import itertools from sqlglot import expressions as exp from sqlglot.helper import find_new_name from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import build_scope from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import simplify def eliminate_subqueries(expression): """ Rewrite derived tables as CTES, deduplicating if possible. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT * FROM x) AS y") >>> eliminate_subqueries(expression).sql() 'WITH y AS (SELECT * FROM x) SELECT a FROM y AS y' This also deduplicates common subqueries: >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a FROM (SELECT * FROM x) AS y JOIN (SELECT * FROM x) AS z") >>> eliminate_subqueries(expression).sql() 'WITH y AS (SELECT * FROM x) SELECT a FROM y AS y JOIN y AS z' Args: expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression Returns: sqlglot.Expression: expression """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Subquery): # It's possible to have subqueries at the root, e.g. (SELECT * FROM x) LIMIT 1 eliminate_subqueries(expression.this) return expression expression = simplify(expression) root = build_scope(expression) # Map of alias->Scope|Table # These are all aliases that are already used in the expression. # We don't want to create new CTEs that conflict with these names. taken = {} # All CTE aliases in the root scope are taken for scope in root.cte_scopes: taken[scope.expression.parent.alias] = scope # All table names are taken for scope in root.traverse(): taken.update({ source for _, source in scope.sources.items() if isinstance(source, exp.Table)}) # Map of Expression->alias # Existing CTES in the root expression. We'll use this for deduplication. existing_ctes = {} with_ = root.expression.args.get("with") if with_: for cte in with_.expressions: existing_ctes[cte.this] = cte.alias new_ctes = [] # We're adding more CTEs, but we want to maintain the DAG order. # Derived tables within an existing CTE need to come before the existing CTE. for cte_scope in root.cte_scopes: # Append all the new CTEs from this existing CTE for scope in cte_scope.traverse(): new_cte = _eliminate(scope, existing_ctes, taken) if new_cte: new_ctes.append(new_cte) # Append the existing CTE itself new_ctes.append(cte_scope.expression.parent) # Now append the rest for scope in itertools.chain(root.union_scopes, root.subquery_scopes, root.derived_table_scopes): for child_scope in scope.traverse(): new_cte = _eliminate(child_scope, existing_ctes, taken) if new_cte: new_ctes.append(new_cte) if new_ctes: expression.set("with", exp.With(expressions=new_ctes)) return expression def _eliminate(scope, existing_ctes, taken): if scope.is_union: return _eliminate_union(scope, existing_ctes, taken) if scope.is_derived_table and not isinstance(scope.expression, (exp.Unnest, exp.Lateral)): return _eliminate_derived_table(scope, existing_ctes, taken) def _eliminate_union(scope, existing_ctes, taken): duplicate_cte_alias = existing_ctes.get(scope.expression) alias = duplicate_cte_alias or find_new_name(taken=taken, base="cte") taken[alias] = scope # Try to maintain the selections expressions = scope.expression.args.get("expressions") selects = [ exp.alias_(exp.column(e.alias_or_name, table=alias), alias=e.alias_or_name) for e in expressions if e.alias_or_name ] # If not all selections have an alias, just select * if len(selects) != len(expressions): selects = ["*"] scope.expression.replace(*selects).from_(exp.alias_(exp.table_(alias), alias=alias))) if not duplicate_cte_alias: existing_ctes[scope.expression] = alias return exp.CTE( this=scope.expression, alias=exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(alias)), ) def _eliminate_derived_table(scope, existing_ctes, taken): duplicate_cte_alias = existing_ctes.get(scope.expression) parent = scope.expression.parent name = alias = parent.alias if not alias: name = alias = find_new_name(taken=taken, base="cte") if duplicate_cte_alias: name = duplicate_cte_alias elif taken.get(alias): name = find_new_name(taken=taken, base=alias) taken[name] = scope table = exp.alias_(exp.table_(name), alias=alias) parent.replace(table) if not duplicate_cte_alias: existing_ctes[scope.expression] = name return exp.CTE( this=scope.expression, alias=exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(name)), )