Changelog ========= ## [v11.6.3] - 2023-05-01 ### :sparkles: New Features - [`80287dd`]( - **presto**: transpile explode/posexplode into (cross join) unnest *(PR [#1501]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - :arrow_lower_right: *addresses issue [#1495](undefined) opened by [@vegarsti](* ### :bug: Bug Fixes - [`efd8c05`]( - redshift doesn't support locks *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`f4ece7c`]( - comment after paren closes [#1504]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`85b2c00`]( - postgres doesn't support plural interval closes [#1503]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`2e0eee6`]( - postgres date_part type closes [#1506]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`2dcbc7f`]( - tsql hashbytes closes [#1508]( *(commit by [@tobymao](* - [`5347c7a`]( - change str to Expression in alias_ isinstance check *(PR [#1510]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`f137815`]( - BigQuery `TIMESTAMP` and `TIMESTAMPTZ` types *(PR [#1511]( by [@plaflamme](* - [`6143491`]( - allow $ to appear in postgres/redshift identifiers *(PR [#1512]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* ### :wrench: Chores - [`adc526c`]( - add note about conventional commit naming in *(commit by [@GeorgeSittas](* - [`9421650`]( - set action for automatic conventional changelog generation *(PR [#1513]( by [@GeorgeSittas](* [v11.6.3]: