from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from sqlglot.helper import find_new_name if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlglot.generator import Generator from sqlglot import expressions as exp def unalias_group(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """ Replace references to select aliases in GROUP BY clauses. Example: >>> import sqlglot >>> sqlglot.parse_one("SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY b").transform(unalias_group).sql() 'SELECT a AS b FROM x GROUP BY 1' Args: expression: the expression that will be transformed. Returns: The transformed expression. """ if isinstance(expression, exp.Group) and isinstance(expression.parent, exp.Select): aliased_selects = { e.alias: (i, e.this) for i, e in enumerate(expression.parent.expressions, start=1) if isinstance(e, exp.Alias) } expression = expression.copy() top_level_expression = None for item, parent, _ in expression.walk(bfs=False): top_level_expression = item if isinstance(parent, exp.Group) else top_level_expression if isinstance(item, exp.Column) and not item.table: alias_index, col_expression = aliased_selects.get(, (None, None)) if alias_index and top_level_expression != col_expression: item.replace(exp.Literal.number(alias_index)) return expression def eliminate_distinct_on(expression: exp.Expression) -> exp.Expression: """ Convert SELECT DISTINCT ON statements to a subquery with a window function. This is useful for dialects that don't support SELECT DISTINCT ON but support window functions. Args: expression: the expression that will be transformed. Returns: The transformed expression. """ if ( isinstance(expression, exp.Select) and expression.args.get("distinct") and expression.args["distinct"].args.get("on") and isinstance(expression.args["distinct"].args["on"], exp.Tuple) ): distinct_cols = [e.copy() for e in expression.args["distinct"].args["on"].expressions] outer_selects = [e.copy() for e in expression.expressions] nested = expression.copy() nested.args["distinct"].pop() row_number = find_new_name(expression.named_selects, "_row_number") window = exp.Window( this=exp.RowNumber(), partition_by=distinct_cols, ) order = nested.args.get("order") if order: window.set("order", order.copy()) order.pop() window = exp.alias_(window, row_number), copy=False) return*outer_selects).from_(nested.subquery()).where(f'"{row_number}" = 1') return expression def preprocess( transforms: t.List[t.Callable[[exp.Expression], exp.Expression]], to_sql: t.Callable[[Generator, exp.Expression], str], ) -> t.Callable[[Generator, exp.Expression], str]: """ Creates a new transform by chaining a sequence of transformations and converts the resulting expression to SQL, using an appropriate `Generator.TRANSFORMS` function. Args: transforms: sequence of transform functions. These will be called in order. to_sql: final transform that converts the resulting expression to a SQL string. Returns: Function that can be used as a generator transform. """ def _to_sql(self, expression): expression = transforms[0](expression) for t in transforms[1:]: expression = t(expression) return to_sql(self, expression) return _to_sql def delegate(attr: str) -> t.Callable: """ Create a new method that delegates to `attr`. This is useful for creating `Generator.TRANSFORMS` functions that delegate to existing generator methods. """ def _transform(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self, attr)(*args, **kwargs) return _transform UNALIAS_GROUP = {exp.Group: preprocess([unalias_group], delegate("group_sql"))} ELIMINATE_DISTINCT_ON = {exp.Select: preprocess([eliminate_distinct_on], delegate("select_sql"))}