from __future__ import annotations import re import typing as t from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, create_with_partitions_sql, datestrtodate_sql, format_time_lambda, no_pivot_sql, no_trycast_sql, rename_func, str_position_sql, timestrtotime_sql, ) def _str_to_time_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.TsOrDsToDate) -> str: return f"STRPTIME({self.sql(expression, 'this')}, {self.format_time(expression)})" def _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.TsOrDsToDate) -> str: time_format = self.format_time(expression) if time_format and time_format not in (Drill.time_format, Drill.date_format): return f"CAST({_str_to_time_sql(self, expression)} AS DATE)" return f"CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS DATE)" def _date_add_sql(kind: str) -> t.Callable[[generator.Generator, exp.DateAdd | exp.DateSub], str]: def func(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.DateAdd | exp.DateSub) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") unit = exp.Var(this=expression.text("unit").upper() or "DAY") return ( f"DATE_{kind}({this}, {self.sql(exp.Interval(this=expression.expression, unit=unit))})" ) return func def if_sql(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.If) -> str: """ Drill requires backticks around certain SQL reserved words, IF being one of them, This function adds the backticks around the keyword IF. Args: self: The Drill dialect expression: The input IF expression Returns: The expression with IF in backticks. """ expressions = self.format_args( expression.this, expression.args.get("true"), expression.args.get("false") ) return f"`IF`({expressions})" def _str_to_date(self: generator.Generator, expression: exp.StrToDate) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") time_format = self.format_time(expression) if time_format == Drill.date_format: return f"CAST({this} AS DATE)" return f"TO_DATE({this}, {time_format})" class Drill(Dialect): normalize_functions = None null_ordering = "nulls_are_last" date_format = "'yyyy-MM-dd'" dateint_format = "'yyyyMMdd'" time_format = "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'" time_mapping = { "y": "%Y", "Y": "%Y", "YYYY": "%Y", "yyyy": "%Y", "YY": "%y", "yy": "%y", "MMMM": "%B", "MMM": "%b", "MM": "%m", "M": "%-m", "dd": "%d", "d": "%-d", "HH": "%H", "H": "%-H", "hh": "%I", "h": "%-I", "mm": "%M", "m": "%-M", "ss": "%S", "s": "%-S", "SSSSSS": "%f", "a": "%p", "DD": "%j", "D": "%-j", "E": "%a", "EE": "%a", "EEE": "%a", "EEEE": "%A", "''T''": "T", } class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): QUOTES = ["'"] IDENTIFIERS = ["`"] STRING_ESCAPES = ["\\"] ENCODE = "utf-8" class Parser(parser.Parser): STRICT_CAST = False FUNCTIONS = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore "TO_TIMESTAMP": exp.TimeStrToTime.from_arg_list, "TO_CHAR": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "drill"), } class Generator(generator.Generator): TYPE_MAPPING = { **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, # type: ignore exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.BINARY: "VARBINARY", exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "VARCHAR", exp.DataType.Type.NCHAR: "VARCHAR", exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ: "TIMESTAMP", exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ: "TIMESTAMP", exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: "TIMESTAMP", } PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION, # type: ignore exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA_ROOT, } TRANSFORMS = { **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", exp.ArrayContains: rename_func("REPEATED_CONTAINS"), exp.ArraySize: rename_func("REPEATED_COUNT"), exp.Create: create_with_partitions_sql, exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("ADD"), exp.DateStrToDate: datestrtodate_sql, exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("SUB"), exp.DateToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(TO_DATE({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {Drill.dateint_format}) AS INT)", exp.DiToDate: lambda self, e: f"TO_DATE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS VARCHAR), {Drill.dateint_format})", exp.If: if_sql, exp.ILike: lambda self, e: f" {self.sql(e, 'this')} `ILIKE` {self.sql(e, 'expression')}", exp.Levenshtein: rename_func("LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE"), exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql, exp.RegexpLike: rename_func("REGEXP_MATCHES"), exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql, exp.StrToDate: _str_to_date, exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", exp.TimeStrToDate: lambda self, e: f"CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE)", exp.TimeStrToTime: timestrtotime_sql, exp.TimeStrToUnix: rename_func("UNIX_TIMESTAMP"), exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"TO_CHAR({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", exp.TimeToUnix: rename_func("UNIX_TIMESTAMP"), exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql, exp.TsOrDsAdd: lambda self, e: f"DATE_ADD(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS DATE), {self.sql(exp.Interval(this=e.expression, unit=exp.Var(this='DAY')))})", exp.TsOrDsToDate: _ts_or_ds_to_date_sql, exp.TsOrDiToDi: lambda self, e: f"CAST(SUBSTR(REPLACE(CAST({self.sql(e, 'this')} AS VARCHAR), '-', ''), 1, 8) AS INT)", } def normalize_func(self, name: str) -> str: return name if re.match(exp.SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE, name) else f"`{name}`"