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 1from __future__ import annotations
 3import inspect
 4import typing as t
 6import sqlglot
 7from sqlglot import Schema, exp
 8from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import DialectType
 9from sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types import annotate_types
10from sqlglot.optimizer.canonicalize import canonicalize
11from sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_ctes import eliminate_ctes
12from sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins import eliminate_joins
13from sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_subqueries import eliminate_subqueries
14from sqlglot.optimizer.merge_subqueries import merge_subqueries
15from sqlglot.optimizer.normalize import normalize
16from sqlglot.optimizer.optimize_joins import optimize_joins
17from sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_predicates import pushdown_predicates
18from sqlglot.optimizer.pushdown_projections import pushdown_projections
19from sqlglot.optimizer.qualify import qualify
20from sqlglot.optimizer.qualify_columns import quote_identifiers
21from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import simplify
22from sqlglot.optimizer.unnest_subqueries import unnest_subqueries
23from sqlglot.schema import ensure_schema
25RULES = (
26    qualify,
27    pushdown_projections,
28    normalize,
29    unnest_subqueries,
30    pushdown_predicates,
31    optimize_joins,
32    eliminate_subqueries,
33    merge_subqueries,
34    eliminate_joins,
35    eliminate_ctes,
36    quote_identifiers,
37    annotate_types,
38    canonicalize,
39    simplify,
43def optimize(
44    expression: str | exp.Expression,
45    schema: t.Optional[dict | Schema] = None,
46    db: t.Optional[str | exp.Identifier] = None,
47    catalog: t.Optional[str | exp.Identifier] = None,
48    dialect: DialectType = None,
49    rules: t.Sequence[t.Callable] = RULES,
50    **kwargs,
51) -> exp.Expression:
52    """
53    Rewrite a sqlglot AST into an optimized form.
55    Args:
56        expression: expression to optimize
57        schema: database schema.
58            This can either be an instance of `sqlglot.optimizer.Schema` or a mapping in one of
59            the following forms:
60                1. {table: {col: type}}
61                2. {db: {table: {col: type}}}
62                3. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}
63            If no schema is provided then the default schema defined at `sqlgot.schema` will be used
64        db: specify the default database, as might be set by a `USE DATABASE db` statement
65        catalog: specify the default catalog, as might be set by a `USE CATALOG c` statement
66        dialect: The dialect to parse the sql string.
67        rules: sequence of optimizer rules to use.
68            Many of the rules require tables and columns to be qualified.
69            Do not remove `qualify` from the sequence of rules unless you know what you're doing!
70        **kwargs: If a rule has a keyword argument with a same name in **kwargs, it will be passed in.
72    Returns:
73        The optimized expression.
74    """
75    schema = ensure_schema(schema or sqlglot.schema, dialect=dialect)
76    possible_kwargs = {
77        "db": db,
78        "catalog": catalog,
79        "schema": schema,
80        "dialect": dialect,
81        "isolate_tables": True,  # needed for other optimizations to perform well
82        "quote_identifiers": False,
83        **kwargs,
84    }
86    optimized = exp.maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=True)
87    for rule in rules:
88        # Find any additional rule parameters, beyond `expression`
89        rule_params = inspect.getfullargspec(rule).args
90        rule_kwargs = {
91            param: possible_kwargs[param] for param in rule_params if param in possible_kwargs
92        }
93        optimized = rule(optimized, **rule_kwargs)
95    return optimized
RULES = (<function qualify>, <function pushdown_projections>, <function normalize>, <function unnest_subqueries>, <function pushdown_predicates>, <function optimize_joins>, <function eliminate_subqueries>, <function merge_subqueries>, <function eliminate_joins>, <function eliminate_ctes>, <function quote_identifiers>, <function annotate_types>, <function canonicalize>, <function simplify>)
def optimize( expression: str | sqlglot.expressions.Expression, schema: Union[dict, sqlglot.schema.Schema, NoneType] = None, db: Union[sqlglot.expressions.Identifier, str, NoneType] = None, catalog: Union[sqlglot.expressions.Identifier, str, NoneType] = None, dialect: Union[str, sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect, Type[sqlglot.dialects.dialect.Dialect], NoneType] = None, rules: Sequence[Callable] = (<function qualify>, <function pushdown_projections>, <function normalize>, <function unnest_subqueries>, <function pushdown_predicates>, <function optimize_joins>, <function eliminate_subqueries>, <function merge_subqueries>, <function eliminate_joins>, <function eliminate_ctes>, <function quote_identifiers>, <function annotate_types>, <function canonicalize>, <function simplify>), **kwargs) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:
44def optimize(
45    expression: str | exp.Expression,
46    schema: t.Optional[dict | Schema] = None,
47    db: t.Optional[str | exp.Identifier] = None,
48    catalog: t.Optional[str | exp.Identifier] = None,
49    dialect: DialectType = None,
50    rules: t.Sequence[t.Callable] = RULES,
51    **kwargs,
52) -> exp.Expression:
53    """
54    Rewrite a sqlglot AST into an optimized form.
56    Args:
57        expression: expression to optimize
58        schema: database schema.
59            This can either be an instance of `sqlglot.optimizer.Schema` or a mapping in one of
60            the following forms:
61                1. {table: {col: type}}
62                2. {db: {table: {col: type}}}
63                3. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}}
64            If no schema is provided then the default schema defined at `sqlgot.schema` will be used
65        db: specify the default database, as might be set by a `USE DATABASE db` statement
66        catalog: specify the default catalog, as might be set by a `USE CATALOG c` statement
67        dialect: The dialect to parse the sql string.
68        rules: sequence of optimizer rules to use.
69            Many of the rules require tables and columns to be qualified.
70            Do not remove `qualify` from the sequence of rules unless you know what you're doing!
71        **kwargs: If a rule has a keyword argument with a same name in **kwargs, it will be passed in.
73    Returns:
74        The optimized expression.
75    """
76    schema = ensure_schema(schema or sqlglot.schema, dialect=dialect)
77    possible_kwargs = {
78        "db": db,
79        "catalog": catalog,
80        "schema": schema,
81        "dialect": dialect,
82        "isolate_tables": True,  # needed for other optimizations to perform well
83        "quote_identifiers": False,
84        **kwargs,
85    }
87    optimized = exp.maybe_parse(expression, dialect=dialect, copy=True)
88    for rule in rules:
89        # Find any additional rule parameters, beyond `expression`
90        rule_params = inspect.getfullargspec(rule).args
91        rule_kwargs = {
92            param: possible_kwargs[param] for param in rule_params if param in possible_kwargs
93        }
94        optimized = rule(optimized, **rule_kwargs)
96    return optimized

Rewrite a sqlglot AST into an optimized form.

  • expression: expression to optimize
  • schema: database schema. This can either be an instance of sqlglot.optimizer.Schema or a mapping in one of the following forms: 1. {table: {col: type}} 2. {db: {table: {col: type}}} 3. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}} If no schema is provided then the default schema defined at sqlgot.schema will be used
  • db: specify the default database, as might be set by a USE DATABASE db statement
  • catalog: specify the default catalog, as might be set by a USE CATALOG c statement
  • dialect: The dialect to parse the sql string.
  • rules: sequence of optimizer rules to use. Many of the rules require tables and columns to be qualified. Do not remove qualify from the sequence of rules unless you know what you're doing!
  • *kwargs: If a rule has a keyword argument with a same name in *kwargs, it will be passed in.

The optimized expression.