import typing as t # The generic time format is based on python time.strftime. # from sqlglot.trie import TrieResult, in_trie, new_trie def format_time( string: str, mapping: t.Dict[str, str], trie: t.Optional[t.Dict] = None ) -> t.Optional[str]: """ Converts a time string given a mapping. Examples: >>> format_time("%Y", {"%Y": "YYYY"}) 'YYYY' Args: mapping: dictionary of time format to target time format. trie: optional trie, can be passed in for performance. Returns: The converted time string. """ if not string: return None start = 0 end = 1 size = len(string) trie = trie or new_trie(mapping) current = trie chunks = [] sym = None while end <= size: chars = string[start:end] result, current = in_trie(current, chars[-1]) if result == TrieResult.FAILED: if sym: end -= 1 chars = sym sym = None start += len(chars) chunks.append(chars) current = trie elif result == TrieResult.EXISTS: sym = chars end += 1 if result != TrieResult.FAILED and end > size: chunks.append(chars) return "".join(mapping.get(chars, chars) for chars in chunks)