from __future__ import annotations import math import typing as t from sqlglot import alias, exp from sqlglot.helper import name_sequence from sqlglot.optimizer.eliminate_joins import join_condition class Plan: def __init__(self, expression: exp.Expression) -> None: self.expression = expression.copy() self.root = Step.from_expression(self.expression) self._dag: t.Dict[Step, t.Set[Step]] = {} @property def dag(self) -> t.Dict[Step, t.Set[Step]]: if not self._dag: dag: t.Dict[Step, t.Set[Step]] = {} nodes = {self.root} while nodes: node = nodes.pop() dag[node] = set() for dep in node.dependencies: dag[node].add(dep) nodes.add(dep) self._dag = dag return self._dag @property def leaves(self) -> t.Iterator[Step]: return (node for node, deps in self.dag.items() if not deps) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Plan\n----\n{repr(self.root)}" class Step: @classmethod def from_expression( cls, expression: exp.Expression, ctes: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Step]] = None ) -> Step: """ Builds a DAG of Steps from a SQL expression so that it's easier to execute in an engine. Note: the expression's tables and subqueries must be aliased for this method to work. For example, given the following expression: SELECT x.a, SUM(x.b) FROM x AS x JOIN y AS y ON x.a = y.a GROUP BY x.a the following DAG is produced (the expression IDs might differ per execution): - Aggregate: x (4347984624) Context: Aggregations: - SUM(x.b) Group: - x.a Projections: - x.a - "x"."" Dependencies: - Join: x (4347985296) Context: y: On: x.a = y.a Projections: Dependencies: - Scan: x (4347983136) Context: Source: x AS x Projections: - Scan: y (4343416624) Context: Source: y AS y Projections: Args: expression: the expression to build the DAG from. ctes: a dictionary that maps CTEs to their corresponding Step DAG by name. Returns: A Step DAG corresponding to `expression`. """ ctes = ctes or {} expression = expression.unnest() with_ = expression.args.get("with") # CTEs break the mold of scope and introduce themselves to all in the context. if with_: ctes = ctes.copy() for cte in with_.expressions: step = Step.from_expression(cte.this, ctes) = cte.alias ctes[] = step # type: ignore from_ = expression.args.get("from") if isinstance(expression, exp.Select) and from_: step = Scan.from_expression(from_.this, ctes) elif isinstance(expression, exp.Union): step = SetOperation.from_expression(expression, ctes) else: step = Scan() joins = expression.args.get("joins") if joins: join = Join.from_joins(joins, ctes) = join.add_dependency(step) step = join projections = [] # final selects in this chain of steps representing a select operands = {} # intermediate computations of agg funcs eg x + 1 in SUM(x + 1) aggregations = set() next_operand_name = name_sequence("_a_") def extract_agg_operands(expression): agg_funcs = tuple(expression.find_all(exp.AggFunc)) if agg_funcs: aggregations.add(expression) for agg in agg_funcs: for operand in agg.unnest_operands(): if isinstance(operand, exp.Column): continue if operand not in operands: operands[operand] = next_operand_name() operand.replace(exp.column(operands[operand], quoted=True)) return bool(agg_funcs) for e in expression.expressions: if e.find(exp.AggFunc): projections.append(exp.column(e.alias_or_name,, quoted=True)) extract_agg_operands(e) else: projections.append(e) where = expression.args.get("where") if where: step.condition = where.this group = expression.args.get("group") if group or aggregations: aggregate = Aggregate() aggregate.source = = having = expression.args.get("having") if having: if extract_agg_operands(exp.alias_(having.this, "_h", quoted=True)): aggregate.condition = exp.column("_h",, quoted=True) else: aggregate.condition = having.this aggregate.operands = tuple( alias(operand, alias_) for operand, alias_ in operands.items() ) aggregate.aggregations = list(aggregations) # give aggregates names and replace projections with references to them = { f"_g{i}": e for i, e in enumerate(group.expressions if group else []) } intermediate: t.Dict[str | exp.Expression, str] = {} for k, v in intermediate[v] = k if isinstance(v, exp.Column): intermediate[v.alias_or_name] = k for projection in projections: for node, *_ in projection.walk(): name = intermediate.get(node) if name: node.replace(exp.column(name, if aggregate.condition: for node, *_ in aggregate.condition.walk(): name = intermediate.get(node) or intermediate.get( if name: node.replace(exp.column(name, aggregate.add_dependency(step) step = aggregate order = expression.args.get("order") if order: sort = Sort() = sort.key = order.expressions sort.add_dependency(step) step = sort step.projections = projections if isinstance(expression, exp.Select) and expression.args.get("distinct"): distinct = Aggregate() distinct.source = = = { e.alias_or_name: exp.column(col=e.alias_or_name, for e in projections or expression.expressions } distinct.add_dependency(step) step = distinct limit = expression.args.get("limit") if limit: step.limit = int(limit.text("expression")) return step def __init__(self) -> None: t.Optional[str] = None self.dependencies: t.Set[Step] = set() self.dependents: t.Set[Step] = set() self.projections: t.Sequence[exp.Expression] = [] self.limit: float = math.inf self.condition: t.Optional[exp.Expression] = None def add_dependency(self, dependency: Step) -> None: self.dependencies.add(dependency) dependency.dependents.add(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.to_s() def to_s(self, level: int = 0) -> str: indent = " " * level nested = f"{indent} " context = self._to_s(f"{nested} ") if context: context = [f"{nested}Context:"] + context lines = [ f"{indent}- {}", *context, f"{nested}Projections:", ] for expression in self.projections: lines.append(f"{nested} - {expression.sql()}") if self.condition: lines.append(f"{nested}Condition: {self.condition.sql()}") if self.limit is not math.inf: lines.append(f"{nested}Limit: {self.limit}") if self.dependencies: lines.append(f"{nested}Dependencies:") for dependency in self.dependencies: lines.append(" " + dependency.to_s(level + 1)) return "\n".join(lines) @property def type_name(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ @property def id(self) -> str: name = name = f" {name}" if name else "" return f"{self.type_name}:{name} ({id(self)})" def _to_s(self, _indent: str) -> t.List[str]: return [] class Scan(Step): @classmethod def from_expression( cls, expression: exp.Expression, ctes: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Step]] = None ) -> Step: table = expression alias_ = expression.alias_or_name if isinstance(expression, exp.Subquery): table = expression.this step = Step.from_expression(table, ctes) = alias_ return step step = Scan() = alias_ step.source = expression if ctes and in ctes: step.add_dependency(ctes[]) return step def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.source: t.Optional[exp.Expression] = None def _to_s(self, indent: str) -> t.List[str]: return [f"{indent}Source: {self.source.sql() if self.source else '-static-'}"] # type: ignore class Join(Step): @classmethod def from_joins( cls, joins: t.Iterable[exp.Join], ctes: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Step]] = None ) -> Step: step = Join() for join in joins: source_key, join_key, condition = join_condition(join) step.joins[join.alias_or_name] = { "side": join.side, # type: ignore "join_key": join_key, "source_key": source_key, "condition": condition, } step.add_dependency(Scan.from_expression(join.this, ctes)) return step def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.joins: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.List[str] | exp.Expression]] = {} def _to_s(self, indent: str) -> t.List[str]: lines = [] for name, join in self.joins.items(): lines.append(f"{indent}{name}: {join['side']}") if join.get("condition"): lines.append(f"{indent}On: {join['condition'].sql()}") # type: ignore return lines class Aggregate(Step): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.aggregations: t.List[exp.Expression] = [] self.operands: t.Tuple[exp.Expression, ...] = () t.Dict[str, exp.Expression] = {} self.source: t.Optional[str] = None def _to_s(self, indent: str) -> t.List[str]: lines = [f"{indent}Aggregations:"] for expression in self.aggregations: lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}") if lines.append(f"{indent}Group:") for expression in lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}") if self.condition: lines.append(f"{indent}Having:") lines.append(f"{indent} - {self.condition.sql()}") if self.operands: lines.append(f"{indent}Operands:") for expression in self.operands: lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}") return lines class Sort(Step): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.key = None def _to_s(self, indent: str) -> t.List[str]: lines = [f"{indent}Key:"] for expression in self.key: # type: ignore lines.append(f"{indent} - {expression.sql()}") return lines class SetOperation(Step): def __init__( self, op: t.Type[exp.Expression], left: str | None, right: str | None, distinct: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.op = op self.left = left self.right = right self.distinct = distinct @classmethod def from_expression( cls, expression: exp.Expression, ctes: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Step]] = None ) -> Step: assert isinstance(expression, exp.Union) left = Step.from_expression(expression.left, ctes) right = Step.from_expression(expression.right, ctes) step = cls( op=expression.__class__,,, distinct=bool(expression.args.get("distinct")), ) step.add_dependency(left) step.add_dependency(right) return step def _to_s(self, indent: str) -> t.List[str]: lines = [] if self.distinct: lines.append(f"{indent}Distinct: {self.distinct}") return lines @property def type_name(self) -> str: return self.op.__name__