from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, format_time_lambda, inline_array_sql, rename_func, ) from sqlglot.expressions import Literal from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot.helper import list_get from sqlglot.parser import Parser from sqlglot.tokens import Tokenizer, TokenType def _check_int(s): if s[0] in ("-", "+"): return s[1:].isdigit() return s.isdigit() # from def _snowflake_to_timestamp(args): if len(args) == 2: first_arg, second_arg = args if second_arg.is_string: # case: [ , ] return format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "snowflake")(args) # case: [ , ] if not in ["0", "3", "9"]: raise ValueError(f"Scale for snowflake numeric timestamp is {second_arg}, but should be 0, 3, or 9") if == "0": timescale = exp.UnixToTime.SECONDS elif == "3": timescale = exp.UnixToTime.MILLIS elif == "9": timescale = exp.UnixToTime.MICROS return exp.UnixToTime(this=first_arg, scale=timescale) first_arg = list_get(args, 0) if not isinstance(first_arg, Literal): # case: return format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "snowflake", default=True)(args) if first_arg.is_string: if _check_int(first_arg.this): # case: return exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list(args) # case: return format_time_lambda(exp.StrToTime, "snowflake", default=True)(args) # case: return exp.UnixToTime.from_arg_list(args) def _unix_to_time(self, expression): scale = expression.args.get("scale") timestamp = self.sql(expression, "this") if scale in [None, exp.UnixToTime.SECONDS]: return f"TO_TIMESTAMP({timestamp})" if scale == exp.UnixToTime.MILLIS: return f"TO_TIMESTAMP({timestamp}, 3)" if scale == exp.UnixToTime.MICROS: return f"TO_TIMESTAMP({timestamp}, 9)" raise ValueError("Improper scale for timestamp") class Snowflake(Dialect): null_ordering = "nulls_are_large" time_format = "'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'" time_mapping = { "YYYY": "%Y", "yyyy": "%Y", "YY": "%y", "yy": "%y", "MMMM": "%B", "mmmm": "%B", "MON": "%b", "mon": "%b", "MM": "%m", "mm": "%m", "DD": "%d", "dd": "%d", "d": "%-d", "DY": "%w", "dy": "%w", "HH24": "%H", "hh24": "%H", "HH12": "%I", "hh12": "%I", "MI": "%M", "mi": "%M", "SS": "%S", "ss": "%S", "FF": "%f", "ff": "%f", "FF6": "%f", "ff6": "%f", } class Parser(Parser): FUNCTIONS = { **Parser.FUNCTIONS, "ARRAYAGG": exp.ArrayAgg.from_arg_list, "IFF": exp.If.from_arg_list, "TO_TIMESTAMP": _snowflake_to_timestamp, "ARRAY_CONSTRUCT": exp.Array.from_arg_list, "RLIKE": exp.RegexpLike.from_arg_list, } FUNCTION_PARSERS = { **Parser.FUNCTION_PARSERS, "DATE_PART": lambda self: self._parse_extract(), } FUNC_TOKENS = { *Parser.FUNC_TOKENS, TokenType.RLIKE, TokenType.TABLE, } COLUMN_OPERATORS = { **Parser.COLUMN_OPERATORS, TokenType.COLON: lambda self, this, path: self.expression( exp.Bracket, this=this, expressions=[path], ), } PROPERTY_PARSERS = { **Parser.PROPERTY_PARSERS, TokenType.PARTITION_BY: lambda self: self._parse_partitioned_by(), } class Tokenizer(Tokenizer): QUOTES = ["'", "$$"] ESCAPE = "\\" SINGLE_TOKENS = { **Tokenizer.SINGLE_TOKENS, "$": TokenType.PARAMETER, } KEYWORDS = { **Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, "QUALIFY": TokenType.QUALIFY, "DOUBLE PRECISION": TokenType.DOUBLE, "TIMESTAMP_LTZ": TokenType.TIMESTAMPLTZ, "TIMESTAMP_NTZ": TokenType.TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP_TZ": TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ, "TIMESTAMPNTZ": TokenType.TIMESTAMP, "SAMPLE": TokenType.TABLE_SAMPLE, } class Generator(Generator): TRANSFORMS = { **Generator.TRANSFORMS, exp.If: rename_func("IFF"), exp.StrToTime: lambda self, e: f"TO_TIMESTAMP({self.sql(e, 'this')}, {self.format_time(e)})", exp.UnixToTime: _unix_to_time, exp.Array: inline_array_sql, exp.StrPosition: rename_func("POSITION"), exp.Parameter: lambda self, e: f"${self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.PartitionedByProperty: lambda self, e: f"PARTITION BY {self.sql(e, 'value')}", } TYPE_MAPPING = { **Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP: "TIMESTAMPNTZ", } ROOT_PROPERTIES = { exp.PartitionedByProperty, exp.ReturnsProperty, exp.LanguageProperty, exp.SchemaCommentProperty, exp.ExecuteAsProperty, exp.VolatilityProperty, } def except_op(self, expression): if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): self.unsupported("EXCEPT with All is not supported in Snowflake") return super().except_op(expression) def intersect_op(self, expression): if not expression.args.get("distinct", False): self.unsupported("INTERSECT with All is not supported in Snowflake") return super().intersect_op(expression)