use crate::settings::TokenType; use pyo3::prelude::PyListMethods; use pyo3::types::{PyList, PyNone, PyString}; use pyo3::{pyclass, IntoPy, Py, PyObject, Python}; #[derive(Debug)] #[pyclass] pub struct Token { #[pyo3(get, name = "token_type_index")] pub token_type: TokenType, #[pyo3(get, set, name = "token_type")] pub token_type_py: PyObject, #[pyo3(get)] pub text: Py, #[pyo3(get)] pub line: usize, #[pyo3(get)] pub col: usize, #[pyo3(get)] pub start: usize, #[pyo3(get)] pub end: usize, #[pyo3(get)] pub comments: Py, } impl Token { pub fn new( token_type: TokenType, text: String, line: usize, col: usize, start: usize, end: usize, comments: Vec, ) -> Token { Python::with_gil(|py| Token { token_type, token_type_py: PyNone::get_bound(py).into_py(py), text: PyString::new_bound(py, &text).into_py(py), line, col, start, end, comments: PyList::new_bound(py, &comments).into(), }) } pub fn append_comments(&self, comments: &mut Vec) { Python::with_gil(|py| { let pylist = self.comments.bind(py); for comment in comments.iter() { if let Err(_) = pylist.append(comment) { panic!("Failed to append comments to the Python list"); } } }); // Simulate `Vec::append`. let _ = std::mem::replace(comments, Vec::new()); } }