import datetime import inspect import re import statistics from functools import wraps from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot.helper import PYTHON_VERSION class reverse_key: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __eq__(self, other): return other.obj == self.obj def __lt__(self, other): return other.obj < self.obj def filter_nulls(func, empty_null=True): @wraps(func) def _func(values): filtered = tuple(v for v in values if v is not None) if not filtered and empty_null: return None return func(filtered) return _func def null_if_any(*required): """ Decorator that makes a function return `None` if any of the `required` arguments are `None`. This also supports decoration with no arguments, e.g.: @null_if_any def foo(a, b): ... In which case all arguments are required. """ f = None if len(required) == 1 and callable(required[0]): f = required[0] required = () def decorator(func): if required: required_indices = [ i for i, param in enumerate(inspect.signature(func).parameters) if param in required ] def predicate(*args): return any(args[i] is None for i in required_indices) else: def predicate(*args): return any(a is None for a in args) @wraps(func) def _func(*args): if predicate(*args): return None return func(*args) return _func if f: return decorator(f) return decorator @null_if_any("substr", "this") def str_position(substr, this, position=None): position = position - 1 if position is not None else position return this.find(substr, position) + 1 @null_if_any("this") def substring(this, start=None, length=None): if start is None: return this elif start == 0: return "" elif start < 0: start = len(this) + start else: start -= 1 end = None if length is None else start + length return this[start:end] @null_if_any def cast(this, to): if to == exp.DataType.Type.DATE: return if to == exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(this) if to == exp.DataType.Type.BOOLEAN: return bool(this) if to in exp.DataType.TEXT_TYPES: return str(this) if to in {exp.DataType.Type.FLOAT, exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE}: return float(this) if to in exp.DataType.NUMERIC_TYPES: return int(this) raise NotImplementedError(f"Casting to '{to}' not implemented.") def ordered(this, desc, nulls_first): if desc: return reverse_key(this) return this @null_if_any def interval(this, unit): unit = unit.lower() plural = unit + "s" if plural in Generator.TIME_PART_SINGULARS: unit = plural return datetime.timedelta(**{unit: float(this)}) ENV = { "exp": exp, # aggs "ARRAYAGG": list, "AVG": filter_nulls(statistics.fmean if PYTHON_VERSION >= (3, 8) else statistics.mean), # type: ignore "COUNT": filter_nulls(lambda acc: sum(1 for _ in acc), False), "MAX": filter_nulls(max), "MIN": filter_nulls(min), "SUM": filter_nulls(sum), # scalar functions "ABS": null_if_any(lambda this: abs(this)), "ADD": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e + this), "ARRAYANY": null_if_any(lambda arr, func: any(func(e) for e in arr)), "BETWEEN": null_if_any(lambda this, low, high: low <= this and this <= high), "BITWISEAND": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this & e), "BITWISELEFTSHIFT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this << e), "BITWISEOR": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this | e), "BITWISERIGHTSHIFT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this >> e), "BITWISEXOR": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this ^ e), "CAST": cast, "COALESCE": lambda *args: next((a for a in args if a is not None), None), "CONCAT": null_if_any(lambda *args: "".join(args)), "SAFECONCAT": null_if_any(lambda *args: "".join(str(arg) for arg in args)), "CONCATWS": null_if_any(lambda this, *args: this.join(args)), "DATESTRTODATE": null_if_any(lambda arg:, "DIV": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e / this), "DOT": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e[this]), "EQ": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this == e), "EXTRACT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: getattr(e, this)), "GT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this > e), "GTE": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this >= e), "IF": lambda predicate, true, false: true if predicate else false, "INTDIV": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e // this), "INTERVAL": interval, "LEFT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this[:e]), "LIKE": null_if_any( lambda this, e: bool(re.match(e.replace("_", ".").replace("%", ".*"), this)) ), "LOWER": null_if_any(lambda arg: arg.lower()), "LT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this < e), "LTE": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this <= e), "MAP": null_if_any(lambda *args: dict(zip(*args))), # type: ignore "MOD": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e % this), "MUL": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e * this), "NEQ": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this != e), "ORD": null_if_any(ord), "ORDERED": ordered, "POW": pow, "RIGHT": null_if_any(lambda this, e: this[-e:]), "STRPOSITION": str_position, "SUB": null_if_any(lambda e, this: e - this), "SUBSTRING": substring, "TIMESTRTOTIME": null_if_any(lambda arg: datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(arg)), "UPPER": null_if_any(lambda arg: arg.upper()), "YEAR": null_if_any(lambda arg: arg.year), "MONTH": null_if_any(lambda arg: arg.month), "DAY": null_if_any(lambda arg:, "CURRENTDATETIME":, "CURRENTTIMESTAMP":, "CURRENTTIME":, "CURRENTDATE":, "STRFTIME": null_if_any(lambda fmt, arg: datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(arg).strftime(fmt)), }