from __future__ import annotations import functools import typing as t from enum import IntEnum if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.dataframe import DataFrame from import GroupedData class Operation(IntEnum): INIT = -1 NO_OP = 0 FROM = 1 WHERE = 2 GROUP_BY = 3 HAVING = 4 SELECT = 5 ORDER_BY = 6 LIMIT = 7 def operation(op: Operation): """ Decorator used around DataFrame methods to indicate what type of operation is being performed from the ordered Operation enums. This is used to determine which operations should be performed on a CTE vs. included with the previous operation. Ex: After a user does a join we want to allow them to select which columns for the different tables that they want to carry through to the following operation. If we put that join in a CTE preemptively then the user would not have a chance to select which column they want in cases where there is overlap in names. """ def decorator(func: t.Callable): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self: DataFrame, *args, **kwargs): if self.last_op == Operation.INIT: self = self._convert_leaf_to_cte() self.last_op = Operation.NO_OP last_op = self.last_op new_op = op if op != Operation.NO_OP else last_op if new_op < last_op or (last_op == new_op and new_op == Operation.SELECT): self = self._convert_leaf_to_cte() df: t.Union[DataFrame, GroupedData] = func(self, *args, **kwargs) df.last_op = new_op # type: ignore return df wrapper.__wrapped__ = func # type: ignore return wrapper return decorator