from tests.dialects.test_dialect import Validator class TestPRQL(Validator): dialect = "prql" def test_prql(self): self.validate_identity("from x", "SELECT * FROM x") self.validate_identity("from x derive a + 1", "SELECT *, a + 1 FROM x") self.validate_identity("from x derive x = a + 1", "SELECT *, a + 1 AS x FROM x") self.validate_identity("from x derive {a + 1}", "SELECT *, a + 1 FROM x") self.validate_identity("from x derive {x = a + 1, b}", "SELECT *, a + 1 AS x, b FROM x") self.validate_identity( "from x derive {x = a + 1, b} select {y = x, 2}", "SELECT a + 1 AS y, 2 FROM x" ) self.validate_identity("from x take 10", "SELECT * FROM x LIMIT 10") self.validate_identity("from x take 10 take 5", "SELECT * FROM x LIMIT 5") self.validate_identity("from x filter age > 25", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE age > 25") self.validate_identity( "from x derive {x = a + 1, b} filter age > 25", "SELECT *, a + 1 AS x, b FROM x WHERE age > 25", ) self.validate_identity("from x filter dept != 'IT'", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE dept <> 'IT'") self.validate_identity( "from x filter p == 'product' select { a, b }", "SELECT a, b FROM x WHERE p = 'product'" ) self.validate_identity( "from x filter age > 25 filter age < 27", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE age > 25 AND age < 27" ) self.validate_identity( "from x filter (age > 25 && age < 27)", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE (age > 25 AND age < 27)" ) self.validate_identity( "from x filter (age > 25 || age < 27)", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE (age > 25 OR age < 27)" ) self.validate_identity( "from x filter (age > 25 || age < 22) filter age > 26 filter age < 27", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE ((age > 25 OR age < 22) AND age > 26) AND age < 27", ) self.validate_identity( "from x sort age", "SELECT * FROM x ORDER BY age", ) self.validate_identity( "from x sort {-age}", "SELECT * FROM x ORDER BY age DESC", ) self.validate_identity( "from x sort {age, name}", "SELECT * FROM x ORDER BY age, name", ) self.validate_identity( "from x sort {-age, +name}", "SELECT * FROM x ORDER BY age DESC, name", ) self.validate_identity("from x append y", "SELECT * FROM x UNION ALL SELECT * FROM y") self.validate_identity("from x remove y", "SELECT * FROM x EXCEPT ALL SELECT * FROM y") self.validate_identity( "from x intersect y", "SELECT * FROM x INTERSECT ALL SELECT * FROM y" ) self.validate_identity( "from x filter a == null filter null != b", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE a IS NULL AND NOT b IS NULL", ) self.validate_identity( "from x filter (a > 1 || null != b || c != null)", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE (a > 1 OR NOT b IS NULL OR NOT c IS NULL)", ) self.validate_identity("from a aggregate { average x }", "SELECT AVG(x) FROM a") self.validate_identity( "from a aggregate { average x, min y, ct = sum z }", "SELECT AVG(x), MIN(y), COALESCE(SUM(z), 0) AS ct FROM a", ) self.validate_identity( "from a aggregate { average x, min y, sum z }", "SELECT AVG(x), MIN(y), COALESCE(SUM(z), 0) FROM a", ) self.validate_identity( "from a aggregate { min y, b = stddev x, max z }", "SELECT MIN(y), STDDEV(x) AS b, MAX(z) FROM a", )