from pyspark.sql import functions as F from sqlglot.dataframe.sql import functions as SF from tests.dataframe.integration.dataframe_validator import DataFrameValidator class TestSessionFunc(DataFrameValidator): def test_sql_simple_select(self): query = "SELECT fname, lname FROM employee" df = self.spark.sql(query) dfs = self.sqlglot.sql(query) self.compare_spark_with_sqlglot(df, dfs) def test_sql_with_join(self): query = """ SELECT e.employee_id , s.store_id FROM employee e INNER JOIN store s ON e.store_id = s.store_id """ df = ( self.spark.sql(query) .groupBy(F.col("store_id")) .agg(F.countDistinct(F.col("employee_id"))) ) dfs = ( self.sqlglot.sql(query) .groupBy(SF.col("store_id")) .agg(SF.countDistinct(SF.col("employee_id"))) ) self.compare_spark_with_sqlglot(df, dfs, skip_schema_compare=True) def test_nameless_column(self): query = "SELECT MAX(age) FROM employee" df = self.spark.sql(query) dfs = self.sqlglot.sql(query) # Spark will alias the column to `max(age)` while sqlglot will alias to `_col_0` so their schemas will differ self.compare_spark_with_sqlglot(df, dfs, skip_schema_compare=True)