from __future__ import annotations import logging import re import typing as t from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens, transforms from sqlglot._typing import E from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, binary_from_function, date_add_interval_sql, datestrtodate_sql, format_time_lambda, if_sql, inline_array_sql, json_keyvalue_comma_sql, max_or_greatest, min_or_least, no_ilike_sql, parse_date_delta_with_interval, regexp_replace_sql, rename_func, timestrtotime_sql, ts_or_ds_to_date_sql, ) from sqlglot.helper import seq_get, split_num_words from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType logger = logging.getLogger("sqlglot") def _derived_table_values_to_unnest(self: BigQuery.Generator, expression: exp.Values) -> str: if not expression.find_ancestor(exp.From, exp.Join): return self.values_sql(expression) alias = expression.args.get("alias") structs = [ exp.Struct( expressions=[ exp.alias_(value, column_name) for value, column_name in zip( t.expressions, alias.columns if alias and alias.columns else (f"_c{i}" for i in range(len(t.expressions))), ) ] ) for t in expression.find_all(exp.Tuple) ] return self.unnest_sql(exp.Unnest(expressions=[exp.Array(expressions=structs)])) def _returnsproperty_sql(self: BigQuery.Generator, expression: exp.ReturnsProperty) -> str: this = expression.this if isinstance(this, exp.Schema): this = f"{this.this} <{self.expressions(this)}>" else: this = self.sql(this) return f"RETURNS {this}" def _create_sql(self: BigQuery.Generator, expression: exp.Create) -> str: kind = expression.args["kind"] returns = expression.find(exp.ReturnsProperty) if kind.upper() == "FUNCTION" and returns and returns.args.get("is_table"): expression = expression.copy() expression.set("kind", "TABLE FUNCTION") if isinstance(expression.expression, (exp.Subquery, exp.Literal)): expression.set("expression", expression.expression.this) return self.create_sql(expression) return self.create_sql(expression) def _unqualify_unnest(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """Remove references to unnest table aliases since bigquery doesn't allow them. These are added by the optimizer's qualify_column step. """ from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import find_all_in_scope if isinstance(expression, exp.Select): unnest_aliases = { unnest.alias for unnest in find_all_in_scope(expression, exp.Unnest) if isinstance(unnest.parent, (exp.From, exp.Join)) } if unnest_aliases: for column in expression.find_all(exp.Column): if column.table in unnest_aliases: column.set("table", None) elif column.db in unnest_aliases: column.set("db", None) return expression # # workaround for bigquery bug when grouping by an expression and then ordering # WITH x AS (SELECT 1 y) # SELECT y + 1 z # FROM x # GROUP BY x + 1 # ORDER by z def _alias_ordered_group(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: if isinstance(expression, exp.Select): group = expression.args.get("group") order = expression.args.get("order") if group and order: aliases = { select.this: select.args["alias"] for select in expression.selects if isinstance(select, exp.Alias) } for e in group.expressions: alias = aliases.get(e) if alias: e.replace(exp.column(alias)) return expression def _pushdown_cte_column_names(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """BigQuery doesn't allow column names when defining a CTE, so we try to push them down.""" if isinstance(expression, exp.CTE) and expression.alias_column_names: cte_query = expression.this if cte_query.is_star: logger.warning( "Can't push down CTE column names for star queries. Run the query through" " the optimizer or use 'qualify' to expand the star projections first." ) return expression column_names = expression.alias_column_names expression.args["alias"].set("columns", None) for name, select in zip(column_names, cte_query.selects): to_replace = select if isinstance(select, exp.Alias): select = select.this # Inner aliases are shadowed by the CTE column names to_replace.replace(exp.alias_(select, name)) return expression def _parse_timestamp(args: t.List) -> exp.StrToTime: this = format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "bigquery")([seq_get(args, 1), seq_get(args, 0)]) this.set("zone", seq_get(args, 2)) return this def _parse_date(args: t.List) -> exp.Date | exp.DateFromParts: expr_type = exp.DateFromParts if len(args) == 3 else exp.Date return expr_type.from_arg_list(args) def _parse_to_hex(args: t.List) -> exp.Hex | exp.MD5: # TO_HEX(MD5(..)) is common in BigQuery, so it's parsed into MD5 to simplify its transpilation arg = seq_get(args, 0) return exp.MD5(this=arg.this) if isinstance(arg, exp.MD5Digest) else exp.Hex(this=arg) class BigQuery(Dialect): UNNEST_COLUMN_ONLY = True SUPPORTS_USER_DEFINED_TYPES = False SUPPORTS_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN = False LOG_BASE_FIRST = False # RESOLVES_IDENTIFIERS_AS_UPPERCASE = None # bigquery udfs are case sensitive NORMALIZE_FUNCTIONS = False TIME_MAPPING = { "%D": "%m/%d/%y", } ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = { "\\a": "\a", "\\b": "\b", "\\f": "\f", "\\n": "\n", "\\r": "\r", "\\t": "\t", "\\v": "\v", } FORMAT_MAPPING = { "DD": "%d", "MM": "%m", "MON": "%b", "MONTH": "%B", "YYYY": "%Y", "YY": "%y", "HH": "%I", "HH12": "%I", "HH24": "%H", "MI": "%M", "SS": "%S", "SSSSS": "%f", "TZH": "%z", } # The _PARTITIONTIME and _PARTITIONDATE pseudo-columns are not returned by a SELECT * statement # PSEUDOCOLUMNS = {"_PARTITIONTIME", "_PARTITIONDATE"} @classmethod def normalize_identifier(cls, expression: E) -> E: if isinstance(expression, exp.Identifier): parent = expression.parent while isinstance(parent, exp.Dot): parent = parent.parent # In BigQuery, CTEs aren't case-sensitive, but table names are (by default, at least). # The following check is essentially a heuristic to detect tables based on whether or # not they're qualified. It also avoids normalizing UDFs, because they're case-sensitive. if ( not isinstance(parent, exp.UserDefinedFunction) and not (isinstance(parent, exp.Table) and parent.db) and not expression.meta.get("is_table") ): expression.set("this", expression.this.lower()) return expression class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): QUOTES = ["'", '"', '"""', "'''"] COMMENTS = ["--", "#", ("/*", "*/")] IDENTIFIERS = ["`"] STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"] HEX_STRINGS = [("0x", ""), ("0X", "")] BYTE_STRINGS = [ (prefix + q, q) for q in t.cast(t.List[str], QUOTES) for prefix in ("b", "B") ] RAW_STRINGS = [ (prefix + q, q) for q in t.cast(t.List[str], QUOTES) for prefix in ("r", "R") ] KEYWORDS = { **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, "ANY TYPE": TokenType.VARIANT, "BEGIN": TokenType.COMMAND, "BEGIN TRANSACTION": TokenType.BEGIN, "BYTES": TokenType.BINARY, "CURRENT_DATETIME": TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME, "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND, "FLOAT64": TokenType.DOUBLE, "FOR SYSTEM_TIME": TokenType.TIMESTAMP_SNAPSHOT, "INT64": TokenType.BIGINT, "MODEL": TokenType.MODEL, "NOT DETERMINISTIC": TokenType.VOLATILE, "RECORD": TokenType.STRUCT, "TIMESTAMP": TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ, } KEYWORDS.pop("DIV") class Parser(parser.Parser): PREFIXED_PIVOT_COLUMNS = True LOG_DEFAULTS_TO_LN = True FUNCTIONS = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, "DATE": _parse_date, "DATE_ADD": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.DateAdd), "DATE_SUB": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.DateSub), "DATE_TRUNC": lambda args: exp.DateTrunc( unit=exp.Literal.string(str(seq_get(args, 1))), this=seq_get(args, 0), ), "DATETIME_ADD": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.DatetimeAdd), "DATETIME_SUB": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.DatetimeSub), "DIV": binary_from_function(exp.IntDiv), "GENERATE_ARRAY": exp.GenerateSeries.from_arg_list, "MD5": exp.MD5Digest.from_arg_list, "TO_HEX": _parse_to_hex, "PARSE_DATE": lambda args: format_time_lambda(exp.StrToDate, "bigquery")( [seq_get(args, 1), seq_get(args, 0)] ), "PARSE_TIMESTAMP": _parse_timestamp, "REGEXP_CONTAINS": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list, "REGEXP_EXTRACT": lambda args: exp.RegexpExtract( this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1), position=seq_get(args, 2), occurrence=seq_get(args, 3), group=exp.Literal.number(1) if re.compile(args[1].name).groups == 1 else None, ), "SHA256": lambda args: exp.SHA2(this=seq_get(args, 0), length=exp.Literal.number(256)), "SHA512": lambda args: exp.SHA2(this=seq_get(args, 0), length=exp.Literal.number(512)), "SPLIT": lambda args: exp.Split( # this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1) or exp.Literal.string(","), ), "TIME_ADD": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.TimeAdd), "TIME_SUB": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.TimeSub), "TIMESTAMP_ADD": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.TimestampAdd), "TIMESTAMP_SUB": parse_date_delta_with_interval(exp.TimestampSub), "TO_JSON_STRING": exp.JSONFormat.from_arg_list, } FUNCTION_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, "ARRAY": lambda self: self.expression(exp.Array, expressions=[self._parse_statement()]), } FUNCTION_PARSERS.pop("TRIM") NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS = { **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTIONS, TokenType.CURRENT_DATETIME: exp.CurrentDatetime, } NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS = { *parser.Parser.NESTED_TYPE_TOKENS, TokenType.TABLE, } ID_VAR_TOKENS = { *parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS, TokenType.VALUES, } PROPERTY_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, "NOT DETERMINISTIC": lambda self: self.expression( exp.StabilityProperty, this=exp.Literal.string("VOLATILE") ), "OPTIONS": lambda self: self._parse_with_property(), } CONSTRAINT_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.CONSTRAINT_PARSERS, "OPTIONS": lambda self: exp.Properties(expressions=self._parse_with_property()), } RANGE_PARSERS = parser.Parser.RANGE_PARSERS.copy() RANGE_PARSERS.pop(TokenType.OVERLAPS, None) NULL_TOKENS = {TokenType.NULL, TokenType.UNKNOWN} def _parse_table_part(self, schema: bool = False) -> t.Optional[exp.Expression]: this = super()._parse_table_part(schema=schema) or self._parse_number() # if isinstance(this, exp.Identifier): table_name = while self._match(TokenType.DASH, advance=False) and self._next: self._advance(2) table_name += f"-{self._prev.text}" this = exp.Identifier(this=table_name, quoted=this.args.get("quoted")) elif isinstance(this, exp.Literal): table_name = if ( self._curr and self._prev.end == self._curr.start - 1 and self._parse_var(any_token=True) ): table_name += self._prev.text this = exp.Identifier(this=table_name, quoted=True) return this def _parse_table_parts(self, schema: bool = False) -> exp.Table: table = super()._parse_table_parts(schema=schema) if isinstance(table.this, exp.Identifier) and "." in catalog, db, this, *rest = ( t.cast(t.Optional[exp.Expression], exp.to_identifier(x)) for x in split_num_words(, ".", 3) ) if rest and this: this =[exp.Expression], [this, *rest])) table = exp.Table(this=this, db=db, catalog=catalog) return table def _parse_json_object(self) -> exp.JSONObject: json_object = super()._parse_json_object() array_kv_pair = seq_get(json_object.expressions, 0) # Converts BQ's "signature 2" of JSON_OBJECT into SQLGlot's canonical representation # if ( array_kv_pair and isinstance(array_kv_pair.this, exp.Array) and isinstance(array_kv_pair.expression, exp.Array) ): keys = array_kv_pair.this.expressions values = array_kv_pair.expression.expressions json_object.set( "expressions", [exp.JSONKeyValue(this=k, expression=v) for k, v in zip(keys, values)], ) return json_object class Generator(generator.Generator): EXPLICIT_UNION = True INTERVAL_ALLOWS_PLURAL_FORM = False JOIN_HINTS = False QUERY_HINTS = False TABLE_HINTS = False LIMIT_FETCH = "LIMIT" RENAME_TABLE_WITH_DB = False NVL2_SUPPORTED = False UNNEST_WITH_ORDINALITY = False COLLATE_IS_FUNC = True TRANSFORMS = { **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, exp.ApproxDistinct: rename_func("APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT"), exp.ArraySize: rename_func("ARRAY_LENGTH"), exp.Cast: transforms.preprocess([transforms.remove_precision_parameterized_types]), exp.Create: _create_sql, exp.CTE: transforms.preprocess([_pushdown_cte_column_names]), exp.DateAdd: date_add_interval_sql("DATE", "ADD"), exp.DateDiff: lambda self, e: f"DATE_DIFF({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.sql(e, 'expression')}, {self.sql(e.args.get('unit', 'DAY'))})", exp.DateFromParts: rename_func("DATE"), exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql, exp.DateSub: date_add_interval_sql("DATE", "SUB"), exp.DatetimeAdd: date_add_interval_sql("DATETIME", "ADD"), exp.DatetimeSub: date_add_interval_sql("DATETIME", "SUB"), exp.DateTrunc: lambda self, e: self.func("DATE_TRUNC", e.this, e.text("unit")), exp.GenerateSeries: rename_func("GENERATE_ARRAY"), exp.GroupConcat: rename_func("STRING_AGG"), exp.Hex: rename_func("TO_HEX"), exp.If: if_sql(false_value="NULL"), exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, exp.IntDiv: rename_func("DIV"), exp.JSONFormat: rename_func("TO_JSON_STRING"), exp.JSONKeyValue: json_keyvalue_comma_sql, exp.Max: max_or_greatest, exp.MD5: lambda self, e: self.func("TO_HEX", self.func("MD5", e.this)), exp.MD5Digest: rename_func("MD5"), exp.Min: min_or_least, exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.RegexpExtract: lambda self, e: self.func( "REGEXP_EXTRACT", e.this, e.expression, e.args.get("position"), e.args.get("occurrence"), ), exp.RegexpReplace: regexp_replace_sql, exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_CONTAINS"), exp.ReturnsProperty: _returnsproperty_sql, exp.Select: transforms.preprocess( [ transforms.explode_to_unnest(), _unqualify_unnest, transforms.eliminate_distinct_on, _alias_ordered_group, transforms.eliminate_semi_and_anti_joins, ] ), exp.SHA2: lambda self, e: self.func( f"SHA256" if e.text("length") == "256" else "SHA512", e.this ), exp.StabilityProperty: lambda self, e: f"DETERMINISTIC" if == "IMMUTABLE" else "NOT DETERMINISTIC", exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: f"PARSE_DATE({self.format_time(e)}, {self.sql(e, 'this')})", exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: self.func( "PARSE_TIMESTAMP", self.format_time(e), e.this, e.args.get("zone") ), exp.TimeAdd: date_add_interval_sql("TIME", "ADD"), exp.TimeSub: date_add_interval_sql("TIME", "SUB"), exp.TimestampAdd: date_add_interval_sql("TIMESTAMP", "ADD"), exp.TimestampSub: date_add_interval_sql("TIMESTAMP", "SUB"), exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql, exp.Trim: lambda self, e: self.func(f"TRIM", e.this, e.expression), exp.TsOrDsAdd: date_add_interval_sql("DATE", "ADD"), exp.TsOrDsToDate: ts_or_ds_to_date_sql("bigquery"), exp.Unhex: rename_func("FROM_HEX"), exp.Values: _derived_table_values_to_unnest, exp.VariancePop: rename_func("VAR_POP"), } TYPE_MAPPING = { **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, exp.DataType.Type.BIGDECIMAL: "BIGNUMERIC", exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INT64", exp.DataType.Type.BINARY: "BYTES", exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "BOOL", exp.DataType.Type.CHAR: "STRING", exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC", exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "FLOAT64", exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "FLOAT64", exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INT64", exp.DataType.Type.NCHAR: "STRING", exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "STRING", exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INT64", exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "STRING", exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP: "DATETIME", exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ: "TIMESTAMP", exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ: "TIMESTAMP", exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INT64", exp.DataType.Type.VARBINARY: "BYTES", exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "STRING", exp.DataType.Type.VARIANT: "ANY TYPE", } PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION, exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.VolatileProperty: exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED, } # from: RESERVED_KEYWORDS = { *generator.Generator.RESERVED_KEYWORDS, "all", "and", "any", "array", "as", "asc", "assert_rows_modified", "at", "between", "by", "case", "cast", "collate", "contains", "create", "cross", "cube", "current", "default", "define", "desc", "distinct", "else", "end", "enum", "escape", "except", "exclude", "exists", "extract", "false", "fetch", "following", "for", "from", "full", "group", "grouping", "groups", "hash", "having", "if", "ignore", "in", "inner", "intersect", "interval", "into", "is", "join", "lateral", "left", "like", "limit", "lookup", "merge", "natural", "new", "no", "not", "null", "nulls", "of", "on", "or", "order", "outer", "over", "partition", "preceding", "proto", "qualify", "range", "recursive", "respect", "right", "rollup", "rows", "select", "set", "some", "struct", "tablesample", "then", "to", "treat", "true", "unbounded", "union", "unnest", "using", "when", "where", "window", "with", "within", } def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: parent = expression.parent # BigQuery allows CAST(.. AS {STRING|TIMESTAMP} [FORMAT [AT TIME ZONE ]]). # Only the TIMESTAMP one should use the below conversion, when AT TIME ZONE is included. if not isinstance(parent, exp.Cast) or not"text"): return self.func( "TIMESTAMP", self.func("DATETIME", expression.this, expression.args.get("zone")) ) return super().attimezone_sql(expression) def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: return self.cast_sql(expression, safe_prefix="SAFE_") def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str: if expression.alias_column_names: self.unsupported("Column names in CTE definition are not supported.") return super().cte_sql(expression) def array_sql(self, expression: exp.Array) -> str: first_arg = seq_get(expression.expressions, 0) if isinstance(first_arg, exp.Subqueryable): return f"ARRAY{self.wrap(self.sql(first_arg))}" return inline_array_sql(self, expression) def transaction_sql(self, *_) -> str: return "BEGIN TRANSACTION" def commit_sql(self, *_) -> str: return "COMMIT TRANSACTION" def rollback_sql(self, *_) -> str: return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" def in_unnest_op(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: return self.sql(expression) def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): self.unsupported("EXCEPT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery") return f"EXCEPT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): self.unsupported("INTERSECT without DISTINCT is not supported in BigQuery") return f"INTERSECT{' DISTINCT' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: return, prefix=self.seg("OPTIONS")) def version_sql(self, expression: exp.Version) -> str: if == "TIMESTAMP": expression = expression.copy() expression.set("this", "SYSTEM_TIME") return super().version_sql(expression)