from __future__ import annotations import itertools import typing as t from sqlglot import alias, exp from sqlglot.dialects.dialect import DialectType from sqlglot.helper import csv_reader, name_sequence from sqlglot.optimizer.scope import Scope, traverse_scope from sqlglot.schema import Schema if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot._typing import E def qualify_tables( expression: E, db: t.Optional[str | exp.Identifier] = None, catalog: t.Optional[str | exp.Identifier] = None, schema: t.Optional[Schema] = None, dialect: DialectType = None, ) -> E: """ Rewrite sqlglot AST to have fully qualified tables. Join constructs such as (t1 JOIN t2) AS t will be expanded into (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t. Examples: >>> import sqlglot >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM tbl") >>> qualify_tables(expression, db="db").sql() 'SELECT 1 FROM db.tbl AS tbl' >>> >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT 1 FROM (t1 JOIN t2) AS t") >>> qualify_tables(expression).sql() 'SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 AS t1, t2 AS t2) AS t' Args: expression: Expression to qualify db: Database name catalog: Catalog name schema: A schema to populate dialect: The dialect to parse catalog and schema into. Returns: The qualified expression. """ next_alias_name = name_sequence("_q_") db = exp.parse_identifier(db, dialect=dialect) if db else None catalog = exp.parse_identifier(catalog, dialect=dialect) if catalog else None def _qualify(table: exp.Table) -> None: if isinstance(table.this, exp.Identifier): if not table.args.get("db"): table.set("db", db) if not table.args.get("catalog") and table.args.get("db"): table.set("catalog", catalog) if not isinstance(expression, exp.Subqueryable): for node, *_ in expression.walk(prune=lambda n, *_: isinstance(n, exp.Unionable)): if isinstance(node, exp.Table): _qualify(node) for scope in traverse_scope(expression): for derived_table in itertools.chain(scope.ctes, scope.derived_tables): if isinstance(derived_table, exp.Subquery): unnested = derived_table.unnest() if isinstance(unnested, exp.Table): joins = unnested.args.pop("joins", None) derived_table.this.replace("*").from_(unnested.copy(), copy=False)) derived_table.this.set("joins", joins) if not derived_table.args.get("alias"): alias_ = next_alias_name() derived_table.set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(alias_))) scope.rename_source(None, alias_) pivots = derived_table.args.get("pivots") if pivots and not pivots[0].alias: pivots[0].set("alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name()))) for name, source in scope.sources.items(): if isinstance(source, exp.Table): _qualify(source) pivots = pivots = source.args.get("pivots") if not source.alias: # Don't add the pivot's alias to the pivoted table, use the table's name instead if pivots and pivots[0].alias == name: name = # Mutates the source by attaching an alias to it alias(source, name or or next_alias_name(), copy=False, table=True) if pivots and not pivots[0].alias: pivots[0].set( "alias", exp.TableAlias(this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name())) ) if schema and isinstance(source.this, exp.ReadCSV): with csv_reader(source.this) as reader: header = next(reader) columns = next(reader) schema.add_table( source, {k: type(v).__name__ for k, v in zip(header, columns)}, match_depth=False, ) elif isinstance(source, Scope) and source.is_udtf: udtf = source.expression table_alias = udtf.args.get("alias") or exp.TableAlias( this=exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name()) ) udtf.set("alias", table_alias) if not table_alias.set("this", exp.to_identifier(next_alias_name())) if isinstance(udtf, exp.Values) and not table_alias.columns: for i, e in enumerate(udtf.expressions[0].expressions): table_alias.append("columns", exp.to_identifier(f"_col_{i}")) else: for node, parent, _ in scope.walk(): if ( isinstance(node, exp.Table) and not node.alias and isinstance(parent, (exp.From, exp.Join)) ): # Mutates the table by attaching an alias to it alias(node,, copy=False, table=True) return expression