from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from enum import Enum from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot.helper import flatten, seq_get from sqlglot.parser import Parser from sqlglot.time import format_time from sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer from sqlglot.trie import new_trie E = t.TypeVar("E", bound=exp.Expression) class Dialects(str, Enum): DIALECT = "" BIGQUERY = "bigquery" CLICKHOUSE = "clickhouse" DUCKDB = "duckdb" HIVE = "hive" MYSQL = "mysql" ORACLE = "oracle" POSTGRES = "postgres" PRESTO = "presto" REDSHIFT = "redshift" SNOWFLAKE = "snowflake" SPARK = "spark" SQLITE = "sqlite" STARROCKS = "starrocks" TABLEAU = "tableau" TRINO = "trino" TSQL = "tsql" DATABRICKS = "databricks" DRILL = "drill" TERADATA = "teradata" class _Dialect(type): classes: t.Dict[str, t.Type[Dialect]] = {} @classmethod def __getitem__(cls, key: str) -> t.Type[Dialect]: return cls.classes[key] @classmethod def get( cls, key: str, default: t.Optional[t.Type[Dialect]] = None ) -> t.Optional[t.Type[Dialect]]: return cls.classes.get(key, default) def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs): klass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs) enum = Dialects.__members__.get(clsname.upper()) cls.classes[enum.value if enum is not None else clsname.lower()] = klass klass.time_trie = new_trie(klass.time_mapping) klass.inverse_time_mapping = {v: k for k, v in klass.time_mapping.items()} klass.inverse_time_trie = new_trie(klass.inverse_time_mapping) klass.tokenizer_class = getattr(klass, "Tokenizer", Tokenizer) klass.parser_class = getattr(klass, "Parser", Parser) klass.generator_class = getattr(klass, "Generator", Generator) klass.quote_start, klass.quote_end = list(klass.tokenizer_class._QUOTES.items())[0] klass.identifier_start, klass.identifier_end = list( klass.tokenizer_class._IDENTIFIERS.items() )[0] if ( klass.tokenizer_class._BIT_STRINGS and exp.BitString not in klass.generator_class.TRANSFORMS ): bs_start, bs_end = list(klass.tokenizer_class._BIT_STRINGS.items())[0] klass.generator_class.TRANSFORMS[ exp.BitString ] = lambda self, e: f"{bs_start}{int(self.sql(e, 'this')):b}{bs_end}" if ( klass.tokenizer_class._HEX_STRINGS and exp.HexString not in klass.generator_class.TRANSFORMS ): hs_start, hs_end = list(klass.tokenizer_class._HEX_STRINGS.items())[0] klass.generator_class.TRANSFORMS[ exp.HexString ] = lambda self, e: f"{hs_start}{int(self.sql(e, 'this')):X}{hs_end}" if ( klass.tokenizer_class._BYTE_STRINGS and exp.ByteString not in klass.generator_class.TRANSFORMS ): be_start, be_end = list(klass.tokenizer_class._BYTE_STRINGS.items())[0] klass.generator_class.TRANSFORMS[ exp.ByteString ] = lambda self, e: f"{be_start}{self.sql(e, 'this')}{be_end}" return klass class Dialect(metaclass=_Dialect): index_offset = 0 unnest_column_only = False alias_post_tablesample = False normalize_functions: t.Optional[str] = "upper" null_ordering = "nulls_are_small" date_format = "'%Y-%m-%d'" dateint_format = "'%Y%m%d'" time_format = "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'" time_mapping: t.Dict[str, str] = {} # autofilled quote_start = None quote_end = None identifier_start = None identifier_end = None time_trie = None inverse_time_mapping = None inverse_time_trie = None tokenizer_class = None parser_class = None generator_class = None @classmethod def get_or_raise(cls, dialect: DialectType) -> t.Type[Dialect]: if not dialect: return cls if isinstance(dialect, _Dialect): return dialect if isinstance(dialect, Dialect): return dialect.__class__ result = cls.get(dialect) if not result: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dialect '{dialect}'") return result @classmethod def format_time( cls, expression: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression] ) -> t.Optional[exp.Expression]: if isinstance(expression, str): return exp.Literal.string( format_time( expression[1:-1], # the time formats are quoted cls.time_mapping, cls.time_trie, ) ) if expression and expression.is_string: return exp.Literal.string( format_time( expression.this, cls.time_mapping, cls.time_trie, ) ) return expression def parse(self, sql: str, **opts) -> t.List[t.Optional[exp.Expression]]: return self.parser(**opts).parse(self.tokenizer.tokenize(sql), sql) def parse_into( self, expression_type: exp.IntoType, sql: str, **opts ) -> t.List[t.Optional[exp.Expression]]: return self.parser(**opts).parse_into(expression_type, self.tokenizer.tokenize(sql), sql) def generate(self, expression: t.Optional[exp.Expression], **opts) -> str: return self.generator(**opts).generate(expression) def transpile(self, sql: str, **opts) -> t.List[str]: return [self.generate(expression, **opts) for expression in self.parse(sql)] @property def tokenizer(self) -> Tokenizer: if not hasattr(self, "_tokenizer"): self._tokenizer = self.tokenizer_class() # type: ignore return self._tokenizer def parser(self, **opts) -> Parser: return self.parser_class( # type: ignore **{ "index_offset": self.index_offset, "unnest_column_only": self.unnest_column_only, "alias_post_tablesample": self.alias_post_tablesample, "null_ordering": self.null_ordering, **opts, }, ) def generator(self, **opts) -> Generator: return self.generator_class( # type: ignore **{ "quote_start": self.quote_start, "quote_end": self.quote_end, "identifier_start": self.identifier_start, "identifier_end": self.identifier_end, "string_escape": self.tokenizer_class.STRING_ESCAPES[0], "identifier_escape": self.tokenizer_class.IDENTIFIER_ESCAPES[0], "index_offset": self.index_offset, "time_mapping": self.inverse_time_mapping, "time_trie": self.inverse_time_trie, "unnest_column_only": self.unnest_column_only, "alias_post_tablesample": self.alias_post_tablesample, "normalize_functions": self.normalize_functions, "null_ordering": self.null_ordering, **opts, } ) DialectType = t.Union[str, Dialect, t.Type[Dialect], None] def rename_func(name: str) -> t.Callable[[Generator, exp.Expression], str]: return lambda self, expression: self.func(name, *flatten(expression.args.values())) def approx_count_distinct_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.ApproxDistinct) -> str: if expression.args.get("accuracy"): self.unsupported("APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT does not support accuracy") return self.func("APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT", expression.this) def if_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.If) -> str: return self.func( "IF", expression.this, expression.args.get("true"), expression.args.get("false") ) def arrow_json_extract_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.JSONExtract | exp.JSONBExtract) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "->") def arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql( self: Generator, expression: exp.JSONExtractScalar | exp.JSONBExtractScalar ) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "->>") def inline_array_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.Array) -> str: return f"[{self.expressions(expression)}]" def no_ilike_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.ILike) -> str: return self.like_sql( exp.Like( this=exp.Lower(this=expression.this), expression=expression.args["expression"], ) ) def no_paren_current_date_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str: zone = self.sql(expression, "this") return f"CURRENT_DATE AT TIME ZONE {zone}" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE" def no_recursive_cte_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.With) -> str: if expression.args.get("recursive"): self.unsupported("Recursive CTEs are unsupported") expression.args["recursive"] = False return self.with_sql(expression) def no_safe_divide_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.SafeDivide) -> str: n = self.sql(expression, "this") d = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"IF({d} <> 0, {n} / {d}, NULL)" def no_tablesample_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.TableSample) -> str: self.unsupported("TABLESAMPLE unsupported") return self.sql(expression.this) def no_pivot_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str: self.unsupported("PIVOT unsupported") return self.sql(expression) def no_trycast_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: return self.cast_sql(expression) def no_properties_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.Properties) -> str: self.unsupported("Properties unsupported") return "" def str_position_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.StrPosition) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") substr = self.sql(expression, "substr") position = self.sql(expression, "position") if position: return f"STRPOS(SUBSTR({this}, {position}), {substr}) + {position} - 1" return f"STRPOS({this}, {substr})" def struct_extract_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.StructExtract) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") struct_key = self.sql(exp.Identifier(this=expression.expression, quoted=True)) return f"{this}.{struct_key}" def var_map_sql( self: Generator, expression: exp.Map | exp.VarMap, map_func_name: str = "MAP" ) -> str: keys = expression.args["keys"] values = expression.args["values"] if not isinstance(keys, exp.Array) or not isinstance(values, exp.Array): self.unsupported("Cannot convert array columns into map.") return self.func(map_func_name, keys, values) args = [] for key, value in zip(keys.expressions, values.expressions): args.append(self.sql(key)) args.append(self.sql(value)) return self.func(map_func_name, *args) def format_time_lambda( exp_class: t.Type[E], dialect: str, default: t.Optional[bool | str] = None ) -> t.Callable[[t.Sequence], E]: """Helper used for time expressions. Args: exp_class: the expression class to instantiate. dialect: target sql dialect. default: the default format, True being time. Returns: A callable that can be used to return the appropriately formatted time expression. """ def _format_time(args: t.Sequence): return exp_class( this=seq_get(args, 0), format=Dialect[dialect].format_time( seq_get(args, 1) or (Dialect[dialect].time_format if default is True else default or None) ), ) return _format_time def create_with_partitions_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.Create) -> str: """ In Hive and Spark, the PARTITIONED BY property acts as an extension of a table's schema. When the PARTITIONED BY value is an array of column names, they are transformed into a schema. The corresponding columns are removed from the create statement. """ has_schema = isinstance(expression.this, exp.Schema) is_partitionable = expression.args.get("kind") in ("TABLE", "VIEW") if has_schema and is_partitionable: expression = expression.copy() prop = expression.find(exp.PartitionedByProperty) if prop and prop.this and not isinstance(prop.this, exp.Schema): schema = expression.this columns = { for v in prop.this.expressions} partitions = [col for col in schema.expressions if in columns] schema.set("expressions", [e for e in schema.expressions if e not in partitions]) prop.replace(exp.PartitionedByProperty(this=exp.Schema(expressions=partitions))) expression.set("this", schema) return self.create_sql(expression) def parse_date_delta( exp_class: t.Type[E], unit_mapping: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> t.Callable[[t.Sequence], E]: def inner_func(args: t.Sequence) -> E: unit_based = len(args) == 3 this = seq_get(args, 2) if unit_based else seq_get(args, 0) expression = seq_get(args, 1) if unit_based else seq_get(args, 1) unit = seq_get(args, 0) if unit_based else exp.Literal.string("DAY") unit = unit_mapping.get(, unit) if unit_mapping else unit # type: ignore return exp_class(this=this, expression=expression, unit=unit) return inner_func def locate_to_strposition(args: t.Sequence) -> exp.Expression: return exp.StrPosition( this=seq_get(args, 1), substr=seq_get(args, 0), position=seq_get(args, 2), ) def strposition_to_locate_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.StrPosition) -> str: return self.func( "LOCATE", expression.args.get("substr"), expression.this, expression.args.get("position") ) def timestrtotime_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.TimeStrToTime) -> str: return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS TIMESTAMP)" def datestrtodate_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.DateStrToDate) -> str: return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS DATE)" def trim_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.Trim) -> str: target = self.sql(expression, "this") trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") remove_chars = self.sql(expression, "expression") collation = self.sql(expression, "collation") # Use TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM syntax if the expression isn't database-specific if not remove_chars and not collation: return self.trim_sql(expression) trim_type = f"{trim_type} " if trim_type else "" remove_chars = f"{remove_chars} " if remove_chars else "" from_part = "FROM " if trim_type or remove_chars else "" collation = f" COLLATE {collation}" if collation else "" return f"TRIM({trim_type}{remove_chars}{from_part}{target}{collation})" def str_to_time_sql(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> str: return self.func("STRPTIME", expression.this, self.format_time(expression)) def ts_or_ds_to_date_sql(dialect: str) -> t.Callable: def _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql(self: Generator, expression: exp.TsOrDsToDate) -> str: _dialect = Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect) time_format = self.format_time(expression) if time_format and time_format not in (_dialect.time_format, _dialect.date_format): return f"CAST({str_to_time_sql(self, expression)} AS DATE)" return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS DATE)" return _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql