from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens, transforms from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, NormalizationStrategy, any_value_to_max_sql, arrow_json_extract_sql, concat_to_dpipe_sql, count_if_to_sum, no_ilike_sql, no_pivot_sql, no_tablesample_sql, no_trycast_sql, rename_func, ) from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType def _date_add_sql(self: SQLite.Generator, expression: exp.DateAdd) -> str: modifier = expression.expression modifier = if modifier.is_string else self.sql(modifier) unit = expression.args.get("unit") modifier = f"'{modifier} {}'" if unit else f"'{modifier}'" return self.func("DATE", expression.this, modifier) def _json_extract_sql(self: SQLite.Generator, expression: exp.JSONExtract) -> str: if expression.expressions: return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) return arrow_json_extract_sql(self, expression) def _build_strftime(args: t.List) -> exp.Anonymous | exp.TimeToStr: if len(args) == 1: args.append(exp.CurrentTimestamp()) if len(args) == 2: return exp.TimeToStr(this=exp.TsOrDsToTimestamp(this=args[1]), format=args[0]) return exp.Anonymous(this="STRFTIME", expressions=args) def _transform_create(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """Move primary key to a column and enforce auto_increment on primary keys.""" schema = expression.this if isinstance(expression, exp.Create) and isinstance(schema, exp.Schema): defs = {} primary_key = None for e in schema.expressions: if isinstance(e, exp.ColumnDef): defs[] = e elif isinstance(e, exp.PrimaryKey): primary_key = e if primary_key and len(primary_key.expressions) == 1: column = defs[primary_key.expressions[0].name] column.append( "constraints", exp.ColumnConstraint(kind=exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint()) ) schema.expressions.remove(primary_key) else: for column in defs.values(): auto_increment = None for constraint in column.constraints: if isinstance(constraint.kind, exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint): break if isinstance(constraint.kind, exp.AutoIncrementColumnConstraint): auto_increment = constraint if auto_increment: column.constraints.remove(auto_increment) return expression class SQLite(Dialect): # NORMALIZATION_STRATEGY = NormalizationStrategy.CASE_INSENSITIVE SUPPORTS_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN = False TYPED_DIVISION = True SAFE_DIVISION = True class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): IDENTIFIERS = ['"', ("[", "]"), "`"] HEX_STRINGS = [("x'", "'"), ("X'", "'"), ("0x", ""), ("0X", "")] class Parser(parser.Parser): FUNCTIONS = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, "EDITDIST3": exp.Levenshtein.from_arg_list, "STRFTIME": _build_strftime, } STRING_ALIASES = True class Generator(generator.Generator): JOIN_HINTS = False TABLE_HINTS = False QUERY_HINTS = False NVL2_SUPPORTED = False JSON_PATH_BRACKETED_KEY_SUPPORTED = False SUPPORTS_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE = False SUPPORTS_TABLE_ALIAS_COLUMNS = False SUPPORTS_TO_NUMBER = False SUPPORTED_JSON_PATH_PARTS = { exp.JSONPathKey, exp.JSONPathRoot, exp.JSONPathSubscript, } TYPE_MAPPING = { **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.TINYINT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.SMALLINT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT: "REAL", exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE: "REAL", exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "REAL", exp.DataType.Type.CHAR: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.NCHAR: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.BINARY: "BLOB", exp.DataType.Type.VARBINARY: "BLOB", } TOKEN_MAPPING = { TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT: "AUTOINCREMENT", } TRANSFORMS = { **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, exp.AnyValue: any_value_to_max_sql, exp.Concat: concat_to_dpipe_sql, exp.CountIf: count_if_to_sum, exp.Create: transforms.preprocess([_transform_create]), exp.CurrentDate: lambda *_: "CURRENT_DATE", exp.CurrentTime: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIME", exp.CurrentTimestamp: lambda *_: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", exp.DateAdd: _date_add_sql, exp.DateStrToDate: lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "this"), exp.If: rename_func("IIF"), exp.ILike: no_ilike_sql, exp.JSONExtract: _json_extract_sql, exp.JSONExtractScalar: arrow_json_extract_sql, exp.Levenshtein: rename_func("EDITDIST3"), exp.LogicalOr: rename_func("MAX"), exp.LogicalAnd: rename_func("MIN"), exp.Pivot: no_pivot_sql, exp.Rand: rename_func("RANDOM"), exp.Select: transforms.preprocess( [ transforms.eliminate_distinct_on, transforms.eliminate_qualify, transforms.eliminate_semi_and_anti_joins, ] ), exp.TableSample: no_tablesample_sql, exp.TimeStrToTime: lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "this"), exp.TimeToStr: lambda self, e: self.func("STRFTIME", e.args.get("format"), e.this), exp.TryCast: no_trycast_sql, exp.TsOrDsToTimestamp: lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "this"), } # SQLite doesn't generally support CREATE TABLE .. properties # PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { prop: exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED for prop in generator.Generator.PROPERTIES_LOCATION } # There are a few exceptions (e.g. temporary tables) which are supported or # can be transpiled to SQLite, so we explicitly override them accordingly PROPERTIES_LOCATION[exp.LikeProperty] = exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA PROPERTIES_LOCATION[exp.TemporaryProperty] = exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE LIMIT_FETCH = "LIMIT" def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast, safe_prefix: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str: if expression.is_type("date"): return self.func("DATE", expression.this) return super().cast_sql(expression) def generateseries_sql(self, expression: exp.GenerateSeries) -> str: parent = expression.parent alias = parent and parent.args.get("alias") if isinstance(alias, exp.TableAlias) and alias.columns: column_alias = alias.columns[0] alias.set("columns", None) sql = self.sql("value", column_alias)).from_(expression).subquery() ) else: sql = super().generateseries_sql(expression) return sql def datediff_sql(self, expression: exp.DateDiff) -> str: unit = expression.args.get("unit") unit = if unit else "DAY" sql = f"(JULIANDAY({self.sql(expression, 'this')}) - JULIANDAY({self.sql(expression, 'expression')}))" if unit == "MONTH": sql = f"{sql} / 30.0" elif unit == "YEAR": sql = f"{sql} / 365.0" elif unit == "HOUR": sql = f"{sql} * 24.0" elif unit == "MINUTE": sql = f"{sql} * 1440.0" elif unit == "SECOND": sql = f"{sql} * 86400.0" elif unit == "MILLISECOND": sql = f"{sql} * 86400000.0" elif unit == "MICROSECOND": sql = f"{sql} * 86400000000.0" elif unit == "NANOSECOND": sql = f"{sql} * 8640000000000.0" else: self.unsupported("DATEDIFF unsupported for '{unit}'.") return f"CAST({sql} AS INTEGER)" # def groupconcat_sql(self, expression: exp.GroupConcat) -> str: this = expression.this distinct = expression.find(exp.Distinct) if distinct: this = distinct.expressions[0] distinct_sql = "DISTINCT " else: distinct_sql = "" if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Order): self.unsupported("SQLite GROUP_CONCAT doesn't support ORDER BY.") if expression.this.this and not distinct: this = expression.this.this separator = expression.args.get("separator") return f"GROUP_CONCAT({distinct_sql}{self.format_args(this, separator)})" def least_sql(self, expression: exp.Least) -> str: if len(expression.expressions) > 1: return rename_func("MIN")(self, expression) return self.sql(expression, "this") def transaction_sql(self, expression: exp.Transaction) -> str: this = expression.this this = f" {this}" if this else "" return f"BEGIN{this} TRANSACTION"