from __future__ import annotations import abc import typing as t from sqlglot import expressions as exp from sqlglot.errors import SchemaError from sqlglot.helper import csv_reader from sqlglot.trie import in_trie, new_trie if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot.dataframe.sql.types import StructType ColumnMapping = t.Union[t.Dict, str, StructType, t.List] TABLE_ARGS = ("this", "db", "catalog") class Schema(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for database schemas""" @abc.abstractmethod def add_table( self, table: exp.Table | str, column_mapping: t.Optional[ColumnMapping] = None ) -> None: """ Register or update a table. Some implementing classes may require column information to also be provided. Args: table: table expression instance or string representing the table. column_mapping: a column mapping that describes the structure of the table. """ @abc.abstractmethod def column_names(self, table: exp.Table | str, only_visible: bool = False) -> t.List[str]: """ Get the column names for a table. Args: table: the `Table` expression instance. only_visible: whether to include invisible columns. Returns: The list of column names. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_column_type(self, table: exp.Table | str, column: exp.Column) -> exp.DataType.Type: """ Get the :class:`sqlglot.exp.DataType` type of a column in the schema. Args: table: the source table. column: the target column. Returns: The resulting column type. """ class MappingSchema(Schema): """ Schema based on a nested mapping. Args: schema (dict): Mapping in one of the following forms: 1. {table: {col: type}} 2. {db: {table: {col: type}}} 3. {catalog: {db: {table: {col: type}}}} 4. None - Tables will be added later visible (dict): Optional mapping of which columns in the schema are visible. If not provided, all columns are assumed to be visible. The nesting should mirror that of the schema: 1. {table: set(*cols)}} 2. {db: {table: set(*cols)}}} 3. {catalog: {db: {table: set(*cols)}}}} dialect (str): The dialect to be used for custom type mappings. """ def __init__( self, schema: t.Optional[t.Dict] = None, visible: t.Optional[t.Dict] = None, dialect: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.schema = schema or {} self.visible = visible or {} self.schema_trie = self._build_trie(self.schema) self.dialect = dialect self._type_mapping_cache: t.Dict[str, exp.DataType.Type] = {} self._supported_table_args: t.Tuple[str, ...] = tuple() @classmethod def from_mapping_schema(cls, mapping_schema: MappingSchema) -> MappingSchema: return MappingSchema( schema=mapping_schema.schema, visible=mapping_schema.visible, dialect=mapping_schema.dialect, ) def copy(self, **kwargs) -> MappingSchema: return MappingSchema( **{ # type: ignore "schema": self.schema.copy(), "visible": self.visible.copy(), "dialect": self.dialect, **kwargs, } ) @property def supported_table_args(self): if not self._supported_table_args and self.schema: depth = _dict_depth(self.schema) if not depth or depth == 1: # {} self._supported_table_args = tuple() elif 2 <= depth <= 4: self._supported_table_args = TABLE_ARGS[: depth - 1] else: raise SchemaError(f"Invalid schema shape. Depth: {depth}") return self._supported_table_args def add_table( self, table: exp.Table | str, column_mapping: t.Optional[ColumnMapping] = None ) -> None: """ Register or update a table. Updates are only performed if a new column mapping is provided. Args: table: the `Table` expression instance or string representing the table. column_mapping: a column mapping that describes the structure of the table. """ table_ = self._ensure_table(table) column_mapping = ensure_column_mapping(column_mapping) schema = self.find_schema(table_, raise_on_missing=False) if schema and not column_mapping: return _nested_set( self.schema, list(reversed(self.table_parts(table_))), column_mapping, ) self.schema_trie = self._build_trie(self.schema) def _ensure_table(self, table: exp.Table | str) -> exp.Table: table_ = exp.to_table(table) if not table_: raise SchemaError(f"Not a valid table '{table}'") return table_ def table_parts(self, table: exp.Table) -> t.List[str]: return [table.text(part) for part in TABLE_ARGS if table.text(part)] def column_names(self, table: exp.Table | str, only_visible: bool = False) -> t.List[str]: table_ = self._ensure_table(table) if not isinstance(table_.this, exp.Identifier): return fs_get(table) # type: ignore schema = self.find_schema(table_) if schema is None: raise SchemaError(f"Could not find table schema {table}") if not only_visible or not self.visible: return list(schema) visible = self._nested_get(self.table_parts(table_), self.visible) return [col for col in schema if col in visible] # type: ignore def find_schema( self, table: exp.Table, trie: t.Optional[t.Dict] = None, raise_on_missing: bool = True ) -> t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]]: parts = self.table_parts(table)[0 : len(self.supported_table_args)] value, trie = in_trie(self.schema_trie if trie is None else trie, parts) if value == 0: if raise_on_missing: raise SchemaError(f"Cannot find schema for {table}.") else: return None elif value == 1: possibilities = flatten_schema(trie) if len(possibilities) == 1: parts.extend(possibilities[0]) else: message = ", ".join(".".join(parts) for parts in possibilities) if raise_on_missing: raise SchemaError(f"Ambiguous schema for {table}: {message}.") return None return self._nested_get(parts, raise_on_missing=raise_on_missing) def get_column_type( self, table: exp.Table | str, column: exp.Column | str ) -> exp.DataType.Type: column_name = column if isinstance(column, str) else table_ = exp.to_table(table) if table_: table_schema = self.find_schema(table_) schema_type = table_schema.get(column_name).upper() # type: ignore return self._convert_type(schema_type) raise SchemaError(f"Could not convert table '{table}'") def _convert_type(self, schema_type: str) -> exp.DataType.Type: """ Convert a type represented as a string to the corresponding :class:`sqlglot.exp.DataType` object. Args: schema_type: the type we want to convert. Returns: The resulting expression type. """ if schema_type not in self._type_mapping_cache: try: expression = exp.maybe_parse(schema_type, into=exp.DataType, dialect=self.dialect) if expression is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse {schema_type}") self._type_mapping_cache[schema_type] = expression.this except AttributeError: raise SchemaError(f"Failed to convert type {schema_type}") return self._type_mapping_cache[schema_type] def _build_trie(self, schema: t.Dict): return new_trie(tuple(reversed(t)) for t in flatten_schema(schema)) def _nested_get( self, parts: t.Sequence[str], d: t.Optional[t.Dict] = None, raise_on_missing=True ) -> t.Optional[t.Any]: return _nested_get( d or self.schema, *zip(self.supported_table_args, reversed(parts)), raise_on_missing=raise_on_missing, ) def ensure_schema(schema: t.Any) -> Schema: if isinstance(schema, Schema): return schema return MappingSchema(schema) def ensure_column_mapping(mapping: t.Optional[ColumnMapping]): if isinstance(mapping, dict): return mapping elif isinstance(mapping, str): col_name_type_strs = [x.strip() for x in mapping.split(",")] return { name_type_str.split(":")[0].strip(): name_type_str.split(":")[1].strip() for name_type_str in col_name_type_strs } # Check if mapping looks like a DataFrame StructType elif hasattr(mapping, "simpleString"): return { struct_field.dataType.simpleString() for struct_field in mapping} # type: ignore elif isinstance(mapping, list): return {x.strip(): None for x in mapping} elif mapping is None: return {} raise ValueError(f"Invalid mapping provided: {type(mapping)}") def flatten_schema(schema: t.Dict, keys: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None) -> t.List[t.List[str]]: tables = [] keys = keys or [] depth = _dict_depth(schema) for k, v in schema.items(): if depth >= 3: tables.extend(flatten_schema(v, keys + [k])) elif depth == 2: tables.append(keys + [k]) return tables def fs_get(table: exp.Table) -> t.List[str]: name = if name.upper() == "READ_CSV": with csv_reader(table) as reader: return next(reader) raise ValueError(f"Cannot read schema for {table}") def _nested_get( d: t.Dict, *path: t.Tuple[str, str], raise_on_missing: bool = True ) -> t.Optional[t.Any]: """ Get a value for a nested dictionary. Args: d: the dictionary to search. *path: tuples of (name, key), where: `key` is the key in the dictionary to get. `name` is a string to use in the error if `key` isn't found. Returns: The value or None if it doesn't exist. """ for name, key in path: d = d.get(key) # type: ignore if d is None: if raise_on_missing: name = "table" if name == "this" else name raise ValueError(f"Unknown {name}") return None return d def _nested_set(d: t.Dict, keys: t.List[str], value: t.Any) -> t.Dict: """ In-place set a value for a nested dictionary Example: >>> _nested_set({}, ["top_key", "second_key"], "value") {'top_key': {'second_key': 'value'}} >>> _nested_set({"top_key": {"third_key": "third_value"}}, ["top_key", "second_key"], "value") {'top_key': {'third_key': 'third_value', 'second_key': 'value'}} Args: d: dictionary to update. keys: the keys that makeup the path to `value`. value: the value to set in the dictionary for the given key path. Returns: The (possibly) updated dictionary. """ if not keys: return d if len(keys) == 1: d[keys[0]] = value return d subd = d for key in keys[:-1]: if key not in subd: subd = subd.setdefault(key, {}) else: subd = subd[key] subd[keys[-1]] = value return d def _dict_depth(d: t.Dict) -> int: """ Get the nesting depth of a dictionary. For example: >>> _dict_depth(None) 0 >>> _dict_depth({}) 1 >>> _dict_depth({"a": "b"}) 1 >>> _dict_depth({"a": {}}) 2 >>> _dict_depth({"a": {"b": {}}}) 3 Args: d (dict): dictionary Returns: int: depth """ try: return 1 + _dict_depth(next(iter(d.values()))) except AttributeError: # d doesn't have attribute "values" return 0 except StopIteration: # d.values() returns an empty sequence return 1