from __future__ import annotations import re import typing as t from sqlglot import exp, generator, parser, tokens from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import ( Dialect, max_or_greatest, min_or_least, parse_date_delta, rename_func, ) from sqlglot.expressions import DataType from sqlglot.helper import seq_get from sqlglot.time import format_time from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType FULL_FORMAT_TIME_MAPPING = { "weekday": "%A", "dw": "%A", "w": "%A", "month": "%B", "mm": "%B", "m": "%B", } DATE_DELTA_INTERVAL = { "year": "year", "yyyy": "year", "yy": "year", "quarter": "quarter", "qq": "quarter", "q": "quarter", "month": "month", "mm": "month", "m": "month", "week": "week", "ww": "week", "wk": "week", "day": "day", "dd": "day", "d": "day", } DATE_FMT_RE = re.compile("([dD]{1,2})|([mM]{1,2})|([yY]{1,4})|([hH]{1,2})|([sS]{1,2})") # N = Numeric, C=Currency TRANSPILE_SAFE_NUMBER_FMT = {"N", "C"} def _format_time_lambda(exp_class, full_format_mapping=None, default=None): def _format_time(args): return exp_class( this=seq_get(args, 1), format=exp.Literal.string( format_time( seq_get(args, 0).name or (TSQL.time_format if default is True else default), {**TSQL.time_mapping, **FULL_FORMAT_TIME_MAPPING} if full_format_mapping else TSQL.time_mapping, ) ), ) return _format_time def _parse_format(args): fmt = seq_get(args, 1) number_fmt = in TRANSPILE_SAFE_NUMBER_FMT or not if number_fmt: return exp.NumberToStr(this=seq_get(args, 0), format=fmt) return exp.TimeToStr( this=seq_get(args, 0), format=exp.Literal.string( format_time(, TSQL.format_time_mapping) if len( == 1 else format_time(, TSQL.time_mapping) ), ) def _parse_eomonth(args): date = seq_get(args, 0) month_lag = seq_get(args, 1) unit = DATE_DELTA_INTERVAL.get("month") if month_lag is None: return exp.LastDateOfMonth(this=date) # Remove month lag argument in parser as its compared with the number of arguments of the resulting class args.remove(month_lag) return exp.LastDateOfMonth(this=exp.DateAdd(this=date, expression=month_lag, unit=unit)) def generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql(self, e): func = "DATEADD" if isinstance(e, exp.DateAdd) else "DATEDIFF" return self.func(func, e.text("unit"), e.expression, e.this) def _format_sql(self, e): fmt = ( e.args["format"] if isinstance(e, exp.NumberToStr) else exp.Literal.string(format_time(e.text("format"), TSQL.inverse_time_mapping)) ) return self.func("FORMAT", e.this, fmt) def _string_agg_sql(self, e): e = e.copy() this = e.this distinct = e.find(exp.Distinct) if distinct: # exp.Distinct can appear below an exp.Order or an exp.GroupConcat expression self.unsupported("T-SQL STRING_AGG doesn't support DISTINCT.") this = distinct.pop().expressions[0] order = "" if isinstance(e.this, exp.Order): if e.this.this: this = e.this.this.pop() order = f" WITHIN GROUP ({self.sql(e.this)[1:]})" # Order has a leading space separator = e.args.get("separator") or exp.Literal.string(",") return f"STRING_AGG({self.format_args(this, separator)}){order}" class TSQL(Dialect): null_ordering = "nulls_are_small" time_format = "'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'" time_mapping = { "year": "%Y", "qq": "%q", "q": "%q", "quarter": "%q", "dayofyear": "%j", "day": "%d", "dy": "%d", "y": "%Y", "week": "%W", "ww": "%W", "wk": "%W", "hour": "%h", "hh": "%I", "minute": "%M", "mi": "%M", "n": "%M", "second": "%S", "ss": "%S", "s": "%-S", "millisecond": "%f", "ms": "%f", "weekday": "%W", "dw": "%W", "month": "%m", "mm": "%M", "m": "%-M", "Y": "%Y", "YYYY": "%Y", "YY": "%y", "MMMM": "%B", "MMM": "%b", "MM": "%m", "M": "%-m", "dd": "%d", "d": "%-d", "HH": "%H", "H": "%-H", "h": "%-I", "S": "%f", "yyyy": "%Y", "yy": "%y", } convert_format_mapping = { "0": "%b %d %Y %-I:%M%p", "1": "%m/%d/%y", "2": "%y.%m.%d", "3": "%d/%m/%y", "4": "%d.%m.%y", "5": "%d-%m-%y", "6": "%d %b %y", "7": "%b %d, %y", "8": "%H:%M:%S", "9": "%b %d %Y %-I:%M:%S:%f%p", "10": "mm-dd-yy", "11": "yy/mm/dd", "12": "yymmdd", "13": "%d %b %Y %H:%M:ss:%f", "14": "%H:%M:%S:%f", "20": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "21": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", "22": "%m/%d/%y %-I:%M:%S %p", "23": "%Y-%m-%d", "24": "%H:%M:%S", "25": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", "100": "%b %d %Y %-I:%M%p", "101": "%m/%d/%Y", "102": "%Y.%m.%d", "103": "%d/%m/%Y", "104": "%d.%m.%Y", "105": "%d-%m-%Y", "106": "%d %b %Y", "107": "%b %d, %Y", "108": "%H:%M:%S", "109": "%b %d %Y %-I:%M:%S:%f%p", "110": "%m-%d-%Y", "111": "%Y/%m/%d", "112": "%Y%m%d", "113": "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S:%f", "114": "%H:%M:%S:%f", "120": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "121": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", } # not sure if complete format_time_mapping = { "y": "%B %Y", "d": "%m/%d/%Y", "H": "%-H", "h": "%-I", "s": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "D": "%A,%B,%Y", "f": "%A,%B,%Y %-I:%M %p", "F": "%A,%B,%Y %-I:%M:%S %p", "g": "%m/%d/%Y %-I:%M %p", "G": "%m/%d/%Y %-I:%M:%S %p", "M": "%B %-d", "m": "%B %-d", "O": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "u": "%Y-%M-%D %H:%M:%S%z", "U": "%A, %B %D, %Y %H:%M:%S%z", "T": "%-I:%M:%S %p", "t": "%-I:%M", "Y": "%a %Y", } class Tokenizer(tokens.Tokenizer): IDENTIFIERS = ['"', ("[", "]")] QUOTES = ["'", '"'] KEYWORDS = { **tokens.Tokenizer.KEYWORDS, "DATETIME2": TokenType.DATETIME, "DATETIMEOFFSET": TokenType.TIMESTAMPTZ, "DECLARE": TokenType.COMMAND, "IMAGE": TokenType.IMAGE, "MONEY": TokenType.MONEY, "NTEXT": TokenType.TEXT, "NVARCHAR(MAX)": TokenType.TEXT, "PRINT": TokenType.COMMAND, "PROC": TokenType.PROCEDURE, "REAL": TokenType.FLOAT, "ROWVERSION": TokenType.ROWVERSION, "SMALLDATETIME": TokenType.DATETIME, "SMALLMONEY": TokenType.SMALLMONEY, "SQL_VARIANT": TokenType.VARIANT, "TIME": TokenType.TIMESTAMP, "TOP": TokenType.TOP, "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": TokenType.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, "VARCHAR(MAX)": TokenType.TEXT, "XML": TokenType.XML, } # TSQL allows @, # to appear as a variable/identifier prefix SINGLE_TOKENS = tokens.Tokenizer.SINGLE_TOKENS.copy() SINGLE_TOKENS.pop("#") class Parser(parser.Parser): FUNCTIONS = { **parser.Parser.FUNCTIONS, # type: ignore "CHARINDEX": lambda args: exp.StrPosition( this=seq_get(args, 1), substr=seq_get(args, 0), position=seq_get(args, 2), ), "DATEADD": parse_date_delta(exp.DateAdd, unit_mapping=DATE_DELTA_INTERVAL), "DATEDIFF": parse_date_delta(exp.DateDiff, unit_mapping=DATE_DELTA_INTERVAL), "DATENAME": _format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr, full_format_mapping=True), "DATEPART": _format_time_lambda(exp.TimeToStr), "EOMONTH": _parse_eomonth, "FORMAT": _parse_format, "GETDATE": exp.CurrentTimestamp.from_arg_list, "IIF": exp.If.from_arg_list, "ISNULL": exp.Coalesce.from_arg_list, "JSON_VALUE": exp.JSONExtractScalar.from_arg_list, "LEN": exp.Length.from_arg_list, "REPLICATE": exp.Repeat.from_arg_list, "SQUARE": lambda args: exp.Pow(this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=exp.Literal.number(2)), "SYSDATETIME": exp.CurrentTimestamp.from_arg_list, } VAR_LENGTH_DATATYPES = { DataType.Type.NVARCHAR, DataType.Type.VARCHAR, DataType.Type.CHAR, DataType.Type.NCHAR, } RETURNS_TABLE_TOKENS = parser.Parser.ID_VAR_TOKENS - { # type: ignore TokenType.TABLE, *parser.Parser.TYPE_TOKENS, # type: ignore } STATEMENT_PARSERS = { **parser.Parser.STATEMENT_PARSERS, # type: ignore TokenType.END: lambda self: self._parse_command(), } LOG_BASE_FIRST = False LOG_DEFAULTS_TO_LN = True def _parse_system_time(self) -> t.Optional[exp.Expression]: if not self._match_text_seq("FOR", "SYSTEM_TIME"): return None if self._match_text_seq("AS", "OF"): system_time = self.expression( exp.SystemTime, this=self._parse_bitwise(), kind="AS OF" ) elif self._match_set((TokenType.FROM, TokenType.BETWEEN)): kind = self._prev.text this = self._parse_bitwise() self._match_texts(("TO", "AND")) expression = self._parse_bitwise() system_time = self.expression( exp.SystemTime, this=this, expression=expression, kind=kind ) elif self._match_text_seq("CONTAINED", "IN"): args = self._parse_wrapped_csv(self._parse_bitwise) system_time = self.expression( exp.SystemTime, this=seq_get(args, 0), expression=seq_get(args, 1), kind="CONTAINED IN", ) elif self._match(TokenType.ALL): system_time = self.expression(exp.SystemTime, kind="ALL") else: system_time = None self.raise_error("Unable to parse FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause") return system_time def _parse_table_parts(self, schema: bool = False) -> exp.Expression: table = super()._parse_table_parts(schema=schema) table.set("system_time", self._parse_system_time()) return table def _parse_returns(self) -> exp.Expression: table = self._parse_id_var(any_token=False, tokens=self.RETURNS_TABLE_TOKENS) returns = super()._parse_returns() returns.set("table", table) return returns def _parse_convert(self, strict: bool) -> t.Optional[exp.Expression]: to = self._parse_types() self._match(TokenType.COMMA) this = self._parse_conjunction() if not to or not this: return None # Retrieve length of datatype and override to default if not specified if seq_get(to.expressions, 0) is None and to.this in self.VAR_LENGTH_DATATYPES: to =, expressions=[exp.Literal.number(30)], nested=False) # Check whether a conversion with format is applicable if self._match(TokenType.COMMA): format_val = self._parse_number() format_val_name = if format_val else "" if format_val_name not in TSQL.convert_format_mapping: raise ValueError( f"CONVERT function at T-SQL does not support format style {format_val_name}" ) format_norm = exp.Literal.string(TSQL.convert_format_mapping[format_val_name]) # Check whether the convert entails a string to date format if to.this == DataType.Type.DATE: return self.expression(exp.StrToDate, this=this, format=format_norm) # Check whether the convert entails a string to datetime format elif to.this == DataType.Type.DATETIME: return self.expression(exp.StrToTime, this=this, format=format_norm) # Check whether the convert entails a date to string format elif to.this in self.VAR_LENGTH_DATATYPES: return self.expression( exp.Cast if strict else exp.TryCast, to=to, this=self.expression(exp.TimeToStr, this=this, format=format_norm), ) elif to.this == DataType.Type.TEXT: return self.expression(exp.TimeToStr, this=this, format=format_norm) # Entails a simple cast without any format requirement return self.expression(exp.Cast if strict else exp.TryCast, this=this, to=to) def _parse_user_defined_function( self, kind: t.Optional[TokenType] = None ) -> t.Optional[exp.Expression]: this = super()._parse_user_defined_function(kind=kind) if ( kind == TokenType.FUNCTION or isinstance(this, exp.UserDefinedFunction) or self._match(TokenType.ALIAS, advance=False) ): return this expressions = self._parse_csv(self._parse_function_parameter) return self.expression(exp.UserDefinedFunction, this=this, expressions=expressions) class Generator(generator.Generator): LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED = True TYPE_MAPPING = { **generator.Generator.TYPE_MAPPING, # type: ignore exp.DataType.Type.INT: "INTEGER", exp.DataType.Type.DECIMAL: "NUMERIC", exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: "DATETIME2", exp.DataType.Type.VARIANT: "SQL_VARIANT", } TRANSFORMS = { **generator.Generator.TRANSFORMS, # type: ignore exp.DateAdd: generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql, exp.DateDiff: generate_date_delta_with_unit_sql, exp.CurrentDate: rename_func("GETDATE"), exp.CurrentTimestamp: rename_func("GETDATE"), exp.If: rename_func("IIF"), exp.NumberToStr: _format_sql, exp.TimeToStr: _format_sql, exp.GroupConcat: _string_agg_sql, exp.Max: max_or_greatest, exp.Min: min_or_least, } TRANSFORMS.pop(exp.ReturnsProperty) LIMIT_FETCH = "FETCH" def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: return f"{super().offset_sql(expression)} ROWS" def systemtime_sql(self, expression: exp.SystemTime) -> str: kind = expression.args["kind"] if kind == "ALL": return "FOR SYSTEM_TIME ALL" start = self.sql(expression, "this") if kind == "AS OF": return f"FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF {start}" end = self.sql(expression, "expression") if kind == "FROM": return f"FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROM {start} TO {end}" if kind == "BETWEEN": return f"FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN {start} AND {end}" return f"FOR SYSTEM_TIME CONTAINED IN ({start}, {end})" def returnsproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ReturnsProperty) -> str: table = expression.args.get("table") table = f"{table} " if table else "" return f"RETURNS {table}{self.sql(expression, 'this')}"