from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql, arrow_json_extract_sql, format_time_lambda, no_paren_current_date_sql, no_tablesample_sql, no_trycast_sql, str_position_sql, ) from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot.parser import Parser from sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType from sqlglot.transforms import delegate, preprocess def _date_add_sql(kind): def func(self, expression): from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import simplify this = self.sql(expression, "this") unit = self.sql(expression, "unit") expression = simplify(expression.args["expression"]) if not isinstance(expression, exp.Literal): self.unsupported("Cannot add non literal") expression = expression.copy() expression.args["is_string"] = True expression = self.sql(expression) return f"{this} {kind} INTERVAL {expression} {unit}" return func def _lateral_sql(self, expression): this = self.sql(expression, "this") if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Subquery): return f"LATERAL{self.sep()}{this}" alias = expression.args["alias"] table = table = f" {table}" if table else table columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True) columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else "" return f"LATERAL{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}" def _substring_sql(self, expression): this = self.sql(expression, "this") start = self.sql(expression, "start") length = self.sql(expression, "length") from_part = f" FROM {start}" if start else "" for_part = f" FOR {length}" if length else "" return f"SUBSTRING({this}{from_part}{for_part})" def _trim_sql(self, expression): target = self.sql(expression, "this") trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") remove_chars = self.sql(expression, "expression") collation = self.sql(expression, "collation") # Use TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM syntax if the expression isn't postgres-specific if not remove_chars and not collation: return self.trim_sql(expression) trim_type = f"{trim_type} " if trim_type else "" remove_chars = f"{remove_chars} " if remove_chars else "" from_part = "FROM " if trim_type or remove_chars else "" collation = f" COLLATE {collation}" if collation else "" return f"TRIM({trim_type}{remove_chars}{from_part}{target}{collation})" def _auto_increment_to_serial(expression): auto = expression.find(exp.AutoIncrementColumnConstraint) if auto: expression = expression.copy() expression.args["constraints"].remove(auto.parent) kind = expression.args["kind"] if kind.this == exp.DataType.Type.INT: kind.replace(exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.SERIAL)) elif kind.this == exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: kind.replace(exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL)) elif kind.this == exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: kind.replace(exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL)) return expression def _serial_to_generated(expression): kind = expression.args["kind"] if kind.this == exp.DataType.Type.SERIAL: data_type = exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT) elif kind.this == exp.DataType.Type.SMALLSERIAL: data_type = exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT) elif kind.this == exp.DataType.Type.BIGSERIAL: data_type = exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT) else: data_type = None if data_type: expression = expression.copy() expression.args["kind"].replace(data_type) constraints = expression.args["constraints"] generated = exp.ColumnConstraint(kind=exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint(this=False)) notnull = exp.ColumnConstraint(kind=exp.NotNullColumnConstraint()) if notnull not in constraints: constraints.insert(0, notnull) if generated not in constraints: constraints.insert(0, generated) return expression class Postgres(Dialect): null_ordering = "nulls_are_large" time_format = "'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'" time_mapping = { "AM": "%p", "PM": "%p", "D": "%w", # 1-based day of week "DD": "%d", # day of month "DDD": "%j", # zero padded day of year "FMDD": "%-d", # - is no leading zero for Python; same for FM in postgres "FMDDD": "%-j", # day of year "FMHH12": "%-I", # 9 "FMHH24": "%-H", # 9 "FMMI": "%-M", # Minute "FMMM": "%-m", # 1 "FMSS": "%-S", # Second "HH12": "%I", # 09 "HH24": "%H", # 09 "MI": "%M", # zero padded minute "MM": "%m", # 01 "OF": "%z", # utc offset "SS": "%S", # zero padded second "TMDay": "%A", # TM is locale dependent "TMDy": "%a", "TMMon": "%b", # Sep "TMMonth": "%B", # September "TZ": "%Z", # uppercase timezone name "US": "%f", # zero padded microsecond "WW": "%U", # 1-based week of year "YY": "%y", # 15 "YYYY": "%Y", # 2015 } class Tokenizer(Tokenizer): BIT_STRINGS = [("b'", "'"), ("B'", "'")] HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'")] KEYWORDS = { **Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, "ALWAYS": TokenType.ALWAYS, "BY DEFAULT": TokenType.BY_DEFAULT, "IDENTITY": TokenType.IDENTITY, "GENERATED": TokenType.GENERATED, "DOUBLE PRECISION": TokenType.DOUBLE, "BIGSERIAL": TokenType.BIGSERIAL, "SERIAL": TokenType.SERIAL, "SMALLSERIAL": TokenType.SMALLSERIAL, "UUID": TokenType.UUID, } class Parser(Parser): STRICT_CAST = False FUNCTIONS = { **Parser.FUNCTIONS, "TO_TIMESTAMP": format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "postgres"), "TO_CHAR": format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, "postgres"), } class Generator(Generator): TYPE_MAPPING = { **Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "SMALLINT", exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "REAL", exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "DOUBLE PRECISION", exp.DataType.Type.BINARY: "BYTEA", exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: "TIMESTAMP", } TRANSFORMS = { **Generator.TRANSFORMS, exp.ColumnDef: preprocess( [ _auto_increment_to_serial, _serial_to_generated, ], delegate("columndef_sql"), ), exp.JSONExtract: arrow_json_extract_sql, exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_scalar_sql, exp.JSONBExtract: lambda self, e: f"{self.sql(e, 'this')}#>{self.sql(e, 'path')}", exp.JSONBExtractScalar: lambda self, e: f"{self.sql(e, 'this')}#>>{self.sql(e, 'path')}", exp.CurrentDate: no_paren_current_date_sql, exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql("+"), exp.DateSub: _date_add_sql("-"), exp.Lateral: _lateral_sql, exp.StrPosition: str_position_sql, exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", exp.Substring: _substring_sql, exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: f"TO_CHAR({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql, exp.Trim: _trim_sql, exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql, }