from __future__ import annotations import itertools import typing as t from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.helper import is_date_unit, is_iso_date, is_iso_datetime def canonicalize(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """Converts a sql expression into a standard form. This method relies on annotate_types because many of the conversions rely on type inference. Args: expression: The expression to canonicalize. """ exp.replace_children(expression, canonicalize) expression = add_text_to_concat(expression) expression = replace_date_funcs(expression) expression = coerce_type(expression) expression = remove_redundant_casts(expression) expression = ensure_bools(expression, _replace_int_predicate) expression = remove_ascending_order(expression) return expression def add_text_to_concat(node: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: if isinstance(node, exp.Add) and node.type and node.type.this in exp.DataType.TEXT_TYPES: node = exp.Concat(expressions=[node.left, node.right]) return node def replace_date_funcs(node: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: if isinstance(node, exp.Date) and not node.expressions and not node.args.get("zone"): return exp.cast(node.this, to=exp.DataType.Type.DATE) if isinstance(node, exp.Timestamp) and not node.expression: if not node.type: from sqlglot.optimizer.annotate_types import annotate_types node = annotate_types(node) return exp.cast(node.this, to=node.type or exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMP) return node COERCIBLE_DATE_OPS = ( exp.Add, exp.Sub, exp.EQ, exp.NEQ, exp.GT, exp.GTE, exp.LT, exp.LTE, exp.NullSafeEQ, exp.NullSafeNEQ, ) def coerce_type(node: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: if isinstance(node, COERCIBLE_DATE_OPS): _coerce_date(node.left, node.right) elif isinstance(node, exp.Between): _coerce_date(node.this, node.args["low"]) elif isinstance(node, exp.Extract) and not node.expression.type.is_type( *exp.DataType.TEMPORAL_TYPES ): _replace_cast(node.expression, exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME) elif isinstance(node, (exp.DateAdd, exp.DateSub, exp.DateTrunc)): _coerce_timeunit_arg(node.this, node.unit) elif isinstance(node, exp.DateDiff): _coerce_datediff_args(node) return node def remove_redundant_casts(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: if ( isinstance(expression, exp.Cast) and expression.this.type and == expression.this.type.this ): return expression.this return expression def ensure_bools( expression: exp.Expression, replace_func: t.Callable[[exp.Expression], None] ) -> exp.Expression: if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): replace_func(expression.left) replace_func(expression.right) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Not): replace_func(expression.this) # We can't replace num in CASE x WHEN num ..., because it's not the full predicate elif isinstance(expression, exp.If) and not ( isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Case) and expression.parent.this ): replace_func(expression.this) elif isinstance(expression, (exp.Where, exp.Having)): replace_func(expression.this) return expression def remove_ascending_order(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: if isinstance(expression, exp.Ordered) and expression.args.get("desc") is False: # Convert ORDER BY a ASC to ORDER BY a expression.set("desc", None) return expression def _coerce_date(a: exp.Expression, b: exp.Expression) -> None: for a, b in itertools.permutations([a, b]): if isinstance(b, exp.Interval): a = _coerce_timeunit_arg(a, b.unit) if ( a.type and a.type.this == exp.DataType.Type.DATE and b.type and b.type.this not in ( exp.DataType.Type.DATE, exp.DataType.Type.INTERVAL, ) ): _replace_cast(b, exp.DataType.Type.DATE) def _coerce_timeunit_arg(arg: exp.Expression, unit: t.Optional[exp.Expression]) -> exp.Expression: if not arg.type: return arg if arg.type.this in exp.DataType.TEXT_TYPES: date_text = is_iso_date_ = is_iso_date(date_text) if is_iso_date_ and is_date_unit(unit): return arg.replace(exp.cast(arg.copy(), to=exp.DataType.Type.DATE)) # An ISO date is also an ISO datetime, but not vice versa if is_iso_date_ or is_iso_datetime(date_text): return arg.replace(exp.cast(arg.copy(), to=exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME)) elif arg.type.this == exp.DataType.Type.DATE and not is_date_unit(unit): return arg.replace(exp.cast(arg.copy(), to=exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME)) return arg def _coerce_datediff_args(node: exp.DateDiff) -> None: for e in (node.this, node.expression): if e.type.this not in exp.DataType.TEMPORAL_TYPES: e.replace(exp.cast(e.copy(), to=exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME)) def _replace_cast(node: exp.Expression, to: exp.DataType.Type) -> None: node.replace(exp.cast(node.copy(), to=to)) # this was originally designed for presto, there is a similar transform for tsql # this is different in that it only operates on int types, this is because # presto has a boolean type whereas tsql doesn't (people use bits) # with y as (select true as x) select x = 0 FROM y -- illegal presto query def _replace_int_predicate(expression: exp.Expression) -> None: if isinstance(expression, exp.Coalesce): for _, child in expression.iter_expressions(): _replace_int_predicate(child) elif expression.type and expression.type.this in exp.DataType.INTEGER_TYPES: expression.replace(expression.neq(0))