: str | DataType | DataType.Type, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs
    +2635    ) -> DataType:
    +2636        from sqlglot import parse_one
    +2638        if isinstance(dtype, str):
    +2639            if dtype.upper() in cls.Type.__members__:
    +2640                data_type_exp: t.Optional[Expression] = DataType(this=DataType.Type[dtype.upper()])
    +2641            else:
    +2642                data_type_exp = parse_one(dtype, read=dialect, into=DataType)
    +2643            if data_type_exp is None:
    +2644                raise ValueError(f"Unparsable data type value: {dtype}")
    +2645        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType.Type):
    +2646            data_type_exp = DataType(this=dtype)
    +2647        elif isinstance(dtype, DataType):
    +2648            return dtype
    +2649        else:
    +2650            raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type: {type(dtype)}. Expected str or DataType.Type")
    +2651        return DataType(**{**data_type_exp.args, **kwargs})
    @@ -21918,8 +22305,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2595    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    -2596        return self.this == dtype
    2653    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    +2654        return self.this == dtype
    @@ -21938,6 +22325,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -21979,58 +22367,58 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2491    class Type(AutoName):
    -2492        CHAR = auto()
    -2493        NCHAR = auto()
    -2494        VARCHAR = auto()
    -2495        NVARCHAR = auto()
    -2496        TEXT = auto()
    -2497        MEDIUMTEXT = auto()
    -2498        LONGTEXT = auto()
    -2499        MEDIUMBLOB = auto()
    -2500        LONGBLOB = auto()
    -2501        BINARY = auto()
    -2502        VARBINARY = auto()
    -2503        INT = auto()
    -2504        TINYINT = auto()
    -2505        SMALLINT = auto()
    -2506        BIGINT = auto()
    -2507        FLOAT = auto()
    -2508        DOUBLE = auto()
    -2509        DECIMAL = auto()
    -2510        BOOLEAN = auto()
    -2511        JSON = auto()
    -2512        JSONB = auto()
    -2513        INTERVAL = auto()
    -2514        TIME = auto()
    -2515        TIMESTAMP = auto()
    -2516        TIMESTAMPTZ = auto()
    -2517        TIMESTAMPLTZ = auto()
    -2518        DATE = auto()
    -2519        DATETIME = auto()
    -2520        ARRAY = auto()
    -2521        MAP = auto()
    -2522        UUID = auto()
    -2523        GEOGRAPHY = auto()
    -2524        GEOMETRY = auto()
    -2525        STRUCT = auto()
    -2526        NULLABLE = auto()
    -2527        HLLSKETCH = auto()
    -2528        HSTORE = auto()
    -2529        SUPER = auto()
    -2530        SERIAL = auto()
    -2531        SMALLSERIAL = auto()
    -2532        BIGSERIAL = auto()
    -2533        XML = auto()
    -2534        UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = auto()
    -2535        MONEY = auto()
    -2536        SMALLMONEY = auto()
    -2537        ROWVERSION = auto()
    -2538        IMAGE = auto()
    -2539        VARIANT = auto()
    -2540        OBJECT = auto()
    -2541        NULL = auto()
    -2542        UNKNOWN = auto()  # Sentinel value, useful for type annotation
    2549    class Type(AutoName):
    +2550        CHAR = auto()
    +2551        NCHAR = auto()
    +2552        VARCHAR = auto()
    +2553        NVARCHAR = auto()
    +2554        TEXT = auto()
    +2555        MEDIUMTEXT = auto()
    +2556        LONGTEXT = auto()
    +2557        MEDIUMBLOB = auto()
    +2558        LONGBLOB = auto()
    +2559        BINARY = auto()
    +2560        VARBINARY = auto()
    +2561        INT = auto()
    +2562        TINYINT = auto()
    +2563        SMALLINT = auto()
    +2564        BIGINT = auto()
    +2565        FLOAT = auto()
    +2566        DOUBLE = auto()
    +2567        DECIMAL = auto()
    +2568        BOOLEAN = auto()
    +2569        JSON = auto()
    +2570        JSONB = auto()
    +2571        INTERVAL = auto()
    +2572        TIME = auto()
    +2573        TIMESTAMP = auto()
    +2574        TIMESTAMPTZ = auto()
    +2575        TIMESTAMPLTZ = auto()
    +2576        DATE = auto()
    +2577        DATETIME = auto()
    +2578        ARRAY = auto()
    +2579        MAP = auto()
    +2580        UUID = auto()
    +2581        GEOGRAPHY = auto()
    +2582        GEOMETRY = auto()
    +2583        STRUCT = auto()
    +2584        NULLABLE = auto()
    +2585        HLLSKETCH = auto()
    +2586        HSTORE = auto()
    +2587        SUPER = auto()
    +2588        SERIAL = auto()
    +2589        SMALLSERIAL = auto()
    +2590        BIGSERIAL = auto()
    +2591        XML = auto()
    +2592        UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = auto()
    +2593        MONEY = auto()
    +2594        SMALLMONEY = auto()
    +2595        ROWVERSION = auto()
    +2596        IMAGE = auto()
    +2597        VARIANT = auto()
    +2598        OBJECT = auto()
    +2599        NULL = auto()
    +2600        UNKNOWN = auto()  # Sentinel value, useful for type annotation
    @@ -22621,8 +23009,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2600class PseudoType(Expression):
    -2601    pass
    2658class PseudoType(Expression):
    +2659    pass
    @@ -22640,6 +23028,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -22681,8 +23070,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2604class StructKwarg(Expression):
    -2605    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    2662class StructKwarg(Expression):
    +2663    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -22700,6 +23089,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -22741,8 +23131,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2609class SubqueryPredicate(Predicate):
    -2610    pass
    2667class SubqueryPredicate(Predicate):
    +2668    pass
    @@ -22760,6 +23150,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -22807,8 +23198,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2613class All(SubqueryPredicate):
    -2614    pass
    2671class All(SubqueryPredicate):
    +2672    pass
    @@ -22826,6 +23217,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -22873,8 +23265,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2617class Any(SubqueryPredicate):
    -2618    pass
    2675class Any(SubqueryPredicate):
    +2676    pass
    @@ -22892,6 +23284,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -22939,8 +23332,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2621class Exists(SubqueryPredicate):
    -2622    pass
    2679class Exists(SubqueryPredicate):
    +2680    pass
    @@ -22958,6 +23351,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23005,8 +23399,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2627class Command(Expression):
    -2628    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    2685class Command(Expression):
    +2686    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -23024,6 +23418,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23065,8 +23460,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2631class Transaction(Expression):
    -2632    arg_types = {"this": False, "modes": False}
    2689class Transaction(Expression):
    +2690    arg_types = {"this": False, "modes": False}
    @@ -23084,6 +23479,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23125,8 +23521,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2635class Commit(Expression):
    -2636    arg_types = {"chain": False}
    2693class Commit(Expression):
    +2694    arg_types = {"chain": False}
    @@ -23144,6 +23540,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23185,8 +23582,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2639class Rollback(Expression):
    -2640    arg_types = {"savepoint": False}
    2697class Rollback(Expression):
    +2698    arg_types = {"savepoint": False}
    @@ -23204,6 +23601,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23245,8 +23643,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2643class AlterTable(Expression):
    -2644    arg_types = {"this": True, "actions": True, "exists": False}
    2701class AlterTable(Expression):
    +2702    arg_types = {"this": True, "actions": True, "exists": False}
    @@ -23264,6 +23662,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23305,8 +23704,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2647class AddConstraint(Expression):
    -2648    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False, "enforced": False}
    2705class AddConstraint(Expression):
    +2706    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False, "enforced": False}
    @@ -23324,6 +23723,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23365,8 +23765,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2651class DropPartition(Expression):
    -2652    arg_types = {"expressions": True, "exists": False}
    2709class DropPartition(Expression):
    +2710    arg_types = {"expressions": True, "exists": False}
    @@ -23384,6 +23784,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23425,16 +23826,16 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2656class Binary(Expression):
    -2657    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    -2659    @property
    -2660    def left(self):
    -2661        return self.this
    -2663    @property
    -2664    def right(self):
    -2665        return self.expression
    2714class Binary(Expression):
    +2715    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    +2717    @property
    +2718    def left(self):
    +2719        return self.this
    +2721    @property
    +2722    def right(self):
    +2723        return self.expression
    @@ -23452,6 +23853,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23493,8 +23895,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2668class Add(Binary):
    -2669    pass
    2726class Add(Binary):
    +2727    pass
    @@ -23512,6 +23914,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23553,8 +23956,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2672class Connector(Binary, Condition):
    -2673    pass
    2730class Connector(Binary, Condition):
    +2731    pass
    @@ -23572,6 +23975,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23619,8 +24023,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2676class And(Connector):
    -2677    pass
    2734class And(Connector):
    +2735    pass
    @@ -23638,6 +24042,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23685,8 +24090,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2680class Or(Connector):
    -2681    pass
    2738class Or(Connector):
    +2739    pass
    @@ -23704,6 +24109,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23751,8 +24157,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2684class BitwiseAnd(Binary):
    -2685    pass
    2742class BitwiseAnd(Binary):
    +2743    pass
    @@ -23770,6 +24176,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23811,8 +24218,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2688class BitwiseLeftShift(Binary):
    -2689    pass
    2746class BitwiseLeftShift(Binary):
    +2747    pass
    @@ -23830,6 +24237,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23871,8 +24279,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2692class BitwiseOr(Binary):
    -2693    pass
    2750class BitwiseOr(Binary):
    +2751    pass
    @@ -23890,6 +24298,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23931,8 +24340,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2696class BitwiseRightShift(Binary):
    -2697    pass
    2754class BitwiseRightShift(Binary):
    +2755    pass
    @@ -23950,6 +24359,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -23991,8 +24401,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2700class BitwiseXor(Binary):
    -2701    pass
    2758class BitwiseXor(Binary):
    +2759    pass
    @@ -24010,6 +24420,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24051,8 +24462,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2704class Div(Binary):
    -2705    pass
    2762class Div(Binary):
    +2763    pass
    @@ -24070,6 +24481,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24111,10 +24523,10 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2708class Dot(Binary):
    -2709    @property
    -2710    def name(self) -> str:
    -2711        return
    2766class Dot(Binary):
    +2767    @property
    +2768    def name(self) -> str:
    +2769        return
    @@ -24132,6 +24544,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24173,8 +24586,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2714class DPipe(Binary):
    -2715    pass
    2772class DPipe(Binary):
    +2773    pass
    @@ -24192,6 +24605,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24233,8 +24647,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2718class EQ(Binary, Predicate):
    -2719    pass
    2776class EQ(Binary, Predicate):
    +2777    pass
    @@ -24252,6 +24666,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24299,8 +24714,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2722class NullSafeEQ(Binary, Predicate):
    -2723    pass
    2780class NullSafeEQ(Binary, Predicate):
    +2781    pass
    @@ -24318,6 +24733,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24365,8 +24781,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2726class NullSafeNEQ(Binary, Predicate):
    -2727    pass
    2784class NullSafeNEQ(Binary, Predicate):
    +2785    pass
    @@ -24384,6 +24800,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24431,8 +24848,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2730class Distance(Binary):
    -2731    pass
    2788class Distance(Binary):
    +2789    pass
    @@ -24450,6 +24867,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24491,8 +24909,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2734class Escape(Binary):
    -2735    pass
    2792class Escape(Binary):
    +2793    pass
    @@ -24510,6 +24928,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24551,8 +24970,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2738class Glob(Binary, Predicate):
    -2739    pass
    2796class Glob(Binary, Predicate):
    +2797    pass
    @@ -24570,6 +24989,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24617,8 +25037,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2742class GT(Binary, Predicate):
    -2743    pass
    2800class GT(Binary, Predicate):
    +2801    pass
    @@ -24636,6 +25056,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24683,8 +25104,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2746class GTE(Binary, Predicate):
    -2747    pass
    2804class GTE(Binary, Predicate):
    +2805    pass
    @@ -24702,6 +25123,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24749,8 +25171,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2750class ILike(Binary, Predicate):
    -2751    pass
    2808class ILike(Binary, Predicate):
    +2809    pass
    @@ -24768,6 +25190,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24815,8 +25238,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2754class ILikeAny(Binary, Predicate):
    -2755    pass
    2812class ILikeAny(Binary, Predicate):
    +2813    pass
    @@ -24834,6 +25257,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24881,8 +25305,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2758class IntDiv(Binary):
    -2759    pass
    2816class IntDiv(Binary):
    +2817    pass
    @@ -24900,6 +25324,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -24941,8 +25366,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2762class Is(Binary, Predicate):
    -2763    pass
    2820class Is(Binary, Predicate):
    +2821    pass
    @@ -24960,6 +25385,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25007,8 +25433,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2766class Kwarg(Binary):
    -2767    """Kwarg in special functions like func(kwarg => y)."""
    2824class Kwarg(Binary):
    +2825    """Kwarg in special functions like func(kwarg => y)."""
    @@ -25028,6 +25454,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25069,8 +25496,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2770class Like(Binary, Predicate):
    -2771    pass
    2828class Like(Binary, Predicate):
    +2829    pass
    @@ -25088,6 +25515,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25135,8 +25563,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2774class LikeAny(Binary, Predicate):
    -2775    pass
    2832class LikeAny(Binary, Predicate):
    +2833    pass
    @@ -25154,6 +25582,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25201,8 +25630,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2778class LT(Binary, Predicate):
    -2779    pass
    2836class LT(Binary, Predicate):
    +2837    pass
    @@ -25220,6 +25649,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25267,8 +25697,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2782class LTE(Binary, Predicate):
    -2783    pass
    2840class LTE(Binary, Predicate):
    +2841    pass
    @@ -25286,6 +25716,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25333,8 +25764,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2786class Mod(Binary):
    -2787    pass
    2844class Mod(Binary):
    +2845    pass
    @@ -25352,6 +25783,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25393,8 +25825,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2790class Mul(Binary):
    -2791    pass
    2848class Mul(Binary):
    +2849    pass
    @@ -25412,6 +25844,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25453,8 +25886,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2794class NEQ(Binary, Predicate):
    -2795    pass
    2852class NEQ(Binary, Predicate):
    +2853    pass
    @@ -25472,6 +25905,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25519,8 +25953,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2798class SimilarTo(Binary, Predicate):
    -2799    pass
    2856class SimilarTo(Binary, Predicate):
    +2857    pass
    @@ -25538,6 +25972,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25585,8 +26020,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2802class Slice(Binary):
    -2803    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False}
    2860class Slice(Binary):
    +2861    arg_types = {"this": False, "expression": False}
    @@ -25604,6 +26039,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25645,8 +26081,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2806class Sub(Binary):
    -2807    pass
    2864class Sub(Binary):
    +2865    pass
    @@ -25664,6 +26100,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25705,8 +26142,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2812class Unary(Expression):
    -2813    pass
    2870class Unary(Expression):
    +2871    pass
    @@ -25724,6 +26161,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25765,8 +26203,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2816class BitwiseNot(Unary):
    -2817    pass
    2874class BitwiseNot(Unary):
    +2875    pass
    @@ -25784,6 +26222,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25825,8 +26264,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2820class Not(Unary, Condition):
    -2821    pass
    2878class Not(Unary, Condition):
    +2879    pass
    @@ -25844,6 +26283,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25891,8 +26331,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2824class Paren(Unary, Condition):
    -2825    arg_types = {"this": True, "with": False}
    2882class Paren(Unary, Condition):
    +2883    arg_types = {"this": True, "with": False}
    @@ -25910,6 +26350,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -25957,8 +26398,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2828class Neg(Unary):
    -2829    pass
    2886class Neg(Unary):
    +2887    pass
    @@ -25976,6 +26417,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26017,12 +26459,12 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2833class Alias(Expression):
    -2834    arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": False}
    -2836    @property
    -2837    def output_name(self):
    -2838        return self.alias
    2891class Alias(Expression):
    +2892    arg_types = {"this": True, "alias": False}
    +2894    @property
    +2895    def output_name(self):
    +2896        return self.alias
    @@ -26070,6 +26512,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26110,12 +26553,12 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2841class Aliases(Expression):
    -2842    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    -2844    @property
    -2845    def aliases(self):
    -2846        return self.expressions
    2899class Aliases(Expression):
    +2900    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    +2902    @property
    +2903    def aliases(self):
    +2904        return self.expressions
    @@ -26133,6 +26576,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26174,8 +26618,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2849class AtTimeZone(Expression):
    -2850    arg_types = {"this": True, "zone": True}
    2907class AtTimeZone(Expression):
    +2908    arg_types = {"this": True, "zone": True}
    @@ -26193,6 +26637,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26234,8 +26679,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2853class Between(Predicate):
    -2854    arg_types = {"this": True, "low": True, "high": True}
    2911class Between(Predicate):
    +2912    arg_types = {"this": True, "low": True, "high": True}
    @@ -26253,6 +26698,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26300,8 +26746,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2857class Bracket(Condition):
    -2858    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    2915class Bracket(Condition):
    +2916    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -26319,6 +26765,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26366,8 +26813,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2861class Distinct(Expression):
    -2862    arg_types = {"expressions": False, "on": False}
    2919class Distinct(Expression):
    +2920    arg_types = {"expressions": False, "on": False}
    @@ -26385,6 +26832,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26426,15 +26874,15 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2865class In(Predicate):
    -2866    arg_types = {
    -2867        "this": True,
    -2868        "expressions": False,
    -2869        "query": False,
    -2870        "unnest": False,
    -2871        "field": False,
    -2872        "is_global": False,
    -2873    }
    2923class In(Predicate):
    +2924    arg_types = {
    +2925        "this": True,
    +2926        "expressions": False,
    +2927        "query": False,
    +2928        "unnest": False,
    +2929        "field": False,
    +2930        "is_global": False,
    +2931    }
    @@ -26452,6 +26900,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26499,18 +26948,18 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2876class TimeUnit(Expression):
    -2877    """Automatically converts unit arg into a var."""
    -2879    arg_types = {"unit": False}
    -2881    def __init__(self, **args):
    -2882        unit = args.get("unit")
    -2883        if isinstance(unit, Column):
    -2884            args["unit"] = Var(
    -2885        elif isinstance(unit, Week):
    -2886            unit.set("this", Var(
    -2887        super().__init__(**args)
    2934class TimeUnit(Expression):
    +2935    """Automatically converts unit arg into a var."""
    +2937    arg_types = {"unit": False}
    +2939    def __init__(self, **args):
    +2940        unit = args.get("unit")
    +2941        if isinstance(unit, Column):
    +2942            args["unit"] = Var(
    +2943        elif isinstance(unit, Week):
    +2944            unit.set("this", Var(
    +2945        super().__init__(**args)
    @@ -26528,13 +26977,13 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2881    def __init__(self, **args):
    -2882        unit = args.get("unit")
    -2883        if isinstance(unit, Column):
    -2884            args["unit"] = Var(
    -2885        elif isinstance(unit, Week):
    -2886            unit.set("this", Var(
    -2887        super().__init__(**args)
    2939    def __init__(self, **args):
    +2940        unit = args.get("unit")
    +2941        if isinstance(unit, Column):
    +2942            args["unit"] = Var(
    +2943        elif isinstance(unit, Week):
    +2944            unit.set("this", Var(
    +2945        super().__init__(**args)
    @@ -26552,6 +27001,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26593,8 +27043,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2890class Interval(TimeUnit):
    -2891    arg_types = {"this": False, "unit": False}
    2948class Interval(TimeUnit):
    +2949    arg_types = {"this": False, "unit": False}
    @@ -26615,6 +27065,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26656,8 +27107,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2894class IgnoreNulls(Expression):
    -2895    pass
    2952class IgnoreNulls(Expression):
    +2953    pass
    @@ -26675,6 +27126,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26716,8 +27168,8 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2898class RespectNulls(Expression):
    -2899    pass
    2956class RespectNulls(Expression):
    +2957    pass
    @@ -26735,6 +27187,7 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    @@ -26776,53 +27229,53 @@ If another Expression instance is passed,
    2903class Func(Condition):
    -2904    """
    -2905    The base class for all function expressions.
    -2907    Attributes:
    -2908        is_var_len_args (bool): if set to True the last argument defined in arg_types will be
    -2909            treated as a variable length argument and the argument's value will be stored as a list.
    -2910        _sql_names (list): determines the SQL name (1st item in the list) and aliases (subsequent items)
    -2911            for this function expression. These values are used to map this node to a name during parsing
    -2912            as well as to provide the function's name during SQL string generation. By default the SQL
    -2913            name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    -2914    """
    -2916    is_var_len_args = False
    -2918    @classmethod
    -2919    def from_arg_list(cls, args):
    -2920        if cls.is_var_len_args:
    -2921            all_arg_keys = list(cls.arg_types)
    -2922            # If this function supports variable length argument treat the last argument as such.
    -2923            non_var_len_arg_keys = all_arg_keys[:-1] if cls.is_var_len_args else all_arg_keys
    -2924            num_non_var = len(non_var_len_arg_keys)
    -2926            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, non_var_len_arg_keys)}
    -2927            args_dict[all_arg_keys[-1]] = args[num_non_var:]
    -2928        else:
    -2929            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, cls.arg_types)}
    -2931        return cls(**args_dict)
    -2933    @classmethod
    -2934    def sql_names(cls):
    -2935        if cls is Func:
    -2936            raise NotImplementedError(
    -2937                "SQL name is only supported by concrete function implementations"
    -2938            )
    -2939        if "_sql_names" not in cls.__dict__:
    -2940            cls._sql_names = [camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)]
    -2941        return cls._sql_names
    -2943    @classmethod
    -2944    def sql_name(cls):
    -2945        return cls.sql_names()[0]
    -2947    @classmethod
    -2948    def default_parser_mappings(cls):
    -2949        return {name: cls.from_arg_list for name in cls.sql_names()}
    2961class Func(Condition):
    +2962    """
    +2963    The base class for all function expressions.
    +2965    Attributes:
    +2966        is_var_len_args (bool): if set to True the last argument defined in arg_types will be
    +2967            treated as a variable length argument and the argument's value will be stored as a list.
    +2968        _sql_names (list): determines the SQL name (1st item in the list) and aliases (subsequent items)
    +2969            for this function expression. These values are used to map this node to a name during parsing
    +2970            as well as to provide the function's name during SQL string generation. By default the SQL
    +2971            name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    +2972    """
    +2974    is_var_len_args = False
    +2976    @classmethod
    +2977    def from_arg_list(cls, args):
    +2978        if cls.is_var_len_args:
    +2979            all_arg_keys = list(cls.arg_types)
    +2980            # If this function supports variable length argument treat the last argument as such.
    +2981            non_var_len_arg_keys = all_arg_keys[:-1] if cls.is_var_len_args else all_arg_keys
    +2982            num_non_var = len(non_var_len_arg_keys)
    +2984            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, non_var_len_arg_keys)}
    +2985            args_dict[all_arg_keys[-1]] = args[num_non_var:]
    +2986        else:
    +2987            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, cls.arg_types)}
    +2989        return cls(**args_dict)
    +2991    @classmethod
    +2992    def sql_names(cls):
    +2993        if cls is Func:
    +2994            raise NotImplementedError(
    +2995                "SQL name is only supported by concrete function implementations"
    +2996            )
    +2997        if "_sql_names" not in cls.__dict__:
    +2998            cls._sql_names = [camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)]
    +2999        return cls._sql_names
    +3001    @classmethod
    +3002    def sql_name(cls):
    +3003        return cls.sql_names()[0]
    +3005    @classmethod
    +3006    def default_parser_mappings(cls):
    +3007        return {name: cls.from_arg_list for name in cls.sql_names()}
    @@ -26853,20 +27306,20 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2918    @classmethod
    -2919    def from_arg_list(cls, args):
    -2920        if cls.is_var_len_args:
    -2921            all_arg_keys = list(cls.arg_types)
    -2922            # If this function supports variable length argument treat the last argument as such.
    -2923            non_var_len_arg_keys = all_arg_keys[:-1] if cls.is_var_len_args else all_arg_keys
    -2924            num_non_var = len(non_var_len_arg_keys)
    -2926            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, non_var_len_arg_keys)}
    -2927            args_dict[all_arg_keys[-1]] = args[num_non_var:]
    -2928        else:
    -2929            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, cls.arg_types)}
    -2931        return cls(**args_dict)
    2976    @classmethod
    +2977    def from_arg_list(cls, args):
    +2978        if cls.is_var_len_args:
    +2979            all_arg_keys = list(cls.arg_types)
    +2980            # If this function supports variable length argument treat the last argument as such.
    +2981            non_var_len_arg_keys = all_arg_keys[:-1] if cls.is_var_len_args else all_arg_keys
    +2982            num_non_var = len(non_var_len_arg_keys)
    +2984            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, non_var_len_arg_keys)}
    +2985            args_dict[all_arg_keys[-1]] = args[num_non_var:]
    +2986        else:
    +2987            args_dict = {arg_key: arg for arg, arg_key in zip(args, cls.arg_types)}
    +2989        return cls(**args_dict)
    @@ -26885,15 +27338,15 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2933    @classmethod
    -2934    def sql_names(cls):
    -2935        if cls is Func:
    -2936            raise NotImplementedError(
    -2937                "SQL name is only supported by concrete function implementations"
    -2938            )
    -2939        if "_sql_names" not in cls.__dict__:
    -2940            cls._sql_names = [camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)]
    -2941        return cls._sql_names
    2991    @classmethod
    +2992    def sql_names(cls):
    +2993        if cls is Func:
    +2994            raise NotImplementedError(
    +2995                "SQL name is only supported by concrete function implementations"
    +2996            )
    +2997        if "_sql_names" not in cls.__dict__:
    +2998            cls._sql_names = [camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)]
    +2999        return cls._sql_names
    @@ -26912,9 +27365,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2943    @classmethod
    -2944    def sql_name(cls):
    -2945        return cls.sql_names()[0]
    3001    @classmethod
    +3002    def sql_name(cls):
    +3003        return cls.sql_names()[0]
    @@ -26933,9 +27386,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2947    @classmethod
    -2948    def default_parser_mappings(cls):
    -2949        return {name: cls.from_arg_list for name in cls.sql_names()}
    3005    @classmethod
    +3006    def default_parser_mappings(cls):
    +3007        return {name: cls.from_arg_list for name in cls.sql_names()}
    @@ -26954,6 +27407,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27001,8 +27455,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2952class AggFunc(Func):
    -2953    pass
    3010class AggFunc(Func):
    +3011    pass
    @@ -27020,6 +27474,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27074,8 +27529,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2956class Abs(Func):
    -2957    pass
    3014class Abs(Func):
    +3015    pass
    @@ -27093,6 +27548,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27147,9 +27603,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2960class Anonymous(Func):
    -2961    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    -2962    is_var_len_args = True
    3018class Anonymous(Func):
    +3019    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    +3020    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -27167,6 +27623,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27221,8 +27678,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2965class ApproxDistinct(AggFunc):
    -2966    arg_types = {"this": True, "accuracy": False}
    3023class ApproxDistinct(AggFunc):
    +3024    arg_types = {"this": True, "accuracy": False}
    @@ -27240,6 +27697,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27294,9 +27752,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2969class Array(Func):
    -2970    arg_types = {"expressions": False}
    -2971    is_var_len_args = True
    3027class Array(Func):
    +3028    arg_types = {"expressions": False}
    +3029    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -27314,6 +27772,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27368,8 +27827,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2974class GenerateSeries(Func):
    -2975    arg_types = {"start": True, "end": True, "step": False}
    3032class GenerateSeries(Func):
    +3033    arg_types = {"start": True, "end": True, "step": False}
    @@ -27387,6 +27846,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27441,8 +27901,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2978class ArrayAgg(AggFunc):
    -2979    pass
    3036class ArrayAgg(AggFunc):
    +3037    pass
    @@ -27460,6 +27920,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27514,8 +27975,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2982class ArrayAll(Func):
    -2983    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3040class ArrayAll(Func):
    +3041    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -27533,6 +27994,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27587,8 +28049,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2986class ArrayAny(Func):
    -2987    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3044class ArrayAny(Func):
    +3045    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -27606,6 +28068,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27660,9 +28123,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2990class ArrayConcat(Func):
    -2991    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    -2992    is_var_len_args = True
    3048class ArrayConcat(Func):
    +3049    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    +3050    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -27680,6 +28143,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27734,8 +28198,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2995class ArrayContains(Func):
    -2996    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3053class ArrayContains(Func):
    +3054    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -27753,6 +28217,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27807,9 +28272,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    2999class ArrayFilter(Func):
    -3000    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    -3001    _sql_names = ["FILTER", "ARRAY_FILTER"]
    3057class ArrayFilter(Func):
    +3058    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    +3059    _sql_names = ["FILTER", "ARRAY_FILTER"]
    @@ -27827,6 +28292,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27881,8 +28347,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3004class ArraySize(Func):
    -3005    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    3062class ArraySize(Func):
    +3063    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -27900,6 +28366,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -27954,8 +28421,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3008class ArraySort(Func):
    -3009    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    3066class ArraySort(Func):
    +3067    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -27973,6 +28440,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28027,8 +28495,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3012class ArraySum(Func):
    -3013    pass
    3070class ArraySum(Func):
    +3071    pass
    @@ -28046,6 +28514,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28100,8 +28569,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3016class ArrayUnionAgg(AggFunc):
    -3017    pass
    3074class ArrayUnionAgg(AggFunc):
    +3075    pass
    @@ -28119,6 +28588,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28173,8 +28643,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3020class Avg(AggFunc):
    -3021    pass
    3078class Avg(AggFunc):
    +3079    pass
    @@ -28192,6 +28662,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28246,8 +28717,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3024class AnyValue(AggFunc):
    -3025    pass
    3082class AnyValue(AggFunc):
    +3083    pass
    @@ -28265,6 +28736,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28319,8 +28791,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3028class Case(Func):
    -3029    arg_types = {"this": False, "ifs": True, "default": False}
    3086class Case(Func):
    +3087    arg_types = {"this": False, "ifs": True, "default": False}
    @@ -28338,6 +28810,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28392,23 +28865,23 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3032class Cast(Func):
    -3033    arg_types = {"this": True, "to": True}
    -3035    @property
    -3036    def name(self) -> str:
    -3037        return
    -3039    @property
    -3040    def to(self):
    -3041        return self.args["to"]
    -3043    @property
    -3044    def output_name(self):
    -3045        return
    -3047    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    -3048        return
    3090class Cast(Func):
    +3091    arg_types = {"this": True, "to": True}
    +3093    @property
    +3094    def name(self) -> str:
    +3095        return
    +3097    @property
    +3098    def to(self):
    +3099        return self.args["to"]
    +3101    @property
    +3102    def output_name(self):
    +3103        return
    +3105    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    +3106        return
    @@ -28455,8 +28928,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3047    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    -3048        return
    3105    def is_type(self, dtype: DataType.Type) -> bool:
    +3106        return
    @@ -28475,6 +28948,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28528,8 +29002,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3051class Collate(Binary):
    -3052    pass
    3109class Collate(Binary):
    +3110    pass
    @@ -28547,6 +29021,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28588,8 +29063,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3055class TryCast(Cast):
    -3056    pass
    3113class TryCast(Cast):
    +3114    pass
    @@ -28607,6 +29082,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28665,9 +29141,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3059class Ceil(Func):
    -3060    arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False}
    -3061    _sql_names = ["CEIL", "CEILING"]
    3117class Ceil(Func):
    +3118    arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False}
    +3119    _sql_names = ["CEIL", "CEILING"]
    @@ -28685,6 +29161,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28739,9 +29216,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3064class Coalesce(Func):
    -3065    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    -3066    is_var_len_args = True
    3122class Coalesce(Func):
    +3123    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    +3124    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -28759,6 +29236,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28813,9 +29291,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3069class Concat(Func):
    -3070    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    -3071    is_var_len_args = True
    3127class Concat(Func):
    +3128    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    +3129    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -28833,6 +29311,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28887,8 +29366,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3074class ConcatWs(Concat):
    -3075    _sql_names = ["CONCAT_WS"]
    3132class ConcatWs(Concat):
    +3133    _sql_names = ["CONCAT_WS"]
    @@ -28906,6 +29385,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -28960,8 +29440,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3078class Count(AggFunc):
    -3079    arg_types = {"this": False}
    3136class Count(AggFunc):
    +3137    arg_types = {"this": False}
    @@ -28979,6 +29459,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29033,8 +29514,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3082class CurrentDate(Func):
    -3083    arg_types = {"this": False}
    3140class CurrentDate(Func):
    +3141    arg_types = {"this": False}
    @@ -29052,6 +29533,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29106,8 +29588,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3086class CurrentDatetime(Func):
    -3087    arg_types = {"this": False}
    3144class CurrentDatetime(Func):
    +3145    arg_types = {"this": False}
    @@ -29125,6 +29607,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29179,8 +29662,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3090class CurrentTime(Func):
    -3091    arg_types = {"this": False}
    3148class CurrentTime(Func):
    +3149    arg_types = {"this": False}
    @@ -29198,6 +29681,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29252,8 +29736,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3094class CurrentTimestamp(Func):
    -3095    arg_types = {"this": False}
    3152class CurrentTimestamp(Func):
    +3153    arg_types = {"this": False}
    @@ -29271,6 +29755,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29325,8 +29810,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3098class DateAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3099    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3156class DateAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3157    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -29360,6 +29845,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29401,8 +29887,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3102class DateSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3103    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3160class DateSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3161    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -29436,6 +29922,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29477,8 +29964,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3106class DateDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3107    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3164class DateDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3165    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -29512,6 +29999,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29553,8 +30041,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3110class DateTrunc(Func):
    -3111    arg_types = {"unit": True, "this": True, "zone": False}
    3168class DateTrunc(Func):
    +3169    arg_types = {"unit": True, "this": True, "zone": False}
    @@ -29572,6 +30060,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29626,8 +30115,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3114class DatetimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3115    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3172class DatetimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3173    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -29661,6 +30150,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29702,8 +30192,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3118class DatetimeSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3119    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3176class DatetimeSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3177    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -29737,6 +30227,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29778,8 +30269,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3122class DatetimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3123    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3180class DatetimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3181    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -29813,6 +30304,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29854,8 +30346,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3126class DatetimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3127    arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False}
    3184class DatetimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3185    arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False}
    @@ -29889,6 +30381,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -29930,8 +30423,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3130class DayOfWeek(Func):
    -3131    _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_WEEK", "DAYOFWEEK"]
    3188class DayOfWeek(Func):
    +3189    _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_WEEK", "DAYOFWEEK"]
    @@ -29949,6 +30442,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30003,8 +30497,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3134class DayOfMonth(Func):
    -3135    _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_MONTH", "DAYOFMONTH"]
    3192class DayOfMonth(Func):
    +3193    _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_MONTH", "DAYOFMONTH"]
    @@ -30022,6 +30516,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30076,8 +30571,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3138class DayOfYear(Func):
    -3139    _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_YEAR", "DAYOFYEAR"]
    3196class DayOfYear(Func):
    +3197    _sql_names = ["DAY_OF_YEAR", "DAYOFYEAR"]
    @@ -30095,6 +30590,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30149,8 +30645,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3142class WeekOfYear(Func):
    -3143    _sql_names = ["WEEK_OF_YEAR", "WEEKOFYEAR"]
    3200class WeekOfYear(Func):
    +3201    _sql_names = ["WEEK_OF_YEAR", "WEEKOFYEAR"]
    @@ -30168,6 +30664,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30222,8 +30719,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3146class LastDateOfMonth(Func):
    -3147    pass
    3204class LastDateOfMonth(Func):
    +3205    pass
    @@ -30241,6 +30738,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30295,8 +30793,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3150class Extract(Func):
    -3151    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3208class Extract(Func):
    +3209    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -30314,6 +30812,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30368,8 +30867,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3154class TimestampAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3155    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3212class TimestampAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3213    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -30403,6 +30902,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30444,8 +30944,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3158class TimestampSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3159    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3216class TimestampSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3217    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -30479,6 +30979,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30520,8 +31021,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3162class TimestampDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3163    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3220class TimestampDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3221    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -30555,6 +31056,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30596,8 +31098,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3166class TimestampTrunc(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3167    arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False}
    3224class TimestampTrunc(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3225    arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False}
    @@ -30631,6 +31133,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30672,8 +31175,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3170class TimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3171    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3228class TimeAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3229    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -30707,6 +31210,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30748,8 +31252,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3174class TimeSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3175    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3232class TimeSub(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3233    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -30783,6 +31287,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30824,8 +31329,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3178class TimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3179    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3236class TimeDiff(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3237    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -30859,6 +31364,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30900,8 +31406,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3182class TimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3183    arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False}
    3240class TimeTrunc(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3241    arg_types = {"this": True, "unit": True, "zone": False}
    @@ -30935,6 +31441,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -30976,9 +31483,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3186class DateFromParts(Func):
    -3187    _sql_names = ["DATEFROMPARTS"]
    -3188    arg_types = {"year": True, "month": True, "day": True}
    3244class DateFromParts(Func):
    +3245    _sql_names = ["DATEFROMPARTS"]
    +3246    arg_types = {"year": True, "month": True, "day": True}
    @@ -30996,6 +31503,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31050,8 +31558,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3191class DateStrToDate(Func):
    -3192    pass
    3249class DateStrToDate(Func):
    +3250    pass
    @@ -31069,6 +31577,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31123,8 +31632,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3195class DateToDateStr(Func):
    -3196    pass
    3253class DateToDateStr(Func):
    +3254    pass
    @@ -31142,6 +31651,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31196,8 +31706,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3199class DateToDi(Func):
    -3200    pass
    3257class DateToDi(Func):
    +3258    pass
    @@ -31215,6 +31725,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31269,8 +31780,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3203class Day(Func):
    -3204    pass
    3261class Day(Func):
    +3262    pass
    @@ -31288,6 +31799,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31342,8 +31854,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3207class Decode(Func):
    -3208    arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True, "replace": False}
    3265class Decode(Func):
    +3266    arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True, "replace": False}
    @@ -31361,6 +31873,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31415,8 +31928,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3211class DiToDate(Func):
    -3212    pass
    3269class DiToDate(Func):
    +3270    pass
    @@ -31434,6 +31947,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31488,8 +32002,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3215class Encode(Func):
    -3216    arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True}
    3273class Encode(Func):
    +3274    arg_types = {"this": True, "charset": True}
    @@ -31507,6 +32021,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31561,8 +32076,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3219class Exp(Func):
    -3220    pass
    3277class Exp(Func):
    +3278    pass
    @@ -31580,6 +32095,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31634,8 +32150,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3223class Explode(Func):
    -3224    pass
    3281class Explode(Func):
    +3282    pass
    @@ -31653,6 +32169,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31707,8 +32224,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3227class Floor(Func):
    -3228    arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False}
    3285class Floor(Func):
    +3286    arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False}
    @@ -31726,6 +32243,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31780,9 +32298,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3231class Greatest(Func):
    -3232    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    -3233    is_var_len_args = True
    3289class Greatest(Func):
    +3290    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    +3291    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -31800,6 +32318,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31854,8 +32373,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3236class GroupConcat(Func):
    -3237    arg_types = {"this": True, "separator": False}
    3294class GroupConcat(Func):
    +3295    arg_types = {"this": True, "separator": False}
    @@ -31873,6 +32392,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -31927,8 +32447,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3240class Hex(Func):
    -3241    pass
    3298class Hex(Func):
    +3299    pass
    @@ -31946,6 +32466,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32000,8 +32521,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3244class If(Func):
    -3245    arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False}
    3302class If(Func):
    +3303    arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False}
    @@ -32019,6 +32540,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32073,9 +32595,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3248class IfNull(Func):
    -3249    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    -3250    _sql_names = ["IFNULL", "NVL"]
    3306class IfNull(Func):
    +3307    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    +3308    _sql_names = ["IFNULL", "NVL"]
    @@ -32093,6 +32615,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32147,8 +32670,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3253class Initcap(Func):
    -3254    pass
    3311class Initcap(Func):
    +3312    pass
    @@ -32166,6 +32689,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32220,8 +32744,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3257class JSONBContains(Binary):
    -3258    _sql_names = ["JSONB_CONTAINS"]
    3315class JSONBContains(Binary):
    +3316    _sql_names = ["JSONB_CONTAINS"]
    @@ -32239,6 +32763,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32280,8 +32805,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3261class JSONExtract(Binary, Func):
    -3262    _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT"]
    3319class JSONExtract(Binary, Func):
    +3320    _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT"]
    @@ -32299,6 +32824,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32353,8 +32879,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3265class JSONExtractScalar(JSONExtract):
    -3266    _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR"]
    3323class JSONExtractScalar(JSONExtract):
    +3324    _sql_names = ["JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR"]
    @@ -32372,6 +32898,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32426,8 +32953,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3269class JSONBExtract(JSONExtract):
    -3270    _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT"]
    3327class JSONBExtract(JSONExtract):
    +3328    _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT"]
    @@ -32445,6 +32972,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32499,8 +33027,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3273class JSONBExtractScalar(JSONExtract):
    -3274    _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT_SCALAR"]
    3331class JSONBExtractScalar(JSONExtract):
    +3332    _sql_names = ["JSONB_EXTRACT_SCALAR"]
    @@ -32518,6 +33046,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32572,9 +33101,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3277class Least(Func):
    -3278    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    -3279    is_var_len_args = True
    3335class Least(Func):
    +3336    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    +3337    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -32592,6 +33121,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32646,8 +33176,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3282class Length(Func):
    -3283    pass
    3340class Length(Func):
    +3341    pass
    @@ -32665,6 +33195,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32719,14 +33250,14 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3286class Levenshtein(Func):
    -3287    arg_types = {
    -3288        "this": True,
    -3289        "expression": False,
    -3290        "ins_cost": False,
    -3291        "del_cost": False,
    -3292        "sub_cost": False,
    -3293    }
    3344class Levenshtein(Func):
    +3345    arg_types = {
    +3346        "this": True,
    +3347        "expression": False,
    +3348        "ins_cost": False,
    +3349        "del_cost": False,
    +3350        "sub_cost": False,
    +3351    }
    @@ -32744,6 +33275,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32798,8 +33330,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3296class Ln(Func):
    -3297    pass
    3354class Ln(Func):
    +3355    pass
    @@ -32817,6 +33349,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32871,8 +33404,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3300class Log(Func):
    -3301    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    3358class Log(Func):
    +3359    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -32890,6 +33423,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -32944,8 +33478,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3304class Log2(Func):
    -3305    pass
    3362class Log2(Func):
    +3363    pass
    @@ -32963,6 +33497,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -33017,8 +33552,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3308class Log10(Func):
    -3309    pass
    3366class Log10(Func):
    +3367    pass
    @@ -33036,6 +33571,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -33090,8 +33626,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3312class LogicalOr(AggFunc):
    -3313    _sql_names = ["LOGICAL_OR", "BOOL_OR"]
    3370class LogicalOr(AggFunc):
    +3371    _sql_names = ["LOGICAL_OR", "BOOL_OR"]
    @@ -33109,6 +33645,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -33163,8 +33700,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3316class Lower(Func):
    -3317    _sql_names = ["LOWER", "LCASE"]
    3374class Lower(Func):
    +3375    _sql_names = ["LOWER", "LCASE"]
    @@ -33182,6 +33719,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -33236,8 +33774,8 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3320class Map(Func):
    -3321    arg_types = {"keys": False, "values": False}
    3378class Map(Func):
    +3379    arg_types = {"keys": False, "values": False}
    @@ -33255,6 +33793,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -33309,9 +33848,9 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3324class VarMap(Func):
    -3325    arg_types = {"keys": True, "values": True}
    -3326    is_var_len_args = True
    3382class VarMap(Func):
    +3383    arg_types = {"keys": True, "values": True}
    +3384    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -33329,6 +33868,7 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    @@ -33383,14 +33923,14 @@ name is set to the expression's class name transformed to snake case.
    3329class Matches(Func):
    -3330    """Oracle/Snowflake decode.
    -3332    Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)
    -3333    """
    -3335    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    -3336    is_var_len_args = True
    3387class Matches(Func):
    +3388    """Oracle/Snowflake decode.
    +3390    Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)
    +3391    """
    +3393    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": True}
    +3394    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -33412,6 +33952,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33466,8 +34007,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3339class Max(AggFunc):
    -3340    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    3397class Max(AggFunc):
    +3398    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -33485,6 +34026,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33539,8 +34081,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3343class Min(AggFunc):
    -3344    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    3401class Min(AggFunc):
    +3402    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": False}
    @@ -33558,6 +34100,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33612,8 +34155,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3347class Month(Func):
    -3348    pass
    3405class Month(Func):
    +3406    pass
    @@ -33631,6 +34174,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33685,8 +34229,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3351class Nvl2(Func):
    -3352    arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False}
    3409class Nvl2(Func):
    +3410    arg_types = {"this": True, "true": True, "false": False}
    @@ -33704,6 +34248,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33758,8 +34303,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3355class Posexplode(Func):
    -3356    pass
    3413class Posexplode(Func):
    +3414    pass
    @@ -33777,6 +34322,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33831,8 +34377,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3359class Pow(Binary, Func):
    -3360    _sql_names = ["POWER", "POW"]
    3417class Pow(Binary, Func):
    +3418    _sql_names = ["POWER", "POW"]
    @@ -33850,6 +34396,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33904,8 +34451,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3363class PercentileCont(AggFunc):
    -3364    pass
    3421class PercentileCont(AggFunc):
    +3422    pass
    @@ -33923,6 +34470,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -33977,8 +34525,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3367class PercentileDisc(AggFunc):
    -3368    pass
    3425class PercentileDisc(AggFunc):
    +3426    pass
    @@ -33996,6 +34544,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34050,8 +34599,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3371class Quantile(AggFunc):
    -3372    arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True}
    3429class Quantile(AggFunc):
    +3430    arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True}
    @@ -34069,6 +34618,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34123,8 +34673,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3377class Quantiles(AggFunc):
    -3378    arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True}
    3435class Quantiles(AggFunc):
    +3436    arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -34142,6 +34692,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34196,8 +34747,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3381class QuantileIf(AggFunc):
    -3382    arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True}
    3439class QuantileIf(AggFunc):
    +3440    arg_types = {"parameters": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -34215,6 +34766,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34269,8 +34821,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3385class ApproxQuantile(Quantile):
    -3386    arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True, "accuracy": False, "weight": False}
    3443class ApproxQuantile(Quantile):
    +3444    arg_types = {"this": True, "quantile": True, "accuracy": False, "weight": False}
    @@ -34288,6 +34840,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34342,10 +34895,10 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3389class ReadCSV(Func):
    -3390    _sql_names = ["READ_CSV"]
    -3391    is_var_len_args = True
    -3392    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    3447class ReadCSV(Func):
    +3448    _sql_names = ["READ_CSV"]
    +3449    is_var_len_args = True
    +3450    arg_types = {"this": True, "expressions": False}
    @@ -34363,6 +34916,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34417,8 +34971,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3395class Reduce(Func):
    -3396    arg_types = {"this": True, "initial": True, "merge": True, "finish": False}
    3453class Reduce(Func):
    +3454    arg_types = {"this": True, "initial": True, "merge": True, "finish": False}
    @@ -34436,6 +34990,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34475,6 +35030,86 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    + +
    + +
    + +
    + + class + RegexpExtract(Func): + + + +
    + +
    3457class RegexpExtract(Func):
    +3458    arg_types = {
    +3459        "this": True,
    +3460        "expression": True,
    +3461        "position": False,
    +3462        "occurrence": False,
    +3463        "group": False,
    +3464    }
    + + + + + @@ -34490,8 +35125,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3399class RegexpLike(Func):
    -3400    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False}
    3467class RegexpLike(Func):
    +3468    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False}
    @@ -34509,6 +35144,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34563,8 +35199,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3403class RegexpILike(Func):
    -3404    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False}
    3471class RegexpILike(Func):
    +3472    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "flag": False}
    @@ -34582,6 +35218,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34636,8 +35273,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3407class RegexpSplit(Func):
    -3408    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3475class RegexpSplit(Func):
    +3476    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -34655,6 +35292,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34709,8 +35347,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3411class Repeat(Func):
    -3412    arg_types = {"this": True, "times": True}
    3479class Repeat(Func):
    +3480    arg_types = {"this": True, "times": True}
    @@ -34728,6 +35366,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34782,8 +35421,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3415class Round(Func):
    -3416    arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False}
    3483class Round(Func):
    +3484    arg_types = {"this": True, "decimals": False}
    @@ -34801,6 +35440,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34855,8 +35495,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3419class RowNumber(Func):
    -3420    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    3487class RowNumber(Func):
    +3488    arg_types: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    @@ -34874,6 +35514,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -34928,8 +35569,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3423class SafeDivide(Func):
    -3424    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3491class SafeDivide(Func):
    +3492    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -34947,6 +35588,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35001,8 +35643,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3427class SetAgg(AggFunc):
    -3428    pass
    3495class SetAgg(AggFunc):
    +3496    pass
    @@ -35020,6 +35662,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35074,8 +35717,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3431class SortArray(Func):
    -3432    arg_types = {"this": True, "asc": False}
    3499class SortArray(Func):
    +3500    arg_types = {"this": True, "asc": False}
    @@ -35093,6 +35736,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35147,8 +35791,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3435class Split(Func):
    -3436    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "limit": False}
    3503class Split(Func):
    +3504    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "limit": False}
    @@ -35166,6 +35810,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35220,8 +35865,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3441class Substring(Func):
    -3442    arg_types = {"this": True, "start": False, "length": False}
    3509class Substring(Func):
    +3510    arg_types = {"this": True, "start": False, "length": False}
    @@ -35239,6 +35884,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35293,13 +35939,13 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3445class StrPosition(Func):
    -3446    arg_types = {
    -3447        "this": True,
    -3448        "substr": True,
    -3449        "position": False,
    -3450        "instance": False,
    -3451    }
    3513class StrPosition(Func):
    +3514    arg_types = {
    +3515        "this": True,
    +3516        "substr": True,
    +3517        "position": False,
    +3518        "instance": False,
    +3519    }
    @@ -35317,6 +35963,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35371,8 +36018,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3454class StrToDate(Func):
    -3455    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    3522class StrToDate(Func):
    +3523    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    @@ -35390,6 +36037,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35444,8 +36092,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3458class StrToTime(Func):
    -3459    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    3526class StrToTime(Func):
    +3527    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    @@ -35463,6 +36111,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35517,8 +36166,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3464class StrToUnix(Func):
    -3465    arg_types = {"this": False, "format": False}
    3532class StrToUnix(Func):
    +3533    arg_types = {"this": False, "format": False}
    @@ -35536,6 +36185,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35590,8 +36240,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3468class NumberToStr(Func):
    -3469    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    3536class NumberToStr(Func):
    +3537    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    @@ -35609,6 +36259,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35663,9 +36314,9 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3472class Struct(Func):
    -3473    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    -3474    is_var_len_args = True
    3540class Struct(Func):
    +3541    arg_types = {"expressions": True}
    +3542    is_var_len_args = True
    @@ -35683,6 +36334,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35737,8 +36389,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3477class StructExtract(Func):
    -3478    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    3545class StructExtract(Func):
    +3546    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True}
    @@ -35756,6 +36408,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35810,8 +36463,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3481class Sum(AggFunc):
    -3482    pass
    3549class Sum(AggFunc):
    +3550    pass
    @@ -35829,6 +36482,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35883,8 +36537,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3485class Sqrt(Func):
    -3486    pass
    3553class Sqrt(Func):
    +3554    pass
    @@ -35902,6 +36556,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -35956,8 +36611,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3489class Stddev(AggFunc):
    -3490    pass
    3557class Stddev(AggFunc):
    +3558    pass
    @@ -35975,6 +36630,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36029,8 +36685,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3493class StddevPop(AggFunc):
    -3494    pass
    3561class StddevPop(AggFunc):
    +3562    pass
    @@ -36048,6 +36704,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36102,8 +36759,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3497class StddevSamp(AggFunc):
    -3498    pass
    3565class StddevSamp(AggFunc):
    +3566    pass
    @@ -36121,6 +36778,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36175,8 +36833,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3501class TimeToStr(Func):
    -3502    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    3569class TimeToStr(Func):
    +3570    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": True}
    @@ -36194,6 +36852,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36248,8 +36907,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3505class TimeToTimeStr(Func):
    -3506    pass
    3573class TimeToTimeStr(Func):
    +3574    pass
    @@ -36267,6 +36926,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36321,8 +36981,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3509class TimeToUnix(Func):
    -3510    pass
    3577class TimeToUnix(Func):
    +3578    pass
    @@ -36340,6 +37000,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36394,8 +37055,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3513class TimeStrToDate(Func):
    -3514    pass
    3581class TimeStrToDate(Func):
    +3582    pass
    @@ -36413,6 +37074,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36467,8 +37129,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3517class TimeStrToTime(Func):
    -3518    pass
    3585class TimeStrToTime(Func):
    +3586    pass
    @@ -36486,6 +37148,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36540,8 +37203,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3521class TimeStrToUnix(Func):
    -3522    pass
    3589class TimeStrToUnix(Func):
    +3590    pass
    @@ -36559,6 +37222,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36613,13 +37277,13 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3525class Trim(Func):
    -3526    arg_types = {
    -3527        "this": True,
    -3528        "expression": False,
    -3529        "position": False,
    -3530        "collation": False,
    -3531    }
    3593class Trim(Func):
    +3594    arg_types = {
    +3595        "this": True,
    +3596        "expression": False,
    +3597        "position": False,
    +3598        "collation": False,
    +3599    }
    @@ -36637,6 +37301,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36691,8 +37356,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3534class TsOrDsAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    -3535    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    3602class TsOrDsAdd(Func, TimeUnit):
    +3603    arg_types = {"this": True, "expression": True, "unit": False}
    @@ -36726,6 +37391,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36767,8 +37433,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3538class TsOrDsToDateStr(Func):
    -3539    pass
    3606class TsOrDsToDateStr(Func):
    +3607    pass
    @@ -36786,6 +37452,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36840,8 +37507,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3542class TsOrDsToDate(Func):
    -3543    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False}
    3610class TsOrDsToDate(Func):
    +3611    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False}
    @@ -36859,6 +37526,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36913,8 +37581,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3546class TsOrDiToDi(Func):
    -3547    pass
    3614class TsOrDiToDi(Func):
    +3615    pass
    @@ -36932,6 +37600,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -36986,8 +37655,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3550class Unhex(Func):
    -3551    pass
    3618class Unhex(Func):
    +3619    pass
    @@ -37005,6 +37674,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37059,8 +37729,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3554class UnixToStr(Func):
    -3555    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False}
    3622class UnixToStr(Func):
    +3623    arg_types = {"this": True, "format": False}
    @@ -37078,6 +37748,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37132,12 +37803,12 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3560class UnixToTime(Func):
    -3561    arg_types = {"this": True, "scale": False, "zone": False, "hours": False, "minutes": False}
    -3563    SECONDS = Literal.string("seconds")
    -3564    MILLIS = Literal.string("millis")
    -3565    MICROS = Literal.string("micros")
    3628class UnixToTime(Func):
    +3629    arg_types = {"this": True, "scale": False, "zone": False, "hours": False, "minutes": False}
    +3631    SECONDS = Literal.string("seconds")
    +3632    MILLIS = Literal.string("millis")
    +3633    MICROS = Literal.string("micros")
    @@ -37155,6 +37826,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37209,8 +37881,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3568class UnixToTimeStr(Func):
    -3569    pass
    3636class UnixToTimeStr(Func):
    +3637    pass
    @@ -37228,6 +37900,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37282,8 +37955,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3572class Upper(Func):
    -3573    _sql_names = ["UPPER", "UCASE"]
    3640class Upper(Func):
    +3641    _sql_names = ["UPPER", "UCASE"]
    @@ -37301,6 +37974,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37355,8 +38029,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3576class Variance(AggFunc):
    -3577    _sql_names = ["VARIANCE", "VARIANCE_SAMP", "VAR_SAMP"]
    3644class Variance(AggFunc):
    +3645    _sql_names = ["VARIANCE", "VARIANCE_SAMP", "VAR_SAMP"]
    @@ -37374,6 +38048,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37428,8 +38103,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3580class VariancePop(AggFunc):
    -3581    _sql_names = ["VARIANCE_POP", "VAR_POP"]
    3648class VariancePop(AggFunc):
    +3649    _sql_names = ["VARIANCE_POP", "VAR_POP"]
    @@ -37447,6 +38122,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37501,8 +38177,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3584class Week(Func):
    -3585    arg_types = {"this": True, "mode": False}
    3652class Week(Func):
    +3653    arg_types = {"this": True, "mode": False}
    @@ -37520,6 +38196,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37574,8 +38251,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3588class XMLTable(Func):
    -3589    arg_types = {"this": True, "passing": False, "columns": False, "by_ref": False}
    3656class XMLTable(Func):
    +3657    arg_types = {"this": True, "passing": False, "columns": False, "by_ref": False}
    @@ -37593,6 +38270,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37647,8 +38325,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3592class Year(Func):
    -3593    pass
    3660class Year(Func):
    +3661    pass
    @@ -37666,6 +38344,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37720,8 +38399,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3596class Use(Expression):
    -3597    arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False}
    3664class Use(Expression):
    +3665    arg_types = {"this": True, "kind": False}
    @@ -37739,6 +38418,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37780,8 +38460,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3600class Merge(Expression):
    -3601    arg_types = {"this": True, "using": True, "on": True, "expressions": True}
    3668class Merge(Expression):
    +3669    arg_types = {"this": True, "using": True, "on": True, "expressions": True}
    @@ -37799,6 +38479,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37840,8 +38521,8 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3604class When(Func):
    -3605    arg_types = {"this": True, "then": True}
    3672class When(Func):
    +3673    arg_types = {"this": True, "then": True}
    @@ -37859,6 +38540,7 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    @@ -37913,48 +38595,48 @@ Pattern matching MATCHES(value, search1, result1, ...searchN, resultN, else)

    3633def maybe_parse(
    -3634    sql_or_expression: str | Expression,
    -3635    *,
    -3636    into: t.Optional[IntoType] = None,
    -3637    dialect: DialectType = None,
    -3638    prefix: t.Optional[str] = None,
    -3639    copy: bool = False,
    -3640    **opts,
    -3641) -> Expression:
    -3642    """Gracefully handle a possible string or expression.
    -3644    Example:
    -3645        >>> maybe_parse("1")
    -3646        (LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False)
    -3647        >>> maybe_parse(to_identifier("x"))
    -3648        (IDENTIFIER this: x, quoted: False)
    -3650    Args:
    -3651        sql_or_expression: the SQL code string or an expression
    -3652        into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into
    -3653        dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an
    -3654            input expression is a SQL string).
    -3655        prefix: a string to prefix the sql with before it gets parsed
    -3656            (automatically includes a space)
    -3657        copy: whether or not to copy the expression.
    -3658        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    -3659            that an input expression is a SQL string).
    -3661    Returns:
    -3662        Expression: the parsed or given expression.
    -3663    """
    -3664    if isinstance(sql_or_expression, Expression):
    -3665        if copy:
    -3666            return sql_or_expression.copy()
    -3667        return sql_or_expression
    -3669    import sqlglot
    -3671    sql = str(sql_or_expression)
    -3672    if prefix:
    -3673        sql = f"{prefix} {sql}"
    -3674    return sqlglot.parse_one(sql, read=dialect, into=into, **opts)
    3701def maybe_parse(
    +3702    sql_or_expression: str | Expression,
    +3703    *,
    +3704    into: t.Optional[IntoType] = None,
    +3705    dialect: DialectType = None,
    +3706    prefix: t.Optional[str] = None,
    +3707    copy: bool = False,
    +3708    **opts,
    +3709) -> Expression:
    +3710    """Gracefully handle a possible string or expression.
    +3712    Example:
    +3713        >>> maybe_parse("1")
    +3714        (LITERAL this: 1, is_string: False)
    +3715        >>> maybe_parse(to_identifier("x"))
    +3716        (IDENTIFIER this: x, quoted: False)
    +3718    Args:
    +3719        sql_or_expression: the SQL code string or an expression
    +3720        into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into
    +3721        dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an
    +3722            input expression is a SQL string).
    +3723        prefix: a string to prefix the sql with before it gets parsed
    +3724            (automatically includes a space)
    +3725        copy: whether or not to copy the expression.
    +3726        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    +3727            that an input expression is a SQL string).
    +3729    Returns:
    +3730        Expression: the parsed or given expression.
    +3731    """
    +3732    if isinstance(sql_or_expression, Expression):
    +3733        if copy:
    +3734            return sql_or_expression.copy()
    +3735        return sql_or_expression
    +3737    import sqlglot
    +3739    sql = str(sql_or_expression)
    +3740    if prefix:
    +3741        sql = f"{prefix} {sql}"
    +3742    return sqlglot.parse_one(sql, read=dialect, into=into, **opts)
    @@ -38006,29 +38688,29 @@ that an input expression is a SQL string).
    3820def union(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -3821    """
    -3822    Initializes a syntax tree from one UNION expression.
    -3824    Example:
    -3825        >>> union("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -3826        'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'
    -3828    Args:
    -3829        left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.
    -3830            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -3831        right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.
    -3832            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -3833        distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -3834        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -3835        opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -3836    Returns:
    -3837        Union: the syntax tree for the UNION expression.
    -3838    """
    -3839    left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -3840    right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -3842    return Union(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct)
    3888def union(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +3889    """
    +3890    Initializes a syntax tree from one UNION expression.
    +3892    Example:
    +3893        >>> union("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +3894        'SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM bla'
    +3896    Args:
    +3897        left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.
    +3898            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +3899        right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.
    +3900            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +3901        distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +3902        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +3903        opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +3904    Returns:
    +3905        Union: the syntax tree for the UNION expression.
    +3906    """
    +3907    left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +3908    right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +3910    return Union(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct)
    @@ -38076,29 +38758,29 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    3845def intersect(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -3846    """
    -3847    Initializes a syntax tree from one INTERSECT expression.
    -3849    Example:
    -3850        >>> intersect("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -3851        'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'
    -3853    Args:
    -3854        left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.
    -3855            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -3856        right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.
    -3857            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -3858        distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -3859        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -3860        opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -3861    Returns:
    -3862        Intersect: the syntax tree for the INTERSECT expression.
    -3863    """
    -3864    left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -3865    right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -3867    return Intersect(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct)
    3913def intersect(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +3914    """
    +3915    Initializes a syntax tree from one INTERSECT expression.
    +3917    Example:
    +3918        >>> intersect("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +3919        'SELECT * FROM foo INTERSECT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +3921    Args:
    +3922        left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.
    +3923            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +3924        right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.
    +3925            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +3926        distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +3927        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +3928        opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +3929    Returns:
    +3930        Intersect: the syntax tree for the INTERSECT expression.
    +3931    """
    +3932    left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +3933    right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +3935    return Intersect(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct)
    @@ -38146,29 +38828,29 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    3870def except_(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    -3871    """
    -3872    Initializes a syntax tree from one EXCEPT expression.
    -3874    Example:
    -3875        >>> except_("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    -3876        'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'
    -3878    Args:
    -3879        left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.
    -3880            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -3881        right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.
    -3882            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    -3883        distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    -3884        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -3885        opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -3886    Returns:
    -3887        Except: the syntax tree for the EXCEPT statement.
    -3888    """
    -3889    left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -3890    right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -3892    return Except(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct)
    3938def except_(left, right, distinct=True, dialect=None, **opts):
    +3939    """
    +3940    Initializes a syntax tree from one EXCEPT expression.
    +3942    Example:
    +3943        >>> except_("SELECT * FROM foo", "SELECT * FROM bla").sql()
    +3944        'SELECT * FROM foo EXCEPT SELECT * FROM bla'
    +3946    Args:
    +3947        left (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the left-hand side.
    +3948            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +3949        right (str | Expression): the SQL code string corresponding to the right-hand side.
    +3950            If an `Expression` instance is passed, it will be used as-is.
    +3951        distinct (bool): set the DISTINCT flag if and only if this is true.
    +3952        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +3953        opts (kwargs): other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +3954    Returns:
    +3955        Except: the syntax tree for the EXCEPT statement.
    +3956    """
    +3957    left = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=left, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +3958    right = maybe_parse(sql_or_expression=right, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +3960    return Except(this=left, expression=right, distinct=distinct)
    @@ -38210,32 +38892,32 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    def - select(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select: + select( *expressions: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None, **opts) -> sqlglot.expressions.Select:
    3895def select(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Select:
    -3896    """
    -3897    Initializes a syntax tree from one or multiple SELECT expressions.
    -3899    Example:
    -3900        >>> select("col1", "col2").from_("tbl").sql()
    -3901        'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'
    -3903    Args:
    -3904        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a
    -3905            SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -3906        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an
    -3907            input expression is a SQL string).
    -3908        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    -3909            that an input expression is a SQL string).
    -3911    Returns:
    -3912        Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.
    -3913    """
    -3914    return Select().select(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    3963def select(*expressions: str | Expression, dialect: DialectType = None, **opts) -> Select:
    +3964    """
    +3965    Initializes a syntax tree from one or multiple SELECT expressions.
    +3967    Example:
    +3968        >>> select("col1", "col2").from_("tbl").sql()
    +3969        'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'
    +3971    Args:
    +3972        *expressions: the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a
    +3973            SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +3974        dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an
    +3975            input expression is a SQL string).
    +3976        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    +3977            that an input expression is a SQL string).
    +3979    Returns:
    +3980        Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.
    +3981    """
    +3982    return Select().select(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -38254,9 +38936,9 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, it w
    • *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a +
    • *expressions: the SQL code string to parse as the expressions of a SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    • -
    • dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an +
    • dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expressions (in the case that an input expression is a SQL string).
    • **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case that an input expression is a SQL string).
    • @@ -38282,26 +38964,26 @@ that an input expression is a SQL string).
    3917def from_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Select:
    -3918    """
    -3919    Initializes a syntax tree from a FROM expression.
    -3921    Example:
    -3922        >>> from_("tbl").select("col1", "col2").sql()
    -3923        'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'
    -3925    Args:
    -3926        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the FROM expressions of a
    -3927            SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -3928        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the
    -3929            input expression is a SQL string).
    -3930        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    -3931            that the input expression is a SQL string).
    -3933    Returns:
    -3934        Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.
    -3935    """
    -3936    return Select().from_(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    3985def from_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Select:
    +3986    """
    +3987    Initializes a syntax tree from a FROM expression.
    +3989    Example:
    +3990        >>> from_("tbl").select("col1", "col2").sql()
    +3991        'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl'
    +3993    Args:
    +3994        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse as the FROM expressions of a
    +3995            SELECT statement. If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +3996        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the
    +3997            input expression is a SQL string).
    +3998        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    +3999            that the input expression is a SQL string).
    +4001    Returns:
    +4002        Select: the syntax tree for the SELECT statement.
    +4003    """
    +4004    return Select().from_(*expressions, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -38348,46 +39030,46 @@ that the input expression is a SQL string).
    3939def update(table, properties, where=None, from_=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Update:
    -3940    """
    -3941    Creates an update statement.
    -3943    Example:
    -3944        >>> update("my_table", {"x": 1, "y": "2", "z": None}, from_="baz", where="id > 1").sql()
    -3945        "UPDATE my_table SET x = 1, y = '2', z = NULL FROM baz WHERE id > 1"
    -3947    Args:
    -3948        *properties (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary of properties to set which are
    -3949            auto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL
    -3950        where (str): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
    -3951        from_ (str): sql statement parsed into a FROM statement
    -3952        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -3953        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -3955    Returns:
    -3956        Update: the syntax tree for the UPDATE statement.
    -3957    """
    -3958    update = Update(this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect))
    -3959    update.set(
    -3960        "expressions",
    -3961        [
    -3962            EQ(this=maybe_parse(k, dialect=dialect, **opts), expression=convert(v))
    -3963            for k, v in properties.items()
    -3964        ],
    -3965    )
    -3966    if from_:
    -3967        update.set(
    -3968            "from",
    -3969            maybe_parse(from_, into=From, dialect=dialect, prefix="FROM", **opts),
    -3970        )
    -3971    if isinstance(where, Condition):
    -3972        where = Where(this=where)
    -3973    if where:
    -3974        update.set(
    -3975            "where",
    -3976            maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts),
    -3977        )
    -3978    return update
    4007def update(table, properties, where=None, from_=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Update:
    +4008    """
    +4009    Creates an update statement.
    +4011    Example:
    +4012        >>> update("my_table", {"x": 1, "y": "2", "z": None}, from_="baz", where="id > 1").sql()
    +4013        "UPDATE my_table SET x = 1, y = '2', z = NULL FROM baz WHERE id > 1"
    +4015    Args:
    +4016        *properties (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary of properties to set which are
    +4017            auto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL
    +4018        where (str): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
    +4019        from_ (str): sql statement parsed into a FROM statement
    +4020        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +4021        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4023    Returns:
    +4024        Update: the syntax tree for the UPDATE statement.
    +4025    """
    +4026    update = Update(this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect))
    +4027    update.set(
    +4028        "expressions",
    +4029        [
    +4030            EQ(this=maybe_parse(k, dialect=dialect, **opts), expression=convert(v))
    +4031            for k, v in properties.items()
    +4032        ],
    +4033    )
    +4034    if from_:
    +4035        update.set(
    +4036            "from",
    +4037            maybe_parse(from_, into=From, dialect=dialect, prefix="FROM", **opts),
    +4038        )
    +4039    if isinstance(where, Condition):
    +4040        where = Where(this=where)
    +4041    if where:
    +4042        update.set(
    +4043            "where",
    +4044            maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts),
    +4045        )
    +4046    return update
    @@ -38434,28 +39116,28 @@ auto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL
    3981def delete(table, where=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Delete:
    -3982    """
    -3983    Builds a delete statement.
    -3985    Example:
    -3986        >>> delete("my_table", where="id > 1").sql()
    -3987        'DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id > 1'
    -3989    Args:
    -3990        where (str|Condition): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
    -3991        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    -3992        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -3994    Returns:
    -3995        Delete: the syntax tree for the DELETE statement.
    -3996    """
    -3997    return Delete(
    -3998        this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect, **opts),
    -3999        where=Where(this=where)
    -4000        if isinstance(where, Condition)
    -4001        else maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts),
    -4002    )
    4049def delete(table, where=None, dialect=None, **opts) -> Delete:
    +4050    """
    +4051    Builds a delete statement.
    +4053    Example:
    +4054        >>> delete("my_table", where="id > 1").sql()
    +4055        'DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id > 1'
    +4057    Args:
    +4058        where (str|Condition): sql conditional parsed into a WHERE statement
    +4059        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expressions.
    +4060        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4062    Returns:
    +4063        Delete: the syntax tree for the DELETE statement.
    +4064    """
    +4065    return Delete(
    +4066        this=maybe_parse(table, into=Table, dialect=dialect, **opts),
    +4067        where=Where(this=where)
    +4068        if isinstance(where, Condition)
    +4069        else maybe_parse(where, into=Where, dialect=dialect, prefix="WHERE", **opts),
    +4070    )
    @@ -38499,37 +39181,37 @@ auto converted to sql objects eg None -> NULL
    4005def condition(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Condition:
    -4006    """
    -4007    Initialize a logical condition expression.
    -4009    Example:
    -4010        >>> condition("x=1").sql()
    -4011        'x = 1'
    -4013        This is helpful for composing larger logical syntax trees:
    -4014        >>> where = condition("x=1")
    -4015        >>> where = where.and_("y=1")
    -4016        >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("*").where(where).sql()
    -4017        'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1'
    -4019    Args:
    -4020        *expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    -4021            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -4022        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the
    -4023            input expression is a SQL string).
    -4024        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    -4025            that the input expression is a SQL string).
    -4027    Returns:
    -4028        Condition: the expression
    -4029    """
    -4030    return maybe_parse(  # type: ignore
    -4031        expression,
    -4032        into=Condition,
    -4033        dialect=dialect,
    -4034        **opts,
    -4035    )
    4073def condition(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Condition:
    +4074    """
    +4075    Initialize a logical condition expression.
    +4077    Example:
    +4078        >>> condition("x=1").sql()
    +4079        'x = 1'
    +4081        This is helpful for composing larger logical syntax trees:
    +4082        >>> where = condition("x=1")
    +4083        >>> where = where.and_("y=1")
    +4084        >>> Select().from_("tbl").select("*").where(where).sql()
    +4085        'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1'
    +4087    Args:
    +4088        *expression (str | Expression): the SQL code string to parse.
    +4089            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +4090        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression (in the case that the
    +4091            input expression is a SQL string).
    +4092        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions (again, in the case
    +4093            that the input expression is a SQL string).
    +4095    Returns:
    +4096        Condition: the expression
    +4097    """
    +4098    return maybe_parse(  # type: ignore
    +4099        expression,
    +4100        into=Condition,
    +4101        dialect=dialect,
    +4102        **opts,
    +4103    )
    @@ -38586,24 +39268,24 @@ that the input expression is a SQL string).
    4038def and_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> And:
    -4039    """
    -4040    Combine multiple conditions with an AND logical operator.
    -4042    Example:
    -4043        >>> and_("x=1", and_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()
    -4044        'x = 1 AND (y = 1 AND z = 1)'
    -4046    Args:
    -4047        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -4048            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -4049        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -4050        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -4052    Returns:
    -4053        And: the new condition
    -4054    """
    -4055    return _combine(expressions, And, dialect, **opts)
    4106def and_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> And:
    +4107    """
    +4108    Combine multiple conditions with an AND logical operator.
    +4110    Example:
    +4111        >>> and_("x=1", and_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()
    +4112        'x = 1 AND (y = 1 AND z = 1)'
    +4114    Args:
    +4115        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +4116            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +4117        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +4118        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4120    Returns:
    +4121        And: the new condition
    +4122    """
    +4123    return _combine(expressions, And, dialect, **opts)
    @@ -38648,24 +39330,24 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4058def or_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Or:
    -4059    """
    -4060    Combine multiple conditions with an OR logical operator.
    -4062    Example:
    -4063        >>> or_("x=1", or_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()
    -4064        'x = 1 OR (y = 1 OR z = 1)'
    -4066    Args:
    -4067        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -4068            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -4069        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -4070        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -4072    Returns:
    -4073        Or: the new condition
    -4074    """
    -4075    return _combine(expressions, Or, dialect, **opts)
    4126def or_(*expressions, dialect=None, **opts) -> Or:
    +4127    """
    +4128    Combine multiple conditions with an OR logical operator.
    +4130    Example:
    +4131        >>> or_("x=1", or_("y=1", "z=1")).sql()
    +4132        'x = 1 OR (y = 1 OR z = 1)'
    +4134    Args:
    +4135        *expressions (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +4136            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +4137        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +4138        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4140    Returns:
    +4141        Or: the new condition
    +4142    """
    +4143    return _combine(expressions, Or, dialect, **opts)
    @@ -38710,29 +39392,29 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4078def not_(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Not:
    -4079    """
    -4080    Wrap a condition with a NOT operator.
    -4082    Example:
    -4083        >>> not_("this_suit='black'").sql()
    -4084        "NOT this_suit = 'black'"
    -4086    Args:
    -4087        expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -4088            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -4089        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -4090        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -4092    Returns:
    -4093        Not: the new condition
    -4094    """
    -4095    this = condition(
    -4096        expression,
    -4097        dialect=dialect,
    -4098        **opts,
    -4099    )
    -4100    return Not(this=_wrap_operator(this))
    4146def not_(expression, dialect=None, **opts) -> Not:
    +4147    """
    +4148    Wrap a condition with a NOT operator.
    +4150    Example:
    +4151        >>> not_("this_suit='black'").sql()
    +4152        "NOT this_suit = 'black'"
    +4154    Args:
    +4155        expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +4156            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +4157        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +4158        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4160    Returns:
    +4161        Not: the new condition
    +4162    """
    +4163    this = condition(
    +4164        expression,
    +4165        dialect=dialect,
    +4166        **opts,
    +4167    )
    +4168    return Not(this=_wrap_operator(this))
    @@ -38777,8 +39459,8 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4103def paren(expression) -> Paren:
    -4104    return Paren(this=expression)
    4171def paren(expression) -> Paren:
    +4172    return Paren(this=expression)
    @@ -38796,30 +39478,30 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4120def to_identifier(name, quoted=None):
    -4121    """Builds an identifier.
    -4123    Args:
    -4124        name: The name to turn into an identifier.
    -4125        quoted: Whether or not force quote the identifier.
    -4127    Returns:
    -4128        The identifier ast node.
    -4129    """
    -4131    if name is None:
    -4132        return None
    -4134    if isinstance(name, Identifier):
    -4135        identifier = name
    -4136    elif isinstance(name, str):
    -4137        identifier = Identifier(
    -4138            this=name,
    -4139            quoted=not re.match(SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE, name) if quoted is None else quoted,
    -4140        )
    -4141    else:
    -4142        raise ValueError(f"Name needs to be a string or an Identifier, got: {name.__class__}")
    -4143    return identifier
    4188def to_identifier(name, quoted=None):
    +4189    """Builds an identifier.
    +4191    Args:
    +4192        name: The name to turn into an identifier.
    +4193        quoted: Whether or not force quote the identifier.
    +4195    Returns:
    +4196        The identifier ast node.
    +4197    """
    +4199    if name is None:
    +4200        return None
    +4202    if isinstance(name, Identifier):
    +4203        identifier = name
    +4204    elif isinstance(name, str):
    +4205        identifier = Identifier(
    +4206            this=name,
    +4207            quoted=not re.match(SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE, name) if quoted is None else quoted,
    +4208        )
    +4209    else:
    +4210        raise ValueError(f"Name needs to be a string or an Identifier, got: {name.__class__}")
    +4211    return identifier
    @@ -38852,23 +39534,23 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4149def to_interval(interval: str | Literal) -> Interval:
    -4150    """Builds an interval expression from a string like '1 day' or '5 months'."""
    -4151    if isinstance(interval, Literal):
    -4152        if not interval.is_string:
    -4153            raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.")
    -4155        interval = interval.this
    -4157    interval_parts = INTERVAL_STRING_RE.match(interval)  # type: ignore
    -4159    if not interval_parts:
    -4160        raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.")
    -4162    return Interval(
    -4163        this=Literal.string(,
    -4164        unit=Var(,
    -4165    )
    4217def to_interval(interval: str | Literal) -> Interval:
    +4218    """Builds an interval expression from a string like '1 day' or '5 months'."""
    +4219    if isinstance(interval, Literal):
    +4220        if not interval.is_string:
    +4221            raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.")
    +4223        interval = interval.this
    +4225    interval_parts = INTERVAL_STRING_RE.match(interval)  # type: ignore
    +4227    if not interval_parts:
    +4228        raise ValueError("Invalid interval string.")
    +4230    return Interval(
    +4231        this=Literal.string(,
    +4232        unit=Var(,
    +4233    )
    @@ -38888,24 +39570,24 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4178def to_table(sql_path: t.Optional[str | Table], **kwargs) -> t.Optional[Table]:
    -4179    """
    -4180    Create a table expression from a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` sql path. Catalog and schema are optional.
    -4181    If a table is passed in then that table is returned.
    -4183    Args:
    -4184        sql_path: a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` string.
    -4186    Returns:
    -4187        A table expression.
    -4188    """
    -4189    if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Table):
    -4190        return sql_path
    -4191    if not isinstance(sql_path, str):
    -4192        raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for a table: {type(sql_path)}")
    -4194    catalog, db, table_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 3))
    -4195    return Table(this=table_name, db=db, catalog=catalog, **kwargs)
    4246def to_table(sql_path: t.Optional[str | Table], **kwargs) -> t.Optional[Table]:
    +4247    """
    +4248    Create a table expression from a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` sql path. Catalog and schema are optional.
    +4249    If a table is passed in then that table is returned.
    +4251    Args:
    +4252        sql_path: a `[catalog].[schema].[table]` string.
    +4254    Returns:
    +4255        A table expression.
    +4256    """
    +4257    if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Table):
    +4258        return sql_path
    +4259    if not isinstance(sql_path, str):
    +4260        raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for a table: {type(sql_path)}")
    +4262    catalog, db, table_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 3))
    +4263    return Table(this=table_name, db=db, catalog=catalog, **kwargs)
    @@ -38938,23 +39620,23 @@ If a table is passed in then that table is returned.

    4198def to_column(sql_path: str | Column, **kwargs) -> Column:
    -4199    """
    -4200    Create a column from a `[table].[column]` sql path. Schema is optional.
    -4202    If a column is passed in then that column is returned.
    -4204    Args:
    -4205        sql_path: `[table].[column]` string
    -4206    Returns:
    -4207        Table: A column expression
    -4208    """
    -4209    if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Column):
    -4210        return sql_path
    -4211    if not isinstance(sql_path, str):
    -4212        raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for column: {type(sql_path)}")
    -4213    table_name, column_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 2))
    -4214    return Column(this=column_name, table=table_name, **kwargs)
    4266def to_column(sql_path: str | Column, **kwargs) -> Column:
    +4267    """
    +4268    Create a column from a `[table].[column]` sql path. Schema is optional.
    +4270    If a column is passed in then that column is returned.
    +4272    Args:
    +4273        sql_path: `[table].[column]` string
    +4274    Returns:
    +4275        Table: A column expression
    +4276    """
    +4277    if sql_path is None or isinstance(sql_path, Column):
    +4278        return sql_path
    +4279    if not isinstance(sql_path, str):
    +4280        raise ValueError(f"Invalid type provided for column: {type(sql_path)}")
    +4281    table_name, column_name = (to_identifier(x) for x in split_num_words(sql_path, ".", 2))
    +4282    return Column(this=column_name, table=table_name, **kwargs)
    @@ -38988,60 +39670,60 @@ If a table is passed in then that table is returned.

    4217def alias_(
    -4218    expression: str | Expression,
    -4219    alias: str | Identifier,
    -4220    table: bool | t.Sequence[str | Identifier] = False,
    -4221    quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    -4222    dialect: DialectType = None,
    -4223    **opts,
    -4225    """Create an Alias expression.
    -4227    Example:
    -4228        >>> alias_('foo', 'bar').sql()
    -4229        'foo AS bar'
    -4231        >>> alias_('(select 1, 2)', 'bar', table=['a', 'b']).sql()
    -4232        '(SELECT 1, 2) AS bar(a, b)'
    -4234    Args:
    -4235        expression: the SQL code strings to parse.
    -4236            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -4237        alias: the alias name to use. If the name has
    -4238            special characters it is quoted.
    -4239        table: Whether or not to create a table alias, can also be a list of columns.
    -4240        quoted: whether or not to quote the alias
    -4241        dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -4242        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -4244    Returns:
    -4245        Alias: the aliased expression
    -4246    """
    -4247    exp = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    -4248    alias = to_identifier(alias, quoted=quoted)
    -4250    if table:
    -4251        table_alias = TableAlias(this=alias)
    -4252        exp.set("alias", table_alias)
    -4254        if not isinstance(table, bool):
    -4255            for column in table:
    -4256                table_alias.append("columns", to_identifier(column, quoted=quoted))
    -4258        return exp
    -4260    # We don't set the "alias" arg for Window expressions, because that would add an IDENTIFIER node in
    -4261    # the AST, representing a "named_window" [1] construct (eg. bigquery). What we want is an ALIAS node
    -4262    # for the complete Window expression.
    -4263    #
    -4264    # [1]:
    -4266    if "alias" in exp.arg_types and not isinstance(exp, Window):
    -4267        exp = exp.copy()
    -4268        exp.set("alias", alias)
    -4269        return exp
    -4270    return Alias(this=exp, alias=alias)
    4285def alias_(
    +4286    expression: str | Expression,
    +4287    alias: str | Identifier,
    +4288    table: bool | t.Sequence[str | Identifier] = False,
    +4289    quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    +4290    dialect: DialectType = None,
    +4291    **opts,
    +4293    """Create an Alias expression.
    +4295    Example:
    +4296        >>> alias_('foo', 'bar').sql()
    +4297        'foo AS bar'
    +4299        >>> alias_('(select 1, 2)', 'bar', table=['a', 'b']).sql()
    +4300        '(SELECT 1, 2) AS bar(a, b)'
    +4302    Args:
    +4303        expression: the SQL code strings to parse.
    +4304            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +4305        alias: the alias name to use. If the name has
    +4306            special characters it is quoted.
    +4307        table: Whether or not to create a table alias, can also be a list of columns.
    +4308        quoted: whether or not to quote the alias
    +4309        dialect: the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +4310        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4312    Returns:
    +4313        Alias: the aliased expression
    +4314    """
    +4315    exp = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    +4316    alias = to_identifier(alias, quoted=quoted)
    +4318    if table:
    +4319        table_alias = TableAlias(this=alias)
    +4320        exp.set("alias", table_alias)
    +4322        if not isinstance(table, bool):
    +4323            for column in table:
    +4324                table_alias.append("columns", to_identifier(column, quoted=quoted))
    +4326        return exp
    +4328    # We don't set the "alias" arg for Window expressions, because that would add an IDENTIFIER node in
    +4329    # the AST, representing a "named_window" [1] construct (eg. bigquery). What we want is an ALIAS node
    +4330    # for the complete Window expression.
    +4331    #
    +4332    # [1]:
    +4334    if "alias" in exp.arg_types and not isinstance(exp, Window):
    +4335        exp = exp.copy()
    +4336        exp.set("alias", alias)
    +4337        return exp
    +4338    return Alias(this=exp, alias=alias)
    @@ -39096,27 +39778,27 @@ special characters it is quoted.
    4273def subquery(expression, alias=None, dialect=None, **opts):
    -4274    """
    -4275    Build a subquery expression.
    -4277    Example:
    -4278        >>> subquery('select x from tbl', 'bar').select('x').sql()
    -4279        'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl) AS bar'
    -4281    Args:
    -4282        expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    -4283            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    -4284        alias (str | Expression): the alias name to use.
    -4285        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    -4286        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    -4288    Returns:
    -4289        Select: a new select with the subquery expression included
    -4290    """
    -4292    expression = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts).subquery(alias)
    -4293    return Select().from_(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    4341def subquery(expression, alias=None, dialect=None, **opts):
    +4342    """
    +4343    Build a subquery expression.
    +4345    Example:
    +4346        >>> subquery('select x from tbl', 'bar').select('x').sql()
    +4347        'SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM tbl) AS bar'
    +4349    Args:
    +4350        expression (str | Expression): the SQL code strings to parse.
    +4351            If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    +4352        alias (str | Expression): the alias name to use.
    +4353        dialect (str): the dialect used to parse the input expression.
    +4354        **opts: other options to use to parse the input expressions.
    +4356    Returns:
    +4357        Select: a new select with the subquery expression included
    +4358    """
    +4360    expression = maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts).subquery(alias)
    +4361    return Select().from_(expression, dialect=dialect, **opts)
    @@ -39162,28 +39844,28 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4296def column(
    -4297    col: str | Identifier,
    -4298    table: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None,
    -4299    schema: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None,
    -4300    quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    -4301) -> Column:
    -4302    """
    -4303    Build a Column.
    -4305    Args:
    -4306        col: column name
    -4307        table: table name
    -4308        schema: schema name
    -4309        quoted: whether or not to force quote each part
    -4310    Returns:
    -4311        Column: column instance
    -4312    """
    -4313    return Column(
    -4314        this=to_identifier(col, quoted=quoted),
    -4315        table=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted),
    -4316        schema=to_identifier(schema, quoted=quoted),
    -4317    )
    4364def column(
    +4365    col: str | Identifier,
    +4366    table: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None,
    +4367    schema: t.Optional[str | Identifier] = None,
    +4368    quoted: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    +4369) -> Column:
    +4370    """
    +4371    Build a Column.
    +4373    Args:
    +4374        col: column name
    +4375        table: table name
    +4376        schema: schema name
    +4377        quoted: whether or not to force quote each part
    +4378    Returns:
    +4379        Column: column instance
    +4380    """
    +4381    return Column(
    +4382        this=to_identifier(col, quoted=quoted),
    +4383        table=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted),
    +4384        schema=to_identifier(schema, quoted=quoted),
    +4385    )
    @@ -39218,22 +39900,22 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4320def cast(expression: str | Expression, to: str | DataType | DataType.Type, **opts) -> Cast:
    -4321    """Cast an expression to a data type.
    -4323    Example:
    -4324        >>> cast('x + 1', 'int').sql()
    -4325        'CAST(x + 1 AS INT)'
    -4327    Args:
    -4328        expression: The expression to cast.
    -4329        to: The datatype to cast to.
    -4331    Returns:
    -4332        A cast node.
    -4333    """
    -4334    expression = maybe_parse(expression, **opts)
    -4335    return Cast(this=expression,, **opts))
    4388def cast(expression: str | Expression, to: str | DataType | DataType.Type, **opts) -> Cast:
    +4389    """Cast an expression to a data type.
    +4391    Example:
    +4392        >>> cast('x + 1', 'int').sql()
    +4393        'CAST(x + 1 AS INT)'
    +4395    Args:
    +4396        expression: The expression to cast.
    +4397        to: The datatype to cast to.
    +4399    Returns:
    +4400        A cast node.
    +4401    """
    +4402    expression = maybe_parse(expression, **opts)
    +4403    return Cast(this=expression,, **opts))
    @@ -39276,23 +39958,23 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4338def table_(table, db=None, catalog=None, quoted=None, alias=None) -> Table:
    -4339    """Build a Table.
    -4341    Args:
    -4342        table (str | Expression): column name
    -4343        db (str | Expression): db name
    -4344        catalog (str | Expression): catalog name
    -4346    Returns:
    -4347        Table: table instance
    -4348    """
    -4349    return Table(
    -4350        this=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted),
    -4351        db=to_identifier(db, quoted=quoted),
    -4352        catalog=to_identifier(catalog, quoted=quoted),
    -4353        alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)) if alias else None,
    -4354    )
    4406def table_(table, db=None, catalog=None, quoted=None, alias=None) -> Table:
    +4407    """Build a Table.
    +4409    Args:
    +4410        table (str | Expression): column name
    +4411        db (str | Expression): db name
    +4412        catalog (str | Expression): catalog name
    +4414    Returns:
    +4415        Table: table instance
    +4416    """
    +4417    return Table(
    +4418        this=to_identifier(table, quoted=quoted),
    +4419        db=to_identifier(db, quoted=quoted),
    +4420        catalog=to_identifier(catalog, quoted=quoted),
    +4421        alias=TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias)) if alias else None,
    +4422    )
    @@ -39326,46 +40008,46 @@ If an Expression instance is passed, this is used as-is.
    4357def values(
    -4358    values: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[t.Any, ...]],
    -4359    alias: t.Optional[str] = None,
    -4360    columns: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str] | t.Dict[str, DataType]] = None,
    -4361) -> Values:
    -4362    """Build VALUES statement.
    -4364    Example:
    -4365        >>> values([(1, '2')]).sql()
    -4366        "VALUES (1, '2')"
    -4368    Args:
    -4369        values: values statements that will be converted to SQL
    -4370        alias: optional alias
    -4371        columns: Optional list of ordered column names or ordered dictionary of column names to types.
    -4372         If either are provided then an alias is also required.
    -4373         If a dictionary is provided then the first column of the values will be casted to the expected type
    -4374         in order to help with type inference.
    -4376    Returns:
    -4377        Values: the Values expression object
    -4378    """
    -4379    if columns and not alias:
    -4380        raise ValueError("Alias is required when providing columns")
    -4381    table_alias = (
    -4382        TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias), columns=[to_identifier(x) for x in columns])
    -4383        if columns
    -4384        else TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias) if alias else None)
    -4385    )
    -4386    expressions = [convert(tup) for tup in values]
    -4387    if columns and isinstance(columns, dict):
    -4388        types = list(columns.values())
    -4389        expressions[0].set(
    -4390            "expressions",
    -4391            [cast(x, types[i]) for i, x in enumerate(expressions[0].expressions)],
    -4392        )
    -4393    return Values(
    -4394        expressions=expressions,
    -4395        alias=table_alias,
    -4396    )
    4425def values(
    +4426    values: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[t.Any, ...]],
    +4427    alias: t.Optional[str] = None,
    +4428    columns: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str] | t.Dict[str, DataType]] = None,
    +4429) -> Values:
    +4430    """Build VALUES statement.
    +4432    Example:
    +4433        >>> values([(1, '2')]).sql()
    +4434        "VALUES (1, '2')"
    +4436    Args:
    +4437        values: values statements that will be converted to SQL
    +4438        alias: optional alias
    +4439        columns: Optional list of ordered column names or ordered dictionary of column names to types.
    +4440         If either are provided then an alias is also required.
    +4441         If a dictionary is provided then the first column of the values will be casted to the expected type
    +4442         in order to help with type inference.
    +4444    Returns:
    +4445        Values: the Values expression object
    +4446    """
    +4447    if columns and not alias:
    +4448        raise ValueError("Alias is required when providing columns")
    +4449    table_alias = (
    +4450        TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias), columns=[to_identifier(x) for x in columns])
    +4451        if columns
    +4452        else TableAlias(this=to_identifier(alias) if alias else None)
    +4453    )
    +4454    expressions = [convert(tup) for tup in values]
    +4455    if columns and isinstance(columns, dict):
    +4456        types = list(columns.values())
    +4457        expressions[0].set(
    +4458            "expressions",
    +4459            [cast(x, types[i]) for i, x in enumerate(expressions[0].expressions)],
    +4460        )
    +4461    return Values(
    +4462        expressions=expressions,
    +4463        alias=table_alias,
    +4464    )
    @@ -39412,28 +40094,28 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4399def var(name: t.Optional[str | Expression]) -> Var:
    -4400    """Build a SQL variable.
    -4402    Example:
    -4403        >>> repr(var('x'))
    -4404        '(VAR this: x)'
    -4406        >>> repr(var(column('x', table='y')))
    -4407        '(VAR this: x)'
    -4409    Args:
    -4410        name: The name of the var or an expression who's name will become the var.
    -4412    Returns:
    -4413        The new variable node.
    -4414    """
    -4415    if not name:
    -4416        raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert empty name into var.")
    -4418    if isinstance(name, Expression):
    -4419        name =
    -4420    return Var(this=name)
    4467def var(name: t.Optional[str | Expression]) -> Var:
    +4468    """Build a SQL variable.
    +4470    Example:
    +4471        >>> repr(var('x'))
    +4472        '(VAR this: x)'
    +4474        >>> repr(var(column('x', table='y')))
    +4475        '(VAR this: x)'
    +4477    Args:
    +4478        name: The name of the var or an expression who's name will become the var.
    +4480    Returns:
    +4481        The new variable node.
    +4482    """
    +4483    if not name:
    +4484        raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert empty name into var.")
    +4486    if isinstance(name, Expression):
    +4487        name =
    +4488    return Var(this=name)
    @@ -39481,24 +40163,24 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4423def rename_table(old_name: str | Table, new_name: str | Table) -> AlterTable:
    -4424    """Build ALTER TABLE... RENAME... expression
    -4426    Args:
    -4427        old_name: The old name of the table
    -4428        new_name: The new name of the table
    -4430    Returns:
    -4431        Alter table expression
    -4432    """
    -4433    old_table = to_table(old_name)
    -4434    new_table = to_table(new_name)
    -4435    return AlterTable(
    -4436        this=old_table,
    -4437        actions=[
    -4438            RenameTable(this=new_table),
    -4439        ],
    -4440    )
    4491def rename_table(old_name: str | Table, new_name: str | Table) -> AlterTable:
    +4492    """Build ALTER TABLE... RENAME... expression
    +4494    Args:
    +4495        old_name: The old name of the table
    +4496        new_name: The new name of the table
    +4498    Returns:
    +4499        Alter table expression
    +4500    """
    +4501    old_table = to_table(old_name)
    +4502    new_table = to_table(new_name)
    +4503    return AlterTable(
    +4504        this=old_table,
    +4505        actions=[
    +4506            RenameTable(this=new_table),
    +4507        ],
    +4508    )
    @@ -39531,47 +40213,47 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4443def convert(value) -> Expression:
    -4444    """Convert a python value into an expression object.
    -4446    Raises an error if a conversion is not possible.
    -4448    Args:
    -4449        value (Any): a python object
    -4451    Returns:
    -4452        Expression: the equivalent expression object
    -4453    """
    -4454    if isinstance(value, Expression):
    -4455        return value
    -4456    if value is None:
    -4457        return NULL
    -4458    if isinstance(value, bool):
    -4459        return Boolean(this=value)
    -4460    if isinstance(value, str):
    -4461        return Literal.string(value)
    -4462    if isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value):
    -4463        return NULL
    -4464    if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
    -4465        return Literal.number(value)
    -4466    if isinstance(value, tuple):
    -4467        return Tuple(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value])
    -4468    if isinstance(value, list):
    -4469        return Array(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value])
    -4470    if isinstance(value, dict):
    -4471        return Map(
    -4472            keys=[convert(k) for k in value],
    -4473            values=[convert(v) for v in value.values()],
    -4474        )
    -4475    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
    -4476        datetime_literal = Literal.string(
    -4477            (value if value.tzinfo else value.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).isoformat()
    -4478        )
    -4479        return TimeStrToTime(this=datetime_literal)
    -4480    if isinstance(value,
    -4481        date_literal = Literal.string(value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
    -4482        return DateStrToDate(this=date_literal)
    -4483    raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {value}")
    4511def convert(value) -> Expression:
    +4512    """Convert a python value into an expression object.
    +4514    Raises an error if a conversion is not possible.
    +4516    Args:
    +4517        value (Any): a python object
    +4519    Returns:
    +4520        Expression: the equivalent expression object
    +4521    """
    +4522    if isinstance(value, Expression):
    +4523        return value
    +4524    if value is None:
    +4525        return NULL
    +4526    if isinstance(value, bool):
    +4527        return Boolean(this=value)
    +4528    if isinstance(value, str):
    +4529        return Literal.string(value)
    +4530    if isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value):
    +4531        return NULL
    +4532    if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
    +4533        return Literal.number(value)
    +4534    if isinstance(value, tuple):
    +4535        return Tuple(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value])
    +4536    if isinstance(value, list):
    +4537        return Array(expressions=[convert(v) for v in value])
    +4538    if isinstance(value, dict):
    +4539        return Map(
    +4540            keys=[convert(k) for k in value],
    +4541            values=[convert(v) for v in value.values()],
    +4542        )
    +4543    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
    +4544        datetime_literal = Literal.string(
    +4545            (value if value.tzinfo else value.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).isoformat()
    +4546        )
    +4547        return TimeStrToTime(this=datetime_literal)
    +4548    if isinstance(value,
    +4549        date_literal = Literal.string(value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
    +4550        return DateStrToDate(this=date_literal)
    +4551    raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {value}")
    @@ -39605,26 +40287,26 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4486def replace_children(expression, fun):
    -4487    """
    -4488    Replace children of an expression with the result of a lambda fun(child) -> exp.
    -4489    """
    -4490    for k, v in expression.args.items():
    -4491        is_list_arg = isinstance(v, list)
    -4493        child_nodes = v if is_list_arg else [v]
    -4494        new_child_nodes = []
    -4496        for cn in child_nodes:
    -4497            if isinstance(cn, Expression):
    -4498                for child_node in ensure_collection(fun(cn)):
    -4499                    new_child_nodes.append(child_node)
    -4500                    child_node.parent = expression
    -4501                    child_node.arg_key = k
    -4502            else:
    -4503                new_child_nodes.append(cn)
    -4505        expression.args[k] = new_child_nodes if is_list_arg else seq_get(new_child_nodes, 0)
    4554def replace_children(expression, fun):
    +4555    """
    +4556    Replace children of an expression with the result of a lambda fun(child) -> exp.
    +4557    """
    +4558    for k, v in expression.args.items():
    +4559        is_list_arg = isinstance(v, list)
    +4561        child_nodes = v if is_list_arg else [v]
    +4562        new_child_nodes = []
    +4564        for cn in child_nodes:
    +4565            if isinstance(cn, Expression):
    +4566                for child_node in ensure_collection(fun(cn)):
    +4567                    new_child_nodes.append(child_node)
    +4568                    child_node.parent = expression
    +4569                    child_node.arg_key = k
    +4570            else:
    +4571                new_child_nodes.append(cn)
    +4573        expression.args[k] = new_child_nodes if is_list_arg else seq_get(new_child_nodes, 0)
    @@ -39644,22 +40326,22 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4508def column_table_names(expression):
    -4509    """
    -4510    Return all table names referenced through columns in an expression.
    -4512    Example:
    -4513        >>> import sqlglot
    -4514        >>> column_table_names(sqlglot.parse_one("a.b AND c.d AND c.e"))
    -4515        ['c', 'a']
    -4517    Args:
    -4518        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to find table names
    -4520    Returns:
    -4521        list: A list of unique names
    -4522    """
    -4523    return list(dict.fromkeys(column.table for column in expression.find_all(Column)))
    4576def column_table_names(expression):
    +4577    """
    +4578    Return all table names referenced through columns in an expression.
    +4580    Example:
    +4581        >>> import sqlglot
    +4582        >>> column_table_names(sqlglot.parse_one("a.b AND c.d AND c.e"))
    +4583        ['c', 'a']
    +4585    Args:
    +4586        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to find table names
    +4588    Returns:
    +4589        list: A list of unique names
    +4590    """
    +4591    return list(dict.fromkeys(column.table for column in expression.find_all(Column)))
    @@ -39702,35 +40384,35 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4526def table_name(table) -> str:
    -4527    """Get the full name of a table as a string.
    -4529    Args:
    -4530        table (exp.Table | str): table expression node or string.
    -4532    Examples:
    -4533        >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one
    -4534        >>> table_name(parse_one("select * from a.b.c").find(exp.Table))
    -4535        'a.b.c'
    -4537    Returns:
    -4538        The table name.
    -4539    """
    -4541    table = maybe_parse(table, into=Table)
    -4543    if not table:
    -4544        raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse {table}")
    -4546    return ".".join(
    -4547        part
    -4548        for part in (
    -4549            table.text("catalog"),
    -4550            table.text("db"),
    -4551  ,
    -4552        )
    -4553        if part
    -4554    )
    4594def table_name(table) -> str:
    +4595    """Get the full name of a table as a string.
    +4597    Args:
    +4598        table (exp.Table | str): table expression node or string.
    +4600    Examples:
    +4601        >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one
    +4602        >>> table_name(parse_one("select * from a.b.c").find(exp.Table))
    +4603        'a.b.c'
    +4605    Returns:
    +4606        The table name.
    +4607    """
    +4609    table = maybe_parse(table, into=Table)
    +4611    if not table:
    +4612        raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse {table}")
    +4614    return ".".join(
    +4615        part
    +4616        for part in (
    +4617            table.text("catalog"),
    +4618            table.text("db"),
    +4619  ,
    +4620        )
    +4621        if part
    +4622    )
    @@ -39773,33 +40455,33 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4557def replace_tables(expression, mapping):
    -4558    """Replace all tables in expression according to the mapping.
    -4560    Args:
    -4561        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
    -4562        mapping (Dict[str, str]): mapping of table names.
    -4564    Examples:
    -4565        >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one
    -4566        >>> replace_tables(parse_one("select * from a.b"), {"a.b": "c"}).sql()
    -4567        'SELECT * FROM c'
    -4569    Returns:
    -4570        The mapped expression.
    -4571    """
    -4573    def _replace_tables(node):
    -4574        if isinstance(node, Table):
    -4575            new_name = mapping.get(table_name(node))
    -4576            if new_name:
    -4577                return to_table(
    -4578                    new_name,
    -4579                    **{k: v for k, v in node.args.items() if k not in ("this", "db", "catalog")},
    -4580                )
    -4581        return node
    -4583    return expression.transform(_replace_tables)
    4625def replace_tables(expression, mapping):
    +4626    """Replace all tables in expression according to the mapping.
    +4628    Args:
    +4629        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
    +4630        mapping (Dict[str, str]): mapping of table names.
    +4632    Examples:
    +4633        >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one
    +4634        >>> replace_tables(parse_one("select * from a.b"), {"a.b": "c"}).sql()
    +4635        'SELECT * FROM c'
    +4637    Returns:
    +4638        The mapped expression.
    +4639    """
    +4641    def _replace_tables(node):
    +4642        if isinstance(node, Table):
    +4643            new_name = mapping.get(table_name(node))
    +4644            if new_name:
    +4645                return to_table(
    +4646                    new_name,
    +4647                    **{k: v for k, v in node.args.items() if k not in ("this", "db", "catalog")},
    +4648                )
    +4649        return node
    +4651    return expression.transform(_replace_tables)
    @@ -39843,39 +40525,39 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4586def replace_placeholders(expression, *args, **kwargs):
    -4587    """Replace placeholders in an expression.
    -4589    Args:
    -4590        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
    -4591        args: positional names that will substitute unnamed placeholders in the given order.
    -4592        kwargs: keyword arguments that will substitute named placeholders.
    -4594    Examples:
    -4595        >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one
    -4596        >>> replace_placeholders(
    -4597        ...     parse_one("select * from :tbl where ? = ?"), "a", "b", tbl="foo"
    -4598        ... ).sql()
    -4599        'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a = b'
    -4601    Returns:
    -4602        The mapped expression.
    -4603    """
    -4605    def _replace_placeholders(node, args, **kwargs):
    -4606        if isinstance(node, Placeholder):
    -4607            if
    -4608                new_name = kwargs.get(
    -4609                if new_name:
    -4610                    return to_identifier(new_name)
    -4611            else:
    -4612                try:
    -4613                    return to_identifier(next(args))
    -4614                except StopIteration:
    -4615                    pass
    -4616        return node
    -4618    return expression.transform(_replace_placeholders, iter(args), **kwargs)
    4654def replace_placeholders(expression, *args, **kwargs):
    +4655    """Replace placeholders in an expression.
    +4657    Args:
    +4658        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression node to be transformed and replaced.
    +4659        args: positional names that will substitute unnamed placeholders in the given order.
    +4660        kwargs: keyword arguments that will substitute named placeholders.
    +4662    Examples:
    +4663        >>> from sqlglot import exp, parse_one
    +4664        >>> replace_placeholders(
    +4665        ...     parse_one("select * from :tbl where ? = ?"), "a", "b", tbl="foo"
    +4666        ... ).sql()
    +4667        'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a = b'
    +4669    Returns:
    +4670        The mapped expression.
    +4671    """
    +4673    def _replace_placeholders(node, args, **kwargs):
    +4674        if isinstance(node, Placeholder):
    +4675            if
    +4676                new_name = kwargs.get(
    +4677                if new_name:
    +4678                    return to_identifier(new_name)
    +4679            else:
    +4680                try:
    +4681                    return to_identifier(next(args))
    +4682                except StopIteration:
    +4683                    pass
    +4684        return node
    +4686    return expression.transform(_replace_placeholders, iter(args), **kwargs)
    @@ -39922,34 +40604,34 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4621def expand(expression: Expression, sources: t.Dict[str, Subqueryable], copy=True) -> Expression:
    -4622    """Transforms an expression by expanding all referenced sources into subqueries.
    -4624    Examples:
    -4625        >>> from sqlglot import parse_one
    -4626        >>> expand(parse_one("select * from x AS z"), {"x": parse_one("select * from y")}).sql()
    -4627        'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM y) AS z /* source: x */'
    -4629    Args:
    -4630        expression: The expression to expand.
    -4631        sources: A dictionary of name to Subqueryables.
    -4632        copy: Whether or not to copy the expression during transformation. Defaults to True.
    -4634    Returns:
    -4635        The transformed expression.
    -4636    """
    -4638    def _expand(node: Expression):
    -4639        if isinstance(node, Table):
    -4640            name = table_name(node)
    -4641            source = sources.get(name)
    -4642            if source:
    -4643                subquery = source.subquery(node.alias or name)
    -4644                subquery.comments = [f"source: {name}"]
    -4645                return subquery
    -4646        return node
    -4648    return expression.transform(_expand, copy=copy)
    4689def expand(expression: Expression, sources: t.Dict[str, Subqueryable], copy=True) -> Expression:
    +4690    """Transforms an expression by expanding all referenced sources into subqueries.
    +4692    Examples:
    +4693        >>> from sqlglot import parse_one
    +4694        >>> expand(parse_one("select * from x AS z"), {"x": parse_one("select * from y")}).sql()
    +4695        'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM y) AS z /* source: x */'
    +4697    Args:
    +4698        expression: The expression to expand.
    +4699        sources: A dictionary of name to Subqueryables.
    +4700        copy: Whether or not to copy the expression during transformation. Defaults to True.
    +4702    Returns:
    +4703        The transformed expression.
    +4704    """
    +4706    def _expand(node: Expression):
    +4707        if isinstance(node, Table):
    +4708            name = table_name(node)
    +4709            source = sources.get(name)
    +4710            if source:
    +4711                subquery = source.subquery(node.alias or name)
    +4712                subquery.comments = [f"source: {name}"]
    +4713                return subquery
    +4714        return node
    +4716    return expression.transform(_expand, copy=copy)
    @@ -39994,51 +40676,51 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4651def func(name: str, *args, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs) -> Func:
    -4652    """
    -4653    Returns a Func expression.
    -4655    Examples:
    -4656        >>> func("abs", 5).sql()
    -4657        'ABS(5)'
    -4659        >>> func("cast", this=5,"DOUBLE")).sql()
    -4660        'CAST(5 AS DOUBLE)'
    -4662    Args:
    -4663        name: the name of the function to build.
    -4664        args: the args used to instantiate the function of interest.
    -4665        dialect: the source dialect.
    -4666        kwargs: the kwargs used to instantiate the function of interest.
    -4668    Note:
    -4669        The arguments `args` and `kwargs` are mutually exclusive.
    -4671    Returns:
    -4672        An instance of the function of interest, or an anonymous function, if `name` doesn't
    -4673        correspond to an existing `sqlglot.expressions.Func` class.
    -4674    """
    -4675    if args and kwargs:
    -4676        raise ValueError("Can't use both args and kwargs to instantiate a function.")
    -4678    from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect
    -4680    args = tuple(convert(arg) for arg in args)
    -4681    kwargs = {key: convert(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()}
    -4683    parser = Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().parser()
    -4684    from_args_list = parser.FUNCTIONS.get(name.upper())
    -4686    if from_args_list:
    -4687        function = from_args_list(args) if args else from_args_list.__self__(**kwargs)  # type: ignore
    -4688    else:
    -4689        kwargs = kwargs or {"expressions": args}
    -4690        function = Anonymous(this=name, **kwargs)
    -4692    for error_message in function.error_messages(args):
    -4693        raise ValueError(error_message)
    -4695    return function
    4719def func(name: str, *args, dialect: DialectType = None, **kwargs) -> Func:
    +4720    """
    +4721    Returns a Func expression.
    +4723    Examples:
    +4724        >>> func("abs", 5).sql()
    +4725        'ABS(5)'
    +4727        >>> func("cast", this=5,"DOUBLE")).sql()
    +4728        'CAST(5 AS DOUBLE)'
    +4730    Args:
    +4731        name: the name of the function to build.
    +4732        args: the args used to instantiate the function of interest.
    +4733        dialect: the source dialect.
    +4734        kwargs: the kwargs used to instantiate the function of interest.
    +4736    Note:
    +4737        The arguments `args` and `kwargs` are mutually exclusive.
    +4739    Returns:
    +4740        An instance of the function of interest, or an anonymous function, if `name` doesn't
    +4741        correspond to an existing `sqlglot.expressions.Func` class.
    +4742    """
    +4743    if args and kwargs:
    +4744        raise ValueError("Can't use both args and kwargs to instantiate a function.")
    +4746    from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import Dialect
    +4748    args = tuple(convert(arg) for arg in args)
    +4749    kwargs = {key: convert(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()}
    +4751    parser = Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect)().parser()
    +4752    from_args_list = parser.FUNCTIONS.get(name.upper())
    +4754    if from_args_list:
    +4755        function = from_args_list(args) if args else from_args_list.__self__(**kwargs)  # type: ignore
    +4756    else:
    +4757        kwargs = kwargs or {"expressions": args}
    +4758        function = Anonymous(this=name, **kwargs)
    +4760    for error_message in function.error_messages(args):
    +4761        raise ValueError(error_message)
    +4763    return function
    @@ -40096,11 +40778,11 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4698def true():
    -4699    """
    -4700    Returns a true Boolean expression.
    -4701    """
    -4702    return Boolean(this=True)
    4766def true():
    +4767    """
    +4768    Returns a true Boolean expression.
    +4769    """
    +4770    return Boolean(this=True)
    @@ -40120,11 +40802,11 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4705def false():
    -4706    """
    -4707    Returns a false Boolean expression.
    -4708    """
    -4709    return Boolean(this=False)
    4773def false():
    +4774    """
    +4775    Returns a false Boolean expression.
    +4776    """
    +4777    return Boolean(this=False)
    @@ -40144,11 +40826,11 @@ in order to help with type inference.
    4712def null():
    -4713    """
    -4714    Returns a Null expression.
    -4715    """
    -4716    return Null()
    4780def null():
    +4781    """
    +4782    Returns a Null expression.
    +4783    """
    +4784    return Null()
    diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/generator.html b/docs/sqlglot/generator.html index f08af51..61481f5 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/generator.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/generator.html @@ -1098,1532 +1098,1533 @@
    419 return ".".join( 420 self.sql(part) 421 for part in ( - 422 expression.args.get("schema"), - 423 expression.args.get("table"), - 424 expression.args.get("this"), - 425 ) - 426 if part - 427 ) - 428 - 429 def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef) -> str: - 430 column = self.sql(expression, "this") - 431 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") - 432 constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True) - 433 exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else "" - 434 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" - 435 constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else "" - 436 - 437 return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}" - 438 - 439 def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str: - 440 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 441 kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind") - 442 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql - 443 - 444 def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: - 445 return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT) - 446 - 447 def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql( - 448 self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint - 449 ) -> str: - 450 this = "" - 451 if expression.this is not None: - 452 this = " ALWAYS " if expression.this else " BY DEFAULT " - 453 start = expression.args.get("start") - 454 start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else "" - 455 increment = expression.args.get("increment") - 456 increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else "" - 457 minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue") - 458 minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else "" - 459 maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue") - 460 maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else "" - 461 cycle = expression.args.get("cycle") - 462 cycle_sql = "" - 463 if cycle is not None: - 464 cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE" - 465 cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql - 466 sequence_opts = "" - 467 if start or increment or cycle_sql: - 468 sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}" - 469 sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})" - 470 return f"GENERATED{this}AS IDENTITY{sequence_opts}" - 471 - 472 def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str: - 473 return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL" - 474 - 475 def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str: - 476 desc = expression.args.get("desc") - 477 if desc is not None: - 478 return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}" - 479 return f"PRIMARY KEY" - 480 - 481 def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: - 482 return "UNIQUE" - 483 - 484 def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str: - 485 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind").upper() - 486 properties = expression.args.get("properties") - 487 properties_exp = expression.copy() - 488 properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else {} - 489 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get( - 490 exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH - 491 ): - 492 properties_exp.set( - 493 "properties", - 494 exp.Properties( - 495 expressions=[ - 496 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA], - 497 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH], - 498 ] - 499 ), - 500 ) - 501 if kind == "TABLE" and properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME): - 502 this_name = self.sql(expression.this, "this") - 503 this_properties = - 504 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME]), - 505 wrapped=False, - 506 ) - 507 this_schema = f"({self.expressions(expression.this)})" - 508 this = f"{this_name}, {this_properties} {this_schema}" - 509 properties_sql = "" - 510 else: - 511 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 512 properties_sql = self.sql(properties_exp, "properties") - 513 begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else "" - 514 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") - 515 if expression_sql: - 516 expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}" - 517 - 518 if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return): - 519 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS): - 520 postalias_props_sql = - 521 exp.Properties( - 522 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS] - 523 ), - 524 wrapped=False, - 525 ) - 526 expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}" - 527 else: - 528 expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}" - 529 - 530 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" - 531 transient = ( - 532 " TRANSIENT" if self.CREATE_TRANSIENT and expression.args.get("transient") else "" - 533 ) - 534 external = " EXTERNAL" if expression.args.get("external") else "" - 535 replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else "" - 536 exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" - 537 unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else "" - 538 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" - 539 set_ = " SET" if expression.args.get("set") else "" - 540 multiset = " MULTISET" if expression.args.get("multiset") else "" - 541 global_temporary = " GLOBAL TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("global_temporary") else "" - 542 volatile = " VOLATILE" if expression.args.get("volatile") else "" - 543 data = expression.args.get("data") - 544 if data is None: - 545 data = "" - 546 elif data: - 547 data = " WITH DATA" - 548 else: - 549 data = " WITH NO DATA" - 550 statistics = expression.args.get("statistics") - 551 if statistics is None: - 552 statistics = "" - 553 elif statistics: - 554 statistics = " AND STATISTICS" - 555 else: - 556 statistics = " AND NO STATISTICS" - 557 no_primary_index = " NO PRIMARY INDEX" if expression.args.get("no_primary_index") else "" - 558 - 559 indexes = expression.args.get("indexes") - 560 index_sql = "" - 561 if indexes: - 562 indexes_sql = [] - 563 for index in indexes: - 564 ind_unique = " UNIQUE" if index.args.get("unique") else "" - 565 ind_primary = " PRIMARY" if index.args.get("primary") else "" - 566 ind_amp = " AMP" if index.args.get("amp") else "" - 567 ind_name = f" {}" if else "" - 568 ind_columns = ( - 569 f' ({self.expressions(index, key="columns", flat=True)})' - 570 if index.args.get("columns") - 571 else "" - 572 ) - 573 if index.args.get("primary") and properties_locs.get( - 574 exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX - 575 ): - 576 postindex_props_sql = - 577 exp.Properties( - 578 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX] - 579 ), - 580 wrapped=False, - 581 ) - 582 ind_columns = f"{ind_columns} {postindex_props_sql}" - 583 - 584 indexes_sql.append( - 585 f"{ind_unique}{ind_primary}{ind_amp} INDEX{ind_name}{ind_columns}" - 586 ) - 587 index_sql = "".join(indexes_sql) - 588 - 589 postcreate_props_sql = "" - 590 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE): - 591 postcreate_props_sql = - 592 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]), - 593 sep=" ", - 594 prefix=" ", - 595 wrapped=False, - 596 ) - 597 - 598 modifiers = "".join( - 599 ( - 600 replace, - 601 temporary, - 602 transient, - 603 external, - 604 unique, - 605 materialized, - 606 set_, - 607 multiset, - 608 global_temporary, - 609 volatile, - 610 postcreate_props_sql, - 611 ) - 612 ) - 613 no_schema_binding = ( - 614 " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else "" - 615 ) - 616 - 617 post_expression_modifiers = "".join((data, statistics, no_primary_index)) - 618 - 619 expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{post_expression_modifiers}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}" - 620 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql) - 621 - 622 def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str: - 623 return f"DESCRIBE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 624 - 625 def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str: - 626 with_ = self.sql(expression, "with") - 627 if with_: - 628 sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}" - 629 return sql - 630 - 631 def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str: - 632 sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) - 633 recursive = "RECURSIVE " if expression.args.get("recursive") else "" - 634 - 635 return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}" - 636 - 637 def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str: - 638 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") - 639 return f"{alias} AS {self.wrap(expression)}" - 640 - 641 def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str: - 642 alias = self.sql(expression, "this") - 643 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True) - 644 columns = f"({columns})" if columns else "" - 645 return f"{alias}{columns}" - 646 - 647 def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str: - 648 return self.sql(expression, "this") - 649 - 650 def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str: - 651 return self.sql(expression, "this") - 652 - 653 def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str: - 654 type_value = expression.this - 655 type_sql = self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value) - 656 nested = "" - 657 interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) - 658 values = "" - 659 if interior: - 660 if expression.args.get("nested"): - 661 nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}" - 662 if expression.args.get("values") is not None: - 663 delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")") - 664 values = ( - 665 f"{delimiters[0]}{self.expressions(expression, 'values')}{delimiters[1]}" - 666 ) - 667 else: - 668 nested = f"({interior})" - 669 - 670 return f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}" - 671 - 672 def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str: - 673 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "" - 674 row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format") - 675 row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else "" - 676 return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}" - 677 - 678 def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str: - 679 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 680 this = f" FROM {this}" if this else "" - 681 using_sql = ( - 682 f" USING {self.expressions(expression, 'using', sep=', USING ')}" - 683 if expression.args.get("using") - 684 else "" - 685 ) - 686 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") - 687 sql = f"DELETE{this}{using_sql}{where_sql}" - 688 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) - 689 - 690 def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str: - 691 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 692 kind = expression.args["kind"] - 693 exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " - 694 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" - 695 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" - 696 cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else "" - 697 return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{cascade}" - 698 - 699 def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: - 700 return self.prepend_ctes( - 701 expression, - 702 self.set_operation(expression, self.except_op(expression)), - 703 ) - 704 - 705 def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: - 706 return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" - 707 - 708 def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str: - 709 direction = expression.args.get("direction") - 710 direction = f" {direction.upper()}" if direction else "" - 711 count = expression.args.get("count") - 712 count = f" {count}" if count else "" - 713 return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS ONLY" - 714 - 715 def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str: - 716 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 717 where = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # where has a leading space - 718 return f"{this} FILTER({where})" - 719 - 720 def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str: - 721 if self.sql(expression, "this"): - 722 self.unsupported("Hints are not supported") - 723 return "" - 724 - 725 def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str: - 726 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 727 table = self.sql(expression, "table") - 728 columns = self.sql(expression, "columns") - 729 return f"{this} ON {table} {columns}" - 730 - 731 def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str: - 732 text = - 733 text = text.lower() if self.normalize else text - 734 text = text.replace(self.identifier_end, self._escaped_identifier_end) - 735 if expression.args.get("quoted") or self.identify: - 736 text = f"{self.identifier_start}{text}{self.identifier_end}" - 737 return text - 738 - 739 def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National) -> str: - 740 return f"N{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 741 - 742 def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str: - 743 return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression)})" - 744 - 745 def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str: - 746 root_properties = [] - 747 with_properties = [] - 748 - 749 for p in expression.expressions: - 750 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] - 751 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: - 752 with_properties.append(p) - 753 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: - 754 root_properties.append(p) - 755 - 756 return self.root_properties( - 757 exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties) - 758 ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties)) - 759 - 760 def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: - 761 if properties.expressions: - 762 return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ") - 763 return "" - 764 - 765 def properties( - 766 self, - 767 properties: exp.Properties, - 768 prefix: str = "", - 769 sep: str = ", ", - 770 suffix: str = "", - 771 wrapped: bool = True, - 772 ) -> str: - 773 if properties.expressions: - 774 expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False) - 775 expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions - 776 return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix and prefix != ' ' else ''}{expressions}{suffix}" - 777 return "" - 778 - 779 def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: - 780 return, prefix=self.seg("WITH")) - 781 - 782 def locate_properties( - 783 self, properties: exp.Properties - 784 ) -> t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]]: - 785 properties_locs: t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]] = { - 786 key: [] for key in exp.Properties.Location - 787 } - 788 - 789 for p in properties.expressions: - 790 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] - 791 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME: - 792 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME].append(p) - 793 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX: - 794 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX].append(p) - 795 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: - 796 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA].append(p) - 797 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: - 798 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH].append(p) - 799 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE: - 800 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE].append(p) - 801 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS: - 802 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS].append(p) - 803 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED: - 804 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}") - 805 - 806 return properties_locs - 807 - 808 def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: - 809 property_cls = expression.__class__ - 810 if property_cls == exp.Property: - 811 return f"{}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}" - 812 - 813 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls) - 814 if not property_name: - 815 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}") - 816 - 817 return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 818 - 819 def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str: - 820 options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions) - 821 options = f" {options}" if options else "" - 822 return f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}" - 823 - 824 def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str: - 825 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" - 826 protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else "" - 827 return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}" - 828 - 829 def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str: - 830 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" - 831 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" - 832 before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else "" - 833 return f"{no}{dual}{before}JOURNAL" - 834 - 835 def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str: - 836 freespace = self.sql(expression, "this") - 837 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" - 838 return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}" - 839 - 840 def afterjournalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.AfterJournalProperty) -> str: - 841 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" - 842 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" - 843 local = "" - 844 if expression.args.get("local") is not None: - 845 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "NOT LOCAL " - 846 return f"{no}{dual}{local}AFTER JOURNAL" - 847 - 848 def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str: - 849 if expression.args.get("default"): - 850 property = "DEFAULT" - 851 elif expression.args.get("on"): - 852 property = "ON" - 853 else: - 854 property = "OFF" - 855 return f"CHECKSUM={property}" - 856 - 857 def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str: - 858 if expression.args.get("no"): - 859 return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO" - 860 if expression.args.get("default"): - 861 return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO" - 862 - 863 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" - 864 return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}" - 865 - 866 def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str: - 867 default = expression.args.get("default") - 868 min = expression.args.get("min") - 869 if default is not None or min is not None: - 870 if default: - 871 property = "DEFAULT" - 872 elif min: - 873 property = "MINIMUM" - 874 else: - 875 property = "MAXIMUM" - 876 return f"{property} DATABLOCKSIZE" - 877 else: - 878 units = expression.args.get("units") - 879 units = f" {units}" if units else "" - 880 return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}" - 881 - 882 def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str: - 883 autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp") - 884 always = expression.args.get("always") - 885 default = expression.args.get("default") - 886 manual = expression.args.get("manual") - 887 never = expression.args.get("never") - 888 - 889 if autotemp is not None: - 890 property = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})" - 891 elif always: - 892 property = "ALWAYS" - 893 elif default: - 894 property = "DEFAULT" - 895 elif manual: - 896 property = "MANUAL" - 897 elif never: - 898 property = "NEVER" - 899 return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={property}" - 900 - 901 def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str: - 902 no = expression.args.get("no") - 903 no = " NO" if no else "" - 904 concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent") - 905 concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else "" - 906 - 907 for_ = "" - 908 if expression.args.get("for_all"): - 909 for_ = " FOR ALL" - 910 elif expression.args.get("for_insert"): - 911 for_ = " FOR INSERT" - 912 elif expression.args.get("for_none"): - 913 for_ = " FOR NONE" - 914 return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{for_}" - 915 - 916 def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str: - 917 kind = expression.args.get("kind") - 918 this: str = f" {this}" if expression.this else "" - 919 for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in") - 920 lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type") - 921 override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else "" - 922 return f"LOCKING {kind}{this} {for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}" - 923 - 924 def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str: - 925 overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite") - 926 - 927 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory): - 928 this = "OVERWRITE " if overwrite else "INTO " - 929 else: - 930 this = "OVERWRITE TABLE " if overwrite else "INTO " - 931 - 932 alternative = expression.args.get("alternative") - 933 alternative = f" OR {alternative} " if alternative else " " - 934 this = f"{this}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 935 - 936 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " - 937 partition_sql = ( - 938 self.sql(expression, "partition") if expression.args.get("partition") else "" - 939 ) - 940 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") - 941 sep = self.sep() if partition_sql else "" - 942 sql = f"INSERT{alternative}{this}{exists}{partition_sql}{sep}{expression_sql}" - 943 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) - 944 - 945 def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: - 946 return self.prepend_ctes( - 947 expression, - 948 self.set_operation(expression, self.intersect_op(expression)), - 949 ) - 950 - 951 def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: - 952 return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" - 953 - 954 def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str: - 955 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" - 956 - 957 def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str: - 958 return - 959 - 960 def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str: - 961 fields = expression.args.get("fields") - 962 fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else "" - 963 escaped = expression.args.get("escaped") - 964 escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else "" - 965 items = expression.args.get("collection_items") - 966 items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else "" - 967 keys = expression.args.get("map_keys") - 968 keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else "" - 969 lines = expression.args.get("lines") - 970 lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else "" - 971 null = expression.args.get("null") - 972 null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else "" - 973 return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}" - 974 - 975 def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str: - 976 table = ".".join( - 977 part - 978 for part in [ - 979 self.sql(expression, "catalog"), - 980 self.sql(expression, "db"), - 981 self.sql(expression, "this"), - 982 ] - 983 if part - 984 ) - 985 - 986 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") - 987 alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else "" - 988 hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=", ", flat=True) - 989 hints = f" WITH ({hints})" if hints else "" - 990 laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="") - 991 joins = self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="") - 992 pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep="") - 993 system_time = expression.args.get("system_time") - 994 system_time = f" {self.sql(expression, 'system_time')}" if system_time else "" - 995 - 996 if alias and pivots: - 997 pivots = f"{pivots}{alias}" - 998 alias = "" - 999 -1000 return f"{table}{system_time}{alias}{hints}{laterals}{joins}{pivots}" -1001 -1002 def tablesample_sql(self, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str: -1003 if self.alias_post_tablesample and expression.this.alias: -1004 this = self.sql(expression.this, "this") -1005 alias = f" AS {self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}" -1006 else: -1007 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1008 alias = "" -1009 method = self.sql(expression, "method") -1010 method = f" {method.upper()} " if method else "" -1011 numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator") -1012 denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator") -1013 field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field") -1014 field = f" ON {field}" if field else "" -1015 bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else "" -1016 percent = self.sql(expression, "percent") -1017 percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" if percent else "" -1018 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") -1019 rows = f"{rows} ROWS" if rows else "" -1020 size = self.sql(expression, "size") -1021 seed = self.sql(expression, "seed") -1022 seed = f" SEED ({seed})" if seed else "" -1023 return f"{this} TABLESAMPLE{method}({bucket}{percent}{rows}{size}){seed}{alias}" -1024 -1025 def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str: -1026 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1027 unpivot = expression.args.get("unpivot") -1028 direction = "UNPIVOT" if unpivot else "PIVOT" -1029 expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") -1030 field = self.sql(expression, "field") -1031 return f"{this} {direction}({expressions} FOR {field})" -1032 -1033 def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str: -1034 return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" -1035 -1036 def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str: -1037 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1038 set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1039 from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from") -1040 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") -1041 sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{from_sql}{where_sql}" -1042 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1043 -1044 def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values) -> str: -1045 args = self.expressions(expression) -1046 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1047 values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}" -1048 values = ( -1049 f"({values})" -1050 if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From)) -1051 else values -1052 ) -1053 return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values -1054 -1055 def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str: -1056 return self.sql(expression, "this") -1057 -1058 def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str: -1059 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" -1060 unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else "" -1061 return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1062 -1063 def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str: -1064 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1065 return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {expressions}" -1066 -1067 def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str: -1068 group_by = self.op_expressions("GROUP BY", expression) -1069 grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False) -1070 grouping_sets = ( -1071 f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else "" -1072 ) -1073 -1074 cube = expression.args.get("cube", []) -1075 if seq_get(cube, 0) is True: -1076 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}" -1077 else: -1078 cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False) -1079 cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else "" -1080 -1081 rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", []) -1082 if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True: -1083 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}" -1084 else: -1085 rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False) -1086 rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else "" -1087 -1088 groupings = csv(grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, sep=",") -1089 -1090 if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings: -1091 group_by = f"{group_by}," -1092 -1093 return f"{group_by}{groupings}" -1094 -1095 def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str: -1096 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) -1097 return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}" -1098 -1099 def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str: -1100 op_sql = self.seg( -1101 " ".join( -1102 op -1103 for op in ( -1104 "NATURAL" if expression.args.get("natural") else None, -1105 expression.side, -1106 expression.kind, -1107 "JOIN", -1108 ) -1109 if op -1110 ) -1111 ) -1112 on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on") -1113 using = expression.args.get("using") -1114 -1115 if not on_sql and using: -1116 on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using)) -1117 -1118 if on_sql: -1119 on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True) -1120 space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " " -1121 if using: -1122 on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})" -1123 else: -1124 on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}" -1125 -1126 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") -1127 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") -1128 return f"{expression_sql}{op_sql} {this_sql}{on_sql}" -1129 -1130 def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str: -1131 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1132 args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args -1133 return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1134 -1135 def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str: -1136 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1137 -1138 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery): -1139 return f"LATERAL {this}" -1140 -1141 if expression.args.get("view"): -1142 alias = expression.args["alias"] -1143 columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True) -1144 table = f" {}" if else "" -1145 columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else "" -1146 op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}") -1147 return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}" -1148 -1149 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1150 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" -1151 return f"LATERAL {this}{alias}" -1152 -1153 def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit) -> str: -1154 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1155 return f"{this}{self.seg('LIMIT')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1156 -1157 def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: -1158 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1159 return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1160 -1161 def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str: -1162 if self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED: -1163 lock_type = "UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "SHARE" -1164 return self.seg(f"FOR {lock_type}") -1165 -1166 self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported") -1167 return "" -1168 -1169 def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str: -1170 text = expression.this or "" -1171 if expression.is_string: -1172 text = text.replace(self.quote_end, self._escaped_quote_end) -1173 if self.pretty: -1174 text = text.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK) -1175 text = f"{self.quote_start}{text}{self.quote_end}" -1176 return text -1177 -1178 def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str: -1179 local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else "" -1180 inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}" -1181 overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else "" -1182 this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1183 partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") -1184 partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" -1185 input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format") -1186 input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else "" -1187 serde = self.sql(expression, "serde") -1188 serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else "" -1189 return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}" -1190 -1191 def null_sql(self, *_) -> str: -1192 return "NULL" -1193 -1194 def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str: -1195 return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE" -1196 -1197 def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str: -1198 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1199 this = f"{this} " if this else this -1200 return self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER BY", expression, flat=this or flat) # type: ignore -1201 -1202 def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str: -1203 return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression) -1204 -1205 def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str: -1206 return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression) -1207 -1208 def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str: -1209 return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression) -1210 -1211 def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str: -1212 desc = expression.args.get("desc") -1213 asc = not desc -1214 -1215 nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first") -1216 nulls_last = not nulls_first -1217 nulls_are_large = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_large" -1218 nulls_are_small = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_small" -1219 nulls_are_last = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_last" -1220 -1221 sort_order = " DESC" if desc else "" -1222 nulls_sort_change = "" -1223 if nulls_first and ( -1224 (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last -1225 ): -1226 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST" -1227 elif ( -1228 nulls_last -1229 and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large)) -1230 and not nulls_are_last -1231 ): -1232 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST" -1233 -1234 if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED: -1235 self.unsupported( -1236 "Sorting in an ORDER BY on NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST is not supported by this dialect" -1237 ) -1238 nulls_sort_change = "" -1239 -1240 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}" -1241 -1242 def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: -1243 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) -1244 order = self.sql(expression, "order") -1245 measures = self.sql(expression, "measures") -1246 measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES {measures}") if measures else "" -1247 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") -1248 rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else "" -1249 after = self.sql(expression, "after") -1250 after = self.seg(after) if after else "" -1251 pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern") -1252 pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else "" -1253 define = self.sql(expression, "define") -1254 define = self.seg(f"DEFINE {define}") if define else "" -1255 body = "".join( -1256 ( -1257 partition, -1258 order, -1259 measures, -1260 rows, -1261 after, -1262 pattern, -1263 define, -1264 ) -1265 ) -1266 return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}" -1267 -1268 def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str: -1269 return csv( -1270 *sqls, -1271 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("joins") or []], -1272 self.sql(expression, "match"), -1273 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("laterals") or []], -1274 self.sql(expression, "where"), -1275 self.sql(expression, "group"), -1276 self.sql(expression, "having"), -1277 self.sql(expression, "qualify"), -1278 self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(expression, "windows", flat=True) -1279 if expression.args.get("windows") -1280 else "", -1281 self.sql(expression, "distribute"), -1282 self.sql(expression, "sort"), -1283 self.sql(expression, "cluster"), -1284 self.sql(expression, "order"), -1285 self.sql(expression, "limit"), -1286 self.sql(expression, "offset"), -1287 self.sql(expression, "lock"), -1288 sep="", -1289 ) -1290 -1291 def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str: -1292 hint = self.sql(expression, "hint") -1293 distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct") -1294 distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else "" -1295 expressions = self.expressions(expression) -1296 expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions -1297 sql = self.query_modifiers( -1298 expression, -1299 f"SELECT{hint}{distinct}{expressions}", -1300 self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False), -1301 self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False), -1302 ) -1303 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1304 -1305 def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str: -1306 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1307 this = f"{this} " if this else "" -1308 sql = f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" -1309 return f"{this}{sql}" -1310 -1311 def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str: -1312 except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True) -1313 except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else "" -1314 replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True) -1315 replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else "" -1316 return f"*{except_}{replace}" -1317 -1318 def structkwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.StructKwarg) -> str: -1319 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1320 -1321 def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str: -1322 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1323 this = f"{{{this}}}" if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f"{this}" -1324 return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}" -1325 -1326 def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str: -1327 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1328 kind = expression.text("kind") -1329 if kind: -1330 kind = f"{kind}." -1331 return f"@@{kind}{this}" -1332 -1333 def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str: -1334 return f":{}" if else "?" -1335 -1336 def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery) -> str: -1337 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1338 -1339 sql = self.query_modifiers( -1340 expression, -1341 self.wrap(expression), -1342 self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" "), -1343 f" AS {alias}" if alias else "", -1344 ) -1345 -1346 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1347 -1348 def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str: -1349 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) -1350 return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}" -1351 -1352 def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: -1353 return self.prepend_ctes( -1354 expression, -1355 self.set_operation(expression, self.union_op(expression)), -1356 ) -1357 -1358 def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: -1359 kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else "" -1360 kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL" -1361 return f"UNION{kind}" -1362 -1363 def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: -1364 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1365 alias = expression.args.get("alias") -1366 if alias and self.unnest_column_only: -1367 columns = alias.columns -1368 alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else "" -1369 else: -1370 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1371 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias -1372 ordinality = " WITH ORDINALITY" if expression.args.get("ordinality") else "" -1373 offset = expression.args.get("offset") -1374 offset = f" WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" if offset else "" -1375 return f"UNNEST({args}){ordinality}{alias}{offset}" -1376 -1377 def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str: -1378 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) -1379 return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}" -1380 -1381 def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str: -1382 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1383 -1384 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) -1385 -1386 order = expression.args.get("order") -1387 order_sql = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else "" -1388 -1389 partition_sql = partition + " " if partition and order else partition -1390 -1391 spec = expression.args.get("spec") -1392 spec_sql = " " + self.window_spec_sql(spec) if spec else "" -1393 -1394 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1395 this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else 'OVER'}" -1396 -1397 if not partition and not order and not spec and alias: -1398 return f"{this} {alias}" -1399 -1400 window_args = alias + partition_sql + order_sql + spec_sql -1401 -1402 return f"{this} ({window_args.strip()})" -1403 -1404 def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: -1405 partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True) -1406 return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else "" -1407 -1408 def window_spec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str: -1409 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") -1410 start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ") -1411 end = ( -1412 csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ") -1413 or "CURRENT ROW" -1414 ) -1415 return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}" -1416 -1417 def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str: -1418 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1419 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # order has a leading space -1420 return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})" -1421 -1422 def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str: -1423 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1424 low = self.sql(expression, "low") -1425 high = self.sql(expression, "high") -1426 return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}" -1427 -1428 def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str: -1429 expressions = apply_index_offset(expression.expressions, self.index_offset) -1430 expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) -1431 -1432 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]" -1433 -1434 def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str: -1435 return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}" -1436 -1437 def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str: -1438 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1439 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subqueryable): -1440 this = self.wrap(this) -1441 return f"ANY {this}" -1442 -1443 def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str: -1444 return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}" -1445 -1446 def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str: -1447 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1448 statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"] -1449 -1450 for e in expression.args["ifs"]: -1451 statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}") -1452 statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}") -1453 -1454 default = self.sql(expression, "default") -1455 -1456 if default: -1457 statements.append(f"ELSE {default}") -1458 -1459 statements.append("END") -1460 -1461 if self.pretty and self.text_width(statements) > self._max_text_width: -1462 return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True) -1463 -1464 return " ".join(statements) -1465 -1466 def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str: -1467 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1468 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1469 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}" -1470 -1471 def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str: -1472 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1473 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") -1474 return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})" -1475 -1476 def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str: -1477 trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") -1478 -1479 if trim_type == "LEADING": -1480 return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this) -1481 elif trim_type == "TRAILING": -1482 return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this) -1483 else: -1484 return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression) -1485 -1486 def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str: -1487 if len(expression.expressions) == 1: -1488 return self.sql(expression.expressions[0]) -1489 return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) -1490 -1491 def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str: -1492 this = self.sql(expression, key="this") -1493 return f"CHECK ({this})" -1494 -1495 def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: -1496 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1497 reference = self.sql(expression, "reference") -1498 reference = f" {reference}" if reference else "" -1499 delete = self.sql(expression, "delete") -1500 delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else "" -1501 update = self.sql(expression, "update") -1502 update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else "" -1503 return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}" -1504 -1505 def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: -1506 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1507 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") -1508 options = f" {options}" if options else "" -1509 return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}" -1510 -1511 def unique_sql(self, expression: exp.Unique) -> str: -1512 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") -1513 return f"UNIQUE ({columns})" -1514 -1515 def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str: -1516 return self.case_sql( -1517 exp.Case(ifs=[expression.copy()], default=expression.args.get("false")) -1518 ) -1519 -1520 def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str: -1521 query = expression.args.get("query") -1522 unnest = expression.args.get("unnest") -1523 field = expression.args.get("field") -1524 is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else "" -1525 -1526 if query: -1527 in_sql = self.wrap(query) -1528 elif unnest: -1529 in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest) -1530 elif field: -1531 in_sql = self.sql(field) -1532 else: -1533 in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" -1534 -1535 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}" -1536 -1537 def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str: -1538 return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})" -1539 -1540 def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str: -1541 this = expression.args.get("this") -1542 if this: -1543 this = ( -1544 f" {this}" -1545 if isinstance(this, exp.Literal) or isinstance(this, exp.Paren) -1546 else f" ({this})" -1547 ) -1548 else: -1549 this = "" -1550 unit = expression.args.get("unit") -1551 unit = f" {unit}" if unit else "" -1552 return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}" -1553 -1554 def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str: -1555 return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1556 -1557 def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str: -1558 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1559 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1560 expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else "" -1561 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") -1562 options = f" {options}" if options else "" -1563 return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}" -1564 -1565 def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str: -1566 return self.func(, *expression.expressions) -1567 -1568 def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str: -1569 if isinstance(expression.unnest(), exp.Select): -1570 sql = self.wrap(expression) -1571 else: -1572 sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="") -1573 sql = f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" -1574 -1575 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1576 -1577 def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str: -1578 # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment -1579 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") -1580 sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else "" -1581 return f"-{sep}{this_sql}" -1582 -1583 def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str: -1584 return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1585 -1586 def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str: -1587 to_sql = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1588 to_sql = f" AS {to_sql}" if to_sql else "" -1589 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{to_sql}" -1590 -1591 def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str: -1592 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" -1593 -1594 def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: -1595 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1596 zone = self.sql(expression, "zone") -1597 return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}" -1598 -1599 def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str: -1600 return self.binary(expression, "+") -1601 -1602 def and_sql(self, expression: exp.And) -> str: -1603 return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND") -1604 -1605 def connector_sql(self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str) -> str: -1606 if not self.pretty: -1607 return self.binary(expression, op) -1608 -1609 sqls = tuple(self.sql(e) for e in expression.flatten(unnest=False)) -1610 sep = "\n" if self.text_width(sqls) > self._max_text_width else " " -1611 return f"{sep}{op} ".join(sqls) -1612 -1613 def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str: -1614 return self.binary(expression, "&") -1615 -1616 def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str: -1617 return self.binary(expression, "<<") -1618 -1619 def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str: -1620 return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1621 -1622 def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str: -1623 return self.binary(expression, "|") -1624 -1625 def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str: -1626 return self.binary(expression, ">>") -1627 -1628 def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str: -1629 return self.binary(expression, "^") -1630 -1631 def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast) -> str: -1632 return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" -1633 -1634 def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str: -1635 zone = self.sql(expression, "this") -1636 return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE" -1637 -1638 def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str: -1639 return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE") -1640 -1641 def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str: -1642 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this').upper()} {expression.text('expression').strip()}" -1643 -1644 def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: -1645 return "BEGIN" -1646 -1647 def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str: -1648 chain = expression.args.get("chain") -1649 if chain is not None: -1650 chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN" -1651 -1652 return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}" -1653 -1654 def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str: -1655 savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint") -1656 savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else "" -1657 return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}" -1658 -1659 def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str: -1660 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1661 -1662 dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype") -1663 if dtype: -1664 collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") -1665 collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" -1666 using = self.sql(expression, "using") -1667 using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" -1668 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}" -1669 -1670 default = self.sql(expression, "default") -1671 if default: -1672 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}" -1673 -1674 if not expression.args.get("drop"): -1675 self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax") -1676 -1677 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT" -1678 -1679 def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str: -1680 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1681 return f"RENAME TO {this}" -1682 -1683 def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: -1684 actions = expression.args["actions"] -1685 -1686 if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef): -1687 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ") -1688 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema): -1689 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ") -1690 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete): -1691 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", flat=True) -1692 else: -1693 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions") -1694 -1695 exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" -1696 return f"ALTER TABLE{exists} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}" -1697 -1698 def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str: -1699 expressions = self.expressions(expression) -1700 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " -1701 return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}" -1702 -1703 def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str: -1704 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1705 expression_ = self.sql(expression, "expression") -1706 add_constraint = f"ADD CONSTRAINT {this}" if this else "ADD" -1707 -1708 enforced = expression.args.get("enforced") -1709 if enforced is not None: -1710 return f"{add_constraint} CHECK ({expression_}){' ENFORCED' if enforced else ''}" -1711 -1712 return f"{add_constraint} {expression_}" -1713 -1714 def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str: -1715 this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1716 this = f" {this}" if this else "" -1717 -1718 on = self.sql(expression, "on") -1719 on = f" ON {on}" if on else "" -1720 return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}" -1721 -1722 def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str: -1723 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} IGNORE NULLS" -1724 -1725 def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str: -1726 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} RESPECT NULLS" -1727 -1728 def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str: -1729 return self.sql( -1730 exp.Cast( -1731 this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression), -1732 to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT), -1733 ) -1734 ) -1735 -1736 def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str: -1737 return self.binary(expression, "||") -1738 -1739 def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str: -1740 return self.binary(expression, "/") -1741 -1742 def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str: -1743 return self.binary(expression, "<->") -1744 -1745 def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str: -1746 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1747 -1748 def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str: -1749 return self.binary(expression, "=") -1750 -1751 def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str: -1752 return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE") -1753 -1754 def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str: -1755 return self.binary(expression, "GLOB") -1756 -1757 def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str: -1758 return self.binary(expression, ">") -1759 -1760 def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str: -1761 return self.binary(expression, ">=") -1762 -1763 def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str: -1764 return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE") -1765 -1766 def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str: -1767 return self.binary(expression, "IS") -1768 -1769 def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str: -1770 return self.binary(expression, "LIKE") -1771 -1772 def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str: -1773 return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO") -1774 -1775 def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str: -1776 return self.binary(expression, "<") -1777 -1778 def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str: -1779 return self.binary(expression, "<=") -1780 -1781 def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str: -1782 return self.binary(expression, "%") -1783 -1784 def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str: -1785 return self.binary(expression, "*") -1786 -1787 def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str: -1788 return self.binary(expression, "<>") -1789 -1790 def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str: -1791 return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM") -1792 -1793 def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str: -1794 return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM") -1795 -1796 def or_sql(self, expression: exp.Or) -> str: -1797 return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR") -1798 -1799 def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str: -1800 return self.binary(expression, ":") -1801 -1802 def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str: -1803 return self.binary(expression, "-") -1804 -1805 def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: -1806 return f"TRY_CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" -1807 -1808 def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str: -1809 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") -1810 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" -1811 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1812 this = f" {this}" if this else "" -1813 return f"USE{kind}{this}" -1814 -1815 def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str: -1816 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1817 -1818 def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str: -1819 args = [] -1820 for arg_value in expression.args.values(): -1821 if isinstance(arg_value, list): -1822 for value in arg_value: -1823 args.append(value) -1824 else: -1825 args.append(arg_value) -1826 -1827 return self.func(expression.sql_name(), *args) -1828 -1829 def func(self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str]) -> str: -1830 return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}({self.format_args(*args)})" -1831 -1832 def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str: -1833 arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None) -1834 if self.pretty and self.text_width(arg_sqls) > self._max_text_width: -1835 return self.indent("\n" + f",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True) -1836 return ", ".join(arg_sqls) -1837 -1838 def text_width(self, args: t.Iterable) -> int: -1839 return sum(len(arg) for arg in args) -1840 -1841 def format_time(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.Optional[str]: -1842 return format_time(self.sql(expression, "format"), self.time_mapping, self.time_trie) -1843 -1844 def expressions( -1845 self, -1846 expression: exp.Expression, -1847 key: t.Optional[str] = None, -1848 flat: bool = False, -1849 indent: bool = True, -1850 sep: str = ", ", -1851 prefix: str = "", -1852 ) -> str: -1853 expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions") -1854 -1855 if not expressions: -1856 return "" -1857 -1858 if flat: -1859 return sep.join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) -1860 -1861 num_sqls = len(expressions) -1862 -1863 # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly -1864 pad = " " * self.pad -1865 stripped_sep = sep.strip() -1866 -1867 result_sqls = [] -1868 for i, e in enumerate(expressions): -1869 sql = self.sql(e, comment=False) -1870 comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else "" -1871 -1872 if self.pretty: -1873 if self._leading_comma: -1874 result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else pad}{prefix}{sql}{comments}") -1875 else: -1876 result_sqls.append( -1877 f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}" -1878 ) -1879 else: -1880 result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}") -1881 -1882 result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) if self.pretty else "".join(result_sqls) -1883 return self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=False) if indent else result_sql -1884 -1885 def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str: -1886 flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties) -1887 expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat) -1888 if flat: -1889 return f"{op} {expressions_sql}" -1890 return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}" -1891 -1892 def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: -1893 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__) -1894 if not property_name: -1895 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}") -1896 return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1897 -1898 def set_operation(self, expression: exp.Expression, op: str) -> str: -1899 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1900 op = self.seg(op) -1901 return self.query_modifiers( -1902 expression, f"{this}{op}{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1903 ) -1904 -1905 def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str: -1906 return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}" -1907 -1908 def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str: -1909 return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type, -1910 -1911 def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str: -1912 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1913 expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression) -1914 expressions = ( -1915 self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}" -1916 ) -1917 return f"{this}{expressions}" -1918 -1919 def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str: -1920 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1921 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1922 return f"{this}({expressions})" -1923 -1924 def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str: -1925 return self.binary(expression, "=>") -1926 -1927 def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str: -1928 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1929 then_expression = expression.args.get("then") -1930 if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert): -1931 then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}" -1932 if "expression" in then_expression.args: -1933 then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}" -1934 elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update): -1935 if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star): -1936 then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}" -1937 else: -1938 then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}" -1939 else: -1940 then = self.sql(then_expression) -1941 return f"WHEN {this} THEN {then}" -1942 -1943 def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str: -1944 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1945 using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}" -1946 on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}" -1947 return f"MERGE INTO {this} {using} {on} {self.expressions(expression, sep=' ')}" + 422 expression.args.get("catalog"), + 423 expression.args.get("db"), + 424 expression.args.get("table"), + 425 expression.args.get("this"), + 426 ) + 427 if part + 428 ) + 429 + 430 def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef) -> str: + 431 column = self.sql(expression, "this") + 432 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") + 433 constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True) + 434 exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else "" + 435 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" + 436 constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else "" + 437 + 438 return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}" + 439 + 440 def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str: + 441 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 442 kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind") + 443 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql + 444 + 445 def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: + 446 return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT) + 447 + 448 def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql( + 449 self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint + 450 ) -> str: + 451 this = "" + 452 if expression.this is not None: + 453 this = " ALWAYS " if expression.this else " BY DEFAULT " + 454 start = expression.args.get("start") + 455 start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else "" + 456 increment = expression.args.get("increment") + 457 increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else "" + 458 minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue") + 459 minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else "" + 460 maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue") + 461 maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else "" + 462 cycle = expression.args.get("cycle") + 463 cycle_sql = "" + 464 if cycle is not None: + 465 cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE" + 466 cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql + 467 sequence_opts = "" + 468 if start or increment or cycle_sql: + 469 sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}" + 470 sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})" + 471 return f"GENERATED{this}AS IDENTITY{sequence_opts}" + 472 + 473 def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str: + 474 return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL" + 475 + 476 def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str: + 477 desc = expression.args.get("desc") + 478 if desc is not None: + 479 return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}" + 480 return f"PRIMARY KEY" + 481 + 482 def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: + 483 return "UNIQUE" + 484 + 485 def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str: + 486 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind").upper() + 487 properties = expression.args.get("properties") + 488 properties_exp = expression.copy() + 489 properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else {} + 490 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get( + 491 exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH + 492 ): + 493 properties_exp.set( + 494 "properties", + 495 exp.Properties( + 496 expressions=[ + 497 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA], + 498 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH], + 499 ] + 500 ), + 501 ) + 502 if kind == "TABLE" and properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME): + 503 this_name = self.sql(expression.this, "this") + 504 this_properties = + 505 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME]), + 506 wrapped=False, + 507 ) + 508 this_schema = f"({self.expressions(expression.this)})" + 509 this = f"{this_name}, {this_properties} {this_schema}" + 510 properties_sql = "" + 511 else: + 512 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 513 properties_sql = self.sql(properties_exp, "properties") + 514 begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else "" + 515 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") + 516 if expression_sql: + 517 expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}" + 518 + 519 if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return): + 520 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS): + 521 postalias_props_sql = + 522 exp.Properties( + 523 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS] + 524 ), + 525 wrapped=False, + 526 ) + 527 expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}" + 528 else: + 529 expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}" + 530 + 531 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" + 532 transient = ( + 533 " TRANSIENT" if self.CREATE_TRANSIENT and expression.args.get("transient") else "" + 534 ) + 535 external = " EXTERNAL" if expression.args.get("external") else "" + 536 replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else "" + 537 exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" + 538 unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else "" + 539 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" + 540 set_ = " SET" if expression.args.get("set") else "" + 541 multiset = " MULTISET" if expression.args.get("multiset") else "" + 542 global_temporary = " GLOBAL TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("global_temporary") else "" + 543 volatile = " VOLATILE" if expression.args.get("volatile") else "" + 544 data = expression.args.get("data") + 545 if data is None: + 546 data = "" + 547 elif data: + 548 data = " WITH DATA" + 549 else: + 550 data = " WITH NO DATA" + 551 statistics = expression.args.get("statistics") + 552 if statistics is None: + 553 statistics = "" + 554 elif statistics: + 555 statistics = " AND STATISTICS" + 556 else: + 557 statistics = " AND NO STATISTICS" + 558 no_primary_index = " NO PRIMARY INDEX" if expression.args.get("no_primary_index") else "" + 559 + 560 indexes = expression.args.get("indexes") + 561 index_sql = "" + 562 if indexes: + 563 indexes_sql = [] + 564 for index in indexes: + 565 ind_unique = " UNIQUE" if index.args.get("unique") else "" + 566 ind_primary = " PRIMARY" if index.args.get("primary") else "" + 567 ind_amp = " AMP" if index.args.get("amp") else "" + 568 ind_name = f" {}" if else "" + 569 ind_columns = ( + 570 f' ({self.expressions(index, key="columns", flat=True)})' + 571 if index.args.get("columns") + 572 else "" + 573 ) + 574 if index.args.get("primary") and properties_locs.get( + 575 exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX + 576 ): + 577 postindex_props_sql = + 578 exp.Properties( + 579 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX] + 580 ), + 581 wrapped=False, + 582 ) + 583 ind_columns = f"{ind_columns} {postindex_props_sql}" + 584 + 585 indexes_sql.append( + 586 f"{ind_unique}{ind_primary}{ind_amp} INDEX{ind_name}{ind_columns}" + 587 ) + 588 index_sql = "".join(indexes_sql) + 589 + 590 postcreate_props_sql = "" + 591 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE): + 592 postcreate_props_sql = + 593 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]), + 594 sep=" ", + 595 prefix=" ", + 596 wrapped=False, + 597 ) + 598 + 599 modifiers = "".join( + 600 ( + 601 replace, + 602 temporary, + 603 transient, + 604 external, + 605 unique, + 606 materialized, + 607 set_, + 608 multiset, + 609 global_temporary, + 610 volatile, + 611 postcreate_props_sql, + 612 ) + 613 ) + 614 no_schema_binding = ( + 615 " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else "" + 616 ) + 617 + 618 post_expression_modifiers = "".join((data, statistics, no_primary_index)) + 619 + 620 expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{post_expression_modifiers}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}" + 621 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql) + 622 + 623 def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str: + 624 return f"DESCRIBE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 625 + 626 def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str: + 627 with_ = self.sql(expression, "with") + 628 if with_: + 629 sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}" + 630 return sql + 631 + 632 def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str: + 633 sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) + 634 recursive = "RECURSIVE " if expression.args.get("recursive") else "" + 635 + 636 return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}" + 637 + 638 def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str: + 639 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") + 640 return f"{alias} AS {self.wrap(expression)}" + 641 + 642 def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str: + 643 alias = self.sql(expression, "this") + 644 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True) + 645 columns = f"({columns})" if columns else "" + 646 return f"{alias}{columns}" + 647 + 648 def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str: + 649 return self.sql(expression, "this") + 650 + 651 def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str: + 652 return self.sql(expression, "this") + 653 + 654 def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str: + 655 type_value = expression.this + 656 type_sql = self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value) + 657 nested = "" + 658 interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) + 659 values = "" + 660 if interior: + 661 if expression.args.get("nested"): + 662 nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}" + 663 if expression.args.get("values") is not None: + 664 delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")") + 665 values = ( + 666 f"{delimiters[0]}{self.expressions(expression, 'values')}{delimiters[1]}" + 667 ) + 668 else: + 669 nested = f"({interior})" + 670 + 671 return f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}" + 672 + 673 def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str: + 674 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "" + 675 row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format") + 676 row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else "" + 677 return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}" + 678 + 679 def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str: + 680 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 681 this = f" FROM {this}" if this else "" + 682 using_sql = ( + 683 f" USING {self.expressions(expression, 'using', sep=', USING ')}" + 684 if expression.args.get("using") + 685 else "" + 686 ) + 687 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") + 688 sql = f"DELETE{this}{using_sql}{where_sql}" + 689 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) + 690 + 691 def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str: + 692 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 693 kind = expression.args["kind"] + 694 exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " + 695 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" + 696 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" + 697 cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else "" + 698 return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{cascade}" + 699 + 700 def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: + 701 return self.prepend_ctes( + 702 expression, + 703 self.set_operation(expression, self.except_op(expression)), + 704 ) + 705 + 706 def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: + 707 return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" + 708 + 709 def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str: + 710 direction = expression.args.get("direction") + 711 direction = f" {direction.upper()}" if direction else "" + 712 count = expression.args.get("count") + 713 count = f" {count}" if count else "" + 714 return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS ONLY" + 715 + 716 def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str: + 717 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 718 where = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # where has a leading space + 719 return f"{this} FILTER({where})" + 720 + 721 def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str: + 722 if self.sql(expression, "this"): + 723 self.unsupported("Hints are not supported") + 724 return "" + 725 + 726 def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str: + 727 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 728 table = self.sql(expression, "table") + 729 columns = self.sql(expression, "columns") + 730 return f"{this} ON {table} {columns}" + 731 + 732 def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str: + 733 text = + 734 text = text.lower() if self.normalize else text + 735 text = text.replace(self.identifier_end, self._escaped_identifier_end) + 736 if expression.args.get("quoted") or self.identify: + 737 text = f"{self.identifier_start}{text}{self.identifier_end}" + 738 return text + 739 + 740 def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National) -> str: + 741 return f"N{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 742 + 743 def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str: + 744 return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression)})" + 745 + 746 def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str: + 747 root_properties = [] + 748 with_properties = [] + 749 + 750 for p in expression.expressions: + 751 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] + 752 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: + 753 with_properties.append(p) + 754 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: + 755 root_properties.append(p) + 756 + 757 return self.root_properties( + 758 exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties) + 759 ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties)) + 760 + 761 def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: + 762 if properties.expressions: + 763 return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ") + 764 return "" + 765 + 766 def properties( + 767 self, + 768 properties: exp.Properties, + 769 prefix: str = "", + 770 sep: str = ", ", + 771 suffix: str = "", + 772 wrapped: bool = True, + 773 ) -> str: + 774 if properties.expressions: + 775 expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False) + 776 expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions + 777 return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix and prefix != ' ' else ''}{expressions}{suffix}" + 778 return "" + 779 + 780 def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: + 781 return, prefix=self.seg("WITH")) + 782 + 783 def locate_properties( + 784 self, properties: exp.Properties + 785 ) -> t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]]: + 786 properties_locs: t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]] = { + 787 key: [] for key in exp.Properties.Location + 788 } + 789 + 790 for p in properties.expressions: + 791 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] + 792 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME: + 793 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME].append(p) + 794 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX: + 795 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX].append(p) + 796 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: + 797 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA].append(p) + 798 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: + 799 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH].append(p) + 800 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE: + 801 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE].append(p) + 802 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS: + 803 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS].append(p) + 804 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED: + 805 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}") + 806 + 807 return properties_locs + 808 + 809 def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: + 810 property_cls = expression.__class__ + 811 if property_cls == exp.Property: + 812 return f"{}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}" + 813 + 814 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls) + 815 if not property_name: + 816 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}") + 817 + 818 return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 819 + 820 def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str: + 821 options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions) + 822 options = f" {options}" if options else "" + 823 return f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}" + 824 + 825 def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str: + 826 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" + 827 protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else "" + 828 return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}" + 829 + 830 def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str: + 831 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" + 832 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" + 833 before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else "" + 834 return f"{no}{dual}{before}JOURNAL" + 835 + 836 def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str: + 837 freespace = self.sql(expression, "this") + 838 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" + 839 return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}" + 840 + 841 def afterjournalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.AfterJournalProperty) -> str: + 842 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" + 843 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" + 844 local = "" + 845 if expression.args.get("local") is not None: + 846 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "NOT LOCAL " + 847 return f"{no}{dual}{local}AFTER JOURNAL" + 848 + 849 def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str: + 850 if expression.args.get("default"): + 851 property = "DEFAULT" + 852 elif expression.args.get("on"): + 853 property = "ON" + 854 else: + 855 property = "OFF" + 856 return f"CHECKSUM={property}" + 857 + 858 def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str: + 859 if expression.args.get("no"): + 860 return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO" + 861 if expression.args.get("default"): + 862 return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO" + 863 + 864 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" + 865 return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}" + 866 + 867 def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str: + 868 default = expression.args.get("default") + 869 min = expression.args.get("min") + 870 if default is not None or min is not None: + 871 if default: + 872 property = "DEFAULT" + 873 elif min: + 874 property = "MINIMUM" + 875 else: + 876 property = "MAXIMUM" + 877 return f"{property} DATABLOCKSIZE" + 878 else: + 879 units = expression.args.get("units") + 880 units = f" {units}" if units else "" + 881 return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}" + 882 + 883 def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str: + 884 autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp") + 885 always = expression.args.get("always") + 886 default = expression.args.get("default") + 887 manual = expression.args.get("manual") + 888 never = expression.args.get("never") + 889 + 890 if autotemp is not None: + 891 property = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})" + 892 elif always: + 893 property = "ALWAYS" + 894 elif default: + 895 property = "DEFAULT" + 896 elif manual: + 897 property = "MANUAL" + 898 elif never: + 899 property = "NEVER" + 900 return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={property}" + 901 + 902 def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str: + 903 no = expression.args.get("no") + 904 no = " NO" if no else "" + 905 concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent") + 906 concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else "" + 907 + 908 for_ = "" + 909 if expression.args.get("for_all"): + 910 for_ = " FOR ALL" + 911 elif expression.args.get("for_insert"): + 912 for_ = " FOR INSERT" + 913 elif expression.args.get("for_none"): + 914 for_ = " FOR NONE" + 915 return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{for_}" + 916 + 917 def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str: + 918 kind = expression.args.get("kind") + 919 this: str = f" {this}" if expression.this else "" + 920 for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in") + 921 lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type") + 922 override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else "" + 923 return f"LOCKING {kind}{this} {for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}" + 924 + 925 def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str: + 926 overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite") + 927 + 928 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory): + 929 this = "OVERWRITE " if overwrite else "INTO " + 930 else: + 931 this = "OVERWRITE TABLE " if overwrite else "INTO " + 932 + 933 alternative = expression.args.get("alternative") + 934 alternative = f" OR {alternative} " if alternative else " " + 935 this = f"{this}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 936 + 937 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " + 938 partition_sql = ( + 939 self.sql(expression, "partition") if expression.args.get("partition") else "" + 940 ) + 941 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") + 942 sep = self.sep() if partition_sql else "" + 943 sql = f"INSERT{alternative}{this}{exists}{partition_sql}{sep}{expression_sql}" + 944 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) + 945 + 946 def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: + 947 return self.prepend_ctes( + 948 expression, + 949 self.set_operation(expression, self.intersect_op(expression)), + 950 ) + 951 + 952 def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: + 953 return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" + 954 + 955 def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str: + 956 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" + 957 + 958 def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str: + 959 return + 960 + 961 def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str: + 962 fields = expression.args.get("fields") + 963 fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else "" + 964 escaped = expression.args.get("escaped") + 965 escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else "" + 966 items = expression.args.get("collection_items") + 967 items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else "" + 968 keys = expression.args.get("map_keys") + 969 keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else "" + 970 lines = expression.args.get("lines") + 971 lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else "" + 972 null = expression.args.get("null") + 973 null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else "" + 974 return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}" + 975 + 976 def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str: + 977 table = ".".join( + 978 part + 979 for part in [ + 980 self.sql(expression, "catalog"), + 981 self.sql(expression, "db"), + 982 self.sql(expression, "this"), + 983 ] + 984 if part + 985 ) + 986 + 987 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") + 988 alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else "" + 989 hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=", ", flat=True) + 990 hints = f" WITH ({hints})" if hints else "" + 991 laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="") + 992 joins = self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="") + 993 pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep="") + 994 system_time = expression.args.get("system_time") + 995 system_time = f" {self.sql(expression, 'system_time')}" if system_time else "" + 996 + 997 if alias and pivots: + 998 pivots = f"{pivots}{alias}" + 999 alias = "" +1000 +1001 return f"{table}{system_time}{alias}{hints}{laterals}{joins}{pivots}" +1002 +1003 def tablesample_sql(self, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str: +1004 if self.alias_post_tablesample and expression.this.alias: +1005 this = self.sql(expression.this, "this") +1006 alias = f" AS {self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}" +1007 else: +1008 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1009 alias = "" +1010 method = self.sql(expression, "method") +1011 method = f" {method.upper()} " if method else "" +1012 numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator") +1013 denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator") +1014 field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field") +1015 field = f" ON {field}" if field else "" +1016 bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else "" +1017 percent = self.sql(expression, "percent") +1018 percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" if percent else "" +1019 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") +1020 rows = f"{rows} ROWS" if rows else "" +1021 size = self.sql(expression, "size") +1022 seed = self.sql(expression, "seed") +1023 seed = f" SEED ({seed})" if seed else "" +1024 return f"{this} TABLESAMPLE{method}({bucket}{percent}{rows}{size}){seed}{alias}" +1025 +1026 def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str: +1027 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1028 unpivot = expression.args.get("unpivot") +1029 direction = "UNPIVOT" if unpivot else "PIVOT" +1030 expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") +1031 field = self.sql(expression, "field") +1032 return f"{this} {direction}({expressions} FOR {field})" +1033 +1034 def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str: +1035 return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" +1036 +1037 def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str: +1038 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1039 set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1040 from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from") +1041 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") +1042 sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{from_sql}{where_sql}" +1043 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1044 +1045 def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values) -> str: +1046 args = self.expressions(expression) +1047 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1048 values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}" +1049 values = ( +1050 f"({values})" +1051 if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From)) +1052 else values +1053 ) +1054 return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values +1055 +1056 def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str: +1057 return self.sql(expression, "this") +1058 +1059 def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str: +1060 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" +1061 unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else "" +1062 return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1063 +1064 def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str: +1065 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1066 return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {expressions}" +1067 +1068 def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str: +1069 group_by = self.op_expressions("GROUP BY", expression) +1070 grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False) +1071 grouping_sets = ( +1072 f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else "" +1073 ) +1074 +1075 cube = expression.args.get("cube", []) +1076 if seq_get(cube, 0) is True: +1077 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}" +1078 else: +1079 cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False) +1080 cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else "" +1081 +1082 rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", []) +1083 if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True: +1084 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}" +1085 else: +1086 rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False) +1087 rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else "" +1088 +1089 groupings = csv(grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, sep=",") +1090 +1091 if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings: +1092 group_by = f"{group_by}," +1093 +1094 return f"{group_by}{groupings}" +1095 +1096 def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str: +1097 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) +1098 return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}" +1099 +1100 def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str: +1101 op_sql = self.seg( +1102 " ".join( +1103 op +1104 for op in ( +1105 "NATURAL" if expression.args.get("natural") else None, +1106 expression.side, +1107 expression.kind, +1108 "JOIN", +1109 ) +1110 if op +1111 ) +1112 ) +1113 on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on") +1114 using = expression.args.get("using") +1115 +1116 if not on_sql and using: +1117 on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using)) +1118 +1119 if on_sql: +1120 on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True) +1121 space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " " +1122 if using: +1123 on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})" +1124 else: +1125 on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}" +1126 +1127 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") +1128 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") +1129 return f"{expression_sql}{op_sql} {this_sql}{on_sql}" +1130 +1131 def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str: +1132 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1133 args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args +1134 return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1135 +1136 def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str: +1137 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1138 +1139 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery): +1140 return f"LATERAL {this}" +1141 +1142 if expression.args.get("view"): +1143 alias = expression.args["alias"] +1144 columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True) +1145 table = f" {}" if else "" +1146 columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else "" +1147 op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}") +1148 return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}" +1149 +1150 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1151 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" +1152 return f"LATERAL {this}{alias}" +1153 +1154 def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit) -> str: +1155 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1156 return f"{this}{self.seg('LIMIT')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1157 +1158 def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: +1159 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1160 return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1161 +1162 def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str: +1163 if self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED: +1164 lock_type = "UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "SHARE" +1165 return self.seg(f"FOR {lock_type}") +1166 +1167 self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported") +1168 return "" +1169 +1170 def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str: +1171 text = expression.this or "" +1172 if expression.is_string: +1173 text = text.replace(self.quote_end, self._escaped_quote_end) +1174 if self.pretty: +1175 text = text.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK) +1176 text = f"{self.quote_start}{text}{self.quote_end}" +1177 return text +1178 +1179 def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str: +1180 local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else "" +1181 inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}" +1182 overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else "" +1183 this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1184 partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") +1185 partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" +1186 input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format") +1187 input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else "" +1188 serde = self.sql(expression, "serde") +1189 serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else "" +1190 return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}" +1191 +1192 def null_sql(self, *_) -> str: +1193 return "NULL" +1194 +1195 def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str: +1196 return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE" +1197 +1198 def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str: +1199 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1200 this = f"{this} " if this else this +1201 return self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER BY", expression, flat=this or flat) # type: ignore +1202 +1203 def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str: +1204 return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression) +1205 +1206 def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str: +1207 return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression) +1208 +1209 def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str: +1210 return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression) +1211 +1212 def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str: +1213 desc = expression.args.get("desc") +1214 asc = not desc +1215 +1216 nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first") +1217 nulls_last = not nulls_first +1218 nulls_are_large = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_large" +1219 nulls_are_small = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_small" +1220 nulls_are_last = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_last" +1221 +1222 sort_order = " DESC" if desc else "" +1223 nulls_sort_change = "" +1224 if nulls_first and ( +1225 (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last +1226 ): +1227 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST" +1228 elif ( +1229 nulls_last +1230 and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large)) +1231 and not nulls_are_last +1232 ): +1233 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST" +1234 +1235 if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED: +1236 self.unsupported( +1237 "Sorting in an ORDER BY on NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST is not supported by this dialect" +1238 ) +1239 nulls_sort_change = "" +1240 +1241 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}" +1242 +1243 def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: +1244 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) +1245 order = self.sql(expression, "order") +1246 measures = self.sql(expression, "measures") +1247 measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES {measures}") if measures else "" +1248 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") +1249 rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else "" +1250 after = self.sql(expression, "after") +1251 after = self.seg(after) if after else "" +1252 pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern") +1253 pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else "" +1254 define = self.sql(expression, "define") +1255 define = self.seg(f"DEFINE {define}") if define else "" +1256 body = "".join( +1257 ( +1258 partition, +1259 order, +1260 measures, +1261 rows, +1262 after, +1263 pattern, +1264 define, +1265 ) +1266 ) +1267 return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}" +1268 +1269 def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str: +1270 return csv( +1271 *sqls, +1272 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("joins") or []], +1273 self.sql(expression, "match"), +1274 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("laterals") or []], +1275 self.sql(expression, "where"), +1276 self.sql(expression, "group"), +1277 self.sql(expression, "having"), +1278 self.sql(expression, "qualify"), +1279 self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(expression, "windows", flat=True) +1280 if expression.args.get("windows") +1281 else "", +1282 self.sql(expression, "distribute"), +1283 self.sql(expression, "sort"), +1284 self.sql(expression, "cluster"), +1285 self.sql(expression, "order"), +1286 self.sql(expression, "limit"), +1287 self.sql(expression, "offset"), +1288 self.sql(expression, "lock"), +1289 sep="", +1290 ) +1291 +1292 def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str: +1293 hint = self.sql(expression, "hint") +1294 distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct") +1295 distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else "" +1296 expressions = self.expressions(expression) +1297 expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions +1298 sql = self.query_modifiers( +1299 expression, +1300 f"SELECT{hint}{distinct}{expressions}", +1301 self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False), +1302 self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False), +1303 ) +1304 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1305 +1306 def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str: +1307 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1308 this = f"{this} " if this else "" +1309 sql = f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" +1310 return f"{this}{sql}" +1311 +1312 def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str: +1313 except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True) +1314 except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else "" +1315 replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True) +1316 replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else "" +1317 return f"*{except_}{replace}" +1318 +1319 def structkwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.StructKwarg) -> str: +1320 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1321 +1322 def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str: +1323 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1324 this = f"{{{this}}}" if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f"{this}" +1325 return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}" +1326 +1327 def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str: +1328 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1329 kind = expression.text("kind") +1330 if kind: +1331 kind = f"{kind}." +1332 return f"@@{kind}{this}" +1333 +1334 def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str: +1335 return f":{}" if else "?" +1336 +1337 def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery) -> str: +1338 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1339 +1340 sql = self.query_modifiers( +1341 expression, +1342 self.wrap(expression), +1343 self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" "), +1344 f" AS {alias}" if alias else "", +1345 ) +1346 +1347 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1348 +1349 def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str: +1350 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) +1351 return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}" +1352 +1353 def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: +1354 return self.prepend_ctes( +1355 expression, +1356 self.set_operation(expression, self.union_op(expression)), +1357 ) +1358 +1359 def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: +1360 kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else "" +1361 kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL" +1362 return f"UNION{kind}" +1363 +1364 def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: +1365 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1366 alias = expression.args.get("alias") +1367 if alias and self.unnest_column_only: +1368 columns = alias.columns +1369 alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else "" +1370 else: +1371 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1372 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias +1373 ordinality = " WITH ORDINALITY" if expression.args.get("ordinality") else "" +1374 offset = expression.args.get("offset") +1375 offset = f" WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" if offset else "" +1376 return f"UNNEST({args}){ordinality}{alias}{offset}" +1377 +1378 def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str: +1379 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) +1380 return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}" +1381 +1382 def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str: +1383 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1384 +1385 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) +1386 +1387 order = expression.args.get("order") +1388 order_sql = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else "" +1389 +1390 partition_sql = partition + " " if partition and order else partition +1391 +1392 spec = expression.args.get("spec") +1393 spec_sql = " " + self.window_spec_sql(spec) if spec else "" +1394 +1395 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1396 this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else 'OVER'}" +1397 +1398 if not partition and not order and not spec and alias: +1399 return f"{this} {alias}" +1400 +1401 window_args = alias + partition_sql + order_sql + spec_sql +1402 +1403 return f"{this} ({window_args.strip()})" +1404 +1405 def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: +1406 partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True) +1407 return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else "" +1408 +1409 def window_spec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str: +1410 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") +1411 start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ") +1412 end = ( +1413 csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ") +1414 or "CURRENT ROW" +1415 ) +1416 return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}" +1417 +1418 def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str: +1419 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1420 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # order has a leading space +1421 return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})" +1422 +1423 def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str: +1424 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1425 low = self.sql(expression, "low") +1426 high = self.sql(expression, "high") +1427 return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}" +1428 +1429 def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str: +1430 expressions = apply_index_offset(expression.expressions, self.index_offset) +1431 expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) +1432 +1433 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]" +1434 +1435 def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str: +1436 return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}" +1437 +1438 def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str: +1439 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1440 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subqueryable): +1441 this = self.wrap(this) +1442 return f"ANY {this}" +1443 +1444 def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str: +1445 return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}" +1446 +1447 def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str: +1448 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1449 statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"] +1450 +1451 for e in expression.args["ifs"]: +1452 statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}") +1453 statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}") +1454 +1455 default = self.sql(expression, "default") +1456 +1457 if default: +1458 statements.append(f"ELSE {default}") +1459 +1460 statements.append("END") +1461 +1462 if self.pretty and self.text_width(statements) > self._max_text_width: +1463 return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True) +1464 +1465 return " ".join(statements) +1466 +1467 def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str: +1468 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1469 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1470 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}" +1471 +1472 def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str: +1473 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1474 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") +1475 return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})" +1476 +1477 def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str: +1478 trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") +1479 +1480 if trim_type == "LEADING": +1481 return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this) +1482 elif trim_type == "TRAILING": +1483 return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this) +1484 else: +1485 return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression) +1486 +1487 def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str: +1488 if len(expression.expressions) == 1: +1489 return self.sql(expression.expressions[0]) +1490 return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) +1491 +1492 def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str: +1493 this = self.sql(expression, key="this") +1494 return f"CHECK ({this})" +1495 +1496 def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: +1497 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1498 reference = self.sql(expression, "reference") +1499 reference = f" {reference}" if reference else "" +1500 delete = self.sql(expression, "delete") +1501 delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else "" +1502 update = self.sql(expression, "update") +1503 update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else "" +1504 return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}" +1505 +1506 def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: +1507 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1508 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") +1509 options = f" {options}" if options else "" +1510 return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}" +1511 +1512 def unique_sql(self, expression: exp.Unique) -> str: +1513 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") +1514 return f"UNIQUE ({columns})" +1515 +1516 def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str: +1517 return self.case_sql( +1518 exp.Case(ifs=[expression.copy()], default=expression.args.get("false")) +1519 ) +1520 +1521 def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str: +1522 query = expression.args.get("query") +1523 unnest = expression.args.get("unnest") +1524 field = expression.args.get("field") +1525 is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else "" +1526 +1527 if query: +1528 in_sql = self.wrap(query) +1529 elif unnest: +1530 in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest) +1531 elif field: +1532 in_sql = self.sql(field) +1533 else: +1534 in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" +1535 +1536 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}" +1537 +1538 def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str: +1539 return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})" +1540 +1541 def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str: +1542 this = expression.args.get("this") +1543 if this: +1544 this = ( +1545 f" {this}" +1546 if isinstance(this, exp.Literal) or isinstance(this, exp.Paren) +1547 else f" ({this})" +1548 ) +1549 else: +1550 this = "" +1551 unit = expression.args.get("unit") +1552 unit = f" {unit}" if unit else "" +1553 return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}" +1554 +1555 def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str: +1556 return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1557 +1558 def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str: +1559 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1560 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1561 expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else "" +1562 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") +1563 options = f" {options}" if options else "" +1564 return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}" +1565 +1566 def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str: +1567 return self.func(, *expression.expressions) +1568 +1569 def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str: +1570 if isinstance(expression.unnest(), exp.Select): +1571 sql = self.wrap(expression) +1572 else: +1573 sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="") +1574 sql = f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" +1575 +1576 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1577 +1578 def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str: +1579 # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment +1580 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") +1581 sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else "" +1582 return f"-{sep}{this_sql}" +1583 +1584 def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str: +1585 return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1586 +1587 def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str: +1588 to_sql = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1589 to_sql = f" AS {to_sql}" if to_sql else "" +1590 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{to_sql}" +1591 +1592 def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str: +1593 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" +1594 +1595 def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: +1596 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1597 zone = self.sql(expression, "zone") +1598 return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}" +1599 +1600 def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str: +1601 return self.binary(expression, "+") +1602 +1603 def and_sql(self, expression: exp.And) -> str: +1604 return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND") +1605 +1606 def connector_sql(self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str) -> str: +1607 if not self.pretty: +1608 return self.binary(expression, op) +1609 +1610 sqls = tuple(self.sql(e) for e in expression.flatten(unnest=False)) +1611 sep = "\n" if self.text_width(sqls) > self._max_text_width else " " +1612 return f"{sep}{op} ".join(sqls) +1613 +1614 def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str: +1615 return self.binary(expression, "&") +1616 +1617 def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str: +1618 return self.binary(expression, "<<") +1619 +1620 def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str: +1621 return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1622 +1623 def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str: +1624 return self.binary(expression, "|") +1625 +1626 def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str: +1627 return self.binary(expression, ">>") +1628 +1629 def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str: +1630 return self.binary(expression, "^") +1631 +1632 def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast) -> str: +1633 return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" +1634 +1635 def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str: +1636 zone = self.sql(expression, "this") +1637 return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE" +1638 +1639 def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str: +1640 return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE") +1641 +1642 def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str: +1643 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this').upper()} {expression.text('expression').strip()}" +1644 +1645 def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: +1646 return "BEGIN" +1647 +1648 def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str: +1649 chain = expression.args.get("chain") +1650 if chain is not None: +1651 chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN" +1652 +1653 return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}" +1654 +1655 def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str: +1656 savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint") +1657 savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else "" +1658 return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}" +1659 +1660 def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str: +1661 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1662 +1663 dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype") +1664 if dtype: +1665 collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") +1666 collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" +1667 using = self.sql(expression, "using") +1668 using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" +1669 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}" +1670 +1671 default = self.sql(expression, "default") +1672 if default: +1673 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}" +1674 +1675 if not expression.args.get("drop"): +1676 self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax") +1677 +1678 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT" +1679 +1680 def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str: +1681 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1682 return f"RENAME TO {this}" +1683 +1684 def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: +1685 actions = expression.args["actions"] +1686 +1687 if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef): +1688 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ") +1689 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema): +1690 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ") +1691 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete): +1692 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", flat=True) +1693 else: +1694 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions") +1695 +1696 exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" +1697 return f"ALTER TABLE{exists} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}" +1698 +1699 def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str: +1700 expressions = self.expressions(expression) +1701 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " +1702 return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}" +1703 +1704 def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str: +1705 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1706 expression_ = self.sql(expression, "expression") +1707 add_constraint = f"ADD CONSTRAINT {this}" if this else "ADD" +1708 +1709 enforced = expression.args.get("enforced") +1710 if enforced is not None: +1711 return f"{add_constraint} CHECK ({expression_}){' ENFORCED' if enforced else ''}" +1712 +1713 return f"{add_constraint} {expression_}" +1714 +1715 def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str: +1716 this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1717 this = f" {this}" if this else "" +1718 +1719 on = self.sql(expression, "on") +1720 on = f" ON {on}" if on else "" +1721 return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}" +1722 +1723 def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str: +1724 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} IGNORE NULLS" +1725 +1726 def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str: +1727 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} RESPECT NULLS" +1728 +1729 def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str: +1730 return self.sql( +1731 exp.Cast( +1732 this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression), +1733 to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT), +1734 ) +1735 ) +1736 +1737 def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str: +1738 return self.binary(expression, "||") +1739 +1740 def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str: +1741 return self.binary(expression, "/") +1742 +1743 def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str: +1744 return self.binary(expression, "<->") +1745 +1746 def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str: +1747 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1748 +1749 def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str: +1750 return self.binary(expression, "=") +1751 +1752 def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str: +1753 return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE") +1754 +1755 def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str: +1756 return self.binary(expression, "GLOB") +1757 +1758 def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str: +1759 return self.binary(expression, ">") +1760 +1761 def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str: +1762 return self.binary(expression, ">=") +1763 +1764 def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str: +1765 return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE") +1766 +1767 def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str: +1768 return self.binary(expression, "IS") +1769 +1770 def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str: +1771 return self.binary(expression, "LIKE") +1772 +1773 def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str: +1774 return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO") +1775 +1776 def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str: +1777 return self.binary(expression, "<") +1778 +1779 def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str: +1780 return self.binary(expression, "<=") +1781 +1782 def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str: +1783 return self.binary(expression, "%") +1784 +1785 def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str: +1786 return self.binary(expression, "*") +1787 +1788 def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str: +1789 return self.binary(expression, "<>") +1790 +1791 def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str: +1792 return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM") +1793 +1794 def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str: +1795 return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM") +1796 +1797 def or_sql(self, expression: exp.Or) -> str: +1798 return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR") +1799 +1800 def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str: +1801 return self.binary(expression, ":") +1802 +1803 def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str: +1804 return self.binary(expression, "-") +1805 +1806 def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: +1807 return f"TRY_CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" +1808 +1809 def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str: +1810 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") +1811 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" +1812 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1813 this = f" {this}" if this else "" +1814 return f"USE{kind}{this}" +1815 +1816 def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str: +1817 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1818 +1819 def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str: +1820 args = [] +1821 for arg_value in expression.args.values(): +1822 if isinstance(arg_value, list): +1823 for value in arg_value: +1824 args.append(value) +1825 else: +1826 args.append(arg_value) +1827 +1828 return self.func(expression.sql_name(), *args) +1829 +1830 def func(self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str]) -> str: +1831 return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}({self.format_args(*args)})" +1832 +1833 def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str: +1834 arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None) +1835 if self.pretty and self.text_width(arg_sqls) > self._max_text_width: +1836 return self.indent("\n" + f",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True) +1837 return ", ".join(arg_sqls) +1838 +1839 def text_width(self, args: t.Iterable) -> int: +1840 return sum(len(arg) for arg in args) +1841 +1842 def format_time(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.Optional[str]: +1843 return format_time(self.sql(expression, "format"), self.time_mapping, self.time_trie) +1844 +1845 def expressions( +1846 self, +1847 expression: exp.Expression, +1848 key: t.Optional[str] = None, +1849 flat: bool = False, +1850 indent: bool = True, +1851 sep: str = ", ", +1852 prefix: str = "", +1853 ) -> str: +1854 expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions") +1855 +1856 if not expressions: +1857 return "" +1858 +1859 if flat: +1860 return sep.join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) +1861 +1862 num_sqls = len(expressions) +1863 +1864 # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly +1865 pad = " " * self.pad +1866 stripped_sep = sep.strip() +1867 +1868 result_sqls = [] +1869 for i, e in enumerate(expressions): +1870 sql = self.sql(e, comment=False) +1871 comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else "" +1872 +1873 if self.pretty: +1874 if self._leading_comma: +1875 result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else pad}{prefix}{sql}{comments}") +1876 else: +1877 result_sqls.append( +1878 f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}" +1879 ) +1880 else: +1881 result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}") +1882 +1883 result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) if self.pretty else "".join(result_sqls) +1884 return self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=False) if indent else result_sql +1885 +1886 def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str: +1887 flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties) +1888 expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat) +1889 if flat: +1890 return f"{op} {expressions_sql}" +1891 return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}" +1892 +1893 def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: +1894 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__) +1895 if not property_name: +1896 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}") +1897 return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1898 +1899 def set_operation(self, expression: exp.Expression, op: str) -> str: +1900 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1901 op = self.seg(op) +1902 return self.query_modifiers( +1903 expression, f"{this}{op}{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1904 ) +1905 +1906 def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str: +1907 return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}" +1908 +1909 def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str: +1910 return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type, +1911 +1912 def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str: +1913 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1914 expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression) +1915 expressions = ( +1916 self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}" +1917 ) +1918 return f"{this}{expressions}" +1919 +1920 def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str: +1921 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1922 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1923 return f"{this}({expressions})" +1924 +1925 def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str: +1926 return self.binary(expression, "=>") +1927 +1928 def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str: +1929 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1930 then_expression = expression.args.get("then") +1931 if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert): +1932 then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}" +1933 if "expression" in then_expression.args: +1934 then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}" +1935 elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update): +1936 if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star): +1937 then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}" +1938 else: +1939 then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}" +1940 else: +1941 then = self.sql(then_expression) +1942 return f"WHEN {this} THEN {then}" +1943 +1944 def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str: +1945 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1946 using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}" +1947 on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}" +1948 return f"MERGE INTO {this} {using} {on} {self.expressions(expression, sep=' ')}"
    @@ -3046,1532 +3047,1533 @@
    420 return ".".join( 421 self.sql(part) 422 for part in ( - 423 expression.args.get("schema"), - 424 expression.args.get("table"), - 425 expression.args.get("this"), - 426 ) - 427 if part - 428 ) - 429 - 430 def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef) -> str: - 431 column = self.sql(expression, "this") - 432 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") - 433 constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True) - 434 exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else "" - 435 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" - 436 constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else "" - 437 - 438 return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}" - 439 - 440 def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str: - 441 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 442 kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind") - 443 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql - 444 - 445 def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: - 446 return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT) - 447 - 448 def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql( - 449 self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint - 450 ) -> str: - 451 this = "" - 452 if expression.this is not None: - 453 this = " ALWAYS " if expression.this else " BY DEFAULT " - 454 start = expression.args.get("start") - 455 start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else "" - 456 increment = expression.args.get("increment") - 457 increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else "" - 458 minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue") - 459 minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else "" - 460 maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue") - 461 maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else "" - 462 cycle = expression.args.get("cycle") - 463 cycle_sql = "" - 464 if cycle is not None: - 465 cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE" - 466 cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql - 467 sequence_opts = "" - 468 if start or increment or cycle_sql: - 469 sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}" - 470 sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})" - 471 return f"GENERATED{this}AS IDENTITY{sequence_opts}" - 472 - 473 def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str: - 474 return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL" - 475 - 476 def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str: - 477 desc = expression.args.get("desc") - 478 if desc is not None: - 479 return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}" - 480 return f"PRIMARY KEY" - 481 - 482 def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: - 483 return "UNIQUE" - 484 - 485 def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str: - 486 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind").upper() - 487 properties = expression.args.get("properties") - 488 properties_exp = expression.copy() - 489 properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else {} - 490 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get( - 491 exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH - 492 ): - 493 properties_exp.set( - 494 "properties", - 495 exp.Properties( - 496 expressions=[ - 497 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA], - 498 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH], - 499 ] - 500 ), - 501 ) - 502 if kind == "TABLE" and properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME): - 503 this_name = self.sql(expression.this, "this") - 504 this_properties = - 505 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME]), - 506 wrapped=False, - 507 ) - 508 this_schema = f"({self.expressions(expression.this)})" - 509 this = f"{this_name}, {this_properties} {this_schema}" - 510 properties_sql = "" - 511 else: - 512 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 513 properties_sql = self.sql(properties_exp, "properties") - 514 begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else "" - 515 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") - 516 if expression_sql: - 517 expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}" - 518 - 519 if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return): - 520 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS): - 521 postalias_props_sql = - 522 exp.Properties( - 523 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS] - 524 ), - 525 wrapped=False, - 526 ) - 527 expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}" - 528 else: - 529 expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}" - 530 - 531 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" - 532 transient = ( - 533 " TRANSIENT" if self.CREATE_TRANSIENT and expression.args.get("transient") else "" - 534 ) - 535 external = " EXTERNAL" if expression.args.get("external") else "" - 536 replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else "" - 537 exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" - 538 unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else "" - 539 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" - 540 set_ = " SET" if expression.args.get("set") else "" - 541 multiset = " MULTISET" if expression.args.get("multiset") else "" - 542 global_temporary = " GLOBAL TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("global_temporary") else "" - 543 volatile = " VOLATILE" if expression.args.get("volatile") else "" - 544 data = expression.args.get("data") - 545 if data is None: - 546 data = "" - 547 elif data: - 548 data = " WITH DATA" - 549 else: - 550 data = " WITH NO DATA" - 551 statistics = expression.args.get("statistics") - 552 if statistics is None: - 553 statistics = "" - 554 elif statistics: - 555 statistics = " AND STATISTICS" - 556 else: - 557 statistics = " AND NO STATISTICS" - 558 no_primary_index = " NO PRIMARY INDEX" if expression.args.get("no_primary_index") else "" - 559 - 560 indexes = expression.args.get("indexes") - 561 index_sql = "" - 562 if indexes: - 563 indexes_sql = [] - 564 for index in indexes: - 565 ind_unique = " UNIQUE" if index.args.get("unique") else "" - 566 ind_primary = " PRIMARY" if index.args.get("primary") else "" - 567 ind_amp = " AMP" if index.args.get("amp") else "" - 568 ind_name = f" {}" if else "" - 569 ind_columns = ( - 570 f' ({self.expressions(index, key="columns", flat=True)})' - 571 if index.args.get("columns") - 572 else "" - 573 ) - 574 if index.args.get("primary") and properties_locs.get( - 575 exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX - 576 ): - 577 postindex_props_sql = - 578 exp.Properties( - 579 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX] - 580 ), - 581 wrapped=False, - 582 ) - 583 ind_columns = f"{ind_columns} {postindex_props_sql}" - 584 - 585 indexes_sql.append( - 586 f"{ind_unique}{ind_primary}{ind_amp} INDEX{ind_name}{ind_columns}" - 587 ) - 588 index_sql = "".join(indexes_sql) - 589 - 590 postcreate_props_sql = "" - 591 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE): - 592 postcreate_props_sql = - 593 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]), - 594 sep=" ", - 595 prefix=" ", - 596 wrapped=False, - 597 ) - 598 - 599 modifiers = "".join( - 600 ( - 601 replace, - 602 temporary, - 603 transient, - 604 external, - 605 unique, - 606 materialized, - 607 set_, - 608 multiset, - 609 global_temporary, - 610 volatile, - 611 postcreate_props_sql, - 612 ) - 613 ) - 614 no_schema_binding = ( - 615 " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else "" - 616 ) - 617 - 618 post_expression_modifiers = "".join((data, statistics, no_primary_index)) - 619 - 620 expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{post_expression_modifiers}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}" - 621 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql) - 622 - 623 def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str: - 624 return f"DESCRIBE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 625 - 626 def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str: - 627 with_ = self.sql(expression, "with") - 628 if with_: - 629 sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}" - 630 return sql - 631 - 632 def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str: - 633 sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) - 634 recursive = "RECURSIVE " if expression.args.get("recursive") else "" - 635 - 636 return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}" - 637 - 638 def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str: - 639 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") - 640 return f"{alias} AS {self.wrap(expression)}" - 641 - 642 def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str: - 643 alias = self.sql(expression, "this") - 644 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True) - 645 columns = f"({columns})" if columns else "" - 646 return f"{alias}{columns}" - 647 - 648 def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str: - 649 return self.sql(expression, "this") - 650 - 651 def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str: - 652 return self.sql(expression, "this") - 653 - 654 def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str: - 655 type_value = expression.this - 656 type_sql = self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value) - 657 nested = "" - 658 interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) - 659 values = "" - 660 if interior: - 661 if expression.args.get("nested"): - 662 nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}" - 663 if expression.args.get("values") is not None: - 664 delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")") - 665 values = ( - 666 f"{delimiters[0]}{self.expressions(expression, 'values')}{delimiters[1]}" - 667 ) - 668 else: - 669 nested = f"({interior})" - 670 - 671 return f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}" - 672 - 673 def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str: - 674 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "" - 675 row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format") - 676 row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else "" - 677 return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}" - 678 - 679 def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str: - 680 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 681 this = f" FROM {this}" if this else "" - 682 using_sql = ( - 683 f" USING {self.expressions(expression, 'using', sep=', USING ')}" - 684 if expression.args.get("using") - 685 else "" - 686 ) - 687 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") - 688 sql = f"DELETE{this}{using_sql}{where_sql}" - 689 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) - 690 - 691 def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str: - 692 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 693 kind = expression.args["kind"] - 694 exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " - 695 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" - 696 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" - 697 cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else "" - 698 return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{cascade}" - 699 - 700 def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: - 701 return self.prepend_ctes( - 702 expression, - 703 self.set_operation(expression, self.except_op(expression)), - 704 ) - 705 - 706 def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: - 707 return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" - 708 - 709 def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str: - 710 direction = expression.args.get("direction") - 711 direction = f" {direction.upper()}" if direction else "" - 712 count = expression.args.get("count") - 713 count = f" {count}" if count else "" - 714 return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS ONLY" - 715 - 716 def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str: - 717 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 718 where = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # where has a leading space - 719 return f"{this} FILTER({where})" - 720 - 721 def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str: - 722 if self.sql(expression, "this"): - 723 self.unsupported("Hints are not supported") - 724 return "" - 725 - 726 def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str: - 727 this = self.sql(expression, "this") - 728 table = self.sql(expression, "table") - 729 columns = self.sql(expression, "columns") - 730 return f"{this} ON {table} {columns}" - 731 - 732 def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str: - 733 text = - 734 text = text.lower() if self.normalize else text - 735 text = text.replace(self.identifier_end, self._escaped_identifier_end) - 736 if expression.args.get("quoted") or self.identify: - 737 text = f"{self.identifier_start}{text}{self.identifier_end}" - 738 return text - 739 - 740 def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National) -> str: - 741 return f"N{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 742 - 743 def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str: - 744 return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression)})" - 745 - 746 def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str: - 747 root_properties = [] - 748 with_properties = [] - 749 - 750 for p in expression.expressions: - 751 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] - 752 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: - 753 with_properties.append(p) - 754 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: - 755 root_properties.append(p) - 756 - 757 return self.root_properties( - 758 exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties) - 759 ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties)) - 760 - 761 def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: - 762 if properties.expressions: - 763 return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ") - 764 return "" - 765 - 766 def properties( - 767 self, - 768 properties: exp.Properties, - 769 prefix: str = "", - 770 sep: str = ", ", - 771 suffix: str = "", - 772 wrapped: bool = True, - 773 ) -> str: - 774 if properties.expressions: - 775 expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False) - 776 expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions - 777 return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix and prefix != ' ' else ''}{expressions}{suffix}" - 778 return "" - 779 - 780 def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: - 781 return, prefix=self.seg("WITH")) - 782 - 783 def locate_properties( - 784 self, properties: exp.Properties - 785 ) -> t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]]: - 786 properties_locs: t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]] = { - 787 key: [] for key in exp.Properties.Location - 788 } - 789 - 790 for p in properties.expressions: - 791 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] - 792 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME: - 793 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME].append(p) - 794 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX: - 795 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX].append(p) - 796 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: - 797 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA].append(p) - 798 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: - 799 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH].append(p) - 800 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE: - 801 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE].append(p) - 802 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS: - 803 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS].append(p) - 804 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED: - 805 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}") - 806 - 807 return properties_locs - 808 - 809 def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: - 810 property_cls = expression.__class__ - 811 if property_cls == exp.Property: - 812 return f"{}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}" - 813 - 814 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls) - 815 if not property_name: - 816 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}") - 817 - 818 return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 819 - 820 def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str: - 821 options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions) - 822 options = f" {options}" if options else "" - 823 return f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}" - 824 - 825 def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str: - 826 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" - 827 protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else "" - 828 return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}" - 829 - 830 def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str: - 831 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" - 832 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" - 833 before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else "" - 834 return f"{no}{dual}{before}JOURNAL" - 835 - 836 def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str: - 837 freespace = self.sql(expression, "this") - 838 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" - 839 return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}" - 840 - 841 def afterjournalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.AfterJournalProperty) -> str: - 842 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" - 843 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" - 844 local = "" - 845 if expression.args.get("local") is not None: - 846 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "NOT LOCAL " - 847 return f"{no}{dual}{local}AFTER JOURNAL" - 848 - 849 def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str: - 850 if expression.args.get("default"): - 851 property = "DEFAULT" - 852 elif expression.args.get("on"): - 853 property = "ON" - 854 else: - 855 property = "OFF" - 856 return f"CHECKSUM={property}" - 857 - 858 def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str: - 859 if expression.args.get("no"): - 860 return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO" - 861 if expression.args.get("default"): - 862 return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO" - 863 - 864 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" - 865 return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}" - 866 - 867 def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str: - 868 default = expression.args.get("default") - 869 min = expression.args.get("min") - 870 if default is not None or min is not None: - 871 if default: - 872 property = "DEFAULT" - 873 elif min: - 874 property = "MINIMUM" - 875 else: - 876 property = "MAXIMUM" - 877 return f"{property} DATABLOCKSIZE" - 878 else: - 879 units = expression.args.get("units") - 880 units = f" {units}" if units else "" - 881 return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}" - 882 - 883 def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str: - 884 autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp") - 885 always = expression.args.get("always") - 886 default = expression.args.get("default") - 887 manual = expression.args.get("manual") - 888 never = expression.args.get("never") - 889 - 890 if autotemp is not None: - 891 property = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})" - 892 elif always: - 893 property = "ALWAYS" - 894 elif default: - 895 property = "DEFAULT" - 896 elif manual: - 897 property = "MANUAL" - 898 elif never: - 899 property = "NEVER" - 900 return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={property}" - 901 - 902 def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str: - 903 no = expression.args.get("no") - 904 no = " NO" if no else "" - 905 concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent") - 906 concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else "" - 907 - 908 for_ = "" - 909 if expression.args.get("for_all"): - 910 for_ = " FOR ALL" - 911 elif expression.args.get("for_insert"): - 912 for_ = " FOR INSERT" - 913 elif expression.args.get("for_none"): - 914 for_ = " FOR NONE" - 915 return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{for_}" - 916 - 917 def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str: - 918 kind = expression.args.get("kind") - 919 this: str = f" {this}" if expression.this else "" - 920 for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in") - 921 lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type") - 922 override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else "" - 923 return f"LOCKING {kind}{this} {for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}" - 924 - 925 def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str: - 926 overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite") - 927 - 928 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory): - 929 this = "OVERWRITE " if overwrite else "INTO " - 930 else: - 931 this = "OVERWRITE TABLE " if overwrite else "INTO " - 932 - 933 alternative = expression.args.get("alternative") - 934 alternative = f" OR {alternative} " if alternative else " " - 935 this = f"{this}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" - 936 - 937 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " - 938 partition_sql = ( - 939 self.sql(expression, "partition") if expression.args.get("partition") else "" - 940 ) - 941 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") - 942 sep = self.sep() if partition_sql else "" - 943 sql = f"INSERT{alternative}{this}{exists}{partition_sql}{sep}{expression_sql}" - 944 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) - 945 - 946 def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: - 947 return self.prepend_ctes( - 948 expression, - 949 self.set_operation(expression, self.intersect_op(expression)), - 950 ) - 951 - 952 def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: - 953 return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" - 954 - 955 def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str: - 956 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" - 957 - 958 def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str: - 959 return - 960 - 961 def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str: - 962 fields = expression.args.get("fields") - 963 fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else "" - 964 escaped = expression.args.get("escaped") - 965 escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else "" - 966 items = expression.args.get("collection_items") - 967 items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else "" - 968 keys = expression.args.get("map_keys") - 969 keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else "" - 970 lines = expression.args.get("lines") - 971 lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else "" - 972 null = expression.args.get("null") - 973 null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else "" - 974 return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}" - 975 - 976 def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str: - 977 table = ".".join( - 978 part - 979 for part in [ - 980 self.sql(expression, "catalog"), - 981 self.sql(expression, "db"), - 982 self.sql(expression, "this"), - 983 ] - 984 if part - 985 ) - 986 - 987 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") - 988 alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else "" - 989 hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=", ", flat=True) - 990 hints = f" WITH ({hints})" if hints else "" - 991 laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="") - 992 joins = self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="") - 993 pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep="") - 994 system_time = expression.args.get("system_time") - 995 system_time = f" {self.sql(expression, 'system_time')}" if system_time else "" - 996 - 997 if alias and pivots: - 998 pivots = f"{pivots}{alias}" - 999 alias = "" -1000 -1001 return f"{table}{system_time}{alias}{hints}{laterals}{joins}{pivots}" -1002 -1003 def tablesample_sql(self, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str: -1004 if self.alias_post_tablesample and expression.this.alias: -1005 this = self.sql(expression.this, "this") -1006 alias = f" AS {self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}" -1007 else: -1008 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1009 alias = "" -1010 method = self.sql(expression, "method") -1011 method = f" {method.upper()} " if method else "" -1012 numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator") -1013 denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator") -1014 field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field") -1015 field = f" ON {field}" if field else "" -1016 bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else "" -1017 percent = self.sql(expression, "percent") -1018 percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" if percent else "" -1019 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") -1020 rows = f"{rows} ROWS" if rows else "" -1021 size = self.sql(expression, "size") -1022 seed = self.sql(expression, "seed") -1023 seed = f" SEED ({seed})" if seed else "" -1024 return f"{this} TABLESAMPLE{method}({bucket}{percent}{rows}{size}){seed}{alias}" -1025 -1026 def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str: -1027 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1028 unpivot = expression.args.get("unpivot") -1029 direction = "UNPIVOT" if unpivot else "PIVOT" -1030 expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") -1031 field = self.sql(expression, "field") -1032 return f"{this} {direction}({expressions} FOR {field})" -1033 -1034 def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str: -1035 return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" -1036 -1037 def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str: -1038 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1039 set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1040 from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from") -1041 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") -1042 sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{from_sql}{where_sql}" -1043 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1044 -1045 def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values) -> str: -1046 args = self.expressions(expression) -1047 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1048 values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}" -1049 values = ( -1050 f"({values})" -1051 if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From)) -1052 else values -1053 ) -1054 return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values -1055 -1056 def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str: -1057 return self.sql(expression, "this") -1058 -1059 def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str: -1060 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" -1061 unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else "" -1062 return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1063 -1064 def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str: -1065 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1066 return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {expressions}" -1067 -1068 def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str: -1069 group_by = self.op_expressions("GROUP BY", expression) -1070 grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False) -1071 grouping_sets = ( -1072 f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else "" -1073 ) -1074 -1075 cube = expression.args.get("cube", []) -1076 if seq_get(cube, 0) is True: -1077 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}" -1078 else: -1079 cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False) -1080 cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else "" -1081 -1082 rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", []) -1083 if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True: -1084 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}" -1085 else: -1086 rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False) -1087 rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else "" -1088 -1089 groupings = csv(grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, sep=",") -1090 -1091 if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings: -1092 group_by = f"{group_by}," -1093 -1094 return f"{group_by}{groupings}" -1095 -1096 def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str: -1097 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) -1098 return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}" -1099 -1100 def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str: -1101 op_sql = self.seg( -1102 " ".join( -1103 op -1104 for op in ( -1105 "NATURAL" if expression.args.get("natural") else None, -1106 expression.side, -1107 expression.kind, -1108 "JOIN", -1109 ) -1110 if op -1111 ) -1112 ) -1113 on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on") -1114 using = expression.args.get("using") -1115 -1116 if not on_sql and using: -1117 on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using)) -1118 -1119 if on_sql: -1120 on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True) -1121 space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " " -1122 if using: -1123 on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})" -1124 else: -1125 on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}" -1126 -1127 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") -1128 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") -1129 return f"{expression_sql}{op_sql} {this_sql}{on_sql}" -1130 -1131 def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str: -1132 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1133 args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args -1134 return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1135 -1136 def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str: -1137 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1138 -1139 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery): -1140 return f"LATERAL {this}" -1141 -1142 if expression.args.get("view"): -1143 alias = expression.args["alias"] -1144 columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True) -1145 table = f" {}" if else "" -1146 columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else "" -1147 op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}") -1148 return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}" -1149 -1150 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1151 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" -1152 return f"LATERAL {this}{alias}" -1153 -1154 def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit) -> str: -1155 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1156 return f"{this}{self.seg('LIMIT')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1157 -1158 def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: -1159 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1160 return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1161 -1162 def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str: -1163 if self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED: -1164 lock_type = "UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "SHARE" -1165 return self.seg(f"FOR {lock_type}") -1166 -1167 self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported") -1168 return "" -1169 -1170 def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str: -1171 text = expression.this or "" -1172 if expression.is_string: -1173 text = text.replace(self.quote_end, self._escaped_quote_end) -1174 if self.pretty: -1175 text = text.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK) -1176 text = f"{self.quote_start}{text}{self.quote_end}" -1177 return text -1178 -1179 def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str: -1180 local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else "" -1181 inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}" -1182 overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else "" -1183 this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1184 partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") -1185 partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" -1186 input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format") -1187 input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else "" -1188 serde = self.sql(expression, "serde") -1189 serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else "" -1190 return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}" -1191 -1192 def null_sql(self, *_) -> str: -1193 return "NULL" -1194 -1195 def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str: -1196 return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE" -1197 -1198 def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str: -1199 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1200 this = f"{this} " if this else this -1201 return self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER BY", expression, flat=this or flat) # type: ignore -1202 -1203 def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str: -1204 return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression) -1205 -1206 def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str: -1207 return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression) -1208 -1209 def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str: -1210 return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression) -1211 -1212 def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str: -1213 desc = expression.args.get("desc") -1214 asc = not desc -1215 -1216 nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first") -1217 nulls_last = not nulls_first -1218 nulls_are_large = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_large" -1219 nulls_are_small = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_small" -1220 nulls_are_last = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_last" -1221 -1222 sort_order = " DESC" if desc else "" -1223 nulls_sort_change = "" -1224 if nulls_first and ( -1225 (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last -1226 ): -1227 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST" -1228 elif ( -1229 nulls_last -1230 and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large)) -1231 and not nulls_are_last -1232 ): -1233 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST" -1234 -1235 if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED: -1236 self.unsupported( -1237 "Sorting in an ORDER BY on NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST is not supported by this dialect" -1238 ) -1239 nulls_sort_change = "" -1240 -1241 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}" -1242 -1243 def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: -1244 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) -1245 order = self.sql(expression, "order") -1246 measures = self.sql(expression, "measures") -1247 measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES {measures}") if measures else "" -1248 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") -1249 rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else "" -1250 after = self.sql(expression, "after") -1251 after = self.seg(after) if after else "" -1252 pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern") -1253 pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else "" -1254 define = self.sql(expression, "define") -1255 define = self.seg(f"DEFINE {define}") if define else "" -1256 body = "".join( -1257 ( -1258 partition, -1259 order, -1260 measures, -1261 rows, -1262 after, -1263 pattern, -1264 define, -1265 ) -1266 ) -1267 return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}" -1268 -1269 def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str: -1270 return csv( -1271 *sqls, -1272 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("joins") or []], -1273 self.sql(expression, "match"), -1274 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("laterals") or []], -1275 self.sql(expression, "where"), -1276 self.sql(expression, "group"), -1277 self.sql(expression, "having"), -1278 self.sql(expression, "qualify"), -1279 self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(expression, "windows", flat=True) -1280 if expression.args.get("windows") -1281 else "", -1282 self.sql(expression, "distribute"), -1283 self.sql(expression, "sort"), -1284 self.sql(expression, "cluster"), -1285 self.sql(expression, "order"), -1286 self.sql(expression, "limit"), -1287 self.sql(expression, "offset"), -1288 self.sql(expression, "lock"), -1289 sep="", -1290 ) -1291 -1292 def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str: -1293 hint = self.sql(expression, "hint") -1294 distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct") -1295 distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else "" -1296 expressions = self.expressions(expression) -1297 expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions -1298 sql = self.query_modifiers( -1299 expression, -1300 f"SELECT{hint}{distinct}{expressions}", -1301 self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False), -1302 self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False), -1303 ) -1304 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1305 -1306 def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str: -1307 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1308 this = f"{this} " if this else "" -1309 sql = f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" -1310 return f"{this}{sql}" -1311 -1312 def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str: -1313 except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True) -1314 except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else "" -1315 replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True) -1316 replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else "" -1317 return f"*{except_}{replace}" -1318 -1319 def structkwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.StructKwarg) -> str: -1320 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1321 -1322 def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str: -1323 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1324 this = f"{{{this}}}" if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f"{this}" -1325 return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}" -1326 -1327 def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str: -1328 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1329 kind = expression.text("kind") -1330 if kind: -1331 kind = f"{kind}." -1332 return f"@@{kind}{this}" -1333 -1334 def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str: -1335 return f":{}" if else "?" -1336 -1337 def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery) -> str: -1338 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1339 -1340 sql = self.query_modifiers( -1341 expression, -1342 self.wrap(expression), -1343 self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" "), -1344 f" AS {alias}" if alias else "", -1345 ) -1346 -1347 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1348 -1349 def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str: -1350 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) -1351 return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}" -1352 -1353 def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: -1354 return self.prepend_ctes( -1355 expression, -1356 self.set_operation(expression, self.union_op(expression)), -1357 ) -1358 -1359 def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: -1360 kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else "" -1361 kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL" -1362 return f"UNION{kind}" -1363 -1364 def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: -1365 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1366 alias = expression.args.get("alias") -1367 if alias and self.unnest_column_only: -1368 columns = alias.columns -1369 alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else "" -1370 else: -1371 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1372 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias -1373 ordinality = " WITH ORDINALITY" if expression.args.get("ordinality") else "" -1374 offset = expression.args.get("offset") -1375 offset = f" WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" if offset else "" -1376 return f"UNNEST({args}){ordinality}{alias}{offset}" -1377 -1378 def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str: -1379 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) -1380 return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}" -1381 -1382 def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str: -1383 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1384 -1385 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) -1386 -1387 order = expression.args.get("order") -1388 order_sql = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else "" -1389 -1390 partition_sql = partition + " " if partition and order else partition -1391 -1392 spec = expression.args.get("spec") -1393 spec_sql = " " + self.window_spec_sql(spec) if spec else "" -1394 -1395 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1396 this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else 'OVER'}" -1397 -1398 if not partition and not order and not spec and alias: -1399 return f"{this} {alias}" -1400 -1401 window_args = alias + partition_sql + order_sql + spec_sql -1402 -1403 return f"{this} ({window_args.strip()})" -1404 -1405 def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: -1406 partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True) -1407 return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else "" -1408 -1409 def window_spec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str: -1410 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") -1411 start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ") -1412 end = ( -1413 csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ") -1414 or "CURRENT ROW" -1415 ) -1416 return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}" -1417 -1418 def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str: -1419 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1420 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # order has a leading space -1421 return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})" -1422 -1423 def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str: -1424 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1425 low = self.sql(expression, "low") -1426 high = self.sql(expression, "high") -1427 return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}" -1428 -1429 def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str: -1430 expressions = apply_index_offset(expression.expressions, self.index_offset) -1431 expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) -1432 -1433 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]" -1434 -1435 def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str: -1436 return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}" -1437 -1438 def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str: -1439 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1440 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subqueryable): -1441 this = self.wrap(this) -1442 return f"ANY {this}" -1443 -1444 def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str: -1445 return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}" -1446 -1447 def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str: -1448 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1449 statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"] -1450 -1451 for e in expression.args["ifs"]: -1452 statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}") -1453 statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}") -1454 -1455 default = self.sql(expression, "default") -1456 -1457 if default: -1458 statements.append(f"ELSE {default}") -1459 -1460 statements.append("END") -1461 -1462 if self.pretty and self.text_width(statements) > self._max_text_width: -1463 return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True) -1464 -1465 return " ".join(statements) -1466 -1467 def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str: -1468 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1469 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1470 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}" -1471 -1472 def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str: -1473 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1474 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") -1475 return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})" -1476 -1477 def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str: -1478 trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") -1479 -1480 if trim_type == "LEADING": -1481 return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this) -1482 elif trim_type == "TRAILING": -1483 return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this) -1484 else: -1485 return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression) -1486 -1487 def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str: -1488 if len(expression.expressions) == 1: -1489 return self.sql(expression.expressions[0]) -1490 return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) -1491 -1492 def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str: -1493 this = self.sql(expression, key="this") -1494 return f"CHECK ({this})" -1495 -1496 def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: -1497 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1498 reference = self.sql(expression, "reference") -1499 reference = f" {reference}" if reference else "" -1500 delete = self.sql(expression, "delete") -1501 delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else "" -1502 update = self.sql(expression, "update") -1503 update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else "" -1504 return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}" -1505 -1506 def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: -1507 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1508 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") -1509 options = f" {options}" if options else "" -1510 return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}" -1511 -1512 def unique_sql(self, expression: exp.Unique) -> str: -1513 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") -1514 return f"UNIQUE ({columns})" -1515 -1516 def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str: -1517 return self.case_sql( -1518 exp.Case(ifs=[expression.copy()], default=expression.args.get("false")) -1519 ) -1520 -1521 def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str: -1522 query = expression.args.get("query") -1523 unnest = expression.args.get("unnest") -1524 field = expression.args.get("field") -1525 is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else "" -1526 -1527 if query: -1528 in_sql = self.wrap(query) -1529 elif unnest: -1530 in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest) -1531 elif field: -1532 in_sql = self.sql(field) -1533 else: -1534 in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" -1535 -1536 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}" -1537 -1538 def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str: -1539 return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})" -1540 -1541 def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str: -1542 this = expression.args.get("this") -1543 if this: -1544 this = ( -1545 f" {this}" -1546 if isinstance(this, exp.Literal) or isinstance(this, exp.Paren) -1547 else f" ({this})" -1548 ) -1549 else: -1550 this = "" -1551 unit = expression.args.get("unit") -1552 unit = f" {unit}" if unit else "" -1553 return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}" -1554 -1555 def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str: -1556 return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1557 -1558 def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str: -1559 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1560 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1561 expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else "" -1562 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") -1563 options = f" {options}" if options else "" -1564 return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}" -1565 -1566 def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str: -1567 return self.func(, *expression.expressions) -1568 -1569 def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str: -1570 if isinstance(expression.unnest(), exp.Select): -1571 sql = self.wrap(expression) -1572 else: -1573 sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="") -1574 sql = f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" -1575 -1576 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) -1577 -1578 def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str: -1579 # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment -1580 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") -1581 sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else "" -1582 return f"-{sep}{this_sql}" -1583 -1584 def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str: -1585 return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1586 -1587 def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str: -1588 to_sql = self.sql(expression, "alias") -1589 to_sql = f" AS {to_sql}" if to_sql else "" -1590 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{to_sql}" -1591 -1592 def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str: -1593 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" -1594 -1595 def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: -1596 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1597 zone = self.sql(expression, "zone") -1598 return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}" -1599 -1600 def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str: -1601 return self.binary(expression, "+") -1602 -1603 def and_sql(self, expression: exp.And) -> str: -1604 return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND") -1605 -1606 def connector_sql(self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str) -> str: -1607 if not self.pretty: -1608 return self.binary(expression, op) -1609 -1610 sqls = tuple(self.sql(e) for e in expression.flatten(unnest=False)) -1611 sep = "\n" if self.text_width(sqls) > self._max_text_width else " " -1612 return f"{sep}{op} ".join(sqls) -1613 -1614 def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str: -1615 return self.binary(expression, "&") -1616 -1617 def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str: -1618 return self.binary(expression, "<<") -1619 -1620 def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str: -1621 return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1622 -1623 def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str: -1624 return self.binary(expression, "|") -1625 -1626 def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str: -1627 return self.binary(expression, ">>") -1628 -1629 def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str: -1630 return self.binary(expression, "^") -1631 -1632 def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast) -> str: -1633 return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" -1634 -1635 def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str: -1636 zone = self.sql(expression, "this") -1637 return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE" -1638 -1639 def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str: -1640 return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE") -1641 -1642 def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str: -1643 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this').upper()} {expression.text('expression').strip()}" -1644 -1645 def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: -1646 return "BEGIN" -1647 -1648 def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str: -1649 chain = expression.args.get("chain") -1650 if chain is not None: -1651 chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN" -1652 -1653 return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}" -1654 -1655 def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str: -1656 savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint") -1657 savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else "" -1658 return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}" -1659 -1660 def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str: -1661 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1662 -1663 dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype") -1664 if dtype: -1665 collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") -1666 collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" -1667 using = self.sql(expression, "using") -1668 using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" -1669 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}" -1670 -1671 default = self.sql(expression, "default") -1672 if default: -1673 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}" -1674 -1675 if not expression.args.get("drop"): -1676 self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax") -1677 -1678 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT" -1679 -1680 def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str: -1681 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1682 return f"RENAME TO {this}" -1683 -1684 def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: -1685 actions = expression.args["actions"] -1686 -1687 if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef): -1688 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ") -1689 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema): -1690 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ") -1691 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete): -1692 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", flat=True) -1693 else: -1694 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions") -1695 -1696 exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" -1697 return f"ALTER TABLE{exists} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}" -1698 -1699 def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str: -1700 expressions = self.expressions(expression) -1701 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " -1702 return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}" -1703 -1704 def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str: -1705 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1706 expression_ = self.sql(expression, "expression") -1707 add_constraint = f"ADD CONSTRAINT {this}" if this else "ADD" -1708 -1709 enforced = expression.args.get("enforced") -1710 if enforced is not None: -1711 return f"{add_constraint} CHECK ({expression_}){' ENFORCED' if enforced else ''}" -1712 -1713 return f"{add_constraint} {expression_}" -1714 -1715 def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str: -1716 this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1717 this = f" {this}" if this else "" -1718 -1719 on = self.sql(expression, "on") -1720 on = f" ON {on}" if on else "" -1721 return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}" -1722 -1723 def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str: -1724 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} IGNORE NULLS" -1725 -1726 def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str: -1727 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} RESPECT NULLS" -1728 -1729 def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str: -1730 return self.sql( -1731 exp.Cast( -1732 this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression), -1733 to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT), -1734 ) -1735 ) -1736 -1737 def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str: -1738 return self.binary(expression, "||") -1739 -1740 def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str: -1741 return self.binary(expression, "/") -1742 -1743 def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str: -1744 return self.binary(expression, "<->") -1745 -1746 def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str: -1747 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1748 -1749 def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str: -1750 return self.binary(expression, "=") -1751 -1752 def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str: -1753 return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE") -1754 -1755 def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str: -1756 return self.binary(expression, "GLOB") -1757 -1758 def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str: -1759 return self.binary(expression, ">") -1760 -1761 def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str: -1762 return self.binary(expression, ">=") -1763 -1764 def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str: -1765 return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE") -1766 -1767 def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str: -1768 return self.binary(expression, "IS") -1769 -1770 def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str: -1771 return self.binary(expression, "LIKE") -1772 -1773 def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str: -1774 return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO") -1775 -1776 def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str: -1777 return self.binary(expression, "<") -1778 -1779 def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str: -1780 return self.binary(expression, "<=") -1781 -1782 def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str: -1783 return self.binary(expression, "%") -1784 -1785 def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str: -1786 return self.binary(expression, "*") -1787 -1788 def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str: -1789 return self.binary(expression, "<>") -1790 -1791 def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str: -1792 return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM") -1793 -1794 def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str: -1795 return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM") -1796 -1797 def or_sql(self, expression: exp.Or) -> str: -1798 return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR") -1799 -1800 def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str: -1801 return self.binary(expression, ":") -1802 -1803 def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str: -1804 return self.binary(expression, "-") -1805 -1806 def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: -1807 return f"TRY_CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" -1808 -1809 def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str: -1810 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") -1811 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" -1812 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1813 this = f" {this}" if this else "" -1814 return f"USE{kind}{this}" -1815 -1816 def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str: -1817 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1818 -1819 def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str: -1820 args = [] -1821 for arg_value in expression.args.values(): -1822 if isinstance(arg_value, list): -1823 for value in arg_value: -1824 args.append(value) -1825 else: -1826 args.append(arg_value) -1827 -1828 return self.func(expression.sql_name(), *args) -1829 -1830 def func(self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str]) -> str: -1831 return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}({self.format_args(*args)})" -1832 -1833 def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str: -1834 arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None) -1835 if self.pretty and self.text_width(arg_sqls) > self._max_text_width: -1836 return self.indent("\n" + f",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True) -1837 return ", ".join(arg_sqls) -1838 -1839 def text_width(self, args: t.Iterable) -> int: -1840 return sum(len(arg) for arg in args) -1841 -1842 def format_time(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.Optional[str]: -1843 return format_time(self.sql(expression, "format"), self.time_mapping, self.time_trie) -1844 -1845 def expressions( -1846 self, -1847 expression: exp.Expression, -1848 key: t.Optional[str] = None, -1849 flat: bool = False, -1850 indent: bool = True, -1851 sep: str = ", ", -1852 prefix: str = "", -1853 ) -> str: -1854 expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions") -1855 -1856 if not expressions: -1857 return "" -1858 -1859 if flat: -1860 return sep.join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) -1861 -1862 num_sqls = len(expressions) -1863 -1864 # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly -1865 pad = " " * self.pad -1866 stripped_sep = sep.strip() -1867 -1868 result_sqls = [] -1869 for i, e in enumerate(expressions): -1870 sql = self.sql(e, comment=False) -1871 comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else "" -1872 -1873 if self.pretty: -1874 if self._leading_comma: -1875 result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else pad}{prefix}{sql}{comments}") -1876 else: -1877 result_sqls.append( -1878 f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}" -1879 ) -1880 else: -1881 result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}") -1882 -1883 result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) if self.pretty else "".join(result_sqls) -1884 return self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=False) if indent else result_sql -1885 -1886 def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str: -1887 flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties) -1888 expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat) -1889 if flat: -1890 return f"{op} {expressions_sql}" -1891 return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}" -1892 -1893 def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: -1894 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__) -1895 if not property_name: -1896 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}") -1897 return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" -1898 -1899 def set_operation(self, expression: exp.Expression, op: str) -> str: -1900 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1901 op = self.seg(op) -1902 return self.query_modifiers( -1903 expression, f"{this}{op}{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" -1904 ) -1905 -1906 def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str: -1907 return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}" -1908 -1909 def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str: -1910 return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type, -1911 -1912 def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str: -1913 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1914 expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression) -1915 expressions = ( -1916 self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}" -1917 ) -1918 return f"{this}{expressions}" -1919 -1920 def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str: -1921 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1922 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) -1923 return f"{this}({expressions})" -1924 -1925 def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str: -1926 return self.binary(expression, "=>") -1927 -1928 def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str: -1929 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1930 then_expression = expression.args.get("then") -1931 if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert): -1932 then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}" -1933 if "expression" in then_expression.args: -1934 then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}" -1935 elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update): -1936 if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star): -1937 then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}" -1938 else: -1939 then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}" -1940 else: -1941 then = self.sql(then_expression) -1942 return f"WHEN {this} THEN {then}" -1943 -1944 def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str: -1945 this = self.sql(expression, "this") -1946 using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}" -1947 on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}" -1948 return f"MERGE INTO {this} {using} {on} {self.expressions(expression, sep=' ')}" + 423 expression.args.get("catalog"), + 424 expression.args.get("db"), + 425 expression.args.get("table"), + 426 expression.args.get("this"), + 427 ) + 428 if part + 429 ) + 430 + 431 def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef) -> str: + 432 column = self.sql(expression, "this") + 433 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") + 434 constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True) + 435 exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else "" + 436 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" + 437 constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else "" + 438 + 439 return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}" + 440 + 441 def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str: + 442 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 443 kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind") + 444 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql + 445 + 446 def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: + 447 return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT) + 448 + 449 def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql( + 450 self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint + 451 ) -> str: + 452 this = "" + 453 if expression.this is not None: + 454 this = " ALWAYS " if expression.this else " BY DEFAULT " + 455 start = expression.args.get("start") + 456 start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else "" + 457 increment = expression.args.get("increment") + 458 increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else "" + 459 minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue") + 460 minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else "" + 461 maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue") + 462 maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else "" + 463 cycle = expression.args.get("cycle") + 464 cycle_sql = "" + 465 if cycle is not None: + 466 cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE" + 467 cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql + 468 sequence_opts = "" + 469 if start or increment or cycle_sql: + 470 sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}" + 471 sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})" + 472 return f"GENERATED{this}AS IDENTITY{sequence_opts}" + 473 + 474 def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str: + 475 return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL" + 476 + 477 def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str: + 478 desc = expression.args.get("desc") + 479 if desc is not None: + 480 return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}" + 481 return f"PRIMARY KEY" + 482 + 483 def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: + 484 return "UNIQUE" + 485 + 486 def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str: + 487 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind").upper() + 488 properties = expression.args.get("properties") + 489 properties_exp = expression.copy() + 490 properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else {} + 491 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get( + 492 exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH + 493 ): + 494 properties_exp.set( + 495 "properties", + 496 exp.Properties( + 497 expressions=[ + 498 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA], + 499 *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH], + 500 ] + 501 ), + 502 ) + 503 if kind == "TABLE" and properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME): + 504 this_name = self.sql(expression.this, "this") + 505 this_properties = + 506 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME]), + 507 wrapped=False, + 508 ) + 509 this_schema = f"({self.expressions(expression.this)})" + 510 this = f"{this_name}, {this_properties} {this_schema}" + 511 properties_sql = "" + 512 else: + 513 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 514 properties_sql = self.sql(properties_exp, "properties") + 515 begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else "" + 516 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") + 517 if expression_sql: + 518 expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}" + 519 + 520 if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return): + 521 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS): + 522 postalias_props_sql = + 523 exp.Properties( + 524 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS] + 525 ), + 526 wrapped=False, + 527 ) + 528 expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}" + 529 else: + 530 expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}" + 531 + 532 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" + 533 transient = ( + 534 " TRANSIENT" if self.CREATE_TRANSIENT and expression.args.get("transient") else "" + 535 ) + 536 external = " EXTERNAL" if expression.args.get("external") else "" + 537 replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else "" + 538 exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" + 539 unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else "" + 540 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" + 541 set_ = " SET" if expression.args.get("set") else "" + 542 multiset = " MULTISET" if expression.args.get("multiset") else "" + 543 global_temporary = " GLOBAL TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("global_temporary") else "" + 544 volatile = " VOLATILE" if expression.args.get("volatile") else "" + 545 data = expression.args.get("data") + 546 if data is None: + 547 data = "" + 548 elif data: + 549 data = " WITH DATA" + 550 else: + 551 data = " WITH NO DATA" + 552 statistics = expression.args.get("statistics") + 553 if statistics is None: + 554 statistics = "" + 555 elif statistics: + 556 statistics = " AND STATISTICS" + 557 else: + 558 statistics = " AND NO STATISTICS" + 559 no_primary_index = " NO PRIMARY INDEX" if expression.args.get("no_primary_index") else "" + 560 + 561 indexes = expression.args.get("indexes") + 562 index_sql = "" + 563 if indexes: + 564 indexes_sql = [] + 565 for index in indexes: + 566 ind_unique = " UNIQUE" if index.args.get("unique") else "" + 567 ind_primary = " PRIMARY" if index.args.get("primary") else "" + 568 ind_amp = " AMP" if index.args.get("amp") else "" + 569 ind_name = f" {}" if else "" + 570 ind_columns = ( + 571 f' ({self.expressions(index, key="columns", flat=True)})' + 572 if index.args.get("columns") + 573 else "" + 574 ) + 575 if index.args.get("primary") and properties_locs.get( + 576 exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX + 577 ): + 578 postindex_props_sql = + 579 exp.Properties( + 580 expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX] + 581 ), + 582 wrapped=False, + 583 ) + 584 ind_columns = f"{ind_columns} {postindex_props_sql}" + 585 + 586 indexes_sql.append( + 587 f"{ind_unique}{ind_primary}{ind_amp} INDEX{ind_name}{ind_columns}" + 588 ) + 589 index_sql = "".join(indexes_sql) + 590 + 591 postcreate_props_sql = "" + 592 if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE): + 593 postcreate_props_sql = + 594 exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]), + 595 sep=" ", + 596 prefix=" ", + 597 wrapped=False, + 598 ) + 599 + 600 modifiers = "".join( + 601 ( + 602 replace, + 603 temporary, + 604 transient, + 605 external, + 606 unique, + 607 materialized, + 608 set_, + 609 multiset, + 610 global_temporary, + 611 volatile, + 612 postcreate_props_sql, + 613 ) + 614 ) + 615 no_schema_binding = ( + 616 " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else "" + 617 ) + 618 + 619 post_expression_modifiers = "".join((data, statistics, no_primary_index)) + 620 + 621 expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{post_expression_modifiers}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}" + 622 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql) + 623 + 624 def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str: + 625 return f"DESCRIBE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 626 + 627 def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str: + 628 with_ = self.sql(expression, "with") + 629 if with_: + 630 sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}" + 631 return sql + 632 + 633 def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str: + 634 sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) + 635 recursive = "RECURSIVE " if expression.args.get("recursive") else "" + 636 + 637 return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}" + 638 + 639 def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str: + 640 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") + 641 return f"{alias} AS {self.wrap(expression)}" + 642 + 643 def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str: + 644 alias = self.sql(expression, "this") + 645 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True) + 646 columns = f"({columns})" if columns else "" + 647 return f"{alias}{columns}" + 648 + 649 def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str: + 650 return self.sql(expression, "this") + 651 + 652 def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str: + 653 return self.sql(expression, "this") + 654 + 655 def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str: + 656 type_value = expression.this + 657 type_sql = self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value) + 658 nested = "" + 659 interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) + 660 values = "" + 661 if interior: + 662 if expression.args.get("nested"): + 663 nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}" + 664 if expression.args.get("values") is not None: + 665 delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")") + 666 values = ( + 667 f"{delimiters[0]}{self.expressions(expression, 'values')}{delimiters[1]}" + 668 ) + 669 else: + 670 nested = f"({interior})" + 671 + 672 return f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}" + 673 + 674 def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str: + 675 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "" + 676 row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format") + 677 row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else "" + 678 return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}" + 679 + 680 def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str: + 681 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 682 this = f" FROM {this}" if this else "" + 683 using_sql = ( + 684 f" USING {self.expressions(expression, 'using', sep=', USING ')}" + 685 if expression.args.get("using") + 686 else "" + 687 ) + 688 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") + 689 sql = f"DELETE{this}{using_sql}{where_sql}" + 690 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) + 691 + 692 def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str: + 693 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 694 kind = expression.args["kind"] + 695 exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " + 696 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" + 697 materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" + 698 cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else "" + 699 return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{cascade}" + 700 + 701 def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: + 702 return self.prepend_ctes( + 703 expression, + 704 self.set_operation(expression, self.except_op(expression)), + 705 ) + 706 + 707 def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: + 708 return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" + 709 + 710 def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str: + 711 direction = expression.args.get("direction") + 712 direction = f" {direction.upper()}" if direction else "" + 713 count = expression.args.get("count") + 714 count = f" {count}" if count else "" + 715 return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS ONLY" + 716 + 717 def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str: + 718 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 719 where = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # where has a leading space + 720 return f"{this} FILTER({where})" + 721 + 722 def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str: + 723 if self.sql(expression, "this"): + 724 self.unsupported("Hints are not supported") + 725 return "" + 726 + 727 def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str: + 728 this = self.sql(expression, "this") + 729 table = self.sql(expression, "table") + 730 columns = self.sql(expression, "columns") + 731 return f"{this} ON {table} {columns}" + 732 + 733 def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str: + 734 text = + 735 text = text.lower() if self.normalize else text + 736 text = text.replace(self.identifier_end, self._escaped_identifier_end) + 737 if expression.args.get("quoted") or self.identify: + 738 text = f"{self.identifier_start}{text}{self.identifier_end}" + 739 return text + 740 + 741 def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National) -> str: + 742 return f"N{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 743 + 744 def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str: + 745 return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression)})" + 746 + 747 def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str: + 748 root_properties = [] + 749 with_properties = [] + 750 + 751 for p in expression.expressions: + 752 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] + 753 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: + 754 with_properties.append(p) + 755 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: + 756 root_properties.append(p) + 757 + 758 return self.root_properties( + 759 exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties) + 760 ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties)) + 761 + 762 def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: + 763 if properties.expressions: + 764 return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ") + 765 return "" + 766 + 767 def properties( + 768 self, + 769 properties: exp.Properties, + 770 prefix: str = "", + 771 sep: str = ", ", + 772 suffix: str = "", + 773 wrapped: bool = True, + 774 ) -> str: + 775 if properties.expressions: + 776 expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False) + 777 expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions + 778 return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix and prefix != ' ' else ''}{expressions}{suffix}" + 779 return "" + 780 + 781 def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: + 782 return, prefix=self.seg("WITH")) + 783 + 784 def locate_properties( + 785 self, properties: exp.Properties + 786 ) -> t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]]: + 787 properties_locs: t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]] = { + 788 key: [] for key in exp.Properties.Location + 789 } + 790 + 791 for p in properties.expressions: + 792 p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] + 793 if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME: + 794 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME].append(p) + 795 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX: + 796 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX].append(p) + 797 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: + 798 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA].append(p) + 799 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: + 800 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH].append(p) + 801 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE: + 802 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE].append(p) + 803 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS: + 804 properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS].append(p) + 805 elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED: + 806 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}") + 807 + 808 return properties_locs + 809 + 810 def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: + 811 property_cls = expression.__class__ + 812 if property_cls == exp.Property: + 813 return f"{}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}" + 814 + 815 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls) + 816 if not property_name: + 817 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}") + 818 + 819 return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 820 + 821 def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str: + 822 options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions) + 823 options = f" {options}" if options else "" + 824 return f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}" + 825 + 826 def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str: + 827 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" + 828 protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else "" + 829 return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}" + 830 + 831 def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str: + 832 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" + 833 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" + 834 before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else "" + 835 return f"{no}{dual}{before}JOURNAL" + 836 + 837 def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str: + 838 freespace = self.sql(expression, "this") + 839 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" + 840 return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}" + 841 + 842 def afterjournalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.AfterJournalProperty) -> str: + 843 no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" + 844 dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" + 845 local = "" + 846 if expression.args.get("local") is not None: + 847 local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "NOT LOCAL " + 848 return f"{no}{dual}{local}AFTER JOURNAL" + 849 + 850 def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str: + 851 if expression.args.get("default"): + 852 property = "DEFAULT" + 853 elif expression.args.get("on"): + 854 property = "ON" + 855 else: + 856 property = "OFF" + 857 return f"CHECKSUM={property}" + 858 + 859 def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str: + 860 if expression.args.get("no"): + 861 return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO" + 862 if expression.args.get("default"): + 863 return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO" + 864 + 865 percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" + 866 return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}" + 867 + 868 def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str: + 869 default = expression.args.get("default") + 870 min = expression.args.get("min") + 871 if default is not None or min is not None: + 872 if default: + 873 property = "DEFAULT" + 874 elif min: + 875 property = "MINIMUM" + 876 else: + 877 property = "MAXIMUM" + 878 return f"{property} DATABLOCKSIZE" + 879 else: + 880 units = expression.args.get("units") + 881 units = f" {units}" if units else "" + 882 return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}" + 883 + 884 def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str: + 885 autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp") + 886 always = expression.args.get("always") + 887 default = expression.args.get("default") + 888 manual = expression.args.get("manual") + 889 never = expression.args.get("never") + 890 + 891 if autotemp is not None: + 892 property = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})" + 893 elif always: + 894 property = "ALWAYS" + 895 elif default: + 896 property = "DEFAULT" + 897 elif manual: + 898 property = "MANUAL" + 899 elif never: + 900 property = "NEVER" + 901 return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={property}" + 902 + 903 def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str: + 904 no = expression.args.get("no") + 905 no = " NO" if no else "" + 906 concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent") + 907 concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else "" + 908 + 909 for_ = "" + 910 if expression.args.get("for_all"): + 911 for_ = " FOR ALL" + 912 elif expression.args.get("for_insert"): + 913 for_ = " FOR INSERT" + 914 elif expression.args.get("for_none"): + 915 for_ = " FOR NONE" + 916 return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{for_}" + 917 + 918 def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str: + 919 kind = expression.args.get("kind") + 920 this: str = f" {this}" if expression.this else "" + 921 for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in") + 922 lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type") + 923 override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else "" + 924 return f"LOCKING {kind}{this} {for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}" + 925 + 926 def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str: + 927 overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite") + 928 + 929 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory): + 930 this = "OVERWRITE " if overwrite else "INTO " + 931 else: + 932 this = "OVERWRITE TABLE " if overwrite else "INTO " + 933 + 934 alternative = expression.args.get("alternative") + 935 alternative = f" OR {alternative} " if alternative else " " + 936 this = f"{this}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" + 937 + 938 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " + 939 partition_sql = ( + 940 self.sql(expression, "partition") if expression.args.get("partition") else "" + 941 ) + 942 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") + 943 sep = self.sep() if partition_sql else "" + 944 sql = f"INSERT{alternative}{this}{exists}{partition_sql}{sep}{expression_sql}" + 945 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) + 946 + 947 def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: + 948 return self.prepend_ctes( + 949 expression, + 950 self.set_operation(expression, self.intersect_op(expression)), + 951 ) + 952 + 953 def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: + 954 return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" + 955 + 956 def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str: + 957 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" + 958 + 959 def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str: + 960 return + 961 + 962 def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str: + 963 fields = expression.args.get("fields") + 964 fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else "" + 965 escaped = expression.args.get("escaped") + 966 escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else "" + 967 items = expression.args.get("collection_items") + 968 items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else "" + 969 keys = expression.args.get("map_keys") + 970 keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else "" + 971 lines = expression.args.get("lines") + 972 lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else "" + 973 null = expression.args.get("null") + 974 null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else "" + 975 return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}" + 976 + 977 def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str: + 978 table = ".".join( + 979 part + 980 for part in [ + 981 self.sql(expression, "catalog"), + 982 self.sql(expression, "db"), + 983 self.sql(expression, "this"), + 984 ] + 985 if part + 986 ) + 987 + 988 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") + 989 alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else "" + 990 hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=", ", flat=True) + 991 hints = f" WITH ({hints})" if hints else "" + 992 laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="") + 993 joins = self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="") + 994 pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep="") + 995 system_time = expression.args.get("system_time") + 996 system_time = f" {self.sql(expression, 'system_time')}" if system_time else "" + 997 + 998 if alias and pivots: + 999 pivots = f"{pivots}{alias}" +1000 alias = "" +1001 +1002 return f"{table}{system_time}{alias}{hints}{laterals}{joins}{pivots}" +1003 +1004 def tablesample_sql(self, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str: +1005 if self.alias_post_tablesample and expression.this.alias: +1006 this = self.sql(expression.this, "this") +1007 alias = f" AS {self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}" +1008 else: +1009 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1010 alias = "" +1011 method = self.sql(expression, "method") +1012 method = f" {method.upper()} " if method else "" +1013 numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator") +1014 denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator") +1015 field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field") +1016 field = f" ON {field}" if field else "" +1017 bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else "" +1018 percent = self.sql(expression, "percent") +1019 percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" if percent else "" +1020 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") +1021 rows = f"{rows} ROWS" if rows else "" +1022 size = self.sql(expression, "size") +1023 seed = self.sql(expression, "seed") +1024 seed = f" SEED ({seed})" if seed else "" +1025 return f"{this} TABLESAMPLE{method}({bucket}{percent}{rows}{size}){seed}{alias}" +1026 +1027 def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str: +1028 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1029 unpivot = expression.args.get("unpivot") +1030 direction = "UNPIVOT" if unpivot else "PIVOT" +1031 expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") +1032 field = self.sql(expression, "field") +1033 return f"{this} {direction}({expressions} FOR {field})" +1034 +1035 def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str: +1036 return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" +1037 +1038 def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str: +1039 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1040 set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1041 from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from") +1042 where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") +1043 sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{from_sql}{where_sql}" +1044 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1045 +1046 def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values) -> str: +1047 args = self.expressions(expression) +1048 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1049 values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}" +1050 values = ( +1051 f"({values})" +1052 if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From)) +1053 else values +1054 ) +1055 return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values +1056 +1057 def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str: +1058 return self.sql(expression, "this") +1059 +1060 def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str: +1061 temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" +1062 unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else "" +1063 return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1064 +1065 def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str: +1066 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1067 return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {expressions}" +1068 +1069 def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str: +1070 group_by = self.op_expressions("GROUP BY", expression) +1071 grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False) +1072 grouping_sets = ( +1073 f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else "" +1074 ) +1075 +1076 cube = expression.args.get("cube", []) +1077 if seq_get(cube, 0) is True: +1078 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}" +1079 else: +1080 cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False) +1081 cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else "" +1082 +1083 rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", []) +1084 if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True: +1085 return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}" +1086 else: +1087 rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False) +1088 rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else "" +1089 +1090 groupings = csv(grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, sep=",") +1091 +1092 if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings: +1093 group_by = f"{group_by}," +1094 +1095 return f"{group_by}{groupings}" +1096 +1097 def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str: +1098 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) +1099 return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}" +1100 +1101 def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str: +1102 op_sql = self.seg( +1103 " ".join( +1104 op +1105 for op in ( +1106 "NATURAL" if expression.args.get("natural") else None, +1107 expression.side, +1108 expression.kind, +1109 "JOIN", +1110 ) +1111 if op +1112 ) +1113 ) +1114 on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on") +1115 using = expression.args.get("using") +1116 +1117 if not on_sql and using: +1118 on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using)) +1119 +1120 if on_sql: +1121 on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True) +1122 space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " " +1123 if using: +1124 on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})" +1125 else: +1126 on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}" +1127 +1128 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") +1129 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") +1130 return f"{expression_sql}{op_sql} {this_sql}{on_sql}" +1131 +1132 def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str: +1133 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1134 args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args +1135 return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1136 +1137 def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str: +1138 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1139 +1140 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery): +1141 return f"LATERAL {this}" +1142 +1143 if expression.args.get("view"): +1144 alias = expression.args["alias"] +1145 columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True) +1146 table = f" {}" if else "" +1147 columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else "" +1148 op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}") +1149 return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}" +1150 +1151 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1152 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" +1153 return f"LATERAL {this}{alias}" +1154 +1155 def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit) -> str: +1156 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1157 return f"{this}{self.seg('LIMIT')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1158 +1159 def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: +1160 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1161 return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1162 +1163 def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str: +1164 if self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED: +1165 lock_type = "UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "SHARE" +1166 return self.seg(f"FOR {lock_type}") +1167 +1168 self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported") +1169 return "" +1170 +1171 def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str: +1172 text = expression.this or "" +1173 if expression.is_string: +1174 text = text.replace(self.quote_end, self._escaped_quote_end) +1175 if self.pretty: +1176 text = text.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK) +1177 text = f"{self.quote_start}{text}{self.quote_end}" +1178 return text +1179 +1180 def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str: +1181 local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else "" +1182 inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}" +1183 overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else "" +1184 this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1185 partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") +1186 partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" +1187 input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format") +1188 input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else "" +1189 serde = self.sql(expression, "serde") +1190 serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else "" +1191 return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}" +1192 +1193 def null_sql(self, *_) -> str: +1194 return "NULL" +1195 +1196 def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str: +1197 return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE" +1198 +1199 def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str: +1200 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1201 this = f"{this} " if this else this +1202 return self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER BY", expression, flat=this or flat) # type: ignore +1203 +1204 def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str: +1205 return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression) +1206 +1207 def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str: +1208 return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression) +1209 +1210 def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str: +1211 return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression) +1212 +1213 def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str: +1214 desc = expression.args.get("desc") +1215 asc = not desc +1216 +1217 nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first") +1218 nulls_last = not nulls_first +1219 nulls_are_large = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_large" +1220 nulls_are_small = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_small" +1221 nulls_are_last = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_last" +1222 +1223 sort_order = " DESC" if desc else "" +1224 nulls_sort_change = "" +1225 if nulls_first and ( +1226 (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last +1227 ): +1228 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST" +1229 elif ( +1230 nulls_last +1231 and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large)) +1232 and not nulls_are_last +1233 ): +1234 nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST" +1235 +1236 if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED: +1237 self.unsupported( +1238 "Sorting in an ORDER BY on NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST is not supported by this dialect" +1239 ) +1240 nulls_sort_change = "" +1241 +1242 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}" +1243 +1244 def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: +1245 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) +1246 order = self.sql(expression, "order") +1247 measures = self.sql(expression, "measures") +1248 measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES {measures}") if measures else "" +1249 rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") +1250 rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else "" +1251 after = self.sql(expression, "after") +1252 after = self.seg(after) if after else "" +1253 pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern") +1254 pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else "" +1255 define = self.sql(expression, "define") +1256 define = self.seg(f"DEFINE {define}") if define else "" +1257 body = "".join( +1258 ( +1259 partition, +1260 order, +1261 measures, +1262 rows, +1263 after, +1264 pattern, +1265 define, +1266 ) +1267 ) +1268 return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}" +1269 +1270 def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str: +1271 return csv( +1272 *sqls, +1273 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("joins") or []], +1274 self.sql(expression, "match"), +1275 *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("laterals") or []], +1276 self.sql(expression, "where"), +1277 self.sql(expression, "group"), +1278 self.sql(expression, "having"), +1279 self.sql(expression, "qualify"), +1280 self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(expression, "windows", flat=True) +1281 if expression.args.get("windows") +1282 else "", +1283 self.sql(expression, "distribute"), +1284 self.sql(expression, "sort"), +1285 self.sql(expression, "cluster"), +1286 self.sql(expression, "order"), +1287 self.sql(expression, "limit"), +1288 self.sql(expression, "offset"), +1289 self.sql(expression, "lock"), +1290 sep="", +1291 ) +1292 +1293 def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str: +1294 hint = self.sql(expression, "hint") +1295 distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct") +1296 distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else "" +1297 expressions = self.expressions(expression) +1298 expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions +1299 sql = self.query_modifiers( +1300 expression, +1301 f"SELECT{hint}{distinct}{expressions}", +1302 self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False), +1303 self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False), +1304 ) +1305 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1306 +1307 def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str: +1308 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1309 this = f"{this} " if this else "" +1310 sql = f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" +1311 return f"{this}{sql}" +1312 +1313 def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str: +1314 except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True) +1315 except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else "" +1316 replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True) +1317 replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else "" +1318 return f"*{except_}{replace}" +1319 +1320 def structkwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.StructKwarg) -> str: +1321 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1322 +1323 def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str: +1324 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1325 this = f"{{{this}}}" if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f"{this}" +1326 return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}" +1327 +1328 def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str: +1329 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1330 kind = expression.text("kind") +1331 if kind: +1332 kind = f"{kind}." +1333 return f"@@{kind}{this}" +1334 +1335 def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str: +1336 return f":{}" if else "?" +1337 +1338 def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery) -> str: +1339 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1340 +1341 sql = self.query_modifiers( +1342 expression, +1343 self.wrap(expression), +1344 self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" "), +1345 f" AS {alias}" if alias else "", +1346 ) +1347 +1348 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1349 +1350 def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str: +1351 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) +1352 return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}" +1353 +1354 def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: +1355 return self.prepend_ctes( +1356 expression, +1357 self.set_operation(expression, self.union_op(expression)), +1358 ) +1359 +1360 def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: +1361 kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else "" +1362 kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL" +1363 return f"UNION{kind}" +1364 +1365 def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: +1366 args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1367 alias = expression.args.get("alias") +1368 if alias and self.unnest_column_only: +1369 columns = alias.columns +1370 alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else "" +1371 else: +1372 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1373 alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias +1374 ordinality = " WITH ORDINALITY" if expression.args.get("ordinality") else "" +1375 offset = expression.args.get("offset") +1376 offset = f" WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" if offset else "" +1377 return f"UNNEST({args}){ordinality}{alias}{offset}" +1378 +1379 def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str: +1380 this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) +1381 return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}" +1382 +1383 def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str: +1384 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1385 +1386 partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) +1387 +1388 order = expression.args.get("order") +1389 order_sql = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else "" +1390 +1391 partition_sql = partition + " " if partition and order else partition +1392 +1393 spec = expression.args.get("spec") +1394 spec_sql = " " + self.window_spec_sql(spec) if spec else "" +1395 +1396 alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1397 this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else 'OVER'}" +1398 +1399 if not partition and not order and not spec and alias: +1400 return f"{this} {alias}" +1401 +1402 window_args = alias + partition_sql + order_sql + spec_sql +1403 +1404 return f"{this} ({window_args.strip()})" +1405 +1406 def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: +1407 partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True) +1408 return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else "" +1409 +1410 def window_spec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str: +1411 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") +1412 start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ") +1413 end = ( +1414 csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ") +1415 or "CURRENT ROW" +1416 ) +1417 return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}" +1418 +1419 def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str: +1420 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1421 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # order has a leading space +1422 return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})" +1423 +1424 def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str: +1425 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1426 low = self.sql(expression, "low") +1427 high = self.sql(expression, "high") +1428 return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}" +1429 +1430 def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str: +1431 expressions = apply_index_offset(expression.expressions, self.index_offset) +1432 expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) +1433 +1434 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]" +1435 +1436 def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str: +1437 return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}" +1438 +1439 def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str: +1440 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1441 if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subqueryable): +1442 this = self.wrap(this) +1443 return f"ANY {this}" +1444 +1445 def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str: +1446 return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}" +1447 +1448 def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str: +1449 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1450 statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"] +1451 +1452 for e in expression.args["ifs"]: +1453 statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}") +1454 statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}") +1455 +1456 default = self.sql(expression, "default") +1457 +1458 if default: +1459 statements.append(f"ELSE {default}") +1460 +1461 statements.append("END") +1462 +1463 if self.pretty and self.text_width(statements) > self._max_text_width: +1464 return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True) +1465 +1466 return " ".join(statements) +1467 +1468 def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str: +1469 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1470 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1471 return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}" +1472 +1473 def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str: +1474 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1475 expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") +1476 return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})" +1477 +1478 def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str: +1479 trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") +1480 +1481 if trim_type == "LEADING": +1482 return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this) +1483 elif trim_type == "TRAILING": +1484 return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this) +1485 else: +1486 return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression) +1487 +1488 def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str: +1489 if len(expression.expressions) == 1: +1490 return self.sql(expression.expressions[0]) +1491 return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) +1492 +1493 def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str: +1494 this = self.sql(expression, key="this") +1495 return f"CHECK ({this})" +1496 +1497 def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: +1498 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1499 reference = self.sql(expression, "reference") +1500 reference = f" {reference}" if reference else "" +1501 delete = self.sql(expression, "delete") +1502 delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else "" +1503 update = self.sql(expression, "update") +1504 update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else "" +1505 return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}" +1506 +1507 def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: +1508 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1509 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") +1510 options = f" {options}" if options else "" +1511 return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}" +1512 +1513 def unique_sql(self, expression: exp.Unique) -> str: +1514 columns = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions") +1515 return f"UNIQUE ({columns})" +1516 +1517 def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str: +1518 return self.case_sql( +1519 exp.Case(ifs=[expression.copy()], default=expression.args.get("false")) +1520 ) +1521 +1522 def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str: +1523 query = expression.args.get("query") +1524 unnest = expression.args.get("unnest") +1525 field = expression.args.get("field") +1526 is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else "" +1527 +1528 if query: +1529 in_sql = self.wrap(query) +1530 elif unnest: +1531 in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest) +1532 elif field: +1533 in_sql = self.sql(field) +1534 else: +1535 in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" +1536 +1537 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}" +1538 +1539 def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str: +1540 return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})" +1541 +1542 def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str: +1543 this = expression.args.get("this") +1544 if this: +1545 this = ( +1546 f" {this}" +1547 if isinstance(this, exp.Literal) or isinstance(this, exp.Paren) +1548 else f" ({this})" +1549 ) +1550 else: +1551 this = "" +1552 unit = expression.args.get("unit") +1553 unit = f" {unit}" if unit else "" +1554 return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}" +1555 +1556 def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str: +1557 return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1558 +1559 def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str: +1560 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1561 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1562 expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else "" +1563 options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ") +1564 options = f" {options}" if options else "" +1565 return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}" +1566 +1567 def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str: +1568 return self.func(, *expression.expressions) +1569 +1570 def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str: +1571 if isinstance(expression.unnest(), exp.Select): +1572 sql = self.wrap(expression) +1573 else: +1574 sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="") +1575 sql = f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" +1576 +1577 return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) +1578 +1579 def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str: +1580 # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment +1581 this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") +1582 sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else "" +1583 return f"-{sep}{this_sql}" +1584 +1585 def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str: +1586 return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1587 +1588 def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str: +1589 to_sql = self.sql(expression, "alias") +1590 to_sql = f" AS {to_sql}" if to_sql else "" +1591 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{to_sql}" +1592 +1593 def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str: +1594 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" +1595 +1596 def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: +1597 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1598 zone = self.sql(expression, "zone") +1599 return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}" +1600 +1601 def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str: +1602 return self.binary(expression, "+") +1603 +1604 def and_sql(self, expression: exp.And) -> str: +1605 return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND") +1606 +1607 def connector_sql(self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str) -> str: +1608 if not self.pretty: +1609 return self.binary(expression, op) +1610 +1611 sqls = tuple(self.sql(e) for e in expression.flatten(unnest=False)) +1612 sep = "\n" if self.text_width(sqls) > self._max_text_width else " " +1613 return f"{sep}{op} ".join(sqls) +1614 +1615 def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str: +1616 return self.binary(expression, "&") +1617 +1618 def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str: +1619 return self.binary(expression, "<<") +1620 +1621 def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str: +1622 return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1623 +1624 def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str: +1625 return self.binary(expression, "|") +1626 +1627 def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str: +1628 return self.binary(expression, ">>") +1629 +1630 def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str: +1631 return self.binary(expression, "^") +1632 +1633 def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast) -> str: +1634 return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" +1635 +1636 def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str: +1637 zone = self.sql(expression, "this") +1638 return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE" +1639 +1640 def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str: +1641 return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE") +1642 +1643 def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str: +1644 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this').upper()} {expression.text('expression').strip()}" +1645 +1646 def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: +1647 return "BEGIN" +1648 +1649 def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str: +1650 chain = expression.args.get("chain") +1651 if chain is not None: +1652 chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN" +1653 +1654 return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}" +1655 +1656 def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str: +1657 savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint") +1658 savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else "" +1659 return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}" +1660 +1661 def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str: +1662 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1663 +1664 dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype") +1665 if dtype: +1666 collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") +1667 collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" +1668 using = self.sql(expression, "using") +1669 using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" +1670 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}" +1671 +1672 default = self.sql(expression, "default") +1673 if default: +1674 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}" +1675 +1676 if not expression.args.get("drop"): +1677 self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax") +1678 +1679 return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT" +1680 +1681 def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str: +1682 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1683 return f"RENAME TO {this}" +1684 +1685 def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: +1686 actions = expression.args["actions"] +1687 +1688 if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef): +1689 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ") +1690 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema): +1691 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ") +1692 elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete): +1693 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", flat=True) +1694 else: +1695 actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions") +1696 +1697 exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" +1698 return f"ALTER TABLE{exists} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}" +1699 +1700 def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str: +1701 expressions = self.expressions(expression) +1702 exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " +1703 return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}" +1704 +1705 def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str: +1706 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1707 expression_ = self.sql(expression, "expression") +1708 add_constraint = f"ADD CONSTRAINT {this}" if this else "ADD" +1709 +1710 enforced = expression.args.get("enforced") +1711 if enforced is not None: +1712 return f"{add_constraint} CHECK ({expression_}){' ENFORCED' if enforced else ''}" +1713 +1714 return f"{add_constraint} {expression_}" +1715 +1716 def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str: +1717 this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1718 this = f" {this}" if this else "" +1719 +1720 on = self.sql(expression, "on") +1721 on = f" ON {on}" if on else "" +1722 return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}" +1723 +1724 def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str: +1725 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} IGNORE NULLS" +1726 +1727 def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str: +1728 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} RESPECT NULLS" +1729 +1730 def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str: +1731 return self.sql( +1732 exp.Cast( +1733 this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression), +1734 to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT), +1735 ) +1736 ) +1737 +1738 def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str: +1739 return self.binary(expression, "||") +1740 +1741 def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str: +1742 return self.binary(expression, "/") +1743 +1744 def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str: +1745 return self.binary(expression, "<->") +1746 +1747 def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str: +1748 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1749 +1750 def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str: +1751 return self.binary(expression, "=") +1752 +1753 def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str: +1754 return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE") +1755 +1756 def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str: +1757 return self.binary(expression, "GLOB") +1758 +1759 def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str: +1760 return self.binary(expression, ">") +1761 +1762 def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str: +1763 return self.binary(expression, ">=") +1764 +1765 def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str: +1766 return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE") +1767 +1768 def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str: +1769 return self.binary(expression, "IS") +1770 +1771 def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str: +1772 return self.binary(expression, "LIKE") +1773 +1774 def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str: +1775 return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO") +1776 +1777 def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str: +1778 return self.binary(expression, "<") +1779 +1780 def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str: +1781 return self.binary(expression, "<=") +1782 +1783 def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str: +1784 return self.binary(expression, "%") +1785 +1786 def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str: +1787 return self.binary(expression, "*") +1788 +1789 def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str: +1790 return self.binary(expression, "<>") +1791 +1792 def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str: +1793 return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM") +1794 +1795 def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str: +1796 return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM") +1797 +1798 def or_sql(self, expression: exp.Or) -> str: +1799 return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR") +1800 +1801 def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str: +1802 return self.binary(expression, ":") +1803 +1804 def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str: +1805 return self.binary(expression, "-") +1806 +1807 def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: +1808 return f"TRY_CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})" +1809 +1810 def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str: +1811 kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") +1812 kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" +1813 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1814 this = f" {this}" if this else "" +1815 return f"USE{kind}{this}" +1816 +1817 def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str: +1818 return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1819 +1820 def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str: +1821 args = [] +1822 for arg_value in expression.args.values(): +1823 if isinstance(arg_value, list): +1824 for value in arg_value: +1825 args.append(value) +1826 else: +1827 args.append(arg_value) +1828 +1829 return self.func(expression.sql_name(), *args) +1830 +1831 def func(self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str]) -> str: +1832 return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}({self.format_args(*args)})" +1833 +1834 def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str: +1835 arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None) +1836 if self.pretty and self.text_width(arg_sqls) > self._max_text_width: +1837 return self.indent("\n" + f",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True) +1838 return ", ".join(arg_sqls) +1839 +1840 def text_width(self, args: t.Iterable) -> int: +1841 return sum(len(arg) for arg in args) +1842 +1843 def format_time(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.Optional[str]: +1844 return format_time(self.sql(expression, "format"), self.time_mapping, self.time_trie) +1845 +1846 def expressions( +1847 self, +1848 expression: exp.Expression, +1849 key: t.Optional[str] = None, +1850 flat: bool = False, +1851 indent: bool = True, +1852 sep: str = ", ", +1853 prefix: str = "", +1854 ) -> str: +1855 expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions") +1856 +1857 if not expressions: +1858 return "" +1859 +1860 if flat: +1861 return sep.join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) +1862 +1863 num_sqls = len(expressions) +1864 +1865 # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly +1866 pad = " " * self.pad +1867 stripped_sep = sep.strip() +1868 +1869 result_sqls = [] +1870 for i, e in enumerate(expressions): +1871 sql = self.sql(e, comment=False) +1872 comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else "" +1873 +1874 if self.pretty: +1875 if self._leading_comma: +1876 result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else pad}{prefix}{sql}{comments}") +1877 else: +1878 result_sqls.append( +1879 f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}" +1880 ) +1881 else: +1882 result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}") +1883 +1884 result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) if self.pretty else "".join(result_sqls) +1885 return self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=False) if indent else result_sql +1886 +1887 def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str: +1888 flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties) +1889 expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat) +1890 if flat: +1891 return f"{op} {expressions_sql}" +1892 return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}" +1893 +1894 def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: +1895 property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__) +1896 if not property_name: +1897 self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}") +1898 return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" +1899 +1900 def set_operation(self, expression: exp.Expression, op: str) -> str: +1901 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1902 op = self.seg(op) +1903 return self.query_modifiers( +1904 expression, f"{this}{op}{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" +1905 ) +1906 +1907 def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str: +1908 return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}" +1909 +1910 def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str: +1911 return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type, +1912 +1913 def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str: +1914 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1915 expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression) +1916 expressions = ( +1917 self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}" +1918 ) +1919 return f"{this}{expressions}" +1920 +1921 def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str: +1922 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1923 expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) +1924 return f"{this}({expressions})" +1925 +1926 def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str: +1927 return self.binary(expression, "=>") +1928 +1929 def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str: +1930 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1931 then_expression = expression.args.get("then") +1932 if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert): +1933 then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}" +1934 if "expression" in then_expression.args: +1935 then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}" +1936 elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update): +1937 if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star): +1938 then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}" +1939 else: +1940 then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}" +1941 else: +1942 then = self.sql(then_expression) +1943 return f"WHEN {this} THEN {then}" +1944 +1945 def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str: +1946 this = self.sql(expression, "this") +1947 using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}" +1948 on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}" +1949 return f"MERGE INTO {this} {using} {on} {self.expressions(expression, sep=' ')}"
    @@ -5101,12 +5103,13 @@ Default: True
    420 return ".".join( 421 self.sql(part) 422 for part in ( -423 expression.args.get("schema"), -424 expression.args.get("table"), -425 expression.args.get("this"), -426 ) -427 if part -428 ) +423 expression.args.get("catalog"), +424 expression.args.get("db"), +425 expression.args.get("table"), +426 expression.args.get("this"), +427 ) +428 if part +429 )
    @@ -5124,15 +5127,15 @@ Default: True
    430    def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef) -> str:
    -431        column = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -432        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    -433        constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True)
    -434        exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else ""
    -435        kind = f" {kind}" if kind else ""
    -436        constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else ""
    -438        return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}"
    431    def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef) -> str:
    +432        column = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +433        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    +434        constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True)
    +435        exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else ""
    +436        kind = f" {kind}" if kind else ""
    +437        constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else ""
    +439        return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}"
    @@ -5150,10 +5153,10 @@ Default: True
    440    def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str:
    -441        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -442        kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    -443        return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql
    441    def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str:
    +442        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +443        kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    +444        return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql
    @@ -5171,8 +5174,8 @@ Default: True
    445    def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str:
    -446        return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT)
    446    def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str:
    +447        return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT)
    @@ -5190,30 +5193,30 @@ Default: True
    448    def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql(
    -449        self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint
    -450    ) -> str:
    -451        this = ""
    -452        if expression.this is not None:
    -453            this = " ALWAYS " if expression.this else " BY DEFAULT "
    -454        start = expression.args.get("start")
    -455        start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else ""
    -456        increment = expression.args.get("increment")
    -457        increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else ""
    -458        minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue")
    -459        minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else ""
    -460        maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue")
    -461        maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else ""
    -462        cycle = expression.args.get("cycle")
    -463        cycle_sql = ""
    -464        if cycle is not None:
    -465            cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE"
    -466            cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql
    -467        sequence_opts = ""
    -468        if start or increment or cycle_sql:
    -469            sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}"
    -470            sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})"
    -471        return f"GENERATED{this}AS IDENTITY{sequence_opts}"
    449    def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql(
    +450        self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint
    +451    ) -> str:
    +452        this = ""
    +453        if expression.this is not None:
    +454            this = " ALWAYS " if expression.this else " BY DEFAULT "
    +455        start = expression.args.get("start")
    +456        start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else ""
    +457        increment = expression.args.get("increment")
    +458        increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else ""
    +459        minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue")
    +460        minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else ""
    +461        maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue")
    +462        maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else ""
    +463        cycle = expression.args.get("cycle")
    +464        cycle_sql = ""
    +465        if cycle is not None:
    +466            cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE"
    +467            cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql
    +468        sequence_opts = ""
    +469        if start or increment or cycle_sql:
    +470            sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}"
    +471            sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})"
    +472        return f"GENERATED{this}AS IDENTITY{sequence_opts}"
    @@ -5231,8 +5234,8 @@ Default: True
    473    def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str:
    -474        return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL"
    474    def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str:
    +475        return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL"
    @@ -5250,11 +5253,11 @@ Default: True
    476    def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str:
    -477        desc = expression.args.get("desc")
    -478        if desc is not None:
    -479            return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}"
    -480        return f"PRIMARY KEY"
    477    def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str:
    +478        desc = expression.args.get("desc")
    +479        if desc is not None:
    +480            return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}"
    +481        return f"PRIMARY KEY"
    @@ -5272,8 +5275,8 @@ Default: True
    482    def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str:
    -483        return "UNIQUE"
    483    def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str:
    +484        return "UNIQUE"
    @@ -5291,143 +5294,143 @@ Default: True
    485    def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str:
    -486        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind").upper()
    -487        properties = expression.args.get("properties")
    -488        properties_exp = expression.copy()
    -489        properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else {}
    -490        if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get(
    -491            exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH
    -492        ):
    -493            properties_exp.set(
    -494                "properties",
    -495                exp.Properties(
    -496                    expressions=[
    -497                        *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA],
    -498                        *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH],
    -499                    ]
    -500                ),
    -501            )
    -502        if kind == "TABLE" and properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME):
    -503            this_name = self.sql(expression.this, "this")
    -504            this_properties =
    -505                exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME]),
    -506                wrapped=False,
    -507            )
    -508            this_schema = f"({self.expressions(expression.this)})"
    -509            this = f"{this_name}, {this_properties} {this_schema}"
    -510            properties_sql = ""
    -511        else:
    -512            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -513            properties_sql = self.sql(properties_exp, "properties")
    -514        begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else ""
    -515        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    -516        if expression_sql:
    -517            expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}"
    -519            if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return):
    -520                if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS):
    -521                    postalias_props_sql =
    -522                        exp.Properties(
    -523                            expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS]
    -524                        ),
    -525                        wrapped=False,
    -526                    )
    -527                    expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}"
    -528                else:
    -529                    expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}"
    -531        temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else ""
    -532        transient = (
    -533            " TRANSIENT" if self.CREATE_TRANSIENT and expression.args.get("transient") else ""
    -534        )
    -535        external = " EXTERNAL" if expression.args.get("external") else ""
    -536        replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else ""
    -537        exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else ""
    -538        unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else ""
    -539        materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else ""
    -540        set_ = " SET" if expression.args.get("set") else ""
    -541        multiset = " MULTISET" if expression.args.get("multiset") else ""
    -542        global_temporary = " GLOBAL TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("global_temporary") else ""
    -543        volatile = " VOLATILE" if expression.args.get("volatile") else ""
    -544        data = expression.args.get("data")
    -545        if data is None:
    -546            data = ""
    -547        elif data:
    -548            data = " WITH DATA"
    -549        else:
    -550            data = " WITH NO DATA"
    -551        statistics = expression.args.get("statistics")
    -552        if statistics is None:
    -553            statistics = ""
    -554        elif statistics:
    -555            statistics = " AND STATISTICS"
    -556        else:
    -557            statistics = " AND NO STATISTICS"
    -558        no_primary_index = " NO PRIMARY INDEX" if expression.args.get("no_primary_index") else ""
    -560        indexes = expression.args.get("indexes")
    -561        index_sql = ""
    -562        if indexes:
    -563            indexes_sql = []
    -564            for index in indexes:
    -565                ind_unique = " UNIQUE" if index.args.get("unique") else ""
    -566                ind_primary = " PRIMARY" if index.args.get("primary") else ""
    -567                ind_amp = " AMP" if index.args.get("amp") else ""
    -568                ind_name = f" {}" if else ""
    -569                ind_columns = (
    -570                    f' ({self.expressions(index, key="columns", flat=True)})'
    -571                    if index.args.get("columns")
    -572                    else ""
    -573                )
    -574                if index.args.get("primary") and properties_locs.get(
    -575                    exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX
    -576                ):
    -577                    postindex_props_sql =
    -578                        exp.Properties(
    -579                            expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX]
    -580                        ),
    -581                        wrapped=False,
    -582                    )
    -583                    ind_columns = f"{ind_columns} {postindex_props_sql}"
    -585                indexes_sql.append(
    -586                    f"{ind_unique}{ind_primary}{ind_amp} INDEX{ind_name}{ind_columns}"
    -587                )
    -588            index_sql = "".join(indexes_sql)
    -590        postcreate_props_sql = ""
    -591        if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE):
    -592            postcreate_props_sql =
    -593                exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]),
    -594                sep=" ",
    -595                prefix=" ",
    -596                wrapped=False,
    -597            )
    -599        modifiers = "".join(
    -600            (
    -601                replace,
    -602                temporary,
    -603                transient,
    -604                external,
    -605                unique,
    -606                materialized,
    -607                set_,
    -608                multiset,
    -609                global_temporary,
    -610                volatile,
    -611                postcreate_props_sql,
    -612            )
    -613        )
    -614        no_schema_binding = (
    -615            " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else ""
    -616        )
    -618        post_expression_modifiers = "".join((data, statistics, no_primary_index))
    -620        expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{post_expression_modifiers}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}"
    -621        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql)
    486    def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str:
    +487        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind").upper()
    +488        properties = expression.args.get("properties")
    +489        properties_exp = expression.copy()
    +490        properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else {}
    +491        if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get(
    +492            exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH
    +493        ):
    +494            properties_exp.set(
    +495                "properties",
    +496                exp.Properties(
    +497                    expressions=[
    +498                        *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA],
    +499                        *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH],
    +500                    ]
    +501                ),
    +502            )
    +503        if kind == "TABLE" and properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME):
    +504            this_name = self.sql(expression.this, "this")
    +505            this_properties =
    +506                exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME]),
    +507                wrapped=False,
    +508            )
    +509            this_schema = f"({self.expressions(expression.this)})"
    +510            this = f"{this_name}, {this_properties} {this_schema}"
    +511            properties_sql = ""
    +512        else:
    +513            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +514            properties_sql = self.sql(properties_exp, "properties")
    +515        begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else ""
    +516        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    +517        if expression_sql:
    +518            expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}"
    +520            if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return):
    +521                if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS):
    +522                    postalias_props_sql =
    +523                        exp.Properties(
    +524                            expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS]
    +525                        ),
    +526                        wrapped=False,
    +527                    )
    +528                    expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}"
    +529                else:
    +530                    expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}"
    +532        temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else ""
    +533        transient = (
    +534            " TRANSIENT" if self.CREATE_TRANSIENT and expression.args.get("transient") else ""
    +535        )
    +536        external = " EXTERNAL" if expression.args.get("external") else ""
    +537        replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else ""
    +538        exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else ""
    +539        unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else ""
    +540        materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else ""
    +541        set_ = " SET" if expression.args.get("set") else ""
    +542        multiset = " MULTISET" if expression.args.get("multiset") else ""
    +543        global_temporary = " GLOBAL TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("global_temporary") else ""
    +544        volatile = " VOLATILE" if expression.args.get("volatile") else ""
    +545        data = expression.args.get("data")
    +546        if data is None:
    +547            data = ""
    +548        elif data:
    +549            data = " WITH DATA"
    +550        else:
    +551            data = " WITH NO DATA"
    +552        statistics = expression.args.get("statistics")
    +553        if statistics is None:
    +554            statistics = ""
    +555        elif statistics:
    +556            statistics = " AND STATISTICS"
    +557        else:
    +558            statistics = " AND NO STATISTICS"
    +559        no_primary_index = " NO PRIMARY INDEX" if expression.args.get("no_primary_index") else ""
    +561        indexes = expression.args.get("indexes")
    +562        index_sql = ""
    +563        if indexes:
    +564            indexes_sql = []
    +565            for index in indexes:
    +566                ind_unique = " UNIQUE" if index.args.get("unique") else ""
    +567                ind_primary = " PRIMARY" if index.args.get("primary") else ""
    +568                ind_amp = " AMP" if index.args.get("amp") else ""
    +569                ind_name = f" {}" if else ""
    +570                ind_columns = (
    +571                    f' ({self.expressions(index, key="columns", flat=True)})'
    +572                    if index.args.get("columns")
    +573                    else ""
    +574                )
    +575                if index.args.get("primary") and properties_locs.get(
    +576                    exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX
    +577                ):
    +578                    postindex_props_sql =
    +579                        exp.Properties(
    +580                            expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX]
    +581                        ),
    +582                        wrapped=False,
    +583                    )
    +584                    ind_columns = f"{ind_columns} {postindex_props_sql}"
    +586                indexes_sql.append(
    +587                    f"{ind_unique}{ind_primary}{ind_amp} INDEX{ind_name}{ind_columns}"
    +588                )
    +589            index_sql = "".join(indexes_sql)
    +591        postcreate_props_sql = ""
    +592        if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE):
    +593            postcreate_props_sql =
    +594                exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]),
    +595                sep=" ",
    +596                prefix=" ",
    +597                wrapped=False,
    +598            )
    +600        modifiers = "".join(
    +601            (
    +602                replace,
    +603                temporary,
    +604                transient,
    +605                external,
    +606                unique,
    +607                materialized,
    +608                set_,
    +609                multiset,
    +610                global_temporary,
    +611                volatile,
    +612                postcreate_props_sql,
    +613            )
    +614        )
    +615        no_schema_binding = (
    +616            " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else ""
    +617        )
    +619        post_expression_modifiers = "".join((data, statistics, no_primary_index))
    +621        expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{post_expression_modifiers}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}"
    +622        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql)
    @@ -5445,8 +5448,8 @@ Default: True
    623    def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str:
    -624        return f"DESCRIBE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    624    def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str:
    +625        return f"DESCRIBE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -5464,11 +5467,11 @@ Default: True
    626    def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str:
    -627        with_ = self.sql(expression, "with")
    -628        if with_:
    -629            sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}"
    -630        return sql
    627    def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str:
    +628        with_ = self.sql(expression, "with")
    +629        if with_:
    +630            sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}"
    +631        return sql
    @@ -5486,11 +5489,11 @@ Default: True
    632    def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str:
    -633        sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -634        recursive = "RECURSIVE " if expression.args.get("recursive") else ""
    -636        return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}"
    633    def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str:
    +634        sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +635        recursive = "RECURSIVE " if expression.args.get("recursive") else ""
    +637        return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}"
    @@ -5508,9 +5511,9 @@ Default: True
    638    def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str:
    -639        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -640        return f"{alias} AS {self.wrap(expression)}"
    639    def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str:
    +640        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +641        return f"{alias} AS {self.wrap(expression)}"
    @@ -5528,11 +5531,11 @@ Default: True
    642    def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str:
    -643        alias = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -644        columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True)
    -645        columns = f"({columns})" if columns else ""
    -646        return f"{alias}{columns}"
    643    def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str:
    +644        alias = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +645        columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True)
    +646        columns = f"({columns})" if columns else ""
    +647        return f"{alias}{columns}"
    @@ -5550,8 +5553,8 @@ Default: True
    648    def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str:
    -649        return self.sql(expression, "this")
    649    def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str:
    +650        return self.sql(expression, "this")
    @@ -5569,8 +5572,8 @@ Default: True
    651    def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str:
    -652        return self.sql(expression, "this")
    652    def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str:
    +653        return self.sql(expression, "this")
    @@ -5588,24 +5591,24 @@ Default: True
    654    def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str:
    -655        type_value = expression.this
    -656        type_sql = self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value)
    -657        nested = ""
    -658        interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -659        values = ""
    -660        if interior:
    -661            if expression.args.get("nested"):
    -662                nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}"
    -663                if expression.args.get("values") is not None:
    -664                    delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")")
    -665                    values = (
    -666                        f"{delimiters[0]}{self.expressions(expression, 'values')}{delimiters[1]}"
    -667                    )
    -668            else:
    -669                nested = f"({interior})"
    -671        return f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}"
    655    def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str:
    +656        type_value = expression.this
    +657        type_sql = self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value)
    +658        nested = ""
    +659        interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +660        values = ""
    +661        if interior:
    +662            if expression.args.get("nested"):
    +663                nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}"
    +664                if expression.args.get("values") is not None:
    +665                    delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")")
    +666                    values = (
    +667                        f"{delimiters[0]}{self.expressions(expression, 'values')}{delimiters[1]}"
    +668                    )
    +669            else:
    +670                nested = f"({interior})"
    +672        return f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}"
    @@ -5623,11 +5626,11 @@ Default: True
    673    def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str:
    -674        local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else ""
    -675        row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format")
    -676        row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else ""
    -677        return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}"
    674    def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str:
    +675        local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else ""
    +676        row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format")
    +677        row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else ""
    +678        return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}"
    @@ -5645,17 +5648,17 @@ Default: True
    679    def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str:
    -680        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -681        this = f" FROM {this}" if this else ""
    -682        using_sql = (
    -683            f" USING {self.expressions(expression, 'using', sep=', USING ')}"
    -684            if expression.args.get("using")
    -685            else ""
    -686        )
    -687        where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where")
    -688        sql = f"DELETE{this}{using_sql}{where_sql}"
    -689        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    680    def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str:
    +681        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +682        this = f" FROM {this}" if this else ""
    +683        using_sql = (
    +684            f" USING {self.expressions(expression, 'using', sep=', USING ')}"
    +685            if expression.args.get("using")
    +686            else ""
    +687        )
    +688        where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where")
    +689        sql = f"DELETE{this}{using_sql}{where_sql}"
    +690        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    @@ -5673,14 +5676,14 @@ Default: True
    691    def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str:
    -692        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -693        kind = expression.args["kind"]
    -694        exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " "
    -695        temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else ""
    -696        materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else ""
    -697        cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else ""
    -698        return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{cascade}"
    692    def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str:
    +693        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +694        kind = expression.args["kind"]
    +695        exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " "
    +696        temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else ""
    +697        materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else ""
    +698        cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else ""
    +699        return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{cascade}"
    @@ -5698,11 +5701,11 @@ Default: True
    700    def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
    -701        return self.prepend_ctes(
    -702            expression,
    -703            self.set_operation(expression, self.except_op(expression)),
    -704        )
    701    def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
    +702        return self.prepend_ctes(
    +703            expression,
    +704            self.set_operation(expression, self.except_op(expression)),
    +705        )
    @@ -5720,8 +5723,8 @@ Default: True
    706    def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
    -707        return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
    707    def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str:
    +708        return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
    @@ -5739,12 +5742,12 @@ Default: True
    709    def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str:
    -710        direction = expression.args.get("direction")
    -711        direction = f" {direction.upper()}" if direction else ""
    -712        count = expression.args.get("count")
    -713        count = f" {count}" if count else ""
    -714        return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS ONLY"
    710    def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str:
    +711        direction = expression.args.get("direction")
    +712        direction = f" {direction.upper()}" if direction else ""
    +713        count = expression.args.get("count")
    +714        count = f" {count}" if count else ""
    +715        return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS ONLY"
    @@ -5762,10 +5765,10 @@ Default: True
    716    def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str:
    -717        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -718        where = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:]  # where has a leading space
    -719        return f"{this} FILTER({where})"
    717    def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str:
    +718        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +719        where = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:]  # where has a leading space
    +720        return f"{this} FILTER({where})"
    @@ -5783,10 +5786,10 @@ Default: True
    721    def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str:
    -722        if self.sql(expression, "this"):
    -723            self.unsupported("Hints are not supported")
    -724        return ""
    722    def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str:
    +723        if self.sql(expression, "this"):
    +724            self.unsupported("Hints are not supported")
    +725        return ""
    @@ -5804,11 +5807,11 @@ Default: True
    726    def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str:
    -727        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -728        table = self.sql(expression, "table")
    -729        columns = self.sql(expression, "columns")
    -730        return f"{this} ON {table} {columns}"
    727    def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str:
    +728        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +729        table = self.sql(expression, "table")
    +730        columns = self.sql(expression, "columns")
    +731        return f"{this} ON {table} {columns}"
    @@ -5826,13 +5829,13 @@ Default: True
    732    def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str:
    -733        text =
    -734        text = text.lower() if self.normalize else text
    -735        text = text.replace(self.identifier_end, self._escaped_identifier_end)
    -736        if expression.args.get("quoted") or self.identify:
    -737            text = f"{self.identifier_start}{text}{self.identifier_end}"
    -738        return text
    733    def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str:
    +734        text =
    +735        text = text.lower() if self.normalize else text
    +736        text = text.replace(self.identifier_end, self._escaped_identifier_end)
    +737        if expression.args.get("quoted") or self.identify:
    +738            text = f"{self.identifier_start}{text}{self.identifier_end}"
    +739        return text
    @@ -5850,8 +5853,8 @@ Default: True
    740    def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National) -> str:
    -741        return f"N{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    741    def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National) -> str:
    +742        return f"N{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -5869,8 +5872,8 @@ Default: True
    743    def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str:
    -744        return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression)})"
    744    def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str:
    +745        return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression)})"
    @@ -5888,20 +5891,20 @@ Default: True
    746    def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str:
    -747        root_properties = []
    -748        with_properties = []
    -750        for p in expression.expressions:
    -751            p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__]
    -752            if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH:
    -753                with_properties.append(p)
    -754            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA:
    -755                root_properties.append(p)
    -757        return self.root_properties(
    -758            exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties)
    -759        ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties))
    747    def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str:
    +748        root_properties = []
    +749        with_properties = []
    +751        for p in expression.expressions:
    +752            p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__]
    +753            if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH:
    +754                with_properties.append(p)
    +755            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA:
    +756                root_properties.append(p)
    +758        return self.root_properties(
    +759            exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties)
    +760        ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties))
    @@ -5919,10 +5922,10 @@ Default: True
    761    def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str:
    -762        if properties.expressions:
    -763            return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ")
    -764        return ""
    762    def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str:
    +763        if properties.expressions:
    +764            return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ")
    +765        return ""
    @@ -5940,19 +5943,19 @@ Default: True
    766    def properties(
    -767        self,
    -768        properties: exp.Properties,
    -769        prefix: str = "",
    -770        sep: str = ", ",
    -771        suffix: str = "",
    -772        wrapped: bool = True,
    -773    ) -> str:
    -774        if properties.expressions:
    -775            expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False)
    -776            expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions
    -777            return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix and prefix != ' ' else ''}{expressions}{suffix}"
    -778        return ""
    767    def properties(
    +768        self,
    +769        properties: exp.Properties,
    +770        prefix: str = "",
    +771        sep: str = ", ",
    +772        suffix: str = "",
    +773        wrapped: bool = True,
    +774    ) -> str:
    +775        if properties.expressions:
    +776            expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False)
    +777            expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions
    +778            return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix and prefix != ' ' else ''}{expressions}{suffix}"
    +779        return ""
    @@ -5970,8 +5973,8 @@ Default: True
    780    def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str:
    -781        return, prefix=self.seg("WITH"))
    781    def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str:
    +782        return, prefix=self.seg("WITH"))
    @@ -5989,31 +5992,31 @@ Default: True
    783    def locate_properties(
    -784        self, properties: exp.Properties
    -785    ) -> t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]]:
    -786        properties_locs: t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]] = {
    -787            key: [] for key in exp.Properties.Location
    -788        }
    -790        for p in properties.expressions:
    -791            p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__]
    -792            if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME:
    -793                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME].append(p)
    -794            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX:
    -795                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX].append(p)
    -796            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA:
    -797                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA].append(p)
    -798            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH:
    -799                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH].append(p)
    -800            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE:
    -801                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE].append(p)
    -802            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS:
    -803                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS].append(p)
    -804            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED:
    -805                self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}")
    -807        return properties_locs
    784    def locate_properties(
    +785        self, properties: exp.Properties
    +786    ) -> t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]]:
    +787        properties_locs: t.Dict[exp.Properties.Location, list[exp.Property]] = {
    +788            key: [] for key in exp.Properties.Location
    +789        }
    +791        for p in properties.expressions:
    +792            p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__]
    +793            if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME:
    +794                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME].append(p)
    +795            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX:
    +796                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX].append(p)
    +797            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA:
    +798                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA].append(p)
    +799            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH:
    +800                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH].append(p)
    +801            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE:
    +802                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE].append(p)
    +803            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS:
    +804                properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS].append(p)
    +805            elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED:
    +806                self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}")
    +808        return properties_locs
    @@ -6031,16 +6034,16 @@ Default: True
    809    def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str:
    -810        property_cls = expression.__class__
    -811        if property_cls == exp.Property:
    -812            return f"{}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}"
    -814        property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls)
    -815        if not property_name:
    -816            self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}")
    -818        return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    810    def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str:
    +811        property_cls = expression.__class__
    +812        if property_cls == exp.Property:
    +813            return f"{}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}"
    +815        property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls)
    +816        if not property_name:
    +817            self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}")
    +819        return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -6058,10 +6061,10 @@ Default: True
    820    def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str:
    -821        options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions)
    -822        options = f" {options}" if options else ""
    -823        return f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}"
    821    def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str:
    +822        options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions)
    +823        options = f" {options}" if options else ""
    +824        return f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}"
    @@ -6079,10 +6082,10 @@ Default: True
    825    def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str:
    -826        no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else ""
    -827        protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else ""
    -828        return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}"
    826    def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str:
    +827        no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else ""
    +828        protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else ""
    +829        return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}"
    @@ -6100,11 +6103,11 @@ Default: True
    830    def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str:
    -831        no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else ""
    -832        dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else ""
    -833        before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else ""
    -834        return f"{no}{dual}{before}JOURNAL"
    831    def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str:
    +832        no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else ""
    +833        dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else ""
    +834        before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else ""
    +835        return f"{no}{dual}{before}JOURNAL"
    @@ -6122,10 +6125,10 @@ Default: True
    836    def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str:
    -837        freespace = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -838        percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else ""
    -839        return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}"
    837    def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str:
    +838        freespace = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +839        percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else ""
    +840        return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}"
    @@ -6143,13 +6146,13 @@ Default: True
    841    def afterjournalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.AfterJournalProperty) -> str:
    -842        no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else ""
    -843        dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else ""
    -844        local = ""
    -845        if expression.args.get("local") is not None:
    -846            local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "NOT LOCAL "
    -847        return f"{no}{dual}{local}AFTER JOURNAL"
    842    def afterjournalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.AfterJournalProperty) -> str:
    +843        no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else ""
    +844        dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else ""
    +845        local = ""
    +846        if expression.args.get("local") is not None:
    +847            local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "NOT LOCAL "
    +848        return f"{no}{dual}{local}AFTER JOURNAL"
    @@ -6167,14 +6170,14 @@ Default: True
    849    def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str:
    -850        if expression.args.get("default"):
    -851            property = "DEFAULT"
    -852        elif expression.args.get("on"):
    -853            property = "ON"
    -854        else:
    -855            property = "OFF"
    -856        return f"CHECKSUM={property}"
    850    def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str:
    +851        if expression.args.get("default"):
    +852            property = "DEFAULT"
    +853        elif expression.args.get("on"):
    +854            property = "ON"
    +855        else:
    +856            property = "OFF"
    +857        return f"CHECKSUM={property}"
    @@ -6192,14 +6195,14 @@ Default: True
    858    def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str:
    -859        if expression.args.get("no"):
    -860            return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO"
    -861        if expression.args.get("default"):
    -862            return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO"
    -864        percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else ""
    -865        return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}"
    859    def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str:
    +860        if expression.args.get("no"):
    +861            return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO"
    +862        if expression.args.get("default"):
    +863            return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO"
    +865        percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else ""
    +866        return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}"
    @@ -6217,21 +6220,21 @@ Default: True
    867    def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str:
    -868        default = expression.args.get("default")
    -869        min = expression.args.get("min")
    -870        if default is not None or min is not None:
    -871            if default:
    -872                property = "DEFAULT"
    -873            elif min:
    -874                property = "MINIMUM"
    -875            else:
    -876                property = "MAXIMUM"
    -877            return f"{property} DATABLOCKSIZE"
    -878        else:
    -879            units = expression.args.get("units")
    -880            units = f" {units}" if units else ""
    -881            return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}"
    868    def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str:
    +869        default = expression.args.get("default")
    +870        min = expression.args.get("min")
    +871        if default is not None or min is not None:
    +872            if default:
    +873                property = "DEFAULT"
    +874            elif min:
    +875                property = "MINIMUM"
    +876            else:
    +877                property = "MAXIMUM"
    +878            return f"{property} DATABLOCKSIZE"
    +879        else:
    +880            units = expression.args.get("units")
    +881            units = f" {units}" if units else ""
    +882            return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}"
    @@ -6249,24 +6252,24 @@ Default: True
    883    def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str:
    -884        autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp")
    -885        always = expression.args.get("always")
    -886        default = expression.args.get("default")
    -887        manual = expression.args.get("manual")
    -888        never = expression.args.get("never")
    -890        if autotemp is not None:
    -891            property = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})"
    -892        elif always:
    -893            property = "ALWAYS"
    -894        elif default:
    -895            property = "DEFAULT"
    -896        elif manual:
    -897            property = "MANUAL"
    -898        elif never:
    -899            property = "NEVER"
    -900        return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={property}"
    884    def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str:
    +885        autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp")
    +886        always = expression.args.get("always")
    +887        default = expression.args.get("default")
    +888        manual = expression.args.get("manual")
    +889        never = expression.args.get("never")
    +891        if autotemp is not None:
    +892            property = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})"
    +893        elif always:
    +894            property = "ALWAYS"
    +895        elif default:
    +896            property = "DEFAULT"
    +897        elif manual:
    +898            property = "MANUAL"
    +899        elif never:
    +900            property = "NEVER"
    +901        return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={property}"
    @@ -6284,20 +6287,20 @@ Default: True
    902    def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str:
    -903        no = expression.args.get("no")
    -904        no = " NO" if no else ""
    -905        concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent")
    -906        concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else ""
    -908        for_ = ""
    -909        if expression.args.get("for_all"):
    -910            for_ = " FOR ALL"
    -911        elif expression.args.get("for_insert"):
    -912            for_ = " FOR INSERT"
    -913        elif expression.args.get("for_none"):
    -914            for_ = " FOR NONE"
    -915        return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{for_}"
    903    def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str:
    +904        no = expression.args.get("no")
    +905        no = " NO" if no else ""
    +906        concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent")
    +907        concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else ""
    +909        for_ = ""
    +910        if expression.args.get("for_all"):
    +911            for_ = " FOR ALL"
    +912        elif expression.args.get("for_insert"):
    +913            for_ = " FOR INSERT"
    +914        elif expression.args.get("for_none"):
    +915            for_ = " FOR NONE"
    +916        return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{for_}"
    @@ -6315,13 +6318,13 @@ Default: True
    917    def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str:
    -918        kind = expression.args.get("kind")
    -919        this: str = f" {this}" if expression.this else ""
    -920        for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in")
    -921        lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type")
    -922        override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else ""
    -923        return f"LOCKING {kind}{this} {for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}"
    918    def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str:
    +919        kind = expression.args.get("kind")
    +920        this: str = f" {this}" if expression.this else ""
    +921        for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in")
    +922        lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type")
    +923        override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else ""
    +924        return f"LOCKING {kind}{this} {for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}"
    @@ -6339,26 +6342,26 @@ Default: True
    925    def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str:
    -926        overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite")
    -928        if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory):
    -929            this = "OVERWRITE " if overwrite else "INTO "
    -930        else:
    -931            this = "OVERWRITE TABLE " if overwrite else "INTO "
    -933        alternative = expression.args.get("alternative")
    -934        alternative = f" OR {alternative} " if alternative else " "
    -935        this = f"{this}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    -937        exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " "
    -938        partition_sql = (
    -939            self.sql(expression, "partition") if expression.args.get("partition") else ""
    -940        )
    -941        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    -942        sep = self.sep() if partition_sql else ""
    -943        sql = f"INSERT{alternative}{this}{exists}{partition_sql}{sep}{expression_sql}"
    -944        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    926    def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str:
    +927        overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite")
    +929        if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory):
    +930            this = "OVERWRITE " if overwrite else "INTO "
    +931        else:
    +932            this = "OVERWRITE TABLE " if overwrite else "INTO "
    +934        alternative = expression.args.get("alternative")
    +935        alternative = f" OR {alternative} " if alternative else " "
    +936        this = f"{this}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    +938        exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " "
    +939        partition_sql = (
    +940            self.sql(expression, "partition") if expression.args.get("partition") else ""
    +941        )
    +942        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    +943        sep = self.sep() if partition_sql else ""
    +944        sql = f"INSERT{alternative}{this}{exists}{partition_sql}{sep}{expression_sql}"
    +945        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    @@ -6376,11 +6379,11 @@ Default: True
    946    def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
    -947        return self.prepend_ctes(
    -948            expression,
    -949            self.set_operation(expression, self.intersect_op(expression)),
    -950        )
    947    def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
    +948        return self.prepend_ctes(
    +949            expression,
    +950            self.set_operation(expression, self.intersect_op(expression)),
    +951        )
    @@ -6398,8 +6401,8 @@ Default: True
    952    def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
    -953        return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
    953    def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str:
    +954        return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}"
    @@ -6417,8 +6420,8 @@ Default: True
    955    def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str:
    -956        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    956    def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str:
    +957        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    @@ -6436,8 +6439,8 @@ Default: True
    958    def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str:
    -959        return
    959    def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str:
    +960        return
    @@ -6455,20 +6458,20 @@ Default: True
    961    def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str:
    -962        fields = expression.args.get("fields")
    -963        fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else ""
    -964        escaped = expression.args.get("escaped")
    -965        escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else ""
    -966        items = expression.args.get("collection_items")
    -967        items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else ""
    -968        keys = expression.args.get("map_keys")
    -969        keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else ""
    -970        lines = expression.args.get("lines")
    -971        lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else ""
    -972        null = expression.args.get("null")
    -973        null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else ""
    -974        return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}"
    962    def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str:
    +963        fields = expression.args.get("fields")
    +964        fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else ""
    +965        escaped = expression.args.get("escaped")
    +966        escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else ""
    +967        items = expression.args.get("collection_items")
    +968        items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else ""
    +969        keys = expression.args.get("map_keys")
    +970        keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else ""
    +971        lines = expression.args.get("lines")
    +972        lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else ""
    +973        null = expression.args.get("null")
    +974        null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else ""
    +975        return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}"
    @@ -6486,32 +6489,32 @@ Default: True
     976    def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str:
    - 977        table = ".".join(
    - 978            part
    - 979            for part in [
    - 980                self.sql(expression, "catalog"),
    - 981                self.sql(expression, "db"),
    - 982                self.sql(expression, "this"),
    - 983            ]
    - 984            if part
    - 985        )
    - 986
    - 987        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    - 988        alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else ""
    - 989        hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=", ", flat=True)
    - 990        hints = f" WITH ({hints})" if hints else ""
    - 991        laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="")
    - 992        joins = self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="")
    - 993        pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep="")
    - 994        system_time = expression.args.get("system_time")
    - 995        system_time = f" {self.sql(expression, 'system_time')}" if system_time else ""
    - 996
    - 997        if alias and pivots:
    - 998            pivots = f"{pivots}{alias}"
    - 999            alias = ""
    -1001        return f"{table}{system_time}{alias}{hints}{laterals}{joins}{pivots}"
     977    def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str:
    + 978        table = ".".join(
    + 979            part
    + 980            for part in [
    + 981                self.sql(expression, "catalog"),
    + 982                self.sql(expression, "db"),
    + 983                self.sql(expression, "this"),
    + 984            ]
    + 985            if part
    + 986        )
    + 987
    + 988        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    + 989        alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else ""
    + 990        hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=", ", flat=True)
    + 991        hints = f" WITH ({hints})" if hints else ""
    + 992        laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="")
    + 993        joins = self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="")
    + 994        pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep="")
    + 995        system_time = expression.args.get("system_time")
    + 996        system_time = f" {self.sql(expression, 'system_time')}" if system_time else ""
    + 997
    + 998        if alias and pivots:
    + 999            pivots = f"{pivots}{alias}"
    +1000            alias = ""
    +1002        return f"{table}{system_time}{alias}{hints}{laterals}{joins}{pivots}"
    @@ -6529,28 +6532,28 @@ Default: True
    1003    def tablesample_sql(self, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str:
    -1004        if self.alias_post_tablesample and expression.this.alias:
    -1005            this = self.sql(expression.this, "this")
    -1006            alias = f" AS {self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}"
    -1007        else:
    -1008            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1009            alias = ""
    -1010        method = self.sql(expression, "method")
    -1011        method = f" {method.upper()} " if method else ""
    -1012        numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator")
    -1013        denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator")
    -1014        field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field")
    -1015        field = f" ON {field}" if field else ""
    -1016        bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else ""
    -1017        percent = self.sql(expression, "percent")
    -1018        percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" if percent else ""
    -1019        rows = self.sql(expression, "rows")
    -1020        rows = f"{rows} ROWS" if rows else ""
    -1021        size = self.sql(expression, "size")
    -1022        seed = self.sql(expression, "seed")
    -1023        seed = f" SEED ({seed})" if seed else ""
    -1024        return f"{this} TABLESAMPLE{method}({bucket}{percent}{rows}{size}){seed}{alias}"
    1004    def tablesample_sql(self, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str:
    +1005        if self.alias_post_tablesample and expression.this.alias:
    +1006            this = self.sql(expression.this, "this")
    +1007            alias = f" AS {self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}"
    +1008        else:
    +1009            this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1010            alias = ""
    +1011        method = self.sql(expression, "method")
    +1012        method = f" {method.upper()} " if method else ""
    +1013        numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator")
    +1014        denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator")
    +1015        field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field")
    +1016        field = f" ON {field}" if field else ""
    +1017        bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else ""
    +1018        percent = self.sql(expression, "percent")
    +1019        percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" if percent else ""
    +1020        rows = self.sql(expression, "rows")
    +1021        rows = f"{rows} ROWS" if rows else ""
    +1022        size = self.sql(expression, "size")
    +1023        seed = self.sql(expression, "seed")
    +1024        seed = f" SEED ({seed})" if seed else ""
    +1025        return f"{this} TABLESAMPLE{method}({bucket}{percent}{rows}{size}){seed}{alias}"
    @@ -6568,13 +6571,13 @@ Default: True
    1026    def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str:
    -1027        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1028        unpivot = expression.args.get("unpivot")
    -1029        direction = "UNPIVOT" if unpivot else "PIVOT"
    -1030        expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions")
    -1031        field = self.sql(expression, "field")
    -1032        return f"{this} {direction}({expressions} FOR {field})"
    1027    def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str:
    +1028        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1029        unpivot = expression.args.get("unpivot")
    +1030        direction = "UNPIVOT" if unpivot else "PIVOT"
    +1031        expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions")
    +1032        field = self.sql(expression, "field")
    +1033        return f"{this} {direction}({expressions} FOR {field})"
    @@ -6592,8 +6595,8 @@ Default: True
    1034    def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str:
    -1035        return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})"
    1035    def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str:
    +1036        return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})"
    @@ -6611,13 +6614,13 @@ Default: True
    1037    def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str:
    -1038        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1039        set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1040        from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from")
    -1041        where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where")
    -1042        sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{from_sql}{where_sql}"
    -1043        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    1038    def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str:
    +1039        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1040        set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1041        from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from")
    +1042        where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where")
    +1043        sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{from_sql}{where_sql}"
    +1044        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    @@ -6635,16 +6638,16 @@ Default: True
    1045    def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values) -> str:
    -1046        args = self.expressions(expression)
    -1047        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -1048        values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}"
    -1049        values = (
    -1050            f"({values})"
    -1051            if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From))
    -1052            else values
    -1053        )
    -1054        return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values
    1046    def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values) -> str:
    +1047        args = self.expressions(expression)
    +1048        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +1049        values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}"
    +1050        values = (
    +1051            f"({values})"
    +1052            if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From))
    +1053            else values
    +1054        )
    +1055        return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values
    @@ -6662,8 +6665,8 @@ Default: True
    1056    def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str:
    -1057        return self.sql(expression, "this")
    1057    def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str:
    +1058        return self.sql(expression, "this")
    @@ -6681,10 +6684,10 @@ Default: True
    1059    def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str:
    -1060        temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else ""
    -1061        unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else ""
    -1062        return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    1060    def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str:
    +1061        temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else ""
    +1062        unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else ""
    +1063        return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -6702,9 +6705,9 @@ Default: True
    1064    def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str:
    -1065        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1066        return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {expressions}"
    1065    def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str:
    +1066        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1067        return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {expressions}"
    @@ -6722,33 +6725,33 @@ Default: True
    1068    def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str:
    -1069        group_by = self.op_expressions("GROUP BY", expression)
    -1070        grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False)
    -1071        grouping_sets = (
    -1072            f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else ""
    -1073        )
    -1075        cube = expression.args.get("cube", [])
    -1076        if seq_get(cube, 0) is True:
    -1077            return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}"
    -1078        else:
    -1079            cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False)
    -1080            cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else ""
    -1082        rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", [])
    -1083        if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True:
    -1084            return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}"
    -1085        else:
    -1086            rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False)
    -1087            rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else ""
    -1089        groupings = csv(grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, sep=",")
    -1091        if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings:
    -1092            group_by = f"{group_by},"
    -1094        return f"{group_by}{groupings}"
    1069    def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str:
    +1070        group_by = self.op_expressions("GROUP BY", expression)
    +1071        grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False)
    +1072        grouping_sets = (
    +1073            f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else ""
    +1074        )
    +1076        cube = expression.args.get("cube", [])
    +1077        if seq_get(cube, 0) is True:
    +1078            return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}"
    +1079        else:
    +1080            cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False)
    +1081            cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else ""
    +1083        rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", [])
    +1084        if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True:
    +1085            return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}"
    +1086        else:
    +1087            rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False)
    +1088            rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else ""
    +1090        groupings = csv(grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, sep=",")
    +1092        if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings:
    +1093            group_by = f"{group_by},"
    +1095        return f"{group_by}{groupings}"
    @@ -6766,9 +6769,9 @@ Default: True
    1096    def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str:
    -1097        this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this"))
    -1098        return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}"
    1097    def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str:
    +1098        this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this"))
    +1099        return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}"
    @@ -6786,36 +6789,36 @@ Default: True
    1100    def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str:
    -1101        op_sql = self.seg(
    -1102            " ".join(
    -1103                op
    -1104                for op in (
    -1105                    "NATURAL" if expression.args.get("natural") else None,
    -1106                    expression.side,
    -1107                    expression.kind,
    -1108                    "JOIN",
    -1109                )
    -1110                if op
    -1111            )
    -1112        )
    -1113        on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on")
    -1114        using = expression.args.get("using")
    -1116        if not on_sql and using:
    -1117            on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using))
    -1119        if on_sql:
    -1120            on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True)
    -1121            space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " "
    -1122            if using:
    -1123                on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})"
    -1124            else:
    -1125                on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}"
    -1127        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    -1128        this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1129        return f"{expression_sql}{op_sql} {this_sql}{on_sql}"
    1101    def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str:
    +1102        op_sql = self.seg(
    +1103            " ".join(
    +1104                op
    +1105                for op in (
    +1106                    "NATURAL" if expression.args.get("natural") else None,
    +1107                    expression.side,
    +1108                    expression.kind,
    +1109                    "JOIN",
    +1110                )
    +1111                if op
    +1112            )
    +1113        )
    +1114        on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on")
    +1115        using = expression.args.get("using")
    +1117        if not on_sql and using:
    +1118            on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using))
    +1120        if on_sql:
    +1121            on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True)
    +1122            space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " "
    +1123            if using:
    +1124                on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})"
    +1125            else:
    +1126                on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}"
    +1128        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    +1129        this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1130        return f"{expression_sql}{op_sql} {this_sql}{on_sql}"
    @@ -6833,10 +6836,10 @@ Default: True
    1131    def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str:
    -1132        args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1133        args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args
    -1134        return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    1132    def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str:
    +1133        args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1134        args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args
    +1135        return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -6854,23 +6857,23 @@ Default: True
    1136    def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str:
    -1137        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1139        if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery):
    -1140            return f"LATERAL {this}"
    -1142        if expression.args.get("view"):
    -1143            alias = expression.args["alias"]
    -1144            columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True)
    -1145            table = f" {}" if else ""
    -1146            columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else ""
    -1147            op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}")
    -1148            return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}"
    -1150        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -1151        alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else ""
    -1152        return f"LATERAL {this}{alias}"
    1137    def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str:
    +1138        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1140        if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery):
    +1141            return f"LATERAL {this}"
    +1143        if expression.args.get("view"):
    +1144            alias = expression.args["alias"]
    +1145            columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True)
    +1146            table = f" {}" if else ""
    +1147            columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else ""
    +1148            op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}")
    +1149            return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}"
    +1151        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +1152        alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else ""
    +1153        return f"LATERAL {this}{alias}"
    @@ -6888,9 +6891,9 @@ Default: True
    1154    def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit) -> str:
    -1155        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1156        return f"{this}{self.seg('LIMIT')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    1155    def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit) -> str:
    +1156        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1157        return f"{this}{self.seg('LIMIT')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    @@ -6908,9 +6911,9 @@ Default: True
    1158    def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str:
    -1159        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1160        return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    1159    def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str:
    +1160        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1161        return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    @@ -6928,13 +6931,13 @@ Default: True
    1162    def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str:
    -1163        if self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED:
    -1164            lock_type = "UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "SHARE"
    -1165            return self.seg(f"FOR {lock_type}")
    -1167        self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported")
    -1168        return ""
    1163    def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str:
    +1164        if self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED:
    +1165            lock_type = "UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "SHARE"
    +1166            return self.seg(f"FOR {lock_type}")
    +1168        self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported")
    +1169        return ""
    @@ -6952,14 +6955,14 @@ Default: True
    1170    def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str:
    -1171        text = expression.this or ""
    -1172        if expression.is_string:
    -1173            text = text.replace(self.quote_end, self._escaped_quote_end)
    -1174            if self.pretty:
    -1175                text = text.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK)
    -1176            text = f"{self.quote_start}{text}{self.quote_end}"
    -1177        return text
    1171    def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str:
    +1172        text = expression.this or ""
    +1173        if expression.is_string:
    +1174            text = text.replace(self.quote_end, self._escaped_quote_end)
    +1175            if self.pretty:
    +1176                text = text.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK)
    +1177            text = f"{self.quote_start}{text}{self.quote_end}"
    +1178        return text
    @@ -6977,18 +6980,18 @@ Default: True
    1179    def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str:
    -1180        local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else ""
    -1181        inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}"
    -1182        overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else ""
    -1183        this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    -1184        partition = self.sql(expression, "partition")
    -1185        partition = f" {partition}" if partition else ""
    -1186        input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format")
    -1187        input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else ""
    -1188        serde = self.sql(expression, "serde")
    -1189        serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else ""
    -1190        return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}"
    1180    def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str:
    +1181        local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else ""
    +1182        inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}"
    +1183        overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else ""
    +1184        this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    +1185        partition = self.sql(expression, "partition")
    +1186        partition = f" {partition}" if partition else ""
    +1187        input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format")
    +1188        input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else ""
    +1189        serde = self.sql(expression, "serde")
    +1190        serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else ""
    +1191        return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}"
    @@ -7006,8 +7009,8 @@ Default: True
    1192    def null_sql(self, *_) -> str:
    -1193        return "NULL"
    1193    def null_sql(self, *_) -> str:
    +1194        return "NULL"
    @@ -7025,8 +7028,8 @@ Default: True
    1195    def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str:
    -1196        return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE"
    1196    def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str:
    +1197        return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE"
    @@ -7044,10 +7047,10 @@ Default: True
    1198    def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str:
    -1199        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1200        this = f"{this} " if this else this
    -1201        return self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER BY", expression, flat=this or flat)  # type: ignore
    1199    def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str:
    +1200        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1201        this = f"{this} " if this else this
    +1202        return self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER BY", expression, flat=this or flat)  # type: ignore
    @@ -7065,8 +7068,8 @@ Default: True
    1203    def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str:
    -1204        return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression)
    1204    def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str:
    +1205        return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression)
    @@ -7084,8 +7087,8 @@ Default: True
    1206    def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str:
    -1207        return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression)
    1207    def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str:
    +1208        return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression)
    @@ -7103,8 +7106,8 @@ Default: True
    1209    def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str:
    -1210        return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression)
    1210    def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str:
    +1211        return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression)
    @@ -7122,36 +7125,36 @@ Default: True
    1212    def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str:
    -1213        desc = expression.args.get("desc")
    -1214        asc = not desc
    -1216        nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first")
    -1217        nulls_last = not nulls_first
    -1218        nulls_are_large = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_large"
    -1219        nulls_are_small = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_small"
    -1220        nulls_are_last = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_last"
    -1222        sort_order = " DESC" if desc else ""
    -1223        nulls_sort_change = ""
    -1224        if nulls_first and (
    -1225            (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last
    -1226        ):
    -1227            nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST"
    -1228        elif (
    -1229            nulls_last
    -1230            and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large))
    -1231            and not nulls_are_last
    -1232        ):
    -1233            nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST"
    -1235        if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED:
    -1236            self.unsupported(
    -1237                "Sorting in an ORDER BY on NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST is not supported by this dialect"
    -1238            )
    -1239            nulls_sort_change = ""
    -1241        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}"
    1213    def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str:
    +1214        desc = expression.args.get("desc")
    +1215        asc = not desc
    +1217        nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first")
    +1218        nulls_last = not nulls_first
    +1219        nulls_are_large = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_large"
    +1220        nulls_are_small = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_small"
    +1221        nulls_are_last = self.null_ordering == "nulls_are_last"
    +1223        sort_order = " DESC" if desc else ""
    +1224        nulls_sort_change = ""
    +1225        if nulls_first and (
    +1226            (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last
    +1227        ):
    +1228            nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST"
    +1229        elif (
    +1230            nulls_last
    +1231            and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large))
    +1232            and not nulls_are_last
    +1233        ):
    +1234            nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST"
    +1236        if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED:
    +1237            self.unsupported(
    +1238                "Sorting in an ORDER BY on NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST is not supported by this dialect"
    +1239            )
    +1240            nulls_sort_change = ""
    +1242        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}"
    @@ -7169,31 +7172,31 @@ Default: True
    1243    def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str:
    -1244        partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression)
    -1245        order = self.sql(expression, "order")
    -1246        measures = self.sql(expression, "measures")
    -1247        measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES {measures}") if measures else ""
    -1248        rows = self.sql(expression, "rows")
    -1249        rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else ""
    -1250        after = self.sql(expression, "after")
    -1251        after = self.seg(after) if after else ""
    -1252        pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern")
    -1253        pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else ""
    -1254        define = self.sql(expression, "define")
    -1255        define = self.seg(f"DEFINE {define}") if define else ""
    -1256        body = "".join(
    -1257            (
    -1258                partition,
    -1259                order,
    -1260                measures,
    -1261                rows,
    -1262                after,
    -1263                pattern,
    -1264                define,
    -1265            )
    -1266        )
    -1267        return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}"
    1244    def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str:
    +1245        partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression)
    +1246        order = self.sql(expression, "order")
    +1247        measures = self.sql(expression, "measures")
    +1248        measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES {measures}") if measures else ""
    +1249        rows = self.sql(expression, "rows")
    +1250        rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else ""
    +1251        after = self.sql(expression, "after")
    +1252        after = self.seg(after) if after else ""
    +1253        pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern")
    +1254        pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else ""
    +1255        define = self.sql(expression, "define")
    +1256        define = self.seg(f"DEFINE {define}") if define else ""
    +1257        body = "".join(
    +1258            (
    +1259                partition,
    +1260                order,
    +1261                measures,
    +1262                rows,
    +1263                after,
    +1264                pattern,
    +1265                define,
    +1266            )
    +1267        )
    +1268        return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}"
    @@ -7211,28 +7214,28 @@ Default: True
    1269    def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str:
    -1270        return csv(
    -1271            *sqls,
    -1272            *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("joins") or []],
    -1273            self.sql(expression, "match"),
    -1274            *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("laterals") or []],
    -1275            self.sql(expression, "where"),
    -1276            self.sql(expression, "group"),
    -1277            self.sql(expression, "having"),
    -1278            self.sql(expression, "qualify"),
    -1279            self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(expression, "windows", flat=True)
    -1280            if expression.args.get("windows")
    -1281            else "",
    -1282            self.sql(expression, "distribute"),
    -1283            self.sql(expression, "sort"),
    -1284            self.sql(expression, "cluster"),
    -1285            self.sql(expression, "order"),
    -1286            self.sql(expression, "limit"),
    -1287            self.sql(expression, "offset"),
    -1288            self.sql(expression, "lock"),
    -1289            sep="",
    -1290        )
    1270    def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str:
    +1271        return csv(
    +1272            *sqls,
    +1273            *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("joins") or []],
    +1274            self.sql(expression, "match"),
    +1275            *[self.sql(sql) for sql in expression.args.get("laterals") or []],
    +1276            self.sql(expression, "where"),
    +1277            self.sql(expression, "group"),
    +1278            self.sql(expression, "having"),
    +1279            self.sql(expression, "qualify"),
    +1280            self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(expression, "windows", flat=True)
    +1281            if expression.args.get("windows")
    +1282            else "",
    +1283            self.sql(expression, "distribute"),
    +1284            self.sql(expression, "sort"),
    +1285            self.sql(expression, "cluster"),
    +1286            self.sql(expression, "order"),
    +1287            self.sql(expression, "limit"),
    +1288            self.sql(expression, "offset"),
    +1289            self.sql(expression, "lock"),
    +1290            sep="",
    +1291        )
    @@ -7250,19 +7253,19 @@ Default: True
    1292    def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str:
    -1293        hint = self.sql(expression, "hint")
    -1294        distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct")
    -1295        distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else ""
    -1296        expressions = self.expressions(expression)
    -1297        expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions
    -1298        sql = self.query_modifiers(
    -1299            expression,
    -1300            f"SELECT{hint}{distinct}{expressions}",
    -1301            self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False),
    -1302            self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False),
    -1303        )
    -1304        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    1293    def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str:
    +1294        hint = self.sql(expression, "hint")
    +1295        distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct")
    +1296        distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else ""
    +1297        expressions = self.expressions(expression)
    +1298        expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions
    +1299        sql = self.query_modifiers(
    +1300            expression,
    +1301            f"SELECT{hint}{distinct}{expressions}",
    +1302            self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False),
    +1303            self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False),
    +1304        )
    +1305        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    @@ -7280,11 +7283,11 @@ Default: True
    1306    def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str:
    -1307        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1308        this = f"{this} " if this else ""
    -1309        sql = f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}"
    -1310        return f"{this}{sql}"
    1307    def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str:
    +1308        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1309        this = f"{this} " if this else ""
    +1310        sql = f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}"
    +1311        return f"{this}{sql}"
    @@ -7302,12 +7305,12 @@ Default: True
    1312    def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str:
    -1313        except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True)
    -1314        except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else ""
    -1315        replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True)
    -1316        replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else ""
    -1317        return f"*{except_}{replace}"
    1313    def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str:
    +1314        except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True)
    +1315        except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else ""
    +1316        replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True)
    +1317        replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else ""
    +1318        return f"*{except_}{replace}"
    @@ -7325,8 +7328,8 @@ Default: True
    1319    def structkwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.StructKwarg) -> str:
    -1320        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    1320    def structkwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.StructKwarg) -> str:
    +1321        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    @@ -7344,10 +7347,10 @@ Default: True
    1322    def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str:
    -1323        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1324        this = f"{{{this}}}" if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f"{this}"
    -1325        return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}"
    1323    def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str:
    +1324        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1325        this = f"{{{this}}}" if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f"{this}"
    +1326        return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}"
    @@ -7365,12 +7368,12 @@ Default: True
    1327    def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str:
    -1328        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1329        kind = expression.text("kind")
    -1330        if kind:
    -1331            kind = f"{kind}."
    -1332        return f"@@{kind}{this}"
    1328    def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str:
    +1329        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1330        kind = expression.text("kind")
    +1331        if kind:
    +1332            kind = f"{kind}."
    +1333        return f"@@{kind}{this}"
    @@ -7388,8 +7391,8 @@ Default: True
    1334    def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str:
    -1335        return f":{}" if else "?"
    1335    def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str:
    +1336        return f":{}" if else "?"
    @@ -7407,17 +7410,17 @@ Default: True
    1337    def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery) -> str:
    -1338        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -1340        sql = self.query_modifiers(
    -1341            expression,
    -1342            self.wrap(expression),
    -1343            self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" "),
    -1344            f" AS {alias}" if alias else "",
    -1345        )
    -1347        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    1338    def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery) -> str:
    +1339        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +1341        sql = self.query_modifiers(
    +1342            expression,
    +1343            self.wrap(expression),
    +1344            self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" "),
    +1345            f" AS {alias}" if alias else "",
    +1346        )
    +1348        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    @@ -7435,9 +7438,9 @@ Default: True
    1349    def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str:
    -1350        this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this"))
    -1351        return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}"
    1350    def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str:
    +1351        this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this"))
    +1352        return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}"
    @@ -7455,11 +7458,11 @@ Default: True
    1353    def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str:
    -1354        return self.prepend_ctes(
    -1355            expression,
    -1356            self.set_operation(expression, self.union_op(expression)),
    -1357        )
    1354    def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str:
    +1355        return self.prepend_ctes(
    +1356            expression,
    +1357            self.set_operation(expression, self.union_op(expression)),
    +1358        )
    @@ -7477,10 +7480,10 @@ Default: True
    1359    def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str:
    -1360        kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else ""
    -1361        kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL"
    -1362        return f"UNION{kind}"
    1360    def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str:
    +1361        kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else ""
    +1362        kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL"
    +1363        return f"UNION{kind}"
    @@ -7498,19 +7501,19 @@ Default: True
    1364    def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
    -1365        args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1366        alias = expression.args.get("alias")
    -1367        if alias and self.unnest_column_only:
    -1368            columns = alias.columns
    -1369            alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else ""
    -1370        else:
    -1371            alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -1372        alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias
    -1373        ordinality = " WITH ORDINALITY" if expression.args.get("ordinality") else ""
    -1374        offset = expression.args.get("offset")
    -1375        offset = f" WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" if offset else ""
    -1376        return f"UNNEST({args}){ordinality}{alias}{offset}"
    1365    def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str:
    +1366        args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1367        alias = expression.args.get("alias")
    +1368        if alias and self.unnest_column_only:
    +1369            columns = alias.columns
    +1370            alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else ""
    +1371        else:
    +1372            alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +1373        alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias
    +1374        ordinality = " WITH ORDINALITY" if expression.args.get("ordinality") else ""
    +1375        offset = expression.args.get("offset")
    +1376        offset = f" WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" if offset else ""
    +1377        return f"UNNEST({args}){ordinality}{alias}{offset}"
    @@ -7528,9 +7531,9 @@ Default: True
    1378    def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str:
    -1379        this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this"))
    -1380        return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}"
    1379    def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str:
    +1380        this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this"))
    +1381        return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}"
    @@ -7548,28 +7551,28 @@ Default: True
    1382    def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str:
    -1383        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1385        partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression)
    -1387        order = expression.args.get("order")
    -1388        order_sql = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else ""
    -1390        partition_sql = partition + " " if partition and order else partition
    -1392        spec = expression.args.get("spec")
    -1393        spec_sql = " " + self.window_spec_sql(spec) if spec else ""
    -1395        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -1396        this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else 'OVER'}"
    -1398        if not partition and not order and not spec and alias:
    -1399            return f"{this} {alias}"
    -1401        window_args = alias + partition_sql + order_sql + spec_sql
    -1403        return f"{this} ({window_args.strip()})"
    1383    def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str:
    +1384        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1386        partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression)
    +1388        order = expression.args.get("order")
    +1389        order_sql = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else ""
    +1391        partition_sql = partition + " " if partition and order else partition
    +1393        spec = expression.args.get("spec")
    +1394        spec_sql = " " + self.window_spec_sql(spec) if spec else ""
    +1396        alias = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +1397        this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else 'OVER'}"
    +1399        if not partition and not order and not spec and alias:
    +1400            return f"{this} {alias}"
    +1402        window_args = alias + partition_sql + order_sql + spec_sql
    +1404        return f"{this} ({window_args.strip()})"
    @@ -7587,9 +7590,9 @@ Default: True
    1405    def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str:
    -1406        partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True)
    -1407        return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else ""
    1406    def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str:
    +1407        partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True)
    +1408        return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else ""
    @@ -7607,14 +7610,14 @@ Default: True
    1409    def window_spec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str:
    -1410        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    -1411        start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ")
    -1412        end = (
    -1413            csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ")
    -1414            or "CURRENT ROW"
    -1415        )
    -1416        return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}"
    1410    def window_spec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str:
    +1411        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    +1412        start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ")
    +1413        end = (
    +1414            csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ")
    +1415            or "CURRENT ROW"
    +1416        )
    +1417        return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}"
    @@ -7632,10 +7635,10 @@ Default: True
    1418    def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str:
    -1419        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1420        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:]  # order has a leading space
    -1421        return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})"
    1419    def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str:
    +1420        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1421        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:]  # order has a leading space
    +1422        return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})"
    @@ -7653,11 +7656,11 @@ Default: True
    1423    def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str:
    -1424        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1425        low = self.sql(expression, "low")
    -1426        high = self.sql(expression, "high")
    -1427        return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}"
    1424    def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str:
    +1425        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1426        low = self.sql(expression, "low")
    +1427        high = self.sql(expression, "high")
    +1428        return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}"
    @@ -7675,11 +7678,11 @@ Default: True
    1429    def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str:
    -1430        expressions = apply_index_offset(expression.expressions, self.index_offset)
    -1431        expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions)
    -1433        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]"
    1430    def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str:
    +1431        expressions = apply_index_offset(expression.expressions, self.index_offset)
    +1432        expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions)
    +1434        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]"
    @@ -7697,8 +7700,8 @@ Default: True
    1435    def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str:
    -1436        return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}"
    1436    def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str:
    +1437        return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}"
    @@ -7716,11 +7719,11 @@ Default: True
    1438    def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str:
    -1439        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1440        if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subqueryable):
    -1441            this = self.wrap(this)
    -1442        return f"ANY {this}"
    1439    def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str:
    +1440        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1441        if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subqueryable):
    +1442            this = self.wrap(this)
    +1443        return f"ANY {this}"
    @@ -7738,8 +7741,8 @@ Default: True
    1444    def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str:
    -1445        return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}"
    1445    def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str:
    +1446        return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}"
    @@ -7757,25 +7760,25 @@ Default: True
    1447    def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str:
    -1448        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1449        statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"]
    -1451        for e in expression.args["ifs"]:
    -1452            statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}")
    -1453            statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}")
    -1455        default = self.sql(expression, "default")
    -1457        if default:
    -1458            statements.append(f"ELSE {default}")
    -1460        statements.append("END")
    -1462        if self.pretty and self.text_width(statements) > self._max_text_width:
    -1463            return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True)
    -1465        return " ".join(statements)
    1448    def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str:
    +1449        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1450        statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"]
    +1452        for e in expression.args["ifs"]:
    +1453            statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}")
    +1454            statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}")
    +1456        default = self.sql(expression, "default")
    +1458        if default:
    +1459            statements.append(f"ELSE {default}")
    +1461        statements.append("END")
    +1463        if self.pretty and self.text_width(statements) > self._max_text_width:
    +1464            return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True)
    +1466        return " ".join(statements)
    @@ -7793,10 +7796,10 @@ Default: True
    1467    def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str:
    -1468        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1469        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1470        return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}"
    1468    def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str:
    +1469        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1470        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1471        return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}"
    @@ -7814,10 +7817,10 @@ Default: True
    1472    def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str:
    -1473        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1474        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    -1475        return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})"
    1473    def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str:
    +1474        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1475        expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    +1476        return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})"
    @@ -7835,15 +7838,15 @@ Default: True
    1477    def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str:
    -1478        trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position")
    -1480        if trim_type == "LEADING":
    -1481            return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this)
    -1482        elif trim_type == "TRAILING":
    -1483            return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this)
    -1484        else:
    -1485            return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression)
    1478    def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str:
    +1479        trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position")
    +1481        if trim_type == "LEADING":
    +1482            return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this)
    +1483        elif trim_type == "TRAILING":
    +1484            return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this)
    +1485        else:
    +1486            return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression)
    @@ -7861,10 +7864,10 @@ Default: True
    1487    def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str:
    -1488        if len(expression.expressions) == 1:
    -1489            return self.sql(expression.expressions[0])
    -1490        return self.function_fallback_sql(expression)
    1488    def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str:
    +1489        if len(expression.expressions) == 1:
    +1490            return self.sql(expression.expressions[0])
    +1491        return self.function_fallback_sql(expression)
    @@ -7882,9 +7885,9 @@ Default: True
    1492    def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str:
    -1493        this = self.sql(expression, key="this")
    -1494        return f"CHECK ({this})"
    1493    def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str:
    +1494        this = self.sql(expression, key="this")
    +1495        return f"CHECK ({this})"
    @@ -7902,15 +7905,15 @@ Default: True
    1496    def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str:
    -1497        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1498        reference = self.sql(expression, "reference")
    -1499        reference = f" {reference}" if reference else ""
    -1500        delete = self.sql(expression, "delete")
    -1501        delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else ""
    -1502        update = self.sql(expression, "update")
    -1503        update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else ""
    -1504        return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}"
    1497    def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str:
    +1498        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1499        reference = self.sql(expression, "reference")
    +1500        reference = f" {reference}" if reference else ""
    +1501        delete = self.sql(expression, "delete")
    +1502        delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else ""
    +1503        update = self.sql(expression, "update")
    +1504        update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else ""
    +1505        return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}"
    @@ -7928,11 +7931,11 @@ Default: True
    1506    def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str:
    -1507        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1508        options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ")
    -1509        options = f" {options}" if options else ""
    -1510        return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}"
    1507    def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str:
    +1508        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1509        options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ")
    +1510        options = f" {options}" if options else ""
    +1511        return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}"
    @@ -7950,9 +7953,9 @@ Default: True
    1512    def unique_sql(self, expression: exp.Unique) -> str:
    -1513        columns = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions")
    -1514        return f"UNIQUE ({columns})"
    1513    def unique_sql(self, expression: exp.Unique) -> str:
    +1514        columns = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions")
    +1515        return f"UNIQUE ({columns})"
    @@ -7970,10 +7973,10 @@ Default: True
    1516    def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str:
    -1517        return self.case_sql(
    -1518            exp.Case(ifs=[expression.copy()], default=expression.args.get("false"))
    -1519        )
    1517    def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str:
    +1518        return self.case_sql(
    +1519            exp.Case(ifs=[expression.copy()], default=expression.args.get("false"))
    +1520        )
    @@ -7991,22 +7994,22 @@ Default: True
    1521    def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str:
    -1522        query = expression.args.get("query")
    -1523        unnest = expression.args.get("unnest")
    -1524        field = expression.args.get("field")
    -1525        is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else ""
    -1527        if query:
    -1528            in_sql = self.wrap(query)
    -1529        elif unnest:
    -1530            in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest)
    -1531        elif field:
    -1532            in_sql = self.sql(field)
    -1533        else:
    -1534            in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})"
    -1536        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}"
    1522    def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str:
    +1523        query = expression.args.get("query")
    +1524        unnest = expression.args.get("unnest")
    +1525        field = expression.args.get("field")
    +1526        is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else ""
    +1528        if query:
    +1529            in_sql = self.wrap(query)
    +1530        elif unnest:
    +1531            in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest)
    +1532        elif field:
    +1533            in_sql = self.sql(field)
    +1534        else:
    +1535            in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})"
    +1537        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}"
    @@ -8024,8 +8027,8 @@ Default: True
    1538    def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str:
    -1539        return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})"
    1539    def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str:
    +1540        return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})"
    @@ -8043,19 +8046,19 @@ Default: True
    1541    def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str:
    -1542        this = expression.args.get("this")
    -1543        if this:
    -1544            this = (
    -1545                f" {this}"
    -1546                if isinstance(this, exp.Literal) or isinstance(this, exp.Paren)
    -1547                else f" ({this})"
    -1548            )
    -1549        else:
    -1550            this = ""
    -1551        unit = expression.args.get("unit")
    -1552        unit = f" {unit}" if unit else ""
    -1553        return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}"
    1542    def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str:
    +1543        this = expression.args.get("this")
    +1544        if this:
    +1545            this = (
    +1546                f" {this}"
    +1547                if isinstance(this, exp.Literal) or isinstance(this, exp.Paren)
    +1548                else f" ({this})"
    +1549            )
    +1550        else:
    +1551            this = ""
    +1552        unit = expression.args.get("unit")
    +1553        unit = f" {unit}" if unit else ""
    +1554        return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}"
    @@ -8073,8 +8076,8 @@ Default: True
    1555    def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str:
    -1556        return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    1556    def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str:
    +1557        return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -8092,13 +8095,13 @@ Default: True
    1558    def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str:
    -1559        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1560        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1561        expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else ""
    -1562        options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ")
    -1563        options = f" {options}" if options else ""
    -1564        return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}"
    1559    def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str:
    +1560        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1561        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1562        expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else ""
    +1563        options = self.expressions(expression, "options", flat=True, sep=" ")
    +1564        options = f" {options}" if options else ""
    +1565        return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}"
    @@ -8116,8 +8119,8 @@ Default: True
    1566    def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str:
    -1567        return self.func(, *expression.expressions)
    1567    def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str:
    +1568        return self.func(, *expression.expressions)
    @@ -8135,14 +8138,14 @@ Default: True
    1569    def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str:
    -1570        if isinstance(expression.unnest(), exp.Select):
    -1571            sql = self.wrap(expression)
    -1572        else:
    -1573            sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="")
    -1574            sql = f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}"
    -1576        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    1570    def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str:
    +1571        if isinstance(expression.unnest(), exp.Select):
    +1572            sql = self.wrap(expression)
    +1573        else:
    +1574            sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="")
    +1575            sql = f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}"
    +1577        return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql)
    @@ -8160,11 +8163,11 @@ Default: True
    1578    def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str:
    -1579        # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment
    -1580        this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1581        sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else ""
    -1582        return f"-{sep}{this_sql}"
    1579    def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str:
    +1580        # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment
    +1581        this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1582        sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else ""
    +1583        return f"-{sep}{this_sql}"
    @@ -8182,8 +8185,8 @@ Default: True
    1584    def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str:
    -1585        return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    1585    def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str:
    +1586        return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -8201,10 +8204,10 @@ Default: True
    1587    def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str:
    -1588        to_sql = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    -1589        to_sql = f" AS {to_sql}" if to_sql else ""
    -1590        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{to_sql}"
    1588    def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str:
    +1589        to_sql = self.sql(expression, "alias")
    +1590        to_sql = f" AS {to_sql}" if to_sql else ""
    +1591        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{to_sql}"
    @@ -8222,8 +8225,8 @@ Default: True
    1592    def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str:
    -1593        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})"
    1593    def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str:
    +1594        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})"
    @@ -8241,10 +8244,10 @@ Default: True
    1595    def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str:
    -1596        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1597        zone = self.sql(expression, "zone")
    -1598        return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}"
    1596    def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str:
    +1597        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1598        zone = self.sql(expression, "zone")
    +1599        return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}"
    @@ -8262,8 +8265,8 @@ Default: True
    1600    def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str:
    -1601        return self.binary(expression, "+")
    1601    def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str:
    +1602        return self.binary(expression, "+")
    @@ -8281,8 +8284,8 @@ Default: True
    1603    def and_sql(self, expression: exp.And) -> str:
    -1604        return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND")
    1604    def and_sql(self, expression: exp.And) -> str:
    +1605        return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND")
    @@ -8300,13 +8303,13 @@ Default: True
    1606    def connector_sql(self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str) -> str:
    -1607        if not self.pretty:
    -1608            return self.binary(expression, op)
    -1610        sqls = tuple(self.sql(e) for e in expression.flatten(unnest=False))
    -1611        sep = "\n" if self.text_width(sqls) > self._max_text_width else " "
    -1612        return f"{sep}{op} ".join(sqls)
    1607    def connector_sql(self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str) -> str:
    +1608        if not self.pretty:
    +1609            return self.binary(expression, op)
    +1611        sqls = tuple(self.sql(e) for e in expression.flatten(unnest=False))
    +1612        sep = "\n" if self.text_width(sqls) > self._max_text_width else " "
    +1613        return f"{sep}{op} ".join(sqls)
    @@ -8324,8 +8327,8 @@ Default: True
    1614    def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str:
    -1615        return self.binary(expression, "&")
    1615    def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str:
    +1616        return self.binary(expression, "&")
    @@ -8343,8 +8346,8 @@ Default: True
    1617    def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str:
    -1618        return self.binary(expression, "<<")
    1618    def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str:
    +1619        return self.binary(expression, "<<")
    @@ -8362,8 +8365,8 @@ Default: True
    1620    def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str:
    -1621        return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    1621    def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str:
    +1622        return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -8381,8 +8384,8 @@ Default: True
    1623    def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str:
    -1624        return self.binary(expression, "|")
    1624    def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str:
    +1625        return self.binary(expression, "|")
    @@ -8400,8 +8403,8 @@ Default: True
    1626    def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str:
    -1627        return self.binary(expression, ">>")
    1627    def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str:
    +1628        return self.binary(expression, ">>")
    @@ -8419,8 +8422,8 @@ Default: True
    1629    def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str:
    -1630        return self.binary(expression, "^")
    1630    def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str:
    +1631        return self.binary(expression, "^")
    @@ -8438,8 +8441,8 @@ Default: True
    1632    def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast) -> str:
    -1633        return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})"
    1633    def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast) -> str:
    +1634        return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})"
    @@ -8457,9 +8460,9 @@ Default: True
    1635    def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str:
    -1636        zone = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1637        return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE"
    1636    def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str:
    +1637        zone = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1638        return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE"
    @@ -8477,8 +8480,8 @@ Default: True
    1639    def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str:
    -1640        return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE")
    1640    def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str:
    +1641        return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE")
    @@ -8496,8 +8499,8 @@ Default: True
    1642    def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str:
    -1643        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this').upper()} {expression.text('expression').strip()}"
    1643    def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str:
    +1644        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this').upper()} {expression.text('expression').strip()}"
    @@ -8515,8 +8518,8 @@ Default: True
    1645    def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
    -1646        return "BEGIN"
    1646    def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str:
    +1647        return "BEGIN"
    @@ -8534,12 +8537,12 @@ Default: True
    1648    def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str:
    -1649        chain = expression.args.get("chain")
    -1650        if chain is not None:
    -1651            chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN"
    -1653        return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}"
    1649    def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str:
    +1650        chain = expression.args.get("chain")
    +1651        if chain is not None:
    +1652            chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN"
    +1654        return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}"
    @@ -8557,10 +8560,10 @@ Default: True
    1655    def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str:
    -1656        savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint")
    -1657        savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else ""
    -1658        return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}"
    1656    def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str:
    +1657        savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint")
    +1658        savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else ""
    +1659        return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}"
    @@ -8578,25 +8581,25 @@ Default: True
    1660    def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str:
    -1661        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1663        dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype")
    -1664        if dtype:
    -1665            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
    -1666            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
    -1667            using = self.sql(expression, "using")
    -1668            using = f" USING {using}" if using else ""
    -1669            return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}"
    -1671        default = self.sql(expression, "default")
    -1672        if default:
    -1673            return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}"
    -1675        if not expression.args.get("drop"):
    -1676            self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax")
    -1678        return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT"
    1661    def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str:
    +1662        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1664        dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype")
    +1665        if dtype:
    +1666            collate = self.sql(expression, "collate")
    +1667            collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else ""
    +1668            using = self.sql(expression, "using")
    +1669            using = f" USING {using}" if using else ""
    +1670            return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}"
    +1672        default = self.sql(expression, "default")
    +1673        if default:
    +1674            return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}"
    +1676        if not expression.args.get("drop"):
    +1677            self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax")
    +1679        return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT"
    @@ -8614,9 +8617,9 @@ Default: True
    1680    def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str:
    -1681        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1682        return f"RENAME TO {this}"
    1681    def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str:
    +1682        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1683        return f"RENAME TO {this}"
    @@ -8634,20 +8637,20 @@ Default: True
    1684    def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str:
    -1685        actions = expression.args["actions"]
    -1687        if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef):
    -1688            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ")
    -1689        elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema):
    -1690            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ")
    -1691        elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete):
    -1692            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", flat=True)
    -1693        else:
    -1694            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions")
    -1696        exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else ""
    -1697        return f"ALTER TABLE{exists} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}"
    1685    def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str:
    +1686        actions = expression.args["actions"]
    +1688        if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef):
    +1689            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ")
    +1690        elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema):
    +1691            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ")
    +1692        elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete):
    +1693            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions", flat=True)
    +1694        else:
    +1695            actions = self.expressions(expression, "actions")
    +1697        exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else ""
    +1698        return f"ALTER TABLE{exists} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}"
    @@ -8665,10 +8668,10 @@ Default: True
    1699    def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str:
    -1700        expressions = self.expressions(expression)
    -1701        exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " "
    -1702        return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}"
    1700    def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str:
    +1701        expressions = self.expressions(expression)
    +1702        exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " "
    +1703        return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}"
    @@ -8686,16 +8689,16 @@ Default: True
    1704    def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str:
    -1705        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1706        expression_ = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    -1707        add_constraint = f"ADD CONSTRAINT {this}" if this else "ADD"
    -1709        enforced = expression.args.get("enforced")
    -1710        if enforced is not None:
    -1711            return f"{add_constraint} CHECK ({expression_}){' ENFORCED' if enforced else ''}"
    -1713        return f"{add_constraint} {expression_}"
    1705    def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str:
    +1706        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1707        expression_ = self.sql(expression, "expression")
    +1708        add_constraint = f"ADD CONSTRAINT {this}" if this else "ADD"
    +1710        enforced = expression.args.get("enforced")
    +1711        if enforced is not None:
    +1712            return f"{add_constraint} CHECK ({expression_}){' ENFORCED' if enforced else ''}"
    +1714        return f"{add_constraint} {expression_}"
    @@ -8713,13 +8716,13 @@ Default: True
    1715    def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str:
    -1716        this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1717        this = f" {this}" if this else ""
    -1719        on = self.sql(expression, "on")
    -1720        on = f" ON {on}" if on else ""
    -1721        return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}"
    1716    def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str:
    +1717        this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1718        this = f" {this}" if this else ""
    +1720        on = self.sql(expression, "on")
    +1721        on = f" ON {on}" if on else ""
    +1722        return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}"
    @@ -8737,8 +8740,8 @@ Default: True
    1723    def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str:
    -1724        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} IGNORE NULLS"
    1724    def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str:
    +1725        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} IGNORE NULLS"
    @@ -8756,8 +8759,8 @@ Default: True
    1726    def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str:
    -1727        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} RESPECT NULLS"
    1727    def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str:
    +1728        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} RESPECT NULLS"
    @@ -8775,13 +8778,13 @@ Default: True
    1729    def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str:
    -1730        return self.sql(
    -1731            exp.Cast(
    -1732                this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression),
    -1733                to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT),
    -1734            )
    -1735        )
    1730    def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str:
    +1731        return self.sql(
    +1732            exp.Cast(
    +1733                this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression),
    +1734                to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT),
    +1735            )
    +1736        )
    @@ -8799,8 +8802,8 @@ Default: True
    1737    def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str:
    -1738        return self.binary(expression, "||")
    1738    def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str:
    +1739        return self.binary(expression, "||")
    @@ -8818,8 +8821,8 @@ Default: True
    1740    def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str:
    -1741        return self.binary(expression, "/")
    1741    def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str:
    +1742        return self.binary(expression, "/")
    @@ -8837,8 +8840,8 @@ Default: True
    1743    def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str:
    -1744        return self.binary(expression, "<->")
    1744    def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str:
    +1745        return self.binary(expression, "<->")
    @@ -8856,8 +8859,8 @@ Default: True
    1746    def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str:
    -1747        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    1747    def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str:
    +1748        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    @@ -8875,8 +8878,8 @@ Default: True
    1749    def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str:
    -1750        return self.binary(expression, "=")
    1750    def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str:
    +1751        return self.binary(expression, "=")
    @@ -8894,8 +8897,8 @@ Default: True
    1752    def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str:
    -1753        return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE")
    1753    def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str:
    +1754        return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE")
    @@ -8913,8 +8916,8 @@ Default: True
    1755    def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str:
    -1756        return self.binary(expression, "GLOB")
    1756    def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str:
    +1757        return self.binary(expression, "GLOB")
    @@ -8932,8 +8935,8 @@ Default: True
    1758    def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str:
    -1759        return self.binary(expression, ">")
    1759    def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str:
    +1760        return self.binary(expression, ">")
    @@ -8951,8 +8954,8 @@ Default: True
    1761    def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str:
    -1762        return self.binary(expression, ">=")
    1762    def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str:
    +1763        return self.binary(expression, ">=")
    @@ -8970,8 +8973,8 @@ Default: True
    1764    def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str:
    -1765        return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE")
    1765    def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str:
    +1766        return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE")
    @@ -8989,8 +8992,8 @@ Default: True
    1767    def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str:
    -1768        return self.binary(expression, "IS")
    1768    def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str:
    +1769        return self.binary(expression, "IS")
    @@ -9008,8 +9011,8 @@ Default: True
    1770    def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str:
    -1771        return self.binary(expression, "LIKE")
    1771    def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str:
    +1772        return self.binary(expression, "LIKE")
    @@ -9027,8 +9030,8 @@ Default: True
    1773    def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str:
    -1774        return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO")
    1774    def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str:
    +1775        return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO")
    @@ -9046,8 +9049,8 @@ Default: True
    1776    def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str:
    -1777        return self.binary(expression, "<")
    1777    def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str:
    +1778        return self.binary(expression, "<")
    @@ -9065,8 +9068,8 @@ Default: True
    1779    def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str:
    -1780        return self.binary(expression, "<=")
    1780    def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str:
    +1781        return self.binary(expression, "<=")
    @@ -9084,8 +9087,8 @@ Default: True
    1782    def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str:
    -1783        return self.binary(expression, "%")
    1783    def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str:
    +1784        return self.binary(expression, "%")
    @@ -9103,8 +9106,8 @@ Default: True
    1785    def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str:
    -1786        return self.binary(expression, "*")
    1786    def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str:
    +1787        return self.binary(expression, "*")
    @@ -9122,8 +9125,8 @@ Default: True
    1788    def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str:
    -1789        return self.binary(expression, "<>")
    1789    def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str:
    +1790        return self.binary(expression, "<>")
    @@ -9141,8 +9144,8 @@ Default: True
    1791    def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str:
    -1792        return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM")
    1792    def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str:
    +1793        return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM")
    @@ -9160,8 +9163,8 @@ Default: True
    1794    def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str:
    -1795        return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM")
    1795    def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str:
    +1796        return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM")
    @@ -9179,8 +9182,8 @@ Default: True
    1797    def or_sql(self, expression: exp.Or) -> str:
    -1798        return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR")
    1798    def or_sql(self, expression: exp.Or) -> str:
    +1799        return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR")
    @@ -9198,8 +9201,8 @@ Default: True
    1800    def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str:
    -1801        return self.binary(expression, ":")
    1801    def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str:
    +1802        return self.binary(expression, ":")
    @@ -9217,8 +9220,8 @@ Default: True
    1803    def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str:
    -1804        return self.binary(expression, "-")
    1804    def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str:
    +1805        return self.binary(expression, "-")
    @@ -9236,8 +9239,8 @@ Default: True
    1806    def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str:
    -1807        return f"TRY_CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})"
    1807    def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str:
    +1808        return f"TRY_CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS {self.sql(expression, 'to')})"
    @@ -9255,12 +9258,12 @@ Default: True
    1809    def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str:
    -1810        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    -1811        kind = f" {kind}" if kind else ""
    -1812        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1813        this = f" {this}" if this else ""
    -1814        return f"USE{kind}{this}"
    1810    def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str:
    +1811        kind = self.sql(expression, "kind")
    +1812        kind = f" {kind}" if kind else ""
    +1813        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1814        this = f" {this}" if this else ""
    +1815        return f"USE{kind}{this}"
    @@ -9278,8 +9281,8 @@ Default: True
    1816    def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str:
    -1817        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    1817    def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str:
    +1818        return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    @@ -9297,16 +9300,16 @@ Default: True
    1819    def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str:
    -1820        args = []
    -1821        for arg_value in expression.args.values():
    -1822            if isinstance(arg_value, list):
    -1823                for value in arg_value:
    -1824                    args.append(value)
    -1825            else:
    -1826                args.append(arg_value)
    -1828        return self.func(expression.sql_name(), *args)
    1820    def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str:
    +1821        args = []
    +1822        for arg_value in expression.args.values():
    +1823            if isinstance(arg_value, list):
    +1824                for value in arg_value:
    +1825                    args.append(value)
    +1826            else:
    +1827                args.append(arg_value)
    +1829        return self.func(expression.sql_name(), *args)
    @@ -9324,8 +9327,8 @@ Default: True
    1830    def func(self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str]) -> str:
    -1831        return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}({self.format_args(*args)})"
    1831    def func(self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str]) -> str:
    +1832        return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}({self.format_args(*args)})"
    @@ -9343,11 +9346,11 @@ Default: True
    1833    def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str:
    -1834        arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None)
    -1835        if self.pretty and self.text_width(arg_sqls) > self._max_text_width:
    -1836            return self.indent("\n" + f",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True)
    -1837        return ", ".join(arg_sqls)
    1834    def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str:
    +1835        arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None)
    +1836        if self.pretty and self.text_width(arg_sqls) > self._max_text_width:
    +1837            return self.indent("\n" + f",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True)
    +1838        return ", ".join(arg_sqls)
    @@ -9365,8 +9368,8 @@ Default: True
    1839    def text_width(self, args: t.Iterable) -> int:
    -1840        return sum(len(arg) for arg in args)
    1840    def text_width(self, args: t.Iterable) -> int:
    +1841        return sum(len(arg) for arg in args)
    @@ -9384,8 +9387,8 @@ Default: True
    1842    def format_time(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.Optional[str]:
    -1843        return format_time(self.sql(expression, "format"), self.time_mapping, self.time_trie)
    1843    def format_time(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.Optional[str]:
    +1844        return format_time(self.sql(expression, "format"), self.time_mapping, self.time_trie)
    @@ -9403,46 +9406,46 @@ Default: True
    1845    def expressions(
    -1846        self,
    -1847        expression: exp.Expression,
    -1848        key: t.Optional[str] = None,
    -1849        flat: bool = False,
    -1850        indent: bool = True,
    -1851        sep: str = ", ",
    -1852        prefix: str = "",
    -1853    ) -> str:
    -1854        expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions")
    -1856        if not expressions:
    -1857            return ""
    -1859        if flat:
    -1860            return sep.join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions)
    -1862        num_sqls = len(expressions)
    -1864        # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly
    -1865        pad = " " * self.pad
    -1866        stripped_sep = sep.strip()
    -1868        result_sqls = []
    -1869        for i, e in enumerate(expressions):
    -1870            sql = self.sql(e, comment=False)
    -1871            comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else ""
    -1873            if self.pretty:
    -1874                if self._leading_comma:
    -1875                    result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else pad}{prefix}{sql}{comments}")
    -1876                else:
    -1877                    result_sqls.append(
    -1878                        f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}"
    -1879                    )
    -1880            else:
    -1881                result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}")
    -1883        result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) if self.pretty else "".join(result_sqls)
    -1884        return self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=False) if indent else result_sql
    1846    def expressions(
    +1847        self,
    +1848        expression: exp.Expression,
    +1849        key: t.Optional[str] = None,
    +1850        flat: bool = False,
    +1851        indent: bool = True,
    +1852        sep: str = ", ",
    +1853        prefix: str = "",
    +1854    ) -> str:
    +1855        expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions")
    +1857        if not expressions:
    +1858            return ""
    +1860        if flat:
    +1861            return sep.join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions)
    +1863        num_sqls = len(expressions)
    +1865        # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly
    +1866        pad = " " * self.pad
    +1867        stripped_sep = sep.strip()
    +1869        result_sqls = []
    +1870        for i, e in enumerate(expressions):
    +1871            sql = self.sql(e, comment=False)
    +1872            comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else ""
    +1874            if self.pretty:
    +1875                if self._leading_comma:
    +1876                    result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else pad}{prefix}{sql}{comments}")
    +1877                else:
    +1878                    result_sqls.append(
    +1879                        f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}"
    +1880                    )
    +1881            else:
    +1882                result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}")
    +1884        result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) if self.pretty else "".join(result_sqls)
    +1885        return self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=False) if indent else result_sql
    @@ -9460,12 +9463,12 @@ Default: True
    1886    def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str:
    -1887        flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties)
    -1888        expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat)
    -1889        if flat:
    -1890            return f"{op} {expressions_sql}"
    -1891        return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}"
    1887    def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str:
    +1888        flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties)
    +1889        expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat)
    +1890        if flat:
    +1891            return f"{op} {expressions_sql}"
    +1892        return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}"
    @@ -9483,11 +9486,11 @@ Default: True
    1893    def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str:
    -1894        property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__)
    -1895        if not property_name:
    -1896            self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}")
    -1897        return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    1894    def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str:
    +1895        property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__)
    +1896        if not property_name:
    +1897            self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}")
    +1898        return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}"
    @@ -9505,12 +9508,12 @@ Default: True
    1899    def set_operation(self, expression: exp.Expression, op: str) -> str:
    -1900        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1901        op = self.seg(op)
    -1902        return self.query_modifiers(
    -1903            expression, f"{this}{op}{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    -1904        )
    1900    def set_operation(self, expression: exp.Expression, op: str) -> str:
    +1901        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1902        op = self.seg(op)
    +1903        return self.query_modifiers(
    +1904            expression, f"{this}{op}{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}"
    +1905        )
    @@ -9528,8 +9531,8 @@ Default: True
    1906    def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str:
    -1907        return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}"
    1907    def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str:
    +1908        return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}"
    @@ -9547,8 +9550,8 @@ Default: True
    1909    def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str:
    -1910        return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type,
    1910    def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str:
    +1911        return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type,
    @@ -9566,13 +9569,13 @@ Default: True
    1912    def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str:
    -1913        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1914        expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression)
    -1915        expressions = (
    -1916            self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}"
    -1917        )
    -1918        return f"{this}{expressions}"
    1913    def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str:
    +1914        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1915        expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression)
    +1916        expressions = (
    +1917            self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}"
    +1918        )
    +1919        return f"{this}{expressions}"
    @@ -9590,10 +9593,10 @@ Default: True
    1920    def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str:
    -1921        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1922        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    -1923        return f"{this}({expressions})"
    1921    def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str:
    +1922        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1923        expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True)
    +1924        return f"{this}({expressions})"
    @@ -9611,8 +9614,8 @@ Default: True
    1925    def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str:
    -1926        return self.binary(expression, "=>")
    1926    def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str:
    +1927        return self.binary(expression, "=>")
    @@ -9630,21 +9633,21 @@ Default: True
    1928    def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str:
    -1929        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1930        then_expression = expression.args.get("then")
    -1931        if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert):
    -1932            then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}"
    -1933            if "expression" in then_expression.args:
    -1934                then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}"
    -1935        elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update):
    -1936            if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star):
    -1937                then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}"
    -1938            else:
    -1939                then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}"
    -1940        else:
    -1941            then = self.sql(then_expression)
    -1942        return f"WHEN {this} THEN {then}"
    1929    def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str:
    +1930        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1931        then_expression = expression.args.get("then")
    +1932        if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert):
    +1933            then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}"
    +1934            if "expression" in then_expression.args:
    +1935                then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}"
    +1936        elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update):
    +1937            if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star):
    +1938                then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}"
    +1939            else:
    +1940                then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}"
    +1941        else:
    +1942            then = self.sql(then_expression)
    +1943        return f"WHEN {this} THEN {then}"
    @@ -9662,11 +9665,11 @@ Default: True
    1944    def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str:
    -1945        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    -1946        using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}"
    -1947        on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}"
    -1948        return f"MERGE INTO {this} {using} {on} {self.expressions(expression, sep=' ')}"
    1945    def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str:
    +1946        this = self.sql(expression, "this")
    +1947        using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}"
    +1948        on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}"
    +1949        return f"MERGE INTO {this} {using} {on} {self.expressions(expression, sep=' ')}"
    diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/lineage.html b/docs/sqlglot/lineage.html index 15b32da..a1a3541 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/lineage.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/lineage.html @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
    def - lineage( column: str | sqlglot.expressions.Column, sql: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, schema: Union[Dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None, sources: Optional[Dict[str, str | sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable]] = None, rules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function qualify_tables at 0x7f14510fd510>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7f14510fcb80>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7f145108f0a0>), dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.lineage.Node: + lineage( column: str | sqlglot.expressions.Column, sql: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, schema: Union[Dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None, sources: Optional[Dict[str, str | sqlglot.expressions.Subqueryable]] = None, rules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function qualify_tables at 0x7fc4dac09fc0>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7fc4dac09000>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7fc4dac37760>), dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.lineage.Node: diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/optimizer.html b/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/optimizer.html index 6334f9d..6694d62 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/optimizer.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/optimizer.html @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ 30 isolate_table_selects, 31 qualify_columns, 32 expand_laterals, -33 validate_qualify_columns, -34 pushdown_projections, +33 pushdown_projections, +34 validate_qualify_columns, 35 normalize, 36 unnest_subqueries, 37 expand_multi_table_selects, @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
    def - optimize( expression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, schema: Union[dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None, db: Optional[str] = None, catalog: Optional[str] = None, dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None, rules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function lower_identities at 0x7f145108f370>, <function qualify_tables at 0x7f14510fd510>, <function isolate_table_selects at 0x7f145108f2e0>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7f14510fcb80>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7f145108f0a0>, <function validate_qualify_columns at 0x7f14510fcc10>, <function pushdown_projections at 0x7f14510fc940>, <function normalize at 0x7f145108d090>, <function unnest_subqueries at 0x7f14510fdab0>, <function expand_multi_table_selects at 0x7f145108f250>, <function pushdown_predicates at 0x7f14510fc4c0>, <function optimize_joins at 0x7f14510fc1f0>, <function eliminate_subqueries at 0x7f145108ecb0>, <function merge_subqueries at 0x7f145108f640>, <function eliminate_joins at 0x7f145108cee0>, <function eliminate_ctes at 0x7f145108cdc0>, <function annotate_types at 0x7f1451065cf0>, <function canonicalize at 0x7f145108c9d0>), **kwargs): + optimize( expression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, schema: Union[dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None, db: Optional[str] = None, catalog: Optional[str] = None, dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None, rules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function lower_identities at 0x7fc4dac379a0>, <function qualify_tables at 0x7fc4dac09fc0>, <function isolate_table_selects at 0x7fc4dac37910>, <function qualify_columns at 0x7fc4dac09000>, <function expand_laterals at 0x7fc4dac37760>, <function pushdown_projections at 0x7fc4dac093f0>, <function validate_qualify_columns at 0x7fc4dac09090>, <function normalize at 0x7fc4dac357e0>, <function unnest_subqueries at 0x7fc4dac0a0e0>, <function expand_multi_table_selects at 0x7fc4dac37880>, <function pushdown_predicates at 0x7fc4dac08af0>, <function optimize_joins at 0x7fc4dac08820>, <function eliminate_subqueries at 0x7fc4dac37370>, <function merge_subqueries at 0x7fc4dac37c70>, <function eliminate_joins at 0x7fc4dac35630>, <function eliminate_ctes at 0x7fc4dac35510>, <function annotate_types at 0x7fc4dabb6440>, <function canonicalize at 0x7fc4dac35120>), **kwargs): diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/pushdown_projections.html b/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/pushdown_projections.html index 385a18a..62b4b32 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/pushdown_projections.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/pushdown_projections.html @@ -62,113 +62,119 @@
      1from collections import defaultdict
       3from sqlglot import alias, exp
    -  4from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import Scope, traverse_scope
    -  5
    -  6# Sentinel value that means an outer query selecting ALL columns
    -  7SELECT_ALL = object()
    +  4from sqlglot.helper import flatten
    +  5from sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns import Resolver
    +  6from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import Scope, traverse_scope
    +  7from sqlglot.schema import ensure_schema
    -  9# Selection to use if selection list is empty
    - 10DEFAULT_SELECTION = lambda: alias("1", "_")
    +  9# Sentinel value that means an outer query selecting ALL columns
    + 10SELECT_ALL = object()
    - 12
    - 13def pushdown_projections(expression):
    - 14    """
    - 15    Rewrite sqlglot AST to remove unused columns projections.
    - 16
    - 17    Example:
    - 18        >>> import sqlglot
    - 19        >>> sql = "SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a, x.b AS b FROM x) AS y"
    - 20        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)
    - 21        >>> pushdown_projections(expression).sql()
    - 22        'SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a FROM x) AS y'
    - 23
    - 24    Args:
    - 25        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
    - 26    Returns:
    - 27        sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression
    - 28    """
    - 29    # Map of Scope to all columns being selected by outer queries.
    - 30    referenced_columns = defaultdict(set)
    - 31    left_union = None
    - 32    right_union = None
    - 33    # We build the scope tree (which is traversed in DFS postorder), then iterate
    - 34    # over the result in reverse order. This should ensure that the set of selected
    - 35    # columns for a particular scope are completely build by the time we get to it.
    - 36    for scope in reversed(traverse_scope(expression)):
    - 37        parent_selections = referenced_columns.get(scope, {SELECT_ALL})
    - 38
    - 39        if scope.expression.args.get("distinct"):
    - 40            # We can't remove columns SELECT DISTINCT nor UNION DISTINCT
    - 41            parent_selections = {SELECT_ALL}
    - 42
    - 43        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Union):
    - 44            left_union, right_union = scope.union_scopes
    - 45            referenced_columns[left_union] = parent_selections
    - 46            referenced_columns[right_union] = parent_selections
    - 47
    - 48        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select) and scope != right_union:
    - 49            removed_indexes = _remove_unused_selections(scope, parent_selections)
    - 50            # The left union is used for column names to select and if we remove columns from the left
    - 51            # we need to also remove those same columns in the right that were at the same position
    - 52            if scope is left_union:
    - 53                _remove_indexed_selections(right_union, removed_indexes)
    - 54
    - 55            # Group columns by source name
    - 56            selects = defaultdict(set)
    - 57            for col in scope.columns:
    - 58                table_name = col.table
    - 59                col_name =
    - 60                selects[table_name].add(col_name)
    + 12# Selection to use if selection list is empty
    + 13DEFAULT_SELECTION = lambda: alias("1", "_")
    + 14
    + 15
    + 16def pushdown_projections(expression, schema=None):
    + 17    """
    + 18    Rewrite sqlglot AST to remove unused columns projections.
    + 19
    + 20    Example:
    + 21        >>> import sqlglot
    + 22        >>> sql = "SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a, x.b AS b FROM x) AS y"
    + 23        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)
    + 24        >>> pushdown_projections(expression).sql()
    + 25        'SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a FROM x) AS y'
    + 26
    + 27    Args:
    + 28        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
    + 29    Returns:
    + 30        sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression
    + 31    """
    + 32    # Map of Scope to all columns being selected by outer queries.
    + 33    schema = ensure_schema(schema)
    + 34    referenced_columns = defaultdict(set)
    + 35
    + 36    # We build the scope tree (which is traversed in DFS postorder), then iterate
    + 37    # over the result in reverse order. This should ensure that the set of selected
    + 38    # columns for a particular scope are completely build by the time we get to it.
    + 39    for scope in reversed(traverse_scope(expression)):
    + 40        parent_selections = referenced_columns.get(scope, {SELECT_ALL})
    + 41
    + 42        if scope.expression.args.get("distinct"):
    + 43            # We can't remove columns SELECT DISTINCT nor UNION DISTINCT
    + 44            parent_selections = {SELECT_ALL}
    + 45
    + 46        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Union):
    + 47            left, right = scope.union_scopes
    + 48            referenced_columns[left] = parent_selections
    + 49
    + 50            if any(select.is_star for select in right.selects):
    + 51                referenced_columns[right] = parent_selections
    + 52            elif not any(select.is_star for select in left.selects):
    + 53                referenced_columns[right] = [
    + 54                    right.selects[i].alias_or_name
    + 55                    for i, select in enumerate(left.selects)
    + 56                    if SELECT_ALL in parent_selections or select.alias_or_name in parent_selections
    + 57                ]
    + 58
    + 59        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select):
    + 60            _remove_unused_selections(scope, parent_selections, schema)
    - 62            # Push the selected columns down to the next scope
    - 63            for name, (_, source) in scope.selected_sources.items():
    - 64                if isinstance(source, Scope):
    - 65                    columns = selects.get(name) or set()
    - 66                    referenced_columns[source].update(columns)
    - 67
    - 68    return expression
    - 69
    - 70
    - 71def _remove_unused_selections(scope, parent_selections):
    - 72    removed_indexes = []
    - 73    order = scope.expression.args.get("order")
    + 62            # Group columns by source name
    + 63            selects = defaultdict(set)
    + 64            for col in scope.columns:
    + 65                table_name = col.table
    + 66                col_name =
    + 67                selects[table_name].add(col_name)
    + 68
    + 69            # Push the selected columns down to the next scope
    + 70            for name, (_, source) in scope.selected_sources.items():
    + 71                if isinstance(source, Scope):
    + 72                    columns = selects.get(name) or set()
    + 73                    referenced_columns[source].update(columns)
    - 75    if order:
    - 76        # Assume columns without a qualified table are references to output columns
    - 77        order_refs = { for c in order.find_all(exp.Column) if not c.table}
    - 78    else:
    - 79        order_refs = set()
    + 75    return expression
    + 76
    + 77
    + 78def _remove_unused_selections(scope, parent_selections, schema):
    + 79    order = scope.expression.args.get("order")
    - 81    new_selections = []
    - 82    removed = False
    - 83    for i, selection in enumerate(scope.selects):
    - 84        if (
    - 85            SELECT_ALL in parent_selections
    - 86            or selection.alias_or_name in parent_selections
    - 87            or selection.alias_or_name in order_refs
    - 88        ):
    - 89            new_selections.append(selection)
    - 90        else:
    - 91            removed_indexes.append(i)
    - 92            removed = True
    - 93
    - 94    # If there are no remaining selections, just select a single constant
    - 95    if not new_selections:
    - 96        new_selections.append(DEFAULT_SELECTION())
    - 97
    - 98    scope.expression.set("expressions", new_selections)
    - 99    if removed:
    -100        scope.clear_cache()
    -101    return removed_indexes
    + 81    if order:
    + 82        # Assume columns without a qualified table are references to output columns
    + 83        order_refs = { for c in order.find_all(exp.Column) if not c.table}
    + 84    else:
    + 85        order_refs = set()
    + 86
    + 87    new_selections = defaultdict(list)
    + 88    removed = False
    + 89    star = False
    + 90    for selection in scope.selects:
    + 91        name = selection.alias_or_name
    + 92
    + 93        if SELECT_ALL in parent_selections or name in parent_selections or name in order_refs:
    + 94            new_selections[name].append(selection)
    + 95        else:
    + 96            if selection.is_star:
    + 97                star = True
    + 98            removed = True
    + 99
    +100    if star:
    +101        resolver = Resolver(scope, schema)
    -104def _remove_indexed_selections(scope, indexes_to_remove):
    -105    new_selections = [
    -106        selection for i, selection in enumerate(scope.selects) if i not in indexes_to_remove
    -107    ]
    -108    if not new_selections:
    -109        new_selections.append(DEFAULT_SELECTION())
    -110    scope.expression.set("expressions", new_selections)
    +103        for name in sorted(parent_selections):
    +104            if name not in new_selections:
    +105                new_selections[name].append(
    +106                    alias(exp.column(name, table=resolver.get_table(name)), name)
    +107                )
    +109    # If there are no remaining selections, just select a single constant
    +110    if not new_selections:
    +111        new_selections[""].append(DEFAULT_SELECTION())
    +113*flatten(new_selections.values()), append=False, copy=False)
    +115    if removed:
    +116        scope.clear_cache()
    @@ -184,7 +190,7 @@
    11DEFAULT_SELECTION = lambda: alias("1", "_")
    14DEFAULT_SELECTION = lambda: alias("1", "_")
    @@ -196,68 +202,72 @@
    def - pushdown_projections(expression): + pushdown_projections(expression, schema=None):
    14def pushdown_projections(expression):
    -15    """
    -16    Rewrite sqlglot AST to remove unused columns projections.
    -18    Example:
    -19        >>> import sqlglot
    -20        >>> sql = "SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a, x.b AS b FROM x) AS y"
    -21        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)
    -22        >>> pushdown_projections(expression).sql()
    -23        'SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a FROM x) AS y'
    -25    Args:
    -26        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
    -27    Returns:
    -28        sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression
    -29    """
    -30    # Map of Scope to all columns being selected by outer queries.
    -31    referenced_columns = defaultdict(set)
    -32    left_union = None
    -33    right_union = None
    -34    # We build the scope tree (which is traversed in DFS postorder), then iterate
    -35    # over the result in reverse order. This should ensure that the set of selected
    -36    # columns for a particular scope are completely build by the time we get to it.
    -37    for scope in reversed(traverse_scope(expression)):
    -38        parent_selections = referenced_columns.get(scope, {SELECT_ALL})
    -40        if scope.expression.args.get("distinct"):
    -41            # We can't remove columns SELECT DISTINCT nor UNION DISTINCT
    -42            parent_selections = {SELECT_ALL}
    -44        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Union):
    -45            left_union, right_union = scope.union_scopes
    -46            referenced_columns[left_union] = parent_selections
    -47            referenced_columns[right_union] = parent_selections
    -49        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select) and scope != right_union:
    -50            removed_indexes = _remove_unused_selections(scope, parent_selections)
    -51            # The left union is used for column names to select and if we remove columns from the left
    -52            # we need to also remove those same columns in the right that were at the same position
    -53            if scope is left_union:
    -54                _remove_indexed_selections(right_union, removed_indexes)
    -56            # Group columns by source name
    -57            selects = defaultdict(set)
    -58            for col in scope.columns:
    -59                table_name = col.table
    -60                col_name =
    -61                selects[table_name].add(col_name)
    17def pushdown_projections(expression, schema=None):
    +18    """
    +19    Rewrite sqlglot AST to remove unused columns projections.
    +21    Example:
    +22        >>> import sqlglot
    +23        >>> sql = "SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a, x.b AS b FROM x) AS y"
    +24        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql)
    +25        >>> pushdown_projections(expression).sql()
    +26        'SELECT y.a AS a FROM (SELECT x.a AS a FROM x) AS y'
    +28    Args:
    +29        expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize
    +30    Returns:
    +31        sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression
    +32    """
    +33    # Map of Scope to all columns being selected by outer queries.
    +34    schema = ensure_schema(schema)
    +35    referenced_columns = defaultdict(set)
    +37    # We build the scope tree (which is traversed in DFS postorder), then iterate
    +38    # over the result in reverse order. This should ensure that the set of selected
    +39    # columns for a particular scope are completely build by the time we get to it.
    +40    for scope in reversed(traverse_scope(expression)):
    +41        parent_selections = referenced_columns.get(scope, {SELECT_ALL})
    +43        if scope.expression.args.get("distinct"):
    +44            # We can't remove columns SELECT DISTINCT nor UNION DISTINCT
    +45            parent_selections = {SELECT_ALL}
    +47        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Union):
    +48            left, right = scope.union_scopes
    +49            referenced_columns[left] = parent_selections
    +51            if any(select.is_star for select in right.selects):
    +52                referenced_columns[right] = parent_selections
    +53            elif not any(select.is_star for select in left.selects):
    +54                referenced_columns[right] = [
    +55                    right.selects[i].alias_or_name
    +56                    for i, select in enumerate(left.selects)
    +57                    if SELECT_ALL in parent_selections or select.alias_or_name in parent_selections
    +58                ]
    +60        if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select):
    +61            _remove_unused_selections(scope, parent_selections, schema)
    -63            # Push the selected columns down to the next scope
    -64            for name, (_, source) in scope.selected_sources.items():
    -65                if isinstance(source, Scope):
    -66                    columns = selects.get(name) or set()
    -67                    referenced_columns[source].update(columns)
    -69    return expression
    +63            # Group columns by source name
    +64            selects = defaultdict(set)
    +65            for col in scope.columns:
    +66                table_name = col.table
    +67                col_name =
    +68                selects[table_name].add(col_name)
    +70            # Push the selected columns down to the next scope
    +71            for name, (_, source) in scope.selected_sources.items():
    +72                if isinstance(source, Scope):
    +73                    columns = selects.get(name) or set()
    +74                    referenced_columns[source].update(columns)
    +76    return expression
    diff --git a/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/qualify_columns.html b/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/qualify_columns.html index 8ecc07d..d6425c1 100644 --- a/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/qualify_columns.html +++ b/docs/sqlglot/optimizer/qualify_columns.html @@ -36,6 +36,24 @@
  • validate_qualify_columns
  • +
  • + Resolver + + +
  • @@ -88,7 +106,7 @@
    27 schema = ensure_schema(schema) 28 29 for scope in traverse_scope(expression): - 30 resolver = _Resolver(scope, schema) + 30 resolver = Resolver(scope, schema) 31 _pop_table_column_aliases(scope.ctes) 32 _pop_table_column_aliases(scope.derived_tables) 33 _expand_using(scope, resolver) @@ -108,235 +126,235 @@ 47 if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select): 48 unqualified_columns.extend(scope.unqualified_columns) 49 if scope.external_columns and not scope.is_correlated_subquery: - 50 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {scope.external_columns[0].table}") - 51 - 52 if unqualified_columns: - 53 raise OptimizeError(f"Ambiguous columns: {unqualified_columns}") - 54 return expression - 55 + 50 column = scope.external_columns[0] + 51 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: '{column.table}' for column '{column}'") + 52 + 53 if unqualified_columns: + 54 raise OptimizeError(f"Ambiguous columns: {unqualified_columns}") + 55 return expression 56 - 57def _pop_table_column_aliases(derived_tables): - 58 """ - 59 Remove table column aliases. - 60 - 61 (e.g. SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ...) AS foo(col1, col2) - 62 """ - 63 for derived_table in derived_tables: - 64 table_alias = derived_table.args.get("alias") - 65 if table_alias: - 66 table_alias.args.pop("columns", None) - 67 + 57 + 58def _pop_table_column_aliases(derived_tables): + 59 """ + 60 Remove table column aliases. + 61 + 62 (e.g. SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ...) AS foo(col1, col2) + 63 """ + 64 for derived_table in derived_tables: + 65 table_alias = derived_table.args.get("alias") + 66 if table_alias: + 67 table_alias.args.pop("columns", None) 68 - 69def _expand_using(scope, resolver): - 70 joins = list(scope.expression.find_all(exp.Join)) - 71 names = {join.this.alias for join in joins} - 72 ordered = [key for key in scope.selected_sources if key not in names] - 73 - 74 # Mapping of automatically joined column names to source names - 75 column_tables = {} - 76 - 77 for join in joins: - 78 using = join.args.get("using") - 79 - 80 if not using: - 81 continue - 82 - 83 join_table = join.this.alias_or_name - 84 - 85 columns = {} - 86 - 87 for k in scope.selected_sources: - 88 if k in ordered: - 89 for column in resolver.get_source_columns(k): - 90 if column not in columns: - 91 columns[column] = k - 92 - 93 ordered.append(join_table) - 94 join_columns = resolver.get_source_columns(join_table) - 95 conditions = [] - 96 - 97 for identifier in using: - 98 identifier = - 99 table = columns.get(identifier) -100 -101 if not table or identifier not in join_columns: -102 raise OptimizeError(f"Cannot automatically join: {identifier}") -103 -104 conditions.append( -105 exp.condition( -106 exp.EQ( -107 this=exp.column(identifier, table=table), -108 expression=exp.column(identifier, table=join_table), -109 ) -110 ) -111 ) -112 -113 tables = column_tables.setdefault(identifier, []) -114 if table not in tables: -115 tables.append(table) -116 if join_table not in tables: -117 tables.append(join_table) -118 -119 join.args.pop("using") -120 join.set("on", exp.and_(*conditions)) -121 -122 if column_tables: -123 for column in scope.columns: -124 if not column.table and in column_tables: -125 tables = column_tables[] -126 coalesce = [exp.column(, table=table) for table in tables] -127 replacement = exp.Coalesce(this=coalesce[0], expressions=coalesce[1:]) -128 -129 # Ensure selects keep their output name -130 if isinstance(column.parent, exp.Select): -131 replacement = exp.alias_(replacement, -132 -133 scope.replace(column, replacement) -134 + 69 + 70def _expand_using(scope, resolver): + 71 joins = list(scope.expression.find_all(exp.Join)) + 72 names = {join.this.alias for join in joins} + 73 ordered = [key for key in scope.selected_sources if key not in names] + 74 + 75 # Mapping of automatically joined column names to source names + 76 column_tables = {} + 77 + 78 for join in joins: + 79 using = join.args.get("using") + 80 + 81 if not using: + 82 continue + 83 + 84 join_table = join.this.alias_or_name + 85 + 86 columns = {} + 87 + 88 for k in scope.selected_sources: + 89 if k in ordered: + 90 for column in resolver.get_source_columns(k): + 91 if column not in columns: + 92 columns[column] = k + 93 + 94 ordered.append(join_table) + 95 join_columns = resolver.get_source_columns(join_table) + 96 conditions = [] + 97 + 98 for identifier in using: + 99 identifier = +100 table = columns.get(identifier) +101 +102 if not table or identifier not in join_columns: +103 raise OptimizeError(f"Cannot automatically join: {identifier}") +104 +105 conditions.append( +106 exp.condition( +107 exp.EQ( +108 this=exp.column(identifier, table=table), +109 expression=exp.column(identifier, table=join_table), +110 ) +111 ) +112 ) +113 +114 tables = column_tables.setdefault(identifier, []) +115 if table not in tables: +116 tables.append(table) +117 if join_table not in tables: +118 tables.append(join_table) +119 +120 join.args.pop("using") +121 join.set("on", exp.and_(*conditions)) +122 +123 if column_tables: +124 for column in scope.columns: +125 if not column.table and in column_tables: +126 tables = column_tables[] +127 coalesce = [exp.column(, table=table) for table in tables] +128 replacement = exp.Coalesce(this=coalesce[0], expressions=coalesce[1:]) +129 +130 # Ensure selects keep their output name +131 if isinstance(column.parent, exp.Select): +132 replacement = exp.alias_(replacement, +133 +134 scope.replace(column, replacement) 135 -136def _expand_group_by(scope, resolver): -137 group = scope.expression.args.get("group") -138 if not group: -139 return -140 -141 # Replace references to select aliases -142 def transform(node, *_): -143 if isinstance(node, exp.Column) and not node.table: -144 table = resolver.get_table( -145 -146 # Source columns get priority over select aliases -147 if table: -148 node.set("table", exp.to_identifier(table)) -149 return node -150 -151 selects = {s.alias_or_name: s for s in scope.selects} -152 -153 select = selects.get( -154 if select: -155 scope.clear_cache() -156 if isinstance(select, exp.Alias): -157 select = select.this -158 return select.copy() -159 -160 return node -161 -162 group.transform(transform, copy=False) -163 group.set("expressions", _expand_positional_references(scope, group.expressions)) -164 scope.expression.set("group", group) -165 +136 +137def _expand_group_by(scope, resolver): +138 group = scope.expression.args.get("group") +139 if not group: +140 return +141 +142 # Replace references to select aliases +143 def transform(node, *_): +144 if isinstance(node, exp.Column) and not node.table: +145 table = resolver.get_table( +146 +147 # Source columns get priority over select aliases +148 if table: +149 node.set("table", exp.to_identifier(table)) +150 return node +151 +152 selects = {s.alias_or_name: s for s in scope.selects} +153 +154 select = selects.get( +155 if select: +156 scope.clear_cache() +157 if isinstance(select, exp.Alias): +158 select = select.this +159 return select.copy() +160 +161 return node +162 +163 group.transform(transform, copy=False) +164 group.set("expressions", _expand_positional_references(scope, group.expressions)) +165 scope.expression.set("group", group) 166 -167def _expand_order_by(scope): -168 order = scope.expression.args.get("order") -169 if not order: -170 return -171 -172 ordereds = order.expressions -173 for ordered, new_expression in zip( -174 ordereds, -175 _expand_positional_references(scope, (o.this for o in ordereds)), -176 ): -177 ordered.set("this", new_expression) -178 +167 +168def _expand_order_by(scope): +169 order = scope.expression.args.get("order") +170 if not order: +171 return +172 +173 ordereds = order.expressions +174 for ordered, new_expression in zip( +175 ordereds, +176 _expand_positional_references(scope, (o.this for o in ordereds)), +177 ): +178 ordered.set("this", new_expression) 179 -180def _expand_positional_references(scope, expressions): -181 new_nodes = [] -182 for node in expressions: -183 if node.is_int: -184 try: -185 select = scope.selects[int( - 1] -186 except IndexError: -187 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown output column: {}") -188 if isinstance(select, exp.Alias): -189 select = select.this -190 new_nodes.append(select.copy()) -191 scope.clear_cache() -192 else: -193 new_nodes.append(node) -194 -195 return new_nodes -196 +180 +181def _expand_positional_references(scope, expressions): +182 new_nodes = [] +183 for node in expressions: +184 if node.is_int: +185 try: +186 select = scope.selects[int( - 1] +187 except IndexError: +188 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown output column: {}") +189 if isinstance(select, exp.Alias): +190 select = select.this +191 new_nodes.append(select.copy()) +192 scope.clear_cache() +193 else: +194 new_nodes.append(node) +195 +196 return new_nodes 197 -198def _qualify_columns(scope, resolver): -199 """Disambiguate columns, ensuring each column specifies a source""" -200 for column in scope.columns: -201 column_table = column.table -202 column_name = -203 -204 if column_table and column_table in scope.sources: -205 source_columns = resolver.get_source_columns(column_table) -206 if source_columns and column_name not in source_columns: -207 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown column: {column_name}") -208 -209 if not column_table: -210 column_table = resolver.get_table(column_name) -211 -212 # column_table can be a '' because bigquery unnest has no table alias -213 if column_table: -214 column.set("table", exp.to_identifier(column_table)) -215 -216 columns_missing_from_scope = [] -217 # Determine whether each reference in the order by clause is to a column or an alias. -218 for ordered in scope.find_all(exp.Ordered): -219 for column in ordered.find_all(exp.Column): -220 if ( -221 not column.table -222 and column.parent is not ordered -223 and in resolver.all_columns -224 ): -225 columns_missing_from_scope.append(column) -226 -227 # Determine whether each reference in the having clause is to a column or an alias. -228 for having in scope.find_all(exp.Having): -229 for column in having.find_all(exp.Column): -230 if ( -231 not column.table -232 and column.find_ancestor(exp.AggFunc) -233 and in resolver.all_columns -234 ): -235 columns_missing_from_scope.append(column) -236 -237 for column in columns_missing_from_scope: -238 column_table = resolver.get_table( -239 -240 if column_table: -241 column.set("table", exp.to_identifier(column_table)) -242 +198 +199def _qualify_columns(scope, resolver): +200 """Disambiguate columns, ensuring each column specifies a source""" +201 for column in scope.columns: +202 column_table = column.table +203 column_name = +204 +205 if column_table and column_table in scope.sources: +206 source_columns = resolver.get_source_columns(column_table) +207 if source_columns and column_name not in source_columns and "*" not in source_columns: +208 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown column: {column_name}") +209 +210 if not column_table: +211 column_table = resolver.get_table(column_name) +212 +213 # column_table can be a '' because bigquery unnest has no table alias +214 if column_table: +215 column.set("table", exp.to_identifier(column_table)) +216 +217 columns_missing_from_scope = [] +218 # Determine whether each reference in the order by clause is to a column or an alias. +219 for ordered in scope.find_all(exp.Ordered): +220 for column in ordered.find_all(exp.Column): +221 if ( +222 not column.table +223 and column.parent is not ordered +224 and in resolver.all_columns +225 ): +226 columns_missing_from_scope.append(column) +227 +228 # Determine whether each reference in the having clause is to a column or an alias. +229 for having in scope.find_all(exp.Having): +230 for column in having.find_all(exp.Column): +231 if ( +232 not column.table +233 and column.find_ancestor(exp.AggFunc) +234 and in resolver.all_columns +235 ): +236 columns_missing_from_scope.append(column) +237 +238 for column in columns_missing_from_scope: +239 column_table = resolver.get_table( +240 +241 if column_table: +242 column.set("table", exp.to_identifier(column_table)) 243 -244def _expand_stars(scope, resolver): -245 """Expand stars to lists of column selections""" -246 -247 new_selections = [] -248 except_columns = {} -249 replace_columns = {} -250 -251 for expression in scope.selects: -252 if isinstance(expression, exp.Star): -253 tables = list(scope.selected_sources) -254 _add_except_columns(expression, tables, except_columns) -255 _add_replace_columns(expression, tables, replace_columns) -256 elif isinstance(expression, exp.Column) and isinstance(expression.this, exp.Star): -257 tables = [expression.table] -258 _add_except_columns(expression.this, tables, except_columns) -259 _add_replace_columns(expression.this, tables, replace_columns) -260 else: -261 new_selections.append(expression) -262 continue -263 -264 for table in tables: -265 if table not in scope.sources: -266 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {table}") -267 columns = resolver.get_source_columns(table, only_visible=True) -268 if not columns: -269 raise OptimizeError( -270 f"Table has no schema/columns. Cannot expand star for table: {table}." -271 ) -272 table_id = id(table) -273 for name in columns: -274 if name not in except_columns.get(table_id, set()): -275 alias_ = replace_columns.get(table_id, {}).get(name, name) -276 column = exp.column(name, table) -277 new_selections.append(alias(column, alias_) if alias_ != name else column) -278 +244 +245def _expand_stars(scope, resolver): +246 """Expand stars to lists of column selections""" +247 +248 new_selections = [] +249 except_columns = {} +250 replace_columns = {} +251 +252 for expression in scope.selects: +253 if isinstance(expression, exp.Star): +254 tables = list(scope.selected_sources) +255 _add_except_columns(expression, tables, except_columns) +256 _add_replace_columns(expression, tables, replace_columns) +257 elif expression.is_star: +258 tables = [expression.table] +259 _add_except_columns(expression.this, tables, except_columns) +260 _add_replace_columns(expression.this, tables, replace_columns) +261 else: +262 new_selections.append(expression) +263 continue +264 +265 for table in tables: +266 if table not in scope.sources: +267 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {table}") +268 columns = resolver.get_source_columns(table, only_visible=True) +269 +270 if columns and "*" not in columns: +271 table_id = id(table) +272 for name in columns: +273 if name not in except_columns.get(table_id, set()): +274 alias_ = replace_columns.get(table_id, {}).get(name, name) +275 column = exp.column(name, table) +276 new_selections.append(alias(column, alias_) if alias_ != name else column) +277 else: +278 return 279 scope.expression.set("expressions", new_selections) 280 281 @@ -374,7 +392,7 @@ 313 if isinstance(selection, exp.Subquery): 314 if not selection.output_name: 315 selection.set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(f"_col_{i}"))) -316 elif not isinstance(selection, exp.Alias): +316 elif not isinstance(selection, exp.Alias) and not selection.is_star: 317 alias_ = alias(exp.column(""), alias=selection.output_name or f"_col_{i}") 318 alias_.set("this", selection) 319 selection = alias_ @@ -387,7 +405,7 @@ 326 scope.expression.set("expressions", new_selections) 327 328 -329class _Resolver: +329class Resolver: 330 """ 331 Helper for resolving columns. 332 @@ -419,91 +437,93 @@ 358 359 if not table: 360 sources_without_schema = tuple( -361 source for source, columns in self._get_all_source_columns().items() if not columns -362 ) -363 if len(sources_without_schema) == 1: -364 return sources_without_schema[0] -365 -366 return table +361 source +362 for source, columns in self._get_all_source_columns().items() +363 if not columns or "*" in columns +364 ) +365 if len(sources_without_schema) == 1: +366 return sources_without_schema[0] 367 -368 @property -369 def all_columns(self): -370 """All available columns of all sources in this scope""" -371 if self._all_columns is None: -372 self._all_columns = { -373 column for columns in self._get_all_source_columns().values() for column in columns -374 } -375 return self._all_columns -376 -377 def get_source_columns(self, name, only_visible=False): -378 """Resolve the source columns for a given source `name`""" -379 if name not in self.scope.sources: -380 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {name}") -381 -382 source = self.scope.sources[name] +368 return table +369 +370 @property +371 def all_columns(self): +372 """All available columns of all sources in this scope""" +373 if self._all_columns is None: +374 self._all_columns = { +375 column for columns in self._get_all_source_columns().values() for column in columns +376 } +377 return self._all_columns +378 +379 def get_source_columns(self, name, only_visible=False): +380 """Resolve the source columns for a given source `name`""" +381 if name not in self.scope.sources: +382 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {name}") 383 -384 # If referencing a table, return the columns from the schema -385 if isinstance(source, exp.Table): -386 return self.schema.column_names(source, only_visible) -387 -388 if isinstance(source, Scope) and isinstance(source.expression, exp.Values): -389 return source.expression.alias_column_names -390 -391 # Otherwise, if referencing another scope, return that scope's named selects -392 return source.expression.named_selects -393 -394 def _get_all_source_columns(self): -395 if self._source_columns is None: -396 self._source_columns = { -397 k: self.get_source_columns(k) -398 for k in itertools.chain(self.scope.selected_sources, self.scope.lateral_sources) -399 } -400 return self._source_columns -401 -402 def _get_unambiguous_columns(self, source_columns): -403 """ -404 Find all the unambiguous columns in sources. -405 -406 Args: -407 source_columns (dict): Mapping of names to source columns -408 Returns: -409 dict: Mapping of column name to source name -410 """ -411 if not source_columns: -412 return {} -413 -414 source_columns = list(source_columns.items()) +384 source = self.scope.sources[name] +385 +386 # If referencing a table, return the columns from the schema +387 if isinstance(source, exp.Table): +388 return self.schema.column_names(source, only_visible) +389 +390 if isinstance(source, Scope) and isinstance(source.expression, exp.Values): +391 return source.expression.alias_column_names +392 +393 # Otherwise, if referencing another scope, return that scope's named selects +394 return source.expression.named_selects +395 +396 def _get_all_source_columns(self): +397 if self._source_columns is None: +398 self._source_columns = { +399 k: self.get_source_columns(k) +400 for k in itertools.chain(self.scope.selected_sources, self.scope.lateral_sources) +401 } +402 return self._source_columns +403 +404 def _get_unambiguous_columns(self, source_columns): +405 """ +406 Find all the unambiguous columns in sources. +407 +408 Args: +409 source_columns (dict): Mapping of names to source columns +410 Returns: +411 dict: Mapping of column name to source name +412 """ +413 if not source_columns: +414 return {} 415 -416 first_table, first_columns = source_columns[0] -417 unambiguous_columns = {col: first_table for col in self._find_unique_columns(first_columns)} -418 all_columns = set(unambiguous_columns) -419 -420 for table, columns in source_columns[1:]: -421 unique = self._find_unique_columns(columns) -422 ambiguous = set(all_columns).intersection(unique) -423 all_columns.update(columns) -424 for column in ambiguous: -425 unambiguous_columns.pop(column, None) -426 for column in unique.difference(ambiguous): -427 unambiguous_columns[column] = table -428 -429 return unambiguous_columns +416 source_columns = list(source_columns.items()) +417 +418 first_table, first_columns = source_columns[0] +419 unambiguous_columns = {col: first_table for col in self._find_unique_columns(first_columns)} +420 all_columns = set(unambiguous_columns) +421 +422 for table, columns in source_columns[1:]: +423 unique = self._find_unique_columns(columns) +424 ambiguous = set(all_columns).intersection(unique) +425 all_columns.update(columns) +426 for column in ambiguous: +427 unambiguous_columns.pop(column, None) +428 for column in unique.difference(ambiguous): +429 unambiguous_columns[column] = table 430 -431 @staticmethod -432 def _find_unique_columns(columns): -433 """ -434 Find the unique columns in a list of columns. -435 -436 Example: -437 >>> sorted(_Resolver._find_unique_columns(["a", "b", "b", "c"])) -438 ['a', 'c'] -439 -440 This is necessary because duplicate column names are ambiguous. -441 """ -442 counts = {} -443 for column in columns: -444 counts[column] = counts.get(column, 0) + 1 -445 return {column for column, count in counts.items() if count == 1} +431 return unambiguous_columns +432 +433 @staticmethod +434 def _find_unique_columns(columns): +435 """ +436 Find the unique columns in a list of columns. +437 +438 Example: +439 >>> sorted(Resolver._find_unique_columns(["a", "b", "b", "c"])) +440 ['a', 'c'] +441 +442 This is necessary because duplicate column names are ambiguous. +443 """ +444 counts = {} +445 for column in columns: +446 counts[column] = counts.get(column, 0) + 1 +447 return {column for column, count in counts.items() if count == 1}
    @@ -539,7 +559,7 @@
    28 schema = ensure_schema(schema) 29 30 for scope in traverse_scope(expression): -31 resolver = _Resolver(scope, schema) +31 resolver = Resolver(scope, schema) 32 _pop_table_column_aliases(scope.ctes) 33 _pop_table_column_aliases(scope.derived_tables) 34 _expand_using(scope, resolver) @@ -602,11 +622,12 @@ 48 if isinstance(scope.expression, exp.Select): 49 unqualified_columns.extend(scope.unqualified_columns) 50 if scope.external_columns and not scope.is_correlated_subquery: -51 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {scope.external_columns[0].table}") -52 -53 if unqualified_columns: -54 raise OptimizeError(f"Ambiguous columns: {unqualified_columns}") -55 return expression +51 column = scope.external_columns[0] +52 raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: '{column.table}' for column '{column}'") +53 +54 if unqualified_columns: +55 raise OptimizeError(f"Ambiguous columns: {unqualified_columns}") +56 return expression
    @@ -615,6 +636,273 @@ +
    + +
    + + class + Resolver: + + + +
    + +
    330class Resolver:
    +331    """
    +332    Helper for resolving columns.
    +334    This is a class so we can lazily load some things and easily share them across functions.
    +335    """
    +337    def __init__(self, scope, schema):
    +338        self.scope = scope
    +339        self.schema = schema
    +340        self._source_columns = None
    +341        self._unambiguous_columns = None
    +342        self._all_columns = None
    +344    def get_table(self, column_name: str) -> t.Optional[str]:
    +345        """
    +346        Get the table for a column name.
    +348        Args:
    +349            column_name: The column name to find the table for.
    +350        Returns:
    +351            The table name if it can be found/inferred.
    +352        """
    +353        if self._unambiguous_columns is None:
    +354            self._unambiguous_columns = self._get_unambiguous_columns(
    +355                self._get_all_source_columns()
    +356            )
    +358        table = self._unambiguous_columns.get(column_name)
    +360        if not table:
    +361            sources_without_schema = tuple(
    +362                source
    +363                for source, columns in self._get_all_source_columns().items()
    +364                if not columns or "*" in columns
    +365            )
    +366            if len(sources_without_schema) == 1:
    +367                return sources_without_schema[0]
    +369        return table
    +371    @property
    +372    def all_columns(self):
    +373        """All available columns of all sources in this scope"""
    +374        if self._all_columns is None:
    +375            self._all_columns = {
    +376                column for columns in self._get_all_source_columns().values() for column in columns
    +377            }
    +378        return self._all_columns
    +380    def get_source_columns(self, name, only_visible=False):
    +381        """Resolve the source columns for a given source `name`"""
    +382        if name not in self.scope.sources:
    +383            raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {name}")
    +385        source = self.scope.sources[name]
    +387        # If referencing a table, return the columns from the schema
    +388        if isinstance(source, exp.Table):
    +389            return self.schema.column_names(source, only_visible)
    +391        if isinstance(source, Scope) and isinstance(source.expression, exp.Values):
    +392            return source.expression.alias_column_names
    +394        # Otherwise, if referencing another scope, return that scope's named selects
    +395        return source.expression.named_selects
    +397    def _get_all_source_columns(self):
    +398        if self._source_columns is None:
    +399            self._source_columns = {
    +400                k: self.get_source_columns(k)
    +401                for k in itertools.chain(self.scope.selected_sources, self.scope.lateral_sources)
    +402            }
    +403        return self._source_columns
    +405    def _get_unambiguous_columns(self, source_columns):
    +406        """
    +407        Find all the unambiguous columns in sources.
    +409        Args:
    +410            source_columns (dict): Mapping of names to source columns
    +411        Returns:
    +412            dict: Mapping of column name to source name
    +413        """
    +414        if not source_columns:
    +415            return {}
    +417        source_columns = list(source_columns.items())
    +419        first_table, first_columns = source_columns[0]
    +420        unambiguous_columns = {col: first_table for col in self._find_unique_columns(first_columns)}
    +421        all_columns = set(unambiguous_columns)
    +423        for table, columns in source_columns[1:]:
    +424            unique = self._find_unique_columns(columns)
    +425            ambiguous = set(all_columns).intersection(unique)
    +426            all_columns.update(columns)
    +427            for column in ambiguous:
    +428                unambiguous_columns.pop(column, None)
    +429            for column in unique.difference(ambiguous):
    +430                unambiguous_columns[column] = table
    +432        return unambiguous_columns
    +434    @staticmethod
    +435    def _find_unique_columns(columns):
    +436        """
    +437        Find the unique columns in a list of columns.
    +439        Example:
    +440            >>> sorted(Resolver._find_unique_columns(["a", "b", "b", "c"]))
    +441            ['a', 'c']
    +443        This is necessary because duplicate column names are ambiguous.
    +444        """
    +445        counts = {}
    +446        for column in columns:
    +447            counts[column] = counts.get(column, 0) + 1
    +448        return {column for column, count in counts.items() if count == 1}
    + + +

    Helper for resolving columns.

    + +

    This is a class so we can lazily load some things and easily share them across functions.

    + + +
    + +
    + + Resolver(scope, schema) + + + +
    + +
    337    def __init__(self, scope, schema):
    +338        self.scope = scope
    +339        self.schema = schema
    +340        self._source_columns = None
    +341        self._unambiguous_columns = None
    +342        self._all_columns = None
    + + + + +
    + +
    + + def + get_table(self, column_name: str) -> Optional[str]: + + + +
    + +
    344    def get_table(self, column_name: str) -> t.Optional[str]:
    +345        """
    +346        Get the table for a column name.
    +348        Args:
    +349            column_name: The column name to find the table for.
    +350        Returns:
    +351            The table name if it can be found/inferred.
    +352        """
    +353        if self._unambiguous_columns is None:
    +354            self._unambiguous_columns = self._get_unambiguous_columns(
    +355                self._get_all_source_columns()
    +356            )
    +358        table = self._unambiguous_columns.get(column_name)
    +360        if not table:
    +361            sources_without_schema = tuple(
    +362                source
    +363                for source, columns in self._get_all_source_columns().items()
    +364                if not columns or "*" in columns
    +365            )
    +366            if len(sources_without_schema) == 1:
    +367                return sources_without_schema[0]
    +369        return table
    + + +

    Get the table for a column name.

    + +
    + +
    • column_name: The column name to find the table for.
    • +
    + +
    + +

    The table name if it can be found/inferred.

    + + +
    + all_columns + + +
    + + +

    All available columns of all sources in this scope

    + + +
    + +
    + + def + get_source_columns(self, name, only_visible=False): + + + +
    + +
    380    def get_source_columns(self, name, only_visible=False):
    +381        """Resolve the source columns for a given source `name`"""
    +382        if name not in self.scope.sources:
    +383            raise OptimizeError(f"Unknown table: {name}")
    +385        source = self.scope.sources[name]
    +387        # If referencing a table, return the columns from the schema
    +388        if isinstance(source, exp.Table):
    +389            return self.schema.column_names(source, only_visible)
    +391        if isinstance(source, Scope) and isinstance(source.expression, exp.Values):
    +392            return source.expression.alias_column_names
    +394        # Otherwise, if referencing another scope, return that scope's named selects
    +395        return source.expression.named_selects
    + + +

    Resolve the source columns for a given source name

    + + +