from __future__ import annotations import logging import typing as t from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.errors import OptimizeError from sqlglot.helper import while_changing from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import flatten, uniq_sort logger = logging.getLogger("sqlglot") def normalize(expression: exp.Expression, dnf: bool = False, max_distance: int = 128): """ Rewrite sqlglot AST into conjunctive normal form or disjunctive normal form. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("(x AND y) OR z") >>> normalize(expression, dnf=False).sql() '(x OR z) AND (y OR z)' Args: expression: expression to normalize dnf: rewrite in disjunctive normal form instead. max_distance (int): the maximal estimated distance from cnf/dnf to attempt conversion Returns: sqlglot.Expression: normalized expression """ cache: t.Dict[int, str] = {} for node, *_ in tuple(expression.walk(prune=lambda e, *_: isinstance(e, exp.Connector))): if isinstance(node, exp.Connector): if normalized(node, dnf=dnf): continue distance = normalization_distance(node, dnf=dnf) if distance > max_distance: f"Skipping normalization because distance {distance} exceeds max {max_distance}" ) return expression root = node is expression original = node.copy() try: node = while_changing(node, lambda e: distributive_law(e, dnf, max_distance, cache)) except OptimizeError as e: node.replace(original) if root: return original return expression if root: expression = node return expression def normalized(expression, dnf=False): ancestor, root = (exp.And, exp.Or) if dnf else (exp.Or, exp.And) return not any(connector.find_ancestor(ancestor) for connector in expression.find_all(root)) def normalization_distance(expression, dnf=False): """ The difference in the number of predicates between the current expression and the normalized form. This is used as an estimate of the cost of the conversion which is exponential in complexity. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("(a AND b) OR (c AND d)") >>> normalization_distance(expression) 4 Args: expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to compute distance dnf (bool): compute to dnf distance instead Returns: int: difference """ return sum(_predicate_lengths(expression, dnf)) - ( sum(1 for _ in expression.find_all(exp.Connector)) + 1 ) def _predicate_lengths(expression, dnf): """ Returns a list of predicate lengths when expanded to normalized form. (A AND B) OR C -> [2, 2] because len(A OR C), len(B OR C). """ expression = expression.unnest() if not isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): return (1,) left, right = expression.args.values() if isinstance(expression, exp.And if dnf else exp.Or): return tuple( a + b for a in _predicate_lengths(left, dnf) for b in _predicate_lengths(right, dnf) ) return _predicate_lengths(left, dnf) + _predicate_lengths(right, dnf) def distributive_law(expression, dnf, max_distance, cache=None): """ x OR (y AND z) -> (x OR y) AND (x OR z) (x AND y) OR (y AND z) -> (x OR y) AND (x OR z) AND (y OR y) AND (y OR z) """ if normalized(expression, dnf=dnf): return expression distance = normalization_distance(expression, dnf=dnf) if distance > max_distance: raise OptimizeError(f"Normalization distance {distance} exceeds max {max_distance}") exp.replace_children(expression, lambda e: distributive_law(e, dnf, max_distance, cache)) to_exp, from_exp = (exp.Or, exp.And) if dnf else (exp.And, exp.Or) if isinstance(expression, from_exp): a, b = expression.unnest_operands() from_func = exp.and_ if from_exp == exp.And else exp.or_ to_func = exp.and_ if to_exp == exp.And else exp.or_ if isinstance(a, to_exp) and isinstance(b, to_exp): if len(tuple(a.find_all(exp.Connector))) > len(tuple(b.find_all(exp.Connector))): return _distribute(a, b, from_func, to_func, cache) return _distribute(b, a, from_func, to_func, cache) if isinstance(a, to_exp): return _distribute(b, a, from_func, to_func, cache) if isinstance(b, to_exp): return _distribute(a, b, from_func, to_func, cache) return expression def _distribute(a, b, from_func, to_func, cache): if isinstance(a, exp.Connector): exp.replace_children( a, lambda c: to_func( uniq_sort(flatten(from_func(c, b.left)), cache), uniq_sort(flatten(from_func(c, b.right)), cache), ), ) else: a = to_func( uniq_sort(flatten(from_func(a, b.left)), cache), uniq_sort(flatten(from_func(a, b.right)), cache), ) return a