import datetime import functools import itertools from collections import deque from decimal import Decimal from sqlglot import exp from sqlglot.generator import cached_generator from sqlglot.helper import first, while_changing # Final means that an expression should not be simplified FINAL = "final" def simplify(expression): """ Rewrite sqlglot AST to simplify expressions. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> expression = sqlglot.parse_one("TRUE AND TRUE") >>> simplify(expression).sql() 'TRUE' Args: expression (sqlglot.Expression): expression to simplify Returns: sqlglot.Expression: simplified expression """ generate = cached_generator() # group by expressions cannot be simplified, for example # select x + 1 + 1 FROM y GROUP BY x + 1 + 1 # the projection must exactly match the group by key for group in expression.find_all(exp.Group): select = group.parent groups = set(group.expressions) group.meta[FINAL] = True for e in select.selects: for node, *_ in e.walk(): if node in groups: e.meta[FINAL] = True break having = select.args.get("having") if having: for node, *_ in having.walk(): if node in groups: having.meta[FINAL] = True break def _simplify(expression, root=True): if expression.meta.get(FINAL): return expression # Pre-order transformations node = expression node = rewrite_between(node) node = uniq_sort(node, generate, root) node = absorb_and_eliminate(node, root) node = simplify_concat(node) exp.replace_children(node, lambda e: _simplify(e, False)) # Post-order transformations node = simplify_not(node) node = flatten(node) node = simplify_connectors(node, root) node = remove_compliments(node, root) node = simplify_coalesce(node) node.parent = expression.parent node = simplify_literals(node, root) node = simplify_parens(node) if root: expression.replace(node) return node expression = while_changing(expression, _simplify) remove_where_true(expression) return expression def rewrite_between(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """Rewrite x between y and z to x >= y AND x <= z. This is done because comparison simplification is only done on lt/lte/gt/gte. """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Between): return exp.and_( exp.GTE(this=expression.this.copy(), expression=expression.args["low"]), exp.LTE(this=expression.this.copy(), expression=expression.args["high"]), copy=False, ) return expression def simplify_not(expression): """ Demorgan's Law NOT (x OR y) -> NOT x AND NOT y NOT (x AND y) -> NOT x OR NOT y """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Not): if is_null(expression.this): return exp.null() if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Paren): condition = expression.this.unnest() if isinstance(condition, exp.And): return exp.or_( exp.not_(condition.left, copy=False), exp.not_(condition.right, copy=False), copy=False, ) if isinstance(condition, exp.Or): return exp.and_( exp.not_(condition.left, copy=False), exp.not_(condition.right, copy=False), copy=False, ) if is_null(condition): return exp.null() if always_true(expression.this): return exp.false() if is_false(expression.this): return exp.true() if isinstance(expression.this, exp.Not): # double negation # NOT NOT x -> x return expression.this.this return expression def flatten(expression): """ A AND (B AND C) -> A AND B AND C A OR (B OR C) -> A OR B OR C """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): for node in expression.args.values(): child = node.unnest() if isinstance(child, expression.__class__): node.replace(child) return expression def simplify_connectors(expression, root=True): def _simplify_connectors(expression, left, right): if left == right: return left if isinstance(expression, exp.And): if is_false(left) or is_false(right): return exp.false() if is_null(left) or is_null(right): return exp.null() if always_true(left) and always_true(right): return exp.true() if always_true(left): return right if always_true(right): return left return _simplify_comparison(expression, left, right) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Or): if always_true(left) or always_true(right): return exp.true() if is_false(left) and is_false(right): return exp.false() if ( (is_null(left) and is_null(right)) or (is_null(left) and is_false(right)) or (is_false(left) and is_null(right)) ): return exp.null() if is_false(left): return right if is_false(right): return left return _simplify_comparison(expression, left, right, or_=True) if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): return _flat_simplify(expression, _simplify_connectors, root) return expression LT_LTE = (exp.LT, exp.LTE) GT_GTE = (exp.GT, exp.GTE) COMPARISONS = ( *LT_LTE, *GT_GTE, exp.EQ, exp.NEQ, exp.Is, ) INVERSE_COMPARISONS = { exp.LT: exp.GT, exp.GT: exp.LT, exp.LTE: exp.GTE, exp.GTE: exp.LTE, } def _simplify_comparison(expression, left, right, or_=False): if isinstance(left, COMPARISONS) and isinstance(right, COMPARISONS): ll, lr = left.args.values() rl, rr = right.args.values() largs = {ll, lr} rargs = {rl, rr} matching = largs & rargs columns = {m for m in matching if isinstance(m, exp.Column)} if matching and columns: try: l = first(largs - columns) r = first(rargs - columns) except StopIteration: return expression # make sure the comparison is always of the form x > 1 instead of 1 < x if left.__class__ in INVERSE_COMPARISONS and l == ll: left = INVERSE_COMPARISONS[left.__class__](this=lr, expression=ll) if right.__class__ in INVERSE_COMPARISONS and r == rl: right = INVERSE_COMPARISONS[right.__class__](this=rr, expression=rl) if l.is_number and r.is_number: l = float( r = float( elif l.is_string and r.is_string: l = r = else: return None for (a, av), (b, bv) in itertools.permutations(((left, l), (right, r))): if isinstance(a, LT_LTE) and isinstance(b, LT_LTE): return left if (av > bv if or_ else av <= bv) else right if isinstance(a, GT_GTE) and isinstance(b, GT_GTE): return left if (av < bv if or_ else av >= bv) else right # we can't ever shortcut to true because the column could be null if not or_: if isinstance(a, exp.LT) and isinstance(b, GT_GTE): if av <= bv: return exp.false() elif isinstance(a, exp.GT) and isinstance(b, LT_LTE): if av >= bv: return exp.false() elif isinstance(a, exp.EQ): if isinstance(b, exp.LT): return exp.false() if av >= bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.LTE): return exp.false() if av > bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.GT): return exp.false() if av <= bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.GTE): return exp.false() if av < bv else a if isinstance(b, exp.NEQ): return exp.false() if av == bv else a return None def remove_compliments(expression, root=True): """ Removing compliments. A AND NOT A -> FALSE A OR NOT A -> TRUE """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector) and (root or not expression.same_parent): compliment = exp.false() if isinstance(expression, exp.And) else exp.true() for a, b in itertools.permutations(expression.flatten(), 2): if is_complement(a, b): return compliment return expression def uniq_sort(expression, generate, root=True): """ Uniq and sort a connector. C AND A AND B AND B -> A AND B AND C """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector) and (root or not expression.same_parent): result_func = exp.and_ if isinstance(expression, exp.And) else exp.or_ flattened = tuple(expression.flatten()) deduped = {generate(e): e for e in flattened} arr = tuple(deduped.items()) # check if the operands are already sorted, if not sort them # A AND C AND B -> A AND B AND C for i, (sql, e) in enumerate(arr[1:]): if sql < arr[i][0]: expression = result_func(*(e for _, e in sorted(arr)), copy=False) break else: # we didn't have to sort but maybe we need to dedup if len(deduped) < len(flattened): expression = result_func(*deduped.values(), copy=False) return expression def absorb_and_eliminate(expression, root=True): """ absorption: A AND (A OR B) -> A A OR (A AND B) -> A A AND (NOT A OR B) -> A AND B A OR (NOT A AND B) -> A OR B elimination: (A AND B) OR (A AND NOT B) -> A (A OR B) AND (A OR NOT B) -> A """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Connector) and (root or not expression.same_parent): kind = exp.Or if isinstance(expression, exp.And) else exp.And for a, b in itertools.permutations(expression.flatten(), 2): if isinstance(a, kind): aa, ab = a.unnest_operands() # absorb if is_complement(b, aa): aa.replace(exp.true() if kind == exp.And else exp.false()) elif is_complement(b, ab): ab.replace(exp.true() if kind == exp.And else exp.false()) elif (set(b.flatten()) if isinstance(b, kind) else {b}) < set(a.flatten()): a.replace(exp.false() if kind == exp.And else exp.true()) elif isinstance(b, kind): # eliminate rhs = b.unnest_operands() ba, bb = rhs if aa in rhs and (is_complement(ab, ba) or is_complement(ab, bb)): a.replace(aa) b.replace(aa) elif ab in rhs and (is_complement(aa, ba) or is_complement(aa, bb)): a.replace(ab) b.replace(ab) return expression def simplify_literals(expression, root=True): if isinstance(expression, exp.Binary) and not isinstance(expression, exp.Connector): return _flat_simplify(expression, _simplify_binary, root) if isinstance(expression, exp.Neg): this = expression.this if this.is_number: value = if value[0] == "-": return exp.Literal.number(value[1:]) return exp.Literal.number(f"-{value}") return expression def _simplify_binary(expression, a, b): if isinstance(expression, exp.Is): if isinstance(b, exp.Not): c = b.this not_ = True else: c = b not_ = False if is_null(c): if isinstance(a, exp.Literal): return exp.true() if not_ else exp.false() if is_null(a): return exp.false() if not_ else exp.true() elif isinstance(expression, (exp.NullSafeEQ, exp.NullSafeNEQ)): return None elif is_null(a) or is_null(b): return exp.null() if a.is_number and b.is_number: a = int( if a.is_int else Decimal( b = int( if b.is_int else Decimal( if isinstance(expression, exp.Add): return exp.Literal.number(a + b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Sub): return exp.Literal.number(a - b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Mul): return exp.Literal.number(a * b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Div): # engines have differing int div behavior so intdiv is not safe if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int): return None return exp.Literal.number(a / b) boolean = eval_boolean(expression, a, b) if boolean: return boolean elif a.is_string and b.is_string: boolean = eval_boolean(expression, a.this, b.this) if boolean: return boolean elif isinstance(a, exp.Cast) and isinstance(b, exp.Interval): a, b = extract_date(a), extract_interval(b) if a and b: if isinstance(expression, exp.Add): return date_literal(a + b) if isinstance(expression, exp.Sub): return date_literal(a - b) elif isinstance(a, exp.Interval) and isinstance(b, exp.Cast): a, b = extract_interval(a), extract_date(b) # you cannot subtract a date from an interval if a and b and isinstance(expression, exp.Add): return date_literal(a + b) return None def simplify_parens(expression): if not isinstance(expression, exp.Paren): return expression this = expression.this parent = expression.parent if not isinstance(this, exp.Select) and ( not isinstance(parent, (exp.Condition, exp.Binary)) or isinstance(parent, exp.Paren) or not isinstance(this, exp.Binary) or (isinstance(this, exp.Predicate) and not isinstance(parent, exp.Predicate)) or (isinstance(this, exp.Add) and isinstance(parent, exp.Add)) or (isinstance(this, exp.Mul) and isinstance(parent, exp.Mul)) or (isinstance(this, exp.Mul) and isinstance(parent, (exp.Add, exp.Sub))) ): return this return expression CONSTANTS = ( exp.Literal, exp.Boolean, exp.Null, ) def simplify_coalesce(expression): # COALESCE(x) -> x if ( isinstance(expression, exp.Coalesce) and not expression.expressions # COALESCE is also used as a Spark partitioning hint and not isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Hint) ): return expression.this if not isinstance(expression, COMPARISONS): return expression if isinstance(expression.left, exp.Coalesce): coalesce = expression.left other = expression.right elif isinstance(expression.right, exp.Coalesce): coalesce = expression.right other = expression.left else: return expression # This transformation is valid for non-constants, # but it really only does anything if they are both constants. if not isinstance(other, CONSTANTS): return expression # Find the first constant arg for arg_index, arg in enumerate(coalesce.expressions): if isinstance(arg, CONSTANTS): break else: return expression coalesce.set("expressions", coalesce.expressions[:arg_index]) # Remove the COALESCE function. This is an optimization, skipping a simplify iteration, # since we already remove COALESCE at the top of this function. coalesce = coalesce if coalesce.expressions else coalesce.this # This expression is more complex than when we started, but it will get simplified further return exp.paren( exp.or_( exp.and_( coalesce.is_(exp.null()).not_(copy=False), expression.copy(), copy=False, ), exp.and_( coalesce.is_(exp.null()), type(expression)(this=arg.copy(), expression=other.copy()), copy=False, ), copy=False, ) ) CONCATS = (exp.Concat, exp.DPipe) SAFE_CONCATS = (exp.SafeConcat, exp.SafeDPipe) def simplify_concat(expression): """Reduces all groups that contain string literals by concatenating them.""" if not isinstance(expression, CONCATS) or isinstance(expression, exp.ConcatWs): return expression new_args = [] for is_string_group, group in itertools.groupby( expression.expressions or expression.flatten(), lambda e: e.is_string ): if is_string_group: new_args.append(exp.Literal.string("".join( for string in group))) else: new_args.extend(group) # Ensures we preserve the right concat type, i.e. whether it's "safe" or not concat_type = exp.SafeConcat if isinstance(expression, SAFE_CONCATS) else exp.Concat return new_args[0] if len(new_args) == 1 else concat_type(expressions=new_args) # CROSS joins result in an empty table if the right table is empty. # So we can only simplify certain types of joins to CROSS. # Or in other words, LEFT JOIN x ON TRUE != CROSS JOIN x JOINS = { ("", ""), ("", "INNER"), ("RIGHT", ""), ("RIGHT", "OUTER"), } def remove_where_true(expression): for where in expression.find_all(exp.Where): if always_true(where.this): where.parent.set("where", None) for join in expression.find_all(exp.Join): if ( always_true(join.args.get("on")) and not join.args.get("using") and not join.args.get("method") and (join.side, join.kind) in JOINS ): join.set("on", None) join.set("side", None) join.set("kind", "CROSS") def always_true(expression): return (isinstance(expression, exp.Boolean) and expression.this) or isinstance( expression, exp.Literal ) def is_complement(a, b): return isinstance(b, exp.Not) and b.this == a def is_false(a: exp.Expression) -> bool: return type(a) is exp.Boolean and not a.this def is_null(a: exp.Expression) -> bool: return type(a) is exp.Null def eval_boolean(expression, a, b): if isinstance(expression, (exp.EQ, exp.Is)): return boolean_literal(a == b) if isinstance(expression, exp.NEQ): return boolean_literal(a != b) if isinstance(expression, exp.GT): return boolean_literal(a > b) if isinstance(expression, exp.GTE): return boolean_literal(a >= b) if isinstance(expression, exp.LT): return boolean_literal(a < b) if isinstance(expression, exp.LTE): return boolean_literal(a <= b) return None def extract_date(cast): # The "fromisoformat" conversion could fail if the cast is used on an identifier, # so in that case we can't extract the date. try: if cast.args["to"].this == exp.DataType.Type.DATE: return if cast.args["to"].this == exp.DataType.Type.DATETIME: return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( except ValueError: return None def extract_interval(interval): try: from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: return None n = int( unit = interval.text("unit").lower() if unit == "year": return relativedelta(years=n) if unit == "month": return relativedelta(months=n) if unit == "week": return relativedelta(weeks=n) if unit == "day": return relativedelta(days=n) return None def date_literal(date): return exp.cast( exp.Literal.string(date), "DATETIME" if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime) else "DATE", ) def boolean_literal(condition): return exp.true() if condition else exp.false() def _flat_simplify(expression, simplifier, root=True): if root or not expression.same_parent: operands = [] queue = deque(expression.flatten(unnest=False)) size = len(queue) while queue: a = queue.popleft() for b in queue: result = simplifier(expression, a, b) if result and result is not expression: queue.remove(b) queue.appendleft(result) break else: operands.append(a) if len(operands) < size: return functools.reduce( lambda a, b: expression.__class__(this=a, expression=b), operands ) return expression