Changelog ========= ## [v12.1.0] - 2023-05-05 ### :bug: Bug Fixes - [`0b46fa6`]( - remove bigquery workaround for values type inference *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`dfae784`]( - sqlite no table options closes [#1553]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`aef9cfa`]( - double json spark closes [#1547]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* ### :wrench: Chores - [`7e5cede`]( - cleanup bigquery transform *(commit by [@tobymao](* ## [v12.0.0] - 2023-05-04 ### :sparkles: New Features - [`862cbeb`]( - Use alternative transform for dialects that do not support distinct on *(PR [#1524]( by [@crericha](* - [`52c80e0`]( - Support regex function in Starrocks *(PR [#1528]( by [@acreux](* - [`00b4779`]( - **spark**: new Spark2 dialect, improve DATEDIFF sql generation BREAKING *(PR [#1529]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`e2593ba`]( - Add BYTES type to BigQuery dialect *(PR [#1536]( by [@relud](* - :arrow_lower_right: *addresses issue [#1533](undefined) opened by [@relud](* - [`911e4e9`]( - distinct on builder *(commit by [@tobymao](* ### :bug: Bug Fixes - [`5c26f56`]( - windowspec generator *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`e7111ba`]( - **trino**: wrap SEQUENCE in an UNNEST call if used as a source *(PR [#1527]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`3d964c6`]( - use preprocess instead of expanding transform dicts BREAKING *(PR [#1525]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`5fc27d3`]( - trim with double pipes *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`9778c16`]( - create table options for bigquery closes [#1531]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`55dc509`]( - **bigquery**: allow 2nd argument for PERCENTILE_[CONT|DISC] *(PR [#1537]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue [#1534](undefined) opened by [@relud](* - [`5c59747`]( - qualifying correlated subqueries *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`19c0490`]( - parse unnest array type closes [#1532]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`51ca411`]( - expand laterals first if no schema is present *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`abfbce2`]( - bigquery udf existing func clash closes [#1535]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`444dd94`]( - **Spark**: Add DOUBLE, FLOAT cast functions *(PR [#1530]( by [@vegarsti](* - [`0578d6d`]( - **oracle**: allow parsing of @dblink in table names *(PR [#1540]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue [#1539](undefined) opened by [@Pizzi95](* - [`b7e08cc`]( - **duckdb**: parse DATEDIFF correctly *(PR [#1546]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`f21abb7`]( - **oracle**: set post_tablesample_alias=True to fix alias parsing *(PR [#1548]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue [#1541](undefined) opened by [@Pizzi95](* - [`8ebba48`]( - binary_double/float types closes [#1543]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`2a6a3e7`]( - make some SQL builders pure *(PR [#1526]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`99310c4`]( - **duckdb**: remove parentheses from CurrentTimestamp, CurrentDate *(PR [#1551]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue [#1550](undefined) opened by [@BTheunissen](* - [`a113685`]( - **spark**: cast UnixToTime to TIMESTAMP BREAKING *(PR [#1549]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue [#1545](undefined) opened by [@joshmarcus](* ### :wrench: Chores - [`d2f2e80`]( - test 3.11 *(commit by [@tobymao](* ## [v11.7.0] - 2023-05-02 ### :sparkles: New Features - [`20cacba`]( - **tsql, oracle**: add support for NEXT VALUE FOR clause *(PR [#1521]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`96bb150`]( - builder methods for basic ops *(PR [#1516]( by [@tobymao](* - [`e11a5ce`]( - add case when change func to parse BREAKING *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`455b9e9`]( - **oracle**: support KEEP (.. [FIRST|LAST] ..) window function syntax *(PR [#1522]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *addresses issue [#1520](undefined) opened by [@Pizzi95](* ### :bug: Bug Fixes - [`94fed8c`]( - call _parse_bitwise as a fallback for nested type args *(PR [#1515]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue [#1514](undefined) opened by [@ethack](* - [`52ab03d`]( - array with method calls *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`c3db2b8`]( - allow parsing 'if' as an identifier *(PR [#1517]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* ### :wrench: Chores - [`d5d360a`]( - Remove older CHANGELOG entries and let CI handle it from now on *(commit by [@GeorgeSittas](* ## [v11.6.3] - 2023-05-01 ### :sparkles: New Features - [`80287dd`]( - **presto**: transpile explode/posexplode into (cross join) unnest *(PR [#1501]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *addresses issue [#1495](undefined) opened by [@vegarsti](* ### :bug: Bug Fixes - [`efd8c05`]( - redshift doesn't support locks *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`f4ece7c`]( - comment after paren closes [#1504]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`85b2c00`]( - postgres doesn't support plural interval closes [#1503]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`2e0eee6`]( - postgres date_part type closes [#1506]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`2dcbc7f`]( - tsql hashbytes closes [#1508]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`5347c7a`]( - change str to Expression in alias_ isinstance check *(PR [#1510]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`f137815`]( - BigQuery `TIMESTAMP` and `TIMESTAMPTZ` types *(PR [#1511]( by [@plaflamme](* - [`6143491`]( - allow $ to appear in postgres/redshift identifiers *(PR [#1512]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* ### :wrench: Chores - [`adc526c`]( - add note about conventional commit naming in *(commit by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`9421650`]( - set action for automatic conventional changelog generation *(PR [#1513]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* [v11.6.3]: [v11.7.0]: [v12.0.0]: [v12.1.0]: