from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.optimizer.normalize import normalized from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import build_scope from sqlglot.optimizer.simplify import simplify def pushdown_predicates(expression): """ Rewrite sqlglot AST to pushdown predicates in FROMS and JOINS Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM x AS x) AS y WHERE y.a = 1" >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one(sql) >>> pushdown_predicates(expression).sql() 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM x AS x WHERE y.a = 1) AS y WHERE TRUE' Args: expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to optimize Returns: sqlglot.Expression: optimized expression """ root = build_scope(expression) if root: scope_ref_count = root.ref_count() for scope in reversed(list(root.traverse())): select = scope.expression where = select.args.get("where") if where: selected_sources = scope.selected_sources # a right join can only push down to itself and not the source FROM table for k, (node, source) in selected_sources.items(): parent = node.find_ancestor(exp.Join, exp.From) if isinstance(parent, exp.Join) and parent.side == "RIGHT": selected_sources = {k: (node, source)} break pushdown(where.this, selected_sources, scope_ref_count) # joins should only pushdown into itself, not to other joins # so we limit the selected sources to only itself for join in select.args.get("joins") or []: name = join.this.alias_or_name pushdown(join.args.get("on"), {name: scope.selected_sources[name]}, scope_ref_count) return expression def pushdown(condition, sources, scope_ref_count): if not condition: return condition = condition.replace(simplify(condition)) cnf_like = normalized(condition) or not normalized(condition, dnf=True) predicates = list( condition.flatten() if isinstance(condition, exp.And if cnf_like else exp.Or) else [condition] ) if cnf_like: pushdown_cnf(predicates, sources, scope_ref_count) else: pushdown_dnf(predicates, sources, scope_ref_count) def pushdown_cnf(predicates, scope, scope_ref_count): """ If the predicates are in CNF like form, we can simply replace each block in the parent. """ for predicate in predicates: for node in nodes_for_predicate(predicate, scope, scope_ref_count).values(): if isinstance(node, exp.Join): predicate.replace(exp.true()) node.on(predicate, copy=False) break if isinstance(node, exp.Select): predicate.replace(exp.true()) node.where(replace_aliases(node, predicate), copy=False) def pushdown_dnf(predicates, scope, scope_ref_count): """ If the predicates are in DNF form, we can only push down conditions that are in all blocks. Additionally, we can't remove predicates from their original form. """ # find all the tables that can be pushdown too # these are tables that are referenced in all blocks of a DNF # (a.x AND b.x) OR (a.y AND c.y) # only table a can be push down pushdown_tables = set() for a in predicates: a_tables = set(exp.column_table_names(a)) for b in predicates: a_tables &= set(exp.column_table_names(b)) pushdown_tables.update(a_tables) conditions = {} # for every pushdown table, find all related conditions in all predicates # combine them with ORS # (a.x AND and a.y AND b.x) OR (a.z AND c.y) -> (a.x AND a.y) OR (a.z) for table in sorted(pushdown_tables): for predicate in predicates: nodes = nodes_for_predicate(predicate, scope, scope_ref_count) if table not in nodes: continue predicate_condition = None for column in predicate.find_all(exp.Column): if column.table == table: condition = column.find_ancestor(exp.Condition) predicate_condition = ( exp.and_(predicate_condition, condition) if predicate_condition else condition ) if predicate_condition: conditions[table] = ( exp.or_(conditions[table], predicate_condition) if table in conditions else predicate_condition ) for name, node in nodes.items(): if name not in conditions: continue predicate = conditions[name] if isinstance(node, exp.Join): node.on(predicate, copy=False) elif isinstance(node, exp.Select): node.where(replace_aliases(node, predicate), copy=False) def nodes_for_predicate(predicate, sources, scope_ref_count): nodes = {} tables = exp.column_table_names(predicate) where_condition = isinstance(predicate.find_ancestor(exp.Join, exp.Where), exp.Where) for table in tables: node, source = sources.get(table) or (None, None) # if the predicate is in a where statement we can try to push it down # we want to find the root join or from statement if node and where_condition: node = node.find_ancestor(exp.Join, exp.From) # a node can reference a CTE which should be pushed down if isinstance(node, exp.From) and not isinstance(source, exp.Table): with_ = source.parent.expression.args.get("with") if with_ and with_.recursive: return {} node = source.expression if isinstance(node, exp.Join): if node.side and node.side != "RIGHT": return {} nodes[table] = node elif isinstance(node, exp.Select) and len(tables) == 1: # We can't push down window expressions has_window_expression = any( select for select in node.selects if select.find(exp.Window) ) # we can't push down predicates to select statements if they are referenced in # multiple places. if ( not node.args.get("group") and scope_ref_count[id(source)] < 2 and not has_window_expression ): nodes[table] = node return nodes def replace_aliases(source, predicate): aliases = {} for select in source.selects: if isinstance(select, exp.Alias): aliases[select.alias] = select.this else: aliases[] = select def _replace_alias(column): if isinstance(column, exp.Column) and in aliases: return aliases[].copy() return column return predicate.transform(_replace_alias)