"""## Python SQL parser, transpiler and optimizer.""" from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from sqlglot import expressions as exp from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect, Dialects from sqlglot.diff import diff from sqlglot.errors import ErrorLevel, ParseError, TokenError, UnsupportedError from sqlglot.expressions import Expression from sqlglot.expressions import alias_ as alias from sqlglot.expressions import ( and_, column, condition, except_, from_, intersect, maybe_parse, not_, or_, select, subquery, ) from sqlglot.expressions import table_ as table from sqlglot.expressions import to_column, to_table, union from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot.parser import Parser from sqlglot.schema import MappingSchema from sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType __version__ = "10.1.3" pretty = False schema = MappingSchema() def parse( sql: str, read: t.Optional[str | Dialect] = None, **opts ) -> t.List[t.Optional[Expression]]: """ Parses the given SQL string into a collection of syntax trees, one per parsed SQL statement. Args: sql: the SQL code string to parse. read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). **opts: other options. Returns: The resulting syntax tree collection. """ dialect = Dialect.get_or_raise(read)() return dialect.parse(sql, **opts) def parse_one( sql: str, read: t.Optional[str | Dialect] = None, into: t.Optional[Expression | str] = None, **opts, ) -> t.Optional[Expression]: """ Parses the given SQL string and returns a syntax tree for the first parsed SQL statement. Args: sql: the SQL code string to parse. read: the SQL dialect to apply during parsing (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). into: the SQLGlot Expression to parse into. **opts: other options. Returns: The syntax tree for the first parsed statement. """ dialect = Dialect.get_or_raise(read)() if into: result = dialect.parse_into(into, sql, **opts) else: result = dialect.parse(sql, **opts) return result[0] if result else None def transpile( sql: str, read: t.Optional[str | Dialect] = None, write: t.Optional[str | Dialect] = None, identity: bool = True, error_level: t.Optional[ErrorLevel] = None, **opts, ) -> t.List[str]: """ Parses the given SQL string in accordance with the source dialect and returns a list of SQL strings transformed to conform to the target dialect. Each string in the returned list represents a single transformed SQL statement. Args: sql: the SQL code string to transpile. read: the source dialect used to parse the input string (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). write: the target dialect into which the input should be transformed (eg. "spark", "hive", "presto", "mysql"). identity: if set to `True` and if the target dialect is not specified the source dialect will be used as both: the source and the target dialect. error_level: the desired error level of the parser. **opts: other options. Returns: The list of transpiled SQL statements. """ write = write or read if identity else write return [ Dialect.get_or_raise(write)().generate(expression, **opts) for expression in parse(sql, read, error_level=error_level) ]