from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from sqlglot.helper import find_new_name if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot import expressions as exp def unalias_group(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """ Replace references to select aliases in GROUP BY clauses. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY b").transform(unalias_group).sql() 'SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY 1' Args: expression: the expression that will be transformed. Returns: The transformed expression. """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Group) and isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Select): aliased_selects = { e.alias: i for i, e in enumerate(expression.parent.expressions, start=1) if isinstance(e, exp.Alias) } for group_by in expression.expressions: if ( isinstance(group_by, exp.Column) and not group_by.table and in aliased_selects ): group_by.replace(exp.Literal.number(aliased_selects.get( return expression def eliminate_distinct_on(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """ Convert SELECT DISTINCT ON statements to a subquery with a window function. This is useful for dialects that don't support SELECT DISTINCT ON but support window functions. Args: expression: the expression that will be transformed. Returns: The transformed expression. """ if ( isinstance(expression, exp.Select) and expression.args.get("distinct") and expression.args["distinct"].args.get("on") and isinstance(expression.args["distinct"].args["on"], exp.Tuple) ): distinct_cols = expression.args["distinct"].args["on"].expressions expression.args["distinct"].pop() outer_selects = expression.selects row_number = find_new_name(expression.named_selects, "_row_number") window = exp.Window( this=exp.RowNumber(), partition_by=distinct_cols, ) order = expression.args.get("order") if order: window.set("order", order.copy()) order.pop() window = exp.alias_(window, row_number), copy=False) return*outer_selects).from_(expression.subquery()).where(f'"{row_number}" = 1') return expression def remove_precision_parameterized_types(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """ Some dialects only allow the precision for parameterized types to be defined in the DDL and not in other expressions. This transforms removes the precision from parameterized types in expressions. """ return expression.transform( lambda node: exp.DataType( **{ **node.args, "expressions": [ node_expression for node_expression in node.expressions if isinstance(node_expression, exp.DataType) ], } ) if isinstance(node, exp.DataType) else node, ) def preprocess( transforms: t.List[t.Callable[[exp.Expression], exp.Expression]], to_sql: t.Callable[[Generator, exp.Expression], str], ) -> t.Callable[[Generator, exp.Expression], str]: """ Creates a new transform by chaining a sequence of transformations and converts the resulting expression to SQL, using an appropriate `Generator.TRANSFORMS` function. Args: transforms: sequence of transform functions. These will be called in order. to_sql: final transform that converts the resulting expression to a SQL string. Returns: Function that can be used as a generator transform. """ def _to_sql(self, expression): expression = transforms[0](expression.copy()) for t in transforms[1:]: expression = t(expression) return to_sql(self, expression) return _to_sql def delegate(attr: str) -> t.Callable: """ Create a new method that delegates to `attr`. This is useful for creating `Generator.TRANSFORMS` functions that delegate to existing generator methods. """ def _transform(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self, attr)(*args, **kwargs) return _transform UNALIAS_GROUP = {exp.Group: preprocess([unalias_group], delegate("group_sql"))} ELIMINATE_DISTINCT_ON = {exp.Select: preprocess([eliminate_distinct_on], delegate("select_sql"))} REMOVE_PRECISION_PARAMETERIZED_TYPES = { exp.Cast: preprocess([remove_precision_parameterized_types], delegate("cast_sql")) }