import os FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(FILE_DIR, "fixtures") def _filter_comments(s): return "\n".join([line for line in s.splitlines() if line and not line.startswith("--")]) def _extract_meta(sql): meta = {} sql_lines = sql.split("\n") i = 0 while sql_lines[i].startswith("#"): key, val = sql_lines[i].split(":", maxsplit=1) meta[key.lstrip("#").strip()] = val.strip() i += 1 sql = "\n".join(sql_lines[i:]) return sql, meta def assert_logger_contains(message, logger, level="error"): output = "\n".join(str(args[0][0]) for args in getattr(logger, level).call_args_list) assert message in output def load_sql_fixtures(filename): with open(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, filename), encoding="utf-8") as f: for sql in _filter_comments( yield sql def load_sql_fixture_pairs(filename): with open(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, filename), encoding="utf-8") as f: statements = _filter_comments(";") size = len(statements) for i in range(0, size, 2): if i + 1 < size: sql = statements[i].strip() sql, meta = _extract_meta(sql) expected = statements[i + 1].strip() yield meta, sql, expected TPCH_SCHEMA = { "lineitem": { "l_orderkey": "uint64", "l_partkey": "uint64", "l_suppkey": "uint64", "l_linenumber": "uint64", "l_quantity": "float64", "l_extendedprice": "float64", "l_discount": "float64", "l_tax": "float64", "l_returnflag": "string", "l_linestatus": "string", "l_shipdate": "date32", "l_commitdate": "date32", "l_receiptdate": "date32", "l_shipinstruct": "string", "l_shipmode": "string", "l_comment": "string", }, "orders": { "o_orderkey": "uint64", "o_custkey": "uint64", "o_orderstatus": "string", "o_totalprice": "float64", "o_orderdate": "date32", "o_orderpriority": "string", "o_clerk": "string", "o_shippriority": "int32", "o_comment": "string", }, "customer": { "c_custkey": "uint64", "c_name": "string", "c_address": "string", "c_nationkey": "uint64", "c_phone": "string", "c_acctbal": "float64", "c_mktsegment": "string", "c_comment": "string", }, "part": { "p_partkey": "uint64", "p_name": "string", "p_mfgr": "string", "p_brand": "string", "p_type": "string", "p_size": "int32", "p_container": "string", "p_retailprice": "float64", "p_comment": "string", }, "supplier": { "s_suppkey": "uint64", "s_name": "string", "s_address": "string", "s_nationkey": "uint64", "s_phone": "string", "s_acctbal": "float64", "s_comment": "string", }, "partsupp": { "ps_partkey": "uint64", "ps_suppkey": "uint64", "ps_availqty": "int32", "ps_supplycost": "float64", "ps_comment": "string", }, "nation": { "n_nationkey": "uint64", "n_name": "string", "n_regionkey": "uint64", "n_comment": "string", }, "region": { "r_regionkey": "uint64", "r_name": "string", "r_comment": "string", }, }