import datetime import functools import itertools from collections import deque from decimal import Decimal from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot.helper import first, while_changing GENERATOR = Generator(normalize=True, identify="safe") def simplify(expression): """ Rewrite sqlglot AST to simplify expressions. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("TRUE AND TRUE") >>> simplify(expression).sql() 'TRUE' Args: expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to simplify Returns: sqlglot.Expression: simplified expression """ cache = {} def _simplify(expression, root=True): node = expression node = rewrite_between(node) node = uniq_sort(node, cache, root) node = absorb_and_eliminate(node, root) exp.replace_children(node, lambda e: _simplify(e, False)) node = simplify_not(node) node = flatten(node) node = simplify_connectors(node, root) node = remove_compliments(node, root) node.parent = expression.parent node = simplify_literals(node, root) node = simplify_parens(node) if root: expression.replace(node) return node expression = while_changing(expression, _simplify) remove_where_true(expression) return expression def rewrite_between(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """Rewrite x between y and z to x >= y AND x <= z. This is done because comparison simplification is only done on lt/lte/gt/gte. """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Between): return exp.and_( exp.GTE(this=expression.this.copy(), expression=expression.args["low"]), exp.LTE(this=expression.this.copy(), expression=expression.args["high"]), ) return expression def simplify_not(expression): """ Demorgan's Law NOT (x OR y) -> NOT x AND NOT y NOT (x AND y) -> NOT x OR NOT y """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Not): if is_null(expression.this): return exp.null() if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Paren): condition = expression.this.unnest() if isinstance(condition, exp.And): return exp.or_(exp.not_(condition.left), exp.not_(condition.right)) if isinstance(condition, exp.Or): return exp.and_(exp.not_(condition.left), exp.not_(condition.right)) if is_null(condition): return exp.null() if always_true(expression.this): return exp.false() if is_false(expression.this): return exp.true() if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Not): # double negation # NOT NOT x -> x return expression.this.this return expression def flatten(expression): """ A AND (B AND C) -> A AND B AND C A OR (B OR C) -> A OR B OR C """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): for node in expression.args.values(): child = node.unnest() if isinstance(child, expression.__class__): node.replace(child) return expression def simplify_connectors(expression, root=True): def _simplify_connectors(expression, left, right): if left == right: return left if isinstance(expression, exp.And): if is_false(left) or is_false(right): return exp.false() if is_null(left) or is_null(right): return exp.null() if always_true(left) and always_true(right): return exp.true() if always_true(left): return right if always_true(right): return left return _simplify_comparison(expression, left, right) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Or): if always_true(left) or always_true(right): return exp.true() if is_false(left) and is_false(right): return exp.false() if ( (is_null(left) and is_null(right)) or (is_null(left) and is_false(right)) or (is_false(left) and is_null(right)) ): return exp.null() if is_false(left): return right if is_false(right): return left return _simplify_comparison(expression, left, right, or_=True) if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): return _flat_simplify(expression, _simplify_connectors, root) return expression LT_LTE = (exp.LT, exp.LTE) GT_GTE = (exp.GT, exp.GTE) COMPARISONS = ( *LT_LTE, *GT_GTE, exp.EQ, exp.NEQ, ) INVERSE_COMPARISONS = { exp.LT: exp.GT, exp.GT: exp.LT, exp.LTE: exp.GTE, exp.GTE: exp.LTE, } def _simplify_comparison(expression, left, right, or_=False): if isinstance(left, COMPARISONS) and isinstance(right, COMPARISONS): ll, lr = left.args.values() rl, rr = right.args.values() largs = {ll, lr} rargs = {rl, rr} matching = largs & rargs columns = {m for m in matching if isinstance(m, exp.Column)} if matching and columns: try: l = first(largs - columns) r = first(rargs - columns) except StopIteration: return expression # make sure the comparison is always of the form x > 1 instead of 1 < x if left.__class__ in INVERSE_COMPARISONS and l == ll: left = INVERSE_COMPARISONS[left.__class__](this=lr, expression=ll) if right.__class__ in INVERSE_COMPARISONS and r == rl: right = INVERSE_COMPARISONS[right.__class__](this=rr, expression=rl) if l.is_number and r.is_number: l = float( r = float( elif l.is_string and r.is_string: l = r = else: return None for (a, av), (b, bv) in itertools.permutations(((left, l), (right, r))): if isinstance(a, LT_LTE) and isinstance(b, LT_LTE): return left if (av > bv if or_ else av <= bv) else right if isinstance(a, GT_GTE) and isinstance(b, GT_GTE): return left if (av < bv if or_ else av >= bv) else right # we can't ever shortcut to true because the column could be null if isinstance(a, exp.LT) and isinstance(b, GT_GTE): if not or_ and av <= bv: return exp.false() elif isinstance(a, exp.GT) and isinstance(b, LT_LTE): if not or_ and av >= bv: return exp.false() elif isinstance(a, exp.EQ): if isinstance(b, exp.LT): return exp.false() if av >= bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.LTE): return exp.false() if av > bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.GT): return exp.false() if av <= bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.GTE): return exp.false() if av < bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.NEQ): return exp.false() if av == bv else a return None def remove_compliments(expression, root=True): """ Removing compliments. A AND NOT A -> FALSE A OR NOT A -> TRUE """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector) and (root or not expression.same_parent): compliment = exp.false() if isinstance(expression, exp.And) else exp.true() for a, b in itertools.permutations(expression.flatten(), 2): if is_complement(a, b): return compliment return expression def uniq_sort(expression, cache=None, root=True): """ Uniq and sort a connector. C AND A AND B AND B -> A AND B AND C """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector) and (root or not expression.same_parent): result_func = exp.and_ if isinstance(expression, exp.And) else exp.or_ flattened = tuple(expression.flatten()) deduped = {GENERATOR.generate(e, cache): e for e in flattened} arr = tuple(deduped.items()) # check if the operands are already sorted, if not sort them # A AND C AND B -> A AND B AND C for i, (sql, e) in enumerate(arr[1:]): if sql < arr[i][0]: expression = result_func(*(e for _, e in sorted(arr))) break else: # we didn't have to sort but maybe we need to dedup if len(deduped) < len(flattened): expression = result_func(*deduped.values()) return expression def absorb_and_eliminate(expression, root=True): """ absorption: A AND (A OR B) -> A A OR (A AND B) -> A A AND (NOT A OR B) -> A AND B A OR (NOT A AND B) -> A OR B elimination: (A AND B) OR (A AND NOT B) -> A (A OR B) AND (A OR NOT B) -> A """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector) and (root or not expression.same_parent): kind = exp.Or if isinstance(expression, exp.And) else exp.And for a, b in itertools.permutations(expression.flatten(), 2): if isinstance(a, kind): aa, ab = a.unnest_operands() # absorb if is_complement(b, aa): aa.replace(exp.true() if kind == exp.And else exp.false()) elif is_complement(b, ab): ab.replace(exp.true() if kind == exp.And else exp.false()) elif (set(b.flatten()) if isinstance(b, kind) else {b}) < set(a.flatten()): a.replace(exp.false() if kind == exp.And else exp.true()) elif isinstance(b, kind): # eliminate rhs = b.unnest_operands() ba, bb = rhs if aa in rhs and (is_complement(ab, ba) or is_complement(ab, bb)): a.replace(aa) b.replace(aa) elif ab in rhs and (is_complement(aa, ba) or is_complement(aa, bb)): a.replace(ab) b.replace(ab) return expression def simplify_literals(expression, root=True): if isinstance(expression, exp.Binary) and not isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): return _flat_simplify(expression, _simplify_binary, root) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Neg): this = expression.this if this.is_number: value = if value[0] == "-": return exp.Literal.number(value[1:]) return exp.Literal.number(f"-{value}") return expression def _simplify_binary(expression, a, b): if isinstance(expression, exp.Is): if isinstance(b, exp.Not): c = b.this not_ = True else: c = b not_ = False if is_null(c): if isinstance(a, exp.Literal): return exp.true() if not_ else exp.false() if is_null(a): return exp.false() if not_ else exp.true() elif isinstance(expression, (exp.NullSafeEQ, exp.NullSafeNEQ)): return None elif is_null(a) or is_null(b): return exp.null() if a.is_number and b.is_number: a = int( if a.is_int else Decimal( b = int( if b.is_int else Decimal( if isinstance(expression, exp.Add): return exp.Literal.number(a + b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Sub): return exp.Literal.number(a - b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Mul): return exp.Literal.number(a * b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Div): # engines have differing int div behavior so intdiv is not safe if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int): return None return exp.Literal.number(a / b) boolean = eval_boolean(expression, a, b) if boolean: return boolean elif a.is_string and b.is_string: boolean = eval_boolean(expression, a.this, b.this) if boolean: return boolean elif isinstance(a, exp.Cast) and isinstance(b, exp.Interval): a, b = extract_date(a), extract_interval(b) if a and b: if isinstance(expression, exp.Add): return date_literal(a + b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Sub): return date_literal(a - b) elif isinstance(a, exp.Interval) and isinstance(b, exp.Cast): a, b = extract_interval(a), extract_date(b) # you cannot subtract a date from an interval if a and b and isinstance(expression, exp.Add): return date_literal(a + b) return None def simplify_parens(expression): if ( isinstance(expression, exp.Paren) and not isinstance(expression.this, exp.Select) and ( not isinstance(expression.parent, (exp.Condition, exp.Binary)) or isinstance(expression.this, exp.Predicate) or not isinstance(expression.this, exp.Binary) ) ): return expression.this return expression def remove_where_true(expression): for where in expression.find_all(exp.Where): if always_true(where.this): where.parent.set("where", None) for join in expression.find_all(exp.Join): if always_true(join.args.get("on")): join.set("kind", "CROSS") join.set("on", None) def always_true(expression): return (isinstance(expression, exp.Boolean) and expression.this) or isinstance( expression, exp.Literal ) def is_complement(a, b): return isinstance(b, exp.Not) and b.this == a def is_false(a: exp.Expression) -> bool: return type(a) is exp.Boolean and not a.this def is_null(a: exp.Expression) -> bool: return type(a) is exp.Null def eval_boolean(expression, a, b): if isinstance(expression, (exp.EQ, exp.Is)): return boolean_literal(a == b) if isinstance(expression, exp.NEQ): return boolean_literal(a != b) if isinstance(expression, exp.GT): return boolean_literal(a > b) if isinstance(expression, exp.GTE): return boolean_literal(a >= b) if isinstance(expression, exp.LT): return boolean_literal(a < b) if isinstance(expression, exp.LTE): return boolean_literal(a <= b) return None def extract_date(cast): # The "fromisoformat" conversion could fail if the cast is used on an identifier, # so in that case we can't extract the date. try: if cast.args["to"].this == exp.DataType.Type.DATE: return if cast.args["to"].this == exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( except ValueError: return None def extract_interval(interval): try: from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: return None n = int( unit = interval.text("unit").lower() if unit == "year": return relativedelta(years=n) if unit == "month": return relativedelta(months=n) if unit == "week": return relativedelta(weeks=n) if unit == "day": return relativedelta(days=n) return None def date_literal(date): return exp.cast( exp.Literal.string(date), "DATETIME" if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime) else "DATE", ) def boolean_literal(condition): return exp.true() if condition else exp.false() def _flat_simplify(expression, simplifier, root=True): if root or not expression.same_parent: operands = [] queue = deque(expression.flatten(unnest=False)) size = len(queue) while queue: a = queue.popleft() for b in queue: result = simplifier(expression, a, b) if result: queue.remove(b) queue.appendleft(result) break else: operands.append(a) if len(operands) < size: return functools.reduce( lambda a, b: expression.__class__(this=a, expression=b), operands ) return expression