from __future__ import annotations import logging import re import typing as t from collections import defaultdict from functools import reduce from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.errors import ErrorLevel, UnsupportedError, concat_messages from sqlglot.helper import apply_index_offset, csv, seq_get from sqlglot.jsonpath import ALL_JSON_PATH_PARTS, JSON_PATH_PART_TRANSFORMS from sqlglot.time import format_time from sqlglot.tokens import TokenType if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot._typing import E from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import DialectType logger = logging.getLogger("sqlglot") ESCAPED_UNICODE_RE = re.compile(r"\\(\d+)") class _Generator(type): def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs): klass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs) # Remove transforms that correspond to unsupported JSONPathPart expressions for part in ALL_JSON_PATH_PARTS - klass.SUPPORTED_JSON_PATH_PARTS: klass.TRANSFORMS.pop(part, None) return klass class Generator(metaclass=_Generator): """ Generator converts a given syntax tree to the corresponding SQL string. Args: pretty: Whether to format the produced SQL string. Default: False. identify: Determines when an identifier should be quoted. Possible values are: False (default): Never quote, except in cases where it's mandatory by the dialect. True or 'always': Always quote. 'safe': Only quote identifiers that are case insensitive. normalize: Whether to normalize identifiers to lowercase. Default: False. pad: The pad size in a formatted string. For example, this affects the indentation of a projection in a query, relative to its nesting level. Default: 2. indent: The indentation size in a formatted string. For example, this affects the indentation of subqueries and filters under a `WHERE` clause. Default: 2. normalize_functions: How to normalize function names. Possible values are: "upper" or True (default): Convert names to uppercase. "lower": Convert names to lowercase. False: Disables function name normalization. unsupported_level: Determines the generator's behavior when it encounters unsupported expressions. Default ErrorLevel.WARN. max_unsupported: Maximum number of unsupported messages to include in a raised UnsupportedError. This is only relevant if unsupported_level is ErrorLevel.RAISE. Default: 3 leading_comma: Whether the comma is leading or trailing in select expressions. This is only relevant when generating in pretty mode. Default: False max_text_width: The max number of characters in a segment before creating new lines in pretty mode. The default is on the smaller end because the length only represents a segment and not the true line length. Default: 80 comments: Whether to preserve comments in the output SQL code. Default: True """ TRANSFORMS: t.Dict[t.Type[exp.Expression], t.Callable[..., str]] = { **JSON_PATH_PART_TRANSFORMS, exp.AutoRefreshProperty: lambda self, e: f"AUTO REFRESH {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.BackupProperty: lambda self, e: f"BACKUP {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.CaseSpecificColumnConstraint: lambda _, e: f"{'NOT ' if e.args.get('not_') else ''}CASESPECIFIC", exp.CharacterSetColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"CHARACTER SET {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.CharacterSetProperty: lambda self, e: f"{'DEFAULT ' if e.args.get('default') else ''}CHARACTER SET={self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.ClusteredColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"CLUSTERED ({self.expressions(e, 'this', indent=False)})", exp.CollateColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"COLLATE {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.CommentColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"COMMENT {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.CopyGrantsProperty: lambda *_: "COPY GRANTS", exp.DateFormatColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"FORMAT {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.DefaultColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"DEFAULT {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.EncodeColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"ENCODE {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.EphemeralColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"EPHEMERAL{(' ' + self.sql(e, 'this')) if e.this else ''}", exp.ExcludeColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"EXCLUDE {self.sql(e, 'this').lstrip()}", exp.ExecuteAsProperty: lambda self, e: self.naked_property(e), exp.ExternalProperty: lambda *_: "EXTERNAL", exp.GlobalProperty: lambda *_: "GLOBAL", exp.HeapProperty: lambda *_: "HEAP", exp.IcebergProperty: lambda *_: "ICEBERG", exp.InheritsProperty: lambda self, e: f"INHERITS ({self.expressions(e, flat=True)})", exp.InlineLengthColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"INLINE LENGTH {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.InputModelProperty: lambda self, e: f"INPUT{self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.IntervalSpan: lambda self, e: f"{self.sql(e, 'this')} TO {self.sql(e, 'expression')}", exp.JSONExtract: lambda self, e: self.func( "JSON_EXTRACT", e.this, e.expression, *e.expressions ), exp.JSONExtractScalar: lambda self, e: self.func( "JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR", e.this, e.expression, *e.expressions ), exp.LanguageProperty: lambda self, e: self.naked_property(e), exp.LocationProperty: lambda self, e: self.naked_property(e), exp.LogProperty: lambda _, e: f"{'NO ' if e.args.get('no') else ''}LOG", exp.MaterializedProperty: lambda *_: "MATERIALIZED", exp.NonClusteredColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"NONCLUSTERED ({self.expressions(e, 'this', indent=False)})", exp.NoPrimaryIndexProperty: lambda *_: "NO PRIMARY INDEX", exp.NotForReplicationColumnConstraint: lambda *_: "NOT FOR REPLICATION", exp.OnCommitProperty: lambda _, e: f"ON COMMIT {'DELETE' if e.args.get('delete') else 'PRESERVE'} ROWS", exp.OnProperty: lambda self, e: f"ON {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.OnUpdateColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"ON UPDATE {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.OutputModelProperty: lambda self, e: f"OUTPUT{self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.PathColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"PATH {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.RemoteWithConnectionModelProperty: lambda self, e: f"REMOTE WITH CONNECTION {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.ReturnsProperty: lambda self, e: self.naked_property(e), exp.SampleProperty: lambda self, e: f"SAMPLE BY {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.SetConfigProperty: lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "this"), exp.SetProperty: lambda _, e: f"{'MULTI' if e.args.get('multi') else ''}SET", exp.SettingsProperty: lambda self, e: f"SETTINGS{self.seg('')}{(self.expressions(e))}", exp.SharingProperty: lambda self, e: f"SHARING={self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.SqlReadWriteProperty: lambda _, e:, exp.SqlSecurityProperty: lambda _, e: f"SQL SECURITY {'DEFINER' if e.args.get('definer') else 'INVOKER'}", exp.StabilityProperty: lambda _, e:, exp.TemporaryProperty: lambda *_: "TEMPORARY", exp.TitleColumnConstraint: lambda self, e: f"TITLE {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.Timestamp: lambda self, e: self.func("TIMESTAMP", e.this, e.expression), exp.ToMap: lambda self, e: f"MAP {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.ToTableProperty: lambda self, e: f"TO {self.sql(e.this)}", exp.TransformModelProperty: lambda self, e: self.func("TRANSFORM", *e.expressions), exp.TransientProperty: lambda *_: "TRANSIENT", exp.UppercaseColumnConstraint: lambda *_: "UPPERCASE", exp.UnloggedProperty: lambda *_: "UNLOGGED", exp.VarMap: lambda self, e: self.func("MAP", e.args["keys"], e.args["values"]), exp.ViewAttributeProperty: lambda self, e: f"WITH {self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.VolatileProperty: lambda *_: "VOLATILE", exp.WithJournalTableProperty: lambda self, e: f"WITH JOURNAL TABLE={self.sql(e, 'this')}", exp.WithOperator: lambda self, e: f"{self.sql(e, 'this')} WITH {self.sql(e, 'op')}", } # Whether null ordering is supported in order by # True: Full Support, None: No support, False: No support in window specifications NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED: t.Optional[bool] = True # Whether ignore nulls is inside the agg or outside. # FIRST(x IGNORE NULLS) OVER vs FIRST (x) IGNORE NULLS OVER IGNORE_NULLS_IN_FUNC = False # Whether locking reads (i.e. SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/SHARE) are supported LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED = False # Always do union distinct or union all EXPLICIT_UNION = False # Wrap derived values in parens, usually standard but spark doesn't support it WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES = True # Whether create function uses an AS before the RETURN CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS = True # Whether MERGE ... WHEN MATCHED BY SOURCE is allowed MATCHED_BY_SOURCE = True # Whether the INTERVAL expression works only with values like '1 day' SINGLE_STRING_INTERVAL = False # Whether the plural form of date parts like day (i.e. "days") is supported in INTERVALs INTERVAL_ALLOWS_PLURAL_FORM = True # Whether limit and fetch are supported (possible values: "ALL", "LIMIT", "FETCH") LIMIT_FETCH = "ALL" # Whether limit and fetch allows expresions or just limits LIMIT_ONLY_LITERALS = False # Whether a table is allowed to be renamed with a db RENAME_TABLE_WITH_DB = True # The separator for grouping sets and rollups GROUPINGS_SEP = "," # The string used for creating an index on a table INDEX_ON = "ON" # Whether join hints should be generated JOIN_HINTS = True # Whether table hints should be generated TABLE_HINTS = True # Whether query hints should be generated QUERY_HINTS = True # What kind of separator to use for query hints QUERY_HINT_SEP = ", " # Whether comparing against booleans (e.g. x IS TRUE) is supported IS_BOOL_ALLOWED = True # Whether to include the "SET" keyword in the "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" statement DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_WITH_SET = True # Whether to generate the limit as TOP instead of LIMIT LIMIT_IS_TOP = False # Whether to generate INSERT INTO ... RETURNING or INSERT INTO RETURNING ... RETURNING_END = True # Whether to generate the (+) suffix for columns used in old-style join conditions COLUMN_JOIN_MARKS_SUPPORTED = False # Whether to generate an unquoted value for EXTRACT's date part argument EXTRACT_ALLOWS_QUOTES = True # Whether TIMETZ / TIMESTAMPTZ will be generated using the "WITH TIME ZONE" syntax TZ_TO_WITH_TIME_ZONE = False # Whether the NVL2 function is supported NVL2_SUPPORTED = True # SELECT_KINDS: t.Tuple[str, ...] = ("STRUCT", "VALUE") # Whether VALUES statements can be used as derived tables. # MySQL 5 and Redshift do not allow this, so when False, it will convert # SELECT * VALUES into SELECT UNION VALUES_AS_TABLE = True # Whether the word COLUMN is included when adding a column with ALTER TABLE ALTER_TABLE_INCLUDE_COLUMN_KEYWORD = True # UNNEST WITH ORDINALITY (presto) instead of UNNEST WITH OFFSET (bigquery) UNNEST_WITH_ORDINALITY = True # Whether FILTER (WHERE cond) can be used for conditional aggregation AGGREGATE_FILTER_SUPPORTED = True # Whether JOIN sides (LEFT, RIGHT) are supported in conjunction with SEMI/ANTI join kinds SEMI_ANTI_JOIN_WITH_SIDE = True # Whether to include the type of a computed column in the CREATE DDL COMPUTED_COLUMN_WITH_TYPE = True # Whether CREATE TABLE .. COPY .. is supported. False means we'll generate CLONE instead of COPY SUPPORTS_TABLE_COPY = True # Whether parentheses are required around the table sample's expression TABLESAMPLE_REQUIRES_PARENS = True # Whether a table sample clause's size needs to be followed by the ROWS keyword TABLESAMPLE_SIZE_IS_ROWS = True # The keyword(s) to use when generating a sample clause TABLESAMPLE_KEYWORDS = "TABLESAMPLE" # Whether the TABLESAMPLE clause supports a method name, like BERNOULLI TABLESAMPLE_WITH_METHOD = True # The keyword to use when specifying the seed of a sample clause TABLESAMPLE_SEED_KEYWORD = "SEED" # Whether COLLATE is a function instead of a binary operator COLLATE_IS_FUNC = False # Whether data types support additional specifiers like e.g. CHAR or BYTE (oracle) DATA_TYPE_SPECIFIERS_ALLOWED = False # Whether conditions require booleans WHERE x = 0 vs WHERE x ENSURE_BOOLS = False # Whether the "RECURSIVE" keyword is required when defining recursive CTEs CTE_RECURSIVE_KEYWORD_REQUIRED = True # Whether CONCAT requires >1 arguments SUPPORTS_SINGLE_ARG_CONCAT = True # Whether LAST_DAY function supports a date part argument LAST_DAY_SUPPORTS_DATE_PART = True # Whether named columns are allowed in table aliases SUPPORTS_TABLE_ALIAS_COLUMNS = True # Whether UNPIVOT aliases are Identifiers (False means they're Literals) UNPIVOT_ALIASES_ARE_IDENTIFIERS = True # What delimiter to use for separating JSON key/value pairs JSON_KEY_VALUE_PAIR_SEP = ":" # INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE x override INSERT_OVERWRITE = " OVERWRITE TABLE" # Whether the SELECT .. INTO syntax is used instead of CTAS SUPPORTS_SELECT_INTO = False # Whether UNLOGGED tables can be created SUPPORTS_UNLOGGED_TABLES = False # Whether the CREATE TABLE LIKE statement is supported SUPPORTS_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE = True # Whether the LikeProperty needs to be specified inside of the schema clause LIKE_PROPERTY_INSIDE_SCHEMA = False # Whether DISTINCT can be followed by multiple args in an AggFunc. If not, it will be # transpiled into a series of CASE-WHEN-ELSE, ultimately using a tuple conseisting of the args MULTI_ARG_DISTINCT = True # Whether the JSON extraction operators expect a value of type JSON JSON_TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_EXTRACTION = False # Whether bracketed keys like ["foo"] are supported in JSON paths JSON_PATH_BRACKETED_KEY_SUPPORTED = True # Whether to escape keys using single quotes in JSON paths JSON_PATH_SINGLE_QUOTE_ESCAPE = False # The JSONPathPart expressions supported by this dialect SUPPORTED_JSON_PATH_PARTS = ALL_JSON_PATH_PARTS.copy() # Whether any(f(x) for x in array) can be implemented by this dialect CAN_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_ANY = False # Whether the function TO_NUMBER is supported SUPPORTS_TO_NUMBER = True # Whether or not union modifiers apply to the outer union or select. # SELECT * FROM x UNION SELECT * FROM y LIMIT 1 # True means limit 1 happens after the union, False means it it happens on y. OUTER_UNION_MODIFIERS = True TYPE_MAPPING = { exp.DataType.Type.NCHAR: "CHAR", exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR: "VARCHAR", exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMTEXT: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.LONGTEXT: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.TINYTEXT: "TEXT", exp.DataType.Type.MEDIUMBLOB: "BLOB", exp.DataType.Type.LONGBLOB: "BLOB", exp.DataType.Type.TINYBLOB: "BLOB", exp.DataType.Type.INET: "INET", exp.DataType.Type.ROWVERSION: "VARBINARY", } STAR_MAPPING = { "except": "EXCEPT", "replace": "REPLACE", } TIME_PART_SINGULARS = { "MICROSECONDS": "MICROSECOND", "SECONDS": "SECOND", "MINUTES": "MINUTE", "HOURS": "HOUR", "DAYS": "DAY", "WEEKS": "WEEK", "MONTHS": "MONTH", "QUARTERS": "QUARTER", "YEARS": "YEAR", } AFTER_HAVING_MODIFIER_TRANSFORMS = { "cluster": lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "cluster"), "distribute": lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "distribute"), "qualify": lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "qualify"), "sort": lambda self, e: self.sql(e, "sort"), "windows": lambda self, e: ( self.seg("WINDOW ") + self.expressions(e, key="windows", flat=True) if e.args.get("windows") else "" ), } TOKEN_MAPPING: t.Dict[TokenType, str] = {} STRUCT_DELIMITER = ("<", ">") PARAMETER_TOKEN = "@" NAMED_PLACEHOLDER_TOKEN = ":" PROPERTIES_LOCATION = { exp.AlgorithmProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.AutoIncrementProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.AutoRefreshProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.BackupProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.BlockCompressionProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.CharacterSetProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.ChecksumProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.CollateProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.CopyGrantsProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.Cluster: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.ClusteredByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.DataBlocksizeProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.DefinerProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.DictRange: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.DictProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.DistKeyProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.DistStyleProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.EngineProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.ExecuteAsProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.ExternalProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.FallbackProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.FileFormatProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH, exp.FreespaceProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.GlobalProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.HeapProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH, exp.InheritsProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.IcebergProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.InputModelProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.JournalProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.LanguageProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.LikeProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.LocationProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.LockProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.LockingProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS, exp.LogProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.MaterializedProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.NoPrimaryIndexProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION, exp.OnProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.OnCommitProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION, exp.Order: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.OutputModelProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.PartitionedByProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH, exp.PartitionedOfProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.PrimaryKey: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.Property: exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH, exp.RemoteWithConnectionModelProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.ReturnsProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.RowFormatProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.RowFormatSerdeProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SampleProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SchemaCommentProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SerdeProperties: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.Set: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SettingsProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SetProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.SetConfigProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SharingProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION, exp.SequenceProperties: exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION, exp.SortKeyProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SqlReadWriteProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.SqlSecurityProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.StabilityProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.TemporaryProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.ToTableProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.TransientProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.TransformModelProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.MergeTreeTTL: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.UnloggedProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.ViewAttributeProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, exp.VolatileProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE, exp.WithDataProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION, exp.WithJournalTableProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_NAME, exp.WithSystemVersioningProperty: exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA, } # Keywords that can't be used as unquoted identifier names RESERVED_KEYWORDS: t.Set[str] = set() # Expressions whose comments are separated from them for better formatting WITH_SEPARATED_COMMENTS: t.Tuple[t.Type[exp.Expression], ...] = ( exp.Create, exp.Delete, exp.Drop, exp.From, exp.Insert, exp.Join, exp.Select, exp.Union, exp.Update, exp.Where, exp.With, ) # Expressions that should not have their comments generated in maybe_comment EXCLUDE_COMMENTS: t.Tuple[t.Type[exp.Expression], ...] = ( exp.Binary, exp.Union, ) # Expressions that can remain unwrapped when appearing in the context of an INTERVAL UNWRAPPED_INTERVAL_VALUES: t.Tuple[t.Type[exp.Expression], ...] = ( exp.Column, exp.Literal, exp.Neg, exp.Paren, ) PARAMETERIZABLE_TEXT_TYPES = { exp.DataType.Type.NVARCHAR, exp.DataType.Type.VARCHAR, exp.DataType.Type.CHAR, exp.DataType.Type.NCHAR, } # Expressions that need to have all CTEs under them bubbled up to them EXPRESSIONS_WITHOUT_NESTED_CTES: t.Set[t.Type[exp.Expression]] = set() SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK = "__SQLGLOT__LB__" __slots__ = ( "pretty", "identify", "normalize", "pad", "_indent", "normalize_functions", "unsupported_level", "max_unsupported", "leading_comma", "max_text_width", "comments", "dialect", "unsupported_messages", "_escaped_quote_end", "_escaped_identifier_end", ) def __init__( self, pretty: t.Optional[bool] = None, identify: str | bool = False, normalize: bool = False, pad: int = 2, indent: int = 2, normalize_functions: t.Optional[str | bool] = None, unsupported_level: ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.WARN, max_unsupported: int = 3, leading_comma: bool = False, max_text_width: int = 80, comments: bool = True, dialect: DialectType = None, ): import sqlglot from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect self.pretty = pretty if pretty is not None else sqlglot.pretty self.identify = identify self.normalize = normalize self.pad = pad self._indent = indent self.unsupported_level = unsupported_level self.max_unsupported = max_unsupported self.leading_comma = leading_comma self.max_text_width = max_text_width self.comments = comments self.dialect = Dialect.get_or_raise(dialect) # This is both a Dialect property and a Generator argument, so we prioritize the latter self.normalize_functions = ( self.dialect.NORMALIZE_FUNCTIONS if normalize_functions is None else normalize_functions ) self.unsupported_messages: t.List[str] = [] self._escaped_quote_end: str = ( self.dialect.tokenizer_class.STRING_ESCAPES[0] + self.dialect.QUOTE_END ) self._escaped_identifier_end: str = ( self.dialect.tokenizer_class.IDENTIFIER_ESCAPES[0] + self.dialect.IDENTIFIER_END ) def generate(self, expression: exp.Expression, copy: bool = True) -> str: """ Generates the SQL string corresponding to the given syntax tree. Args: expression: The syntax tree. copy: Whether to copy the expression. The generator performs mutations so it is safer to copy. Returns: The SQL string corresponding to `expression`. """ if copy: expression = expression.copy() expression = self.preprocess(expression) self.unsupported_messages = [] sql = self.sql(expression).strip() if self.pretty: sql = sql.replace(self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK, "\n") if self.unsupported_level == ErrorLevel.IGNORE: return sql if self.unsupported_level == ErrorLevel.WARN: for msg in self.unsupported_messages: logger.warning(msg) elif self.unsupported_level == ErrorLevel.RAISE and self.unsupported_messages: raise UnsupportedError(concat_messages(self.unsupported_messages, self.max_unsupported)) return sql def preprocess(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """Apply generic preprocessing transformations to a given expression.""" if ( not expression.parent and type(expression) in self.EXPRESSIONS_WITHOUT_NESTED_CTES and any(node.parent is not expression for node in expression.find_all(exp.With)) ): from sqlglot.transforms import move_ctes_to_top_level expression = move_ctes_to_top_level(expression) if self.ENSURE_BOOLS: from sqlglot.transforms import ensure_bools expression = ensure_bools(expression) return expression def unsupported(self, message: str) -> None: if self.unsupported_level == ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE: raise UnsupportedError(message) self.unsupported_messages.append(message) def sep(self, sep: str = " ") -> str: return f"{sep.strip()}\n" if self.pretty else sep def seg(self, sql: str, sep: str = " ") -> str: return f"{self.sep(sep)}{sql}" def pad_comment(self, comment: str) -> str: comment = " " + comment if comment[0].strip() else comment comment = comment + " " if comment[-1].strip() else comment return comment def maybe_comment( self, sql: str, expression: t.Optional[exp.Expression] = None, comments: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, separated: bool = False, ) -> str: comments = ( ((expression and expression.comments) if comments is None else comments) # type: ignore if self.comments else None ) if not comments or isinstance(expression, self.EXCLUDE_COMMENTS): return sql comments_sql = " ".join( f"/*{self.pad_comment(comment)}*/" for comment in comments if comment ) if not comments_sql: return sql comments_sql = self._replace_line_breaks(comments_sql) if separated or isinstance(expression, self.WITH_SEPARATED_COMMENTS): return ( f"{self.sep()}{comments_sql}{sql}" if not sql or sql[0].isspace() else f"{comments_sql}{self.sep()}{sql}" ) return f"{sql} {comments_sql}" def wrap(self, expression: exp.Expression | str) -> str: this_sql = self.indent( ( self.sql(expression) if isinstance(expression, exp.UNWRAPPED_QUERIES) else self.sql(expression, "this") ), level=1, pad=0, ) return f"({self.sep('')}{this_sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" def no_identify(self, func: t.Callable[..., str], *args, **kwargs) -> str: original = self.identify self.identify = False result = func(*args, **kwargs) self.identify = original return result def normalize_func(self, name: str) -> str: if self.normalize_functions == "upper" or self.normalize_functions is True: return name.upper() if self.normalize_functions == "lower": return name.lower() return name def indent( self, sql: str, level: int = 0, pad: t.Optional[int] = None, skip_first: bool = False, skip_last: bool = False, ) -> str: if not self.pretty: return sql pad = self.pad if pad is None else pad lines = sql.split("\n") return "\n".join( ( line if (skip_first and i == 0) or (skip_last and i == len(lines) - 1) else f"{' ' * (level * self._indent + pad)}{line}" ) for i, line in enumerate(lines) ) def sql( self, expression: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression], key: t.Optional[str] = None, comment: bool = True, ) -> str: if not expression: return "" if isinstance(expression, str): return expression if key: value = expression.args.get(key) if value: return self.sql(value) return "" transform = self.TRANSFORMS.get(expression.__class__) if callable(transform): sql = transform(self, expression) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Expression): exp_handler_name = f"{expression.key}_sql" if hasattr(self, exp_handler_name): sql = getattr(self, exp_handler_name)(expression) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Func): sql = self.function_fallback_sql(expression) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Property): sql = self.property_sql(expression) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported expression type {expression.__class__.__name__}") else: raise ValueError(f"Expected an Expression. Received {type(expression)}: {expression}") return self.maybe_comment(sql, expression) if self.comments and comment else sql def uncache_sql(self, expression: exp.Uncache) -> str: table = self.sql(expression, "this") exists_sql = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" return f"UNCACHE TABLE{exists_sql} {table}" def cache_sql(self, expression: exp.Cache) -> str: lazy = " LAZY" if expression.args.get("lazy") else "" table = self.sql(expression, "this") options = expression.args.get("options") options = f" OPTIONS({self.sql(options[0])} = {self.sql(options[1])})" if options else "" sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") sql = f" AS{self.sep()}{sql}" if sql else "" sql = f"CACHE{lazy} TABLE {table}{options}{sql}" return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) def characterset_sql(self, expression: exp.CharacterSet) -> str: if isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Cast): return f"CHAR CHARACTER SET {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" default = "DEFAULT " if expression.args.get("default") else "" return f"{default}CHARACTER SET={self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def column_parts(self, expression: exp.Column) -> str: return ".".join( self.sql(part) for part in ( expression.args.get("catalog"), expression.args.get("db"), expression.args.get("table"), expression.args.get("this"), ) if part ) def column_sql(self, expression: exp.Column) -> str: join_mark = " (+)" if expression.args.get("join_mark") else "" if join_mark and not self.COLUMN_JOIN_MARKS_SUPPORTED: join_mark = "" self.unsupported("Outer join syntax using the (+) operator is not supported.") return f"{self.column_parts(expression)}{join_mark}" def columnposition_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnPosition) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f" {this}" if this else "" position = self.sql(expression, "position") return f"{position}{this}" def columndef_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnDef, sep: str = " ") -> str: column = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") constraints = self.expressions(expression, key="constraints", sep=" ", flat=True) exists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else "" kind = f"{sep}{kind}" if kind else "" constraints = f" {constraints}" if constraints else "" position = self.sql(expression, "position") position = f" {position}" if position else "" if expression.find(exp.ComputedColumnConstraint) and not self.COMPUTED_COLUMN_WITH_TYPE: kind = "" return f"{exists}{column}{kind}{constraints}{position}" def columnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnConstraint) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind").strip() return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {kind_sql}" if this else kind_sql def computedcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.ComputedColumnConstraint) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if expression.args.get("not_null"): persisted = " PERSISTED NOT NULL" elif expression.args.get("persisted"): persisted = " PERSISTED" else: persisted = "" return f"AS {this}{persisted}" def autoincrementcolumnconstraint_sql(self, _) -> str: return self.token_sql(TokenType.AUTO_INCREMENT) def compresscolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.CompressColumnConstraint) -> str: if isinstance(expression.this, list): this = self.wrap(self.expressions(expression, key="this", flat=True)) else: this = self.sql(expression, "this") return f"COMPRESS {this}" def generatedasidentitycolumnconstraint_sql( self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsIdentityColumnConstraint ) -> str: this = "" if expression.this is not None: on_null = " ON NULL" if expression.args.get("on_null") else "" this = " ALWAYS" if expression.this else f" BY DEFAULT{on_null}" start = expression.args.get("start") start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else "" increment = expression.args.get("increment") increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else "" minvalue = expression.args.get("minvalue") minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else "" maxvalue = expression.args.get("maxvalue") maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else "" cycle = expression.args.get("cycle") cycle_sql = "" if cycle is not None: cycle_sql = f"{' NO' if not cycle else ''} CYCLE" cycle_sql = cycle_sql.strip() if not start and not increment else cycle_sql sequence_opts = "" if start or increment or cycle_sql: sequence_opts = f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cycle_sql}" sequence_opts = f" ({sequence_opts.strip()})" expr = self.sql(expression, "expression") expr = f"({expr})" if expr else "IDENTITY" return f"GENERATED{this} AS {expr}{sequence_opts}" def generatedasrowcolumnconstraint_sql( self, expression: exp.GeneratedAsRowColumnConstraint ) -> str: start = "START" if expression.args.get("start") else "END" hidden = " HIDDEN" if expression.args.get("hidden") else "" return f"GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW {start}{hidden}" def periodforsystemtimeconstraint_sql( self, expression: exp.PeriodForSystemTimeConstraint ) -> str: return f"PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ({self.sql(expression, 'this')}, {self.sql(expression, 'expression')})" def notnullcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.NotNullColumnConstraint) -> str: return f"{'' if expression.args.get('allow_null') else 'NOT '}NULL" def transformcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.TransformColumnConstraint) -> str: return f"AS {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def primarykeycolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraint) -> str: desc = expression.args.get("desc") if desc is not None: return f"PRIMARY KEY{' DESC' if desc else ' ASC'}" return "PRIMARY KEY" def uniquecolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.UniqueColumnConstraint) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f" {this}" if this else "" index_type = expression.args.get("index_type") index_type = f" USING {index_type}" if index_type else "" on_conflict = self.sql(expression, "on_conflict") on_conflict = f" {on_conflict}" if on_conflict else "" return f"UNIQUE{this}{index_type}{on_conflict}" def createable_sql(self, expression: exp.Create, locations: t.DefaultDict) -> str: return self.sql(expression, "this") def create_sql(self, expression: exp.Create) -> str: kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") properties = expression.args.get("properties") properties_locs = self.locate_properties(properties) if properties else defaultdict() this = self.createable_sql(expression, properties_locs) properties_sql = "" if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA) or properties_locs.get( exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH ): properties_sql = self.sql( exp.Properties( expressions=[ *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA], *properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH], ] ) ) begin = " BEGIN" if expression.args.get("begin") else "" end = " END" if expression.args.get("end") else "" expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") if expression_sql: expression_sql = f"{begin}{self.sep()}{expression_sql}{end}" if self.CREATE_FUNCTION_RETURN_AS or not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Return): if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS): postalias_props_sql = exp.Properties( expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_ALIAS] ), wrapped=False, ) expression_sql = f" AS {postalias_props_sql}{expression_sql}" else: expression_sql = f" AS{expression_sql}" postindex_props_sql = "" if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX): postindex_props_sql = exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_INDEX]), wrapped=False, prefix=" ", ) indexes = self.expressions(expression, key="indexes", indent=False, sep=" ") indexes = f" {indexes}" if indexes else "" index_sql = indexes + postindex_props_sql replace = " OR REPLACE" if expression.args.get("replace") else "" unique = " UNIQUE" if expression.args.get("unique") else "" postcreate_props_sql = "" if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE): postcreate_props_sql = exp.Properties(expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_CREATE]), sep=" ", prefix=" ", wrapped=False, ) modifiers = "".join((replace, unique, postcreate_props_sql)) postexpression_props_sql = "" if properties_locs.get(exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION): postexpression_props_sql = exp.Properties( expressions=properties_locs[exp.Properties.Location.POST_EXPRESSION] ), sep=" ", prefix=" ", wrapped=False, ) exists_sql = " IF NOT EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" no_schema_binding = ( " WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING" if expression.args.get("no_schema_binding") else "" ) clone = self.sql(expression, "clone") clone = f" {clone}" if clone else "" expression_sql = f"CREATE{modifiers} {kind}{exists_sql} {this}{properties_sql}{expression_sql}{postexpression_props_sql}{index_sql}{no_schema_binding}{clone}" return self.prepend_ctes(expression, expression_sql) def sequenceproperties_sql(self, expression: exp.SequenceProperties) -> str: start = self.sql(expression, "start") start = f"START WITH {start}" if start else "" increment = self.sql(expression, "increment") increment = f" INCREMENT BY {increment}" if increment else "" minvalue = self.sql(expression, "minvalue") minvalue = f" MINVALUE {minvalue}" if minvalue else "" maxvalue = self.sql(expression, "maxvalue") maxvalue = f" MAXVALUE {maxvalue}" if maxvalue else "" owned = self.sql(expression, "owned") owned = f" OWNED BY {owned}" if owned else "" cache = expression.args.get("cache") if cache is None: cache_str = "" elif cache is True: cache_str = " CACHE" else: cache_str = f" CACHE {cache}" options = self.expressions(expression, key="options", flat=True, sep=" ") options = f" {options}" if options else "" return f"{start}{increment}{minvalue}{maxvalue}{cache_str}{options}{owned}".lstrip() def clone_sql(self, expression: exp.Clone) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") shallow = "SHALLOW " if expression.args.get("shallow") else "" keyword = "COPY" if expression.args.get("copy") and self.SUPPORTS_TABLE_COPY else "CLONE" return f"{shallow}{keyword} {this}" def describe_sql(self, expression: exp.Describe) -> str: style = expression.args.get("style") style = f" {style}" if style else "" return f"DESCRIBE{style} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def heredoc_sql(self, expression: exp.Heredoc) -> str: tag = self.sql(expression, "tag") return f"${tag}${self.sql(expression, 'this')}${tag}$" def prepend_ctes(self, expression: exp.Expression, sql: str) -> str: with_ = self.sql(expression, "with") if with_: sql = f"{with_}{self.sep()}{sql}" return sql def with_sql(self, expression: exp.With) -> str: sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) recursive = ( "RECURSIVE " if self.CTE_RECURSIVE_KEYWORD_REQUIRED and expression.args.get("recursive") else "" ) return f"WITH {recursive}{sql}" def cte_sql(self, expression: exp.CTE) -> str: alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") materialized = expression.args.get("materialized") if materialized is False: materialized = "NOT MATERIALIZED " elif materialized: materialized = "MATERIALIZED " return f"{alias} AS {materialized or ''}{self.wrap(expression)}" def tablealias_sql(self, expression: exp.TableAlias) -> str: alias = self.sql(expression, "this") columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True) columns = f"({columns})" if columns else "" if columns and not self.SUPPORTS_TABLE_ALIAS_COLUMNS: columns = "" self.unsupported("Named columns are not supported in table alias.") if not alias and not self.dialect.UNNEST_COLUMN_ONLY: alias = "_t" return f"{alias}{columns}" def bitstring_sql(self, expression: exp.BitString) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if self.dialect.BIT_START: return f"{self.dialect.BIT_START}{this}{self.dialect.BIT_END}" return f"{int(this, 2)}" def hexstring_sql(self, expression: exp.HexString) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if self.dialect.HEX_START: return f"{self.dialect.HEX_START}{this}{self.dialect.HEX_END}" return f"{int(this, 16)}" def bytestring_sql(self, expression: exp.ByteString) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if self.dialect.BYTE_START: return f"{self.dialect.BYTE_START}{this}{self.dialect.BYTE_END}" return this def unicodestring_sql(self, expression: exp.UnicodeString) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") escape = expression.args.get("escape") if self.dialect.UNICODE_START: escape = f" UESCAPE {self.sql(escape)}" if escape else "" return f"{self.dialect.UNICODE_START}{this}{self.dialect.UNICODE_END}{escape}" if escape: pattern = re.compile(rf"{}(\d+)") else: pattern = ESCAPED_UNICODE_RE this = pattern.sub(r"\\u\1", this) return f"{self.dialect.QUOTE_START}{this}{self.dialect.QUOTE_END}" def rawstring_sql(self, expression: exp.RawString) -> str: string = self.escape_str(expression.this.replace("\\", "\\\\"), escape_backslash=False) return f"{self.dialect.QUOTE_START}{string}{self.dialect.QUOTE_END}" def datatypeparam_sql(self, expression: exp.DataTypeParam) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") specifier = self.sql(expression, "expression") specifier = f" {specifier}" if specifier and self.DATA_TYPE_SPECIFIERS_ALLOWED else "" return f"{this}{specifier}" def datatype_sql(self, expression: exp.DataType) -> str: type_value = expression.this if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.USERDEFINED and expression.args.get("kind"): type_sql = self.sql(expression, "kind") else: type_sql = ( self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type_value, type_value.value) if isinstance(type_value, exp.DataType.Type) else type_value ) nested = "" interior = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) values = "" if interior: if expression.args.get("nested"): nested = f"{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[0]}{interior}{self.STRUCT_DELIMITER[1]}" if expression.args.get("values") is not None: delimiters = ("[", "]") if type_value == exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY else ("(", ")") values = self.expressions(expression, key="values", flat=True) values = f"{delimiters[0]}{values}{delimiters[1]}" elif type_value == exp.DataType.Type.INTERVAL: nested = f" {interior}" else: nested = f"({interior})" type_sql = f"{type_sql}{nested}{values}" if self.TZ_TO_WITH_TIME_ZONE and type_value in ( exp.DataType.Type.TIMETZ, exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ, ): type_sql = f"{type_sql} WITH TIME ZONE" return type_sql def directory_sql(self, expression: exp.Directory) -> str: local = "LOCAL " if expression.args.get("local") else "" row_format = self.sql(expression, "row_format") row_format = f" {row_format}" if row_format else "" return f"{local}DIRECTORY {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{row_format}" def delete_sql(self, expression: exp.Delete) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f" FROM {this}" if this else "" using = self.sql(expression, "using") using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" where = self.sql(expression, "where") returning = self.sql(expression, "returning") limit = self.sql(expression, "limit") tables = self.expressions(expression, key="tables") tables = f" {tables}" if tables else "" if self.RETURNING_END: expression_sql = f"{this}{using}{where}{returning}{limit}" else: expression_sql = f"{returning}{this}{using}{where}{limit}" return self.prepend_ctes(expression, f"DELETE{tables}{expression_sql}") def drop_sql(self, expression: exp.Drop) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) expressions = f" ({expressions})" if expressions else "" kind = expression.args["kind"] exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" cascade = " CASCADE" if expression.args.get("cascade") else "" constraints = " CONSTRAINTS" if expression.args.get("constraints") else "" purge = " PURGE" if expression.args.get("purge") else "" return f"DROP{temporary}{materialized} {kind}{exists_sql}{this}{expressions}{cascade}{constraints}{purge}" def except_sql(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: return self.set_operations(expression) def except_op(self, expression: exp.Except) -> str: return f"EXCEPT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" def fetch_sql(self, expression: exp.Fetch) -> str: direction = expression.args.get("direction") direction = f" {direction}" if direction else "" count = expression.args.get("count") count = f" {count}" if count else "" if expression.args.get("percent"): count = f"{count} PERCENT" with_ties_or_only = "WITH TIES" if expression.args.get("with_ties") else "ONLY" return f"{self.seg('FETCH')}{direction}{count} ROWS {with_ties_or_only}" def filter_sql(self, expression: exp.Filter) -> str: if self.AGGREGATE_FILTER_SUPPORTED: this = self.sql(expression, "this") where = self.sql(expression, "expression").strip() return f"{this} FILTER({where})" agg = expression.this agg_arg = agg.this cond = expression.expression.this agg_arg.replace(exp.If(this=cond.copy(), true=agg_arg.copy())) return self.sql(agg) def hint_sql(self, expression: exp.Hint) -> str: if not self.QUERY_HINTS: self.unsupported("Hints are not supported") return "" return f" /*+ {self.expressions(expression, sep=self.QUERY_HINT_SEP).strip()} */" def indexparameters_sql(self, expression: exp.IndexParameters) -> str: using = self.sql(expression, "using") using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" columns = self.expressions(expression, key="columns", flat=True) columns = f"({columns})" if columns else "" partition_by = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True) partition_by = f" PARTITION BY {partition_by}" if partition_by else "" where = self.sql(expression, "where") include = self.expressions(expression, key="include", flat=True) if include: include = f" INCLUDE ({include})" with_storage = self.expressions(expression, key="with_storage", flat=True) with_storage = f" WITH ({with_storage})" if with_storage else "" tablespace = self.sql(expression, "tablespace") tablespace = f" USING INDEX TABLESPACE {tablespace}" if tablespace else "" return f"{using}{columns}{include}{with_storage}{tablespace}{partition_by}{where}" def index_sql(self, expression: exp.Index) -> str: unique = "UNIQUE " if expression.args.get("unique") else "" primary = "PRIMARY " if expression.args.get("primary") else "" amp = "AMP " if expression.args.get("amp") else "" name = self.sql(expression, "this") name = f"{name} " if name else "" table = self.sql(expression, "table") table = f"{self.INDEX_ON} {table}" if table else "" index = "INDEX " if not table else "" params = self.sql(expression, "params") return f"{unique}{primary}{amp}{index}{name}{table}{params}" def identifier_sql(self, expression: exp.Identifier) -> str: text = lower = text.lower() text = lower if self.normalize and not expression.quoted else text text = text.replace(self.dialect.IDENTIFIER_END, self._escaped_identifier_end) if ( expression.quoted or self.dialect.can_identify(text, self.identify) or lower in self.RESERVED_KEYWORDS or (not self.dialect.IDENTIFIERS_CAN_START_WITH_DIGIT and text[:1].isdigit()) ): text = f"{self.dialect.IDENTIFIER_START}{text}{self.dialect.IDENTIFIER_END}" return text def inputoutputformat_sql(self, expression: exp.InputOutputFormat) -> str: input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format") input_format = f"INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else "" output_format = self.sql(expression, "output_format") output_format = f"OUTPUTFORMAT {output_format}" if output_format else "" return self.sep().join((input_format, output_format)) def national_sql(self, expression: exp.National, prefix: str = "N") -> str: string = self.sql(exp.Literal.string( return f"{prefix}{string}" def partition_sql(self, expression: exp.Partition) -> str: return f"PARTITION({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" def properties_sql(self, expression: exp.Properties) -> str: root_properties = [] with_properties = [] for p in expression.expressions: p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] if p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_WITH: with_properties.append(p) elif p_loc == exp.Properties.Location.POST_SCHEMA: root_properties.append(p) return self.root_properties( exp.Properties(expressions=root_properties) ) + self.with_properties(exp.Properties(expressions=with_properties)) def root_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: if properties.expressions: return self.sep() + self.expressions(properties, indent=False, sep=" ") return "" def properties( self, properties: exp.Properties, prefix: str = "", sep: str = ", ", suffix: str = "", wrapped: bool = True, ) -> str: if properties.expressions: expressions = self.expressions(properties, sep=sep, indent=False) if expressions: expressions = self.wrap(expressions) if wrapped else expressions return f"{prefix}{' ' if prefix.strip() else ''}{expressions}{suffix}" return "" def with_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> str: return, prefix=self.seg("WITH")) def locate_properties(self, properties: exp.Properties) -> t.DefaultDict: properties_locs = defaultdict(list) for p in properties.expressions: p_loc = self.PROPERTIES_LOCATION[p.__class__] if p_loc != exp.Properties.Location.UNSUPPORTED: properties_locs[p_loc].append(p) else: self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {p.key}") return properties_locs def property_name(self, expression: exp.Property, string_key: bool = False) -> str: if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Dot): return self.sql(expression, "this") return f"'{}'" if string_key else def property_sql(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: property_cls = expression.__class__ if property_cls == exp.Property: return f"{self.property_name(expression)}={self.sql(expression, 'value')}" property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(property_cls) if not property_name: self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.key}") return f"{property_name}={self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def likeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeProperty) -> str: if self.SUPPORTS_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE: options = " ".join(f"{} {self.sql(e, 'value')}" for e in expression.expressions) options = f" {options}" if options else "" like = f"LIKE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{options}" if self.LIKE_PROPERTY_INSIDE_SCHEMA and not isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Schema): like = f"({like})" return like if expression.expressions: self.unsupported("Transpilation of LIKE property options is unsupported") select ="*").from_(expression.this).limit(0) return f"AS {self.sql(select)}" def fallbackproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FallbackProperty) -> str: no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" protection = " PROTECTION" if expression.args.get("protection") else "" return f"{no}FALLBACK{protection}" def journalproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.JournalProperty) -> str: no = "NO " if expression.args.get("no") else "" local = expression.args.get("local") local = f"{local} " if local else "" dual = "DUAL " if expression.args.get("dual") else "" before = "BEFORE " if expression.args.get("before") else "" after = "AFTER " if expression.args.get("after") else "" return f"{no}{local}{dual}{before}{after}JOURNAL" def freespaceproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.FreespaceProperty) -> str: freespace = self.sql(expression, "this") percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" return f"FREESPACE={freespace}{percent}" def checksumproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ChecksumProperty) -> str: if expression.args.get("default"): property = "DEFAULT" elif expression.args.get("on"): property = "ON" else: property = "OFF" return f"CHECKSUM={property}" def mergeblockratioproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeBlockRatioProperty) -> str: if expression.args.get("no"): return "NO MERGEBLOCKRATIO" if expression.args.get("default"): return "DEFAULT MERGEBLOCKRATIO" percent = " PERCENT" if expression.args.get("percent") else "" return f"MERGEBLOCKRATIO={self.sql(expression, 'this')}{percent}" def datablocksizeproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DataBlocksizeProperty) -> str: default = expression.args.get("default") minimum = expression.args.get("minimum") maximum = expression.args.get("maximum") if default or minimum or maximum: if default: prop = "DEFAULT" elif minimum: prop = "MINIMUM" else: prop = "MAXIMUM" return f"{prop} DATABLOCKSIZE" units = expression.args.get("units") units = f" {units}" if units else "" return f"DATABLOCKSIZE={self.sql(expression, 'size')}{units}" def blockcompressionproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.BlockCompressionProperty) -> str: autotemp = expression.args.get("autotemp") always = expression.args.get("always") default = expression.args.get("default") manual = expression.args.get("manual") never = expression.args.get("never") if autotemp is not None: prop = f"AUTOTEMP({self.expressions(autotemp)})" elif always: prop = "ALWAYS" elif default: prop = "DEFAULT" elif manual: prop = "MANUAL" elif never: prop = "NEVER" return f"BLOCKCOMPRESSION={prop}" def isolatedloadingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.IsolatedLoadingProperty) -> str: no = expression.args.get("no") no = " NO" if no else "" concurrent = expression.args.get("concurrent") concurrent = " CONCURRENT" if concurrent else "" target = self.sql(expression, "target") target = f" {target}" if target else "" return f"WITH{no}{concurrent} ISOLATED LOADING{target}" def partitionboundspec_sql(self, expression: exp.PartitionBoundSpec) -> str: if isinstance(expression.this, list): return f"IN ({self.expressions(expression, key='this', flat=True)})" if expression.this: modulus = self.sql(expression, "this") remainder = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"WITH (MODULUS {modulus}, REMAINDER {remainder})" from_expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="from_expressions", flat=True) to_expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="to_expressions", flat=True) return f"FROM ({from_expressions}) TO ({to_expressions})" def partitionedofproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.PartitionedOfProperty) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") for_values_or_default = expression.expression if isinstance(for_values_or_default, exp.PartitionBoundSpec): for_values_or_default = f" FOR VALUES {self.sql(for_values_or_default)}" else: for_values_or_default = " DEFAULT" return f"PARTITION OF {this}{for_values_or_default}" def lockingproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.LockingProperty) -> str: kind = expression.args.get("kind") this = f" {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" if expression.this else "" for_or_in = expression.args.get("for_or_in") for_or_in = f" {for_or_in}" if for_or_in else "" lock_type = expression.args.get("lock_type") override = " OVERRIDE" if expression.args.get("override") else "" return f"LOCKING {kind}{this}{for_or_in} {lock_type}{override}" def withdataproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.WithDataProperty) -> str: data_sql = f"WITH {'NO ' if expression.args.get('no') else ''}DATA" statistics = expression.args.get("statistics") statistics_sql = "" if statistics is not None: statistics_sql = f" AND {'NO ' if not statistics else ''}STATISTICS" return f"{data_sql}{statistics_sql}" def withsystemversioningproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.WithSystemVersioningProperty) -> str: sql = "WITH(SYSTEM_VERSIONING=ON" if expression.this: history_table = self.sql(expression, "this") sql = f"{sql}(HISTORY_TABLE={history_table}" if expression.expression: data_consistency_check = self.sql(expression, "expression") sql = f"{sql}, DATA_CONSISTENCY_CHECK={data_consistency_check}" sql = f"{sql})" return f"{sql})" def insert_sql(self, expression: exp.Insert) -> str: hint = self.sql(expression, "hint") overwrite = expression.args.get("overwrite") if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Directory): this = " OVERWRITE" if overwrite else " INTO" else: this = self.INSERT_OVERWRITE if overwrite else " INTO" stored = self.sql(expression, "stored") stored = f" {stored}" if stored else "" alternative = expression.args.get("alternative") alternative = f" OR {alternative}" if alternative else "" ignore = " IGNORE" if expression.args.get("ignore") else "" is_function = expression.args.get("is_function") if is_function: this = f"{this} FUNCTION" this = f"{this} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" where = self.sql(expression, "where") where = f"{self.sep()}REPLACE WHERE {where}" if where else "" expression_sql = f"{self.sep()}{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" on_conflict = self.sql(expression, "conflict") on_conflict = f" {on_conflict}" if on_conflict else "" by_name = " BY NAME" if expression.args.get("by_name") else "" returning = self.sql(expression, "returning") if self.RETURNING_END: expression_sql = f"{expression_sql}{on_conflict}{returning}" else: expression_sql = f"{returning}{expression_sql}{on_conflict}" sql = f"INSERT{hint}{alternative}{ignore}{this}{stored}{by_name}{exists}{where}{expression_sql}" return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) def intersect_sql(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: return self.set_operations(expression) def intersect_op(self, expression: exp.Intersect) -> str: return f"INTERSECT{'' if expression.args.get('distinct') else ' ALL'}" def introducer_sql(self, expression: exp.Introducer) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" def kill_sql(self, expression: exp.Kill) -> str: kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f" {this}" if this else "" return f"KILL{kind}{this}" def pseudotype_sql(self, expression: exp.PseudoType) -> str: return def objectidentifier_sql(self, expression: exp.ObjectIdentifier) -> str: return def onconflict_sql(self, expression: exp.OnConflict) -> str: conflict = "ON DUPLICATE KEY" if expression.args.get("duplicate") else "ON CONFLICT" constraint = self.sql(expression, "constraint") constraint = f" ON CONSTRAINT {constraint}" if constraint else "" conflict_keys = self.expressions(expression, key="conflict_keys", flat=True) conflict_keys = f"({conflict_keys}) " if conflict_keys else " " action = self.sql(expression, "action") expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) if expressions: set_keyword = "SET " if self.DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_WITH_SET else "" expressions = f" {set_keyword}{expressions}" return f"{conflict}{constraint}{conflict_keys}{action}{expressions}" def returning_sql(self, expression: exp.Returning) -> str: return f"{self.seg('RETURNING')} {self.expressions(expression, flat=True)}" def rowformatdelimitedproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.RowFormatDelimitedProperty) -> str: fields = self.sql(expression, "fields") fields = f" FIELDS TERMINATED BY {fields}" if fields else "" escaped = self.sql(expression, "escaped") escaped = f" ESCAPED BY {escaped}" if escaped else "" items = self.sql(expression, "collection_items") items = f" COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY {items}" if items else "" keys = self.sql(expression, "map_keys") keys = f" MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY {keys}" if keys else "" lines = self.sql(expression, "lines") lines = f" LINES TERMINATED BY {lines}" if lines else "" null = self.sql(expression, "null") null = f" NULL DEFINED AS {null}" if null else "" return f"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED{fields}{escaped}{items}{keys}{lines}{null}" def withtablehint_sql(self, expression: exp.WithTableHint) -> str: return f"WITH ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" def indextablehint_sql(self, expression: exp.IndexTableHint) -> str: this = f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} INDEX" target = self.sql(expression, "target") target = f" FOR {target}" if target else "" return f"{this}{target} ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" def historicaldata_sql(self, expression: exp.HistoricalData) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") expr = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"{this} ({kind} => {expr})" def table_parts(self, expression: exp.Table) -> str: return ".".join( self.sql(part) for part in ( expression.args.get("catalog"), expression.args.get("db"), expression.args.get("this"), ) if part is not None ) def table_sql(self, expression: exp.Table, sep: str = " AS ") -> str: table = self.table_parts(expression) only = "ONLY " if expression.args.get("only") else "" partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" version = self.sql(expression, "version") version = f" {version}" if version else "" alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else "" hints = self.expressions(expression, key="hints", sep=" ") hints = f" {hints}" if hints and self.TABLE_HINTS else "" pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" ", flat=True) pivots = f" {pivots}" if pivots else "" joins = self.indent( self.expressions(expression, key="joins", sep="", flat=True), skip_first=True ) laterals = self.expressions(expression, key="laterals", sep="") file_format = self.sql(expression, "format") if file_format: pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern") pattern = f", PATTERN => {pattern}" if pattern else "" file_format = f" (FILE_FORMAT => {file_format}{pattern})" ordinality = expression.args.get("ordinality") or "" if ordinality: ordinality = f" WITH ORDINALITY{alias}" alias = "" when = self.sql(expression, "when") if when: table = f"{table} {when}" return f"{only}{table}{partition}{version}{file_format}{alias}{hints}{pivots}{joins}{laterals}{ordinality}" def tablesample_sql( self, expression: exp.TableSample, sep: str = " AS ", tablesample_keyword: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: if self.dialect.ALIAS_POST_TABLESAMPLE and expression.this and expression.this.alias: table = expression.this.copy() table.set("alias", None) this = self.sql(table) alias = f"{sep}{self.sql(expression.this, 'alias')}" else: this = self.sql(expression, "this") alias = "" method = self.sql(expression, "method") method = f"{method} " if method and self.TABLESAMPLE_WITH_METHOD else "" numerator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_numerator") denominator = self.sql(expression, "bucket_denominator") field = self.sql(expression, "bucket_field") field = f" ON {field}" if field else "" bucket = f"BUCKET {numerator} OUT OF {denominator}{field}" if numerator else "" seed = self.sql(expression, "seed") seed = f" {self.TABLESAMPLE_SEED_KEYWORD} ({seed})" if seed else "" size = self.sql(expression, "size") if size and self.TABLESAMPLE_SIZE_IS_ROWS: size = f"{size} ROWS" percent = self.sql(expression, "percent") if percent and not self.dialect.TABLESAMPLE_SIZE_IS_PERCENT: percent = f"{percent} PERCENT" expr = f"{bucket}{percent}{size}" if self.TABLESAMPLE_REQUIRES_PARENS: expr = f"({expr})" return ( f"{this} {tablesample_keyword or self.TABLESAMPLE_KEYWORDS} {method}{expr}{seed}{alias}" ) def pivot_sql(self, expression: exp.Pivot) -> str: expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) if expression.this: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if not expressions: return f"UNPIVOT {this}" on = f"{self.seg('ON')} {expressions}" using = self.expressions(expression, key="using", flat=True) using = f"{self.seg('USING')} {using}" if using else "" group = self.sql(expression, "group") return f"PIVOT {this}{on}{using}{group}" alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" direction = "UNPIVOT" if expression.unpivot else "PIVOT" field = self.sql(expression, "field") include_nulls = expression.args.get("include_nulls") if include_nulls is not None: nulls = " INCLUDE NULLS " if include_nulls else " EXCLUDE NULLS " else: nulls = "" return f"{direction}{nulls}({expressions} FOR {field}){alias}" def version_sql(self, expression: exp.Version) -> str: this = f"FOR {}" kind = expression.text("kind") expr = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"{this} {kind} {expr}" def tuple_sql(self, expression: exp.Tuple) -> str: return f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" def update_sql(self, expression: exp.Update) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") set_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from") where_sql = self.sql(expression, "where") returning = self.sql(expression, "returning") order = self.sql(expression, "order") limit = self.sql(expression, "limit") if self.RETURNING_END: expression_sql = f"{from_sql}{where_sql}{returning}" else: expression_sql = f"{returning}{from_sql}{where_sql}" sql = f"UPDATE {this} SET {set_sql}{expression_sql}{order}{limit}" return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) def values_sql(self, expression: exp.Values, values_as_table: bool = True) -> str: values_as_table = values_as_table and self.VALUES_AS_TABLE # The VALUES clause is still valid in an `INSERT INTO ..` statement, for example if values_as_table or not expression.find_ancestor(exp.From, exp.Join): args = self.expressions(expression) alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") values = f"VALUES{self.seg('')}{args}" values = ( f"({values})" if self.WRAP_DERIVED_VALUES and (alias or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.From)) else values ) return f"{values} AS {alias}" if alias else values # Converts `VALUES...` expression into a series of select unions. alias_node = expression.args.get("alias") column_names = alias_node and alias_node.columns selects: t.List[exp.Query] = [] for i, tup in enumerate(expression.expressions): row = tup.expressions if i == 0 and column_names: row = [ exp.alias_(value, column_name) for value, column_name in zip(row, column_names) ] selects.append(exp.Select(expressions=row)) if self.pretty: # This may result in poor performance for large-cardinality `VALUES` tables, due to # the deep nesting of the resulting exp.Unions. If this is a problem, either increase # `sys.setrecursionlimit` to avoid RecursionErrors, or don't set `pretty`. query = reduce(lambda x, y: exp.union(x, y, distinct=False, copy=False), selects) return self.subquery_sql(query.subquery(alias_node and alias_node.this, copy=False)) alias = f" AS {self.sql(alias_node, 'this')}" if alias_node else "" unions = " UNION ALL ".join(self.sql(select) for select in selects) return f"({unions}){alias}" def var_sql(self, expression: exp.Var) -> str: return self.sql(expression, "this") def into_sql(self, expression: exp.Into) -> str: temporary = " TEMPORARY" if expression.args.get("temporary") else "" unlogged = " UNLOGGED" if expression.args.get("unlogged") else "" return f"{self.seg('INTO')}{temporary or unlogged} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def from_sql(self, expression: exp.From) -> str: return f"{self.seg('FROM')} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def group_sql(self, expression: exp.Group) -> str: group_by_all = expression.args.get("all") if group_by_all is True: modifier = " ALL" elif group_by_all is False: modifier = " DISTINCT" else: modifier = "" group_by = self.op_expressions(f"GROUP BY{modifier}", expression) grouping_sets = self.expressions(expression, key="grouping_sets", indent=False) grouping_sets = ( f"{self.seg('GROUPING SETS')} {self.wrap(grouping_sets)}" if grouping_sets else "" ) cube = expression.args.get("cube", []) if seq_get(cube, 0) is True: return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH CUBE')}" else: cube_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="cube", indent=False) cube_sql = f"{self.seg('CUBE')} {self.wrap(cube_sql)}" if cube_sql else "" rollup = expression.args.get("rollup", []) if seq_get(rollup, 0) is True: return f"{group_by}{self.seg('WITH ROLLUP')}" else: rollup_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="rollup", indent=False) rollup_sql = f"{self.seg('ROLLUP')} {self.wrap(rollup_sql)}" if rollup_sql else "" groupings = csv( grouping_sets, cube_sql, rollup_sql, self.seg("WITH TOTALS") if expression.args.get("totals") else "", sep=self.GROUPINGS_SEP, ) if expression.args.get("expressions") and groupings: group_by = f"{group_by}{self.GROUPINGS_SEP}" return f"{group_by}{groupings}" def having_sql(self, expression: exp.Having) -> str: this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) return f"{self.seg('HAVING')}{self.sep()}{this}" def connect_sql(self, expression: exp.Connect) -> str: start = self.sql(expression, "start") start = self.seg(f"START WITH {start}") if start else "" nocycle = " NOCYCLE" if expression.args.get("nocycle") else "" connect = self.sql(expression, "connect") connect = self.seg(f"CONNECT BY{nocycle} {connect}") return start + connect def prior_sql(self, expression: exp.Prior) -> str: return f"PRIOR {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def join_sql(self, expression: exp.Join) -> str: if not self.SEMI_ANTI_JOIN_WITH_SIDE and expression.kind in ("SEMI", "ANTI"): side = None else: side = expression.side op_sql = " ".join( op for op in ( expression.method, "GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("global") else None, side, expression.kind, expression.hint if self.JOIN_HINTS else None, ) if op ) match_cond = self.sql(expression, "match_condition") match_cond = f" MATCH_CONDITION ({match_cond})" if match_cond else "" on_sql = self.sql(expression, "on") using = expression.args.get("using") if not on_sql and using: on_sql = csv(*(self.sql(column) for column in using)) this = expression.this this_sql = self.sql(this) if on_sql: on_sql = self.indent(on_sql, skip_first=True) space = self.seg(" " * self.pad) if self.pretty else " " if using: on_sql = f"{space}USING ({on_sql})" else: on_sql = f"{space}ON {on_sql}" elif not op_sql: if isinstance(this, exp.Lateral) and this.args.get("cross_apply") is not None: return f" {this_sql}" return f", {this_sql}" op_sql = f"{op_sql} JOIN" if op_sql else "JOIN" return f"{self.seg(op_sql)} {this_sql}{match_cond}{on_sql}" def lambda_sql(self, expression: exp.Lambda, arrow_sep: str = "->") -> str: args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) args = f"({args})" if len(args.split(",")) > 1 else args return f"{args} {arrow_sep} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def lateral_op(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str: cross_apply = expression.args.get("cross_apply") # if cross_apply is True: op = "INNER JOIN " elif cross_apply is False: op = "LEFT JOIN " else: op = "" return f"{op}LATERAL" def lateral_sql(self, expression: exp.Lateral) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if expression.args.get("view"): alias = expression.args["alias"] columns = self.expressions(alias, key="columns", flat=True) table = f" {}" if else "" columns = f" AS {columns}" if columns else "" op_sql = self.seg(f"LATERAL VIEW{' OUTER' if expression.args.get('outer') else ''}") return f"{op_sql}{self.sep()}{this}{table}{columns}" alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" return f"{self.lateral_op(expression)} {this}{alias}" def limit_sql(self, expression: exp.Limit, top: bool = False) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") args = [ self._simplify_unless_literal(e) if self.LIMIT_ONLY_LITERALS else e for e in (expression.args.get(k) for k in ("offset", "expression")) if e ] args_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in args) args_sql = f"({args_sql})" if top and any(not e.is_number for e in args) else args_sql expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) expressions = f" BY {expressions}" if expressions else "" return f"{this}{self.seg('TOP' if top else 'LIMIT')} {args_sql}{expressions}" def offset_sql(self, expression: exp.Offset) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") value = expression.expression value = self._simplify_unless_literal(value) if self.LIMIT_ONLY_LITERALS else value expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) expressions = f" BY {expressions}" if expressions else "" return f"{this}{self.seg('OFFSET')} {self.sql(value)}{expressions}" def setitem_sql(self, expression: exp.SetItem) -> str: kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") kind = f"{kind} " if kind else "" this = self.sql(expression, "this") expressions = self.expressions(expression) collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" global_ = "GLOBAL " if expression.args.get("global") else "" return f"{global_}{kind}{this}{expressions}{collate}" def set_sql(self, expression: exp.Set) -> str: expressions = ( f" {self.expressions(expression, flat=True)}" if expression.expressions else "" ) tag = " TAG" if expression.args.get("tag") else "" return f"{'UNSET' if expression.args.get('unset') else 'SET'}{tag}{expressions}" def pragma_sql(self, expression: exp.Pragma) -> str: return f"PRAGMA {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def lock_sql(self, expression: exp.Lock) -> str: if not self.LOCKING_READS_SUPPORTED: self.unsupported("Locking reads using 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' are not supported") return "" lock_type = "FOR UPDATE" if expression.args["update"] else "FOR SHARE" expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) expressions = f" OF {expressions}" if expressions else "" wait = expression.args.get("wait") if wait is not None: if isinstance(wait, exp.Literal): wait = f" WAIT {self.sql(wait)}" else: wait = " NOWAIT" if wait else " SKIP LOCKED" return f"{lock_type}{expressions}{wait or ''}" def literal_sql(self, expression: exp.Literal) -> str: text = expression.this or "" if expression.is_string: text = f"{self.dialect.QUOTE_START}{self.escape_str(text)}{self.dialect.QUOTE_END}" return text def escape_str(self, text: str, escape_backslash: bool = True) -> str: if self.dialect.ESCAPED_SEQUENCES: to_escaped = self.dialect.ESCAPED_SEQUENCES text = "".join( to_escaped.get(ch, ch) if escape_backslash or ch != "\\" else ch for ch in text ) return self._replace_line_breaks(text).replace( self.dialect.QUOTE_END, self._escaped_quote_end ) def loaddata_sql(self, expression: exp.LoadData) -> str: local = " LOCAL" if expression.args.get("local") else "" inpath = f" INPATH {self.sql(expression, 'inpath')}" overwrite = " OVERWRITE" if expression.args.get("overwrite") else "" this = f" INTO TABLE {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" input_format = self.sql(expression, "input_format") input_format = f" INPUTFORMAT {input_format}" if input_format else "" serde = self.sql(expression, "serde") serde = f" SERDE {serde}" if serde else "" return f"LOAD DATA{local}{inpath}{overwrite}{this}{partition}{input_format}{serde}" def null_sql(self, *_) -> str: return "NULL" def boolean_sql(self, expression: exp.Boolean) -> str: return "TRUE" if expression.this else "FALSE" def order_sql(self, expression: exp.Order, flat: bool = False) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f"{this} " if this else this siblings = "SIBLINGS " if expression.args.get("siblings") else "" order = self.op_expressions(f"{this}ORDER {siblings}BY", expression, flat=this or flat) # type: ignore interpolated_values = [ f"{self.sql(named_expression, 'alias')} AS {self.sql(named_expression, 'this')}" for named_expression in expression.args.get("interpolate") or [] ] interpolate = ( f" INTERPOLATE ({', '.join(interpolated_values)})" if interpolated_values else "" ) return f"{order}{interpolate}" def withfill_sql(self, expression: exp.WithFill) -> str: from_sql = self.sql(expression, "from") from_sql = f" FROM {from_sql}" if from_sql else "" to_sql = self.sql(expression, "to") to_sql = f" TO {to_sql}" if to_sql else "" step_sql = self.sql(expression, "step") step_sql = f" STEP {step_sql}" if step_sql else "" return f"WITH FILL{from_sql}{to_sql}{step_sql}" def cluster_sql(self, expression: exp.Cluster) -> str: return self.op_expressions("CLUSTER BY", expression) def distribute_sql(self, expression: exp.Distribute) -> str: return self.op_expressions("DISTRIBUTE BY", expression) def sort_sql(self, expression: exp.Sort) -> str: return self.op_expressions("SORT BY", expression) def ordered_sql(self, expression: exp.Ordered) -> str: desc = expression.args.get("desc") asc = not desc nulls_first = expression.args.get("nulls_first") nulls_last = not nulls_first nulls_are_large = self.dialect.NULL_ORDERING == "nulls_are_large" nulls_are_small = self.dialect.NULL_ORDERING == "nulls_are_small" nulls_are_last = self.dialect.NULL_ORDERING == "nulls_are_last" this = self.sql(expression, "this") sort_order = " DESC" if desc else (" ASC" if desc is False else "") nulls_sort_change = "" if nulls_first and ( (asc and nulls_are_large) or (desc and nulls_are_small) or nulls_are_last ): nulls_sort_change = " NULLS FIRST" elif ( nulls_last and ((asc and nulls_are_small) or (desc and nulls_are_large)) and not nulls_are_last ): nulls_sort_change = " NULLS LAST" # If the NULLS FIRST/LAST clause is unsupported, we add another sort key to simulate it if nulls_sort_change and not self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED: window = expression.find_ancestor(exp.Window, exp.Select) if isinstance(window, exp.Window) and window.args.get("spec"): self.unsupported( f"'{nulls_sort_change.strip()}' translation not supported in window functions" ) nulls_sort_change = "" elif self.NULL_ORDERING_SUPPORTED is None: if expression.this.is_int: self.unsupported( f"'{nulls_sort_change.strip()}' translation not supported with positional ordering" ) elif not isinstance(expression.this, exp.Rand): null_sort_order = " DESC" if nulls_sort_change == " NULLS FIRST" else "" this = f"CASE WHEN {this} IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END{null_sort_order}, {this}" nulls_sort_change = "" with_fill = self.sql(expression, "with_fill") with_fill = f" {with_fill}" if with_fill else "" return f"{this}{sort_order}{nulls_sort_change}{with_fill}" def matchrecognizemeasure_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognizeMeasure) -> str: window_frame = self.sql(expression, "window_frame") window_frame = f"{window_frame} " if window_frame else "" this = self.sql(expression, "this") return f"{window_frame}{this}" def matchrecognize_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) order = self.sql(expression, "order") measures = self.expressions(expression, key="measures") measures = self.seg(f"MEASURES{self.seg(measures)}") if measures else "" rows = self.sql(expression, "rows") rows = self.seg(rows) if rows else "" after = self.sql(expression, "after") after = self.seg(after) if after else "" pattern = self.sql(expression, "pattern") pattern = self.seg(f"PATTERN ({pattern})") if pattern else "" definition_sqls = [ f"{self.sql(definition, 'alias')} AS {self.sql(definition, 'this')}" for definition in expression.args.get("define", []) ] definitions = self.expressions(sqls=definition_sqls) define = self.seg(f"DEFINE{self.seg(definitions)}") if definitions else "" body = "".join( ( partition, order, measures, rows, after, pattern, define, ) ) alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") alias = f" {alias}" if alias else "" return f"{self.seg('MATCH_RECOGNIZE')} {self.wrap(body)}{alias}" def query_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression, *sqls: str) -> str: limit = expression.args.get("limit") if self.LIMIT_FETCH == "LIMIT" and isinstance(limit, exp.Fetch): limit = exp.Limit(expression=exp.maybe_copy(limit.args.get("count"))) elif self.LIMIT_FETCH == "FETCH" and isinstance(limit, exp.Limit): limit = exp.Fetch(direction="FIRST", count=exp.maybe_copy(limit.expression)) options = self.expressions(expression, key="options") if options: options = f" OPTION{self.wrap(options)}" return csv( *sqls, *[self.sql(join) for join in expression.args.get("joins") or []], self.sql(expression, "connect"), self.sql(expression, "match"), *[self.sql(lateral) for lateral in expression.args.get("laterals") or []], self.sql(expression, "prewhere"), self.sql(expression, "where"), self.sql(expression, "group"), self.sql(expression, "having"), *[gen(self, expression) for gen in self.AFTER_HAVING_MODIFIER_TRANSFORMS.values()], self.sql(expression, "order"), *self.offset_limit_modifiers(expression, isinstance(limit, exp.Fetch), limit), *self.after_limit_modifiers(expression), options, sep="", ) def queryoption_sql(self, expression: exp.QueryOption) -> str: return "" def offset_limit_modifiers( self, expression: exp.Expression, fetch: bool, limit: t.Optional[exp.Fetch | exp.Limit] ) -> t.List[str]: return [ self.sql(expression, "offset") if fetch else self.sql(limit), self.sql(limit) if fetch else self.sql(expression, "offset"), ] def after_limit_modifiers(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> t.List[str]: locks = self.expressions(expression, key="locks", sep=" ") locks = f" {locks}" if locks else "" return [locks, self.sql(expression, "sample")] def select_sql(self, expression: exp.Select) -> str: into = expression.args.get("into") if not self.SUPPORTS_SELECT_INTO and into: into.pop() hint = self.sql(expression, "hint") distinct = self.sql(expression, "distinct") distinct = f" {distinct}" if distinct else "" kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") limit = expression.args.get("limit") if isinstance(limit, exp.Limit) and self.LIMIT_IS_TOP: top = self.limit_sql(limit, top=True) limit.pop() else: top = "" expressions = self.expressions(expression) if kind: if kind in self.SELECT_KINDS: kind = f" AS {kind}" else: if kind == "STRUCT": expressions = self.expressions( sqls=[ self.sql( exp.Struct( expressions=[ exp.PropertyEQ(this=e.args.get("alias"), expression=e.this) if isinstance(e, exp.Alias) else e for e in expression.expressions ] ) ) ] ) kind = "" # We use LIMIT_IS_TOP as a proxy for whether DISTINCT should go first because tsql and Teradata # are the only dialects that use LIMIT_IS_TOP and both place DISTINCT first. top_distinct = f"{distinct}{hint}{top}" if self.LIMIT_IS_TOP else f"{top}{hint}{distinct}" expressions = f"{self.sep()}{expressions}" if expressions else expressions sql = self.query_modifiers( expression, f"SELECT{top_distinct}{kind}{expressions}", self.sql(expression, "into", comment=False), self.sql(expression, "from", comment=False), ) sql = self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) if not self.SUPPORTS_SELECT_INTO and into: if into.args.get("temporary"): table_kind = " TEMPORARY" elif self.SUPPORTS_UNLOGGED_TABLES and into.args.get("unlogged"): table_kind = " UNLOGGED" else: table_kind = "" sql = f"CREATE{table_kind} TABLE {self.sql(into.this)} AS {sql}" return sql def schema_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") sql = self.schema_columns_sql(expression) return f"{this} {sql}" if this and sql else this or sql def schema_columns_sql(self, expression: exp.Schema) -> str: if expression.expressions: return f"({self.sep('')}{self.expressions(expression)}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" return "" def star_sql(self, expression: exp.Star) -> str: except_ = self.expressions(expression, key="except", flat=True) except_ = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['except'])} ({except_})" if except_ else "" replace = self.expressions(expression, key="replace", flat=True) replace = f"{self.seg(self.STAR_MAPPING['replace'])} ({replace})" if replace else "" return f"*{except_}{replace}" def parameter_sql(self, expression: exp.Parameter) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") return f"{self.PARAMETER_TOKEN}{this}" def sessionparameter_sql(self, expression: exp.SessionParameter) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = expression.text("kind") if kind: kind = f"{kind}." return f"@@{kind}{this}" def placeholder_sql(self, expression: exp.Placeholder) -> str: return f"{self.NAMED_PLACEHOLDER_TOKEN}{}" if expression.this else "?" def subquery_sql(self, expression: exp.Subquery, sep: str = " AS ") -> str: alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") alias = f"{sep}{alias}" if alias else "" pivots = self.expressions(expression, key="pivots", sep=" ", flat=True) pivots = f" {pivots}" if pivots else "" sql = self.query_modifiers(expression, self.wrap(expression), alias, pivots) return self.prepend_ctes(expression, sql) def qualify_sql(self, expression: exp.Qualify) -> str: this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) return f"{self.seg('QUALIFY')}{self.sep()}{this}" def set_operations(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: if not self.OUTER_UNION_MODIFIERS: limit = expression.args.get("limit") order = expression.args.get("order") if limit or order: select = exp.subquery(expression, "_l_0", copy=False).select("*", copy=False) if limit: select = select.limit(limit.pop(), copy=False) if order: select = select.order_by(order.pop(), copy=False) return self.sql(select) sqls: t.List[str] = [] stack: t.List[t.Union[str, exp.Expression]] = [expression] while stack: node = stack.pop() if isinstance(node, exp.Union): stack.append(node.expression) stack.append( self.maybe_comment( getattr(self, f"{node.key}_op")(node), comments=node.comments, separated=True, ) ) stack.append(node.this) else: sqls.append(self.sql(node)) this = self.sep().join(sqls) this = self.query_modifiers(expression, this) return self.prepend_ctes(expression, this) def union_sql(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: return self.set_operations(expression) def union_op(self, expression: exp.Union) -> str: kind = " DISTINCT" if self.EXPLICIT_UNION else "" kind = kind if expression.args.get("distinct") else " ALL" by_name = " BY NAME" if expression.args.get("by_name") else "" return f"UNION{kind}{by_name}" def unnest_sql(self, expression: exp.Unnest) -> str: args = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) alias = expression.args.get("alias") offset = expression.args.get("offset") if self.UNNEST_WITH_ORDINALITY: if alias and isinstance(offset, exp.Expression): alias.append("columns", offset) if alias and self.dialect.UNNEST_COLUMN_ONLY: columns = alias.columns alias = self.sql(columns[0]) if columns else "" else: alias = self.sql(alias) alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else alias if self.UNNEST_WITH_ORDINALITY: suffix = f" WITH ORDINALITY{alias}" if offset else alias else: if isinstance(offset, exp.Expression): suffix = f"{alias} WITH OFFSET AS {self.sql(offset)}" elif offset: suffix = f"{alias} WITH OFFSET" else: suffix = alias return f"UNNEST({args}){suffix}" def prewhere_sql(self, expression: exp.PreWhere) -> str: return "" def where_sql(self, expression: exp.Where) -> str: this = self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")) return f"{self.seg('WHERE')}{self.sep()}{this}" def window_sql(self, expression: exp.Window) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") partition = self.partition_by_sql(expression) order = expression.args.get("order") order = self.order_sql(order, flat=True) if order else "" spec = self.sql(expression, "spec") alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") over = self.sql(expression, "over") or "OVER" this = f"{this} {'AS' if expression.arg_key == 'windows' else over}" first = expression.args.get("first") if first is None: first = "" else: first = "FIRST" if first else "LAST" if not partition and not order and not spec and alias: return f"{this} {alias}" args = " ".join(arg for arg in (alias, first, partition, order, spec) if arg) return f"{this} ({args})" def partition_by_sql(self, expression: exp.Window | exp.MatchRecognize) -> str: partition = self.expressions(expression, key="partition_by", flat=True) return f"PARTITION BY {partition}" if partition else "" def windowspec_sql(self, expression: exp.WindowSpec) -> str: kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") start = csv(self.sql(expression, "start"), self.sql(expression, "start_side"), sep=" ") end = ( csv(self.sql(expression, "end"), self.sql(expression, "end_side"), sep=" ") or "CURRENT ROW" ) return f"{kind} BETWEEN {start} AND {end}" def withingroup_sql(self, expression: exp.WithinGroup) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression")[1:] # order has a leading space return f"{this} WITHIN GROUP ({expression_sql})" def between_sql(self, expression: exp.Between) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") low = self.sql(expression, "low") high = self.sql(expression, "high") return f"{this} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}" def bracket_offset_expressions(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> t.List[exp.Expression]: return apply_index_offset( expression.this, expression.expressions, self.dialect.INDEX_OFFSET - expression.args.get("offset", 0), ) def bracket_sql(self, expression: exp.Bracket) -> str: expressions = self.bracket_offset_expressions(expression) expressions_sql = ", ".join(self.sql(e) for e in expressions) return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}[{expressions_sql}]" def all_sql(self, expression: exp.All) -> str: return f"ALL {self.wrap(expression)}" def any_sql(self, expression: exp.Any) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if isinstance(expression.this, (*exp.UNWRAPPED_QUERIES, exp.Paren)): if isinstance(expression.this, exp.UNWRAPPED_QUERIES): this = self.wrap(this) return f"ANY{this}" return f"ANY {this}" def exists_sql(self, expression: exp.Exists) -> str: return f"EXISTS{self.wrap(expression)}" def case_sql(self, expression: exp.Case) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") statements = [f"CASE {this}" if this else "CASE"] for e in expression.args["ifs"]: statements.append(f"WHEN {self.sql(e, 'this')}") statements.append(f"THEN {self.sql(e, 'true')}") default = self.sql(expression, "default") if default: statements.append(f"ELSE {default}") statements.append("END") if self.pretty and self.too_wide(statements): return self.indent("\n".join(statements), skip_first=True, skip_last=True) return " ".join(statements) def constraint_sql(self, expression: exp.Constraint) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) return f"CONSTRAINT {this} {expressions}" def nextvaluefor_sql(self, expression: exp.NextValueFor) -> str: order = expression.args.get("order") order = f" OVER ({self.order_sql(order, flat=True)})" if order else "" return f"NEXT VALUE FOR {self.sql(expression, 'this')}{order}" def extract_sql(self, expression: exp.Extract) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") if self.EXTRACT_ALLOWS_QUOTES else expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"EXTRACT({this} FROM {expression_sql})" def trim_sql(self, expression: exp.Trim) -> str: trim_type = self.sql(expression, "position") if trim_type == "LEADING": return self.func("LTRIM", expression.this) elif trim_type == "TRAILING": return self.func("RTRIM", expression.this) else: return self.func("TRIM", expression.this, expression.expression) def convert_concat_args(self, expression: exp.Concat | exp.ConcatWs) -> t.List[exp.Expression]: args = expression.expressions if isinstance(expression, exp.ConcatWs): args = args[1:] # Skip the delimiter if self.dialect.STRICT_STRING_CONCAT and expression.args.get("safe"): args = [exp.cast(e, exp.DataType.Type.TEXT) for e in args] if not self.dialect.CONCAT_COALESCE and expression.args.get("coalesce"): args = [exp.func("coalesce", e, exp.Literal.string("")) for e in args] return args def concat_sql(self, expression: exp.Concat) -> str: expressions = self.convert_concat_args(expression) # Some dialects don't allow a single-argument CONCAT call if not self.SUPPORTS_SINGLE_ARG_CONCAT and len(expressions) == 1: return self.sql(expressions[0]) return self.func("CONCAT", *expressions) def concatws_sql(self, expression: exp.ConcatWs) -> str: return self.func( "CONCAT_WS", seq_get(expression.expressions, 0), *self.convert_concat_args(expression) ) def check_sql(self, expression: exp.Check) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, key="this") return f"CHECK ({this})" def foreignkey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) reference = self.sql(expression, "reference") reference = f" {reference}" if reference else "" delete = self.sql(expression, "delete") delete = f" ON DELETE {delete}" if delete else "" update = self.sql(expression, "update") update = f" ON UPDATE {update}" if update else "" return f"FOREIGN KEY ({expressions}){reference}{delete}{update}" def primarykey_sql(self, expression: exp.ForeignKey) -> str: expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) options = self.expressions(expression, key="options", flat=True, sep=" ") options = f" {options}" if options else "" return f"PRIMARY KEY ({expressions}){options}" def if_sql(self, expression: exp.If) -> str: return self.case_sql(exp.Case(ifs=[expression], default=expression.args.get("false"))) def matchagainst_sql(self, expression: exp.MatchAgainst) -> str: modifier = expression.args.get("modifier") modifier = f" {modifier}" if modifier else "" return f"{self.func('MATCH', *expression.expressions)} AGAINST({self.sql(expression, 'this')}{modifier})" def jsonkeyvalue_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONKeyValue) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{self.JSON_KEY_VALUE_PAIR_SEP} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" def jsonpath_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONPath) -> str: path = self.expressions(expression, sep="", flat=True).lstrip(".") return f"{self.dialect.QUOTE_START}{path}{self.dialect.QUOTE_END}" def json_path_part(self, expression: int | str | exp.JSONPathPart) -> str: if isinstance(expression, exp.JSONPathPart): transform = self.TRANSFORMS.get(expression.__class__) if not callable(transform): self.unsupported(f"Unsupported JSONPathPart type {expression.__class__.__name__}") return "" return transform(self, expression) if isinstance(expression, int): return str(expression) if self.JSON_PATH_SINGLE_QUOTE_ESCAPE: escaped = expression.replace("'", "\\'") escaped = f"\\'{expression}\\'" else: escaped = expression.replace('"', '\\"') escaped = f'"{escaped}"' return escaped def formatjson_sql(self, expression: exp.FormatJson) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} FORMAT JSON" def jsonobject_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONObject | exp.JSONObjectAgg) -> str: null_handling = expression.args.get("null_handling") null_handling = f" {null_handling}" if null_handling else "" unique_keys = expression.args.get("unique_keys") if unique_keys is not None: unique_keys = f" {'WITH' if unique_keys else 'WITHOUT'} UNIQUE KEYS" else: unique_keys = "" return_type = self.sql(expression, "return_type") return_type = f" RETURNING {return_type}" if return_type else "" encoding = self.sql(expression, "encoding") encoding = f" ENCODING {encoding}" if encoding else "" return self.func( "JSON_OBJECT" if isinstance(expression, exp.JSONObject) else "JSON_OBJECTAGG", *expression.expressions, suffix=f"{null_handling}{unique_keys}{return_type}{encoding})", ) def jsonobjectagg_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONObjectAgg) -> str: return self.jsonobject_sql(expression) def jsonarray_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONArray) -> str: null_handling = expression.args.get("null_handling") null_handling = f" {null_handling}" if null_handling else "" return_type = self.sql(expression, "return_type") return_type = f" RETURNING {return_type}" if return_type else "" strict = " STRICT" if expression.args.get("strict") else "" return self.func( "JSON_ARRAY", *expression.expressions, suffix=f"{null_handling}{return_type}{strict})" ) def jsonarrayagg_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONArrayAgg) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") order = self.sql(expression, "order") null_handling = expression.args.get("null_handling") null_handling = f" {null_handling}" if null_handling else "" return_type = self.sql(expression, "return_type") return_type = f" RETURNING {return_type}" if return_type else "" strict = " STRICT" if expression.args.get("strict") else "" return self.func( "JSON_ARRAYAGG", this, suffix=f"{order}{null_handling}{return_type}{strict})", ) def jsoncolumndef_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONColumnDef) -> str: path = self.sql(expression, "path") path = f" PATH {path}" if path else "" nested_schema = self.sql(expression, "nested_schema") if nested_schema: return f"NESTED{path} {nested_schema}" this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" return f"{this}{kind}{path}" def jsonschema_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONSchema) -> str: return self.func("COLUMNS", *expression.expressions) def jsontable_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONTable) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") path = self.sql(expression, "path") path = f", {path}" if path else "" error_handling = expression.args.get("error_handling") error_handling = f" {error_handling}" if error_handling else "" empty_handling = expression.args.get("empty_handling") empty_handling = f" {empty_handling}" if empty_handling else "" schema = self.sql(expression, "schema") return self.func( "JSON_TABLE", this, suffix=f"{path}{error_handling}{empty_handling} {schema})" ) def openjsoncolumndef_sql(self, expression: exp.OpenJSONColumnDef) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") path = self.sql(expression, "path") path = f" {path}" if path else "" as_json = " AS JSON" if expression.args.get("as_json") else "" return f"{this} {kind}{path}{as_json}" def openjson_sql(self, expression: exp.OpenJSON) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") path = self.sql(expression, "path") path = f", {path}" if path else "" expressions = self.expressions(expression) with_ = ( f" WITH ({self.seg(self.indent(expressions), sep='')}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" if expressions else "" ) return f"OPENJSON({this}{path}){with_}" def in_sql(self, expression: exp.In) -> str: query = expression.args.get("query") unnest = expression.args.get("unnest") field = expression.args.get("field") is_global = " GLOBAL" if expression.args.get("is_global") else "" if query: in_sql = self.sql(query) elif unnest: in_sql = self.in_unnest_op(unnest) elif field: in_sql = self.sql(field) else: in_sql = f"({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{is_global} IN {in_sql}" def in_unnest_op(self, unnest: exp.Unnest) -> str: return f"(SELECT {self.sql(unnest)})" def interval_sql(self, expression: exp.Interval) -> str: unit = self.sql(expression, "unit") if not self.INTERVAL_ALLOWS_PLURAL_FORM: unit = self.TIME_PART_SINGULARS.get(unit, unit) unit = f" {unit}" if unit else "" if self.SINGLE_STRING_INTERVAL: this = if expression.this else "" return f"INTERVAL '{this}{unit}'" if this else f"INTERVAL{unit}" this = self.sql(expression, "this") if this: unwrapped = isinstance(expression.this, self.UNWRAPPED_INTERVAL_VALUES) this = f" {this}" if unwrapped else f" ({this})" return f"INTERVAL{this}{unit}" def return_sql(self, expression: exp.Return) -> str: return f"RETURN {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def reference_sql(self, expression: exp.Reference) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) expressions = f"({expressions})" if expressions else "" options = self.expressions(expression, key="options", flat=True, sep=" ") options = f" {options}" if options else "" return f"REFERENCES {this}{expressions}{options}" def anonymous_sql(self, expression: exp.Anonymous) -> str: return self.func(self.sql(expression, "this"), *expression.expressions) def paren_sql(self, expression: exp.Paren) -> str: sql = self.seg(self.indent(self.sql(expression, "this")), sep="") return f"({sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" def neg_sql(self, expression: exp.Neg) -> str: # This makes sure we don't convert "- - 5" to "--5", which is a comment this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") sep = " " if this_sql[0] == "-" else "" return f"-{sep}{this_sql}" def not_sql(self, expression: exp.Not) -> str: return f"NOT {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def alias_sql(self, expression: exp.Alias) -> str: alias = self.sql(expression, "alias") alias = f" AS {alias}" if alias else "" return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}{alias}" def pivotalias_sql(self, expression: exp.PivotAlias) -> str: alias = expression.args["alias"] identifier_alias = isinstance(alias, exp.Identifier) if identifier_alias and not self.UNPIVOT_ALIASES_ARE_IDENTIFIERS: alias.replace(exp.Literal.string(alias.output_name)) elif not identifier_alias and self.UNPIVOT_ALIASES_ARE_IDENTIFIERS: alias.replace(exp.to_identifier(alias.output_name)) return self.alias_sql(expression) def aliases_sql(self, expression: exp.Aliases) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS ({self.expressions(expression, flat=True)})" def atindex_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") index = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"{this} AT {index}" def attimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.AtTimeZone) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") zone = self.sql(expression, "zone") return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone}" def fromtimezone_sql(self, expression: exp.FromTimeZone) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") zone = self.sql(expression, "zone") return f"{this} AT TIME ZONE {zone} AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'" def add_sql(self, expression: exp.Add) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "+") def and_sql( self, expression: exp.And, stack: t.Optional[t.List[str | exp.Expression]] = None ) -> str: return self.connector_sql(expression, "AND", stack) def or_sql( self, expression: exp.Or, stack: t.Optional[t.List[str | exp.Expression]] = None ) -> str: return self.connector_sql(expression, "OR", stack) def xor_sql( self, expression: exp.Xor, stack: t.Optional[t.List[str | exp.Expression]] = None ) -> str: return self.connector_sql(expression, "XOR", stack) def connector_sql( self, expression: exp.Connector, op: str, stack: t.Optional[t.List[str | exp.Expression]] = None, ) -> str: if stack is not None: if expression.expressions: stack.append(self.expressions(expression, sep=f" {op} ")) else: stack.append(expression.right) if expression.comments: for comment in expression.comments: op += f" /*{self.pad_comment(comment)}*/" stack.extend((op, expression.left)) return op stack = [expression] sqls: t.List[str] = [] ops = set() while stack: node = stack.pop() if isinstance(node, exp.Connector): ops.add(getattr(self, f"{node.key}_sql")(node, stack)) else: sql = self.sql(node) if sqls and sqls[-1] in ops: sqls[-1] += f" {sql}" else: sqls.append(sql) sep = "\n" if self.pretty and self.too_wide(sqls) else " " return sep.join(sqls) def bitwiseand_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseAnd) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "&") def bitwiseleftshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseLeftShift) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "<<") def bitwisenot_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseNot) -> str: return f"~{self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def bitwiseor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseOr) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "|") def bitwiserightshift_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseRightShift) -> str: return self.binary(expression, ">>") def bitwisexor_sql(self, expression: exp.BitwiseXor) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "^") def cast_sql(self, expression: exp.Cast, safe_prefix: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str: format_sql = self.sql(expression, "format") format_sql = f" FORMAT {format_sql}" if format_sql else "" to_sql = self.sql(expression, "to") to_sql = f" {to_sql}" if to_sql else "" action = self.sql(expression, "action") action = f" {action}" if action else "" return f"{safe_prefix or ''}CAST({self.sql(expression, 'this')} AS{to_sql}{format_sql}{action})" def currentdate_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentDate) -> str: zone = self.sql(expression, "this") return f"CURRENT_DATE({zone})" if zone else "CURRENT_DATE" def currenttimestamp_sql(self, expression: exp.CurrentTimestamp) -> str: return self.func("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", expression.this) def collate_sql(self, expression: exp.Collate) -> str: if self.COLLATE_IS_FUNC: return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) return self.binary(expression, "COLLATE") def command_sql(self, expression: exp.Command) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {expression.text('expression').strip()}" def comment_sql(self, expression: exp.Comment) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = expression.args["kind"] materialized = " MATERIALIZED" if expression.args.get("materialized") else "" exists_sql = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"COMMENT{exists_sql}ON{materialized} {kind} {this} IS {expression_sql}" def mergetreettlaction_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeTreeTTLAction) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") delete = " DELETE" if expression.args.get("delete") else "" recompress = self.sql(expression, "recompress") recompress = f" RECOMPRESS {recompress}" if recompress else "" to_disk = self.sql(expression, "to_disk") to_disk = f" TO DISK {to_disk}" if to_disk else "" to_volume = self.sql(expression, "to_volume") to_volume = f" TO VOLUME {to_volume}" if to_volume else "" return f"{this}{delete}{recompress}{to_disk}{to_volume}" def mergetreettl_sql(self, expression: exp.MergeTreeTTL) -> str: where = self.sql(expression, "where") group = self.sql(expression, "group") aggregates = self.expressions(expression, key="aggregates") aggregates = self.seg("SET") + self.seg(aggregates) if aggregates else "" if not (where or group or aggregates) and len(expression.expressions) == 1: return f"TTL {self.expressions(expression, flat=True)}" return f"TTL{self.seg(self.expressions(expression))}{where}{group}{aggregates}" def transaction_sql(self, expression: exp.Transaction) -> str: return "BEGIN" def commit_sql(self, expression: exp.Commit) -> str: chain = expression.args.get("chain") if chain is not None: chain = " AND CHAIN" if chain else " AND NO CHAIN" return f"COMMIT{chain or ''}" def rollback_sql(self, expression: exp.Rollback) -> str: savepoint = expression.args.get("savepoint") savepoint = f" TO {savepoint}" if savepoint else "" return f"ROLLBACK{savepoint}" def altercolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterColumn) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") dtype = self.sql(expression, "dtype") if dtype: collate = self.sql(expression, "collate") collate = f" COLLATE {collate}" if collate else "" using = self.sql(expression, "using") using = f" USING {using}" if using else "" return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DATA TYPE {dtype}{collate}{using}" default = self.sql(expression, "default") if default: return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} SET DEFAULT {default}" comment = self.sql(expression, "comment") if comment: return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} COMMENT {comment}" if not expression.args.get("drop"): self.unsupported("Unsupported ALTER COLUMN syntax") return f"ALTER COLUMN {this} DROP DEFAULT" def renametable_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameTable) -> str: if not self.RENAME_TABLE_WITH_DB: # Remove db from tables expression = expression.transform( lambda n: exp.table_(n.this) if isinstance(n, exp.Table) else n ).assert_is(exp.RenameTable) this = self.sql(expression, "this") return f"RENAME TO {this}" def renamecolumn_sql(self, expression: exp.RenameColumn) -> str: exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" old_column = self.sql(expression, "this") new_column = self.sql(expression, "to") return f"RENAME COLUMN{exists} {old_column} TO {new_column}" def altertable_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: actions = expression.args["actions"] if isinstance(actions[0], exp.ColumnDef): actions = self.add_column_sql(expression) elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Schema): actions = self.expressions(expression, key="actions", prefix="ADD COLUMNS ") elif isinstance(actions[0], exp.Delete): actions = self.expressions(expression, key="actions", flat=True) else: actions = self.expressions(expression, key="actions", flat=True) exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" only = " ONLY" if expression.args.get("only") else "" options = self.expressions(expression, key="options") options = f", {options}" if options else "" return f"ALTER TABLE{exists}{only} {self.sql(expression, 'this')} {actions}{options}" def add_column_sql(self, expression: exp.AlterTable) -> str: if self.ALTER_TABLE_INCLUDE_COLUMN_KEYWORD: return self.expressions( expression, key="actions", prefix="ADD COLUMN ", ) return f"ADD {self.expressions(expression, key='actions', flat=True)}" def droppartition_sql(self, expression: exp.DropPartition) -> str: expressions = self.expressions(expression) exists = " IF EXISTS " if expression.args.get("exists") else " " return f"DROP{exists}{expressions}" def addconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.AddConstraint) -> str: return f"ADD {self.expressions(expression)}" def distinct_sql(self, expression: exp.Distinct) -> str: this = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) if not self.MULTI_ARG_DISTINCT and len(expression.expressions) > 1: case = for arg in expression.expressions: case = case.when(arg.is_(exp.null()), exp.null()) this = self.sql(case.else_(f"({this})")) this = f" {this}" if this else "" on = self.sql(expression, "on") on = f" ON {on}" if on else "" return f"DISTINCT{this}{on}" def ignorenulls_sql(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls) -> str: return self._embed_ignore_nulls(expression, "IGNORE NULLS") def respectnulls_sql(self, expression: exp.RespectNulls) -> str: return self._embed_ignore_nulls(expression, "RESPECT NULLS") def havingmax_sql(self, expression: exp.HavingMax) -> str: this_sql = self.sql(expression, "this") expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") kind = "MAX" if expression.args.get("max") else "MIN" return f"{this_sql} HAVING {kind} {expression_sql}" def intdiv_sql(self, expression: exp.IntDiv) -> str: return self.sql( exp.Cast( this=exp.Div(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression), to=exp.DataType(this=exp.DataType.Type.INT), ) ) def dpipe_sql(self, expression: exp.DPipe) -> str: if self.dialect.STRICT_STRING_CONCAT and expression.args.get("safe"): return self.func( "CONCAT", *(exp.cast(e, exp.DataType.Type.TEXT) for e in expression.flatten()) ) return self.binary(expression, "||") def div_sql(self, expression: exp.Div) -> str: l, r = expression.left, expression.right if not self.dialect.SAFE_DIVISION and expression.args.get("safe"): r.replace(exp.Nullif(this=r.copy(), expression=exp.Literal.number(0))) if self.dialect.TYPED_DIVISION and not expression.args.get("typed"): if not l.is_type(*exp.DataType.REAL_TYPES) and not r.is_type(*exp.DataType.REAL_TYPES): l.replace(exp.cast(l.copy(), to=exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE)) elif not self.dialect.TYPED_DIVISION and expression.args.get("typed"): if l.is_type(*exp.DataType.INTEGER_TYPES) and r.is_type(*exp.DataType.INTEGER_TYPES): return self.sql( exp.cast( l / r, to=exp.DataType.Type.BIGINT, ) ) return self.binary(expression, "/") def overlaps_sql(self, expression: exp.Overlaps) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "OVERLAPS") def distance_sql(self, expression: exp.Distance) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "<->") def dot_sql(self, expression: exp.Dot) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}.{self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" def eq_sql(self, expression: exp.EQ) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "=") def propertyeq_sql(self, expression: exp.PropertyEQ) -> str: return self.binary(expression, ":=") def escape_sql(self, expression: exp.Escape) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "ESCAPE") def glob_sql(self, expression: exp.Glob) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "GLOB") def gt_sql(self, expression: exp.GT) -> str: return self.binary(expression, ">") def gte_sql(self, expression: exp.GTE) -> str: return self.binary(expression, ">=") def ilike_sql(self, expression: exp.ILike) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE") def ilikeany_sql(self, expression: exp.ILikeAny) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "ILIKE ANY") def is_sql(self, expression: exp.Is) -> str: if not self.IS_BOOL_ALLOWED and isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Boolean): return self.sql( expression.this if expression.expression.this else exp.not_(expression.this) ) return self.binary(expression, "IS") def like_sql(self, expression: exp.Like) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "LIKE") def likeany_sql(self, expression: exp.LikeAny) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "LIKE ANY") def similarto_sql(self, expression: exp.SimilarTo) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "SIMILAR TO") def lt_sql(self, expression: exp.LT) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "<") def lte_sql(self, expression: exp.LTE) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "<=") def mod_sql(self, expression: exp.Mod) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "%") def mul_sql(self, expression: exp.Mul) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "*") def neq_sql(self, expression: exp.NEQ) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "<>") def nullsafeeq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeEQ) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM") def nullsafeneq_sql(self, expression: exp.NullSafeNEQ) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "IS DISTINCT FROM") def slice_sql(self, expression: exp.Slice) -> str: return self.binary(expression, ":") def sub_sql(self, expression: exp.Sub) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "-") def trycast_sql(self, expression: exp.TryCast) -> str: return self.cast_sql(expression, safe_prefix="TRY_") def log_sql(self, expression: exp.Log) -> str: this = expression.this expr = expression.expression if self.dialect.LOG_BASE_FIRST is False: this, expr = expr, this elif self.dialect.LOG_BASE_FIRST is None and expr: if in ("2", "10"): return self.func(f"LOG{}", expr) self.unsupported(f"Unsupported logarithm with base {self.sql(this)}") return self.func("LOG", this, expr) def use_sql(self, expression: exp.Use) -> str: kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") kind = f" {kind}" if kind else "" this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f" {this}" if this else "" return f"USE{kind}{this}" def binary(self, expression: exp.Binary, op: str) -> str: op = self.maybe_comment(op, comments=expression.comments) return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {op} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" def function_fallback_sql(self, expression: exp.Func) -> str: args = [] for key in expression.arg_types: arg_value = expression.args.get(key) if isinstance(arg_value, list): for value in arg_value: args.append(value) elif arg_value is not None: args.append(arg_value) if self.normalize_functions: name = expression.sql_name() else: name = (expression._meta and expression.meta.get("name")) or expression.sql_name() return self.func(name, *args) def func( self, name: str, *args: t.Optional[exp.Expression | str], prefix: str = "(", suffix: str = ")", ) -> str: return f"{self.normalize_func(name)}{prefix}{self.format_args(*args)}{suffix}" def format_args(self, *args: t.Optional[str | exp.Expression]) -> str: arg_sqls = tuple(self.sql(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None) if self.pretty and self.too_wide(arg_sqls): return self.indent("\n" + ",\n".join(arg_sqls) + "\n", skip_first=True, skip_last=True) return ", ".join(arg_sqls) def too_wide(self, args: t.Iterable) -> bool: return sum(len(arg) for arg in args) > self.max_text_width def format_time( self, expression: exp.Expression, inverse_time_mapping: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None, inverse_time_trie: t.Optional[t.Dict] = None, ) -> t.Optional[str]: return format_time( self.sql(expression, "format"), inverse_time_mapping or self.dialect.INVERSE_TIME_MAPPING, inverse_time_trie or self.dialect.INVERSE_TIME_TRIE, ) def expressions( self, expression: t.Optional[exp.Expression] = None, key: t.Optional[str] = None, sqls: t.Optional[t.Collection[str | exp.Expression]] = None, flat: bool = False, indent: bool = True, skip_first: bool = False, skip_last: bool = False, sep: str = ", ", prefix: str = "", dynamic: bool = False, new_line: bool = False, ) -> str: expressions = expression.args.get(key or "expressions") if expression else sqls if not expressions: return "" if flat: return sep.join(sql for sql in (self.sql(e) for e in expressions) if sql) num_sqls = len(expressions) # These are calculated once in case we have the leading_comma / pretty option set, correspondingly if self.pretty and not self.leading_comma: stripped_sep = sep.strip() result_sqls = [] for i, e in enumerate(expressions): sql = self.sql(e, comment=False) if not sql: continue comments = self.maybe_comment("", e) if isinstance(e, exp.Expression) else "" if self.pretty: if self.leading_comma: result_sqls.append(f"{sep if i > 0 else ''}{prefix}{sql}{comments}") else: result_sqls.append( f"{prefix}{sql}{stripped_sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}{comments}" ) else: result_sqls.append(f"{prefix}{sql}{comments}{sep if i + 1 < num_sqls else ''}") if self.pretty and (not dynamic or self.too_wide(result_sqls)): if new_line: result_sqls.insert(0, "") result_sqls.append("") result_sql = "\n".join(result_sqls) else: result_sql = "".join(result_sqls) return ( self.indent(result_sql, skip_first=skip_first, skip_last=skip_last) if indent else result_sql ) def op_expressions(self, op: str, expression: exp.Expression, flat: bool = False) -> str: flat = flat or isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Properties) expressions_sql = self.expressions(expression, flat=flat) if flat: return f"{op} {expressions_sql}" return f"{self.seg(op)}{self.sep() if expressions_sql else ''}{expressions_sql}" def naked_property(self, expression: exp.Property) -> str: property_name = exp.Properties.PROPERTY_TO_NAME.get(expression.__class__) if not property_name: self.unsupported(f"Unsupported property {expression.__class__.__name__}") return f"{property_name} {self.sql(expression, 'this')}" def tag_sql(self, expression: exp.Tag) -> str: return f"{expression.args.get('prefix')}{self.sql(expression.this)}{expression.args.get('postfix')}" def token_sql(self, token_type: TokenType) -> str: return self.TOKEN_MAPPING.get(token_type, def userdefinedfunction_sql(self, expression: exp.UserDefinedFunction) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expressions = self.no_identify(self.expressions, expression) expressions = ( self.wrap(expressions) if expression.args.get("wrapped") else f" {expressions}" ) return f"{this}{expressions}" def joinhint_sql(self, expression: exp.JoinHint) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) return f"{this}({expressions})" def kwarg_sql(self, expression: exp.Kwarg) -> str: return self.binary(expression, "=>") def when_sql(self, expression: exp.When) -> str: matched = "MATCHED" if expression.args["matched"] else "NOT MATCHED" source = " BY SOURCE" if self.MATCHED_BY_SOURCE and expression.args.get("source") else "" condition = self.sql(expression, "condition") condition = f" AND {condition}" if condition else "" then_expression = expression.args.get("then") if isinstance(then_expression, exp.Insert): then = f"INSERT {self.sql(then_expression, 'this')}" if "expression" in then_expression.args: then += f" VALUES {self.sql(then_expression, 'expression')}" elif isinstance(then_expression, exp.Update): if isinstance(then_expression.args.get("expressions"), exp.Star): then = f"UPDATE {self.sql(then_expression, 'expressions')}" else: then = f"UPDATE SET {self.expressions(then_expression, flat=True)}" else: then = self.sql(then_expression) return f"WHEN {matched}{source}{condition} THEN {then}" def merge_sql(self, expression: exp.Merge) -> str: table = expression.this table_alias = "" hints = table.args.get("hints") if hints and table.alias and isinstance(hints[0], exp.WithTableHint): # T-SQL syntax is MERGE ... [WITH ()] [[AS] table_alias] table_alias = f" AS {self.sql(table.args['alias'].pop())}" this = self.sql(table) using = f"USING {self.sql(expression, 'using')}" on = f"ON {self.sql(expression, 'on')}" expressions = self.expressions(expression, sep=" ") return self.prepend_ctes( expression, f"MERGE INTO {this}{table_alias} {using} {on} {expressions}" ) def tochar_sql(self, expression: exp.ToChar) -> str: if expression.args.get("format"): self.unsupported("Format argument unsupported for TO_CHAR/TO_VARCHAR function") return self.sql(exp.cast(expression.this, exp.DataType.Type.TEXT)) def tonumber_sql(self, expression: exp.ToNumber) -> str: if not self.SUPPORTS_TO_NUMBER: self.unsupported("Unsupported TO_NUMBER function") return self.sql(exp.cast(expression.this, exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE)) fmt = expression.args.get("format") if not fmt: self.unsupported("Conversion format is required for TO_NUMBER") return self.sql(exp.cast(expression.this, exp.DataType.Type.DOUBLE)) return self.func("TO_NUMBER", expression.this, fmt) def dictproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DictProperty) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") settings_sql = self.expressions(expression, key="settings", sep=" ") args = f"({self.sep('')}{settings_sql}{self.seg(')', sep='')}" if settings_sql else "()" return f"{this}({kind}{args})" def dictrange_sql(self, expression: exp.DictRange) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") max = self.sql(expression, "max") min = self.sql(expression, "min") return f"{this}(MIN {min} MAX {max})" def dictsubproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.DictSubProperty) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'value')}" def oncluster_sql(self, expression: exp.OnCluster) -> str: return "" def clusteredbyproperty_sql(self, expression: exp.ClusteredByProperty) -> str: expressions = self.expressions(expression, key="expressions", flat=True) sorted_by = self.expressions(expression, key="sorted_by", flat=True) sorted_by = f" SORTED BY ({sorted_by})" if sorted_by else "" buckets = self.sql(expression, "buckets") return f"CLUSTERED BY ({expressions}){sorted_by} INTO {buckets} BUCKETS" def anyvalue_sql(self, expression: exp.AnyValue) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") having = self.sql(expression, "having") if having: this = f"{this} HAVING {'MAX' if expression.args.get('max') else 'MIN'} {having}" return self.func("ANY_VALUE", this) def querytransform_sql(self, expression: exp.QueryTransform) -> str: transform = self.func("TRANSFORM", *expression.expressions) row_format_before = self.sql(expression, "row_format_before") row_format_before = f" {row_format_before}" if row_format_before else "" record_writer = self.sql(expression, "record_writer") record_writer = f" RECORDWRITER {record_writer}" if record_writer else "" using = f" USING {self.sql(expression, 'command_script')}" schema = self.sql(expression, "schema") schema = f" AS {schema}" if schema else "" row_format_after = self.sql(expression, "row_format_after") row_format_after = f" {row_format_after}" if row_format_after else "" record_reader = self.sql(expression, "record_reader") record_reader = f" RECORDREADER {record_reader}" if record_reader else "" return f"{transform}{row_format_before}{record_writer}{using}{schema}{row_format_after}{record_reader}" def indexconstraintoption_sql(self, expression: exp.IndexConstraintOption) -> str: key_block_size = self.sql(expression, "key_block_size") if key_block_size: return f"KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = {key_block_size}" using = self.sql(expression, "using") if using: return f"USING {using}" parser = self.sql(expression, "parser") if parser: return f"WITH PARSER {parser}" comment = self.sql(expression, "comment") if comment: return f"COMMENT {comment}" visible = expression.args.get("visible") if visible is not None: return "VISIBLE" if visible else "INVISIBLE" engine_attr = self.sql(expression, "engine_attr") if engine_attr: return f"ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = {engine_attr}" secondary_engine_attr = self.sql(expression, "secondary_engine_attr") if secondary_engine_attr: return f"SECONDARY_ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = {secondary_engine_attr}" self.unsupported("Unsupported index constraint option.") return "" def checkcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.CheckColumnConstraint) -> str: enforced = " ENFORCED" if expression.args.get("enforced") else "" return f"CHECK ({self.sql(expression, 'this')}){enforced}" def indexcolumnconstraint_sql(self, expression: exp.IndexColumnConstraint) -> str: kind = self.sql(expression, "kind") kind = f"{kind} INDEX" if kind else "INDEX" this = self.sql(expression, "this") this = f" {this}" if this else "" index_type = self.sql(expression, "index_type") index_type = f" USING {index_type}" if index_type else "" expressions = self.expressions(expression, flat=True) expressions = f" ({expressions})" if expressions else "" options = self.expressions(expression, key="options", sep=" ") options = f" {options}" if options else "" return f"{kind}{this}{index_type}{expressions}{options}" def nvl2_sql(self, expression: exp.Nvl2) -> str: if self.NVL2_SUPPORTED: return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) case = exp.Case().when( expression.this.is_(exp.null()).not_(copy=False), expression.args["true"], copy=False, ) else_cond = expression.args.get("false") if else_cond: case.else_(else_cond, copy=False) return self.sql(case) def comprehension_sql(self, expression: exp.Comprehension) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expr = self.sql(expression, "expression") iterator = self.sql(expression, "iterator") condition = self.sql(expression, "condition") condition = f" IF {condition}" if condition else "" return f"{this} FOR {expr} IN {iterator}{condition}" def columnprefix_sql(self, expression: exp.ColumnPrefix) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')}({self.sql(expression, 'expression')})" def opclass_sql(self, expression: exp.Opclass) -> str: return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {self.sql(expression, 'expression')}" def predict_sql(self, expression: exp.Predict) -> str: model = self.sql(expression, "this") model = f"MODEL {model}" table = self.sql(expression, "expression") table = f"TABLE {table}" if not isinstance(expression.expression, exp.Subquery) else table parameters = self.sql(expression, "params_struct") return self.func("PREDICT", model, table, parameters or None) def forin_sql(self, expression: exp.ForIn) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") expression_sql = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"FOR {this} DO {expression_sql}" def refresh_sql(self, expression: exp.Refresh) -> str: this = self.sql(expression, "this") table = "" if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Literal) else "TABLE " return f"REFRESH {table}{this}" def operator_sql(self, expression: exp.Operator) -> str: return self.binary(expression, f"OPERATOR({self.sql(expression, 'operator')})") def toarray_sql(self, expression: exp.ToArray) -> str: arg = expression.this if not arg.type: from sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types import annotate_types arg = annotate_types(arg) if arg.is_type(exp.DataType.Type.ARRAY): return self.sql(arg) cond_for_null = arg.is_(exp.null()) return self.sql(exp.func("IF", cond_for_null, exp.null(), exp.array(arg, copy=False))) def tsordstotime_sql(self, expression: exp.TsOrDsToTime) -> str: this = expression.this if isinstance(this, exp.TsOrDsToTime) or this.is_type(exp.DataType.Type.TIME): return self.sql(this) return self.sql(exp.cast(this, exp.DataType.Type.TIME)) def tsordstotimestamp_sql(self, expression: exp.TsOrDsToTimestamp) -> str: this = expression.this if isinstance(this, exp.TsOrDsToTimestamp) or this.is_type(exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP): return self.sql(this) return self.sql(exp.cast(this, exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP)) def tsordstodate_sql(self, expression: exp.TsOrDsToDate) -> str: this = expression.this time_format = self.format_time(expression) if time_format and time_format not in (self.dialect.TIME_FORMAT, self.dialect.DATE_FORMAT): return self.sql( exp.cast( exp.StrToTime(this=this, format=expression.args["format"]), exp.DataType.Type.DATE, ) ) if isinstance(this, exp.TsOrDsToDate) or this.is_type(exp.DataType.Type.DATE): return self.sql(this) return self.sql(exp.cast(this, exp.DataType.Type.DATE)) def unixdate_sql(self, expression: exp.UnixDate) -> str: return self.sql( exp.func( "DATEDIFF", expression.this, exp.cast(exp.Literal.string("1970-01-01"), exp.DataType.Type.DATE), "day", ) ) def lastday_sql(self, expression: exp.LastDay) -> str: if self.LAST_DAY_SUPPORTS_DATE_PART: return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) unit = expression.text("unit") if unit and unit != "MONTH": self.unsupported("Date parts are not supported in LAST_DAY.") return self.func("LAST_DAY", expression.this) def dateadd_sql(self, expression: exp.DateAdd) -> str: from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import unit_to_str return self.func( "DATE_ADD", expression.this, expression.expression, unit_to_str(expression) ) def arrayany_sql(self, expression: exp.ArrayAny) -> str: if self.CAN_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_ANY: filtered = exp.ArrayFilter(this=expression.this, expression=expression.expression) filtered_not_empty = exp.ArraySize(this=filtered).neq(0) original_is_empty = exp.ArraySize(this=expression.this).eq(0) return self.sql(exp.paren(original_is_empty.or_(filtered_not_empty))) from sqlglot.dialects import Dialect # SQLGlot's executor supports ARRAY_ANY, so we don't wanna warn for the SQLGlot dialect if self.dialect.__class__ != Dialect: self.unsupported("ARRAY_ANY is unsupported") return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) def generateseries_sql(self, expression: exp.GenerateSeries) -> str: expression.set("is_end_exclusive", None) return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) def struct_sql(self, expression: exp.Struct) -> str: expression.set( "expressions", [ exp.alias_(e.expression, if e.this.is_string else e.this) if isinstance(e, exp.PropertyEQ) else e for e in expression.expressions ], ) return self.function_fallback_sql(expression) def partitionrange_sql(self, expression: exp.PartitionRange) -> str: low = self.sql(expression, "this") high = self.sql(expression, "expression") return f"{low} TO {high}" def truncatetable_sql(self, expression: exp.TruncateTable) -> str: target = "DATABASE" if expression.args.get("is_database") else "TABLE" tables = f" {self.expressions(expression)}" exists = " IF EXISTS" if expression.args.get("exists") else "" on_cluster = self.sql(expression, "cluster") on_cluster = f" {on_cluster}" if on_cluster else "" identity = self.sql(expression, "identity") identity = f" {identity} IDENTITY" if identity else "" option = self.sql(expression, "option") option = f" {option}" if option else "" partition = self.sql(expression, "partition") partition = f" {partition}" if partition else "" return f"TRUNCATE {target}{exists}{tables}{on_cluster}{identity}{option}{partition}" # This transpiles T-SQL's CONVERT function # def convert_sql(self, expression: exp.Convert) -> str: to = expression.this value = expression.expression style = expression.args.get("style") safe = expression.args.get("safe") strict = expression.args.get("strict") if not to or not value: return "" # Retrieve length of datatype and override to default if not specified if not seq_get(to.expressions, 0) and to.this in self.PARAMETERIZABLE_TEXT_TYPES: to =, expressions=[exp.Literal.number(30)], nested=False) transformed: t.Optional[exp.Expression] = None cast = exp.Cast if strict else exp.TryCast # Check whether a conversion with format (T-SQL calls this 'style') is applicable if isinstance(style, exp.Literal) and style.is_int: from sqlglot.dialects.tsql import TSQL style_value = converted_style = TSQL.CONVERT_FORMAT_MAPPING.get(style_value) if not converted_style: self.unsupported(f"Unsupported T-SQL 'style' value: {style_value}") fmt = exp.Literal.string(converted_style) if to.this == exp.DataType.Type.DATE: transformed = exp.StrToDate(this=value, format=fmt) elif to.this == exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: transformed = exp.StrToTime(this=value, format=fmt) elif to.this in self.PARAMETERIZABLE_TEXT_TYPES: transformed = cast(this=exp.TimeToStr(this=value, format=fmt), to=to, safe=safe) elif to.this == exp.DataType.Type.TEXT: transformed = exp.TimeToStr(this=value, format=fmt) if not transformed: transformed = cast(this=value, to=to, safe=safe) return self.sql(transformed) def _jsonpathkey_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONPathKey) -> str: this = expression.this if isinstance(this, exp.JSONPathWildcard): this = self.json_path_part(this) return f".{this}" if this else "" if exp.SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE.match(this): return f".{this}" this = self.json_path_part(this) return f"[{this}]" if self.JSON_PATH_BRACKETED_KEY_SUPPORTED else f".{this}" def _jsonpathsubscript_sql(self, expression: exp.JSONPathSubscript) -> str: this = self.json_path_part(expression.this) return f"[{this}]" if this else "" def _simplify_unless_literal(self, expression: E) -> E: if not isinstance(expression, exp.Literal): from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import simplify expression = simplify(expression, dialect=self.dialect) return expression def _embed_ignore_nulls(self, expression: exp.IgnoreNulls | exp.RespectNulls, text: str) -> str: if self.IGNORE_NULLS_IN_FUNC and not expression.meta.get("inline"): # The first modifier here will be the one closest to the AggFunc's arg mods = sorted( expression.find_all(exp.HavingMax, exp.Order, exp.Limit), key=lambda x: 0 if isinstance(x, exp.HavingMax) else (1 if isinstance(x, exp.Order) else 2), ) if mods: mod = mods[0] this = expression.__class__(this=mod.this.copy()) this.meta["inline"] = True mod.this.replace(this) return self.sql(expression.this) agg_func = expression.find(exp.AggFunc) if agg_func: return self.sql(agg_func)[:-1] + f" {text})" return f"{self.sql(expression, 'this')} {text}" def _replace_line_breaks(self, string: str) -> str: """We don't want to extra indent line breaks so we temporarily replace them with sentinels.""" if self.pretty: return string.replace("\n", self.SENTINEL_LINE_BREAK) return string