from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens, transforms from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, NormalizationStrategy, build_formatted_time, no_ilike_sql, rename_func, to_number_with_nls_param, trim_sql, ) from sqlglot.helper import seq_get from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot._typing import E def _build_timetostr_or_tochar(args: t.List) -> exp.TimeToStr | exp.ToChar: this = seq_get(args, 0) if this and not this.type: from sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types import annotate_types annotate_types(this) if this.is_type(*exp.DataType.TEMPORAL_TYPES): return build_formatted_time(exp.TimeToStr, "oracle", default=True)(args) return exp.ToChar.from_arg_list(args) class Oracle(Dialect): ALIAS_POST_TABLESAMPLE = True LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED = True TABLESAMPLE_SIZE_IS_PERCENT = True # See section 8: NORMALIZATION_STRATEGY = NormalizationStrategy.UPPERCASE # # TIME_MAPPING = { "AM": "%p", # Meridian indicator with or without periods "A.M.": "%p", # Meridian indicator with or without periods "PM": "%p", # Meridian indicator with or without periods "P.M.": "%p", # Meridian indicator with or without periods "D": "%u", # Day of week (1-7) "DAY": "%A", # name of day "DD": "%d", # day of month (1-31) "DDD": "%j", # day of year (1-366) "DY": "%a", # abbreviated name of day "HH": "%I", # Hour of day (1-12) "HH12": "%I", # alias for HH "HH24": "%H", # Hour of day (0-23) "IW": "%V", # Calendar week of year (1-52 or 1-53), as defined by the ISO 8601 standard "MI": "%M", # Minute (0-59) "MM": "%m", # Month (01-12; January = 01) "MON": "%b", # Abbreviated name of month "MONTH": "%B", # Name of month "SS": "%S", # Second (0-59) "WW": "%W", # Week of year (1-53) "YY": "%y", # 15 "YYYY": "%Y", # 2015 "FF6": "%f", # only 6 digits are supported in python formats } class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): VAR_SINGLE_TOKENS = {"@", "$", "#"} KEYWORDS = { **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, "(+)": TokenType.JOIN_MARKER, "BINARY_DOUBLE": TokenType.DOUBLE, "BINARY_FLOAT": TokenType.FLOAT, "COLUMNS": TokenType.COLUMN, "MATCH_RECOGNIZE": TokenType.MATCH_RECOGNIZE, "MINUS": TokenType.EXCEPT, "NVARCHAR2": TokenType.NVARCHAR, "ORDER SIBLINGS BY": TokenType.ORDER_SIBLINGS_BY, "SAMPLE": TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE, "START": TokenType.BEGIN, "SYSDATE": TokenType.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "TOP": TokenType.TOP, "VARCHAR2": TokenType.VARCHAR, } class Parser(parser.Parser): ALTER_TABLE_ADD_REQUIRED_FOR_EACH_COLUMN = False WINDOW_BEFORE_PAREN_TOKENS = {TokenType.OVER, TokenType.KEEP} VALUES_FOLLOWED_BY_PAREN = False FUNCTIONS = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, "SQUARE": lambda args: exp.Pow(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=exp.Literal.number(2)), "TO_CHAR": _build_timetostr_or_tochar, "TO_TIMESTAMP": build_formatted_time(exp.StrToTime, "oracle"), "TO_DATE": build_formatted_time(exp.StrToDate, "oracle"), } FUNCTION_PARSERS: t.Dict[str, t.Callable] = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, "JSON_ARRAY": lambda self: self._parse_json_array( exp.JSONArray, expressions=self._parse_csv(lambda: self._parse_format_json(self._parse_bitwise())), ), "JSON_ARRAYAGG": lambda self: self._parse_json_array( exp.JSONArrayAgg, this=self._parse_format_json(self._parse_bitwise()), order=self._parse_order(), ), "XMLTABLE": lambda self: self._parse_xml_table(), } NO_PAREN_FUNCTION_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.NO_PAREN_FUNCTION_PARSERS, "CONNECT_BY_ROOT": lambda self: self.expression( exp.ConnectByRoot, this=self._parse_column() ), } PROPERTY_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, "GLOBAL": lambda self: self._match_text_seq("TEMPORARY") and self.expression(exp.TemporaryProperty, this="GLOBAL"), "PRIVATE": lambda self: self._match_text_seq("TEMPORARY") and self.expression(exp.TemporaryProperty, this="PRIVATE"), } QUERY_MODIFIER_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.QUERY_MODIFIER_PARSERS, TokenType.ORDER_SIBLINGS_BY: lambda self: ("order", self._parse_order()), } TYPE_LITERAL_PARSERS = { exp.DataType.Type.DATE: lambda self, this, _: self.expression( exp.DateStrToDate, this=this ) } # SELECT UNIQUE .. is old-style Oracle syntax for SELECT DISTINCT .. # Reference: DISTINCT_TOKENS = {TokenType.DISTINCT, TokenType.UNIQUE} def _parse_xml_table(self) -> exp.XMLTable: this = self._parse_string() passing = None columns = None if self._match_text_seq("PASSING"): # The BY VALUE keywords are optional and are provided for semantic clarity self._match_text_seq("BY", "VALUE") passing = self._parse_csv(self._parse_column) by_ref = self._match_text_seq("RETURNING", "SEQUENCE", "BY", "REF") if self._match_text_seq("COLUMNS"): columns = self._parse_csv(self._parse_field_def) return self.expression( exp.XMLTable, this=this, passing=passing, columns=columns, by_ref=by_ref ) def _parse_json_array(self, expr_type: t.Type[E], **kwargs) -> E: return self.expression( expr_type, null_handling=self._parse_on_handling("NULL", "NULL", "ABSENT"), return_type=self._match_text_seq("RETURNING") and self._parse_type(), strict=self._match_text_seq("STRICT"), **kwargs, ) def _parse_column(self) -> t.Optional[exp.Expression]: column = super()._parse_column() if column: column.set("join_mark", self._match(TokenType.JOIN_MARKER)) return column def _parse_hint(self) -> t.Optional[exp.Hint]: if self._match(TokenType.HINT): start = self._curr while self._curr and not self._match_pair(TokenType.STAR, TokenType.SLASH): self._advance() if not self._curr: self.raise_error("Expected */ after HINT") end = self._tokens[self._index - 3] return exp.Hint(expressions=[self._find_sql(start, end)]) return None class Generator(generator.Generator): LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED = True JOIN_HINTS = False TABLE_HINTS = False COLUMN_JOIN_MARKS_SUPPORTED = True DATA_TYPE_SPECIFIERS_ALLOWED = True ALTER_TABLE_INCLUDE_COLUMN_KEYWORD = False LIMIT_FETCH = "FETCH" TABLESAMPLE_KEYWORDS = "SAMPLE" LAST_DAY_SUPPORTS_DATE_PART = False SUPPORTS_SELECT_INTO = True TZ_TO_WITH_TIME_ZONE = True TYPE_MAPPING = { **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "NUMBER", exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "NUMBER", exp.DataType.Type.INT: "NUMBER", exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "NUMBER", exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMBER", exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "DOUBLE PRECISION", exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "VARCHAR2", exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "NVARCHAR2", exp.DataType.Type.NCHAR: "NCHAR", exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: "CLOB", exp.DataType.Type.TIMETZ: "TIME", exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ: "TIMESTAMP", exp.DataType.Type.BINARY: "BLOB", exp.DataType.Type.VARBINARY: "BLOB", } TRANSFORMS = { **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, exp.ConnectByRoot: lambda self, e: f"CONNECT_BY_ROOT {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.DateStrToDate: lambda self, e: self.func( "TO_DATE", e.this, exp.Literal.string("YYYY-MM-DD") ), exp.Group: transforms.preprocess([transforms.unalias_group]), exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, exp.Select: transforms.preprocess( [ transforms.eliminate_distinct_on, transforms.eliminate_qualify, ] ), exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: self.func("TO_TIMESTAMP", e.this, self.format_time(e)), exp.StrToDate: lambda self, e: self.func("TO_DATE", e.this, self.format_time(e)), exp.Subquery: lambda self, e: self.subquery_sql(e, sep=" "), exp.Substring: rename_func("SUBSTR"), exp.Table: lambda self, e: self.table_sql(e, sep=" "), exp.TableSample: lambda self, e: self.tablesample_sql(e, sep=" "), exp.TemporaryProperty: lambda _, e: f"{ or 'GLOBAL'} TEMPORARY", exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: self.func("TO_CHAR", e.this, self.format_time(e)), exp.ToChar: lambda self, e: self.function_fallback_sql(e), exp.ToNumber: to_number_with_nls_param, exp.Trim: trim_sql, exp.UnixToTime: lambda self, e: f"TO_DATE('1970-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + ({self.sql(e, 'this')} / 86400)", } PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { **generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION, exp.VolatileProperty: exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED, } def currenttimestamp_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentTimestamp) -> str: this = expression.this return self.func("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", this) if this else "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: return f"{super().offset_sql(expression)} ROWS" def xmltable_sql(self, expression: exp.XMLTable) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") passing = self.expressions(expression, key="passing") passing = f"{self.sep()}PASSING{self.seg(passing)}" if passing else "" columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns") columns = f"{self.sep()}COLUMNS{self.seg(columns)}" if columns else "" by_ref = ( f"{self.sep()}RETURNING SEQUENCE BY REF" if expression.args.get("by_ref") else "" ) return f"XMLTABLE({self.sep('')}{self.indent(this + passing + by_ref + columns)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" def add_column_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: actions = self.expressions(expression, key="actions", flat=True) if len(expression.args.get("actions", [])) > 1: return f"ADD ({actions})" return f"ADD {actions}"