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 1import itertools
 2import typing as t
 4from sqlglot import alias, exp
 5from sqlglot._typing import E
 6from sqlglot.helper import csv_reader, name_sequence
 7from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import Scope, traverse_scope
 8from sqlglot.schema import Schema
11def qualify_tables(
12    expression: E,
13    db: t.Optional[str] = None,
14    catalog: t.Optional[str] = None,
15    schema: t.Optional[Schema] = None,
16) -> E:
17    """
18    Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified tables. Join constructs such as
19    (t1 JOIN t2) AS t will be expanded into (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t.
21    Examples:
22        >>> import sqlglot
23        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM tbl")
24        >>> qualify_tables(expression, db="db").sql()
25        'SELECT 1 FROM db.tbl AS tbl'
26        >>>
27        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM (t1 JOIN t2) AS t")
28        >>> qualify_tables(expression).sql()
29        'SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t'
31    Args:
32        expression: Expression to qualify
33        db: Database name
34        catalog: Catalog name
35        schema: A schema to populate
37    Returns:
38        The qualified expression.
39    """
40    next_alias_name = name_sequence("_q_")
42    for scope in traverse_scope(expression):
43        for derived_table in itertools.chain(scope.ctes, scope.derived_tables):
44            if isinstance(derived_table, exp.Subquery):
45                unnested = derived_table.unnest()
46                if isinstance(unnested, exp.Table):
47                    joins = unnested.args.pop("joins", None)
48                    derived_table.this.replace(exp.select("*").from_(unnested.copy(), copy=False))
49                    derived_table.this.set("joins", joins)
51            if not derived_table.args.get("alias"):
52                alias_ = next_alias_name()
53                derived_table.set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(alias_)))
54                scope.rename_source(None, alias_)
56            pivots = derived_table.args.get("pivots")
57            if pivots and not pivots[0].alias:
58                pivots[0].set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name())))
60        for name, source in scope.sources.items():
61            if isinstance(source, exp.Table):
62                if isinstance(source.this, exp.Identifier):
63                    if not source.args.get("db"):
64                        source.set("db", exp.to_identifier(db))
65                    if not source.args.get("catalog"):
66                        source.set("catalog", exp.to_identifier(catalog))
68                if not source.alias:
69                    # Mutates the source by attaching an alias to it
70                    alias(source, name or source.name or next_alias_name(), copy=False, table=True)
72                pivots = source.args.get("pivots")
73                if pivots and not pivots[0].alias:
74                    pivots[0].set(
75                        "alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name()))
76                    )
78                if schema and isinstance(source.this, exp.ReadCSV):
79                    with csv_reader(source.this) as reader:
80                        header = next(reader)
81                        columns = next(reader)
82                        schema.add_table(
83                            source, {k: type(v).__name__ for k, v in zip(header, columns)}
84                        )
85            elif isinstance(source, Scope) and source.is_udtf:
86                udtf = source.expression
87                table_alias = udtf.args.get("alias") or exp.TableAlias(
88                    this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name())
89                )
90                udtf.set("alias", table_alias)
92                if not table_alias.name:
93                    table_alias.set("this", exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name()))
94                if isinstance(udtf, exp.Values) and not table_alias.columns:
95                    for i, e in enumerate(udtf.expressions[0].expressions):
96                        table_alias.append("columns", exp.to_identifier(f"_col_{i}"))
98    return expression
def qualify_tables( expression: ~E, db: Optional[str] = None, catalog: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[sqlglot.schema.Schema] = None) -> ~E:
12def qualify_tables(
13    expression: E,
14    db: t.Optional[str] = None,
15    catalog: t.Optional[str] = None,
16    schema: t.Optional[Schema] = None,
17) -> E:
18    """
19    Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified tables. Join constructs such as
20    (t1 JOIN t2) AS t will be expanded into (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t.
22    Examples:
23        >>> import sqlglot
24        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM tbl")
25        >>> qualify_tables(expression, db="db").sql()
26        'SELECT 1 FROM db.tbl AS tbl'
27        >>>
28        >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM (t1 JOIN t2) AS t")
29        >>> qualify_tables(expression).sql()
30        'SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t'
32    Args:
33        expression: Expression to qualify
34        db: Database name
35        catalog: Catalog name
36        schema: A schema to populate
38    Returns:
39        The qualified expression.
40    """
41    next_alias_name = name_sequence("_q_")
43    for scope in traverse_scope(expression):
44        for derived_table in itertools.chain(scope.ctes, scope.derived_tables):
45            if isinstance(derived_table, exp.Subquery):
46                unnested = derived_table.unnest()
47                if isinstance(unnested, exp.Table):
48                    joins = unnested.args.pop("joins", None)
49                    derived_table.this.replace(exp.select("*").from_(unnested.copy(), copy=False))
50                    derived_table.this.set("joins", joins)
52            if not derived_table.args.get("alias"):
53                alias_ = next_alias_name()
54                derived_table.set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(alias_)))
55                scope.rename_source(None, alias_)
57            pivots = derived_table.args.get("pivots")
58            if pivots and not pivots[0].alias:
59                pivots[0].set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name())))
61        for name, source in scope.sources.items():
62            if isinstance(source, exp.Table):
63                if isinstance(source.this, exp.Identifier):
64                    if not source.args.get("db"):
65                        source.set("db", exp.to_identifier(db))
66                    if not source.args.get("catalog"):
67                        source.set("catalog", exp.to_identifier(catalog))
69                if not source.alias:
70                    # Mutates the source by attaching an alias to it
71                    alias(source, name or source.name or next_alias_name(), copy=False, table=True)
73                pivots = source.args.get("pivots")
74                if pivots and not pivots[0].alias:
75                    pivots[0].set(
76                        "alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name()))
77                    )
79                if schema and isinstance(source.this, exp.ReadCSV):
80                    with csv_reader(source.this) as reader:
81                        header = next(reader)
82                        columns = next(reader)
83                        schema.add_table(
84                            source, {k: type(v).__name__ for k, v in zip(header, columns)}
85                        )
86            elif isinstance(source, Scope) and source.is_udtf:
87                udtf = source.expression
88                table_alias = udtf.args.get("alias") or exp.TableAlias(
89                    this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name())
90                )
91                udtf.set("alias", table_alias)
93                if not table_alias.name:
94                    table_alias.set("this", exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name()))
95                if isinstance(udtf, exp.Values) and not table_alias.columns:
96                    for i, e in enumerate(udtf.expressions[0].expressions):
97                        table_alias.append("columns", exp.to_identifier(f"_col_{i}"))
99    return expression

Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified tables. Join constructs such as (t1 JOIN t2) AS t will be expanded into (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t.

>>> import sqlglot
>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM tbl")
>>> qualify_tables(expression, db="db").sql()
'SELECT 1 FROM db.tbl AS tbl'
>>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM (t1 JOIN t2) AS t")
>>> qualify_tables(expression).sql()
'SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t'
  • expression: Expression to qualify
  • db: Database name
  • catalog: Catalog name
  • schema: A schema to populate

The qualified expression.